62.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export type RambdaTypes = "Object" | "Number" | "Boolean" | "String" | "Null" | "Array" | "RegExp" | "NaN" | "Function" | "Undefined" | "Async" | "Promise" | "Symbol" | "Set" | "Error";
3export type IndexedIterator<T, U> = (x: T, i: number) => U;
4export type Iterator<T, U> = (x: T) => U;
5export type ObjectIterator<T, U> = (x: T, prop: string, inputObj: Dictionary<T>) => U;
6type Ord = number | string | boolean | Date;
7type Path = string | readonly (number | string)[];
8type Predicate<T> = (x: T) => boolean;
9export type IndexedPredicate<T> = (x: T, i: number) => boolean;
10export type ObjectPredicate<T> = (x: T, prop: string, inputObj: Dictionary<T>) => boolean;
11export type RamdaPath = readonly (number | string)[];
12type CondPair<T extends readonly any[], R> = readonly [(...val: T) => boolean, (...val: T) => R]
14type ValueOfRecord<R> =
15 R extends Record<any, infer T>
16 ? T
17 : never;
19interface KeyValuePair<K, V> extends Array<K | V> {
20 readonly 0: K;
21 readonly 1: V;
24export interface Lens {
25 <T, U>(obj: T): U;
26 set<T, U>(str: string, obj: T): U;
29type Arity1Fn = (x: any) => any;
30type Arity2Fn = (x: any, y: any) => any;
32type Pred = (...x: readonly any[]) => boolean;
33type SafePred<T> = (...x: readonly T[]) => boolean;
35export interface Dictionary<T> {readonly [index: string]: T}
36type Partial<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]?: T[P]};
38type Evolvable<E extends Evolver> = { readonly [P in keyof E]?: Evolved<E[P]>;
41type Evolver<T extends Evolvable<any> = any> = { readonly [key in keyof Partial<T>]: ((value: T[key]) => T[key]) | (T[key] extends Evolvable<any> ? Evolver<T[key]> : never);
44type Evolve<O extends Evolvable<E>, E extends Evolver> = { readonly [P in keyof O]: P extends keyof E
45 ? EvolveValue<O[P], E[P]>
46 : O[P];
49type Evolved<A> =
50 A extends (value: infer V) => any
51 ? V
52 : A extends Evolver
53 ? Evolvable<A>
54 : never;
56type EvolveNestedValue<O, E extends Evolver> =
57 O extends object
58 ? O extends Evolvable<E>
59 ? Evolve<O, E>
60 : never
61 : never;
63type EvolveValue<V, E> =
64 E extends (value: V) => any
65 ? ReturnType<E>
66 : E extends Evolver
67 ? EvolveNestedValue<V, E>
68 : never;
70interface AssocPartialOne<K extends keyof any> {
71 <T>(val: T): <U>(obj: U) => Record<K, T> & U;
72 <T, U>(val: T, obj: U): Record<K, T> & U;
76// ============================================
77type Func<T> = (input: any) => T;
78type VoidInputFunc<T> = () => T;
79type Fn<In, Out> = (x: In) => Out;
80type SortObjectPredicate<T> = (aProp: string, bProp: string, aValue: T, bValue: T) => number;
82type IdentityFunction<T> = (x: T) => T;
84interface Filter<T> {
85 (list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
86 (obj: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
89type ArgumentTypes<T> = T extends (...args: infer U) => infer R ? U : never;
90type isfn<T> = (x: any, y: any) => T;
92interface Switchem<T> {
93 readonly is: isfn<Switchem<T>>;
94 readonly default: IdentityFunction<T>;
97interface Schema {
98 readonly [key: string]: any;
101interface SchemaAsync {
102 readonly [key: string]: Promise<boolean>;
105interface IsValid {
106 readonly input: object;
107 readonly schema: Schema;
110interface IsValidAsync {
111 readonly input: object;
112 readonly schema: Schema | SchemaAsync;
115type ProduceRules<Output,K extends keyof Output, Input> = { readonly [P in K]: (input: Input) => Output[P];
117type ProduceAsyncRules<Output,K extends keyof Output, Input> = { readonly [P in K]: (input: Input) => Promise<Output[P]>;
119type ProduceAsyncRule<Input> = (input: Input) => Promise<any>;
120type Async<T> = (x: any) => Promise<T>;
121type AsyncIterable<T, K> = (x: T) => Promise<K>;
122type AsyncIterableIndexed<T, K> = (x: T, i: number) => Promise<K>;
123type AsyncPredicate<T> = (x: T) => Promise<boolean>;
124type AsyncPredicateIndexed<T> = (x: T, i: number) => Promise<boolean>;
125type AsyncWithProp<T> = (x: any, prop?: string) => Promise<T>;
127type ApplyDiffUpdate = {readonly op:'update', readonly path: string, readonly value: any};
128type ApplyDiffAdd = {readonly op:'add', readonly path: string, readonly value: any};
129type ApplyDiffRemove = {readonly op:'remove', readonly path: string};
130type ApplyDiffRule = ApplyDiffUpdate | ApplyDiffAdd | ApplyDiffRemove;
134 * It adds `a` and `b`.
135 */
136export function add(a: number, b: number): number;
137export function add(a: number): (b: number) => number;
140 * It replaces `index` in array `list` with the result of `replaceFn(list[i])`.
141 */
142export function adjust<T>(index: number, replaceFn: (x: T) => T, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
143export function adjust<T>(index: number, replaceFn: (x: T) => T): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
146 * It returns `true`, if all members of array `list` returns `true`, when applied as argument to `predicate` function.
147 */
148export function all<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): boolean;
149export function all<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => boolean;
152 * It returns `true`, if all functions of `predicates` return `true`, when `input` is their argument.
153 */
154export function allPass<T>(predicates: readonly ((x: T) => boolean)[]): (input: T) => boolean;
157 * It returns function that always returns `x`.
158 */
159export function always<T>(x: T): (...args: readonly unknown[]) => T;
162 * Logical AND
163 */
164export function and<T, U>(x: T, y: U): T | U;
165export function and<T>(x: T): <U>(y: U) => T | U;
168 * Logical OR
169 */
170export function or<T, U>(a: T, b: U): T | U;
171export function or<T>(a: T): <U>(b: U) => T | U;
174 * It returns `true`, if at least one member of `list` returns true, when passed to a `predicate` function.
175 */
176export function any<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): boolean;
177export function any<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => boolean;
180 * It accepts list of `predicates` and returns a function. This function with its `input` will return `true`, if any of `predicates` returns `true` for this `input`.
181 */
182export function anyPass<T>(predicates: readonly SafePred<T>[]): SafePred<T>;
185 * It adds element `x` at the end of `list`.
186 */
187export function append<T>(x: T, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
188export function append<T>(x: T): <T>(list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
190export function applySpec<Spec extends Record<string, (...args: readonly any[]) => any>>(
191 spec: Spec
192): (
193 ...args: Parameters<ValueOfRecord<Spec>>
194) => { readonly [Key in keyof Spec]: ReturnType<Spec[Key]> };
195export function applySpec<T>(spec: any): (...args: readonly any[]) => T;
198 * It makes a shallow clone of `obj` with setting or overriding the property `prop` with `newValue`.
