3.83 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.injectFileInZip = exports.injectBufferInZip = exports.injectStreamInZip = void 0;
4var debug_ = require("debug");
5var fs = require("fs");
6var yauzl = require("yauzl");
7var yazl = require("yazl");
8var debug = debug_("r2:utils#zip/zipInjector");
9var InjectType;
10(function (InjectType) {
11 InjectType[InjectType["FILE"] = 0] = "FILE";
12 InjectType[InjectType["BUFFER"] = 1] = "BUFFER";
13 InjectType[InjectType["STREAM"] = 2] = "STREAM";
14})(InjectType || (InjectType = {}));
15function injectStreamInZip(destPathTMP, destPathFINAL, stream, zipEntryPath, zipError, doneCallback) {
16 injectObjectInZip(destPathTMP, destPathFINAL, stream, InjectType.STREAM, zipEntryPath, zipError, doneCallback);
18exports.injectStreamInZip = injectStreamInZip;
19function injectBufferInZip(destPathTMP, destPathFINAL, buffer, zipEntryPath, zipError, doneCallback) {
20 injectObjectInZip(destPathTMP, destPathFINAL, buffer, InjectType.BUFFER, zipEntryPath, zipError, doneCallback);
22exports.injectBufferInZip = injectBufferInZip;
23function injectFileInZip(destPathTMP, destPathFINAL, filePath, zipEntryPath, zipError, doneCallback) {
24 injectObjectInZip(destPathTMP, destPathFINAL, filePath, InjectType.FILE, zipEntryPath, zipError, doneCallback);
26exports.injectFileInZip = injectFileInZip;
27function injectObjectInZip(destPathTMP, destPathFINAL, contentsToInject, typeOfContentsToInject, zipEntryPath, zipError, doneCallback) {
28 yauzl.open(destPathTMP, { lazyEntries: true, autoClose: false }, function (err, zip) {
29 if (err || !zip) {
30 debug("yauzl init ERROR");
31 zipError(err);
32 return;
33 }
34 var zipfile = new yazl.ZipFile();
35 zip.on("error", function (erro) {
36 debug("yauzl ERROR");
37 zipError(erro);
38 });
39 zip.readEntry();
40 zip.on("entry", function (entry) {
41 if (entry.fileName[entry.fileName.length - 1] === "/") {
42 }
43 else if (entry.fileName === zipEntryPath) {
44 }
45 else {
46 zip.openReadStream(entry, function (errz, stream) {
47 if (err || !stream) {
48 debug("yauzl openReadStream ERROR");
49 debug(errz);
50 zipError(errz);
51 return;
52 }
53 var compress = entry.fileName !== "mimetype";
54 zipfile.addReadStream(stream, entry.fileName, { compress: compress });
55 });
56 }
57 zip.readEntry();
58 });
59 zip.on("end", function () {
60 debug("yauzl END");
61 process.nextTick(function () {
62 zip.close();
63 });
64 if (typeOfContentsToInject === InjectType.FILE) {
65 zipfile.addFile(contentsToInject, zipEntryPath);
66 }
67 else if (typeOfContentsToInject === InjectType.BUFFER) {
68 zipfile.addBuffer(contentsToInject, zipEntryPath);
69 }
70 else if (typeOfContentsToInject === InjectType.STREAM) {
71 zipfile.addReadStream(contentsToInject, zipEntryPath);
72 }
73 else {
74 debug("yazl FAIL to inject! (unknown type)");
75 }
76 zipfile.end();
77 var destStream2 = fs.createWriteStream(destPathFINAL);
78 zipfile.outputStream.pipe(destStream2);
79 destStream2.on("finish", function () {
80 doneCallback();
81 });
82 destStream2.on("error", function (ere) {
83 zipError(ere);
84 });
85 });
86 zip.on("close", function () {
87 debug("yauzl CLOSE");
88 });
89 });
91//# sourceMappingURL=zipInjector.js.map
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