1.09 MBJavaScriptView Raw
3* @preserve
4* RapiDoc 9.3.4 - WebComponent to View OpenAPI docs
5* License: MIT
6* Repo : https://github.com/rapi-doc/RapiDoc
7* Author : Mrinmoy Majumdar
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19;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@lit/reactive-element/css-tag.js
21 * @license
22 * Copyright 2019 Google LLC
23 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
24 */
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26//# sourceMappingURL=css-tag.js.map
28;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@lit/reactive-element/reactive-element.js
31 * @license
32 * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
33 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
34 */var reactive_element_s;const reactive_element_e=window,reactive_element_r=reactive_element_e.trustedTypes,h=reactive_element_r?reactive_element_r.emptyScript:"",reactive_element_o=reactive_element_e.reactiveElementPolyfillSupport,reactive_element_n={toAttribute(t,i){switch(i){case Boolean:t=t?h:null;break;case Object:case Array:t=null==t?t:JSON.stringify(t)}return t},fromAttribute(t,i){let s=t;switch(i){case Boolean:s=null!==t;break;case Number:s=null===t?null:Number(t);break;case Object:case Array:try{s=JSON.parse(t)}catch(t){s=null}}return s}},a=(t,i)=>i!==t&&(i==i||t==t),l={attribute:!0,type:String,converter:reactive_element_n,reflect:!1,hasChanged:a};class d extends HTMLElement{constructor(){super(),this._$Ei=new Map,this.isUpdatePending=!1,this.hasUpdated=!1,this._$El=null,this.u()}static addInitializer(t){var i;this.finalize(),(null!==(i=this.h)&&void 0!==i?i:this.h=[]).push(t)}static get observedAttributes(){this.finalize();const t=[];return 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Map,d.elementStyles=[],d.shadowRootOptions={mode:"open"},null==reactive_element_o||reactive_element_o({ReactiveElement:d}),(null!==(reactive_element_s=reactive_element_e.reactiveElementVersions)&&void 0!==reactive_element_s?reactive_element_s:reactive_element_e.reactiveElementVersions=[]).push("1.6.1");
35//# sourceMappingURL=reactive-element.js.map
37;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit-html/lit-html.js
39 * @license
40 * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
41 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
42 */
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o;this.type=2,this._$AH=b,this._$AN=void 0,this._$AA=t,this._$AB=i,this._$AM=s,this.options=e,this._$Cm=null===(o=null==e?void 0:e.isConnected)||void 0===o||o}get _$AU(){var t,i;return null!==(i=null===(t=this._$AM)||void 0===t?void 0:t._$AU)&&void 0!==i?i:this._$Cm}get parentNode(){let t=this._$AA.parentNode;const i=this._$AM;return void 0!==i&&11===t.nodeType&&(t=i.parentNode),t}get startNode(){return this._$AA}get endNode(){return this._$AB}_$AI(t,i=this){t=P(this,t,i),lit_html_d(t)?t===b||null==t||""===t?(this._$AH!==b&&this._$AR(),this._$AH=b):t!==this._$AH&&t!==x&&this.g(t):void 0!==t._$litType$?this.$(t):void 0!==t.nodeType?this.T(t):lit_html_c(t)?this.k(t):this.g(t)}O(t,i=this._$AB){return this._$AA.parentNode.insertBefore(t,i)}T(t){this._$AH!==t&&(this._$AR(),this._$AH=this.O(t))}g(t){this._$AH!==b&&lit_html_d(this._$AH)?this._$AA.nextSibling.data=t:this.T(lit_html_h.createTextNode(t)),this._$AH=t}$(t){var i;const{values:s,_$litType$:e}=t,o="number"==typeof 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44//# sourceMappingURL=lit-html.js.map
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49 * @license
50 * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
51 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
52 */var lit_element_l,lit_element_o;const lit_element_r=(/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (t));class lit_element_s extends d{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.renderOptions={host:this},this._$Dt=void 0}createRenderRoot(){var t,e;const i=super.createRenderRoot();return null!==(t=(e=this.renderOptions).renderBefore)&&void 0!==t||(e.renderBefore=i.firstChild),i}update(t){const i=this.render();this.hasUpdated||(this.renderOptions.isConnected=this.isConnected),super.update(t),this._$Dt=Z(i,this.renderRoot,this.renderOptions)}connectedCallback(){var t;super.connectedCallback(),null===(t=this._$Dt)||void 0===t||t.setConnected(!0)}disconnectedCallback(){var t;super.disconnectedCallback(),null===(t=this._$Dt)||void 0===t||t.setConnected(!1)}render(){return x}}lit_element_s.finalized=!0,lit_element_s._$litElement$=!0,null===(lit_element_l=globalThis.litElementHydrateSupport)||void 0===lit_element_l||lit_element_l.call(globalThis,{LitElement:lit_element_s});const lit_element_n=globalThis.litElementPolyfillSupport;null==lit_element_n||lit_element_n({LitElement:lit_element_s});const lit_element_h={_$AK:(t,e,i)=>{t._$AK(e,i)},_$AL:t=>t._$AL};(null!==(lit_element_o=globalThis.litElementVersions)&&void 0!==lit_element_o?lit_element_o:globalThis.litElementVersions=[]).push("3.2.0");
53//# sourceMappingURL=lit-element.js.map
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57//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
59;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/marked/lib/marked.esm.js
61 * marked v4.2.12 - a markdown parser
62 * Copyright (c) 2011-2023, Christopher Jeffrey. (MIT Licensed)
63 * https://github.com/markedjs/marked
64 */
68 * The code in this file is generated from files in ./src/
69 */
71function getDefaults() {
72 return {
73 async: false,
74 baseUrl: null,
75 breaks: false,
76 extensions: null,
77 gfm: true,
78 headerIds: true,
79 headerPrefix: '',
80 highlight: null,
81 langPrefix: 'language-',
82 mangle: true,
83 pedantic: false,
84 renderer: null,
85 sanitize: false,
86 sanitizer: null,
87 silent: false,
88 smartypants: false,
89 tokenizer: null,
90 walkTokens: null,
91 xhtml: false
92 };
95let defaults = getDefaults();
97function changeDefaults(newDefaults) {
98 defaults = newDefaults;
102 * Helpers
103 */
104const escapeTest = /[&<>"']/;
105const escapeReplace = new RegExp(escapeTest.source, 'g');
106const escapeTestNoEncode = /[<>"']|&(?!(#\d{1,7}|#[Xx][a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|\w+);)/;
107const escapeReplaceNoEncode = new RegExp(escapeTestNoEncode.source, 'g');
108const escapeReplacements = {
109 '&': '&amp;',
110 '<': '&lt;',
111 '>': '&gt;',
112 '"': '&quot;',
113 "'": '&#39;'
115const getEscapeReplacement = (ch) => escapeReplacements[ch];
116function marked_esm_escape(html, encode) {
117 if (encode) {
118 if (escapeTest.test(html)) {
119 return html.replace(escapeReplace, getEscapeReplacement);
120 }
121 } else {
122 if (escapeTestNoEncode.test(html)) {
123 return html.replace(escapeReplaceNoEncode, getEscapeReplacement);
124 }
125 }
127 return html;
130const unescapeTest = /&(#(?:\d+)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?:\w+));?/ig;
133 * @param {string} html
134 */
135function marked_esm_unescape(html) {
136 // explicitly match decimal, hex, and named HTML entities
137 return html.replace(unescapeTest, (_, n) => {
138 n = n.toLowerCase();
139 if (n === 'colon') return ':';
140 if (n.charAt(0) === '#') {
141 return n.charAt(1) === 'x'
142 ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n.substring(2), 16))
143 : String.fromCharCode(+n.substring(1));
144 }
145 return '';
146 });
149const caret = /(^|[^\[])\^/g;
152 * @param {string | RegExp} regex
153 * @param {string} opt
154 */
155function edit(regex, opt) {
156 regex = typeof regex === 'string' ? regex : regex.source;
157 opt = opt || '';
158 const obj = {
159 replace: (name, val) => {
160 val = val.source || val;
161 val = val.replace(caret, '$1');
162 regex = regex.replace(name, val);
163 return obj;
164 },
165 getRegex: () => {
166 return new RegExp(regex, opt);
167 }
168 };
169 return obj;
172const nonWordAndColonTest = /[^\w:]/g;
173const originIndependentUrl = /^$|^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|^[?#]/i;
176 * @param {boolean} sanitize
177 * @param {string} base
178 * @param {string} href
179 */
180function cleanUrl(sanitize, base, href) {
181 if (sanitize) {
182 let prot;
183 try {
184 prot = decodeURIComponent(marked_esm_unescape(href))
185 .replace(nonWordAndColonTest, '')
186 .toLowerCase();
187 } catch (e) {
188 return null;
189 }
190 if (prot.indexOf('javascript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('vbscript:') === 0 || prot.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
191 return null;
192 }
193 }
194 if (base && !originIndependentUrl.test(href)) {
195 href = resolveUrl(base, href);
196 }
197 try {
198 href = encodeURI(href).replace(/%25/g, '%');
199 } catch (e) {
200 return null;
201 }
202 return href;
205const baseUrls = {};
206const justDomain = /^[^:]+:\/*[^/]*$/;
207const protocol = /^([^:]+:)[\s\S]*$/;
208const domain = /^([^:]+:\/*[^/]*)[\s\S]*$/;
211 * @param {string} base
212 * @param {string} href
213 */
214function resolveUrl(base, href) {
215 if (!baseUrls[' ' + base]) {
216 // we can ignore everything in base after the last slash of its path component,
217 // but we might need to add _that_
218 // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3
219 if (justDomain.test(base)) {
220 baseUrls[' ' + base] = base + '/';
221 } else {
222 baseUrls[' ' + base] = rtrim(base, '/', true);
223 }
224 }
225 base = baseUrls[' ' + base];
226 const relativeBase = base.indexOf(':') === -1;
228 if (href.substring(0, 2) === '//') {
229 if (relativeBase) {
230 return href;
231 }
232 return base.replace(protocol, '$1') + href;
233 } else if (href.charAt(0) === '/') {
234 if (relativeBase) {
235 return href;
236 }
237 return base.replace(domain, '$1') + href;
238 } else {
239 return base + href;
240 }
243const noopTest = { exec: function noopTest() {} };
245function merge(obj) {
246 let i = 1,
247 target,
248 key;
250 for (; i < arguments.length; i++) {
251 target = arguments[i];
252 for (key in target) {
253 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, key)) {
254 obj[key] = target[key];
255 }
256 }
257 }
259 return obj;
262function splitCells(tableRow, count) {
263 // ensure that every cell-delimiting pipe has a space
264 // before it to distinguish it from an escaped pipe
265 const row = tableRow.replace(/\|/g, (match, offset, str) => {
266 let escaped = false,
267 curr = offset;
268 while (--curr >= 0 && str[curr] === '\\') escaped = !escaped;
269 if (escaped) {
270 // odd number of slashes means | is escaped
271 // so we leave it alone
272 return '|';
273 } else {
274 // add space before unescaped |
275 return ' |';
276 }
277 }),
278 cells = row.split(/ \|/);
279 let i = 0;
281 // First/last cell in a row cannot be empty if it has no leading/trailing pipe
282 if (!cells[0].trim()) { cells.shift(); }
283 if (cells.length > 0 && !cells[cells.length - 1].trim()) { cells.pop(); }
285 if (cells.length > count) {
286 cells.splice(count);
287 } else {
288 while (cells.length < count) cells.push('');
289 }
291 for (; i < cells.length; i++) {
292 // leading or trailing whitespace is ignored per the gfm spec
293 cells[i] = cells[i].trim().replace(/\\\|/g, '|');
294 }
295 return cells;
299 * Remove trailing 'c's. Equivalent to str.replace(/c*$/, '').
300 * /c*$/ is vulnerable to REDOS.
301 *
302 * @param {string} str
303 * @param {string} c
304 * @param {boolean} invert Remove suffix of non-c chars instead. Default falsey.
305 */
306function rtrim(str, c, invert) {
307 const l = str.length;
308 if (l === 0) {
309 return '';
310 }
312 // Length of suffix matching the invert condition.
313 let suffLen = 0;
315 // Step left until we fail to match the invert condition.
316 while (suffLen < l) {
317 const currChar = str.charAt(l - suffLen - 1);
318 if (currChar === c && !invert) {
319 suffLen++;
320 } else if (currChar !== c && invert) {
321 suffLen++;
322 } else {
323 break;
324 }
325 }
327 return str.slice(0, l - suffLen);
330function findClosingBracket(str, b) {
331 if (str.indexOf(b[1]) === -1) {
332 return -1;
333 }
334 const l = str.length;
335 let level = 0,
336 i = 0;
337 for (; i < l; i++) {
338 if (str[i] === '\\') {
339 i++;
340 } else if (str[i] === b[0]) {
341 level++;
342 } else if (str[i] === b[1]) {
343 level--;
344 if (level < 0) {
345 return i;
346 }
347 }
348 }
349 return -1;
352function checkSanitizeDeprecation(opt) {
353 if (opt && opt.sanitize && !opt.silent) {
354 console.warn('marked(): sanitize and sanitizer parameters are deprecated since version 0.7.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Read more here: https://marked.js.org/#/USING_ADVANCED.md#options');
355 }
358// copied from https://stackoverflow.com/a/5450113/806777
360 * @param {string} pattern
361 * @param {number} count
362 */
363function repeatString(pattern, count) {
364 if (count < 1) {
365 return '';
366 }
367 let result = '';
368 while (count > 1) {
369 if (count & 1) {
370 result += pattern;
371 }
372 count >>= 1;
373 pattern += pattern;
374 }
375 return result + pattern;
378function outputLink(cap, link, raw, lexer) {
379 const href = link.href;
380 const title = link.title ? marked_esm_escape(link.title) : null;
381 const text = cap[1].replace(/\\([\[\]])/g, '$1');
383 if (cap[0].charAt(0) !== '!') {
384 lexer.state.inLink = true;
385 const token = {
386 type: 'link',
387 raw,
388 href,
389 title,
390 text,
391 tokens: lexer.inlineTokens(text)
392 };
393 lexer.state.inLink = false;
394 return token;
395 }
396 return {
397 type: 'image',
398 raw,
399 href,
400 title,
401 text: marked_esm_escape(text)
402 };
405function indentCodeCompensation(raw, text) {
406 const matchIndentToCode = raw.match(/^(\s+)(?:```)/);
408 if (matchIndentToCode === null) {
409 return text;
410 }
412 const indentToCode = matchIndentToCode[1];
414 return text
415 .split('\n')
416 .map(node => {
417 const matchIndentInNode = node.match(/^\s+/);
418 if (matchIndentInNode === null) {
419 return node;
420 }
422 const [indentInNode] = matchIndentInNode;
424 if (indentInNode.length >= indentToCode.length) {
425 return node.slice(indentToCode.length);
426 }
428 return node;
429 })
430 .join('\n');
434 * Tokenizer
435 */
436class Tokenizer {
437 constructor(options) {
438 this.options = options || defaults;
439 }
441 space(src) {
442 const cap = this.rules.block.newline.exec(src);
443 if (cap && cap[0].length > 0) {
444 return {
445 type: 'space',
446 raw: cap[0]
447 };
448 }
449 }
451 code(src) {
452 const cap = this.rules.block.code.exec(src);
453 if (cap) {
454 const text = cap[0].replace(/^ {1,4}/gm, '');
455 return {
456 type: 'code',
457 raw: cap[0],
458 codeBlockStyle: 'indented',
459 text: !this.options.pedantic
460 ? rtrim(text, '\n')
461 : text
462 };
463 }
464 }
466 fences(src) {
467 const cap = this.rules.block.fences.exec(src);
468 if (cap) {
469 const raw = cap[0];
470 const text = indentCodeCompensation(raw, cap[3] || '');
472 return {
473 type: 'code',
474 raw,
475 lang: cap[2] ? cap[2].trim().replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, '$1') : cap[2],
476 text
477 };
478 }
479 }
481 heading(src) {
482 const cap = this.rules.block.heading.exec(src);
483 if (cap) {
484 let text = cap[2].trim();
486 // remove trailing #s
487 if (/#$/.test(text)) {
488 const trimmed = rtrim(text, '#');
489 if (this.options.pedantic) {
490 text = trimmed.trim();
491 } else if (!trimmed || / $/.test(trimmed)) {
492 // CommonMark requires space before trailing #s
493 text = trimmed.trim();
494 }
495 }
497 return {
498 type: 'heading',
499 raw: cap[0],
500 depth: cap[1].length,
501 text,
502 tokens: this.lexer.inline(text)
503 };
504 }
505 }
507 hr(src) {
508 const cap = this.rules.block.hr.exec(src);
509 if (cap) {
510 return {
511 type: 'hr',
512 raw: cap[0]
513 };
514 }
515 }
517 blockquote(src) {
518 const cap = this.rules.block.blockquote.exec(src);
519 if (cap) {
520 const text = cap[0].replace(/^ *>[ \t]?/gm, '');
521 const top = this.lexer.state.top;
522 this.lexer.state.top = true;
523 const tokens = this.lexer.blockTokens(text);
524 this.lexer.state.top = top;
525 return {
526 type: 'blockquote',
527 raw: cap[0],
528 tokens,
529 text
530 };
531 }
532 }
534 list(src) {
535 let cap = this.rules.block.list.exec(src);
536 if (cap) {
537 let raw, istask, ischecked, indent, i, blankLine, endsWithBlankLine,
538 line, nextLine, rawLine, itemContents, endEarly;
540 let bull = cap[1].trim();
541 const isordered = bull.length > 1;
543 const list = {
544 type: 'list',
545 raw: '',
546 ordered: isordered,
547 start: isordered ? +bull.slice(0, -1) : '',
548 loose: false,
549 items: []
550 };
552 bull = isordered ? `\\d{1,9}\\${bull.slice(-1)}` : `\\${bull}`;
554 if (this.options.pedantic) {
555 bull = isordered ? bull : '[*+-]';
556 }
558 // Get next list item
559 const itemRegex = new RegExp(`^( {0,3}${bull})((?:[\t ][^\\n]*)?(?:\\n|$))`);
561 // Check if current bullet point can start a new List Item
562 while (src) {
563 endEarly = false;
564 if (!(cap = itemRegex.exec(src))) {
565 break;
566 }
568 if (this.rules.block.hr.test(src)) { // End list if bullet was actually HR (possibly move into itemRegex?)
569 break;
570 }
572 raw = cap[0];
573 src = src.substring(raw.length);
575 line = cap[2].split('\n', 1)[0].replace(/^\t+/, (t) => ' '.repeat(3 * t.length));
576 nextLine = src.split('\n', 1)[0];
578 if (this.options.pedantic) {
579 indent = 2;
580 itemContents = line.trimLeft();
581 } else {
582 indent = cap[2].search(/[^ ]/); // Find first non-space char
583 indent = indent > 4 ? 1 : indent; // Treat indented code blocks (> 4 spaces) as having only 1 indent
584 itemContents = line.slice(indent);
585 indent += cap[1].length;
586 }
588 blankLine = false;
590 if (!line && /^ *$/.test(nextLine)) { // Items begin with at most one blank line
591 raw += nextLine + '\n';
592 src = src.substring(nextLine.length + 1);
593 endEarly = true;
594 }
596 if (!endEarly) {
597 const nextBulletRegex = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, indent - 1)}}(?:[*+-]|\\d{1,9}[.)])((?:[ \t][^\\n]*)?(?:\\n|$))`);
598 const hrRegex = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, indent - 1)}}((?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$)`);
599 const fencesBeginRegex = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, indent - 1)}}(?:\`\`\`|~~~)`);
600 const headingBeginRegex = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, indent - 1)}}#`);
602 // Check if following lines should be included in List Item
603 while (src) {
604 rawLine = src.split('\n', 1)[0];
605 nextLine = rawLine;
607 // Re-align to follow commonmark nesting rules
608 if (this.options.pedantic) {
609 nextLine = nextLine.replace(/^ {1,4}(?=( {4})*[^ ])/g, ' ');
610 }
612 // End list item if found code fences
613 if (fencesBeginRegex.test(nextLine)) {
614 break;
615 }
617 // End list item if found start of new heading
618 if (headingBeginRegex.test(nextLine)) {
619 break;
620 }
622 // End list item if found start of new bullet
623 if (nextBulletRegex.test(nextLine)) {
624 break;
625 }
627 // Horizontal rule found
628 if (hrRegex.test(src)) {
629 break;
630 }
632 if (nextLine.search(/[^ ]/) >= indent || !nextLine.trim()) { // Dedent if possible
633 itemContents += '\n' + nextLine.slice(indent);
634 } else {
635 // not enough indentation
636 if (blankLine) {
637 break;
638 }
640 // paragraph continuation unless last line was a different block level element
641 if (line.search(/[^ ]/) >= 4) { // indented code block
642 break;
643 }
644 if (fencesBeginRegex.test(line)) {
645 break;
646 }
647 if (headingBeginRegex.test(line)) {
648 break;
649 }
650 if (hrRegex.test(line)) {
651 break;
652 }
654 itemContents += '\n' + nextLine;
655 }
657 if (!blankLine && !nextLine.trim()) { // Check if current line is blank
658 blankLine = true;
659 }
661 raw += rawLine + '\n';
662 src = src.substring(rawLine.length + 1);
663 line = nextLine.slice(indent);
664 }
665 }
667 if (!list.loose) {
668 // If the previous item ended with a blank line, the list is loose
669 if (endsWithBlankLine) {
670 list.loose = true;
671 } else if (/\n *\n *$/.test(raw)) {
672 endsWithBlankLine = true;
673 }
674 }
676 // Check for task list items
677 if (this.options.gfm) {
678 istask = /^\[[ xX]\] /.exec(itemContents);
679 if (istask) {
680 ischecked = istask[0] !== '[ ] ';
681 itemContents = itemContents.replace(/^\[[ xX]\] +/, '');
682 }
683 }
685 list.items.push({
686 type: 'list_item',
687 raw,
688 task: !!istask,
689 checked: ischecked,
690 loose: false,
691 text: itemContents
692 });
694 list.raw += raw;
695 }
697 // Do not consume newlines at end of final item. Alternatively, make itemRegex *start* with any newlines to simplify/speed up endsWithBlankLine logic
698 list.items[list.items.length - 1].raw = raw.trimRight();
699 list.items[list.items.length - 1].text = itemContents.trimRight();
700 list.raw = list.raw.trimRight();
702 const l = list.items.length;
704 // Item child tokens handled here at end because we needed to have the final item to trim it first
705 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
706 this.lexer.state.top = false;
707 list.items[i].tokens = this.lexer.blockTokens(list.items[i].text, []);
709 if (!list.loose) {
710 // Check if list should be loose
711 const spacers = list.items[i].tokens.filter(t => t.type === 'space');
712 const hasMultipleLineBreaks = spacers.length > 0 && spacers.some(t => /\n.*\n/.test(t.raw));
714 list.loose = hasMultipleLineBreaks;
715 }
716 }
718 // Set all items to loose if list is loose
719 if (list.loose) {
720 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
721 list.items[i].loose = true;
722 }
723 }
725 return list;
726 }
727 }
729 html(src) {
730 const cap = this.rules.block.html.exec(src);
731 if (cap) {
732 const token = {
733 type: 'html',
734 raw: cap[0],
735 pre: !this.options.sanitizer
736 && (cap[1] === 'pre' || cap[1] === 'script' || cap[1] === 'style'),
737 text: cap[0]
738 };
739 if (this.options.sanitize) {
740 const text = this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(cap[0]) : marked_esm_escape(cap[0]);
741 token.type = 'paragraph';
742 token.text = text;
743 token.tokens = this.lexer.inline(text);
744 }
745 return token;
746 }
747 }
749 def(src) {
750 const cap = this.rules.block.def.exec(src);
751 if (cap) {
752 const tag = cap[1].toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
753 const href = cap[2] ? cap[2].replace(/^<(.*)>$/, '$1').replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, '$1') : '';
754 const title = cap[3] ? cap[3].substring(1, cap[3].length - 1).replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, '$1') : cap[3];
755 return {
756 type: 'def',
757 tag,
758 raw: cap[0],
759 href,
760 title
761 };
762 }
763 }
765 table(src) {
766 const cap = this.rules.block.table.exec(src);
767 if (cap) {
768 const item = {
769 type: 'table',
770 header: splitCells(cap[1]).map(c => { return { text: c }; }),
771 align: cap[2].replace(/^ *|\| *$/g, '').split(/ *\| */),
772 rows: cap[3] && cap[3].trim() ? cap[3].replace(/\n[ \t]*$/, '').split('\n') : []
773 };
775 if (item.header.length === item.align.length) {
776 item.raw = cap[0];
778 let l = item.align.length;
779 let i, j, k, row;
780 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
781 if (/^ *-+: *$/.test(item.align[i])) {
782 item.align[i] = 'right';
783 } else if (/^ *:-+: *$/.test(item.align[i])) {
784 item.align[i] = 'center';
785 } else if (/^ *:-+ *$/.test(item.align[i])) {
786 item.align[i] = 'left';
787 } else {
788 item.align[i] = null;
789 }
790 }
792 l = item.rows.length;
793 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
794 item.rows[i] = splitCells(item.rows[i], item.header.length).map(c => { return { text: c }; });
795 }
797 // parse child tokens inside headers and cells
799 // header child tokens
800 l = item.header.length;
801 for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
802 item.header[j].tokens = this.lexer.inline(item.header[j].text);
803 }
805 // cell child tokens
806 l = item.rows.length;
807 for (j = 0; j < l; j++) {
808 row = item.rows[j];
809 for (k = 0; k < row.length; k++) {
810 row[k].tokens = this.lexer.inline(row[k].text);
811 }
812 }
814 return item;
815 }
816 }
817 }
819 lheading(src) {
820 const cap = this.rules.block.lheading.exec(src);
821 if (cap) {
822 return {
823 type: 'heading',
824 raw: cap[0],
825 depth: cap[2].charAt(0) === '=' ? 1 : 2,
826 text: cap[1],
827 tokens: this.lexer.inline(cap[1])
828 };
829 }
830 }
832 paragraph(src) {
833 const cap = this.rules.block.paragraph.exec(src);
834 if (cap) {
835 const text = cap[1].charAt(cap[1].length - 1) === '\n'
836 ? cap[1].slice(0, -1)
837 : cap[1];
838 return {
839 type: 'paragraph',
840 raw: cap[0],
841 text,
842 tokens: this.lexer.inline(text)
843 };
844 }
845 }
847 text(src) {
848 const cap = this.rules.block.text.exec(src);
849 if (cap) {
850 return {
851 type: 'text',
852 raw: cap[0],
853 text: cap[0],
854 tokens: this.lexer.inline(cap[0])
855 };
856 }
857 }
859 escape(src) {
860 const cap = this.rules.inline.escape.exec(src);
861 if (cap) {
862 return {
863 type: 'escape',
864 raw: cap[0],
865 text: marked_esm_escape(cap[1])
866 };
867 }
868 }
870 tag(src) {
871 const cap = this.rules.inline.tag.exec(src);
872 if (cap) {
873 if (!this.lexer.state.inLink && /^<a /i.test(cap[0])) {
874 this.lexer.state.inLink = true;
875 } else if (this.lexer.state.inLink && /^<\/a>/i.test(cap[0])) {
876 this.lexer.state.inLink = false;
877 }
878 if (!this.lexer.state.inRawBlock && /^<(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(cap[0])) {
879 this.lexer.state.inRawBlock = true;
880 } else if (this.lexer.state.inRawBlock && /^<\/(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(cap[0])) {
881 this.lexer.state.inRawBlock = false;
882 }
884 return {
885 type: this.options.sanitize
886 ? 'text'
887 : 'html',
888 raw: cap[0],
889 inLink: this.lexer.state.inLink,
890 inRawBlock: this.lexer.state.inRawBlock,
891 text: this.options.sanitize
892 ? (this.options.sanitizer
893 ? this.options.sanitizer(cap[0])
894 : marked_esm_escape(cap[0]))
895 : cap[0]
896 };
897 }
898 }
900 link(src) {
901 const cap = this.rules.inline.link.exec(src);
902 if (cap) {
903 const trimmedUrl = cap[2].trim();
904 if (!this.options.pedantic && /^</.test(trimmedUrl)) {
905 // commonmark requires matching angle brackets
906 if (!(/>$/.test(trimmedUrl))) {
907 return;
908 }
910 // ending angle bracket cannot be escaped
911 const rtrimSlash = rtrim(trimmedUrl.slice(0, -1), '\\');
912 if ((trimmedUrl.length - rtrimSlash.length) % 2 === 0) {
913 return;
914 }
915 } else {
916 // find closing parenthesis
917 const lastParenIndex = findClosingBracket(cap[2], '()');
918 if (lastParenIndex > -1) {
919 const start = cap[0].indexOf('!') === 0 ? 5 : 4;
920 const linkLen = start + cap[1].length + lastParenIndex;
921 cap[2] = cap[2].substring(0, lastParenIndex);
922 cap[0] = cap[0].substring(0, linkLen).trim();
923 cap[3] = '';
924 }
925 }
926 let href = cap[2];
927 let title = '';
928 if (this.options.pedantic) {
929 // split pedantic href and title
930 const link = /^([^'"]*[^\s])\s+(['"])(.*)\2/.exec(href);
932 if (link) {
933 href = link[1];
934 title = link[3];
935 }
936 } else {
937 title = cap[3] ? cap[3].slice(1, -1) : '';
938 }
940 href = href.trim();
941 if (/^</.test(href)) {
942 if (this.options.pedantic && !(/>$/.test(trimmedUrl))) {
943 // pedantic allows starting angle bracket without ending angle bracket
944 href = href.slice(1);
945 } else {
946 href = href.slice(1, -1);
947 }
948 }
949 return outputLink(cap, {
950 href: href ? href.replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, '$1') : href,
951 title: title ? title.replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, '$1') : title
952 }, cap[0], this.lexer);
953 }
954 }
956 reflink(src, links) {
957 let cap;
958 if ((cap = this.rules.inline.reflink.exec(src))
959 || (cap = this.rules.inline.nolink.exec(src))) {
960 let link = (cap[2] || cap[1]).replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
961 link = links[link.toLowerCase()];
962 if (!link) {
963 const text = cap[0].charAt(0);
964 return {
965 type: 'text',
966 raw: text,
967 text
968 };
969 }
970 return outputLink(cap, link, cap[0], this.lexer);
971 }
972 }
974 emStrong(src, maskedSrc, prevChar = '') {
975 let match = this.rules.inline.emStrong.lDelim.exec(src);
976 if (!match) return;
978 // _ can't be between two alphanumerics. \p{L}\p{N} includes non-english alphabet/numbers as well
979 if (match[3] && prevChar.match(/[\p{L}\p{N}]/u)) return;
981 const nextChar = match[1] || match[2] || '';
983 if (!nextChar || (nextChar && (prevChar === '' || this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(prevChar)))) {
984 const lLength = match[0].length - 1;
985 let rDelim, rLength, delimTotal = lLength, midDelimTotal = 0;
987 const endReg = match[0][0] === '*' ? this.rules.inline.emStrong.rDelimAst : this.rules.inline.emStrong.rDelimUnd;
988 endReg.lastIndex = 0;
990 // Clip maskedSrc to same section of string as src (move to lexer?)