199 */
200export function assoc<T, U, K extends string>(prop: K, val: T, obj: U): Record<K, T> & Omit<U, K>;
201export function assoc<T, K extends string>(prop: K, val: T): <U>(obj: U) => Record<K, T> & Omit<U, K>;
202export function assoc<K extends string>(prop: K): AssocPartialOne<K>;
205 * It makes a shallow clone of `obj` with setting or overriding with `newValue` the property found with `path`.
206 */
207export function assocPath<Output>(path: Path, newValue: any, obj: object): Output;
208export function assocPath<Output>(path: Path, newValue: any): (obj: object) => Output;
209export function assocPath<Output>(path: Path): (newValue: any) => (obj: object) => Output;
212 * It returns a function with `input` argument.
213 *
214 * This function will return `true`, if both `firstCondition` and `secondCondition` return `true` when `input` is passed as their argument.
215 */
216export function both(pred1: Pred, pred2: Pred): Pred;
217export function both<T>(pred1: Predicate<T>, pred2: Predicate<T>): Predicate<T>;
218export function both<T>(pred1: Predicate<T>): (pred2: Predicate<T>) => Predicate<T>;
219export function both(pred1: Pred): (pred2: Pred) => Pred;
222 * The method is also known as `flatMap`.
223 */
224export function chain<T, U>(fn: (n: T) => readonly U[], list: readonly T[]): readonly U[];
225export function chain<T, U>(fn: (n: T) => readonly U[]): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly U[];
228 * Restrict a number `input` to be within `min` and `max` limits.
229 *
230 * If `input` is bigger than `max`, then the result is `max`.
231 *
232 * If `input` is smaller than `min`, then the result is `min`.
233 */
234export function clamp(min: number, max: number, input: number): number;
235export function clamp(min: number, max: number): (input: number) => number;
238 * It creates a deep copy of the `input`, which may contain (nested) Arrays and Objects, Numbers, Strings, Booleans and Dates.
239 */
240export function clone<T>(input: T): T;
241export function clone<T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
244 * It returns `inverted` version of `origin` function that accept `input` as argument.
245 *
246 * The return value of `inverted` is the negative boolean value of `origin(input)`.
247 */
248export function complement<T extends readonly any[]>(predicate: (...args: T) => unknown): (...args: T) => boolean;
251 * It performs right-to-left function composition.
252 */
253export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, TResult>(
254 ...func: readonly [
255 fnLast: (a: any) => TResult,
256 ...func: ReadonlyArray<(a: any) => any>,
257 f7: (a: R6) => R7,
258 f6: (a: R5) => R6,
259 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
260 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
261 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
262 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
263 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
264 ]
265): (...args: TArgs) => TResult; // fallback overload if number of composed functions greater than 7
266export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, TResult>(
267 f7: (a: R6) => R7,
268 f6: (a: R5) => R6,
269 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
270 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
271 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
272 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
273 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
274): (...args: TArgs) => R7;
275export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(
276 f7: (a: R6) => R7,
277 f6: (a: R5) => R6,
278 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
279 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
280 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
281 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
282 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
283): (...args: TArgs) => R7;
284export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(
285 f6: (a: R5) => R6,
286 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
287 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
288 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
289 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
290 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
291): (...args: TArgs) => R6;
292export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(
293 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
294 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
295 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
296 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
297 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
298): (...args: TArgs) => R5;
299export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4>(
300 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
301 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
302 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
303 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
304): (...args: TArgs) => R4;
305export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3>(
306 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
307 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
308 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
309): (...args: TArgs) => R3;
310export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2>(
311 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
312 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
313): (...args: TArgs) => R2;
314export function compose<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1>(
315 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
316): (...args: TArgs) => R1;
319 * It returns a new string or array, which is the result of merging `x` and `y`.
320 */
321export function concat<T>(x: readonly T[], y: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
322export function concat<T>(x: readonly T[]): (y: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
323export function concat(x: string, y: string): string;
324export function concat(x: string): (y: string) => string;
327 * It takes list with `conditions` and returns a new function `fn` that expects `input` as argument.
328 *
329 * This function will start evaluating the `conditions` in order to find the first winner(order of conditions matter).
330 *
331 * The winner is this condition, which left side returns `true` when `input` is its argument. Then the evaluation of the right side of the winner will be the final result.
332 *
333 * If no winner is found, then `fn` returns `undefined`.
334 */
335export function cond<T extends readonly any[], R>(conditions: ReadonlyArray<CondPair<T, R>>): (...args: T) => R;
338 * Accepts a converging function and a list of branching functions and returns a new function. When invoked, this new function is applied to some arguments, each branching function is applied to those same arguments. The results of each branching function are passed as arguments to the converging function to produce the return value.
339 */
340export function converge(after: ((...a: readonly any[]) => any), fns: readonly ((...x: readonly any[]) => any)[]): (...y: readonly any[]) => any;
343 * It expects a function as input and returns its curried version.
344 */
345export function curry(fn: (...args: readonly any[]) => any): (...a: readonly any[]) => any;
348 * It returns a curried equivalent of the provided function, with the specified arity.
349 */
350export function curryN(length: number, fn: (...args: readonly any[]) => any): (...a: readonly any[]) => any;
353 * It decrements a number.
354 */
355export function dec(x: number): number;
358 * It returns `defaultValue`, if all of `inputArguments` are `undefined`, `null` or `NaN`.
359 *
360 * Else, it returns the first truthy `inputArguments` instance(from left to right).
361 */
362export function defaultTo<T>(defaultValue: T, input: T | null | undefined): T;
363export function defaultTo<T>(defaultValue: T): (input: T | null | undefined) => T;
366 * It returns the uniq set of all elements in the first list `a` not contained in the second list `b`.
367 *
368 * `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
369 */
370export function difference<T>(a: readonly T[], b: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
371export function difference<T>(a: readonly T[]): (b: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
374 * It returns a new object that does not contain property `prop`.
375 */
376export function dissoc<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(prop: K, obj: T): Omit<T, K>;
377export function dissoc<K extends string | number>(prop: K): <T extends object>(obj: T) => Omit<T, K>;
379export function divide(x: number, y: number): number;
380export function divide(x: number): (y: number) => number;
383 * It returns `howMany` items dropped from beginning of list or string `input`.
384 */
385export function drop<T>(howMany: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
386export function drop(howMany: number, input: string): string;
387export function drop<T>(howMany: number): {
388 <T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
389 (input: string): string;
393 * It returns `howMany` items dropped from the end of list or string `input`.
394 */
395export function dropLast<T>(howMany: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
396export function dropLast(howMany: number, input: string): string;
397export function dropLast<T>(howMany: number): {
398 <T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
399 (input: string): string;
403 * It returns a new `predicate` function from `firstPredicate` and `secondPredicate` inputs.
404 *
405 * This `predicate` function will return `true`, if any of the two input predicates return `true`.
406 */
407export function either(firstPredicate: Pred, secondPredicate: Pred): Pred;
408export function either<T>(firstPredicate: Predicate<T>, secondPredicate: Predicate<T>): Predicate<T>;
409export function either<T>(firstPredicate: Predicate<T>): (secondPredicate: Predicate<T>) => Predicate<T>;
410export function either(firstPredicate: Pred): (secondPredicate: Pred) => Pred;
413 * When iterable is a string, then it behaves as `String.prototype.endsWith`.
