1 | # Range Check v3.1.0
2 | [](https://badge.fury.io/js/range_check) [](https://travis-ci.org/keverw/range_check)
3 |
4 | This is a simple module to validate IP address, check IP address version, check if IP is within a range.
5 |
6 | This started out as `range_check` but it does much more than just checking ranges but since it's already got a large amount of downloads (37,115 downloads in the last month as of this writing) I'll keep the name the same even though I kinda want to change it to something better.
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10 |
11 |
12 | - [Install](#install)
13 | - [IP Functions](#ip-functions)
14 | - [Check if IP is valid](#check-if-ip-is-valid)
15 | - [Check IP version](#check-ip-version)
16 | - [Version](#version)
17 | - [isV4](#isv4)
18 | - [isV6](#isv6)
19 | - [Range Functions](#range-functions)
20 | - [Check if range is valid](#check-if-range-is-valid)
21 | - [Check if IP is within range](#check-if-ip-is-within-range)
22 | - [Check if IP is private](#check-if-ip-is-private)
23 | - [Check if IP is in range or private](#check-if-ip-is-in-range-or-private)
24 | - [storeIP](#storeip)
25 | - [searchIP](#searchip)
26 | - [displayIP](#displayip)
27 | - [Contributing](#contributing)
28 | - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
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32 | ## Install
33 |
34 | `npm install range_check` or `yarn add range_check`
35 |
36 | You can then import the functions as needed or require the entire `range_check` package depending on your own projects configuration.
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38 | ## IP Functions
39 | ### Check if IP is valid
40 |
41 | ```typescript
42 | console.log(isIP('')); //returns true or false
43 | ```
44 |
45 | ### Check IP version
46 | #### Version
47 | ```typescript
48 | console.log(version('')); //returns 4
49 | console.log(version('2001:4860:8006::62')); //returns 6
50 | console.log(version('foo')); //returns 0 as invalid IP address
51 | ```
52 |
53 | #### isV4
54 | ```typescript
55 | console.log(isV4('')); //true
56 | console.log(isV4('foo')); //false
57 | console.log(isV4('123::123')); //false
58 | ```
59 |
60 | #### isV6
61 | ```typescript
62 | console.log(isV6('123::123')); //true
63 | console.log(isV6('foo')); //false
64 | console.log(isV6('')); //false
65 | ```
66 |
67 | ## Range Functions
68 |
69 | ### Check if range is valid
70 |
71 | You can use isRange if you want to validate an entire range.
72 |
73 | ```typescript
74 | console.log(isRange('2001:db8::/32')); //true
75 | console.log(isRange('')); // true
76 | console.log(isRange('qwerty')); // false
77 |
78 | ```
79 |
80 | ### Check if IP is within range
81 | ```typescript
82 | console.log(inRange('', '')); //returns true
83 |
84 | console.log(inRange('', '')); //returns false
85 |
86 | console.log(inRange('2001:db8:1234::1', '2001:db8::/32')); //returns true
87 | ```
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89 | You can also give a list of ranges
90 |
91 | ```typescript
92 | console.log(inRange('', ['', ''])); //returns true
93 |
94 | ```
95 |
96 | ### Check if IP is private
97 | ```typescript
98 | console.log(isPrivateIP('')); //returns true
99 | console.log(isPrivateIP('')); //returns true
100 | console.log(isPrivateIP('')); //returns true
101 | console.log(isPrivateIP('')); //returns false
102 | console.log(isPrivateIP('fd00::1')); //returns true (IPv6 ULA)
103 | console.log(isPrivateIP('2001:db8::1')); //returns false
104 | ```
105 |
106 | This function checks if an IP address is private. It returns true for:
107 | - IPv4 private ranges (,,
108 | - IPv4 loopback addresses (
109 | - IPv6 unique local addresses (fd00::/8)
110 | - IPv6 loopback address (::1)
111 |
112 | ### Check if IP is in range or private
113 | ```typescript
114 | console.log(isIPInRangeOrPrivate('')); // returns true (private IP)
115 | console.log(isIPInRangeOrPrivate('')); // returns false (public IP, no range specified)
116 | console.log(isIPInRangeOrPrivate('', { ranges: '' })); // returns true
117 | console.log(isIPInRangeOrPrivate('', { allowAnyPrivate: false, ranges: '' })); // returns false
118 | ```
119 |
120 | This function checks if an IP address is either within a specified range or is a private IP. It's particularly useful for scenarios where you need to determine if a request is coming from a local server or a specific set of allowed IPs.