991 maskedSrc = maskedSrc.slice(-1 * src.length + lLength);
993 while ((match = endReg.exec(maskedSrc)) != null) {
994 rDelim = match[1] || match[2] || match[3] || match[4] || match[5] || match[6];
996 if (!rDelim) continue; // skip single * in __abc*abc__
998 rLength = rDelim.length;
1000 if (match[3] || match[4]) { // found another Left Delim
1001 delimTotal += rLength;
1002 continue;
1003 } else if (match[5] || match[6]) { // either Left or Right Delim
1004 if (lLength % 3 && !((lLength + rLength) % 3)) {
1005 midDelimTotal += rLength;
1006 continue; // CommonMark Emphasis Rules 9-10
1007 }
1008 }
1010 delimTotal -= rLength;
1012 if (delimTotal > 0) continue; // Haven't found enough closing delimiters
1014 // Remove extra characters. *a*** -> *a*
1015 rLength = Math.min(rLength, rLength + delimTotal + midDelimTotal);
1017 const raw = src.slice(0, lLength + match.index + (match[0].length - rDelim.length) + rLength);
1019 // Create `em` if smallest delimiter has odd char count. *a***
1020 if (Math.min(lLength, rLength) % 2) {
1021 const text = raw.slice(1, -1);
1022 return {
1023 type: 'em',
1024 raw,
1025 text,
1026 tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(text)
1027 };
1028 }
1030 // Create 'strong' if smallest delimiter has even char count. **a***
1031 const text = raw.slice(2, -2);
1032 return {
1033 type: 'strong',
1034 raw,
1035 text,
1036 tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(text)
1037 };
1038 }
1039 }
1040 }
1042 codespan(src) {
1043 const cap = this.rules.inline.code.exec(src);
1044 if (cap) {
1045 let text = cap[2].replace(/\n/g, ' ');
1046 const hasNonSpaceChars = /[^ ]/.test(text);
1047 const hasSpaceCharsOnBothEnds = /^ /.test(text) && / $/.test(text);
1048 if (hasNonSpaceChars && hasSpaceCharsOnBothEnds) {
1049 text = text.substring(1, text.length - 1);
1050 }
1051 text = marked_esm_escape(text, true);
1052 return {
1053 type: 'codespan',
1054 raw: cap[0],
1055 text
1056 };
1057 }
1058 }
1060 br(src) {
1061 const cap = this.rules.inline.br.exec(src);
1062 if (cap) {
1063 return {
1064 type: 'br',
1065 raw: cap[0]
1066 };
1067 }
1068 }
1070 del(src) {
1071 const cap = this.rules.inline.del.exec(src);
1072 if (cap) {
1073 return {
1074 type: 'del',
1075 raw: cap[0],
1076 text: cap[2],
1077 tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(cap[2])
1078 };
1079 }
1080 }
1082 autolink(src, mangle) {
1083 const cap = this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(src);
1084 if (cap) {
1085 let text, href;
1086 if (cap[2] === '@') {
1087 text = marked_esm_escape(this.options.mangle ? mangle(cap[1]) : cap[1]);
1088 href = 'mailto:' + text;
1089 } else {
1090 text = marked_esm_escape(cap[1]);
1091 href = text;
1092 }
1094 return {
1095 type: 'link',
1096 raw: cap[0],
1097 text,
1098 href,
1099 tokens: [
1100 {
1101 type: 'text',
1102 raw: text,
1103 text
1104 }
1105 ]
1106 };
1107 }
1108 }
1110 url(src, mangle) {
1111 let cap;
1112 if (cap = this.rules.inline.url.exec(src)) {
1113 let text, href;
1114 if (cap[2] === '@') {
1115 text = marked_esm_escape(this.options.mangle ? mangle(cap[0]) : cap[0]);
1116 href = 'mailto:' + text;
1117 } else {
1118 // do extended autolink path validation
1119 let prevCapZero;
1120 do {
1121 prevCapZero = cap[0];
1122 cap[0] = this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(cap[0])[0];
1123 } while (prevCapZero !== cap[0]);
1124 text = marked_esm_escape(cap[0]);
1125 if (cap[1] === 'www.') {
1126 href = 'http://' + cap[0];
1127 } else {
1128 href = cap[0];
1129 }
1130 }
1131 return {
1132 type: 'link',
1133 raw: cap[0],
1134 text,
1135 href,
1136 tokens: [
1137 {
1138 type: 'text',
1139 raw: text,
1140 text
1141 }
1142 ]
1143 };
1144 }
1145 }
1147 inlineText(src, smartypants) {
1148 const cap = this.rules.inline.text.exec(src);
1149 if (cap) {
1150 let text;
1151 if (this.lexer.state.inRawBlock) {
1152 text = this.options.sanitize ? (this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(cap[0]) : marked_esm_escape(cap[0])) : cap[0];
1153 } else {
1154 text = marked_esm_escape(this.options.smartypants ? smartypants(cap[0]) : cap[0]);
1155 }
1156 return {
1157 type: 'text',
1158 raw: cap[0],
1159 text
1160 };
1161 }
1162 }
1166 * Block-Level Grammar
1167 */
1168const block = {
1169 newline: /^(?: *(?:\n|$))+/,
1170 code: /^( {4}[^\n]+(?:\n(?: *(?:\n|$))*)?)+/,
1171 fences: /^ {0,3}(`{3,}(?=[^`\n]*\n)|~{3,})([^\n]*)\n(?:|([\s\S]*?)\n)(?: {0,3}\1[~`]* *(?=\n|$)|$)/,
1172 hr: /^ {0,3}((?:-[\t ]*){3,}|(?:_[ \t]*){3,}|(?:\*[ \t]*){3,})(?:\n+|$)/,
1173 heading: /^ {0,3}(#{1,6})(?=\s|$)(.*)(?:\n+|$)/,
1174 blockquote: /^( {0,3}> ?(paragraph|[^\n]*)(?:\n|$))+/,
1175 list: /^( {0,3}bull)([ \t][^\n]+?)?(?:\n|$)/,
1176 html: '^ {0,3}(?:' // optional indentation
1177 + '<(script|pre|style|textarea)[\\s>][\\s\\S]*?(?:</\\1>[^\\n]*\\n+|$)' // (1)
1178 + '|comment[^\\n]*(\\n+|$)' // (2)
1179 + '|<\\?[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\?>\\n*|$)' // (3)
1180 + '|<![A-Z][\\s\\S]*?(?:>\\n*|$)' // (4)
1181 + '|<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\]\\]>\\n*|$)' // (5)
1182 + '|</?(tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)' // (6)
1183 + '|<(?!script|pre|style|textarea)([a-z][\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)' // (7) open tag
1184 + '|</(?!script|pre|style|textarea)[a-z][\\w-]*\\s*>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)' // (7) closing tag
1185 + ')',
1186 def: /^ {0,3}\[(label)\]: *(?:\n *)?([^<\s][^\s]*|<.*?>)(?:(?: +(?:\n *)?| *\n *)(title))? *(?:\n+|$)/,
1187 table: noopTest,
1188 lheading: /^((?:.|\n(?!\n))+?)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/,
1189 // regex template, placeholders will be replaced according to different paragraph
1190 // interruption rules of commonmark and the original markdown spec:
1191 _paragraph: /^([^\n]+(?:\n(?!hr|heading|lheading|blockquote|fences|list|html|table| +\n)[^\n]+)*)/,
1192 text: /^[^\n]+/
1195block._label = /(?!\s*\])(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])+/;
1196block._title = /(?:"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'[^'\n]*(?:\n[^'\n]+)*\n?'|\([^()]*\))/;
1197block.def = edit(block.def)
1198 .replace('label', block._label)
1199 .replace('title', block._title)
1200 .getRegex();
1202block.bullet = /(?:[*+-]|\d{1,9}[.)])/;
1203block.listItemStart = edit(/^( *)(bull) */)
1204 .replace('bull', block.bullet)
1205 .getRegex();
1207block.list = edit(block.list)
1208 .replace(/bull/g, block.bullet)
1209 .replace('hr', '\\n+(?=\\1?(?:(?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$))')
1210 .replace('def', '\\n+(?=' + block.def.source + ')')
1211 .getRegex();
1213block._tag = 'address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption'
1214 + '|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption'
1215 + '|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h[1-6]|head|header|hr|html|iframe'
1216 + '|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|meta|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option'
1217 + '|p|param|section|source|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr'
1218 + '|track|ul';
1219block._comment = /<!--(?!-?>)[\s\S]*?(?:-->|$)/;
1220block.html = edit(block.html, 'i')
1221 .replace('comment', block._comment)
1222 .replace('tag', block._tag)
1223 .replace('attribute', / +[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?: *= *"[^"\n]*"| *= *'[^'\n]*'| *= *[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/)
1224 .getRegex();
1226block.paragraph = edit(block._paragraph)
1227 .replace('hr', block.hr)
1228 .replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ')
1229 .replace('|lheading', '') // setex headings don't interrupt commonmark paragraphs
1230 .replace('|table', '')
1231 .replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>')
1232 .replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n')
1233 .replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt
1234 .replace('html', '</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)')
1235 .replace('tag', block._tag) // pars can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks
1236 .getRegex();
1238block.blockquote = edit(block.blockquote)
1239 .replace('paragraph', block.paragraph)
1240 .getRegex();
1243 * Normal Block Grammar
1244 */
1246block.normal = merge({}, block);
1249 * GFM Block Grammar
1250 */
1252block.gfm = merge({}, block.normal, {
1253 table: '^ *([^\\n ].*\\|.*)\\n' // Header
1254 + ' {0,3}(?:\\| *)?(:?-+:? *(?:\\| *:?-+:? *)*)(?:\\| *)?' // Align
1255 + '(?:\\n((?:(?! *\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\n|$))*)\\n*|$)' // Cells
1258block.gfm.table = edit(block.gfm.table)
1259 .replace('hr', block.hr)
1260 .replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ')
1261 .replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>')
1262 .replace('code', ' {4}[^\\n]')
1263 .replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n')
1264 .replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt
1265 .replace('html', '</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)')
1266 .replace('tag', block._tag) // tables can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks
1267 .getRegex();
1269block.gfm.paragraph = edit(block._paragraph)
1270 .replace('hr', block.hr)
1271 .replace('heading', ' {0,3}#{1,6} ')
1272 .replace('|lheading', '') // setex headings don't interrupt commonmark paragraphs
1273 .replace('table', block.gfm.table) // interrupt paragraphs with table
1274 .replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>')
1275 .replace('fences', ' {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n')
1276 .replace('list', ' {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ') // only lists starting from 1 can interrupt
1277 .replace('html', '</?(?:tag)(?: +|\\n|/?>)|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)')
1278 .replace('tag', block._tag) // pars can be interrupted by type (6) html blocks
1279 .getRegex();
1281 * Pedantic grammar (original John Gruber's loose markdown specification)
1282 */
1284block.pedantic = merge({}, block.normal, {
1285 html: edit(
1286 '^ *(?:comment *(?:\\n|\\s*$)'
1287 + '|<(tag)[\\s\\S]+?</\\1> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$)' // closed tag
1288 + '|<tag(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\'|\\s[^\'"/>\\s]*)*?/?> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$))')
1289 .replace('comment', block._comment)
1290 .replace(/tag/g, '(?!(?:'
1291 + 'a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub'
1292 + '|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)'
1293 + '\\b)\\w+(?!:|[^\\w\\s@]*@)\\b')
1294 .getRegex(),
1295 def: /^ *\[([^\]]+)\]: *<?([^\s>]+)>?(?: +(["(][^\n]+[")]))? *(?:\n+|$)/,
1296 heading: /^(#{1,6})(.*)(?:\n+|$)/,
1297 fences: noopTest, // fences not supported
1298 lheading: /^(.+?)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/,
1299 paragraph: edit(block.normal._paragraph)
1300 .replace('hr', block.hr)
1301 .replace('heading', ' *#{1,6} *[^\n]')
1302 .replace('lheading', block.lheading)
1303 .replace('blockquote', ' {0,3}>')
1304 .replace('|fences', '')
1305 .replace('|list', '')
1306 .replace('|html', '')
1307 .getRegex()
1311 * Inline-Level Grammar
1312 */
1313const inline = {
1314 escape: /^\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/,
1315 autolink: /^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/,
1316 url: noopTest,
1317 tag: '^comment'
1318 + '|^</[a-zA-Z][\\w:-]*\\s*>' // self-closing tag
1319 + '|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>' // open tag
1320 + '|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>' // processing instruction, e.g. <?php ?>
1321 + '|^<![a-zA-Z]+\\s[\\s\\S]*?>' // declaration, e.g. <!DOCTYPE html>
1322 + '|^<!\\[CDATA\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\]\\]>', // CDATA section
1323 link: /^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/,
1324 reflink: /^!?\[(label)\]\[(ref)\]/,
1325 nolink: /^!?\[(ref)\](?:\[\])?/,
1326 reflinkSearch: 'reflink|nolink(?!\\()',
1327 emStrong: {
1328 lDelim: /^(?:\*+(?:([punct_])|[^\s*]))|^_+(?:([punct*])|([^\s_]))/,
1329 // (1) and (2) can only be a Right Delimiter. (3) and (4) can only be Left. (5) and (6) can be either Left or Right.
1330 // () Skip orphan inside strong () Consume to delim (1) #*** (2) a***#, a*** (3) #***a, ***a (4) ***# (5) #***# (6) a***a
1331 rDelimAst: /^(?:[^_*\\]|\\.)*?\_\_(?:[^_*\\]|\\.)*?\*(?:[^_*\\]|\\.)*?(?=\_\_)|(?:[^*\\]|\\.)+(?=[^*])|[punct_](\*+)(?=[\s]|$)|(?:[^punct*_\s\\]|\\.)(\*+)(?=[punct_\s]|$)|[punct_\s](\*+)(?=[^punct*_\s])|[\s](\*+)(?=[punct_])|[punct_](\*+)(?=[punct_])|(?:[^punct*_\s\\]|\\.)(\*+)(?=[^punct*_\s])/,
1332 rDelimUnd: /^(?:[^_*\\]|\\.)*?\*\*(?:[^_*\\]|\\.)*?\_(?:[^_*\\]|\\.)*?(?=\*\*)|(?:[^_\\]|\\.)+(?=[^_])|[punct*](\_+)(?=[\s]|$)|(?:[^punct*_\s\\]|\\.)(\_+)(?=[punct*\s]|$)|[punct*\s](\_+)(?=[^punct*_\s])|[\s](\_+)(?=[punct*])|[punct*](\_+)(?=[punct*])/ // ^- Not allowed for _
1333 },
1334 code: /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/,
1335 br: /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/,
1336 del: noopTest,
1337 text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*_]|\b_|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)))/,
1338 punctuation: /^([\spunctuation])/
1341// list of punctuation marks from CommonMark spec
1342// without * and _ to handle the different emphasis markers * and _
1343inline._punctuation = '!"#$%&\'()+\\-.,/:;<=>?@\\[\\]`^{|}~';
1344inline.punctuation = edit(inline.punctuation).replace(/punctuation/g, inline._punctuation).getRegex();
1346// sequences em should skip over [title](link), `code`, <html>
1347inline.blockSkip = /\[[^\]]*?\]\([^\)]*?\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^>]*?>/g;
1348// lookbehind is not available on Safari as of version 16
1349// inline.escapedEmSt = /(?<=(?:^|[^\\)(?:\\[^])*)\\[*_]/g;
1350inline.escapedEmSt = /(?:^|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*\\[*_]/g;
1352inline._comment = edit(block._comment).replace('(?:-->|$)', '-->').getRegex();
1354inline.emStrong.lDelim = edit(inline.emStrong.lDelim)
1355 .replace(/punct/g, inline._punctuation)
1356 .getRegex();
1358inline.emStrong.rDelimAst = edit(inline.emStrong.rDelimAst, 'g')
1359 .replace(/punct/g, inline._punctuation)
1360 .getRegex();
1362inline.emStrong.rDelimUnd = edit(inline.emStrong.rDelimUnd, 'g')
1363 .replace(/punct/g, inline._punctuation)
1364 .getRegex();
1366inline._escapes = /\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/g;
1368inline._scheme = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/;
1369inline._email = /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/;
1370inline.autolink = edit(inline.autolink)
1371 .replace('scheme', inline._scheme)
1372 .replace('email', inline._email)
1373 .getRegex();
1375inline._attribute = /\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/;
1377inline.tag = edit(inline.tag)
1378 .replace('comment', inline._comment)
1379 .replace('attribute', inline._attribute)
1380 .getRegex();
1382inline._label = /(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/;
1383inline._href = /<(?:\\.|[^\n<>\\])+>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/;
1384inline._title = /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/;
1386inline.link = edit(inline.link)
1387 .replace('label', inline._label)
1388 .replace('href', inline._href)
1389 .replace('title', inline._title)
1390 .getRegex();
1392inline.reflink = edit(inline.reflink)
1393 .replace('label', inline._label)
1394 .replace('ref', block._label)
1395 .getRegex();
1397inline.nolink = edit(inline.nolink)
1398 .replace('ref', block._label)
1399 .getRegex();
1401inline.reflinkSearch = edit(inline.reflinkSearch, 'g')
1402 .replace('reflink', inline.reflink)
1403 .replace('nolink', inline.nolink)
1404 .getRegex();
1407 * Normal Inline Grammar
1408 */
1410inline.normal = merge({}, inline);
1413 * Pedantic Inline Grammar
1414 */
1416inline.pedantic = merge({}, inline.normal, {
1417 strong: {
1418 start: /^__|\*\*/,
1419 middle: /^__(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)__(?!_)|^\*\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*\*(?!\*)/,
1420 endAst: /\*\*(?!\*)/g,
1421 endUnd: /__(?!_)/g
1422 },
1423 em: {
1424 start: /^_|\*/,
1425 middle: /^()\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*(?!\*)|^_(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)_(?!_)/,
1426 endAst: /\*(?!\*)/g,
1427 endUnd: /_(?!_)/g
1428 },
1429 link: edit(/^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/)
1430 .replace('label', inline._label)
1431 .getRegex(),
1432 reflink: edit(/^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/)
1433 .replace('label', inline._label)
1434 .getRegex()
1438 * GFM Inline Grammar
1439 */
1441inline.gfm = merge({}, inline.normal, {
1442 escape: edit(inline.escape).replace('])', '~|])').getRegex(),
1443 _extended_email: /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/,
1444 url: /^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/,
1445 _backpedal: /(?:[^?!.,:;*_'"~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_'"~)]+(?!$))+/,
1446 del: /^(~~?)(?=[^\s~])([\s\S]*?[^\s~])\1(?=[^~]|$)/,
1447 text: /^([`~]+|[^`~])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\<!\[`*~_]|\b_|https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|www\.|$)|[^ ](?= {2,}\n)|[^a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-](?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)))/
1450inline.gfm.url = edit(inline.gfm.url, 'i')
1451 .replace('email', inline.gfm._extended_email)
1452 .getRegex();
1454 * GFM + Line Breaks Inline Grammar
1455 */
1457inline.breaks = merge({}, inline.gfm, {
1458 br: edit(inline.br).replace('{2,}', '*').getRegex(),
1459 text: edit(inline.gfm.text)
1460 .replace('\\b_', '\\b_| {2,}\\n')
1461 .replace(/\{2,\}/g, '*')
1462 .getRegex()
1466 * smartypants text replacement
1467 * @param {string} text
1468 */
1469function smartypants(text) {
1470 return text
1471 // em-dashes
1472 .replace(/---/g, '\u2014')
1473 // en-dashes
1474 .replace(/--/g, '\u2013')
1475 // opening singles
1476 .replace(/(^|[-\u2014/(\[{"\s])'/g, '$1\u2018')
1477 // closing singles & apostrophes
1478 .replace(/'/g, '\u2019')
1479 // opening doubles
1480 .replace(/(^|[-\u2014/(\[{\u2018\s])"/g, '$1\u201c')
1481 // closing doubles
1482 .replace(/"/g, '\u201d')
1483 // ellipses
1484 .replace(/\.{3}/g, '\u2026');
1488 * mangle email addresses
1489 * @param {string} text
1490 */
1491function mangle(text) {
1492 let out = '',
1493 i,
1494 ch;
1496 const l = text.length;
1497 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
1498 ch = text.charCodeAt(i);
1499 if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
1500 ch = 'x' + ch.toString(16);
1501 }
1502 out += '&#' + ch + ';';
1503 }
1505 return out;
1509 * Block Lexer
1510 */
1511class Lexer {
1512 constructor(options) {
1513 this.tokens = [];
1514 this.tokens.links = Object.create(null);
1515 this.options = options || defaults;
1516 this.options.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer || new Tokenizer();
1517 this.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer;
1518 this.tokenizer.options = this.options;
1519 this.tokenizer.lexer = this;
1520 this.inlineQueue = [];
1521 this.state = {
1522 inLink: false,
1523 inRawBlock: false,
1524 top: true
1525 };
1527 const rules = {
1528 block: block.normal,
1529 inline: inline.normal
1530 };
1532 if (this.options.pedantic) {
1533 rules.block = block.pedantic;
1534 rules.inline = inline.pedantic;
1535 } else if (this.options.gfm) {
1536 rules.block = block.gfm;
1537 if (this.options.breaks) {
1538 rules.inline = inline.breaks;
1539 } else {
1540 rules.inline = inline.gfm;
1541 }
1542 }
1543 this.tokenizer.rules = rules;
1544 }
1546 /**
1547 * Expose Rules
1548 */
1549 static get rules() {
1550 return {
1551 block,
1552 inline
1553 };
1554 }
1556 /**
1557 * Static Lex Method
1558 */
1559 static lex(src, options) {
1560 const lexer = new Lexer(options);
1561 return lexer.lex(src);
1562 }
1564 /**
1565 * Static Lex Inline Method
1566 */
1567 static lexInline(src, options) {
1568 const lexer = new Lexer(options);
1569 return lexer.inlineTokens(src);
1570 }
1572 /**
1573 * Preprocessing
1574 */
1575 lex(src) {
1576 src = src
1577 .replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n');
1579 this.blockTokens(src, this.tokens);
1581 let next;
1582 while (next = this.inlineQueue.shift()) {
1583 this.inlineTokens(next.src, next.tokens);
1584 }
1586 return this.tokens;
1587 }
1589 /**
1590 * Lexing
1591 */
1592 blockTokens(src, tokens = []) {
1593 if (this.options.pedantic) {
1594 src = src.replace(/\t/g, ' ').replace(/^ +$/gm, '');
1595 } else {
1596 src = src.replace(/^( *)(\t+)/gm, (_, leading, tabs) => {
1597 return leading + ' '.repeat(tabs.length);
1598 });
1599 }
1601 let token, lastToken, cutSrc, lastParagraphClipped;
1603 while (src) {
1604 if (this.options.extensions
1605 && this.options.extensions.block
1606 && this.options.extensions.block.some((extTokenizer) => {
1607 if (token = extTokenizer.call({ lexer: this }, src, tokens)) {
1608 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1609 tokens.push(token);
1610 return true;
1611 }
1612 return false;
1613 })) {
1614 continue;
1615 }
1617 // newline
1618 if (token = this.tokenizer.space(src)) {
1619 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1620 if (token.raw.length === 1 && tokens.length > 0) {
1621 // if there's a single \n as a spacer, it's terminating the last line,
1622 // so move it there so that we don't get unecessary paragraph tags
1623 tokens[tokens.length - 1].raw += '\n';
1624 } else {
1625 tokens.push(token);
1626 }
1627 continue;
1628 }
1630 // code
1631 if (token = this.tokenizer.code(src)) {
1632 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1633 lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1634 // An indented code block cannot interrupt a paragraph.