414 * When iterable is a list, then it uses R.equals to determine if the target list ends in the same way as the given target.
415 */
416export function endsWith(target: string, iterable: string): boolean;
417export function endsWith(target: string): (iterable: string) => boolean;
418export function endsWith<T>(target: readonly T[], list: readonly T[]): boolean;
419export function endsWith<T>(target: readonly T[]): (list: readonly T[]) => boolean;
422 * It deeply compares `x` and `y` and returns `true` if they are equal.
423 */
424export function equals<T>(x: T, y: T): boolean;
425export function equals<T>(x: T): (y: T) => boolean;
427export function F(): boolean;
430 * It filters list or object `input` using a `predicate` function.
431 */
432export function filter<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (input: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
433export function filter<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
434export function filter<T, U>(predicate: ObjectPredicate<T>): (x: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
435export function filter<T>(predicate: ObjectPredicate<T>, x: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
438 * It returns the first element of `list` that satisfy the `predicate`.
439 *
440 * If there is no such element, it returns `undefined`.
441 */
442export function find<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): T | undefined;
443export function find<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => T | undefined;
446 * It returns the index of the first element of `list` satisfying the `predicate` function.
447 *
448 * If there is no such element, then `-1` is returned.
449 */
450export function findIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): number;
451export function findIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => number;
454 * It returns the last element of `list` satisfying the `predicate` function.
455 *
456 * If there is no such element, then `undefined` is returned.
457 */
458export function findLast<T>(fn: (x: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): T | undefined;
459export function findLast<T>(fn: (x: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => T | undefined;
462 * It returns the index of the last element of `list` satisfying the `predicate` function.
463 *
464 * If there is no such element, then `-1` is returned.
465 */
466export function findLastIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): number;
467export function findLastIndex<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => number;
470 * It deeply flattens an array.
471 */
472export function flatten<T>(list: readonly any[]): readonly T[];
475 * It returns function which calls `fn` with exchanged first and second argument.
476 */
477export function flip<T, U, TResult>(fn: (arg0: T, arg1: U) => TResult): (arg1: U, arg0?: T) => TResult;
480 * It applies `iterable` function over all members of `list` and returns `list`.
481 */
482export function forEach<T>(fn: Iterator<T, void>, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
483export function forEach<T>(fn: Iterator<T, void>): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
484export function forEach<T>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, void>, list: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
485export function forEach<T, U>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, void>): (list: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
488 * It transforms a `listOfPairs` to an object.
489 */
490export function fromPairs<V>(listOfPairs: readonly (readonly [number, V])[]): { readonly [index: number]: V };
491export function fromPairs<V>(listOfPairs: readonly (readonly [string, V])[]): { readonly [index: string]: V };
494 * It splits `list` according to a provided `groupFn` function and returns an object.
495 */
496export function groupBy<T>(groupFn: (x: T) => string, list: readonly T[]): { readonly [index: string]: readonly T[] };
497export function groupBy<T>(groupFn: (x: T) => string): (list: readonly T[]) => { readonly [index: string]: readonly T[] };
498export function groupBy<T, U>(groupFn: (x: T) => string, list: readonly T[]): U;
499export function groupBy<T, U>(groupFn: (x: T) => string): (list: readonly T[]) => U;
502 * It returns separated version of list or string `input`, where separation is done with equality `compareFn` function.
503 */
504export function groupWith<T>(compareFn: (x: T, y: T) => boolean): (input: readonly T[]) => readonly (readonly T[])[];
505export function groupWith<T>(compareFn: (x: T, y: T) => boolean, input: readonly T[]): readonly (readonly T[])[];
506export function groupWith<T>(compareFn: (x: T, y: T) => boolean, input: string): readonly string[];
509 * It returns `true` if `obj` has property `prop`.
510 */
511export function has<T>(prop: string, obj: T): boolean;
512export function has(prop: string): <T>(obj: T) => boolean;
515 * It will return true, if `input` object has truthy `path`(calculated with `R.path`).
516 */
517export function hasPath<T>(
518 path: string | readonly string[],
519 input: object
520): boolean;
521export function hasPath<T>(
522 path: string | readonly string[]
523): (input: object) => boolean;
526 * It returns the first element of list or string `input`.
527 */
528export function head(input: string): string;
529export function head(emptyList: readonly []): undefined;
530export function head<T>(input: readonly T[]): T | undefined;
533 * It returns `true` if its arguments `a` and `b` are identical.
534 *
535 * Otherwise, it returns `false`.
536 */
537export function identical<T>(x: T, y: T): boolean;
538export function identical<T>(x: T): (y: T) => boolean;
541 * It just passes back the supplied `input` argument.
542 */
543export function identity<T>(input: T): T;
546 * It expects `condition`, `onTrue` and `onFalse` functions as inputs and it returns a new function with example name of `fn`.
547 *
548 * When `fn`` is called with `input` argument, it will return either `onTrue(input)` or `onFalse(input)` depending on `condition(input)` evaluation.
549 */
550export function ifElse<TArgs extends readonly any[], TOnTrueResult, TOnFalseResult>(fn: (...args: TArgs) => boolean, onTrue: (...args: TArgs) => TOnTrueResult, onFalse: (...args: TArgs) => TOnFalseResult): (...args: TArgs) => TOnTrueResult | TOnFalseResult;
553 * It increments a number.
554 */
555export function inc(x: number): number;
558 * If `input` is string, then this method work as native `String.includes`.
559 *
560 * If `input` is array, then `R.equals` is used to define if `valueToFind` belongs to the list.
561 */
562export function includes(valueToFind: string, input: readonly string[] | string): boolean;
563export function includes(valueToFind: string): (input: readonly string[] | string) => boolean;
564export function includes<T>(valueToFind: T, input: readonly T[]): boolean;
565export function includes<T>(valueToFind: T): (input: readonly T[]) => boolean;
568 * It generates object with properties provided by `condition` and values provided by `list` array.
569 *
570 * If `condition` is a function, then all list members are passed through it.
571 *
572 * If `condition` is a string, then all list members are passed through `R.path(condition)`.
573 */
574export function indexBy<T, K extends string | number = string>(condition: (key: T) => K, list: readonly T[]): { readonly [key in K]: T };
575export function indexBy<T, K extends string | number | undefined = string>(condition: (key: T) => K, list: readonly T[]): { readonly [key in NonNullable<K>]?: T };
576export function indexBy<T, K extends string | number = string>(condition: (key: T) => K): (list: readonly T[]) => { readonly [key in K]: T };
577export function indexBy<T, K extends string | number | undefined = string>(condition: (key: T) => K | undefined): (list: readonly T[]) => { readonly [key in NonNullable<K>]?: T };
578export function indexBy<T>(condition: string, list: readonly T[]): { readonly [key: string]: T };
579export function indexBy<T>(condition: string): (list: readonly T[]) => { readonly [key: string]: T };
582 * It returns the index of the first element of `list` equals to `valueToFind`.
583 *
584 * If there is no such element, it returns `-1`.
