68 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var _this = this;
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
4var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5var fs = require("fs");
6var http = require("http");
7var https = require("https");
8var path = require("path");
9var url_1 = require("url");
10var status_document_processing_1 = require("r2-lcp-js/dist/es5/src/lsd/status-document-processing");
11var lcp_1 = require("r2-lcp-js/dist/es5/src/parser/epub/lcp");
12var lcp_2 = require("r2-lcp-js/dist/es5/src/parser/epub/lcp");
13var publication_download_1 = require("r2-lcp-js/dist/es5/src/publication-download");
14var readium_css_settings_1 = require("r2-navigator-js/dist/es5/src/electron/common/readium-css-settings");
15var sessions_1 = require("r2-navigator-js/dist/es5/src/electron/common/sessions");
16var browser_window_tracker_1 = require("r2-navigator-js/dist/es5/src/electron/main/browser-window-tracker");
17var lsd_injectlcpl_1 = require("r2-navigator-js/dist/es5/src/electron/main/lsd-injectlcpl");
18var readium_css_1 = require("r2-navigator-js/dist/es5/src/electron/main/readium-css");
19var sessions_2 = require("r2-navigator-js/dist/es5/src/electron/main/sessions");
20var init_globals_1 = require("r2-opds-js/dist/es5/src/opds/init-globals");
21var init_globals_2 = require("r2-shared-js/dist/es5/src/init-globals");
22var publication_1 = require("r2-shared-js/dist/es5/src/models/publication");
23var epub_1 = require("r2-shared-js/dist/es5/src/parser/epub");
24var server_1 = require("r2-streamer-js/dist/es5/src/http/server");
25var UrlUtils_1 = require("r2-utils-js/dist/es5/src/_utils/http/UrlUtils");
26var UrlUtils_2 = require("r2-utils-js/dist/es5/src/_utils/http/UrlUtils");
27var BufferUtils_1 = require("r2-utils-js/dist/es5/src/_utils/stream/BufferUtils");
28var zip_ex_1 = require("r2-utils-js/dist/es5/src/_utils/zip/zip-ex");
29var zip_ex_http_1 = require("r2-utils-js/dist/es5/src/_utils/zip/zip-ex-http");
30var debug_ = require("debug");
31var electron_1 = require("electron");
32var express = require("express");
33var portfinder = require("portfinder");
34var request = require("request");
35var requestPromise = require("request-promise-native");
36var ta_json_x_1 = require("ta-json-x");
37var uuid = require("uuid");
38var events_1 = require("../common/events");
39var store_electron_1 = require("../common/store-electron");
40var lcp_3 = require("./lcp");
41var lsd_1 = require("./lsd");
42var lsd_deviceid_manager_1 = require("./lsd-deviceid-manager");
43var SECURE = true;
44var electronStoreLSD = new store_electron_1.StoreElectron("readium2-testapp-lsd", {});
45var deviceIDManager = lsd_deviceid_manager_1.getDeviceIDManager(electronStoreLSD, "Readium2 Electron desktop app");
46electron_1.ipcMain.on("R2_EVENT_LCP_LSD_OPEN_SETTINGS", function (_event, _arg) {
47 if (electronStoreLSD.reveal) {
48 electronStoreLSD.reveal();
49 }
54var IS_DEV = (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" || process.env.NODE_ENV === "dev");
55var lcpPluginPath = IS_DEV ?
56 path.join(process.cwd(), "LCP", "lcp.node") :
57 path.join(__dirname, "lcp.node");
59var debug = debug_("r2:testapp#electron/main/index");
60var _publicationsServer;
61var _publicationsServerPort;
62var _publicationsRootUrl;
63var _publicationsFilePaths;
64var _publicationsUrls;
65var _lastBookPath;
66function openAllDevTools() {
67 var e_1, _a;
68 try {
69 for (var _b = tslib_1.__values(electron_1.webContents.getAllWebContents()), _c = _b.next(); !_c.done; _c = _b.next()) {
70 var wc = _c.value;
71 wc.openDevTools({ mode: "detach" });
72 }
73 }
74 catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
75 finally {
76 try {
77 if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)) _a.call(_b);
78 }
79 finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
80 }
82function openTopLevelDevTools() {
83 var bw = electron_1.BrowserWindow.getFocusedWindow();
84 if (bw) {
85 bw.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: "detach" });
86 }
87 else {
88 var arr = electron_1.BrowserWindow.getAllWindows();
89 arr.forEach(function (bww) {
90 bww.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: "detach" });
91 });
92 }
94electron_1.ipcMain.on(events_1.R2_EVENT_DEVTOOLS, function (_event, _arg) {
95 openAllDevTools();
97function isManifestJSON(urlOrPath) {
98 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
99 var p, url_2, promise, ok, err_1, isMan;
100 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
101 switch (_a.label) {
102 case 0:
103 p = urlOrPath;
104 if (!UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(urlOrPath)) return [3, 4];
105 url_2 = new url_1.URL(urlOrPath);
106 p = url_2.pathname;
107 promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
108 var isHTTPS = urlOrPath.startsWith("https://");
109 var options = {
110 host: url_2.host,
111 method: "HEAD",
112 path: urlOrPath.substr(urlOrPath.indexOf(url_2.pathname)),
113 };
114 debug(options);
115 (isHTTPS ? https : http).request(options, function (response) {
116 debug(response.statusCode);
117 if (response.statusCode && (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300)) {
118 reject("STATUS: " + response.statusCode);
119 return;
120 }
121 debug(response.headers);
122 debug(response.headers["content-type"]);
123 var okay = response.headers["content-type"] &&
124 (response.headers["content-type"].indexOf("application/webpub+json") >= 0 ||
125 response.headers["content-type"].indexOf("application/audiobook+json") >= 0 ||
126 response.headers["content-type"].indexOf("application/json") >= 0);
127 resolve(okay);
128 }).on("error", function (err) {
129 reject(err);
130 }).end();
131 });
132 ok = void 0;
133 _a.label = 1;
134 case 1:
135 _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
