1 | # Rambda
2 |
3 | `Rambda` is smaller and faster alternative to the popular functional programming library **Ramda**. - [Documentation](https://selfrefactor.github.io/rambda/#/)
4 |
5 | [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/selfrefactor/rambda/tree/master.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/selfrefactor/rambda/tree/master)
6 | [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/selfrefactor/rambda/branch/master/graph/badge.svg)](https://codecov.io/gh/selfrefactor/rambda)
7 | ![Commit activity](https://img.shields.io/github/commit-activity/y/selfrefactor/rambda)
8 | ![All contributors](https://img.shields.io/github/contributors/selfrefactor/rambda)
9 | ![Library size](https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/rambda)
10 |
11 | ## ❯ Example use
12 |
13 | ```javascript
14 | import { compose, map, filter } from 'rambda'
15 |
16 | const result = compose(
17 | map(x => x * 2),
18 | filter(x => x > 2)
19 | )([1, 2, 3, 4])
20 | // => [6, 8]
21 | ```
22 |
23 | You can test this example in <a href="https://rambda.now.sh?const%20result%20%3D%20R.compose(%0A%20%20R.map(x%20%3D%3E%20x%20*%202)%2C%0A%20%20R.filter(x%20%3D%3E%20x%20%3E%202)%0A)(%5B1%2C%202%2C%203%2C%204%5D)%0A%0A%2F%2F%20%3D%3E%20%5B6%2C%208%5D">Rambda's REPL</a>
24 |
25 | * [Differences between Rambda and Ramda](#differences-between-rambda-and-ramda)
26 | * [API](#api)
27 | * [Changelog](#-changelog)
28 |
29 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-example-use)
30 |
31 | ## ❯ Rambda's advantages
32 |
33 | ### Typescript included
34 |
35 | Typescript definitions are included in the library, in comparison to **Ramda**, where you need to additionally install `@types/ramda`.
36 |
37 | Still, you need to be aware that functional programming features in `Typescript` are in development, which means that using **R.compose/R.pipe** can be problematic.
38 |
39 | Important - Rambda version `7.0.0`(or higher) requires Typescript version `4.2.2`(or higher).
40 |
41 | > Alternative TS definitions are available as `rambda/immutable`. These are Rambda definitions linted with ESLint `functional/prefer-readonly-type` plugin.
42 |
43 | ### Smaller size
44 |
45 | The size of a library affects not only the build bundle size but also the dev bundle size and build time. This is important advantage, expecially for big projects.
46 |
47 | ### Tree-shaking
48 |
49 | Currently **Rambda** is more tree-shakable than **Ramda** - proven in the following [repo](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda-tree-shaking).
50 |
51 | The repo holds two `Angular9` applications: one with small example code of *Ramda* and the other - same code but with *Rambda* as import library.
52 |
53 | The test shows that **Rambda** bundle size is **2 MB** less than its **Ramda** counterpart.
54 |
55 | There is also [Webpack/Rollup/Parcel/Esbuild tree-shaking example including several libraries](https://github.com/mischnic/tree-shaking-example) including `Ramda`, `Rambda` and `Rambdax`.
56 |
57 | > actually tree-shaking is the initial reason for creation of `Rambda`
58 |
59 | ### Dot notation for `R.path`, `R.paths`, `R.assocPath` and `R.lensPath`
60 |
61 | Standard usage of `R.path` is `R.path(['a', 'b'], {a: {b: 1} })`.
62 |
63 | In **Rambda** you have the choice to use dot notation(which is arguably more readable):
64 |
65 | ```
66 | R.path('a.b', {a: {b: 1} })
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ### Comma notation for `R.pick` and `R.omit`
70 |
71 | Similar to dot notation, but the separator is comma(`,`) instead of dot(`.`).
72 |
73 | ```
74 | R.pick('a,b', {a: 1 , b: 2, c: 3} })
75 | // No space allowed between properties
76 | ```
77 |
78 | ### Speed
79 |
80 | **Rambda** is generally more performant than `Ramda` as the [benchmarks](#-benchmarks) can prove that.
81 |
82 | ### Support
83 |
84 | Most of the valid issues are fixed within 2-3 days.
85 |
86 | Closing the issue is usually accompanied by publishing a new patch version of `Rambda` to NPM.
87 |
88 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-rambdas-advantages)
89 |
90 | ## ❯ Missing Ramda methods
91 |
92 | <details>
93 | <summary>
94 | Click to see the full list of 85 Ramda methods not implemented in Rambda
95 | </summary>
96 |
97 | - __
98 | - addIndex
99 | - ap
100 | - aperture
101 | - applyTo
102 | - ascend
103 | - binary
104 | - call
105 | - comparator
106 | - composeK
107 | - composeP
108 | - composeWith
109 | - construct
110 | - constructN
111 | - contains
112 | - countBy
113 | - descend
114 | - differenceWith
115 | - dissocPath
116 | - empty
117 | - eqBy
118 | - forEachObjIndexed
119 | - gt
120 | - gte
121 | - hasIn
122 | - innerJoin
123 | - insert
124 | - insertAll
125 | - into
126 | - invert
127 | - invertObj
128 | - invoker
129 | - juxt
130 | - keysIn
131 | - lift
132 | - liftN
133 | - lt
134 | - lte
135 | - mapAccum
136 | - mapAccumRight
137 | - memoizeWith
138 | - mergeDeepLeft
139 | - mergeDeepWith
140 | - mergeDeepWithKey
141 | - mergeRight
142 | - mergeWith
143 | - mergeWithKey
144 | - nAry
145 | - nthArg
146 | - o
147 | - otherwise
148 | - pair
149 | - partialRight
150 | - pathSatisfies
151 | - pickBy
152 | - pipeK
153 | - pipeP
154 | - pipeWith
155 | - project
156 | - propSatisfies
157 | - reduceBy
158 | - reduceRight
159 | - reduceWhile
160 | - reduced
161 | - remove
162 | - scan
163 | - sequence
164 | - sortWith
165 | - symmetricDifferenceWith
166 | - andThen
167 | - toPairsIn
168 | - transduce
169 | - traverse
170 | - unary
171 | - uncurryN
172 | - unfold
173 | - unionWith
174 | - uniqBy
175 | - unnest
176 | - until
177 | - useWith
178 | - valuesIn
179 | - xprod
180 | - thunkify
181 | - default
182 |
183 | </details>
184 |
185 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-missing-ramda-methods)
186 |
187 | ## ❯ Install
188 |
189 | - **yarn add rambda**
190 |
191 | - For UMD usage either use `./dist/rambda.umd.js` or the following CDN link:
192 |
193 | ```
194 | https://unpkg.com/rambda@CURRENT_VERSION/dist/rambda.umd.js
195 | ```
196 |
197 | - with deno
198 |
199 | ```
200 | import {compose, add} from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/dist/rambda.esm.js'
201 | ```
202 |
203 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-install)
204 |
205 | ## Differences between Rambda and Ramda
206 |
207 | - Rambda's **type** detects async functions and unresolved `Promises`. The returned values are `'Async'` and `'Promise'`.
208 |
209 | - Rambda's **type** handles *NaN* input, in which case it returns `NaN`.
210 |
211 | - Rambda's **forEach** can iterate over objects not only arrays.
212 |
213 | - Rambda's **map**, **filter**, **partition** when they iterate over objects, they pass property and input object as predicate's argument.
214 |
215 | - Rambda's **filter** returns empty array with bad input(`null` or `undefined`), while Ramda throws.
216 |
217 | - Ramda's **clamp** work with strings, while Rambda's method work only with numbers.
218 |
219 | - Ramda's **indexOf/lastIndexOf** work with strings and lists, while Rambda's method work only with lists as iterable input.
220 |
221 | - Error handling, when wrong inputs are provided, may not be the same. This difference will be better documented once all brute force tests are completed.
222 |
223 | - Typescript definitions between `rambda` and `@types/ramda` may vary.
224 |
225 | > If you need more **Ramda** methods in **Rambda**, you may either submit a `PR` or check the extended version of **Rambda** - [Rambdax](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambdax). In case of the former, you may want to consult with [Rambda contribution guidelines.](CONTRIBUTING.md)
226 |
227 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-differences-between-rambda-and-ramda)
228 |
229 | ## ❯ Benchmarks
230 |
231 | <details>
232 |
233 | <summary>
234 | Click to expand all benchmark results
235 |
236 | There are methods which are benchmarked only with `Ramda` and `Rambda`(i.e. no `Lodash`).
237 |
238 | Note that some of these methods, are called with and without curring. This is done in order to give more detailed performance feedback.
239 |
240 | The benchmarks results are produced from latest versions of *Rambda*, *Lodash*(4.17.21) and *Ramda*(0.27.1).
241 |
242 | </summary>
243 |
244 | method | Rambda | Ramda | Lodash
245 | --- |--- | --- | ---
246 | *add* | 🚀 Fastest | 21.52% slower | 82.15% slower
247 | *adjust* | 8.48% slower | 🚀 Fastest | 🔳
248 | *all* | 🚀 Fastest | 1.81% slower | 🔳
249 | *allPass* | 🚀 Fastest | 91.09% slower | 🔳
250 | *allPass* | 🚀 Fastest | 98.56% slower | 🔳
251 | *and* | 🚀 Fastest | 89.09% slower | 🔳
252 | *any* | 🚀 Fastest | 92.87% slower | 45.82% slower
253 | *anyPass* | 🚀 Fastest | 98.25% slower | 🔳
254 | *append* | 🚀 Fastest | 2.07% slower | 🔳
255 | *applySpec* | 🚀 Fastest | 80.43% slower | 🔳
256 | *assoc* | 72.32% slower | 60.08% slower | 🚀 Fastest
257 | *clone* | 🚀 Fastest | 91.86% slower | 86.48% slower
258 | *compose* | 🚀 Fastest | 32.45% slower | 13.68% slower
259 | *converge* | 78.63% slower | 🚀 Fastest | 🔳
260 | *curry* | 🚀 Fastest | 28.86% slower | 🔳
261 | *curryN* | 🚀 Fastest | 41.05% slower | 🔳
262 | *defaultTo* | 🚀 Fastest | 48.91% slower | 🔳
263 | *drop* | 🚀 Fastest | 82.35% slower | 🔳
264 | *dropLast* | 🚀 Fastest | 86.74% slower | 🔳
265 | *equals* | 58.37% slower | 96.73% slower | 🚀 Fastest
266 | *filter* | 6.7% slower | 72.03% slower | 🚀 Fastest
267 | *find* | 🚀 Fastest | 85.14% slower | 42.65% slower
268 | *findIndex* | 🚀 Fastest | 86.48% slower | 72.27% slower
269 | *flatten* | 🚀 Fastest | 95.26% slower | 10.27% slower
270 | *ifElse* | 🚀 Fastest | 58.56% slower | 🔳
271 | *includes* | 🚀 Fastest | 84.63% slower | 🔳
272 | *indexOf* | 🚀 Fastest | 76.63% slower | 🔳
273 | *indexOf* | 🚀 Fastest | 82.2% slower | 🔳
274 | *init* | 🚀 Fastest | 92.24% slower | 13.3% slower
275 | *is* | 🚀 Fastest | 57.69% slower | 🔳
276 | *isEmpty* | 🚀 Fastest | 97.14% slower | 54.99% slower
277 | *last* | 🚀 Fastest | 93.43% slower | 5.28% slower
278 | *lastIndexOf* | 🚀 Fastest | 85.19% slower | 🔳
279 | *map* | 🚀 Fastest | 86.6% slower | 11.73% slower
280 | *match* | 🚀 Fastest | 44.83% slower | 🔳
281 | *merge* | 🚀 Fastest | 12.21% slower | 55.76% slower
282 | *none* | 🚀 Fastest | 96.48% slower | 🔳
283 | *objOf* | 🚀 Fastest | 38.05% slower | 🔳
284 | *omit* | 🚀 Fastest | 69.95% slower | 97.34% slower
285 | *over* | 🚀 Fastest | 56.23% slower | 🔳
286 | *path* | 37.81% slower | 77.81% slower | 🚀 Fastest
287 | *pick* | 🚀 Fastest | 19.07% slower | 80.2% slower
288 | *pipe* | 0.87% slower | 🚀 Fastest | 🔳
289 | *prop* | 🚀 Fastest | 87.95% slower | 🔳
290 | *propEq* | 🚀 Fastest | 91.92% slower | 🔳
291 | *range* | 🚀 Fastest | 61.8% slower | 57.44% slower
292 | *reduce* | 60.48% slower | 77.1% slower | 🚀 Fastest
293 | *repeat* | 48.57% slower | 68.98% slower | 🚀 Fastest
294 | *replace* | 33.45% slower | 33.99% slower | 🚀 Fastest
295 | *set* | 🚀 Fastest | 50.35% slower | 🔳
296 | *sort* | 🚀 Fastest | 40.23% slower | 🔳
297 | *sortBy* | 🚀 Fastest | 25.29% slower | 56.88% slower
298 | *split* | 🚀 Fastest | 55.37% slower | 17.64% slower
299 | *splitEvery* | 🚀 Fastest | 71.98% slower | 🔳
300 | *take* | 🚀 Fastest | 91.96% slower | 4.72% slower
301 | *takeLast* | 🚀 Fastest | 93.39% slower | 19.22% slower
302 | *test* | 🚀 Fastest | 82.34% slower | 🔳
303 | *type* | 🚀 Fastest | 48.6% slower | 🔳
304 | *uniq* | 🚀 Fastest | 90.24% slower | 🔳
305 | *uniqWith* | 25.38% slower | 🚀 Fastest | 🔳
306 | *uniqWith* | 14.23% slower | 🚀 Fastest | 🔳
307 | *update* | 🚀 Fastest | 52.35% slower | 🔳
308 | *view* | 🚀 Fastest | 76.15% slower | 🔳
309 |
310 | </details>
311 |
312 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-benchmarks)
313 |
314 | ## ❯ Used by
315 |
316 | - [WatermelonDB](https://github.com/Nozbe/WatermelonDB)
317 |
318 | - [Walmart Canada](https://www.walmart.ca) reported by [w-b-dev](https://github.com/w-b-dev)
319 |
320 | - [VSCode Slack intergration](https://github.com/verydanny/vcslack)
321 |
322 | - [Webpack PostCSS](https://github.com/sectsect/webpack-postcss)
323 |
324 | - [MobX-State-Tree decorators](https://github.com/farwayer/mst-decorators)
325 |
326 | - [Rewrite of the Betaflight configurator](https://github.com/freshollie/fresh-configurator)
327 |
328 | - [MineFlayer plugin](https://github.com/G07cha/MineflayerArmorManager)
329 |
330 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-used-by)
331 |
332 | ## API
333 |
334 | ### add
335 |
336 | ```typescript
337 |
338 | add(a: number, b: number): number
339 | ```
340 |
341 | It adds `a` and `b`.
342 |
343 | <details>
344 |
345 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
346 |
347 | ```typescript
348 | add(a: number, b: number): number;
349 | add(a: number): (b: number) => number;
350 | ```
351 |
352 | </details>
353 |
354 | <details>
355 |
356 | <summary><strong>R.add</strong> source</summary>
357 |
358 | ```javascript
359 | export function add(a, b) {
360 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => add(a, _b)
361 |
362 | return Number(a) + Number(b)
363 | }
364 | ```
365 |
366 | </details>
367 |
368 | <details>
369 |
370 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
371 |
372 | ```javascript
373 | import {add} from './add'
374 | import {add as addRamda} from 'ramda'
375 | import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'
376 |
377 | test('with number', () => {
378 | expect(add(2, 3)).toEqual(5)
379 | expect(add(7)(10)).toEqual(17)
380 | })
381 |
382 | test('string is bad input', () => {
383 | expect(add('foo', 'bar')).toBeNaN()
384 | })
385 |
386 | test('ramda specs', () => {
387 | expect(add('1', '2')).toEqual(3)
388 | expect(add(1, '2')).toEqual(3)
389 | expect(add(true, false)).toEqual(1)
390 | expect(add(null, null)).toEqual(0)
391 | expect(add(undefined, undefined)).toEqual(NaN)
392 | expect(add(new Date(1), new Date(2))).toEqual(3)
393 | })
394 |
395 | const possibleInputs = [
396 | /foo/,
397 | 'foo',
398 | true,
399 | 3,
400 | NaN,
401 | 4,
402 | [],
403 | Promise.resolve(1),
404 | ]
405 |
406 | describe('brute force', () => {
407 | compareCombinations({
408 | fn: add,
409 | fnRamda: addRamda,
410 | firstInput: possibleInputs,
411 | secondInput: possibleInputs,
412 | callback: errorsCounters => {
413 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
414 | Object {
418 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 0,
419 | "SHOULD_THROW": 0,
420 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 64,
421 | }
422 | `)
423 | },
424 | })
425 | })
426 | ```
427 |
428 | </details>
429 |
430 | <details>
431 |
432 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
433 |
434 | ```typescript
435 | import {add} from 'rambda'
436 |
437 | describe('R.add', () => {
438 | it('happy', () => {
439 | const result = add(4, 1)
440 |
441 | result // $ExpectType number
442 | })
443 | it('curried', () => {
444 | const result = add(4)(1)
445 |
446 | result // $ExpectType number
447 | })
448 | })
449 | ```
450 |
451 | </details>
452 |
453 | <details>
454 |
455 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 21.52% slower and Lodash is 82.15% slower</summary>
456 |
457 | ```text
458 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
459 |
460 | const add = [
461 | {
462 | label: 'Rambda',
463 | fn: () => {
464 | R.add(1, 1)
465 | },
466 | },
467 | {
468 | label: 'Ramda',
469 | fn: () => {
470 | Ramda.add(1, 1)
471 | },
472 | },
473 | {
474 | label: 'Lodash',
475 | fn: () => {
476 | _.add(1, 1)
477 | },
478 | },
479 | ]
480 | ```
481 |
482 | </details>
483 |
484 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#add)
485 |
486 | ### adjust
487 |
488 | ```typescript
489 |
490 | adjust<T>(index: number, replaceFn: (x: T) => T, list: T[]): T[]
491 | ```
492 |
493 | It replaces `index` in array `list` with the result of `replaceFn(list[i])`.
494 |
495 | <details>
496 |
497 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
498 |
499 | ```typescript
500 | adjust<T>(index: number, replaceFn: (x: T) => T, list: T[]): T[];
501 | adjust<T>(index: number, replaceFn: (x: T) => T): (list: T[]) => T[];
502 | ```
503 |
504 | </details>
505 |
506 | <details>
507 |
508 | <summary><strong>R.adjust</strong> source</summary>
509 |
510 | ```javascript
511 | import {curry} from './curry'
512 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
513 |
514 | function adjustFn(index, replaceFn, list) {
515 | const actualIndex = index < 0 ? list.length + index : index
516 | if (index >= list.length || actualIndex < 0) return list
517 |
518 | const clone = cloneList(list)
519 | clone[actualIndex] = replaceFn(clone[actualIndex])
520 |
521 | return clone
522 | }
523 |
524 | export const adjust = curry(adjustFn)
525 | ```
526 |
527 | </details>
528 |
529 | <details>
530 |
531 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
532 |
533 | ```javascript
534 | import {add} from './add'
535 | import {adjust} from './adjust'
536 | import {pipe} from './pipe'
537 |
538 | const list = [0, 1, 2]
539 | const expected = [0, 11, 2]
540 |
541 | test('happy', () => {})
542 |
543 | test('happy', () => {
544 | expect(adjust(1, add(10), list)).toEqual(expected)
545 | })
546 |
547 | test('with curring type 1 1 1', () => {
548 | expect(adjust(1)(add(10))(list)).toEqual(expected)
549 | })
550 |
551 | test('with curring type 1 2', () => {
552 | expect(adjust(1)(add(10), list)).toEqual(expected)
553 | })
554 |
555 | test('with curring type 2 1', () => {
556 | expect(adjust(1, add(10))(list)).toEqual(expected)
557 | })
558 |
559 | test('with negative index', () => {
560 | expect(adjust(-2, add(10), list)).toEqual(expected)
561 | })
562 |
563 | test('when index is out of bounds', () => {
564 | const list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
565 | expect(adjust(4, add(1), list)).toEqual(list)
566 | expect(adjust(-5, add(1), list)).toEqual(list)
567 | })
568 | ```
569 |
570 | </details>
571 |
572 | <details>
573 |
574 | <summary>Rambda is slower than Ramda with 8.48%</summary>
575 |
576 | ```text
577 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
578 |
579 | const list = [0, 1, 2]
580 | const fn = x => x + 1
581 | const index = 1
582 |
583 | const adjust = [
584 | {
585 | label: 'Rambda',
586 | fn: () => {
587 | R.adjust(index, fn, list)
588 | R.adjust(index, fn)(list)
589 | },
590 | },
591 | {
592 | label: 'Ramda',
593 | fn: () => {
594 | Ramda.adjust(index, fn, list)
595 | Ramda.adjust(index, fn)(list)
596 | },
597 | },
598 | ]
599 | ```
600 |
601 | </details>
602 |
603 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#adjust)
604 |
605 | ### all
606 |
607 | ```typescript
608 |
609 | all<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): boolean
610 | ```
611 |
612 | It returns `true`, if all members of array `list` returns `true`, when applied as argument to `predicate` function.
613 |
614 | <details>
615 |
616 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
617 |
618 | ```typescript
619 | all<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): boolean;
620 | all<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => boolean;
621 | ```
622 |
623 | </details>
624 |
625 | <details>
626 |
627 | <summary><strong>R.all</strong> source</summary>
628 |
629 | ```javascript
630 | export function all(predicate, list) {
631 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => all(predicate, _list)
632 |
633 | for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
634 | if (!predicate(list[i])) return false
635 | }
636 |
637 | return true
638 | }
639 | ```
640 |
641 | </details>
642 |
643 | <details>
644 |
645 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
646 |
647 | ```javascript
648 | import {all} from './all'
649 |
650 | const list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
651 |
652 | test('when true', () => {
653 | const fn = x => x > -1
654 |
655 | expect(all(fn)(list)).toBeTrue()
656 | })
657 |
658 | test('when false', () => {
659 | const fn = x => x > 2
660 |
661 | expect(all(fn, list)).toBeFalse()
662 | })
663 | ```
664 |
665 | </details>
666 |
667 | <details>
668 |
669 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
670 |
671 | ```typescript
672 | import {all} from 'rambda'
673 |
674 | describe('all', () => {
675 | it('happy', () => {
676 | const result = all(
677 | x => {
678 | x // $ExpectType number
679 | return x > 0
680 | },
681 | [1, 2, 3]
682 | )
683 | result // $ExpectType boolean
684 | })
685 | it('curried needs a type', () => {
686 | const result = all<number>(x => {
687 | x // $ExpectType number
688 | return x > 0
689 | })([1, 2, 3])
690 | result // $ExpectType boolean
691 | })
692 | })
693 | ```
694 |
695 | </details>
696 |
697 | <details>
698 |
699 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 1.81%</summary>
700 |
701 | ```text
702 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
703 |
704 | const {
705 | uniqListOfObjects,
706 | uniqListOfStrings,
707 | rangeOfNumbers,
708 | uniqListOfLists,
709 | } = require('./_utils.js')
710 |
711 | const limit = 100
712 |
713 | const modes = [
714 | [uniqListOfObjects(limit), x => Object.keys(x).length > 2],
715 | [uniqListOfStrings(limit), x => x.length > 0],
716 | [uniqListOfLists(limit), x => x.length > 0],
717 | [rangeOfNumbers(limit), x => x > -1],
718 | ]
719 |
720 | const applyBenchmark = (fn, input) => {
721 | return fn(input[1], input[0])
722 | }
723 |
724 | const tests = [
725 | {
726 | label: 'Rambda',
727 | fn: R.all,
728 | },
729 | {
730 | label: 'Ramda',
731 | fn: Ramda.all,
732 | },
733 | ]
734 | ```
735 |
736 | </details>
737 |
738 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#all)
739 |
740 | ### allPass
741 |
742 | ```typescript
743 |
744 | allPass<T>(predicates: ((x: T) => boolean)[]): (input: T) => boolean
745 | ```
746 |
747 | It returns `true`, if all functions of `predicates` return `true`, when `input` is their argument.
748 |
749 | <details>
750 |
751 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
752 |
753 | ```typescript
754 | allPass<T>(predicates: ((x: T) => boolean)[]): (input: T) => boolean;
755 | ```
756 |
757 | </details>
758 |
759 | <details>
760 |
761 | <summary><strong>R.allPass</strong> source</summary>
762 |
763 | ```javascript
764 | export function allPass(predicates) {
765 | return (...input) => {
766 | let counter = 0
767 | while (counter < predicates.length) {
768 | if (!predicates[counter](...input)) {
769 | return false
770 | }
771 | counter++
772 | }
773 |
774 | return true
775 | }
776 | }
777 | ```
778 |
779 | </details>
780 |
781 | <details>
782 |
783 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
784 |
785 | ```javascript
786 | import {allPass} from './allPass'
787 |
788 | test('happy', () => {
789 | const rules = [x => typeof x === 'number', x => x > 10, x => x * 7 < 100]
790 |
791 | expect(allPass(rules)(11)).toBeTrue()
792 |
793 | expect(allPass(rules)(undefined)).toBeFalse()
794 | })
795 |
796 | test('when returns true', () => {
797 | const conditionArr = [val => val.a === 1, val => val.b === 2]
798 |
799 | expect(
800 | allPass(conditionArr)({
801 | a: 1,
802 | b: 2,
803 | })
804 | ).toBeTrue()
805 | })
806 |
807 | test('when returns false', () => {
808 | const conditionArr = [val => val.a === 1, val => val.b === 3]
809 |
810 | expect(
811 | allPass(conditionArr)({
812 | a: 1,
813 | b: 2,
814 | })
815 | ).toBeFalse()
816 | })
817 |
818 | test('works with multiple inputs', () => {
819 | var fn = function (w, x, y, z) {
820 | return w + x === y + z
821 | }
822 | expect(allPass([fn])(3, 3, 3, 3)).toBeTrue()
823 | })
824 | ```
825 |
826 | </details>
827 |
828 | <details>
829 |
830 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
831 |
832 | ```typescript
833 | import {allPass} from 'rambda'
834 |
835 | describe('allPass', () => {
836 | it('happy', () => {
837 | const x = allPass<number>([
838 | y => {
839 | y // $ExpectType number
840 | return typeof y === 'number'
841 | },
842 | y => {
843 | return y > 0
844 | },
845 | ])(11)
846 |
847 | x // $ExpectType boolean
848 | })
849 | })
850 | ```
851 |
852 | </details>
853 |
854 | <details>
855 |
856 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 91.09%</summary>
857 |
858 | ```text
859 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
860 |
861 | const {random} = require('rambdax')
862 |
863 | const limit = 100
864 | const min = 10
865 | const max = 1200
866 | function createListOfFunctions(fn, fnLimit) {
867 | return Array(fnLimit)
868 | .fill(null)
869 | .map(() => fn())
870 | }
871 |
872 | const modes = [
873 | [
874 | {foo: 1500},
875 | createListOfFunctions(
876 | () => x => Number(x.foo) > random(min, max),
877 | limit
878 | ),
879 | ],
880 | [
881 | '1500',
882 | createListOfFunctions(() => x => Number(x) > random(min, max), limit),
883 | ],
884 | [
885 | [1, 2, 1500],
886 | createListOfFunctions(() => x => x[2] > random(min, max), limit),
887 | ],
888 | [1500, createListOfFunctions(() => x => x > random(min, max), limit)],
889 | ]
890 |
891 | const applyBenchmark = (fn, input) => {
892 | return fn(input[1])(input[0])
893 | }
894 | const tests = [
895 | {
896 | label: 'Rambda',
897 | fn: R.allPass,
898 | },
899 | {
900 | label: 'Ramda',
901 | fn: Ramda.allPass,
902 | },
903 | ]
904 | ```
905 |
906 | </details>
907 |
908 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#allPass)
909 |
910 | ### always
911 |
912 | ```typescript
913 |
914 | always<T>(x: T): (...args: unknown[]) => T
915 | ```
916 |
917 | It returns function that always returns `x`.
918 |
919 | <details>
920 |
921 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
922 |
923 | ```typescript
924 | always<T>(x: T): (...args: unknown[]) => T;
925 | ```
926 |
927 | </details>
928 |
929 | <details>
930 |
931 | <summary><strong>R.always</strong> source</summary>
932 |
933 | ```javascript
934 | export function always(x) {
935 | return () => x
936 | }
937 | ```
938 |
939 | </details>
940 |
941 | <details>
942 |
943 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
944 |
945 | ```javascript
946 | import {always} from './always'
947 | import {F} from './F'
948 |
949 | test('happy', () => {
950 | const fn = always(7)
951 |
952 | expect(fn()).toEqual(7)
953 | expect(fn()).toEqual(7)
954 | })
955 |
956 | test('f', () => {
957 | const fn = always(F())
958 |
959 | expect(fn()).toBeFalse()
960 | expect(fn()).toBeFalse()
961 | })
962 | ```
963 |
964 | </details>
965 |
966 | <details>
967 |
968 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
969 |
970 | ```typescript
971 | import {always} from 'rambda'
972 |
973 | describe('R.always', () => {
974 | it('happy', () => {
975 | const fn = always('foo')
976 | fn // $ExpectType (...args: unknown[]) => string
977 | const result = fn()
978 | result // $ExpectType string
979 | })
980 | })
981 | ```
982 |
983 | </details>
984 |
985 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#always)
986 |
987 | ### and
988 |
989 | ```typescript
990 |
991 | and<T, U>(x: T, y: U): T | U
992 | ```
993 |
994 | Logical AND
995 |
996 | <details>
997 |
998 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
999 |
1000 | ```typescript
1001 | and<T, U>(x: T, y: U): T | U;
1002 | and<T>(x: T): <U>(y: U) => T | U;
1003 | ```
1004 |
1005 | </details>
1006 |
1007 | <details>
1008 |
1009 | <summary><strong>R.and</strong> source</summary>
1010 |
1011 | ```javascript
1012 | export function and(a, b) {
1013 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => and(a, _b)
1014 |
1015 | return a && b
1016 | }
1017 | ```
1018 |
1019 | </details>
1020 |
1021 | <details>
1022 |
1023 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
1024 |
1025 | ```javascript
1026 | import {and} from './and'
1027 |
1028 | test('happy', () => {
1029 | expect(and(1, 'foo')).toBe('foo')
1030 | expect(and(true, true)).toBeTrue()
1031 | expect(and(true)(true)).toBeTrue()
1032 | expect(and(true, false)).toBeFalse()
1033 | expect(and(false, true)).toBeFalse()
1034 | expect(and(false, false)).toBeFalse()
1035 | })
1036 | ```
1037 |
1038 | </details>
1039 |
1040 | <details>
1041 |
1042 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
1043 |
1044 | ```typescript
1045 | import {and} from 'rambda'
1046 |
1047 | describe('R.and', () => {
1048 | it('happy', () => {
1049 | const result = and(true, false)
1050 | result // $ExpectType boolean
1051 | })
1052 | it('curried', () => {
1053 | const result = and('foo')(1)
1054 | result // $ExpectType string | 1
1055 | })
1056 | })
1057 | ```
1058 |
1059 | </details>
1060 |
1061 | <details>
1062 |
1063 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 89.09%</summary>
1064 |
1065 | ```text
1066 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
1067 |
1068 | const and = [
1069 | {
1070 | label: 'Rambda',
1071 | fn: () => {
1072 | R.and(true, true)
1073 | },
1074 | },
1075 | {
1076 | label: 'Ramda',
1077 | fn: () => {
1078 | Ramda.and(true, true)
1079 | },
1080 | },
1081 | ]
1082 | ```
1083 |
1084 | </details>
1085 |
1086 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#and)
1087 |
1088 | ### any
1089 |
1090 | ```typescript
1091 |
1092 | any<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): boolean
1093 | ```
1094 |
1095 | It returns `true`, if at least one member of `list` returns true, when passed to a `predicate` function.
1096 |
1097 | <details>
1098 |
1099 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
1100 |
1101 | ```typescript
1102 | any<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): boolean;
1103 | any<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => boolean;
1104 | ```
1105 |
1106 | </details>
1107 |
1108 | <details>
1109 |
1110 | <summary><strong>R.any</strong> source</summary>
1111 |
1112 | ```javascript
1113 | export function any(predicate, list) {
1114 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => any(predicate, _list)
1115 |
1116 | let counter = 0
1117 | while (counter < list.length) {
1118 | if (predicate(list[counter], counter)) {
1119 | return true
1120 | }
1121 | counter++
1122 | }
1123 |
1124 | return false
1125 | }
1126 | ```
1127 |
1128 | </details>
1129 |
1130 | <details>
1131 |
1132 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
1133 |
1134 | ```javascript
1135 | import {any} from './any'
1136 |
1137 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
1138 |
1139 | test('happy', () => {
1140 | expect(any(x => x < 0, list)).toBeFalse()
1141 | })
1142 |
1143 | test('with curry', () => {
1144 | expect(any(x => x > 2)(list)).toBeTrue()
1145 | })
1146 | ```
1147 |
1148 | </details>
1149 |
1150 | <details>
1151 |
1152 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
1153 |
1154 | ```typescript
1155 | import {any} from 'rambda'
1156 |
1157 | describe('R.any', () => {
1158 | it('happy', () => {
1159 | const result = any(
1160 | x => {
1161 | x // $ExpectType number
1162 | return x > 2
1163 | },
1164 | [1, 2, 3]
1165 | )
1166 | result // $ExpectType boolean
1167 | })
1168 |
1169 | it('when curried needs a type', () => {
1170 | const result = any<number>(x => {
1171 | x // $ExpectType number
1172 | return x > 2
1173 | })([1, 2, 3])
1174 | result // $ExpectType boolean
1175 | })
1176 | })
1177 | ```
1178 |
1179 | </details>
1180 |
1181 | <details>
1182 |
1183 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 92.87% slower and Lodash is 45.82% slower</summary>
1184 |
1185 | ```text
1186 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
1187 |
1188 | const input = [1, 2, 3, 4]
1189 | const fn = val => val > 2
1190 |
1191 | const any = [
1192 | {
1193 | label: 'Rambda',
1194 | fn: () => {
1195 | R.any(fn, input)
1196 | },
1197 | },
1198 | {
1199 | label: 'Ramda',
1200 | fn: () => {
1201 | Ramda.any(fn, input)
1202 | },
1203 | },
1204 | {
1205 | label: 'Lodash.some',
1206 | fn: () => {
1207 | _.some(input, fn)
1208 | },
1209 | },
1210 | ]
1211 | ```
1212 |
1213 | </details>
1214 |
1215 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#any)
1216 |
1217 | ### anyPass
1218 |
1219 | ```typescript
1220 |
1221 | anyPass<T>(predicates: SafePred<T>[]): SafePred<T>
1222 | ```
1223 |
1224 | It accepts list of `predicates` and returns a function. This function with its `input` will return `true`, if any of `predicates` returns `true` for this `input`.
1225 |
1226 | <details>
1227 |
1228 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
1229 |
1230 | ```typescript
1231 | anyPass<T>(predicates: SafePred<T>[]): SafePred<T>;
1232 | ```
1233 |
1234 | </details>
1235 |
1236 | <details>
1237 |
1238 | <summary><strong>R.anyPass</strong> source</summary>
1239 |
1240 | ```javascript
1241 | export function anyPass(predicates) {
1242 | return (...input) => {
1243 | let counter = 0
1244 | while (counter < predicates.length) {
1245 | if (predicates[counter](...input)) {
1246 | return true
1247 | }
1248 | counter++
1249 | }
1250 |
1251 | return false
1252 | }
1253 | }
1254 | ```
1255 |
1256 | </details>
1257 |
1258 | <details>
1259 |
1260 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
1261 |
1262 | ```javascript
1263 | import {anyPass} from './anyPass'
1264 |
1265 | test('happy', () => {
1266 | const rules = [x => typeof x === 'string', x => x > 10]
1267 | const predicate = anyPass(rules)
1268 | expect(predicate('foo')).toBeTrue()
1269 | expect(predicate(6)).toBeFalse()
1270 | })
1271 |
1272 | test('happy', () => {
1273 | const rules = [x => typeof x === 'string', x => x > 10]
1274 |
1275 | expect(anyPass(rules)(11)).toBeTrue()
1276 |
1277 | expect(anyPass(rules)(undefined)).toBeFalse()
1278 | })
1279 |
1280 | const obj = {
1281 | a: 1,
1282 | b: 2,
1283 | }
1284 |
1285 | test('when returns true', () => {
1286 | const conditionArr = [val => val.a === 1, val => val.a === 2]
1287 |
1288 | expect(anyPass(conditionArr)(obj)).toBeTrue()
1289 | })
1290 |
1291 | test('when returns false + curry', () => {
1292 | const conditionArr = [val => val.a === 2, val => val.b === 3]
1293 |
1294 | expect(anyPass(conditionArr)(obj)).toBeFalse()
1295 | })
1296 |
1297 | test('with empty predicates list', () => {
1298 | expect(anyPass([])(3)).toEqual(false)
1299 | })
1300 |
1301 | test('works with multiple inputs', () => {
1302 | var fn = function (w, x, y, z) {
1303 | console.log(w, x, y, z)
1304 | return w + x === y + z
1305 | }
1306 | expect(anyPass([fn])(3, 3, 3, 3)).toBeTrue()
1307 | })
1308 | ```
1309 |
1310 | </details>
1311 |
1312 | <details>
1313 |
1314 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
1315 |
1316 | ```typescript
1317 | import {anyPass} from 'rambda'
1318 |
1319 | describe('anyPass', () => {
1320 | it('happy', () => {
1321 | const x = anyPass<number>([
1322 | y => {
1323 | y // $ExpectType number
1324 | return typeof y === 'number'
1325 | },
1326 | y => {
1327 | return y > 0
1328 | },
1329 | ])(11)
1330 |
1331 | x // $ExpectType boolean
1332 | })
1333 | })
1334 | ```
1335 |
1336 | </details>
1337 |
1338 | <details>
1339 |
1340 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 98.25%</summary>
1341 |
1342 | ```text
1343 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
1344 |
1345 | const rules = [x => typeof x === 'boolean', x => x > 20, x => x * 7 < 100]
1346 |
1347 | const anyPass = [
1348 | {
1349 | label: 'Rambda',
1350 | fn: () => {
1351 | R.anyPass(rules)(11)
1352 | },
1353 | },
1354 | {
1355 | label: 'Ramda',
1356 | fn: () => {
1357 | Ramda.anyPass(rules)(11)
1358 | },
1359 | },
1360 | ]
1361 | ```
1362 |
1363 | </details>
1364 |
1365 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#anyPass)
1366 |
1367 | ### append
1368 |
1369 | ```typescript
1370 |
1371 | append<T>(x: T, list: T[]): T[]
1372 | ```
1373 |
1374 | It adds element `x` at the end of `list`.
1375 |
1376 | <details>
1377 |
1378 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
1379 |
1380 | ```typescript
1381 | append<T>(x: T, list: T[]): T[];
1382 | append<T>(x: T): <T>(list: T[]) => T[];
1383 | ```
1384 |
1385 | </details>
1386 |
1387 | <details>
1388 |
1389 | <summary><strong>R.append</strong> source</summary>
1390 |
1391 | ```javascript
1392 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
1393 |
1394 | export function append(x, input) {
1395 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => append(x, _input)
1396 |
1397 | if (typeof input === 'string') return input.split('').concat(x)
1398 |
1399 | const clone = cloneList(input)
1400 | clone.push(x)
1401 |
1402 | return clone
1403 | }
1404 | ```
1405 |
1406 | </details>
1407 |
1408 | <details>
1409 |
1410 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
1411 |
1412 | ```javascript
1413 | import {append} from './append'
1414 |
1415 | test('happy', () => {
1416 | expect(append('tests', ['write', 'more'])).toEqual([
1417 | 'write',
1418 | 'more',
1419 | 'tests',
1420 | ])
1421 | })
1422 |
1423 | test('append to empty array', () => {
1424 | expect(append('tests')([])).toEqual(['tests'])
1425 | })
1426 |
1427 | test('with strings', () => {
1428 | expect(append('o', 'fo')).toEqual(['f', 'o', 'o'])
1429 | })
1430 | ```
1431 |
1432 | </details>
1433 |
1434 | <details>
1435 |
1436 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
1437 |
1438 | ```typescript
1439 | import {append} from 'rambda'
1440 |
1441 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
1442 |
1443 | describe('R.append', () => {
1444 | it('happy', () => {
1445 | const result = append(4, list)
1446 |
1447 | result // $ExpectType number[]
1448 | })
1449 | it('curried', () => {
1450 | const result = append(4)(list)
1451 |
1452 | result // $ExpectType number[]
1453 | })
1454 | })
1455 | ```
1456 |
1457 | </details>
1458 |
1459 | <details>
1460 |
1461 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 2.07%</summary>
1462 |
1463 | ```text
1464 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
1465 |
1466 | const append = [
1467 | {
1468 | label: 'Rambda',
1469 | fn: () => {
1470 | R.append(0)([1, 2, 3, 4])
1471 | R.append('bar')('foo')
1472 | },
1473 | },
1474 | {
1475 | label: 'Ramda',
1476 | fn: () => {
1477 | Ramda.append(0)([1, 2, 3, 4])
1478 | Ramda.append('bar')('foo')
1479 | },
1480 | },
1481 | ]
1482 | ```
1483 |
1484 | </details>
1485 |
1486 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#append)
1487 |
1488 | ### apply
1489 |
1490 | ```typescript
1491 |
1492 | apply<T = any>(fn: (...args: any[]) => T, args: any[]): T
1493 | ```
1494 |
1495 | It applies function `fn` to the list of arguments.
1496 |
1497 | This is useful for creating a fixed-arity function from a variadic function. `fn` should be a bound function if context is significant.
1498 |
1499 | <details>
1500 |
1501 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
1502 |
1503 | ```typescript
1504 | apply<T = any>(fn: (...args: any[]) => T, args: any[]): T;
1505 | apply<T = any>(fn: (...args: any[]) => T): (args: any[]) => T;
1506 | ```
1507 |
1508 | </details>
1509 |
1510 | <details>
1511 |
1512 | <summary><strong>R.apply</strong> source</summary>
1513 |
1514 | ```javascript
1515 | export function apply(fn, args) {
1516 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
1517 | return _args => apply(fn, _args)
1518 | }
1519 |
1520 | return fn.apply(this, args)
1521 | }
1522 | ```
1523 |
1524 | </details>
1525 |
1526 | <details>
1527 |
1528 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
1529 |
1530 | ```javascript
1531 | import {apply} from './apply'
1532 | import {bind} from './bind'
1533 | import {identity} from './identity'
1534 |
1535 | test('happy', () => {
1536 | expect(apply(identity, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual(1)
1537 | })
1538 |
1539 | test('applies function to argument list', function () {
1540 | expect(apply(Math.max, [1, 2, 3, -99, 42, 6, 7])).toEqual(42)
1541 | })
1542 |
1543 | test('provides no way to specify context', function () {
1544 | const obj = {
1545 | method: function () {
1546 | return this === obj
1547 | },
1548 | }
1549 | expect(apply(obj.method, [])).toEqual(false)
1550 | expect(apply(bind(obj.method, obj), [])).toEqual(true)
1551 | })
1552 | ```
1553 |
1554 | </details>
1555 |
1556 | <details>
1557 |
1558 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
1559 |
1560 | ```typescript
1561 | import {apply, identity} from 'rambda'
1562 |
1563 | describe('R.apply', () => {
1564 | it('happy', () => {
1565 | const result = apply<number>(identity, [1, 2, 3])
1566 |
1567 | result // $ExpectType number
1568 | })
1569 | it('curried', () => {
1570 | const fn = apply<number>(identity)
1571 | const result = fn([1, 2, 3])
1572 |
1573 | result // $ExpectType number
1574 | })
1575 | })
1576 | ```
1577 |
1578 | </details>
1579 |
1580 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#apply)
1581 |
1582 | ### applySpec
1583 |
1584 | ```typescript
1585 |
1586 | applySpec<Spec extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>>(
1587 | spec: Spec
1588 | ): (
1589 | ...args: Parameters<ValueOfRecord<Spec>>
1590 | ) => { [Key in keyof Spec]: ReturnType<Spec[Key]> }
1591 | ```
1592 |
1593 | <details>
1594 |
1595 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
1596 |
1597 | ```typescript
1598 | applySpec<Spec extends Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>>(
1599 | spec: Spec
1600 | ): (
1601 | ...args: Parameters<ValueOfRecord<Spec>>
1602 | ) => { [Key in keyof Spec]: ReturnType<Spec[Key]> };
1603 | applySpec<T>(spec: any): (...args: any[]) => T;
1604 | ```
1605 |
1606 | </details>
1607 |
1608 | <details>
1609 |
1610 | <summary><strong>R.applySpec</strong> source</summary>
1611 |
1612 | ```javascript
1613 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
1614 |
1615 | // recursively traverse the given spec object to find the highest arity function
1616 | function __findHighestArity(spec, max = 0) {
1617 | for (const key in spec) {
1618 | if (spec.hasOwnProperty(key) === false || key === 'constructor') continue
1619 |
1620 | if (typeof spec[key] === 'object') {
1621 | max = Math.max(max, __findHighestArity(spec[key]))
1622 | }
1623 |
1624 | if (typeof spec[key] === 'function') {
1625 | max = Math.max(max, spec[key].length)
1626 | }
1627 | }
1628 |
1629 | return max
1630 | }
1631 |
1632 | function __filterUndefined() {
1633 | const defined = []
1634 | let i = 0
1635 | const l = arguments.length
1636 | while (i < l) {
1637 | if (typeof arguments[i] === 'undefined') break
1638 | defined[i] = arguments[i]
1639 | i++
1640 | }
1641 |
1642 | return defined
1643 | }
1644 |
1645 | function __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, cache) {
1646 | const remaining = arity - cache.length
1647 |
1648 | if (remaining === 1)
1649 | return x =>
1650 | __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, x))
1651 | if (remaining === 2)
1652 | return (x, y) =>
1653 | __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, x, y))
1654 | if (remaining === 3)
1655 | return (x, y, z) =>
1656 | __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, x, y, z))
1657 | if (remaining === 4)
1658 | return (x, y, z, a) =>
1659 | __applySpecWithArity(
1660 | spec,
1661 | arity,
1662 | __filterUndefined(...cache, x, y, z, a)
1663 | )
1664 | if (remaining > 4)
1665 | return (...args) =>
1666 | __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, __filterUndefined(...cache, ...args))
1667 |
1668 | // handle spec as Array
1669 | if (_isArray(spec)) {
1670 | const ret = []
1671 | let i = 0
1672 | const l = spec.length
1673 | for (; i < l; i++) {
1674 | // handle recursive spec inside array
1675 | if (typeof spec[i] === 'object' || _isArray(spec[i])) {
1676 | ret[i] = __applySpecWithArity(spec[i], arity, cache)
1677 | }
1678 | // apply spec to the key
1679 | if (typeof spec[i] === 'function') {
1680 | ret[i] = spec[i](...cache)
1681 | }
1682 | }
1683 |
1684 | return ret
1685 | }
1686 |
1687 | // handle spec as Object
1688 | const ret = {}
1689 | // apply callbacks to each property in the spec object
1690 | for (const key in spec) {
1691 | if (spec.hasOwnProperty(key) === false || key === 'constructor') continue
1692 |
1693 | // apply the spec recursively
1694 | if (typeof spec[key] === 'object') {
1695 | ret[key] = __applySpecWithArity(spec[key], arity, cache)
1696 | continue
1697 | }
1698 |
1699 | // apply spec to the key
1700 | if (typeof spec[key] === 'function') {
1701 | ret[key] = spec[key](...cache)
1702 | }
1703 | }
1704 |
1705 | return ret
1706 | }
1707 |
1708 | export function applySpec(spec, ...args) {
1709 | // get the highest arity spec function, cache the result and pass to __applySpecWithArity
1710 | const arity = __findHighestArity(spec)
1711 |
1712 | if (arity === 0) {
1713 | return () => ({})
1714 | }
1715 | const toReturn = __applySpecWithArity(spec, arity, args)
1716 |
1717 | return toReturn
1718 | }
1719 | ```
1720 |
1721 | </details>
1722 |
1723 | <details>
1724 |
1725 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
1726 |
1727 | ```javascript
1728 | import {applySpec as applySpecRamda, nAry} from 'ramda'
1729 | import {add, always, compose, dec, inc, map, path, prop, T} from '../rambda'
1730 | import {applySpec} from './applySpec'
1731 |
1732 | test('different than Ramda when bad spec', () => {
1733 | const result = applySpec({sum: {a: 1}})(1, 2)
1734 | const ramdaResult = applySpecRamda({sum: {a: 1}})(1, 2)
1735 | expect(result).toEqual({})
1736 | expect(ramdaResult).toEqual({sum: {a: {}}})
1737 | })
1738 |
1739 | test('works with empty spec', () => {
1740 | expect(applySpec({})()).toEqual({})
1741 | expect(applySpec([])(1, 2)).toEqual({})
1742 | expect(applySpec(null)(1, 2)).toEqual({})
1743 | })
1744 |
1745 | test('works with unary functions', () => {
1746 | const result = applySpec({
1747 | v: inc,
1748 | u: dec,
1749 | })(1)
1750 | const expected = {
1751 | v: 2,
1752 | u: 0,
1753 | }
1754 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
1755 | })
1756 |
1757 | test('works with binary functions', () => {
1758 | const result = applySpec({sum: add})(1, 2)
1759 | expect(result).toEqual({sum: 3})
1760 | })
1761 |
1762 | test('works with nested specs', () => {
1763 | const result = applySpec({
1764 | unnested: always(0),
1765 | nested: {sum: add},
1766 | })(1, 2)
1767 | const expected = {
1768 | unnested: 0,
1769 | nested: {sum: 3},
1770 | }
1771 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
1772 | })
1773 |
1774 | test('works with arrays of nested specs', () => {
1775 | const result = applySpec({
1776 | unnested: always(0),
1777 | nested: [{sum: add}],
1778 | })(1, 2)
1779 |
1780 | expect(result).toEqual({
1781 | unnested: 0,
1782 | nested: [{sum: 3}],
1783 | })
1784 | })
1785 |
1786 | test('works with arrays of spec objects', () => {
1787 | const result = applySpec([{sum: add}])(1, 2)
1788 |
1789 | expect(result).toEqual([{sum: 3}])
1790 | })
1791 |
1792 | test('works with arrays of functions', () => {
1793 | const result = applySpec([map(prop('a')), map(prop('b'))])([
1794 | {
1795 | a: 'a1',
1796 | b: 'b1',
1797 | },
1798 | {
1799 | a: 'a2',
1800 | b: 'b2',
1801 | },
1802 | ])
1803 | const expected = [
1804 | ['a1', 'a2'],
1805 | ['b1', 'b2'],
1806 | ]
1807 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
1808 | })
1809 |
1810 | test('works with a spec defining a map key', () => {
1811 | expect(applySpec({map: prop('a')})({a: 1})).toEqual({map: 1})
1812 | })
1813 |
1814 | test('cannot retains the highest arity', () => {
1815 | const f = applySpec({
1816 | f1: nAry(2, T),
1817 | f2: nAry(5, T),
1818 | })
1819 | const fRamda = applySpecRamda({
1820 | f1: nAry(2, T),
1821 | f2: nAry(5, T),
1822 | })
1823 | expect(f.length).toBe(0)
1824 | expect(fRamda.length).toBe(5)
1825 | })
1826 |
1827 | test('returns a curried function', () => {
1828 | expect(applySpec({sum: add})(1)(2)).toEqual({sum: 3})
1829 | })
1830 |
1831 | // Additional tests
1832 | // ============================================
1833 | test('arity', () => {
1834 | const spec = {
1835 | one: x1 => x1,
1836 | two: (x1, x2) => x1 + x2,
1837 | three: (x1, x2, x3) => x1 + x2 + x3,
1838 | }
1839 | expect(applySpec(spec, 1, 2, 3)).toEqual({
1840 | one: 1,
1841 | two: 3,
1842 | three: 6,
1843 | })
1844 | })
1845 |
1846 | test('arity over 5 arguments', () => {
1847 | const spec = {
1848 | one: x1 => x1,
1849 | two: (x1, x2) => x1 + x2,
1850 | three: (x1, x2, x3) => x1 + x2 + x3,
1851 | four: (x1, x2, x3, x4) => x1 + x2 + x3 + x4,
1852 | five: (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) => x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5,
1853 | }
1854 | expect(applySpec(spec, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)).toEqual({
1855 | one: 1,
1856 | two: 3,
1857 | three: 6,
1858 | four: 10,
1859 | five: 15,
1860 | })
1861 | })
1862 |
1863 | test('curried', () => {
1864 | const spec = {
1865 | one: x1 => x1,
1866 | two: (x1, x2) => x1 + x2,
1867 | three: (x1, x2, x3) => x1 + x2 + x3,
1868 | }
1869 | expect(applySpec(spec)(1)(2)(3)).toEqual({
1870 | one: 1,
1871 | two: 3,
1872 | three: 6,
1873 | })
1874 | })
1875 |
1876 | test('curried over 5 arguments', () => {
1877 | const spec = {
1878 | one: x1 => x1,
1879 | two: (x1, x2) => x1 + x2,
1880 | three: (x1, x2, x3) => x1 + x2 + x3,
1881 | four: (x1, x2, x3, x4) => x1 + x2 + x3 + x4,
1882 | five: (x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) => x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5,
1883 | }
1884 | expect(applySpec(spec)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)).toEqual({
1885 | one: 1,
1886 | two: 3,
1887 | three: 6,
1888 | four: 10,
1889 | five: 15,
1890 | })
1891 | })
1892 |
1893 | test('undefined property', () => {
1894 | const spec = {prop: path(['property', 'doesnt', 'exist'])}
1895 | expect(applySpec(spec, {})).toEqual({prop: undefined})
1896 | })
1897 |
1898 | test('restructure json object', () => {
1899 | const spec = {
1900 | id: path('user.id'),
1901 | name: path('user.firstname'),
1902 | profile: path('user.profile'),
1903 | doesntExist: path('user.profile.doesntExist'),
1904 | info: {views: compose(inc, prop('views'))},
1905 | type: always('playa'),
1906 | }
1907 |
1908 | const data = {
1909 | user: {
1910 | id: 1337,
1911 | firstname: 'john',
1912 | lastname: 'shaft',
1913 | profile: 'shaft69',
1914 | },
1915 | views: 42,
1916 | }
1917 |
1918 | expect(applySpec(spec, data)).toEqual({
1919 | id: 1337,
1920 | name: 'john',
1921 | profile: 'shaft69',
1922 | doesntExist: undefined,
1923 | info: {views: 43},
1924 | type: 'playa',
1925 | })
1926 | })
1927 | ```
1928 |
1929 | </details>
1930 |
1931 | <details>
1932 |
1933 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
1934 |
1935 | ```typescript
1936 | import {multiply, applySpec, inc, dec, add} from 'rambda'
1937 |
1938 | describe('applySpec', () => {
1939 | it('ramda 1', () => {
1940 | const result = applySpec({
1941 | v: inc,
1942 | u: dec,
1943 | })(1)
1944 | result // $ExpectType { v: number; u: number; }
1945 | })
1946 | it('ramda 1', () => {
1947 | interface Output {
1948 | sum: number,
1949 | multiplied: number,
1950 | }
1951 | const result = applySpec<Output>({
1952 | sum: add,
1953 | multiplied: multiply,
1954 | })(1, 2)
1955 |
1956 | result // $ExpectType Output
1957 | })
1958 | })
1959 | ```
1960 |
1961 | </details>
1962 |
1963 | <details>
1964 |
1965 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 80.43%</summary>
1966 |
1967 | ```text
1968 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
1969 |
1970 | const curryN = [
1971 | {
1972 | label: 'Rambda',
1973 | fn: () => {
1974 | const data = {
1975 | a: {
1976 | b: {c: 1},
1977 | d: 2,
1978 | },
1979 | }
1980 | const spec = {
1981 | c: R.path(['a', 'b', 'c']),
1982 | d: R.path(['a', 'd']),
1983 | }
1984 | R.applySpec(spec, data)
1985 | },
1986 | },
1987 | {
1988 | label: 'Ramda',
1989 | fn: () => {
1990 | const data = {
1991 | a: {
1992 | b: {c: 1},
1993 | d: 2,
1994 | },
1995 | }
1996 | const spec = {
1997 | c: Ramda.path(['a', 'b', 'c']),
1998 | d: Ramda.path(['a', 'd']),
1999 | }
2000 | Ramda.applySpec(spec, data)
2001 | },
2002 | },
2003 | ]
2004 | ```
2005 |
2006 | </details>
2007 |
2008 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#applySpec)
2009 |
2010 | ### assoc
2011 |
2012 | ```typescript
2013 |
2014 | assoc<T, U, K extends string>(prop: K, val: T, obj: U): Record<K, T> & Omit<U, K>
2015 | ```
2016 |
2017 | It makes a shallow clone of `obj` with setting or overriding the property `prop` with `newValue`.
2018 |
2019 | <details>
2020 |
2021 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
2022 |
2023 | ```typescript
2024 | assoc<T, U, K extends string>(prop: K, val: T, obj: U): Record<K, T> & Omit<U, K>;
2025 | assoc<T, K extends string>(prop: K, val: T): <U>(obj: U) => Record<K, T> & Omit<U, K>;
2026 | assoc<K extends string>(prop: K): AssocPartialOne<K>;
2027 | ```
2028 |
2029 | </details>
2030 |
2031 | <details>
2032 |
2033 | <summary><strong>R.assoc</strong> source</summary>
2034 |
2035 | ```javascript
2036 | import {curry} from './curry'
2037 |
2038 | function assocFn(prop, newValue, obj) {
2039 | return Object.assign({}, obj, {[prop]: newValue})
2040 | }
2041 |
2042 | export const assoc = curry(assocFn)
2043 | ```
2044 |
2045 | </details>
2046 |
2047 | <details>
2048 |
2049 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
2050 |
2051 | ```javascript
2052 | import {assoc} from './assoc'
2053 |
2054 | test('adds a key to an empty object', () => {
2055 | expect(assoc('a', 1, {})).toEqual({a: 1})
2056 | })
2057 |
2058 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object', () => {
2059 | expect(assoc('b', 2, {a: 1})).toEqual({
2060 | a: 1,
2061 | b: 2,
2062 | })
2063 | })
2064 |
2065 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 1', () => {
2066 | expect(assoc('b', 2)({a: 1})).toEqual({
2067 | a: 1,
2068 | b: 2,
2069 | })
2070 | })
2071 |
2072 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 2', () => {
2073 | expect(assoc('b')(2, {a: 1})).toEqual({
2074 | a: 1,
2075 | b: 2,
2076 | })
2077 | })
2078 |
2079 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 3', () => {
2080 | const result = assoc('b')(2)({a: 1})
2081 |
2082 | expect(result).toEqual({
2083 | a: 1,
2084 | b: 2,
2085 | })
2086 | })
2087 |
2088 | test('changes an existing key', () => {
2089 | expect(assoc('a', 2, {a: 1})).toEqual({a: 2})
2090 | })
2091 |
2092 | test('undefined is considered an empty object', () => {
2093 | expect(assoc('a', 1, undefined)).toEqual({a: 1})
2094 | })
2095 |
2096 | test('null is considered an empty object', () => {
2097 | expect(assoc('a', 1, null)).toEqual({a: 1})
2098 | })
2099 |
2100 | test('value can be null', () => {
2101 | expect(assoc('a', null, null)).toEqual({a: null})
2102 | })
2103 |
2104 | test('value can be undefined', () => {
2105 | expect(assoc('a', undefined, null)).toEqual({a: undefined})
2106 | })
2107 |
2108 | test('assignment is shallow', () => {
2109 | expect(assoc('a', {b: 2}, {a: {c: 3}})).toEqual({a: {b: 2}})
2110 | })
2111 | ```
2112 |
2113 | </details>
2114 |
2115 | <details>
2116 |
2117 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
2118 |
2119 | ```typescript
2120 | import {assoc} from 'rambda'
2121 |
2122 | const obj = {a: 1}
2123 | const newValue = 2
2124 | const newProp = 'b'
2125 |
2126 | describe('R.assoc', () => {
2127 | it('happy', () => {
2128 | const result = assoc(newProp, newValue, obj)
2129 |
2130 | result.a // $ExpectType number
2131 | result.b // $ExpectType number
2132 | })
2133 | it('curried 1', () => {
2134 | const result = assoc(newProp, newValue)(obj)
2135 |
2136 | result.a // $ExpectType number
2137 | result.b // $ExpectType number
2138 | })
2139 | it('curried 2', () => {
2140 | const result = assoc(newProp)(newValue)(obj)
2141 |
2142 | result.a // $ExpectType number
2143 | result.b // $ExpectType number
2144 | })
2145 | })
2146 | ```
2147 |
2148 | </details>
2149 |
2150 | <details>
2151 |
2152 | <summary>Lodash is fastest. Rambda is 72.32% slower and Ramda is 60.08% slower</summary>
2153 |
2154 | ```text
2155 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
2156 |
2157 | const input = {
2158 | a: 1,
2159 | b: 2,
2160 | }
2161 | const key = 'c'
2162 | const value = 3
2163 |
2164 | const assoc = [
2165 | {
2166 | label: 'Rambda',
2167 | fn: () => {
2168 | R.assoc(key, value, input)
2169 | },
2170 | },
2171 | {
2172 | label: 'Ramda',
2173 | fn: () => {
2174 | Ramda.assoc(key, value, input)
2175 | },
2176 | },
2177 | {
2178 | label: 'Lodash.set',
2179 | fn: () => {
2180 | _.set(input, key, value)
2181 | },
2182 | },
2183 | ]
2184 | ```
2185 |
2186 | </details>
2187 |
2188 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#assoc)
2189 |
2190 | ### assocPath
2191 |
2192 | ```typescript
2193 |
2194 | assocPath<Output>(path: Path, newValue: any, obj: object): Output
2195 | ```
2196 |
2197 | It makes a shallow clone of `obj` with setting or overriding with `newValue` the property found with `path`.
2198 |
2199 | <details>
2200 |
2201 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
2202 |
2203 | ```typescript
2204 | assocPath<Output>(path: Path, newValue: any, obj: object): Output;
2205 | assocPath<Output>(path: Path, newValue: any): (obj: object) => Output;
2206 | assocPath<Output>(path: Path): (newValue: any) => (obj: object) => Output;
2207 | ```
2208 |
2209 | </details>
2210 |
2211 | <details>
2212 |
2213 | <summary><strong>R.assocPath</strong> source</summary>
2214 |
2215 | ```javascript
2216 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
2217 | import {_isInteger} from './_internals/_isInteger'
2218 | import {assoc} from './assoc'
2219 | import {curry} from './curry'
2220 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
2221 |
2222 | function assocPathFn(path, newValue, input) {
2223 | const pathArrValue =
2224 | typeof path === 'string'
2225 | ? path.split('.').map(x => (_isInteger(Number(x)) ? Number(x) : x))
2226 | : path
2227 | if (pathArrValue.length === 0) {
2228 | return newValue
2229 | }
2230 |
2231 | const index = pathArrValue[0]
2232 | if (pathArrValue.length > 1) {
2233 | const condition =
2234 | typeof input !== 'object' ||
2235 | input === null ||
2236 | !input.hasOwnProperty(index)
2237 |
2238 | const nextinput = condition
2239 | ? _isInteger(pathArrValue[1])
2240 | ? []
2241 | : {}
2242 | : input[index]
2243 |
2244 | newValue = assocPathFn(
2245 | Array.prototype.slice.call(pathArrValue, 1),
2246 | newValue,
2247 | nextinput
2248 | )
2249 | }
2250 |
2251 | if (_isInteger(index) && _isArray(input)) {
2252 | const arr = cloneList(input)
2253 | arr[index] = newValue
2254 |
2255 | return arr
2256 | }
2257 |
2258 | return assoc(index, newValue, input)
2259 | }
2260 |
2261 | export const assocPath = curry(assocPathFn)
2262 | ```
2263 |
2264 | </details>
2265 |
2266 | <details>
2267 |
2268 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
2269 |
2270 | ```javascript
2271 | import {assocPath} from './assocPath'
2272 |
2273 | test('string can be used as path input', () => {
2274 | const testObj = {
2275 | a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}],
2276 | d: 3,
2277 | }
2278 | const result = assocPath('a.0.b', 10, testObj)
2279 | const expected = {
2280 | a: [{b: 10}, {b: 2}],
2281 | d: 3,
2282 | }
2283 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
2284 | })
2285 |
2286 | test('bug', () => {
2287 | /*
2288 | https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/524
2289 | */
2290 | const state = {}
2291 |
2292 | const withDateLike = assocPath(
2293 | ['outerProp', '2020-03-10'],
2294 | {prop: 2},
2295 | state
2296 | )
2297 | const withNumber = assocPath(['outerProp', '5'], {prop: 2}, state)
2298 |
2299 | const withDateLikeExpected = {outerProp: {'2020-03-10': {prop: 2}}}
2300 | const withNumberExpected = {outerProp: {5: {prop: 2}}}
2301 | expect(withDateLike).toEqual(withDateLikeExpected)
2302 | expect(withNumber).toEqual(withNumberExpected)
2303 | })
2304 |
2305 | test('adds a key to an empty object', () => {
2306 | expect(assocPath(['a'], 1, {})).toEqual({a: 1})
2307 | })
2308 |
2309 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object', () => {
2310 | expect(assocPath('b', 2, {a: 1})).toEqual({
2311 | a: 1,
2312 | b: 2,
2313 | })
2314 | })
2315 |
2316 | test('adds a nested key to a non-empty object', () => {
2317 | expect(assocPath('b.c', 2, {a: 1})).toEqual({
2318 | a: 1,
2319 | b: {c: 2},
2320 | })
2321 | })
2322 |
2323 | test('adds a nested key to a nested non-empty object - curry case 1', () => {
2324 | expect(
2325 | assocPath(
2326 | 'b.d',
2327 | 3
2328 | )({
2329 | a: 1,
2330 | b: {c: 2},
2331 | })
2332 | ).toEqual({
2333 | a: 1,
2334 | b: {
2335 | c: 2,
2336 | d: 3,
2337 | },
2338 | })
2339 | })
2340 |
2341 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 1', () => {
2342 | expect(assocPath('b', 2)({a: 1})).toEqual({
2343 | a: 1,
2344 | b: 2,
2345 | })
2346 | })
2347 |
2348 | test('adds a nested key to a non-empty object - curry case 1', () => {
2349 | expect(assocPath('b.c', 2)({a: 1})).toEqual({
2350 | a: 1,
2351 | b: {c: 2},
2352 | })
2353 | })
2354 |
2355 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 2', () => {
2356 | expect(assocPath('b')(2, {a: 1})).toEqual({
2357 | a: 1,
2358 | b: 2,
2359 | })
2360 | })
2361 |
2362 | test('adds a key to a non-empty object - curry case 3', () => {
2363 | const result = assocPath('b')(2)({a: 1})
2364 |
2365 | expect(result).toEqual({
2366 | a: 1,
2367 | b: 2,
2368 | })
2369 | })
2370 |
2371 | test('changes an existing key', () => {
2372 | expect(assocPath('a', 2, {a: 1})).toEqual({a: 2})
2373 | })
2374 |
2375 | test('undefined is considered an empty object', () => {
2376 | expect(assocPath('a', 1, undefined)).toEqual({a: 1})
2377 | })
2378 |
2379 | test('null is considered an empty object', () => {
2380 | expect(assocPath('a', 1, null)).toEqual({a: 1})
2381 | })
2382 |
2383 | test('value can be null', () => {
2384 | expect(assocPath('a', null, null)).toEqual({a: null})
2385 | })
2386 |
2387 | test('value can be undefined', () => {
2388 | expect(assocPath('a', undefined, null)).toEqual({a: undefined})
2389 | })
2390 |
2391 | test('assignment is shallow', () => {
2392 | expect(assocPath('a', {b: 2}, {a: {c: 3}})).toEqual({a: {b: 2}})
2393 | })
2394 |
2395 | test('empty array as path', () => {
2396 | const result = assocPath([], 3, {
2397 | a: 1,
2398 | b: 2,
2399 | })
2400 | expect(result).toEqual(3)
2401 | })
2402 |
2403 | test('happy', () => {
2404 | const expected = {foo: {bar: {baz: 42}}}
2405 | const result = assocPath(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], 42, {foo: null})
2406 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
2407 | })
2408 | ```
2409 |
2410 | </details>
2411 |
2412 | <details>
2413 |
2414 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
2415 |
2416 | ```typescript
2417 | import {assocPath} from 'rambda'
2418 |
2419 | interface Output {
2420 | a: number,
2421 | foo: {bar: number},
2422 | }
2423 |
2424 | describe('R.assocPath - user must explicitly set type of output', () => {
2425 | it('with array as path input', () => {
2426 | const result = assocPath<Output>(['foo', 'bar'], 2, {a: 1})
2427 |
2428 | result // $ExpectType Output
2429 | })
2430 | it('with string as path input', () => {
2431 | const result = assocPath<Output>('foo.bar', 2, {a: 1})
2432 |
2433 | result // $ExpectType Output
2434 | })
2435 | })
2436 |
2437 | describe('R.assocPath - curried', () => {
2438 | it('with array as path input', () => {
2439 | const result = assocPath<Output>(['foo', 'bar'], 2)({a: 1})
2440 |
2441 | result // $ExpectType Output
2442 | })
2443 | it('with string as path input', () => {
2444 | const result = assocPath<Output>('foo.bar', 2)({a: 1})
2445 |
2446 | result // $ExpectType Output
2447 | })
2448 | })
2449 | ```
2450 |
2451 | </details>
2452 |
2453 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#assocPath)
2454 |
2455 | ### bind
2456 |
2457 | ```typescript
2458 |
2459 | bind<F extends (...args: any[]) => any, T>(fn: F, thisObj: T): (...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>
2460 | ```
2461 |
2462 | Creates a function that is bound to a context.