585 */
586export function indexOf<T>(valueToFind: T, list: readonly T[]): number;
587export function indexOf<T>(valueToFind: T): (list: readonly T[]) => number;
590 * It returns all but the last element of list or string `input`.
591 */
592export function init<T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
593export function init(input: string): string;
596 * It loops throw `listA` and `listB` and returns the intersection of the two according to `R.equals`.
597 */
598export function intersection<T>(listA: readonly T[], listB: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
599export function intersection<T>(listA: readonly T[]): (listB: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
602 * It adds a `separator` between members of `list`.
603 */
604export function intersperse<T>(separator: T, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
605export function intersperse<T>(separator: T): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
608 * It returns `true` if `x` is instance of `targetPrototype`.
609 */
610export function is<C extends () => any>(targetPrototype: C, val: any): val is ReturnType<C>;
611export function is<C extends new () => any>(targetPrototype: C, val: any): val is InstanceType<C>;
612export function is<C extends () => any>(targetPrototype: C): (val: any) => val is ReturnType<C>;
613export function is<C extends new () => any>(targetPrototype: C): (val: any) => val is InstanceType<C>;
616 * It returns `true` if `x` is `empty`.
617 */
618export function isEmpty<T>(x: T): boolean;
621 * It returns `true` if `x` is either `null` or `undefined`.
622 */
623export function isNil(x: any): x is null | undefined;
626 * It returns a string of all `list` instances joined with a `glue`.
627 */
628export function join<T>(glue: string, list: readonly T[]): string;
629export function join<T>(glue: string): (list: readonly T[]) => string;
632 * It applies `Object.keys` over `x` and returns its keys.
633 */
634export function keys<T extends object>(x: T): readonly (keyof T)[];
635export function keys<T>(x: T): readonly string[];
638 * It returns the last element of `input`, as the `input` can be either a string or an array.
639 */
640export function last(str: string): string;
641export function last(emptyList: readonly []): undefined;
642export function last<T extends any>(list: readonly T[]): T | undefined;
645 * It returns the last index of `target` in `list` array.
646 *
647 * `R.equals` is used to determine equality between `target` and members of `list`.
648 *
649 * If there is no such index, then `-1` is returned.
650 */
651export function lastIndexOf<T>(target: T, list: readonly T[]): number;
652export function lastIndexOf<T>(target: T): (list: readonly T[]) => number;
655 * It returns the `length` property of list or string `input`.
656 */
657export function length<T>(input: readonly T[]): number;
660 * It returns a `lens` for the given `getter` and `setter` functions.
661 *
662 * The `getter` **gets** the value of the focus; the `setter` **sets** the value of the focus.
663 *
664 * The setter should not mutate the data structure.
665 */
666export function lens<T, U, V>(getter: (s: T) => U, setter: (a: U, s: T) => V): Lens;
669 * It returns a lens that focuses on specified `index`.
670 */
671export function lensIndex(index: number): Lens;
674 * It returns a lens that focuses on specified `path`.
675 */
676export function lensPath(path: RamdaPath): Lens;
677export function lensPath(path: string): Lens;
680 * It returns a lens that focuses on specified property `prop`.
681 */
682export function lensProp(prop: string): {
683 <T, U>(obj: T): U;
684 set<T, U, V>(val: T, obj: U): V;
688 * It returns a copied **Object** or **Array** with modified value received by applying function `fn` to `lens` focus.
689 */
690export function over<T>(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn, value: T): T;
691export function over<T>(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn, value: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
692export function over(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn): <T>(value: T) => T;
693export function over(lens: Lens, fn: Arity1Fn): <T>(value: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
694export function over(lens: Lens): <T>(fn: Arity1Fn, value: T) => T;
695export function over(lens: Lens): <T>(fn: Arity1Fn, value: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
698 * It returns a copied **Object** or **Array** with modified `lens` focus set to `replacer` value.
699 */
700export function set<T, U>(lens: Lens, replacer: U, obj: T): T;
701export function set<U>(lens: Lens, replacer: U): <T>(obj: T) => T;
702export function set(lens: Lens): <T, U>(replacer: U, obj: T) => T;
705 * It returns the value of `lens` focus over `target` object.
706 */
707export function view<T, U>(lens: Lens): (target: T) => U;
708export function view<T, U>(lens: Lens, target: T): U;
711 * It returns the result of looping through `iterable` with `fn`.
712 *
713 * It works with both array and object.
714 */
715export function map<T, U>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, U>, iterable: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<U>;
716export function map<T, U>(fn: Iterator<T, U>, iterable: readonly T[]): readonly U[];
717export function map<T, U>(fn: Iterator<T, U>): (iterable: readonly T[]) => readonly U[];
718export function map<T, U, S>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, U>): (iterable: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<U>;
719export function map<T>(fn: Iterator<T, T>): (iterable: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
720export function map<T>(fn: Iterator<T, T>, iterable: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
723 * It works the same way as `R.map` does for objects. It is added as Ramda also has this method.
724 */
725export function mapObjIndexed<T>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, T>, iterable: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
726export function mapObjIndexed<T, U>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, U>, iterable: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<U>;
727export function mapObjIndexed<T>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, T>): (iterable: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
728export function mapObjIndexed<T, U>(fn: ObjectIterator<T, U>): (iterable: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<U>;
731 * Curried version of `String.prototype.match` which returns empty array, when there is no match.
732 */
733export function match(regExpression: RegExp, str: string): readonly string[];
734export function match(regExpression: RegExp): (str: string) => readonly string[];
737 * `R.mathMod` behaves like the modulo operator should mathematically, unlike the `%` operator (and by extension, `R.modulo`). So while `-17 % 5` is `-2`, `mathMod(-17, 5)` is `3`.
738 */
739export function mathMod(x: number, y: number): number;
740export function mathMod(x: number): (y: number) => number;
743 * It returns the greater value between `x` and `y`.
744 */
745export function max<T extends Ord>(x: T, y: T): T;
746export function max<T extends Ord>(x: T): (y: T) => T;
749 * It returns the greater value between `x` and `y` according to `compareFn` function.
750 */
751export function maxBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T, y: T): T;
752export function maxBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T): (y: T) => T;
753export function maxBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord): (x: T) => (y: T) => T;
756 * It returns the mean value of `list` input.
757 */
758export function mean(list: readonly number[]): number;
761 * It returns the median value of `list` input.
762 */
763export function median(list: readonly number[]): number;
766 * It creates a copy of `target` object with overidden `newProps` properties.
767 */
768export function merge<A, B>(target: A, newProps: B): A & B
769export function merge<Output>(target: any): (newProps: any) => Output;
772 * It merges all objects of `list` array sequentially and returns the result.
773 */
774export function mergeAll<T>(list: readonly object[]): T;
775export function mergeAll(list: readonly object[]): object;
778 * Creates a new object with the own properties of the first object merged with the own properties of the second object. If a key exists in both objects:
779 *
780 * - and both values are objects, the two values will be recursively merged
781 * - otherwise the value from the second object will be used.
782 */
783export function mergeDeepRight<Output>(target: object, newProps: object): Output;
784export function mergeDeepRight<Output>(target: object): (newProps: object) => Output;
787 * Same as `R.merge`, but in opposite direction.