136 return [4, promise];
137 case 2:
138 ok = _a.sent();
139 debug("########### IS MANIFEST (HTTP): " + ok);
140 return [2, ok];
141 case 3:
142 err_1 = _a.sent();
143 debug(err_1);
144 return [3, 4];
145 case 4:
146 isMan = /.*manifest\.json[\?]?.*/.test(p);
147 debug("########### IS MANIFEST: " + isMan);
148 return [2, isMan];
149 }
150 });
151 });
153function tryLSD(publication, publicationFilePath) {
154 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
155 var _this = this;
156 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
157 return [2, new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
158 var err_2;
159 var _this = this;
160 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
161 switch (_a.label) {
162 case 0:
163 if (!publication.LCP) {
164 reject("No LCP data!");
165 return [2];
166 }
167 _a.label = 1;
168 case 1:
169 _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
170 return [4, status_document_processing_1.launchStatusDocumentProcessing(publication.LCP, deviceIDManager, function (licenseUpdateJson) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
171 var res, err_3, err_4;
172 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
173 switch (_a.label) {
174 case 0:
175 debug("launchStatusDocumentProcessing DONE.");
176 if (!licenseUpdateJson) return [3, 9];
177 res = void 0;
178 _a.label = 1;
179 case 1:
180 _a.trys.push([1, 7, , 8]);
181 return [4, lsd_injectlcpl_1.lsdLcpUpdateInject(licenseUpdateJson, publication, publicationFilePath)];
182 case 2:
183 res = _a.sent();
184 debug("EPUB LCP INJECTED: " + res);
185 _a.label = 3;
186 case 3:
187 _a.trys.push([3, 5, , 6]);
188 return [4, tryLSD(publication, publicationFilePath)];
189 case 4:
190 _a.sent();
191 resolve(true);
192 return [3, 6];
193 case 5:
194 err_3 = _a.sent();
195 debug(err_3);
196 reject(err_3);
197 return [3, 6];
198 case 6: return [3, 8];
199 case 7:
200 err_4 = _a.sent();
201 debug(err_4);
202 reject(err_4);
203 return [3, 8];
204 case 8: return [3, 10];
205 case 9:
206 resolve(true);
207 _a.label = 10;
208 case 10: return [2];
209 }
210 });
211 }); })];
212 case 2:
213 _a.sent();
214 return [3, 4];
215 case 3:
216 err_2 = _a.sent();
217 debug(err_2);
218 reject(err_2);
219 return [3, 4];
220 case 4: return [2];
221 }
222 });
223 }); })];
224 });
225 });
227function createElectronBrowserWindow(publicationFilePath, publicationUrl) {
228 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
229 var lcpHint, publication, isWebPub, isHttpWebPub, isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP, failure_1, handleLCP_1, successLCP_1, needsStreamingResponse_1, handleManifestJson_1, success_1, promise, err_5, response, err_6, responseStr, err_7, err_8, blockBecauseLSD, electronBrowserWindow, urlEncoded, htmlPath, fullUrl, urlRoot;
230 var _this = this;
231 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
232 switch (_a.label) {
233 case 0:
234 debug("createElectronBrowserWindow() " + publicationFilePath + " : " + publicationUrl);
235 return [4, isManifestJSON(publicationFilePath)];
236 case 1:
237 isWebPub = _a.sent();
238 isHttpWebPub = isWebPub && UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(publicationFilePath);
239 isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP = isHttpWebPub;
240 if (!isWebPub) return [3, 19];
241 failure_1 = function (err) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
242 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
243 debug(err);
244 return [2];
245 });
246 }); };
247 handleLCP_1 = function (responseStr, pub) {
248 var responseJson = global.JSON.parse(responseStr);
249 debug(responseJson);
250 var lcpl;
251 lcpl = ta_json_x_1.JSON.deserialize(responseJson, lcp_1.LCP);
252 lcpl.ZipPath = "META-INF/license.lcpl";
253 lcpl.JsonSource = responseStr;
254 lcpl.init();
255 pub.LCP = lcpl;
256 };
257 successLCP_1 = function (response, pub) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
258 var responseStr, responseData, err_9;
259 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
260 switch (_a.label) {
261 case 0:
262 if (!(response.statusCode && (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300))) return [3, 2];
263 return [4, failure_1("HTTP CODE " + response.statusCode)];
264 case 1:
265 _a.sent();
266 return [2];
267 case 2:
268 if (!response.body) return [3, 3];
269 debug("RES BODY");
270 responseStr = response.body;
271 return [3, 8];
272 case 3:
273 debug("RES STREAM");
274 responseData = void 0;
275 _a.label = 4;
276 case 4:
277 _a.trys.push([4, 6, , 7]);
278 return [4, BufferUtils_1.streamToBufferPromise(response)];
279 case 5:
280 responseData = _a.sent();
281 return [3, 7];
282 case 6:
283 err_9 = _a.sent();
284 debug(err_9);
285 return [2];
286 case 7:
287 responseStr = responseData.toString("utf8");
288 _a.label = 8;
289 case 8:
290 handleLCP_1(responseStr, pub);
291 return [2];
292 }
293 });
294 }); };
295 needsStreamingResponse_1 = true;
296 handleManifestJson_1 = function (responseStr) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
297 var manifestJson, arrLinks, licenseLink, p, url, dirPath, zip, url, dirPath, zip, pathDecoded, publicationUrls, pubCheck, lcplHref_1, promise, err_10, responsez, err_11, responsezStr;
298 var _this = this;
299 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
300 switch (_a.label) {
301 case 0:
302 manifestJson = global.JSON.parse(responseStr);
303 debug(manifestJson);
304 if (UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(publicationFilePath)) {
305 arrLinks = [];
306 if (manifestJson.readingOrder) {
307 arrLinks.push.apply(arrLinks, tslib_1.__spread(manifestJson.readingOrder));
308 }
309 if (manifestJson.resources) {
310 arrLinks.push.apply(arrLinks, tslib_1.__spread(manifestJson.resources));
311 }
312 arrLinks.forEach(function (link) {