2463 |
2464 | <details>
2465 |
2466 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
2467 |
2468 | ```typescript
2469 | bind<F extends (...args: any[]) => any, T>(fn: F, thisObj: T): (...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>;
2470 | bind<F extends (...args: any[]) => any, T>(fn: F): (thisObj: T) => (...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>;
2471 | ```
2472 |
2473 | </details>
2474 |
2475 | <details>
2476 |
2477 | <summary><strong>R.bind</strong> source</summary>
2478 |
2479 | ```javascript
2480 | import {curryN} from './curryN'
2481 |
2482 | export function bind(fn, thisObj) {
2483 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
2484 | return _thisObj => bind(fn, _thisObj)
2485 | }
2486 |
2487 | return curryN(fn.length, (...args) => fn.apply(thisObj, args))
2488 | }
2489 | ```
2490 |
2491 | </details>
2492 |
2493 | <details>
2494 |
2495 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
2496 |
2497 | ```javascript
2498 | import {bind} from './bind'
2499 |
2500 | function Foo(x) {
2501 | this.x = x
2502 | }
2503 | function add(x) {
2504 | return this.x + x
2505 | }
2506 | function Bar(x, y) {
2507 | this.x = x
2508 | this.y = y
2509 | }
2510 | Bar.prototype = new Foo()
2511 | Bar.prototype.getX = function () {
2512 | return 'prototype getX'
2513 | }
2514 |
2515 | test('returns a function', function () {
2516 | expect(typeof bind(add)(Foo)).toEqual('function')
2517 | })
2518 |
2519 | test('returns a function bound to the specified context object', function () {
2520 | const f = new Foo(12)
2521 | function isFoo() {
2522 | return this instanceof Foo
2523 | }
2524 | const isFooBound = bind(isFoo, f)
2525 | expect(isFoo()).toEqual(false)
2526 | expect(isFooBound()).toEqual(true)
2527 | })
2528 |
2529 | test('works with built-in types', function () {
2530 | const abc = bind(String.prototype.toLowerCase, 'ABCDEFG')
2531 | expect(typeof abc).toEqual('function')
2532 | expect(abc()).toEqual('abcdefg')
2533 | })
2534 |
2535 | test('works with user-defined types', function () {
2536 | const f = new Foo(12)
2537 | function getX() {
2538 | return this.x
2539 | }
2540 | const getXFooBound = bind(getX, f)
2541 | expect(getXFooBound()).toEqual(12)
2542 | })
2543 |
2544 | test('works with plain objects', function () {
2545 | const pojso = {
2546 | x: 100,
2547 | }
2548 | function incThis() {
2549 | return this.x + 1
2550 | }
2551 | const incPojso = bind(incThis, pojso)
2552 | expect(typeof incPojso).toEqual('function')
2553 | expect(incPojso()).toEqual(101)
2554 | })
2555 |
2556 | test('does not interfere with existing object methods', function () {
2557 | const b = new Bar('a', 'b')
2558 | function getX() {
2559 | return this.x
2560 | }
2561 | const getXBarBound = bind(getX, b)
2562 | expect(b.getX()).toEqual('prototype getX')
2563 | expect(getXBarBound()).toEqual('a')
2564 | })
2565 |
2566 | test('preserves arity', function () {
2567 | const f0 = function () {
2568 | return 0
2569 | }
2570 | const f1 = function (a) {
2571 | return a
2572 | }
2573 | const f2 = function (a, b) {
2574 | return a + b
2575 | }
2576 | const f3 = function (a, b, c) {
2577 | return a + b + c
2578 | }
2579 |
2580 | expect(bind(f0, {}).length).toEqual(0)
2581 | expect(bind(f1, {}).length).toEqual(1)
2582 | expect(bind(f2, {}).length).toEqual(2)
2583 | expect(bind(f3, {}).length).toEqual(3)
2584 | })
2585 | ```
2586 |
2587 | </details>
2588 |
2589 | <details>
2590 |
2591 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
2592 |
2593 | ```typescript
2594 | import {bind} from 'rambda'
2595 |
2596 | class Foo {}
2597 | function isFoo<T = any>(this: T): boolean {
2598 | return this instanceof Foo
2599 | }
2600 |
2601 | describe('R.bind', () => {
2602 | it('happy', () => {
2603 | const foo = new Foo()
2604 | const result = bind(isFoo, foo)()
2605 |
2606 | result // $ExpectType boolean
2607 | })
2608 | })
2609 | ```
2610 |
2611 | </details>
2612 |
2613 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#bind)
2614 |
2615 | ### both
2616 |
2617 | ```typescript
2618 |
2619 | both(pred1: Pred, pred2: Pred): Pred
2620 | ```
2621 |
2622 | It returns a function with `input` argument.
2623 |
2624 | This function will return `true`, if both `firstCondition` and `secondCondition` return `true` when `input` is passed as their argument.
2625 |
2626 | <details>
2627 |
2628 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
2629 |
2630 | ```typescript
2631 | both(pred1: Pred, pred2: Pred): Pred;
2632 | both<T>(pred1: Predicate<T>, pred2: Predicate<T>): Predicate<T>;
2633 | both<T>(pred1: Predicate<T>): (pred2: Predicate<T>) => Predicate<T>;
2634 | both(pred1: Pred): (pred2: Pred) => Pred;
2635 | ```
2636 |
2637 | </details>
2638 |
2639 | <details>
2640 |
2641 | <summary><strong>R.both</strong> source</summary>
2642 |
2643 | ```javascript
2644 | export function both(f, g) {
2645 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _g => both(f, _g)
2646 |
2647 | return (...input) => f(...input) && g(...input)
2648 | }
2649 | ```
2650 |
2651 | </details>
2652 |
2653 | <details>
2654 |
2655 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
2656 |
2657 | ```javascript
2658 | import {both} from './both'
2659 |
2660 | const firstFn = val => val > 0
2661 | const secondFn = val => val < 10
2662 |
2663 | test('with curry', () => {
2664 | expect(both(firstFn)(secondFn)(17)).toBeFalse()
2665 | })
2666 |
2667 | test('without curry', () => {
2668 | expect(both(firstFn, secondFn)(7)).toBeTrue()
2669 | })
2670 |
2671 | test('with multiple inputs', () => {
2672 | const between = function (a, b, c) {
2673 | return a < b && b < c
2674 | }
2675 | const total20 = function (a, b, c) {
2676 | return a + b + c === 20
2677 | }
2678 | const fn = both(between, total20)
2679 | expect(fn(5, 7, 8)).toBeTrue()
2680 | })
2681 |
2682 | test('skip evaluation of the second expression', () => {
2683 | let effect = 'not evaluated'
2684 | const F = function () {
2685 | return false
2686 | }
2687 | const Z = function () {
2688 | effect = 'Z got evaluated'
2689 | }
2690 | both(F, Z)()
2691 |
2692 | expect(effect).toBe('not evaluated')
2693 | })
2694 | ```
2695 |
2696 | </details>
2697 |
2698 | <details>
2699 |
2700 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
2701 |
2702 | ```typescript
2703 | import {both} from 'rambda'
2704 |
2705 | describe('R.both', () => {
2706 | it('with passed type', () => {
2707 | const fn = both<number>(
2708 | x => x > 1,
2709 | x => x % 2 === 0
2710 | )
2711 | fn // $ExpectType Predicate<number>
2712 | const result = fn(2) // $ExpectType boolean
2713 | result // $ExpectType boolean
2714 | })
2715 | it('with passed type - curried', () => {
2716 | const fn = both<number>(x => x > 1)(x => x % 2 === 0)
2717 | fn // $ExpectType Predicate<number>
2718 | const result = fn(2)
2719 | result // $ExpectType boolean
2720 | })
2721 | it('no type passed', () => {
2722 | const fn = both(
2723 | x => {
2724 | x // $ExpectType any
2725 | return x > 1
2726 | },
2727 | x => {
2728 | x // $ExpectType any
2729 | return x % 2 === 0
2730 | }
2731 | )
2732 | const result = fn(2)
2733 | result // $ExpectType boolean
2734 | })
2735 | it('no type passed - curried', () => {
2736 | const fn = both((x: number) => {
2737 | x // $ExpectType number
2738 | return x > 1
2739 | })((x: number) => {
2740 | x // $ExpectType number
2741 | return x % 2 === 0
2742 | })
2743 | const result = fn(2)
2744 | result // $ExpectType boolean
2745 | })
2746 | })
2747 | ```
2748 |
2749 | </details>
2750 |
2751 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#both)
2752 |
2753 | ### chain
2754 |
2755 | ```typescript
2756 |
2757 | chain<T, U>(fn: (n: T) => U[], list: T[]): U[]
2758 | ```
2759 |
2760 | The method is also known as `flatMap`.
2761 |
2762 | <details>
2763 |
2764 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
2765 |
2766 | ```typescript
2767 | chain<T, U>(fn: (n: T) => U[], list: T[]): U[];
2768 | chain<T, U>(fn: (n: T) => U[]): (list: T[]) => U[];
2769 | ```
2770 |
2771 | </details>
2772 |
2773 | <details>
2774 |
2775 | <summary><strong>R.chain</strong> source</summary>
2776 |
2777 | ```javascript
2778 | export function chain(fn, list) {
2779 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
2780 | return _list => chain(fn, _list)
2781 | }
2782 |
2783 | return [].concat(...list.map(fn))
2784 | }
2785 | ```
2786 |
2787 | </details>
2788 |
2789 | <details>
2790 |
2791 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
2792 |
2793 | ```javascript
2794 | import {chain} from './chain'
2795 | import {chain as chainRamda} from 'ramda'
2796 |
2797 | const duplicate = n => [n, n]
2798 |
2799 | test('happy', () => {
2800 | const fn = x => [x * 2]
2801 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
2802 |
2803 | const result = chain(fn, list)
2804 |
2805 | expect(result).toEqual([2, 4, 6])
2806 | })
2807 |
2808 | test('maps then flattens one level', () => {
2809 | expect(chain(duplicate, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
2810 | })
2811 |
2812 | test('maps then flattens one level - curry', () => {
2813 | expect(chain(duplicate)([1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
2814 | })
2815 |
2816 | test('flattens only one level', () => {
2817 | const nest = n => [[n]]
2818 | expect(chain(nest, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([[1], [2], [3]])
2819 | })
2820 |
2821 | test('can compose', () => {
2822 | function dec(x) {
2823 | return [x - 1]
2824 | }
2825 | function times2(x) {
2826 | return [x * 2]
2827 | }
2828 |
2829 | var mdouble = chain(times2)
2830 | var mdec = chain(dec)
2831 | expect(mdec(mdouble([10, 20, 30]))).toEqual([19, 39, 59])
2832 | })
2833 |
2834 | test('@types/ramda broken test', () => {
2835 | const score = {
2836 | maths: 90,
2837 | physics: 80,
2838 | }
2839 |
2840 | const calculateTotal = score => {
2841 | const {maths, physics} = score
2842 | return maths + physics
2843 | }
2844 |
2845 | const assocTotalToScore = (total, score) => ({...score, total})
2846 |
2847 | const calculateAndAssocTotalToScore = chainRamda(
2848 | assocTotalToScore,
2849 | calculateTotal
2850 | )
2851 | expect(() => calculateAndAssocTotalToScore(score)).toThrow()
2852 | })
2853 | ```
2854 |
2855 | </details>
2856 |
2857 | <details>
2858 |
2859 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
2860 |
2861 | ```typescript
2862 | import {chain} from 'rambda'
2863 |
2864 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
2865 | const fn = (x: number) => [`${x}`, `${x}`]
2866 |
2867 | describe('R.chain', () => {
2868 | it('without passing type', () => {
2869 | const result = chain(fn, list)
2870 | result // $ExpectType string[]
2871 |
2872 | const curriedResult = chain(fn)(list)
2873 | curriedResult // $ExpectType string[]
2874 | })
2875 | })
2876 | ```
2877 |
2878 | </details>
2879 |
2880 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#chain)
2881 |
2882 | ### clamp
2883 |
2884 | ```typescript
2885 |
2886 | clamp(min: number, max: number, input: number): number
2887 | ```
2888 |
2889 | Restrict a number `input` to be within `min` and `max` limits.
2890 |
2891 | If `input` is bigger than `max`, then the result is `max`.
2892 |
2893 | If `input` is smaller than `min`, then the result is `min`.
2894 |
2895 | <details>
2896 |
2897 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
2898 |
2899 | ```typescript
2900 | clamp(min: number, max: number, input: number): number;
2901 | clamp(min: number, max: number): (input: number) => number;
2902 | ```
2903 |
2904 | </details>
2905 |
2906 | <details>
2907 |
2908 | <summary><strong>R.clamp</strong> source</summary>
2909 |
2910 | ```javascript
2911 | import {curry} from './curry'
2912 |
2913 | function clampFn(min, max, input) {
2914 | if (min > max) {
2915 | throw new Error(
2916 | 'min must not be greater than max in clamp(min, max, value)'
2917 | )
2918 | }
2919 | if (input >= min && input <= max) return input
2920 |
2921 | if (input > max) return max
2922 | if (input < min) return min
2923 | }
2924 |
2925 | export const clamp = curry(clampFn)
2926 | ```
2927 |
2928 | </details>
2929 |
2930 | <details>
2931 |
2932 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
2933 |
2934 | ```javascript
2935 | import {clamp} from './clamp'
2936 |
2937 | test('when min is greater than max', () => {
2938 | expect(() => clamp(-5, -10, 5)).toThrowWithMessage(
2939 | Error,
2940 | 'min must not be greater than max in clamp(min, max, value)'
2941 | )
2942 | })
2943 |
2944 | test('rambda specs', () => {
2945 | expect(clamp(1, 10, 0)).toEqual(1)
2946 | expect(clamp(3, 12, 1)).toEqual(3)
2947 | expect(clamp(-15, 3, -100)).toEqual(-15)
2948 | expect(clamp(1, 10, 20)).toEqual(10)
2949 | expect(clamp(3, 12, 23)).toEqual(12)
2950 | expect(clamp(-15, 3, 16)).toEqual(3)
2951 | expect(clamp(1, 10, 4)).toEqual(4)
2952 | expect(clamp(3, 12, 6)).toEqual(6)
2953 | expect(clamp(-15, 3, 0)).toEqual(0)
2954 | })
2955 | ```
2956 |
2957 | </details>
2958 |
2959 | <details>
2960 |
2961 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
2962 |
2963 | ```typescript
2964 | import {clamp} from 'rambda'
2965 |
2966 | describe('R.clamp', () => {
2967 | it('happy', () => {
2968 | const result = clamp(1, 10, 20)
2969 | result // $ExpectType number
2970 | })
2971 | })
2972 | ```
2973 |
2974 | </details>
2975 |
2976 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#clamp)
2977 |
2978 | ### clone
2979 |
2980 | ```typescript
2981 |
2982 | clone<T>(input: T): T
2983 | ```
2984 |
2985 | It creates a deep copy of the `input`, which may contain (nested) Arrays and Objects, Numbers, Strings, Booleans and Dates.
2986 |
2987 | <details>
2988 |
2989 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
2990 |
2991 | ```typescript
2992 | clone<T>(input: T): T;
2993 | clone<T>(input: T[]): T[];
2994 | ```
2995 |
2996 | </details>
2997 |
2998 | <details>
2999 |
3000 | <summary><strong>R.clone</strong> source</summary>
3001 |
3002 | ```javascript
3003 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
3004 |
3005 | export function clone(input) {
3006 | const out = _isArray(input) ? Array(input.length) : {}
3007 | if (input && input.getTime) return new Date(input.getTime())
3008 |
3009 | for (const key in input) {
3010 | const v = input[key]
3011 | out[key] =
3012 | typeof v === 'object' && v !== null
3013 | ? v.getTime
3014 | ? new Date(v.getTime())
3015 | : clone(v)
3016 | : v
3017 | }
3018 |
3019 | return out
3020 | }
3021 | ```
3022 |
3023 | </details>
3024 |
3025 | <details>
3026 |
3027 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3028 |
3029 | ```javascript
3030 | import assert from 'assert'
3031 |
3032 | import {clone} from './clone'
3033 | import {equals} from './equals'
3034 |
3035 | test('with array', () => {
3036 | const arr = [
3037 | {
3038 | b: 2,
3039 | c: 'foo',
3040 | d: [1, 2, 3],
3041 | },
3042 | 1,
3043 | new Date(),
3044 | null,
3045 | ]
3046 | expect(clone(arr)).toEqual(arr)
3047 | })
3048 |
3049 | test('with object', () => {
3050 | const obj = {
3051 | a: 1,
3052 | b: 2,
3053 | c: 3,
3054 | d: [1, 2, 3],
3055 | e: new Date(),
3056 | }
3057 | expect(clone(obj)).toEqual(obj)
3058 | })
3059 |
3060 | test('with date', () => {
3061 | const date = new Date(2014, 10, 14, 23, 59, 59, 999)
3062 |
3063 | const cloned = clone(date)
3064 | assert.notStrictEqual(date, cloned)
3065 | expect(cloned).toEqual(new Date(2014, 10, 14, 23, 59, 59, 999))
3066 |
3067 | expect(cloned.getDay()).toEqual(5)
3068 | })
3069 |
3070 | test('with R.equals', () => {
3071 | const objects = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}]
3072 |
3073 | const objectsClone = clone(objects)
3074 |
3075 | const result = [
3076 | equals(objects, objectsClone),
3077 | equals(objects[0], objectsClone[0]),
3078 | ]
3079 | expect(result).toEqual([true, true])
3080 | })
3081 | ```
3082 |
3083 | </details>
3084 |
3085 | <details>
3086 |
3087 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3088 |
3089 | ```typescript
3090 | import {clone} from 'rambda'
3091 |
3092 | describe('R.clone', () => {
3093 | it('happy', () => {
3094 | const obj = {a: 1, b: 2}
3095 | const result = clone(obj)
3096 | result // $ExpectType { a: number; b: number; }
3097 | })
3098 | })
3099 | ```
3100 |
3101 | </details>
3102 |
3103 | <details>
3104 |
3105 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 91.86% slower and Lodash is 86.48% slower</summary>
3106 |
3107 | ```text
3108 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
3109 |
3110 | const input = {
3111 | a: 1,
3112 | b: 2,
3113 | }
3114 |
3115 | const clone = [
3116 | {
3117 | label: 'Rambda',
3118 | fn: () => {
3119 | R.clone(input)
3120 | },
3121 | },
3122 | {
3123 | label: 'Ramda',
3124 | fn: () => {
3125 | Ramda.clone(input)
3126 | },
3127 | },
3128 | {
3129 | label: 'Lodash.cloneDeep',
3130 | fn: () => {
3131 | _.cloneDeep(input)
3132 | },
3133 | },
3134 | ]
3135 | ```
3136 |
3137 | </details>
3138 |
3139 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#clone)
3140 |
3141 | ### complement
3142 |
3143 | ```typescript
3144 |
3145 | complement<T extends any[]>(predicate: (...args: T) => unknown): (...args: T) => boolean
3146 | ```
3147 |
3148 | It returns `inverted` version of `origin` function that accept `input` as argument.
3149 |
3150 | The return value of `inverted` is the negative boolean value of `origin(input)`.
3151 |
3152 | <details>
3153 |
3154 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
3155 |
3156 | ```typescript
3157 | complement<T extends any[]>(predicate: (...args: T) => unknown): (...args: T) => boolean;
3158 | ```
3159 |
3160 | </details>
3161 |
3162 | <details>
3163 |
3164 | <summary><strong>R.complement</strong> source</summary>
3165 |
3166 | ```javascript
3167 | export function complement(fn) {
3168 | return (...input) => !fn(...input)
3169 | }
3170 | ```
3171 |
3172 | </details>
3173 |
3174 | <details>
3175 |
3176 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3177 |
3178 | ```javascript
3179 | import {complement} from './complement'
3180 |
3181 | test('happy', () => {
3182 | const fn = complement(x => x.length === 0)
3183 |
3184 | expect(fn([1, 2, 3])).toBeTrue()
3185 | })
3186 |
3187 | test('with multiple parameters', () => {
3188 | const between = function (a, b, c) {
3189 | return a < b && b < c
3190 | }
3191 | const f = complement(between)
3192 | expect(f(4, 5, 11)).toEqual(false)
3193 | expect(f(12, 2, 6)).toEqual(true)
3194 | })
3195 | ```
3196 |
3197 | </details>
3198 |
3199 | <details>
3200 |
3201 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3202 |
3203 | ```typescript
3204 | import {complement, isNil} from 'rambda'
3205 |
3206 | describe('R.complement', () => {
3207 | it('happy', () => {
3208 | const fn = complement(isNil)
3209 | const result = fn(null)
3210 | result // $ExpectType boolean
3211 | })
3212 | })
3213 | ```
3214 |
3215 | </details>
3216 |
3217 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#complement)
3218 |
3219 | ### compose
3220 |
3221 | It performs right-to-left function composition.
3222 |
3223 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#compose)
3224 |
3225 | ### concat
3226 |
3227 | ```typescript
3228 |
3229 | concat<T>(x: T[], y: T[]): T[]
3230 | ```
3231 |
3232 | It returns a new string or array, which is the result of merging `x` and `y`.
3233 |
3234 | <details>
3235 |
3236 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
3237 |
3238 | ```typescript
3239 | concat<T>(x: T[], y: T[]): T[];
3240 | concat<T>(x: T[]): (y: T[]) => T[];
3241 | concat(x: string, y: string): string;
3242 | concat(x: string): (y: string) => string;
3243 | ```
3244 |
3245 | </details>
3246 |
3247 | <details>
3248 |
3249 | <summary><strong>R.concat</strong> source</summary>
3250 |
3251 | ```javascript
3252 | export function concat(x, y) {
3253 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => concat(x, _y)
3254 |
3255 | return typeof x === 'string' ? `${x}${y}` : [...x, ...y]
3256 | }
3257 | ```
3258 |
3259 | </details>
3260 |
3261 | <details>
3262 |
3263 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3264 |
3265 | ```javascript
3266 | import {concat} from './concat'
3267 |
3268 | test('happy', () => {
3269 | const arr1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']
3270 | const arr2 = ['d', 'e', 'f']
3271 |
3272 | const a = concat(arr1, arr2)
3273 | const b = concat(arr1)(arr2)
3274 | const expectedResult = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
3275 |
3276 | expect(a).toEqual(expectedResult)
3277 | expect(b).toEqual(expectedResult)
3278 | })
3279 |
3280 | test('with strings', () => {
3281 | expect(concat('ABC', 'DEF')).toEqual('ABCDEF')
3282 | })
3283 | ```
3284 |
3285 | </details>
3286 |
3287 | <details>
3288 |
3289 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3290 |
3291 | ```typescript
3292 | import {concat} from 'rambda'
3293 |
3294 | const list1 = [1, 2, 3]
3295 | const list2 = [4, 5, 6]
3296 |
3297 | describe('R.concat', () => {
3298 | it('happy', () => {
3299 | const result = concat(list1, list2)
3300 |
3301 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3302 | })
3303 | it('curried', () => {
3304 | const result = concat(list1)(list2)
3305 |
3306 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3307 | })
3308 | })
3309 | ```
3310 |
3311 | </details>
3312 |
3313 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#concat)
3314 |
3315 | ### cond
3316 |
3317 | ```typescript
3318 |
3319 | cond<T extends any[], R>(conditions: Array<CondPair<T, R>>): (...args: T) => R
3320 | ```
3321 |
3322 | It takes list with `conditions` and returns a new function `fn` that expects `input` as argument.
3323 |
3324 | This function will start evaluating the `conditions` in order to find the first winner(order of conditions matter).
3325 |
3326 | The winner is this condition, which left side returns `true` when `input` is its argument. Then the evaluation of the right side of the winner will be the final result.
3327 |
3328 | If no winner is found, then `fn` returns `undefined`.
3329 |
3330 | <details>
3331 |
3332 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
3333 |
3334 | ```typescript
3335 | cond<T extends any[], R>(conditions: Array<CondPair<T, R>>): (...args: T) => R;
3336 | ```
3337 |
3338 | </details>
3339 |
3340 | <details>
3341 |
3342 | <summary><strong>R.cond</strong> source</summary>
3343 |
3344 | ```javascript
3345 | export function cond(conditions) {
3346 | return input => {
3347 | let done = false
3348 | let toReturn
3349 | conditions.forEach(([predicate, resultClosure]) => {
3350 | if (!done && predicate(input)) {
3351 | done = true
3352 | toReturn = resultClosure(input)
3353 | }
3354 | })
3355 |
3356 | return toReturn
3357 | }
3358 | }
3359 | ```
3360 |
3361 | </details>
3362 |
3363 | <details>
3364 |
3365 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3366 |
3367 | ```javascript
3368 | import {always} from './always'
3369 | import {cond} from './cond'
3370 | import {equals} from './equals'
3371 | import {T} from './T'
3372 |
3373 | test('returns a function', () => {
3374 | expect(typeof cond([])).toEqual('function')
3375 | })
3376 |
3377 | test('returns a conditional function', () => {
3378 | const fn = cond([
3379 | [equals(0), always('water freezes at 0°C')],
3380 | [equals(100), always('water boils at 100°C')],
3381 | [
3382 | T,
3383 | function (temp) {
3384 | return 'nothing special happens at ' + temp + '°C'
3385 | },
3386 | ],
3387 | ])
3388 | expect(fn(0)).toEqual('water freezes at 0°C')
3389 | expect(fn(50)).toEqual('nothing special happens at 50°C')
3390 | expect(fn(100)).toEqual('water boils at 100°C')
3391 | })
3392 |
3393 | test('no winner', () => {
3394 | const fn = cond([
3395 | [equals('foo'), always(1)],
3396 | [equals('bar'), always(2)],
3397 | ])
3398 | expect(fn('quux')).toEqual(undefined)
3399 | })
3400 |
3401 | test('predicates are tested in order', () => {
3402 | const fn = cond([
3403 | [T, always('foo')],
3404 | [T, always('bar')],
3405 | [T, always('baz')],
3406 | ])
3407 | expect(fn()).toEqual('foo')
3408 | })
3409 | ```
3410 |
3411 | </details>
3412 |
3413 | <details>
3414 |
3415 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3416 |
3417 | ```typescript
3418 | import {cond, always, equals} from 'rambda'
3419 |
3420 | describe('R.cond', () => {
3421 | it('happy', () => {
3422 | const fn = cond<number[], string>([
3423 | [equals(0), always('water freezes at 0°C')],
3424 | [equals(100), always('water boils at 100°C')],
3425 | [
3426 | () => true,
3427 | function(temp) {
3428 | temp // $ExpectType number
3429 | return 'nothing special happens at ' + temp + '°C'
3430 | },
3431 | ],
3432 | ])
3433 |
3434 | const result = fn(0)
3435 | result // $ExpectType string
3436 | })
3437 | })
3438 | ```
3439 |
3440 | </details>
3441 |
3442 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#cond)
3443 |
3444 | ### converge
3445 |
3446 | Accepts a converging function and a list of branching functions and returns a new function. When invoked, this new function is applied to some arguments, each branching function is applied to those same arguments. The results of each branching function are passed as arguments to the converging function to produce the return value.
3447 |
3448 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#converge)
3449 |
3450 | ### curry
3451 |
3452 | It expects a function as input and returns its curried version.
3453 |
3454 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#curry)
3455 |
3456 | ### curryN
3457 |
3458 | It returns a curried equivalent of the provided function, with the specified arity.
3459 |
3460 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#curryN)
3461 |
3462 | ### dec
3463 |
3464 | It decrements a number.
3465 |
3466 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#dec)
3467 |
3468 | ### defaultTo
3469 |
3470 | ```typescript
3471 |
3472 | defaultTo<T>(defaultValue: T, input: T | null | undefined): T
3473 | ```
3474 |
3475 | It returns `defaultValue`, if all of `inputArguments` are `undefined`, `null` or `NaN`.
3476 |
3477 | Else, it returns the first truthy `inputArguments` instance(from left to right).
3478 |
3479 | <details>
3480 |
3481 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
3482 |
3483 | ```typescript
3484 | defaultTo<T>(defaultValue: T, input: T | null | undefined): T;
3485 | defaultTo<T>(defaultValue: T): (input: T | null | undefined) => T;
3486 | ```
3487 |
3488 | </details>
3489 |
3490 | <details>
3491 |
3492 | <summary><strong>R.defaultTo</strong> source</summary>
3493 |
3494 | ```javascript
3495 | function isFalsy(input) {
3496 | return (
3497 | input === undefined || input === null || Number.isNaN(input) === true
3498 | )
3499 | }
3500 |
3501 | export function defaultTo(defaultArgument, input) {
3502 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
3503 | return _input => defaultTo(defaultArgument, _input)
3504 | }
3505 |
3506 | return isFalsy(input) ? defaultArgument : input
3507 | }
3508 | ```
3509 |
3510 | </details>
3511 |
3512 | <details>
3513 |
3514 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3515 |
3516 | ```javascript
3517 | import {defaultTo} from './defaultTo'
3518 |
3519 | test('with undefined', () => {
3520 | expect(defaultTo('foo')(undefined)).toEqual('foo')
3521 | })
3522 |
3523 | test('with null', () => {
3524 | expect(defaultTo('foo')(null)).toEqual('foo')
3525 | })
3526 |
3527 | test('with NaN', () => {
3528 | expect(defaultTo('foo')(NaN)).toEqual('foo')
3529 | })
3530 |
3531 | test('with empty string', () => {
3532 | expect(defaultTo('foo', '')).toEqual('')
3533 | })
3534 |
3535 | test('with false', () => {
3536 | expect(defaultTo('foo', false)).toEqual(false)
3537 | })
3538 |
3539 | test('when inputArgument passes initial check', () => {
3540 | expect(defaultTo('foo', 'bar')).toEqual('bar')
3541 | })
3542 | ```
3543 |
3544 | </details>
3545 |
3546 | <details>
3547 |
3548 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3549 |
3550 | ```typescript
3551 | import {defaultTo} from 'rambda'
3552 |
3553 | describe('R.defaultTo with Ramda spec', () => {
3554 | it('happy', () => {
3555 | const result = defaultTo('foo', '')
3556 | result // $ExpectType "" | "foo"
3557 | })
3558 | it('with explicit type', () => {
3559 | const result = defaultTo<string>('foo', null)
3560 | result // $ExpectType string
3561 | })
3562 | })
3563 | ```
3564 |
3565 | </details>
3566 |
3567 | <details>
3568 |
3569 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 48.91%</summary>
3570 |
3571 | ```text
3572 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
3573 |
3574 | const input = [null, undefined, 5]
3575 |
3576 | const defaultTo = [
3577 | {
3578 | label: 'Rambda',
3579 | fn: () => {
3580 | R.defaultTo(3, input[0])
3581 | },
3582 | },
3583 | {
3584 | label: 'Ramda',
3585 | fn: () => {
3586 | Ramda.defaultTo(3, input[0])
3587 | },
3588 | },
3589 | {
3590 | label: 'Rambda with multiple arguments',
3591 | fn: () => {
3592 | R.defaultTo(3, ...input)
3593 | },
3594 | },
3595 | ]
3596 | ```
3597 |
3598 | </details>
3599 |
3600 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#defaultTo)
3601 |
3602 | ### difference
3603 |
3604 | ```typescript
3605 |
3606 | difference<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): T[]
3607 | ```
3608 |
3609 | It returns the uniq set of all elements in the first list `a` not contained in the second list `b`.
3610 |
3611 | `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
3612 |
3613 | <details>
3614 |
3615 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
3616 |
3617 | ```typescript
3618 | difference<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): T[];
3619 | difference<T>(a: T[]): (b: T[]) => T[];
3620 | ```
3621 |
3622 | </details>
3623 |
3624 | <details>
3625 |
3626 | <summary><strong>R.difference</strong> source</summary>
3627 |
3628 | ```javascript
3629 | import {includes} from './includes'
3630 | import {uniq} from './uniq'
3631 |
3632 | export function difference(a, b) {
3633 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => difference(a, _b)
3634 |
3635 | return uniq(a).filter(aInstance => !includes(aInstance, b))
3636 | }
3637 | ```
3638 |
3639 | </details>
3640 |
3641 | <details>
3642 |
3643 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3644 |
3645 | ```javascript
3646 | import {difference} from './difference'
3647 | import {difference as differenceRamda} from 'ramda'
3648 |
3649 | test('difference', () => {
3650 | const a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
3651 | const b = [3, 4, 5, 6]
3652 | expect(difference(a)(b)).toEqual([1, 2])
3653 |
3654 | expect(difference([], [])).toEqual([])
3655 | })
3656 |
3657 | test('difference with objects', () => {
3658 | const a = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}]
3659 | const b = [{id: 3}, {id: 4}, {id: 5}, {id: 6}]
3660 | expect(difference(a, b)).toEqual([{id: 1}, {id: 2}])
3661 | })
3662 |
3663 | test('no duplicates in first list', () => {
3664 | const M2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4]
3665 | const N2 = [3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6]
3666 | expect(difference(M2, N2)).toEqual([1, 2])
3667 | })
3668 |
3669 | test('should use R.equals', () => {
3670 | expect(difference([1], [1]).length).toEqual(0)
3671 | expect(differenceRamda([NaN], [NaN]).length).toEqual(0)
3672 | })
3673 | ```
3674 |
3675 | </details>
3676 |
3677 | <details>
3678 |
3679 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3680 |
3681 | ```typescript
3682 | import {difference} from 'rambda'
3683 |
3684 | const list1 = [1, 2, 3]
3685 | const list2 = [1, 2, 4]
3686 |
3687 | describe('R.difference', () => {
3688 | it('happy', () => {
3689 | const result = difference(list1, list2)
3690 |
3691 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3692 | })
3693 | it('curried', () => {
3694 | const result = difference(list1)(list2)
3695 |
3696 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3697 | })
3698 | })
3699 | ```
3700 |
3701 | </details>
3702 |
3703 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#difference)
3704 |
3705 | ### dissoc
3706 |
3707 | It returns a new object that does not contain property `prop`.
3708 |
3709 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#dissoc)
3710 |
3711 | ### divide
3712 |
3713 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#divide)
3714 |
3715 | ### drop
3716 |
3717 | ```typescript
3718 |
3719 | drop<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[]
3720 | ```
3721 |
3722 | It returns `howMany` items dropped from beginning of list or string `input`.
3723 |
3724 | <details>
3725 |
3726 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
3727 |
3728 | ```typescript
3729 | drop<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[];
3730 | drop(howMany: number, input: string): string;
3731 | drop<T>(howMany: number): {
3732 | <T>(input: T[]): T[];
3733 | (input: string): string;
3734 | };
3735 | ```
3736 |
3737 | </details>
3738 |
3739 | <details>
3740 |
3741 | <summary><strong>R.drop</strong> source</summary>
3742 |
3743 | ```javascript
3744 | export function drop(howManyToDrop, listOrString) {
3745 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => drop(howManyToDrop, _list)
3746 |
3747 | return listOrString.slice(howManyToDrop > 0 ? howManyToDrop : 0)
3748 | }
3749 | ```
3750 |
3751 | </details>
3752 |
3753 | <details>
3754 |
3755 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3756 |
3757 | ```javascript
3758 | import assert from 'assert'
3759 |
3760 | import {drop} from './drop'
3761 |
3762 | test('with array', () => {
3763 | expect(drop(2)(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['baz'])
3764 | expect(drop(3, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual([])
3765 | expect(drop(4, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual([])
3766 | })
3767 |
3768 | test('with string', () => {
3769 | expect(drop(3, 'rambda')).toEqual('bda')
3770 | })
3771 |
3772 | test('with non-positive count', () => {
3773 | expect(drop(0, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
3774 | expect(drop(-1, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
3775 | expect(drop(-Infinity, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
3776 | })
3777 |
3778 | test('should return copy', () => {
3779 | const xs = [1, 2, 3]
3780 |
3781 | assert.notStrictEqual(drop(0, xs), xs)
3782 | assert.notStrictEqual(drop(-1, xs), xs)
3783 | })
3784 | ```
3785 |
3786 | </details>
3787 |
3788 | <details>
3789 |
3790 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3791 |
3792 | ```typescript
3793 | import {drop} from 'rambda'
3794 |
3795 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
3796 | const str = 'foobar'
3797 | const howMany = 2
3798 |
3799 | describe('R.drop - array', () => {
3800 | it('happy', () => {
3801 | const result = drop(howMany, list)
3802 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3803 | })
3804 | it('curried', () => {
3805 | const result = drop(howMany)(list)
3806 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3807 | })
3808 | })
3809 |
3810 | describe('R.drop - string', () => {
3811 | it('happy', () => {
3812 | const result = drop(howMany, str)
3813 | result // $ExpectType string
3814 | })
3815 | it('curried', () => {
3816 | const result = drop(howMany)(str)
3817 | result // $ExpectType string
3818 | })
3819 | })
3820 | ```
3821 |
3822 | </details>
3823 |
3824 | <details>
3825 |
3826 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 82.35%</summary>
3827 |
3828 | ```text
3829 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
3830 |
3831 | const input = [1, 2, 3, 4]
3832 |
3833 | const drop = [
3834 | {
3835 | label: 'Rambda',
3836 | fn: () => {
3837 | R.drop(3, input)
3838 | },
3839 | },
3840 | {
3841 | label: 'Ramda',
3842 | fn: () => {
3843 | Ramda.drop(3, input)
3844 | },
3845 | },
3846 | ]
3847 | ```
3848 |
3849 | </details>
3850 |
3851 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#drop)
3852 |
3853 | ### dropLast
3854 |
3855 | ```typescript
3856 |
3857 | dropLast<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[]
3858 | ```
3859 |
3860 | It returns `howMany` items dropped from the end of list or string `input`.
3861 |
3862 | <details>
3863 |
3864 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
3865 |
3866 | ```typescript
3867 | dropLast<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[];
3868 | dropLast(howMany: number, input: string): string;
3869 | dropLast<T>(howMany: number): {
3870 | <T>(input: T[]): T[];
3871 | (input: string): string;
3872 | };
3873 | ```
3874 |
3875 | </details>
3876 |
3877 | <details>
3878 |
3879 | <summary><strong>R.dropLast</strong> source</summary>
3880 |
3881 | ```javascript
3882 | export function dropLast(howManyToDrop, listOrString) {
3883 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
3884 | return _listOrString => dropLast(howManyToDrop, _listOrString)
3885 | }
3886 |
3887 | return howManyToDrop > 0
3888 | ? listOrString.slice(0, -howManyToDrop)
3889 | : listOrString.slice()
3890 | }
3891 | ```
3892 |
3893 | </details>
3894 |
3895 | <details>
3896 |
3897 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
3898 |
3899 | ```javascript
3900 | import assert from 'assert'
3901 |
3902 | import {dropLast} from './dropLast'
3903 |
3904 | test('with array', () => {
3905 | expect(dropLast(2)(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['foo'])
3906 | expect(dropLast(3, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual([])
3907 | expect(dropLast(4, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual([])
3908 | })
3909 |
3910 | test('with string', () => {
3911 | expect(dropLast(3, 'rambda')).toEqual('ram')
3912 | })
3913 |
3914 | test('with non-positive count', () => {
3915 | expect(dropLast(0, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
3916 | expect(dropLast(-1, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
3917 | expect(dropLast(-Infinity, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
3918 | })
3919 |
3920 | test('should return copy', () => {
3921 | const xs = [1, 2, 3]
3922 |
3923 | assert.notStrictEqual(dropLast(0, xs), xs)
3924 | assert.notStrictEqual(dropLast(-1, xs), xs)
3925 | })
3926 | ```
3927 |
3928 | </details>
3929 |
3930 | <details>
3931 |
3932 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
3933 |
3934 | ```typescript
3935 | import {dropLast} from 'rambda'
3936 |
3937 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
3938 | const str = 'foobar'
3939 | const howMany = 2
3940 |
3941 | describe('R.dropLast - array', () => {
3942 | it('happy', () => {
3943 | const result = dropLast(howMany, list)
3944 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3945 | })
3946 | it('curried', () => {
3947 | const result = dropLast(howMany)(list)
3948 | result // $ExpectType number[]
3949 | })
3950 | })
3951 |
3952 | describe('R.dropLast - string', () => {
3953 | it('happy', () => {
3954 | const result = dropLast(howMany, str)
3955 | result // $ExpectType string
3956 | })
3957 | it('curried', () => {
3958 | const result = dropLast(howMany)(str)
3959 | result // $ExpectType string
3960 | })
3961 | })
3962 | ```
3963 |
3964 | </details>
3965 |
3966 | <details>
3967 |
3968 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 86.74%</summary>
3969 |
3970 | ```text
3971 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
3972 |
3973 | const input = [1, 2, 3, 4]
3974 |
3975 | const dropLast = [
3976 | {
3977 | label: 'Rambda',
3978 | fn: () => {
3979 | R.dropLast(3, input)
3980 | },
3981 | },
3982 | {
3983 | label: 'Ramda',
3984 | fn: () => {
3985 | Ramda.dropLast(3, input)
3986 | },
3987 | },
3988 | ]
3989 | ```
3990 |
3991 | </details>
3992 |
3993 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#dropLast)
3994 |
3995 | ### dropLastWhile
3996 |
3997 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#dropLastWhile)
3998 |
3999 | ### dropRepeats
4000 |
4001 | ```typescript
4002 |
4003 | dropRepeats<T>(list: T[]): T[]
4004 | ```
4005 |
4006 | It removes any successive duplicates according to `R.equals`.
4007 |
4008 | <details>
4009 |
4010 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
4011 |
4012 | ```typescript
4013 | dropRepeats<T>(list: T[]): T[];
4014 | ```
4015 |
4016 | </details>
4017 |
4018 | <details>
4019 |
4020 | <summary><strong>R.dropRepeats</strong> source</summary>
4021 |
4022 | ```javascript
4023 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
4024 | import {equals} from './equals'
4025 |
4026 | export function dropRepeats(list) {
4027 | if (!_isArray(list)) {
4028 | throw new Error(`${list} is not a list`)
4029 | }
4030 |
4031 | const toReturn = []
4032 |
4033 | list.reduce((prev, current) => {
4034 | if (!equals(prev, current)) {
4035 | toReturn.push(current)
4036 | }
4037 |
4038 | return current
4039 | }, undefined)
4040 |
4041 | return toReturn
4042 | }
4043 | ```
4044 |
4045 | </details>
4046 |
4047 | <details>
4048 |
4049 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
4050 |
4051 | ```javascript
4052 | import {dropRepeats as dropRepeatsRamda} from 'ramda'
4053 |
4054 | import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'
4055 | import {add} from './add'
4056 | import {dropRepeats} from './dropRepeats'
4057 |
4058 | const list = [1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, {a: 1}, {a: 1}]
4059 | const listClean = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, 2, {a: 1}]
4060 |
4061 | test('happy', () => {
4062 | const result = dropRepeats(list)
4063 | expect(result).toEqual(listClean)
4064 | })
4065 |
4066 | const possibleLists = [
4067 | [add(1), async () => {}, [1], [1], [2], [2]],
4068 | [add(1), add(1), add(2)],
4069 | [],
4070 | 1,
4071 | /foo/g,
4072 | Promise.resolve(1),
4073 | ]
4074 |
4075 | describe('brute force', () => {
4076 | compareCombinations({
4077 | firstInput: possibleLists,
4078 | callback: errorsCounters => {
4079 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
4080 | Object {
4084 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 3,
4085 | "SHOULD_THROW": 0,
4086 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 6,
4087 | }
4088 | `)
4089 | },
4090 | fn: dropRepeats,
4091 | fnRamda: dropRepeatsRamda,
4092 | })
4093 | })
4094 | ```
4095 |
4096 | </details>
4097 |
4098 | <details>
4099 |
4100 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
4101 |
4102 | ```typescript
4103 | import {dropRepeats} from 'rambda'
4104 |
4105 | describe('R.dropRepeats', () => {
4106 | it('happy', () => {
4107 | const result = dropRepeats([1, 2, 2, 3])
4108 |
4109 | result // $ExpectType number[]
4110 | })
4111 | })
4112 | ```
4113 |
4114 | </details>
4115 |
4116 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#dropRepeats)
4117 |
4118 | ### dropRepeatsWith
4119 |
4120 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#dropRepeatsWith)
4121 |
4122 | ### dropWhile
4123 |
4124 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#dropWhile)
4125 |
4126 | ### either
4127 |
4128 | ```typescript
4129 |
4130 | either(firstPredicate: Pred, secondPredicate: Pred): Pred
4131 | ```
4132 |
4133 | It returns a new `predicate` function from `firstPredicate` and `secondPredicate` inputs.
4134 |
4135 | This `predicate` function will return `true`, if any of the two input predicates return `true`.
4136 |
4137 | <details>
4138 |
4139 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
4140 |
4141 | ```typescript
4142 | either(firstPredicate: Pred, secondPredicate: Pred): Pred;
4143 | either<T>(firstPredicate: Predicate<T>, secondPredicate: Predicate<T>): Predicate<T>;
4144 | either<T>(firstPredicate: Predicate<T>): (secondPredicate: Predicate<T>) => Predicate<T>;
4145 | either(firstPredicate: Pred): (secondPredicate: Pred) => Pred;
4146 | ```
4147 |
4148 | </details>
4149 |
4150 | <details>
4151 |
4152 | <summary><strong>R.either</strong> source</summary>
4153 |
4154 | ```javascript
4155 | export function either(firstPredicate, secondPredicate) {
4156 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
4157 | return _secondPredicate => either(firstPredicate, _secondPredicate)
4158 | }
4159 |
4160 | return (...input) =>
4161 | Boolean(firstPredicate(...input) || secondPredicate(...input))
4162 | }
4163 | ```
4164 |
4165 | </details>
4166 |
4167 | <details>
4168 |
4169 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
4170 |
4171 | ```javascript
4172 | import {either} from './either'
4173 |
4174 | test('with multiple inputs', () => {
4175 | const between = function (a, b, c) {
4176 | return a < b && b < c
4177 | }
4178 | const total20 = function (a, b, c) {
4179 | return a + b + c === 20
4180 | }
4181 | const fn = either(between, total20)
4182 | expect(fn(7, 8, 5)).toBeTrue()
4183 | })
4184 |
4185 | test('skip evaluation of the second expression', () => {
4186 | let effect = 'not evaluated'
4187 | const F = function () {
4188 | return true
4189 | }
4190 | const Z = function () {
4191 | effect = 'Z got evaluated'
4192 | }
4193 | either(F, Z)()
4194 |
4195 | expect(effect).toBe('not evaluated')
4196 | })
4197 |
4198 | test('case 1', () => {
4199 | const firstFn = val => val > 0
4200 | const secondFn = val => val * 5 > 10
4201 |
4202 | expect(either(firstFn, secondFn)(1)).toBeTrue()
4203 | })
4204 |
4205 | test('case 2', () => {
4206 | const firstFn = val => val > 0
4207 | const secondFn = val => val === -10
4208 | const fn = either(firstFn)(secondFn)
4209 |
4210 | expect(fn(-10)).toBeTrue()
4211 | })
4212 | ```
4213 |
4214 | </details>
4215 |
4216 | <details>
4217 |
4218 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
4219 |
4220 | ```typescript
4221 | import {either} from 'rambda'
4222 |
4223 | describe('R.either', () => {
4224 | it('with passed type', () => {
4225 | const fn = either<number>(
4226 | x => x > 1,
4227 | x => x % 2 === 0
4228 | )
4229 | fn // $ExpectType Predicate<number>
4230 | const result = fn(2) // $ExpectType boolean
4231 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4232 | })
4233 | it('with passed type - curried', () => {
4234 | const fn = either<number>(x => x > 1)(x => x % 2 === 0)
4235 | fn // $ExpectType Predicate<number>
4236 | const result = fn(2)
4237 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4238 | })
4239 | it('no type passed', () => {
4240 | const fn = either(
4241 | x => {
4242 | x // $ExpectType any
4243 | return x > 1
4244 | },
4245 | x => {
4246 | x // $ExpectType any
4247 | return x % 2 === 0
4248 | }
4249 | )
4250 | const result = fn(2)
4251 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4252 | })
4253 | it('no type passed - curried', () => {
4254 | const fn = either((x: number) => {
4255 | x // $ExpectType number
4256 | return x > 1
4257 | })((x: number) => {
4258 | x // $ExpectType number
4259 | return x % 2 === 0
4260 | })
4261 | const result = fn(2)
4262 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4263 | })
4264 | })
4265 | ```
4266 |
4267 | </details>
4268 |
4269 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#either)
4270 |
4271 | ### endsWith
4272 |
4273 | ```typescript
4274 |
4275 | endsWith(target: string, iterable: string): boolean
4276 | ```
4277 |
4278 | When iterable is a string, then it behaves as `String.prototype.endsWith`.
4279 | When iterable is a list, then it uses R.equals to determine if the target list ends in the same way as the given target.
4280 |
4281 | <details>
4282 |
4283 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
4284 |
4285 | ```typescript
4286 | endsWith(target: string, iterable: string): boolean;
4287 | endsWith(target: string): (iterable: string) => boolean;
4288 | endsWith<T>(target: T[], list: T[]): boolean;
4289 | endsWith<T>(target: T[]): (list: T[]) => boolean;
4290 | ```
4291 |
4292 | </details>
4293 |
4294 | <details>
4295 |
4296 | <summary><strong>R.endsWith</strong> source</summary>
4297 |
4298 | ```javascript
4299 | import {equals} from './equals.js'
4300 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray.js'
4301 |
4302 | export function endsWith(target, iterable) {
4303 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _iterable => endsWith(target, _iterable)
4304 |
4305 | if (typeof iterable === 'string') {
4306 | return iterable.endsWith(target)
4307 | }
4308 | if (!_isArray(target)) return false
4309 |
4310 | const diff = iterable.length - target.length
4311 | let correct = true
4312 | const filtered = target.filter((x, index) => {
4313 | if (!correct) return false
4314 | const result = equals(x, iterable[index + diff])
4315 | if (!result) correct = false
4316 | return result
4317 | })
4318 |
4319 | return filtered.length === target.length
4320 | }
4321 | ```
4322 |
4323 | </details>
4324 |
4325 | <details>
4326 |
4327 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
4328 |
4329 | ```javascript
4330 | import {endsWith} from './endsWith'
4331 | import {endsWith as endsWithRamda} from 'ramda'
4332 | import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'
4333 |
4334 | test('with string', () => {
4335 | expect(endsWith('bar', 'foo-bar')).toBeTrue()
4336 | expect(endsWith('baz')('foo-bar')).toBeFalse()
4337 | })
4338 |
4339 | test('use R.equals with array', () => {
4340 | const list = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]
4341 | expect(endsWith({a: 3}, list)).toBeFalse(),
4342 | expect(endsWith([{a: 3}], list)).toBeTrue()
4343 | expect(endsWith([{a: 2}, {a: 3}], list)).toBeTrue()
4344 | expect(endsWith(list, list)).toBeTrue()
4345 | expect(endsWith([{a: 1}], list)).toBeFalse()
4346 | })
4347 |
4348 | export const possibleTargets = [
4349 | NaN,
4350 | [NaN],
4351 | /foo/,
4352 | [/foo/],
4353 | Promise.resolve(1),
4354 | [Promise.resolve(1)],
4355 | Error('foo'),
4356 | [Error('foo')],
4357 | ]
4358 |
4359 | export const possibleIterables = [
4360 | [Promise.resolve(1), Promise.resolve(2)],
4361 | [/foo/, /bar/],
4362 | [NaN],
4363 | [Error('foo'), Error('bar')],
4364 | ]
4365 |
4366 | describe('brute force', () => {
4367 | compareCombinations({
4368 | fn: endsWith,
4369 | fnRamda: endsWithRamda,
4370 | firstInput: possibleTargets,
4371 | secondInput: possibleIterables,
4372 | callback: errorsCounters => {
4373 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
4374 | Object {
4378 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 0,
4379 | "SHOULD_THROW": 0,
4380 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 32,
4381 | }
4382 | `)
4383 | },
4384 | })
4385 | })
4386 | ```
4387 |
4388 | </details>
4389 |
4390 | <details>
4391 |
4392 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
4393 |
4394 | ```typescript
4395 | import {endsWith} from 'rambda'
4396 |
4397 | describe('R.endsWith - array as iterable', () => {
4398 | const target = [{a: 2}]
4399 | const iterable = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}]
4400 | it('happy', () => {
4401 | const result = endsWith(target, iterable)
4402 |
4403 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4404 | })
4405 | it('curried', () => {
4406 | const result = endsWith(target)(iterable)
4407 |
4408 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4409 | })
4410 | })
4411 |
4412 | describe('R.endsWith - string as iterable', () => {
4413 | const target = 'bar'
4414 | const iterable = 'foo bar'
4415 | it('happy', () => {
4416 | const result = endsWith(target, iterable)
4417 |
4418 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4419 | })
4420 | it('curried', () => {
4421 | const result = endsWith(target)(iterable)
4422 |
4423 | result // $ExpectType boolean
4424 | })
4425 | })
4426 | ```
4427 |
4428 | </details>
4429 |
4430 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#endsWith)
4431 |
4432 | ### eqProps
4433 |
4434 | It returns `true` if property `prop` in `obj1` is equal to property `prop` in `obj2` according to `R.equals`.
4435 |
4436 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#eqProps)
4437 |
4438 | ### equals
4439 |
4440 | ```typescript
4441 |
4442 | equals<T>(x: T, y: T): boolean
4443 | ```
4444 |
4445 | It deeply compares `x` and `y` and returns `true` if they are equal.
4446 |
4447 | <details>
4448 |
4449 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
4450 |
4451 | ```typescript
4452 | equals<T>(x: T, y: T): boolean;
4453 | equals<T>(x: T): (y: T) => boolean;
4454 | ```
4455 |
4456 | </details>
4457 |
4458 | <details>
4459 |
4460 | <summary><strong>R.equals</strong> source</summary>
4461 |
4462 | ```javascript
4463 | import {type} from './type'
4464 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
4465 |
4466 | export function _lastIndexOf(valueToFind, list) {
4467 | if (!_isArray(list)) {
4468 | throw new Error(`Cannot read property 'indexOf' of ${list}`)
4469 | }
4470 | const typeOfValue = type(valueToFind)
4471 | if (!['Object', 'Array', 'NaN', 'RegExp'].includes(typeOfValue))
4472 | return list.lastIndexOf(valueToFind)
4473 |
4474 | const {length} = list
4475 | let index = length
4476 | let foundIndex = -1
4477 |
4478 | while (--index > -1 && foundIndex === -1) {
4479 | if (equals(list[index], valueToFind)) {
4480 | foundIndex = index
4481 | }
4482 | }
4483 |
4484 | return foundIndex
4485 | }
4486 |
4487 | export function _indexOf(valueToFind, list) {
4488 | if (!_isArray(list)) {
4489 | throw new Error(`Cannot read property 'indexOf' of ${list}`)
4490 | }
4491 | const typeOfValue = type(valueToFind)
4492 | if (!['Object', 'Array', 'NaN', 'RegExp'].includes(typeOfValue))
4493 | return list.indexOf(valueToFind)
4494 |
4495 | let index = -1
4496 | let foundIndex = -1
4497 | const {length} = list
4498 |
4499 | while (++index < length && foundIndex === -1) {
4500 | if (equals(list[index], valueToFind)) {
4501 | foundIndex = index
4502 | }
4503 | }
4504 |
4505 | return foundIndex
4506 | }
4507 |
4508 | function _arrayFromIterator(iter) {
4509 | const list = []
4510 | let next
4511 | while (!(next = iter.next()).done) {
4512 | list.push(next.value)
4513 | }
4514 | return list
4515 | }
4516 |
4517 | function _equalsSets(a, b) {
4518 | if (a.size !== b.size) {
4519 | return false
4520 | }
4521 | const aList = _arrayFromIterator(a.values())
4522 | const bList = _arrayFromIterator(b.values())
4523 |
4524 | const filtered = aList.filter(
4525 | aInstance => _indexOf(aInstance, bList) === -1
4526 | )
4527 | return filtered.length === 0
4528 | }
4529 |
4530 | function parseError(maybeError) {
4531 | const typeofError = maybeError.__proto__.toString()
4532 | if (!['Error', 'TypeError'].includes(typeofError)) return []
4533 |
4534 | return [typeofError, maybeError.message]
4535 | }
4536 |
4537 | function parseDate(maybeDate) {
4538 | if (!maybeDate.toDateString) return [false]
4539 |
4540 | return [true, maybeDate.getTime()]
4541 | }
4542 |
4543 | function parseRegex(maybeRegex) {
4544 | if (maybeRegex.constructor !== RegExp) return [false]
4545 |
4546 | return [true, maybeRegex.toString()]
4547 | }
4548 |
4549 | function equalsSets(a, b) {
4550 | if (a.size !== b.size) {
4551 | return false
4552 | }
4553 | const aList = _arrayFromIterator(a.values())
4554 | const bList = _arrayFromIterator(b.values())
4555 |
4556 | const filtered = aList.filter(
4557 | aInstance => _indexOf(aInstance, bList) === -1
4558 | )
4559 | return filtered.length === 0
4560 | }
4561 |
4562 | export function equals(a, b) {
4563 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => equals(a, _b)
4564 |
4565 | const aType = type(a)
4566 |
4567 | if (aType !== type(b)) return false
4568 | if (aType === 'Function') {
4569 | return a.name === undefined ? false : a.name === b.name
4570 | }
4571 |
4572 | if (['NaN', 'Undefined', 'Null'].includes(aType)) return true
4573 |
4574 | if (aType === 'Number') {
4575 | if (Object.is(-0, a) !== Object.is(-0, b)) return false
4576 |
4577 | return a.toString() === b.toString()
4578 | }
4579 |
4580 | if (['String', 'Boolean'].includes(aType)) {
4581 | return a.toString() === b.toString()
4582 | }
4583 |
4584 | if (aType === 'Array') {
4585 | const aClone = Array.from(a)
4586 | const bClone = Array.from(b)
4587 |
4588 | if (aClone.toString() !== bClone.toString()) {
4589 | return false
4590 | }
4591 |
4592 | let loopArrayFlag = true
4593 | aClone.forEach((aCloneInstance, aCloneIndex) => {
4594 | if (loopArrayFlag) {
4595 | if (
4596 | aCloneInstance !== bClone[aCloneIndex] &&
4597 | !equals(aCloneInstance, bClone[aCloneIndex])
4598 | ) {
4599 | loopArrayFlag = false
4600 | }
4601 | }
4602 | })
4603 |
4604 | return loopArrayFlag
4605 | }
4606 |
4607 | const aRegex = parseRegex(a)
4608 | const bRegex = parseRegex(b)
4609 |
4610 | if (aRegex[0]) {
4611 | return bRegex[0] ? aRegex[1] === bRegex[1] : false
4612 | } else if (bRegex[0]) return false
4613 |
4614 | const aDate = parseDate(a)
4615 | const bDate = parseDate(b)
4616 |
4617 | if (aDate[0]) {
4618 | return bDate[0] ? aDate[1] === bDate[1] : false
4619 | } else if (bDate[0]) return false
4620 |
4621 | const aError = parseError(a)
4622 | const bError = parseError(b)
4623 |
4624 | if (aError[0]) {
4625 | return bError[0]
4626 | ? aError[0] === bError[0] && aError[1] === bError[1]
4627 | : false
4628 | }
4629 | if (aType === 'Set') {
4630 | return _equalsSets(a, b)
4631 | }
4632 | if (aType === 'Object') {
4633 | const aKeys = Object.keys(a)
4634 |
4635 | if (aKeys.length !== Object.keys(b).length) {
4636 | return false
4637 | }
4638 |
4639 | let loopObjectFlag = true
4640 | aKeys.forEach(aKeyInstance => {
4641 | if (loopObjectFlag) {
4642 | const aValue = a[aKeyInstance]
4643 | const bValue = b[aKeyInstance]
4644 |
4645 | if (aValue !== bValue && !equals(aValue, bValue)) {
4646 | loopObjectFlag = false
4647 | }
4648 | }
4649 | })
4650 |
4651 | return loopObjectFlag
4652 | }
4653 |
4654 | return false
4655 | }
4656 | ```
4657 |
4658 | </details>
4659 |
4660 | <details>
4661 |
4662 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
4663 |
4664 | ```javascript
4665 | import {equals} from './equals'
4666 | import {equals as equalsRamda} from 'ramda'
4667 | import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'
4668 | import {variousTypes} from './benchmarks/_utils'
4669 |
4670 | test('compare functions', () => {
4671 | function foo() {}
4672 | function bar() {}
4673 | const baz = () => {}
4674 |
4675 | const expectTrue = equals(foo, foo)
4676 | const expectFalseFirst = equals(foo, bar)
4677 | const expectFalseSecond = equals(foo, baz)
4678 |
4679 | expect(expectTrue).toBeTrue()
4680 | expect(expectFalseFirst).toBeFalse()
4681 | expect(expectFalseSecond).toBeFalse()
4682 | })
4683 |
4684 | test('with array of objects', () => {
4685 | const list1 = [{a: 1}, [{b: 2}]]
4686 | const list2 = [{a: 1}, [{b: 2}]]
4687 | const list3 = [{a: 1}, [{b: 3}]]
4688 |
4689 | expect(equals(list1, list2)).toBeTrue()
4690 | expect(equals(list1, list3)).toBeFalse()
4691 | })
4692 |
4693 | test('with regex', () => {
4694 | expect(equals(/s/, /s/)).toEqual(true)
4695 | expect(equals(/s/, /d/)).toEqual(false)
4696 | expect(equals(/a/gi, /a/gi)).toEqual(true)
4697 | expect(equals(/a/gim, /a/gim)).toEqual(true)
4698 | expect(equals(/a/gi, /a/i)).toEqual(false)
4699 | })
4700 |
4701 | test('not a number', () => {
4702 | expect(equals([NaN], [NaN])).toBeTrue()
4703 | })
4704 |
4705 | test('new number', () => {
4706 | expect(equals(new Number(0), new Number(0))).toEqual(true)
4707 | expect(equals(new Number(0), new Number(1))).toEqual(false)
4708 | expect(equals(new Number(1), new Number(0))).toEqual(false)
4709 | })
4710 |
4711 | test('new string', () => {
4712 | expect(equals(new String(''), new String(''))).toEqual(true)
4713 | expect(equals(new String(''), new String('x'))).toEqual(false)
4714 | expect(equals(new String('x'), new String(''))).toEqual(false)
4715 | expect(equals(new String('foo'), new String('foo'))).toEqual(true)
4716 | expect(equals(new String('foo'), new String('bar'))).toEqual(false)
4717 | expect(equals(new String('bar'), new String('foo'))).toEqual(false)
4718 | })
4719 |
4720 | test('new Boolean', () => {
4721 | expect(equals(new Boolean(true), new Boolean(true))).toEqual(true)
4722 | expect(equals(new Boolean(false), new Boolean(false))).toEqual(true)
4723 | expect(equals(new Boolean(true), new Boolean(false))).toEqual(false)
4724 | expect(equals(new Boolean(false), new Boolean(true))).toEqual(false)
4725 | })
4726 |
4727 | test('new Error', () => {
4728 | expect(equals(new Error('XXX'), {})).toEqual(false)
4729 | expect(equals(new Error('XXX'), new TypeError('XXX'))).toEqual(false)
4730 | expect(equals(new Error('XXX'), new Error('YYY'))).toEqual(false)
4731 | expect(equals(new Error('XXX'), new Error('XXX'))).toEqual(true)
4732 | expect(equals(new Error('XXX'), new TypeError('YYY'))).toEqual(false)
4733 | })
4734 |
4735 | test('with dates', () => {
4736 | expect(equals(new Date(0), new Date(0))).toEqual(true)
4737 | expect(equals(new Date(1), new Date(1))).toEqual(true)
4738 | expect(equals(new Date(0), new Date(1))).toEqual(false)
4739 | expect(equals(new Date(1), new Date(0))).toEqual(false)
4740 | expect(equals(new Date(0), {})).toEqual(false)
4741 | expect(equals({}, new Date(0))).toEqual(false)
4742 | })
4743 |
4744 | test('ramda spec', () => {
4745 | expect(equals({}, {})).toEqual(true)
4746 |
4747 | expect(
4748 | equals(
4749 | {
4750 | a: 1,
4751 | b: 2,
4752 | },
4753 | {
4754 | a: 1,
4755 | b: 2,
4756 | }
4757 | )
4758 | ).toEqual(true)
4759 |
4760 | expect(
4761 | equals(
4762 | {
4763 | a: 2,
4764 | b: 3,
4765 | },
4766 | {
4767 | b: 3,
4768 | a: 2,
4769 | }
4770 | )
4771 | ).toEqual(true)
4772 |
4773 | expect(
4774 | equals(
4775 | {
4776 | a: 2,
4777 | b: 3,
4778 | },
4779 | {
4780 | a: 3,
4781 | b: 3,
4782 | }
4783 | )
4784 | ).toEqual(false)
4785 |
4786 | expect(
4787 | equals(
4788 | {
4789 | a: 2,
4790 | b: 3,
4791 | c: 1,
4792 | },
4793 | {
4794 | a: 2,
4795 | b: 3,
4796 | }
4797 | )
4798 | ).toEqual(false)
4799 | })
4800 |
4801 | test('works with boolean tuple', () => {
4802 | expect(equals([true, false], [true, false])).toBeTrue()
4803 | expect(equals([true, false], [true, true])).toBeFalse()
4804 | })
4805 |
4806 | test('works with equal objects within array', () => {
4807 | const objFirst = {
4808 | a: {
4809 | b: 1,
4810 | c: 2,
4811 | d: [1],
4812 | },
4813 | }
4814 | const objSecond = {
4815 | a: {
4816 | b: 1,
4817 | c: 2,
4818 | d: [1],
4819 | },
4820 | }
4821 |
4822 | const x = [1, 2, objFirst, null, '', []]
4823 | const y = [1, 2, objSecond, null, '', []]
4824 | expect(equals(x, y)).toBeTrue()
4825 | })
4826 |
4827 | test('works with different objects within array', () => {
4828 | const objFirst = {a: {b: 1}}
4829 | const objSecond = {a: {b: 2}}
4830 |
4831 | const x = [1, 2, objFirst, null, '', []]
4832 | const y = [1, 2, objSecond, null, '', []]
4833 | expect(equals(x, y)).toBeFalse()
4834 | })
4835 |
4836 | test('works with undefined as second argument', () => {
4837 | expect(equals(1, undefined)).toBeFalse()
4838 |
4839 | expect(equals(undefined, undefined)).toBeTrue()
4840 | })
4841 |
4842 | test('compare sets', () => {
4843 | const toCompareDifferent = new Set([{a: 1}, {a: 2}])
4844 | const toCompareSame = new Set([{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 1}])
4845 | const testSet = new Set([{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 1}])
4846 | expect(equals(toCompareSame, testSet)).toBeTruthy()
4847 | expect(equals(toCompareDifferent, testSet)).toBeFalsy()
4848 | expect(equalsRamda(toCompareSame, testSet)).toBeTruthy()
4849 | expect(equalsRamda(toCompareDifferent, testSet)).toBeFalsy()
4850 | })
4851 |
4852 | test('compare simple sets', () => {
4853 | const testSet = new Set(['2', '3', '3', '2', '1'])
4854 | expect(equals(new Set(['3', '2', '1']), testSet)).toBeTruthy()
4855 | expect(equals(new Set(['3', '2', '0']), testSet)).toBeFalsy()
4856 | })
4857 |
4858 | test('various examples', () => {
4859 | expect(equals([1, 2, 3])([1, 2, 3])).toBeTrue()
4860 |
4861 | expect(equals([1, 2, 3], [1, 2])).toBeFalse()
4862 |
4863 | expect(equals(1, 1)).toBeTrue()
4864 |
4865 | expect(equals(1, '1')).toBeFalse()
4866 |
4867 | expect(equals({}, {})).toBeTrue()
4868 |
4869 | expect(
4870 | equals(
4871 | {
4872 | a: 1,
4873 | b: 2,
4874 | },
4875 | {
4876 | b: 2,
4877 | a: 1,
4878 | }
4879 | )
4880 | ).toBeTrue()
4881 |
4882 | expect(
4883 | equals(
4884 | {
4885 | a: 1,
4886 | b: 2,
4887 | },
4888 | {
4889 | a: 1,
4890 | b: 1,
4891 | }
4892 | )
4893 | ).toBeFalse()
4894 |
4895 | expect(
4896 | equals(
4897 | {
4898 | a: 1,
4899 | b: false,
4900 | },
4901 | {
4902 | a: 1,
4903 | b: 1,
4904 | }
4905 | )
4906 | ).toBeFalse()
4907 |
4908 | expect(
4909 | equals(
4910 | {
4911 | a: 1,
4912 | b: 2,
4913 | },
4914 | {
4915 | b: 2,
4916 | a: 1,
4917 | c: 3,
4918 | }
4919 | )
4920 | ).toBeFalse()
4921 |
4922 | expect(
4923 | equals(
4924 | {
4925 | x: {
4926 | a: 1,
4927 | b: 2,
4928 | },
4929 | },
4930 | {
4931 | x: {
4932 | b: 2,
4933 | a: 1,
4934 | c: 3,
4935 | },
4936 | }
4937 | )
4938 | ).toBeFalse()
4939 |
4940 | expect(
4941 | equals(
4942 | {
4943 | a: 1,
4944 | b: 2,
4945 | },
4946 | {
4947 | b: 3,
4948 | a: 1,
4949 | }
4950 | )
4951 | ).toBeFalse()
4952 |
4953 | expect(equals({a: {b: {c: 1}}}, {a: {b: {c: 1}}})).toBeTrue()
4954 |
4955 | expect(equals({a: {b: {c: 1}}}, {a: {b: {c: 2}}})).toBeFalse()
4956 |
4957 | expect(equals({a: {}}, {a: {}})).toBeTrue()
4958 |
4959 | expect(equals('', '')).toBeTrue()
4960 |
4961 | expect(equals('foo', 'foo')).toBeTrue()
4962 |
4963 | expect(equals('foo', 'bar')).toBeFalse()
4964 |
4965 | expect(equals(0, false)).toBeFalse()
4966 |
4967 | expect(equals(/\s/g, null)).toBeFalse()
4968 |
4969 | expect(equals(null, null)).toBeTrue()
4970 |
4971 | expect(equals(false)(null)).toBeFalse()
4972 | })
4973 |
4974 | test('with custom functions', () => {
4975 | function foo() {
4976 | return 1
4977 | }
4978 | foo.prototype.toString = () => ''
4979 | const result = equals(foo, foo)
4980 |
4981 | expect(result).toBeTrue()
4982 | })
4983 |
4984 | test('with classes', () => {
4985 | class Foo {}
4986 | const foo = new Foo()
4987 | const result = equals(foo, foo)
4988 |
4989 | expect(result).toBeTrue()
4990 | })
4991 |
4992 | test('with negative zero', () => {
4993 | expect(equals(-0, -0)).toBeTrue()
4994 | expect(equals(-0, 0)).toBeFalse()
4995 | expect(equals(0, 0)).toBeTrue()
4996 | expect(equals(-0, 1)).toBeFalse()
4997 | })
4998 |
4999 | const possibleInputs = variousTypes
5000 |
5001 | describe('brute force', () => {
5002 | compareCombinations({
5003 | fn: equals,
5004 | fnRamda: equalsRamda,
5005 | firstInput: possibleInputs,
5006 | secondInput: possibleInputs,
5007 | callback: errorsCounters => {
5008 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
5009 | Object {
5013 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 4,
5014 | "SHOULD_THROW": 0,
5015 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 289,
5016 | }
5017 | `)
5018 | },
5019 | })
5020 | })
5021 | ```
5022 |
5023 | </details>
5024 |
5025 | <details>
5026 |
5027 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
5028 |
5029 | ```typescript
5030 | import {equals} from 'rambda'
5031 |
5032 | describe('R.equals', () => {
5033 | it('happy', () => {
5034 | const result = equals(4, 1)
5035 | result // $ExpectType boolean
5036 | })
5037 | it('with object', () => {
5038 | const foo = {a: 1}
5039 | const bar = {a: 2}
5040 | const result = equals(foo, bar)
5041 | result // $ExpectType boolean
5042 | })
5043 | it('curried', () => {
5044 | const result = equals(4)(1)
5045 |
5046 | result // $ExpectType boolean
5047 | })
5048 | })
5049 | ```
5050 |
5051 | </details>
5052 |
5053 | <details>
5054 |
5055 | <summary>Lodash is fastest. Rambda is 58.37% slower and Ramda is 96.73% slower</summary>
5056 |
5057 | ```text
5058 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
5059 |
5060 | const limit = 10000
5061 |
5062 | const strings = Array(limit)
5063 | .fill(null)
5064 | .map(() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000))
5065 |
5066 | const equals = [
5067 | {
5068 | label: 'Rambda',
5069 | fn: () => {
5070 | strings.forEach(x => R.equals(x, 'ss'))
5071 | },
5072 | },
5073 | {
5074 | label: 'Ramda',
5075 | fn: () => {
5076 | strings.forEach(x => Ramda.equals(x, 'ss'))
5077 | },
5078 | },
5079 | {
5080 | label: 'Lodash',
5081 | fn: () => {
5082 | strings.forEach(x => _.isEqual(x, 'ss'))
5083 | },
5084 | },
5085 | ]
5086 | ```
5087 |
5088 | </details>
5089 |
5090 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#equals)
5091 |
5092 | ### evolve
5093 |
5094 | ```typescript
5095 |
5096 | evolve<T, U>(rules: ((x: T) => U)[], list: T[]): U[]
5097 | ```
5098 |
5099 | It takes object or array of functions as set of rules. These `rules` are applied to the `iterable` input to produce the result.