788 */
789export function mergeLeft<Output>(newProps: object, target: object): Output;
790export function mergeLeft<Output>(newProps: object): (target: object) => Output;
793 * It returns the lesser value between `x` and `y`.
794 */
795export function min<T extends Ord>(x: T, y: T): T;
796export function min<T extends Ord>(x: T): (y: T) => T;
799 * It returns the lesser value between `x` and `y` according to `compareFn` function.
800 */
801export function minBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T, y: T): T;
802export function minBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord, x: T): (y: T) => T;
803export function minBy<T>(compareFn: (input: T) => Ord): (x: T) => (y: T) => T;
806 * Curried version of `x%y`.
807 */
808export function modulo(x: number, y: number): number;
809export function modulo(x: number): (y: number) => number;
812 * It returns a copy of `list` with exchanged `fromIndex` and `toIndex` elements.
813 */
814export function move<T>(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
815export function move(fromIndex: number, toIndex: number): <T>(list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
816export function move(fromIndex: number): {
817 <T>(toIndex: number, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
818 (toIndex: number): <T>(list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
822 * Curried version of `x*y`.
823 */
824export function multiply(x: number, y: number): number;
825export function multiply(x: number): (y: number) => number;
827export function negate(x: number): number;
830 * It returns `true`, if all members of array `list` returns `false`, when applied as argument to `predicate` function.
831 */
832export function none<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): boolean;
833export function none<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => boolean;
836 * It returns a boolean negated version of `input`.
837 */
838export function not(input: any): boolean;
841 * Curried version of `list[index]`.
842 */
843export function nth<T>(index: number, list: readonly T[]): T | undefined;
844export function nth(index: number): <T>(list: readonly T[]) => T | undefined;
847 * It creates an object with a single key-value pair.
848 */
849export function objOf<T, K extends string>(key: K, value: T): Record<K, T>;
850export function objOf<K extends string>(key: K): <T>(value: T) => Record<K, T>;
853 * It returns a function, which invokes only once `fn` function.
854 */
855export function once<T extends (...args: readonly any[]) => any>(func: T): T;
858 * It returns a partial copy of an `obj` without `propsToOmit` properties.
859 */
860export function omit<T, K extends string>(propsToOmit: readonly K[], obj: T): Omit<T, K>;
861export function omit<K extends string>(propsToOmit: readonly K[]): <T>(obj: T) => Omit<T, K>;
862export function omit<T, U>(propsToOmit: string, obj: T): U;
863export function omit<T, U>(propsToOmit: string): (obj: T) => U;
864export function omit<T>(propsToOmit: string, obj: object): T;
865export function omit<T>(propsToOmit: string): (obj: object) => T;
867export function of<T>(x: T): readonly T[];
870 * It is very similar to `R.curry`, but you can pass initial arguments when you create the curried function.
871 *
872 * `R.partial` will keep returning a function until all the arguments that the function `fn` expects are passed.
873 * The name comes from the fact that you partially inject the inputs.
874 */
875export function partial<V0, V1, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1) => T, args: readonly [V0]): (x1: V1) => T;
876export function partial<V0, V1, V2, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2) => T, args: readonly [V0, V1]): (x2: V2) => T;
877export function partial<V0, V1, V2, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2) => T, args: readonly [V0]): (x1: V1, x2: V2) => T;
878export function partial<V0, V1, V2, V3, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T, args: readonly [V0, V1, V2]): (x2: V3) => T;
879export function partial<V0, V1, V2, V3, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T, args: readonly [V0, V1]): (x2: V2, x3: V3) => T;
880export function partial<V0, V1, V2, V3, T>(fn: (x0: V0, x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T, args: readonly [V0]): (x1: V1, x2: V2, x3: V3) => T;
881export function partial<T>(fn: (...a: readonly any[]) => T, args: readonly any[]): (...x: readonly any[]) => T;
884 * It will return array of two objects/arrays according to `predicate` function. The first member holds all instances of `input` that pass the `predicate` function, while the second member - those who doesn't.
885 */
886export function partition<T>(
887 predicate: Predicate<T>,
888 input: readonly T[]
889): readonly [readonly T[], readonly T[]];
890export function partition<T>(
891 predicate: Predicate<T>
892): (input: readonly T[]) => readonly [readonly T[], readonly T[]];
893export function partition<T>(
894 predicate: (x: T, prop?: string) => boolean,
895 input: { readonly [key: string]: T}
896): readonly [{ readonly [key: string]: T}, { readonly [key: string]: T}];
897export function partition<T>(
898 predicate: (x: T, prop?: string) => boolean
899): (input: { readonly [key: string]: T}) => readonly [{ readonly [key: string]: T}, { readonly [key: string]: T}];
902 * If `pathToSearch` is `'a.b'` then it will return `1` if `obj` is `{a:{b:1}}`.
903 *
904 * It will return `undefined`, if such path is not found.
905 */
906export function path<Input, T>(pathToSearch: Path, obj: Input): T | undefined;
907export function path<T>(pathToSearch: Path, obj: any): T | undefined;
908export function path<T>(pathToSearch: Path): (obj: any) => T | undefined;
909export function path<Input, T>(pathToSearch: Path): (obj: Input) => T | undefined;
912 * It returns `true` if `pathToSearch` of `input` object is equal to `target` value.
913 *
914 * `pathToSearch` is passed to `R.path`, which means that it can be either a string or an array. Also equality between `target` and the found value is determined by `R.equals`.
915 */
916export function pathEq(pathToSearch: Path, target: any, input: any): boolean;
917export function pathEq(pathToSearch: Path, target: any): (input: any) => boolean;
918export function pathEq(pathToSearch: Path): (target: any) => (input: any) => boolean;
921 * It loops over members of `pathsToSearch` as `singlePath` and returns the array produced by `R.path(singlePath, obj)`.
922 *
923 * Because it calls `R.path`, then `singlePath` can be either string or a list.
924 */
925export function paths<Input, T>(pathsToSearch: readonly Path[], obj: Input): readonly (T | undefined)[];
926export function paths<Input, T>(pathsToSearch: readonly Path[]): (obj: Input) => readonly (T | undefined)[];
927export function paths<T>(pathsToSearch: readonly Path[], obj: any): readonly (T | undefined)[];
928export function paths<T>(pathsToSearch: readonly Path[]): (obj: any) => readonly (T | undefined)[];
931 * It reads `obj` input and returns either `R.path(pathToSearch, obj)` result or `defaultValue` input.
932 */
933export function pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T, pathToSearch: Path, obj: any): T;
934export function pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T, pathToSearch: Path): (obj: any) => T;
935export function pathOr<T>(defaultValue: T): (pathToSearch: Path) => (obj: any) => T;
938 * It returns a partial copy of an `input` containing only `propsToPick` properties.
939 *
940 * `input` can be either an object or an array.
941 *
942 * String anotation of `propsToPick` is one of the differences between `Rambda` and `Ramda`.
