18.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import {RallyBase, lib, AbortError, Collection} from "./rally-tools.js";
2import {basename, resolve as pathResolve, dirname} from "path";
3import {cached, defineAssoc, spawn} from "./decorators.js";
4import {configObject} from "./config.js";
5import {loadLocals} from "./config-create";
6import Provider from "./providers.js";
7import Asset from "./asset.js";
9// pathtransform for hotfix
10import {writeFileSync, readFileSync, pathTransform} from "./fswrap.js";
11import path from "path";
12import moment from "moment";
14let exists = {};
16class Preset extends RallyBase{
17 constructor({path, remote, data, subProject} = {}){
18 // Get full path if possible
19 if(path){
20 path = pathResolve(path);
21 if(dirname(path).includes("silo-metadata")){
22 throw new AbortError("Constructing preset from metadata file")
23 }
24 }
26 super();
29 // Cache by path
30 if(path){
31 if(exists[pathTransform(path)]) return exists[pathTransform(path)];
32 exists[pathTransform(path)] = this;
33 }
35 this.meta = {};
36 this.subproject = subProject;
37 this.remote = remote
38 if(lib.isLocalEnv(this.remote)){
39 if(path){
40 this.path = path;
41 let pathspl = this.path.split(".");
42 this.ext = pathspl[pathspl.length-1];
43 try{
44 this.code = this.getLocalCode();
45 }catch(e){
46 if(e.code === "ENOENT" && configObject.ignoreMissing){
47 this.missing = true;
48 return undefined;
49 }else{
50 log(chalk`{red Node Error} ${e.message}`);
51 throw new AbortError("Could not load code of local file");
52 }
53 }
54 let name = this.parseFilenameForName() || this.parseCodeForName();
55 try{
56 this.data = this.getLocalMetadata();
57 this.isGeneric = true;
58 name = this.name;
59 }catch(e){
60 log(chalk`{yellow Warning}: ${path} does not have a readable metadata file! Looking for ${this.localmetadatapath}`);
61 this.data = Preset.newShell(name);
62 this.isGeneric = false;
63 }
64 this.name = name;
65 }else{
66 this.data = Preset.newShell();
67 }
68 }else{
69 this.data = data;
70 //this.name = data.attributes.name;
71 //this.id = data.id;
72 this.isGeneric = false;
73 }
74 this.data.attributes.rallyConfiguration = undefined;
75 this.data.attributes.systemManaged = undefined;
76 }
77 //Given a metadata file, get its actualy file
78 static async fromMetadata(path, subproject){
79 let data;
80 try{
81 data = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path));
82 }catch(e){
83 if(e.code === "ENOENT" && configObject.ignoreMissing){
84 return null;
85 }else{
86 throw e;
87 }
88 }
89 let providerType = data.relationships.providerType.data.name;
90 let provider = await Provider.getByName("DEV", providerType);
92 if(!provider){
93 log(chalk`{red The provider type {green ${providerType}} does not exist}`);
94 log(chalk`{red Skipping {green ${path}}.}`);
95 return null;
96 }
98 let ext = await provider.getFileExtension();
99 let name = data.attributes.name;
101 let realpath = Preset.getLocalPath(name, ext, subproject);
102 return new Preset({path: realpath, subProject: subproject});
103 }
105 static newShell(name = undefined){
106 return {
107 "attributes": {
108 "providerSettings": {
109 "PresetName": name
110 }
111 },
112 "relationships": {},
113 "type": "presets",
114 };
115 }
116 cleanup(){
117 super.cleanup();
118 delete this.attributes["createdAt"];
119 delete this.attributes["updatedAt"];
120 }
121 async acclimatize(env){
122 if(!this.isGeneric) throw new AbortError("Cannot acclimatize non-generics or shells");
123 let providers = await Provider.getAll(env);
124 let ptype = this.relationships["providerType"];
125 ptype = ptype.data;
127 let provider = providers.findByName(ptype.name);
128 ptype.id = provider.id;
129 }
130 get test(){
