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1declare abstract class RNG {
2 abstract get name(): string;
3 abstract next(): number;
4 abstract clone(): RNG;
7type RNGFn = () => number;
8type Seed = number | string;
9type SeedOrRNG = number | string | RNGFn | RNG;
11declare class ARC4RNG extends RNG {
12 protected _seed: number;
13 i: number;
14 j: number;
15 S: number[];
16 constructor(seed?: Seed);
17 get name(): string;
18 next(): number;
19 g(count: number): number;
20 clone(): ARC4RNG;
23declare class FunctionRNG extends RNG {
24 _name: string;
25 _rngFn: RNGFn;
26 constructor(rngFn: RNGFn);
27 get name(): string;
28 next(): number;
29 clone(): FunctionRNG;
32declare class MathRandomRNG extends RNG {
33 get name(): string;
34 next(): number;
35 clone(): MathRandomRNG;
38declare class XOR128RNG extends RNG {
39 protected _seed: number;
40 x: number;
41 y: number;
42 z: number;
43 w: number;
44 constructor(seed?: Seed);
45 get name(): string;
46 next(): number;
47 clone(): XOR128RNG;
51 * Distribution function
52 */
53type IDistFn<R> = (random: Random, ...argv: any) => R;
55 * Distribution
56 */
57type IDist<R> = () => R;
59 * Keyed cache entry
60 */
61interface ICacheEntry<T> {
62 key: string;
63 distribution: () => T;
66 * Seedable random number generator supporting many common distributions.
67 *
68 * @name Random
69 * @class
70 *
71 * @param {RNG|function|string|number} [rng=Math.random] - Underlying random number generator or a seed for the default PRNG. Defaults to `Math.random`.
72 */
73declare class Random {
74 protected _rng: RNG;
75 protected readonly _cache: {
76 [k: string]: ICacheEntry<any>;
77 };
78 constructor(seedOrRNG?: SeedOrRNG);
79 /**
80 * @member {RNG} rng - Underlying pseudo-random number generator.
81 */
82 get rng(): RNG;
83 /**
84 * Creates a new `Random` instance, optionally specifying parameters to
85 * set a new seed.
86 *
87 * @return {Random}
88 */
89 clone(seedOrRNG?: SeedOrRNG): Random;
90 /**
91 * Sets the underlying pseudorandom number generator.
92 *
93 * @example
94 * ```ts
95 * import random from 'random'
96 *
97 * random.use('example-seed')
98 * // or
99 * random.use(Math.random)
100 * ```
101 */
102 use(seedOrRNG: SeedOrRNG): void;
103 /**
104 * Convenience wrapper around `this.rng.next()`
105 *
106 * Returns a floating point number in [0, 1).
107 *
108 * @return {number}
109 */
110 next: () => number;
111 /**
112 * Samples a uniform random floating point number, optionally specifying
113 * lower and upper bounds.
114 *
115 * Convence wrapper around `random.uniform()`
116 *
117 * @param {number} [min=0] - Lower bound (float, inclusive)
118 * @param {number} [max=1] - Upper bound (float, exclusive)
119 * @return {number}
120 */
121 float: (min?: number, max?: number) => number;
122 /**
123 * Samples a uniform random integer, optionally specifying lower and upper
124 * bounds.
125 *
126 * Convence wrapper around `random.uniformInt()`
127 *
128 * @param {number} [min=0] - Lower bound (integer, inclusive)
129 * @param {number} [max=1] - Upper bound (integer, inclusive)
130 * @return {number}
131 */
132 int: (min?: number, max?: number) => number;
133 /**
134 * Samples a uniform random integer, optionally specifying lower and upper
135 * bounds.
136 *
137 * Convence wrapper around `random.uniformInt()`
138 *
139 * @alias `random.int`
140 *
141 * @param {number} [min=0] - Lower bound (integer, inclusive)
142 * @param {number} [max=1] - Upper bound (integer, inclusive)
143 * @return {number}
144 */
145 integer: (min?: number, max?: number) => number;
146 /**
147 * Samples a uniform random boolean value.
148 *
149 * Convence wrapper around `random.uniformBoolean()`
150 *
151 * @alias `random.boolean`
152 *
153 * @return {boolean}
154 */
155 bool: () => boolean;
156 /**
157 * Samples a uniform random boolean value.
158 *
159 * Convence wrapper around `random.uniformBoolean()`
160 *
161 * @return {boolean}
162 */
163 boolean: () => boolean;
164 /**
165 * Returns an item chosen uniformly at random from the given array.