5100 |
5101 | <details>
5102 |
5103 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
5104 |
5105 | ```typescript
5106 | evolve<T, U>(rules: ((x: T) => U)[], list: T[]): U[];
5107 | evolve<T, U>(rules: ((x: T) => U)[]) : (list: T[]) => U[];
5108 | evolve<E extends Evolver, V extends Evolvable<E>>(rules: E, obj: V): Evolve<V, E>;
5109 | evolve<E extends Evolver>(rules: E): <V extends Evolvable<E>>(obj: V) => Evolve<V, E>;
5110 | ```
5111 |
5112 | </details>
5113 |
5114 | <details>
5115 |
5116 | <summary><strong>R.evolve</strong> source</summary>
5117 |
5118 | ```javascript
5119 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
5120 | import {mapArray, mapObject} from './map'
5121 | import {type} from './type'
5122 |
5123 | export function evolveArray(rules, list) {
5124 | return mapArray(
5125 | (x, i) => {
5126 | if (type(rules[i]) === 'Function') {
5127 | return rules[i](x)
5128 | }
5129 |
5130 | return x
5131 | },
5132 | list,
5133 | true
5134 | )
5135 | }
5136 |
5137 | export function evolveObject(rules, iterable) {
5138 | return mapObject((x, prop) => {
5139 | if (type(x) === 'Object') {
5140 | const typeRule = type(rules[prop])
5141 | if (typeRule === 'Function') {
5142 | return rules[prop](x)
5143 | }
5144 | if (typeRule === 'Object') {
5145 | return evolve(rules[prop], x)
5146 | }
5147 |
5148 | return x
5149 | }
5150 | if (type(rules[prop]) === 'Function') {
5151 | return rules[prop](x)
5152 | }
5153 |
5154 | return x
5155 | }, iterable)
5156 | }
5157 |
5158 | export function evolve(rules, iterable) {
5159 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
5160 | return _iterable => evolve(rules, _iterable)
5161 | }
5162 | const rulesType = type(rules)
5163 | const iterableType = type(iterable)
5164 |
5165 | if (iterableType !== rulesType) {
5166 | throw new Error('iterableType !== rulesType')
5167 | }
5168 |
5169 | if (!['Object', 'Array'].includes(rulesType)) {
5170 | throw new Error(
5171 | `'iterable' and 'rules' are from wrong type ${rulesType}`
5172 | )
5173 | }
5174 |
5175 | if (iterableType === 'Object') {
5176 | return evolveObject(rules, iterable)
5177 | }
5178 |
5179 | return evolveArray(rules, iterable)
5180 | }
5181 | ```
5182 |
5183 | </details>
5184 |
5185 | <details>
5186 |
5187 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
5188 |
5189 | ```javascript
5190 | import {evolve as evolveRamda} from 'ramda'
5191 |
5192 | import {add} from '../rambda'
5193 | import {compareCombinations, compareToRamda} from './_internals/testUtils'
5194 | import {evolve} from './evolve'
5195 |
5196 | test('happy', () => {
5197 | const rules = {
5198 | foo: add(1),
5199 | nested: {bar: x => Object.keys(x).length},
5200 | }
5201 | const input = {
5202 | a: 1,
5203 | foo: 2,
5204 | nested: {bar: {z: 3}},
5205 | }
5206 | const result = evolve(rules, input)
5207 | expect(result).toEqual({
5208 | a: 1,
5209 | foo: 3,
5210 | nested: {bar: 1},
5211 | })
5212 | })
5213 |
5214 | test('nested rule is wrong', () => {
5215 | const rules = {
5216 | foo: add(1),
5217 | nested: {bar: 10},
5218 | }
5219 | const input = {
5220 | a: 1,
5221 | foo: 2,
5222 | nested: {bar: {z: 3}},
5223 | }
5224 | const result = evolve(rules)(input)
5225 | expect(result).toEqual({
5226 | a: 1,
5227 | foo: 3,
5228 | nested: {bar: {z: 3}},
5229 | })
5230 | })
5231 |
5232 | test('is recursive', () => {
5233 | const rules = {
5234 | nested: {
5235 | second: add(-1),
5236 | third: add(1),
5237 | },
5238 | }
5239 | const object = {
5240 | first: 1,
5241 | nested: {
5242 | second: 2,
5243 | third: 3,
5244 | },
5245 | }
5246 | const expected = {
5247 | first: 1,
5248 | nested: {
5249 | second: 1,
5250 | third: 4,
5251 | },
5252 | }
5253 | const result = evolve(rules, object)
5254 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
5255 | })
5256 |
5257 | test('ignores primitive values', () => {
5258 | const rules = {
5259 | n: 2,
5260 | m: 'foo',
5261 | }
5262 | const object = {
5263 | n: 0,
5264 | m: 1,
5265 | }
5266 | const expected = {
5267 | n: 0,
5268 | m: 1,
5269 | }
5270 | const result = evolve(rules, object)
5271 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
5272 | })
5273 |
5274 | test('with array', () => {
5275 | const rules = [add(1), add(-1)]
5276 | const list = [100, 1400]
5277 | const expected = [101, 1399]
5278 | const result = evolve(rules, list)
5279 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
5280 | })
5281 |
5282 | const rulesObject = {a: add(1)}
5283 | const rulesList = [add(1)]
5284 | const possibleIterables = [null, undefined, '', 42, [], [1], {a: 1}]
5285 | const possibleRules = [...possibleIterables, rulesList, rulesObject]
5286 |
5287 | describe('brute force', () => {
5288 | compareCombinations({
5289 | firstInput: possibleRules,
5290 | callback: errorsCounters => {
5291 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
5292 | Object {
5296 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 51,
5297 | "SHOULD_THROW": 0,
5298 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 63,
5299 | }
5300 | `)
5301 | },
5302 | secondInput: possibleIterables,
5303 | fn: evolve,
5304 | fnRamda: evolveRamda,
5305 | })
5306 | })
5307 | ```
5308 |
5309 | </details>
5310 |
5311 | <details>
5312 |
5313 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
5314 |
5315 | ```typescript
5316 | import {evolve, add} from 'rambda'
5317 |
5318 | describe('R.evolve', () => {
5319 | it('happy', () => {
5320 | const input = {
5321 | foo: 2,
5322 | nested: {
5323 | a: 1,
5324 | bar: 3,
5325 | },
5326 | }
5327 | const rules = {
5328 | foo: add(1),
5329 | nested: {
5330 | a: add(-1),
5331 | bar: add(1),
5332 | },
5333 | }
5334 | const result = evolve(rules, input)
5335 | const curriedResult = evolve(rules)(input)
5336 |
5337 | result.nested.a // $ExpectType number
5338 | curriedResult.nested.a // $ExpectType number
5339 | result.nested.bar // $ExpectType number
5340 | result.foo // $ExpectType number
5341 | })
5342 | it('with array', () => {
5343 | const rules = [String, String]
5344 | const input = [100, 1400]
5345 | const result = evolve(rules, input)
5346 | const curriedResult = evolve(rules)(input)
5347 | result // $ExpectType string[]
5348 | curriedResult // $ExpectType string[]
5349 | })
5350 | })
5351 | ```
5352 |
5353 | </details>
5354 |
5355 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#evolve)
5356 |
5357 | ### F
5358 |
5359 | ```typescript
5360 |
5361 | F(): boolean
5362 | ```
5363 |
5364 | <details>
5365 |
5366 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
5367 |
5368 | ```typescript
5369 | F(): boolean;
5370 | ```
5371 |
5372 | </details>
5373 |
5374 | <details>
5375 |
5376 | <summary><strong>R.F</strong> source</summary>
5377 |
5378 | ```javascript
5379 | export function F() {
5380 | return false
5381 | }
5382 | ```
5383 |
5384 | </details>
5385 |
5386 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#F)
5387 |
5388 | ### filter
5389 |
5390 | ```typescript
5391 |
5392 | filter<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (input: T[]) => T[]
5393 | ```
5394 |
5395 | It filters list or object `input` using a `predicate` function.
5396 |
5397 | <details>
5398 |
5399 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
5400 |
5401 | ```typescript
5402 | filter<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (input: T[]) => T[];
5403 | filter<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, input: T[]): T[];
5404 | filter<T, U>(predicate: ObjectPredicate<T>): (x: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
5405 | filter<T>(predicate: ObjectPredicate<T>, x: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
5406 | ```
5407 |
5408 | </details>
5409 |
5410 | <details>
5411 |
5412 | <summary><strong>R.filter</strong> source</summary>
5413 |
5414 | ```javascript
5415 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
5416 |
5417 | export function filterObject(predicate, obj) {
5418 | const willReturn = {}
5419 |
5420 | for (const prop in obj) {
5421 | if (predicate(obj[prop], prop, obj)) {
5422 | willReturn[prop] = obj[prop]
5423 | }
5424 | }
5425 |
5426 | return willReturn
5427 | }
5428 |
5429 | export function filterArray(predicate, list, indexed = false) {
5430 | let index = 0
5431 | const len = list.length
5432 | const willReturn = []
5433 |
5434 | while (index < len) {
5435 | const predicateResult = indexed
5436 | ? predicate(list[index], index)
5437 | : predicate(list[index])
5438 | if (predicateResult) {
5439 | willReturn.push(list[index])
5440 | }
5441 |
5442 | index++
5443 | }
5444 |
5445 | return willReturn
5446 | }
5447 |
5448 | export function filter(predicate, iterable) {
5449 | if (arguments.length === 1)
5450 | return _iterable => filter(predicate, _iterable)
5451 | if (!iterable) {
5452 | throw new Error('Incorrect iterable input')
5453 | }
5454 |
5455 | if (_isArray(iterable)) return filterArray(predicate, iterable)
5456 |
5457 | return filterObject(predicate, iterable)
5458 | }
5459 | ```
5460 |
5461 | </details>
5462 |
5463 | <details>
5464 |
5465 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
5466 |
5467 | ```javascript
5468 | import {T} from './T'
5469 | import {filter} from './filter'
5470 | import {filter as filterRamda} from 'ramda'
5471 |
5472 | const sampleObject = {
5473 | a: 1,
5474 | b: 2,
5475 | c: 3,
5476 | d: 4,
5477 | }
5478 |
5479 | test('happy', () => {
5480 | const isEven = n => n % 2 === 0
5481 |
5482 | expect(filter(isEven, [1, 2, 3, 4])).toEqual([2, 4])
5483 | expect(
5484 | filter(isEven, {
5485 | a: 1,
5486 | b: 2,
5487 | d: 3,
5488 | })
5489 | ).toEqual({b: 2})
5490 | })
5491 |
5492 | test('predicate when input is object', () => {
5493 | const obj = {
5494 | a: 1,
5495 | b: 2,
5496 | }
5497 | const predicate = (val, prop, inputObject) => {
5498 | expect(inputObject).toEqual(obj)
5499 | expect(typeof prop).toEqual('string')
5500 |
5501 | return val < 2
5502 | }
5503 | expect(filter(predicate, obj)).toEqual({a: 1})
5504 | })
5505 |
5506 | test('with object', () => {
5507 | const isEven = n => n % 2 === 0
5508 | const result = filter(isEven, sampleObject)
5509 | const expectedResult = {
5510 | b: 2,
5511 | d: 4,
5512 | }
5513 |
5514 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
5515 | })
5516 |
5517 | test('bad inputs difference between Ramda and Rambda', () => {
5518 | expect(() => filter(T, null)).toThrowWithMessage(
5519 | Error,
5520 | `Incorrect iterable input`
5521 | )
5522 | expect(() => filter(T)(undefined)).toThrowWithMessage(
5523 | Error,
5524 | `Incorrect iterable input`
5525 | )
5526 | expect(() => filterRamda(T, null)).toThrowWithMessage(
5527 | TypeError,
5528 | `Cannot read properties of null (reading 'filter')`
5529 | )
5530 | expect(() => filterRamda(T, undefined)).toThrowWithMessage(
5531 | TypeError,
5532 | `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')`
5533 | )
5534 | })
5535 | ```
5536 |
5537 | </details>
5538 |
5539 | <details>
5540 |
5541 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
5542 |
5543 | ```typescript
5544 | import {filter} from 'rambda'
5545 |
5546 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
5547 | const obj = {a: 1, b: 2}
5548 |
5549 | describe('R.filter with array', () => {
5550 | it('happy', () => {
5551 | const result = filter<number>(x => {
5552 | x // $ExpectType number
5553 | return x > 1
5554 | }, list)
5555 | result // $ExpectType number[]
5556 | })
5557 | it('curried', () => {
5558 | const result = filter<number>(x => {
5559 | x // $ExpectType number
5560 | return x > 1
5561 | })(list)
5562 | result // $ExpectType number[]
5563 | })
5564 | })
5565 |
5566 | describe('R.filter with objects', () => {
5567 | it('happy', () => {
5568 | const result = filter<number>((val, prop, origin) => {
5569 | val // $ExpectType number
5570 | prop // $ExpectType string
5571 | origin // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
5572 |
5573 | return val > 1
5574 | }, obj)
5575 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
5576 | })
5577 | it('curried version requires second dummy type', () => {
5578 | const result = filter<number, any>((val, prop, origin) => {
5579 | val // $ExpectType number
5580 | prop // $ExpectType string
5581 | origin // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
5582 |
5583 | return val > 1
5584 | })(obj)
5585 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
5586 | })
5587 | })
5588 | ```
5589 |
5590 | </details>
5591 |
5592 | <details>
5593 |
5594 | <summary>Lodash is fastest. Rambda is 6.7% slower and Ramda is 72.03% slower</summary>
5595 |
5596 | ```text
5597 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
5598 |
5599 | const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]
5600 | const fn = x => x > 2
5601 | const filter = [
5602 | {
5603 | label: 'Rambda',
5604 | fn: () => {
5605 | R.filter(fn, arr)
5606 | },
5607 | },
5608 | {
5609 | label: 'Ramda',
5610 | fn: () => {
5611 | Ramda.filter(fn, arr)
5612 | },
5613 | },
5614 | {
5615 | label: 'Lodash',
5616 | fn: () => {
5617 | _.filter(arr, fn)
5618 | },
5619 | },
5620 | ]
5621 | ```
5622 |
5623 | </details>
5624 |
5625 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#filter)
5626 |
5627 | ### find
5628 |
5629 | ```typescript
5630 |
5631 | find<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): T | undefined
5632 | ```
5633 |
5634 | It returns the first element of `list` that satisfy the `predicate`.
5635 |
5636 | If there is no such element, it returns `undefined`.
5637 |
5638 | <details>
5639 |
5640 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
5641 |
5642 | ```typescript
5643 | find<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): T | undefined;
5644 | find<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => T | undefined;
5645 | ```
5646 |
5647 | </details>
5648 |
5649 | <details>
5650 |
5651 | <summary><strong>R.find</strong> source</summary>
5652 |
5653 | ```javascript
5654 | export function find(predicate, list) {
5655 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => find(predicate, _list)
5656 |
5657 | let index = 0
5658 | const len = list.length
5659 |
5660 | while (index < len) {
5661 | const x = list[index]
5662 | if (predicate(x)) {
5663 | return x
5664 | }
5665 |
5666 | index++
5667 | }
5668 | }
5669 | ```
5670 |
5671 | </details>
5672 |
5673 | <details>
5674 |
5675 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
5676 |
5677 | ```javascript
5678 | import {find} from './find'
5679 | import {propEq} from './propEq'
5680 |
5681 | const list = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]
5682 |
5683 | test('happy', () => {
5684 | const fn = propEq('a', 2)
5685 | expect(find(fn, list)).toEqual({a: 2})
5686 | })
5687 |
5688 | test('with curry', () => {
5689 | const fn = propEq('a', 4)
5690 | expect(find(fn)(list)).toBeUndefined()
5691 | })
5692 |
5693 | test('with empty list', () => {
5694 | expect(find(() => true, [])).toBeUndefined()
5695 | })
5696 | ```
5697 |
5698 | </details>
5699 |
5700 | <details>
5701 |
5702 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
5703 |
5704 | ```typescript
5705 | import {find} from 'rambda'
5706 |
5707 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
5708 |
5709 | describe('R.find', () => {
5710 | it('happy', () => {
5711 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
5712 | const result = find(predicate, list)
5713 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
5714 | })
5715 | it('curried', () => {
5716 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
5717 | const result = find(predicate)(list)
5718 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
5719 | })
5720 | })
5721 | ```
5722 |
5723 | </details>
5724 |
5725 | <details>
5726 |
5727 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 85.14% slower and Lodash is 42.65% slower</summary>
5728 |
5729 | ```text
5730 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
5731 |
5732 | const fn = x => x > 2
5733 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
5734 |
5735 | const find = [
5736 | {
5737 | label: 'Rambda',
5738 | fn: () => {
5739 | R.find(fn, list)
5740 | },
5741 | },
5742 | {
5743 | label: 'Ramda',
5744 | fn: () => {
5745 | Ramda.find(fn, list)
5746 | },
5747 | },
5748 | {
5749 | label: 'Lodash',
5750 | fn: () => {
5751 | _.find(list, fn)
5752 | },
5753 | },
5754 | ]
5755 | ```
5756 |
5757 | </details>
5758 |
5759 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#find)
5760 |
5761 | ### findIndex
5762 |
5763 | ```typescript
5764 |
5765 | findIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): number
5766 | ```
5767 |
5768 | It returns the index of the first element of `list` satisfying the `predicate` function.
5769 |
5770 | If there is no such element, then `-1` is returned.
5771 |
5772 | <details>
5773 |
5774 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
5775 |
5776 | ```typescript
5777 | findIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): number;
5778 | findIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => number;
5779 | ```
5780 |
5781 | </details>
5782 |
5783 | <details>
5784 |
5785 | <summary><strong>R.findIndex</strong> source</summary>
5786 |
5787 | ```javascript
5788 | export function findIndex(predicate, list) {
5789 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => findIndex(predicate, _list)
5790 |
5791 | const len = list.length
5792 | let index = -1
5793 |
5794 | while (++index < len) {
5795 | if (predicate(list[index])) {
5796 | return index
5797 | }
5798 | }
5799 |
5800 | return -1
5801 | }
5802 | ```
5803 |
5804 | </details>
5805 |
5806 | <details>
5807 |
5808 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
5809 |
5810 | ```javascript
5811 | import {findIndex} from './findIndex'
5812 | import {propEq} from './propEq'
5813 |
5814 | const list = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]
5815 |
5816 | test('happy', () => {
5817 | expect(findIndex(propEq('a', 2), list)).toEqual(1)
5818 |
5819 | expect(findIndex(propEq('a', 1))(list)).toEqual(0)
5820 |
5821 | expect(findIndex(propEq('a', 4))(list)).toEqual(-1)
5822 | })
5823 | ```
5824 |
5825 | </details>
5826 |
5827 | <details>
5828 |
5829 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
5830 |
5831 | ```typescript
5832 | import {findIndex} from 'rambda'
5833 |
5834 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
5835 |
5836 | describe('R.findIndex', () => {
5837 | it('happy', () => {
5838 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
5839 | const result = findIndex(predicate, list)
5840 | result // $ExpectType number
5841 | })
5842 | it('curried', () => {
5843 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
5844 | const result = findIndex(predicate)(list)
5845 | result // $ExpectType number
5846 | })
5847 | })
5848 | ```
5849 |
5850 | </details>
5851 |
5852 | <details>
5853 |
5854 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 86.48% slower and Lodash is 72.27% slower</summary>
5855 |
5856 | ```text
5857 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
5858 |
5859 | const fn = x => x > 2
5860 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
5861 |
5862 | const findIndex = [
5863 | {
5864 | label: 'Rambda',
5865 | fn: () => {
5866 | R.findIndex(fn, list)
5867 | },
5868 | },
5869 | {
5870 | label: 'Ramda',
5871 | fn: () => {
5872 | Ramda.findIndex(fn, list)
5873 | },
5874 | },
5875 | {
5876 | label: 'Lodash',
5877 | fn: () => {
5878 | _.findIndex(list, fn)
5879 | },
5880 | },
5881 | ]
5882 | ```
5883 |
5884 | </details>
5885 |
5886 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#findIndex)
5887 |
5888 | ### findLast
5889 |
5890 | ```typescript
5891 |
5892 | findLast<T>(fn: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): T | undefined
5893 | ```
5894 |
5895 | It returns the last element of `list` satisfying the `predicate` function.
5896 |
5897 | If there is no such element, then `undefined` is returned.
5898 |
5899 | <details>
5900 |
5901 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
5902 |
5903 | ```typescript
5904 | findLast<T>(fn: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): T | undefined;
5905 | findLast<T>(fn: (x: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => T | undefined;
5906 | ```
5907 |
5908 | </details>
5909 |
5910 | <details>
5911 |
5912 | <summary><strong>R.findLast</strong> source</summary>
5913 |
5914 | ```javascript
5915 | export function findLast(predicate, list) {
5916 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => findLast(predicate, _list)
5917 |
5918 | let index = list.length
5919 |
5920 | while (--index >= 0) {
5921 | if (predicate(list[index])) {
5922 | return list[index]
5923 | }
5924 | }
5925 |
5926 | return undefined
5927 | }
5928 | ```
5929 |
5930 | </details>
5931 |
5932 | <details>
5933 |
5934 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
5935 |
5936 | ```javascript
5937 | import {findLast} from './findLast'
5938 |
5939 | test('happy', () => {
5940 | const result = findLast(x => x > 1, [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1])
5941 | expect(result).toEqual(4)
5942 |
5943 | expect(findLast(x => x === 0, [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1])).toEqual(0)
5944 | })
5945 |
5946 | test('with curry', () => {
5947 | expect(findLast(x => x > 1)([1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1])).toEqual(4)
5948 | })
5949 |
5950 | const obj1 = {x: 100}
5951 | const obj2 = {x: 200}
5952 | const a = [11, 10, 9, 'cow', obj1, 8, 7, 100, 200, 300, obj2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
5953 | const even = function (x) {
5954 | return x % 2 === 0
5955 | }
5956 | const gt100 = function (x) {
5957 | return x > 100
5958 | }
5959 | const isStr = function (x) {
5960 | return typeof x === 'string'
5961 | }
5962 | const xGt100 = function (o) {
5963 | return o && o.x > 100
5964 | }
5965 |
5966 | test('ramda 1', () => {
5967 | expect(findLast(even, a)).toEqual(0)
5968 | expect(findLast(gt100, a)).toEqual(300)
5969 | expect(findLast(isStr, a)).toEqual('cow')
5970 | expect(findLast(xGt100, a)).toEqual(obj2)
5971 | })
5972 |
5973 | test('ramda 2', () => {
5974 | expect(findLast(even, ['zing'])).toEqual(undefined)
5975 | })
5976 |
5977 | test('ramda 3', () => {
5978 | expect(findLast(even, [2, 3, 5])).toEqual(2)
5979 | })
5980 |
5981 | test('ramda 4', () => {
5982 | expect(findLast(even, [])).toEqual(undefined)
5983 | })
5984 | ```
5985 |
5986 | </details>
5987 |
5988 | <details>
5989 |
5990 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
5991 |
5992 | ```typescript
5993 | import {findLast} from 'rambda'
5994 |
5995 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
5996 |
5997 | describe('R.findLast', () => {
5998 | it('happy', () => {
5999 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
6000 | const result = findLast(predicate, list)
6001 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
6002 | })
6003 | it('curried', () => {
6004 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
6005 | const result = findLast(predicate)(list)
6006 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
6007 | })
6008 | })
6009 | ```
6010 |
6011 | </details>
6012 |
6013 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#findLast)
6014 |
6015 | ### findLastIndex
6016 |
6017 | ```typescript
6018 |
6019 | findLastIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): number
6020 | ```
6021 |
6022 | It returns the index of the last element of `list` satisfying the `predicate` function.
6023 |
6024 | If there is no such element, then `-1` is returned.
6025 |
6026 | <details>
6027 |
6028 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6029 |
6030 | ```typescript
6031 | findLastIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): number;
6032 | findLastIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => number;
6033 | ```
6034 |
6035 | </details>
6036 |
6037 | <details>
6038 |
6039 | <summary><strong>R.findLastIndex</strong> source</summary>
6040 |
6041 | ```javascript
6042 | export function findLastIndex(fn, list) {
6043 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => findLastIndex(fn, _list)
6044 |
6045 | let index = list.length
6046 |
6047 | while (--index >= 0) {
6048 | if (fn(list[index])) {
6049 | return index
6050 | }
6051 | }
6052 |
6053 | return -1
6054 | }
6055 | ```
6056 |
6057 | </details>
6058 |
6059 | <details>
6060 |
6061 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6062 |
6063 | ```javascript
6064 | import {findLastIndex} from './findLastIndex'
6065 |
6066 | test('happy', () => {
6067 | const result = findLastIndex(x => x > 1, [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1])
6068 |
6069 | expect(result).toEqual(5)
6070 |
6071 | expect(findLastIndex(x => x === 0, [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1])).toEqual(0)
6072 | })
6073 |
6074 | test('with curry', () => {
6075 | expect(findLastIndex(x => x > 1)([1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1])).toEqual(5)
6076 | })
6077 |
6078 | const obj1 = {x: 100}
6079 | const obj2 = {x: 200}
6080 | const a = [11, 10, 9, 'cow', obj1, 8, 7, 100, 200, 300, obj2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
6081 | const even = function (x) {
6082 | return x % 2 === 0
6083 | }
6084 | const gt100 = function (x) {
6085 | return x > 100
6086 | }
6087 | const isStr = function (x) {
6088 | return typeof x === 'string'
6089 | }
6090 | const xGt100 = function (o) {
6091 | return o && o.x > 100
6092 | }
6093 |
6094 | test('ramda 1', () => {
6095 | expect(findLastIndex(even, a)).toEqual(15)
6096 | expect(findLastIndex(gt100, a)).toEqual(9)
6097 | expect(findLastIndex(isStr, a)).toEqual(3)
6098 | expect(findLastIndex(xGt100, a)).toEqual(10)
6099 | })
6100 |
6101 | test('ramda 2', () => {
6102 | expect(findLastIndex(even, ['zing'])).toEqual(-1)
6103 | })
6104 |
6105 | test('ramda 3', () => {
6106 | expect(findLastIndex(even, [2, 3, 5])).toEqual(0)
6107 | })
6108 |
6109 | test('ramda 4', () => {
6110 | expect(findLastIndex(even, [])).toEqual(-1)
6111 | })
6112 | ```
6113 |
6114 | </details>
6115 |
6116 | <details>
6117 |
6118 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6119 |
6120 | ```typescript
6121 | import {findLastIndex} from 'rambda'
6122 |
6123 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
6124 |
6125 | describe('R.findLastIndex', () => {
6126 | it('happy', () => {
6127 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
6128 | const result = findLastIndex(predicate, list)
6129 | result // $ExpectType number
6130 | })
6131 | it('curried', () => {
6132 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
6133 | const result = findLastIndex(predicate)(list)
6134 | result // $ExpectType number
6135 | })
6136 | })
6137 | ```
6138 |
6139 | </details>
6140 |
6141 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#findLastIndex)
6142 |
6143 | ### flatten
6144 |
6145 | ```typescript
6146 |
6147 | flatten<T>(list: any[]): T[]
6148 | ```
6149 |
6150 | It deeply flattens an array.
6151 |
6152 | <details>
6153 |
6154 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6155 |
6156 | ```typescript
6157 | flatten<T>(list: any[]): T[];
6158 | ```
6159 |
6160 | </details>
6161 |
6162 | <details>
6163 |
6164 | <summary><strong>R.flatten</strong> source</summary>
6165 |
6166 | ```javascript
6167 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
6168 |
6169 | export function flatten(list, input) {
6170 | const willReturn = input === undefined ? [] : input
6171 |
6172 | for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
6173 | if (_isArray(list[i])) {
6174 | flatten(list[i], willReturn)
6175 | } else {
6176 | willReturn.push(list[i])
6177 | }
6178 | }
6179 |
6180 | return willReturn
6181 | }
6182 | ```
6183 |
6184 | </details>
6185 |
6186 | <details>
6187 |
6188 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6189 |
6190 | ```javascript
6191 | import {flatten} from './flatten'
6192 |
6193 | test('happy', () => {
6194 | expect(flatten([1, 2, 3, [[[[[4]]]]]])).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4])
6195 |
6196 | expect(flatten([1, [2, [[3]]], [4]])).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4])
6197 |
6198 | expect(flatten([1, [2, [[[3]]]], [4]])).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 4])
6199 |
6200 | expect(flatten([1, 2, [3, 4], 5, [6, [7, 8, [9, [10, 11], 12]]]])).toEqual(
6201 | [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
6202 | )
6203 | })
6204 |
6205 | test('readme example', () => {
6206 | const result = flatten([1, 2, [3, 30, [300]], [4]])
6207 | expect(result).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 30, 300, 4])
6208 | })
6209 | ```
6210 |
6211 | </details>
6212 |
6213 | <details>
6214 |
6215 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6216 |
6217 | ```typescript
6218 | import {flatten} from 'rambda'
6219 |
6220 | describe('flatten', () => {
6221 | it('happy', () => {
6222 | const result = flatten<number>([1, 2, [3, [4]]])
6223 | result // $ExpectType number[]
6224 | })
6225 | })
6226 | ```
6227 |
6228 | </details>
6229 |
6230 | <details>
6231 |
6232 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 95.26% slower and Lodash is 10.27% slower</summary>
6233 |
6234 | ```text
6235 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
6236 |
6237 | const list = [1, [2, [3, 4, 6]]]
6238 |
6239 | const flatten = [
6240 | {
6241 | label: 'Rambda',
6242 | fn: () => {
6243 | R.flatten(list)
6244 | },
6245 | },
6246 | {
6247 | label: 'Ramda',
6248 | fn: () => {
6249 | Ramda.flatten(list)
6250 | },
6251 | },
6252 | {
6253 | label: 'Lodash',
6254 | fn: () => {
6255 | _.flatten(list)
6256 | },
6257 | },
6258 | ]
6259 | ```
6260 |
6261 | </details>
6262 |
6263 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#flatten)
6264 |
6265 | ### flip
6266 |
6267 | It returns function which calls `fn` with exchanged first and second argument.
6268 |
6269 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#flip)
6270 |
6271 | ### forEach
6272 |
6273 | ```typescript
6274 |
6275 | forEach<T>(fn: Iterator<T, void>, list: T[]): T[]
6276 | ```
6277 |
6278 | It applies `iterable` function over all members of `list` and returns `list`.
6279 |
6280 | <details>
6281 |
6282 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6283 |
6284 | ```typescript
6285 | forEach<T>(fn: Iterator<T, void>, list: T[]): T[];
6286 | forEach<T>(fn: Iterator<T, void>): (list: T[]) => T[];
6287 | forEach<T>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, void>, list: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
6288 | forEach<T, U>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, void>): (list: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
6289 | ```
6290 |
6291 | </details>
6292 |
6293 | <details>
6294 |
6295 | <summary><strong>R.forEach</strong> source</summary>
6296 |
6297 | ```javascript
6298 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
6299 | import {_keys} from './_internals/_keys'
6300 |
6301 | export function forEach(fn, list) {
6302 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => forEach(fn, _list)
6303 |
6304 | if (list === undefined) {
6305 | return
6306 | }
6307 |
6308 | if (_isArray(list)) {
6309 | let index = 0
6310 | const len = list.length
6311 |
6312 | while (index < len) {
6313 | fn(list[index])
6314 | index++
6315 | }
6316 | } else {
6317 | let index = 0
6318 | const keys = _keys(list)
6319 | const len = keys.length
6320 |
6321 | while (index < len) {
6322 | const key = keys[index]
6323 | fn(list[key], key, list)
6324 | index++
6325 | }
6326 | }
6327 |
6328 | return list
6329 | }
6330 | ```
6331 |
6332 | </details>
6333 |
6334 | <details>
6335 |
6336 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6337 |
6338 | ```javascript
6339 | import {forEach} from './forEach'
6340 | import {type} from './type'
6341 |
6342 | test('happy', () => {
6343 | const sideEffect = {}
6344 | forEach(x => (sideEffect[`foo${x}`] = x + 10))([1, 2])
6345 |
6346 | expect(sideEffect).toEqual({
6347 | foo1: 11,
6348 | foo2: 12,
6349 | })
6350 | })
6351 |
6352 | test('iterate over object', () => {
6353 | const obj = {
6354 | a: 1,
6355 | b: [1, 2],
6356 | c: {d: 7},
6357 | f: 'foo',
6358 | }
6359 | const result = {}
6360 | const returned = forEach((val, prop, inputObj) => {
6361 | expect(type(inputObj)).toBe('Object')
6362 | result[prop] = `${prop}-${type(val)}`
6363 | })(obj)
6364 |
6365 | const expected = {
6366 | a: 'a-Number',
6367 | b: 'b-Array',
6368 | c: 'c-Object',
6369 | f: 'f-String',
6370 | }
6371 |
6372 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
6373 | expect(returned).toEqual(obj)
6374 | })
6375 |
6376 | test('with empty list', () => {
6377 | const list = []
6378 | const result = forEach(x => x * x)(list)
6379 |
6380 | expect(result).toEqual(list)
6381 | })
6382 |
6383 | test('with wrong input', () => {
6384 | const list = undefined
6385 | const result = forEach(x => x * x)(list)
6386 |
6387 | expect(result).toBeUndefined()
6388 | })
6389 |
6390 | test('returns the input', () => {
6391 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
6392 | const result = forEach(x => x * x)(list)
6393 |
6394 | expect(result).toEqual(list)
6395 | })
6396 | ```
6397 |
6398 | </details>
6399 |
6400 | <details>
6401 |
6402 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6403 |
6404 | ```typescript
6405 | import {forEach} from 'rambda'
6406 |
6407 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
6408 | const obj = {a: 1, b: 2}
6409 |
6410 | describe('R.forEach with arrays', () => {
6411 | it('happy', () => {
6412 | const result = forEach(a => {
6413 | a // $ExpectType number
6414 | }, list)
6415 | result // $ExpectType number[]
6416 | })
6417 | it('curried require an explicit typing', () => {
6418 | const result = forEach<number>(a => {
6419 | a // $ExpectType number
6420 | })(list)
6421 | result // $ExpectType number[]
6422 | })
6423 | })
6424 |
6425 | describe('R.forEach with objects', () => {
6426 | it('happy', () => {
6427 | const result = forEach((a, b, c) => {
6428 | a // $ExpectType number
6429 | b // $ExpectType string
6430 | c // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
6431 | return `${a}`
6432 | }, obj)
6433 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
6434 | })
6435 | it('curried require an input typing and a dummy third typing', () => {
6436 | // Required in order all typings to work
6437 | const result = forEach<number, any>((a, b, c) => {
6438 | a // $ExpectType number
6439 | b // $ExpectType string
6440 | c // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
6441 | })(obj)
6442 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
6443 | })
6444 | it('iterator without property', () => {
6445 | const result = forEach(a => {
6446 | a // $ExpectType number
6447 | }, obj)
6448 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
6449 | })
6450 | })
6451 | ```
6452 |
6453 | </details>
6454 |
6455 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#forEach)
6456 |
6457 | ### fromPairs
6458 |
6459 | It transforms a `listOfPairs` to an object.
6460 |
6461 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#fromPairs)
6462 |
6463 | ### groupBy
6464 |
6465 | It splits `list` according to a provided `groupFn` function and returns an object.
6466 |
6467 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#groupBy)
6468 |
6469 | ### groupWith
6470 |
6471 | It returns separated version of list or string `input`, where separation is done with equality `compareFn` function.
6472 |
6473 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#groupWith)
6474 |
6475 | ### has
6476 |
6477 | ```typescript
6478 |
6479 | has<T>(prop: string, obj: T): boolean
6480 | ```
6481 |
6482 | It returns `true` if `obj` has property `prop`.
6483 |
6484 | <details>
6485 |
6486 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6487 |
6488 | ```typescript
6489 | has<T>(prop: string, obj: T): boolean;
6490 | has(prop: string): <T>(obj: T) => boolean;
6491 | ```
6492 |
6493 | </details>
6494 |
6495 | <details>
6496 |
6497 | <summary><strong>R.has</strong> source</summary>
6498 |
6499 | ```javascript
6500 | export function has(prop, obj) {
6501 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => has(prop, _obj)
6502 |
6503 | if (!obj) return false
6504 |
6505 | return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)
6506 | }
6507 | ```
6508 |
6509 | </details>
6510 |
6511 | <details>
6512 |
6513 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6514 |
6515 | ```javascript
6516 | import {has} from './has'
6517 |
6518 | test('happy', () => {
6519 | expect(has('a')({a: 1})).toBeTrue()
6520 | expect(has('b', {a: 1})).toBeFalse()
6521 | })
6522 |
6523 | test('with non-object', () => {
6524 | expect(has('a', undefined)).toEqual(false)
6525 | expect(has('a', null)).toEqual(false)
6526 | expect(has('a', true)).toEqual(false)
6527 | expect(has('a', '')).toEqual(false)
6528 | expect(has('a', /a/)).toEqual(false)
6529 | })
6530 | ```
6531 |
6532 | </details>
6533 |
6534 | <details>
6535 |
6536 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6537 |
6538 | ```typescript
6539 | import {has} from 'rambda'
6540 |
6541 | describe('R.has', () => {
6542 | it('happy', () => {
6543 | const result = has('foo', {a: 1})
6544 | const curriedResult = has('bar')({a: 1})
6545 | result // $ExpectType boolean
6546 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
6547 | })
6548 | })
6549 | ```
6550 |
6551 | </details>
6552 |
6553 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#has)
6554 |
6555 | ### hasPath
6556 |
6557 | ```typescript
6558 |
6559 | hasPath<T>(
6560 | path: string | string[],
6561 | input: object
6562 | ): boolean
6563 | ```
6564 |
6565 | It will return true, if `input` object has truthy `path`(calculated with `R.path`).
6566 |
6567 | <details>
6568 |
6569 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6570 |
6571 | ```typescript
6572 | hasPath<T>(
6573 | path: string | string[],
6574 | input: object
6575 | ): boolean;
6576 | hasPath<T>(
6577 | path: string | string[]
6578 | ): (input: object) => boolean;
6579 | ```
6580 |
6581 | </details>
6582 |
6583 | <details>
6584 |
6585 | <summary><strong>R.hasPath</strong> source</summary>
6586 |
6587 | ```javascript
6588 | import {path} from './path'
6589 |
6590 | export function hasPath(pathInput, obj) {
6591 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
6592 | return objHolder => hasPath(pathInput, objHolder)
6593 | }
6594 |
6595 | return path(pathInput, obj) !== undefined
6596 | }
6597 | ```
6598 |
6599 | </details>
6600 |
6601 | <details>
6602 |
6603 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6604 |
6605 | ```javascript
6606 | import {hasPath} from './hasPath'
6607 |
6608 | test('when true', () => {
6609 | const path = 'a.b'
6610 | const obj = {a: {b: []}}
6611 |
6612 | const result = hasPath(path)(obj)
6613 | const expectedResult = true
6614 |
6615 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
6616 | })
6617 |
6618 | test('when false', () => {
6619 | const path = 'a.b'
6620 | const obj = {}
6621 |
6622 | const result = hasPath(path, obj)
6623 | const expectedResult = false
6624 |
6625 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
6626 | })
6627 | ```
6628 |
6629 | </details>
6630 |
6631 | <details>
6632 |
6633 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6634 |
6635 | ```typescript
6636 | import {hasPath} from 'rambda'
6637 |
6638 | describe('R.hasPath', () => {
6639 | it('string path', () => {
6640 | const obj = {a: {b: 1}}
6641 | const result = hasPath('a.b', obj)
6642 | const curriedResult = hasPath('a.c')(obj)
6643 | result // $ExpectType boolean
6644 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
6645 | })
6646 | it('array path', () => {
6647 | const obj = {a: {b: 1}}
6648 | const result = hasPath(['a', 'b'], obj)
6649 | const curriedResult = hasPath(['a', 'c'])(obj)
6650 | result // $ExpectType boolean
6651 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
6652 | })
6653 | })
6654 | ```
6655 |
6656 | </details>
6657 |
6658 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#hasPath)
6659 |
6660 | ### head
6661 |
6662 | ```typescript
6663 |
6664 | head(input: string): string
6665 | ```
6666 |
6667 | It returns the first element of list or string `input`.
6668 |
6669 | <details>
6670 |
6671 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6672 |
6673 | ```typescript
6674 | head(input: string): string;
6675 | head(emptyList: []): undefined;
6676 | head<T>(input: T[]): T | undefined;
6677 | ```
6678 |
6679 | </details>
6680 |
6681 | <details>
6682 |
6683 | <summary><strong>R.head</strong> source</summary>
6684 |
6685 | ```javascript
6686 | export function head(listOrString) {
6687 | if (typeof listOrString === 'string') return listOrString[0] || ''
6688 |
6689 | return listOrString[0]
6690 | }
6691 | ```
6692 |
6693 | </details>
6694 |
6695 | <details>
6696 |
6697 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6698 |
6699 | ```javascript
6700 | import {head} from './head'
6701 |
6702 | test('head', () => {
6703 | expect(head(['fi', 'fo', 'fum'])).toEqual('fi')
6704 | expect(head([])).toEqual(undefined)
6705 | expect(head('foo')).toEqual('f')
6706 | expect(head('')).toEqual('')
6707 | })
6708 | ```
6709 |
6710 | </details>
6711 |
6712 | <details>
6713 |
6714 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6715 |
6716 | ```typescript
6717 | import {head} from 'rambda'
6718 |
6719 | describe('R.head', () => {
6720 | it('string', () => {
6721 | const result = head('foo')
6722 | result // $ExpectType string
6723 | })
6724 |
6725 | it('array', () => {
6726 | const result = head([1, 2, 3])
6727 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
6728 | })
6729 |
6730 | it('empty array - case 1', () => {
6731 | const result = head([])
6732 | result // $ExpectType undefined
6733 | })
6734 | it('empty array - case 2', () => {
6735 | const list = ['foo', 'bar'].filter(x => x.startsWith('a'))
6736 | const result = head(list)
6737 | result // $ExpectType string | undefined
6738 | })
6739 | })
6740 | ```
6741 |
6742 | </details>
6743 |
6744 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#head)
6745 |
6746 | ### identical
6747 |
6748 | It returns `true` if its arguments `a` and `b` are identical.
6749 |
6750 | Otherwise, it returns `false`.
6751 |
6752 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#identical)
6753 |
6754 | ### identity
6755 |
6756 | ```typescript
6757 |
6758 | identity<T>(input: T): T
6759 | ```
6760 |
6761 | It just passes back the supplied `input` argument.
6762 |
6763 | <details>
6764 |
6765 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6766 |
6767 | ```typescript
6768 | identity<T>(input: T): T;
6769 | ```
6770 |
6771 | </details>
6772 |
6773 | <details>
6774 |
6775 | <summary><strong>R.identity</strong> source</summary>
6776 |
6777 | ```javascript
6778 | export function identity(x) {
6779 | return x
6780 | }
6781 | ```
6782 |
6783 | </details>
6784 |
6785 | <details>
6786 |
6787 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6788 |
6789 | ```javascript
6790 | import {identity} from './identity'
6791 |
6792 | test('happy', () => {
6793 | expect(identity(7)).toEqual(7)
6794 | expect(identity(true)).toEqual(true)
6795 | expect(identity({a: 1})).toEqual({a: 1})
6796 | })
6797 | ```
6798 |
6799 | </details>
6800 |
6801 | <details>
6802 |
6803 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6804 |
6805 | ```typescript
6806 | import {identity} from 'rambda'
6807 |
6808 | describe('R.identity', () => {
6809 | it('happy', () => {
6810 | const result = identity(4)
6811 | result // $ExpectType 4
6812 | })
6813 | })
6814 | ```
6815 |
6816 | </details>
6817 |
6818 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#identity)
6819 |
6820 | ### ifElse
6821 |
6822 | ```typescript
6823 |
6824 | ifElse<TArgs extends any[], TOnTrueResult, TOnFalseResult>(fn: (...args: TArgs) => boolean, onTrue: (...args: TArgs) => TOnTrueResult, onFalse: (...args: TArgs) => TOnFalseResult): (...args: TArgs) => TOnTrueResult | TOnFalseResult
6825 | ```
6826 |
6827 | It expects `condition`, `onTrue` and `onFalse` functions as inputs and it returns a new function with example name of `fn`.
6828 |
6829 | When `fn`` is called with `input` argument, it will return either `onTrue(input)` or `onFalse(input)` depending on `condition(input)` evaluation.
6830 |
6831 | <details>
6832 |
6833 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
6834 |
6835 | ```typescript
6836 | ifElse<TArgs extends any[], TOnTrueResult, TOnFalseResult>(fn: (...args: TArgs) => boolean, onTrue: (...args: TArgs) => TOnTrueResult, onFalse: (...args: TArgs) => TOnFalseResult): (...args: TArgs) => TOnTrueResult | TOnFalseResult;
6837 | ```
6838 |
6839 | </details>
6840 |
6841 | <details>
6842 |
6843 | <summary><strong>R.ifElse</strong> source</summary>
6844 |
6845 | ```javascript
6846 | import {curry} from './curry'
6847 |
6848 | function ifElseFn(condition, onTrue, onFalse) {
6849 | return (...input) => {
6850 | const conditionResult =
6851 | typeof condition === 'boolean' ? condition : condition(...input)
6852 |
6853 | if (conditionResult === true) {
6854 | return onTrue(...input)
6855 | }
6856 |
6857 | return onFalse(...input)
6858 | }
6859 | }
6860 |
6861 | export const ifElse = curry(ifElseFn)
6862 | ```
6863 |
6864 | </details>
6865 |
6866 | <details>
6867 |
6868 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
6869 |
6870 | ```javascript
6871 | import {always} from './always'
6872 | import {has} from './has'
6873 | import {identity} from './identity'
6874 | import {ifElse} from './ifElse'
6875 | import {prop} from './prop'
6876 |
6877 | const condition = has('foo')
6878 | const v = function (a) {
6879 | return typeof a === 'number'
6880 | }
6881 | const t = function (a) {
6882 | return a + 1
6883 | }
6884 | const ifFn = x => prop('foo', x).length
6885 | const elseFn = () => false
6886 |
6887 | test('happy', () => {
6888 | const fn = ifElse(condition, ifFn)(elseFn)
6889 |
6890 | expect(fn({foo: 'bar'})).toEqual(3)
6891 | expect(fn({fo: 'bar'})).toEqual(false)
6892 | })
6893 |
6894 | test('ramda spec', () => {
6895 | const ifIsNumber = ifElse(v)
6896 | expect(ifIsNumber(t, identity)(15)).toEqual(16)
6897 | expect(ifIsNumber(t, identity)('hello')).toEqual('hello')
6898 | })
6899 |
6900 | test('pass all arguments', () => {
6901 | const identity = function (a) {
6902 | return a
6903 | }
6904 | const v = function () {
6905 | return true
6906 | }
6907 | const onTrue = function (a, b) {
6908 | expect(a).toEqual(123)
6909 | expect(b).toEqual('abc')
6910 | }
6911 | ifElse(v, onTrue, identity)(123, 'abc')
6912 | })
6913 |
6914 | test('accept constant as condition', () => {
6915 | const fn = ifElse(true)(always(true))(always(false))
6916 |
6917 | expect(fn()).toEqual(true)
6918 | })
6919 |
6920 | test('accept constant as condition - case 2', () => {
6921 | const fn = ifElse(false, always(true), always(false))
6922 |
6923 | expect(fn()).toEqual(false)
6924 | })
6925 |
6926 | test('curry 1', () => {
6927 | const fn = ifElse(condition, ifFn)(elseFn)
6928 |
6929 | expect(fn({foo: 'bar'})).toEqual(3)
6930 | expect(fn({fo: 'bar'})).toEqual(false)
6931 | })
6932 |
6933 | test('curry 2', () => {
6934 | const fn = ifElse(condition)(ifFn)(elseFn)
6935 |
6936 | expect(fn({foo: 'bar'})).toEqual(3)
6937 | expect(fn({fo: 'bar'})).toEqual(false)
6938 | })
6939 |
6940 | test('simple arity of 1', () => {
6941 | const condition = x => x > 5
6942 | const onTrue = x => x + 1
6943 | const onFalse = x => x + 10
6944 | const result = ifElse(condition, onTrue, onFalse)(1)
6945 | expect(result).toBe(11)
6946 | })
6947 |
6948 | test('simple arity of 2', () => {
6949 | const condition = (x, y) => x + y > 5
6950 | const onTrue = (x, y) => x + y + 1
6951 | const onFalse = (x, y) => x + y + 10
6952 | const result = ifElse(condition, onTrue, onFalse)(1, 10)
6953 | expect(result).toBe(12)
6954 | })
6955 | ```
6956 |
6957 | </details>
6958 |
6959 | <details>
6960 |
6961 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
6962 |
6963 | ```typescript
6964 | import {ifElse} from 'rambda'
6965 |
6966 | describe('R.ifElse', () => {
6967 | it('happy', () => {
6968 | const condition = (x: number) => x > 5
6969 | const onTrue = (x: number) => `foo${x}`
6970 | const onFalse = (x: number) => `bar${x}`
6971 | const fn = ifElse(condition, onTrue, onFalse)
6972 | fn // $ExpectType (x: number) => string
6973 | const result = fn(3)
6974 | result // $ExpectType string
6975 | })
6976 | it('arity of 2', () => {
6977 | const condition = (x: number, y: string) => x + y.length > 5
6978 | const onTrue = (x: number, y: string) => `foo${x}-${y}`
6979 | const onFalse = (x: number, y: string) => `bar${x}-${y}`
6980 | const fn = ifElse(condition, onTrue, onFalse)
6981 | fn // $ExpectType (x: number, y: string) => string
6982 | const result = fn(3, 'hello')
6983 | result // $ExpectType string
6984 | })
6985 | })
6986 | ```
6987 |
6988 | </details>
6989 |
6990 | <details>
6991 |
6992 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 58.56%</summary>
6993 |
6994 | ```text
6995 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
6996 |
6997 | const condition = R.has('foo')
6998 | const v = function (a) {
6999 | return typeof a === 'number'
7000 | }
7001 | const t = function (a) {
7002 | return a + 1
7003 | }
7004 | const ifFn = x => R.prop('foo', x).length
7005 | const elseFn = () => false
7006 |
7007 | const ifElse = [
7008 | {
7009 | label: 'Rambda',
7010 | fn: () => {
7011 | const fn = R.ifElse(condition, ifFn)(elseFn)
7012 |
7013 | fn({foo: 'bar'})
7014 | fn({fo: 'bar'})
7015 |
7016 | const ifIsNumber = R.ifElse(v)
7017 | ifIsNumber(t, R.identity)(15)
7018 | ifIsNumber(t, R.identity)('hello')
7019 | },
7020 | },
7021 | {
7022 | label: 'Ramda',
7023 | fn: () => {
7024 | const fn = Ramda.ifElse(condition, ifFn)(elseFn)
7025 |
7026 | fn({foo: 'bar'})
7027 | fn({fo: 'bar'})
7028 |
7029 | const ifIsNumber = Ramda.ifElse(v)
7030 | ifIsNumber(t, R.identity)(15)
7031 | ifIsNumber(t, R.identity)('hello')
7032 | },
7033 | },
7034 | ]
7035 | ```
7036 |
7037 | </details>
7038 |
7039 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#ifElse)
7040 |
7041 | ### inc
7042 |
7043 | It increments a number.
7044 |
7045 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#inc)
7046 |
7047 | ### includes
7048 |
7049 | ```typescript
7050 |
7051 | includes(valueToFind: string, input: string[] | string): boolean
7052 | ```
7053 |
7054 | If `input` is string, then this method work as native `String.includes`.
7055 |
7056 | If `input` is array, then `R.equals` is used to define if `valueToFind` belongs to the list.
7057 |
7058 | <details>
7059 |
7060 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7061 |
7062 | ```typescript
7063 | includes(valueToFind: string, input: string[] | string): boolean;
7064 | includes(valueToFind: string): (input: string[] | string) => boolean;
7065 | includes<T>(valueToFind: T, input: T[]): boolean;
7066 | includes<T>(valueToFind: T): (input: T[]) => boolean;
7067 | ```
7068 |
7069 | </details>
7070 |
7071 | <details>
7072 |
7073 | <summary><strong>R.includes</strong> source</summary>
7074 |
7075 | ```javascript
7076 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
7077 | import {_indexOf} from './equals'
7078 |
7079 | export function includes(valueToFind, iterable) {
7080 | if (arguments.length === 1)
7081 | return _iterable => includes(valueToFind, _iterable)
7082 | if (typeof iterable === 'string') {
7083 | return iterable.includes(valueToFind)
7084 | }
7085 | if (!iterable) {
7086 | throw new TypeError(`Cannot read property \'indexOf\' of ${iterable}`)
7087 | }
7088 | if (!_isArray(iterable)) return false
7089 |
7090 | return _indexOf(valueToFind, iterable) > -1
7091 | }
7092 | ```
7093 |
7094 | </details>
7095 |
7096 | <details>
7097 |
7098 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7099 |
7100 | ```javascript
7101 | import {includes} from './includes'
7102 | import {includes as includesRamda} from 'ramda'
7103 |
7104 | test('with string as iterable', () => {
7105 | const str = 'foo bar'
7106 |
7107 | expect(includes('bar')(str)).toBeTrue()
7108 | expect(includesRamda('bar')(str)).toBeTrue()
7109 | expect(includes('never', str)).toBeFalse()
7110 | expect(includesRamda('never', str)).toBeFalse()
7111 | })
7112 |
7113 | test('with array as iterable', () => {
7114 | const arr = [1, 2, 3]
7115 |
7116 | expect(includes(2)(arr)).toBeTrue()
7117 | expect(includesRamda(2)(arr)).toBeTrue()
7118 |
7119 | expect(includes(4, arr)).toBeFalse()
7120 | expect(includesRamda(4, arr)).toBeFalse()
7121 | })
7122 |
7123 | test('with list of objects as iterable', () => {
7124 | const arr = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}]
7125 |
7126 | expect(includes({c: 3}, arr)).toBeTrue()
7127 | expect(includesRamda({c: 3}, arr)).toBeTrue()
7128 | })
7129 |
7130 | test('with NaN', () => {
7131 | const result = includes(NaN, [NaN])
7132 | const ramdaResult = includesRamda(NaN, [NaN])
7133 | expect(result).toBeTrue()
7134 | expect(ramdaResult).toBeTrue()
7135 | })
7136 |
7137 | test('with wrong input that does not throw', () => {
7138 | const result = includes(1, /foo/g)
7139 | const ramdaResult = includesRamda(1, /foo/g)
7140 | expect(result).toBeFalse()
7141 | expect(ramdaResult).toBeFalse()
7142 | })
7143 |
7144 | test('throws on wrong input - match ramda behaviour', () => {
7145 | expect(() => includes(2, null)).toThrowWithMessage(
7146 | TypeError,
7147 | "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of null"
7148 | )
7149 | expect(() => includesRamda(2, null)).toThrowWithMessage(
7150 | TypeError,
7151 | `Cannot read properties of null (reading 'indexOf')`
7152 | )
7153 | expect(() => includes(2, undefined)).toThrowWithMessage(
7154 | TypeError,
7155 | "Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined"
7156 | )
7157 | expect(() => includesRamda(2, undefined)).toThrowWithMessage(
7158 | TypeError,
7159 | `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'indexOf')`
7160 | )
7161 | })
7162 | ```
7163 |
7164 | </details>
7165 |
7166 | <details>
7167 |
7168 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
7169 |
7170 | ```typescript
7171 | import {includes} from 'rambda'
7172 |
7173 | const list = [{a: {b: '1'}}, {a: {c: '2'}}, {a: {b: '3'}}]
7174 |
7175 | describe('R.includes', () => {
7176 | it('happy', () => {
7177 | const result = includes({a: {b: '1'}}, list)
7178 | result // $ExpectType boolean
7179 | })
7180 | it('with string', () => {
7181 | const result = includes('oo', 'foo')
7182 | const curriedResult = includes('oo')('foo')
7183 |
7184 | result // $ExpectType boolean
7185 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
7186 | })
7187 | })
7188 | ```
7189 |
7190 | </details>
7191 |
7192 | <details>
7193 |
7194 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 84.63%</summary>
7195 |
7196 | ```text
7197 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
7198 |
7199 | const {
7200 | uniqListOfStrings,
7201 | uniqListOfBooleans,
7202 | uniqListOfObjects,
7203 | uniqListOfLists,
7204 | listOfVariousTypes,
7205 | rangeOfNumbers,
7206 | } = require('./_utils.js')
7207 |
7208 | const limit = 100
7209 | const additionalModes = listOfVariousTypes.map(unknownType => [
7210 | unknownType,
7211 | uniqListOfLists(limit),
7212 | ])
7213 |
7214 | const modes = [
7215 | [99, rangeOfNumbers(limit)],
7216 | [200, rangeOfNumbers(limit)],
7217 | ...additionalModes,
7218 | ['zeppelin', uniqListOfStrings(limit)],
7219 | [null, uniqListOfBooleans(limit)],
7220 | [{foo: true, bar: true}, uniqListOfObjects(limit)],
7221 | [1, uniqListOfLists(limit)],
7222 | [[1], uniqListOfLists(limit)],
7223 | ]
7224 |
7225 | function applyBenchmark(fn, input) {
7226 | return fn(input[0], input[1])
7227 | }
7228 |
7229 | const tests = [
7230 | {
7231 | label: 'Rambda',
7232 | fn: R.includes,
7233 | },
7234 | {
7235 | label: 'Ramda',
7236 | fn: Ramda.includes,
7237 | },
7238 | ]
7239 | ```
7240 |
7241 | </details>
7242 |
7243 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#includes)
7244 |
7245 | ### indexBy
7246 |
7247 | It generates object with properties provided by `condition` and values provided by `list` array.
7248 |
7249 | If `condition` is a function, then all list members are passed through it.
7250 |
7251 | If `condition` is a string, then all list members are passed through `R.path(condition)`.
7252 |
7253 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#indexBy)
7254 |
7255 | ### indexOf
7256 |
7257 | It returns the index of the first element of `list` equals to `valueToFind`.
7258 |
7259 | If there is no such element, it returns `-1`.
7260 |
7261 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#indexOf)
7262 |
7263 | ### init
7264 |
7265 | ```typescript
7266 |
7267 | init<T>(input: T[]): T[]
7268 | ```
7269 |
7270 | It returns all but the last element of list or string `input`.
7271 |
7272 | <details>
7273 |
7274 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7275 |
7276 | ```typescript
7277 | init<T>(input: T[]): T[];
7278 | init(input: string): string;
7279 | ```
7280 |
7281 | </details>
7282 |
7283 | <details>
7284 |
7285 | <summary><strong>R.init</strong> source</summary>
7286 |
7287 | ```javascript
7288 | import baseSlice from './_internals/baseSlice'
7289 |
7290 | export function init(listOrString) {
7291 | if (typeof listOrString === 'string') return listOrString.slice(0, -1)
7292 |
7293 | return listOrString.length ? baseSlice(listOrString, 0, -1) : []
7294 | }
7295 | ```
7296 |
7297 | </details>
7298 |
7299 | <details>
7300 |
7301 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7302 |
7303 | ```javascript
7304 | import {init} from './init'
7305 |
7306 | test('with array', () => {
7307 | expect(init([1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2])
7308 | expect(init([1, 2])).toEqual([1])
7309 | expect(init([1])).toEqual([])
7310 | expect(init([])).toEqual([])
7311 | expect(init([])).toEqual([])
7312 | expect(init([1])).toEqual([])
7313 | })
7314 |
7315 | test('with string', () => {
7316 | expect(init('foo')).toEqual('fo')
7317 | expect(init('f')).toEqual('')
7318 | expect(init('')).toEqual('')
7319 | })
7320 | ```
7321 |
7322 | </details>
7323 |
7324 | <details>
7325 |
7326 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
7327 |
7328 | ```typescript
7329 | import {init} from 'rambda'
7330 |
7331 | describe('R.init', () => {
7332 | it('with string', () => {
7333 | const result = init('foo')
7334 |
7335 | result // $ExpectType string
7336 | })
7337 | it('with list', () => {
7338 | const result = init([1, 2, 3])
7339 |
7340 | result // $ExpectType number[]
7341 | })
7342 | })
7343 | ```
7344 |
7345 | </details>
7346 |
7347 | <details>
7348 |
7349 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 92.24% slower and Lodash is 13.3% slower</summary>
7350 |
7351 | ```text
7352 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
7353 |
7354 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
7355 |
7356 | const init = [
7357 | {
7358 | label: 'Rambda',
7359 | fn: () => {
7360 | R.init(list)
7361 | },
7362 | },
7363 | {
7364 | label: 'Ramda',
7365 | fn: () => {
7366 | Ramda.init(list)
7367 | },
7368 | },
7369 | {
7370 | label: 'Lodash',
7371 | fn: () => {
7372 | _.initial(list)
7373 | },
7374 | },
7375 | ]
7376 | ```
7377 |
7378 | </details>
7379 |
7380 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#init)
7381 |
7382 | ### intersection
7383 |
7384 | It loops throw `listA` and `listB` and returns the intersection of the two according to `R.equals`.
7385 |
7386 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#intersection)
7387 |
7388 | ### intersperse
7389 |
7390 | It adds a `separator` between members of `list`.
7391 |
7392 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#intersperse)
7393 |
7394 | ### is
7395 |
7396 | It returns `true` if `x` is instance of `targetPrototype`.
7397 |
7398 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#is)
7399 |
7400 | ### isEmpty
7401 |
7402 | ```typescript
7403 |
7404 | isEmpty<T>(x: T): boolean
7405 | ```
7406 |
7407 | It returns `true` if `x` is `empty`.
7408 |
7409 | <details>
7410 |
7411 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7412 |
7413 | ```typescript
7414 | isEmpty<T>(x: T): boolean;
7415 | ```
7416 |
7417 | </details>
7418 |
7419 | <details>
7420 |
7421 | <summary><strong>R.isEmpty</strong> source</summary>
7422 |
7423 | ```javascript
7424 | import {type} from './type'
7425 |
7426 | export function isEmpty(input) {
7427 | const inputType = type(input)
7428 | if (['Undefined', 'NaN', 'Number', 'Null'].includes(inputType))
7429 | return false
7430 | if (!input) return true
7431 |
7432 | if (inputType === 'Object') {
7433 | return Object.keys(input).length === 0
7434 | }
7435 |
7436 | if (inputType === 'Array') {
7437 | return input.length === 0
7438 | }
7439 |
7440 | return false
7441 | }
7442 | ```
7443 |
7444 | </details>
7445 |
7446 | <details>
7447 |
7448 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7449 |
7450 | ```javascript
7451 | import {isEmpty} from './isEmpty'
7452 |
7453 | test('happy', () => {
7454 | expect(isEmpty(undefined)).toEqual(false)
7455 | expect(isEmpty('')).toEqual(true)
7456 | expect(isEmpty(null)).toEqual(false)
7457 | expect(isEmpty(' ')).toEqual(false)
7458 | expect(isEmpty(new RegExp(''))).toEqual(false)
7459 | expect(isEmpty([])).toEqual(true)
7460 | expect(isEmpty([[]])).toEqual(false)
7461 | expect(isEmpty({})).toEqual(true)
7462 | expect(isEmpty({x: 0})).toEqual(false)
7463 | expect(isEmpty(0)).toEqual(false)
7464 | expect(isEmpty(NaN)).toEqual(false)
7465 | expect(isEmpty([''])).toEqual(false)
7466 | })
7467 | ```
7468 |
7469 | </details>
7470 |
7471 | <details>
7472 |
7473 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
7474 |
7475 | ```typescript
7476 | import {isEmpty} from 'rambda'
7477 |
7478 | describe('R.isEmpty', () => {
7479 | it('happy', () => {
7480 | const result = isEmpty('foo')
7481 | result // $ExpectType boolean
7482 | })
7483 | })
7484 | ```
7485 |
7486 | </details>
7487 |
7488 | <details>
7489 |
7490 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 97.14% slower and Lodash is 54.99% slower</summary>
7491 |
7492 | ```text
7493 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
7494 |
7495 | const isEmpty = [
7496 | {
7497 | label: 'Rambda',
7498 | fn: () => {
7499 | R.isEmpty(undefined)
7500 | R.isEmpty('')
7501 | R.isEmpty(null)
7502 | R.isEmpty(' ')
7503 | R.isEmpty(new RegExp(''))
7504 | R.isEmpty([])
7505 | R.isEmpty([[]])
7506 | R.isEmpty({})
7507 | R.isEmpty({x: 0})
7508 | R.isEmpty(0)
7509 | R.isEmpty(NaN)
7510 | R.isEmpty([''])
7511 | },
7512 | },
7513 | {
7514 | label: 'Ramda',
7515 | fn: () => {
7516 | Ramda.isEmpty(undefined)
7517 | Ramda.isEmpty('')
7518 | Ramda.isEmpty(null)
7519 | Ramda.isEmpty(' ')
7520 | Ramda.isEmpty(new RegExp(''))
7521 | Ramda.isEmpty([])
7522 | Ramda.isEmpty([[]])
7523 | Ramda.isEmpty({})
7524 | Ramda.isEmpty({x: 0})
7525 | Ramda.isEmpty(0)
7526 | Ramda.isEmpty(NaN)
7527 | Ramda.isEmpty([''])
7528 | },
7529 | },
7530 | {
7531 | label: 'Lodash',
7532 | fn: () => {
7533 | _.isEmpty(undefined)
7534 | _.isEmpty('')
7535 | _.isEmpty(null)
7536 | _.isEmpty(' ')
7537 | _.isEmpty(new RegExp(''))
7538 | _.isEmpty([])
7539 | _.isEmpty([[]])
7540 | _.isEmpty({})
7541 | _.isEmpty({x: 0})
7542 | _.isEmpty(0)
7543 | _.isEmpty(NaN)
7544 | _.isEmpty([''])
7545 | },
7546 | },
7547 | ]
7548 | ```
7549 |
7550 | </details>
7551 |
7552 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#isEmpty)
7553 |
7554 | ### isNil
7555 |
7556 | ```typescript
7557 |
7558 | isNil(x: any): x is null | undefined
7559 | ```
7560 |
7561 | It returns `true` if `x` is either `null` or `undefined`.