131 if(!this.code) return [];
133 const regex = /[^-]autotest:\s?([\w\d_\-. \/]+)[\r\s\n]*?/gm;
134 let match
135 let matches = []
136 while(match = regex.exec(this.code)){
137 matches.push(match[1]);
138 }
139 return matches
140 }
141 async runTest(env){
142 let remote = await Preset.getByName(env, this.name);
143 for(let test of this.test){
144 log("Tests...");
145 let asset;
147 if(test.startsWith("id")){
148 let match = /id:\s*(\d+)/g.exec(test);
149 if(!match){
150 log(chalk`{red Could not parse autotest} ${test}.`);
151 throw new AbortError("Could not properly parse the preset header");
152 }
153 asset = await Asset.getById(env, match[1]);
154 }else{
155 asset = await Asset.getByName(env, test);
156 }
158 if(!asset){
159 log(chalk`{yellow No movie found}, skipping test.`);
160 continue;
161 }
163 log(chalk`Starting job {green ${this.name}} on ${asset.chalkPrint(false)}... `);
164 await asset.startEvaluate(remote.id);
165 }
166 }
167 async resolve(){
168 if(this.isGeneric) return;
170 let proType = await this.resolveField(Provider, "providerType");
172 this.ext = await proType.getFileExtension();
174 this.isGeneric = true;
176 return {proType};
177 }
178 async saveLocal(){
179 await this.saveLocalMetadata();
180 await this.saveLocalFile();
181 }
182 async saveLocalMetadata(){
183 if(!this.isGeneric){
184 await this.resolve();
185 this.cleanup();
186 }
187 writeFileSync(this.localmetadatapath, JSON.stringify(this.data, null, 4));
188 }
189 async saveLocalFile(){
190 writeFileSync(this.localpath, this.code);
191 }
192 async uploadRemote(env){
193 await this.uploadCodeToEnv(env, true);
194 }
195 async save(env){
196 this.saved = true;
197 if(!this.isGeneric){
198 await this.resolve();
199 }
201 this.cleanup();
202 if(lib.isLocalEnv(env)){
203 log(chalk`Saving preset {green ${this.name}} to {blue ${lib.envName(env)}}.`)
204 await this.saveLocal();
205 }else{
206 await this.uploadRemote(env);
207 }
208 }
210 async downloadCode(){
211 if(!this.remote || this.code) return this.code;
212 let code = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
213 env: this.remote,
214 path_full: this.data.links.providerData,
215 json: false,
216 });
218 //match header like
219 // # c: d
220 // # b
221 // # a
222 // ##################
223 let headerRegex = /(^# .+[\r\n]+)+#+[\r\n]+/gim;
224 let hasHeader = headerRegex.exec(code);
226 if(hasHeader){
227 this.header = code.substring(0, hasHeader[0].length - 1);
228 code = code.substring(hasHeader[0].length);
229 }
231 return this.code = code;
232 }
234 get code(){
235 if(this._code) return this._code;
236 }
237 set code(v){this._code = v;}
239 chalkPrint(pad=true){
240 let id = String("P-" + (this.remote && this.remote + "-" + this.id || "LOCAL"))
241 let sub = "";
242 if(this.subproject){
243 sub = chalk`{yellow ${this.subproject}}`;
244 }
245 if(pad) id = id.padStart(10);
246 if(this.name == undefined){
247 return chalk`{green ${id}}: ${sub}{red ${this.path}}`;
248 }else if(this.meta.proType){
249 return chalk`{green ${id}}: ${sub}{red ${this.meta.proType.name}} {blue ${this.name}}`;
250 }else{
251 return chalk`{green ${id}}: ${sub}{blue ${this.name}}`;
252 }
253 }
254 parseFilenameForName(){
255 if(this.path.endsWith(".jinja") || this.path.endsWith(".json")){
256 return basename(this.path)
257 .replace("_", " ")
258 .replace("-", " ")
259 .replace(".json", "")
260 .replace(".jinja", "");
261 }
262 }
264 parseCodeForName(){
265 const name_regex = /name\s?:\s([\w\d. \/]+)[\r\s\n]*?/;
266 const match = name_regex.exec(this.code);
267 if(match) return match[1];
268 }
270 findStringsInCode(strings){
271 if(!this.code) return [];
273 return strings.filter(str => {
274 let regex = new RegExp(str);
275 return !!this.code.match(regex);