166 *
167 * Convence wrapper around `random.uniformInt()`
168 *
169 * @param {Array<T>} [array] - Input array
170 * @return {T | undefined}
171 */
172 choice<T>(array: Array<T>): T | undefined;
173 /**
174 * Generates a [Continuous uniform distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_distribution_(continuous)).
175 *
176 * @param {number} [min=0] - Lower bound (float, inclusive)
177 * @param {number} [max=1] - Upper bound (float, exclusive)
178 */
179 uniform: (min?: number, max?: number) => IDist<number>;
180 /**
181 * Generates a [Discrete uniform distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_uniform_distribution).
182 *
183 * @param {number} [min=0] - Lower bound (integer, inclusive)
184 * @param {number} [max=1] - Upper bound (integer, inclusive)
185 * @return {function}
186 */
187 uniformInt: (min?: number, max?: number) => IDist<number>;
188 /**
189 * Generates a [Discrete uniform distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_uniform_distribution),
190 * with two possible outcomes, `true` or `false.
191 *
192 * This method is analogous to flipping a coin.
193 *
194 * @return {function}
195 */
196 uniformBoolean: () => IDist<boolean>;
197 /**
198 * Generates a [Normal distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution).
199 *
200 * @param {number} [mu=0] - Mean
201 * @param {number} [sigma=1] - Standard deviation
202 * @return {function}
203 */
204 normal: (mu?: number, sigma?: number) => () => number;
205 /**
206 * Generates a [Log-normal distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log-normal_distribution).
207 *
208 * @param {number} [mu=0] - Mean of underlying normal distribution
209 * @param {number} [sigma=1] - Standard deviation of underlying normal distribution
210 * @return {function}
211 */
212 logNormal: (mu?: number, sigma?: number) => () => number;
213 /**
214 * Generates a [Bernoulli distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernoulli_distribution).
215 *
216 * @param {number} [p=0.5] - Success probability of each trial.
217 * @return {function}
218 */
219 bernoulli: (p?: number) => () => number;
220 /**
221 * Generates a [Binomial distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution).
222 *
223 * @param {number} [n=1] - Number of trials.
224 * @param {number} [p=0.5] - Success probability of each trial.
225 * @return {function}
226 */
227 binomial: (n?: number, p?: number) => () => number;
228 /**
229 * Generates a [Geometric distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_distribution).
230 *
231 * @param {number} [p=0.5] - Success probability of each trial.
232 * @return {function}
233 */
234 geometric: (p?: number) => () => number;
235 /**
236 * Generates a [Poisson distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution).
237 *
238 * @param {number} [lambda=1] - Mean (lambda > 0)
239 * @return {function}
240 */
241 poisson: (lambda?: number) => () => number;
242 /**
243 * Generates an [Exponential distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_distribution).
244 *
245 * @param {number} [lambda=1] - Inverse mean (lambda > 0)
246 * @return {function}
247 */
248 exponential: (lambda?: number) => () => number;
249 /**
250 * Generates an [Irwin Hall distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irwin%E2%80%93Hall_distribution).
251 *
252 * @param {number} [n=1] - Number of uniform samples to sum (n >= 0)
253 * @return {function}
254 */
255 irwinHall: (n?: number) => () => number;
256 /**
257 * Generates a [Bates distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bates_distribution).
258 *
259 * @param {number} [n=1] - Number of uniform samples to average (n >= 1)
260 * @return {function}
261 */
262 bates: (n?: number) => () => number;
263 /**
264 * Generates a [Pareto distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution).
265 *
266 * @param {number} [alpha=1] - Alpha
267 * @return {function}
268 */
269 pareto: (alpha?: number) => () => number;
270 /**
271 * Memoizes distributions to ensure they're only created when necessary.
272 *
273 * Returns a thunk which that returns independent, identically distributed
274 * samples from the specified distribution.
275 *
276 * @internal
277 *
278 * @param {string} label - Name of distribution
279 * @param {function} getter - Function which generates a new distribution
280 * @param {...*} args - Distribution-specific arguments
281 *
282 * @return {function}
283 */
284 protected _memoize<T>(label: string, getter: IDistFn<any>, ...args: any[]): IDist<T>;
286declare const _default: Random;
288declare function createRNG(seedOrRNG?: SeedOrRNG): RNG;
289declare function processSeed(seed?: Seed): number;
290declare function mixKey(seed: number, key: number[]): number[];
292export { ARC4RNG, FunctionRNG, MathRandomRNG, RNG, type RNGFn, Random, type Seed, type SeedOrRNG, XOR128RNG, createRNG, _default as default, mixKey, processSeed };