7562 |
7563 | <details>
7564 |
7565 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7566 |
7567 | ```typescript
7568 | isNil(x: any): x is null | undefined;
7569 | ```
7570 |
7571 | </details>
7572 |
7573 | <details>
7574 |
7575 | <summary><strong>R.isNil</strong> source</summary>
7576 |
7577 | ```javascript
7578 | export function isNil(x) {
7579 | return x === undefined || x === null
7580 | }
7581 | ```
7582 |
7583 | </details>
7584 |
7585 | <details>
7586 |
7587 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7588 |
7589 | ```javascript
7590 | import {isNil} from './isNil'
7591 |
7592 | test('happy', () => {
7593 | expect(isNil(null)).toBeTrue()
7594 |
7595 | expect(isNil(undefined)).toBeTrue()
7596 |
7597 | expect(isNil([])).toBeFalse()
7598 | })
7599 | ```
7600 |
7601 | </details>
7602 |
7603 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#isNil)
7604 |
7605 | ### join
7606 |
7607 | ```typescript
7608 |
7609 | join<T>(glue: string, list: T[]): string
7610 | ```
7611 |
7612 | It returns a string of all `list` instances joined with a `glue`.
7613 |
7614 | <details>
7615 |
7616 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7617 |
7618 | ```typescript
7619 | join<T>(glue: string, list: T[]): string;
7620 | join<T>(glue: string): (list: T[]) => string;
7621 | ```
7622 |
7623 | </details>
7624 |
7625 | <details>
7626 |
7627 | <summary><strong>R.join</strong> source</summary>
7628 |
7629 | ```javascript
7630 | export function join(glue, list) {
7631 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => join(glue, _list)
7632 |
7633 | return list.join(glue)
7634 | }
7635 | ```
7636 |
7637 | </details>
7638 |
7639 | <details>
7640 |
7641 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7642 |
7643 | ```javascript
7644 | import {join} from './join'
7645 |
7646 | test('curry', () => {
7647 | expect(join('|')(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual('foo|bar|baz')
7648 |
7649 | expect(join('|', [1, 2, 3])).toEqual('1|2|3')
7650 |
7651 | const spacer = join(' ')
7652 |
7653 | expect(spacer(['a', 2, 3.4])).toEqual('a 2 3.4')
7654 | })
7655 | ```
7656 |
7657 | </details>
7658 |
7659 | <details>
7660 |
7661 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
7662 |
7663 | ```typescript
7664 | import {join} from 'rambda'
7665 |
7666 | describe('R.join', () => {
7667 | it('happy', () => {
7668 | const result = join('|', [1, 2, 3])
7669 | result // $ExpectType string
7670 | })
7671 | })
7672 | ```
7673 |
7674 | </details>
7675 |
7676 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#join)
7677 |
7678 | ### keys
7679 |
7680 | ```typescript
7681 |
7682 | keys<T extends object>(x: T): (keyof T)[]
7683 | ```
7684 |
7685 | It applies `Object.keys` over `x` and returns its keys.
7686 |
7687 | <details>
7688 |
7689 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7690 |
7691 | ```typescript
7692 | keys<T extends object>(x: T): (keyof T)[];
7693 | keys<T>(x: T): string[];
7694 | ```
7695 |
7696 | </details>
7697 |
7698 | <details>
7699 |
7700 | <summary><strong>R.keys</strong> source</summary>
7701 |
7702 | ```javascript
7703 | export function keys(x) {
7704 | return Object.keys(x)
7705 | }
7706 | ```
7707 |
7708 | </details>
7709 |
7710 | <details>
7711 |
7712 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7713 |
7714 | ```javascript
7715 | import {keys} from './keys'
7716 |
7717 | test('happy', () => {
7718 | expect(keys({a: 1})).toEqual(['a'])
7719 | })
7720 | ```
7721 |
7722 | </details>
7723 |
7724 | <details>
7725 |
7726 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
7727 |
7728 | ```typescript
7729 | import {keys} from 'rambda'
7730 |
7731 | const obj = {a: 1, b: 2}
7732 |
7733 | describe('R.keys', () => {
7734 | it('happy', () => {
7735 | const result = keys(obj)
7736 | result // $ExpectType ("b" | "a")[]
7737 | })
7738 | })
7739 | ```
7740 |
7741 | </details>
7742 |
7743 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#keys)
7744 |
7745 | ### last
7746 |
7747 | ```typescript
7748 |
7749 | last(str: string): string
7750 | ```
7751 |
7752 | It returns the last element of `input`, as the `input` can be either a string or an array.
7753 |
7754 | <details>
7755 |
7756 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7757 |
7758 | ```typescript
7759 | last(str: string): string;
7760 | last(emptyList: []): undefined;
7761 | last<T extends any>(list: T[]): T | undefined;
7762 | ```
7763 |
7764 | </details>
7765 |
7766 | <details>
7767 |
7768 | <summary><strong>R.last</strong> source</summary>
7769 |
7770 | ```javascript
7771 | export function last(listOrString) {
7772 | if (typeof listOrString === 'string') {
7773 | return listOrString[listOrString.length - 1] || ''
7774 | }
7775 |
7776 | return listOrString[listOrString.length - 1]
7777 | }
7778 | ```
7779 |
7780 | </details>
7781 |
7782 | <details>
7783 |
7784 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7785 |
7786 | ```javascript
7787 | import {last} from './last'
7788 |
7789 | test('with list', () => {
7790 | expect(last([1, 2, 3])).toBe(3)
7791 | expect(last([])).toBeUndefined()
7792 | })
7793 |
7794 | test('with string', () => {
7795 | expect(last('abc')).toEqual('c')
7796 | expect(last('')).toEqual('')
7797 | })
7798 | ```
7799 |
7800 | </details>
7801 |
7802 | <details>
7803 |
7804 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
7805 |
7806 | ```typescript
7807 | import {last} from 'rambda'
7808 |
7809 | describe('R.last', () => {
7810 | it('string', () => {
7811 | const result = last('foo')
7812 | result // $ExpectType string
7813 | })
7814 |
7815 | it('array', () => {
7816 | const result = last([1, 2, 3])
7817 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
7818 | })
7819 |
7820 | it('empty array - case 1', () => {
7821 | const result = last([])
7822 | result // $ExpectType undefined
7823 | })
7824 | it('empty array - case 2', () => {
7825 | const list = ['foo', 'bar'].filter(x => x.startsWith('a'))
7826 | const result = last(list)
7827 | result // $ExpectType string | undefined
7828 | })
7829 | })
7830 | ```
7831 |
7832 | </details>
7833 |
7834 | <details>
7835 |
7836 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 93.43% slower and Lodash is 5.28% slower</summary>
7837 |
7838 | ```text
7839 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
7840 |
7841 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
7842 |
7843 | const last = [
7844 | {
7845 | label: 'Rambda',
7846 | fn: () => {
7847 | R.last(list)
7848 | },
7849 | },
7850 | {
7851 | label: 'Ramda',
7852 | fn: () => {
7853 | Ramda.last(list)
7854 | },
7855 | },
7856 | {
7857 | label: 'Lodash',
7858 | fn: () => {
7859 | _.last(list)
7860 | },
7861 | },
7862 | ]
7863 | ```
7864 |
7865 | </details>
7866 |
7867 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#last)
7868 |
7869 | ### lastIndexOf
7870 |
7871 | ```typescript
7872 |
7873 | lastIndexOf<T>(target: T, list: T[]): number
7874 | ```
7875 |
7876 | It returns the last index of `target` in `list` array.
7877 |
7878 | `R.equals` is used to determine equality between `target` and members of `list`.
7879 |
7880 | If there is no such index, then `-1` is returned.
7881 |
7882 | <details>
7883 |
7884 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
7885 |
7886 | ```typescript
7887 | lastIndexOf<T>(target: T, list: T[]): number;
7888 | lastIndexOf<T>(target: T): (list: T[]) => number;
7889 | ```
7890 |
7891 | </details>
7892 |
7893 | <details>
7894 |
7895 | <summary><strong>R.lastIndexOf</strong> source</summary>
7896 |
7897 | ```javascript
7898 | import {_lastIndexOf} from './equals'
7899 |
7900 | export function lastIndexOf(valueToFind, list) {
7901 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
7902 | return _list => _lastIndexOf(valueToFind, _list)
7903 | }
7904 |
7905 | return _lastIndexOf(valueToFind, list)
7906 | }
7907 | ```
7908 |
7909 | </details>
7910 |
7911 | <details>
7912 |
7913 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
7914 |
7915 | ```javascript
7916 | import {lastIndexOf} from './lastIndexOf'
7917 | import {lastIndexOf as lastIndexOfRamda} from 'ramda'
7918 | import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'
7919 | import {possibleTargets, possibleIterables} from './indexOf.spec.js'
7920 |
7921 | test('with NaN', () => {
7922 | expect(lastIndexOf(NaN, [NaN])).toEqual(0)
7923 | })
7924 |
7925 | test('will throw with bad input', () => {
7926 | expect(lastIndexOfRamda([], true)).toEqual(-1)
7927 | expect(() => indexOf([], true)).toThrow()
7928 | })
7929 |
7930 | test('without list of objects - no R.equals', () => {
7931 | expect(lastIndexOf(3, [1, 2, 3, 4])).toEqual(2)
7932 | expect(lastIndexOf(10)([1, 2, 3, 4])).toEqual(-1)
7933 | })
7934 |
7935 | test('list of objects uses R.equals', () => {
7936 | const listOfObjects = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}]
7937 | expect(lastIndexOf({c: 4}, listOfObjects)).toBe(-1)
7938 | expect(lastIndexOf({c: 3}, listOfObjects)).toBe(2)
7939 | })
7940 |
7941 | test('list of arrays uses R.equals', () => {
7942 | const listOfLists = [[1], [2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [2, 3], [1], []]
7943 | expect(lastIndexOf([], listOfLists)).toBe(5)
7944 | expect(lastIndexOf([1], listOfLists)).toBe(4)
7945 | expect(lastIndexOf([2, 3, 4], listOfLists)).toBe(2)
7946 | expect(lastIndexOf([2, 3, 5], listOfLists)).toBe(-1)
7947 | })
7948 |
7949 | test('with string as iterable', () => {
7950 | expect(() => lastIndexOf('a', 'abc')).toThrowWithMessage(
7951 | Error,
7952 | `Cannot read property 'indexOf' of abc`
7953 | )
7954 | expect(lastIndexOfRamda('a', 'abc')).toBe(0)
7955 | })
7956 |
7957 | describe('brute force', () => {
7958 | compareCombinations({
7959 | fn: lastIndexOf,
7960 | fnRamda: lastIndexOfRamda,
7961 | firstInput: possibleTargets,
7962 | secondInput: possibleIterables,
7963 | callback: errorsCounters => {
7964 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
7965 | Object {
7969 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 51,
7970 | "SHOULD_THROW": 0,
7971 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 170,
7972 | }
7973 | `)
7974 | },
7975 | })
7976 | })
7977 | ```
7978 |
7979 | </details>
7980 |
7981 | <details>
7982 |
7983 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
7984 |
7985 | ```typescript
7986 | import {lastIndexOf} from 'rambda'
7987 |
7988 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
7989 |
7990 | describe('R.lastIndexOf', () => {
7991 | it('happy', () => {
7992 | const result = lastIndexOf(2, list)
7993 | result // $ExpectType number
7994 | })
7995 | it('curried', () => {
7996 | const result = lastIndexOf(2)(list)
7997 | result // $ExpectType number
7998 | })
7999 | })
8000 | ```
8001 |
8002 | </details>
8003 |
8004 | <details>
8005 |
8006 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 85.19%</summary>
8007 |
8008 | ```text
8009 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
8010 |
8011 | const isEven = n => n % 2 === 0
8012 | const arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
8013 |
8014 | const lastIndexOf = [
8015 | {
8016 | label: 'Rambda',
8017 | fn: () => {
8018 | R.lastIndexOf(1, [1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
8019 | R.lastIndexOf(1)([1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
8020 | },
8021 | },
8022 | {
8023 | label: 'Ramda',
8024 | fn: () => {
8025 | Ramda.lastIndexOf(1, [1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
8026 | Ramda.lastIndexOf(1)([1, 2, 3, 1, 2])
8027 | },
8028 | },
8029 | ]
8030 | ```
8031 |
8032 | </details>
8033 |
8034 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#lastIndexOf)
8035 |
8036 | ### length
8037 |
8038 | ```typescript
8039 |
8040 | length<T>(input: T[]): number
8041 | ```
8042 |
8043 | It returns the `length` property of list or string `input`.
8044 |
8045 | <details>
8046 |
8047 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
8048 |
8049 | ```typescript
8050 | length<T>(input: T[]): number;
8051 | ```
8052 |
8053 | </details>
8054 |
8055 | <details>
8056 |
8057 | <summary><strong>R.length</strong> source</summary>
8058 |
8059 | ```javascript
8060 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
8061 |
8062 | export function length(x) {
8063 | if (_isArray(x)) return x.length
8064 | if (typeof x === 'string') return x.length
8065 |
8066 | return NaN
8067 | }
8068 | ```
8069 |
8070 | </details>
8071 |
8072 | <details>
8073 |
8074 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
8075 |
8076 | ```javascript
8077 | import {length} from './length'
8078 | import {length as lengthRamda} from 'ramda'
8079 |
8080 | test('happy', () => {
8081 | expect(length('foo')).toEqual(3)
8082 | expect(length([1, 2, 3])).toEqual(3)
8083 | expect(length([])).toEqual(0)
8084 | })
8085 |
8086 | test('with empty string', () => {
8087 | expect(length('')).toEqual(0)
8088 | })
8089 |
8090 | test('with bad input returns NaN', () => {
8091 | expect(length(0)).toBeNaN()
8092 | expect(length({})).toBeNaN()
8093 | expect(length(null)).toBeNaN()
8094 | expect(length(undefined)).toBeNaN()
8095 | })
8096 |
8097 | test('with length as property', () => {
8098 | const input1 = {length: '123'}
8099 | const input2 = {length: null}
8100 | const input3 = {length: ''}
8101 |
8102 | expect(length(input1)).toBeNaN()
8103 | expect(lengthRamda(input1)).toBeNaN()
8104 | expect(length(input2)).toBeNaN()
8105 | expect(lengthRamda(input2)).toBeNaN()
8106 | expect(length(input3)).toBeNaN()
8107 | expect(lengthRamda(input3)).toBeNaN()
8108 | })
8109 | ```
8110 |
8111 | </details>
8112 |
8113 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#length)
8114 |
8115 | ### lens
8116 |
8117 | ```typescript
8118 |
8119 | lens<T, U, V>(getter: (s: T) => U, setter: (a: U, s: T) => V): Lens
8120 | ```
8121 |
8122 | It returns a `lens` for the given `getter` and `setter` functions.
8123 |
8124 | The `getter` **gets** the value of the focus; the `setter` **sets** the value of the focus.
8125 |
8126 | The setter should not mutate the data structure.
8127 |
8128 | <details>
8129 |
8130 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
8131 |
8132 | ```typescript
8133 | lens<T, U, V>(getter: (s: T) => U, setter: (a: U, s: T) => V): Lens;
8134 | ```
8135 |
8136 | </details>
8137 |
8138 | <details>
8139 |
8140 | <summary><strong>R.lens</strong> source</summary>
8141 |
8142 | ```javascript
8143 | export function lens(getter, setter) {
8144 | return function (functor) {
8145 | return function (target) {
8146 | return functor(getter(target)).map(focus => setter(focus, target))
8147 | }
8148 | }
8149 | }
8150 | ```
8151 |
8152 | </details>
8153 |
8154 | <details>
8155 |
8156 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
8157 |
8158 | ```typescript
8159 | import {lens, assoc} from 'rambda'
8160 |
8161 | interface Input {
8162 | foo: string,
8163 | }
8164 |
8165 | describe('R.lens', () => {
8166 | it('happy', () => {
8167 | const fn = lens<Input, string, string>((x: Input) => {
8168 | x.foo // $ExpectType string
8169 | return x.foo
8170 | }, assoc('name'))
8171 | fn // $ExpectType Lens
8172 | })
8173 | })
8174 | ```
8175 |
8176 | </details>
8177 |
8178 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#lens)
8179 |
8180 | ### lensIndex
8181 |
8182 | ```typescript
8183 |
8184 | lensIndex(index: number): Lens
8185 | ```
8186 |
8187 | It returns a lens that focuses on specified `index`.
8188 |
8189 | <details>
8190 |
8191 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
8192 |
8193 | ```typescript
8194 | lensIndex(index: number): Lens;
8195 | ```
8196 |
8197 | </details>
8198 |
8199 | <details>
8200 |
8201 | <summary><strong>R.lensIndex</strong> source</summary>
8202 |
8203 | ```javascript
8204 | import {lens} from './lens'
8205 | import {nth} from './nth'
8206 | import {update} from './update'
8207 |
8208 | export function lensIndex(index) {
8209 | return lens(nth(index), update(index))
8210 | }
8211 | ```
8212 |
8213 | </details>
8214 |
8215 | <details>
8216 |
8217 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
8218 |
8219 | ```javascript
8220 | import {compose} from './compose'
8221 | import {keys} from './keys'
8222 | import {lensIndex} from './lensIndex'
8223 | import {over} from './over'
8224 | import {set} from './set'
8225 | import {view} from './view'
8226 |
8227 | const testList = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}]
8228 |
8229 | test('focuses list element at the specified index', () => {
8230 | expect(view(lensIndex(0), testList)).toEqual({a: 1})
8231 | })
8232 |
8233 | test('returns undefined if the specified index does not exist', () => {
8234 | expect(view(lensIndex(10), testList)).toEqual(undefined)
8235 | })
8236 |
8237 | test('sets the list value at the specified index', () => {
8238 | expect(set(lensIndex(0), 0, testList)).toEqual([0, {b: 2}, {c: 3}])
8239 | })
8240 |
8241 | test('applies function to the value at the specified list index', () => {
8242 | expect(over(lensIndex(2), keys, testList)).toEqual([{a: 1}, {b: 2}, ['c']])
8243 | })
8244 |
8245 | test('can be composed', () => {
8246 | const nestedList = [0, [10, 11, 12], 1, 2]
8247 | const composedLens = compose(lensIndex(1), lensIndex(0))
8248 |
8249 | expect(view(composedLens, nestedList)).toEqual(10)
8250 | })
8251 |
8252 | test('set s (get s) === s', () => {
8253 | expect(set(lensIndex(0), view(lensIndex(0), testList), testList)).toEqual(
8254 | testList
8255 | )
8256 | })
8257 |
8258 | test('get (set s v) === v', () => {
8259 | expect(view(lensIndex(0), set(lensIndex(0), 0, testList))).toEqual(0)
8260 | })
8261 |
8262 | test('get (set(set s v1) v2) === v2', () => {
8263 | expect(
8264 | view(
8265 | lensIndex(0),
8266 | set(lensIndex(0), 11, set(lensIndex(0), 10, testList))
8267 | )
8268 | ).toEqual(11)
8269 | })
8270 | ```
8271 |
8272 | </details>
8273 |
8274 | <details>
8275 |
8276 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
8277 |
8278 | ```typescript
8279 | import {view, lensIndex} from 'rambda'
8280 |
8281 | interface Input {
8282 | a: number,
8283 | }
8284 | const testList: Input[] = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]
8285 |
8286 | describe('R.lensIndex', () => {
8287 | it('happy', () => {
8288 | const result = view<Input[], Input>(lensIndex(0), testList)
8289 | result // $ExpectType Input
8290 | result.a // $ExpectType number
8291 | })
8292 | })
8293 | ```
8294 |
8295 | </details>
8296 |
8297 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#lensIndex)
8298 |
8299 | ### lensPath
8300 |
8301 | ```typescript
8302 |
8303 | lensPath(path: RamdaPath): Lens
8304 | ```
8305 |
8306 | It returns a lens that focuses on specified `path`.
8307 |
8308 | <details>
8309 |
8310 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
8311 |
8312 | ```typescript
8313 | lensPath(path: RamdaPath): Lens;
8314 | lensPath(path: string): Lens;
8315 | ```
8316 |
8317 | </details>
8318 |
8319 | <details>
8320 |
8321 | <summary><strong>R.lensPath</strong> source</summary>
8322 |
8323 | ```javascript
8324 | import {assocPath} from './assocPath'
8325 | import {lens} from './lens'
8326 | import {path} from './path'
8327 |
8328 | export function lensPath(key) {
8329 | return lens(path(key), assocPath(key))
8330 | }
8331 | ```
8332 |
8333 | </details>
8334 |
8335 | <details>
8336 |
8337 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
8338 |
8339 | ```javascript
8340 | import {compose} from './compose'
8341 | import {identity} from './identity'
8342 | import {inc} from './inc'
8343 | import {lensPath} from './lensPath'
8344 | import {lensProp} from './lensProp'
8345 | import {over} from './over'
8346 | import {set} from './set'
8347 | import {view} from './view'
8348 |
8349 | const testObj = {
8350 | a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}],
8351 | d: 3,
8352 | }
8353 |
8354 | test('view', () => {
8355 | expect(view(lensPath('d'), testObj)).toEqual(3)
8356 | expect(view(lensPath('a.0.b'), testObj)).toEqual(1)
8357 | // this is different to ramda, as ramda will return a clone of the input object
8358 | expect(view(lensPath(''), testObj)).toEqual(undefined)
8359 | })
8360 |
8361 | test('set', () => {
8362 | expect(set(lensProp('d'), 0, testObj)).toEqual({
8363 | a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}],
8364 | d: 0,
8365 | })
8366 | expect(set(lensPath('a.0.b'), 0, testObj)).toEqual({
8367 | a: [{b: 0}, {b: 2}],
8368 | d: 3,
8369 | })
8370 | expect(set(lensPath('a.0.X'), 0, testObj)).toEqual({
8371 | a: [
8372 | {
8373 | b: 1,
8374 | X: 0,
8375 | },
8376 | {b: 2},
8377 | ],
8378 | d: 3,
8379 | })
8380 | expect(set(lensPath([]), 0, testObj)).toEqual(0)
8381 | })
8382 |
8383 | test('over', () => {
8384 | expect(over(lensPath('d'), inc, testObj)).toEqual({
8385 | a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}],
8386 | d: 4,
8387 | })
8388 | expect(over(lensPath('a.1.b'), inc, testObj)).toEqual({
8389 | a: [{b: 1}, {b: 3}],
8390 | d: 3,
8391 | })
8392 | expect(over(lensProp('X'), identity, testObj)).toEqual({
8393 | a: [{b: 1}, {b: 2}],
8394 | d: 3,
8395 | X: undefined,
8396 | })
8397 | expect(over(lensPath('a.0.X'), identity, testObj)).toEqual({
8398 | a: [
8399 | {
8400 | b: 1,
8401 | X: undefined,
8402 | },
8403 | {b: 2},
8404 | ],
8405 | d: 3,
8406 | })
8407 | })
8408 |
8409 | test('compose', () => {
8410 | const composedLens = compose(lensPath('a'), lensPath('1.b'))
8411 | expect(view(composedLens, testObj)).toEqual(2)
8412 | })
8413 |
8414 | test('set s (get s) === s', () => {
8415 | expect(
8416 | set(lensPath(['d']), view(lensPath(['d']), testObj), testObj)
8417 | ).toEqual(testObj)
8418 | expect(
8419 | set(
8420 | lensPath(['a', 0, 'b']),
8421 | view(lensPath(['a', 0, 'b']), testObj),
8422 | testObj
8423 | )
8424 | ).toEqual(testObj)
8425 | })
8426 |
8427 | test('get (set s v) === v', () => {
8428 | expect(view(lensPath(['d']), set(lensPath(['d']), 0, testObj))).toEqual(0)
8429 | expect(
8430 | view(lensPath(['a', 0, 'b']), set(lensPath(['a', 0, 'b']), 0, testObj))
8431 | ).toEqual(0)
8432 | })
8433 |
8434 | test('get (set(set s v1) v2) === v2', () => {
8435 | const p = ['d']
8436 | const q = ['a', 0, 'b']
8437 | expect(
8438 | view(lensPath(p), set(lensPath(p), 11, set(lensPath(p), 10, testObj)))
8439 | ).toEqual(11)
8440 | expect(
8441 | view(lensPath(q), set(lensPath(q), 11, set(lensPath(q), 10, testObj)))
8442 | ).toEqual(11)
8443 | })
8444 | ```
8445 |
8446 | </details>
8447 |
8448 | <details>
8449 |
8450 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
8451 |
8452 | ```typescript
8453 | import {lensPath, view} from 'rambda'
8454 |
8455 | interface Input {
8456 | foo: number[],
8457 | bar: {
8458 | a: string,
8459 | b: string,
8460 | },
8461 | }
8462 |
8463 | const testObject: Input = {
8464 | foo: [1, 2],
8465 | bar: {
8466 | a: 'x',
8467 | b: 'y',
8468 | },
8469 | }
8470 |
8471 | const path = lensPath(['bar', 'a'])
8472 | const pathAsString = lensPath('bar.a')
8473 |
8474 | describe('R.lensPath', () => {
8475 | it('happy', () => {
8476 | const result = view<Input, string>(path, testObject)
8477 | result // $ExpectType string
8478 | })
8479 | it('using string as path input', () => {
8480 | const result = view<Input, string>(pathAsString, testObject)
8481 | result // $ExpectType string
8482 | })
8483 | })
8484 | ```
8485 |
8486 | </details>
8487 |
8488 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#lensPath)
8489 |
8490 | ### lensProp
8491 |
8492 | ```typescript
8493 |
8494 | lensProp(prop: string): {
8495 | <T, U>(obj: T): U
8496 | ```
8497 |
8498 | It returns a lens that focuses on specified property `prop`.
8499 |
8500 | <details>
8501 |
8502 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
8503 |
8504 | ```typescript
8505 | lensProp(prop: string): {
8506 | <T, U>(obj: T): U;
8507 | set<T, U, V>(val: T, obj: U): V;
8508 | };
8509 | ```
8510 |
8511 | </details>
8512 |
8513 | <details>
8514 |
8515 | <summary><strong>R.lensProp</strong> source</summary>
8516 |
8517 | ```javascript
8518 | import {assoc} from './assoc'
8519 | import {lens} from './lens'
8520 | import {prop} from './prop'
8521 |
8522 | export function lensProp(key) {
8523 | return lens(prop(key), assoc(key))
8524 | }
8525 | ```
8526 |
8527 | </details>
8528 |
8529 | <details>
8530 |
8531 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
8532 |
8533 | ```javascript
8534 | import {compose} from './compose'
8535 | import {identity} from './identity'
8536 | import {inc} from './inc'
8537 | import {lensProp} from './lensProp'
8538 | import {over} from './over'
8539 | import {set} from './set'
8540 | import {view} from './view'
8541 |
8542 | const testObj = {
8543 | a: 1,
8544 | b: 2,
8545 | c: 3,
8546 | }
8547 |
8548 | test('focuses object the specified object property', () => {
8549 | expect(view(lensProp('a'), testObj)).toEqual(1)
8550 | })
8551 |
8552 | test('returns undefined if the specified property does not exist', () => {
8553 | expect(view(lensProp('X'), testObj)).toEqual(undefined)
8554 | })
8555 |
8556 | test('sets the value of the object property specified', () => {
8557 | expect(set(lensProp('a'), 0, testObj)).toEqual({
8558 | a: 0,
8559 | b: 2,
8560 | c: 3,
8561 | })
8562 | })
8563 |
8564 | test("adds the property to the object if it doesn't exist", () => {
8565 | expect(set(lensProp('d'), 4, testObj)).toEqual({
8566 | a: 1,
8567 | b: 2,
8568 | c: 3,
8569 | d: 4,
8570 | })
8571 | })
8572 |
8573 | test('applies function to the value of the specified object property', () => {
8574 | expect(over(lensProp('a'), inc, testObj)).toEqual({
8575 | a: 2,
8576 | b: 2,
8577 | c: 3,
8578 | })
8579 | })
8580 |
8581 | test("applies function to undefined and adds the property if it doesn't exist", () => {
8582 | expect(over(lensProp('X'), identity, testObj)).toEqual({
8583 | a: 1,
8584 | b: 2,
8585 | c: 3,
8586 | X: undefined,
8587 | })
8588 | })
8589 |
8590 | test('can be composed', () => {
8591 | const nestedObj = {
8592 | a: {b: 1},
8593 | c: 2,
8594 | }
8595 | const composedLens = compose(lensProp('a'), lensProp('b'))
8596 |
8597 | expect(view(composedLens, nestedObj)).toEqual(1)
8598 | })
8599 |
8600 | test('set s (get s) === s', () => {
8601 | expect(set(lensProp('a'), view(lensProp('a'), testObj), testObj)).toEqual(
8602 | testObj
8603 | )
8604 | })
8605 |
8606 | test('get (set s v) === v', () => {
8607 | expect(view(lensProp('a'), set(lensProp('a'), 0, testObj))).toEqual(0)
8608 | })
8609 |
8610 | test('get (set(set s v1) v2) === v2', () => {
8611 | expect(
8612 | view(
8613 | lensProp('a'),
8614 | set(lensProp('a'), 11, set(lensProp('a'), 10, testObj))
8615 | )
8616 | ).toEqual(11)
8617 | })
8618 | ```
8619 |
8620 | </details>
8621 |
8622 | <details>
8623 |
8624 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
8625 |
8626 | ```typescript
8627 | import {lensProp, view} from 'rambda'
8628 |
8629 | interface Input {
8630 | foo: string,
8631 | }
8632 |
8633 | const testObject: Input = {
8634 | foo: 'Led Zeppelin',
8635 | }
8636 |
8637 | const lens = lensProp('foo')
8638 |
8639 | describe('R.lensProp', () => {
8640 | it('happy', () => {
8641 | const result = view<Input, string>(lens, testObject)
8642 | result // $ExpectType string
8643 | })
8644 | })
8645 | ```
8646 |
8647 | </details>
8648 |
8649 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#lensProp)
8650 |
8651 | ### map
8652 |
8653 | ```typescript
8654 |
8655 | map<T, U>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, U>, iterable: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<U>
8656 | ```
8657 |
8658 | It returns the result of looping through `iterable` with `fn`.
8659 |
8660 | It works with both array and object.
8661 |
8662 | <details>
8663 |
8664 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
8665 |
8666 | ```typescript
8667 | map<T, U>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, U>, iterable: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<U>;
8668 | map<T, U>(fn: Iterator<T, U>, iterable: T[]): U[];
8669 | map<T, U>(fn: Iterator<T, U>): (iterable: T[]) => U[];
8670 | map<T, U, S>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, U>): (iterable: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<U>;
8671 | map<T>(fn: Iterator<T, T>): (iterable: T[]) => T[];
8672 | map<T>(fn: Iterator<T, T>, iterable: T[]): T[];
8673 | ```
8674 |
8675 | </details>
8676 |
8677 | <details>
8678 |
8679 | <summary><strong>R.map</strong> source</summary>
8680 |
8681 | ```javascript
8682 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
8683 | import {_keys} from './_internals/_keys'
8684 |
8685 | export function mapArray(fn, list, isIndexed = false) {
8686 | let index = 0
8687 | const willReturn = Array(list.length)
8688 |
8689 | while (index < list.length) {
8690 | willReturn[index] = isIndexed ? fn(list[index], index) : fn(list[index])
8691 |
8692 | index++
8693 | }
8694 |
8695 | return willReturn
8696 | }
8697 |
8698 | export function mapObject(fn, obj) {
8699 | let index = 0
8700 | const keys = _keys(obj)
8701 | const len = keys.length
8702 | const willReturn = {}
8703 |
8704 | while (index < len) {
8705 | const key = keys[index]
8706 | willReturn[key] = fn(obj[key], key, obj)
8707 | index++
8708 | }
8709 |
8710 | return willReturn
8711 | }
8712 |
8713 | export const mapObjIndexed = mapObject
8714 |
8715 | export function map(fn, iterable) {
8716 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _iterable => map(fn, _iterable)
8717 | if (!iterable) {
8718 | throw new Error('Incorrect iterable input')
8719 | }
8720 |
8721 | if (_isArray(iterable)) return mapArray(fn, iterable)
8722 |
8723 | return mapObject(fn, iterable)
8724 | }
8725 | ```
8726 |
8727 | </details>
8728 |
8729 | <details>
8730 |
8731 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
8732 |
8733 | ```javascript
8734 | import {map} from './map'
8735 | import {map as mapRamda} from 'ramda'
8736 |
8737 | const double = x => x * 2
8738 |
8739 | describe(`with array`, () => {
8740 | test('happy', () => {
8741 | expect(map(double, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([2, 4, 6])
8742 | })
8743 |
8744 | test('curried', () => {
8745 | expect(map(double)([1, 2, 3])).toEqual([2, 4, 6])
8746 | })
8747 | })
8748 |
8749 | describe(`with object`, () => {
8750 | const obj = {
8751 | a: 1,
8752 | b: 2,
8753 | }
8754 |
8755 | test('happy', () => {
8756 | expect(map(double, obj)).toEqual({
8757 | a: 2,
8758 | b: 4,
8759 | })
8760 | })
8761 | test('property as second and input object as third argument', () => {
8762 | const obj = {
8763 | a: 1,
8764 | b: 2,
8765 | }
8766 | const iterator = (val, prop, inputObject) => {
8767 | expect(prop).toBeString()
8768 | expect(inputObject).toEqual(obj)
8769 |
8770 | return val * 2
8771 | }
8772 |
8773 | expect(map(iterator)(obj)).toEqual({
8774 | a: 2,
8775 | b: 4,
8776 | })
8777 | })
8778 | })
8779 |
8780 | test('bad inputs difference between Ramda and Rambda', () => {
8781 | expect(() => map(double, null)).toThrowWithMessage(
8782 | Error,
8783 | `Incorrect iterable input`
8784 | )
8785 | expect(() => map(double)(undefined)).toThrowWithMessage(
8786 | Error,
8787 | `Incorrect iterable input`
8788 | )
8789 | expect(() => mapRamda(double, null)).toThrowWithMessage(
8790 | TypeError,
8791 | `Cannot read properties of null (reading 'fantasy-land/map')`
8792 | )
8793 | expect(() => mapRamda(double, undefined)).toThrowWithMessage(
8794 | TypeError,
8795 | `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'fantasy-land/map')`
8796 | )
8797 | })
8798 | ```
8799 |
8800 | </details>
8801 |
8802 | <details>
8803 |
8804 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
8805 |
8806 | ```typescript
8807 | import {map} from 'rambda'
8808 |
8809 | describe('R.map with arrays', () => {
8810 | it('iterable returns the same type as the input', () => {
8811 | const result = map<number>(
8812 | (x: number) => {
8813 | x // $ExpectType number
8814 | return x + 2
8815 | },
8816 | [1, 2, 3]
8817 | )
8818 | result // $ExpectType number[]
8819 | })
8820 | it('iterable returns the same type as the input - curried', () => {
8821 | const result = map<number>((x: number) => {
8822 | x // $ExpectType number
8823 | return x + 2
8824 | })([1, 2, 3])
8825 | result // $ExpectType number[]
8826 | })
8827 | it('iterable returns different type as the input', () => {
8828 | const result = map<number, string>(
8829 | (x: number) => {
8830 | x // $ExpectType number
8831 | return String(x)
8832 | },
8833 | [1, 2, 3]
8834 | )
8835 | result // $ExpectType string[]
8836 | })
8837 | })
8838 |
8839 | describe('R.map with objects', () => {
8840 | it('iterable with all three arguments - curried', () => {
8841 | // It requires dummy third typing argument
8842 | // in order to identify compared to curry typings for arrays
8843 | // ============================================
8844 | const result = map<number, string, any>((a, b, c) => {
8845 | a // $ExpectType number
8846 | b // $ExpectType string
8847 | c // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
8848 | return `${a}`
8849 | })({a: 1, b: 2})
8850 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string>
8851 | })
8852 | it('iterable with all three arguments', () => {
8853 | const result = map<number, string>(
8854 | (a, b, c) => {
8855 | a // $ExpectType number
8856 | b // $ExpectType string
8857 | c // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
8858 | return `${a}`
8859 | },
8860 | {a: 1, b: 2}
8861 | )
8862 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string>
8863 | })
8864 | it('iterable with property argument', () => {
8865 | const result = map<number, string>(
8866 | (a, b) => {
8867 | a // $ExpectType number
8868 | b // $ExpectType string
8869 | return `${a}`
8870 | },
8871 | {a: 1, b: 2}
8872 | )
8873 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string>
8874 | })
8875 | it('iterable with no property argument', () => {
8876 | const result = map<number, string>(
8877 | a => {
8878 | a // $ExpectType number
8879 | return `${a}`
8880 | },
8881 | {a: 1, b: 2}
8882 | )
8883 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<string>
8884 | })
8885 | })
8886 | ```
8887 |
8888 | </details>
8889 |
8890 | <details>
8891 |
8892 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 86.6% slower and Lodash is 11.73% slower</summary>
8893 |
8894 | ```text
8895 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
8896 |
8897 | const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]
8898 | const fn = x => x * 2
8899 | const map = [
8900 | {
8901 | label: 'Rambda',
8902 | fn: () => {
8903 | R.map(fn, arr)
8904 | },
8905 | },
8906 | {
8907 | label: 'Ramda',
8908 | fn: () => {
8909 | Ramda.map(fn, arr)
8910 | },
8911 | },
8912 | {
8913 | label: 'Lodash',
8914 | fn: () => {
8915 | _.map(arr, fn)
8916 | },
8917 | },
8918 | ]
8919 | ```
8920 |
8921 | </details>
8922 |
8923 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#map)
8924 |
8925 | ### mapObjIndexed
8926 |
8927 | It works the same way as `R.map` does for objects. It is added as Ramda also has this method.
8928 |
8929 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#mapObjIndexed)
8930 |
8931 | ### match
8932 |
8933 | ```typescript
8934 |
8935 | match(regExpression: RegExp, str: string): string[]
8936 | ```
8937 |
8938 | Curried version of `String.prototype.match` which returns empty array, when there is no match.
8939 |
8940 | <details>
8941 |
8942 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
8943 |
8944 | ```typescript
8945 | match(regExpression: RegExp, str: string): string[];
8946 | match(regExpression: RegExp): (str: string) => string[];
8947 | ```
8948 |
8949 | </details>
8950 |
8951 | <details>
8952 |
8953 | <summary><strong>R.match</strong> source</summary>
8954 |
8955 | ```javascript
8956 | export function match(pattern, input) {
8957 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => match(pattern, _input)
8958 |
8959 | const willReturn = input.match(pattern)
8960 |
8961 | return willReturn === null ? [] : willReturn
8962 | }
8963 | ```
8964 |
8965 | </details>
8966 |
8967 | <details>
8968 |
8969 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
8970 |
8971 | ```javascript
8972 | import {equals} from './equals'
8973 | import {match} from './match'
8974 |
8975 | test('happy', () => {
8976 | expect(match(/a./g)('foo bar baz')).toEqual(['ar', 'az'])
8977 | })
8978 |
8979 | test('fallback', () => {
8980 | expect(match(/a./g)('foo')).toEqual([])
8981 | })
8982 |
8983 | test('with string', () => {
8984 | expect(match('a', 'foo')).toEqual([])
8985 | expect(equals(match('o', 'foo'), ['o'])).toBeTrue()
8986 | })
8987 |
8988 | test('throwing', () => {
8989 | expect(() => {
8990 | match(/a./g, null)
8991 | }).toThrowWithMessage(
8992 | TypeError,
8993 | `Cannot read properties of null (reading 'match')`
8994 | )
8995 | })
8996 | ```
8997 |
8998 | </details>
8999 |
9000 | <details>
9001 |
9002 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9003 |
9004 | ```typescript
9005 | import {match} from 'rambda'
9006 |
9007 | const str = 'foo bar'
9008 |
9009 | describe('R.match', () => {
9010 | it('happy', () => {
9011 | const result = match(/foo/, str)
9012 | result // $ExpectType string[]
9013 | })
9014 | it('curried', () => {
9015 | const result = match(/foo/)(str)
9016 | result // $ExpectType string[]
9017 | })
9018 | })
9019 | ```
9020 |
9021 | </details>
9022 |
9023 | <details>
9024 |
9025 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 44.83%</summary>
9026 |
9027 | ```text
9028 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
9029 |
9030 | const match = [
9031 | {
9032 | label: 'Rambda',
9033 | fn: () => {
9034 | R.match(/a./g)('foo bar baz')
9035 | R.match(/a./g, 'foo bar baz')
9036 | },
9037 | },
9038 | {
9039 | label: 'Ramda',
9040 | fn: () => {
9041 | Ramda.match(/a./g)('foo bar baz')
9042 | Ramda.match(/a./g, 'foo bar baz')
9043 | },
9044 | },
9045 | ]
9046 | ```
9047 |
9048 | </details>
9049 |
9050 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#match)
9051 |
9052 | ### mathMod
9053 |
9054 | `R.mathMod` behaves like the modulo operator should mathematically, unlike the `%` operator (and by extension, `R.modulo`). So while `-17 % 5` is `-2`, `mathMod(-17, 5)` is `3`.
9055 |
9056 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#mathMod)
9057 |
9058 | ### max
9059 |
9060 | ```typescript
9061 |
9062 | max<T extends Ord>(x: T, y: T): T
9063 | ```
9064 |
9065 | It returns the greater value between `x` and `y`.
9066 |
9067 | <details>
9068 |
9069 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9070 |
9071 | ```typescript
9072 | max<T extends Ord>(x: T, y: T): T;
9073 | max<T extends Ord>(x: T): (y: T) => T;
9074 | ```
9075 |
9076 | </details>
9077 |
9078 | <details>
9079 |
9080 | <summary><strong>R.max</strong> source</summary>
9081 |
9082 | ```javascript
9083 | export function max(x, y) {
9084 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => max(x, _y)
9085 |
9086 | return y > x ? y : x
9087 | }
9088 | ```
9089 |
9090 | </details>
9091 |
9092 | <details>
9093 |
9094 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9095 |
9096 | ```javascript
9097 | import {max} from './max'
9098 |
9099 | test('with number', () => {
9100 | expect(max(2, 1)).toBe(2)
9101 | })
9102 |
9103 | test('with string', () => {
9104 | expect(max('foo')('bar')).toBe('foo')
9105 | expect(max('bar')('baz')).toBe('baz')
9106 | })
9107 | ```
9108 |
9109 | </details>
9110 |
9111 | <details>
9112 |
9113 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9114 |
9115 | ```typescript
9116 | import {max} from 'rambda'
9117 |
9118 | const first = 1
9119 | const second = 2
9120 |
9121 | describe('R.max', () => {
9122 | it('happy', () => {
9123 | const result = max(first, second)
9124 | result // $ExpectType 1 | 2
9125 | })
9126 | it('curried', () => {
9127 | const result = max(first, second)
9128 | result // $ExpectType 1 | 2
9129 | })
9130 | it('curried - cann pass type', () => {
9131 | const result = max<number>(first, second)
9132 | result // $ExpectType number
9133 | })
9134 | it('can pass type', () => {
9135 | const result = max<number>(first, second)
9136 | result // $ExpectType number
9137 | })
9138 | })
9139 | ```
9140 |
9141 | </details>
9142 |
9143 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#max)
9144 |
9145 | ### maxBy
9146 |
9147 | ```typescript
9148 |
9149 | maxBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T, y: T): T
9150 | ```
9151 |
9152 | It returns the greater value between `x` and `y` according to `compareFn` function.
9153 |
9154 | <details>
9155 |
9156 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9157 |
9158 | ```typescript
9159 | maxBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T, y: T): T;
9160 | maxBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T): (y: T) => T;
9161 | maxBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord): (x: T) => (y: T) => T;
9162 | ```
9163 |
9164 | </details>
9165 |
9166 | <details>
9167 |
9168 | <summary><strong>R.maxBy</strong> source</summary>
9169 |
9170 | ```javascript
9171 | import {curry} from './curry'
9172 |
9173 | export function maxByFn(compareFn, x, y) {
9174 | return compareFn(y) > compareFn(x) ? y : x
9175 | }
9176 |
9177 | export const maxBy = curry(maxByFn)
9178 | ```
9179 |
9180 | </details>
9181 |
9182 | <details>
9183 |
9184 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9185 |
9186 | ```javascript
9187 | import {maxBy} from './maxBy'
9188 |
9189 | test('happy', () => {
9190 | expect(maxBy(Math.abs, -5, 2)).toEqual(-5)
9191 | })
9192 |
9193 | test('curried', () => {
9194 | expect(maxBy(Math.abs)(2, -5)).toEqual(-5)
9195 | expect(maxBy(Math.abs)(2)(-5)).toEqual(-5)
9196 | })
9197 | ```
9198 |
9199 | </details>
9200 |
9201 | <details>
9202 |
9203 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9204 |
9205 | ```typescript
9206 | import {maxBy} from 'rambda'
9207 |
9208 | const compareFn = (x: number) => x % 2 === 0 ? 1 : -1
9209 | const first = 1
9210 | const second = 2
9211 |
9212 | describe('R.maxBy', () => {
9213 | it('happy', () => {
9214 | const result = maxBy(compareFn, first, second)
9215 | result // $ExpectType 1 | 2
9216 | })
9217 | })
9218 | ```
9219 |
9220 | </details>
9221 |
9222 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#maxBy)
9223 |
9224 | ### mean
9225 |
9226 | ```typescript
9227 |
9228 | mean(list: number[]): number
9229 | ```
9230 |
9231 | It returns the mean value of `list` input.
9232 |
9233 | <details>
9234 |
9235 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9236 |
9237 | ```typescript
9238 | mean(list: number[]): number;
9239 | ```
9240 |
9241 | </details>
9242 |
9243 | <details>
9244 |
9245 | <summary><strong>R.mean</strong> source</summary>
9246 |
9247 | ```javascript
9248 | import {sum} from './sum'
9249 |
9250 | export function mean(list) {
9251 | return sum(list) / list.length
9252 | }
9253 | ```
9254 |
9255 | </details>
9256 |
9257 | <details>
9258 |
9259 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9260 |
9261 | ```javascript
9262 | import {mean} from './mean'
9263 |
9264 | test('happy', () => {
9265 | expect(mean([2, 7])).toBe(4.5)
9266 | })
9267 |
9268 | test('with NaN', () => {
9269 | expect(mean([])).toBeNaN()
9270 | })
9271 | ```
9272 |
9273 | </details>
9274 |
9275 | <details>
9276 |
9277 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9278 |
9279 | ```typescript
9280 | import {mean} from 'rambda'
9281 |
9282 | describe('R.mean', () => {
9283 | it('happy', () => {
9284 | const result = mean([1, 2, 3])
9285 |
9286 | result // $ExpectType number
9287 | })
9288 | })
9289 | ```
9290 |
9291 | </details>
9292 |
9293 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#mean)
9294 |
9295 | ### median
9296 |
9297 | ```typescript
9298 |
9299 | median(list: number[]): number
9300 | ```
9301 |
9302 | It returns the median value of `list` input.
9303 |
9304 | <details>
9305 |
9306 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9307 |
9308 | ```typescript
9309 | median(list: number[]): number;
9310 | ```
9311 |
9312 | </details>
9313 |
9314 | <details>
9315 |
9316 | <summary><strong>R.median</strong> source</summary>
9317 |
9318 | ```javascript
9319 | import {mean} from './mean'
9320 |
9321 | export function median(list) {
9322 | const len = list.length
9323 | if (len === 0) return NaN
9324 | const width = 2 - (len % 2)
9325 | const idx = (len - width) / 2
9326 |
9327 | return mean(
9328 | Array.prototype.slice
9329 | .call(list, 0)
9330 | .sort((a, b) => {
9331 | if (a === b) return 0
9332 |
9333 | return a < b ? -1 : 1
9334 | })
9335 | .slice(idx, idx + width)
9336 | )
9337 | }
9338 | ```
9339 |
9340 | </details>
9341 |
9342 | <details>
9343 |
9344 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9345 |
9346 | ```javascript
9347 | import {median} from './median'
9348 |
9349 | test('happy', () => {
9350 | expect(median([2])).toEqual(2)
9351 | expect(median([7, 2, 10, 2, 9])).toEqual(7)
9352 | })
9353 |
9354 | test('with empty array', () => {
9355 | expect(median([])).toBeNaN()
9356 | })
9357 | ```
9358 |
9359 | </details>
9360 |
9361 | <details>
9362 |
9363 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9364 |
9365 | ```typescript
9366 | import {median} from 'rambda'
9367 |
9368 | describe('R.median', () => {
9369 | it('happy', () => {
9370 | const result = median([1, 2, 3])
9371 |
9372 | result // $ExpectType number
9373 | })
9374 | })
9375 | ```
9376 |
9377 | </details>
9378 |
9379 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#median)
9380 |
9381 | ### merge
9382 |
9383 | ```typescript
9384 |
9385 | merge<A, B>(target: A, newProps: B): A & B
9386 | export function merge<Output>(target: any): (newProps: any) => Output
9387 | ```
9388 |
9389 | It creates a copy of `target` object with overidden `newProps` properties.
9390 |
9391 | <details>
9392 |
9393 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9394 |
9395 | ```typescript
9396 | merge<A, B>(target: A, newProps: B): A & B
9397 | merge<Output>(target: any): (newProps: any) => Output;
9398 | ```
9399 |
9400 | </details>
9401 |
9402 | <details>
9403 |
9404 | <summary><strong>R.merge</strong> source</summary>
9405 |
9406 | ```javascript
9407 | export function merge(target, newProps) {
9408 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _newProps => merge(target, _newProps)
9409 |
9410 | return Object.assign({}, target || {}, newProps || {})
9411 | }
9412 | ```
9413 |
9414 | </details>
9415 |
9416 | <details>
9417 |
9418 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9419 |
9420 | ```javascript
9421 | import {merge} from './merge'
9422 |
9423 | const obj = {
9424 | foo: 1,
9425 | bar: 2,
9426 | }
9427 |
9428 | test('happy', () => {
9429 | expect(merge(obj, {bar: 20})).toEqual({
9430 | foo: 1,
9431 | bar: 20,
9432 | })
9433 | })
9434 |
9435 | test('curry', () => {
9436 | expect(merge(obj)({baz: 3})).toEqual({
9437 | foo: 1,
9438 | bar: 2,
9439 | baz: 3,
9440 | })
9441 | })
9442 |
9443 | /**
9444 | * https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/77
9445 | */
9446 | test('when undefined or null instead of object', () => {
9447 | expect(merge(null, undefined)).toEqual({})
9448 | expect(merge(obj, null)).toEqual(obj)
9449 | expect(merge(obj, undefined)).toEqual(obj)
9450 | expect(merge(undefined, obj)).toEqual(obj)
9451 | })
9452 | ```
9453 |
9454 | </details>
9455 |
9456 | <details>
9457 |
9458 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9459 |
9460 | ```typescript
9461 | import {merge} from 'rambda'
9462 |
9463 | interface Output {
9464 | foo: number,
9465 | bar: number,
9466 | }
9467 |
9468 | describe('R.merge', () => {
9469 | const result = merge({foo: 1}, {bar: 2})
9470 | const curriedResult = merge<Output>({foo: 1})({bar: 2})
9471 |
9472 | result.foo // $ExpectType number
9473 | result.bar // $ExpectType number
9474 | curriedResult.bar // $ExpectType number
9475 | })
9476 | ```
9477 |
9478 | </details>
9479 |
9480 | <details>
9481 |
9482 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 12.21% slower and Lodash is 55.76% slower</summary>
9483 |
9484 | ```text
9485 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
9486 |
9487 | const obj = {bar: 'yes'}
9488 | const a = {
9489 | foo: 'bar',
9490 | bar: 'baz',
9491 | }
9492 | const merge = [
9493 | {
9494 | label: 'Rambda',
9495 | fn: () => {
9496 | R.merge(a, obj)
9497 | },
9498 | },
9499 | {
9500 | label: 'Ramda',
9501 | fn: () => {
9502 | Ramda.merge(a, obj)
9503 | },
9504 | },
9505 | {
9506 | label: 'Lodash',
9507 | fn: () => {
9508 | _.merge(a, obj)
9509 | },
9510 | },
9511 | ]
9512 | ```
9513 |
9514 | </details>
9515 |
9516 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#merge)
9517 |
9518 | ### mergeAll
9519 |
9520 | ```typescript
9521 |
9522 | mergeAll<T>(list: object[]): T
9523 | ```
9524 |
9525 | It merges all objects of `list` array sequentially and returns the result.
9526 |
9527 | <details>
9528 |
9529 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9530 |
9531 | ```typescript
9532 | mergeAll<T>(list: object[]): T;
9533 | mergeAll(list: object[]): object;
9534 | ```
9535 |
9536 | </details>
9537 |
9538 | <details>
9539 |
9540 | <summary><strong>R.mergeAll</strong> source</summary>
9541 |
9542 | ```javascript
9543 | import {map} from './map'
9544 | import {merge} from './merge'
9545 |
9546 | export function mergeAll(arr) {
9547 | let willReturn = {}
9548 | map(val => {
9549 | willReturn = merge(willReturn, val)
9550 | }, arr)
9551 |
9552 | return willReturn
9553 | }
9554 | ```
9555 |
9556 | </details>
9557 |
9558 | <details>
9559 |
9560 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9561 |
9562 | ```javascript
9563 | import {mergeAll} from './mergeAll'
9564 |
9565 | test('case 1', () => {
9566 | const arr = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}]
9567 | const expectedResult = {
9568 | a: 1,
9569 | b: 2,
9570 | c: 3,
9571 | }
9572 | expect(mergeAll(arr)).toEqual(expectedResult)
9573 | })
9574 |
9575 | test('case 2', () => {
9576 | expect(mergeAll([{foo: 1}, {bar: 2}, {baz: 3}])).toEqual({
9577 | foo: 1,
9578 | bar: 2,
9579 | baz: 3,
9580 | })
9581 | })
9582 | ```
9583 |
9584 | </details>
9585 |
9586 | <details>
9587 |
9588 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9589 |
9590 | ```typescript
9591 | import {mergeAll} from 'rambda'
9592 |
9593 | describe('R.mergeAll', () => {
9594 | it('with passing type', () => {
9595 | interface Output {
9596 | foo: number,
9597 | bar: number,
9598 | }
9599 | const result = mergeAll<Output>([{foo: 1}, {bar: 2}])
9600 | result.foo // $ExpectType number
9601 | result.bar // $ExpectType number
9602 | })
9603 |
9604 | it('without passing type', () => {
9605 | const result = mergeAll([{foo: 1}, {bar: 2}])
9606 | result // $ExpectType unknown
9607 | })
9608 | })
9609 | ```
9610 |
9611 | </details>
9612 |
9613 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#mergeAll)
9614 |
9615 | ### mergeDeepRight
9616 |
9617 | ```typescript
9618 |
9619 | mergeDeepRight<Output>(target: object, newProps: object): Output
9620 | ```
9621 |
9622 | Creates a new object with the own properties of the first object merged with the own properties of the second object. If a key exists in both objects:
9623 |
9624 | - and both values are objects, the two values will be recursively merged
9625 | - otherwise the value from the second object will be used.
9626 |
9627 | <details>
9628 |
9629 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9630 |
9631 | ```typescript
9632 | mergeDeepRight<Output>(target: object, newProps: object): Output;
9633 | mergeDeepRight<Output>(target: object): (newProps: object) => Output;
9634 | ```
9635 |
9636 | </details>
9637 |
9638 | <details>
9639 |
9640 | <summary><strong>R.mergeDeepRight</strong> source</summary>
9641 |
9642 | ```javascript
9643 | import {type} from './type'
9644 |
9645 | export function mergeDeepRight(target, source) {
9646 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
9647 | return sourceHolder => mergeDeepRight(target, sourceHolder)
9648 | }
9649 |
9650 | const willReturn = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(target))
9651 |
9652 | Object.keys(source).forEach(key => {
9653 | if (type(source[key]) === 'Object') {
9654 | if (type(target[key]) === 'Object') {
9655 | willReturn[key] = mergeDeepRight(target[key], source[key])
9656 | } else {
9657 | willReturn[key] = source[key]
9658 | }
9659 | } else {
9660 | willReturn[key] = source[key]
9661 | }
9662 | })
9663 |
9664 | return willReturn
9665 | }
9666 | ```
9667 |
9668 | </details>
9669 |
9670 | <details>
9671 |
9672 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9673 |
9674 | ```javascript
9675 | // import { mergeDeepRight } from 'ramda'
9676 | import {mergeDeepRight} from './mergeDeepRight'
9677 |
9678 | const slave = {
9679 | name: 'evilMe',
9680 | age: 10,
9681 | contact: {
9682 | a: 1,
9683 | email: 'foo@example.com',
9684 | },
9685 | }
9686 | const master = {
9687 | age: 40,
9688 | contact: {email: 'baz@example.com'},
9689 | songs: {title: 'Remains the same'},
9690 | }
9691 |
9692 | test('happy', () => {
9693 | const result = mergeDeepRight(slave, master)
9694 | const curryResult = mergeDeepRight(slave)(master)
9695 | const expected = {
9696 | age: 40,
9697 | name: 'evilMe',
9698 | contact: {
9699 | a: 1,
9700 | email: 'baz@example.com',
9701 | },
9702 | songs: {title: 'Remains the same'},
9703 | }
9704 |
9705 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
9706 | expect(curryResult).toEqual(expected)
9707 | })
9708 |
9709 | test('ramda compatible test 1', () => {
9710 | const a = {
9711 | w: 1,
9712 | x: 2,
9713 | y: {z: 3},
9714 | }
9715 | const b = {
9716 | a: 4,
9717 | b: 5,
9718 | c: {d: 6},
9719 | }
9720 | const result = mergeDeepRight(a, b)
9721 | const expected = {
9722 | w: 1,
9723 | x: 2,
9724 | y: {z: 3},
9725 | a: 4,
9726 | b: 5,
9727 | c: {d: 6},
9728 | }
9729 |
9730 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
9731 | })
9732 |
9733 | test('ramda compatible test 2', () => {
9734 | const a = {
9735 | a: {
9736 | b: 1,
9737 | c: 2,
9738 | },
9739 | y: 0,
9740 | }
9741 | const b = {
9742 | a: {
9743 | b: 3,
9744 | d: 4,
9745 | },
9746 | z: 0,
9747 | }
9748 | const result = mergeDeepRight(a, b)
9749 | const expected = {
9750 | a: {
9751 | b: 3,
9752 | c: 2,
9753 | d: 4,
9754 | },
9755 | y: 0,
9756 | z: 0,
9757 | }
9758 |
9759 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
9760 | })
9761 |
9762 | test('ramda compatible test 3', () => {
9763 | const a = {
9764 | w: 1,
9765 | x: {y: 2},
9766 | }
9767 | const result = mergeDeepRight(a, {x: {y: 3}})
9768 | const expected = {
9769 | w: 1,
9770 | x: {y: 3},
9771 | }
9772 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
9773 | })
9774 | ```
9775 |
9776 | </details>
9777 |
9778 | <details>
9779 |
9780 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9781 |
9782 | ```typescript
9783 | import {mergeDeepRight} from 'rambda'
9784 |
9785 | interface Output {
9786 | foo: {
9787 | bar: number,
9788 | },
9789 | }
9790 |
9791 | describe('R.mergeDeepRight', () => {
9792 | const result = mergeDeepRight<Output>({foo: {bar: 1}}, {foo: {bar: 2}})
9793 | result.foo.bar // $ExpectType number
9794 | })
9795 | ```
9796 |
9797 | </details>
9798 |
9799 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#mergeDeepRight)
9800 |
9801 | ### mergeLeft
9802 |
9803 | ```typescript
9804 |
9805 | mergeLeft<Output>(newProps: object, target: object): Output
9806 | ```
9807 |
9808 | Same as `R.merge`, but in opposite direction.
9809 |
9810 | <details>
9811 |
9812 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9813 |
9814 | ```typescript
9815 | mergeLeft<Output>(newProps: object, target: object): Output;
9816 | mergeLeft<Output>(newProps: object): (target: object) => Output;
9817 | ```
9818 |
9819 | </details>
9820 |
9821 | <details>
9822 |
9823 | <summary><strong>R.mergeLeft</strong> source</summary>
9824 |
9825 | ```javascript
9826 | import {merge} from './merge'
9827 |
9828 | export function mergeLeft(x, y) {
9829 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => mergeLeft(x, _y)
9830 |
9831 | return merge(y, x)
9832 | }
9833 | ```
9834 |
9835 | </details>
9836 |
9837 | <details>
9838 |
9839 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9840 |
9841 | ```javascript
9842 | import {mergeLeft} from './mergeLeft'
9843 |
9844 | const obj = {
9845 | foo: 1,
9846 | bar: 2,
9847 | }
9848 |
9849 | test('happy', () => {
9850 | expect(mergeLeft({bar: 20}, obj)).toEqual({
9851 | foo: 1,
9852 | bar: 20,
9853 | })
9854 | })
9855 |
9856 | test('curry', () => {
9857 | expect(mergeLeft({baz: 3})(obj)).toEqual({
9858 | foo: 1,
9859 | bar: 2,
9860 | baz: 3,
9861 | })
9862 | })
9863 |
9864 | test('when undefined or null instead of object', () => {
9865 | expect(mergeLeft(null, undefined)).toEqual({})
9866 | expect(mergeLeft(obj, null)).toEqual(obj)
9867 | expect(mergeLeft(obj, undefined)).toEqual(obj)
9868 | expect(mergeLeft(undefined, obj)).toEqual(obj)
9869 | })
9870 | ```
9871 |
9872 | </details>
9873 |
9874 | <details>
9875 |
9876 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9877 |
9878 | ```typescript
9879 | import {mergeLeft} from 'rambda'
9880 |
9881 | interface Output {
9882 | foo: number,
9883 | bar: number,
9884 | }
9885 |
9886 | describe('R.mergeLeft', () => {
9887 | const result = mergeLeft<Output>({foo: 1}, {bar: 2})
9888 | const curriedResult = mergeLeft<Output>({foo: 1})({bar: 2})
9889 |
9890 | result.foo // $ExpectType number
9891 | result.bar // $ExpectType number
9892 | curriedResult.bar // $ExpectType number
9893 | })
9894 | ```
9895 |
9896 | </details>
9897 |
9898 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#mergeLeft)
9899 |
9900 | ### min
9901 |
9902 | ```typescript
9903 |
9904 | min<T extends Ord>(x: T, y: T): T
9905 | ```
9906 |
9907 | It returns the lesser value between `x` and `y`.
9908 |
9909 | <details>
9910 |
9911 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9912 |
9913 | ```typescript
9914 | min<T extends Ord>(x: T, y: T): T;
9915 | min<T extends Ord>(x: T): (y: T) => T;
9916 | ```
9917 |
9918 | </details>
9919 |
9920 | <details>
9921 |
9922 | <summary><strong>R.min</strong> source</summary>
9923 |
9924 | ```javascript
9925 | export function min(x, y) {
9926 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => min(x, _y)
9927 |
9928 | return y < x ? y : x
9929 | }
9930 | ```
9931 |
9932 | </details>
9933 |
9934 | <details>
9935 |
9936 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
9937 |
9938 | ```javascript
9939 | import {min} from './min'
9940 |
9941 | test('happy', () => {
9942 | expect(min(2, 1)).toBe(1)
9943 | expect(min(1)(2)).toBe(1)
9944 | })
9945 | ```
9946 |
9947 | </details>
9948 |
9949 | <details>
9950 |
9951 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
9952 |
9953 | ```typescript
9954 | import {min} from 'rambda'
9955 |
9956 | const first = 1
9957 | const second = 2
9958 |
9959 | describe('R.min', () => {
9960 | it('happy', () => {
9961 | const result = min(first, second)
9962 | result // $ExpectType 1 | 2
9963 | })
9964 | it('curried', () => {
9965 | const result = min(first, second)
9966 | result // $ExpectType 1 | 2
9967 | })
9968 | it('curried - cann pass type', () => {
9969 | const result = min<number>(first, second)
9970 | result // $ExpectType number
9971 | })
9972 | it('can pass type', () => {
9973 | const result = min<number>(first, second)
9974 | result // $ExpectType number
9975 | })
9976 | })
9977 | ```
9978 |
9979 | </details>
9980 |
9981 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#min)
9982 |
9983 | ### minBy
9984 |
9985 | ```typescript
9986 |
9987 | minBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T, y: T): T
9988 | ```
9989 |
9990 | It returns the lesser value between `x` and `y` according to `compareFn` function.
9991 |
9992 | <details>
9993 |
9994 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
9995 |
9996 | ```typescript
9997 | minBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T, y: T): T;
9998 | minBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T): (y: T) => T;
9999 | minBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord): (x: T) => (y: T) => T;
10000 | ```
10001 |
10002 | </details>
10003 |
10004 | <details>
10005 |
10006 | <summary><strong>R.minBy</strong> source</summary>
10007 |
10008 | ```javascript
10009 | import {curry} from './curry'
10010 |
10011 | export function minByFn(compareFn, x, y) {
10012 | return compareFn(y) < compareFn(x) ? y : x
10013 | }
10014 |
10015 | export const minBy = curry(minByFn)
10016 | ```
10017 |
10018 | </details>
10019 |
10020 | <details>
10021 |
10022 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10023 |
10024 | ```javascript
10025 | import {minBy} from './minBy'
10026 |
10027 | test('happy', () => {
10028 | expect(minBy(Math.abs, -5, 2)).toEqual(2)
10029 | })
10030 |
10031 | test('curried', () => {
10032 | expect(minBy(Math.abs)(2, -5)).toEqual(2)
10033 | expect(minBy(Math.abs)(2)(-5)).toEqual(2)
10034 | })
10035 | ```
10036 |
10037 | </details>
10038 |
10039 | <details>
10040 |
10041 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10042 |
10043 | ```typescript
10044 | import {minBy} from 'rambda'
10045 |
10046 | const compareFn = (x: number) => x % 2 === 0 ? 1 : -1
10047 | const first = 1
10048 | const second = 2
10049 |
10050 | describe('R.minBy', () => {
10051 | it('happy', () => {
10052 | const result = minBy(compareFn, first, second)
10053 | result // $ExpectType 1 | 2
10054 | })
10055 | })
10056 | ```
10057 |
10058 | </details>
10059 |
10060 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#minBy)
10061 |
10062 | ### modulo
10063 |
10064 | Curried version of `x%y`.
10065 |
10066 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#modulo)
10067 |
10068 | ### move
10069 |
10070 | ```typescript
10071 |
10072 | move<T>(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, list: T[]): T[]
10073 | ```
10074 |
10075 | It returns a copy of `list` with exchanged `fromIndex` and `toIndex` elements.