276 });
277 }
278 static getLocalPath(name, ext, subproject){
279 return path.join(configObject.repodir, subproject || "", "silo-presets", name + "." + ext);
280 }
281 get localpath(){return Preset.getLocalPath(this.name, this.ext, this.subproject)}
283 get path(){
284 if(this._path) return this._path;
285 }
286 set path(val){
287 this._path = val;
288 }
289 get name(){
290 return this._nameOuter;
291 }
292 set name(val){
293 if(!this._nameInner) this._nameInner = val;
294 this._nameOuter = val;
295 }
296 set providerType(value){
297 this.relationships["providerType"] = {
298 data: {
299 ...value,
300 type: "providerTypes",
301 }
302 };
303 }
304 get localmetadatapath(){
305 if(this.path){
306 return this.path.replace("silo-presets", "silo-metadata").replace(new RegExp(this.ext + "$"), "json")
307 }
308 return path.join(configObject.repodir, this.subproject || "", "silo-metadata", this.name + ".json");
309 }
310 get immutable(){
311 return this.name.includes("Constant") && !configObject.updateImmutable;
312 }
313 async uploadPresetData(env, id){
314 if(this.code.trim() === "NOUPLOAD"){
315 write(chalk`code skipped {yellow :)}, `);
316 return;
317 }
319 let code = this.code;
320 let headers = {};
322 let providerName = this.relationships?.providerType?.data?.name;
323 if(!configObject.skipHeader && (providerName === "SdviEvaluate" || providerName === "SdviEvalPro")){
324 write(chalk`generate header, `);
325 let repodir = configObject.repodir;
326 let localpath = this.path.replace(repodir, "");
327 if(localpath.startsWith("/")) localpath = localpath.substring(1);
329 try{
330 let {stdout: headerText} = await spawn(
331 {noecho: true},
332 "sh",
333 [
334 path.join(configObject.repodir, `bin/header.sh`),
335 moment(Date.now()).format("ddd YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ssa"),
336 localpath,
337 ]
338 );
339 code = headerText + code;
340 write(chalk`header ok, `);
341 }catch(e){
342 write(chalk`missing unix, `);
343 }
344 }
346 //binary presets
347 if(providerName == "Vantage"){
348 code = code.toString("base64");
349 headers["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = "base64";
350 }
352 let res = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
353 env, path: `/presets/${id}/providerData`,
354 body: code, method: "PUT", fullResponse: true, timeout: 10000,
355 headers,
356 });
357 write(chalk`code up {yellow ${res.statusCode}}, `);
358 }
359 async grabMetadata(env){
360 let remote = await Preset.getByName(env, this.name);
361 this.isGeneric = false;
362 if(!remote){
363 throw new AbortError(`No file found on remote ${env} with name ${this.name}`);
364 }
365 this.data = remote.data;
366 this.remote = env;
367 }
369 async deleteRemoteVersion(env, id=null){
370 if(lib.isLocalEnv(env)) return false;
371 if(!id){
372 let remote = await Preset.getByName(env, this.name);
373 id = remote.id;
374 }
376 return await lib.makeAPIRequest({
377 env, path: `/presets/${id}`,
378 method: "DELETE",
379 });
380 }
382 async delete(){
383 if(lib.isLocalEnv(this.remote)) return false;
385 return await this.deleteRemoteVersion(this.remote, this.id);
386 }
388 async uploadCodeToEnv(env, includeMetadata, shouldTest = true){
389 if(!this.name){
390 let match;
391 if(match = /^(#|["']{3})\s*EPH (\d+)/.exec(this.code.trim())){
392 let a = await Asset.getById(env, Number(match[2]))
393 return a.startEphemeralEvaluateIdeal(this);
394 }else{
395 log(chalk`Failed uploading {red ${this.path}}. No name found.`);
396 return;
397 }
398 }
400 write(chalk`Uploading preset {green ${this.name}} to {green ${env}}: `);
402 if(this.immutable){
403 log(chalk`{magenta IMMUTABLE}. Nothing to do.`);
404 return;
405 }
407 //First query the api to see if this already exists.