1635 if (lastToken && (lastToken.type === 'paragraph' || lastToken.type === 'text')) {
1636 lastToken.raw += '\n' + token.raw;
1637 lastToken.text += '\n' + token.text;
1638 this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = lastToken.text;
1639 } else {
1640 tokens.push(token);
1641 }
1642 continue;
1643 }
1645 // fences
1646 if (token = this.tokenizer.fences(src)) {
1647 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1648 tokens.push(token);
1649 continue;
1650 }
1652 // heading
1653 if (token = this.tokenizer.heading(src)) {
1654 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1655 tokens.push(token);
1656 continue;
1657 }
1659 // hr
1660 if (token = this.tokenizer.hr(src)) {
1661 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1662 tokens.push(token);
1663 continue;
1664 }
1666 // blockquote
1667 if (token = this.tokenizer.blockquote(src)) {
1668 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1669 tokens.push(token);
1670 continue;
1671 }
1673 // list
1674 if (token = this.tokenizer.list(src)) {
1675 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1676 tokens.push(token);
1677 continue;
1678 }
1680 // html
1681 if (token = this.tokenizer.html(src)) {
1682 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1683 tokens.push(token);
1684 continue;
1685 }
1687 // def
1688 if (token = this.tokenizer.def(src)) {
1689 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1690 lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1691 if (lastToken && (lastToken.type === 'paragraph' || lastToken.type === 'text')) {
1692 lastToken.raw += '\n' + token.raw;
1693 lastToken.text += '\n' + token.raw;
1694 this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = lastToken.text;
1695 } else if (!this.tokens.links[token.tag]) {
1696 this.tokens.links[token.tag] = {
1697 href: token.href,
1698 title: token.title
1699 };
1700 }
1701 continue;
1702 }
1704 // table (gfm)
1705 if (token = this.tokenizer.table(src)) {
1706 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1707 tokens.push(token);
1708 continue;
1709 }
1711 // lheading
1712 if (token = this.tokenizer.lheading(src)) {
1713 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1714 tokens.push(token);
1715 continue;
1716 }
1718 // top-level paragraph
1719 // prevent paragraph consuming extensions by clipping 'src' to extension start
1720 cutSrc = src;
1721 if (this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.startBlock) {
1722 let startIndex = Infinity;
1723 const tempSrc = src.slice(1);
1724 let tempStart;
1725 this.options.extensions.startBlock.forEach(function(getStartIndex) {
1726 tempStart = getStartIndex.call({ lexer: this }, tempSrc);
1727 if (typeof tempStart === 'number' && tempStart >= 0) { startIndex = Math.min(startIndex, tempStart); }
1728 });
1729 if (startIndex < Infinity && startIndex >= 0) {
1730 cutSrc = src.substring(0, startIndex + 1);
1731 }
1732 }
1733 if (this.state.top && (token = this.tokenizer.paragraph(cutSrc))) {
1734 lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1735 if (lastParagraphClipped && lastToken.type === 'paragraph') {
1736 lastToken.raw += '\n' + token.raw;
1737 lastToken.text += '\n' + token.text;
1738 this.inlineQueue.pop();
1739 this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = lastToken.text;
1740 } else {
1741 tokens.push(token);
1742 }
1743 lastParagraphClipped = (cutSrc.length !== src.length);
1744 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1745 continue;
1746 }
1748 // text
1749 if (token = this.tokenizer.text(src)) {
1750 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1751 lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1752 if (lastToken && lastToken.type === 'text') {
1753 lastToken.raw += '\n' + token.raw;
1754 lastToken.text += '\n' + token.text;
1755 this.inlineQueue.pop();
1756 this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = lastToken.text;
1757 } else {
1758 tokens.push(token);
1759 }
1760 continue;
1761 }
1763 if (src) {
1764 const errMsg = 'Infinite loop on byte: ' + src.charCodeAt(0);
1765 if (this.options.silent) {
1766 console.error(errMsg);
1767 break;
1768 } else {
1769 throw new Error(errMsg);
1770 }
1771 }
1772 }
1774 this.state.top = true;
1775 return tokens;
1776 }
1778 inline(src, tokens = []) {
1779 this.inlineQueue.push({ src, tokens });
1780 return tokens;
1781 }
1783 /**
1784 * Lexing/Compiling
1785 */
1786 inlineTokens(src, tokens = []) {
1787 let token, lastToken, cutSrc;
1789 // String with links masked to avoid interference with em and strong
1790 let maskedSrc = src;
1791 let match;
1792 let keepPrevChar, prevChar;
1794 // Mask out reflinks
1795 if (this.tokens.links) {
1796 const links = Object.keys(this.tokens.links);
1797 if (links.length > 0) {
1798 while ((match = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(maskedSrc)) != null) {
1799 if (links.includes(match[0].slice(match[0].lastIndexOf('[') + 1, -1))) {
1800 maskedSrc = maskedSrc.slice(0, match.index) + '[' + repeatString('a', match[0].length - 2) + ']' + maskedSrc.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex);
1801 }
1802 }
1803 }
1804 }
1805 // Mask out other blocks
1806 while ((match = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(maskedSrc)) != null) {
1807 maskedSrc = maskedSrc.slice(0, match.index) + '[' + repeatString('a', match[0].length - 2) + ']' + maskedSrc.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex);
1808 }
1810 // Mask out escaped em & strong delimiters
1811 while ((match = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.exec(maskedSrc)) != null) {
1812 maskedSrc = maskedSrc.slice(0, match.index + match[0].length - 2) + '++' + maskedSrc.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.lastIndex);
1813 this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.lastIndex--;
1814 }
1816 while (src) {
1817 if (!keepPrevChar) {
1818 prevChar = '';
1819 }
1820 keepPrevChar = false;
1822 // extensions
1823 if (this.options.extensions
1824 && this.options.extensions.inline
1825 && this.options.extensions.inline.some((extTokenizer) => {
1826 if (token = extTokenizer.call({ lexer: this }, src, tokens)) {
1827 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1828 tokens.push(token);
1829 return true;
1830 }
1831 return false;
1832 })) {
1833 continue;
1834 }
1836 // escape
1837 if (token = this.tokenizer.escape(src)) {
1838 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1839 tokens.push(token);
1840 continue;
1841 }
1843 // tag
1844 if (token = this.tokenizer.tag(src)) {
1845 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1846 lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1847 if (lastToken && token.type === 'text' && lastToken.type === 'text') {
1848 lastToken.raw += token.raw;
1849 lastToken.text += token.text;
1850 } else {
1851 tokens.push(token);
1852 }
1853 continue;
1854 }
1856 // link
1857 if (token = this.tokenizer.link(src)) {
1858 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1859 tokens.push(token);
1860 continue;
1861 }
1863 // reflink, nolink
1864 if (token = this.tokenizer.reflink(src, this.tokens.links)) {
1865 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1866 lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1867 if (lastToken && token.type === 'text' && lastToken.type === 'text') {
1868 lastToken.raw += token.raw;
1869 lastToken.text += token.text;
1870 } else {
1871 tokens.push(token);
1872 }
1873 continue;
1874 }
1876 // em & strong
1877 if (token = this.tokenizer.emStrong(src, maskedSrc, prevChar)) {
1878 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1879 tokens.push(token);
1880 continue;
1881 }
1883 // code
1884 if (token = this.tokenizer.codespan(src)) {
1885 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1886 tokens.push(token);
1887 continue;
1888 }
1890 // br
1891 if (token = this.tokenizer.br(src)) {
1892 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1893 tokens.push(token);
1894 continue;
1895 }
1897 // del (gfm)
1898 if (token = this.tokenizer.del(src)) {
1899 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1900 tokens.push(token);
1901 continue;
1902 }
1904 // autolink
1905 if (token = this.tokenizer.autolink(src, mangle)) {
1906 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1907 tokens.push(token);
1908 continue;
1909 }
1911 // url (gfm)
1912 if (!this.state.inLink && (token = this.tokenizer.url(src, mangle))) {
1913 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1914 tokens.push(token);
1915 continue;
1916 }
1918 // text
1919 // prevent inlineText consuming extensions by clipping 'src' to extension start
1920 cutSrc = src;
1921 if (this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.startInline) {
1922 let startIndex = Infinity;
1923 const tempSrc = src.slice(1);
1924 let tempStart;
1925 this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach(function(getStartIndex) {
1926 tempStart = getStartIndex.call({ lexer: this }, tempSrc);
1927 if (typeof tempStart === 'number' && tempStart >= 0) { startIndex = Math.min(startIndex, tempStart); }
1928 });
1929 if (startIndex < Infinity && startIndex >= 0) {
1930 cutSrc = src.substring(0, startIndex + 1);
1931 }
1932 }
1933 if (token = this.tokenizer.inlineText(cutSrc, smartypants)) {
1934 src = src.substring(token.raw.length);
1935 if (token.raw.slice(-1) !== '_') { // Track prevChar before string of ____ started
1936 prevChar = token.raw.slice(-1);
1937 }
1938 keepPrevChar = true;
1939 lastToken = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
1940 if (lastToken && lastToken.type === 'text') {
1941 lastToken.raw += token.raw;
1942 lastToken.text += token.text;
1943 } else {
1944 tokens.push(token);
1945 }
1946 continue;
1947 }
1949 if (src) {
1950 const errMsg = 'Infinite loop on byte: ' + src.charCodeAt(0);
1951 if (this.options.silent) {
1952 console.error(errMsg);
1953 break;
1954 } else {
1955 throw new Error(errMsg);
1956 }
1957 }
1958 }
1960 return tokens;
1961 }
1965 * Renderer
1966 */
1967class Renderer {
1968 constructor(options) {
1969 this.options = options || defaults;
1970 }
1972 code(code, infostring, escaped) {
1973 const lang = (infostring || '').match(/\S*/)[0];
1974 if (this.options.highlight) {
1975 const out = this.options.highlight(code, lang);
1976 if (out != null && out !== code) {
1977 escaped = true;
1978 code = out;
1979 }
1980 }
1982 code = code.replace(/\n$/, '') + '\n';
1984 if (!lang) {
1985 return '<pre><code>'
1986 + (escaped ? code : marked_esm_escape(code, true))
1987 + '</code></pre>\n';
1988 }
1990 return '<pre><code class="'
1991 + this.options.langPrefix
1992 + marked_esm_escape(lang)
1993 + '">'
1994 + (escaped ? code : marked_esm_escape(code, true))
1995 + '</code></pre>\n';
1996 }
1998 /**
1999 * @param {string} quote
2000 */
2001 blockquote(quote) {
2002 return `<blockquote>\n${quote}</blockquote>\n`;
2003 }
2005 html(html) {
2006 return html;
2007 }
2009 /**
2010 * @param {string} text
2011 * @param {string} level
2012 * @param {string} raw
2013 * @param {any} slugger
2014 */
2015 heading(text, level, raw, slugger) {
2016 if (this.options.headerIds) {
2017 const id = this.options.headerPrefix + slugger.slug(raw);
2018 return `<h${level} id="${id}">${text}</h${level}>\n`;
2019 }
2021 // ignore IDs
2022 return `<h${level}>${text}</h${level}>\n`;
2023 }
2025 hr() {
2026 return this.options.xhtml ? '<hr/>\n' : '<hr>\n';
2027 }
2029 list(body, ordered, start) {
2030 const type = ordered ? 'ol' : 'ul',
2031 startatt = (ordered && start !== 1) ? (' start="' + start + '"') : '';
2032 return '<' + type + startatt + '>\n' + body + '</' + type + '>\n';
2033 }
2035 /**
2036 * @param {string} text
2037 */
2038 listitem(text) {
2039 return `<li>${text}</li>\n`;
2040 }
2042 checkbox(checked) {
2043 return '<input '
2044 + (checked ? 'checked="" ' : '')
2045 + 'disabled="" type="checkbox"'
2046 + (this.options.xhtml ? ' /' : '')
2047 + '> ';
2048 }
2050 /**
2051 * @param {string} text
2052 */
2053 paragraph(text) {
2054 return `<p>${text}</p>\n`;
2055 }
2057 /**
2058 * @param {string} header
2059 * @param {string} body
2060 */
2061 table(header, body) {
2062 if (body) body = `<tbody>${body}</tbody>`;
2064 return '<table>\n'
2065 + '<thead>\n'
2066 + header
2067 + '</thead>\n'
2068 + body
2069 + '</table>\n';
2070 }
2072 /**
2073 * @param {string} content
2074 */
2075 tablerow(content) {
2076 return `<tr>\n${content}</tr>\n`;
2077 }
2079 tablecell(content, flags) {
2080 const type = flags.header ? 'th' : 'td';
2081 const tag = flags.align
2082 ? `<${type} align="${flags.align}">`
2083 : `<${type}>`;
2084 return tag + content + `</${type}>\n`;
2085 }
2087 /**
2088 * span level renderer
2089 * @param {string} text
2090 */
2091 strong(text) {
2092 return `<strong>${text}</strong>`;
2093 }
2095 /**
2096 * @param {string} text
2097 */
2098 em(text) {
2099 return `<em>${text}</em>`;
2100 }
2102 /**
2103 * @param {string} text
2104 */
2105 codespan(text) {
2106 return `<code>${text}</code>`;
2107 }
2109 br() {
2110 return this.options.xhtml ? '<br/>' : '<br>';
2111 }
2113 /**
2114 * @param {string} text
2115 */
2116 del(text) {
2117 return `<del>${text}</del>`;
2118 }
2120 /**
2121 * @param {string} href
2122 * @param {string} title
2123 * @param {string} text
2124 */
2125 link(href, title, text) {
2126 href = cleanUrl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);
2127 if (href === null) {
2128 return text;
2129 }
2130 let out = '<a href="' + href + '"';
2131 if (title) {
2132 out += ' title="' + title + '"';
2133 }
2134 out += '>' + text + '</a>';
2135 return out;
2136 }
2138 /**
2139 * @param {string} href
2140 * @param {string} title
2141 * @param {string} text
2142 */
2143 image(href, title, text) {
2144 href = cleanUrl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, href);
2145 if (href === null) {
2146 return text;
2147 }
2149 let out = `<img src="${href}" alt="${text}"`;
2150 if (title) {
2151 out += ` title="${title}"`;
2152 }
2153 out += this.options.xhtml ? '/>' : '>';
2154 return out;
2155 }
2157 text(text) {
2158 return text;
2159 }
2163 * TextRenderer
2164 * returns only the textual part of the token
2165 */
2166class TextRenderer {
2167 // no need for block level renderers
2168 strong(text) {
2169 return text;
2170 }
2172 em(text) {
2173 return text;
2174 }
2176 codespan(text) {
2177 return text;
2178 }
2180 del(text) {
2181 return text;
2182 }
2184 html(text) {
2185 return text;
2186 }
2188 text(text) {
2189 return text;
2190 }
2192 link(href, title, text) {
2193 return '' + text;
2194 }
2196 image(href, title, text) {
2197 return '' + text;
2198 }
2200 br() {
2201 return '';
2202 }
2206 * Slugger generates header id
2207 */
2208class Slugger {
2209 constructor() {
2210 this.seen = {};
2211 }
2213 /**
2214 * @param {string} value
2215 */
2216 serialize(value) {
2217 return value
2218 .toLowerCase()
2219 .trim()
2220 // remove html tags
2221 .replace(/<[!\/a-z].*?>/ig, '')
2222 // remove unwanted chars
2223 .replace(/[\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~]/g, '')
2224 .replace(/\s/g, '-');
2225 }
2227 /**
2228 * Finds the next safe (unique) slug to use
2229 * @param {string} originalSlug
2230 * @param {boolean} isDryRun
2231 */
2232 getNextSafeSlug(originalSlug, isDryRun) {
2233 let slug = originalSlug;
2234 let occurenceAccumulator = 0;
2235 if (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug)) {
2236 occurenceAccumulator = this.seen[originalSlug];
2237 do {
2238 occurenceAccumulator++;
2239 slug = originalSlug + '-' + occurenceAccumulator;
2240 } while (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(slug));
2241 }
2242 if (!isDryRun) {
2243 this.seen[originalSlug] = occurenceAccumulator;
2244 this.seen[slug] = 0;
2245 }
2246 return slug;
2247 }
2249 /**
2250 * Convert string to unique id
2251 * @param {object} [options]
2252 * @param {boolean} [options.dryrun] Generates the next unique slug without
2253 * updating the internal accumulator.
2254 */
2255 slug(value, options = {}) {
2256 const slug = this.serialize(value);
2257 return this.getNextSafeSlug(slug, options.dryrun);
2258 }
2262 * Parsing & Compiling
2263 */
2264class Parser {
2265 constructor(options) {
2266 this.options = options || defaults;
2267 this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new Renderer();
2268 this.renderer = this.options.renderer;
2269 this.renderer.options = this.options;
2270 this.textRenderer = new TextRenderer();
2271 this.slugger = new Slugger();
2272 }
2274 /**
2275 * Static Parse Method
2276 */
2277 static parse(tokens, options) {
2278 const parser = new Parser(options);
2279 return parser.parse(tokens);
2280 }
2282 /**
2283 * Static Parse Inline Method
2284 */
2285 static parseInline(tokens, options) {
2286 const parser = new Parser(options);
2287 return parser.parseInline(tokens);
2288 }
2290 /**
2291 * Parse Loop
2292 */
2293 parse(tokens, top = true) {
2294 let out = '',
2295 i,
2296 j,
2297 k,
2298 l2,
2299 l3,
2300 row,
2301 cell,
2302 header,
2303 body,
2304 token,
2305 ordered,
2306 start,
2307 loose,
2308 itemBody,
2309 item,
2310 checked,
2311 task,
2312 checkbox,
2313 ret;
2315 const l = tokens.length;
2316 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
2317 token = tokens[i];
2319 // Run any renderer extensions
2320 if (this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.renderers && this.options.extensions.renderers[token.type]) {
2321 ret = this.options.extensions.renderers[token.type].call({ parser: this }, token);
2322 if (ret !== false || !['space', 'hr', 'heading', 'code', 'table', 'blockquote', 'list', 'html', 'paragraph', 'text'].includes(token.type)) {
2323 out += ret || '';
2324 continue;
2325 }
2326 }
2328 switch (token.type) {
2329 case 'space': {
2330 continue;
2331 }
2332 case 'hr': {
2333 out += this.renderer.hr();
2334 continue;
2335 }
2336 case 'heading': {
2337 out += this.renderer.heading(
2338 this.parseInline(token.tokens),
2339 token.depth,
2340 marked_esm_unescape(this.parseInline(token.tokens, this.textRenderer)),
2341 this.slugger);
2342 continue;
2343 }
2344 case 'code': {
2345 out += this.renderer.code(token.text,
2346 token.lang,
2347 token.escaped);
2348 continue;
2349 }
2350 case 'table': {
2351 header = '';
2353 // header
2354 cell = '';
2355 l2 = token.header.length;
2356 for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {
2357 cell += this.renderer.tablecell(
2358 this.parseInline(token.header[j].tokens),
2359 { header: true, align: token.align[j] }
2360 );
2361 }
2362 header += this.renderer.tablerow(cell);
2364 body = '';
2365 l2 = token.rows.length;
2366 for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {
2367 row = token.rows[j];
2369 cell = '';
2370 l3 = row.length;
2371 for (k = 0; k < l3; k++) {
2372 cell += this.renderer.tablecell(
2373 this.parseInline(row[k].tokens),
2374 { header: false, align: token.align[k] }
2375 );
2376 }
2378 body += this.renderer.tablerow(cell);
2379 }
2380 out += this.renderer.table(header, body);
2381 continue;
2382 }
2383 case 'blockquote': {
2384 body = this.parse(token.tokens);
2385 out += this.renderer.blockquote(body);
2386 continue;
2387 }
2388 case 'list': {
2389 ordered = token.ordered;
2390 start = token.start;
2391 loose = token.loose;
2392 l2 = token.items.length;
2394 body = '';
2395 for (j = 0; j < l2; j++) {
2396 item = token.items[j];
2397 checked = item.checked;
2398 task = item.task;
2400 itemBody = '';
2401 if (item.task) {
2402 checkbox = this.renderer.checkbox(checked);
2403 if (loose) {
2404 if (item.tokens.length > 0 && item.tokens[0].type === 'paragraph') {
2405 item.tokens[0].text = checkbox + ' ' + item.tokens[0].text;
2406 if (item.tokens[0].tokens && item.tokens[0].tokens.length > 0 && item.tokens[0].tokens[0].type === 'text') {
2407 item.tokens[0].tokens[0].text = checkbox + ' ' + item.tokens[0].tokens[0].text;
2408 }
2409 } else {
2410 item.tokens.unshift({
2411 type: 'text',
2412 text: checkbox
2413 });
2414 }
2415 } else {
2416 itemBody += checkbox;
2417 }
2418 }
2420 itemBody += this.parse(item.tokens, loose);
2421 body += this.renderer.listitem(itemBody, task, checked);
2422 }
2424 out += this.renderer.list(body, ordered, start);
2425 continue;
2426 }
2427 case 'html': {
2428 // TODO parse inline content if parameter markdown=1
2429 out += this.renderer.html(token.text);
2430 continue;
2431 }
2432 case 'paragraph': {
2433 out += this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseInline(token.tokens));
2434 continue;
2435 }
2436 case 'text': {
2437 body = token.tokens ? this.parseInline(token.tokens) : token.text;
2438 while (i + 1 < l && tokens[i + 1].type === 'text') {
2439 token = tokens[++i];
2440 body += '\n' + (token.tokens ? this.parseInline(token.tokens) : token.text);
2441 }
2442 out += top ? this.renderer.paragraph(body) : body;
2443 continue;
2444 }
2446 default: {
2447 const errMsg = 'Token with "' + token.type + '" type was not found.';
2448 if (this.options.silent) {
2449 console.error(errMsg);
2450 return;
2451 } else {
2452 throw new Error(errMsg);
2453 }
2454 }
2455 }
2456 }
2458 return out;
2459 }
2461 /**
2462 * Parse Inline Tokens
2463 */
2464 parseInline(tokens, renderer) {
2465 renderer = renderer || this.renderer;
2466 let out = '',
2467 i,
2468 token,
2469 ret;
2471 const l = tokens.length;
2472 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
2473 token = tokens[i];
2475 // Run any renderer extensions
2476 if (this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.renderers && this.options.extensions.renderers[token.type]) {
2477 ret = this.options.extensions.renderers[token.type].call({ parser: this }, token);
2478 if (ret !== false || !['escape', 'html', 'link', 'image', 'strong', 'em', 'codespan', 'br', 'del', 'text'].includes(token.type)) {
2479 out += ret || '';
2480 continue;
2481 }
2482 }
2484 switch (token.type) {
2485 case 'escape': {
2486 out += renderer.text(token.text);
2487 break;
2488 }
2489 case 'html': {
2490 out += renderer.html(token.text);
2491 break;
2492 }
2493 case 'link': {
2494 out += renderer.link(token.href, token.title, this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));
2495 break;
2496 }
2497 case 'image': {
2498 out += renderer.image(token.href, token.title, token.text);
2499 break;
2500 }
2501 case 'strong': {
2502 out += renderer.strong(this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));
2503 break;
2504 }
2505 case 'em': {
2506 out += renderer.em(this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));
2507 break;
2508 }
2509 case 'codespan': {
2510 out += renderer.codespan(token.text);
2511 break;
2512 }
2513 case 'br': {
2514 out += renderer.br();
2515 break;
2516 }
2517 case 'del': {
2518 out += renderer.del(this.parseInline(token.tokens, renderer));
2519 break;
2520 }
2521 case 'text': {
2522 out += renderer.text(token.text);
2523 break;
2524 }
2525 default: {
2526 const errMsg = 'Token with "' + token.type + '" type was not found.';
2527 if (this.options.silent) {
2528 console.error(errMsg);
2529 return;
2530 } else {
2531 throw new Error(errMsg);
2532 }
2533 }
2534 }
2535 }
2536 return out;
2537 }
2541 * Marked
2542 */
2543function marked(src, opt, callback) {
2544 // throw error in case of non string input
2545 if (typeof src === 'undefined' || src === null) {
2546 throw new Error('marked(): input parameter is undefined or null');
2547 }
2548 if (typeof src !== 'string') {
2549 throw new Error('marked(): input parameter is of type '
2550 + Object.prototype.toString.call(src) + ', string expected');
2551 }
2553 if (typeof opt === 'function') {
2554 callback = opt;
2555 opt = null;
2556 }
2558 opt = merge({}, marked.defaults, opt || {});
2559 checkSanitizeDeprecation(opt);
2561 if (callback) {
2562 const highlight = opt.highlight;
2563 let tokens;
2565 try {
2566 tokens = Lexer.lex(src, opt);
2567 } catch (e) {
2568 return callback(e);
2569 }
2571 const done = function(err) {
2572 let out;
2574 if (!err) {
2575 try {
2576 if (opt.walkTokens) {
2577 marked.walkTokens(tokens, opt.walkTokens);
2578 }
2579 out = Parser.parse(tokens, opt);
2580 } catch (e) {
2581 err = e;
2582 }
2583 }
2585 opt.highlight = highlight;
2587 return err
2588 ? callback(err)
2589 : callback(null, out);
2590 };
2592 if (!highlight || highlight.length < 3) {
2593 return done();
2594 }
2596 delete opt.highlight;
2598 if (!tokens.length) return done();
2600 let pending = 0;
2601 marked.walkTokens(tokens, function(token) {
2602 if (token.type === 'code') {
2603 pending++;
2604 setTimeout(() => {
2605 highlight(token.text, token.lang, function(err, code) {
2606 if (err) {
2607 return done(err);
2608 }
2609 if (code != null && code !== token.text) {
2610 token.text = code;
2611 token.escaped = true;
2612 }
2614 pending--;
2615 if (pending === 0) {
2616 done();
2617 }
2618 });
2619 }, 0);
2620 }
2621 });
2623 if (pending === 0) {
2624 done();
2625 }
2627 return;
2628 }
2630 function onError(e) {
2631 e.message += '\nPlease report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.';
2632 if (opt.silent) {
2633 return '<p>An error occurred:</p><pre>'
2634 + marked_esm_escape(e.message + '', true)
2635 + '</pre>';
2636 }
2637 throw e;
2638 }
2640 try {
2641 const tokens = Lexer.lex(src, opt);
2642 if (opt.walkTokens) {
2643 if (opt.async) {
2644 return Promise.all(marked.walkTokens(tokens, opt.walkTokens))
2645 .then(() => {
2646 return Parser.parse(tokens, opt);
2647 })
2648 .catch(onError);
2649 }
2650 marked.walkTokens(tokens, opt.walkTokens);
2651 }
2652 return Parser.parse(tokens, opt);
2653 } catch (e) {
2654 onError(e);
2655 }
2659 * Options
2660 */
2662marked.options =
2663marked.setOptions = function(opt) {
2664 merge(marked.defaults, opt);
2665 changeDefaults(marked.defaults);
2666 return marked;
2669marked.getDefaults = getDefaults;
2671marked.defaults = defaults;
2674 * Use Extension
2675 */
2677marked.use = function(...args) {
2678 const extensions = marked.defaults.extensions || { renderers: {}, childTokens: {} };
2680 args.forEach((pack) => {
2681 // copy options to new object
2682 const opts = merge({}, pack);
2684 // set async to true if it was set to true before
2685 opts.async = marked.defaults.async || opts.async;
2687 // ==-- Parse "addon" extensions --== //
2688 if (pack.extensions) {
2689 pack.extensions.forEach((ext) => {
2690 if (!ext.name) {
2691 throw new Error('extension name required');
2692 }
2693 if (ext.renderer) { // Renderer extensions
2694 const prevRenderer = extensions.renderers[ext.name];
2695 if (prevRenderer) {
2696 // Replace extension with func to run new extension but fall back if false
2697 extensions.renderers[ext.name] = function(...args) {
2698 let ret = ext.renderer.apply(this, args);
2699 if (ret === false) {
2700 ret = prevRenderer.apply(this, args);
2701 }
2702 return ret;
2703 };
2704 } else {
2705 extensions.renderers[ext.name] = ext.renderer;
2706 }
2707 }
2708 if (ext.tokenizer) { // Tokenizer Extensions
2709 if (!ext.level || (ext.level !== 'block' && ext.level !== 'inline')) {
2710 throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'");
2711 }
2712 if (extensions[ext.level]) {
2713 extensions[ext.level].unshift(ext.tokenizer);
2714 } else {
2715 extensions[ext.level] = [ext.tokenizer];
2716 }
2717 if (ext.start) { // Function to check for start of token
2718 if (ext.level === 'block') {
2719 if (extensions.startBlock) {
2720 extensions.startBlock.push(ext.start);
2721 } else {
2722 extensions.startBlock = [ext.start];
2723 }
2724 } else if (ext.level === 'inline') {
2725 if (extensions.startInline) {
2726 extensions.startInline.push(ext.start);
2727 } else {
2728 extensions.startInline = [ext.start];
2729 }
2730 }
2731 }
2732 }
2733 if (ext.childTokens) { // Child tokens to be visited by walkTokens
2734 extensions.childTokens[ext.name] = ext.childTokens;
2735 }
2736 });
2737 opts.extensions = extensions;
2738 }
2740 // ==-- Parse "overwrite" extensions --== //
2741 if (pack.renderer) {
2742 const renderer = marked.defaults.renderer || new Renderer();
2743 for (const prop in pack.renderer) {
2744 const prevRenderer = renderer[prop];
2745 // Replace renderer with func to run extension, but fall back if false
2746 renderer[prop] = (...args) => {
2747 let ret = pack.renderer[prop].apply(renderer, args);
2748 if (ret === false) {
2749 ret = prevRenderer.apply(renderer, args);
2750 }
2751 return ret;
2752 };
2753 }
2754 opts.renderer = renderer;
2755 }
2756 if (pack.tokenizer) {
2757 const tokenizer = marked.defaults.tokenizer || new Tokenizer();
2758 for (const prop in pack.tokenizer) {
2759 const prevTokenizer = tokenizer[prop];
2760 // Replace tokenizer with func to run extension, but fall back if false
2761 tokenizer[prop] = (...args) => {
2762 let ret = pack.tokenizer[prop].apply(tokenizer, args);
2763 if (ret === false) {
2764 ret = prevTokenizer.apply(tokenizer, args);
2765 }
2766 return ret;
2767 };
2768 }
2769 opts.tokenizer = tokenizer;
2770 }
2772 // ==-- Parse WalkTokens extensions --== //
2773 if (pack.walkTokens) {
2774 const walkTokens = marked.defaults.walkTokens;
2775 opts.walkTokens = function(token) {
2776 let values = [];
2777 values.push(pack.walkTokens.call(this, token));
2778 if (walkTokens) {
2779 values = values.concat(walkTokens.call(this, token));
2780 }
2781 return values;
2782 };
2783 }
2785 marked.setOptions(opts);
2786 });
2790 * Run callback for every token
2791 */
2793marked.walkTokens = function(tokens, callback) {
2794 let values = [];
2795 for (const token of tokens) {
2796 values = values.concat(callback.call(marked, token));
2797 switch (token.type) {
2798 case 'table': {
2799 for (const cell of token.header) {
2800 values = values.concat(marked.walkTokens(cell.tokens, callback));
2801 }
2802 for (const row of token.rows) {
2803 for (const cell of row) {
2804 values = values.concat(marked.walkTokens(cell.tokens, callback));
2805 }
2806 }
2807 break;
2808 }
2809 case 'list': {
2810 values = values.concat(marked.walkTokens(token.items, callback));
2811 break;
2812 }
2813 default: {
2814 if (marked.defaults.extensions && marked.defaults.extensions.childTokens && marked.defaults.extensions.childTokens[token.type]) { // Walk any extensions
2815 marked.defaults.extensions.childTokens[token.type].forEach(function(childTokens) {
2816 values = values.concat(marked.walkTokens(token[childTokens], callback));
2817 });
2818 } else if (token.tokens) {
2819 values = values.concat(marked.walkTokens(token.tokens, callback));
2820 }
2821 }
2822 }
2823 }
2824 return values;
2828 * Parse Inline
2829 * @param {string} src
2830 */
