1 | # node-randomstring
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3 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/klughammer/node-randomstring.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/klughammer/node-randomstring) [![Download Stats](https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/randomstring.svg)](https://github.com/klughammer/node-randomstring)
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5 | Library to help you create random strings.
6 |
7 | ## Installation
8 |
9 | To install randomstring, use [npm](http://github.com/npm/npm):
10 |
11 | ```
12 | npm install randomstring
13 | ```
14 |
15 | ## Usage
16 |
17 | ```javascript
18 | var randomstring = require("randomstring");
19 |
20 | randomstring.generate();
21 | // >> "XwPp9xazJ0ku5CZnlmgAx2Dld8SHkAeT"
22 |
23 | randomstring.generate(7);
24 | // >> "xqm5wXX"
25 |
26 | randomstring.generate({
27 | length: 12,
28 | charset: 'alphabetic'
29 | });
30 | // >> "AqoTIzKurxJi"
31 |
32 | randomstring.generate({
33 | charset: 'abc'
34 | });
35 | // >> "accbaabbbbcccbccccaacacbbcbbcbbc"
36 |
37 | randomstring.generate({
38 | charset: ['numeric', '!']
39 | });
40 | // >> "145132!87663611567!2486211!07856"
41 |
42 | randomstring.generate({
43 | charset: 'abc'
44 | }, cb);
45 | // >> "cb(generatedString) {}"
46 |
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ## API
50 |
51 | `randomstring.`
52 |
53 | - `generate(options, cb)`
54 | - `options`
55 | - `length` - the length of the random string. (default: 32) [OPTIONAL]
56 | - `readable` - exclude poorly readable chars: 0OIl. (default: false) [OPTIONAL]
57 | - `charset` - define the character set for the string. (default: 'alphanumeric') [OPTIONAL]
58 | - `alphanumeric` - [0-9 a-z A-Z]
59 | - `alphabetic` - [a-z A-Z]
60 | - `numeric` - [0-9]
61 | - `hex` - [0-9 a-f]
62 | - `binary` - [01]
63 | - `octal` - [0-7]
64 | - `custom` - any given characters
65 | - `[]` - An array of any above
66 | - `capitalization` - define whether the output should be lowercase / uppercase only. (default: null) [OPTIONAL]
67 | - `lowercase`
68 | - `uppercase`
69 | - `cb` - Optional. If provided uses async version of `crypto.randombytes`
70 |
71 | ## Command Line Usage
72 |
73 | $ npm install -g randomstring
74 |
75 | $ randomstring
76 | > sKCx49VgtHZ59bJOTLcU0Gr06ogUnDJi
77 |
78 | $ randomstring 7
79 | > CpMg433
80 |
81 | $ randomstring length=24 charset=github readable
82 | > hthbtgiguihgbuttuutubugg
83 |
84 | ## Tests
85 |
86 | ```
87 | npm install
88 | npm test
89 | ```
90 |
91 | ## LICENSE
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93 | node-randomstring is licensed under the MIT license.