9.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import {cached, defineAssoc} from "./decorators.js";
2import {lib, Collection, RallyBase, sleep} from "./rally-tools.js";
3import File from "./file.js";
4import Provider from "./providers.js";
6class Asset extends RallyBase{
7 constructor({data, remote, included, lite}){
8 super();
9 this.data = data;
10 this.meta = {};
11 this.remote = remote;
12 if(included){
13 this.meta.metadata = Asset.normalizeMetadata(included);
14 }
15 this.lite = !!lite;
16 }
17 static normalizeMetadata(payload){
18 let newMetadata = {}
19 for(let md of payload){
20 if(md.type !== "metadata") continue;
21 newMetadata[md.attributes.usage] = md.attributes.metadata;
22 }
23 return newMetadata;
24 }
26 async getMetadata(forceRefresh = false){
27 if(this.meta.metadata && !forceRefresh) return this.meta.metadata;
28 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
29 env: this.remote, path: `/movies/${this.id}/metadata`,
30 });
32 return this.meta.metadata = Asset.normalizeMetadata(req.data);
33 }
35 async patchMetadata(metadata){
36 if(metadata.Workflow && false){
37 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
38 env: this.remote, path: `/movies/${this.id}/metadata/Workflow`,
39 method: "PATCH",
40 payload: {
41 "data": {
42 "type": "metadata",
43 "attributes": {
44 "metadata": metadata.Workflow
45 },
46 }
47 }
48 });
49 }
50 if(metadata.Metadata){
51 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
52 env: this.remote, path: `/movies/${this.id}/metadata/Metadata`,
53 method: "PATCH",
54 payload: {
55 "data": {
56 "type": "metadata",
57 "attributes": {
58 "metadata": metadata.Metadata
59 },
60 }
61 }
62 });
63 }
64 }
66 static lite(id, remote){
67 return new this({data: {id}, remote, lite: true})
68 }
70 chalkPrint(pad=false){
71 let id = String("A-" + (this.remote && this.remote + "-" + this.id || "LOCAL"))
72 if(pad) id = id.padStart(15);
73 return chalk`{green ${id}}: {blue ${this.data.attributes ? this.name : "(lite asset)"}}`;
74 }
76 static async createNew(name, env){
77 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
78 env, path: "/assets",
79 method: "POST",
80 payload: {
81 data: {
82 attributes: {name},
83 type: "assets"
84 }
85 }
86 });
87 return new this({data: req.data, remote: env});
88 }
90 async delete(){
91 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
92 env: this.remote, path: "/assets/" + this.id,
93 method: "DELETE",
94 });
95 }
97 async getFiles(){
98 let req = await lib.indexPathFast({
99 env: this.remote, path: `/assets/${this.id}/files`,
100 method: "GET",
101 });
103 //return req;
104 return new Collection(req.map(x => new File({data: x, remote: this.remote, parent: this})));
105 }
107 async addFile(label, fileuris){
108 if(!Array.isArray(fileuris)) fileuris = [fileuris];
110 let instances = {}
111 for(let i = 0; i < fileuris.length; i++){
112 instances[String(i + 1)] = {uri: fileuris[i]};
113 }
115 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
116 env: this.remote, path: "/files",
117 method: "POST",
118 payload: {
119 "data": {
120 "attributes": {
121 label, instances,
122 },
123 "relationships": {
124 "asset": {
125 "data": {
126 id: this.id,
127 "type": "assets"
128 }
129 }
130 },
131 "type": "files"
132 }
134 }
135 });
136 return req;
137 }
138 async startWorkflow(jobName, {initData, priority} = {}){
139 let attributes = {};
140 if(initData){
141 //Convert init data to string
142 initData = typeof initData === "string" ? initData : JSON.stringify(initData);
143 attributes.initData = initData;
144 }
145 if(priority){
146 attributes.priority = priority
147 }
149 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
150 env: this.remote, path: "/workflows",
151 method: "POST",
152 payload: {
153 "data": {
154 "type": "workflows",
155 attributes,
156 "relationships": {
157 "movie": {
158 "data": {
159 id: this.id,
160 "type": "movies"
161 }
162 }, "rule": {
163 "data": {
164 "attributes": {
165 "name": jobName,
166 },
167 "type": "rules"
168 }
169 }
170 }
171 }
172 }
173 });
174 return req;
175 }
176 static async startAnonWorkflow(env, jobName, {initData, priority} = {}){
177 let attributes = {};
178 if(initData){
179 //Convert init data to string
180 initData = typeof initData === "string" ? initData : JSON.stringify(initData);
181 attributes.initData = initData;
182 }
183 if(priority){
184 attributes.priority = priority
185 }
187 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
188 env, path: "/workflows",
189 method: "POST",
190 payload: {
191 "data": {
192 "type": "workflows",
193 attributes,
194 "relationships": {
195 "rule": {
196 "data": {
197 "attributes": {
198 "name": jobName,
199 },
200 "type": "rules"
201 }
202 }
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 });
207 return req;
209 }
211 async startEphemeralEvaluateIdeal(preset, dynamicPresetData){
212 let res;
213 const env = this.remote;
214 let provider = await Provider.getByName(this.remote, "SdviEvaluate");
216 write(chalk`Starting ephemeral evaluate on ${this.chalkPrint(false)}...`)
218 // Fire and forget.
219 let evalInfo = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
220 env: this.remote, path: "/jobs", method: "POST",
221 payload: {
222 data: {
223 attributes: {
224 category: provider.category,
225 providerTypeName: provider.name,
226 rallyConfiguration: {},
227 providerData: Buffer.from(preset.code, "binary").toString("base64"),
228 dynamicPresetData,
229 },
230 type: "jobs",
231 relationships: {
232 movie: {
233 data: {
234 id: this.id,
235 type: "movies",
236 }
237 }
238 }
239 }
240 }
241 });
243 write(" Waiting for finish...");
244 for(;;){
245 res = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
246 env, path_full: evalInfo.data.links.self
247 });
248 write(".");
249 if(res.data.attributes.state == "Complete"){
250 write(chalk`{green Done}...\n`);
251 break;
252 }
253 await sleep(300);
254 }
256 return;
257 }
259 async startEvaluate(presetid, dynamicPresetData){
260 // Fire and forget.
261 let data = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
262 env: this.remote, path: "/jobs", method: "POST",
263 payload: {
264 data: {
265 type: "jobs",
266 attributes: {
267 dynamicPresetData,
268 },
269 relationships: {
270 movie: {
271 data: {
272 id: this.id,
273 type: "movies",
274 }
275 }, preset: {
276 data: {
277 id: presetid,
278 type: "presets",
279 }
280 }
281 }
282 }
283 }
284 });
285 return data;
286 }
287 async rename(newName){
288 let req = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
289 env: this.remote, path: `/assets/${this.id}`,
290 method: "PATCH",
291 payload: {
292 data: {
293 attributes: {
294 name: newName,
295 },
296 type: "assets",
297 }
298 }
299 });
301 this.name = newName;
303 return req;
304 }
307defineAssoc(Asset, "id", "data.id");
308defineAssoc(Asset, "name", "data.attributes.name");
309defineAssoc(Asset, "remote", "meta.remote");
310defineAssoc(Asset, "md", "meta.metadata");
311defineAssoc(Asset, "lite", "meta.lite");
312Asset.endpoint = "movies"
314export default Asset;