313 if (link.properties && link.properties.encrypted &&
314 (link.properties.encrypted.algorithm === "http://www.idpf.org/2008/embedding" ||
315 link.properties.encrypted.algorithm === "http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/enc#RC")) {
316 delete link.properties.encrypted;
317 var atLeastOne_1 = false;
318 var jsonProps = Object.keys(link.properties);
319 if (jsonProps) {
320 jsonProps.forEach(function (jsonProp) {
321 if (link.properties.hasOwnProperty(jsonProp)) {
322 atLeastOne_1 = true;
323 return false;
324 }
325 return true;
326 });
327 }
328 if (!atLeastOne_1) {
329 delete link.properties;
330 }
331 }
332 });
333 }
334 try {
335 publication = ta_json_x_1.JSON.deserialize(manifestJson, publication_1.Publication);
336 }
337 catch (erorz) {
338 debug(erorz);
339 return [2];
340 }
341 debug(publication);
342 licenseLink = publication.Links ? publication.Links.find(function (link) {
343 return link.Rel.indexOf("license") >= 0 &&
344 link.TypeLink === "application/vnd.readium.lcp.license.v1.0+json";
345 }) : undefined;
346 isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP = isHttpWebPub && !licenseLink;
347 p = publicationFilePath;
348 if (UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(publicationFilePath)) {
349 url = new url_1.URL(publicationFilePath);
350 p = url.pathname;
351 }
352 publication.AddToInternal("filename", path.basename(p));
353 publication.AddToInternal("type", "epub");
354 if (!!isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP) return [3, 4];
355 if (!!UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(publicationFilePath)) return [3, 2];
356 dirPath = path.dirname(publicationFilePath);
357 return [4, zip_ex_1.ZipExploded.loadPromise(dirPath)];
358 case 1:
359 zip = _a.sent();
360 publication.AddToInternal("zip", zip);
361 return [3, 4];
362 case 2:
363 url = new url_1.URL(publicationFilePath);
364 dirPath = path.dirname(p);
365 url.pathname = dirPath + "/";
366 return [4, zip_ex_http_1.ZipExplodedHTTP.loadPromise(url.toString())];
367 case 3:
368 zip = _a.sent();
369 publication.AddToInternal("zip", zip);
370 _a.label = 4;
371 case 4:
372 pathDecoded = publicationFilePath;
373 debug("ADDED HTTP pub to server cache: " + pathDecoded + " --- " + publicationFilePath);
374 publicationUrls = _publicationsServer.addPublications([pathDecoded]);
375 _publicationsServer.cachePublication(pathDecoded, publication);
376 pubCheck = _publicationsServer.cachedPublication(pathDecoded);
377 if (!pubCheck) {
378 debug("PUB CHECK FAIL?");
379 }
380 if (!isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP) {
381 publicationUrl = "" + _publicationsServer.serverUrl() + publicationUrls[0];
382 }
383 debug(publicationUrl);
384 if (!(licenseLink && licenseLink.Href)) return [3, 20];
385 lcplHref_1 = licenseLink.Href;
386 if (!UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(lcplHref_1)) {
387 if (UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(publicationFilePath)) {
388 lcplHref_1 = new url_1.URL(lcplHref_1, publicationFilePath).toString();
389 }
390 else {
391 lcplHref_1 = publicationFilePath.replace("manifest.json", licenseLink.Href);
392 }
393 }
394 debug(lcplHref_1);
395 if (!UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(lcplHref_1)) return [3, 17];
396 if (!needsStreamingResponse_1) return [3, 9];
397 promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
398 request.get({
399 headers: {},
400 method: "GET",
401 uri: lcplHref_1,
402 })
403 .on("response", function (responsez) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
404 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
405 switch (_a.label) {
406 case 0: return [4, successLCP_1(responsez, publication)];
407 case 1:
408 _a.sent();
409 resolve();
410 return [2];
411 }
412 });
413 }); })
414 .on("error", function (err) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
415 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
416 switch (_a.label) {
417 case 0: return [4, failure_1(err)];
418 case 1:
419 _a.sent();
420 reject();
421 return [2];
422 }
423 });
424 }); });
425 });
426 _a.label = 5;
427 case 5:
428 _a.trys.push([5, 7, , 8]);
429 return [4, promise];
430 case 6:
431 _a.sent();
432 return [3, 8];
433 case 7:
434 err_10 = _a.sent();
435 return [2];
436 case 8: return [3, 16];
437 case 9:
438 responsez = void 0;
439 _a.label = 10;
440 case 10:
441 _a.trys.push([10, 12, , 14]);
442 return [4, requestPromise({
443 headers: {},
444 method: "GET",
445 resolveWithFullResponse: true,
446 uri: lcplHref_1,
447 })];
448 case 11:
449 responsez = _a.sent();
450 return [3, 14];
451 case 12:
452 err_11 = _a.sent();
453 return [4, failure_1(err_11)];
454 case 13:
455 _a.sent();
456 return [2];
457 case 14: return [4, successLCP_1(responsez, publication)];
458 case 15:
459 _a.sent();
460 _a.label = 16;
461 case 16: return [3, 20];
462 case 17:
463 responsezStr = fs.readFileSync(lcplHref_1, { encoding: "utf8" });
464 if (!!responsezStr) return [3, 19];
465 return [4, failure_1("Cannot read local file: " + lcplHref_1)];
466 case 18:
467 _a.sent();
468 return [2];
469 case 19:
470 handleLCP_1(responsezStr, publication);
471 _a.label = 20;
472 case 20: return [2];
473 }
474 });
475 }); };
476 if (!UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(publicationFilePath)) return [3, 14];
477 success_1 = function (response) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
478 var responseStr, responseData, err_12;
479 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
480 switch (_a.label) {
481 case 0:
482 if (!(response.statusCode && (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300))) return [3, 2];
483 return [4, failure_1("HTTP CODE " + response.statusCode)];
484 case 1:
485 _a.sent();
486 return [2];
487 case 2:
488 if (!response.body) return [3, 3];