10076 |
10077 | <details>
10078 |
10079 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10080 |
10081 | ```typescript
10082 | move<T>(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, list: T[]): T[];
10083 | move(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): <T>(list: T[]) => T[];
10084 | move(fromIndex: number): {
10085 | <T>(toIndex: number, list: T[]): T[];
10086 | (toIndex: number): <T>(list: T[]) => T[];
10087 | };
10088 | ```
10089 |
10090 | </details>
10091 |
10092 | <details>
10093 |
10094 | <summary><strong>R.move</strong> source</summary>
10095 |
10096 | ```javascript
10097 | import {curry} from './curry'
10098 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
10099 |
10100 | function moveFn(fromIndex, toIndex, list) {
10101 | if (fromIndex < 0 || toIndex < 0) {
10102 | throw new Error('Rambda.move does not support negative indexes')
10103 | }
10104 | if (fromIndex > list.length - 1 || toIndex > list.length - 1) return list
10105 |
10106 | const clone = cloneList(list)
10107 | clone[fromIndex] = list[toIndex]
10108 | clone[toIndex] = list[fromIndex]
10109 |
10110 | return clone
10111 | }
10112 |
10113 | export const move = curry(moveFn)
10114 | ```
10115 |
10116 | </details>
10117 |
10118 | <details>
10119 |
10120 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10121 |
10122 | ```javascript
10123 | import {move} from './move'
10124 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
10125 |
10126 | test('happy', () => {
10127 | const result = move(0, 1, list)
10128 |
10129 | expect(result).toEqual([2, 1, 3, 4])
10130 | })
10131 |
10132 | test('with negative index', () => {
10133 | const errorMessage = 'Rambda.move does not support negative indexes'
10134 | expect(() => move(0, -1, list)).toThrowWithMessage(Error, errorMessage)
10135 | expect(() => move(-1, 0, list)).toThrowWithMessage(Error, errorMessage)
10136 | })
10137 |
10138 | test('when indexes are outside the list outbounds', () => {
10139 | const result1 = move(10, 1, list)
10140 | const result2 = move(1, 10, list)
10141 |
10142 | expect(result1).toEqual(list)
10143 | expect(result2).toEqual(list)
10144 | })
10145 | ```
10146 |
10147 | </details>
10148 |
10149 | <details>
10150 |
10151 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10152 |
10153 | ```typescript
10154 | import {move} from 'rambda'
10155 |
10156 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
10157 |
10158 | describe('R.move', () => {
10159 | it('happy', () => {
10160 | const result = move(0, 1, list)
10161 |
10162 | result // $ExpectType number[]
10163 | })
10164 | it('curried 1', () => {
10165 | const result = move(0, 1)(list)
10166 |
10167 | result // $ExpectType number[]
10168 | })
10169 | it('curried 2', () => {
10170 | const result = move(0)(1)(list)
10171 |
10172 | result // $ExpectType number[]
10173 | })
10174 | })
10175 | ```
10176 |
10177 | </details>
10178 |
10179 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#move)
10180 |
10181 | ### multiply
10182 |
10183 | Curried version of `x*y`.
10184 |
10185 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#multiply)
10186 |
10187 | ### negate
10188 |
10189 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#negate)
10190 |
10191 | ### none
10192 |
10193 | ```typescript
10194 |
10195 | none<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): boolean
10196 | ```
10197 |
10198 | It returns `true`, if all members of array `list` returns `false`, when applied as argument to `predicate` function.
10199 |
10200 | <details>
10201 |
10202 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10203 |
10204 | ```typescript
10205 | none<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: T[]): boolean;
10206 | none<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => boolean;
10207 | ```
10208 |
10209 | </details>
10210 |
10211 | <details>
10212 |
10213 | <summary><strong>R.none</strong> source</summary>
10214 |
10215 | ```javascript
10216 | export function none(predicate, list) {
10217 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => none(predicate, _list)
10218 |
10219 | for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
10220 | if (!predicate(list[i])) return true
10221 | }
10222 |
10223 | return false
10224 | }
10225 | ```
10226 |
10227 | </details>
10228 |
10229 | <details>
10230 |
10231 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10232 |
10233 | ```javascript
10234 | import {none} from './none'
10235 |
10236 | const isEven = n => n % 2 === 0
10237 | const isOdd = n => n % 2 === 1
10238 | const arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
10239 |
10240 | test('when true', () => {
10241 | expect(none(isEven, arr)).toBeTrue()
10242 | })
10243 |
10244 | test('when false curried', () => {
10245 | expect(none(isOdd)(arr)).toBeFalse()
10246 | })
10247 | ```
10248 |
10249 | </details>
10250 |
10251 | <details>
10252 |
10253 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10254 |
10255 | ```typescript
10256 | import {none} from 'rambda'
10257 |
10258 | describe('R.none', () => {
10259 | it('happy', () => {
10260 | const result = none(
10261 | x => {
10262 | x // $ExpectType number
10263 | return x > 0
10264 | },
10265 | [1, 2, 3]
10266 | )
10267 | result // $ExpectType boolean
10268 | })
10269 | it('curried needs a type', () => {
10270 | const result = none<number>(x => {
10271 | x // $ExpectType number
10272 | return x > 0
10273 | })([1, 2, 3])
10274 | result // $ExpectType boolean
10275 | })
10276 | })
10277 | ```
10278 |
10279 | </details>
10280 |
10281 | <details>
10282 |
10283 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 96.48%</summary>
10284 |
10285 | ```text
10286 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
10287 |
10288 | const isEven = n => n % 2 === 0
10289 | const arr = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
10290 |
10291 | const none = [
10292 | {
10293 | label: 'Rambda',
10294 | fn: () => {
10295 | R.none(isEven, arr)
10296 | R.none(isEven)(arr)
10297 | },
10298 | },
10299 | {
10300 | label: 'Ramda',
10301 | fn: () => {
10302 | Ramda.none(isEven, arr)
10303 | Ramda.none(isEven)(arr)
10304 | },
10305 | },
10306 | ]
10307 | ```
10308 |
10309 | </details>
10310 |
10311 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#none)
10312 |
10313 | ### not
10314 |
10315 | ```typescript
10316 |
10317 | not(input: any): boolean
10318 | ```
10319 |
10320 | It returns a boolean negated version of `input`.
10321 |
10322 | <details>
10323 |
10324 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10325 |
10326 | ```typescript
10327 | not(input: any): boolean;
10328 | ```
10329 |
10330 | </details>
10331 |
10332 | <details>
10333 |
10334 | <summary><strong>R.not</strong> source</summary>
10335 |
10336 | ```javascript
10337 | export function not(input) {
10338 | return !input
10339 | }
10340 | ```
10341 |
10342 | </details>
10343 |
10344 | <details>
10345 |
10346 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10347 |
10348 | ```javascript
10349 | import {not} from './not'
10350 |
10351 | test('not', () => {
10352 | expect(not(false)).toEqual(true)
10353 | expect(not(true)).toEqual(false)
10354 | expect(not(0)).toEqual(true)
10355 | expect(not(1)).toEqual(false)
10356 | })
10357 | ```
10358 |
10359 | </details>
10360 |
10361 | <details>
10362 |
10363 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10364 |
10365 | ```typescript
10366 | import {not} from 'rambda'
10367 |
10368 | describe('R.not', () => {
10369 | it('happy', () => {
10370 | const result = not(4)
10371 |
10372 | result // $ExpectType boolean
10373 | })
10374 | })
10375 | ```
10376 |
10377 | </details>
10378 |
10379 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#not)
10380 |
10381 | ### nth
10382 |
10383 | ```typescript
10384 |
10385 | nth<T>(index: number, list: T[]): T | undefined
10386 | ```
10387 |
10388 | Curried version of `list[index]`.
10389 |
10390 | <details>
10391 |
10392 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10393 |
10394 | ```typescript
10395 | nth<T>(index: number, list: T[]): T | undefined;
10396 | nth(index: number): <T>(list: T[]) => T | undefined;
10397 | ```
10398 |
10399 | </details>
10400 |
10401 | <details>
10402 |
10403 | <summary><strong>R.nth</strong> source</summary>
10404 |
10405 | ```javascript
10406 | export function nth(index, list) {
10407 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => nth(index, _list)
10408 |
10409 | const idx = index < 0 ? list.length + index : index
10410 |
10411 | return Object.prototype.toString.call(list) === '[object String]'
10412 | ? list.charAt(idx)
10413 | : list[idx]
10414 | }
10415 | ```
10416 |
10417 | </details>
10418 |
10419 | <details>
10420 |
10421 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10422 |
10423 | ```javascript
10424 | import {nth} from './nth'
10425 |
10426 | test('happy', () => {
10427 | expect(nth(2, [1, 2, 3, 4])).toEqual(3)
10428 | })
10429 |
10430 | test('with curry', () => {
10431 | expect(nth(2)([1, 2, 3, 4])).toEqual(3)
10432 | })
10433 |
10434 | test('with string', () => {
10435 | expect(nth(2)('foo')).toEqual('o')
10436 | })
10437 |
10438 | test('with negative index', () => {
10439 | expect(nth(-3)([1, 2, 3, 4])).toEqual(2)
10440 | })
10441 | ```
10442 |
10443 | </details>
10444 |
10445 | <details>
10446 |
10447 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10448 |
10449 | ```typescript
10450 | import {nth} from 'rambda'
10451 |
10452 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
10453 |
10454 | describe('R.nth', () => {
10455 | it('happy', () => {
10456 | const result = nth(4, list)
10457 |
10458 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
10459 | })
10460 | it('curried', () => {
10461 | const result = nth(1)(list)
10462 |
10463 | result // $ExpectType number | undefined
10464 | })
10465 | })
10466 | ```
10467 |
10468 | </details>
10469 |
10470 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#nth)
10471 |
10472 | ### objOf
10473 |
10474 | It creates an object with a single key-value pair.
10475 |
10476 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#objOf)
10477 |
10478 | ### of
10479 |
10480 | ```typescript
10481 |
10482 | of<T>(x: T): T[]
10483 | ```
10484 |
10485 | <details>
10486 |
10487 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10488 |
10489 | ```typescript
10490 | of<T>(x: T): T[];
10491 | ```
10492 |
10493 | </details>
10494 |
10495 | <details>
10496 |
10497 | <summary><strong>R.of</strong> source</summary>
10498 |
10499 | ```javascript
10500 | export function of(value) {
10501 | return [value]
10502 | }
10503 | ```
10504 |
10505 | </details>
10506 |
10507 | <details>
10508 |
10509 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10510 |
10511 | ```javascript
10512 | import {of} from './of'
10513 |
10514 | test('happy', () => {
10515 | expect(of(3)).toEqual([3])
10516 |
10517 | expect(of(null)).toEqual([null])
10518 | })
10519 | ```
10520 |
10521 | </details>
10522 |
10523 | <details>
10524 |
10525 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10526 |
10527 | ```typescript
10528 | import {of} from 'ramda'
10529 |
10530 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
10531 |
10532 | describe('R.of', () => {
10533 | it('happy', () => {
10534 | const result = of(4)
10535 |
10536 | result // $ExpectType number[]
10537 | })
10538 | it('curried', () => {
10539 | const result = of(list)
10540 |
10541 | result // $ExpectType number[][]
10542 | })
10543 | })
10544 | ```
10545 |
10546 | </details>
10547 |
10548 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#of)
10549 |
10550 | ### omit
10551 |
10552 | ```typescript
10553 |
10554 | omit<T, K extends string>(propsToOmit: K[], obj: T): Omit<T, K>
10555 | ```
10556 |
10557 | It returns a partial copy of an `obj` without `propsToOmit` properties.
10558 |
10559 | <details>
10560 |
10561 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10562 |
10563 | ```typescript
10564 | omit<T, K extends string>(propsToOmit: K[], obj: T): Omit<T, K>;
10565 | omit<K extends string>(propsToOmit: K[]): <T>(obj: T) => Omit<T, K>;
10566 | omit<T, U>(propsToOmit: string, obj: T): U;
10567 | omit<T, U>(propsToOmit: string): (obj: T) => U;
10568 | omit<T>(propsToOmit: string, obj: object): T;
10569 | omit<T>(propsToOmit: string): (obj: object) => T;
10570 | ```
10571 |
10572 | </details>
10573 |
10574 | <details>
10575 |
10576 | <summary><strong>R.omit</strong> source</summary>
10577 |
10578 | ```javascript
10579 | export function omit(propsToOmit, obj) {
10580 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => omit(propsToOmit, _obj)
10581 |
10582 | if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
10583 | return undefined
10584 | }
10585 |
10586 | const propsToOmitValue =
10587 | typeof propsToOmit === 'string' ? propsToOmit.split(',') : propsToOmit
10588 |
10589 | const willReturn = {}
10590 |
10591 | for (const key in obj) {
10592 | if (!propsToOmitValue.includes(key)) {
10593 | willReturn[key] = obj[key]
10594 | }
10595 | }
10596 |
10597 | return willReturn
10598 | }
10599 | ```
10600 |
10601 | </details>
10602 |
10603 | <details>
10604 |
10605 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10606 |
10607 | ```javascript
10608 | import {omit} from './omit'
10609 |
10610 | test('with string as condition', () => {
10611 | const obj = {
10612 | a: 1,
10613 | b: 2,
10614 | c: 3,
10615 | }
10616 | const result = omit('a,c', obj)
10617 | const resultCurry = omit('a,c')(obj)
10618 | const expectedResult = {b: 2}
10619 |
10620 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
10621 | expect(resultCurry).toEqual(expectedResult)
10622 | })
10623 |
10624 | test('with null', () => {
10625 | expect(omit('a,b', null)).toEqual(undefined)
10626 | })
10627 |
10628 | test("doesn't work with number as property", () => {
10629 | expect(
10630 | omit([42], {
10631 | a: 1,
10632 | 42: 2,
10633 | })
10634 | ).toEqual({
10635 | 42: 2,
10636 | a: 1,
10637 | })
10638 | })
10639 |
10640 | test('happy', () => {
10641 | expect(
10642 | omit(['a', 'c'])({
10643 | a: 'foo',
10644 | b: 'bar',
10645 | c: 'baz',
10646 | })
10647 | ).toEqual({b: 'bar'})
10648 | })
10649 | ```
10650 |
10651 | </details>
10652 |
10653 | <details>
10654 |
10655 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10656 |
10657 | ```typescript
10658 | import {omit} from 'rambda'
10659 |
10660 | describe('R.omit with array as props input', () => {
10661 | it('allow Typescript to infer object type', () => {
10662 | const input = {a: 'foo', b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
10663 | const result = omit(['b,c'], input)
10664 |
10665 | result.a // $ExpectType string
10666 | result.d // $ExpectType number
10667 |
10668 | const curriedResult = omit(['a,c'], input)
10669 |
10670 | curriedResult.a // $ExpectType string
10671 | curriedResult.d // $ExpectType number
10672 | })
10673 |
10674 | it('declare type of input object', () => {
10675 | interface Input {
10676 | a: string,
10677 | b: number,
10678 | c: number,
10679 | d: number,
10680 | }
10681 | const input: Input = {a: 'foo', b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
10682 | const result = omit(['b,c'], input)
10683 | result // $ExpectType Omit<Input, "b,c">
10684 |
10685 | result.a // $ExpectType string
10686 | result.d // $ExpectType number
10687 |
10688 | const curriedResult = omit(['a,c'], input)
10689 |
10690 | curriedResult.a // $ExpectType string
10691 | curriedResult.d // $ExpectType number
10692 | })
10693 | })
10694 |
10695 | describe('R.omit with string as props input', () => {
10696 | interface Output {
10697 | b: number,
10698 | d: number,
10699 | }
10700 |
10701 | it('explicitly declare output', () => {
10702 | const result = omit<Output>('a,c', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
10703 | result // $ExpectType Output
10704 | result.b // $ExpectType number
10705 |
10706 | const curriedResult = omit<Output>('a,c')({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
10707 |
10708 | curriedResult.b // $ExpectType number
10709 | })
10710 |
10711 | it('explicitly declare input and output', () => {
10712 | interface Input {
10713 | a: number,
10714 | b: number,
10715 | c: number,
10716 | d: number,
10717 | }
10718 | const result = omit<Input, Output>('a,c', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
10719 | result // $ExpectType Output
10720 | result.b // $ExpectType number
10721 |
10722 | const curriedResult = omit<Input, Output>('a,c')({
10723 | a: 1,
10724 | b: 2,
10725 | c: 3,
10726 | d: 4,
10727 | })
10728 |
10729 | curriedResult.b // $ExpectType number
10730 | })
10731 |
10732 | it('without passing type', () => {
10733 | const result = omit('a,c', {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4})
10734 | result // $ExpectType unknown
10735 | })
10736 | })
10737 | ```
10738 |
10739 | </details>
10740 |
10741 | <details>
10742 |
10743 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 69.95% slower and Lodash is 97.34% slower</summary>
10744 |
10745 | ```text
10746 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
10747 |
10748 | const obj = {
10749 | a: 'foo',
10750 | b: 'bar',
10751 | c: 'baz',
10752 | }
10753 | const toOmit = ['a', 'c']
10754 | const omit = [
10755 | {
10756 | label: 'Rambda',
10757 | fn: () => {
10758 | R.omit(toOmit, obj)
10759 | },
10760 | },
10761 | {
10762 | label: 'Ramda',
10763 | fn: () => {
10764 | Ramda.omit(toOmit, obj)
10765 | },
10766 | },
10767 | {
10768 | label: 'Lodash',
10769 | fn: () => {
10770 | _.omit(obj, toOmit)
10771 | },
10772 | },
10773 | ]
10774 | ```
10775 |
10776 | </details>
10777 |
10778 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#omit)
10779 |
10780 | ### once
10781 |
10782 | ```typescript
10783 |
10784 | once<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: T): T
10785 | ```
10786 |
10787 | It returns a function, which invokes only once `fn` function.
10788 |
10789 | <details>
10790 |
10791 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10792 |
10793 | ```typescript
10794 | once<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(func: T): T;
10795 | ```
10796 |
10797 | </details>
10798 |
10799 | <details>
10800 |
10801 | <summary><strong>R.once</strong> source</summary>
10802 |
10803 | ```javascript
10804 | import {curry} from './curry'
10805 |
10806 | function onceFn(fn, context) {
10807 | let result
10808 |
10809 | return function () {
10810 | if (fn) {
10811 | result = fn.apply(context || this, arguments)
10812 | fn = null
10813 | }
10814 |
10815 | return result
10816 | }
10817 | }
10818 |
10819 | export function once(fn, context) {
10820 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
10821 | const wrap = onceFn(fn, context)
10822 |
10823 | return curry(wrap)
10824 | }
10825 |
10826 | return onceFn(fn, context)
10827 | }
10828 | ```
10829 |
10830 | </details>
10831 |
10832 | <details>
10833 |
10834 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10835 |
10836 | ```javascript
10837 | import {once} from './once'
10838 |
10839 | test('with counter', () => {
10840 | let counter = 0
10841 | const runOnce = once(x => {
10842 | counter++
10843 |
10844 | return x + 2
10845 | })
10846 | expect(runOnce(1)).toEqual(3)
10847 | runOnce(1)
10848 | runOnce(1)
10849 | runOnce(1)
10850 | expect(counter).toEqual(1)
10851 | })
10852 |
10853 | test('happy path', () => {
10854 | const addOneOnce = once((a, b, c) => a + b + c, 1)
10855 |
10856 | expect(addOneOnce(10, 20, 30)).toBe(60)
10857 | expect(addOneOnce(40)).toEqual(60)
10858 | })
10859 | ```
10860 |
10861 | </details>
10862 |
10863 | <details>
10864 |
10865 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10866 |
10867 | ```typescript
10868 | import {once} from 'rambda'
10869 |
10870 | describe('R.once', () => {
10871 | it('happy', () => {
10872 | const runOnce = once((x: number) => {
10873 | return x + 2
10874 | })
10875 |
10876 | const result = runOnce(1)
10877 | result // $ExpectType number
10878 | })
10879 | })
10880 | ```
10881 |
10882 | </details>
10883 |
10884 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#once)
10885 |
10886 | ### or
10887 |
10888 | ```typescript
10889 |
10890 | or<T, U>(a: T, b: U): T | U
10891 | ```
10892 |
10893 | Logical OR
10894 |
10895 | <details>
10896 |
10897 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10898 |
10899 | ```typescript
10900 | or<T, U>(a: T, b: U): T | U;
10901 | or<T>(a: T): <U>(b: U) => T | U;
10902 | ```
10903 |
10904 | </details>
10905 |
10906 | <details>
10907 |
10908 | <summary><strong>R.or</strong> source</summary>
10909 |
10910 | ```javascript
10911 | export function or(a, b) {
10912 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => or(a, _b)
10913 |
10914 | return a || b
10915 | }
10916 | ```
10917 |
10918 | </details>
10919 |
10920 | <details>
10921 |
10922 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
10923 |
10924 | ```javascript
10925 | import {or} from './or'
10926 |
10927 | test('happy', () => {
10928 | expect(or(0, 'foo')).toBe('foo')
10929 | expect(or(true, true)).toBeTrue()
10930 | expect(or(false)(true)).toBeTrue()
10931 | expect(or(false, false)).toBeFalse()
10932 | })
10933 | ```
10934 |
10935 | </details>
10936 |
10937 | <details>
10938 |
10939 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
10940 |
10941 | ```typescript
10942 | import {or} from 'ramda'
10943 |
10944 | describe('R.or', () => {
10945 | it('happy', () => {
10946 | const result = or(true, false)
10947 | result // $ExpectType boolean
10948 | })
10949 | it('curried', () => {
10950 | const result = or(1)('foo')
10951 | result // $ExpectType number | "foo"
10952 | })
10953 | })
10954 | ```
10955 |
10956 | </details>
10957 |
10958 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#or)
10959 |
10960 | ### over
10961 |
10962 | ```typescript
10963 |
10964 | over<T>(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn, value: T): T
10965 | ```
10966 |
10967 | It returns a copied **Object** or **Array** with modified value received by applying function `fn` to `lens` focus.
10968 |
10969 | <details>
10970 |
10971 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
10972 |
10973 | ```typescript
10974 | over<T>(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn, value: T): T;
10975 | over<T>(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn, value: T[]): T[];
10976 | over(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn): <T>(value: T) => T;
10977 | over(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn): <T>(value: T[]) => T[];
10978 | over(lens: Lens): <T>(fn: Arity1Fn, value: T) => T;
10979 | over(lens: Lens): <T>(fn: Arity1Fn, value: T[]) => T[];
10980 | ```
10981 |
10982 | </details>
10983 |
10984 | <details>
10985 |
10986 | <summary><strong>R.over</strong> source</summary>
10987 |
10988 | ```javascript
10989 | import {curry} from './curry'
10990 |
10991 | const Identity = x => ({
10992 | x,
10993 | map: fn => Identity(fn(x)),
10994 | })
10995 |
10996 | function overFn(lens, fn, object) {
10997 | return lens(x => Identity(fn(x)))(object).x
10998 | }
10999 |
11000 | export const over = curry(overFn)
11001 | ```
11002 |
11003 | </details>
11004 |
11005 | <details>
11006 |
11007 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
11008 |
11009 | ```javascript
11010 | import {assoc} from './assoc'
11011 | import {lens} from './lens'
11012 | import {lensIndex} from './lensIndex'
11013 | import {lensPath} from './lensPath'
11014 | import {over} from './over'
11015 | import {prop} from './prop'
11016 | import {toUpper} from './toUpper'
11017 |
11018 | const testObject = {
11019 | foo: 'bar',
11020 | baz: {
11021 | a: 'x',
11022 | b: 'y',
11023 | },
11024 | }
11025 |
11026 | test('assoc lens', () => {
11027 | const assocLens = lens(prop('foo'), assoc('foo'))
11028 | const result = over(assocLens, toUpper, testObject)
11029 | const expected = {
11030 | ...testObject,
11031 | foo: 'BAR',
11032 | }
11033 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
11034 | })
11035 |
11036 | test('path lens', () => {
11037 | const pathLens = lensPath('baz.a')
11038 | const result = over(pathLens, toUpper, testObject)
11039 | const expected = {
11040 | ...testObject,
11041 | baz: {
11042 | a: 'X',
11043 | b: 'y',
11044 | },
11045 | }
11046 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
11047 | })
11048 |
11049 | test('index lens', () => {
11050 | const indexLens = lensIndex(0)
11051 | const result = over(indexLens, toUpper)(['foo', 'bar'])
11052 | expect(result).toEqual(['FOO', 'bar'])
11053 | })
11054 | ```
11055 |
11056 | </details>
11057 |
11058 | <details>
11059 |
11060 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 56.23%</summary>
11061 |
11062 | ```text
11063 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
11064 |
11065 | const testObj = {a: 1}
11066 |
11067 | const last = [
11068 | {
11069 | label: 'Rambda',
11070 | fn: () => {
11071 | R.over(R.lensProp('a'), R.inc, testObj)
11072 | },
11073 | },
11074 | {
11075 | label: 'Ramda',
11076 | fn: () => {
11077 | Ramda.over(Ramda.lensProp('a'), Ramda.inc, testObj)
11078 | },
11079 | },
11080 | ]
11081 | ```
11082 |
11083 | </details>
11084 |
11085 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#over)
11086 |
11087 | ### partial
11088 |
11089 | ```typescript
11090 |
11091 | partial<V0, V1, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1) => T, args: [V0]): (x1: V1) => T
11092 | ```
11093 |
11094 | It is very similar to `R.curry`, but you can pass initial arguments when you create the curried function.
11095 |
11096 | `R.partial` will keep returning a function until all the arguments that the function `fn` expects are passed.
11097 | The name comes from the fact that you partially inject the inputs.
11098 |
11099 | <details>
11100 |
11101 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
11102 |
11103 | ```typescript
11104 | partial<V0, V1, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1) => T, args: [V0]): (x1: V1) => T;
11105 | partial<V0, V1, V2, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2) => T, args: [V0, V1]): (x2: V2) => T;
11106 | partial<V0, V1, V2, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2) => T, args: [V0]): (x1: V1, x2: V2) => T;
11107 | partial<V0, V1, V2, V3, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T, args: [V0, V1, V2]): (x2: V3) => T;
11108 | partial<V0, V1, V2, V3, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T, args: [V0, V1]): (x2: V2, x3: V3) => T;
11109 | partial<V0, V1, V2, V3, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T, args: [V0]): (x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T;
11110 | partial<T>(fn: (...a: any[]) => T, args: any[]): (...x: any[]) => T;
11111 | ```
11112 |
11113 | </details>
11114 |
11115 | <details>
11116 |
11117 | <summary><strong>R.partial</strong> source</summary>
11118 |
11119 | ```javascript
11120 | export function partial(fn, ...args) {
11121 | const len = fn.length
11122 |
11123 | return (...rest) => {
11124 | if (args.length + rest.length >= len) {
11125 | return fn(...args, ...rest)
11126 | }
11127 |
11128 | return partial(fn, ...[...args, ...rest])
11129 | }
11130 | }
11131 | ```
11132 |
11133 | </details>
11134 |
11135 | <details>
11136 |
11137 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
11138 |
11139 | ```javascript
11140 | import {partial} from './partial'
11141 | import {type} from './type'
11142 |
11143 | const greet = (salutation, title, firstName, lastName) =>
11144 | salutation + ', ' + title + ' ' + firstName + ' ' + lastName + '!'
11145 |
11146 | test('happy', () => {
11147 | const canPassAnyNumberOfArguments = partial(greet, 'Hello', 'Ms.')
11148 | const fn = canPassAnyNumberOfArguments('foo')
11149 | const sayHello = partial(greet, ['Hello'])
11150 | const sayHelloRamda = partial(sayHello, ['Ms.'])
11151 |
11152 | expect(type(fn)).toBe('Function')
11153 |
11154 | expect(fn('bar')).toBe('Hello, Ms. foo bar!')
11155 | expect(sayHelloRamda('foo', 'bar')).toBe('Hello, Ms. foo bar!')
11156 | })
11157 |
11158 | test('extra arguments are ignored', () => {
11159 | const canPassAnyNumberOfArguments = partial(greet, 'Hello', 'Ms.')
11160 | const fn = canPassAnyNumberOfArguments('foo')
11161 |
11162 | expect(type(fn)).toBe('Function')
11163 |
11164 | expect(fn('bar', 1, 2)).toBe('Hello, Ms. foo bar!')
11165 | })
11166 |
11167 | test('when array is input', () => {
11168 | const fooFn = (a, b, c, d) => ({
11169 | a,
11170 | b,
11171 | c,
11172 | d,
11173 | })
11174 | const barFn = partial(fooFn, [1, 2], [])
11175 |
11176 | expect(barFn(1, 2)).toEqual({
11177 | a: [1, 2],
11178 | b: [],
11179 | c: 1,
11180 | d: 2,
11181 | })
11182 | })
11183 |
11184 | test('ramda spec', () => {
11185 | const sayHello = partial(greet, 'Hello')
11186 | const sayHelloToMs = partial(sayHello, 'Ms.')
11187 |
11188 | expect(sayHelloToMs('Jane', 'Jones')).toBe('Hello, Ms. Jane Jones!')
11189 | })
11190 | ```
11191 |
11192 | </details>
11193 |
11194 | <details>
11195 |
11196 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
11197 |
11198 | ```typescript
11199 | import {partial} from 'rambda'
11200 |
11201 | describe('R.partial', () => {
11202 | it('happy', () => {
11203 | function greet(
11204 | salutation: string,
11205 | title: string,
11206 | firstName: string,
11207 | lastName: string
11208 | ) {
11209 | return `${salutation}, ${title} ${firstName} ${lastName}!`
11210 | }
11211 |
11212 | const sayHello = partial(greet, ['Hello'])
11213 | const sayHelloToMs = partial(sayHello, ['Ms.'])
11214 | const result = sayHelloToMs('Jane', 'Jones')
11215 | result // $ExpectType string
11216 | })
11217 | })
11218 | ```
11219 |
11220 | </details>
11221 |
11222 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#partial)
11223 |
11224 | ### partition
11225 |
11226 | ```typescript
11227 |
11228 | partition<T>(
11229 | predicate: Predicate<T>,
11230 | input: T[]
11231 | ): [T[], T[]]
11232 | ```
11233 |
11234 | It will return array of two objects/arrays according to `predicate` function. The first member holds all instances of `input` that pass the `predicate` function, while the second member - those who doesn't.
11235 |
11236 | <details>
11237 |
11238 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
11239 |
11240 | ```typescript
11241 | partition<T>(
11242 | predicate: Predicate<T>,
11243 | input: T[]
11244 | ): [T[], T[]];
11245 | partition<T>(
11246 | predicate: Predicate<T>
11247 | ): (input: T[]) => [T[], T[]];
11248 | partition<T>(
11249 | predicate: (x: T, prop?: string) => boolean,
11250 | input: { [key: string]: T}
11251 | ): [{ [key: string]: T}, { [key: string]: T}];
11252 | partition<T>(
11253 | predicate: (x: T, prop?: string) => boolean
11254 | ): (input: { [key: string]: T}) => [{ [key: string]: T}, { [key: string]: T}];
11255 | ```
11256 |
11257 | </details>
11258 |
11259 | <details>
11260 |
11261 | <summary><strong>R.partition</strong> source</summary>
11262 |
11263 | ```javascript
11264 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
11265 |
11266 | export function partitionObject(predicate, iterable) {
11267 | const yes = {}
11268 | const no = {}
11269 | Object.entries(iterable).forEach(([prop, value]) => {
11270 | if (predicate(value, prop)) {
11271 | yes[prop] = value
11272 | } else {
11273 | no[prop] = value
11274 | }
11275 | })
11276 |
11277 | return [yes, no]
11278 | }
11279 |
11280 | export function partitionArray(predicate, list, indexed = false) {
11281 | const yes = []
11282 | const no = []
11283 | let counter = -1
11284 |
11285 | while (counter++ < list.length - 1) {
11286 | if (
11287 | indexed ? predicate(list[counter], counter) : predicate(list[counter])
11288 | ) {
11289 | yes.push(list[counter])
11290 | } else {
11291 | no.push(list[counter])
11292 | }
11293 | }
11294 |
11295 | return [yes, no]
11296 | }
11297 |
11298 | export function partition(predicate, iterable) {
11299 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
11300 | return listHolder => partition(predicate, listHolder)
11301 | }
11302 | if (!_isArray(iterable)) return partitionObject(predicate, iterable)
11303 |
11304 | return partitionArray(predicate, iterable)
11305 | }
11306 | ```
11307 |
11308 | </details>
11309 |
11310 | <details>
11311 |
11312 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
11313 |
11314 | ```javascript
11315 | import {partition} from './partition'
11316 |
11317 | test('with array', () => {
11318 | const predicate = x => x > 2
11319 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
11320 |
11321 | const result = partition(predicate, list)
11322 | const expectedResult = [
11323 | [3, 4],
11324 | [1, 2],
11325 | ]
11326 |
11327 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
11328 | })
11329 |
11330 | test('with object', () => {
11331 | const predicate = (value, prop) => {
11332 | expect(typeof prop).toBe('string')
11333 |
11334 | return value > 2
11335 | }
11336 | const hash = {
11337 | a: 1,
11338 | b: 2,
11339 | c: 3,
11340 | d: 4,
11341 | }
11342 |
11343 | const result = partition(predicate)(hash)
11344 | const expectedResult = [
11345 | {
11346 | c: 3,
11347 | d: 4,
11348 | },
11349 | {
11350 | a: 1,
11351 | b: 2,
11352 | },
11353 | ]
11354 |
11355 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
11356 | })
11357 |
11358 | test('readme example', () => {
11359 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
11360 | const obj = {
11361 | a: 1,
11362 | b: 2,
11363 | c: 3,
11364 | }
11365 | const predicate = x => x > 2
11366 |
11367 | const result = [partition(predicate, list), partition(predicate, obj)]
11368 | const expected = [
11369 | [[3], [1, 2]],
11370 | [
11371 | {c: 3},
11372 | {
11373 | a: 1,
11374 | b: 2,
11375 | },
11376 | ],
11377 | ]
11378 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
11379 | })
11380 | ```
11381 |
11382 | </details>
11383 |
11384 | <details>
11385 |
11386 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
11387 |
11388 | ```typescript
11389 | import {partition} from 'rambda'
11390 |
11391 | describe('R.partition', () => {
11392 | it('with array', () => {
11393 | const predicate = (x: number) => {
11394 | return x > 2
11395 | }
11396 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
11397 |
11398 | const result = partition(predicate, list)
11399 | const curriedResult = partition(predicate)(list)
11400 | result // $ExpectType [number[], number[]]
11401 | curriedResult // $ExpectType [number[], number[]]
11402 | })
11403 |
11404 | /*
11405 | TODO
11406 | revert to old version of `dtslint` and `R.partition` typing
11407 | as there is diff between VSCode types(correct) and dtslint(incorrect)
11408 |
11409 | it('with object', () => {
11410 | const predicate = (value: number, prop?: string) => {
11411 | return value > 2
11412 | }
11413 | const hash = {
11414 | a: 1,
11415 | b: 2,
11416 | c: 3,
11417 | d: 4,
11418 | }
11419 |
11420 | const result = partition(predicate, hash)
11421 | const curriedResult = partition(predicate)(hash)
11422 | result[0] // $xExpectType { [key: string]: number; }
11423 | result[1] // $xExpectType { [key: string]: number; }
11424 | curriedResult[0] // $xExpectType { [key: string]: number; }
11425 | curriedResult[1] // $xExpectType { [key: string]: number; }
11426 | })
11427 | */
11428 | })
11429 | ```
11430 |
11431 | </details>
11432 |
11433 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#partition)
11434 |
11435 | ### path
11436 |
11437 | ```typescript
11438 |
11439 | path<Input, T>(pathToSearch: Path, obj: Input): T | undefined
11440 | ```
11441 |
11442 | If `pathToSearch` is `'a.b'` then it will return `1` if `obj` is `{a:{b:1}}`.
11443 |
11444 | It will return `undefined`, if such path is not found.
11445 |
11446 | <details>
11447 |
11448 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
11449 |
11450 | ```typescript
11451 | path<Input, T>(pathToSearch: Path, obj: Input): T | undefined;
11452 | path<T>(pathToSearch: Path, obj: any): T | undefined;
11453 | path<T>(pathToSearch: Path): (obj: any) => T | undefined;
11454 | path<Input, T>(pathToSearch: Path): (obj: Input) => T | undefined;
11455 | ```
11456 |
11457 | </details>
11458 |
11459 | <details>
11460 |
11461 | <summary><strong>R.path</strong> source</summary>
11462 |
11463 | ```javascript
11464 | export function path(pathInput, obj) {
11465 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => path(pathInput, _obj)
11466 |
11467 | if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
11468 | return undefined
11469 | }
11470 | let willReturn = obj
11471 | let counter = 0
11472 |
11473 | const pathArrValue =
11474 | typeof pathInput === 'string' ? pathInput.split('.') : pathInput
11475 |
11476 | while (counter < pathArrValue.length) {
11477 | if (willReturn === null || willReturn === undefined) {
11478 | return undefined
11479 | }
11480 | if (willReturn[pathArrValue[counter]] === null) return undefined
11481 |
11482 | willReturn = willReturn[pathArrValue[counter]]
11483 | counter++
11484 | }
11485 |
11486 | return willReturn
11487 | }
11488 | ```
11489 |
11490 | </details>
11491 |
11492 | <details>
11493 |
11494 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
11495 |
11496 | ```javascript
11497 | import {path} from './path'
11498 |
11499 | test('with array inside object', () => {
11500 | const obj = {a: {b: [1, {c: 1}]}}
11501 |
11502 | expect(path('a.b.1.c', obj)).toBe(1)
11503 | })
11504 |
11505 | test('works with undefined', () => {
11506 | const obj = {a: {b: {c: 1}}}
11507 |
11508 | expect(path('a.b.c.d.f', obj)).toBeUndefined()
11509 | expect(path('foo.babaz', undefined)).toBeUndefined()
11510 | expect(path('foo.babaz')(undefined)).toBeUndefined()
11511 | })
11512 |
11513 | test('works with string instead of array', () => {
11514 | expect(path('foo.bar.baz')({foo: {bar: {baz: 'yes'}}})).toEqual('yes')
11515 | })
11516 |
11517 | test('path', () => {
11518 | expect(path(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])({foo: {bar: {baz: 'yes'}}})).toEqual(
11519 | 'yes'
11520 | )
11521 |
11522 | expect(path(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])(null)).toBeUndefined()
11523 |
11524 | expect(path(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])({foo: {bar: 'baz'}})).toBeUndefined()
11525 | })
11526 |
11527 | test('null is not a valid path', () => {
11528 | expect(path('audio_tracks', {a: 1, audio_tracks: null})).toBeUndefined()
11529 | })
11530 | ```
11531 |
11532 | </details>
11533 |
11534 | <details>
11535 |
11536 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
11537 |
11538 | ```typescript
11539 | import {path} from 'rambda'
11540 |
11541 | interface Input {
11542 | a: number,
11543 | b: {
11544 | c: boolean,
11545 | },
11546 | }
11547 |
11548 | describe('R.path', () => {
11549 | it('without specified input type', () => {
11550 | const input = {a: 1, b: {c: true}}
11551 | const result = path<boolean>('a.b.c', input)
11552 | const curriedResult = path<boolean>('a.b.c')(input)
11553 | result // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11554 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11555 | })
11556 |
11557 | it('without specified output type', () => {
11558 | const input = {a: 1, b: {c: true}}
11559 | const result = path('a.b.c', input)
11560 | result // $ExpectType unknown
11561 | })
11562 |
11563 | it('with string as path', () => {
11564 | const input: Input = {a: 1, b: {c: true}}
11565 | const resultA = path<boolean>('a.b.c', input)
11566 | const resultB = path<boolean>('a.b.c')(input)
11567 | resultA // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11568 | resultB // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11569 | })
11570 | it('with array as path', () => {
11571 | const input: Input = {a: 1, b: {c: true}}
11572 | const resultA = path<boolean>(['a', 'b', 'c'], input)
11573 | const resultB = path<boolean>(['a', 'b', 'c'])(input)
11574 | resultA // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11575 | resultB // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11576 | })
11577 | })
11578 |
11579 | describe('path with specified input', () => {
11580 | it('with string as path', () => {
11581 | const input: Input = {a: 1, b: {c: true}}
11582 | // const wrongInput = { a: 1, b: true }
11583 | // const resultA = path<Input, boolean>('a.b.c', wrongInput)
11584 | const resultA = path<Input, boolean>('a.b.c', input)
11585 | const resultB = path<Input, boolean>('a.b.c')(input)
11586 | resultA // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11587 | resultB // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11588 | })
11589 | it('with array as path', () => {
11590 | const input: Input = {a: 1, b: {c: true}}
11591 | const resultA = path<Input, boolean>(['a', 'b', 'c'], input)
11592 | const resultB = path<Input, boolean>(['a', 'b', 'c'])(input)
11593 | resultA // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11594 | resultB // $ExpectType boolean | undefined
11595 | })
11596 | })
11597 | ```
11598 |
11599 | </details>
11600 |
11601 | <details>
11602 |
11603 | <summary>Lodash is fastest. Rambda is 37.81% slower and Ramda is 77.81% slower</summary>
11604 |
11605 | ```text
11606 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
11607 |
11608 | const obj = {a: {b: 2}}
11609 | const pathInput = ['a', 'b']
11610 |
11611 | const path = [
11612 | {
11613 | label: 'Rambda',
11614 | fn: () => {
11615 | R.path(pathInput, obj)
11616 | },
11617 | },
11618 | {
11619 | label: 'Ramda',
11620 | fn: () => {
11621 | Ramda.path(pathInput, obj)
11622 | },
11623 | },
11624 | {
11625 | label: 'Lodash',
11626 | fn: () => {
11627 | _.get(obj, pathInput)
11628 | },
11629 | },
11630 | ]
11631 | ```
11632 |
11633 | </details>
11634 |
11635 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#path)
11636 |
11637 | ### pathEq
11638 |
11639 | ```typescript
11640 |
11641 | pathEq(pathToSearch: Path, target: any, input: any): boolean
11642 | ```
11643 |
11644 | It returns `true` if `pathToSearch` of `input` object is equal to `target` value.
11645 |
11646 | `pathToSearch` is passed to `R.path`, which means that it can be either a string or an array. Also equality between `target` and the found value is determined by `R.equals`.
11647 |
11648 | <details>
11649 |
11650 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
11651 |
11652 | ```typescript
11653 | pathEq(pathToSearch: Path, target: any, input: any): boolean;
11654 | pathEq(pathToSearch: Path, target: any): (input: any) => boolean;
11655 | pathEq(pathToSearch: Path): (target: any) => (input: any) => boolean;
11656 | ```
11657 |
11658 | </details>
11659 |
11660 | <details>
11661 |
11662 | <summary><strong>R.pathEq</strong> source</summary>
11663 |
11664 | ```javascript
11665 | import {curry} from './curry'
11666 | import {equals} from './equals'
11667 | import {path} from './path'
11668 |
11669 | function pathEqFn(pathToSearch, target, input) {
11670 | return equals(path(pathToSearch, input), target)
11671 | }
11672 |
11673 | export const pathEq = curry(pathEqFn)
11674 | ```
11675 |
11676 | </details>
11677 |
11678 | <details>
11679 |
11680 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
11681 |
11682 | ```javascript
11683 | import {pathEq} from './pathEq'
11684 |
11685 | test('when true', () => {
11686 | const path = 'a.b'
11687 | const obj = {a: {b: {c: 1}}}
11688 | const target = {c: 1}
11689 |
11690 | expect(pathEq(path, target, obj)).toBeTrue()
11691 | })
11692 |
11693 | test('when false', () => {
11694 | const path = 'a.b'
11695 | const obj = {a: {b: 1}}
11696 | const target = 2
11697 |
11698 | expect(pathEq(path, target)(obj)).toBeFalse()
11699 | })
11700 |
11701 | test('when wrong path', () => {
11702 | const path = 'foo.bar'
11703 | const obj = {a: {b: 1}}
11704 | const target = 2
11705 |
11706 | expect(pathEq(path, target, obj)).toBeFalse()
11707 | })
11708 | ```
11709 |
11710 | </details>
11711 |
11712 | <details>
11713 |
11714 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
11715 |
11716 | ```typescript
11717 | import {pathEq} from 'rambda'
11718 |
11719 | describe('R.pathEq', () => {
11720 | it('with string path', () => {
11721 | const pathToSearch = 'a.b.c'
11722 | const input = {a: {b: {c: 1}}}
11723 | const target = {c: 1}
11724 |
11725 | const result = pathEq(pathToSearch, input, target)
11726 | const curriedResult = pathEq(pathToSearch, input, target)
11727 | result // $ExpectType boolean
11728 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
11729 | })
11730 |
11731 | it('with array path', () => {
11732 | const pathToSearch = ['a', 'b', 'c']
11733 | const input = {a: {b: {c: 1}}}
11734 | const target = {c: 1}
11735 |
11736 | const result = pathEq(pathToSearch, input, target)
11737 | const curriedResult = pathEq(pathToSearch, input, target)
11738 | result // $ExpectType boolean
11739 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
11740 | })
11741 | })
11742 |
11743 | describe('with ramda specs', () => {
11744 | const testPath = ['x', 0, 'y']
11745 | const testObj = {
11746 | x: [
11747 | {y: 2, z: 3},
11748 | {y: 4, z: 5},
11749 | ],
11750 | }
11751 |
11752 | const result1 = pathEq(testPath, 2, testObj)
11753 | const result2 = pathEq(testPath, 2)(testObj)
11754 | const result3 = pathEq(testPath)(2)(testObj)
11755 | result1 // $ExpectType boolean
11756 | result2 // $ExpectType boolean
11757 | result3 // $ExpectType boolean
11758 | })
11759 | ```
11760 |
11761 | </details>
11762 |
11763 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#pathEq)
11764 |
11765 | ### pathOr
11766 |
11767 | ```typescript
11768 |
11769 | pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T, pathToSearch: Path, obj: any): T
11770 | ```
11771 |
11772 | It reads `obj` input and returns either `R.path(pathToSearch, obj)` result or `defaultValue` input.
11773 |
11774 | <details>
11775 |
11776 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
11777 |
11778 | ```typescript
11779 | pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T, pathToSearch: Path, obj: any): T;
11780 | pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T, pathToSearch: Path): (obj: any) => T;
11781 | pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T): (pathToSearch: Path) => (obj: any) => T;
11782 | ```
11783 |
11784 | </details>
11785 |
11786 | <details>
11787 |
11788 | <summary><strong>R.pathOr</strong> source</summary>
11789 |
11790 | ```javascript
11791 | import {curry} from './curry'
11792 | import {defaultTo} from './defaultTo'
11793 | import {path} from './path'
11794 |
11795 | function pathOrFn(defaultValue, pathInput, obj) {
11796 | return defaultTo(defaultValue, path(pathInput, obj))
11797 | }
11798 |
11799 | export const pathOr = curry(pathOrFn)
11800 | ```
11801 |
11802 | </details>
11803 |
11804 | <details>
11805 |
11806 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
11807 |
11808 | ```javascript
11809 | import {pathOr} from './pathOr'
11810 |
11811 | test('with undefined', () => {
11812 | const result = pathOr('foo', 'x.y', {x: {y: 1}})
11813 |
11814 | expect(result).toEqual(1)
11815 | })
11816 |
11817 | test('with null', () => {
11818 | const result = pathOr('foo', 'x.y', null)
11819 |
11820 | expect(result).toEqual('foo')
11821 | })
11822 |
11823 | test('with NaN', () => {
11824 | const result = pathOr('foo', 'x.y', NaN)
11825 |
11826 | expect(result).toEqual('foo')
11827 | })
11828 |
11829 | test('curry case (x)(y)(z)', () => {
11830 | const result = pathOr('foo')('x.y.z')({x: {y: {a: 1}}})
11831 |
11832 | expect(result).toEqual('foo')
11833 | })
11834 |
11835 | test('curry case (x)(y,z)', () => {
11836 | const result = pathOr('foo', 'x.y.z')({x: {y: {a: 1}}})
11837 |
11838 | expect(result).toEqual('foo')
11839 | })
11840 |
11841 | test('curry case (x,y)(z)', () => {
11842 | const result = pathOr('foo')('x.y.z', {x: {y: {a: 1}}})
11843 |
11844 | expect(result).toEqual('foo')
11845 | })
11846 | ```
11847 |
11848 | </details>
11849 |
11850 | <details>
11851 |
11852 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
11853 |
11854 | ```typescript
11855 | import {pathOr} from 'rambda'
11856 |
11857 | describe('R.pathOr', () => {
11858 | it('with string path', () => {
11859 | const x = pathOr<string>('foo', 'x.y', {x: {y: 'bar'}})
11860 | x // $ExpectType string
11861 | })
11862 | it('with array path', () => {
11863 | const x = pathOr<string>('foo', ['x', 'y'], {x: {y: 'bar'}})
11864 | x // $ExpectType string
11865 | })
11866 | it('without passing type looks bad', () => {
11867 | const x = pathOr('foo', 'x.y', {x: {y: 'bar'}})
11868 | x // $ExpectType "foo"
11869 | })
11870 | it('curried', () => {
11871 | const x = pathOr<string>('foo', 'x.y')({x: {y: 'bar'}})
11872 | x // $ExpectType string
11873 | })
11874 | })
11875 | ```
11876 |
11877 | </details>
11878 |
11879 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#pathOr)
11880 |
11881 | ### paths
11882 |
11883 | ```typescript
11884 |
11885 | paths<Input, T>(pathsToSearch: Path[], obj: Input): (T | undefined)[]
11886 | ```
11887 |
11888 | It loops over members of `pathsToSearch` as `singlePath` and returns the array produced by `R.path(singlePath, obj)`.
11889 |
11890 | Because it calls `R.path`, then `singlePath` can be either string or a list.
11891 |
11892 | <details>
11893 |
11894 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
11895 |
11896 | ```typescript
11897 | paths<Input, T>(pathsToSearch: Path[], obj: Input): (T | undefined)[];
11898 | paths<Input, T>(pathsToSearch: Path[]): (obj: Input) => (T | undefined)[];
11899 | paths<T>(pathsToSearch: Path[], obj: any): (T | undefined)[];
11900 | paths<T>(pathsToSearch: Path[]): (obj: any) => (T | undefined)[];
11901 | ```
11902 |
11903 | </details>
11904 |
11905 | <details>
11906 |
11907 | <summary><strong>R.paths</strong> source</summary>
11908 |
11909 | ```javascript
11910 | import {path} from './path'
11911 |
11912 | export function paths(pathsToSearch, obj) {
11913 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
11914 | return _obj => paths(pathsToSearch, _obj)
11915 | }
11916 |
11917 | return pathsToSearch.map(singlePath => path(singlePath, obj))
11918 | }
11919 | ```
11920 |
11921 | </details>
11922 |
11923 | <details>
11924 |
11925 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
11926 |
11927 | ```javascript
11928 | import {paths} from './paths'
11929 |
11930 | const obj = {
11931 | a: {
11932 | b: {
11933 | c: 1,
11934 | d: 2,
11935 | },
11936 | },
11937 | p: [{q: 3}],
11938 | x: {
11939 | y: 'FOO',
11940 | z: [[{}]],
11941 | },
11942 | }
11943 |
11944 | test('with string path + curry', () => {
11945 | const pathsInput = ['a.b.d', 'p.q']
11946 | const expected = [2, undefined]
11947 | const result = paths(pathsInput, obj)
11948 | const curriedResult = paths(pathsInput)(obj)
11949 |
11950 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
11951 | expect(curriedResult).toEqual(expected)
11952 | })
11953 |
11954 | test('with array path', () => {
11955 | const result = paths(
11956 | [
11957 | ['a', 'b', 'c'],
11958 | ['x', 'y'],
11959 | ],
11960 | obj
11961 | )
11962 |
11963 | expect(result).toEqual([1, 'FOO'])
11964 | })
11965 |
11966 | test('takes a paths that contains indices into arrays', () => {
11967 | expect(
11968 | paths(
11969 | [
11970 | ['p', 0, 'q'],
11971 | ['x', 'z', 0, 0],
11972 | ],
11973 | obj
11974 | )
11975 | ).toEqual([3, {}])
11976 | expect(
11977 | paths(
11978 | [
11979 | ['p', 0, 'q'],
11980 | ['x', 'z', 2, 1],
11981 | ],
11982 | obj
11983 | )
11984 | ).toEqual([3, undefined])
11985 | })
11986 |
11987 | test("gets a deep property's value from objects", () => {
11988 | expect(paths([['a', 'b']], obj)).toEqual([obj.a.b])
11989 | expect(paths([['p', 0]], obj)).toEqual([obj.p[0]])
11990 | })
11991 |
11992 | test('returns undefined for items not found', () => {
11993 | expect(paths([['a', 'x', 'y']], obj)).toEqual([undefined])
11994 | expect(paths([['p', 2]], obj)).toEqual([undefined])
11995 | })
11996 | ```
11997 |
11998 | </details>
11999 |
12000 | <details>
12001 |
12002 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12003 |
12004 | ```typescript
12005 | import {paths} from 'rambda'
12006 |
12007 | interface Input {
12008 | a: number,
12009 | b: number,
12010 | c: number,
12011 | }
12012 |
12013 | const input: Input = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
12014 |
12015 | describe('R.paths', () => {
12016 | it('with dot notation', () => {
12017 | const result = paths<number>(['a.b.c', 'foo.bar'], input)
12018 | result // $ExpectType (number | undefined)[]
12019 | })
12020 |
12021 | it('without type', () => {
12022 | const result = paths(['a.b.c', 'foo.bar'], input)
12023 | result // $ExpectType unknown[]
12024 | })
12025 |
12026 | it('with array as path', () => {
12027 | const result = paths<number>([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['foo.bar']], input)
12028 | result // $ExpectType (number | undefined)[]
12029 | })
12030 |
12031 | it('curried', () => {
12032 | const result = paths<number>([['a', 'b', 'c'], ['foo.bar']])(input)
12033 | result // $ExpectType (number | undefined)[]
12034 | })
12035 | })
12036 | ```
12037 |
12038 | </details>
12039 |
12040 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#paths)
12041 |
12042 | ### pick
12043 |
12044 | ```typescript
12045 |
12046 | pick<T, K extends string | number | symbol>(propsToPick: K[], input: T): Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>>
12047 | ```
12048 |
12049 | It returns a partial copy of an `input` containing only `propsToPick` properties.
12050 |
12051 | `input` can be either an object or an array.
12052 |
12053 | String anotation of `propsToPick` is one of the differences between `Rambda` and `Ramda`.
12054 |
12055 | <details>
12056 |
12057 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
12058 |
12059 | ```typescript
12060 | pick<T, K extends string | number | symbol>(propsToPick: K[], input: T): Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>>;
12061 | pick<K extends string | number | symbol>(propsToPick: K[]): <T>(input: T) => Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>>;
12062 | pick<T, U>(propsToPick: string, input: T): U;
12063 | pick<T, U>(propsToPick: string): (input: T) => U;
12064 | pick<T>(propsToPick: string, input: object): T;
12065 | pick<T>(propsToPick: string): (input: object) => T;
12066 | ```
12067 |
12068 | </details>
12069 |
12070 | <details>
12071 |
12072 | <summary><strong>R.pick</strong> source</summary>
12073 |
12074 | ```javascript
12075 | export function pick(propsToPick, input) {
12076 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => pick(propsToPick, _input)
12077 |
12078 | if (input === null || input === undefined) {
12079 | return undefined
12080 | }
12081 | const keys =
12082 | typeof propsToPick === 'string' ? propsToPick.split(',') : propsToPick
12083 |
12084 | const willReturn = {}
12085 | let counter = 0
12086 |
12087 | while (counter < keys.length) {
12088 | if (keys[counter] in input) {
12089 | willReturn[keys[counter]] = input[keys[counter]]
12090 | }
12091 | counter++
12092 | }
12093 |
12094 | return willReturn
12095 | }
12096 | ```
12097 |
12098 | </details>
12099 |
12100 | <details>
12101 |
12102 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
12103 |
12104 | ```javascript
12105 | import {pick} from './pick'
12106 |
12107 | const obj = {
12108 | a: 1,
12109 | b: 2,
12110 | c: 3,
12111 | }
12112 |
12113 | test('props to pick is a string', () => {
12114 | const result = pick('a,c', obj)
12115 | const resultCurry = pick('a,c')(obj)
12116 | const expectedResult = {
12117 | a: 1,
12118 | c: 3,
12119 | }
12120 |
12121 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
12122 | expect(resultCurry).toEqual(expectedResult)
12123 | })
12124 |
12125 | test('when prop is missing', () => {
12126 | const result = pick('a,d,f', obj)
12127 | expect(result).toEqual({a: 1})
12128 | })
12129 |
12130 | test('props to pick is an array', () => {
12131 | expect(
12132 | pick(['a', 'c'])({
12133 | a: 'foo',
12134 | b: 'bar',
12135 | c: 'baz',
12136 | })
12137 | ).toEqual({
12138 | a: 'foo',
12139 | c: 'baz',
12140 | })
12141 |
12142 | expect(
12143 | pick(['a', 'd', 'e', 'f'])({
12144 | a: 'foo',
12145 | b: 'bar',
12146 | c: 'baz',
12147 | })
12148 | ).toEqual({a: 'foo'})
12149 |
12150 | expect(pick('a,d,e,f')(null)).toEqual(undefined)
12151 | })
12152 |
12153 | test('works with list as input and number as props - props to pick is an array', () => {
12154 | const result = pick([1, 2], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
12155 | expect(result).toEqual({
12156 | 1: 'b',
12157 | 2: 'c',
12158 | })
12159 | })
12160 |
12161 | test('works with list as input and number as props - props to pick is a string', () => {
12162 | const result = pick('1,2', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
12163 | expect(result).toEqual({
12164 | 1: 'b',
12165 | 2: 'c',
12166 | })
12167 | })
12168 |
12169 | test('with symbol', () => {
12170 | const symbolProp = Symbol('s')
12171 | expect(pick([symbolProp], {[symbolProp]: 'a'})).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
12172 | Object {
12173 | Symbol(s): "a",
12174 | }
12175 | `)
12176 | })
12177 | ```
12178 |
12179 | </details>
12180 |
12181 | <details>
12182 |
12183 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12184 |
12185 | ```typescript
12186 | import {pick} from 'rambda'
12187 |
12188 | const input = {a: 'foo', b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
12189 |
12190 | describe('R.pick with array as props input', () => {
12191 | it('without passing type', () => {
12192 | const result = pick(['a', 'c'], input)
12193 | result.a // $ExpectType string
12194 | result.c // $ExpectType number
12195 | })
12196 | })
12197 |
12198 | describe('R.pick with string as props input', () => {
12199 | interface Input {
12200 | a: string,
12201 | b: number,
12202 | c: number,
12203 | d: number,
12204 | }
12205 | interface Output {
12206 | a: string,
12207 | c: number,
12208 | }
12209 | it('explicitly declare output', () => {
12210 | const result = pick<Output>('a,c', input)
12211 | result // $ExpectType Output
12212 | result.a // $ExpectType string
12213 | result.c // $ExpectType number
12214 |
12215 | const curriedResult = pick<Output>('a,c')(input)
12216 |
12217 | curriedResult.a // $ExpectType string
12218 | })
12219 |
12220 | it('explicitly declare input and output', () => {
12221 | const result = pick<Input, Output>('a,c', input)
12222 | result // $ExpectType Output
12223 | result.a // $ExpectType string
12224 |
12225 | const curriedResult = pick<Input, Output>('a,c')(input)
12226 |
12227 | curriedResult.a // $ExpectType string
12228 | })
12229 |
12230 | it('without passing type', () => {
12231 | const result = pick('a,c', input)
12232 | result // $ExpectType unknown
12233 | })
12234 | })
12235 | ```
12236 |
12237 | </details>
12238 |
12239 | <details>
12240 |
12241 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 19.07% slower and Lodash is 80.2% slower</summary>
12242 |
12243 | ```text
12244 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
12245 |
12246 | const obj = {
12247 | a: 'foo',
12248 | b: 'bar',
12249 | c: 'baz',
12250 | }
12251 | const pickInput = ['a', 'c']
12252 | const pick = [
12253 | {
12254 | label: 'Rambda',
12255 | fn: () => {
12256 | R.pick(pickInput, obj)
12257 | },
12258 | },
12259 | {
12260 | label: 'Ramda',
12261 | fn: () => {
12262 | Ramda.pick(pickInput, obj)
12263 | },
12264 | },
12265 | {
12266 | label: 'Lodash',
12267 | fn: () => {
12268 | _.pick(obj, pickInput)
12269 | },
12270 | },
12271 | ]
12272 | ```
12273 |
12274 | </details>
12275 |
12276 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#pick)
12277 |
12278 | ### pickAll
12279 |
12280 | ```typescript
12281 |
12282 | pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: string[], input: T): U
12283 | ```
12284 |
12285 | Same as `R.pick` but it won't skip the missing props, i.e. it will assign them to `undefined`.
12286 |
12287 | <details>
12288 |
12289 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
12290 |
12291 | ```typescript
12292 | pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: string[], input: T): U;
12293 | pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: string[]): (input: T) => U;
12294 | pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: string, input: T): U;
12295 | pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: string): (input: T) => U;
12296 | ```
12297 |
12298 | </details>
12299 |
12300 | <details>
12301 |
12302 | <summary><strong>R.pickAll</strong> source</summary>
12303 |
12304 | ```javascript
12305 | export function pickAll(propsToPick, obj) {
12306 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => pickAll(propsToPick, _obj)
12307 |
12308 | if (obj === null || obj === undefined) {
12309 | return undefined
12310 | }
12311 | const keysValue =
12312 | typeof propsToPick === 'string' ? propsToPick.split(',') : propsToPick
12313 |
12314 | const willReturn = {}
12315 | let counter = 0
12316 |
12317 | while (counter < keysValue.length) {
12318 | if (keysValue[counter] in obj) {
12319 | willReturn[keysValue[counter]] = obj[keysValue[counter]]
12320 | } else {
12321 | willReturn[keysValue[counter]] = undefined
12322 | }
12323 | counter++
12324 | }
12325 |
12326 | return willReturn
12327 | }
12328 | ```
12329 |
12330 | </details>
12331 |
12332 | <details>
12333 |
12334 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
12335 |
12336 | ```javascript
12337 | import {pickAll} from './pickAll'
12338 |
12339 | test('when input is undefined or null', () => {
12340 | expect(pickAll('a', null)).toBe(undefined)
12341 | expect(pickAll('a', undefined)).toBe(undefined)
12342 | })
12343 |
12344 | test('with string as condition', () => {
12345 | const obj = {
12346 | a: 1,
12347 | b: 2,
12348 | c: 3,
12349 | }
12350 | const result = pickAll('a,c', obj)
12351 | const resultCurry = pickAll('a,c')(obj)
12352 | const expectedResult = {
12353 | a: 1,
12354 | b: undefined,
12355 | c: 3,
12356 | }
12357 |
12358 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
12359 | expect(resultCurry).toEqual(expectedResult)
12360 | })
12361 |
12362 | test('with array as condition', () => {
12363 | expect(
12364 | pickAll(['a', 'b', 'c'], {
12365 | a: 'foo',
12366 | c: 'baz',
12367 | })
12368 | ).toEqual({
12369 | a: 'foo',
12370 | b: undefined,
12371 | c: 'baz',
12372 | })
12373 | })
12374 | ```
12375 |
12376 | </details>
12377 |
12378 | <details>
12379 |
12380 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12381 |
12382 | ```typescript
12383 | import {pickAll} from 'rambda'
12384 |
12385 | interface Input {
12386 | a: string,
12387 | b: number,
12388 | c: number,
12389 | d: number,
12390 | }
12391 | interface Output {
12392 | a?: string,
12393 | c?: number,
12394 | }
12395 | const input = {a: 'foo', b: 2, c: 3, d: 4}
12396 |
12397 | describe('R.pickAll with array as props input', () => {
12398 | it('without passing type', () => {
12399 | const result = pickAll(['a', 'c'], input)
12400 | result // $ExpectType unknown
12401 | })
12402 | it('without passing type + curry', () => {
12403 | const result = pickAll(['a', 'c'])(input)
12404 | result // $ExpectType unknown
12405 | })
12406 | it('explicitly passing types', () => {
12407 | const result = pickAll<Input, Output>(['a', 'c'], input)
12408 | result.a // $ExpectType string | undefined
12409 | result.c // $ExpectType number | undefined
12410 | })
12411 | it('explicitly passing types + curry', () => {
12412 | const result = pickAll<Input, Output>(['a', 'c'])(input)
12413 | result.a // $ExpectType string | undefined
12414 | result.c // $ExpectType number | undefined
12415 | })
12416 | })
12417 |
12418 | describe('R.pickAll with string as props input', () => {
12419 | it('without passing type', () => {
12420 | const result = pickAll('a,c', input)
12421 | result // $ExpectType unknown
12422 | })
12423 | it('without passing type + curry', () => {
12424 | const result = pickAll('a,c')(input)
12425 | result // $ExpectType unknown
12426 | })
12427 | it('explicitly passing types', () => {
12428 | const result = pickAll<Input, Output>('a,c', input)
12429 | result.a // $ExpectType string | undefined
12430 | result.c // $ExpectType number | undefined
12431 | })
12432 | it('explicitly passing types + curry', () => {
12433 | const result = pickAll<Input, Output>('a,c')(input)
12434 | result.a // $ExpectType string | undefined
12435 | result.c // $ExpectType number | undefined
12436 | })
12437 | })
12438 | ```
12439 |
12440 | </details>
12441 |
12442 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#pickAll)
12443 |
12444 | ### pipe
12445 |
12446 | It performs left-to-right function composition.
12447 |
12448 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#pipe)
12449 |
12450 | ### pluck
12451 |
12452 | ```typescript
12453 |
12454 | pluck<K extends keyof T, T>(property: K, list: T[]): T[K][]
12455 | ```
12456 |
12457 | It returns list of the values of `property` taken from the all objects inside `list`.
12458 |
12459 | <details>
12460 |
12461 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
12462 |
12463 | ```typescript
12464 | pluck<K extends keyof T, T>(property: K, list: T[]): T[K][];
12465 | pluck<T>(property: number, list: { [k: number]: T }[]): T[];
12466 | pluck<P extends string>(property: P): <T>(list: Record<P, T>[]) => T[];
12467 | pluck(property: number): <T>(list: { [k: number]: T }[]) => T[];
12468 | ```
12469 |
12470 | </details>
12471 |
12472 | <details>
12473 |
12474 | <summary><strong>R.pluck</strong> source</summary>
12475 |
12476 | ```javascript
12477 | import {map} from './map'
12478 |
12479 | export function pluck(property, list) {
12480 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => pluck(property, _list)
12481 |
12482 | const willReturn = []
12483 |
12484 | map(x => {
12485 | if (x[property] !== undefined) {
12486 | willReturn.push(x[property])
12487 | }
12488 | }, list)
12489 |
12490 | return willReturn
12491 | }
12492 | ```
12493 |
12494 | </details>
12495 |
12496 | <details>
12497 |
12498 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
12499 |
12500 | ```javascript
12501 | import {pluck} from './pluck'
12502 |
12503 | test('happy', () => {
12504 | expect(pluck('a')([{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {b: 1}])).toEqual([1, 2])
12505 | })
12506 |
12507 | test('with number', () => {
12508 | const input = [
12509 | [1, 2],
12510 | [3, 4],
12511 | ]
12512 |
12513 | expect(pluck(0, input)).toEqual([1, 3])
12514 | })
12515 | ```
12516 |
12517 | </details>
12518 |
12519 | <details>
12520 |
12521 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12522 |
12523 | ```typescript
12524 | import {pluck} from 'rambda'
12525 |
12526 | describe('R.pluck', () => {
12527 | it('with object', () => {
12528 | interface ListMember {
12529 | a: number,
12530 | b: string,
12531 | }
12532 | const input: ListMember[] = [
12533 | {a: 1, b: 'foo'},
12534 | {a: 2, b: 'bar'},
12535 | ]
12536 | const resultA = pluck('a', input)
12537 | const resultB = pluck('b')(input)
12538 | resultA // $ExpectType number[]
12539 | resultB // $ExpectType string[]
12540 | })
12541 |
12542 | it('with array', () => {
12543 | const input = [
12544 | [1, 2],
12545 | [3, 4],
12546 | [5, 6],
12547 | ]
12548 | const result = pluck(0, input)
12549 | const resultCurry = pluck(0)(input)
12550 | result // $ExpectType number[]
12551 | resultCurry // $ExpectType number[]
12552 | })
12553 | })
12554 | ```
12555 |
12556 | </details>
12557 |
12558 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#pluck)
12559 |
12560 | ### prepend
12561 |
12562 | ```typescript
12563 |
12564 | prepend<T>(x: T, input: T[]): T[]
12565 | ```
12566 |
12567 | It adds element `x` at the beginning of `list`.
12568 |
12569 | <details>
12570 |
12571 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
12572 |
12573 | ```typescript
12574 | prepend<T>(x: T, input: T[]): T[];
12575 | prepend<T>(x: T): (input: T[]) => T[];
12576 | ```
12577 |
12578 | </details>
12579 |
12580 | <details>
12581 |
12582 | <summary><strong>R.prepend</strong> source</summary>
12583 |
12584 | ```javascript
12585 | export function prepend(x, input) {
12586 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _input => prepend(x, _input)
12587 |
12588 | if (typeof input === 'string') return [x].concat(input.split(''))
12589 |
12590 | return [x].concat(input)
12591 | }
12592 | ```
12593 |
12594 | </details>
12595 |
12596 | <details>
12597 |
12598 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
12599 |
12600 | ```javascript
12601 | import {prepend} from './prepend'
12602 |
12603 | test('happy', () => {
12604 | expect(prepend('yes', ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual([
12605 | 'yes',
12606 | 'foo',
12607 | 'bar',
12608 | 'baz',
12609 | ])
12610 | })
12611 |
12612 | test('with empty list', () => {
12613 | expect(prepend('foo')([])).toEqual(['foo'])
12614 | })
12615 |
12616 | test('with string instead of array', () => {
12617 | expect(prepend('foo')('bar')).toEqual(['foo', 'b', 'a', 'r'])
12618 | })
12619 | ```
12620 |
12621 | </details>
12622 |
12623 | <details>
12624 |
12625 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12626 |
12627 | ```typescript
12628 | import {prepend} from 'rambda'
12629 |
12630 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
12631 |
12632 | describe('R.prepend', () => {
12633 | it('happy', () => {
12634 | const result = prepend(4, list)
12635 |
12636 | result // $ExpectType number[]
12637 | })
12638 | it('curried', () => {
12639 | const result = prepend(4)(list)
12640 |
12641 | result // $ExpectType number[]
12642 | })
12643 | })
12644 | ```
12645 |
12646 | </details>
12647 |
12648 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#prepend)
12649 |
12650 | ### product
12651 |
12652 | ```typescript
12653 |
12654 | product(list: number[]): number
12655 | ```
12656 |
12657 | <details>
12658 |
12659 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
12660 |
12661 | ```typescript
12662 | product(list: number[]): number;
12663 | ```
12664 |
12665 | </details>
12666 |
12667 | <details>
12668 |
12669 | <summary><strong>R.product</strong> source</summary>
12670 |
12671 | ```javascript
12672 | import {multiply} from './multiply'
12673 | import {reduce} from './reduce'
12674 |
12675 | export const product = reduce(multiply, 1)
12676 | ```
12677 |
12678 | </details>
12679 |
12680 | <details>
12681 |
12682 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
12683 |
12684 | ```javascript
12685 | import {product} from './product'
12686 |
12687 | test('happy', () => {
12688 | expect(product([2, 3, 4])).toEqual(24)
12689 | })
12690 |
12691 | test('bad input', () => {
12692 | expect(product([null])).toEqual(0)
12693 | expect(product([])).toEqual(1)
12694 | })
12695 | ```
12696 |
12697 | </details>
12698 |
12699 | <details>
12700 |
12701 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12702 |
12703 | ```typescript
12704 | import {product} from 'rambda'
12705 |
12706 | describe('R.product', () => {
12707 | it('happy', () => {
12708 | const result = product([1, 2, 3])
12709 |
12710 | result // $ExpectType number
12711 | })
12712 | })
12713 | ```
12714 |
12715 | </details>
12716 |
12717 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#product)
12718 |
12719 | ### prop
12720 |
12721 | ```typescript
12722 |
12723 | prop<P extends keyof T, T>(propToFind: P, obj: T): T[P]
12724 | ```
12725 |
12726 | It returns the value of property `propToFind` in `obj`.