2831marked.parseInline = function(src, opt) {
2832 // throw error in case of non string input
2833 if (typeof src === 'undefined' || src === null) {
2834 throw new Error('marked.parseInline(): input parameter is undefined or null');
2835 }
2836 if (typeof src !== 'string') {
2837 throw new Error('marked.parseInline(): input parameter is of type '
2838 + Object.prototype.toString.call(src) + ', string expected');
2839 }
2841 opt = merge({}, marked.defaults, opt || {});
2842 checkSanitizeDeprecation(opt);
2844 try {
2845 const tokens = Lexer.lexInline(src, opt);
2846 if (opt.walkTokens) {
2847 marked.walkTokens(tokens, opt.walkTokens);
2848 }
2849 return Parser.parseInline(tokens, opt);
2850 } catch (e) {
2851 e.message += '\nPlease report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.';
2852 if (opt.silent) {
2853 return '<p>An error occurred:</p><pre>'
2854 + marked_esm_escape(e.message + '', true)
2855 + '</pre>';
2856 }
2857 throw e;
2858 }
2862 * Expose
2863 */
2864marked.Parser = Parser;
2865marked.parser = Parser.parse;
2866marked.Renderer = Renderer;
2867marked.TextRenderer = TextRenderer;
2868marked.Lexer = Lexer;
2869marked.lexer = Lexer.lex;
2870marked.Tokenizer = Tokenizer;
2871marked.Slugger = Slugger;
2872marked.parse = marked;
2874const options = marked.options;
2875const setOptions = marked.setOptions;
2876const use = marked.use;
2877const walkTokens = marked.walkTokens;
2878const parseInline = marked.parseInline;
2879const parse = (/* unused pure expression or super */ null && (marked));
2880const parser = Parser.parse;
2881const lexer = Lexer.lex;
2885// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/prism.js
2886var prism = __webpack_require__(660);
2887var prism_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(prism);
2888// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-css.js
2889var prism_css = __webpack_require__(251);
2890// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-yaml.js
2891var prism_yaml = __webpack_require__(358);
2892// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-go.js
2893var prism_go = __webpack_require__(46);
2894// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-java.js
2895var prism_java = __webpack_require__(503);
2896// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-json.js
2897var prism_json = __webpack_require__(277);
2898// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-bash.js
2899var prism_bash = __webpack_require__(874);
2900// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-python.js
2901var prism_python = __webpack_require__(366);
2902// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-http.js
2903var prism_http = __webpack_require__(57);
2904// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/prismjs/components/prism-csharp.js
2905var prism_csharp = __webpack_require__(16);
2906;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/font-styles.js
2908/* harmony default export */ const font_styles = (i`
2909 .hover-bg:hover{
2910 background: var(--bg3);
2911 }
2912 ::selection {
2913 background: var(--selection-bg);
2914 color: var(--selection-fg);
2915 }
2916 .regular-font{
2917 font-family:var(--font-regular);
2918 }
2919 .mono-font {
2920 font-family:var(--font-mono);
2921 }
2922 .title {
2923 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 18px);
2924 font-weight: normal
2925 }
2926 .sub-title{ font-size: 20px;}
2927 .req-res-title {
2928 font-family: var(--font-regular);
2929 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 4px);
2930 font-weight:bold;
2931 margin-bottom:8px;
2932 text-align:left;
2933 }
2934 .tiny-title {
2935 font-size:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px);
2936 font-weight:bold;
2937 }
2938 .regular-font-size { font-size: var(--font-size-regular); }
2939 .small-font-size { font-size: var(--font-size-small); }
2940 .upper { text-transform: uppercase; }
2941 .primary-text{ color: var(--primary-color); }
2942 .bold-text { font-weight:bold; }
2943 .gray-text { color: var(--light-fg); }
2944 .red-text {color: var(--red)}
2945 .blue-text {color: var(--blue)}
2946 .multiline {
2947 overflow: scroll;
2948 max-height: var(--resp-area-height, 400px);
2949 color: var(--fg3);
2950 }
2951 .method-fg.put { color: var(--orange); }
2952 .method-fg.post { color: var(--green); }
2953 .method-fg.get { color: var(--blue); }
2954 .method-fg.delete { color: var(--red); }
2955 .method-fg.options,
2956 .method-fg.head,
2957 .method-fg.patch {
2958 color: var(--yellow);
2959 }
2961 h1{ font-family:var(--font-regular); font-size:28px; padding-top: 10px; letter-spacing:normal; font-weight:normal; }
2962 h2{ font-family:var(--font-regular); font-size:24px; padding-top: 10px; letter-spacing:normal; font-weight:normal; }
2963 h3{ font-family:var(--font-regular); font-size:18px; padding-top: 10px; letter-spacing:normal; font-weight:normal; }
2964 h4{ font-family:var(--font-regular); font-size:16px; padding-top: 10px; letter-spacing:normal; font-weight:normal; }
2965 h5{ font-family:var(--font-regular); font-size:14px; padding-top: 10px; letter-spacing:normal; font-weight:normal; }
2966 h6{ font-family:var(--font-regular); font-size:14px; padding-top: 10px; letter-spacing:normal; font-weight:normal; }
2968 h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h5{
2969 margin-block-end: 0.2em;
2970 }
2971 p { margin-block-start: 0.5em; }
2972 a { color: var(--blue); cursor:pointer; }
2973 a.inactive-link {
2974 color:var(--fg);
2975 text-decoration: none;
2976 cursor:text;
2977 }
2979 code,
2980 pre {
2981 margin: 0px;
2982 font-family: var(--font-mono);
2983 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-mono) - 1px);
2984 }
2986 .m-markdown,
2987 .m-markdown-small {
2988 display:block;
2989 }
2991 .m-markdown p,
2992 .m-markdown span {
2993 font-size: var(--font-size-regular);
2994 line-height:calc(var(--font-size-regular) + 8px);
2995 }
2996 .m-markdown li {
2997 font-size: var(--font-size-regular);
2998 line-height:calc(var(--font-size-regular) + 10px);
2999 }
3001 .m-markdown-small p,
3002 .m-markdown-small span,
3003 .m-markdown-small li {
3004 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3005 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 6px);
3006 }
3007 .m-markdown-small li {
3008 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 8px);
3009 }
3011 .m-markdown p:not(:first-child) {
3012 margin-block-start: 24px;
3013 }
3015 .m-markdown-small p:not(:first-child) {
3016 margin-block-start: 12px;
3017 }
3018 .m-markdown-small p:first-child {
3019 margin-block-start: 0;
3020 }
3022 .m-markdown p,
3023 .m-markdown-small p {
3024 margin-block-end: 0
3025 }
3027 .m-markdown code span {
3028 font-size:var(--font-size-mono);
3029 }
3031 .m-markdown-small code,
3032 .m-markdown code {
3033 padding: 1px 6px;
3034 border-radius: 2px;
3035 color: var(--inline-code-fg);
3036 background-color: var(--bg3);
3037 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-mono));
3038 line-height: 1.2;
3039 }
3041 .m-markdown-small code {
3042 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-mono) - 1px);
3043 }
3045 .m-markdown-small pre,
3046 .m-markdown pre {
3047 white-space: pre-wrap;
3048 overflow-x: auto;
3049 line-height: normal;
3050 border-radius: 2px;
3051 border: 1px solid var(--code-border-color);
3052 }
3054 .m-markdown pre {
3055 padding: 12px;
3056 background-color: var(--code-bg);
3057 color:var(--code-fg);
3058 }
3060 .m-markdown-small pre {
3061 margin-top: 4px;
3062 padding: 2px 4px;
3063 background-color: var(--bg3);
3064 color: var(--fg2);
3065 }
3067 .m-markdown-small pre code,
3068 .m-markdown pre code {
3069 border:none;
3070 padding:0;
3071 }
3073 .m-markdown pre code {
3074 color: var(--code-fg);
3075 background-color: var(--code-bg);
3076 background-color: transparent;
3077 }
3079 .m-markdown-small pre code {
3080 color: var(--fg2);
3081 background-color: var(--bg3);
3082 }
3084 .m-markdown ul,
3085 .m-markdown ol {
3086 padding-inline-start: 30px;
3087 }
3089 .m-markdown-small ul,
3090 .m-markdown-small ol {
3091 padding-inline-start: 20px;
3092 }
3094 .m-markdown-small a,
3095 .m-markdown a {
3096 color:var(--blue);
3097 }
3099 .m-markdown-small img,
3100 .m-markdown img {
3101 max-width: 100%;
3102 }
3104 /* Markdown table */
3106 .m-markdown-small table,
3107 .m-markdown table {
3108 border-spacing: 0;
3109 margin: 10px 0;
3110 border-collapse: separate;
3111 border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
3112 border-radius: var(--border-radius);
3113 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px);
3114 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 4px);
3115 max-width: 100%;
3116 }
3118 .m-markdown-small table {
3119 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3120 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 2px);
3121 margin: 8px 0;
3122 }
3124 .m-markdown-small td,
3125 .m-markdown-small th,
3126 .m-markdown td,
3127 .m-markdown th {
3128 vertical-align: top;
3129 border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color);
3130 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 4px);
3131 }
3133 .m-markdown-small tr:first-child th,
3134 .m-markdown tr:first-child th {
3135 border-top: 0 none;
3136 }
3138 .m-markdown th,
3139 .m-markdown td {
3140 padding: 10px 12px;
3141 }
3143 .m-markdown-small th,
3144 .m-markdown-small td {
3145 padding: 8px 8px;
3146 }
3148 .m-markdown th,
3149 .m-markdown-small th {
3150 font-weight: 600;
3151 background-color: var(--bg2);
3152 vertical-align: middle;
3153 }
3155 .m-markdown-small table code {
3156 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-mono) - 2px);
3157 }
3159 .m-markdown table code {
3160 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-mono) - 1px);
3161 }
3163 .m-markdown blockquote,
3164 .m-markdown-small blockquote {
3165 margin-inline-start: 0;
3166 margin-inline-end: 0;
3167 border-left: 3px solid var(--border-color);
3168 padding: 6px 0 6px 6px;
3169 }
3170 .m-markdown hr{
3171 border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
3172 }
3174;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/input-styles.js
3177/* eslint-disable max-len */
3178/* harmony default export */ const input_styles = (i`
3179/* Button */
3180.m-btn {
3181 border-radius: var(--border-radius);
3182 font-weight: 600;
3183 display: inline-block;
3184 padding: 6px 16px;
3185 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3186 outline: 0;
3187 line-height: 1;
3188 text-align: center;
3189 white-space: nowrap;
3190 border: 2px solid var(--primary-color);
3191 background-color:transparent;
3192 transition: background-color 0.2s;
3193 user-select: none;
3194 cursor: pointer;
3195 box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);
3197.m-btn.primary {
3198 background-color: var(--primary-color);
3199 color: var(--primary-color-invert);
3201.m-btn.thin-border { border-width: 1px; }
3202.m-btn.large { padding:8px 14px; }
3203.m-btn.small { padding:5px 12px; }
3204.m-btn.tiny { padding:5px 6px; }
3205.m-btn.circle { border-radius: 50%; }
3206.m-btn:hover {
3207 background-color: var(--primary-color);
3208 color: var(--primary-color-invert);
3210.m-btn.nav { border: 2px solid var(--nav-accent-color); }
3211.m-btn.nav:hover {
3212 background-color: var(--nav-accent-color);
3215 background-color: var(--bg3);
3216 color: var(--fg3);
3217 border-color: var(--fg3);
3218 cursor: not-allowed;
3219 opacity: 0.4;
3222 cursor: pointer;
3223 padding: 4px;
3224 margin:0 2px;
3225 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3226 min-width: 50px;
3227 color: var(--primary-color-invert);
3228 border-radius: 2px;
3229 border: none;
3230 background-color: var(--primary-color);
3233input, textarea, select, button, pre {
3234 color:var(--fg);
3235 outline: none;
3236 background-color: var(--input-bg);
3237 border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
3238 border-radius: var(--border-radius);
3240button {
3241 font-family: var(--font-regular);
3244/* Form Inputs */
3250input[type="password"] {
3251 font-family: var(--font-mono);
3252 font-weight: 400;
3253 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3254 transition: border .2s;
3255 padding: 6px 5px;
3258select {
3259 font-family: var(--font-regular);
3260 padding: 5px 30px 5px 5px;
3261 background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2000%2Fsvg%22%20width%3D%2212%22%20height%3D%2212%22%3E%3Cpath%20d%3D%22M10.3%203.3L6%207.6%201.7%203.3A1%201%200%2000.3%204.7l5%205a1%201%200%20001.4%200l5-5a1%201%200%2010-1.4-1.4z%22%20fill%3D%22%23777777%22%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E");
3262 background-position: calc(100% - 5px) center;
3263 background-repeat: no-repeat;
3264 background-size: 10px;
3265 -webkit-appearance: none;
3266 -moz-appearance: none;
3267 appearance: none;
3268 cursor: pointer;
3271select:hover {
3272 border-color: var(--primary-color);
3277input[type="password"]::placeholder {
3278 color: var(--placeholder-color);
3279 opacity:1;
3284 font-family: var(--font-regular);
3285 padding:2px;
3286 cursor:pointer;
3287 border: 1px solid var(--primary-color);
3288 min-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 18px);
3291input[type="file"]::-webkit-file-upload-button {
3292 font-family: var(--font-regular);
3293 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3294 outline: none;
3295 cursor:pointer;
3296 padding: 3px 8px;
3297 border: 1px solid var(--primary-color);
3298 background-color: var(--primary-color);
3299 color: var(--primary-color-invert);
3300 border-radius: var(--border-radius);;
3301 -webkit-appearance: none;
3305textarea {
3306 scrollbar-width: thin;
3307 scrollbar-color: var(--border-color) var(--input-bg);
3311textarea::-webkit-scrollbar {
3312 width: 8px;
3313 height: 8px;
3317textarea::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
3318 background:var(--input-bg);
3322textarea::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
3323 border-radius: 2px;
3324 background-color: var(--border-color);
3327.link {
3328 font-size:var(--font-size-small);
3329 text-decoration: underline;
3330 color:var(--blue);
3331 font-family:var(--font-mono);
3332 margin-bottom:2px;
3335/* Toggle Body */
3336input[type="checkbox"] {
3337 appearance: none;
3338 display: inline-block;
3339 background-color: var(--light-bg);
3340 border: 1px solid var(--light-bg);
3341 border-radius: 9px;
3342 cursor: pointer;
3343 height: 18px;
3344 position: relative;
3345 transition: border .25s .15s, box-shadow .25s .3s, padding .25s;
3346 min-width: 36px;
3347 width: 36px;
3348 vertical-align: top;
3350/* Toggle Thumb */
3351input[type="checkbox"]:after {
3352 position: absolute;
3353 background-color: var(--bg);
3354 border: 1px solid var(--light-bg);
3355 border-radius: 8px;
3356 content: '';
3357 top: 0px;
3358 left: 0px;
3359 right: 16px;
3360 display: block;
3361 height: 16px;
3362 transition: border .25s .15s, left .25s .1s, right .15s .175s;
3365/* Toggle Body - Checked */
3366input[type="checkbox"]:checked {
3367 background-color: var(--green);
3368 border-color: var(--green);
3370/* Toggle Thumb - Checked*/
3371input[type="checkbox"]:checked:after {
3372 border: 1px solid var(--green);
3373 left: 16px;
3374 right: 1px;
3375 transition: border .25s, left .15s .25s, right .25s .175s;
3377;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/flex-styles.js
3379/* harmony default export */ const flex_styles = (i`
3380.row, .col{
3381 display:flex;
3383.row {
3384 align-items:center;
3385 flex-direction: row;
3387.col {
3388 align-items:stretch;
3389 flex-direction: column;
3392;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/table-styles.js
3394/* harmony default export */ const table_styles = (i`
3395.m-table {
3396 border-spacing: 0;
3397 border-collapse: separate;
3398 border: 1px solid var(--light-border-color);
3399 border-radius: var(--border-radius);
3400 margin: 0;
3401 max-width: 100%;
3402 direction: ltr;
3404.m-table tr:first-child td,
3405.m-table tr:first-child th {
3406 border-top: 0 none;
3408.m-table td,
3409.m-table th {
3410 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3411 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 4px);
3412 padding: 4px 5px 4px;
3413 vertical-align: top;
3416.m-table.padded-12 td,
3417.m-table.padded-12 th {
3418 padding: 12px;
3421.m-table td:not([align]),
3422.m-table th:not([align]) {
3423 text-align: left;
3426.m-table th {
3427 color: var(--fg2);
3428 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3429 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 18px);
3430 font-weight: 600;
3431 letter-spacing: normal;
3432 background-color: var(--bg2);
3433 vertical-align: bottom;
3434 border-bottom: 1px solid var(--light-border-color);
3437.m-table > tbody > tr > td,
3438.m-table > tr > td {
3439 border-top: 1px solid var(--light-border-color);
3440 text-overflow: ellipsis;
3441 overflow: hidden;
3443.table-title {
3444 font-size:var(--font-size-small);
3445 font-weight:bold;
3446 vertical-align: middle;
3447 margin: 12px 0 4px 0;
3450;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/endpoint-styles.js
3452/* harmony default export */ const endpoint_styles = (i`
3453.only-large-screen { display:none; }
3454.endpoint-head .path{
3455 display: flex;
3456 font-family:var(--font-mono);
3457 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3458 align-items: center;
3459 overflow-wrap: break-word;
3460 word-break: break-all;
3463.endpoint-head .descr {
3464 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3465 color:var(--light-fg);
3466 font-weight:400;
3467 align-items: center;
3468 overflow-wrap: break-word;
3469 word-break: break-all;
3470 display:none;
3473.m-endpoint.expanded{margin-bottom:16px; }
3474.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head{
3475 border-width:1px 1px 1px 5px;
3476 border-style:solid;
3477 border-color:transparent;
3478 border-top-color:var(--light-border-color);
3479 display:flex;
3480 padding:6px 16px;
3481 align-items: center;
3482 cursor: pointer;
3484.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.put:hover,
3485.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.put.expanded{
3486 border-color:var(--orange);
3487 background-color:var(--light-orange);
3489.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.post:hover,
3490.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.post.expanded {
3491 border-color:var(--green);
3492 background-color:var(--light-green);
3494.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.get:hover,
3495.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.get.expanded {
3496 border-color:var(--blue);
3497 background-color:var(--light-blue);
3499.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.delete:hover,
3500.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.delete.expanded {
3501 border-color:var(--red);
3502 background-color:var(--light-red);
3505.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.head:hover,
3506.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.head.expanded,
3507.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.patch:hover,
3508.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.patch.expanded,
3509.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.options:hover,
3510.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.options.expanded {
3511 border-color:var(--yellow);
3512 background-color:var(--light-yellow);
3515.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.deprecated:hover,
3516.m-endpoint > .endpoint-head.deprecated.expanded {
3517 border-color:var(--border-color);
3518 filter:opacity(0.6);
3521.m-endpoint .endpoint-body {
3522 flex-wrap:wrap;
3523 padding:16px 0px 0 0px;
3524 border-width:0px 1px 1px 5px;
3525 border-style:solid;
3526 box-shadow: 0px 4px 3px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
3528.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.delete{ border-color:var(--red); }
3529.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.put{ border-color:var(--orange); }
3530.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.post{border-color:var(--green);}
3531.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.get{ border-color:var(--blue); }
3532.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.head,
3533.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.patch,
3534.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.options {
3535 border-color:var(--yellow);
3538.m-endpoint .endpoint-body.deprecated{
3539 border-color:var(--border-color);
3540 filter:opacity(0.6);
3543.endpoint-head .deprecated{
3544 color: var(--light-fg);
3545 filter:opacity(0.6);
3549 padding:8px 8px;
3551.summary .title{
3552 font-size:calc(var(--font-size-regular) + 2px);
3553 margin-bottom: 6px;
3554 word-break: break-all;
3557.endpoint-head .method{
3558 padding:2px 5px;
3559 vertical-align: middle;
3560 font-size:var(--font-size-small);
3561 height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 16px);
3562 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 8px);
3563 width: 60px;
3564 border-radius: 2px;
3565 display:inline-block;
3566 text-align: center;
3567 font-weight: bold;
3568 text-transform:uppercase;
3569 margin-right:5px;
3571.endpoint-head .method.delete{ border: 2px solid var(--red);}
3572.endpoint-head .method.put{ border: 2px solid var(--orange); }
3573.endpoint-head .method.post{ border: 2px solid var(--green); }
3574.endpoint-head .method.get{ border: 2px solid var(--blue); }
3575.endpoint-head .method.get.deprecated{ border: 2px solid var(--border-color); }
3576.endpoint-head .method.head,
3577.endpoint-head .method.patch,
3578.endpoint-head .method.options {
3579 border: 2px solid var(--yellow);
3582.req-resp-container {
3583 display: flex;
3584 margin-top:16px;
3585 align-items: stretch;
3586 flex-wrap: wrap;
3587 flex-direction: column;
3588 border-top:1px solid var(--light-border-color);
3592api-response.view-mode {
3593 flex:1;
3594 min-height:100px;
3595 padding:16px 8px;
3596 overflow:hidden;
3598.view-mode-request {
3599 border-width:0 0 1px 0;
3600 border-style:dashed;
3603.head .view-mode-request,
3604.patch .view-mode-request,
3605.options .view-mode-request {
3606 border-color:var(--yellow);
3608.put .view-mode-request {
3609 border-color:var(--orange);
3611.post .view-mode-request {
3612 border-color:var(--green);
3614.get .view-mode-request {
3615 border-color:var(--blue);
3617.delete .view-mode-request {
3618 border-color:var(--red);
3621@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
3622 .only-large-screen { display:block; }
3623 .endpoint-head .path{
3624 font-size: var(--font-size-regular);
3625 }
3626 .endpoint-head .descr{
3627 display: flex;
3628 }
3629 .endpoint-head .m-markdown-small,
3630 .descr .m-markdown-small{
3631 display:block;
3632 }
3633 .req-resp-container{
3634 flex-direction: var(--layout, row);
3635 flex-wrap: nowrap;
3636 }
3637 api-response.view-mode {
3638 padding:16px;
3639 }
3640 .view-mode-request.row-layout {
3641 border-width:0 1px 0 0;
3642 padding:16px;
3643 }
3644 .summary{
3645 padding:8px 16px;
3646 }
3649;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/prism-styles.js
3651/* harmony default export */ const prism_styles = (i`
3653pre[class*="language-"] {
3654 text-align: left;
3655 white-space: pre;
3656 word-spacing: normal;
3657 word-break: normal;
3658 word-wrap: normal;
3659 line-height: 1.5;
3660 tab-size: 2;
3662 -webkit-hyphens: none;
3663 -moz-hyphens: none;
3664 -ms-hyphens: none;
3665 hyphens: none;
3668/* Code blocks */
3669pre[class*="language-"] {
3670 padding: 1em;
3671 margin: .5em 0;
3672 overflow: auto;
3675/* Inline code */
3676:not(pre) > code[class*="language-"] {
3677 white-space: normal;
3684.token.cdata {
3685 color: var(--light-fg)
3688.token.punctuation {
3689 color: var(--fg);
3695.token.deleted {
3696 color:var(--pink);
3699.token.function-name {
3700 color: var(--blue);
3705.token.function {
3706 color: var(--red);
3712.token.symbol {
3713 color: var(--code-property-color);
3720.token.builtin {
3721 color: var(--code-keyword-color);
3728.token.variable {
3729 color: var(--green);
3734.token.url {
3735 color: var(--code-operator-color);
3739.token.bold {
3740 font-weight: bold;
3742.token.italic {
3743 font-style: italic;
3746.token.entity {
3747 cursor: help;
3750.token.inserted {
3751 color: green;
3754;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/tab-styles.js
3756/* harmony default export */ const tab_styles = (i`
3757.tab-panel {
3758 border: none;
3760.tab-buttons {
3761 height:30px;
3762 padding: 4px 4px 0 4px;
3763 border-bottom: 1px solid var(--light-border-color) ;
3764 align-items: stretch;
3765 overflow-y: hidden;
3766 overflow-x: auto;
3767 scrollbar-width: thin;
3769.tab-buttons::-webkit-scrollbar {
3770 height: 1px;
3771 background-color: var(--border-color);
3773.tab-btn {
3774 border: none;
3775 border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
3776 color: var(--light-fg);
3777 background-color: transparent;
3778 white-space: nowrap;
3779 cursor:pointer;
3780 outline:none;
3781 font-family:var(--font-regular);
3782 font-size:var(--font-size-small);
3783 margin-right:16px;
3784 padding:1px;
3786.tab-btn.active {
3787 border-bottom: 3px solid var(--primary-color);
3788 font-weight:bold;
3789 color:var(--primary-color);
3792.tab-btn:hover {
3793 color:var(--primary-color);
3795.tab-content {
3796 margin:-1px 0 0 0;
3797 position:relative;
3798 min-height: 50px;
3801;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/nav-styles.js
3803/* harmony default export */ const nav_styles = (i`
3806.nav-bar-path:focus-visible {
3807 outline: 1px solid;
3808 box-shadow: none;
3809 outline-offset: -4px;
3813.nav-bar-tag-icon:focus-visible {
3814 outline: 1px solid;
3815 box-shadow: none;
3816 outline-offset: 2px;
3818.nav-bar {
3819 width:0;
3820 height:100%;
3821 overflow: hidden;
3822 color:var(--nav-text-color);
3823 background-color: var(--nav-bg-color);
3824 background-blend-mode: multiply;
3825 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 4px);
3826 display:none;
3827 position:relative;
3828 flex-direction:column;
3829 flex-wrap:nowrap;
3830 word-break:break-word;
3833 padding:16px 16px 0 16px;
3835.nav-scroll {
3836 overflow-x: hidden;
3837 overflow-y: auto;
3838 overflow-y: overlay;
3839 scrollbar-width: thin;
3840 scrollbar-color: var(--nav-hover-bg-color) transparent;
3843.nav-bar-tag {
3844 display: flex;
3845 align-items: center;
3846 justify-content: space-between;
3847 flex-direction: row;
3849.nav-bar.read .nav-bar-tag-icon {
3850 display:none;
3852.nav-bar-paths-under-tag {
3853 overflow:hidden;
3854 transition: max-height .2s ease-out, visibility .3s;
3856.collapsed .nav-bar-paths-under-tag {
3857 visibility: hidden;
3860.nav-bar-expand-all {
3861 transform: rotate(90deg);
3862 cursor:pointer;
3863 margin-right:10px;
3865.nav-bar-collapse-all {
3866 transform: rotate(270deg);
3867 cursor:pointer;
3869.nav-bar-expand-all:hover, .nav-bar-collapse-all:hover {
3870 color: var(--primary-color);
3873.nav-bar-tag-icon {
3874 color: var(--nav-text-color);
3875 font-size: 20px;
3877.nav-bar-tag-icon:hover {
3878 color:var(--nav-hover-text-color);
3880.nav-bar.focused .nav-bar-tag-and-paths.collapsed .nav-bar-tag-icon::after {
3881 content: '⌵';
3882 width:16px;
3883 height:16px;
3884 text-align: center;
3885 display: inline-block;
3886 transform: rotate(-90deg);
3887 transition: transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;
3889.nav-bar.focused .nav-bar-tag-and-paths.expanded .nav-bar-tag-icon::after {
3890 content: '⌵';
3891 width:16px;
3892 height:16px;
3893 text-align: center;
3894 display: inline-block;
3895 transition: transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;
3897.nav-scroll::-webkit-scrollbar {
3898 width: var(--scroll-bar-width, 8px);
3900.nav-scroll::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
3901 background:transparent;
3903.nav-scroll::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
3904 background-color: var(--nav-hover-bg-color);
3907.nav-bar-tag {
3908 font-size: var(--font-size-regular);
3909 color: var(--nav-accent-color);
3910 border-left:4px solid transparent;
3911 font-weight:bold;
3912 padding: 15px 15px 15px 10px;
3913 text-transform: capitalize;
3921.nav-bar-path {
3922 display:flex;
3923 cursor: pointer;
3924 width: 100%;
3925 border: none;
3926 border-radius:4px;
3927 color: var(--nav-text-color);
3928 background: transparent;
3929 border-left:4px solid transparent;
3934.nav-bar-path {
3935 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px);
3936 padding: var(--nav-item-padding);
3938.nav-bar-path.small-font {
3939 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3942.nav-bar-info {
3943 font-size: var(--font-size-regular);
3944 padding: 16px 10px;
3945 font-weight:bold;
3947.nav-bar-section {
3948 display: flex;
3949 flex-direction: row;
3950 justify-content: space-between;
3951 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
3952 color: var(--nav-text-color);
3953 padding: var(--nav-item-padding);
3954 font-weight:bold;
3956.nav-bar-section.operations {
3957 cursor:pointer;
3959.nav-bar-section.operations:hover {
3960 color:var(--nav-hover-text-color);
3961 background-color:var(--nav-hover-bg-color);
3964.nav-bar-section:first-child {
3965 display: none;
3967.nav-bar-h2 {margin-left:12px;}
3974.nav-bar-section.left-bar.operations.active {
3975 border-left:4px solid var(--nav-accent-color);
3976 color:var(--nav-hover-text-color);
3984.nav-bar-section.colored-block.operations.active {
3985 background-color: var(--nav-accent-color);
3986 color: var(--nav-accent-text-color);
3987 border-radius: 0;
3994.nav-bar-path:hover {
3995 color:var(--nav-hover-text-color);
3996 background-color:var(--nav-hover-bg-color);
3999;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/info-styles.js
4001/* harmony default export */ const info_styles = (i`
4002#api-info {
4003 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-regular) - 1px);
4004 margin-top: 8px;
4005 margin-left: -15px;
4008#api-info span:before {
4009 content: "|";
4010 display: inline-block;
4011 opacity: 0.5;
4012 width: 15px;
4013 text-align: center;
4015#api-info span:first-child:before {
4016 content: "";
4017 width: 0px;
4020;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/custom-styles.js
4024This file is reserved for any custom css that developers want to add to
4025customize their theme. Simply add your css to this file and yarn build.
