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6 "populatedocs:x": "cd ../rambda-scripts && yarn populate:docs:rambdax",
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8 "populatereadme:x": "cd ../rambda-scripts && yarn populate:readme:rambdax",
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24 "build:step": "yarn populatedocs && yarn populatereadme && yarn build:main",
25 "benchmark:check:apply": "cd ../rambda-scripts && yarn check-benchmark",
26 "benchmark:check": "yarn build:step && METHOD=compose yarn benchmark:check:apply",
27 "benchmark:single": "cd ../rambda-scripts && METHOD=pipe RAMBDA_RUN_ALL=ON RAMBDA_RUN_INDEXES=ON yarn benchmark",
28 "benchmark:all": "yarn build:step && cd ../rambda-scripts && yarn benchmark:all",
29 "benchmark": "yarn build:step && yarn benchmark:single",
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77 "dist",
78 "src",
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83 "immutable.js"
84 ],
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86 "type": "git",
87 "url": "git+https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda.git"
88 },
89 "license": "MIT",
90 "author": "self_refactor",
91 "description": "Lightweight and faster alternative to Ramda with included TS definitions",
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93 "main": "./dist/rambda.js",
94 "umd": "./dist/rambda.umd.js",
95 "module": "./dist/rambda.esm.js",
96 "types": "./index.d.ts",
97 "exports": {
98 ".": {
99 "import": "./dist/index.esm.js",
100 "require": "./dist/rambda.js",
101 "default": "./dist/rambda.js",
102 "types": "./index.d.ts"
103 }
104 },
105 "keywords": [
106 "ramda",
107 "fp",
108 "functional",
109 "utility",
110 "lodash"
111 ],
112 "homepage": "https://github.com/selfrefactor/rambda#readme"