408 let remote = await Preset.getByName(env, this.name);
410 if(remote){
411 //If it exists we can replace it
412 write("replace, ");
413 if(includeMetadata){
414 let payload = {data: {attributes: this.data.attributes, type: "presets"}};
415 if(this.relationships.tagNames){
416 payload.relationships = {tagNames: this.relationships.tagNames};
417 }
418 let res = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
419 env, path: `/presets/${remote.id}`, method: "PATCH",
420 payload,
421 fullResponse: true,
422 });
423 write(chalk`metadata {yellow ${res.statusCode}}, `);
424 if(res.statusCode == 500){
425 log(chalk`skipping code upload, did not successfully upload metadata`)
426 return;
427 }
428 }
430 await this.uploadPresetData(env, remote.id);
431 }else{
432 write("create, ");
433 let metadata = {data: this.data};
434 if(!this.relationships["providerType"]){
435 throw new AbortError("Cannot acclimatize shelled presets. (try creating it on the env first)");
436 }
438 await this.acclimatize(env);
439 write("Posting to create preset... ");
440 let res = await lib.makeAPIRequest({
441 env, path: `/presets`, method: "POST",
442 payload: metadata, timeout: 5000,
443 });
444 let id = res.data.id;
445 write(chalk`Created id {green ${id}}... Uploading Code... `);
446 await this.uploadPresetData(env, id);
447 }
448 if(this.test[0] && shouldTest){
449 await this.runTest(env);
450 }else{
451 log("No tests. Done.");
452 }
453 }
455 getLocalMetadata(){
456 return JSON.parse(readFileSync(this.localmetadatapath, "utf-8"));
457 }
458 getLocalCode(){
459 //todo fixup for binary presets, see uploadPresetData
460 return readFileSync(this.path, "utf-8");
461 }
463 parseHeaderInfo(){
464 if(!this.header) return null;
465 let abs = {
466 built: /Built On:(.+)/.exec(this.header)[1]?.trim(),
467 author: /Author:(.+)/.exec(this.header)[1]?.trim(),
468 build: /Build:(.+)/.exec(this.header)[1]?.trim(),
469 version: /Version:(.+)/.exec(this.header)[1]?.trim(),
470 branch: /Branch:(.+)/.exec(this.header)[1]?.trim(),
471 commit: /Commit:(.+)/.exec(this.header)[1]?.trim(),
472 local: /Local File:(.+)/.exec(this.header)[1]?.trim(),
473 }
475 let tryFormats = [
476 [true, "ddd MMM DD HH:mm:ss YYYY"],
477 [false, "ddd YYYY/MM/DD LTS"],
478 ];
480 for(let [isUTC, format] of tryFormats){
481 let date;
482 if(isUTC){
483 date = moment.utc(abs.built, format)
484 }else{
485 date = moment(abs.built, format)
486 }
488 if(!date.isValid()) continue;
490 abs.offset = date.fromNow();
492 break;
493 }
495 return abs;
496 }
498 async printRemoteInfo(env){
499 let remote = await Preset.getByName(env, this.name);
500 await remote.downloadCode();
501 let i = remote.parseHeaderInfo();
503 if(i){
504 log(chalk`
505 ENV: {red ${env}}, updated {yellow ~${i.offset}}
506 Built on {blue ${i.built}} by {green ${i.author}}
507 From ${i.build || "(unknown)"} on ${i.branch} ({yellow ${i.commit}})
508 `.replace(/^[ \t]+/gim, "").trim());
509 }else{
510 log(chalk`No header on {red ${env}}`);
511 }
512 }
514 async getInfo(envs){
515 await this.printDepends();
516 for(let env of envs.split(",")){
517 await this.printRemoteInfo(env);
518 }
519 }
521 async printDepends(indent=0, locals=null, seen={}){
522 let includeRegex = /@include "(.+)"/gim;
523 let includes = this.code
524 .split("\n")
525 .map(x => includeRegex.exec(x))
526 .filter(x => x)
527 .map(x => x[1]);
529 if(!locals){
530 locals = new Collection(await loadLocals("silo-presets", Preset));
531 }
533 log(Array(indent + 1).join(" ") + "- " + this.name);
535 for(let include of includes){
536 if(seen[include]){
537 log(Array(indent + 1).join(" ") + " - (seen) " + include);
538 }else{
539 seen[include] = true
540 await locals.findByName(include).printDepends(indent + 2, locals, seen);
541 }
542 }
543 }
546defineAssoc(Preset, "_nameInner", "data.attributes.providerSettings.PresetName");
547defineAssoc(Preset, "_nameOuter", "data.attributes.name");
548defineAssoc(Preset, "id", "data.id");
549defineAssoc(Preset, "attributes", "data.attributes");
550defineAssoc(Preset, "relationships", "data.relationships");
551defineAssoc(Preset, "remote", "meta.remote");
552defineAssoc(Preset, "_code", "meta.code");
553defineAssoc(Preset, "_path", "meta.path");
554defineAssoc(Preset, "isGeneric", "meta.isGeneric");
555defineAssoc(Preset, "ext", "meta.ext");
556defineAssoc(Preset, "subproject", "meta.project");
557defineAssoc(Preset, "metastring", "meta.metastring");
558Preset.endpoint = "presets";
560export default Preset;