4.63 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const version = '0.3.23';
3// Pass config to initiate things
4var index = ({
5 r,
6 l,
7 mount,
8 headless,
9 Component,
10 }, config = {}) => {
11 let prefix = (config.baseUrl || '').replace(/\/$/, '');
12 let dummy = config.dummy;
13 let dummyData = config.dummyData || {};
15 let fetchdummy = (type, key, cb) => {
16 setTimeout(() => {
17 cb(dummyData[type] && dummyData[type][key] || null);
18 }, config.dummyTimeout || 100);
19 };
21 let HTTP = function HTTP(t, url, params, headers, loading) {
22 this.localDummy = config.dummy;
23 this.url = url;
24 this.id = url + '';
25 this.type = t;
26 this.start = () => loading.start(this.id);
27 this.end = () => loading.end(this.id);
28 this.http = new XMLHttpRequest();
29 this.headers = Object.assign(config.headers || {}, headers || {});
30 this.params = JSON.stringify(params);
31 this.resolve = () => {
32 this.end();
33 };
34 this.reject = e => {
35 console.error('[Radi Fetch] WARN: Request caught an error.\n', e);
36 this.end();
37 };
39 let n = url.split('?').length - 1;
40 if (t === 'get')
41 for (let i in params) {
42 url = url.concat(((!n)?'?':'&') + i + '=' + params[i]);
43 n += 1;
44 }
46 this.http.open(t, prefix + url, true);
48 for (let h in this.headers) {
49 this.http.setRequestHeader(h, this.headers[h]);
50 }
52 // Allows to abort request
53 this.abort = (...args) => this.http.abort(...args);
54 this.tag = key => (this.id = key, this);
55 };
57 HTTP.prototype.dummy = function (status = true) {
58 this.localDummy = status;
59 return this
60 };
62 HTTP.prototype.catch = function (ERR) {
63 if (typeof ERR === 'function') {
64 this.reject = (...args) => {
65 ERR(...args);
66 this.end();
67 };
68 }
69 return this
70 };
72 HTTP.prototype.then = function then(OK, ERR) {
73 this.start();
74 if (typeof OK === 'function') {
75 this.resolve = (...args) => {
76 OK(...args);
77 this.end();
78 };
79 }
80 if (typeof ERR === 'function') {
81 this.reject = (...args) => {
82 ERR(...args);
83 this.end();
84 };
85 }
86 if (this.localDummy || dummy) {
87 fetchdummy(this.type, this.url, data => {
88 this.resolve({
89 headers: '',
90 status: 'dummy',
91 response: JSON.stringify(data),
92 text: () => JSON.stringify(data),
93 json: () => data,
94 });
95 });
96 return this;
97 }
98 let self = this;
99 this.http.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
100 let res = this;
101 if (res.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
102 let h = {
103 headers: self.http.getAllResponseHeaders(),
104 status: res.status,
105 response: res.response
106 };
107 if (res.status === 200) {
108 h.text = function() { return res.responseText };
109 h.json = function() {
110 try {
111 return JSON.parse(this.text());
112 }
113 catch(error) {
114 console.error('[Radi Fetch] WARN: Response is not JSON, using fallback to empty JSON.\n', error);
115 return {};
116 }
117 };
118 self.resolve(h);
119 } else {
120 self.reject(h);
121 }
122 }
123 };
124 this.http.send(this.params);
125 return this
126 };
128 class Fetch extends Component {
129 get(u, p, h) { return new HTTP('get', u, p, h, this.$loading) }
130 post(u, p, h) { return new HTTP('post', u, p, h, this.$loading) }
131 put(u, p, h) { return new HTTP('put', u, p, h, this.$loading) }
132 delete(u, p, h) { return new HTTP('delete', u, p, h, this.$loading) }
133 options(u, p, h) { return new HTTP('options', u, p, h, this.$loading) }
134 head(u, p, h) { return new HTTP('head', u, p, h, this.$loading) }
135 }
137 class Loading extends Component {
138 state() {
139 return {
140 $any: false,
141 $count: 0,
142 }
143 }
145 start(key) {
146 if (this.state[key]) return false
147 this.setState({
148 [key]: true,
149 $count: this.state.$count + 1,
150 $any: !!(this.state.$count + 1),
151 });
152 }
154 end(key) {
155 this.setState({
156 [key]: false,
157 $count: this.state.$count - 1,
158 $any: !!(this.state.$count - 1),
159 });
160 }
162 run(key, fn) {
163 if (this.state[key]) return false
164 this.start(key);
166 fn(cb => {
167 if (typeof cb === 'function') cb();
168 this.end(key);
169 });
170 }
171 }
173 // Initiates loading component
174 headless('loading', Loading);
176 // Initiates fetch component
177 headless('fetch', Fetch);
179 return {
180 config,
181 Fetch,
182 };
185export default index;
186export { version };
187//# sourceMappingURL=radi-fetch.es.js.map