12727 |
12728 | If there is no such property, it returns `undefined`.
12729 |
12730 | <details>
12731 |
12732 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
12733 |
12734 | ```typescript
12735 | prop<P extends keyof T, T>(propToFind: P, obj: T): T[P];
12736 | prop<P extends string | number>(p: P): <T>(propToFind: Record<P, T>) => T;
12737 | prop<P extends keyof T, T>(p: P): (propToFind: Record<P, T>) => T;
12738 | ```
12739 |
12740 | </details>
12741 |
12742 | <details>
12743 |
12744 | <summary><strong>R.prop</strong> source</summary>
12745 |
12746 | ```javascript
12747 | export function prop(propToFind, obj) {
12748 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _obj => prop(propToFind, _obj)
12749 |
12750 | if (!obj) return undefined
12751 |
12752 | return obj[propToFind]
12753 | }
12754 | ```
12755 |
12756 | </details>
12757 |
12758 | <details>
12759 |
12760 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
12761 |
12762 | ```javascript
12763 | import {prop} from './prop'
12764 |
12765 | test('prop', () => {
12766 | expect(prop('foo')({foo: 'baz'})).toEqual('baz')
12767 |
12768 | expect(prop('bar')({foo: 'baz'})).toEqual(undefined)
12769 |
12770 | expect(prop('bar')(null)).toEqual(undefined)
12771 | })
12772 | ```
12773 |
12774 | </details>
12775 |
12776 | <details>
12777 |
12778 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12779 |
12780 | ```typescript
12781 | import {prop} from 'rambda'
12782 |
12783 | const obj = {a: 1, b: 'foo'}
12784 |
12785 | describe('R.prop', () => {
12786 | it('issue #553', () => {
12787 | const result = prop('e', {e: 'test1', d: 'test2'})
12788 | const curriedResult = prop<string>('e')({e: 'test1', d: 'test2'})
12789 |
12790 | result // $ExpectType string
12791 | curriedResult // $ExpectType string
12792 | })
12793 | it('happy', () => {
12794 | const result = prop('a', obj)
12795 |
12796 | result // $ExpectType number
12797 | })
12798 | it('curried', () => {
12799 | const result = prop('b')(obj)
12800 |
12801 | result // $ExpectType string
12802 | })
12803 | })
12804 |
12805 | describe('with number as prop', () => {
12806 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
12807 | const index = 1
12808 | it('happy', () => {
12809 | const result = prop(index, list)
12810 |
12811 | result // $ExpectType number
12812 | })
12813 | it('curried require explicit type', () => {
12814 | const result = prop<number>(index)(list)
12815 |
12816 | result // $ExpectType number
12817 | })
12818 | })
12819 | ```
12820 |
12821 | </details>
12822 |
12823 | <details>
12824 |
12825 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 87.95%</summary>
12826 |
12827 | ```text
12828 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
12829 |
12830 | const obj = {
12831 | a: {c: 2},
12832 | b: 1,
12833 | }
12834 | const propInput = 'b'
12835 |
12836 | const prop = [
12837 | {
12838 | label: 'Rambda',
12839 | fn: () => {
12840 | R.prop(propInput, obj)
12841 | R.prop(propInput)(obj)
12842 | },
12843 | },
12844 | {
12845 | label: 'Ramda',
12846 | fn: () => {
12847 | Ramda.prop(propInput, obj)
12848 | Ramda.prop(propInput)(obj)
12849 | },
12850 | },
12851 | ]
12852 | ```
12853 |
12854 | </details>
12855 |
12856 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#prop)
12857 |
12858 | ### propEq
12859 |
12860 | ```typescript
12861 |
12862 | propEq<K extends string | number>(propToFind: K, valueToMatch: any, obj: Record<K, any>): boolean
12863 | ```
12864 |
12865 | It returns true if `obj` has property `propToFind` and its value is equal to `valueToMatch`.
12866 |
12867 | <details>
12868 |
12869 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
12870 |
12871 | ```typescript
12872 | propEq<K extends string | number>(propToFind: K, valueToMatch: any, obj: Record<K, any>): boolean;
12873 | propEq<K extends string | number>(propToFind: K, valueToMatch: any): (obj: Record<K, any>) => boolean;
12874 | propEq<K extends string | number>(propToFind: K): {
12875 | (valueToMatch: any, obj: Record<K, any>): boolean;
12876 | (valueToMatch: any): (obj: Record<K, any>) => boolean;
12877 | };
12878 | ```
12879 |
12880 | </details>
12881 |
12882 | <details>
12883 |
12884 | <summary><strong>R.propEq</strong> source</summary>
12885 |
12886 | ```javascript
12887 | import {curry} from './curry'
12888 |
12889 | function propEqFn(propToFind, valueToMatch, obj) {
12890 | if (!obj) return false
12891 |
12892 | return obj[propToFind] === valueToMatch
12893 | }
12894 |
12895 | export const propEq = curry(propEqFn)
12896 | ```
12897 |
12898 | </details>
12899 |
12900 | <details>
12901 |
12902 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
12903 |
12904 | ```javascript
12905 | import {propEq} from './propEq'
12906 |
12907 | test('happy', () => {
12908 | expect(propEq('foo', 'bar')({foo: 'bar'})).toBeTrue()
12909 | expect(propEq('foo', 'bar')({foo: 'baz'})).toBeFalse()
12910 | expect(propEq('foo')('bar')({foo: 'baz'})).toBeFalse()
12911 | expect(propEq('foo', 'bar', null)).toBeFalse()
12912 | })
12913 | ```
12914 |
12915 | </details>
12916 |
12917 | <details>
12918 |
12919 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
12920 |
12921 | ```typescript
12922 | import {propEq} from 'rambda'
12923 |
12924 | const property = 'foo'
12925 | const numberProperty = 1
12926 | const value = 'bar'
12927 | const obj = {[property]: value}
12928 | const objWithNumberIndex = {[numberProperty]: value}
12929 |
12930 | describe('R.propEq', () => {
12931 | it('happy', () => {
12932 | const result = propEq(property, value, obj)
12933 | result // $ExpectType boolean
12934 | })
12935 |
12936 | it('number is property', () => {
12937 | const result = propEq(1, value, objWithNumberIndex)
12938 | result // $ExpectType boolean
12939 | })
12940 |
12941 | it('with optional property', () => {
12942 | interface MyType {
12943 | optional?: string | number,
12944 | }
12945 |
12946 | const myObject: MyType = {}
12947 | const valueToFind = '1111'
12948 | // $ExpectError
12949 | propEq('optional', valueToFind, myObject)
12950 |
12951 | // $ExpectError
12952 | propEq('optional', valueToFind, myObject)
12953 | })
12954 |
12955 | it('imported from @types/ramda', () => {
12956 | interface A {
12957 | foo: string | null,
12958 | }
12959 | const obj: A = {
12960 | foo: 'bar',
12961 | }
12962 | const value = ''
12963 | const result = propEq('foo', value)(obj)
12964 | result // $ExpectType boolean
12965 |
12966 | // $ExpectError
12967 | propEq('bar', value)(obj)
12968 | })
12969 | })
12970 | ```
12971 |
12972 | </details>
12973 |
12974 | <details>
12975 |
12976 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 91.92%</summary>
12977 |
12978 | ```text
12979 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
12980 |
12981 | const obj = {
12982 | a: {c: 2},
12983 | b: 1,
12984 | }
12985 | const propInput = 'b'
12986 | const expected = {c: 2}
12987 |
12988 | const propEq = [
12989 | {
12990 | label: 'Rambda',
12991 | fn: () => {
12992 | R.propEq('a')(expected)(obj)
12993 |
12994 | R.propEq('a', expected)(obj)
12995 |
12996 | R.propEq('a', expected, obj)
12997 | },
12998 | },
12999 | {
13000 | label: 'Ramda',
13001 | fn: () => {
13002 | Ramda.propEq('a')(expected)(obj)
13003 |
13004 | Ramda.propEq('a', expected)(obj)
13005 |
13006 | Ramda.propEq('a', expected, obj)
13007 | },
13008 | },
13009 | ]
13010 | ```
13011 |
13012 | </details>
13013 |
13014 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#propEq)
13015 |
13016 | ### propIs
13017 |
13018 | ```typescript
13019 |
13020 | propIs<C extends (...args: any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>
13021 | ```
13022 |
13023 | It returns `true` if `property` of `obj` is from `target` type.
13024 |
13025 | <details>
13026 |
13027 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13028 |
13029 | ```typescript
13030 | propIs<C extends (...args: any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
13031 | propIs<C extends new (...args: any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
13032 | propIs<C extends (...args: any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
13033 | propIs<C extends new (...args: any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
13034 | propIs<C extends (...args: any[]) => any>(type: C): {
13035 | <K extends keyof any>(name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
13036 | <K extends keyof any>(name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
13037 | };
13038 | propIs<C extends new (...args: any[]) => any>(type: C): {
13039 | <K extends keyof any>(name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
13040 | <K extends keyof any>(name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
13041 | };
13042 | ```
13043 |
13044 | </details>
13045 |
13046 | <details>
13047 |
13048 | <summary><strong>R.propIs</strong> source</summary>
13049 |
13050 | ```javascript
13051 | import {curry} from './curry'
13052 | import {is} from './is'
13053 |
13054 | function propIsFn(targetPrototype, property, obj) {
13055 | return is(targetPrototype, obj[property])
13056 | }
13057 |
13058 | export const propIs = curry(propIsFn)
13059 | ```
13060 |
13061 | </details>
13062 |
13063 | <details>
13064 |
13065 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13066 |
13067 | ```javascript
13068 | import {propIs} from './propIs'
13069 |
13070 | const obj = {value: 1}
13071 | const property = 'value'
13072 |
13073 | test('when true', () => {
13074 | expect(propIs(Number, property, obj)).toBeTrue()
13075 | })
13076 |
13077 | test('when false', () => {
13078 | expect(propIs(String, property, obj)).toBeFalse()
13079 | expect(propIs(String, property, {})).toBeFalse()
13080 | })
13081 | ```
13082 |
13083 | </details>
13084 |
13085 | <details>
13086 |
13087 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13088 |
13089 | ```typescript
13090 | import {propIs} from 'rambda'
13091 |
13092 | const property = 'a'
13093 | const obj = {a: 1}
13094 |
13095 | describe('R.propIs', () => {
13096 | it('happy', () => {
13097 | const result = propIs(Number, property, obj)
13098 | result // $ExpectType boolean
13099 | })
13100 |
13101 | it('curried', () => {
13102 | const result = propIs(Number, property)(obj)
13103 | result // $ExpectType boolean
13104 | })
13105 | })
13106 | ```
13107 |
13108 | </details>
13109 |
13110 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#propIs)
13111 |
13112 | ### propOr
13113 |
13114 | ```typescript
13115 |
13116 | propOr<T, P extends string>(defaultValue: T, property: P, obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined): T
13117 | ```
13118 |
13119 | It returns either `defaultValue` or the value of `property` in `obj`.
13120 |
13121 | <details>
13122 |
13123 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13124 |
13125 | ```typescript
13126 | propOr<T, P extends string>(defaultValue: T, property: P, obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined): T;
13127 | propOr<T, P extends string>(defaultValue: T, property: P): (obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined) => T;
13128 | propOr<T>(defaultValue: T): {
13129 | <P extends string>(property: P, obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined): T;
13130 | <P extends string>(property: P): (obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined) => T;
13131 | }
13132 | ```
13133 |
13134 | </details>
13135 |
13136 | <details>
13137 |
13138 | <summary><strong>R.propOr</strong> source</summary>
13139 |
13140 | ```javascript
13141 | import {curry} from './curry'
13142 | import {defaultTo} from './defaultTo'
13143 |
13144 | function propOrFn(defaultValue, property, obj) {
13145 | if (!obj) return defaultValue
13146 |
13147 | return defaultTo(defaultValue, obj[property])
13148 | }
13149 |
13150 | export const propOr = curry(propOrFn)
13151 | ```
13152 |
13153 | </details>
13154 |
13155 | <details>
13156 |
13157 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13158 |
13159 | ```javascript
13160 | import {propOr} from './propOr'
13161 |
13162 | test('propOr (result)', () => {
13163 | const obj = {a: 1}
13164 | expect(propOr('default', 'a', obj)).toEqual(1)
13165 | expect(propOr('default', 'notExist', obj)).toEqual('default')
13166 | expect(propOr('default', 'notExist', null)).toEqual('default')
13167 | })
13168 |
13169 | test('propOr (currying)', () => {
13170 | const obj = {a: 1}
13171 | expect(propOr('default')('a', obj)).toEqual(1)
13172 | expect(propOr('default', 'a')(obj)).toEqual(1)
13173 | expect(propOr('default')('notExist', obj)).toEqual('default')
13174 | expect(propOr('default', 'notExist')(obj)).toEqual('default')
13175 | })
13176 | ```
13177 |
13178 | </details>
13179 |
13180 | <details>
13181 |
13182 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13183 |
13184 | ```typescript
13185 | import {propOr} from 'rambda'
13186 |
13187 | const obj = {foo: 'bar'}
13188 | const property = 'foo'
13189 | const fallback = 'fallback'
13190 |
13191 | describe('R.propOr', () => {
13192 | it('happy', () => {
13193 | const result = propOr(fallback, property, obj)
13194 | result // $ExpectType string
13195 | })
13196 | it('curry 1', () => {
13197 | const result = propOr(fallback)(property, obj)
13198 | result // $ExpectType string
13199 | })
13200 | it('curry 2', () => {
13201 | const result = propOr(fallback, property)(obj)
13202 | result // $ExpectType string
13203 | })
13204 | it('curry 3', () => {
13205 | const result = propOr(fallback)(property)(obj)
13206 | result // $ExpectType string
13207 | })
13208 | })
13209 | ```
13210 |
13211 | </details>
13212 |
13213 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#propOr)
13214 |
13215 | ### props
13216 |
13217 | ```typescript
13218 |
13219 | props<P extends string, T>(propsToPick: P[], obj: Record<P, T>): T[]
13220 | ```
13221 |
13222 | It takes list with properties `propsToPick` and returns a list with property values in `obj`.
13223 |
13224 | <details>
13225 |
13226 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13227 |
13228 | ```typescript
13229 | props<P extends string, T>(propsToPick: P[], obj: Record<P, T>): T[];
13230 | props<P extends string>(propsToPick: P[]): <T>(obj: Record<P, T>) => T[];
13231 | props<P extends string, T>(propsToPick: P[]): (obj: Record<P, T>) => T[];
13232 | ```
13233 |
13234 | </details>
13235 |
13236 | <details>
13237 |
13238 | <summary><strong>R.props</strong> source</summary>
13239 |
13240 | ```javascript
13241 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
13242 | import {mapArray} from './map'
13243 |
13244 | export function props(propsToPick, obj) {
13245 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
13246 | return _obj => props(propsToPick, _obj)
13247 | }
13248 | if (!_isArray(propsToPick)) {
13249 | throw new Error('propsToPick is not a list')
13250 | }
13251 |
13252 | return mapArray(prop => obj[prop], propsToPick)
13253 | }
13254 | ```
13255 |
13256 | </details>
13257 |
13258 | <details>
13259 |
13260 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13261 |
13262 | ```javascript
13263 | import {props} from './props'
13264 |
13265 | const obj = {
13266 | a: 1,
13267 | b: 2,
13268 | }
13269 | const propsToPick = ['a', 'c']
13270 |
13271 | test('happy', () => {
13272 | const result = props(propsToPick, obj)
13273 | expect(result).toEqual([1, undefined])
13274 | })
13275 |
13276 | test('curried', () => {
13277 | const result = props(propsToPick)(obj)
13278 | expect(result).toEqual([1, undefined])
13279 | })
13280 |
13281 | test('wrong input', () => {
13282 | expect(() => props(null)(obj)).toThrow()
13283 | })
13284 | ```
13285 |
13286 | </details>
13287 |
13288 | <details>
13289 |
13290 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13291 |
13292 | ```typescript
13293 | import {props} from 'rambda'
13294 |
13295 | const obj = {a: 1, b: 2}
13296 |
13297 | describe('R.props', () => {
13298 | it('happy', () => {
13299 | const result = props(['a', 'b'], obj)
13300 |
13301 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13302 | })
13303 | it('curried', () => {
13304 | const result = props(['a', 'b'])(obj)
13305 |
13306 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13307 | })
13308 | })
13309 | ```
13310 |
13311 | </details>
13312 |
13313 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#props)
13314 |
13315 | ### range
13316 |
13317 | ```typescript
13318 |
13319 | range(startInclusive: number, endExclusive: number): number[]
13320 | ```
13321 |
13322 | It returns list of numbers between `startInclusive` to `endExclusive` markers.
13323 |
13324 | <details>
13325 |
13326 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13327 |
13328 | ```typescript
13329 | range(startInclusive: number, endExclusive: number): number[];
13330 | range(startInclusive: number): (endExclusive: number) => number[];
13331 | ```
13332 |
13333 | </details>
13334 |
13335 | <details>
13336 |
13337 | <summary><strong>R.range</strong> source</summary>
13338 |
13339 | ```javascript
13340 | export function range(start, end) {
13341 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _end => range(start, _end)
13342 |
13343 | if (Number.isNaN(Number(start)) || Number.isNaN(Number(end))) {
13344 | throw new TypeError('Both arguments to range must be numbers')
13345 | }
13346 |
13347 | if (end < start) return []
13348 |
13349 | const len = end - start
13350 | const willReturn = Array(len)
13351 |
13352 | for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
13353 | willReturn[i] = start + i
13354 | }
13355 |
13356 | return willReturn
13357 | }
13358 | ```
13359 |
13360 | </details>
13361 |
13362 | <details>
13363 |
13364 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13365 |
13366 | ```javascript
13367 | import {range} from './range'
13368 |
13369 | test('happy', () => {
13370 | expect(range(0, 10)).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
13371 | })
13372 |
13373 | test('end range is bigger than start range', () => {
13374 | expect(range(7, 3)).toEqual([])
13375 | expect(range(5, 5)).toEqual([])
13376 | })
13377 |
13378 | test('with bad input', () => {
13379 | const throwMessage = 'Both arguments to range must be numbers'
13380 | expect(() => range('a', 6)).toThrowWithMessage(Error, throwMessage)
13381 | expect(() => range(6, 'z')).toThrowWithMessage(Error, throwMessage)
13382 | })
13383 |
13384 | test('curry', () => {
13385 | expect(range(0)(10)).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
13386 | })
13387 | ```
13388 |
13389 | </details>
13390 |
13391 | <details>
13392 |
13393 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13394 |
13395 | ```typescript
13396 | import {range} from 'rambda'
13397 |
13398 | describe('R.range', () => {
13399 | it('happy', () => {
13400 | const result = range(1, 4)
13401 |
13402 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13403 | })
13404 | it('curried', () => {
13405 | const result = range(1)(4)
13406 |
13407 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13408 | })
13409 | })
13410 | ```
13411 |
13412 | </details>
13413 |
13414 | <details>
13415 |
13416 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 61.8% slower and Lodash is 57.44% slower</summary>
13417 |
13418 | ```text
13419 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
13420 |
13421 | const start = 12
13422 | const end = 22
13423 | const range = [
13424 | {
13425 | label: 'Rambda',
13426 | fn: () => {
13427 | R.range(start, end)
13428 | },
13429 | },
13430 | {
13431 | label: 'Ramda',
13432 | fn: () => {
13433 | Ramda.range(start, end)
13434 | },
13435 | },
13436 | {
13437 | label: 'Lodash',
13438 | fn: () => {
13439 | _.range(start, end)
13440 | },
13441 | },
13442 | ]
13443 | ```
13444 |
13445 | </details>
13446 |
13447 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#range)
13448 |
13449 | ### reduce
13450 |
13451 | ```typescript
13452 |
13453 | reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T, i: number) => TResult, initialValue: TResult, list: T[]): TResult
13454 | ```
13455 |
13456 | <details>
13457 |
13458 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13459 |
13460 | ```typescript
13461 | reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T, i: number) => TResult, initialValue: TResult, list: T[]): TResult;
13462 | reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T) => TResult, initialValue: TResult, list: T[]): TResult;
13463 | reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T, i?: number) => TResult): (initialValue: TResult, list: T[]) => TResult;
13464 | reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T, i?: number) => TResult, initialValue: TResult): (list: T[]) => TResult;
13465 | ```
13466 |
13467 | </details>
13468 |
13469 | <details>
13470 |
13471 | <summary><strong>R.reduce</strong> source</summary>
13472 |
13473 | ```javascript
13474 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
13475 | import {_keys} from './_internals/_keys'
13476 | import {curry} from './curry'
13477 |
13478 | function reduceFn(reducer, acc, list) {
13479 | if (!_isArray(list)) {
13480 | throw new TypeError('reduce: list must be array or iterable')
13481 | }
13482 | let index = 0
13483 | const len = list.length
13484 |
13485 | while (index < len) {
13486 | acc = reducer(acc, list[index], index, list)
13487 | index++
13488 | }
13489 |
13490 | return acc
13491 | }
13492 |
13493 | export const reduce = curry(reduceFn)
13494 | ```
13495 |
13496 | </details>
13497 |
13498 | <details>
13499 |
13500 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13501 |
13502 | ```javascript
13503 | import {reduce} from './reduce'
13504 |
13505 | const reducer = (prev, current, i) => {
13506 | expect(i).toBeNumber()
13507 |
13508 | return prev + current
13509 | }
13510 | const initialValue = 1
13511 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
13512 | const ERROR = 'reduce: list must be array or iterable'
13513 |
13514 | test('happy', () => {
13515 | expect(reduce(reducer, initialValue, list)).toEqual(7)
13516 | })
13517 |
13518 | test('with object as iterable', () => {
13519 | expect(() =>
13520 | reduce(reducer, initialValue, {
13521 | a: 1,
13522 | b: 2,
13523 | })
13524 | ).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, ERROR)
13525 | })
13526 |
13527 | test('with undefined as iterable', () => {
13528 | expect(() => reduce(reducer, 0, null)).toThrowWithMessage(TypeError, ERROR)
13529 | })
13530 | ```
13531 |
13532 | </details>
13533 |
13534 | <details>
13535 |
13536 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13537 |
13538 | ```typescript
13539 | import {reduce} from 'rambda'
13540 |
13541 | describe('R.reduce', () => {
13542 | it('happy', () => {
13543 | const result = reduce<number, number>(
13544 | (acc, elem) => {
13545 | acc // $ExpectType number
13546 | elem // $ExpectType number
13547 | return acc + elem
13548 | },
13549 | 1,
13550 | [1, 2, 3]
13551 | )
13552 |
13553 | result // $ExpectType number
13554 | })
13555 |
13556 | it('with two types', () => {
13557 | const result = reduce<number, string>(
13558 | (acc, elem) => {
13559 | acc // $ExpectType string
13560 | elem // $ExpectType number
13561 |
13562 | return `${acc}${elem}`
13563 | },
13564 | 'foo',
13565 | [1, 2, 3]
13566 | )
13567 |
13568 | result // $ExpectType string
13569 | })
13570 |
13571 | it('with index', () => {
13572 | const result = reduce<number, number>(
13573 | (acc, elem, i) => {
13574 | acc // $ExpectType number
13575 | elem // $ExpectType number
13576 | i // $ExpectType number
13577 | return acc + elem
13578 | },
13579 | 1,
13580 | [1, 2, 3]
13581 | )
13582 |
13583 | result // $ExpectType number
13584 | })
13585 |
13586 | it('fallback', () => {
13587 | const result = reduce(
13588 | (acc, val) => {
13589 | acc // $ExpectType number
13590 | return acc + val
13591 | },
13592 | 1,
13593 | [1, 2, 3]
13594 | )
13595 |
13596 | result // $ExpectType number
13597 | })
13598 |
13599 | it('fallback with index', () => {
13600 | const result = reduce(
13601 | (acc, val, i) => {
13602 | acc // $ExpectType number
13603 | i // $ExpectType number
13604 | return acc + val
13605 | },
13606 | 1,
13607 | [1, 2, 3]
13608 | )
13609 |
13610 | result // $ExpectType number
13611 | })
13612 |
13613 | it('fallback with two types', () => {
13614 | const result = reduce(
13615 | (acc, val) => {
13616 | acc // $ExpectType string
13617 | return acc + val
13618 | },
13619 | 'foo',
13620 | [1, 2, 3]
13621 | )
13622 |
13623 | result // $ExpectType string
13624 | })
13625 | })
13626 | ```
13627 |
13628 | </details>
13629 |
13630 | <details>
13631 |
13632 | <summary>Lodash is fastest. Rambda is 60.48% slower and Ramda is 77.1% slower</summary>
13633 |
13634 | ```text
13635 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
13636 |
13637 | const fn = (acc, value) => acc + value
13638 | const holder = [1, 2, 3]
13639 | const acc = ''
13640 |
13641 | const reduce = [
13642 | {
13643 | label: 'Rambda',
13644 | fn: () => {
13645 | R.reduce(fn, acc, holder)
13646 | },
13647 | },
13648 | {
13649 | label: 'Ramda',
13650 | fn: () => {
13651 | Ramda.reduce(fn, acc, holder)
13652 | },
13653 | },
13654 | {
13655 | label: 'Lodash',
13656 | fn: () => {
13657 | _.reduce(holder, fn, acc)
13658 | },
13659 | },
13660 | ]
13661 | ```
13662 |
13663 | </details>
13664 |
13665 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#reduce)
13666 |
13667 | ### reject
13668 |
13669 | ```typescript
13670 |
13671 | reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, list: T[]): T[]
13672 | ```
13673 |
13674 | It has the opposite effect of `R.filter`.
13675 |
13676 | <details>
13677 |
13678 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13679 |
13680 | ```typescript
13681 | reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, list: T[]): T[];
13682 | reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (list: T[]) => T[];
13683 | reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, obj: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
13684 | reject<T, U>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (obj: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
13685 | ```
13686 |
13687 | </details>
13688 |
13689 | <details>
13690 |
13691 | <summary><strong>R.reject</strong> source</summary>
13692 |
13693 | ```javascript
13694 | import {filter} from './filter'
13695 |
13696 | export function reject(predicate, list) {
13697 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => reject(predicate, _list)
13698 |
13699 | return filter(x => !predicate(x), list)
13700 | }
13701 | ```
13702 |
13703 | </details>
13704 |
13705 | <details>
13706 |
13707 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13708 |
13709 | ```javascript
13710 | import {reject} from './reject'
13711 |
13712 | const isOdd = n => n % 2 === 1
13713 |
13714 | test('with array', () => {
13715 | expect(reject(isOdd)([1, 2, 3, 4])).toEqual([2, 4])
13716 | })
13717 |
13718 | test('with object', () => {
13719 | const obj = {
13720 | a: 1,
13721 | b: 2,
13722 | c: 3,
13723 | d: 4,
13724 | }
13725 | expect(reject(isOdd, obj)).toEqual({
13726 | b: 2,
13727 | d: 4,
13728 | })
13729 | })
13730 | ```
13731 |
13732 | </details>
13733 |
13734 | <details>
13735 |
13736 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13737 |
13738 | ```typescript
13739 | import {reject} from 'rambda'
13740 |
13741 | describe('R.reject with array', () => {
13742 | it('happy', () => {
13743 | const result = reject(
13744 | x => {
13745 | x // $ExpectType number
13746 | return x > 1
13747 | },
13748 | [1, 2, 3]
13749 | )
13750 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13751 | })
13752 | it('curried require explicit type', () => {
13753 | const result = reject<number>(x => {
13754 | x // $ExpectType number
13755 | return x > 1
13756 | })([1, 2, 3])
13757 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13758 | })
13759 | })
13760 |
13761 | describe('R.reject with objects', () => {
13762 | it('happy', () => {
13763 | const result = reject(
13764 | x => {
13765 | x // $ExpectType number
13766 |
13767 | return x > 1
13768 | },
13769 | {a: 1, b: 2}
13770 | )
13771 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
13772 | })
13773 | it('curried require dummy type', () => {
13774 | const result = reject<number, any>(x => {
13775 | return x > 1
13776 | })({a: 1, b: 2})
13777 | result // $ExpectType Dictionary<number>
13778 | })
13779 | })
13780 | ```
13781 |
13782 | </details>
13783 |
13784 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#reject)
13785 |
13786 | ### repeat
13787 |
13788 | ```typescript
13789 |
13790 | repeat<T>(x: T): (timesToRepeat: number) => T[]
13791 | ```
13792 |
13793 | <details>
13794 |
13795 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13796 |
13797 | ```typescript
13798 | repeat<T>(x: T): (timesToRepeat: number) => T[];
13799 | repeat<T>(x: T, timesToRepeat: number): T[];
13800 | ```
13801 |
13802 | </details>
13803 |
13804 | <details>
13805 |
13806 | <summary><strong>R.repeat</strong> source</summary>
13807 |
13808 | ```javascript
13809 | export function repeat(x, timesToRepeat) {
13810 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
13811 | return _timesToRepeat => repeat(x, _timesToRepeat)
13812 | }
13813 |
13814 | return Array(timesToRepeat).fill(x)
13815 | }
13816 | ```
13817 |
13818 | </details>
13819 |
13820 | <details>
13821 |
13822 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13823 |
13824 | ```javascript
13825 | import {repeat} from './repeat'
13826 |
13827 | test('repeat', () => {
13828 | expect(repeat('')(3)).toEqual(['', '', ''])
13829 | expect(repeat('foo', 3)).toEqual(['foo', 'foo', 'foo'])
13830 |
13831 | const obj = {}
13832 | const arr = repeat(obj, 3)
13833 |
13834 | expect(arr).toEqual([{}, {}, {}])
13835 |
13836 | expect(arr[0] === arr[1]).toBeTrue()
13837 | })
13838 | ```
13839 |
13840 | </details>
13841 |
13842 | <details>
13843 |
13844 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13845 |
13846 | ```typescript
13847 | import {repeat} from 'rambda'
13848 |
13849 | describe('R.repeat', () => {
13850 | it('happy', () => {
13851 | const result = repeat(4, 7)
13852 |
13853 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13854 | })
13855 | it('curried', () => {
13856 | const result = repeat(4)(7)
13857 |
13858 | result // $ExpectType number[]
13859 | })
13860 | })
13861 | ```
13862 |
13863 | </details>
13864 |
13865 | <details>
13866 |
13867 | <summary>Lodash is fastest. Rambda is 48.57% slower and Ramda is 68.98% slower</summary>
13868 |
13869 | ```text
13870 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
13871 |
13872 | const num = 10
13873 | const str = 'foo'
13874 |
13875 | const repeat = [
13876 | {
13877 | label: 'Rambda',
13878 | fn: () => {
13879 | R.repeat(str, num)
13880 | },
13881 | },
13882 | {
13883 | label: 'Ramda',
13884 | fn: () => {
13885 | Ramda.repeat(str, num)
13886 | },
13887 | },
13888 | {
13889 | label: 'Lodash',
13890 | fn: () => {
13891 | _.repeat(str, num)
13892 | },
13893 | },
13894 | ]
13895 | ```
13896 |
13897 | </details>
13898 |
13899 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#repeat)
13900 |
13901 | ### replace
13902 |
13903 | ```typescript
13904 |
13905 | replace(strOrRegex: RegExp | string, replacer: string, str: string): string
13906 | ```
13907 |
13908 | It replaces `strOrRegex` found in `str` with `replacer`.
13909 |
13910 | <details>
13911 |
13912 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
13913 |
13914 | ```typescript
13915 | replace(strOrRegex: RegExp | string, replacer: string, str: string): string;
13916 | replace(strOrRegex: RegExp | string, replacer: string): (str: string) => string;
13917 | replace(strOrRegex: RegExp | string): (replacer: string) => (str: string) => string;
13918 | ```
13919 |
13920 | </details>
13921 |
13922 | <details>
13923 |
13924 | <summary><strong>R.replace</strong> source</summary>
13925 |
13926 | ```javascript
13927 | import {curry} from './curry'
13928 |
13929 | function replaceFn(pattern, replacer, str) {
13930 | return str.replace(pattern, replacer)
13931 | }
13932 |
13933 | export const replace = curry(replaceFn)
13934 | ```
13935 |
13936 | </details>
13937 |
13938 | <details>
13939 |
13940 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
13941 |
13942 | ```javascript
13943 | import {replace} from './replace'
13944 |
13945 | test('happy', () => {
13946 | expect(replace('foo', 'yes', 'foo bar baz')).toEqual('yes bar baz')
13947 | })
13948 |
13949 | test('1', () => {
13950 | expect(replace(/\s/g)('|')('foo bar baz')).toEqual('foo|bar|baz')
13951 | })
13952 |
13953 | test('2', () => {
13954 | expect(replace(/\s/g)('|', 'foo bar baz')).toEqual('foo|bar|baz')
13955 | })
13956 |
13957 | test('3', () => {
13958 | expect(replace(/\s/g, '|')('foo bar baz')).toEqual('foo|bar|baz')
13959 | })
13960 | ```
13961 |
13962 | </details>
13963 |
13964 | <details>
13965 |
13966 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
13967 |
13968 | ```typescript
13969 | import {replace} from 'rambda'
13970 |
13971 | const str = 'foo bar foo'
13972 | const replacer = 'bar'
13973 |
13974 | describe('R.replace', () => {
13975 | it('happy', () => {
13976 | const result = replace(/foo/g, replacer, str)
13977 |
13978 | result // $ExpectType string
13979 | })
13980 | it('with string as search pattern', () => {
13981 | const result = replace('foo', replacer, str)
13982 |
13983 | result // $ExpectType string
13984 | })
13985 | })
13986 |
13987 | describe('R.replace - curried', () => {
13988 | it('happy', () => {
13989 | const result = replace(/foo/g, replacer)(str)
13990 |
13991 | result // $ExpectType string
13992 | })
13993 | it('with string as search pattern', () => {
13994 | const result = replace('foo', replacer)(str)
13995 |
13996 | result // $ExpectType string
13997 | })
13998 | })
13999 | ```
14000 |
14001 | </details>
14002 |
14003 | <details>
14004 |
14005 | <summary>Lodash is fastest. Rambda is 33.45% slower and Ramda is 33.99% slower</summary>
14006 |
14007 | ```text
14008 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
14009 |
14010 | const replace = [
14011 | {
14012 | label: 'Rambda',
14013 | fn: () => {
14014 | R.replace(/\s/g, '|', 'foo bar baz')
14015 | },
14016 | },
14017 | {
14018 | label: 'Ramda',
14019 | fn: () => {
14020 | Ramda.replace(/\s/g, '|', 'foo bar baz')
14021 | },
14022 | },
14023 | {
14024 | label: 'Lodash',
14025 | fn: () => {
14026 | _.replace('foo bar baz', /\s/g, '|')
14027 | },
14028 | },
14029 | ]
14030 | ```
14031 |
14032 | </details>
14033 |
14034 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#replace)
14035 |
14036 | ### reverse
14037 |
14038 | ```typescript
14039 |
14040 | reverse<T>(input: T[]): T[]
14041 | ```
14042 |
14043 | It returns a reversed copy of list or string `input`.
14044 |
14045 | <details>
14046 |
14047 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14048 |
14049 | ```typescript
14050 | reverse<T>(input: T[]): T[];
14051 | reverse(input: string): string;
14052 | ```
14053 |
14054 | </details>
14055 |
14056 | <details>
14057 |
14058 | <summary><strong>R.reverse</strong> source</summary>
14059 |
14060 | ```javascript
14061 | export function reverse(listOrString) {
14062 | if (typeof listOrString === 'string') {
14063 | return listOrString.split('').reverse().join('')
14064 | }
14065 |
14066 | const clone = listOrString.slice()
14067 |
14068 | return clone.reverse()
14069 | }
14070 | ```
14071 |
14072 | </details>
14073 |
14074 | <details>
14075 |
14076 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14077 |
14078 | ```javascript
14079 | import {reverse} from './reverse'
14080 |
14081 | test('happy', () => {
14082 | expect(reverse([1, 2, 3])).toEqual([3, 2, 1])
14083 | })
14084 |
14085 | test('with string', () => {
14086 | expect(reverse('baz')).toEqual('zab')
14087 | })
14088 |
14089 | test("it doesn't mutate", () => {
14090 | const arr = [1, 2, 3]
14091 |
14092 | expect(reverse(arr)).toEqual([3, 2, 1])
14093 |
14094 | expect(arr).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
14095 | })
14096 | ```
14097 |
14098 | </details>
14099 |
14100 | <details>
14101 |
14102 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
14103 |
14104 | ```typescript
14105 | import {reverse} from 'rambda'
14106 |
14107 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
14108 |
14109 | describe('R.reverse', () => {
14110 | it('happy', () => {
14111 | const result = reverse(list)
14112 | result // $ExpectType number[]
14113 | })
14114 | })
14115 | ```
14116 |
14117 | </details>
14118 |
14119 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#reverse)
14120 |
14121 | ### set
14122 |
14123 | ```typescript
14124 |
14125 | set<T, U>(lens: Lens, replacer: U, obj: T): T
14126 | ```
14127 |
14128 | It returns a copied **Object** or **Array** with modified `lens` focus set to `replacer` value.
14129 |
14130 | <details>
14131 |
14132 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14133 |
14134 | ```typescript
14135 | set<T, U>(lens: Lens, replacer: U, obj: T): T;
14136 | set<U>(lens: Lens, replacer: U): <T>(obj: T) => T;
14137 | set(lens: Lens): <T, U>(replacer: U, obj: T) => T;
14138 | ```
14139 |
14140 | </details>
14141 |
14142 | <details>
14143 |
14144 | <summary><strong>R.set</strong> source</summary>
14145 |
14146 | ```javascript
14147 | import {always} from './always'
14148 | import {curry} from './curry'
14149 | import {over} from './over'
14150 |
14151 | function setFn(lens, replacer, x) {
14152 | return over(lens, always(replacer), x)
14153 | }
14154 |
14155 | export const set = curry(setFn)
14156 | ```
14157 |
14158 | </details>
14159 |
14160 | <details>
14161 |
14162 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14163 |
14164 | ```javascript
14165 | import {assoc} from './assoc'
14166 | import {lens} from './lens'
14167 | import {lensIndex} from './lensIndex'
14168 | import {lensPath} from './lensPath'
14169 | import {prop} from './prop'
14170 | import {set} from './set'
14171 |
14172 | const testObject = {
14173 | foo: 'bar',
14174 | baz: {
14175 | a: 'x',
14176 | b: 'y',
14177 | },
14178 | }
14179 |
14180 | test('assoc lens', () => {
14181 | const assocLens = lens(prop('foo'), assoc('foo'))
14182 | const result = set(assocLens, 'FOO', testObject)
14183 | const expected = {
14184 | ...testObject,
14185 | foo: 'FOO',
14186 | }
14187 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
14188 | })
14189 |
14190 | test('path lens', () => {
14191 | const pathLens = lensPath('baz.a')
14192 | const result = set(pathLens, 'z', testObject)
14193 | const expected = {
14194 | ...testObject,
14195 | baz: {
14196 | a: 'z',
14197 | b: 'y',
14198 | },
14199 | }
14200 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
14201 | })
14202 |
14203 | test('index lens', () => {
14204 | const indexLens = lensIndex(0)
14205 |
14206 | const result = set(indexLens, 3, [1, 2])
14207 | expect(result).toEqual([3, 2])
14208 | })
14209 | ```
14210 |
14211 | </details>
14212 |
14213 | <details>
14214 |
14215 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 50.35%</summary>
14216 |
14217 | ```text
14218 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
14219 |
14220 | const testObj = {a: 1}
14221 |
14222 | const last = [
14223 | {
14224 | label: 'Rambda',
14225 | fn: () => {
14226 | R.set(R.lensProp('a'), 2, testObj)
14227 | },
14228 | },
14229 | {
14230 | label: 'Ramda',
14231 | fn: () => {
14232 | Ramda.set(Ramda.lensProp('a'), 2, testObj)
14233 | },
14234 | },
14235 | ]
14236 | ```
14237 |
14238 | </details>
14239 |
14240 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#set)
14241 |
14242 | ### slice
14243 |
14244 | ```typescript
14245 |
14246 | slice(from: number, to: number, input: string): string
14247 | ```
14248 |
14249 | <details>
14250 |
14251 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14252 |
14253 | ```typescript
14254 | slice(from: number, to: number, input: string): string;
14255 | slice<T>(from: number, to: number, input: T[]): T[];
14256 | slice(from: number, to: number): {
14257 | (input: string): string;
14258 | <T>(input: T[]): T[];
14259 | };
14260 | slice(from: number): {
14261 | (to: number, input: string): string;
14262 | <T>(to: number, input: T[]): T[];
14263 | };
14264 | ```
14265 |
14266 | </details>
14267 |
14268 | <details>
14269 |
14270 | <summary><strong>R.slice</strong> source</summary>
14271 |
14272 | ```javascript
14273 | import {curry} from './curry'
14274 |
14275 | function sliceFn(from, to, list) {
14276 | return list.slice(from, to)
14277 | }
14278 |
14279 | export const slice = curry(sliceFn)
14280 | ```
14281 |
14282 | </details>
14283 |
14284 | <details>
14285 |
14286 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14287 |
14288 | ```javascript
14289 | import {slice} from './slice'
14290 |
14291 | test('slice', () => {
14292 | expect(slice(1, 3, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])).toEqual(['b', 'c'])
14293 | expect(slice(1, Infinity, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])).toEqual(['b', 'c', 'd'])
14294 | expect(slice(0, -1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])).toEqual(['a', 'b', 'c'])
14295 | expect(slice(-3, -1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])).toEqual(['b', 'c'])
14296 | expect(slice(0, 3, 'ramda')).toEqual('ram')
14297 | })
14298 | ```
14299 |
14300 | </details>
14301 |
14302 | <details>
14303 |
14304 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
14305 |
14306 | ```typescript
14307 | import {slice} from 'rambda'
14308 |
14309 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
14310 |
14311 | describe('R.slice', () => {
14312 | it('happy', () => {
14313 | const result = slice(1, 3, list)
14314 | result // $ExpectType number[]
14315 | })
14316 | it('curried', () => {
14317 | const result = slice(1, 3)(list)
14318 | result // $ExpectType number[]
14319 | })
14320 | })
14321 | ```
14322 |
14323 | </details>
14324 |
14325 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#slice)
14326 |
14327 | ### sort
14328 |
14329 | ```typescript
14330 |
14331 | sort<T>(sortFn: (a: T, b: T) => number, list: T[]): T[]
14332 | ```
14333 |
14334 | It returns copy of `list` sorted by `sortFn` function.
14335 |
14336 | <details>
14337 |
14338 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14339 |
14340 | ```typescript
14341 | sort<T>(sortFn: (a: T, b: T) => number, list: T[]): T[];
14342 | sort<T>(sortFn: (a: T, b: T) => number): (list: T[]) => T[];
14343 | ```
14344 |
14345 | </details>
14346 |
14347 | <details>
14348 |
14349 | <summary><strong>R.sort</strong> source</summary>
14350 |
14351 | ```javascript
14352 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
14353 |
14354 | export function sort(sortFn, list) {
14355 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => sort(sortFn, _list)
14356 |
14357 | return cloneList(list).sort(sortFn)
14358 | }
14359 | ```
14360 |
14361 | </details>
14362 |
14363 | <details>
14364 |
14365 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14366 |
14367 | ```javascript
14368 | import {sort} from './sort'
14369 |
14370 | const fn = (a, b) => (a > b ? 1 : -1)
14371 |
14372 | test('sort', () => {
14373 | expect(sort((a, b) => a - b)([2, 3, 1])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
14374 | })
14375 |
14376 | test("it doesn't mutate", () => {
14377 | const list = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
14378 |
14379 | expect(sort(fn, list)).toEqual(['bar', 'baz', 'foo'])
14380 |
14381 | expect(list[0]).toBe('foo')
14382 | expect(list[1]).toBe('bar')
14383 | expect(list[2]).toBe('baz')
14384 | })
14385 | ```
14386 |
14387 | </details>
14388 |
14389 | <details>
14390 |
14391 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
14392 |
14393 | ```typescript
14394 | import {sort} from 'rambda'
14395 |
14396 | const list = [3, 0, 5, 2, 1]
14397 |
14398 | function sortFn(a: number, b: number): number {
14399 | return a > b ? 1 : -1
14400 | }
14401 |
14402 | describe('R.sort', () => {
14403 | it('happy', () => {
14404 | const result = sort(sortFn, list)
14405 | result // $ExpectType number[]
14406 | })
14407 | it('curried', () => {
14408 | const result = sort(sortFn)(list)
14409 | result // $ExpectType number[]
14410 | })
14411 | })
14412 | ```
14413 |
14414 | </details>
14415 |
14416 | <details>
14417 |
14418 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 40.23%</summary>
14419 |
14420 | ```text
14421 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
14422 |
14423 | const list = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
14424 | const fn = (a, b) => (a > b ? -1 : 1)
14425 |
14426 | const replace = [
14427 | {
14428 | label: 'Rambda',
14429 | fn: () => {
14430 | R.sort(fn, list)
14431 | R.sort(fn)(list)
14432 | },
14433 | },
14434 | {
14435 | label: 'Ramda',
14436 | fn: () => {
14437 | Ramda.sort(fn, list)
14438 | Ramda.sort(fn)(list)
14439 | },
14440 | },
14441 | ]
14442 | ```
14443 |
14444 | </details>
14445 |
14446 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#sort)
14447 |
14448 | ### sortBy
14449 |
14450 | ```typescript
14451 |
14452 | sortBy<T>(sortFn: (a: T) => Ord, list: T[]): T[]
14453 | ```
14454 |
14455 | It returns copy of `list` sorted by `sortFn` function.
14456 |
14457 | <details>
14458 |
14459 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14460 |
14461 | ```typescript
14462 | sortBy<T>(sortFn: (a: T) => Ord, list: T[]): T[];
14463 | sortBy<T>(sortFn: (a: T) => Ord): (list: T[]) => T[];
14464 | sortBy(sortFn: (a: any) => Ord): <T>(list: T[]) => T[];
14465 | ```
14466 |
14467 | </details>
14468 |
14469 | <details>
14470 |
14471 | <summary><strong>R.sortBy</strong> source</summary>
14472 |
14473 | ```javascript
14474 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
14475 |
14476 | export function sortBy(sortFn, list) {
14477 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => sortBy(sortFn, _list)
14478 |
14479 | const clone = cloneList(list)
14480 |
14481 | return clone.sort((a, b) => {
14482 | const aSortResult = sortFn(a)
14483 | const bSortResult = sortFn(b)
14484 |
14485 | if (aSortResult === bSortResult) return 0
14486 |
14487 | return aSortResult < bSortResult ? -1 : 1
14488 | })
14489 | }
14490 | ```
14491 |
14492 | </details>
14493 |
14494 | <details>
14495 |
14496 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14497 |
14498 | ```javascript
14499 | import {compose} from './compose'
14500 | import {prop} from './prop'
14501 | import {sortBy} from './sortBy'
14502 | import {toLower} from './toLower'
14503 |
14504 | test('happy', () => {
14505 | const input = [{a: 2}, {a: 1}, {a: 1}, {a: 3}]
14506 | const expected = [{a: 1}, {a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]
14507 |
14508 | const result = sortBy(x => x.a)(input)
14509 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
14510 | })
14511 |
14512 | test('with compose', () => {
14513 | const alice = {
14514 | name: 'ALICE',
14515 | age: 101,
14516 | }
14517 | const bob = {
14518 | name: 'Bob',
14519 | age: -10,
14520 | }
14521 | const clara = {
14522 | name: 'clara',
14523 | age: 314.159,
14524 | }
14525 | const people = [clara, bob, alice]
14526 | const sortByNameCaseInsensitive = sortBy(compose(toLower, prop('name')))
14527 |
14528 | expect(sortByNameCaseInsensitive(people)).toEqual([alice, bob, clara])
14529 | })
14530 | ```
14531 |
14532 | </details>
14533 |
14534 | <details>
14535 |
14536 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
14537 |
14538 | ```typescript
14539 | import {sortBy, pipe} from 'rambda'
14540 |
14541 | interface Input {
14542 | a: number,
14543 | }
14544 |
14545 | describe('R.sortBy', () => {
14546 | it('passing type to sort function', () => {
14547 | function fn(x: any): number {
14548 | return x.a
14549 | }
14550 | function fn2(x: Input): number {
14551 | return x.a
14552 | }
14553 |
14554 | const input = [{a: 2}, {a: 1}, {a: 0}]
14555 | const result = sortBy(fn, input)
14556 | const curriedResult = sortBy(fn2)(input)
14557 |
14558 | result // $ExpectType { a: number; }[]
14559 | curriedResult // $ExpectType Input[]
14560 | result[0].a // $ExpectType number
14561 | curriedResult[0].a // $ExpectType number
14562 | })
14563 | it('passing type to sort function and list', () => {
14564 | function fn(x: Input): number {
14565 | return x.a
14566 | }
14567 |
14568 | const input: Input[] = [{a: 2}, {a: 1}, {a: 0}]
14569 | const result = sortBy(fn, input)
14570 | const curriedResult = sortBy(fn)(input)
14571 |
14572 | result // $ExpectType Input[]
14573 | curriedResult // $ExpectType Input[]
14574 | result[0].a // $ExpectType number
14575 | })
14576 | it('with R.pipe', () => {
14577 | interface Obj {
14578 | value: number,
14579 | }
14580 | const fn = pipe(sortBy<Obj>(x => x.value))
14581 |
14582 | const result = fn([{value: 1}, {value: 2}])
14583 | result // $ExpectType Obj[]
14584 | })
14585 | })
14586 | ```
14587 |
14588 | </details>
14589 |
14590 | <details>
14591 |
14592 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 25.29% slower and Lodash is 56.88% slower</summary>
14593 |
14594 | ```text
14595 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
14596 |
14597 | const list = [{a: 2}, {a: 1}, {a: 0}]
14598 | const fn = x => x.a
14599 |
14600 | const replace = [
14601 | {
14602 | label: 'Rambda',
14603 | fn: () => {
14604 | R.sortBy(fn, list)
14605 | },
14606 | },
14607 | {
14608 | label: 'Ramda',
14609 | fn: () => {
14610 | Ramda.sortBy(fn, list)
14611 | },
14612 | },
14613 | {
14614 | label: 'Lodash',
14615 | fn: () => {
14616 | _.sortBy(list, fn)
14617 | },
14618 | },
14619 | ]
14620 | ```
14621 |
14622 | </details>
14623 |
14624 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#sortBy)
14625 |
14626 | ### split
14627 |
14628 | ```typescript
14629 |
14630 | split(separator: string | RegExp): (str: string) => string[]
14631 | ```
14632 |
14633 | Curried version of `String.prototype.split`
14634 |
14635 | <details>
14636 |
14637 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14638 |
14639 | ```typescript
14640 | split(separator: string | RegExp): (str: string) => string[];
14641 | split(separator: string | RegExp, str: string): string[];
14642 | ```
14643 |
14644 | </details>
14645 |
14646 | <details>
14647 |
14648 | <summary><strong>R.split</strong> source</summary>
14649 |
14650 | ```javascript
14651 | export function split(separator, str) {
14652 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _str => split(separator, _str)
14653 |
14654 | return str.split(separator)
14655 | }
14656 | ```
14657 |
14658 | </details>
14659 |
14660 | <details>
14661 |
14662 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14663 |
14664 | ```javascript
14665 | import {split} from './split'
14666 |
14667 | const str = 'foo|bar|baz'
14668 | const splitChar = '|'
14669 | const expected = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
14670 |
14671 | test('happy', () => {
14672 | expect(split(splitChar, str)).toEqual(expected)
14673 | })
14674 |
14675 | test('curried', () => {
14676 | expect(split(splitChar)(str)).toEqual(expected)
14677 | })
14678 | ```
14679 |
14680 | </details>
14681 |
14682 | <details>
14683 |
14684 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
14685 |
14686 | ```typescript
14687 | import {split} from 'rambda'
14688 |
14689 | const str = 'foo|bar|baz'
14690 | const splitChar = '|'
14691 |
14692 | describe('R.split', () => {
14693 | it('happy', () => {
14694 | const result = split(splitChar, str)
14695 |
14696 | result // $ExpectType string[]
14697 | })
14698 | it('curried', () => {
14699 | const result = split(splitChar)(str)
14700 |
14701 | result // $ExpectType string[]
14702 | })
14703 | })
14704 | ```
14705 |
14706 | </details>
14707 |
14708 | <details>
14709 |
14710 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 55.37% slower and Lodash is 17.64% slower</summary>
14711 |
14712 | ```text
14713 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
14714 |
14715 | const str = 'foo|bar|baz'
14716 | const sep = '|'
14717 |
14718 | const split = [
14719 | {
14720 | label: 'Rambda',
14721 | fn: () => {
14722 | R.split(sep, str)
14723 | },
14724 | },
14725 | {
14726 | label: 'Ramda',
14727 | fn: () => {
14728 | Ramda.split(sep, str)
14729 | },
14730 | },
14731 | {
14732 | label: 'Lodash',
14733 | fn: () => {
14734 | _.split(str, sep)
14735 | },
14736 | },
14737 | ]
14738 | ```
14739 |
14740 | </details>
14741 |
14742 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#split)
14743 |
14744 | ### splitAt
14745 |
14746 | ```typescript
14747 |
14748 | splitAt<T>(index: number, input: T[]): [T[], T[]]
14749 | ```
14750 |
14751 | It splits string or array at a given index.
14752 |
14753 | <details>
14754 |
14755 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14756 |
14757 | ```typescript
14758 | splitAt<T>(index: number, input: T[]): [T[], T[]];
14759 | splitAt(index: number, input: string): [string, string];
14760 | splitAt(index: number): {
14761 | <T>(input: T[]): [T[], T[]];
14762 | (input: string): [string, string];
14763 | };
14764 | ```
14765 |
14766 | </details>
14767 |
14768 | <details>
14769 |
14770 | <summary><strong>R.splitAt</strong> source</summary>
14771 |
14772 | ```javascript
14773 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
14774 | import {drop} from './drop'
14775 | import {maybe} from './maybe'
14776 | import {take} from './take'
14777 |
14778 | export function splitAt(index, input) {
14779 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
14780 | return _list => splitAt(index, _list)
14781 | }
14782 | if (!input) throw new TypeError(`Cannot read property 'slice' of ${input}`)
14783 |
14784 | if (!_isArray(input) && typeof input !== 'string') return [[], []]
14785 |
14786 | const correctIndex = maybe(
14787 | index < 0,
14788 | input.length + index < 0 ? 0 : input.length + index,
14789 | index
14790 | )
14791 |
14792 | return [take(correctIndex, input), drop(correctIndex, input)]
14793 | }
14794 | ```
14795 |
14796 | </details>
14797 |
14798 | <details>
14799 |
14800 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14801 |
14802 | ```javascript
14803 | import {splitAt as splitAtRamda} from 'ramda'
14804 |
14805 | import {splitAt} from './splitAt'
14806 |
14807 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
14808 | const str = 'foo bar'
14809 |
14810 | test('with array', () => {
14811 | const result = splitAt(2, list)
14812 | expect(result).toEqual([[1, 2], [3]])
14813 | })
14814 |
14815 | test('with array - index is negative number', () => {
14816 | const result = splitAt(-6, list)
14817 | expect(result).toEqual([[], list])
14818 | })
14819 |
14820 | test('with array - index is out of scope', () => {
14821 | const result = splitAt(4, list)
14822 | expect(result).toEqual([[1, 2, 3], []])
14823 | })
14824 |
14825 | test('with string', () => {
14826 | const result = splitAt(4, str)
14827 | expect(result).toEqual(['foo ', 'bar'])
14828 | })
14829 |
14830 | test('with string - index is negative number', () => {
14831 | const result = splitAt(-2, str)
14832 | expect(result).toEqual(['foo b', 'ar'])
14833 | })
14834 |
14835 | test('with string - index is out of scope', () => {
14836 | const result = splitAt(10, str)
14837 | expect(result).toEqual([str, ''])
14838 | })
14839 |
14840 | test('with array - index is out of scope', () => {
14841 | const result = splitAt(4)(list)
14842 | expect(result).toEqual([[1, 2, 3], []])
14843 | })
14844 |
14845 | const badInputs = [1, true, /foo/g, {}]
14846 | const throwingBadInputs = [null, undefined]
14847 |
14848 | test('with bad inputs', () => {
14849 | throwingBadInputs.forEach(badInput => {
14850 | expect(() => splitAt(1, badInput)).toThrowWithMessage(
14851 | TypeError,
14852 | `Cannot read property 'slice' of ${badInput}`
14853 | )
14854 | expect(() => splitAtRamda(1, badInput)).toThrowWithMessage(
14855 | TypeError,
14856 | `Cannot read properties of ${badInput} (reading 'slice')`
14857 | )
14858 | })
14859 |
14860 | badInputs.forEach(badInput => {
14861 | const result = splitAt(1, badInput)
14862 | const ramdaResult = splitAtRamda(1, badInput)
14863 | expect(result).toEqual(ramdaResult)
14864 | })
14865 | })
14866 | ```
14867 |
14868 | </details>
14869 |
14870 | <details>
14871 |
14872 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
14873 |
14874 | ```typescript
14875 | import {splitAt} from 'ramda'
14876 |
14877 | const index = 1
14878 | const str = 'foo'
14879 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
14880 |
14881 | describe('R.splitAt with array', () => {
14882 | it('happy', () => {
14883 | const result = splitAt(index, list)
14884 |
14885 | result // $ExpectType [number[], number[]]
14886 | })
14887 | it('curried', () => {
14888 | const result = splitAt(index)(list)
14889 |
14890 | result // $ExpectType [number[], number[]]
14891 | })
14892 | })
14893 |
14894 | describe('R.splitAt with string', () => {
14895 | it('happy', () => {
14896 | const result = splitAt(index, str)
14897 |
14898 | result // $ExpectType [string, string]
14899 | })
14900 | it('curried', () => {
14901 | const result = splitAt(index)(str)
14902 |
14903 | result // $ExpectType [string, string]
14904 | })
14905 | })
14906 | ```
14907 |
14908 | </details>
14909 |
14910 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#splitAt)
14911 |
14912 | ### splitEvery
14913 |
14914 | ```typescript
14915 |
14916 | splitEvery<T>(sliceLength: number, input: T[]): (T[])[]
14917 | ```
14918 |
14919 | It splits `input` into slices of `sliceLength`.
14920 |
14921 | <details>
14922 |
14923 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
14924 |
14925 | ```typescript
14926 | splitEvery<T>(sliceLength: number, input: T[]): (T[])[];
14927 | splitEvery(sliceLength: number, input: string): string[];
14928 | splitEvery(sliceLength: number): {
14929 | (input: string): string[];
14930 | <T>(input: T[]): (T[])[];
14931 | };
14932 | ```
14933 |
14934 | </details>
14935 |
14936 | <details>
14937 |
14938 | <summary><strong>R.splitEvery</strong> source</summary>
14939 |
14940 | ```javascript
14941 | export function splitEvery(sliceLength, listOrString) {
14942 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
14943 | return _listOrString => splitEvery(sliceLength, _listOrString)
14944 | }
14945 |
14946 | if (sliceLength < 1) {
14947 | throw new Error(
14948 | 'First argument to splitEvery must be a positive integer'
14949 | )
14950 | }
14951 |
14952 | const willReturn = []
14953 | let counter = 0
14954 |
14955 | while (counter < listOrString.length) {
14956 | willReturn.push(listOrString.slice(counter, (counter += sliceLength)))
14957 | }
14958 |
14959 | return willReturn
14960 | }
14961 | ```
14962 |
14963 | </details>
14964 |
14965 | <details>
14966 |
14967 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
14968 |
14969 | ```javascript
14970 | import {splitEvery} from './splitEvery'
14971 |
14972 | test('happy', () => {
14973 | expect(splitEvery(3, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])).toEqual([
14974 | [1, 2, 3],
14975 | [4, 5, 6],
14976 | [7],
14977 | ])
14978 |
14979 | expect(splitEvery(3)('foobarbaz')).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
14980 | })
14981 |
14982 | test('with bad input', () => {
14983 | expect(() =>
14984 | expect(splitEvery(0)('foo')).toEqual(['f', 'o', 'o'])
14985 | ).toThrowWithMessage(
14986 | Error,
14987 | 'First argument to splitEvery must be a positive integer'
14988 | )
14989 | })
14990 | ```
14991 |
14992 | </details>
14993 |
14994 | <details>
14995 |
14996 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
14997 |
14998 | ```typescript
14999 | import {splitEvery} from 'rambda'
15000 |
15001 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
15002 |
15003 | describe('R.splitEvery', () => {
15004 | it('happy', () => {
15005 | const result = splitEvery(3, list)
15006 |
15007 | result // $ExpectType number[][]
15008 | })
15009 | it('curried', () => {
15010 | const result = splitEvery(3)(list)
15011 |
15012 | result // $ExpectType number[][]
15013 | })
15014 | })
15015 | ```
15016 |
15017 | </details>
15018 |
15019 | <details>
15020 |
15021 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 71.98%</summary>
15022 |
15023 | ```text
15024 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
15025 |
15026 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
15027 |
15028 | const splitEvery = [
15029 | {
15030 | label: 'Rambda',
15031 | fn: () => {
15032 | R.splitEvery(3, list)
15033 | },
15034 | },
15035 | {
15036 | label: 'Ramda',
15037 | fn: () => {
15038 | Ramda.splitEvery(3, list)
15039 | },
15040 | },
15041 | ]
15042 | ```
15043 |
15044 | </details>
15045 |
15046 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#splitEvery)
15047 |
15048 | ### splitWhen
15049 |
15050 | ```typescript
15051 |
15052 | splitWhen<T, U>(predicate: Predicate<T>, list: U[]): (U[])[]
15053 | ```
15054 |
15055 | It splits `list` to two arrays according to a `predicate` function.
15056 |
15057 | The first array contains all members of `list` before `predicate` returns `true`.
15058 |
15059 | <details>
15060 |
15061 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15062 |
15063 | ```typescript
15064 | splitWhen<T, U>(predicate: Predicate<T>, list: U[]): (U[])[];
15065 | splitWhen<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): <U>(list: U[]) => (U[])[];
15066 | ```
15067 |
15068 | </details>
15069 |
15070 | <details>
15071 |
15072 | <summary><strong>R.splitWhen</strong> source</summary>
15073 |
15074 | ```javascript
15075 | export function splitWhen(predicate, input) {
15076 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
15077 | return _input => splitWhen(predicate, _input)
15078 | }
15079 | if (!input)
15080 | throw new TypeError(`Cannot read property 'length' of ${input}`)
15081 |
15082 | const preFound = []
15083 | const postFound = []
15084 | let found = false
15085 | let counter = -1
15086 |
15087 | while (counter++ < input.length - 1) {
15088 | if (found) {
15089 | postFound.push(input[counter])
15090 | } else if (predicate(input[counter])) {
15091 | postFound.push(input[counter])
15092 | found = true
15093 | } else {
15094 | preFound.push(input[counter])
15095 | }
15096 | }
15097 |
15098 | return [preFound, postFound]
15099 | }
15100 | ```
15101 |
15102 | </details>
15103 |
15104 | <details>
15105 |
15106 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15107 |
15108 | ```javascript
15109 | import {splitWhen as splitWhenRamda} from 'ramda'
15110 |
15111 | import {equals} from './equals'
15112 | import {splitWhen} from './splitWhen'
15113 |
15114 | const list = [1, 2, 1, 2]
15115 |
15116 | test('happy', () => {
15117 | const result = splitWhen(equals(2), list)
15118 | expect(result).toEqual([[1], [2, 1, 2]])
15119 | })
15120 |
15121 | test('when predicate returns false', () => {
15122 | const result = splitWhen(equals(3))(list)
15123 | expect(result).toEqual([list, []])
15124 | })
15125 |
15126 | const badInputs = [1, true, /foo/g, {}]
15127 | const throwingBadInputs = [null, undefined]
15128 |
15129 | test('with bad inputs', () => {
15130 | throwingBadInputs.forEach(badInput => {
15131 | expect(() => splitWhen(equals(2), badInput)).toThrowWithMessage(
15132 | TypeError,
15133 | `Cannot read property 'length' of ${badInput}`
15134 | )
15135 | expect(() => splitWhenRamda(equals(2), badInput)).toThrowWithMessage(
15136 | TypeError,
15137 | `Cannot read properties of ${badInput} (reading 'length')`
15138 | )
15139 | })
15140 |
15141 | badInputs.forEach(badInput => {
15142 | const result = splitWhen(equals(2), badInput)
15143 | const ramdaResult = splitWhenRamda(equals(2), badInput)
15144 | expect(result).toEqual(ramdaResult)
15145 | })
15146 | })
15147 | ```
15148 |
15149 | </details>
15150 |
15151 | <details>
15152 |
15153 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
15154 |
15155 | ```typescript
15156 | import {splitWhen} from 'rambda'
15157 |
15158 | const list = [1, 2, 1, 2]
15159 | const predicate = (x: number) => x === 2
15160 |
15161 | describe('R.splitWhen', () => {
15162 | it('happy', () => {
15163 | const result = splitWhen(predicate, list)
15164 |
15165 | result // $ExpectType number[][]
15166 | })
15167 | it('curried', () => {
15168 | const result = splitWhen(predicate)(list)
15169 |
15170 | result // $ExpectType number[][]
15171 | })
15172 | })
15173 | ```
15174 |
15175 | </details>
15176 |
15177 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#splitWhen)
15178 |
15179 | ### startsWith
15180 |
15181 | ```typescript
15182 |
15183 | startsWith(target: string, str: string): boolean
15184 | ```
15185 |
15186 | When iterable is a string, then it behaves as `String.prototype.startsWith`.
15187 | When iterable is a list, then it uses R.equals to determine if the target list starts in the same way as the given target.