4028/* harmony default export */ const custom_styles = (i`
4031;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils/common-utils.js
4032/* For Delayed Event Handler Execution */
4033function debounce(fn, delay) {
4034 let timeoutID = null;
4035 return (...args) => {
4036 clearTimeout(timeoutID);
4037 const that = this;
4038 timeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
4039 fn.apply(that, args);
4040 }, delay);
4041 };
4043const invalidCharsRegEx = /[\s#:?&={}]/g; // used for generating valid html element ids by replacing the invalid chars with hyphen (-)
4044const rapidocApiKey = '_rapidoc_api_key';
4045function sleep(ms) {
4046 // eslint-disable-next-line no-promise-executor-return
4047 return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
4049function copyToClipboard(data, e) {
4050 const btnEl = e.target;
4051 const textArea = document.createElement('textarea');
4052 textArea.value = data;
4053 textArea.style.position = 'fixed'; // avoid scrolling to bottom
4054 document.body.appendChild(textArea);
4055 textArea.focus();
4056 textArea.select();
4057 try {
4058 document.execCommand('copy');
4059 btnEl.innerText = 'Copied';
4060 setTimeout(() => {
4061 btnEl.innerText = 'Copy';
4062 }, 5000);
4063 } catch (err) {
4064 console.error('Unable to copy', err); // eslint-disable-line no-console
4065 }
4067 document.body.removeChild(textArea);
4069function getBaseUrlFromUrl(url) {
4070 const pathArray = url.split('/');
4071 return `${pathArray[0]}//${pathArray[2]}`;
4073async function wait(ms) {
4074 return new Promise(resolve => {
4075 setTimeout(resolve, ms);
4076 });
4078function componentIsInSearch(searchVal, component) {
4079 return component.name.toLowerCase().includes(searchVal.toLowerCase());
4081function pathIsInSearch(searchVal, path, matchType = 'includes') {
4082 if (matchType === 'includes') {
4083 const stringToSearch = `${path.method} ${path.path} ${path.summary || path.description || ''} ${path.operationId || ''}`.toLowerCase();
4084 return stringToSearch.includes(searchVal.toLowerCase());
4085 }
4086 const regex = new RegExp(searchVal, 'i');
4087 return regex.test(`${path.method} ${path.path}`);
4089function schemaKeys(schemaProps, result = new Set()) {
4090 if (!schemaProps) {
4091 return result;
4092 }
4093 Object.keys(schemaProps).forEach(key => {
4094 var _schemaProps$key$item;
4095 result.add(key);
4096 if (schemaProps[key].properties) {
4097 schemaKeys(schemaProps[key].properties, result);
4098 } else if ((_schemaProps$key$item = schemaProps[key].items) !== null && _schemaProps$key$item !== void 0 && _schemaProps$key$item.properties) {
4099 var _schemaProps$key$item2;
4100 schemaKeys((_schemaProps$key$item2 = schemaProps[key].items) === null || _schemaProps$key$item2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _schemaProps$key$item2.properties, result);
4101 }
4102 });
4103 return result;
4105function advancedSearch(searchVal, allSpecTags, searchOptions = []) {
4106 if (!searchVal.trim() || searchOptions.length === 0) {
4107 return;
4108 }
4109 const pathsMatched = [];
4110 allSpecTags.forEach(tag => {
4111 tag.paths.forEach(path => {
4112 let stringToSearch = '';
4113 if (searchOptions.includes('search-api-path')) {
4114 stringToSearch = path.path;
4115 }
4116 if (searchOptions.includes('search-api-descr')) {
4117 stringToSearch = `${stringToSearch} ${path.summary || path.description || ''}`;
4118 }
4119 if (searchOptions.includes('search-api-params')) {
4120 var _path$parameters;
4121 stringToSearch = `${stringToSearch} ${((_path$parameters = path.parameters) === null || _path$parameters === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$parameters.map(v => v.name).join(' ')) || ''}`;
4122 }
4123 if (searchOptions.includes('search-api-request-body') && path.requestBody) {
4124 let schemaKeySet = new Set();
4125 for (const contentType in (_path$requestBody = path.requestBody) === null || _path$requestBody === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$requestBody.content) {
4126 var _path$requestBody, _path$requestBody$con;
4127 if ((_path$requestBody$con = path.requestBody.content[contentType].schema) !== null && _path$requestBody$con !== void 0 && _path$requestBody$con.properties) {
4128 var _path$requestBody$con2;
4129 schemaKeySet = schemaKeys((_path$requestBody$con2 = path.requestBody.content[contentType].schema) === null || _path$requestBody$con2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$requestBody$con2.properties);
4130 }
4131 stringToSearch = `${stringToSearch} ${[...schemaKeySet].join(' ')}`;
4132 }
4133 }
4134 if (searchOptions.includes('search-api-resp-descr')) {
4135 stringToSearch = `${stringToSearch} ${Object.values(path.responses).map(v => v.description || '').join(' ')}`;
4136 }
4137 if (stringToSearch.toLowerCase().includes(searchVal.trim().toLowerCase())) {
4138 pathsMatched.push({
4139 elementId: path.elementId,
4140 method: path.method,
4141 path: path.path,
4142 summary: path.summary || path.description || '',
4143 deprecated: path.deprecated
4144 });
4145 }
4146 });
4147 });
4148 return pathsMatched;
4152export function prettyXml(sourceXmlString) {
4153 const xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(sourceXmlString, 'text/xml');
4154 const xsltDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString([
4155 // describes how we want to modify the XML - indent everything
4156 `<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
4157 <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
4158 <xsl:template match="para[content-style][not(text())]">
4159 <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)"/>
4160 </xsl:template>
4161 <xsl:template match="node()|@*">
4162 <xsl:copy><xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/></xsl:copy>
4163 </xsl:template>
4164 <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
4165 </xsl:stylesheet>`,
4166 ].join('\n'), 'application/xml');
4167 const xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
4168 xsltProcessor.importStylesheet(xsltDoc);
4169 const resultDoc = xsltProcessor.transformToDocument(xmlDoc);
4170 return new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(resultDoc);
4174function downloadResource(url, fileName) {
4175 if (url) {
4176 const a = document.createElement('a');
4177 document.body.appendChild(a);
4178 a.style = 'display: none';
4179 a.href = url;
4180 a.download = fileName;
4181 a.click();
4182 a.remove();
4183 }
4185function viewResource(url) {
4186 if (url) {
4187 const a = document.createElement('a');
4188 document.body.appendChild(a);
4189 a.style = 'display: none';
4190 a.href = url;
4191 a.target = '_blank';
4192 a.click();
4193 a.remove();
4194 }
4196;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@apitools/openapi-parser/dist/openapi-parser.mjs
4197function openapi_parser_t(t9) {
4198 return t9 && t9.t && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t9, "default") ? t9.default : t9;
4200function openapi_parser_r(t9) {
4201 var r2 = t9.default;
4202 if ("function" == typeof r2) {
4203 var e2 = function() {
4204 return r2.apply(this, arguments);
4205 };
4206 e2.prototype = r2.prototype;
4207 } else
4208 e2 = {};
4209 return Object.defineProperty(e2, "t", { value: true }), Object.keys(t9).forEach(function(r3) {
4210 var n2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t9, r3);
4211 Object.defineProperty(e2, r3, n2.get ? n2 : { enumerable: true, get: function() {
4212 return t9[r3];
4213 } });
4214 }), e2;
4216var openapi_parser_e = { exports: {} }, openapi_parser_n = function(t9) {
4217 return t9 && t9.Math == Math && t9;
4218}, openapi_parser_o = openapi_parser_n("object" == typeof globalThis && globalThis) || openapi_parser_n("object" == typeof window && window) || openapi_parser_n("object" == typeof self && self) || openapi_parser_n("object" == typeof openapi_parser_o && openapi_parser_o) || function() {
4219 return this;
4220}() || Function("return this")(), openapi_parser_i = function(t9) {
4221 try {
4222 return !!t9();
4223 } catch (t10) {
4224 return true;
4225 }
4226}, openapi_parser_u = !openapi_parser_i(function() {
4227 var t9 = function() {
4228 }.bind();
4229 return "function" != typeof t9 || t9.hasOwnProperty("prototype");
4230}), openapi_parser_a = openapi_parser_u, openapi_parser_f = Function.prototype, openapi_parser_c = openapi_parser_f.apply, openapi_parser_s = openapi_parser_f.call, openapi_parser_l = "object" == typeof Reflect && Reflect.apply || (openapi_parser_a ? openapi_parser_s.bind(openapi_parser_c) : function() {
4231 return openapi_parser_s.apply(openapi_parser_c, arguments);
4232}), openapi_parser_p = openapi_parser_u, openapi_parser_v = Function.prototype, openapi_parser_h = openapi_parser_v.bind, openapi_parser_d = openapi_parser_v.call, openapi_parser_y = openapi_parser_p && openapi_parser_h.bind(openapi_parser_d, openapi_parser_d), openapi_parser_b = openapi_parser_p ? function(t9) {
4233 return t9 && openapi_parser_y(t9);
4234} : function(t9) {
4235 return t9 && function() {
4236 return openapi_parser_d.apply(t9, arguments);
4237 };
4238}, openapi_parser_m = function(t9) {
4239 return "function" == typeof t9;
4240}, openapi_parser_g = {}, openapi_parser_w = !openapi_parser_i(function() {
4241 return 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function() {
4242 return 7;
4243 } })[1];
4244}), j = openapi_parser_u, O = Function.prototype.call, openapi_parser_A = j ? O.bind(O) : function() {
4245 return O.apply(O, arguments);
4246}, openapi_parser_S = {}, openapi_parser_x = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, openapi_parser_E = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, openapi_parser_P = openapi_parser_E && !openapi_parser_x.call({ 1: 2 }, 1);
4247openapi_parser_S.f = openapi_parser_P ? function(t9) {
4248 var r2 = openapi_parser_E(this, t9);
4249 return !!r2 && r2.enumerable;
4250} : openapi_parser_x;
4251var openapi_parser_k, openapi_parser_, openapi_parser_I = function(t9, r2) {
4252 return { enumerable: !(1 & t9), configurable: !(2 & t9), writable: !(4 & t9), value: r2 };
4253}, openapi_parser_T = openapi_parser_b, openapi_parser_R = openapi_parser_T({}.toString), F = openapi_parser_T("".slice), openapi_parser_N = function(t9) {
4254 return F(openapi_parser_R(t9), 8, -1);
4255}, openapi_parser_M = openapi_parser_b, D = openapi_parser_i, U = openapi_parser_N, openapi_parser_L = openapi_parser_o.Object, openapi_parser_C = openapi_parser_M("".split), openapi_parser_$ = D(function() {
4256 return !openapi_parser_L("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0);
4257}) ? function(t9) {
4258 return "String" == U(t9) ? openapi_parser_C(t9, "") : openapi_parser_L(t9);
4259} : openapi_parser_L, B = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, q = function(t9) {
4260 if (null == t9)
4261 throw B("Can't call method on " + t9);
4262 return t9;
4263}, G = openapi_parser_$, W = q, openapi_parser_z = function(t9) {
4264 return G(W(t9));
4265}, J = openapi_parser_m, openapi_parser_H = function(t9) {
4266 return "object" == typeof t9 ? null !== t9 : J(t9);
4267}, openapi_parser_V = {}, Y = openapi_parser_V, Q = openapi_parser_o, K = openapi_parser_m, X = function(t9) {
4268 return K(t9) ? t9 : void 0;
4269}, openapi_parser_Z = function(t9, r2) {
4270 return arguments.length < 2 ? X(Y[t9]) || X(Q[t9]) : Y[t9] && Y[t9][r2] || Q[t9] && Q[t9][r2];
4271}, tt = openapi_parser_b({}.isPrototypeOf), rt = openapi_parser_Z("navigator", "userAgent") || "", et = openapi_parser_o, nt = rt, ot = et.process, it = et.Deno, ut = ot && ot.versions || it && it.version, at = ut && ut.v8;
4272at && (openapi_parser_ = (openapi_parser_k = at.split("."))[0] > 0 && openapi_parser_k[0] < 4 ? 1 : +(openapi_parser_k[0] + openapi_parser_k[1])), !openapi_parser_ && nt && (!(openapi_parser_k = nt.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/)) || openapi_parser_k[1] >= 74) && (openapi_parser_k = nt.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/)) && (openapi_parser_ = +openapi_parser_k[1]);
4273var ft = openapi_parser_, ct = ft, st = openapi_parser_i, lt = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !st(function() {
4274 var t9 = Symbol();
4275 return !String(t9) || !(Object(t9) instanceof Symbol) || !Symbol.sham && ct && ct < 41;
4276}), pt = lt && !Symbol.sham && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator, vt = openapi_parser_Z, ht = openapi_parser_m, dt = tt, yt = pt, bt = openapi_parser_o.Object, mt = yt ? function(t9) {
4277 return "symbol" == typeof t9;
4278} : function(t9) {
4279 var r2 = vt("Symbol");
4280 return ht(r2) && dt(r2.prototype, bt(t9));
4281}, gt = openapi_parser_o.String, wt = function(t9) {
4282 try {
4283 return gt(t9);
4284 } catch (t10) {
4285 return "Object";
4286 }
4287}, jt = openapi_parser_m, Ot = wt, At = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, St = function(t9) {
4288 if (jt(t9))
4289 return t9;
4290 throw At(Ot(t9) + " is not a function");
4291}, xt = St, Et = function(t9, r2) {
4292 var e2 = t9[r2];
4293 return null == e2 ? void 0 : xt(e2);
4294}, Pt = openapi_parser_A, kt = openapi_parser_m, _t = openapi_parser_H, It = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, Tt = { exports: {} }, Rt = openapi_parser_o, Ft = Object.defineProperty, Nt = function(t9, r2) {
4295 try {
4296 Ft(Rt, t9, { value: r2, configurable: true, writable: true });
4297 } catch (e2) {
4298 Rt[t9] = r2;
4299 }
4300 return r2;
4301}, Mt = openapi_parser_o["i"] || Nt("__core-js_shared__", {}), Dt = Mt;
4302(Tt.exports = function(t9, r2) {
4303 return Dt[t9] || (Dt[t9] = void 0 !== r2 ? r2 : {});
4304})("versions", []).push({ version: "3.21.1", mode: "pure", copyright: "\xA9 2014-2022 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)", license: "https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.21.1/LICENSE", source: "https://github.com/zloirock/core-js" });
4305var Ut = q, Lt = openapi_parser_o.Object, Ct = function(t9) {
4306 return Lt(Ut(t9));
4307}, $t = Ct, Bt = openapi_parser_b({}.hasOwnProperty), qt = Object.hasOwn || function(t9, r2) {
4308 return Bt($t(t9), r2);
4309}, Gt = openapi_parser_b, Wt = 0, zt = Math.random(), Jt = Gt(1 .toString), Ht = function(t9) {
4310 return "Symbol(" + (void 0 === t9 ? "" : t9) + ")_" + Jt(++Wt + zt, 36);
4311}, Vt = openapi_parser_o, Yt = Tt.exports, Qt = qt, Kt = Ht, Xt = lt, Zt = pt, tr = Yt("wks"), rr = Vt.Symbol, er = rr && rr.for, nr = Zt ? rr : rr && rr.withoutSetter || Kt, or = function(t9) {
4312 if (!Qt(tr, t9) || !Xt && "string" != typeof tr[t9]) {
4313 var r2 = "Symbol." + t9;
4314 Xt && Qt(rr, t9) ? tr[t9] = rr[t9] : tr[t9] = Zt && er ? er(r2) : nr(r2);
4315 }
4316 return tr[t9];
4317}, ir = openapi_parser_A, ur = openapi_parser_H, ar = mt, fr = Et, cr = function(t9, r2) {
4318 var e2, n2;
4319 if ("string" === r2 && kt(e2 = t9.toString) && !_t(n2 = Pt(e2, t9)))
4320 return n2;
4321 if (kt(e2 = t9.valueOf) && !_t(n2 = Pt(e2, t9)))
4322 return n2;
4323 if ("string" !== r2 && kt(e2 = t9.toString) && !_t(n2 = Pt(e2, t9)))
4324 return n2;
4325 throw It("Can't convert object to primitive value");
4326}, sr = or, lr = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, pr = sr("toPrimitive"), vr = function(t9, r2) {
4327 if (!ur(t9) || ar(t9))
4328 return t9;
4329 var e2, n2 = fr(t9, pr);
4330 if (n2) {
4331 if (void 0 === r2 && (r2 = "default"), e2 = ir(n2, t9, r2), !ur(e2) || ar(e2))
4332 return e2;
4333 throw lr("Can't convert object to primitive value");
4334 }
4335 return void 0 === r2 && (r2 = "number"), cr(t9, r2);
4336}, hr = mt, dr = function(t9) {
4337 var r2 = vr(t9, "string");
4338 return hr(r2) ? r2 : r2 + "";
4339}, yr = openapi_parser_H, br = openapi_parser_o.document, mr = yr(br) && yr(br.createElement), gr = function(t9) {
4340 return mr ? br.createElement(t9) : {};
4341}, wr = gr, jr = !openapi_parser_w && !openapi_parser_i(function() {
4342 return 7 != Object.defineProperty(wr("div"), "a", { get: function() {
4343 return 7;
4344 } }).a;
4345}), Or = openapi_parser_w, Ar = openapi_parser_A, Sr = openapi_parser_S, xr = openapi_parser_I, Er = openapi_parser_z, Pr = dr, kr = qt, _r = jr, Ir = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4346openapi_parser_g.f = Or ? Ir : function(t9, r2) {
4347 if (t9 = Er(t9), r2 = Pr(r2), _r)
4348 try {
4349 return Ir(t9, r2);
4350 } catch (t10) {
4351 }
4352 if (kr(t9, r2))
4353 return xr(!Ar(Sr.f, t9, r2), t9[r2]);
4355var Tr = openapi_parser_i, Rr = openapi_parser_m, Fr = /#|\.prototype\./, Nr = function(t9, r2) {
4356 var e2 = Dr[Mr(t9)];
4357 return e2 == Lr || e2 != Ur && (Rr(r2) ? Tr(r2) : !!r2);
4358}, Mr = Nr.normalize = function(t9) {
4359 return String(t9).replace(Fr, ".").toLowerCase();
4360}, Dr = Nr.data = {}, Ur = Nr.NATIVE = "N", Lr = Nr.POLYFILL = "P", Cr = Nr, $r = St, Br = openapi_parser_u, qr = openapi_parser_b(openapi_parser_b.bind), Gr = function(t9, r2) {
4361 return $r(t9), void 0 === r2 ? t9 : Br ? qr(t9, r2) : function() {
4362 return t9.apply(r2, arguments);
4363 };
4364}, Wr = {}, zr = openapi_parser_w && openapi_parser_i(function() {
4365 return 42 != Object.defineProperty(function() {
4366 }, "prototype", { value: 42, writable: false }).prototype;
4367}), Jr = openapi_parser_o, Hr = openapi_parser_H, Vr = Jr.String, Yr = Jr.TypeError, Qr = function(t9) {
4368 if (Hr(t9))
4369 return t9;
4370 throw Yr(Vr(t9) + " is not an object");
4371}, Kr = openapi_parser_w, Xr = jr, Zr = zr, te = Qr, re = dr, ee = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, ne = Object.defineProperty, oe = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
4372Wr.f = Kr ? Zr ? function(t9, r2, e2) {
4373 if (te(t9), r2 = re(r2), te(e2), "function" == typeof t9 && "prototype" === r2 && "value" in e2 && "writable" in e2 && !e2.writable) {
4374 var n2 = oe(t9, r2);
4375 n2 && n2.writable && (t9[r2] = e2.value, e2 = { configurable: "configurable" in e2 ? e2.configurable : n2.configurable, enumerable: "enumerable" in e2 ? e2.enumerable : n2.enumerable, writable: false });
4376 }
4377 return ne(t9, r2, e2);
4378} : ne : function(t9, r2, e2) {
4379 if (te(t9), r2 = re(r2), te(e2), Xr)
4380 try {
4381 return ne(t9, r2, e2);
4382 } catch (t10) {
4383 }
4384 if ("get" in e2 || "set" in e2)
4385 throw ee("Accessors not supported");
4386 return "value" in e2 && (t9[r2] = e2.value), t9;
4388var ie = Wr, ue = openapi_parser_I, ae = openapi_parser_w ? function(t9, r2, e2) {
4389 return ie.f(t9, r2, ue(1, e2));
4390} : function(t9, r2, e2) {
4391 return t9[r2] = e2, t9;
4392}, fe = openapi_parser_o, ce = openapi_parser_l, se = openapi_parser_b, le = openapi_parser_m, pe = openapi_parser_g.f, ve = Cr, he = openapi_parser_V, de = Gr, ye = ae, be = qt, me = function(t9) {
4393 var r2 = function(e2, n2, o2) {
4394 if (this instanceof r2) {
4395 switch (arguments.length) {
4396 case 0:
4397 return new t9();
4398 case 1:
4399 return new t9(e2);
4400 case 2:
4401 return new t9(e2, n2);
4402 }
4403 return new t9(e2, n2, o2);
4404 }
4405 return ce(t9, this, arguments);
4406 };
4407 return r2.prototype = t9.prototype, r2;
4408}, ge = function(t9, r2) {
4409 var e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2, c2, s2 = t9.target, l2 = t9.global, p2 = t9.stat, v2 = t9.proto, h2 = l2 ? fe : p2 ? fe[s2] : (fe[s2] || {}).prototype, d2 = l2 ? he : he[s2] || ye(he, s2, {})[s2], y2 = d2.prototype;
4410 for (o2 in r2)
4411 e2 = !ve(l2 ? o2 : s2 + (p2 ? "." : "#") + o2, t9.forced) && h2 && be(h2, o2), u2 = d2[o2], e2 && (a2 = t9.noTargetGet ? (c2 = pe(h2, o2)) && c2.value : h2[o2]), i2 = e2 && a2 ? a2 : r2[o2], e2 && typeof u2 == typeof i2 || (f2 = t9.bind && e2 ? de(i2, fe) : t9.wrap && e2 ? me(i2) : v2 && le(i2) ? se(i2) : i2, (t9.sham || i2 && i2.sham || u2 && u2.sham) && ye(f2, "sham", true), ye(d2, o2, f2), v2 && (be(he, n2 = s2 + "Prototype") || ye(he, n2, {}), ye(he[n2], o2, i2), t9.real && y2 && !y2[o2] && ye(y2, o2, i2)));
4412}, we = Math.ceil, je = Math.floor, Oe = function(t9) {
4413 var r2 = +t9;
4414 return r2 != r2 || 0 === r2 ? 0 : (r2 > 0 ? je : we)(r2);
4415}, Ae = Oe, Se = Math.max, xe = Math.min, Ee = function(t9, r2) {
4416 var e2 = Ae(t9);
4417 return e2 < 0 ? Se(e2 + r2, 0) : xe(e2, r2);
4418}, Pe = Oe, ke = Math.min, _e = function(t9) {
4419 return t9 > 0 ? ke(Pe(t9), 9007199254740991) : 0;
4420}, Ie = _e, Te = function(t9) {
4421 return Ie(t9.length);
4422}, Re = openapi_parser_z, Fe = Ee, Ne = Te, Me = function(t9) {
4423 return function(r2, e2, n2) {
4424 var o2, i2 = Re(r2), u2 = Ne(i2), a2 = Fe(n2, u2);
4425 if (t9 && e2 != e2) {
4426 for (; u2 > a2; )
4427 if ((o2 = i2[a2++]) != o2)
4428 return true;
4429 } else
4430 for (; u2 > a2; a2++)
4431 if ((t9 || a2 in i2) && i2[a2] === e2)
4432 return t9 || a2 || 0;
4433 return !t9 && -1;
4434 };
4435}, De = { includes: Me(true), indexOf: Me(false) }, Ue = {}, Le = qt, Ce = openapi_parser_z, $e = De.indexOf, Be = Ue, qe = openapi_parser_b([].push), Ge = function(t9, r2) {
4436 var e2, n2 = Ce(t9), o2 = 0, i2 = [];
4437 for (e2 in n2)
4438 !Le(Be, e2) && Le(n2, e2) && qe(i2, e2);
4439 for (; r2.length > o2; )
4440 Le(n2, e2 = r2[o2++]) && (~$e(i2, e2) || qe(i2, e2));
4441 return i2;
4442}, We = ["constructor", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "toLocaleString", "toString", "valueOf"], ze = Ge, Je = We, He = Object.keys || function(t9) {
4443 return ze(t9, Je);
4444}, Ve = Ct, Ye = He;
4445ge({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: openapi_parser_i(function() {
4446 Ye(1);
4447}) }, { keys: function(t9) {
4448 return Ye(Ve(t9));
4449} });
4450var Qe = openapi_parser_V.Object.keys;
4451const Ke = openapi_parser_t(openapi_parser_e.exports = Qe);
4452var Xe = { exports: {} }, Ze = openapi_parser_N, tn = Array.isArray || function(t9) {
4453 return "Array" == Ze(t9);
4454}, rn = {};
4455rn[or("toStringTag")] = "z";
4456var en = "[object z]" === String(rn), nn = openapi_parser_o, on = en, un = openapi_parser_m, an = openapi_parser_N, fn = or("toStringTag"), cn = nn.Object, sn = "Arguments" == an(function() {
4457 return arguments;
4458}()), ln = on ? an : function(t9) {
4459 var r2, e2, n2;
4460 return void 0 === t9 ? "Undefined" : null === t9 ? "Null" : "string" == typeof (e2 = function(t10, r3) {
4461 try {
4462 return t10[r3];
4463 } catch (t11) {
4464 }
4465 }(r2 = cn(t9), fn)) ? e2 : sn ? an(r2) : "Object" == (n2 = an(r2)) && un(r2.callee) ? "Arguments" : n2;
4466}, pn = ln, vn = openapi_parser_o.String, hn = function(t9) {
4467 if ("Symbol" === pn(t9))
4468 throw TypeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string");
4469 return vn(t9);
4470}, dn = {}, yn = openapi_parser_w, bn = zr, mn = Wr, gn = Qr, wn = openapi_parser_z, jn = He;
4471dn.f = yn && !bn ? Object.defineProperties : function(t9, r2) {
4472 gn(t9);
4473 for (var e2, n2 = wn(r2), o2 = jn(r2), i2 = o2.length, u2 = 0; i2 > u2; )