489 debug("RES BODY");
490 responseStr = response.body;
491 return [3, 8];
492 case 3:
493 debug("RES STREAM");
494 responseData = void 0;
495 _a.label = 4;
496 case 4:
497 _a.trys.push([4, 6, , 7]);
498 return [4, BufferUtils_1.streamToBufferPromise(response)];
499 case 5:
500 responseData = _a.sent();
501 return [3, 7];
502 case 6:
503 err_12 = _a.sent();
504 debug(err_12);
505 return [2];
506 case 7:
507 responseStr = responseData.toString("utf8");
508 _a.label = 8;
509 case 8: return [4, handleManifestJson_1(responseStr)];
510 case 9:
511 _a.sent();
512 return [2];
513 }
514 });
515 }); };
516 if (!needsStreamingResponse_1) return [3, 6];
517 promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
518 request.get({
519 headers: {},
520 method: "GET",
521 uri: publicationFilePath,
522 })
523 .on("response", function (response) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
524 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
525 switch (_a.label) {
526 case 0: return [4, success_1(response)];
527 case 1:
528 _a.sent();
529 resolve();
530 return [2];
531 }
532 });
533 }); })
534 .on("error", function (err) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
535 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
536 switch (_a.label) {
537 case 0: return [4, failure_1(err)];
538 case 1:
539 _a.sent();
540 reject();
541 return [2];
542 }
543 });
544 }); });
545 });
546 _a.label = 2;
547 case 2:
548 _a.trys.push([2, 4, , 5]);
549 return [4, promise];
550 case 3:
551 _a.sent();
552 return [3, 5];
553 case 4:
554 err_5 = _a.sent();
555 return [2];
556 case 5: return [3, 13];
557 case 6:
558 response = void 0;
559 _a.label = 7;
560 case 7:
561 _a.trys.push([7, 9, , 11]);
562 return [4, requestPromise({
563 headers: {},
564 method: "GET",
565 resolveWithFullResponse: true,
566 uri: publicationFilePath,
567 })];
568 case 8:
569 response = _a.sent();
570 return [3, 11];
571 case 9:
572 err_6 = _a.sent();
573 return [4, failure_1(err_6)];
574 case 10:
575 _a.sent();
576 return [2];
577 case 11: return [4, success_1(response)];
578 case 12:
579 _a.sent();
580 _a.label = 13;
581 case 13: return [3, 18];
582 case 14:
583 responseStr = fs.readFileSync(publicationFilePath, { encoding: "utf8" });
584 if (!!responseStr) return [3, 16];
585 return [4, failure_1("Cannot read local file: " + publicationFilePath)];
586 case 15:
587 _a.sent();
588 return [2];
589 case 16: return [4, handleManifestJson_1(responseStr)];
590 case 17:
591 _a.sent();
592 _a.label = 18;
593 case 18: return [3, 23];
594 case 19:
595 if (!epub_1.isEPUBlication(publicationFilePath)) return [3, 23];
596 _a.label = 20;
597 case 20:
598 _a.trys.push([20, 22, , 23]);
599 return [4, _publicationsServer.loadOrGetCachedPublication(publicationFilePath)];
600 case 21:
601 publication = _a.sent();
602 return [3, 23];
603 case 22:
604 err_7 = _a.sent();
605 debug(err_7);
606 return [2];
607 case 23:
608 if (!(publication && publication.LCP)) return [3, 28];
609 debug(publication.LCP);
610 _a.label = 24;
611 case 24:
612 _a.trys.push([24, 26, , 27]);
613 return [4, tryLSD(publication, publicationFilePath)];
614 case 25:
615 _a.sent();
616 return [3, 27];
617 case 26:
618 err_8 = _a.sent();
619 debug(err_8);
620 return [3, 27];
621 case 27:
622 blockBecauseLSD = false;
623 if (publication.LCP.LSD) {
624 if (publication.LCP.LSD.Status === "revoked"
625 || publication.LCP.LSD.Status === "returned"
626 || publication.LCP.LSD.Status === "cancelled"
627 || publication.LCP.LSD.Status === "expired") {
628 blockBecauseLSD = true;
630 }
631 }
632 if (!blockBecauseLSD) {
633 if (publication.LCP.Encryption &&
634 publication.LCP.Encryption.UserKey &&
635 publication.LCP.Encryption.UserKey.TextHint) {
636 lcpHint = publication.LCP.Encryption.UserKey.TextHint;
637 }
638 if (!lcpHint) {
639 lcpHint = "LCP passphrase";
640 }
641 }
642 _a.label = 28;
643 case 28:
644 electronBrowserWindow = new electron_1.BrowserWindow({
645 height: 600,
646 webPreferences: {
647 allowRunningInsecureContent: false,
648 contextIsolation: false,
649 devTools: true,
650 nodeIntegration: true,
651 nodeIntegrationInWorker: false,
652 sandbox: false,
653 webSecurity: true,
654 webviewTag: true,
655 },
656 width: 800,
657 });
658 browser_window_tracker_1.trackBrowserWindow(electronBrowserWindow);
659 electronBrowserWindow.webContents.on("dom-ready", function () {
660 debug("electronBrowserWindow dom-ready " + publicationFilePath + " : " + publicationUrl);
661 });
662 if (!isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP && SECURE && UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(publicationUrl)) {
663 publicationUrl = sessions_1.convertHttpUrlToCustomScheme(publicationUrl);
664 }
665 urlEncoded = UrlUtils_2.encodeURIComponent_RFC3986(publicationUrl);
666 htmlPath = IS_DEV ? __dirname + "/../renderer/index.html" : __dirname + "/index.html";
667 htmlPath = htmlPath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
668 fullUrl = "file://" + htmlPath + "?pub=" + urlEncoded;
669 if (lcpHint) {
670 fullUrl = fullUrl + "&lcpHint=" + UrlUtils_2.encodeURIComponent_RFC3986(lcpHint);
671 }
672 urlRoot = _publicationsServer.serverUrl();
673 fullUrl = fullUrl + "&pubServerRoot=" + UrlUtils_2.encodeURIComponent_RFC3986(urlRoot);
674 if (isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP) {
675 fullUrl = fullUrl + "&isHttpWebPubWithoutLCP=1";
676 }
677 debug(fullUrl);
678 electronBrowserWindow.webContents.loadURL(fullUrl, { extraHeaders: "pragma: no-cache\n" });
679 return [2];
680 }
681 });
682 });
685var readiumCssDefaultsJson = Object.assign({}, readium_css_settings_1.readiumCSSDefaults);
686var readiumCssKeys = Object.keys(readium_css_settings_1.readiumCSSDefaults);
687readiumCssKeys.forEach(function (key) {
688 var value = readium_css_settings_1.readiumCSSDefaults[key];