943 */
944export function pick<T, K extends string | number | symbol>(propsToPick: readonly K[], input: T): Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>>;
945export function pick<K extends string | number | symbol>(propsToPick: readonly K[]): <T>(input: T) => Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>>;
946export function pick<T, U>(propsToPick: string, input: T): U;
947export function pick<T, U>(propsToPick: string): (input: T) => U;
948export function pick<T>(propsToPick: string, input: object): T;
949export function pick<T>(propsToPick: string): (input: object) => T;
952 * Same as `R.pick` but it won't skip the missing props, i.e. it will assign them to `undefined`.
953 */
954export function pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: readonly string[], input: T): U;
955export function pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: readonly string[]): (input: T) => U;
956export function pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: string, input: T): U;
957export function pickAll<T, U>(propsToPick: string): (input: T) => U;
960 * It performs left-to-right function composition.
961 */
962export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, TResult>(
963 ...funcs: readonly [
964 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1,
965 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
966 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
967 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
968 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
969 f6: (a: R5) => R6,
970 f7: (a: R6) => R7,
971 ...func: ReadonlyArray<(a: any) => any>,
972 fnLast: (a: any) => TResult
973 ]
974): (...args: TArgs) => TResult; // fallback overload if number of piped functions greater than 7
975export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7>(
976 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1,
977 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
978 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
979 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
980 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
981 f6: (a: R5) => R6,
982 f7: (a: R6) => R7
983): (...args: TArgs) => R7;
984export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6>(
985 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1,
986 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
987 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
988 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
989 f5: (a: R4) => R5,
990 f6: (a: R5) => R6
991): (...args: TArgs) => R6;
992export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4, R5>(
993 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1,
994 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
995 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
996 f4: (a: R3) => R4,
997 f5: (a: R4) => R5
998): (...args: TArgs) => R5;
999export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3, R4>(
1000 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1,
1001 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
1002 f3: (a: R2) => R3,
1003 f4: (a: R3) => R4
1004): (...args: TArgs) => R4;
1005export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2, R3>(
1006 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1,
1007 f2: (a: R1) => R2,
1008 f3: (a: R2) => R3
1009): (...args: TArgs) => R3;
1010export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1, R2>(
1011 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1,
1012 f2: (a: R1) => R2
1013): (...args: TArgs) => R2;
1014export function pipe<TArgs extends readonly any[], R1>(
1015 f1: (...args: TArgs) => R1
1016): (...args: TArgs) => R1;
1019 * It returns list of the values of `property` taken from the all objects inside `list`.
1020 */
1021export function pluck<K extends keyof T, T>(property: K, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[K][];
1022export function pluck<T>(property: number, list: readonly { readonly [k: number]: T }[]): readonly T[];
1023export function pluck<P extends string>(property: P): <T>(list: readonly Record<P, T>[]) => readonly T[];
1024export function pluck(property: number): <T>(list: readonly { readonly [k: number]: T }[]) => readonly T[];
1027 * It adds element `x` at the beginning of `list`.
1028 */
1029export function prepend<T>(x: T, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1030export function prepend<T>(x: T): (input: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1032export function product(list: readonly number[]): number;
1035 * It returns the value of property `propToFind` in `obj`.
1036 *
1037 * If there is no such property, it returns `undefined`.
1038 */
1039export function prop<P extends keyof T, T>(propToFind: P, obj: T): T[P];
1040export function prop<P extends string | number>(p: P): <T>(propToFind: Record<P, T>) => T;
1041export function prop<P extends keyof T, T>(p: P): (propToFind: Record<P, T>) => T;
1044 * It returns true if `obj` has property `propToFind` and its value is equal to `valueToMatch`.
1045 */
1046export function propEq<K extends string | number>(propToFind: K, valueToMatch: any, obj: Record<K, any>): boolean;
1047export function propEq<K extends string | number>(propToFind: K, valueToMatch: any): (obj: Record<K, any>) => boolean;
1048export function propEq<K extends string | number>(propToFind: K): {
1049 (valueToMatch: any, obj: Record<K, any>): boolean;
1050 (valueToMatch: any): (obj: Record<K, any>) => boolean;
1054 * It returns `true` if `property` of `obj` is from `target` type.
1055 */
1056export function propIs<C extends (...args: readonly any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
1057export function propIs<C extends new (...args: readonly any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
1058export function propIs<C extends (...args: readonly any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
1059export function propIs<C extends new (...args: readonly any[]) => any, K extends keyof any>(type: C, name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
1060export function propIs<C extends (...args: readonly any[]) => any>(type: C): {
1061 <K extends keyof any>(name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
1062 <K extends keyof any>(name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, ReturnType<C>>;
1064export function propIs<C extends new (...args: readonly any[]) => any>(type: C): {
1065 <K extends keyof any>(name: K, obj: any): obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
1066 <K extends keyof any>(name: K): (obj: any) => obj is Record<K, InstanceType<C>>;
1070 * It returns either `defaultValue` or the value of `property` in `obj`.
1071 */
1072export function propOr<T, P extends string>(defaultValue: T, property: P, obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined): T;
1073export function propOr<T, P extends string>(defaultValue: T, property: P): (obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined) => T;
1074export function propOr<T>(defaultValue: T): {
1075 <P extends string>(property: P, obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined): T;
1076 <P extends string>(property: P): (obj: Partial<Record<P, T>> | undefined) => T;
1080 * It returns list of numbers between `startInclusive` to `endExclusive` markers.
1081 */
1082export function range(startInclusive: number, endExclusive: number): readonly number[];
1083export function range(startInclusive: number): (endExclusive: number) => readonly number[];
1085export function reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T, i: number) => TResult, initialValue: TResult, list: readonly T[]): TResult;
1086export function reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T) => TResult, initialValue: TResult, list: readonly T[]): TResult;
1087export function reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T, i?: number) => TResult): (initialValue: TResult, list: readonly T[]) => TResult;
1088export function reduce<T, TResult>(reducer: (prev: TResult, current: T, i?: number) => TResult, initialValue: TResult): (list: readonly T[]) => TResult;
1091 * It has the opposite effect of `R.filter`.
1092 */
1093export function reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1094export function reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1095export function reject<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>, obj: Dictionary<T>): Dictionary<T>;
1096export function reject<T, U>(predicate: Predicate<T>): (obj: Dictionary<T>) => Dictionary<T>;
1098export function repeat<T>(x: T): (timesToRepeat: number) => readonly T[];
1099export function repeat<T>(x: T, timesToRepeat: number): readonly T[];
1102 * It replaces `strOrRegex` found in `str` with `replacer`.
1103 */
1104export function replace(strOrRegex: RegExp | string, replacer: string, str: string): string;
1105export function replace(strOrRegex: RegExp | string, replacer: string): (str: string) => string;
1106export function replace(strOrRegex: RegExp | string): (replacer: string) => (str: string) => string;
1109 * It returns a reversed copy of list or string `input`.
1110 */
1111export function reverse<T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1112export function reverse(input: string): string;
1114export function slice(from: number, to: number, input: string): string;
1115export function slice<T>(from: number, to: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1116export function slice(from: number, to: number): {
1117 (input: string): string;
1118 <T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1120export function slice(from: number): {
1121 (to: number, input: string): string;
1122 <T>(to: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1126 * It returns copy of `list` sorted by `sortFn` function.