4474 mn.f(t9, e2 = o2[u2++], n2[e2]);
4475 return t9;
4477var On, An = openapi_parser_Z("document", "documentElement"), Sn = Tt.exports, xn = Ht, En = Sn("keys"), Pn = function(t9) {
4478 return En[t9] || (En[t9] = xn(t9));
4479}, kn = Qr, _n = dn, In = We, Tn = Ue, Rn = An, Fn = gr, Nn = Pn("IE_PROTO"), Mn = function() {
4480}, Dn = function(t9) {
4481 return "<script>" + t9 + "<\/script>";
4482}, Un = function(t9) {
4483 t9.write(Dn("")), t9.close();
4484 var r2 = t9.parentWindow.Object;
4485 return t9 = null, r2;
4486}, Ln = function() {
4487 try {
4488 On = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
4489 } catch (t10) {
4490 }
4491 var t9, r2;
4492 Ln = "undefined" != typeof document ? document.domain && On ? Un(On) : ((r2 = Fn("iframe")).style.display = "none", Rn.appendChild(r2), r2.src = String("javascript:"), (t9 = r2.contentWindow.document).open(), t9.write(Dn("document.F=Object")), t9.close(), t9.F) : Un(On);
4493 for (var e2 = In.length; e2--; )
4494 delete Ln.prototype[In[e2]];
4495 return Ln();
4497Tn[Nn] = true;
4498var Cn = Object.create || function(t9, r2) {
4499 var e2;
4500 return null !== t9 ? (Mn.prototype = kn(t9), e2 = new Mn(), Mn.prototype = null, e2[Nn] = t9) : e2 = Ln(), void 0 === r2 ? e2 : _n.f(e2, r2);
4501}, $n = {}, Bn = Ge, qn = We.concat("length", "prototype");
4502$n.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function(t9) {
4503 return Bn(t9, qn);
4505var Gn = {}, Wn = dr, zn = Wr, Jn = openapi_parser_I, Hn = function(t9, r2, e2) {
4506 var n2 = Wn(r2);
4507 n2 in t9 ? zn.f(t9, n2, Jn(0, e2)) : t9[n2] = e2;
4508}, Vn = Ee, Yn = Te, Qn = Hn, Kn = openapi_parser_o.Array, Xn = Math.max, Zn = function(t9, r2, e2) {
4509 for (var n2 = Yn(t9), o2 = Vn(r2, n2), i2 = Vn(void 0 === e2 ? n2 : e2, n2), u2 = Kn(Xn(i2 - o2, 0)), a2 = 0; o2 < i2; o2++, a2++)
4510 Qn(u2, a2, t9[o2]);
4511 return u2.length = a2, u2;
4512}, to = openapi_parser_N, ro = openapi_parser_z, eo = $n.f, no = Zn, oo = "object" == typeof window && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];
4513Gn.f = function(t9) {
4514 return oo && "Window" == to(t9) ? function(t10) {
4515 try {
4516 return eo(t10);
4517 } catch (t11) {
4518 return no(oo);
4519 }
4520 }(t9) : eo(ro(t9));
4522var io = {};
4523io.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
4524var uo = openapi_parser_b([].slice), ao = ae, fo = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
4525 n2 && n2.enumerable ? t9[r2] = e2 : ao(t9, r2, e2);
4526}, co = {}, so = or;
4527co.f = so;
4528var lo = openapi_parser_V, po = qt, vo = co, ho = Wr.f, yo = function(t9) {
4529 var r2 = lo.Symbol || (lo.Symbol = {});
4530 po(r2, t9) || ho(r2, t9, { value: vo.f(t9) });
4531}, bo = ln, mo = en ? {}.toString : function() {
4532 return "[object " + bo(this) + "]";
4533}, go = en, wo = Wr.f, jo = ae, Oo = qt, Ao = mo, So = or("toStringTag"), xo = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
4534 if (t9) {
4535 var o2 = e2 ? t9 : t9.prototype;
4536 Oo(o2, So) || wo(o2, So, { configurable: true, value: r2 }), n2 && !go && jo(o2, "toString", Ao);
4537 }
4538}, Eo = openapi_parser_m, Po = Mt, ko = openapi_parser_b(Function.toString);
4539Eo(Po.inspectSource) || (Po.inspectSource = function(t9) {
4540 return ko(t9);
4542var _o, Io, To, Ro = Po.inspectSource, Fo = openapi_parser_m, No = Ro, Mo = openapi_parser_o.WeakMap, Do = Fo(Mo) && /native code/.test(No(Mo)), Uo = Do, Lo = openapi_parser_o, Co = openapi_parser_b, $o = openapi_parser_H, Bo = ae, qo = qt, Go = Mt, Wo = Pn, zo = Ue, Jo = Lo.TypeError, Ho = Lo.WeakMap;
4543if (Uo || Go.state) {
4544 var Vo = Go.state || (Go.state = new Ho()), Yo = Co(Vo.get), Qo = Co(Vo.has), Ko = Co(Vo.set);
4545 _o = function(t9, r2) {
4546 if (Qo(Vo, t9))
4547 throw new Jo("Object already initialized");
4548 return r2.facade = t9, Ko(Vo, t9, r2), r2;
4549 }, Io = function(t9) {
4550 return Yo(Vo, t9) || {};
4551 }, To = function(t9) {
4552 return Qo(Vo, t9);
4553 };
4554} else {
4555 var Xo = Wo("state");
4556 zo[Xo] = true, _o = function(t9, r2) {
4557 if (qo(t9, Xo))
4558 throw new Jo("Object already initialized");
4559 return r2.facade = t9, Bo(t9, Xo, r2), r2;
4560 }, Io = function(t9) {
4561 return qo(t9, Xo) ? t9[Xo] : {};
4562 }, To = function(t9) {
4563 return qo(t9, Xo);
4564 };
4566var Zo = { set: _o, get: Io, has: To, enforce: function(t9) {
4567 return To(t9) ? Io(t9) : _o(t9, {});
4568}, getterFor: function(t9) {
4569 return function(r2) {
4570 var e2;
4571 if (!$o(r2) || (e2 = Io(r2)).type !== t9)
4572 throw Jo("Incompatible receiver, " + t9 + " required");
4573 return e2;
4574 };
4575} }, ti = openapi_parser_b, ri = openapi_parser_i, ei = openapi_parser_m, ni = ln, oi = Ro, ii = function() {
4576}, ui = [], ai = openapi_parser_Z("Reflect", "construct"), fi = /^\s*(?:class|function)\b/, ci = ti(fi.exec), si = !fi.exec(ii), li = function(t9) {
4577 if (!ei(t9))
4578 return false;
4579 try {
4580 return ai(ii, ui, t9), true;
4581 } catch (t10) {
4582 return false;
4583 }
4584}, pi = function(t9) {
4585 if (!ei(t9))
4586 return false;
4587 switch (ni(t9)) {
4588 case "AsyncFunction":
4589 case "GeneratorFunction":
4590 case "AsyncGeneratorFunction":
4591 return false;
4592 }
4593 try {
4594 return si || !!ci(fi, oi(t9));
4595 } catch (t10) {
4596 return true;
4597 }
4599pi.sham = true;
4600var vi = !ai || ri(function() {
4601 var t9;
4602 return li(li.call) || !li(Object) || !li(function() {
4603 t9 = true;
4604 }) || t9;
4605}) ? pi : li, hi = openapi_parser_o, di = tn, yi = vi, bi = openapi_parser_H, mi = or("species"), gi = hi.Array, wi = function(t9) {
4606 var r2;
4607 return di(t9) && (r2 = t9.constructor, (yi(r2) && (r2 === gi || di(r2.prototype)) || bi(r2) && null === (r2 = r2[mi])) && (r2 = void 0)), void 0 === r2 ? gi : r2;
4608}, ji = function(t9, r2) {
4609 return new (wi(t9))(0 === r2 ? 0 : r2);
4610}, Oi = Gr, Ai = openapi_parser_$, Si = Ct, xi = Te, Ei = ji, Pi = openapi_parser_b([].push), ki = function(t9) {
4611 var r2 = 1 == t9, e2 = 2 == t9, n2 = 3 == t9, o2 = 4 == t9, i2 = 6 == t9, u2 = 7 == t9, a2 = 5 == t9 || i2;
4612 return function(f2, c2, s2, l2) {
4613 for (var p2, v2, h2 = Si(f2), d2 = Ai(h2), y2 = Oi(c2, s2), b2 = xi(d2), m2 = 0, g2 = l2 || Ei, w2 = r2 ? g2(f2, b2) : e2 || u2 ? g2(f2, 0) : void 0; b2 > m2; m2++)
4614 if ((a2 || m2 in d2) && (v2 = y2(p2 = d2[m2], m2, h2), t9))
4615 if (r2)
4616 w2[m2] = v2;
4617 else if (v2)
4618 switch (t9) {
4619 case 3:
4620 return true;
4621 case 5:
4622 return p2;
4623 case 6:
4624 return m2;
4625 case 2:
4626 Pi(w2, p2);
4627 }
4628 else
4629 switch (t9) {
4630 case 4:
4631 return false;
4632 case 7:
4633 Pi(w2, p2);
4634 }
4635 return i2 ? -1 : n2 || o2 ? o2 : w2;
4636 };
4637}, _i = { forEach: ki(0), map: ki(1), filter: ki(2), some: ki(3), every: ki(4), find: ki(5), findIndex: ki(6), filterReject: ki(7) }, Ii = ge, Ti = openapi_parser_o, Ri = openapi_parser_Z, Fi = openapi_parser_l, Ni = openapi_parser_A, Mi = openapi_parser_b, Di = openapi_parser_w, Ui = lt, Li = openapi_parser_i, Ci = qt, $i = tn, Bi = openapi_parser_m, qi = openapi_parser_H, Gi = tt, Wi = mt, zi = Qr, Ji = Ct, Hi = openapi_parser_z, Vi = dr, Yi = hn, Qi = openapi_parser_I, Ki = Cn, Xi = He, Zi = $n, tu = Gn, ru = io, eu = openapi_parser_g, nu = Wr, ou = dn, iu = openapi_parser_S, uu = uo, au = fo, fu = Tt.exports, cu = Ue, su = Ht, lu = or, pu = co, vu = yo, hu = xo, du = Zo, yu = _i.forEach, bu = Pn("hidden"), mu = lu("toPrimitive"), gu = du.set, wu = du.getterFor("Symbol"), ju = Object.prototype, Ou = Ti.Symbol, Au = Ou && Ou.prototype, Su = Ti.TypeError, xu = Ti.QObject, Eu = Ri("JSON", "stringify"), Pu = eu.f, ku = nu.f, _u = tu.f, Iu = iu.f, Tu = Mi([].push), Ru = fu("symbols"), Fu = fu("op-symbols"), Nu = fu("string-to-symbol-registry"), Mu = fu("symbol-to-string-registry"), Du = fu("wks"), Uu = !xu || !xu.prototype || !xu.prototype.findChild, Lu = Di && Li(function() {
4638 return 7 != Ki(ku({}, "a", { get: function() {
4639 return ku(this, "a", { value: 7 }).a;
4640 } })).a;
4641}) ? function(t9, r2, e2) {
4642 var n2 = Pu(ju, r2);
4643 n2 && delete ju[r2], ku(t9, r2, e2), n2 && t9 !== ju && ku(ju, r2, n2);
4644} : ku, Cu = function(t9, r2) {
4645 var e2 = Ru[t9] = Ki(Au);
4646 return gu(e2, { type: "Symbol", tag: t9, description: r2 }), Di || (e2.description = r2), e2;
4647}, $u = function(t9, r2, e2) {
4648 t9 === ju && $u(Fu, r2, e2), zi(t9);
4649 var n2 = Vi(r2);
4650 return zi(e2), Ci(Ru, n2) ? (e2.enumerable ? (Ci(t9, bu) && t9[bu][n2] && (t9[bu][n2] = false), e2 = Ki(e2, { enumerable: Qi(0, false) })) : (Ci(t9, bu) || ku(t9, bu, Qi(1, {})), t9[bu][n2] = true), Lu(t9, n2, e2)) : ku(t9, n2, e2);
4651}, Bu = function(t9, r2) {
4652 zi(t9);
4653 var e2 = Hi(r2), n2 = Xi(e2).concat(zu(e2));
4654 return yu(n2, function(r3) {
4655 Di && !Ni(qu, e2, r3) || $u(t9, r3, e2[r3]);
4656 }), t9;
4657}, qu = function(t9) {
4658 var r2 = Vi(t9), e2 = Ni(Iu, this, r2);
4659 return !(this === ju && Ci(Ru, r2) && !Ci(Fu, r2)) && (!(e2 || !Ci(this, r2) || !Ci(Ru, r2) || Ci(this, bu) && this[bu][r2]) || e2);
4660}, Gu = function(t9, r2) {
4661 var e2 = Hi(t9), n2 = Vi(r2);
4662 if (e2 !== ju || !Ci(Ru, n2) || Ci(Fu, n2)) {
4663 var o2 = Pu(e2, n2);
4664 return !o2 || !Ci(Ru, n2) || Ci(e2, bu) && e2[bu][n2] || (o2.enumerable = true), o2;
4665 }
4666}, Wu = function(t9) {
4667 var r2 = _u(Hi(t9)), e2 = [];
4668 return yu(r2, function(t10) {
4669 Ci(Ru, t10) || Ci(cu, t10) || Tu(e2, t10);
4670 }), e2;
4671}, zu = function(t9) {
4672 var r2 = t9 === ju, e2 = _u(r2 ? Fu : Hi(t9)), n2 = [];
4673 return yu(e2, function(t10) {
4674 !Ci(Ru, t10) || r2 && !Ci(ju, t10) || Tu(n2, Ru[t10]);
4675 }), n2;
4677if (Ui || (au(Au = (Ou = function() {
4678 if (Gi(Au, this))
4679 throw Su("Symbol is not a constructor");
4680 var t9 = arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? Yi(arguments[0]) : void 0, r2 = su(t9), e2 = function(t10) {
4681 this === ju && Ni(e2, Fu, t10), Ci(this, bu) && Ci(this[bu], r2) && (this[bu][r2] = false), Lu(this, r2, Qi(1, t10));
4682 };
4683 return Di && Uu && Lu(ju, r2, { configurable: true, set: e2 }), Cu(r2, t9);
4684}).prototype, "toString", function() {
4685 return wu(this).tag;
4686}), au(Ou, "withoutSetter", function(t9) {
4687 return Cu(su(t9), t9);
4688}), iu.f = qu, nu.f = $u, ou.f = Bu, eu.f = Gu, Zi.f = tu.f = Wu, ru.f = zu, pu.f = function(t9) {
4689 return Cu(lu(t9), t9);
4690}, Di && ku(Au, "description", { configurable: true, get: function() {
4691 return wu(this).description;
4692} })), Ii({ global: true, wrap: true, forced: !Ui, sham: !Ui }, { Symbol: Ou }), yu(Xi(Du), function(t9) {
4693 vu(t9);
4694}), Ii({ target: "Symbol", stat: true, forced: !Ui }, { for: function(t9) {
4695 var r2 = Yi(t9);
4696 if (Ci(Nu, r2))
4697 return Nu[r2];
4698 var e2 = Ou(r2);
4699 return Nu[r2] = e2, Mu[e2] = r2, e2;
4700}, keyFor: function(t9) {
4701 if (!Wi(t9))
4702 throw Su(t9 + " is not a symbol");
4703 if (Ci(Mu, t9))
4704 return Mu[t9];
4705}, useSetter: function() {
4706 Uu = true;
4707}, useSimple: function() {
4708 Uu = false;
4709} }), Ii({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: !Ui, sham: !Di }, { create: function(t9, r2) {
4710 return void 0 === r2 ? Ki(t9) : Bu(Ki(t9), r2);
4711}, defineProperty: $u, defineProperties: Bu, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: Gu }), Ii({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: !Ui }, { getOwnPropertyNames: Wu, getOwnPropertySymbols: zu }), Ii({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: Li(function() {
4712 ru.f(1);
4713}) }, { getOwnPropertySymbols: function(t9) {
4714 return ru.f(Ji(t9));
4715} }), Eu) {
4716 var Ju = !Ui || Li(function() {
4717 var t9 = Ou();
4718 return "[null]" != Eu([t9]) || "{}" != Eu({ a: t9 }) || "{}" != Eu(Object(t9));
4719 });
4720 Ii({ target: "JSON", stat: true, forced: Ju }, { stringify: function(t9, r2, e2) {
4721 var n2 = uu(arguments), o2 = r2;
4722 if ((qi(r2) || void 0 !== t9) && !Wi(t9))
4723 return $i(r2) || (r2 = function(t10, r3) {
4724 if (Bi(o2) && (r3 = Ni(o2, this, t10, r3)), !Wi(r3))
4725 return r3;
4726 }), n2[1] = r2, Fi(Eu, null, n2);
4727 } });
4729if (!Au[mu]) {
4730 var Hu = Au.valueOf;
4731 au(Au, mu, function(t9) {
4732 return Ni(Hu, this);
4733 });
4735hu(Ou, "Symbol"), cu[bu] = true;
4736var Vu = openapi_parser_V.Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
4737const Yu = openapi_parser_t(Xe.exports = Vu);
4738var Qu = { exports: {} }, Ku = openapi_parser_i, Xu = ft, Zu = or("species"), ta = function(t9) {
4739 return Xu >= 51 || !Ku(function() {
4740 var r2 = [];
4741 return (r2.constructor = {})[Zu] = function() {
4742 return { foo: 1 };
4743 }, 1 !== r2[t9](Boolean).foo;
4744 });
4745}, ra = _i.filter;
4746ge({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !ta("filter") }, { filter: function(t9) {
4747 return ra(this, t9, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
4748} });
4749var ea = openapi_parser_V, na = function(t9) {
4750 return ea[t9 + "Prototype"];
4751}, oa = na("Array").filter, ia = tt, ua = oa, aa = Array.prototype, fa = function(t9) {
4752 var r2 = t9.filter;
4753 return t9 === aa || ia(aa, t9) && r2 === aa.filter ? ua : r2;
4755const ca = openapi_parser_t(Qu.exports = fa);
4756var sa = { exports: {} }, la = { exports: {} }, pa = ge, va = openapi_parser_i, ha = openapi_parser_z, da = openapi_parser_g.f, ya = openapi_parser_w, ba = va(function() {
4757 da(1);
4759pa({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: !ya || ba, sham: !ya }, { getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function(t9, r2) {
4760 return da(ha(t9), r2);
4761} });
4762var ma = openapi_parser_V.Object, ga = la.exports = function(t9, r2) {
4763 return ma.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t9, r2);
4765ma.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.sham && (ga.sham = true);
4766var wa = la.exports;
4767const ja = openapi_parser_t(sa.exports = wa);
4768var Oa, Aa, Sa, xa = { exports: {} }, Ea = {}, Pa = openapi_parser_w, ka = qt, _a = Function.prototype, Ia = Pa && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Ta = ka(_a, "name"), Ra = { EXISTS: Ta, PROPER: Ta && "something" === function() {
4769}.name, CONFIGURABLE: Ta && (!Pa || Pa && Ia(_a, "name").configurable) }, Fa = !openapi_parser_i(function() {
4770 function t9() {
4771 }
4772 return t9.prototype.constructor = null, Object.getPrototypeOf(new t9()) !== t9.prototype;
4773}), Na = openapi_parser_o, Ma = qt, Da = openapi_parser_m, Ua = Ct, La = Fa, Ca = Pn("IE_PROTO"), $a = Na.Object, Ba = $a.prototype, qa = La ? $a.getPrototypeOf : function(t9) {
4774 var r2 = Ua(t9);
4775 if (Ma(r2, Ca))
4776 return r2[Ca];
4777 var e2 = r2.constructor;
4778 return Da(e2) && r2 instanceof e2 ? e2.prototype : r2 instanceof $a ? Ba : null;
4779}, Ga = openapi_parser_i, Wa = openapi_parser_m, za = Cn, Ja = qa, Ha = fo, Va = or("iterator"), Ya = false;
4780[].keys && ("next" in (Sa = [].keys()) ? (Aa = Ja(Ja(Sa))) !== Object.prototype && (Oa = Aa) : Ya = true);
4781var Qa = null == Oa || Ga(function() {
4782 var t9 = {};
4783 return Oa[Va].call(t9) !== t9;
4785Wa((Oa = Qa ? {} : za(Oa))[Va]) || Ha(Oa, Va, function() {
4786 return this;
4788var Ka = { IteratorPrototype: Oa, BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS: Ya }, Xa = Ka.IteratorPrototype, Za = Cn, tf = openapi_parser_I, rf = xo, ef = Ea, nf = function() {
4789 return this;
4790}, of = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
4791 var o2 = r2 + " Iterator";
4792 return t9.prototype = Za(Xa, { next: tf(+!n2, e2) }), rf(t9, o2, false, true), ef[o2] = nf, t9;
4793}, uf = openapi_parser_o, af = openapi_parser_m, ff = uf.String, cf = uf.TypeError, sf = openapi_parser_b, lf = Qr, pf = function(t9) {
4794 if ("object" == typeof t9 || af(t9))
4795 return t9;
4796 throw cf("Can't set " + ff(t9) + " as a prototype");
4797}, vf = Object.setPrototypeOf || ("__proto__" in {} ? function() {
4798 var t9, r2 = false, e2 = {};
4799 try {
4800 (t9 = sf(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Object.prototype, "__proto__").set))(e2, []), r2 = e2 instanceof Array;
4801 } catch (t10) {
4802 }
4803 return function(e3, n2) {
4804 return lf(e3), pf(n2), r2 ? t9(e3, n2) : e3.__proto__ = n2, e3;
4805 };
4806}() : void 0), hf = ge, df = openapi_parser_A, yf = of, bf = qa, mf = xo, gf = fo, wf = Ea, jf = Ra.PROPER, Of = Ka.BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS, Af = or("iterator"), Sf = function() {
4807 return this;
4808}, xf = function(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2) {
4809 yf(e2, r2, n2);
4810 var a2, f2, c2, s2 = function(t10) {
4811 if (t10 === o2 && d2)
4812 return d2;
4813 if (!Of && t10 in v2)
4814 return v2[t10];
4815 switch (t10) {
4816 case "keys":
4817 case "values":
4818 case "entries":
4819 return function() {
4820 return new e2(this, t10);
4821 };
4822 }
4823 return function() {
4824 return new e2(this);
4825 };
4826 }, l2 = r2 + " Iterator", p2 = false, v2 = t9.prototype, h2 = v2[Af] || v2["@@iterator"] || o2 && v2[o2], d2 = !Of && h2 || s2(o2), y2 = "Array" == r2 && v2.entries || h2;
4827 if (y2 && (a2 = bf(y2.call(new t9()))) !== Object.prototype && a2.next && (mf(a2, l2, true, true), wf[l2] = Sf), jf && "values" == o2 && h2 && "values" !== h2.name && (p2 = true, d2 = function() {
4828 return df(h2, this);
4829 }), o2)
4830 if (f2 = { values: s2("values"), keys: i2 ? d2 : s2("keys"), entries: s2("entries") }, u2)
4831 for (c2 in f2)
4832 (Of || p2 || !(c2 in v2)) && gf(v2, c2, f2[c2]);
4833 else
4834 hf({ target: r2, proto: true, forced: Of || p2 }, f2);
4835 return u2 && v2[Af] !== d2 && gf(v2, Af, d2, { name: o2 }), wf[r2] = d2, f2;
4836}, Ef = openapi_parser_z, Pf = Ea, kf = Zo;
4838var _f = xf, If = kf.set, Tf = kf.getterFor("Array Iterator");
4839_f(Array, "Array", function(t9, r2) {
4840 If(this, { type: "Array Iterator", target: Ef(t9), index: 0, kind: r2 });
4841}, function() {
4842 var t9 = Tf(this), r2 = t9.target, e2 = t9.kind, n2 = t9.index++;
4843 return !r2 || n2 >= r2.length ? (t9.target = void 0, { value: void 0, done: true }) : "keys" == e2 ? { value: n2, done: false } : "values" == e2 ? { value: r2[n2], done: false } : { value: [n2, r2[n2]], done: false };
4844}, "values"), Pf.Arguments = Pf.Array;
4845var Rf = { CSSRuleList: 0, CSSStyleDeclaration: 0, CSSValueList: 0, ClientRectList: 0, DOMRectList: 0, DOMStringList: 0, DOMTokenList: 1, DataTransferItemList: 0, FileList: 0, HTMLAllCollection: 0, HTMLCollection: 0, HTMLFormElement: 0, HTMLSelectElement: 0, MediaList: 0, MimeTypeArray: 0, NamedNodeMap: 0, NodeList: 1, PaintRequestList: 0, Plugin: 0, PluginArray: 0, SVGLengthList: 0, SVGNumberList: 0, SVGPathSegList: 0, SVGPointList: 0, SVGStringList: 0, SVGTransformList: 0, SourceBufferList: 0, StyleSheetList: 0, TextTrackCueList: 0, TextTrackList: 0, TouchList: 0 }, Ff = openapi_parser_o, Nf = ln, Mf = ae, Df = Ea, Uf = or("toStringTag");
4846for (var Lf in Rf) {
4847 var Cf = Ff[Lf], $f = Cf && Cf.prototype;
4848 $f && Nf($f) !== Uf && Mf($f, Uf, Lf), Df[Lf] = Df.Array;
4850var Bf = openapi_parser_i, qf = function(t9, r2) {
4851 var e2 = [][t9];
4852 return !!e2 && Bf(function() {
4853 e2.call(null, r2 || function() {
4854 return 1;
4855 }, 1);
4856 });
4857}, Gf = _i.forEach, Wf = qf("forEach") ? [].forEach : function(t9) {
4858 return Gf(this, t9, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
4860ge({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: [].forEach != Wf }, { forEach: Wf });
4861var zf = na("Array").forEach, Jf = ln, Hf = qt, Vf = tt, Yf = zf, Qf = Array.prototype, Kf = { DOMTokenList: true, NodeList: true };
4862const Xf = openapi_parser_t(xa.exports = function(t9) {
4863 var r2 = t9.forEach;
4864 return t9 === Qf || Vf(Qf, t9) && r2 === Qf.forEach || Hf(Kf, Jf(t9)) ? Yf : r2;
4866var Zf = { exports: {} }, tc = openapi_parser_Z, rc = $n, ec = io, nc = Qr, oc = openapi_parser_b([].concat), ic = tc("Reflect", "ownKeys") || function(t9) {
4867 var r2 = rc.f(nc(t9)), e2 = ec.f;
4868 return e2 ? oc(r2, e2(t9)) : r2;
4869}, uc = ic, ac = openapi_parser_z, fc = openapi_parser_g, cc = Hn;
4870ge({ target: "Object", stat: true, sham: !openapi_parser_w }, { getOwnPropertyDescriptors: function(t9) {
4871 for (var r2, e2, n2 = ac(t9), o2 = fc.f, i2 = uc(n2), u2 = {}, a2 = 0; i2.length > a2; )
4872 void 0 !== (e2 = o2(n2, r2 = i2[a2++])) && cc(u2, r2, e2);
4873 return u2;
4874} });
4875var sc = openapi_parser_V.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
4876const lc = openapi_parser_t(Zf.exports = sc);
4877var pc = { exports: {} }, vc = { exports: {} }, hc = ge, dc = openapi_parser_w, yc = dn.f;
4878hc({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: Object.defineProperties !== yc, sham: !dc }, { defineProperties: yc });
4879var bc = openapi_parser_V.Object, mc = vc.exports = function(t9, r2) {
4880 return bc.defineProperties(t9, r2);
4882bc.defineProperties.sham && (mc.sham = true);
4883var gc = vc.exports;
4884const wc = openapi_parser_t(pc.exports = gc);
4885var jc = { exports: {} }, Oc = { exports: {} }, Ac = ge, Sc = openapi_parser_w, xc = Wr.f;
4886Ac({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: Object.defineProperty !== xc, sham: !Sc }, { defineProperty: xc });
4887var Ec = openapi_parser_V.Object, Pc = Oc.exports = function(t9, r2, e2) {
4888 return Ec.defineProperty(t9, r2, e2);
4890Ec.defineProperty.sham && (Pc.sham = true);
4891var kc = Oc.exports;
4892const _c = openapi_parser_t(jc.exports = kc);
4893function Ic(t9, r2, e2) {
4894 return r2 in t9 ? _c(t9, r2, { value: e2, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }) : t9[r2] = e2, t9;
4896function Tc(t9, r2) {
4897 var e2 = Ke(t9);
4898 if (Yu) {
4899 var n2 = Yu(t9);
4900 r2 && (n2 = ca(n2).call(n2, function(r3) {
4901 return ja(t9, r3).enumerable;
4902 })), e2.push.apply(e2, n2);
4903 }
4904 return e2;
4906function Rc(t9) {
4907 for (var r2 = 1; r2 < arguments.length; r2++) {
4908 var e2, n2, o2 = null != arguments[r2] ? arguments[r2] : {};
4909 r2 % 2 ? Xf(e2 = Tc(Object(o2), true)).call(e2, function(r3) {
4910 Ic(t9, r3, o2[r3]);
4911 }) : lc ? wc(t9, lc(o2)) : Xf(n2 = Tc(Object(o2))).call(n2, function(r3) {
4912 _c(t9, r3, ja(o2, r3));
4913 });
4914 }
4915 return t9;
4917var Fc = { exports: {} }, Nc = openapi_parser_w, Mc = openapi_parser_b, Dc = openapi_parser_A, Uc = openapi_parser_i, Lc = He, Cc = io, $c = openapi_parser_S, Bc = Ct, qc = openapi_parser_$, Gc = Object.assign, Wc = Object.defineProperty, zc = Mc([].concat), Jc = !Gc || Uc(function() {
4918 if (Nc && 1 !== Gc({ b: 1 }, Gc(Wc({}, "a", { enumerable: true, get: function() {
4919 Wc(this, "b", { value: 3, enumerable: false });
4920 } }), { b: 2 })).b)
4921 return true;
4922 var t9 = {}, r2 = {}, e2 = Symbol(), n2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