15188 |
15189 | <details>
15190 |
15191 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15192 |
15193 | ```typescript
15194 | startsWith(target: string, str: string): boolean;
15195 | startsWith(target: string): (str: string) => boolean;
15196 | startsWith<T>(target: T[], list: T[]): boolean;
15197 | startsWith<T>(target: T[]): (list: T[]) => boolean;
15198 | ```
15199 |
15200 | </details>
15201 |
15202 | <details>
15203 |
15204 | <summary><strong>R.startsWith</strong> source</summary>
15205 |
15206 | ```javascript
15207 | import {equals} from './equals.js'
15208 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray.js'
15209 |
15210 | export function startsWith(target, iterable) {
15211 | if (arguments.length === 1)
15212 | return _iterable => startsWith(target, _iterable)
15213 |
15214 | if (typeof iterable === 'string') {
15215 | return iterable.startsWith(target)
15216 | }
15217 | if (!_isArray(target)) return false
15218 |
15219 | let correct = true
15220 | const filtered = target.filter((x, index) => {
15221 | if (!correct) return false
15222 | const result = equals(x, iterable[index])
15223 | if (!result) correct = false
15224 | return result
15225 | })
15226 |
15227 | return filtered.length === target.length
15228 | }
15229 | ```
15230 |
15231 | </details>
15232 |
15233 | <details>
15234 |
15235 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15236 |
15237 | ```javascript
15238 | import {startsWith} from './startsWith'
15239 | import {possibleTargets, possibleIterables} from './endsWith.spec'
15240 | import {startsWith as startsWithRamda} from 'ramda'
15241 | import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'
15242 |
15243 | test('with string', () => {
15244 | expect(startsWith('foo', 'foo-bar')).toBeTrue()
15245 | expect(startsWith('baz')('foo-bar')).toBeFalse()
15246 | })
15247 |
15248 | test('use R.equals with array', () => {
15249 | const list = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]
15250 | expect(startsWith({a: 1}, list)).toBeFalse()
15251 | expect(startsWith([{a: 1}], list)).toBeTrue()
15252 | expect(startsWith([{a: 1}, {a: 2}], list)).toBeTrue()
15253 | expect(startsWith(list, list)).toBeTrue()
15254 | expect(startsWith([{a: 2}], list)).toBeFalse()
15255 | })
15256 |
15257 | describe('brute force', () => {
15258 | compareCombinations({
15259 | fn: startsWith,
15260 | fnRamda: startsWithRamda,
15261 | firstInput: possibleTargets,
15262 | secondInput: possibleIterables,
15263 | callback: errorsCounters => {
15264 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
15265 | Object {
15268 | "RESULTS_MISMATCH": 0,
15269 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 0,
15270 | "SHOULD_THROW": 0,
15271 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 32,
15272 | }
15273 | `)
15274 | },
15275 | })
15276 | })
15277 | ```
15278 |
15279 | </details>
15280 |
15281 | <details>
15282 |
15283 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
15284 |
15285 | ```typescript
15286 | import {startsWith} from 'rambda'
15287 |
15288 | describe('R.startsWith - array as iterable', () => {
15289 | const target = [{a: 1}]
15290 | const iterable = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}]
15291 | it('happy', () => {
15292 | const result = startsWith(target, iterable)
15293 |
15294 | result // $ExpectType boolean
15295 | })
15296 | it('curried', () => {
15297 | const result = startsWith(target)(iterable)
15298 |
15299 | result // $ExpectType boolean
15300 | })
15301 | })
15302 |
15303 | describe('R.startsWith - string as iterable', () => {
15304 | const target = 'foo'
15305 | const iterable = 'foo bar'
15306 | it('happy', () => {
15307 | const result = startsWith(target, iterable)
15308 |
15309 | result // $ExpectType boolean
15310 | })
15311 | it('curried', () => {
15312 | const result = startsWith(target)(iterable)
15313 |
15314 | result // $ExpectType boolean
15315 | })
15316 | })
15317 | ```
15318 |
15319 | </details>
15320 |
15321 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#startsWith)
15322 |
15323 | ### subtract
15324 |
15325 | Curried version of `x - y`
15326 |
15327 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#subtract)
15328 |
15329 | ### sum
15330 |
15331 | ```typescript
15332 |
15333 | sum(list: number[]): number
15334 | ```
15335 |
15336 | <details>
15337 |
15338 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15339 |
15340 | ```typescript
15341 | sum(list: number[]): number;
15342 | ```
15343 |
15344 | </details>
15345 |
15346 | <details>
15347 |
15348 | <summary><strong>R.sum</strong> source</summary>
15349 |
15350 | ```javascript
15351 | export function sum(list) {
15352 | return list.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current, 0)
15353 | }
15354 | ```
15355 |
15356 | </details>
15357 |
15358 | <details>
15359 |
15360 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15361 |
15362 | ```javascript
15363 | import {sum} from './sum'
15364 |
15365 | test('happy', () => {
15366 | expect(sum([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).toBe(15)
15367 | })
15368 | ```
15369 |
15370 | </details>
15371 |
15372 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#sum)
15373 |
15374 | ### symmetricDifference
15375 |
15376 | ```typescript
15377 |
15378 | symmetricDifference<T>(x: T[], y: T[]): T[]
15379 | ```
15380 |
15381 | It returns a merged list of `x` and `y` with all equal elements removed.
15382 |
15383 | `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
15384 |
15385 | <details>
15386 |
15387 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15388 |
15389 | ```typescript
15390 | symmetricDifference<T>(x: T[], y: T[]): T[];
15391 | symmetricDifference<T>(x: T[]): <T>(y: T[]) => T[];
15392 | ```
15393 |
15394 | </details>
15395 |
15396 | <details>
15397 |
15398 | <summary><strong>R.symmetricDifference</strong> source</summary>
15399 |
15400 | ```javascript
15401 | import {concat} from './concat'
15402 | import {filter} from './filter'
15403 | import {includes} from './includes'
15404 |
15405 | export function symmetricDifference(x, y) {
15406 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
15407 | return _y => symmetricDifference(x, _y)
15408 | }
15409 |
15410 | return concat(
15411 | filter(value => !includes(value, y), x),
15412 | filter(value => !includes(value, x), y)
15413 | )
15414 | }
15415 | ```
15416 |
15417 | </details>
15418 |
15419 | <details>
15420 |
15421 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15422 |
15423 | ```javascript
15424 | import {symmetricDifference} from './symmetricDifference'
15425 |
15426 | test('symmetricDifference', () => {
15427 | const list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
15428 | const list2 = [3, 4, 5, 6]
15429 | expect(symmetricDifference(list1)(list2)).toEqual([1, 2, 5, 6])
15430 |
15431 | expect(symmetricDifference([], [])).toEqual([])
15432 | })
15433 |
15434 | test('symmetricDifference with objects', () => {
15435 | const list1 = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}]
15436 | const list2 = [{id: 3}, {id: 4}, {id: 5}, {id: 6}]
15437 | expect(symmetricDifference(list1)(list2)).toEqual([
15438 | {id: 1},
15439 | {id: 2},
15440 | {id: 5},
15441 | {id: 6},
15442 | ])
15443 | })
15444 | ```
15445 |
15446 | </details>
15447 |
15448 | <details>
15449 |
15450 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
15451 |
15452 | ```typescript
15453 | import {symmetricDifference} from 'rambda'
15454 |
15455 | describe('R.symmetricDifference', () => {
15456 | it('happy', () => {
15457 | const list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
15458 | const list2 = [3, 4, 5, 6]
15459 | const result = symmetricDifference(list1, list2)
15460 |
15461 | result // $ExpectType number[]
15462 | })
15463 |
15464 | it('curried', () => {
15465 | const list1 = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}, {id: 3}, {id: 4}]
15466 | const list2 = [{id: 3}, {id: 4}, {id: 5}, {id: 6}]
15467 | const result = symmetricDifference(list1)(list2)
15468 |
15469 | result // $ExpectType { id: number; }[]
15470 | })
15471 | })
15472 | ```
15473 |
15474 | </details>
15475 |
15476 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#symmetricDifference)
15477 |
15478 | ### T
15479 |
15480 | ```typescript
15481 |
15482 | T(): boolean
15483 | ```
15484 |
15485 | <details>
15486 |
15487 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15488 |
15489 | ```typescript
15490 | T(): boolean;
15491 | ```
15492 |
15493 | </details>
15494 |
15495 | <details>
15496 |
15497 | <summary><strong>R.T</strong> source</summary>
15498 |
15499 | ```javascript
15500 | export function T() {
15501 | return true
15502 | }
15503 | ```
15504 |
15505 | </details>
15506 |
15507 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#T)
15508 |
15509 | ### tail
15510 |
15511 | ```typescript
15512 |
15513 | tail<T>(input: T[]): T[]
15514 | ```
15515 |
15516 | It returns all but the first element of `input`.
15517 |
15518 | <details>
15519 |
15520 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15521 |
15522 | ```typescript
15523 | tail<T>(input: T[]): T[];
15524 | tail(input: string): string;
15525 | ```
15526 |
15527 | </details>
15528 |
15529 | <details>
15530 |
15531 | <summary><strong>R.tail</strong> source</summary>
15532 |
15533 | ```javascript
15534 | import {drop} from './drop'
15535 |
15536 | export function tail(listOrString) {
15537 | return drop(1, listOrString)
15538 | }
15539 | ```
15540 |
15541 | </details>
15542 |
15543 | <details>
15544 |
15545 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15546 |
15547 | ```javascript
15548 | import {tail} from './tail'
15549 |
15550 | test('tail', () => {
15551 | expect(tail([1, 2, 3])).toEqual([2, 3])
15552 | expect(tail([1, 2])).toEqual([2])
15553 | expect(tail([1])).toEqual([])
15554 | expect(tail([])).toEqual([])
15555 |
15556 | expect(tail('abc')).toEqual('bc')
15557 | expect(tail('ab')).toEqual('b')
15558 | expect(tail('a')).toEqual('')
15559 | expect(tail('')).toEqual('')
15560 | })
15561 | ```
15562 |
15563 | </details>
15564 |
15565 | <details>
15566 |
15567 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
15568 |
15569 | ```typescript
15570 | import {tail} from 'rambda'
15571 |
15572 | describe('R.tail', () => {
15573 | it('with string', () => {
15574 | const result = tail('foo')
15575 |
15576 | result // $ExpectType string
15577 | })
15578 | it('with list', () => {
15579 | const result = tail([1, 2, 3])
15580 |
15581 | result // $ExpectType number[]
15582 | })
15583 | })
15584 | ```
15585 |
15586 | </details>
15587 |
15588 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#tail)
15589 |
15590 | ### take
15591 |
15592 | ```typescript
15593 |
15594 | take<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[]
15595 | ```
15596 |
15597 | It returns the first `howMany` elements of `input`.
15598 |
15599 | <details>
15600 |
15601 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15602 |
15603 | ```typescript
15604 | take<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[];
15605 | take(howMany: number, input: string): string;
15606 | take<T>(howMany: number): {
15607 | <T>(input: T[]): T[];
15608 | (input: string): string;
15609 | };
15610 | ```
15611 |
15612 | </details>
15613 |
15614 | <details>
15615 |
15616 | <summary><strong>R.take</strong> source</summary>
15617 |
15618 | ```javascript
15619 | import baseSlice from './_internals/baseSlice'
15620 |
15621 | export function take(howMany, listOrString) {
15622 | if (arguments.length === 1)
15623 | return _listOrString => take(howMany, _listOrString)
15624 | if (howMany < 0) return listOrString.slice()
15625 | if (typeof listOrString === 'string') return listOrString.slice(0, howMany)
15626 |
15627 | return baseSlice(listOrString, 0, howMany)
15628 | }
15629 | ```
15630 |
15631 | </details>
15632 |
15633 | <details>
15634 |
15635 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15636 |
15637 | ```javascript
15638 | import {take} from './take'
15639 |
15640 | test('happy', () => {
15641 | const arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
15642 |
15643 | expect(take(1, arr)).toEqual(['foo'])
15644 |
15645 | expect(arr).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
15646 |
15647 | expect(take(2)(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['foo', 'bar'])
15648 | expect(take(3, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
15649 | expect(take(4, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
15650 | expect(take(3)('rambda')).toEqual('ram')
15651 | })
15652 |
15653 | test('with negative index', () => {
15654 | expect(take(-1, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
15655 | expect(take(-Infinity, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
15656 | })
15657 |
15658 | test('with zero index', () => {
15659 | expect(take(0, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([])
15660 | })
15661 | ```
15662 |
15663 | </details>
15664 |
15665 | <details>
15666 |
15667 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
15668 |
15669 | ```typescript
15670 | import {take} from 'rambda'
15671 |
15672 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
15673 | const str = 'foobar'
15674 | const howMany = 2
15675 |
15676 | describe('R.take - array', () => {
15677 | it('happy', () => {
15678 | const result = take(howMany, list)
15679 |
15680 | result // $ExpectType number[]
15681 | })
15682 | it('curried', () => {
15683 | const result = take(howMany)(list)
15684 |
15685 | result // $ExpectType number[]
15686 | })
15687 | })
15688 |
15689 | describe('R.take - string', () => {
15690 | it('happy', () => {
15691 | const result = take(howMany, str)
15692 |
15693 | result // $ExpectType string
15694 | })
15695 | it('curried', () => {
15696 | const result = take(howMany)(str)
15697 |
15698 | result // $ExpectType string
15699 | })
15700 | })
15701 | ```
15702 |
15703 | </details>
15704 |
15705 | <details>
15706 |
15707 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 91.96% slower and Lodash is 4.72% slower</summary>
15708 |
15709 | ```text
15710 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
15711 |
15712 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
15713 | const num = 2
15714 |
15715 | const take = [
15716 | {
15717 | label: 'Rambda',
15718 | fn: () => {
15719 | R.take(num, list)
15720 | },
15721 | },
15722 | {
15723 | label: 'Ramda',
15724 | fn: () => {
15725 | Ramda.take(num, list)
15726 | },
15727 | },
15728 | {
15729 | label: 'Lodash',
15730 | fn: () => {
15731 | _.take(list, num)
15732 | },
15733 | },
15734 | ]
15735 | ```
15736 |
15737 | </details>
15738 |
15739 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#take)
15740 |
15741 | ### takeLast
15742 |
15743 | ```typescript
15744 |
15745 | takeLast<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[]
15746 | ```
15747 |
15748 | It returns the last `howMany` elements of `input`.
15749 |
15750 | <details>
15751 |
15752 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15753 |
15754 | ```typescript
15755 | takeLast<T>(howMany: number, input: T[]): T[];
15756 | takeLast(howMany: number, input: string): string;
15757 | takeLast<T>(howMany: number): {
15758 | <T>(input: T[]): T[];
15759 | (input: string): string;
15760 | };
15761 | ```
15762 |
15763 | </details>
15764 |
15765 | <details>
15766 |
15767 | <summary><strong>R.takeLast</strong> source</summary>
15768 |
15769 | ```javascript
15770 | import baseSlice from './_internals/baseSlice'
15771 |
15772 | export function takeLast(howMany, listOrString) {
15773 | if (arguments.length === 1)
15774 | return _listOrString => takeLast(howMany, _listOrString)
15775 |
15776 | const len = listOrString.length
15777 | if (howMany < 0) return listOrString.slice()
15778 | let numValue = howMany > len ? len : howMany
15779 |
15780 | if (typeof listOrString === 'string')
15781 | return listOrString.slice(len - numValue)
15782 |
15783 | numValue = len - numValue
15784 |
15785 | return baseSlice(listOrString, numValue, len)
15786 | }
15787 | ```
15788 |
15789 | </details>
15790 |
15791 | <details>
15792 |
15793 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15794 |
15795 | ```javascript
15796 | import {takeLast} from './takeLast'
15797 |
15798 | test('with arrays', () => {
15799 | expect(takeLast(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['baz'])
15800 |
15801 | expect(takeLast(2)(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['bar', 'baz'])
15802 |
15803 | expect(takeLast(3, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
15804 |
15805 | expect(takeLast(4, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
15806 |
15807 | expect(takeLast(10, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])).toEqual(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
15808 | })
15809 |
15810 | test('with strings', () => {
15811 | expect(takeLast(3, 'rambda')).toEqual('bda')
15812 |
15813 | expect(takeLast(7, 'rambda')).toEqual('rambda')
15814 | })
15815 |
15816 | test('with negative index', () => {
15817 | expect(takeLast(-1, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
15818 | expect(takeLast(-Infinity, [1, 2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
15819 | })
15820 | ```
15821 |
15822 | </details>
15823 |
15824 | <details>
15825 |
15826 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
15827 |
15828 | ```typescript
15829 | import {takeLast} from 'rambda'
15830 |
15831 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
15832 | const str = 'foobar'
15833 | const howMany = 2
15834 |
15835 | describe('R.takeLast - array', () => {
15836 | it('happy', () => {
15837 | const result = takeLast(howMany, list)
15838 |
15839 | result // $ExpectType number[]
15840 | })
15841 | it('curried', () => {
15842 | const result = takeLast(howMany)(list)
15843 |
15844 | result // $ExpectType number[]
15845 | })
15846 | })
15847 |
15848 | describe('R.takeLast - string', () => {
15849 | it('happy', () => {
15850 | const result = takeLast(howMany, str)
15851 |
15852 | result // $ExpectType string
15853 | })
15854 | it('curried', () => {
15855 | const result = takeLast(howMany)(str)
15856 |
15857 | result // $ExpectType string
15858 | })
15859 | })
15860 | ```
15861 |
15862 | </details>
15863 |
15864 | <details>
15865 |
15866 | <summary>Rambda is fastest. Ramda is 93.39% slower and Lodash is 19.22% slower</summary>
15867 |
15868 | ```text
15869 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
15870 |
15871 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
15872 | const num = 2
15873 |
15874 | const takeLast = [
15875 | {
15876 | label: 'Rambda',
15877 | fn: () => {
15878 | R.takeLast(num, list)
15879 | },
15880 | },
15881 | {
15882 | label: 'Ramda',
15883 | fn: () => {
15884 | Ramda.takeLast(num, list)
15885 | },
15886 | },
15887 | {
15888 | label: 'Lodash',
15889 | fn: () => {
15890 | _.takeRight(list, num)
15891 | },
15892 | },
15893 | ]
15894 | ```
15895 |
15896 | </details>
15897 |
15898 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#takeLast)
15899 |
15900 | ### takeLastWhile
15901 |
15902 | ```typescript
15903 |
15904 | takeLastWhile(predicate: (x: string) => boolean, input: string): string
15905 | ```
15906 |
15907 | <details>
15908 |
15909 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
15910 |
15911 | ```typescript
15912 | takeLastWhile(predicate: (x: string) => boolean, input: string): string;
15913 | takeLastWhile(predicate: (x: string) => boolean): (input: string) => string;
15914 | takeLastWhile<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, input: T[]): T[];
15915 | takeLastWhile<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): <T>(input: T[]) => T[];
15916 | ```
15917 |
15918 | </details>
15919 |
15920 | <details>
15921 |
15922 | <summary><strong>R.takeLastWhile</strong> source</summary>
15923 |
15924 | ```javascript
15925 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
15926 |
15927 | export function takeLastWhile(predicate, input) {
15928 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
15929 | return _input => takeLastWhile(predicate, _input)
15930 | }
15931 | if (input.length === 0) return input
15932 | let found = false
15933 | const toReturn = []
15934 | let counter = input.length
15935 |
15936 | while (!found || counter === 0) {
15937 | counter--
15938 | if (predicate(input[counter]) === false) {
15939 | found = true
15940 | } else if (!found) {
15941 | toReturn.push(input[counter])
15942 | }
15943 | }
15944 |
15945 | return _isArray(input) ? toReturn.reverse() : toReturn.reverse().join('')
15946 | }
15947 | ```
15948 |
15949 | </details>
15950 |
15951 | <details>
15952 |
15953 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
15954 |
15955 | ```javascript
15956 | import {takeLastWhile} from './takeLastWhile'
15957 | const assert = require('assert')
15958 |
15959 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 4]
15960 |
15961 | test('happy', () => {
15962 | const predicate = x => x > 2
15963 | const result = takeLastWhile(predicate, list)
15964 | expect(result).toEqual([3, 4])
15965 | })
15966 |
15967 | test('predicate is always true', () => {
15968 | const predicate = x => x > 0
15969 | const result = takeLastWhile(predicate)(list)
15970 | expect(result).toEqual(list)
15971 | })
15972 |
15973 | test('predicate is always false', () => {
15974 | const predicate = x => x < 0
15975 | const result = takeLastWhile(predicate, list)
15976 | expect(result).toEqual([])
15977 | })
15978 |
15979 | test('with string', () => {
15980 | const result = takeLastWhile(x => x !== 'F', 'FOOBAR')
15981 | expect(result).toEqual('OOBAR')
15982 | })
15983 | ```
15984 |
15985 | </details>
15986 |
15987 | <details>
15988 |
15989 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
15990 |
15991 | ```typescript
15992 | import {takeLastWhile} from 'rambda'
15993 |
15994 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
15995 | const str = 'FOO'
15996 |
15997 | describe('R.takeLastWhile', () => {
15998 | it('with array', () => {
15999 | const result = takeLastWhile(x => x > 1, list)
16000 |
16001 | result // $ExpectType number[]
16002 | })
16003 | it('with array - curried', () => {
16004 | const result = takeLastWhile(x => x > 1, list)
16005 |
16006 | result // $ExpectType number[]
16007 | })
16008 | it('with string', () => {
16009 | const result = takeLastWhile(x => x !== 'F', str)
16010 |
16011 | result // $ExpectType string
16012 | })
16013 | it('with string - curried', () => {
16014 | const result = takeLastWhile(x => x !== 'F')(str)
16015 |
16016 | result // $ExpectType string
16017 | })
16018 | })
16019 | ```
16020 |
16021 | </details>
16022 |
16023 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#takeLastWhile)
16024 |
16025 | ### takeWhile
16026 |
16027 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#takeWhile)
16028 |
16029 | ### tap
16030 |
16031 | ```typescript
16032 |
16033 | tap<T>(fn: (x: T) => void, input: T): T
16034 | ```
16035 |
16036 | It applies function `fn` to input `x` and returns `x`.
16037 |
16038 | One use case is debuging in the middle of `R.compose`.
16039 |
16040 | <details>
16041 |
16042 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16043 |
16044 | ```typescript
16045 | tap<T>(fn: (x: T) => void, input: T): T;
16046 | tap<T>(fn: (x: T) => void): (input: T) => T;
16047 | ```
16048 |
16049 | </details>
16050 |
16051 | <details>
16052 |
16053 | <summary><strong>R.tap</strong> source</summary>
16054 |
16055 | ```javascript
16056 | export function tap(fn, x) {
16057 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _x => tap(fn, _x)
16058 |
16059 | fn(x)
16060 |
16061 | return x
16062 | }
16063 | ```
16064 |
16065 | </details>
16066 |
16067 | <details>
16068 |
16069 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16070 |
16071 | ```javascript
16072 | import {tap} from './tap'
16073 |
16074 | test('tap', () => {
16075 | let a = 1
16076 | const sayX = x => (a = x)
16077 |
16078 | expect(tap(sayX, 100)).toEqual(100)
16079 | expect(tap(sayX)(100)).toEqual(100)
16080 | expect(a).toEqual(100)
16081 | })
16082 | ```
16083 |
16084 | </details>
16085 |
16086 | <details>
16087 |
16088 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
16089 |
16090 | ```typescript
16091 | import {tap, pipe} from 'rambda'
16092 |
16093 | describe('R.tap', () => {
16094 | it('happy', () => {
16095 | pipe(
16096 | tap(x => {
16097 | x // $ExpectType number[]
16098 | }),
16099 | (x: number[]) => x.length
16100 | )([1, 2])
16101 | })
16102 | })
16103 | ```
16104 |
16105 | </details>
16106 |
16107 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#tap)
16108 |
16109 | ### test
16110 |
16111 | ```typescript
16112 |
16113 | test(regExpression: RegExp): (str: string) => boolean
16114 | ```
16115 |
16116 | It determines whether `str` matches `regExpression`.
16117 |
16118 | <details>
16119 |
16120 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16121 |
16122 | ```typescript
16123 | test(regExpression: RegExp): (str: string) => boolean;
16124 | test(regExpression: RegExp, str: string): boolean;
16125 | ```
16126 |
16127 | </details>
16128 |
16129 | <details>
16130 |
16131 | <summary><strong>R.test</strong> source</summary>
16132 |
16133 | ```javascript
16134 | export function test(pattern, str) {
16135 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _str => test(pattern, _str)
16136 |
16137 | if (typeof pattern === 'string') {
16138 | throw new TypeError(
16139 | `‘test’ requires a value of type RegExp as its first argument; received "${pattern}"`
16140 | )
16141 | }
16142 |
16143 | return str.search(pattern) !== -1
16144 | }
16145 | ```
16146 |
16147 | </details>
16148 |
16149 | <details>
16150 |
16151 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16152 |
16153 | ```javascript
16154 | import {test as testMethod} from './test'
16155 |
16156 | test('happy', () => {
16157 | expect(testMethod(/^x/, 'xyz')).toBeTrue()
16158 |
16159 | expect(testMethod(/^y/)('xyz')).toBeFalse()
16160 | })
16161 |
16162 | test('throws if first argument is not regex', () => {
16163 | expect(() => testMethod('foo', 'bar')).toThrowWithMessage(
16164 | TypeError,
16165 | '‘test’ requires a value of type RegExp as its first argument; received "foo"'
16166 | )
16167 | })
16168 | ```
16169 |
16170 | </details>
16171 |
16172 | <details>
16173 |
16174 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
16175 |
16176 | ```typescript
16177 | import {test} from 'rambda'
16178 |
16179 | const input = 'foo '
16180 | const regex = /foo/
16181 |
16182 | describe('R.test', () => {
16183 | it('happy', () => {
16184 | const result = test(regex, input)
16185 |
16186 | result // $ExpectType boolean
16187 | })
16188 | it('curried', () => {
16189 | const result = test(regex)(input)
16190 |
16191 | result // $ExpectType boolean
16192 | })
16193 | })
16194 | ```
16195 |
16196 | </details>
16197 |
16198 | <details>
16199 |
16200 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 82.34%</summary>
16201 |
16202 | ```text
16203 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
16204 |
16205 | const test = [
16206 | {
16207 | label: 'Rambda',
16208 | fn: () => {
16209 | R.test(/\s/g, 'x y z')
16210 | R.test(/\s/g)('x y z')
16211 | },
16212 | },
16213 | {
16214 | label: 'Ramda',
16215 | fn: () => {
16216 | Ramda.test(/\s/g, 'x y z')
16217 | Ramda.test(/\s/g)('x y z')
16218 | },
16219 | },
16220 | ]
16221 | ```
16222 |
16223 | </details>
16224 |
16225 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#test)
16226 |
16227 | ### times
16228 |
16229 | ```typescript
16230 |
16231 | times<T>(fn: (i: number) => T, howMany: number): T[]
16232 | ```
16233 |
16234 | It returns the result of applying function `fn` over members of range array.
16235 |
16236 | The range array includes numbers between `0` and `howMany`(exclusive).
16237 |
16238 | <details>
16239 |
16240 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16241 |
16242 | ```typescript
16243 | times<T>(fn: (i: number) => T, howMany: number): T[];
16244 | times<T>(fn: (i: number) => T): (howMany: number) => T[];
16245 | ```
16246 |
16247 | </details>
16248 |
16249 | <details>
16250 |
16251 | <summary><strong>R.times</strong> source</summary>
16252 |
16253 | ```javascript
16254 | import {map} from './map'
16255 | import {range} from './range'
16256 |
16257 | export function times(fn, howMany) {
16258 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _howMany => times(fn, _howMany)
16259 | if (!Number.isInteger(howMany) || howMany < 0) {
16260 | throw new RangeError('n must be an integer')
16261 | }
16262 |
16263 | return map(fn, range(0, howMany))
16264 | }
16265 | ```
16266 |
16267 | </details>
16268 |
16269 | <details>
16270 |
16271 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16272 |
16273 | ```javascript
16274 | import assert from 'assert'
16275 |
16276 | import {identity} from './identity'
16277 | import {times} from './times'
16278 |
16279 | test('happy', () => {
16280 | const result = times(identity, 5)
16281 |
16282 | expect(result).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
16283 | })
16284 |
16285 | test('with bad input', () => {
16286 | assert.throws(() => {
16287 | times(3)('cheers!')
16288 | }, RangeError)
16289 | assert.throws(() => {
16290 | times(identity, -1)
16291 | }, RangeError)
16292 | })
16293 |
16294 | test('curry', () => {
16295 | const result = times(identity)(5)
16296 |
16297 | expect(result).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
16298 | })
16299 | ```
16300 |
16301 | </details>
16302 |
16303 | <details>
16304 |
16305 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
16306 |
16307 | ```typescript
16308 | import {times, identity} from 'rambda'
16309 |
16310 | describe('R.times', () => {
16311 | it('happy', () => {
16312 | const result = times(identity, 5)
16313 | result // $ExpectType number[]
16314 | })
16315 | })
16316 | ```
16317 |
16318 | </details>
16319 |
16320 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#times)
16321 |
16322 | ### toLower
16323 |
16324 | ```typescript
16325 |
16326 | toLower<S extends string>(str: S): Lowercase<S>
16327 | ```
16328 |
16329 | <details>
16330 |
16331 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16332 |
16333 | ```typescript
16334 | toLower<S extends string>(str: S): Lowercase<S>;
16335 | toLower(str: string): string;
16336 | ```
16337 |
16338 | </details>
16339 |
16340 | <details>
16341 |
16342 | <summary><strong>R.toLower</strong> source</summary>
16343 |
16344 | ```javascript
16345 | export function toLower(str) {
16346 | return str.toLowerCase()
16347 | }
16348 | ```
16349 |
16350 | </details>
16351 |
16352 | <details>
16353 |
16354 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16355 |
16356 | ```javascript
16357 | import {toLower} from './toLower'
16358 |
16359 | test('toLower', () => {
16360 | expect(toLower('FOO|BAR|BAZ')).toEqual('foo|bar|baz')
16361 | })
16362 | ```
16363 |
16364 | </details>
16365 |
16366 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#toLower)
16367 |
16368 | ### toPairs
16369 |
16370 | ```typescript
16371 |
16372 | toPairs<O extends object, K extends Extract<keyof O, string | number>>(obj: O): Array<{ [key in K]: [`${key}`, O[key]] }[K]>
16373 | ```
16374 |
16375 | It transforms an object to a list.
16376 |
16377 | <details>
16378 |
16379 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16380 |
16381 | ```typescript
16382 | toPairs<O extends object, K extends Extract<keyof O, string | number>>(obj: O): Array<{ [key in K]: [`${key}`, O[key]] }[K]>;
16383 | toPairs<S>(obj: Record<string | number, S>): Array<[string, S]>;
16384 | ```
16385 |
16386 | </details>
16387 |
16388 | <details>
16389 |
16390 | <summary><strong>R.toPairs</strong> source</summary>
16391 |
16392 | ```javascript
16393 | export function toPairs(obj) {
16394 | return Object.entries(obj)
16395 | }
16396 | ```
16397 |
16398 | </details>
16399 |
16400 | <details>
16401 |
16402 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16403 |
16404 | ```javascript
16405 | import {toPairs} from './toPairs'
16406 |
16407 | const obj = {
16408 | a: 1,
16409 | b: 2,
16410 | c: [3, 4],
16411 | }
16412 | const expected = [
16413 | ['a', 1],
16414 | ['b', 2],
16415 | ['c', [3, 4]],
16416 | ]
16417 |
16418 | test('happy', () => {
16419 | expect(toPairs(obj)).toEqual(expected)
16420 | })
16421 | ```
16422 |
16423 | </details>
16424 |
16425 | <details>
16426 |
16427 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
16428 |
16429 | ```typescript
16430 | import {toPairs} from 'rambda'
16431 |
16432 | const obj = {
16433 | a: 1,
16434 | b: 2,
16435 | c: [3, 4],
16436 | }
16437 |
16438 | describe('R.toPairs', () => {
16439 | it('happy', () => {
16440 | const result = toPairs(obj)
16441 |
16442 | result // $ExpectType (["b", number] | ["a", number] | ["c", number[]])[]
16443 | })
16444 | })
16445 | ```
16446 |
16447 | </details>
16448 |
16449 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#toPairs)
16450 |
16451 | ### toString
16452 |
16453 | ```typescript
16454 |
16455 | toString(x: unknown): string
16456 | ```
16457 |
16458 | <details>
16459 |
16460 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16461 |
16462 | ```typescript
16463 | toString(x: unknown): string;
16464 | ```
16465 |
16466 | </details>
16467 |
16468 | <details>
16469 |
16470 | <summary><strong>R.toString</strong> source</summary>
16471 |
16472 | ```javascript
16473 | export function toString(x) {
16474 | return x.toString()
16475 | }
16476 | ```
16477 |
16478 | </details>
16479 |
16480 | <details>
16481 |
16482 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16483 |
16484 | ```javascript
16485 | import {toString} from './toString'
16486 |
16487 | test('happy', () => {
16488 | expect(toString([1, 2, 3])).toEqual('1,2,3')
16489 | })
16490 | ```
16491 |
16492 | </details>
16493 |
16494 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#toString)
16495 |
16496 | ### toUpper
16497 |
16498 | ```typescript
16499 |
16500 | toUpper<S extends string>(str: S): Uppercase<S>
16501 | ```
16502 |
16503 | <details>
16504 |
16505 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16506 |
16507 | ```typescript
16508 | toUpper<S extends string>(str: S): Uppercase<S>;
16509 | toUpper(str: string): string;
16510 | ```
16511 |
16512 | </details>
16513 |
16514 | <details>
16515 |
16516 | <summary><strong>R.toUpper</strong> source</summary>
16517 |
16518 | ```javascript
16519 | export function toUpper(str) {
16520 | return str.toUpperCase()
16521 | }
16522 | ```
16523 |
16524 | </details>
16525 |
16526 | <details>
16527 |
16528 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16529 |
16530 | ```javascript
16531 | import {toUpper} from './toUpper'
16532 |
16533 | test('toUpper', () => {
16534 | expect(toUpper('foo|bar|baz')).toEqual('FOO|BAR|BAZ')
16535 | })
16536 | ```
16537 |
16538 | </details>
16539 |
16540 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#toUpper)
16541 |
16542 | ### transpose
16543 |
16544 | ```typescript
16545 |
16546 | transpose<T>(list: (T[])[]): (T[])[]
16547 | ```
16548 |
16549 | <details>
16550 |
16551 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16552 |
16553 | ```typescript
16554 | transpose<T>(list: (T[])[]): (T[])[];
16555 | ```
16556 |
16557 | </details>
16558 |
16559 | <details>
16560 |
16561 | <summary><strong>R.transpose</strong> source</summary>
16562 |
16563 | ```javascript
16564 | import {_isArray} from './_internals/_isArray'
16565 |
16566 | export function transpose(array) {
16567 | return array.reduce((acc, el) => {
16568 | el.forEach((nestedEl, i) =>
16569 | _isArray(acc[i]) ? acc[i].push(nestedEl) : acc.push([nestedEl])
16570 | )
16571 |
16572 | return acc
16573 | }, [])
16574 | }
16575 | ```
16576 |
16577 | </details>
16578 |
16579 | <details>
16580 |
16581 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16582 |
16583 | ```javascript
16584 | import {transpose} from './transpose'
16585 |
16586 | test('happy', () => {
16587 | const input = [
16588 | ['a', 1],
16589 | ['b', 2],
16590 | ['c', 3],
16591 | ]
16592 |
16593 | expect(transpose(input)).toEqual([
16594 | ['a', 'b', 'c'],
16595 | [1, 2, 3],
16596 | ])
16597 | })
16598 |
16599 | test('when rows are shorter', () => {
16600 | const actual = transpose([[10, 11], [20], [], [30, 31, 32]])
16601 | const expected = [[10, 20, 30], [11, 31], [32]]
16602 | expect(actual).toEqual(expected)
16603 | })
16604 |
16605 | test('with empty array', () => {
16606 | expect(transpose([])).toEqual([])
16607 | })
16608 |
16609 | test('array with falsy values', () => {
16610 | const actual = transpose([
16611 | [true, false, undefined, null],
16612 | [null, undefined, false, true],
16613 | ])
16614 | const expected = [
16615 | [true, null],
16616 | [false, undefined],
16617 | [undefined, false],
16618 | [null, true],
16619 | ]
16620 | expect(actual).toEqual(expected)
16621 | })
16622 | ```
16623 |
16624 | </details>
16625 |
16626 | <details>
16627 |
16628 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
16629 |
16630 | ```typescript
16631 | import {transpose} from 'rambda'
16632 |
16633 | const input = [
16634 | ['a', 1],
16635 | ['b', 2],
16636 | ['c', 3],
16637 | ]
16638 |
16639 | describe('R.transpose', () => {
16640 | it('happy', () => {
16641 | const result = transpose(input)
16642 |
16643 | result // $ExpectType (string | number)[][]
16644 | })
16645 | })
16646 | ```
16647 |
16648 | </details>
16649 |
16650 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#transpose)
16651 |
16652 | ### trim
16653 |
16654 | ```typescript
16655 |
16656 | trim(str: string): string
16657 | ```
16658 |
16659 | <details>
16660 |
16661 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16662 |
16663 | ```typescript
16664 | trim(str: string): string;
16665 | ```
16666 |
16667 | </details>
16668 |
16669 | <details>
16670 |
16671 | <summary><strong>R.trim</strong> source</summary>
16672 |
16673 | ```javascript
16674 | export function trim(str) {
16675 | return str.trim()
16676 | }
16677 | ```
16678 |
16679 | </details>
16680 |
16681 | <details>
16682 |
16683 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16684 |
16685 | ```javascript
16686 | import {trim} from './trim'
16687 |
16688 | test('trim', () => {
16689 | expect(trim(' foo ')).toEqual('foo')
16690 | })
16691 | ```
16692 |
16693 | </details>
16694 |
16695 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#trim)
16696 |
16697 | ### tryCatch
16698 |
16699 | ```typescript
16700 |
16701 | tryCatch<T, U>(
16702 | fn: (input: T) => U,
16703 | fallback: U
16704 | ): (input: T) => U
16705 | ```
16706 |
16707 | It returns function that runs `fn` in `try/catch` block. If there was an error, then `fallback` is used to return the result. Note that `fn` can be value or asynchronous/synchronous function(unlike `Ramda` where fallback can only be a synchronous function).
16708 |
16709 | <details>
16710 |
16711 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16712 |
16713 | ```typescript
16714 | tryCatch<T, U>(
16715 | fn: (input: T) => U,
16716 | fallback: U
16717 | ): (input: T) => U;
16718 | tryCatch<T, U>(
16719 | fn: (input: T) => U,
16720 | fallback: (input: T) => U
16721 | ): (input: T) => U;
16722 | tryCatch<T>(
16723 | fn: (input: any) => Promise<any>,
16724 | fallback: T
16725 | ): (input: any) => Promise<T>;
16726 | tryCatch<T>(
16727 | fn: (input: any) => Promise<any>,
16728 | fallback: (input: any) => Promise<any>,
16729 | ): (input: any) => Promise<T>;
16730 | ```
16731 |
16732 | </details>
16733 |
16734 | <details>
16735 |
16736 | <summary><strong>R.tryCatch</strong> source</summary>
16737 |
16738 | ```javascript
16739 | import {isFunction} from './isFunction'
16740 |
16741 | export function tryCatch(fn, fallback) {
16742 | if (!isFunction(fn)) {
16743 | throw new Error(`R.tryCatch | fn '${fn}'`)
16744 | }
16745 | const passFallback = isFunction(fallback)
16746 |
16747 | return (...inputs) => {
16748 | try {
16749 | return fn(...inputs)
16750 | } catch (e) {
16751 | return passFallback ? fallback(e, ...inputs) : fallback
16752 | }
16753 | }
16754 | }
16755 | ```
16756 |
16757 | </details>
16758 |
16759 | <details>
16760 |
16761 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16762 |
16763 | ```javascript
16764 | import {tryCatch as tryCatchRamda} from 'ramda'
16765 |
16766 | import {compareCombinations} from './_internals/testUtils'
16767 | import {prop} from './prop'
16768 | import {tryCatch} from './tryCatch'
16769 |
16770 | test('happy', () => {
16771 | const fn = () => {
16772 | throw new Error('foo')
16773 | }
16774 | const result = tryCatch(fn, () => true)()
16775 | expect(result).toBeTrue()
16776 | })
16777 |
16778 | test('when fallback is used', () => {
16779 | const fn = x => x.x
16780 |
16781 | expect(tryCatch(fn, false)(null)).toBeFalse()
16782 | })
16783 |
16784 | test('with json parse', () => {
16785 | const good = () => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify({a: 1}))
16786 | const bad = () => JSON.parse('a{a')
16787 |
16788 | expect(tryCatch(good, 1)()).toEqual({a: 1})
16789 | expect(tryCatch(bad, 1)()).toBe(1)
16790 | })
16791 |
16792 | test('when fallback is function', () => {
16793 | const fn = x => x.x
16794 |
16795 | expect(tryCatch(fn, () => 1)(null)).toBe(1)
16796 | })
16797 |
16798 | test('when fn is used', () => {
16799 | const fn = prop('x')
16800 |
16801 | expect(tryCatch(fn, false)({})).toBe(undefined)
16802 | expect(tryCatch(fn, false)({x: 1})).toBe(1)
16803 | })
16804 |
16805 | test('fallback receives error object and all initial inputs', () => {
16806 | function thrower(a, b, c) {
16807 | void c
16808 | throw new Error('throwerError')
16809 | }
16810 |
16811 | function catchFn(e, a, b, c) {
16812 | return [e.message, a, b, c].join('|')
16813 | }
16814 |
16815 | const willThrow = tryCatch(thrower, catchFn)
16816 | const result = willThrow('A', 'B', 'C')
16817 | expect(result).toBe('throwerError|A|B|C')
16818 | })
16819 |
16820 | test('fallback receives error object', () => {
16821 | function throwFn() {
16822 | throw new Error(10)
16823 | }
16824 |
16825 | function eCatcher(e, a, b) {
16826 | return e.message
16827 | }
16828 |
16829 | const willThrow = tryCatch(throwFn, eCatcher)
16830 | expect(willThrow([])).toBe('10')
16831 | expect(willThrow([{}, {}, {}])).toBe('10')
16832 | })
16833 |
16834 | const possibleFns = [
16835 | null,
16836 | () => 1,
16837 | () => 0,
16838 | () => JSON.parse('{a:1'),
16839 | () => {
16840 | const x = {}
16841 |
16842 | return x.x
16843 | },
16844 | x => x.foo,
16845 | () => {
16846 | throw new Error('foo')
16847 | },
16848 | ]
16849 |
16850 | const possibleCatchers = [
16851 | null,
16852 | e => e.message.length,
16853 | (e, ...inputs) => `${e.message.length} ${inputs.length}`,
16854 | () => {
16855 | throw new Error('bar')
16856 | },
16857 | ]
16858 |
16859 | const possibleInputs = [null, {}, {foo: 1}]
16860 |
16861 | describe('brute force', () => {
16862 | compareCombinations({
16863 | returnsFunctionFlag: true,
16864 | firstInput: possibleFns,
16865 | callback: errorsCounters => {
16866 | expect(errorsCounters).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
16867 | Object {
16870 | "RESULTS_MISMATCH": 0,
16871 | "SHOULD_NOT_THROW": 0,
16872 | "SHOULD_THROW": 7,
16873 | "TOTAL_TESTS": 84,
16874 | }
16875 | `)
16876 | },
16877 | secondInput: possibleCatchers,
16878 | thirdInput: possibleInputs,
16879 | fn: tryCatch,
16880 | fnRamda: tryCatchRamda,
16881 | })
16882 | })
16883 | ```
16884 |
16885 | </details>
16886 |
16887 | <details>
16888 |
16889 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
16890 |
16891 | ```typescript
16892 | import {tryCatch, delay} from 'rambda'
16893 |
16894 | describe('R.tryCatch', () => {
16895 | it('synchronous', () => {
16896 | const fn = (x: any) => x.x === 1
16897 |
16898 | const result = tryCatch(fn, false)(null)
16899 | result // $ExpectType boolean
16900 | })
16901 | it('synchronous + fallback is function', () => {
16902 | const fn = (x: any) => typeof x.x
16903 | const fallback = (x: any) => typeof x
16904 | const result = tryCatch<any, string>(fn, fallback)(null)
16905 | result // $ExpectType string
16906 | })
16907 |
16908 | it('asynchronous', async() => {
16909 | const fn = async(input: any) => {
16910 | return typeof JSON.parse('{a:')
16911 | }
16912 | const result = await tryCatch<string>(fn, 'fallback')(100)
16913 | result // $ExpectType string
16914 | })
16915 |
16916 | it('asynchronous + fallback is asynchronous', async() => {
16917 | const fn = async(input: any) => {
16918 | await delay(100)
16919 | return JSON.parse(`{a:${input}`)
16920 | }
16921 | const fallback = async(input: any) => {
16922 | await delay(100)
16923 | return 'foo'
16924 | }
16925 | const result = await tryCatch<string>(fn, fallback)(100)
16926 | result // $ExpectType string
16927 | })
16928 | })
16929 | ```
16930 |
16931 | </details>
16932 |
16933 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#tryCatch)
16934 |
16935 | ### type
16936 |
16937 | ```typescript
16938 |
16939 | type(x: any): RambdaTypes
16940 | ```
16941 |
16942 | It accepts any input and it returns its type.
16943 |
16944 | <details>
16945 |
16946 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
16947 |
16948 | ```typescript
16949 | type(x: any): RambdaTypes;
16950 | ```
16951 |
16952 | </details>
16953 |
16954 | <details>
16955 |
16956 | <summary><strong>R.type</strong> source</summary>
16957 |
16958 | ```javascript
16959 | export function type(input) {
16960 | if (input === null) {
16961 | return 'Null'
16962 | } else if (input === undefined) {
16963 | return 'Undefined'
16964 | } else if (Number.isNaN(input)) {
16965 | return 'NaN'
16966 | }
16967 | const typeResult = Object.prototype.toString.call(input).slice(8, -1)
16968 |
16969 | return typeResult === 'AsyncFunction' ? 'Async' : typeResult
16970 | }
16971 | ```
16972 |
16973 | </details>
16974 |
16975 | <details>
16976 |
16977 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
16978 |
16979 | ```javascript
16980 | import {type} from './type'
16981 | import {type as typeRamda} from 'ramda'
16982 |
16983 | test('with symbol', () => {
16984 | expect(type(Symbol())).toBe('Symbol')
16985 | })
16986 |
16987 | test('with simple promise', () => {
16988 | expect(type(Promise.resolve(1))).toBe('Promise')
16989 | })
16990 |
16991 | test('with new Boolean', () => {
16992 | expect(type(new Boolean(true))).toBe('Boolean')
16993 | })
16994 |
16995 | test('with new String', () => {
16996 | expect(type(new String('I am a String object'))).toEqual('String')
16997 | })
16998 |
16999 | test('with new Number', () => {
17000 | expect(type(new Number(1))).toBe('Number')
17001 | })
17002 |
17003 | test('with error', () => {
17004 | expect(type(Error(`foo`))).toBe('Error')
17005 | expect(typeRamda(Error(`foo`))).toBe('Error')
17006 | })
17007 |
17008 | test('with error - wrong @types/ramda test', () => {
17009 | // @types/ramda expect the result to be 'Error' but it is not
17010 | class ExtendedError extends Error {}
17011 | expect(type(ExtendedError)).toBe('Function')
17012 | expect(typeRamda(ExtendedError)).toBe('Function')
17013 | })
17014 |
17015 | test('with new promise', () => {
17016 | const delay = ms =>
17017 | new Promise(resolve => {
17018 | setTimeout(() => {
17019 | resolve(ms + 110)
17020 | }, ms)
17021 | })
17022 |
17023 | expect(type(delay(10))).toEqual('Promise')
17024 | })
17025 |
17026 | test('async function', () => {
17027 | expect(type(async () => {})).toEqual('Async')
17028 | })
17029 |
17030 | test('async arrow', () => {
17031 | const asyncArrow = async () => {}
17032 | expect(type(asyncArrow)).toBe('Async')
17033 | })
17034 |
17035 | test('function', () => {
17036 | const fn1 = () => {}
17037 | const fn2 = function () {}
17038 |
17039 | function fn3() {}
17040 |
17041 | ;[() => {}, fn1, fn2, fn3].map(val => {
17042 | expect(type(val)).toEqual('Function')
17043 | })
17044 | })
17045 |
17046 | test('object', () => {
17047 | expect(type({})).toEqual('Object')
17048 | })
17049 |
17050 | test('number', () => {
17051 | expect(type(1)).toEqual('Number')
17052 | })
17053 |
17054 | test('boolean', () => {
17055 | expect(type(false)).toEqual('Boolean')
17056 | })
17057 |
17058 | test('string', () => {
17059 | expect(type('foo')).toEqual('String')
17060 | })
17061 |
17062 | test('null', () => {
17063 | expect(type(null)).toEqual('Null')
17064 | })
17065 |
17066 | test('array', () => {
17067 | expect(type([])).toEqual('Array')
17068 | expect(type([1, 2, 3])).toEqual('Array')
17069 | })
17070 |
17071 | test('regex', () => {
17072 | expect(type(/\s/g)).toEqual('RegExp')
17073 | })
17074 |
17075 | test('undefined', () => {
17076 | expect(type(undefined)).toEqual('Undefined')
17077 | })
17078 |
17079 | test('not a number', () => {
17080 | expect(type(Number('s'))).toBe('NaN')
17081 | })
17082 |
17083 | test('set', () => {
17084 | const exampleSet = new Set([1, 2, 3])
17085 | expect(type(exampleSet)).toBe('Set')
17086 | expect(typeRamda(exampleSet)).toBe('Set')
17087 | })
17088 |
17089 | test('function inside object 1', () => {
17090 | const obj = {
17091 | f() {
17092 | return 4
17093 | },
17094 | }
17095 |
17096 | expect(type(obj.f)).toBe('Function')
17097 | expect(typeRamda(obj.f)).toBe('Function')
17098 | })
17099 |
17100 | test('function inside object 2', () => {
17101 | const name = 'f'
17102 | const obj = {
17103 | [name]() {
17104 | return 4
17105 | },
17106 | }
17107 | expect(type(obj.f)).toBe('Function')
17108 | expect(typeRamda(obj.f)).toBe('Function')
17109 | })
17110 | ```
17111 |
17112 | </details>
17113 |
17114 | <details>
17115 |
17116 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
17117 |
17118 | ```typescript
17119 | import {type} from 'rambda'
17120 |
17121 | describe('R.type', () => {
17122 | it('happy', () => {
17123 | const result = type(4)
17124 |
17125 | result // $ExpectType RambdaTypes
17126 | })
17127 | })
17128 | ```
17129 |
17130 | </details>
17131 |
17132 | <details>
17133 |
17134 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 48.6%</summary>
17135 |
17136 | ```text
17137 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
17138 |
17139 | const {listOfVariousTypes} = require('./_utils')
17140 |
17141 | const limit = 1000
17142 |
17143 | function applyBenchmark(fn) {
17144 | listOfVariousTypes.forEach(mode => {
17145 | Array(limit)
17146 | .fill(mode)
17147 | .forEach(x => fn(x))
17148 | })
17149 | }
17150 |
17151 | const test = [
17152 | {
17153 | label: 'Rambda',
17154 | fn: () => {
17155 | applyBenchmark(R.type)
17156 | },
17157 | },
17158 | {
17159 | label: 'Ramda',
17160 | fn: () => {
17161 | applyBenchmark(Ramda.type)
17162 | },
17163 | },
17164 | ]
17165 | ```
17166 |
17167 | </details>
17168 |
17169 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#type)
17170 |
17171 | ### unapply
17172 |
17173 | ```typescript
17174 |
17175 | unapply<T = any>(fn: (args: any[]) => T): (...args: any[]) => T
17176 | ```
17177 |
17178 | It calls a function `fn` with the list of values of the returned function.
17179 |
17180 | `R.unapply` is the opposite of `R.apply` method.
17181 |
17182 | <details>
17183 |
17184 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
17185 |
17186 | ```typescript
17187 | unapply<T = any>(fn: (args: any[]) => T): (...args: any[]) => T;
17188 | ```
17189 |
17190 | </details>
17191 |
17192 | <details>
17193 |
17194 | <summary><strong>R.unapply</strong> source</summary>
17195 |
17196 | ```javascript
17197 | export function unapply(fn) {
17198 | return function (...args) {
17199 | return fn.call(this, args)
17200 | }
17201 | }
17202 | ```
17203 |
17204 | </details>
17205 |
17206 | <details>
17207 |
17208 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
17209 |
17210 | ```javascript
17211 | import {apply} from './apply'
17212 | import {unapply} from './unapply'
17213 | import {identity} from './identity'
17214 | import {converge} from './converge'
17215 | import {prop} from './prop'
17216 | import {sum} from './sum'
17217 |
17218 | test('happy', () => {
17219 | const fn = unapply(identity)
17220 | expect(fn(1, 2, 3)).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
17221 | expect(fn()).toEqual([])
17222 | })
17223 |
17224 | test('returns a function which is always passed one argument', function () {
17225 | const fn = unapply(function () {
17226 | return arguments.length
17227 | })
17228 | expect(fn('x')).toEqual(1)
17229 | expect(fn('x', 'y')).toEqual(1)
17230 | expect(fn('x', 'y', 'z')).toEqual(1)
17231 | })
17232 |
17233 | test('forwards arguments to decorated function as an array', function () {
17234 | const fn = unapply(function (xs) {
17235 | return '[' + xs + ']'
17236 | })
17237 | expect(fn(2)).toEqual('[2]')
17238 | expect(fn(2, 4)).toEqual('[2,4]')
17239 | expect(fn(2, 4, 6)).toEqual('[2,4,6]')
17240 | })
17241 |
17242 | test('returns a function with length 0', function () {
17243 | const fn = unapply(identity)
17244 | expect(fn.length).toEqual(0)
17245 | })
17246 |
17247 | test('is the inverse of R.apply', function () {
17248 | let a, b, c, d, e, f, g, n
17249 | const rand = function () {
17250 | return Math.floor(200 * Math.random()) - 100
17251 | }
17252 |
17253 | f = Math.max
17254 | g = unapply(apply(f))
17255 | n = 1
17256 | while (n <= 100) {
17257 | a = rand()
17258 | b = rand()
17259 | c = rand()
17260 | d = rand()
17261 | e = rand()
17262 | expect(f(a, b, c, d, e)).toEqual(g(a, b, c, d, e))
17263 | n += 1
17264 | }
17265 |
17266 | f = function (xs) {
17267 | return '[' + xs + ']'
17268 | }
17269 | g = apply(unapply(f))
17270 | n = 1
17271 | while (n <= 100) {
17272 | a = rand()
17273 | b = rand()
17274 | c = rand()
17275 | d = rand()
17276 | e = rand()
17277 | expect(f([a, b, c, d, e])).toEqual(g([a, b, c, d, e]))
17278 | n += 1
17279 | }
17280 | })
17281 |
17282 | test('it works with converge', () => {
17283 | const fn = unapply(sum)
17284 | const convergeFn = converge(fn, [prop('a'), prop('b'), prop('c')])
17285 | const obj = {
17286 | a: 1337,
17287 | b: 42,
17288 | c: 1,
17289 | }
17290 | const expected = 1337 + 42 + 1
17291 | expect(convergeFn(obj)).toEqual(expected)
17292 | })
17293 | ```
17294 |
17295 | </details>
17296 |
17297 | <details>
17298 |
17299 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
17300 |
17301 | ```typescript
17302 | import {join, unapply, sum} from 'rambda'
17303 |
17304 | describe('R.unapply', () => {
17305 | it('happy', () => {
17306 | const fn = unapply(sum)
17307 |
17308 | fn(1, 2, 3) // $ExpectType number
17309 | })
17310 |
17311 | it('joins a string', () => {
17312 | const fn = unapply(join(''))
17313 |
17314 | fn('s', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g') // $ExpectType string
17315 | })
17316 | })
17317 | ```
17318 |
17319 | </details>
17320 |
17321 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#unapply)
17322 |
17323 | ### union
17324 |
17325 | ```typescript
17326 |
17327 | union<T>(x: T[], y: T[]): T[]
17328 | ```
17329 |
17330 | It takes two lists and return a new list containing a merger of both list with removed duplicates.
17331 |
17332 | `R.equals` is used to compare for duplication.
17333 |
17334 | <details>
17335 |
17336 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
17337 |
17338 | ```typescript
17339 | union<T>(x: T[], y: T[]): T[];
17340 | union<T>(x: T[]): (y: T[]) => T[];
17341 | ```
17342 |
17343 | </details>
17344 |
17345 | <details>
17346 |
17347 | <summary><strong>R.union</strong> source</summary>
17348 |
17349 | ```javascript
17350 | import {includes} from './includes'
17351 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
17352 |
17353 | export function union(x, y) {
17354 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _y => union(x, _y)
17355 |
17356 | const toReturn = cloneList(x)
17357 |
17358 | y.forEach(yInstance => {
17359 | if (!includes(yInstance, x)) toReturn.push(yInstance)
17360 | })
17361 |
17362 | return toReturn
17363 | }
17364 | ```
17365 |
17366 | </details>
17367 |
17368 | <details>
17369 |
17370 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
17371 |
17372 | ```javascript
17373 | import {union} from './union'
17374 |
17375 | test('happy', () => {
17376 | expect(union([1, 2], [2, 3])).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
17377 | })
17378 |
17379 | test('with list of objects', () => {
17380 | const list1 = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}]
17381 | const list2 = [{a: 2}, {a: 3}]
17382 | const result = union(list1)(list2)
17383 | })
17384 | ```
17385 |
17386 | </details>
17387 |
17388 | <details>
17389 |
17390 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
17391 |
17392 | ```typescript
17393 | import {union} from 'rambda'
17394 |
17395 | describe('R.union', () => {
17396 | it('happy', () => {
17397 | const result = union([1, 2], [2, 3])
17398 |
17399 | result // $ExpectType number[]
17400 | })
17401 | it('with array of objects - case 1', () => {
17402 | const list1 = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}]
17403 | const list2 = [{a: 2}, {a: 3}]
17404 | const result = union(list1, list2)
17405 | result // $ExpectType { a: number; }[]
17406 | })
17407 | it('with array of objects - case 2', () => {
17408 | const list1 = [{a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 2}]
17409 | const list2 = [{a: 2}, {a: 3, b: 3}]
17410 | const result = union(list1, list2)
17411 | result[0].a // $ExpectType number
17412 | result[0].b // $ExpectType number | undefined
17413 | })
17414 | })
17415 |
17416 | describe('R.union - curried', () => {
17417 | it('happy', () => {
17418 | const result = union([1, 2])([2, 3])
17419 |
17420 | result // $ExpectType number[]
17421 | })
17422 | it('with array of objects - case 1', () => {
17423 | const list1 = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}]
17424 | const list2 = [{a: 2}, {a: 3}]
17425 | const result = union(list1)(list2)
17426 | result // $ExpectType { a: number; }[]
17427 | })
17428 | it('with array of objects - case 2', () => {
17429 | const list1 = [{a: 1, b: 1}, {a: 2}]
17430 | const list2 = [{a: 2}, {a: 3, b: 3}]
17431 | const result = union(list1)(list2)
17432 | result[0].a // $ExpectType number
17433 | result[0].b // $ExpectType number | undefined
17434 | })
17435 | })
17436 | ```
17437 |
17438 | </details>
17439 |
17440 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#union)
17441 |
17442 | ### uniq
17443 |
17444 | ```typescript
17445 |
17446 | uniq<T>(list: T[]): T[]
17447 | ```
17448 |
17449 | It returns a new array containing only one copy of each element of `list`.
17450 |
17451 | `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
17452 |
17453 | <details>
17454 |
17455 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
17456 |
17457 | ```typescript
17458 | uniq<T>(list: T[]): T[];
17459 | ```
17460 |
17461 | </details>
17462 |
17463 | <details>
17464 |
17465 | <summary><strong>R.uniq</strong> source</summary>
17466 |
17467 | ```javascript
17468 | import {_Set} from './_internals/set'
17469 |
17470 | export function uniq(list) {
17471 | const set = new _Set()
17472 | const willReturn = []
17473 | list.forEach(item => {
17474 | if (set.checkUniqueness(item)) {
17475 | willReturn.push(item)
17476 | }
17477 | })
17478 |
17479 | return willReturn
17480 | }
17481 | ```
17482 |
17483 | </details>
17484 |
17485 | <details>
17486 |
17487 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
17488 |
17489 | ```javascript
17490 | import {uniq} from './uniq'
17491 | import {uniq as uniqRamda} from 'ramda'
17492 |
17493 | test('happy', () => {
17494 | const list = [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 0]
17495 | expect(uniq(list)).toEqual([1, 2, 3, 0])
17496 | })
17497 |
17498 | test('with object', () => {
17499 | const list = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 1}, {a: 2}]
17500 | expect(uniq(list)).toEqual([{a: 1}, {a: 2}])
17501 | })
17502 |
17503 | test('with nested array', () => {
17504 | expect(uniq([[42], [42]])).toEqual([[42]])
17505 | })
17506 | test('with booleans', () => {
17507 | expect(uniq([[false], [false], [true]])).toEqual([[false], [true]])
17508 | })
17509 |
17510 | test('with falsy values', () => {
17511 | expect(uniq([undefined, null])).toEqual([undefined, null])
17512 | })
17513 |
17514 | test('can distinct between string and number', () => {
17515 | expect(uniq([1, '1'])).toEqual([1, '1'])
17516 | })
17517 | ```
17518 |
17519 | </details>
17520 |
17521 | <details>
17522 |
17523 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
17524 |
17525 | ```typescript
17526 | import {uniq} from 'rambda'
17527 |
17528 | describe('R.uniq', () => {
17529 | it('happy', () => {
17530 | const result = uniq([1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 0])
17531 | result // $ExpectType number[]
17532 | })
17533 | })
17534 | ```
17535 |
17536 | </details>
17537 |
17538 | <details>
17539 |
17540 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 90.24%</summary>
17541 |
17542 | ```text
17543 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
17544 |
17545 | const {
17546 | uniqListOfStrings,
17547 | uniqListOfBooleans,
17548 | uniqListOfNumbers,
17549 | uniqListOfLists,
17550 | uniqListOfObjects,
17551 | } = require('./_utils.js')
17552 |
17553 | const limit = 100
17554 |
17555 | const modes = [
17556 | uniqListOfStrings(limit),
17557 | uniqListOfBooleans(limit),
17558 | uniqListOfNumbers(limit),
17559 | uniqListOfLists(limit),
17560 | uniqListOfObjects(limit),
17561 | ]
17562 |
17563 | function applyBenchmark(fn, input) {
17564 | fn(input)
17565 | }
17566 |
17567 | const tests = [
17568 | {
17569 | label: 'Rambda',
17570 | fn: R.uniq,
17571 | },
17572 | {
17573 | label: 'Ramda',
17574 | fn: Ramda.uniq,
17575 | },
17576 | ]
17577 | ```
17578 |
17579 | </details>
17580 |
17581 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#uniq)
17582 |
17583 | ### uniqWith
17584 |
17585 | ```typescript
17586 |
17587 | uniqWith<T, U>(predicate: (x: T, y: T) => boolean, list: T[]): T[]
17588 | ```
17589 |
17590 | It returns a new array containing only one copy of each element in `list` according to `predicate` function.
17591 |
17592 | This predicate should return true, if two elements are equal.
17593 |
17594 | <details>
17595 |
17596 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
17597 |
17598 | ```typescript
17599 | uniqWith<T, U>(predicate: (x: T, y: T) => boolean, list: T[]): T[];
17600 | uniqWith<T, U>(predicate: (x: T, y: T) => boolean): (list: T[]) => T[];
17601 | ```
17602 |
17603 | </details>
17604 |
17605 | <details>
17606 |
17607 | <summary><strong>R.uniqWith</strong> source</summary>
17608 |
17609 | ```javascript
17610 | function includesWith(predicate, target, list) {
17611 | let willReturn = false
17612 | let index = -1
17613 |
17614 | while (++index < list.length && !willReturn) {
17615 | const value = list[index]
17616 |
17617 | if (predicate(target, value)) {
17618 | willReturn = true
17619 | }
17620 | }
17621 |
17622 | return willReturn
17623 | }
17624 |
17625 | export function uniqWith(predicate, list) {
17626 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _list => uniqWith(predicate, _list)
17627 |
17628 | let index = -1
17629 | const willReturn = []
17630 |
17631 | while (++index < list.length) {
17632 | const value = list[index]
17633 |
17634 | if (!includesWith(predicate, value, willReturn)) {
17635 | willReturn.push(value)
17636 | }
17637 | }
17638 |
17639 | return willReturn
17640 | }
17641 | ```
17642 |
17643 | </details>
17644 |
17645 | <details>
17646 |
17647 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
17648 |
17649 | ```javascript
17650 | import {uniqWith} from './uniqWith'
17651 | import {uniqWith as uniqWithRamda} from 'ramda'
17652 |
17653 | const list = [{a: 1}, {a: 1}]
17654 |
17655 | test('happy', () => {
17656 | const fn = (x, y) => x.a === y.a
17657 |
17658 | const result = uniqWith(fn, list)
17659 | expect(result).toEqual([{a: 1}])
17660 | })
17661 |
17662 | test('with list of strings', () => {
17663 | const fn = (x, y) => x.length === y.length
17664 | const list = ['0', '11', '222', '33', '4', '55']
17665 | const result = uniqWith(fn)(list)
17666 | const resultRamda = uniqWithRamda(fn, list)
17667 | expect(result).toEqual(['0', '11', '222'])
17668 | expect(resultRamda).toEqual(['0', '11', '222'])
17669 | })
17670 | ```
17671 |
17672 | </details>
17673 |
17674 | <details>
17675 |
17676 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
17677 |
17678 | ```typescript
17679 | import {uniqWith} from 'rambda'
17680 |
17681 | describe('R.uniqWith', () => {
17682 | it('happy', () => {
17683 | const list = [{a: 1}, {a: 1}]
17684 |
17685 | const fn = (x: any, y: any) => x.a === y.a
17686 |
17687 | const result = uniqWith(fn, list)
17688 | result // $ExpectType { a: number; }[]
17689 | })
17690 | })
17691 | ```
17692 |
17693 | </details>
17694 |
17695 | <details>
17696 |
17697 | <summary>Rambda is slower than Ramda with 25.38%</summary>
17698 |
17699 | ```text
17700 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
17701 |
17702 | const {
17703 | uniqListOfStrings,
17704 | uniqListOfBooleans,
17705 | uniqListOfNumbers,
17706 | uniqListOfLists,
17707 | uniqListOfObjects,
17708 | } = require('./_utils.js')
17709 |
17710 | const limit = 100
17711 |
17712 | const modes = [
17713 | [uniqListOfStrings(limit), (x, y) => x.length === y.length],
17714 | [uniqListOfBooleans(limit), (x, y) => x === y],
17715 | [uniqListOfNumbers(limit), (x, y) => x > y],
17716 | [uniqListOfLists(limit), (x, y) => x.length === y.length],
17717 | [
17718 | uniqListOfObjects(limit),
17719 | x => (x, y) => Object.keys(x).length === Object.keys(y).length,
17720 | ],
17721 | ]
17722 |
17723 | function applyBenchmark(fn, input) {
17724 | return fn(input[1], input[0])
17725 | }
17726 |
17727 | const tests = [
17728 | {
17729 | label: 'Rambda',
17730 | fn: R.uniqWith,
17731 | },
17732 | {
17733 | label: 'Ramda',
17734 | fn: Ramda.uniqWith,
17735 | },
17736 | ]
17737 | ```
17738 |
17739 | </details>
17740 |
17741 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#uniqWith)
17742 |
17743 | ### unless
17744 |
17745 | ```typescript
17746 |
17747 | unless<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => U, x: T): T | U
17748 | ```
17749 |
17750 | The method returns function that will be called with argument `input`.
17751 |
17752 | If `predicate(input)` returns `false`, then the end result will be the outcome of `whenFalse(input)`.
17753 |
17754 | In the other case, the final output will be the `input` itself.
17755 |
17756 | <details>
17757 |
17758 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
17759 |
17760 | ```typescript
17761 | unless<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => U, x: T): T | U;
17762 | unless<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => U): (x: T) => T | U;
17763 | unless<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => T, x: T): T;
17764 | unless<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => T): (x: T) => T;
17765 | ```
17766 |
17767 | </details>
17768 |
17769 | <details>
17770 |
17771 | <summary><strong>R.unless</strong> source</summary>
17772 |
17773 | ```javascript
17774 | export function unless(predicate, whenFalse) {
17775 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
17776 | return _whenFalse => unless(predicate, _whenFalse)
17777 | }
17778 |
17779 | return input => (predicate(input) ? input : whenFalse(input))
17780 | }
17781 | ```
17782 |
17783 | </details>
17784 |
17785 | <details>
17786 |
17787 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
17788 |
17789 | ```javascript
17790 | import {inc} from './inc'
17791 | import {isNil} from './isNil'
17792 | import {unless} from './unless'
17793 |
17794 | test('happy', () => {
17795 | const safeInc = unless(isNil, inc)
17796 | expect(safeInc(null)).toBeNull()
17797 | expect(safeInc(1)).toBe(2)
17798 | })
17799 |
17800 | test('curried', () => {
17801 | const safeIncCurried = unless(isNil)(inc)
17802 | expect(safeIncCurried(null)).toBeNull()
17803 | })
17804 | ```
17805 |
17806 | </details>
17807 |
17808 | <details>
17809 |
17810 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
17811 |
17812 | ```typescript
17813 | import {unless, inc} from 'rambda'
17814 |
17815 | describe('R.unless', () => {
17816 | it('happy', () => {
17817 | const fn = unless(x => x > 5, inc)
17818 | const result = fn(1)
17819 | result // $ExpectType number
17820 | })
17821 | it('with one explicit type', () => {
17822 | const result = unless(
17823 | x => {
17824 | x // $ExpectType number
17825 | return x > 5
17826 | },
17827 | x => {
17828 | x // $ExpectType number
17829 | return x + 1
17830 | },
17831 | 1
17832 | )
17833 | result // $ExpectType number
17834 | })
17835 | it('with two different explicit types', () => {
17836 | const result = unless(
17837 | x => {
17838 | x // $ExpectType number
17839 | return x > 5
17840 | },
17841 | x => {
17842 | x // $ExpectType number
17843 | return `${x}-foo`
17844 | },
17845 | 1
17846 | )
17847 | result // $ExpectType string | number
17848 | })
17849 | })
17850 |
17851 | describe('R.unless - curried', () => {
17852 | it('happy', () => {
17853 | const fn = unless(x => x > 5, inc)
17854 | const result = fn(1)
17855 | result // $ExpectType number
17856 | })
17857 | it('with one explicit type', () => {
17858 | const fn = unless<number>(
17859 | x => {
17860 | x // $ExpectType number
17861 | return x > 5
17862 | },
17863 | x => {
17864 | x // $ExpectType number
17865 | return x + 1
17866 | }
17867 | )
17868 | const result = fn(1)
17869 | result // $ExpectType number
17870 | })
17871 | it('with two different explicit types', () => {
17872 | const fn = unless<number, string>(
17873 | x => {
17874 | x // $ExpectType number
17875 | return x > 5
17876 | },
17877 | x => {
17878 | x // $ExpectType number
17879 | return `${x}-foo`
17880 | }
17881 | )
17882 | const result = fn(1)
17883 | result // $ExpectType string | number
17884 | })
17885 | })
17886 | ```
17887 |
17888 | </details>
17889 |
17890 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#unless)
17891 |
17892 | ### update
17893 |
17894 | ```typescript
17895 |
17896 | update<T>(index: number, newValue: T, list: T[]): T[]
17897 | ```
17898 |
17899 | It returns a copy of `list` with updated element at `index` with `newValue`.