689 if (typeof value === "undefined") {
690 readiumCssDefaultsJson[key] = null;
691 }
692 else {
693 readiumCssDefaultsJson[key] = value;
694 }
696var electronStore = new store_electron_1.StoreElectron("readium2-testapp", {
697 basicLinkTitles: true,
698 readiumCSS: readiumCssDefaultsJson,
699 readiumCSSEnable: false,
701function __computeReadiumCssJsonMessage(_publication, _link) {
702 var on = electronStore.get("readiumCSSEnable");
703 if (on) {
704 var cssJson = electronStore.get("readiumCSS");
705 if (!cssJson) {
706 cssJson = readium_css_settings_1.readiumCSSDefaults;
707 }
708 var jsonMsg = {
709 setCSS: cssJson,
710 };
711 return jsonMsg;
712 }
713 else {
714 return { setCSS: undefined };
715 }
717var _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog;
718function loadFileOrUrlDialog(initval) {
719 if (_electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog) {
720 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog.show();
721 debug("_electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog.show()");
722 return;
723 }
724 var dialogid = uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, "_");
725 var html = "\n<html>\n<head>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\nconst { ipcRenderer } = require('electron');\n\nipcRenderer.on(\"filePath\", (ev, filePath) => {\n\n const dataEl = document.getElementById('data');\n dataEl.value = filePath;\n});\n\nconst cancel = () => {\nconst payload = {\nurlOrPath: undefined,\n};\nipcRenderer.send(\"" + (events_1.R2_EVENT_OPEN_URL_OR_PATH + dialogid) + "\", payload);\n};\nconst submit = () => {\nconst dataEl = document.getElementById('data');\nconst payload = {\nurlOrPath: dataEl.value,\n};\nipcRenderer.send(\"" + (events_1.R2_EVENT_OPEN_URL_OR_PATH + dialogid) + "\", payload);\n};\n\nwindow.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", () => {\n\ndocument.getElementById('filechoose').addEventListener('click', () => {\n const payload = {\n urlOrPath: undefined,\n fileChooser: true,\n };\n ipcRenderer.send(\"" + (events_1.R2_EVENT_OPEN_URL_OR_PATH + dialogid) + "\", payload);\n});\n\ndocument.getElementById('ok').addEventListener('click', () => submit());\ndocument.getElementById('cancel').addEventListener('click', () => cancel());\n\nconst dataEl = document.getElementById('data');\n\ndataEl.addEventListener('keyup', e => {\ne.which = e.which || e.keyCode;\nif (e.which === 13) {\n submit();\n}\nif (e.which === 27) {\n cancel();\n}\n});\n\ndataEl.focus();\ndataEl.select();\n\nconst drag = (ev) => {\nev.preventDefault();\nreturn false;\n};\nconst drop = (ev) => {\nev.preventDefault();\n\nif (!ev.dataTransfer) {\n return;\n}\n\nlet urlOrPath = undefined;\nif (ev.dataTransfer.items) {\n for (const item of ev.dataTransfer.items) {\n if (item.kind === \"file\") {\n const file = item.getAsFile();\n if (file) {\n console.log(file.name);\n console.log(file.path);\n urlOrPath = file.path;\n break;\n }\n } else if (item.kind === \"string\") {\n if (item.type === \"text/plain\") { /* text/uri-list text/html */\n const data = ev.dataTransfer.getData(item.type);\n console.log(data);\n urlOrPath = data;\n } else {\n console.log(item.type);\n console.log(ev.dataTransfer.getData(item.type));\n }\n } else {\n console.log(item.kind);\n }\n }\n} else if (ev.dataTransfer.files) {\n for (const file of ev.dataTransfer.files) {\n console.log(file.name);\n console.log(file.path);\n urlOrPath = file.path;\n break;\n }\n}\n\nif (urlOrPath) {\n const payload = {\n urlOrPath\n };\n ipcRenderer.send(\"" + (events_1.R2_EVENT_OPEN_URL_OR_PATH + dialogid) + "\", payload);\n}\n\n};\n\nwindow.document.addEventListener(\"dragover\", drag, false);\nwindow.document.addEventListener(\"drop\", drag, false);\n\nconst dropEl = document.getElementById('drop');\n\ndropEl.addEventListener(\"dragover\", drag, false);\ndropEl.addEventListener(\"drop\", drop, false);\n});\n\n</script>\n<style>\nbody {\nfont-family: \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\nline-height: 1.5em;\ncolor: #333;\nbackground-color: #fff;\n}\n\n#container {\n/* align-items: center;\njustify-content: center; */\ndisplay: block;\noverflow: hidden;\n}\n\n#form {\nwidth: 100%;\n}\n\n#label {\nmax-width: 100%;\nmax-height: 100%;\nmargin-bottom: .8em;\npadding: 0 .5em;\n/* white-space: nowrap; */\n/* overflow: hidden; */\n/* text-overflow: ellipsis; */\n}\n\n#data {\nborder-radius: 2px;\nbackground: #fff;\nwidth: 400px;\npadding: .4em .5em;\nborder: 1px solid black;\nmin-height: 2em;\nmargin: 0 0 1.2em;\n}\n\n#data-container {\ntext-align: center;\n}\n\n#buttons {\ntext-align: right;\npadding: 0 .5em 0 0;\n}\n\n#filechoose,\n#buttons > button {\nborder-radius: 2px;\nborder: 0;\nmargin: 0 0 0 .5em;\nfont-size: .8em;\nline-height: 1em;\npadding: .6em 1em;\ncursor: pointer;\n}\n\n#filechoose {\n margin-right: 8px;\n}\n#filechoose, input {\n display: inline-block;\n}\n\n/*\n#ok {\nbackground-color: #3879D9;\ncolor: white;\n}\n\n#cancel {\nbackground-color: #DDD;\ncolor: black;\n}\n*/\n\n*:focus {\noutline-style: solid !important;\noutline-width: 2px !important;\noutline-color: blue !important;\noutline-offset: 2px !important;\n}\n\n#drop {\ndisplay: block;\nmargin-top: 1em;\nwidth: 99%;\nheight: 100px;\ncolor: black;\nbackground-color: #eeffee;\nborder: 1px dashed #333333;\nborder-radius: 8px;\nvertical-align: middle;\ntext-align: center;\n\ndisplay: flex;\njustify-content: center;\nflex-direction: column;\n}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n<div id=\"container\">\n<div id=\"form\">\n<div id=\"label\">Enter URL or filepath:</div>\n<div id=\"data-container\">\n<button id=\"filechoose\">Choose...</button>\n<input id=\"data\" value=\"" + initval + "\"/>\n</div>\n<div id=\"buttons\">\n<button id=\"cancel\">Cancel</button>\n<button id=\"ok\">OK</button>\n</div>\n</div>\n<div id=\"drop\">\nfile drag-and-drop\n</div>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n ";