121 |
122 | Options:
123 | - `ranges`: A string or array of strings representing IP ranges to check against.
124 | - `allowAnyPrivate`: Boolean to determine if any private IP should be allowed. Defaults to true.
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126 | If no options are provided, the function will return true for any private IP and false for public IPs.
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128 | Use case example: This function can be used in server configurations to easily allow local calls or calls from specific IP ranges, while blocking others. For instance, it can be used in middleware for setting trace IDs. This allows you to automatically set trace IDs for requests from private networks or specific IP ranges, which can be useful for debugging and tracking requests across microservices in a distributed system.
129 |
130 | ### storeIP
131 | This function is useful to get a consistent IP address such for storing it in a database or when searching in a database after being stored using this. So if a V6 address was sent compacted or not, or if you searched by either version this function would make sure you get a consistent IP address for both versions. Also the possibly of saving a few bytes.
132 |
133 | If an V6 addressed is mapped as v4 is given it will convert it to V4, If any other V6 address is given it is __abbreviated__ and plain V4 addresses are left alone. Returns null if a invalid IP
134 |
135 | ```typescript
136 | console.log(storeIP('foo')); //null
137 | console.log(storeIP('::ffff:')); //
138 | console.log(storeIP('2001:0000:0111:0000:0011:0000:0001:0000')); //2001:0:111:0:11:0:1:0
139 | console.log(storeIP('2001:0001:0000:0001:0000:0000:0000:0000')); //2001:1:0:1::
140 | console.log(storeIP('0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000')); //::
141 | console.log(storeIP('0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001')); //::1
142 | console.log(storeIP('2041:0000:140F:0000:0000:0000:875B:131B')); //2041:0:140F::875B:131B
143 | console.log(storeIP('2001:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007')); //2001:1:2:3:4:5:6:7
144 | console.log(storeIP('')); //
145 | ```
146 |
147 | ### searchIP
148 | Same function as `storeIP`, just a clearer name when you are using it for search instead
149 |
150 | ### displayIP
151 | This function is useful for displaying IP addresses, such as after grabbing it back from the database when using `storeIP`
152 |
153 | If an V6 addressed mapped as v4 is given it will convert it to V4, If any other V6 address is given it is __normalized__ into the longer version and plain V4 addresses are left alone. Returns a empty string if a invalid IP
154 |
155 | ```typescript
156 | console.log(displayIP(null)); // ''
157 | console.log(displayIP('::ffff:')); //''
158 | console.log(displayIP('2001:0:111:0:11:0:1:0')); //'2001:0000:0111:0000:0011:0000:0001:0000'
159 | console.log(displayIP('2001:1:0:1::')); //'2001:0001:0000:0001:0000:0000:0000:0000'
160 | console.log(displayIP('::')); //'0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000'
161 | console.log(displayIP('::1')); //'0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001'
162 | console.log(displayIP('2041:0:140F::875B:131B')); //'2041:0000:140F:0000:0000:0000:875B:131B'
163 | console.log(displayIP('2001:1:2:3:4:5:6:7')); //'2001:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007'
164 | console.log(displayIP('')); //''
165 |
166 | ```
167 |
168 | ## Contributing
169 |
170 | This project is using this starter library [bun-lib-starter](https://github.com/maxam2017/bun-lib-starter/tree/main)
171 | Currently to use NPM to publish, must have that installed with Node, along side `Bun`
172 |
173 | ```sh
174 | cd into the repo
175 |
176 | pre-commit install
177 |
178 | bun install
179 | ```
180 |
181 | - `bun run test`: Run test suite
182 | - `bun run build`: Generate bundles and typings
183 | - `bun run format`: Format source files, readme, etc
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186 | ## Dependencies
187 | * ipaddr.js - [https://github.com/whitequark/ipaddr.js](https://github.com/whitequark/ipaddr.js)
188 | * ip6 - [https://github.com/elgs/ip6](https://github.com/elgs/ip6) |
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