17900 |
17901 | <details>
17902 |
17903 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
17904 |
17905 | ```typescript
17906 | update<T>(index: number, newValue: T, list: T[]): T[];
17907 | update<T>(index: number, newValue: T): (list: T[]) => T[];
17908 | ```
17909 |
17910 | </details>
17911 |
17912 | <details>
17913 |
17914 | <summary><strong>R.update</strong> source</summary>
17915 |
17916 | ```javascript
17917 | import {curry} from './curry'
17918 | import {cloneList} from './_internals/cloneList'
17919 |
17920 | function updateFn(index, newValue, list) {
17921 | const clone = cloneList(list)
17922 | if (index === -1) return clone.fill(newValue, index)
17923 |
17924 | return clone.fill(newValue, index, index + 1)
17925 | }
17926 |
17927 | export const update = curry(updateFn)
17928 | ```
17929 |
17930 | </details>
17931 |
17932 | <details>
17933 |
17934 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
17935 |
17936 | ```javascript
17937 | import {update} from './update'
17938 |
17939 | const list = [1, 2, 3]
17940 |
17941 | test('happy', () => {
17942 | const newValue = 8
17943 | const index = 1
17944 | const result = update(index, newValue, list)
17945 | const curriedResult = update(index, newValue)(list)
17946 | const tripleCurriedResult = update(index)(newValue)(list)
17947 |
17948 | const expected = [1, 8, 3]
17949 | expect(result).toEqual(expected)
17950 | expect(curriedResult).toEqual(expected)
17951 | expect(tripleCurriedResult).toEqual(expected)
17952 | })
17953 |
17954 | test('list has no such index', () => {
17955 | const newValue = 8
17956 | const index = 10
17957 | const result = update(index, newValue, list)
17958 |
17959 | expect(result).toEqual(list)
17960 | })
17961 |
17962 | test('with negative index', () => {
17963 | expect(update(-1, 10, [1])).toEqual([10])
17964 | expect(update(-1, 10, [])).toEqual([])
17965 | expect(update(-1, 10, list)).toEqual([1, 2, 10])
17966 | expect(update(-2, 10, list)).toEqual([1, 10, 3])
17967 | expect(update(-3, 10, list)).toEqual([10, 2, 3])
17968 | })
17969 | ```
17970 |
17971 | </details>
17972 |
17973 | <details>
17974 |
17975 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
17976 |
17977 | ```typescript
17978 | import {update} from 'rambda'
17979 |
17980 | describe('R.update', () => {
17981 | it('happy', () => {
17982 | const result = update(1, 0, [1, 2, 3])
17983 | result // $ExpectType number[]
17984 | })
17985 | })
17986 | ```
17987 |
17988 | </details>
17989 |
17990 | <details>
17991 |
17992 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 52.35%</summary>
17993 |
17994 | ```text
17995 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
17996 |
17997 | const list = [0, 1, 2]
17998 | const index = 1
17999 | const replacer = 7
18000 |
18001 | const update = [
18002 | {
18003 | label: 'Rambda',
18004 | fn: () => {
18005 | R.update(replacer, index, list)
18006 | R.update(replacer, index)(list)
18007 | R.update(replacer)(index)(list)
18008 | },
18009 | },
18010 | {
18011 | label: 'Ramda',
18012 | fn: () => {
18013 | Ramda.update(replacer, index, list)
18014 | Ramda.update(replacer, index)(list)
18015 | Ramda.update(replacer)(index)(list)
18016 | },
18017 | },
18018 | ]
18019 | ```
18020 |
18021 | </details>
18022 |
18023 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#update)
18024 |
18025 | ### values
18026 |
18027 | ```typescript
18028 |
18029 | values<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(obj: T): T[K][]
18030 | ```
18031 |
18032 | With correct input, this is nothing more than `Object.values(obj)`. If `obj` is not an object, then it returns an empty array.
18033 |
18034 | <details>
18035 |
18036 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18037 |
18038 | ```typescript
18039 | values<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(obj: T): T[K][];
18040 | ```
18041 |
18042 | </details>
18043 |
18044 | <details>
18045 |
18046 | <summary><strong>R.values</strong> source</summary>
18047 |
18048 | ```javascript
18049 | import {type} from './type'
18050 |
18051 | export function values(obj) {
18052 | if (type(obj) !== 'Object') return []
18053 |
18054 | return Object.values(obj)
18055 | }
18056 | ```
18057 |
18058 | </details>
18059 |
18060 | <details>
18061 |
18062 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18063 |
18064 | ```javascript
18065 | import {values} from './values'
18066 |
18067 | test('happy', () => {
18068 | expect(
18069 | values({
18070 | a: 1,
18071 | b: 2,
18072 | c: 3,
18073 | })
18074 | ).toEqual([1, 2, 3])
18075 | })
18076 |
18077 | test('with bad input', () => {
18078 | expect(values(null)).toEqual([])
18079 | expect(values(undefined)).toEqual([])
18080 | expect(values(55)).toEqual([])
18081 | expect(values('foo')).toEqual([])
18082 | expect(values(true)).toEqual([])
18083 | expect(values(false)).toEqual([])
18084 | expect(values(NaN)).toEqual([])
18085 | expect(values(Infinity)).toEqual([])
18086 | expect(values([])).toEqual([])
18087 | })
18088 | ```
18089 |
18090 | </details>
18091 |
18092 | <details>
18093 |
18094 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18095 |
18096 | ```typescript
18097 | import {values} from 'rambda'
18098 |
18099 | describe('R.values', () => {
18100 | it('happy', () => {
18101 | const result = values({
18102 | a: 1,
18103 | b: 2,
18104 | c: 3,
18105 | })
18106 | result // $ExpectType number[]
18107 | })
18108 | })
18109 | ```
18110 |
18111 | </details>
18112 |
18113 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#values)
18114 |
18115 | ### view
18116 |
18117 | ```typescript
18118 |
18119 | view<T, U>(lens: Lens): (target: T) => U
18120 | ```
18121 |
18122 | It returns the value of `lens` focus over `target` object.
18123 |
18124 | <details>
18125 |
18126 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18127 |
18128 | ```typescript
18129 | view<T, U>(lens: Lens): (target: T) => U;
18130 | view<T, U>(lens: Lens, target: T): U;
18131 | ```
18132 |
18133 | </details>
18134 |
18135 | <details>
18136 |
18137 | <summary><strong>R.view</strong> source</summary>
18138 |
18139 | ```javascript
18140 | const Const = x => ({
18141 | x,
18142 | map: fn => Const(x),
18143 | })
18144 |
18145 | export function view(lens, target) {
18146 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _target => view(lens, _target)
18147 |
18148 | return lens(Const)(target).x
18149 | }
18150 | ```
18151 |
18152 | </details>
18153 |
18154 | <details>
18155 |
18156 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18157 |
18158 | ```javascript
18159 | import {assoc} from './assoc'
18160 | import {lens} from './lens'
18161 | import {prop} from './prop'
18162 | import {view} from './view'
18163 |
18164 | const testObject = {foo: 'Led Zeppelin'}
18165 | const assocLens = lens(prop('foo'), assoc('foo'))
18166 |
18167 | test('happy', () => {
18168 | expect(view(assocLens, testObject)).toEqual('Led Zeppelin')
18169 | })
18170 | ```
18171 |
18172 | </details>
18173 |
18174 | <details>
18175 |
18176 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18177 |
18178 | ```typescript
18179 | import {lens, view, assoc} from 'rambda'
18180 |
18181 | interface Input {
18182 | foo: string,
18183 | }
18184 |
18185 | const testObject: Input = {
18186 | foo: 'Led Zeppelin',
18187 | }
18188 |
18189 | const fooLens = lens<Input, string, string>((x: Input) => {
18190 | return x.foo
18191 | }, assoc('foo'))
18192 |
18193 | describe('R.view', () => {
18194 | it('happt', () => {
18195 | const result = view<Input, string>(fooLens, testObject)
18196 | result // $ExpectType string
18197 | })
18198 | })
18199 | ```
18200 |
18201 | </details>
18202 |
18203 | <details>
18204 |
18205 | <summary>Rambda is faster than Ramda with 76.15%</summary>
18206 |
18207 | ```text
18208 | const R = require('../../dist/rambda.js')
18209 |
18210 | const testObj = {a: 1}
18211 |
18212 | const last = [
18213 | {
18214 | label: 'Rambda',
18215 | fn: () => {
18216 | R.view(R.lensProp('a'), testObj)
18217 | },
18218 | },
18219 | {
18220 | label: 'Ramda',
18221 | fn: () => {
18222 | Ramda.view(Ramda.lensProp('a'), testObj)
18223 | },
18224 | },
18225 | ]
18226 | ```
18227 |
18228 | </details>
18229 |
18230 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#view)
18231 |
18232 | ### when
18233 |
18234 | ```typescript
18235 |
18236 | when<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenTrueFn: (a: T) => U, input: T): T | U
18237 | ```
18238 |
18239 | <details>
18240 |
18241 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18242 |
18243 | ```typescript
18244 | when<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenTrueFn: (a: T) => U, input: T): T | U;
18245 | when<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenTrueFn: (a: T) => U): (input: T) => T | U;
18246 | when<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): ((whenTrueFn: (a: T) => U) => (input: T) => T | U);
18247 | ```
18248 |
18249 | </details>
18250 |
18251 | <details>
18252 |
18253 | <summary><strong>R.when</strong> source</summary>
18254 |
18255 | ```javascript
18256 | import {curry} from './curry'
18257 |
18258 | function whenFn(predicate, whenTrueFn, input) {
18259 | if (!predicate(input)) return input
18260 |
18261 | return whenTrueFn(input)
18262 | }
18263 |
18264 | export const when = curry(whenFn)
18265 | ```
18266 |
18267 | </details>
18268 |
18269 | <details>
18270 |
18271 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18272 |
18273 | ```javascript
18274 | import {add} from './add'
18275 | import {when} from './when'
18276 |
18277 | const predicate = x => typeof x === 'number'
18278 |
18279 | test('happy', () => {
18280 | const fn = when(predicate, add(11))
18281 | expect(fn(11)).toBe(22)
18282 | expect(fn('foo')).toBe('foo')
18283 | })
18284 | ```
18285 |
18286 | </details>
18287 |
18288 | <details>
18289 |
18290 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18291 |
18292 | ```typescript
18293 | import {when} from 'rambda'
18294 |
18295 | const predicate = (x: number) => x > 2
18296 | const whenTrueFn = (x: number) => String(x)
18297 |
18298 | describe('R.when', () => {
18299 | it('happy', () => {
18300 | const result = when(predicate, whenTrueFn, 1)
18301 | result // $ExpectType string | 1
18302 | })
18303 |
18304 | it('curry 1', () => {
18305 | const fn = when(predicate, whenTrueFn)
18306 | const result = fn(1)
18307 | result // $ExpectType string | number
18308 | })
18309 |
18310 | it('curry 2 require explicit types', () => {
18311 | const fn = when<number, string>(predicate)(whenTrueFn)
18312 | const result = fn(1)
18313 | result // $ExpectType string | number
18314 | })
18315 | })
18316 | ```
18317 |
18318 | </details>
18319 |
18320 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#when)
18321 |
18322 | ### where
18323 |
18324 | ```typescript
18325 |
18326 | where<T, U>(conditions: T, input: U): boolean
18327 | ```
18328 |
18329 | It returns `true` if all each property in `conditions` returns `true` when applied to corresponding property in `input` object.
18330 |
18331 | <details>
18332 |
18333 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18334 |
18335 | ```typescript
18336 | where<T, U>(conditions: T, input: U): boolean;
18337 | where<T>(conditions: T): <U>(input: U) => boolean;
18338 | where<ObjFunc2, U>(conditions: ObjFunc2, input: U): boolean;
18339 | where<ObjFunc2>(conditions: ObjFunc2): <U>(input: U) => boolean;
18340 | ```
18341 |
18342 | </details>
18343 |
18344 | <details>
18345 |
18346 | <summary><strong>R.where</strong> source</summary>
18347 |
18348 | ```javascript
18349 | export function where(conditions, input) {
18350 | if (input === undefined) {
18351 | return _input => where(conditions, _input)
18352 | }
18353 | let flag = true
18354 | for (const prop in conditions) {
18355 | const result = conditions[prop](input[prop])
18356 | if (flag && result === false) {
18357 | flag = false
18358 | }
18359 | }
18360 |
18361 | return flag
18362 | }
18363 | ```
18364 |
18365 | </details>
18366 |
18367 | <details>
18368 |
18369 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18370 |
18371 | ```javascript
18372 | import {equals} from './equals'
18373 | import {where} from './where'
18374 |
18375 | test('when true', () => {
18376 | const predicate = where({
18377 | a: equals('foo'),
18378 | b: equals('bar'),
18379 | })
18380 | expect(
18381 | predicate({
18382 | a: 'foo',
18383 | b: 'bar',
18384 | x: 11,
18385 | y: 19,
18386 | })
18387 | ).toEqual(true)
18388 | })
18389 |
18390 | test('when false', () => {
18391 | const predicate = where({
18392 | a: equals('foo'),
18393 | b: equals('baz'),
18394 | })
18395 | expect(
18396 | predicate({
18397 | a: 'foo',
18398 | b: 'bar',
18399 | x: 11,
18400 | y: 19,
18401 | })
18402 | ).toEqual(false)
18403 | })
18404 | ```
18405 |
18406 | </details>
18407 |
18408 | <details>
18409 |
18410 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18411 |
18412 | ```typescript
18413 | import {where, equals} from 'rambda'
18414 |
18415 | describe('R.where', () => {
18416 | it('happy', () => {
18417 | const input = {
18418 | a: 'foo',
18419 | b: 'bar',
18420 | x: 11,
18421 | y: 19,
18422 | }
18423 | const conditions = {
18424 | a: equals('foo'),
18425 | b: equals('bar'),
18426 | }
18427 | const result = where(conditions, input)
18428 | const curriedResult = where(conditions)(input)
18429 | result // $ExpectType boolean
18430 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
18431 | })
18432 | })
18433 | ```
18434 |
18435 | </details>
18436 |
18437 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#where)
18438 |
18439 | ### whereEq
18440 |
18441 | ```typescript
18442 |
18443 | whereEq<T, U>(condition: T, input: U): boolean
18444 | ```
18445 |
18446 | It will return `true` if all of `input` object fully or partially include `rule` object.
18447 |
18448 | `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
18449 |
18450 | <details>
18451 |
18452 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18453 |
18454 | ```typescript
18455 | whereEq<T, U>(condition: T, input: U): boolean;
18456 | whereEq<T>(condition: T): <U>(input: U) => boolean;
18457 | ```
18458 |
18459 | </details>
18460 |
18461 | <details>
18462 |
18463 | <summary><strong>R.whereEq</strong> source</summary>
18464 |
18465 | ```javascript
18466 | import {equals} from './equals'
18467 | import {filter} from './filter'
18468 |
18469 | export function whereEq(condition, input) {
18470 | if (arguments.length === 1) {
18471 | return _input => whereEq(condition, _input)
18472 | }
18473 |
18474 | const result = filter(
18475 | (conditionValue, conditionProp) =>
18476 | equals(conditionValue, input[conditionProp]),
18477 | condition
18478 | )
18479 |
18480 | return Object.keys(result).length === Object.keys(condition).length
18481 | }
18482 | ```
18483 |
18484 | </details>
18485 |
18486 | <details>
18487 |
18488 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18489 |
18490 | ```javascript
18491 | import {whereEq} from './whereEq'
18492 |
18493 | test('when true', () => {
18494 | const condition = {a: 1}
18495 | const input = {
18496 | a: 1,
18497 | b: 2,
18498 | }
18499 |
18500 | const result = whereEq(condition, input)
18501 | const expectedResult = true
18502 |
18503 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
18504 | })
18505 |
18506 | test('when false', () => {
18507 | const condition = {a: 1}
18508 | const input = {b: 2}
18509 |
18510 | const result = whereEq(condition, input)
18511 | const expectedResult = false
18512 |
18513 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
18514 | })
18515 |
18516 | test('with nested object', () => {
18517 | const condition = {a: {b: 1}}
18518 | const input = {
18519 | a: {b: 1},
18520 | c: 2,
18521 | }
18522 |
18523 | const result = whereEq(condition)(input)
18524 | const expectedResult = true
18525 |
18526 | expect(result).toEqual(expectedResult)
18527 | })
18528 |
18529 | test('with wrong input', () => {
18530 | const condition = {a: {b: 1}}
18531 |
18532 | expect(() => whereEq(condition, null)).toThrowWithMessage(
18533 | TypeError,
18534 | `Cannot read properties of null (reading 'a')`
18535 | )
18536 | })
18537 | ```
18538 |
18539 | </details>
18540 |
18541 | <details>
18542 |
18543 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18544 |
18545 | ```typescript
18546 | import {whereEq} from 'rambda'
18547 |
18548 | describe('R.whereEq', () => {
18549 | it('happy', () => {
18550 | const result = whereEq({a: {b: 2}}, {b: 2})
18551 | const curriedResult = whereEq({a: {b: 2}})({b: 2})
18552 | result // $ExpectType boolean
18553 | curriedResult // $ExpectType boolean
18554 | })
18555 | })
18556 | ```
18557 |
18558 | </details>
18559 |
18560 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#whereEq)
18561 |
18562 | ### without
18563 |
18564 | ```typescript
18565 |
18566 | without<T>(matchAgainst: T[], source: T[]): T[]
18567 | ```
18568 |
18569 | It will return a new array, based on all members of `source` list that are not part of `matchAgainst` list.
18570 |
18571 | `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
18572 |
18573 | <details>
18574 |
18575 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18576 |
18577 | ```typescript
18578 | without<T>(matchAgainst: T[], source: T[]): T[];
18579 | without<T>(matchAgainst: T[]): (source: T[]) => T[];
18580 | ```
18581 |
18582 | </details>
18583 |
18584 | <details>
18585 |
18586 | <summary><strong>R.without</strong> source</summary>
18587 |
18588 | ```javascript
18589 | import {reduce} from './reduce'
18590 | import {_indexOf} from './equals'
18591 |
18592 | export function without(matchAgainst, source) {
18593 | if (source === undefined) {
18594 | return _source => without(matchAgainst, _source)
18595 | }
18596 |
18597 | return reduce(
18598 | (prev, current) =>
18599 | _indexOf(current, matchAgainst) > -1 ? prev : prev.concat(current),
18600 | [],
18601 | source
18602 | )
18603 | }
18604 | ```
18605 |
18606 | </details>
18607 |
18608 | <details>
18609 |
18610 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18611 |
18612 | ```javascript
18613 | import {without} from './without'
18614 | import {without as withoutRamda} from 'ramda'
18615 |
18616 | test('should return a new list without values in the first argument', () => {
18617 | const itemsToOmit = ['A', 'B', 'C']
18618 | const collection = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
18619 |
18620 | expect(without(itemsToOmit, collection)).toEqual(['D', 'E', 'F'])
18621 | expect(without(itemsToOmit)(collection)).toEqual(['D', 'E', 'F'])
18622 | })
18623 |
18624 | test('with list of objects', () => {
18625 | const itemsToOmit = [{a: 1}, {c: 3}]
18626 | const collection = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}, {d: 4}]
18627 | const expected = [{b: 2}, {d: 4}]
18628 |
18629 | expect(without(itemsToOmit, collection)).toEqual(expected)
18630 | expect(withoutRamda(itemsToOmit, collection)).toEqual(expected)
18631 | })
18632 |
18633 | test('ramda accepts string as target input while rambda throws', () => {
18634 | expect(withoutRamda('0:1', ['0', '0:1'])).toEqual([])
18635 | expect(() => without('0:1', ['0', '0:1'])).toThrow()
18636 | expect(without(['0:1'], ['0', '0:1'])).toEqual(['0'])
18637 | })
18638 |
18639 | test('ramda test', () => {
18640 | expect(without([1, 2])([1, 2, 1, 3, 4])).toEqual([3, 4])
18641 | })
18642 | ```
18643 |
18644 | </details>
18645 |
18646 | <details>
18647 |
18648 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18649 |
18650 | ```typescript
18651 | import {without} from 'rambda'
18652 |
18653 | const itemsToOmit = ['A', 'B', 'C']
18654 | const collection = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F']
18655 |
18656 | describe('R.without', () => {
18657 | it('happy', () => {
18658 | const result = without(itemsToOmit, collection)
18659 |
18660 | result // $ExpectType string[]
18661 | })
18662 | it('curried', () => {
18663 | const result = without(itemsToOmit)(collection)
18664 |
18665 | result // $ExpectType string[]
18666 | })
18667 | })
18668 | ```
18669 |
18670 | </details>
18671 |
18672 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#without)
18673 |
18674 | ### xor
18675 |
18676 | ```typescript
18677 |
18678 | xor(x: boolean, y: boolean): boolean
18679 | ```
18680 |
18681 | Logical XOR
18682 |
18683 | <details>
18684 |
18685 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18686 |
18687 | ```typescript
18688 | xor(x: boolean, y: boolean): boolean;
18689 | xor(y: boolean): (y: boolean) => boolean;
18690 | ```
18691 |
18692 | </details>
18693 |
18694 | <details>
18695 |
18696 | <summary><strong>R.xor</strong> source</summary>
18697 |
18698 | ```javascript
18699 | export function xor(a, b) {
18700 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _b => xor(a, _b)
18701 |
18702 | return (Boolean(a) && !b) || (Boolean(b) && !a)
18703 | }
18704 | ```
18705 |
18706 | </details>
18707 |
18708 | <details>
18709 |
18710 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18711 |
18712 | ```javascript
18713 | import {xor} from './xor'
18714 |
18715 | test('compares two values with exclusive or', () => {
18716 | expect(xor(true, true)).toEqual(false)
18717 | expect(xor(true, false)).toEqual(true)
18718 | expect(xor(false, true)).toEqual(true)
18719 | expect(xor(false, false)).toEqual(false)
18720 | })
18721 |
18722 | test('when both values are truthy, it should return false', () => {
18723 | expect(xor(true, 'foo')).toEqual(false)
18724 | expect(xor(42, true)).toEqual(false)
18725 | expect(xor('foo', 42)).toEqual(false)
18726 | expect(xor({}, true)).toEqual(false)
18727 | expect(xor(true, [])).toEqual(false)
18728 | expect(xor([], {})).toEqual(false)
18729 | expect(xor(new Date(), true)).toEqual(false)
18730 | expect(xor(true, Infinity)).toEqual(false)
18731 | expect(xor(Infinity, new Date())).toEqual(false)
18732 | })
18733 |
18734 | test('when both values are falsy, it should return false', () => {
18735 | expect(xor(null, false)).toEqual(false)
18736 | expect(xor(false, undefined)).toEqual(false)
18737 | expect(xor(undefined, null)).toEqual(false)
18738 | expect(xor(0, false)).toEqual(false)
18739 | expect(xor(false, NaN)).toEqual(false)
18740 | expect(xor(NaN, 0)).toEqual(false)
18741 | expect(xor('', false)).toEqual(false)
18742 | })
18743 |
18744 | test('when one argument is truthy and the other is falsy, it should return true', () => {
18745 | expect(xor('foo', null)).toEqual(true)
18746 | expect(xor(null, 'foo')).toEqual(true)
18747 | expect(xor(undefined, 42)).toEqual(true)
18748 | expect(xor(42, undefined)).toEqual(true)
18749 | expect(xor(Infinity, NaN)).toEqual(true)
18750 | expect(xor(NaN, Infinity)).toEqual(true)
18751 | expect(xor({}, '')).toEqual(true)
18752 | expect(xor('', {})).toEqual(true)
18753 | expect(xor(new Date(), 0)).toEqual(true)
18754 | expect(xor(0, new Date())).toEqual(true)
18755 | expect(xor([], null)).toEqual(true)
18756 | expect(xor(undefined, [])).toEqual(true)
18757 | })
18758 | ```
18759 |
18760 | </details>
18761 |
18762 | <details>
18763 |
18764 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18765 |
18766 | ```typescript
18767 | import {xor} from 'rambda'
18768 |
18769 | describe('R.xor', () => {
18770 | it('happy', () => {
18771 | xor(true, false) // $ExpectType boolean
18772 | })
18773 | it('curry', () => {
18774 | xor(true)(false) // $ExpectType boolean
18775 | })
18776 | })
18777 | ```
18778 |
18779 | </details>
18780 |
18781 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#xor)
18782 |
18783 | ### zip
18784 |
18785 | ```typescript
18786 |
18787 | zip<K, V>(x: K[], y: V[]): KeyValuePair<K, V>[]
18788 | ```
18789 |
18790 | It will return a new array containing tuples of equally positions items from both `x` and `y` lists.
18791 |
18792 | The returned list will be truncated to match the length of the shortest supplied list.
18793 |
18794 | <details>
18795 |
18796 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18797 |
18798 | ```typescript
18799 | zip<K, V>(x: K[], y: V[]): KeyValuePair<K, V>[];
18800 | zip<K>(x: K[]): <V>(y: V[]) => KeyValuePair<K, V>[];
18801 | ```
18802 |
18803 | </details>
18804 |
18805 | <details>
18806 |
18807 | <summary><strong>R.zip</strong> source</summary>
18808 |
18809 | ```javascript
18810 | export function zip(left, right) {
18811 | if (arguments.length === 1) return _right => zip(left, _right)
18812 |
18813 | const result = []
18814 | const length = Math.min(left.length, right.length)
18815 |
18816 | for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
18817 | result[i] = [left[i], right[i]]
18818 | }
18819 |
18820 | return result
18821 | }
18822 | ```
18823 |
18824 | </details>
18825 |
18826 | <details>
18827 |
18828 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18829 |
18830 | ```javascript
18831 | import {zip} from './zip'
18832 |
18833 | const array1 = [1, 2, 3]
18834 | const array2 = ['A', 'B', 'C']
18835 |
18836 | test('should return an array', () => {
18837 | const actual = zip(array1)(array2)
18838 | expect(actual).toBeInstanceOf(Array)
18839 | })
18840 |
18841 | test('should return and array or tuples', () => {
18842 | const expected = [
18843 | [1, 'A'],
18844 | [2, 'B'],
18845 | [3, 'C'],
18846 | ]
18847 | const actual = zip(array1, array2)
18848 | expect(actual).toEqual(expected)
18849 | })
18850 |
18851 | test('should truncate result to length of shorted input list', () => {
18852 | const expectedA = [
18853 | [1, 'A'],
18854 | [2, 'B'],
18855 | ]
18856 | const actualA = zip([1, 2], array2)
18857 | expect(actualA).toEqual(expectedA)
18858 |
18859 | const expectedB = [
18860 | [1, 'A'],
18861 | [2, 'B'],
18862 | ]
18863 | const actualB = zip(array1, ['A', 'B'])
18864 | expect(actualB).toEqual(expectedB)
18865 | })
18866 | ```
18867 |
18868 | </details>
18869 |
18870 | <details>
18871 |
18872 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18873 |
18874 | ```typescript
18875 | import {zip} from 'rambda'
18876 |
18877 | describe('R.zip', () => {
18878 | it('happy', () => {
18879 | const array1 = [1, 2, 3]
18880 | const array2 = ['A', 'B', 'C']
18881 |
18882 | const result = zip(array1)(array2)
18883 | result // $ExpectType KeyValuePair<number, string>[]
18884 | })
18885 | })
18886 | ```
18887 |
18888 | </details>
18889 |
18890 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#zip)
18891 |
18892 | ### zipObj
18893 |
18894 | ```typescript
18895 |
18896 | zipObj<T, K extends string>(keys: K[], values: T[]): { [P in K]: T }
18897 | ```
18898 |
18899 | It will return a new object with keys of `keys` array and values of `values` array.
18900 |
18901 | <details>
18902 |
18903 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
18904 |
18905 | ```typescript
18906 | zipObj<T, K extends string>(keys: K[], values: T[]): { [P in K]: T };
18907 | zipObj<K extends string>(keys: K[]): <T>(values: T[]) => { [P in K]: T };
18908 | zipObj<T, K extends number>(keys: K[], values: T[]): { [P in K]: T };
18909 | zipObj<K extends number>(keys: K[]): <T>(values: T[]) => { [P in K]: T };
18910 | ```
18911 |
18912 | </details>
18913 |
18914 | <details>
18915 |
18916 | <summary><strong>R.zipObj</strong> source</summary>
18917 |
18918 | ```javascript
18919 | import {take} from './take'
18920 |
18921 | export function zipObj(keys, values) {
18922 | if (arguments.length === 1) return yHolder => zipObj(keys, yHolder)
18923 |
18924 | return take(values.length, keys).reduce((prev, xInstance, i) => {
18925 | prev[xInstance] = values[i]
18926 |
18927 | return prev
18928 | }, {})
18929 | }
18930 | ```
18931 |
18932 | </details>
18933 |
18934 | <details>
18935 |
18936 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
18937 |
18938 | ```javascript
18939 | import {equals} from './equals'
18940 | import {zipObj} from './zipObj'
18941 |
18942 | test('zipObj', () => {
18943 | expect(zipObj(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])).toEqual({
18944 | a: 1,
18945 | b: 2,
18946 | c: 3,
18947 | })
18948 | })
18949 |
18950 | test('0', () => {
18951 | expect(zipObj(['a', 'b'])([1, 2, 3])).toEqual({
18952 | a: 1,
18953 | b: 2,
18954 | })
18955 | })
18956 |
18957 | test('1', () => {
18958 | expect(zipObj(['a', 'b', 'c'])([1, 2])).toEqual({
18959 | a: 1,
18960 | b: 2,
18961 | })
18962 | })
18963 |
18964 | test('ignore extra keys', () => {
18965 | const result = zipObj(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'], [1, 2, 3])
18966 | const expected = {
18967 | a: 1,
18968 | b: 2,
18969 | c: 3,
18970 | }
18971 |
18972 | expect(equals(result, expected)).toBeTrue()
18973 | })
18974 | ```
18975 |
18976 | </details>
18977 |
18978 | <details>
18979 |
18980 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
18981 |
18982 | ```typescript
18983 | import {zipObj} from 'rambda'
18984 |
18985 | describe('R.zipObj', () => {
18986 | it('happy', () => {
18987 | // this is wrong since 24.10.2020 `@types/ramda` changes
18988 | const result = zipObj(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [1, 2, 3])
18989 | result // $ExpectType { b: number; a: number; c: number; d: number; }
18990 | })
18991 | it('imported from @types/ramda', () => {
18992 | const result = zipObj(['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3])
18993 | const curriedResult = zipObj(['a', 'b', 'c'])([1, 2, 3])
18994 | result // $ExpectType { b: number; a: number; c: number; }
18995 | curriedResult // $ExpectType { b: number; a: number; c: number; }
18996 | })
18997 | })
18998 | ```
18999 |
19000 | </details>
19001 |
19002 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#zipObj)
19003 |
19004 | ### zipWith
19005 |
19006 | ```typescript
19007 |
19008 | zipWith<T, U, TResult>(fn: (x: T, y: U) => TResult, list1: T[], list2: U[]): TResult[]
19009 | ```
19010 |
19011 | <details>
19012 |
19013 | <summary>All Typescript definitions</summary>
19014 |
19015 | ```typescript
19016 | zipWith<T, U, TResult>(fn: (x: T, y: U) => TResult, list1: T[], list2: U[]): TResult[];
19017 | zipWith<T, U, TResult>(fn: (x: T, y: U) => TResult, list1: T[]): (list2: U[]) => TResult[];
19018 | zipWith<T, U, TResult>(fn: (x: T, y: U) => TResult): (list1: T[], list2: U[]) => TResult[];
19019 | ```
19020 |
19021 | </details>
19022 |
19023 | <details>
19024 |
19025 | <summary><strong>R.zipWith</strong> source</summary>
19026 |
19027 | ```javascript
19028 | import {curry} from './curry'
19029 | import {take} from './take'
19030 |
19031 | function zipWithFn(fn, x, y) {
19032 | return take(x.length > y.length ? y.length : x.length, x).map(
19033 | (xInstance, i) => fn(xInstance, y[i])
19034 | )
19035 | }
19036 |
19037 | export const zipWith = curry(zipWithFn)
19038 | ```
19039 |
19040 | </details>
19041 |
19042 | <details>
19043 |
19044 | <summary><strong>Tests</strong></summary>
19045 |
19046 | ```javascript
19047 | import {add} from './add'
19048 | import {zipWith} from './zipWith'
19049 |
19050 | const list1 = [1, 2, 3]
19051 | const list2 = [10, 20, 30, 40]
19052 | const list3 = [100, 200]
19053 |
19054 | test('when second list is shorter', () => {
19055 | const result = zipWith(add, list1, list3)
19056 | expect(result).toEqual([101, 202])
19057 | })
19058 |
19059 | test('when second list is longer', () => {
19060 | const result = zipWith(add, list1, list2)
19061 | expect(result).toEqual([11, 22, 33])
19062 | })
19063 | ```
19064 |
19065 | </details>
19066 |
19067 | <details>
19068 |
19069 | <summary><strong>Typescript</strong> test</summary>
19070 |
19071 | ```typescript
19072 | import {zipWith} from 'rambda'
19073 |
19074 | const list1 = [1, 2]
19075 | const list2 = [10, 20, 30]
19076 |
19077 | describe('R.zipWith', () => {
19078 | it('happy', () => {
19079 | const result = zipWith(
19080 | (x, y) => {
19081 | x // $ExpectType number
19082 | y // $ExpectType number
19083 | return `${x}-${y}`
19084 | },
19085 | list1,
19086 | list2
19087 | )
19088 |
19089 | result // $ExpectType string[]
19090 | })
19091 | it('curried', () => {
19092 | const result = zipWith((x, y) => {
19093 | x // $ExpectType unknown
19094 | y // $ExpectType unknown
19095 | return `${x}-${y}`
19096 | })(list1, list2)
19097 |
19098 | result // $ExpectType string[]
19099 | })
19100 | })
19101 | ```
19102 |
19103 | </details>
19104 |
19105 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#zipWith)
19106 |
19107 | ## ❯ CHANGELOG
19108 |
19109 | 7.0.0
19110 |
19111 | - Braking change - sync `R.compose`/`R.pipe` with `@types/ramda`. That is significant change so as safeguard, it will lead a major bump. Important - this lead to raising required Typescript version to `4.2.2`. In other words, to use `Rambda` you'll need Typescript version `4.2.2` or newer.
19112 |
19113 | Related commit in `@types/ramda` - https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/commit/286eff4f76d41eb8f091e7437eabd8a60d97fc1f#diff-4f74803fa83a81e47cb17a7d8a4e46a7e451f4d9e5ce2f1bd7a70a72d91f4bc1
19114 |
19115 | There are several other changes in `@types/ramda` as stated in [this comment](https://github.com/ramda/ramda/issues/2976#issuecomment-990408945). This leads to change of typings for the following methods in **Rambda**:
19116 |
19117 | -- R.unless
19118 |
19119 | -- R.toString
19120 |
19121 | -- R.ifElse
19122 |
19123 | -- R.always
19124 |
19125 | -- R.complement
19126 |
19127 | -- R.cond
19128 |
19129 | -- R.is
19130 |
19131 | -- R.sortBy
19132 |
19133 | -- R.dissoc
19134 |
19135 | -- R.toPairs
19136 |
19137 | -- R.assoc
19138 |
19139 | -- R.toLower
19140 |
19141 | -- R.toUpper
19142 |
19143 | - One more reason for the braking change is changing of export declarations in `package.json` based on [this blog post](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-4-5-beta/#packagejson-exports-imports-and-self-referencing) and [this merged Ramda's PR](https://github.com/ramda/ramda/pull/2999). This also led to renaming of `babel.config.js` to `babel.config.cjs`.
19144 |
19145 | - Add `R.apply`, `R.bind` and `R.unapply`
19146 |
19147 | - `R.startsWith/R.endsWith` now support lists as inputs. This way, it matches current Ramda behavior.
19148 |
19149 | - Remove unused typing for `R.chain`.
19150 |
19151 | - `R.map`/`R.filter` no longer accept bad inputs as iterable. This way, Rambda behaves more like Ramda, which also throws.
19152 |
19153 | - Make `R.lastIndexOf` follow the logic of `R.indexOf`.
19154 |
19155 | - Change `R.type` logic to Ramda logic. This way, `R.type` can return `Error` and `Set` as results.
19156 |
19157 | - Add missing logic in `R.equals` to compare sets - [Issue #599](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/599)
19158 |
19159 | - Improve list cloning - [Issue #595](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/595)
19160 |
19161 | - Handle multiple inputs with `R.allPass` and `R.anyPass` - [Issue #604](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/604)
19162 |
19163 | - Fix `R.length` wrong logic with inputs as `{length: 123}` - [Issue #606](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/606).
19164 |
19165 | - Improve non-curry typings of `R.merge` by using types from [mobily/ts-belt](https://github.com/mobily/ts-belt).
19166 |
19167 | - Improve performance of `R.uniqWith`.
19168 |
19169 | - Wrong `R.update` if index is `-1` - [PR #593](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/593)
19170 |
19171 | - Make `R.eqProps` safe for falsy inputs - based on [this opened Ramda PR](https://github.com/ramda/ramda/pull/2943).
19172 |
19173 | - Incorrect benchmarks for `R.pipe/R.compose` - [Issue #608](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/608)
19174 |
19175 | - Fix `R.last/R.head` typings - [Issue #609](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/609)
19176 |
19177 | 6.9.0
19178 |
19179 | - Fix slow `R.uniq` methods - [Issue #581](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/581)
19180 |
19181 | Fixing `R.uniq` was done by improving `R.indexOf` which has performance implication to all methods importing `R.indexOf`:
19182 |
19183 | - R.includes
19184 | - R.intersection
19185 | - R.difference
19186 | - R.excludes
19187 | - R.symmetricDifference
19188 | - R.union
19189 |
19190 | - R.without no longer support the following case - `without('0:1', ['0', '0:1']) // => ['0']`. Now it throws as the first argument should be a list, not a string. Ramda, on the other hand, returns an empty list - https://github.com/ramda/ramda/issues/3086.
19191 |
19192 | 6.8.3
19193 |
19194 | - Fix Typescript build process with `rambda/immutable` - [Issue #572](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/572)
19195 |
19196 | - Add `R.objOf` method
19197 |
19198 | - Add `R.mapObjIndexed` method
19199 |
19200 | - Publish shorter README.md version to NPM
19201 |
19202 | 6.8.0
19203 |
19204 | - `R.has` use `Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty`- [Issue #572](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/572)
19205 |
19206 | - Expose `immutable.ts` typings which are Rambda typings with `readonly` statements - [Issue #565](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/565)
19207 |
19208 | - Fix `R.intersection` wrong order compared to Ramda.
19209 |
19210 | - `R.path` wrong return of `null` instead of `undefined` when path value is `null` - [PR #577](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/577)
19211 |
19212 | 6.7.0
19213 |
19214 | - Remove `ts-toolbelt` types from Typescript definitions. Most affected are the following methods, which lose one of its curried definitions:
19215 |
19216 | 1. R.maxBy
19217 | 2. R.minBy
19218 | 3. R.pathEq
19219 | 4. R.viewOr
19220 | 5. R.when
19221 | 6. R.merge
19222 | 7. R.mergeDeepRight
19223 | 8. R.mergeLeft
19224 |
19225 | 6.6.0
19226 |
19227 | - Change `R.piped` typings to mimic that of `R.pipe`. Main difference is that `R.pipe` is focused on unary functions.
19228 |
19229 | - Fix wrong logic when `R.without` use `R.includes` while it should use array version of `R.includes`.
19230 |
19231 | - Use uglify plugin for UMD bundle.
19232 |
19233 | - Remove `dist` folder from `.gitignore` in order to fix `Deno` broken package. [Issue #570](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/570)
19234 |
19235 | - Improve `R.fromPairs` typings - [Issue #567](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/567)
19236 |
19237 | 6.5.3
19238 |
19239 | - Wrong logic where `R.without` use `R.includes` while it should use the array version of `R.includes`
19240 |
19241 | This is Ramda bug, that Rambda also has before this release - https://github.com/ramda/ramda/issues/3086
19242 |
19243 | 6.5.2
19244 |
19245 | - Wrong `R.defaultTo` typings - changes introduced in v6.5.0 are missing their TS equivalent.
19246 |
19247 | - Update dependencies
19248 |
19249 | 6.5.1
19250 |
19251 | Fix wrong versions in changelog
19252 |
19253 | 6.5.0
19254 |
19255 | - `R.defaultTo` no longer accepts infinite inputs, thus it follows Ramda implementation.
19256 |
19257 | - `R.equals` supports equality of functions.
19258 |
19259 | - `R.pipe` doesn't use `R.compose`.
19260 |
19261 | - Close [Issue #561](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/561) - export several internal TS interfaces and types
19262 |
19263 | - Close [Issue #559](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/559) - improve `R.propOr` typings
19264 |
19265 | - Add `CHANGELOG.md` file in release files list
19266 |
19267 | 6.4.0
19268 |
19269 | - Close [Issue #560](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/560) - apply immutable lint to Typescript definitions
19270 |
19271 | - Close [Issue #553](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/553) - fix problem with curried typings of `R.prop`
19272 |
19273 | - Fix wrong `R.last` typing
19274 |
19275 | - Upgrade all `rollup` related dependencies
19276 |
19277 | - `R.type` supports `Symbol` just like *Ramda*.
19278 |
19279 | - Remove file extension in `main` property in `package.json` in order to allow `experimental-modules`. See also this Ramda's PR - https://github.com/ramda/ramda/pull/2678/files
19280 |
19281 | - Import `R.indexBy`/`R.when`/`R.zipObj`/`R.propEq`/`R.complement` changes from recent `@types/ramda` release.
19282 |
19283 | - `R.tryCatch` stop supporting asynchronous functions; the previous behaviour is exported to *Rambdax* as `R.tryCatchAsync`
19284 |
19285 | 6.3.1
19286 |
19287 | - Fix missing `Evolved` declaration in Typescript definition
19288 |
19289 | 6.3.0
19290 |
19291 | - Add `R.takeLastWhile`
19292 |
19293 | - Add `R.dropWhile`
19294 |
19295 | - Add `R.eqProps`
19296 |
19297 | - Add `R.dropLastWhile`
19298 |
19299 | - Add `R.dropRepeats`
19300 |
19301 | - Add `R.dropRepeatsWith`
19302 |
19303 | - Add `R.evolve`
19304 |
19305 | - Add typings for `R.takeWhile` when iterable is a string
19306 |
19307 | 6.2.0
19308 |
19309 | - Add `R.props`
19310 |
19311 | - Add `R.zipWith`
19312 |
19313 | - Add `R.splitAt`
19314 |
19315 | - Add `R.splitWhen`
19316 |
19317 | - Close [Issue #547](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/547) - restore `readonly` declaration in Typescript definitions.
19318 |
19319 | - `R.append`/`R.prepend` now work only with arrays just like Ramda. Previous behaviour was for them to work with both arrays and strings.
19320 |
19321 | - Sync `R.pluck` typings with `@types/ramda` as there was a tiny difference.
19322 |
19323 | 6.1.0
19324 |
19325 | - Fix `R.and` wrong definition, because the function doesn't convert the result to boolean. This introduce another difference with `@types/ramda`.
19326 |
19327 | - Add `R.once`
19328 |
19329 | - Add `R.or`
19330 |
19331 | 6.0.1
19332 |
19333 | - Fix typing of `R.reject` as it wrongly declares that with object, it pass property to predicate.
19334 |
19335 | 6.0.0
19336 |
19337 | - Breaking change - `R.map`/`R.filter`/`R.reject`/`R.forEach`/`R.partition` doesn't pass index as second argument to the predicate, when looping over arrays. The old behaviour of *map*, *filter* and *forEach* can be found in Rambdax methods *R.mapIndexed*, *R.filterIndexed* and *R.forEachIndexed*.
19338 |
19339 | - Breaking change - `R.all`/`R.none`/`R.any`/`R.find`/`R.findLast`/`R.findIndex`/`R.findLastIndex` doesn't pass index as second argument to the predicate.
19340 |
19341 | - Change `R.assocPath` typings so the user can explicitly sets type of the new object
19342 |
19343 | - Typings of `R.assoc` match its `@types/ramda` counterpart.
19344 |
19345 | - Simplify `R.forEach` typings
19346 |
19347 | - Remove `ReadonlyArray<T>` pattern from Typescript definitions - not enough value for the noise it adds.
19348 |
19349 | 5.13.1
19350 |
19351 | - Fix wrong `R.takeWhile`
19352 |
19353 | 5.13.0
19354 |
19355 | - Add `R.takeWhile` method
19356 |
19357 | - Fix `R.lensPath` issue when using string as path input. The issue was introduced when fixing [Issue #524](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/524) in the previous release.
19358 |
19359 | 5.12.1
19360 |
19361 | - Close [Issue #524](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/524) -
19362 | wrong `R.assocPath` when path includes numbers
19363 |
19364 | - `R.includes` throws on wrong input, i.e. `R.includes(1, null)`
19365 |
19366 | 5.12.0
19367 |
19368 | - Add `R.move` method
19369 |
19370 | - Add `R.union` method
19371 |
19372 | - Close [Issue #519](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/519) -
19373 | `ts-toolbelt` needs other type of export with `--isolatedModules` flag
19374 |
19375 | - Change `R.when` implementation and typings to match those of `Ramda`
19376 |
19377 | - `R.over` and `R.set` use `R.curry` instead of manual currying
19378 |
19379 | - `R.lensPath` typings support string as path, i.e. `'a.b'` instead of `['a', 'b']`
19380 |
19381 | - `R.equals` now supports negative zero just like `Ramda.equals`
19382 |
19383 | - `R.replace` uses `R.curry`
19384 |
19385 | 5.11.0
19386 |
19387 | Forgot to export `R.of` because of wrong marker in `files/index.d.ts`
19388 |
19389 | 5.10.0
19390 |
19391 | Close [Issue #514](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/514) -
19392 | wrong `R.length` with empty string
19393 |
19394 | Close [Issue #511](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/511) - error in `ts-toolbelt` library
19395 |
19396 | Close [Issue #510](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/510) - `R.clamp` should throw if min argument is greater than max argument
19397 |
19398 | - [PR #508](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/508) - add `R.of`
19399 |
19400 | - Definition of `R.curry` are not same as those of `@types/ramda`
19401 |
19402 | - Definitions of `R.either` is same as that of `R.both`
19403 |
19404 | - Definitions of `R.ifElse` no longer use `any` type
19405 |
19406 | - Definition of `R.flatten` requires passing type for the output
19407 |
19408 | - Fix definition of `R.propOr`, `R.dissoc`
19409 |
19410 | - Fix curried definitions of `R.take`, `R.takeLast`, `R.drop` and `R.dropLast`
19411 |
19412 | - 5.9.0
19413 |
19414 | - `R.pickAll` definition allows passing string as path to search.
19415 |
19416 | - `R.propEq` definition is now similar to that in `@types/ramda`.
19417 |
19418 | - `R.none` matches `R.all` implementation and pass index as second argument to predicate input.
19419 |
19420 | - `R.reduce` - drop support for object as iterable. Now it throws the same error as Ramda. Also instead of returning the initial value when iterable is `undefined`, now it throws.
19421 |
19422 | Add index as additional argument to the Typescript definitions of the following methods:
19423 |
19424 | - R.all
19425 | - R.find
19426 | - R.findLast
19427 | - R.findIndex
19428 | - R.findLastIndex
19429 |
19430 | - 5.8.0
19431 |
19432 | Add `R.mergeAll`
19433 | Add `R.mergeDeepRight`
19434 | Add `R.mergeLeft`
19435 | Add `R.partition`
19436 | Add `R.pathEq`
19437 | Add `R.tryCatch`
19438 | Add `R.unless`
19439 | Add `R.whereEq`
19440 | Add `R.where`
19441 |
19442 | - Add `R.last` typing for empty array
19443 |
19444 | - 5.7.0 Revert [PR #469](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/469) as `R.curry` was slow | Also now `R.flip` throws if arity is greater than or equal to 5
19445 |
19446 | - 5.6.3 Merge several PRs of [@farwayer](https://github.com/farwayer)
19447 |
19448 | - [PR #482](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/482) - improve `R.forEach` performance by not using `R.map`
19449 |
19450 | - [PR #485](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/485) - improve `R.map` performance
19451 |
19452 | - [PR #482](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/486) - improve `R.reduce` performance
19453 |
19454 | - Fix missing high arity typings for `R.compose/pipe`
19455 |
19456 | - `R.merge` definitions match those of `@types/ramda`
19457 |
19458 | - Remove `dist` folder from Rambda repo
19459 |
19460 | - 5.6.2
19461 |
19462 | Close [Issue #476](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/476) - typesafe `R.propEq` definitions
19463 |
19464 | Approve [PR #477](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/477) - fix `R.groupWith` when list length is 1
19465 |
19466 | - 5.6.1
19467 |
19468 | Update `ts-toolbelt` files as now there is update pipeline for it.
19469 |
19470 | Approve [PR #474](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/474) - intruduce internal `isArray` helper
19471 |
19472 | - 5.6.0
19473 |
19474 | Approve [PR #469](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/469) - R.flip supports any arity | implement `R.curry` with `R.curryN` add `R.applySpec`
19475 |
19476 | - 5.5.0
19477 |
19478 | Close [Issue #464](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/464) - `R.flip` should handle functions with arity above 2
19479 |
19480 | Close [Issue #468](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/468) - `fs-extra` should be dev dependency as it was wrongly added as production dependency in `5.2.0`
19481 |
19482 | `R.flip` typings now match `@types/ramda` typings
19483 |
19484 | Add `R.hasPath` method
19485 |
19486 | Add `R.mathMod` typings
19487 |
19488 | - 5.4.3
19489 |
19490 | Fix `R.omit` typings
19491 |
19492 | - 5.4.2
19493 |
19494 | Fix `R.pick` typings
19495 |
19496 | > Close [Issue #460](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/460) - `R.paths` should be curried
19497 |
19498 | - 5.4.1
19499 |
19500 | > Close [Issue #458](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/458) - wrong `R.propIs` typing
19501 |
19502 | - 5.4.0
19503 |
19504 | > Close [Issue #408](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/408) - add `R.chain`
19505 |
19506 | - 5.3.0
19507 |
19508 | > Close [Issue #430](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/430) - add `R.when`
19509 |
19510 | Also restore `R.converge`, `R.findLast`, `R.findLastIndex` and `R.curryN` as I have forgotten to export them when releasing `5.2.0`.
19511 |
19512 | - 5.2.1
19513 |
19514 | Fix Typescript comment for every method
19515 |
19516 | - 5.2.0
19517 |
19518 | Release new documentation site
19519 |
19520 | `Ramda` repo now holds all `Rambdax` methods and tests
19521 |
19522 | - 5.1.1
19523 |
19524 | Add `R.converge` and `R.curryN` from [PR #412](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/412)
19525 |
19526 | Close [Issue #410](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/410) - wrong implementation of `R.groupWith`
19527 |
19528 | Close [Issue #411](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/411) - change the order of declared `R.map` typings rules
19529 |
19530 | - 5.0.0
19531 |
19532 | Move `R.partialCurry` to Rambdax(reason for major bump).
19533 |
19534 | Use new type of export in Typescript definitions.
19535 |
19536 | Approve [PR #381](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/381) - add `R.applySpec`
19537 |
19538 | - 4.6.0
19539 |
19540 | Approve [PR #375](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/375) - add lenses(Thank you [@synthet1c](https://github.com/synthet1c))
19541 |
19542 | Add `R.lens`
19543 |
19544 | Add `R.lensIndex`
19545 |
19546 | Add `R.lensPath`
19547 |
19548 | Add `R.lensProp`
19549 |
19550 | Add `R.over`
19551 |
19552 | Add `R.set`
19553 |
19554 | Add `R.view`
19555 |
19556 | > Sync with Ramda 0.27
19557 |
19558 | Add `R.paths`
19559 |
19560 | Add `R.xor`
19561 |
19562 | > Close [Issue #373](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/373)
19563 |
19564 | Add `R.cond`
19565 |
19566 | - 4.5.0 Add `R.clamp`
19567 |
19568 | - 4.4.2 Improve `R.propOr` typings
19569 |
19570 | - 4.4.1 Make `R.reject` has the same typing as `R.filter`
19571 |
19572 | - 4.4.0 Several changes:
19573 |
19574 | Close [Issue #317](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/317) - add `R.transpose`
19575 |
19576 | Close [Issue #325](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/325) - `R.filter` should return equal values for bad inputs `null` and `undefined`
19577 |
19578 | Approve suggestion for `R.indexBy` to accept string not only function as first argument.
19579 |
19580 | Edit of `R.path` typings
19581 |
19582 | - 4.2.0 Approve [PR #314](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/314) - add `R.and`
19583 |
19584 | - 4.1.1 Add missing typings for `R.slice`
19585 |
19586 | - 4.1.0 Add `R.findLast` and `R.findLastIndex`
19587 |
19588 | - 4.0.2 Fix `R.isEmpty` wrong behaviour compared to the Ramda method
19589 |
19590 | - 4.0.1 Approve [PR #289](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/289) - remove console.log in `R.values` method
19591 |
19592 | - 4.0.0 Multiple breaking changes as Rambda methods are changed in order to increase the similarity between with Ramda
19593 |
19594 | Add to `Differences`:
19595 |
19596 | ```text
19597 | R.type can return 'NaN'
19598 |
19599 | R.compose doesn't pass `this` context
19600 |
19601 | R.clone doesn't work with number, booleans and strings as input
19602 | ```
19603 |
19604 | All breaking changes:
19605 |
19606 | -- R.add works only with numbers
19607 |
19608 | -- Fix R.adjust which had wrong order of arguments
19609 |
19610 | -- R.adjust works when index is out of bounds
19611 |
19612 | -- R.complement support function with multiple arguments
19613 |
19614 | -- R.compose/pipe throws when called with no argument
19615 |
19616 | -- R.clone works with `Date` value as input
19617 |
19618 | -- R.drop/dropLast/take/takeLast always return new copy of the list/string
19619 |
19620 | -- R.take/takeLast return original list/string with negative index
19621 |
19622 | -- R.equals handles `NaN` and `RegExp` types
19623 |
19624 | -- R.type/R.equals supports `new Boolean/new Number/new Date/new String` expressions
19625 |
19626 | -- R.has works with non-object
19627 |
19628 | -- R.ifElse pass all arguments
19629 |
19630 | -- R.length works with bad input
19631 |
19632 | -- R.propEq work with bad input for object argument
19633 |
19634 | -- R.range work with bad inputs
19635 |
19636 | -- R.times work with bad inputs
19637 |
19638 | -- R.reverse works with strings
19639 |
19640 | -- R.splitEvery throws on non-positive integer index
19641 |
19642 | -- R.test throws just like Ramda when first argument is not regex
19643 |
19644 | -- R.values works with bad inputs
19645 |
19646 | -- R.zipObj ignores extra keys
19647 |
19648 | - 3.3.0
19649 |
19650 | This is pre `4.0.0` release and it contains all of the above changes
19651 |
19652 | Close [issue #287](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/287) - `ts-toolbelt` directory was changed but not reflected in `files` property in `package.json`
19653 |
19654 | - 3.2.5
19655 |
19656 | Close [issue #273](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/273) - ts-toolbelt needs other type of export when `isolatedModules` TypeScript property
19657 |
19658 | Close [issue #245](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/245) - complete typings tests for methods that have more specific Typescript definitions
19659 |
19660 | - 3.2.1 Fast fix for [issue #273](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/273) - messed up typings
19661 |
19662 | - 3.2.0 There are several changes:
19663 |
19664 | Close [issue #263](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/263) - broken curry typing solved by `ts-toolbelt` local dependency.
19665 |
19666 | Add `R.partialCurry` typings.
19667 |
19668 | Approve [PR #266](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/266) that adds `R.slice` method.
19669 |
19670 | - 3.1.0 This might be breaking change for Typescript users, as very different definitions are introduced. With the previous state of the definitions, it was not possible to pass `dtslint` typings tests.
19671 |
19672 | - `R.either` and `R.both` supports multiple arguments as they should.
19673 |
19674 | - Several methods added by [@squidfunk](https://github.com/squidfunk) - `R.assocPath`, `R.symmetricDifference`, `R.intersperse`, `R.intersection` and `R.difference`
19675 |
19676 | - 3.0.1 Close [issue #234](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/234) - wrong curry typing
19677 |
19678 | - 3.0.0 Deprecate `R.contains`, while `R.includes` is now following Ramda API(it uses `R.equals` for comparision)
19679 |
19680 | - 2.14.5 `R.without` needs currying
19681 |
19682 | - 2.14.4 Close [issue #227](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/227) - add index as third argument of `R.reduce` typings
19683 |
19684 | - 2.14.2 Use `R.curry` with `R.reduce` as manual curry there didn't work as expected.
19685 |
19686 | - 2.14.1 Fix wrong typescript with `R.head` - [PR #228](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/228) pushed by [@tonivj5](https://github.com/tonivj5)
19687 |
19688 | - 2.14.0 Add `R.groupWith` by @selfrefactor | Add `R.propOr`, `R.mathMod`, `R.mean`, `R.median`, `R.negate`, `R.product` by [@ku8ar](https://github.com/ku8ar)
19689 |
19690 | - 2.13.0 Add `R.identical` - [PR #217](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/217) pushed by [@ku8ar](https://github.com/ku8ar)
19691 |
19692 | - 2.12.0 Add `R.propIs` - [PR #213](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/213) and add `R.sum` - [issue #207](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/207)
19693 |
19694 | - 2.11.2 Close Rambdax [issue #32](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambdax/issues/32) - wrong `R.type` when function is input
19695 |
19696 | - 2.11.1 Approve [PR #182](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/182) - Changed typings to allow object as input to `R.forEach` and `R.map`
19697 |
19698 | - 2.11.0 Approve [PR #179](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/179) - `R.adjust` handles negative index; `R.all` doesn't need `R.filter`
19699 |
19700 | - 2.10.2 Close [issue #175](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/175) - missing typescript file
19701 |
19702 | - 2.10.0 Approve huge and important [PR #171](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/171) submitted by [@helmuthdu](https://github.com/helmuthdu) - Add comments to each method, improve Typescript support
19703 |
19704 | - 2.9.0 `R.toPairs` and `R.fromPairs`
19705 |
19706 | - 2.8.0 Approve [PR #165](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/165) `R.clone`
19707 |
19708 | - 2.7.1 expose `src` | Discussed at [issue #147](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/147)
19709 |
19710 | - 2.7.0 Approve [PR #161](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/161) `R.isEmpty`
19711 |
19712 | - 2.6.0 `R.map`, `R.filter` and `R.forEach` pass original object to iterator as third argument | Discussed at [issue #147](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/147)
19713 |
19714 | - 2.5.0 Close [issue #149](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/149) Add `R.partial` | `R.type` handles `NaN`
19715 |
19716 | - 2.4.0 Major bump of `Rollup`; Stop building for ES5
19717 |
19718 | - 2.3.1 Close [issue #90](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/90) | Add string type of path in `R.pathOr`
19719 |
19720 | - 2.3.0 Close [issue #89](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/89) | Fix missing `Number` TS definition in `R.type`
19721 |
19722 | - 2.2.0 `R.defaultTo` accepts indefinite number of input arguments. So the following is valid expression: `const x = defaultTo('foo',null, null, 'bar')`
19723 |
19724 | - 2.1.0 Restore `R.zip` using [WatermelonDB](https://github.com/Nozbe/WatermelonDB/) implementation.
19725 |
19726 | - 2.0.0 Major version caused by removing of `R.zip` and `R.addIndex`. [Issue #85](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/85) rightfully finds that the implementation of `R.addIndex` is not correct. This led to removing this method and also of `R.zip` as it had depended on it. The second change is that `R.map`, `R.filter` are passing array index as second argument when looping over arrays. The third change is that `R.includes` will return `false` if input is neigher `string` nor `array`. The previous behaviour was to throw an error. The last change is to increase the number of methods that are passing index as second argument to the predicate function.
19727 |
19728 | - 1.2.6 Use `src` folder instead of `modules`
19729 | - 1.2.5 Fix `omit` typing
19730 | - 1.2.4 Add missing Typescript definitions - [PR#82](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/82)
19731 | - 1.2.2 Change curry method used across most of library methods
19732 | - 1.2.1 Add `R.assoc` | fix passing `undefined` to `R.map` and `R.merge` [issue #77](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/77)
19733 | - 1.2.0 Add `R.min`, `R.minBy`, `R.max`, `R.maxBy`, `R.nth` and `R.keys`
19734 | - 1.1.5 Close [issue #74](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/74) `R.zipObj`
19735 | - 1.1.4 Close [issue #71](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/71) CRA fail to build `rambda`
19736 | - 1.1.3 Approve [PR #70](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/67) implement `R.groupBy` | Close [issue #69](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/69)
19737 | - 1.1.2 Approve [PR #67](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/67) use `babel-plugin-annotate-pure-calls`
19738 | - 1.1.1 Approve [PR #66](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/66) `R.zip`
19739 | - 1.1.0 `R.compose` accepts more than one input argument [issue #65](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/65)
19740 | - 1.0.13 Approve [PR #64](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/64) `R.indexOf`
19741 | - 1.0.12 Close [issue #61](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/61) make all functions modules
19742 | - 1.0.11 Close [issue #60](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/60) problem with babelrc
19743 | - 1.0.10 Close [issue #59](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/59) add R.dissoc
19744 | - 1.0.9 Close [issue #58](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/58) - Incorrect `R.equals`
19745 | - 1.0.8 `R.map` and `R.filter` pass object properties when mapping over objects
19746 | - 1.0.7 Add `R.uniqWith`
19747 | - 1.0.6 Close [issue #52](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/52) - ES5 compatible code
19748 | - 1.0.5 Close [issue #51](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/51)
19749 | - 1.0.4 Close [issue #50](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/50) - add `R.pipe` typings
19750 | - 1.0.3 `R.ifElse` accept also boolean as condition argument
19751 | - 1.0.2 Remove `typedDefaultTo` and `typedPathOr` | Add `R.pickAll` and `R.none`
19752 | - 1.0.0 Major change as build is now ES6 not ES5 compatible (Related to [issue #46](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/46))| Making `Rambda` fully tree-shakeable| Edit Typescript definition
19753 | - 0.9.8 Revert to ES5 compatible build - [issue #46](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/46)
19754 | - 0.9.7 Refactor for `Rollup` tree-shake | Remove `R.padEnd` and `R.padStart`
19755 | - 0.9.6 Close [issue #44](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/44) - `R.reverse` mutates the array
19756 | - 0.9.5 Close [issue #45](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/45) - invalid Typescript typings
19757 | - 0.9.4 Add `R.reject` and `R.without` ([PR#41](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/41) [PR#42](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/42)) | Remove 'browser' field in `package.json` due to Webpack bug [4674](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/4674)
19758 | - 0.9.3 Add `R.forEach` and `R.times`
19759 | - 0.9.2 Add `Typescript` definitions
19760 | - 0.9.1 Close [issue #36](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/36) - move current behaviour of `defaultTo` to a new method `typedDefaultTo`; make `defaultTo` follow Ramda spec; add `pathOr`; add `typedPathOr`.
19761 | - 0.9.0 Add `R.pipe` [PR#35](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/35)
19762 | - 0.8.9 Add `R.isNil`
19763 | - 0.8.8 Migrate to ES modules [PR33](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/33) | Add R.flip to the API | R.map/filter works with objects
19764 | - 0.8.7 Change `Webpack` with `Rollup` - [PR29](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/29)
19765 | - 0.8.6 Add `R.tap` and `R.identity`
19766 | - 0.8.5 Add `R.all`, `R.allPass`, `R.both`, `R.either` and `R.complement`
19767 | - 0.8.4 Learning to run `yarn test` before `yarn publish` the hard way
19768 | - 0.8.3 Add `R.always`, `R.T` and `R.F`
19769 | - 0.8.2 Add `concat`, `padStart`, `padEnd`, `lastIndexOf`, `toString`, `reverse`, `endsWith` and `startsWith` methods
19770 | - 0.8.1 Add `R.ifElse`
19771 | - 0.8.0 Add `R.not`, `R.includes` | Take string as condition for `R.pick` and `R.omit`
19772 | - 0.7.6 Fix incorrect implementation of `R.values`
19773 | - 0.7.5 Fix incorrect implementation of `R.omit`
19774 | - 0.7.4 [issue #13](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/13) - Fix `R.curry`, which used to return incorrectly `function` when called with more arguments
19775 | - 0.7.3 Close [issue #9](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/9) - Compile to `es2015`; Approve [PR #10](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/pull/10) - add `R.addIndex` to the API
19776 | - 0.7.2 Add `Promise` support for `R.type`
19777 | - 0.7.1 Close [issue #7](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/7) - add `R.reduce` to the API
19778 | - 0.7.0 Close [issue #5](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/issues/5) - change name of `curry` to `partialCurry`; add new method `curry`, which works just like Ramda's `curry`
19779 | - 0.6.2 Add separate documentation site via `docsify`
19780 |
19781 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-changelog)
19782 |
19783 | ## ❯ Additional info
19784 |
19785 | > Most influential contributors
19786 |
19787 | - [@farwayer](https://github.com/farwayer) - improving performance in R.find, R.filter; give the idea how to make benchmarks more reliable;
19788 |
19789 | - [@thejohnfreeman](https://github.com/thejohnfreeman) - add R.assoc, R.chain;
19790 |
19791 | - [@helmuthdu](https://github.com/helmuthdu) - add R.clone; help improve code style;
19792 |
19793 | - [@jpgorman](https://github.com/jpgorman) - add R.zip, R.reject, R.without, R.addIndex;
19794 |
19795 | - [@ku8ar](https://github.com/ku8ar) - add R.slice, R.propOr, R.identical, R.propIs and several math related methods; introduce the idea to display missing Ramda methods;
19796 |
19797 | - [@romgrk](https://github.com/romgrk) - add R.groupBy, R.indexBy, R.findLast, R.findLastIndex;
19798 |
19799 | - [@squidfunk](https://github.com/squidfunk) - add R.assocPath, R.symmetricDifference, R.difference, R.intersperse;
19800 |
19801 | - [@synthet1c](https://github.com/synthet1c) - add all lenses methods; add R.applySpec, R.converge;
19802 |
19803 | - [@vlad-zhukov](https://github.com/vlad-zhukov) - help with configuring Rollup, Babel; change export file to use ES module exports;
19804 |
19805 | > Rambda references
19806 |
19807 | - [Interview with Dejan Totef at SurviveJS blog](https://survivejs.com/blog/rambda-interview/)
19808 |
19809 | - [Awesome functional Javascript programming libraries](https://github.com/stoeffel/awesome-fp-js#libraries)
19810 |
19811 | > Links to Rambda
19812 |
19813 | - [https://mailchi.mp/webtoolsweekly/web-tools-280](Web Tools Weekly)
19814 |
19815 | - [https://github.com/stoeffel/awesome-fp-js](awesome-fp-js)
19816 |
19817 | - [https://github.com/docsifyjs/awesome-docsify](awesome-docsify)
19818 |
19819 | > Deprecated from `Used by` section
19820 |
19821 | - [SAP's Cloud SDK](https://github.com/SAP/cloud-sdk) - This repo doesn't uses `Rambda` since *October/2020* [commit that removes Rambda](https://github.com/SAP/cloud-sdk/commit/b29b4f915c4e4e9c2441e7b6b67cf83dac1fdac3)
19822 |
19823 | > Releases
19824 |
19825 | [Rambda's releases](https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda/releases) before **6.4.0** were used mostly for testing purposes.
19826 |
19827 | [![---------------](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/selfrefactor/rambda/master/files/separator.png)](#-additional-info)
19828 |
19829 | ## My other libraries
19830 |
19831 | <table>
19832 | <tbody>
19833 | <tr valign="top">
19834 | <td width="20%" align="center">
19835 | <h4>Niketa theme</h4>
19836 | <a href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=selfrefactor.Niketa-theme">Collection of 9 light VSCode themes</a>
19837 | </td>
19838 | <td width="20%" align="center">
19839 | <h4>Niketa dark theme</h4>
19840 | <a href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=selfrefactor.niketa-dark-theme">Collection of 9 dark VSCode themes</a>
19841 | </td>
19842 | <td width="20%" align="center">
19843 | <h4>String-fn</h4>
19844 | <a href="https://github.com/selfrefactor/services/tree/master/packages/string-fn">String utility library</a>
19845 | </td>
19846 | <td width="20%" align="center">
19847 | <h4>Useful Javascript libraries</h4>
19848 | <a href="https://github.com/selfrefactor/useful-javascript-libraries">Large collection of JavaScript,Typescript and Angular related repos links</a>
19849 | </td>
19850 | <td width="20%" align="center">
19851 | <h4>Run-fn</h4>
19852 | <a href="https://github.com/selfrefactor/services/tree/master/packages/run-fn">CLI commands for lint JS/TS files, commit git changes and upgrade of dependencies</a>
19853 | </td>
19854 | </tr>
19855 | </tbody>
19856 | </table> |
\ | No newline at end of file |