726 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog = new electron_1.BrowserWindow({
727 alwaysOnTop: true,
728 height: 300,
729 modal: false,
730 resizable: false,
731 skipTaskbar: false,
732 title: "Readium2 Electron/NodeJS test app",
733 useContentSize: false,
734 webPreferences: {
735 allowRunningInsecureContent: false,
736 contextIsolation: false,
737 devTools: true,
738 nodeIntegration: true,
739 nodeIntegrationInWorker: false,
740 sandbox: false,
741 webSecurity: true,
742 webviewTag: false,
743 },
744 width: 600,
745 });
746 resetMenu(undefined);
747 function dialogResult(_event, payload) {
748 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
749 var _this = this;
750 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
751 if (payload.urlOrPath) {
752 process.nextTick(function () { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
753 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
754 switch (_a.label) {
755 case 0: return [4, loadFileOrUrl(payload.urlOrPath)];
756 case 1:
757 _a.sent();
758 return [2];
759 }
760 });
761 }); });
762 setTimeout(function () {
763 if (_electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog) {
764 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog.close();
765 }
766 }, 200);
767 }
768 else if (payload.fileChooser) {
769 process.nextTick(function () { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
770 var choice, filePath;
771 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
772 choice = electron_1.dialog.showOpenDialog({
773 defaultPath: _lastBookPath,
774 filters: [
775 { name: "EPUB publication", extensions: ["epub", "epub3"] },
776 { name: "LCP license", extensions: ["lcpl"] },
777 { name: "Comic book", extensions: ["cbz"] },
778 ],
779 message: "Choose a file",
780 properties: ["openFile"],
781 title: "Open from filesystem",
782 });
783 if (!choice || !choice.length) {
784 return [2];
785 }
786 filePath = choice[0];
787 debug(filePath);
788 if (_electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog) {
789 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog.webContents.send("filePath", filePath);
790 }
791 return [2];
792 });
793 }); });
794 }
795 else {
796 if (_electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog) {
797 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog.close();
798 }
799 }
800 return [2];
801 });
802 });
803 }
804 electron_1.ipcMain.on(events_1.R2_EVENT_OPEN_URL_OR_PATH + dialogid, dialogResult);
805 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog.on("closed", function (_ev) {
806 electron_1.ipcMain.removeListener(events_1.R2_EVENT_OPEN_URL_OR_PATH + dialogid, dialogResult);
807 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog = undefined;
808 });
809 _electronBrowserWindowFileOrUrlDialog.webContents.loadURL("data:text/html," + html);
811electron_1.ipcMain.on(events_1.R2_EVENT_OPEN_URL_OR_PATH, function (_event, payload) { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
812 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
813 switch (_a.label) {
814 case 0: return [4, loadFileOrUrl(payload.urlOrPath)];
815 case 1:
816 _a.sent();
817 return [2];
818 }
819 });
820}); });
821function loadFileOrUrl(argPath) {
822 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
823 var filePathToLoadOnLaunch, filePath, _a;
824 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_b) {
825 switch (_b.label) {
826 case 0:
827 filePath = argPath;
828 debug(filePath);
829 if (!UrlUtils_1.isHTTP(filePath)) return [3, 2];
830 return [4, openFile(filePath)];
831 case 1:
832 _b.sent();
833 return [2, true];
834 case 2:
835 if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
836 filePath = path.join(__dirname, argPath);
837 debug(filePath);
838 if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
839 filePath = path.join(process.cwd(), argPath);
840 debug(filePath);
841 if (!fs.existsSync(filePath)) {
842 debug("FILEPATH DOES NOT EXIST: " + filePath);
843 }
844 else {
845 filePathToLoadOnLaunch = filePath;
846 }
847 }
848 else {
849 filePathToLoadOnLaunch = filePath;
850 }
851 }
852 else {
853 filePath = fs.realpathSync(filePath);
854 debug(filePath);
855 filePathToLoadOnLaunch = filePath;
856 }
857 _b.label = 3;
858 case 3:
859 if (!filePathToLoadOnLaunch) return [3, 9];
860 _a = epub_1.isEPUBlication(filePathToLoadOnLaunch);
861 if (_a) return [3, 5];
862 return [4, isManifestJSON(filePathToLoadOnLaunch)];
863 case 4:
864 _a = (_b.sent());
865 _b.label = 5;
866 case 5:
867 if (!_a) return [3, 7];
868 return [4, openFile(filePathToLoadOnLaunch)];
869 case 6:
870 _b.sent();
871 return [2, true];
872 case 7:
873 if (!!fs.lstatSync(filePathToLoadOnLaunch).isDirectory()) return [3, 9];
874 return [4, openFileDownload(filePathToLoadOnLaunch)];
875 case 8:
876 _b.sent();
877 return [2, true];
878 case 9: return [2, false];
879 }
880 });
881 });
883electron_1.app.on("ready", function () {
884 debug("app ready");
885 (function () { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
886 var readiumCSSPath, preloadPath, distTarget, dirnameSlashed, staticOptions, err_13, pubPaths;
887 var _this = this;
888 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
889 switch (_a.label) {
890 case 0:
891 _publicationsFilePaths = [];
892 _publicationsUrls = [];
893 _publicationsServer = new server_1.Server({
894 disableDecryption: false,
895 disableOPDS: true,
896 disableReaders: true,
897 disableRemotePubUrl: true,
898 });
899 if (SECURE) {
900 sessions_2.secureSessions(_publicationsServer);
901 }
902 lcp_3.installLcpHandler(_publicationsServer);
903 lsd_1.installLsdHandler(_publicationsServer, deviceIDManager);
904 readiumCSSPath = IS_DEV ?
