1 | # query-registry
2 |
3 | [](https://github.com/velut/query-registry/actions?query=workflow%3ACI)
4 | [](https://codecov.io/gh/velut/query-registry)
5 | [](https://www.jsdocs.io/package/query-registry)
6 | 
7 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/query-registry)
8 | [](https://github.com/velut/query-registry/blob/main/LICENSE)
9 |
10 | `query-registry` is an API wrapper for the [npm registry API](https://github.com/npm/registry/blob/master/docs/REGISTRY-API.md).
11 |
12 | ## Features
13 |
14 | - Provides functions to:
15 | - Get registry metadata.
16 | - Get registry public keys.
17 | - Get packuments (package documents) with full package metadata.
18 | - Get abbreviated packuments with installation data only.
19 | - Get package manifests for each version of a package.
20 | - Get download counts for the registry and for packages.
21 | - Search packages by name and other specific criteria.
22 | - Works in the browser.
23 | - Validates registry responses with [zod](https://www.npmjs.com/package/zod).
24 | - Automatically caches registry responses for a short time.
25 | - Supports third-party npm-compatible registries.
26 |
27 | ## Useful resources
28 |
29 | - [**Explore the API on jsDocs.io**](https://www.jsdocs.io/package/query-registry)
30 | - View package contents on [**unpkg**](https://unpkg.com/query-registry/)
31 | - View repository on [**GitHub**](https://github.com/velut/query-registry)
32 | - Read the changelog on [**GitHub**](https://github.com/velut/query-registry/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md)
33 |
34 | ## Install
35 |
36 | Using `npm`:
37 |
38 | ```
39 | npm add query-registry
40 | ```
41 |
42 | Using `yarn`:
43 |
44 | ```
45 | yarn add query-registry
46 | ```
47 |
48 | Using `pnpm`:
49 |
50 | ```
51 | pnpm add query-registry
52 | ```
53 |
54 | Using `bun`:
55 |
56 | ```
57 | bun add query-registry
58 | ```
59 |
60 | ## Usage examples
61 |
62 | ### Registry
63 |
64 | Get the metadata about the npm registry itself, if available:
65 |
66 | ```typescript
67 | import { getRegistryMetadata } from "query-registry";
68 |
69 | const metadata = await getRegistryMetadata();
70 | ```
71 |
72 | Get the public signing keys for the npm registry:
73 |
74 | ```typescript
75 | import { getRegistrySigningKeys } from "query-registry";
76 |
77 | const { keys } = await getRegistrySigningKeys();
78 | ```
79 |
80 | ### Packuments (Package documents)
81 |
82 | Get the abbreviated packument containing only the necessary data to install the `react` package:
83 |
84 | ```typescript
85 | import { getAbbreviatedPackument } from "query-registry";
86 |
87 | const abbrPackument = await getAbbreviatedPackument("react");
88 | ```
89 |
90 | Get the full packument containing all the data available about the `react` package:
91 |
92 | ```typescript
93 | import { getPackument } from "query-registry";
94 |
95 | const packument = await getPackument("react");
96 | ```
97 |
98 | ### Package manifests
99 |
100 | Get the manifest containing the original `package.json` data plus additional registry metadata for the `latest` version of the `react` package:
101 |
102 | ```typescript
103 | import { getPackageManifest } from "query-registry";
104 |
105 | const manifest = await getPackageManifest("react");
106 | ```
107 |
108 | Get the manifest for `react@18.2.0` (semver version):
109 |
110 | ```typescript
111 | import { getPackageManifest } from "query-registry";
112 |
113 | const manifest = await getPackageManifest("react", "18.2.0");
114 | ```
115 |
116 | Get the manifest for `react@next` (distribution tag):
117 |
118 | ```typescript
119 | import { getPackageManifest } from "query-registry";
120 |
121 | const manifest = await getPackageManifest("react", "next");
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ### Search packages
125 |
126 | Search packages related to `react` (e.g., `react`, `react-dom`, ...):
127 |
128 | ```typescript
129 | import { searchPackages } from "query-registry";
130 |
131 | const results = await searchPackages({ text: "react" });
132 | ```
133 |
134 | ### Download counts
135 |
136 | Get the total number of downloads for package `react` for the last month:
137 |
138 | ```typescript
139 | import { getPackageDownloads } from "query-registry";
140 |
141 | const { downloads } = await getPackageDownloads("react", "last-month");
142 | ```
143 |
144 | There are also these other download counts functions available: `getBulkDailyPackageDownloads`, `getBulkPackageDownloads`, `getDailyPackageDownloads`, `getDailyRegistryDownloads` and `getPackageVersionsDownloads`.
145 |
146 | ### Cache
147 |
148 | Clear the internal cache.
149 |
150 | ```typescript
151 | import { cache } from "query-registry";
152 |
153 | cache.clear();
154 | ```
155 |
156 | See the [quick-lru](https://www.npmjs.com/package/quick-lru) package for the cache API.
157 |
158 | ## License
159 |
160 | ```
161 | MIT
162 | ```
163 |
164 | Copyright (c) 2025 Edoardo Scibona
165 |
166 | See [LICENSE](./LICENSE) file.