1 | qqjs
2 | ====
3 |
4 | A bunch of wrappers for various utilites. Ideal for writing shell scripts in node.
5 |
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14 |
15 | Usage
16 | =====
17 |
18 | It's best to [look at the code](src/index.ts) to see what all is available, but here is an example of using it:
19 |
20 | ```js
21 | const qq = require('qqjs')
22 |
23 | // qq.run(fn) is just fn().catch(qq.handleError)
24 | // this helps skip a couple of steps when running async functions in scripts
25 | qq.run(async () => {
26 | // turn silent mode to log all commands
27 | // can also see output with DEBUG=qq
28 | // qq.config.silent = false
29 |
30 | // run a command with qq.x this runs synchronously using execa
31 | // by default it will echo out to the screen the commmand, stdout/stderr and connect to stdin
32 | // can send either a string
33 | await qq.x('git --version')
34 |
35 | // or specify the arguments
36 | await qq.x('git' ['--version'])
37 |
38 | await qq.cd('newdir')
39 |
40 | await qq.cp('from', 'to')
41 |
42 | const pjson = await qq.readJSON('package.json')
43 | await qq.writeJSON('package.json', {})
44 |
45 | // for almost any command, if it takes a string you can also pass an array and it will automatically path.join()
46 | await qq.writeJSON(['mydir', 'package.json'], {})
47 | })
48 | ```
49 |
50 | Status
51 | ======
52 |
53 | - [x] x (exec)
54 | - [x] readJSON
55 | - [x] writeJSON
56 | - [x] path
57 | - [x] mkdirp
58 | - [x] env
59 | - [x] globby
60 | - [x] read file
61 | - [x] write file
62 | - [x] cd
63 | - [x] ls
64 | - [x] cp (use cpy)
65 | - [x] mv
66 | - [x] rm
67 | - [x] cwd
68 | - [x] file exists
69 | - [x] homedir
70 | - [x] chmod
71 | - [x] download files
72 | - [x] emptyDir
73 | - [ ] ln
74 | - [ ] is file/directory/symlink/etc
75 | - [ ] batch rename
76 | - [ ] sed
77 | - [ ] upload files
78 | - [ ] aws s3
79 | - [ ] resolve-from
80 | - [ ] open-editor
81 | - [ ] hasha
82 | - [x] temp dirs
83 | - [ ] temp files
84 | - [ ] git stuff?
85 | - [ ] find-up
86 | - [ ] read-pkg
87 | - [ ] which
88 | - [x] pushd/popd