905 path.join(process.cwd(), "dist", "ReadiumCSS").replace(/\\/g, "/") :
906 path.join(__dirname, "ReadiumCSS").replace(/\\/g, "/");
907 readium_css_1.setupReadiumCSS(_publicationsServer, readiumCSSPath, __computeReadiumCssJsonMessage);
908 if (IS_DEV) {
909 preloadPath = "FOLDER_PATH_TO/preload.js";
910 distTarget = void 0;
911 dirnameSlashed = __dirname.replace(/\\/g, "/");
912 if (dirnameSlashed.indexOf("/dist/es5") > 0) {
913 distTarget = "es5";
914 }
915 else if (dirnameSlashed.indexOf("/dist/es6-es2015") > 0) {
916 distTarget = "es6-es2015";
917 }
918 else if (dirnameSlashed.indexOf("/dist/es7-es2016") > 0) {
919 distTarget = "es7-es2016";
920 }
921 else if (dirnameSlashed.indexOf("/dist/es8-es2017") > 0) {
922 distTarget = "es8-es2017";
923 }
924 if (distTarget) {
925 preloadPath = path.join(process.cwd(), "node_modules/r2-navigator-js/dist/" +
926 distTarget);
927 }
928 preloadPath = preloadPath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
929 console.log(preloadPath);
930 staticOptions = {
931 dotfiles: "ignore",
932 etag: true,
933 fallthrough: false,
934 immutable: true,
935 index: false,
936 maxAge: "1d",
937 redirect: false,
938 };
939 _publicationsServer.expressUse(preloadPath, express.static(preloadPath, staticOptions));
940 }
941 _a.label = 1;
942 case 1:
943 _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
944 return [4, portfinder.getPortPromise()];
945 case 2:
946 _publicationsServerPort = _a.sent();
947 return [3, 4];
948 case 3:
949 err_13 = _a.sent();
950 debug(err_13);
951 return [3, 4];
952 case 4: return [4, _publicationsServer.start(_publicationsServerPort, SECURE)];
953 case 5:
954 _a.sent();
955 _publicationsRootUrl = _publicationsServer.serverUrl();
956 debug(_publicationsRootUrl);
957 if (_publicationsFilePaths && _publicationsFilePaths.length) {
958 pubPaths = _publicationsServer.addPublications(_publicationsFilePaths);
959 _publicationsUrls = pubPaths.map(function (pubPath) {
960 return "" + _publicationsRootUrl + pubPath;
961 });
962 debug(_publicationsUrls);
963 }
964 resetMenu(undefined);
965 process.nextTick(function () { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
966 var args, argPath;
967 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
968 switch (_a.label) {
969 case 0:
970 args = process.argv.slice(2);
971 debug("args:");
972 debug(args);
973 if (!(args && args.length && args[0])) return [3, 2];
974 argPath = args[0].trim();
975 return [4, loadFileOrUrl(argPath)];
976 case 1:
977 if (_a.sent()) {
978 return [2];
979 }
980 _a.label = 2;
981 case 2:
982 loadFileOrUrlDialog("");
983 return [2];
984 }
985 });
986 }); });
987 return [2];
988 }
989 });
990 }); })();
992function resetMenu(browserWindow) {
993 var _this = this;
994 var menuTemplate = [
995 {
996 label: "Readium2 Electron",
997 submenu: [
998 { label: "About...", selector: "orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:" },
999 { type: "separator" },
1000 {
1001 accelerator: "Command+Q",
1002 click: function () { electron_1.app.quit(); },
1003 label: "Quit",
1004 },
1005 ],
1006 },
1007 {
1008 label: "File",
1009 submenu: [],
1010 },
1011 {
1012 label: "Edit",
1013 submenu: [
1014 { label: "Undo", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "undo:" },
1015 { label: "Redo", accelerator: "Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z", selector: "redo:" },
1016 { type: "separator" },
1017 { label: "Cut", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+X", selector: "cut:" },
1018 { label: "Copy", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+C", selector: "copy:" },
1019 { label: "Paste", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+V", selector: "paste:" },
1020 { label: "Select All", accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+A", selector: "selectAll:" },
1021 ],
1022 },
1023 {
1024 role: "window",
1025 submenu: [
1026 {
1027 role: "togglefullscreen",
1028 },
1029 {
1030 role: "minimize",
1031 },
1032 {
1033 role: "close",
1034 },
1035 ],
1036 },
1037 {
1038 label: "Tools",
1039 submenu: [
1040 {
1041 accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+R",
1042 click: function (_item, focusedWindow) {
1043 if (focusedWindow) {
1044 focusedWindow.reload();
1045 }
1046 },
1047 label: "Reload",
1048 },
1049 {
1050 accelerator: process.platform === "darwin" ? "Alt+Command+I" : "Ctrl+Shift+I",
1051 click: function (_item, _focusedWindow) {
1052 openAllDevTools();
1053 },
1054 label: "Dev Tools (all)",
1055 },
1056 {
1057 accelerator: process.platform === "darwin" ? "Shift+Alt+Command+I" : "Alt+Ctrl+Shift+I",
1058 click: function (_item, _focusedWindow) {
1059 openTopLevelDevTools();
1060 },
1061 label: "Dev Tools (top only)",
1062 },
1063 ],
1064 },
1065 {
1066 role: "help",
1067 submenu: [
1068 {
1069 click: function (_item, _focusedWindow) {
1070 electron_1.shell.openExternal("https://github.com/readium/r2-testapp-js/");
1071 },
1072 label: "Website...",
1073 },
1074 ],
1075 },
1076 ];
1077 menuTemplate[1].submenu.push({
1078 accelerator: "CmdOrCtrl+O",
1079 click: function () { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1080 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
1081 loadFileOrUrlDialog("");
1082 return [2];
1083 });
1084 }); },
1085 label: "Open...",
1086 });
1087 menuTemplate[1].submenu.push({
1088 type: "separator",
1089 });
1090 _publicationsUrls.forEach(function (pubManifestUrl, n) {
1091 var filePath = _publicationsFilePaths[n];
1092 debug("MENU ITEM: " + filePath + " : " + pubManifestUrl);
1093 menuTemplate[1].submenu.push({
1094 click: function () { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1095 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
1096 switch (_a.label) {
1097 case 0:
1098 debug(filePath);
1099 return [4, openFileDownload(filePath)];
1100 case 1:
1101 _a.sent();
1102 return [2];
1103 }
1104 });
1105 }); },
1106 label: filePath,
1107 });
1108 });
1109 var menu = electron_1.Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuTemplate);
1110 if (browserWindow) {
1111 browserWindow.setMenu(menu);
1112 }
1113 else {
1114 electron_1.Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu);
1115 }
1117function openFileDownload(filePath) {
1118 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1119 var dir, ext, filename, destFileName, epubFilePath, err_14, result_1;
1120 var _this = this;
1121 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
1122 switch (_a.label) {
1123 case 0:
1124 dir = path.dirname(filePath);
1125 _lastBookPath = dir;
1126 debug(_lastBookPath);
1127 ext = path.extname(filePath);
1128 filename = path.basename(filePath);
1129 destFileName = filename + ".epub";
1130 if (!(ext === ".lcpl")) return [3, 5];
1131 epubFilePath = void 0;
1132 _a.label = 1;
1133 case 1:
1134 _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
1135 return [4, publication_download_1.downloadEPUBFromLCPL(filePath, dir, destFileName)];
1136 case 2:
1137 epubFilePath = _a.sent();
1138 return [3, 4];
1139 case 3:
1140 err_14 = _a.sent();
1141 process.nextTick(function () {
1142 var detail = (typeof err_14 === "string") ?