1127 */
1128export function sort<T>(sortFn: (a: T, b: T) => number, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1129export function sort<T>(sortFn: (a: T, b: T) => number): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1132 * It returns copy of `list` sorted by `sortFn` function.
1133 */
1134export function sortBy<T>(sortFn: (a: T) => Ord, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1135export function sortBy<T>(sortFn: (a: T) => Ord): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1136export function sortBy(sortFn: (a: any) => Ord): <T>(list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1139 * Curried version of `String.prototype.split`
1140 */
1141export function split(separator: string | RegExp): (str: string) => readonly string[];
1142export function split(separator: string | RegExp, str: string): readonly string[];
1145 * It splits `input` into slices of `sliceLength`.
1146 */
1147export function splitEvery<T>(sliceLength: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly (readonly T[])[];
1148export function splitEvery(sliceLength: number, input: string): readonly string[];
1149export function splitEvery(sliceLength: number): {
1150 (input: string): readonly string[];
1151 <T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly (readonly T[])[];
1155 * When iterable is a string, then it behaves as `String.prototype.startsWith`.
1156 * When iterable is a list, then it uses R.equals to determine if the target list starts in the same way as the given target.
1157 */
1158export function startsWith(target: string, str: string): boolean;
1159export function startsWith(target: string): (str: string) => boolean;
1160export function startsWith<T>(target: readonly T[], list: readonly T[]): boolean;
1161export function startsWith<T>(target: readonly T[]): (list: readonly T[]) => boolean;
1164 * Curried version of `x - y`
1165 */
1166export function subtract(x: number, y: number): number;
1167export function subtract(x: number): (y: number) => number;
1169export function sum(list: readonly number[]): number;
1172 * It returns a merged list of `x` and `y` with all equal elements removed.
1173 *
1174 * `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
1175 */
1176export function symmetricDifference<T>(x: readonly T[], y: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1177export function symmetricDifference<T>(x: readonly T[]): <T>(y: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1179export function T(): boolean;
1182 * It returns all but the first element of `input`.
1183 */
1184export function tail<T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1185export function tail(input: string): string;
1188 * It returns the first `howMany` elements of `input`.
1189 */
1190export function take<T>(howMany: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1191export function take(howMany: number, input: string): string;
1192export function take<T>(howMany: number): {
1193 <T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1194 (input: string): string;
1198 * It returns the last `howMany` elements of `input`.
1199 */
1200export function takeLast<T>(howMany: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1201export function takeLast(howMany: number, input: string): string;
1202export function takeLast<T>(howMany: number): {
1203 <T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1204 (input: string): string;
1208 * It applies function `fn` to input `x` and returns `x`.
1209 *
1210 * One use case is debuging in the middle of `R.compose`.
1211 */
1212export function tap<T>(fn: (x: T) => void, input: T): T;
1213export function tap<T>(fn: (x: T) => void): (input: T) => T;
1216 * It determines whether `str` matches `regExpression`.
1217 */
1218export function test(regExpression: RegExp): (str: string) => boolean;
1219export function test(regExpression: RegExp, str: string): boolean;
1222 * It returns the result of applying function `fn` over members of range array.
1223 *
1224 * The range array includes numbers between `0` and `howMany`(exclusive).
1225 */
1226export function times<T>(fn: (i: number) => T, howMany: number): readonly T[];
1227export function times<T>(fn: (i: number) => T): (howMany: number) => readonly T[];
1229export function toLower<S extends string>(str: S): Lowercase<S>;
1230export function toLower(str: string): string;
1232export function toUpper<S extends string>(str: S): Uppercase<S>;
1233export function toUpper(str: string): string;
1236 * It transforms an object to a list.
1237 */
1238export function toPairs<O extends object, K extends Extract<keyof O, string | number>>(obj: O): ReadonlyArray<{ readonly [key in K]: readonly [`${key}`, O[key]] }[K]>;
1239export function toPairs<S>(obj: Record<string | number, S>): ReadonlyArray<readonly [string, S]>;
1241export function toString(x: unknown): string;
1243export function transpose<T>(list: readonly (readonly T[])[]): readonly (readonly T[])[];
1245export function trim(str: string): string;
1248 * It returns function that runs `fn` in `try/catch` block. If there was an error, then `fallback` is used to return the result. Note that `fn` can be value or asynchronous/synchronous function(unlike `Ramda` where fallback can only be a synchronous function).
1249 */
1250export function tryCatch<T, U>(
1251 fn: (input: T) => U,
1252 fallback: U
1253): (input: T) => U;
1254export function tryCatch<T, U>(
1255 fn: (input: T) => U,
1256 fallback: (input: T) => U
1257): (input: T) => U;
1258export function tryCatch<T>(
1259 fn: (input: any) => Promise<any>,
1260 fallback: T
1261): (input: any) => Promise<T>;
1262export function tryCatch<T>(
1263 fn: (input: any) => Promise<any>,
1264 fallback: (input: any) => Promise<any>,
1265): (input: any) => Promise<T>;
1268 * It accepts any input and it returns its type.
1269 */
1270export function type(x: any): RambdaTypes;
1273 * It takes two lists and return a new list containing a merger of both list with removed duplicates.
1274 *
1275 * `R.equals` is used to compare for duplication.
1276 */
1277export function union<T>(x: readonly T[], y: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1278export function union<T>(x: readonly T[]): (y: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1281 * It returns a new array containing only one copy of each element of `list`.
1282 *
1283 * `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
1284 */
1285export function uniq<T>(list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1288 * It returns a new array containing only one copy of each element in `list` according to `predicate` function.
1289 *
1290 * This predicate should return true, if two elements are equal.
1291 */
1292export function uniqWith<T, U>(predicate: (x: T, y: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1293export function uniqWith<T, U>(predicate: (x: T, y: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1296 * The method returns function that will be called with argument `input`.
1297 *
1298 * If `predicate(input)` returns `false`, then the end result will be the outcome of `whenFalse(input)`.
1299 *
1300 * In the other case, the final output will be the `input` itself.
1301 */
1302export function unless<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => U, x: T): T | U;
1303export function unless<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => U): (x: T) => T | U;
1304export function unless<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => T, x: T): T;
1305export function unless<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenFalseFn: (x: T) => T): (x: T) => T;
1308 * It returns a copy of `list` with updated element at `index` with `newValue`.
1309 */
1310export function update<T>(index: number, newValue: T, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1311export function update<T>(index: number, newValue: T): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1314 * With correct input, this is nothing more than `Object.values(obj)`. If `obj` is not an object, then it returns an empty array.
1315 */
1316export function values<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(obj: T): readonly T[K][];
1318export function when<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenTrueFn: (a: T) => U, input: T): T | U;
1319export function when<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, whenTrueFn: (a: T) => U): (input: T) => T | U;
1320export function when<T, U>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): ((whenTrueFn: (a: T) => U) => (input: T) => T | U);
1323 * It returns `true` if all each property in `conditions` returns `true` when applied to corresponding property in `input` object.
1324 */
1325export function where<T, U>(conditions: T, input: U): boolean;
1326export function where<T>(conditions: T): <U>(input: U) => boolean;
1327export function where<ObjFunc2, U>(conditions: ObjFunc2, input: U): boolean;
1328export function where<ObjFunc2>(conditions: ObjFunc2): <U>(input: U) => boolean;
1331 * It will return `true` if all of `input` object fully or partially include `rule` object.