4923 return t9[e2] = 7, n2.split("").forEach(function(t10) {
4924 r2[t10] = t10;
4925 }), 7 != Gc({}, t9)[e2] || Lc(Gc({}, r2)).join("") != n2;
4926}) ? function(t9, r2) {
4927 for (var e2 = Bc(t9), n2 = arguments.length, o2 = 1, i2 = Cc.f, u2 = $c.f; n2 > o2; )
4928 for (var a2, f2 = qc(arguments[o2++]), c2 = i2 ? zc(Lc(f2), i2(f2)) : Lc(f2), s2 = c2.length, l2 = 0; s2 > l2; )
4929 a2 = c2[l2++], Nc && !Dc(u2, f2, a2) || (e2[a2] = f2[a2]);
4930 return e2;
4931} : Gc, Hc = Jc;
4932ge({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: Object.assign !== Hc }, { assign: Hc });
4933var Vc = openapi_parser_V.Object.assign;
4934const Yc = openapi_parser_t(Fc.exports = Vc);
4935var Qc = { exports: {} }, Kc = openapi_parser_H, Xc = openapi_parser_N, Zc = or("match"), ts = function(t9) {
4936 var r2;
4937 return Kc(t9) && (void 0 !== (r2 = t9[Zc]) ? !!r2 : "RegExp" == Xc(t9));
4938}, rs = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, es = function(t9) {
4939 if (ts(t9))
4940 throw rs("The method doesn't accept regular expressions");
4941 return t9;
4942}, ns = or("match"), os = function(t9) {
4943 var r2 = /./;
4944 try {
4945 "/./"[t9](r2);
4946 } catch (e2) {
4947 try {
4948 return r2[ns] = false, "/./"[t9](r2);
4949 } catch (t10) {
4950 }
4951 }
4952 return false;
4953}, is = ge, us = openapi_parser_b, as = _e, fs = hn, cs = es, ss = q, ls = os, ps = us("".startsWith), vs = us("".slice), hs = Math.min;
4954is({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: !ls("startsWith") }, { startsWith: function(t9) {
4955 var r2 = fs(ss(this));
4956 cs(t9);
4957 var e2 = as(hs(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, r2.length)), n2 = fs(t9);
4958 return ps ? ps(r2, n2, e2) : vs(r2, e2, e2 + n2.length) === n2;
4959} });
4960var ds = na("String").startsWith, ys = tt, bs = ds, ms = String.prototype;
4961const gs = openapi_parser_t(Qc.exports = function(t9) {
4962 var r2 = t9.startsWith;
4963 return "string" == typeof t9 || t9 === ms || ys(ms, t9) && r2 === ms.startsWith ? bs : r2;
4965var ws = {}, js = { exports: {} };
4966/*! https://mths.be/punycode v1.3.2 by @mathias */
4967!function(t9, r2) {
4968 !function(e2) {
4969 var n2 = r2 && !r2.nodeType && r2, o2 = t9 && !t9.nodeType && t9, i2 = "object" == typeof global && global;
4970 i2.global !== i2 && i2.window !== i2 && i2.self !== i2 || (e2 = i2);
4971 var u2, a2, f2 = 2147483647, c2 = 36, s2 = /^xn--/, l2 = /[^\x20-\x7E]/, p2 = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g, v2 = { overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process", "not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)", "invalid-input": "Invalid input" }, h2 = Math.floor, d2 = String.fromCharCode;
4972 function y2(t10) {
4973 throw RangeError(v2[t10]);
4974 }
4975 function b2(t10, r3) {
4976 for (var e3 = t10.length, n3 = []; e3--; )
4977 n3[e3] = r3(t10[e3]);
4978 return n3;
4979 }
4980 function m2(t10, r3) {
4981 var e3 = t10.split("@"), n3 = "";
4982 return e3.length > 1 && (n3 = e3[0] + "@", t10 = e3[1]), n3 + b2((t10 = t10.replace(p2, ".")).split("."), r3).join(".");
4983 }
4984 function g2(t10) {
4985 for (var r3, e3, n3 = [], o3 = 0, i3 = t10.length; o3 < i3; )
4986 (r3 = t10.charCodeAt(o3++)) >= 55296 && r3 <= 56319 && o3 < i3 ? 56320 == (64512 & (e3 = t10.charCodeAt(o3++))) ? n3.push(((1023 & r3) << 10) + (1023 & e3) + 65536) : (n3.push(r3), o3--) : n3.push(r3);
4987 return n3;
4988 }
4989 function w2(t10) {
4990 return b2(t10, function(t11) {
4991 var r3 = "";
4992 return t11 > 65535 && (r3 += d2((t11 -= 65536) >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), t11 = 56320 | 1023 & t11), r3 += d2(t11);
4993 }).join("");
4994 }
4995 function j2(t10, r3) {
4996 return t10 + 22 + 75 * (t10 < 26) - ((0 != r3) << 5);
4997 }
4998 function O2(t10, r3, e3) {
4999 var n3 = 0;
5000 for (t10 = e3 ? h2(t10 / 700) : t10 >> 1, t10 += h2(t10 / r3); t10 > 455; n3 += c2)
5001 t10 = h2(t10 / 35);
5002 return h2(n3 + 36 * t10 / (t10 + 38));
5003 }
5004 function A2(t10) {
5005 var r3, e3, n3, o3, i3, u3, a3, s3, l3, p3, v3, d3 = [], b3 = t10.length, m3 = 0, g3 = 128, j3 = 72;
5006 for ((e3 = t10.lastIndexOf("-")) < 0 && (e3 = 0), n3 = 0; n3 < e3; ++n3)
5007 t10.charCodeAt(n3) >= 128 && y2("not-basic"), d3.push(t10.charCodeAt(n3));
5008 for (o3 = e3 > 0 ? e3 + 1 : 0; o3 < b3; ) {
5009 for (i3 = m3, u3 = 1, a3 = c2; o3 >= b3 && y2("invalid-input"), ((s3 = (v3 = t10.charCodeAt(o3++)) - 48 < 10 ? v3 - 22 : v3 - 65 < 26 ? v3 - 65 : v3 - 97 < 26 ? v3 - 97 : c2) >= c2 || s3 > h2((f2 - m3) / u3)) && y2("overflow"), m3 += s3 * u3, !(s3 < (l3 = a3 <= j3 ? 1 : a3 >= j3 + 26 ? 26 : a3 - j3)); a3 += c2)
5010 u3 > h2(f2 / (p3 = c2 - l3)) && y2("overflow"), u3 *= p3;
5011 j3 = O2(m3 - i3, r3 = d3.length + 1, 0 == i3), h2(m3 / r3) > f2 - g3 && y2("overflow"), g3 += h2(m3 / r3), m3 %= r3, d3.splice(m3++, 0, g3);
5012 }
5013 return w2(d3);
5014 }
5015 function S2(t10) {
5016 var r3, e3, n3, o3, i3, u3, a3, s3, l3, p3, v3, b3, m3, w3, A3, S3 = [];
5017 for (b3 = (t10 = g2(t10)).length, r3 = 128, e3 = 0, i3 = 72, u3 = 0; u3 < b3; ++u3)
5018 (v3 = t10[u3]) < 128 && S3.push(d2(v3));
5019 for (n3 = o3 = S3.length, o3 && S3.push("-"); n3 < b3; ) {
5020 for (a3 = f2, u3 = 0; u3 < b3; ++u3)
5021 (v3 = t10[u3]) >= r3 && v3 < a3 && (a3 = v3);
5022 for (a3 - r3 > h2((f2 - e3) / (m3 = n3 + 1)) && y2("overflow"), e3 += (a3 - r3) * m3, r3 = a3, u3 = 0; u3 < b3; ++u3)
5023 if ((v3 = t10[u3]) < r3 && ++e3 > f2 && y2("overflow"), v3 == r3) {
5024 for (s3 = e3, l3 = c2; !(s3 < (p3 = l3 <= i3 ? 1 : l3 >= i3 + 26 ? 26 : l3 - i3)); l3 += c2)
5025 A3 = s3 - p3, w3 = c2 - p3, S3.push(d2(j2(p3 + A3 % w3, 0))), s3 = h2(A3 / w3);
5026 S3.push(d2(j2(s3, 0))), i3 = O2(e3, m3, n3 == o3), e3 = 0, ++n3;
5027 }
5028 ++e3, ++r3;
5029 }
5030 return S3.join("");
5031 }
5032 if (u2 = { version: "1.3.2", ucs2: { decode: g2, encode: w2 }, decode: A2, encode: S2, toASCII: function(t10) {
5033 return m2(t10, function(t11) {
5034 return l2.test(t11) ? "xn--" + S2(t11) : t11;
5035 });
5036 }, toUnicode: function(t10) {
5037 return m2(t10, function(t11) {
5038 return s2.test(t11) ? A2(t11.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : t11;
5039 });
5040 } }, n2 && o2)
5041 if (t9.exports == n2)
5042 o2.exports = u2;
5043 else
5044 for (a2 in u2)
5045 u2.hasOwnProperty(a2) && (n2[a2] = u2[a2]);
5046 else
5047 e2.punycode = u2;
5048 }(this);
5049}(js, js.exports);
5050var Os = {};
5051function As(t9, r2) {
5052 return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t9, r2);
5054var Ss = function(t9) {
5055 switch (typeof t9) {
5056 case "string":
5057 return t9;
5058 case "boolean":
5059 return t9 ? "true" : "false";
5060 case "number":
5061 return isFinite(t9) ? t9 : "";
5062 default:
5063 return "";
5064 }
5066Os.decode = Os.parse = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
5067 r2 = r2 || "&", e2 = e2 || "=";
5068 var o2 = {};
5069 if ("string" != typeof t9 || 0 === t9.length)
5070 return o2;
5071 var i2 = /\+/g;
5072 t9 = t9.split(r2);
5073 var u2 = 1e3;
5074 n2 && "number" == typeof n2.maxKeys && (u2 = n2.maxKeys);
5075 var a2 = t9.length;
5076 u2 > 0 && a2 > u2 && (a2 = u2);
5077 for (var f2 = 0; f2 < a2; ++f2) {
5078 var c2, s2, l2, p2, v2 = t9[f2].replace(i2, "%20"), h2 = v2.indexOf(e2);
5079 h2 >= 0 ? (c2 = v2.substr(0, h2), s2 = v2.substr(h2 + 1)) : (c2 = v2, s2 = ""), l2 = decodeURIComponent(c2), p2 = decodeURIComponent(s2), As(o2, l2) ? Array.isArray(o2[l2]) ? o2[l2].push(p2) : o2[l2] = [o2[l2], p2] : o2[l2] = p2;
5080 }
5081 return o2;
5082}, Os.encode = Os.stringify = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
5083 return r2 = r2 || "&", e2 = e2 || "=", null === t9 && (t9 = void 0), "object" == typeof t9 ? Object.keys(t9).map(function(n3) {
5084 var o2 = encodeURIComponent(Ss(n3)) + e2;
5085 return Array.isArray(t9[n3]) ? t9[n3].map(function(t10) {
5086 return o2 + encodeURIComponent(Ss(t10));
5087 }).join(r2) : o2 + encodeURIComponent(Ss(t9[n3]));
5088 }).join(r2) : n2 ? encodeURIComponent(Ss(n2)) + e2 + encodeURIComponent(Ss(t9)) : "";
5090var xs = js.exports, Es = { isString: function(t9) {
5091 return "string" == typeof t9;
5092}, isObject: function(t9) {
5093 return "object" == typeof t9 && null !== t9;
5094}, isNull: function(t9) {
5095 return null === t9;
5096}, isNullOrUndefined: function(t9) {
5097 return null == t9;
5098} };
5099function Ps() {
5100 this.protocol = null, this.slashes = null, this.auth = null, this.host = null, this.port = null, this.hostname = null, this.hash = null, this.search = null, this.query = null, this.pathname = null, this.path = null, this.href = null;
5102ws.parse = Bs, ws.resolve = function(t9, r2) {
5103 return Bs(t9, false, true).resolve(r2);
5104}, ws.resolveObject = function(t9, r2) {
5105 return t9 ? Bs(t9, false, true).resolveObject(r2) : r2;
5106}, ws.format = function(t9) {
5107 Es.isString(t9) && (t9 = Bs(t9));
5108 return t9 instanceof Ps ? t9.format() : Ps.prototype.format.call(t9);
5109}, ws.Url = Ps;
5110var ks = /^([a-z0-9.+-]+:)/i, _s = /:[0-9]*$/, Is = /^(\/\/?(?!\/)[^\?\s]*)(\?[^\s]*)?$/, Ts = ["{", "}", "|", "\\", "^", "`"].concat(["<", ">", '"', "`", " ", "\r", "\n", " "]), Rs = ["'"].concat(Ts), Fs = ["%", "/", "?", ";", "#"].concat(Rs), Ns = ["/", "?", "#"], Ms = /^[+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63}$/, Ds = /^([+a-z0-9A-Z_-]{0,63})(.*)$/, Us = { javascript: true, "javascript:": true }, Ls = { javascript: true, "javascript:": true }, Cs = { http: true, https: true, ftp: true, gopher: true, file: true, "http:": true, "https:": true, "ftp:": true, "gopher:": true, "file:": true }, $s = Os;
5111function Bs(t9, r2, e2) {
5112 if (t9 && Es.isObject(t9) && t9 instanceof Ps)
5113 return t9;
5114 var n2 = new Ps();
5115 return n2.parse(t9, r2, e2), n2;
5117Ps.prototype.parse = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5118 if (!Es.isString(t9))
5119 throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof t9);
5120 var n2 = t9.indexOf("?"), o2 = -1 !== n2 && n2 < t9.indexOf("#") ? "?" : "#", i2 = t9.split(o2);
5121 i2[0] = i2[0].replace(/\\/g, "/");
5122 var u2 = t9 = i2.join(o2);
5123 if (u2 = u2.trim(), !e2 && 1 === t9.split("#").length) {
5124 var a2 = Is.exec(u2);
5125 if (a2)
5126 return this.path = u2, this.href = u2, this.pathname = a2[1], a2[2] ? (this.search = a2[2], this.query = r2 ? $s.parse(this.search.substr(1)) : this.search.substr(1)) : r2 && (this.search = "", this.query = {}), this;
5127 }
5128 var f2 = ks.exec(u2);
5129 if (f2) {
5130 var c2 = (f2 = f2[0]).toLowerCase();
5131 this.protocol = c2, u2 = u2.substr(f2.length);
5132 }
5133 if (e2 || f2 || u2.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
5134 var s2 = "//" === u2.substr(0, 2);
5135 !s2 || f2 && Ls[f2] || (u2 = u2.substr(2), this.slashes = true);
5136 }
5137 if (!Ls[f2] && (s2 || f2 && !Cs[f2])) {
5138 for (var l2, p2, v2 = -1, h2 = 0; h2 < Ns.length; h2++) {
5139 -1 !== (d2 = u2.indexOf(Ns[h2])) && (-1 === v2 || d2 < v2) && (v2 = d2);
5140 }
5141 -1 !== (p2 = -1 === v2 ? u2.lastIndexOf("@") : u2.lastIndexOf("@", v2)) && (l2 = u2.slice(0, p2), u2 = u2.slice(p2 + 1), this.auth = decodeURIComponent(l2)), v2 = -1;
5142 for (h2 = 0; h2 < Fs.length; h2++) {
5143 var d2;
5144 -1 !== (d2 = u2.indexOf(Fs[h2])) && (-1 === v2 || d2 < v2) && (v2 = d2);
5145 }
5146 -1 === v2 && (v2 = u2.length), this.host = u2.slice(0, v2), u2 = u2.slice(v2), this.parseHost(), this.hostname = this.hostname || "";
5147 var y2 = "[" === this.hostname[0] && "]" === this.hostname[this.hostname.length - 1];
5148 if (!y2)
5149 for (var b2 = this.hostname.split(/\./), m2 = (h2 = 0, b2.length); h2 < m2; h2++) {
5150 var g2 = b2[h2];
5151 if (g2 && !g2.match(Ms)) {
5152 for (var w2 = "", j2 = 0, O2 = g2.length; j2 < O2; j2++)
5153 g2.charCodeAt(j2) > 127 ? w2 += "x" : w2 += g2[j2];
5154 if (!w2.match(Ms)) {
5155 var A2 = b2.slice(0, h2), S2 = b2.slice(h2 + 1), x2 = g2.match(Ds);
5156 x2 && (A2.push(x2[1]), S2.unshift(x2[2])), S2.length && (u2 = "/" + S2.join(".") + u2), this.hostname = A2.join(".");
5157 break;
5158 }
5159 }
5160 }
5161 this.hostname.length > 255 ? this.hostname = "" : this.hostname = this.hostname.toLowerCase(), y2 || (this.hostname = xs.toASCII(this.hostname));
5162 var E2 = this.port ? ":" + this.port : "", P2 = this.hostname || "";
5163 this.host = P2 + E2, this.href += this.host, y2 && (this.hostname = this.hostname.substr(1, this.hostname.length - 2), "/" !== u2[0] && (u2 = "/" + u2));
5164 }
5165 if (!Us[c2])
5166 for (h2 = 0, m2 = Rs.length; h2 < m2; h2++) {
5167 var k2 = Rs[h2];
5168 if (-1 !== u2.indexOf(k2)) {
5169 var _2 = encodeURIComponent(k2);
5170 _2 === k2 && (_2 = escape(k2)), u2 = u2.split(k2).join(_2);
5171 }
5172 }
5173 var I2 = u2.indexOf("#");
5174 -1 !== I2 && (this.hash = u2.substr(I2), u2 = u2.slice(0, I2));
5175 var T2 = u2.indexOf("?");
5176 if (-1 !== T2 ? (this.search = u2.substr(T2), this.query = u2.substr(T2 + 1), r2 && (this.query = $s.parse(this.query)), u2 = u2.slice(0, T2)) : r2 && (this.search = "", this.query = {}), u2 && (this.pathname = u2), Cs[c2] && this.hostname && !this.pathname && (this.pathname = "/"), this.pathname || this.search) {
5177 E2 = this.pathname || "";
5178 var R2 = this.search || "";
5179 this.path = E2 + R2;
5180 }
5181 return this.href = this.format(), this;
5182}, Ps.prototype.format = function() {
5183 var t9 = this.auth || "";
5184 t9 && (t9 = (t9 = encodeURIComponent(t9)).replace(/%3A/i, ":"), t9 += "@");
5185 var r2 = this.protocol || "", e2 = this.pathname || "", n2 = this.hash || "", o2 = false, i2 = "";
5186 this.host ? o2 = t9 + this.host : this.hostname && (o2 = t9 + (-1 === this.hostname.indexOf(":") ? this.hostname : "[" + this.hostname + "]"), this.port && (o2 += ":" + this.port)), this.query && Es.isObject(this.query) && Object.keys(this.query).length && (i2 = $s.stringify(this.query));
5187 var u2 = this.search || i2 && "?" + i2 || "";
5188 return r2 && ":" !== r2.substr(-1) && (r2 += ":"), this.slashes || (!r2 || Cs[r2]) && false !== o2 ? (o2 = "//" + (o2 || ""), e2 && "/" !== e2.charAt(0) && (e2 = "/" + e2)) : o2 || (o2 = ""), n2 && "#" !== n2.charAt(0) && (n2 = "#" + n2), u2 && "?" !== u2.charAt(0) && (u2 = "?" + u2), e2 = e2.replace(/[?#]/g, function(t10) {
5189 return encodeURIComponent(t10);
5190 }), r2 + o2 + e2 + (u2 = u2.replace("#", "%23")) + n2;
5191}, Ps.prototype.resolve = function(t9) {
5192 return this.resolveObject(Bs(t9, false, true)).format();
5193}, Ps.prototype.resolveObject = function(t9) {
5194 if (Es.isString(t9)) {
5195 var r2 = new Ps();
5196 r2.parse(t9, false, true), t9 = r2;
5197 }
5198 for (var e2 = new Ps(), n2 = Object.keys(this), o2 = 0; o2 < n2.length; o2++) {
5199 var i2 = n2[o2];
5200 e2[i2] = this[i2];
5201 }
5202 if (e2.hash = t9.hash, "" === t9.href)
5203 return e2.href = e2.format(), e2;
5204 if (t9.slashes && !t9.protocol) {
5205 for (var u2 = Object.keys(t9), a2 = 0; a2 < u2.length; a2++) {
5206 var f2 = u2[a2];
5207 "protocol" !== f2 && (e2[f2] = t9[f2]);
5208 }
5209 return Cs[e2.protocol] && e2.hostname && !e2.pathname && (e2.path = e2.pathname = "/"), e2.href = e2.format(), e2;
5210 }
5211 if (t9.protocol && t9.protocol !== e2.protocol) {
5212 if (!Cs[t9.protocol]) {
5213 for (var c2 = Object.keys(t9), s2 = 0; s2 < c2.length; s2++) {
5214 var l2 = c2[s2];
5215 e2[l2] = t9[l2];
5216 }
5217 return e2.href = e2.format(), e2;
5218 }
5219 if (e2.protocol = t9.protocol, t9.host || Ls[t9.protocol])
5220 e2.pathname = t9.pathname;
5221 else {
5222 for (var p2 = (t9.pathname || "").split("/"); p2.length && !(t9.host = p2.shift()); )
5223 ;
5224 t9.host || (t9.host = ""), t9.hostname || (t9.hostname = ""), "" !== p2[0] && p2.unshift(""), p2.length < 2 && p2.unshift(""), e2.pathname = p2.join("/");
5225 }
5226 if (e2.search = t9.search, e2.query = t9.query, e2.host = t9.host || "", e2.auth = t9.auth, e2.hostname = t9.hostname || t9.host, e2.port = t9.port, e2.pathname || e2.search) {
5227 var v2 = e2.pathname || "", h2 = e2.search || "";
5228 e2.path = v2 + h2;
5229 }
5230 return e2.slashes = e2.slashes || t9.slashes, e2.href = e2.format(), e2;
5231 }
5232 var d2 = e2.pathname && "/" === e2.pathname.charAt(0), y2 = t9.host || t9.pathname && "/" === t9.pathname.charAt(0), b2 = y2 || d2 || e2.host && t9.pathname, m2 = b2, g2 = e2.pathname && e2.pathname.split("/") || [], w2 = (p2 = t9.pathname && t9.pathname.split("/") || [], e2.protocol && !Cs[e2.protocol]);
5233 if (w2 && (e2.hostname = "", e2.port = null, e2.host && ("" === g2[0] ? g2[0] = e2.host : g2.unshift(e2.host)), e2.host = "", t9.protocol && (t9.hostname = null, t9.port = null, t9.host && ("" === p2[0] ? p2[0] = t9.host : p2.unshift(t9.host)), t9.host = null), b2 = b2 && ("" === p2[0] || "" === g2[0])), y2)
5234 e2.host = t9.host || "" === t9.host ? t9.host : e2.host, e2.hostname = t9.hostname || "" === t9.hostname ? t9.hostname : e2.hostname, e2.search = t9.search, e2.query = t9.query, g2 = p2;
5235 else if (p2.length)
5236 g2 || (g2 = []), g2.pop(), g2 = g2.concat(p2), e2.search = t9.search, e2.query = t9.query;
5237 else if (!Es.isNullOrUndefined(t9.search)) {
5238 if (w2)
5239 e2.hostname = e2.host = g2.shift(), (x2 = !!(e2.host && e2.host.indexOf("@") > 0) && e2.host.split("@")) && (e2.auth = x2.shift(), e2.host = e2.hostname = x2.shift());
5240 return e2.search = t9.search, e2.query = t9.query, Es.isNull(e2.pathname) && Es.isNull(e2.search) || (e2.path = (e2.pathname ? e2.pathname : "") + (e2.search ? e2.search : "")), e2.href = e2.format(), e2;
5241 }
5242 if (!g2.length)
5243 return e2.pathname = null, e2.search ? e2.path = "/" + e2.search : e2.path = null, e2.href = e2.format(), e2;
5244 for (var j2 = g2.slice(-1)[0], O2 = (e2.host || t9.host || g2.length > 1) && ("." === j2 || ".." === j2) || "" === j2, A2 = 0, S2 = g2.length; S2 >= 0; S2--)
5245 "." === (j2 = g2[S2]) ? g2.splice(S2, 1) : ".." === j2 ? (g2.splice(S2, 1), A2++) : A2 && (g2.splice(S2, 1), A2--);
5246 if (!b2 && !m2)
5247 for (; A2--; A2)
5248 g2.unshift("..");
5249 !b2 || "" === g2[0] || g2[0] && "/" === g2[0].charAt(0) || g2.unshift(""), O2 && "/" !== g2.join("/").substr(-1) && g2.push("");
5250 var x2, E2 = "" === g2[0] || g2[0] && "/" === g2[0].charAt(0);
5251 w2 && (e2.hostname = e2.host = E2 ? "" : g2.length ? g2.shift() : "", (x2 = !!(e2.host && e2.host.indexOf("@") > 0) && e2.host.split("@")) && (e2.auth = x2.shift(), e2.host = e2.hostname = x2.shift()));
5252 return (b2 = b2 || e2.host && g2.length) && !E2 && g2.unshift(""), g2.length ? e2.pathname = g2.join("/") : (e2.pathname = null, e2.path = null), Es.isNull(e2.pathname) && Es.isNull(e2.search) || (e2.path = (e2.pathname ? e2.pathname : "") + (e2.search ? e2.search : "")), e2.auth = t9.auth || e2.auth, e2.slashes = e2.slashes || t9.slashes, e2.href = e2.format(), e2;
5253}, Ps.prototype.parseHost = function() {
5254 var t9 = this.host, r2 = _s.exec(t9);
5255 r2 && (":" !== (r2 = r2[0]) && (this.port = r2.substr(1)), t9 = t9.substr(0, t9.length - r2.length)), t9 && (this.hostname = t9);
5257var qs = { exports: {} }, Gs = ge, Ws = openapi_parser_o, zs = openapi_parser_i, Js = tn, Hs = openapi_parser_H, Vs = Ct, Ys = Te, Qs = Hn, Ks = ji, Xs = ta, Zs = ft, tl = or("isConcatSpreadable"), rl = Ws.TypeError, el = Zs >= 51 || !zs(function() {
5258 var t9 = [];
5259 return t9[tl] = false, t9.concat()[0] !== t9;
5260}), nl = Xs("concat"), ol = function(t9) {
5261 if (!Hs(t9))
5262 return false;
5263 var r2 = t9[tl];
5264 return void 0 !== r2 ? !!r2 : Js(t9);
5266Gs({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !el || !nl }, { concat: function(t9) {
5267 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2 = Vs(this), a2 = Ks(u2, 0), f2 = 0;
5268 for (r2 = -1, n2 = arguments.length; r2 < n2; r2++)
5269 if (ol(i2 = -1 === r2 ? u2 : arguments[r2])) {
5270 if (f2 + (o2 = Ys(i2)) > 9007199254740991)
5271 throw rl("Maximum allowed index exceeded");
5272 for (e2 = 0; e2 < o2; e2++, f2++)
5273 e2 in i2 && Qs(a2, f2, i2[e2]);
5274 } else {
5275 if (f2 >= 9007199254740991)
5276 throw rl("Maximum allowed index exceeded");
5277 Qs(a2, f2++, i2);
5278 }
5279 return a2.length = f2, a2;
5280} }), yo("asyncIterator"), yo("hasInstance"), yo("isConcatSpreadable"), yo("iterator"), yo("match"), yo("matchAll"), yo("replace"), yo("search"), yo("species"), yo("split"), yo("toPrimitive"), yo("toStringTag"), yo("unscopables"), xo(openapi_parser_o.JSON, "JSON", true);
5281var il = openapi_parser_V.Symbol;
5282yo("asyncDispose"), yo("dispose"), yo("matcher"), yo("metadata"), yo("observable"), yo("patternMatch"), yo("replaceAll");
5283const ul = openapi_parser_t(qs.exports = il);
5284var al = { exports: {} }, fl = openapi_parser_b, cl = Oe, sl = hn, ll = q, pl = fl("".charAt), vl = fl("".charCodeAt), hl = fl("".slice), dl = function(t9) {
5285 return function(r2, e2) {
5286 var n2, o2, i2 = sl(ll(r2)), u2 = cl(e2), a2 = i2.length;
5287 return u2 < 0 || u2 >= a2 ? t9 ? "" : void 0 : (n2 = vl(i2, u2)) < 55296 || n2 > 56319 || u2 + 1 === a2 || (o2 = vl(i2, u2 + 1)) < 56320 || o2 > 57343 ? t9 ? pl(i2, u2) : n2 : t9 ? hl(i2, u2, u2 + 2) : o2 - 56320 + (n2 - 55296 << 10) + 65536;
5288 };
5289}, yl = { codeAt: dl(false), charAt: dl(true) }.charAt, bl = hn, ml = Zo, gl = xf, wl = ml.set, jl = ml.getterFor("String Iterator");
5290gl(String, "String", function(t9) {
5291 wl(this, { type: "String Iterator", string: bl(t9), index: 0 });
5292}, function() {
5293 var t9, r2 = jl(this), e2 = r2.string, n2 = r2.index;
5294 return n2 >= e2.length ? { value: void 0, done: true } : (t9 = yl(e2, n2), r2.index += t9.length, { value: t9, done: false });
5296var Ol = ln, Al = Et, Sl = Ea, xl = or("iterator"), El = function(t9) {
5297 if (null != t9)
5298 return Al(t9, xl) || Al(t9, "@@iterator") || Sl[Ol(t9)];
5300const Pl = openapi_parser_t(al.exports = El);
5301var kl = { exports: {} };
5302ge({ target: "Array", stat: true }, { isArray: tn });
5303var _l = openapi_parser_V.Array.isArray;
5304const Il = openapi_parser_t(kl.exports = _l);
5305var Tl = { exports: {} }, Rl = ge, Fl = openapi_parser_o, Nl = tn, Ml = vi, Dl = openapi_parser_H, Ul = Ee, Ll = Te, Cl = openapi_parser_z, $l = Hn, Bl = or, ql = uo, Gl = ta("slice"), Wl = Bl("species"), zl = Fl.Array, Jl = Math.max;
5306Rl({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !Gl }, { slice: function(t9, r2) {
5307 var e2, n2, o2, i2 = Cl(this), u2 = Ll(i2), a2 = Ul(t9, u2), f2 = Ul(void 0 === r2 ? u2 : r2, u2);
5308 if (Nl(i2) && (e2 = i2.constructor, (Ml(e2) && (e2 === zl || Nl(e2.prototype)) || Dl(e2) && null === (e2 = e2[Wl])) && (e2 = void 0), e2 === zl || void 0 === e2))
5309 return ql(i2, a2, f2);
5310 for (n2 = new (void 0 === e2 ? zl : e2)(Jl(f2 - a2, 0)), o2 = 0; a2 < f2; a2++, o2++)
5311 a2 in i2 && $l(n2, o2, i2[a2]);
5312 return n2.length = o2, n2;