1143 err_14 :
1144 (err_14.toString ? err_14.toString() : "ERROR!?");
1145 var message = "LCP EPUB download fail!]";
1146 var res = electron_1.dialog.showMessageBox({
1147 buttons: ["&OK"],
1148 cancelId: 0,
1149 defaultId: 0,
1150 detail: detail,
1151 message: message,
1152 noLink: true,
1153 normalizeAccessKeys: true,
1154 title: "Readium2 Electron streamer / navigator",
1155 type: "info",
1156 });
1157 if (res === 0) {
1158 debug("ok");
1159 }
1160 });
1161 return [2];
1162 case 4:
1163 result_1 = epubFilePath;
1164 process.nextTick(function () { return tslib_1.__awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1165 var detail, message, res;
1166 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
1167 switch (_a.label) {
1168 case 0:
1169 detail = result_1[0] + " ---- [" + result_1[1] + "]";
1170 message = "LCP EPUB file download success [" + destFileName + "]";
1171 res = electron_1.dialog.showMessageBox({
1172 buttons: ["&OK"],
1173 cancelId: 0,
1174 defaultId: 0,
1175 detail: detail,
1176 message: message,
1177 noLink: true,
1178 normalizeAccessKeys: true,
1179 title: "Readium2 Electron streamer / navigator",
1180 type: "info",
1181 });
1182 if (res === 0) {
1183 debug("ok");
1184 }
1185 return [4, openFile(result_1[0])];
1186 case 1:
1187 _a.sent();
1188 return [2];
1189 }
1190 });
1191 }); });
1192 return [3, 7];
1193 case 5: return [4, openFile(filePath)];
1194 case 6:
1195 _a.sent();
1196 _a.label = 7;
1197 case 7: return [2];
1198 }
1199 });
1200 });
1202function openFile(filePath) {
1203 return tslib_1.__awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1204 var n, publicationPaths, file, pubManifestUrl;
1205 return tslib_1.__generator(this, function (_a) {
1206 switch (_a.label) {
1207 case 0:
1208 n = _publicationsFilePaths.indexOf(filePath);
1209 if (!(n < 0)) return [3, 2];
1210 return [4, isManifestJSON(filePath)];
1211 case 1:
1212 if (_a.sent()) {
1213 _publicationsFilePaths.push(filePath);
1214 debug(_publicationsFilePaths);
1215 _publicationsUrls.push(filePath);
1216 debug(_publicationsUrls);
1217 n = _publicationsFilePaths.length - 1;
1218 }
1219 else {
1220 publicationPaths = _publicationsServer.addPublications([filePath]);
1221 debug(publicationPaths);
1222 _publicationsFilePaths.push(filePath);
1223 debug(_publicationsFilePaths);
1224 _publicationsUrls.push("" + _publicationsRootUrl + publicationPaths[0]);
1225 debug(_publicationsUrls);
1226 n = _publicationsFilePaths.length - 1;
1227 }
1228 process.nextTick(function () {
1229 resetMenu(undefined);
1230 });
1231 _a.label = 2;
1232 case 2:
1233 file = _publicationsFilePaths[n];
1234 pubManifestUrl = _publicationsUrls[n];
1235 return [4, createElectronBrowserWindow(file, pubManifestUrl)];
1236 case 3:
1237 _a.sent();
1238 return [2];
1239 }
1240 });
1241 });
1243electron_1.app.on("activate", function () {
1244 debug("app activate");
1246electron_1.app.on("before-quit", function () {
1247 debug("app before quit");
1249electron_1.app.on("window-all-closed", function () {
1250 debug("app window-all-closed");
1251 setTimeout(function () {
1252 electron_1.dialog.showMessageBox({
1253 buttons: ["yes", "no"],
1254 cancelId: 1,
1255 checkboxChecked: undefined,
1256 checkboxLabel: undefined,
1257 defaultId: 0,
1258 detail: undefined,
1259 icon: undefined,
1260 message: "Do you want to exit this application?",
1261 noLink: true,
1262 normalizeAccessKeys: false,
1263 title: "Readium2 test app, exit?",
1264 type: "question",
1265 }, function (response, _checkboxChecked) {
1266 if (response === 0) {
1267 electron_1.app.quit();
1268 }
1269 else {
1270 loadFileOrUrlDialog("");
1271 }
1272 });
1273 }, 300);
1275electron_1.app.on("quit", function () {
1276 debug("app quit");
1277 _publicationsServer.stop();
1279//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
\No newline at end of file