1332 *
1333 * `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
1334 */
1335export function whereEq<T, U>(condition: T, input: U): boolean;
1336export function whereEq<T>(condition: T): <U>(input: U) => boolean;
1339 * It will return a new array, based on all members of `source` list that are not part of `matchAgainst` list.
1340 *
1341 * `R.equals` is used to determine equality.
1342 */
1343export function without<T>(matchAgainst: readonly T[], source: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1344export function without<T>(matchAgainst: readonly T[]): (source: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1347 * Logical XOR
1348 */
1349export function xor(x: boolean, y: boolean): boolean;
1350export function xor(y: boolean): (y: boolean) => boolean;
1353 * It will return a new array containing tuples of equally positions items from both `x` and `y` lists.
1354 *
1355 * The returned list will be truncated to match the length of the shortest supplied list.
1356 */
1357export function zip<K, V>(x: readonly K[], y: readonly V[]): readonly KeyValuePair<K, V>[];
1358export function zip<K>(x: readonly K[]): <V>(y: readonly V[]) => readonly KeyValuePair<K, V>[];
1361 * It will return a new object with keys of `keys` array and values of `values` array.
1362 */
1363export function zipObj<T, K extends string>(keys: readonly K[], values: readonly T[]): { readonly [P in K]: T };
1364export function zipObj<K extends string>(keys: readonly K[]): <T>(values: readonly T[]) => { readonly [P in K]: T };
1365export function zipObj<T, K extends number>(keys: readonly K[], values: readonly T[]): { readonly [P in K]: T };
1366export function zipObj<K extends number>(keys: readonly K[]): <T>(values: readonly T[]) => { readonly [P in K]: T };
1369 * It takes list with properties `propsToPick` and returns a list with property values in `obj`.
1370 */
1371export function props<P extends string, T>(propsToPick: readonly P[], obj: Record<P, T>): readonly T[];
1372export function props<P extends string>(propsToPick: readonly P[]): <T>(obj: Record<P, T>) => readonly T[];
1373export function props<P extends string, T>(propsToPick: readonly P[]): (obj: Record<P, T>) => readonly T[];
1375export function zipWith<T, U, TResult>(fn: (x: T, y: U) => TResult, list1: readonly T[], list2: readonly U[]): readonly TResult[];
1376export function zipWith<T, U, TResult>(fn: (x: T, y: U) => TResult, list1: readonly T[]): (list2: readonly U[]) => readonly TResult[];
1377export function zipWith<T, U, TResult>(fn: (x: T, y: U) => TResult): (list1: readonly T[], list2: readonly U[]) => readonly TResult[];
1380 * It splits string or array at a given index.
1381 */
1382export function splitAt<T>(index: number, input: readonly T[]): readonly [readonly T[], readonly T[]];
1383export function splitAt(index: number, input: string): readonly [string, string];
1384export function splitAt(index: number): {
1385 <T>(input: readonly T[]): readonly [readonly T[], readonly T[]];
1386 (input: string): readonly [string, string];
1390 * It splits `list` to two arrays according to a `predicate` function.
1391 *
1392 * The first array contains all members of `list` before `predicate` returns `true`.
1393 */
1394export function splitWhen<T, U>(predicate: Predicate<T>, list: readonly U[]): readonly (readonly U[])[];
1395export function splitWhen<T>(predicate: Predicate<T>): <U>(list: readonly U[]) => readonly (readonly U[])[];
1397export function takeLastWhile(predicate: (x: string) => boolean, input: string): string;
1398export function takeLastWhile(predicate: (x: string) => boolean): (input: string) => string;
1399export function takeLastWhile<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, input: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1400export function takeLastWhile<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): <T>(input: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1403 * It takes object or array of functions as set of rules. These `rules` are applied to the `iterable` input to produce the result.
1404 */
1405export function evolve<T, U>(rules: readonly ((x: T) => U)[], list: readonly T[]): readonly U[];
1406export function evolve<T, U>(rules: readonly ((x: T) => U)[]) : (list: readonly T[]) => readonly U[];
1407export function evolve<E extends Evolver, V extends Evolvable<E>>(rules: E, obj: V): Evolve<V, E>;
1408export function evolve<E extends Evolver>(rules: E): <V extends Evolvable<E>>(obj: V) => Evolve<V, E>;
1410export function dropLastWhile(predicate: (x: string) => boolean, iterable: string): string;
1411export function dropLastWhile(predicate: (x: string) => boolean): (iterable: string) => string;
1412export function dropLastWhile<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean, iterable: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1413export function dropLastWhile<T>(predicate: (x: T) => boolean): <T>(iterable: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1416 * It removes any successive duplicates according to `R.equals`.
1417 */
1418export function dropRepeats<T>(list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1420export function dropRepeatsWith<T>(predicate: (x: T, y: T) => boolean, list: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1421export function dropRepeatsWith<T>(predicate: (x: T, y: T) => boolean): (list: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1423export function dropWhile(fn: Predicate<string>, iterable: string): string;
1424export function dropWhile(fn: Predicate<string>): (iterable: string) => string;
1425export function dropWhile<T>(fn: Predicate<T>, iterable: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1426export function dropWhile<T>(fn: Predicate<T>): (iterable: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1428export function takeWhile(fn: Predicate<string>, iterable: string): string;
1429export function takeWhile(fn: Predicate<string>): (iterable: string) => string;
1430export function takeWhile<T>(fn: Predicate<T>, iterable: readonly T[]): readonly T[];
1431export function takeWhile<T>(fn: Predicate<T>): (iterable: readonly T[]) => readonly T[];
1434 * It returns `true` if property `prop` in `obj1` is equal to property `prop` in `obj2` according to `R.equals`.
1435 */
1436export function eqProps<T, U>(prop: string, obj1: T, obj2: U): boolean;
1437export function eqProps<P extends string>(prop: P): <T, U>(obj1: Record<P, T>, obj2: Record<P, U>) => boolean;
1438export function eqProps<T>(prop: string, obj1: T): <U>(obj2: U) => boolean;
1441 * It calls a function `fn` with the list of values of the returned function.
1442 *
1443 * `R.unapply` is the opposite of `R.apply` method.
1444 */
1445export function unapply<T = any>(fn: (args: readonly any[]) => T): (...args: readonly any[]) => T;
1448 * It applies function `fn` to the list of arguments.
1449 *
1450 * This is useful for creating a fixed-arity function from a variadic function. `fn` should be a bound function if context is significant.
1451 */
1452export function apply<T = any>(fn: (...args: readonly any[]) => T, args: readonly any[]): T;
1453export function apply<T = any>(fn: (...args: readonly any[]) => T): (args: readonly any[]) => T;
1456 * Creates a function that is bound to a context.
1457 */
1458export function bind<F extends (...args: readonly any[]) => any, T>(fn: F, thisObj: T): (...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>;
1459export function bind<F extends (...args: readonly any[]) => any, T>(fn: F): (thisObj: T) => (...args: Parameters<F>) => ReturnType<F>;