5313} });
5314var Hl = na("Array").slice, Vl = tt, Yl = Hl, Ql = Array.prototype, Kl = function(t9) {
5315 var r2 = t9.slice;
5316 return t9 === Ql || Vl(Ql, t9) && r2 === Ql.slice ? Yl : r2;
5318const Xl = openapi_parser_t(Tl.exports = Kl);
5319var Zl = { exports: {} }, tp = openapi_parser_A, rp = Qr, ep = Et, np = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5320 var n2, o2;
5321 rp(t9);
5322 try {
5323 if (!(n2 = ep(t9, "return"))) {
5324 if ("throw" === r2)
5325 throw e2;
5326 return e2;
5327 }
5328 n2 = tp(n2, t9);
5329 } catch (t10) {
5330 o2 = true, n2 = t10;
5331 }
5332 if ("throw" === r2)
5333 throw e2;
5334 if (o2)
5335 throw n2;
5336 return rp(n2), e2;
5337}, op = Qr, ip = np, up = Ea, ap = or("iterator"), fp = Array.prototype, cp = function(t9) {
5338 return void 0 !== t9 && (up.Array === t9 || fp[ap] === t9);
5339}, sp = openapi_parser_A, lp = St, pp = Qr, vp = wt, hp = El, dp = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, yp = function(t9, r2) {
5340 var e2 = arguments.length < 2 ? hp(t9) : r2;
5341 if (lp(e2))
5342 return pp(sp(e2, t9));
5343 throw dp(vp(t9) + " is not iterable");
5344}, bp = Gr, mp = openapi_parser_A, gp = Ct, wp = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
5345 try {
5346 return n2 ? r2(op(e2)[0], e2[1]) : r2(e2);
5347 } catch (r3) {
5348 ip(t9, "throw", r3);
5349 }
5350}, jp = cp, Op = vi, Ap = Te, Sp = Hn, xp = yp, Ep = El, Pp = openapi_parser_o.Array, kp = or("iterator"), _p = false;
5351try {
5352 var Ip = 0, Tp = { next: function() {
5353 return { done: !!Ip++ };
5354 }, return: function() {
5355 _p = true;
5356 } };
5357 Tp[kp] = function() {
5358 return this;
5359 }, Array.from(Tp, function() {
5360 throw 2;
5361 });
5362} catch (t9) {
5364var Rp = function(t9, r2) {
5365 if (!r2 && !_p)
5366 return false;
5367 var e2 = false;
5368 try {
5369 var n2 = {};
5370 n2[kp] = function() {
5371 return { next: function() {
5372 return { done: e2 = true };
5373 } };
5374 }, t9(n2);
5375 } catch (t10) {
5376 }
5377 return e2;
5378}, Fp = function(t9) {
5379 var r2 = gp(t9), e2 = Op(this), n2 = arguments.length, o2 = n2 > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, i2 = void 0 !== o2;
5380 i2 && (o2 = bp(o2, n2 > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0));
5381 var u2, a2, f2, c2, s2, l2, p2 = Ep(r2), v2 = 0;
5382 if (!p2 || this == Pp && jp(p2))
5383 for (u2 = Ap(r2), a2 = e2 ? new this(u2) : Pp(u2); u2 > v2; v2++)
5384 l2 = i2 ? o2(r2[v2], v2) : r2[v2], Sp(a2, v2, l2);
5385 else
5386 for (s2 = (c2 = xp(r2, p2)).next, a2 = e2 ? new this() : []; !(f2 = mp(s2, c2)).done; v2++)
5387 l2 = i2 ? wp(c2, o2, [f2.value, v2], true) : f2.value, Sp(a2, v2, l2);
5388 return a2.length = v2, a2;
5390ge({ target: "Array", stat: true, forced: !Rp(function(t9) {
5391 Array.from(t9);
5392}) }, { from: Fp });
5393var Np = openapi_parser_V.Array.from;
5394const Mp = openapi_parser_t(Zl.exports = Np);
5395function Dp(t9, r2) {
5396 (null == r2 || r2 > t9.length) && (r2 = t9.length);
5397 for (var e2 = 0, n2 = new Array(r2); e2 < r2; e2++)
5398 n2[e2] = t9[e2];
5399 return n2;
5401function Up(t9, r2) {
5402 var e2;
5403 if (t9) {
5404 if ("string" == typeof t9)
5405 return Dp(t9, r2);
5406 var n2 = Xl(e2 = Object.prototype.toString.call(t9)).call(e2, 8, -1);
5407 return "Object" === n2 && t9.constructor && (n2 = t9.constructor.name), "Map" === n2 || "Set" === n2 ? Mp(t9) : "Arguments" === n2 || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n2) ? Dp(t9, r2) : void 0;
5408 }
5410function Lp(t9, r2) {
5411 var e2 = void 0 !== ul && Pl(t9) || t9["@@iterator"];
5412 if (!e2) {
5413 if (Il(t9) || (e2 = Up(t9)) || r2 && t9 && "number" == typeof t9.length) {
5414 e2 && (t9 = e2);
5415 var n2 = 0, o2 = function() {
5416 };
5417 return { s: o2, n: function() {
5418 return n2 >= t9.length ? { done: true } : { done: false, value: t9[n2++] };
5419 }, e: function(t10) {
5420 throw t10;
5421 }, f: o2 };
5422 }
5423 throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
5424 }
5425 var i2, u2 = true, a2 = false;
5426 return { s: function() {
5427 e2 = e2.call(t9);
5428 }, n: function() {
5429 var t10 = e2.next();
5430 return u2 = t10.done, t10;
5431 }, e: function(t10) {
5432 a2 = true, i2 = t10;
5433 }, f: function() {
5434 try {
5435 u2 || null == e2.return || e2.return();
5436 } finally {
5437 if (a2)
5438 throw i2;
5439 }
5440 } };
5442var Cp = { exports: {} }, $p = co.f("iterator");
5443const Bp = openapi_parser_t(Cp.exports = $p);
5444function qp(t9) {
5445 return qp = "function" == typeof ul && "symbol" == typeof Bp ? function(t10) {
5446 return typeof t10;
5447 } : function(t10) {
5448 return t10 && "function" == typeof ul && t10.constructor === ul && t10 !== ul.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t10;
5449 }, qp(t9);
5451function Gp(t9, r2) {
5452 return function(t10) {
5453 if (Il(t10))
5454 return t10;
5455 }(t9) || function(t10, r3) {
5456 var e2 = null == t10 ? null : void 0 !== ul && Pl(t10) || t10["@@iterator"];
5457 if (null != e2) {
5458 var n2, o2, i2 = [], u2 = true, a2 = false;
5459 try {
5460 for (e2 = e2.call(t10); !(u2 = (n2 = e2.next()).done) && (i2.push(n2.value), !r3 || i2.length !== r3); u2 = true)
5461 ;
5462 } catch (t11) {
5463 a2 = true, o2 = t11;
5464 } finally {
5465 try {
5466 u2 || null == e2.return || e2.return();
5467 } finally {
5468 if (a2)
5469 throw o2;
5470 }
5471 }
5472 return i2;
5473 }
5474 }(t9, r2) || Up(t9, r2) || function() {
5475 throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
5476 }();
5478var Wp = { exports: {} }, zp = qt, Jp = ic, Hp = openapi_parser_g, Vp = Wr, Yp = openapi_parser_b("".replace), Qp = String(Error("zxcasd").stack), Kp = /\n\s*at [^:]*:[^\n]*/, Xp = Kp.test(Qp), Zp = openapi_parser_H, tv = ae, rv = Gr, ev = openapi_parser_A, nv = Qr, ov = wt, iv = cp, uv = Te, av = tt, fv = yp, cv = El, sv = np, lv = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, pv = function(t9, r2) {
5479 this.stopped = t9, this.result = r2;
5480}, vv = pv.prototype, hv = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5481 var n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2, c2, s2 = e2 && e2.that, l2 = !(!e2 || !e2.AS_ENTRIES), p2 = !(!e2 || !e2.IS_ITERATOR), v2 = !(!e2 || !e2.INTERRUPTED), h2 = rv(r2, s2), d2 = function(t10) {
5482 return n2 && sv(n2, "normal", t10), new pv(true, t10);
5483 }, y2 = function(t10) {
5484 return l2 ? (nv(t10), v2 ? h2(t10[0], t10[1], d2) : h2(t10[0], t10[1])) : v2 ? h2(t10, d2) : h2(t10);
5485 };
5486 if (p2)
5487 n2 = t9;
5488 else {
5489 if (!(o2 = cv(t9)))
5490 throw lv(ov(t9) + " is not iterable");
5491 if (iv(o2)) {
5492 for (i2 = 0, u2 = uv(t9); u2 > i2; i2++)
5493 if ((a2 = y2(t9[i2])) && av(vv, a2))
5494 return a2;
5495 return new pv(false);
5496 }
5497 n2 = fv(t9, o2);
5498 }
5499 for (f2 = n2.next; !(c2 = ev(f2, n2)).done; ) {
5500 try {
5501 a2 = y2(c2.value);
5502 } catch (t10) {
5503 sv(n2, "throw", t10);
5504 }
5505 if ("object" == typeof a2 && a2 && av(vv, a2))
5506 return a2;
5507 }
5508 return new pv(false);
5509}, dv = hn, yv = openapi_parser_I, bv = !openapi_parser_i(function() {
5510 var t9 = Error("a");
5511 return !("stack" in t9) || (Object.defineProperty(t9, "stack", yv(1, 7)), 7 !== t9.stack);
5512}), mv = ge, gv = openapi_parser_o, wv = tt, jv = qa, Ov = vf, Av = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5513 for (var n2 = Jp(r2), o2 = Vp.f, i2 = Hp.f, u2 = 0; u2 < n2.length; u2++) {
5514 var a2 = n2[u2];
5515 zp(t9, a2) || e2 && zp(e2, a2) || o2(t9, a2, i2(r2, a2));
5516 }
5517}, Sv = Cn, xv = ae, Ev = openapi_parser_I, Pv = function(t9, r2) {
5518 if (Xp && "string" == typeof t9)
5519 for (; r2--; )
5520 t9 = Yp(t9, Kp, "");
5521 return t9;
5522}, kv = function(t9, r2) {
5523 Zp(r2) && "cause" in r2 && tv(t9, "cause", r2.cause);
5524}, _v = hv, Iv = function(t9, r2) {
5525 return void 0 === t9 ? arguments.length < 2 ? "" : r2 : dv(t9);
5526}, Tv = bv, Rv = or("toStringTag"), Fv = gv.Error, Nv = [].push, Mv = function(t9, r2) {
5527 var e2, n2 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, o2 = wv(Dv, this);
5528 Ov ? e2 = Ov(new Fv(), o2 ? jv(this) : Dv) : (e2 = o2 ? this : Sv(Dv), xv(e2, Rv, "Error")), void 0 !== r2 && xv(e2, "message", Iv(r2)), Tv && xv(e2, "stack", Pv(e2.stack, 1)), kv(e2, n2);
5529 var i2 = [];
5530 return _v(t9, Nv, { that: i2 }), xv(e2, "errors", i2), e2;
5532Ov ? Ov(Mv, Fv) : Av(Mv, Fv, { name: true });
5533var Dv = Mv.prototype = Sv(Fv.prototype, { constructor: Ev(1, Mv), message: Ev(1, ""), name: Ev(1, "AggregateError") });
5534mv({ global: true }, { AggregateError: Mv });
5535var Uv, Lv, Cv, $v, Bv = openapi_parser_o.Promise, qv = fo, Gv = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5536 for (var n2 in r2)
5537 e2 && e2.unsafe && t9[n2] ? t9[n2] = r2[n2] : qv(t9, n2, r2[n2], e2);
5538 return t9;
5539}, Wv = openapi_parser_Z, zv = Wr, Jv = openapi_parser_w, Hv = or("species"), Vv = tt, Yv = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, Qv = function(t9, r2) {
5540 if (Vv(r2, t9))
5541 return t9;
5542 throw Yv("Incorrect invocation");
5543}, Kv = vi, Xv = wt, Zv = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, th = Qr, rh = function(t9) {
5544 if (Kv(t9))
5545 return t9;
5546 throw Zv(Xv(t9) + " is not a constructor");
5547}, eh = or("species"), nh = function(t9, r2) {
5548 var e2, n2 = th(t9).constructor;
5549 return void 0 === n2 || null == (e2 = th(n2)[eh]) ? r2 : rh(e2);
5550}, oh = openapi_parser_o.TypeError, ih = function(t9, r2) {
5551 if (t9 < r2)
5552 throw oh("Not enough arguments");
5553 return t9;
5554}, uh = /(?:ipad|iphone|ipod).*applewebkit/i.test(rt), ah = "process" == openapi_parser_N(openapi_parser_o.process), fh = openapi_parser_o, ch = openapi_parser_l, sh = Gr, lh = openapi_parser_m, ph = qt, vh = openapi_parser_i, hh = An, dh = uo, yh = gr, bh = ih, mh = uh, gh = ah, wh = fh.setImmediate, jh = fh.clearImmediate, Oh = fh.process, Ah = fh.Dispatch, Sh = fh.Function, xh = fh.MessageChannel, Eh = fh.String, Ph = 0, kh = {};
5555try {
5556 Uv = fh.location;
5557} catch (t9) {
5559var _h = function(t9) {
5560 if (ph(kh, t9)) {
5561 var r2 = kh[t9];
5562 delete kh[t9], r2();
5563 }
5564}, Ih = function(t9) {
5565 return function() {
5566 _h(t9);
5567 };
5568}, Th = function(t9) {
5569 _h(t9.data);
5570}, Rh = function(t9) {
5571 fh.postMessage(Eh(t9), Uv.protocol + "//" + Uv.host);
5573wh && jh || (wh = function(t9) {
5574 bh(arguments.length, 1);
5575 var r2 = lh(t9) ? t9 : Sh(t9), e2 = dh(arguments, 1);
5576 return kh[++Ph] = function() {
5577 ch(r2, void 0, e2);
5578 }, Lv(Ph), Ph;
5579}, jh = function(t9) {
5580 delete kh[t9];
5581}, gh ? Lv = function(t9) {
5582 Oh.nextTick(Ih(t9));
5583} : Ah && Ah.now ? Lv = function(t9) {
5584 Ah.now(Ih(t9));
5585} : xh && !mh ? ($v = (Cv = new xh()).port2, Cv.port1.onmessage = Th, Lv = sh($v.postMessage, $v)) : fh.addEventListener && lh(fh.postMessage) && !fh.importScripts && Uv && "file:" !== Uv.protocol && !vh(Rh) ? (Lv = Rh, fh.addEventListener("message", Th, false)) : Lv = "onreadystatechange" in yh("script") ? function(t9) {
5586 hh.appendChild(yh("script")).onreadystatechange = function() {
5587 hh.removeChild(this), _h(t9);
5588 };
5589} : function(t9) {
5590 setTimeout(Ih(t9), 0);
5592var Fh, Nh, Mh, Dh, Uh, Lh, Ch, $h, Bh = { set: wh, clear: jh }, qh = openapi_parser_o, Gh = /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test(rt) && void 0 !== qh.Pebble, Wh = /web0s(?!.*chrome)/i.test(rt), zh = openapi_parser_o, Jh = Gr, Hh = openapi_parser_g.f, Vh = Bh.set, Yh = uh, Qh = Gh, Kh = Wh, Xh = ah, Zh = zh.MutationObserver || zh.WebKitMutationObserver, td = zh.document, rd = zh.process, ed = zh.Promise, nd = Hh(zh, "queueMicrotask"), od = nd && nd.value;
5593od || (Fh = function() {
5594 var t9, r2;
5595 for (Xh && (t9 = rd.domain) && t9.exit(); Nh; ) {
5596 r2 = Nh.fn, Nh = Nh.next;
5597 try {
5598 r2();
5599 } catch (t10) {
5600 throw Nh ? Dh() : Mh = void 0, t10;
5601 }
5602 }
5603 Mh = void 0, t9 && t9.enter();
5604}, Yh || Xh || Kh || !Zh || !td ? !Qh && ed && ed.resolve ? ((Ch = ed.resolve(void 0)).constructor = ed, $h = Jh(Ch.then, Ch), Dh = function() {
5605 $h(Fh);
5606}) : Xh ? Dh = function() {
5607 rd.nextTick(Fh);
5608} : (Vh = Jh(Vh, zh), Dh = function() {
5609 Vh(Fh);
5610}) : (Uh = true, Lh = td.createTextNode(""), new Zh(Fh).observe(Lh, { characterData: true }), Dh = function() {
5611 Lh.data = Uh = !Uh;
5613var id = od || function(t9) {
5614 var r2 = { fn: t9, next: void 0 };
5615 Mh && (Mh.next = r2), Nh || (Nh = r2, Dh()), Mh = r2;
5616}, ud = {}, ad = St, fd = function(t9) {
5617 var r2, e2;
5618 this.promise = new t9(function(t10, n2) {
5619 if (void 0 !== r2 || void 0 !== e2)
5620 throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor");
5621 r2 = t10, e2 = n2;
5622 }), this.resolve = ad(r2), this.reject = ad(e2);
5624ud.f = function(t9) {
5625 return new fd(t9);
5627var cd = Qr, sd = openapi_parser_H, ld = ud, pd = function(t9, r2) {
5628 if (cd(t9), sd(r2) && r2.constructor === t9)
5629 return r2;
5630 var e2 = ld.f(t9);
5631 return (0, e2.resolve)(r2), e2.promise;
5632}, vd = openapi_parser_o, hd = function(t9) {
5633 try {
5634 return { error: false, value: t9() };
5635 } catch (t10) {
5636 return { error: true, value: t10 };
5637 }
5638}, dd = function() {
5639 this.head = null, this.tail = null;
5641dd.prototype = { add: function(t9) {
5642 var r2 = { item: t9, next: null };
5643 this.head ? this.tail.next = r2 : this.head = r2, this.tail = r2;
5644}, get: function() {
5645 var t9 = this.head;
5646 if (t9)
5647 return this.head = t9.next, this.tail === t9 && (this.tail = null), t9.item;
5648} };
5649var yd, bd, md, gd = "object" == typeof window, wd = ge, jd = openapi_parser_o, Od = openapi_parser_Z, Ad = openapi_parser_A, Sd = Bv, xd = Gv, Ed = xo, Pd = function(t9) {
5650 var r2 = Wv(t9), e2 = zv.f;
5651 Jv && r2 && !r2[Hv] && e2(r2, Hv, { configurable: true, get: function() {
5652 return this;
5653 } });
5654}, kd = St, _d = openapi_parser_m, Id = openapi_parser_H, Td = Qv, Rd = Ro, Fd = hv, Nd = Rp, Md = nh, Dd = Bh.set, Ud = id, Ld = pd, Cd = function(t9, r2) {
5655 var e2 = vd.console;
5656 e2 && e2.error && (1 == arguments.length ? e2.error(t9) : e2.error(t9, r2));
5657}, $d = ud, Bd = hd, qd = dd, Gd = Zo, Wd = Cr, zd = gd, Jd = ah, Hd = ft, Vd = or("species"), Yd = "Promise", Qd = Gd.getterFor(Yd), Kd = Gd.set, Xd = Gd.getterFor(Yd), Zd = Sd && Sd.prototype, ty = Sd, ry = Zd, ey = jd.TypeError, ny = jd.document, oy = jd.process, iy = $d.f, uy = iy, ay = !!(ny && ny.createEvent && jd.dispatchEvent), fy = _d(jd.PromiseRejectionEvent), cy = Wd(Yd, function() {
5658 var t9 = Rd(ty), r2 = t9 !== String(ty);
5659 if (!r2 && 66 === Hd)
5660 return true;
5661 if (!ry.finally)
5662 return true;
5663 if (Hd >= 51 && /native code/.test(t9))
5664 return false;
5665 var e2 = new ty(function(t10) {
5666 t10(1);
5667 }), n2 = function(t10) {
5668 t10(function() {
5669 }, function() {
5670 });
5671 };
5672 return (e2.constructor = {})[Vd] = n2, !(e2.then(function() {
5673 }) instanceof n2) || !r2 && zd && !fy;
5674}), sy = cy || !Nd(function(t9) {
5675 ty.all(t9).catch(function() {
5676 });
5677}), ly = function(t9) {
5678 var r2;
5679 return !(!Id(t9) || !_d(r2 = t9.then)) && r2;
5680}, py = function(t9, r2) {
5681 var e2, n2, o2, i2 = r2.value, u2 = 1 == r2.state, a2 = u2 ? t9.ok : t9.fail, f2 = t9.resolve, c2 = t9.reject, s2 = t9.domain;
5682 try {
5683 a2 ? (u2 || (2 === r2.rejection && by(r2), r2.rejection = 1), true === a2 ? e2 = i2 : (s2 && s2.enter(), e2 = a2(i2), s2 && (s2.exit(), o2 = true)), e2 === t9.promise ? c2(ey("Promise-chain cycle")) : (n2 = ly(e2)) ? Ad(n2, e2, f2, c2) : f2(e2)) : c2(i2);
5684 } catch (t10) {
5685 s2 && !o2 && s2.exit(), c2(t10);
5686 }
5687}, vy = function(t9, r2) {
5688 t9.notified || (t9.notified = true, Ud(function() {
5689 for (var e2, n2 = t9.reactions; e2 = n2.get(); )
5690 py(e2, t9);
5691 t9.notified = false, r2 && !t9.rejection && dy(t9);
5692 }));
5693}, hy = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5694 var n2, o2;
5695 ay ? ((n2 = ny.createEvent("Event")).promise = r2, n2.reason = e2, n2.initEvent(t9, false, true), jd.dispatchEvent(n2)) : n2 = { promise: r2, reason: e2 }, !fy && (o2 = jd["on" + t9]) ? o2(n2) : "unhandledrejection" === t9 && Cd("Unhandled promise rejection", e2);
5696}, dy = function(t9) {
5697 Ad(Dd, jd, function() {
5698 var r2, e2 = t9.facade, n2 = t9.value;
5699 if (yy(t9) && (r2 = Bd(function() {
5700 Jd ? oy.emit("unhandledRejection", n2, e2) : hy("unhandledrejection", e2, n2);
5701 }), t9.rejection = Jd || yy(t9) ? 2 : 1, r2.error))
5702 throw r2.value;
5703 });
5704}, yy = function(t9) {
5705 return 1 !== t9.rejection && !t9.parent;
5706}, by = function(t9) {
5707 Ad(Dd, jd, function() {
5708 var r2 = t9.facade;
5709 Jd ? oy.emit("rejectionHandled", r2) : hy("rejectionhandled", r2, t9.value);
5710 });
5711}, my = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5712 return function(n2) {
5713 t9(r2, n2, e2);
5714 };
5715}, gy = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5716 t9.done || (t9.done = true, e2 && (t9 = e2), t9.value = r2, t9.state = 2, vy(t9, true));
5717}, wy = function(t9, r2, e2) {
5718 if (!t9.done) {
5719 t9.done = true, e2 && (t9 = e2);
5720 try {
5721 if (t9.facade === r2)
5722 throw ey("Promise can't be resolved itself");
5723 var n2 = ly(r2);
5724 n2 ? Ud(function() {
5725 var e3 = { done: false };
5726 try {
5727 Ad(n2, r2, my(wy, e3, t9), my(gy, e3, t9));
5728 } catch (r3) {
5729 gy(e3, r3, t9);
5730 }
5731 }) : (t9.value = r2, t9.state = 1, vy(t9, false));
5732 } catch (r3) {
5733 gy({ done: false }, r3, t9);
5734 }
5735 }
5737cy && (ry = (ty = function(t9) {
5738 Td(this, ry), kd(t9), Ad(yd, this);
5739 var r2 = Qd(this);
5740 try {
5741 t9(my(wy, r2), my(gy, r2));
5742 } catch (t10) {
5743 gy(r2, t10);
5744 }
5745}).prototype, (yd = function(t9) {
5746 Kd(this, { type: Yd, done: false, notified: false, parent: false, reactions: new qd(), rejection: false, state: 0, value: void 0 });
5747}).prototype = xd(ry, { then: function(t9, r2) {
5748 var e2 = Xd(this), n2 = iy(Md(this, ty));
5749 return e2.parent = true, n2.ok = !_d(t9) || t9, n2.fail = _d(r2) && r2, n2.domain = Jd ? oy.domain : void 0, 0 == e2.state ? e2.reactions.add(n2) : Ud(function() {
5750 py(n2, e2);
5751 }), n2.promise;
5752}, catch: function(t9) {
5753 return this.then(void 0, t9);
5754} }), bd = function() {
5755 var t9 = new yd(), r2 = Qd(t9);
5756 this.promise = t9, this.resolve = my(wy, r2), this.reject = my(gy, r2);
5757}, $d.f = iy = function(t9) {
5758 return t9 === ty || t9 === md ? new bd(t9) : uy(t9);
5759}), wd({ global: true, wrap: true, forced: cy }, { Promise: ty }), Ed(ty, Yd, false, true), Pd(Yd), md = Od(Yd), wd({ target: Yd, stat: true, forced: cy }, { reject: function(t9) {
5760 var r2 = iy(this);
5761 return Ad(r2.reject, void 0, t9), r2.promise;
5762} }), wd({ target: Yd, stat: true, forced: true }, { resolve: function(t9) {
5763 return Ld(this === md ? ty : this, t9);
5764} }), wd({ target: Yd, stat: true, forced: sy }, { all: function(t9) {
5765 var r2 = this, e2 = iy(r2), n2 = e2.resolve, o2 = e2.reject, i2 = Bd(function() {
5766 var e3 = kd(r2.resolve), i3 = [], u2 = 0, a2 = 1;
5767 Fd(t9, function(t10) {
5768 var f2 = u2++, c2 = false;
5769 a2++, Ad(e3, r2, t10).then(function(t11) {
5770 c2 || (c2 = true, i3[f2] = t11, --a2 || n2(i3));
5771 }, o2);
5772 }), --a2 || n2(i3);
5773 });
5774 return i2.error && o2(i2.value), e2.promise;
5775}, race: function(t9) {
5776 var r2 = this, e2 = iy(r2), n2 = e2.reject, o2 = Bd(function() {
5777 var o3 = kd(r2.resolve);
5778 Fd(t9, function(t10) {
5779 Ad(o3, r2, t10).then(e2.resolve, n2);
5780 });
5781 });
5782 return o2.error && n2(o2.value), e2.promise;
5783} });
5784var jy = openapi_parser_A, Oy = St, Ay = ud, Sy = hd, xy = hv;
5785ge({ target: "Promise", stat: true }, { allSettled: function(t9) {
5786 var r2 = this, e2 = Ay.f(r2), n2 = e2.resolve, o2 = e2.reject, i2 = Sy(function() {
5787 var e3 = Oy(r2.resolve), o3 = [], i3 = 0, u2 = 1;
5788 xy(t9, function(t10) {
5789 var a2 = i3++, f2 = false;
5790 u2++, jy(e3, r2, t10).then(function(t11) {
5791 f2 || (f2 = true, o3[a2] = { status: "fulfilled", value: t11 }, --u2 || n2(o3));
5792 }, function(t11) {
5793 f2 || (f2 = true, o3[a2] = { status: "rejected", reason: t11 }, --u2 || n2(o3));
5794 });
5795 }), --u2 || n2(o3);
5796 });
5797 return i2.error && o2(i2.value), e2.promise;
5798} });
5799var Ey = St, Py = openapi_parser_Z, ky = openapi_parser_A, _y = ud, Iy = hd, Ty = hv;
5800ge({ target: "Promise", stat: true }, { any: function(t9) {
5801 var r2 = this, e2 = Py("AggregateError"), n2 = _y.f(r2), o2 = n2.resolve, i2 = n2.reject, u2 = Iy(function() {
5802 var n3 = Ey(r2.resolve), u3 = [], a2 = 0, f2 = 1, c2 = false;
5803 Ty(t9, function(t10) {
5804 var s2 = a2++, l2 = false;
5805 f2++, ky(n3, r2, t10).then(function(t11) {
5806 l2 || c2 || (c2 = true, o2(t11));
5807 }, function(t11) {
5808 l2 || c2 || (l2 = true, u3[s2] = t11, --f2 || i2(new e2(u3, "No one promise resolved")));
5809 });
5810 }), --f2 || i2(new e2(u3, "No one promise resolved"));
5811 });
5812 return u2.error && i2(u2.value), n2.promise;
5813} });
5814var Ry = Bv, Fy = openapi_parser_Z, Ny = openapi_parser_m, My = nh, Dy = pd;
5815ge({ target: "Promise", proto: true, real: true, forced: !!Ry && openapi_parser_i(function() {
5816 Ry.prototype.finally.call({ then: function() {
5817 } }, function() {
5818 });
5819}) }, { finally: function(t9) {
5820 var r2 = My(this, Fy("Promise")), e2 = Ny(t9);
5821 return this.then(e2 ? function(e3) {
5822 return Dy(r2, t9()).then(function() {
5823 return e3;
5824 });
5825 } : t9, e2 ? function(e3) {
5826 return Dy(r2, t9()).then(function() {
5827 throw e3;
5828 });
5829 } : t9);
5830} });
5831var Uy = openapi_parser_V.Promise, Ly = Uy, Cy = ud, $y = hd;
5832ge({ target: "Promise", stat: true, forced: true }, { try: function(t9) {
5833 var r2 = Cy.f(this), e2 = $y(t9);
5834 return (e2.error ? r2.reject : r2.resolve)(e2.value), r2.promise;
5835} });
5836const By = openapi_parser_t(Wp.exports = Ly);
5837function qy(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2) {
5838 try {
5839 var a2 = t9[i2](u2), f2 = a2.value;
5840 } catch (t10) {
5841 return void e2(t10);
5842 }
5843 a2.done ? r2(f2) : By.resolve(f2).then(n2, o2);
5845function Gy(t9) {
5846 return function() {
5847 var r2 = this, e2 = arguments;
5848 return new By(function(n2, o2) {
5849 var i2 = t9.apply(r2, e2);
5850 function u2(t10) {
5851 qy(i2, n2, o2, u2, a2, "next", t10);
5852 }
5853 function a2(t10) {
5854 qy(i2, n2, o2, u2, a2, "throw", t10);
5855 }
5856 u2(void 0);
5857 });
5858 };
5860var Wy = { exports: {} }, zy = { exports: {} };
5861!function(t9) {
5862 var r2 = function(t10) {
5863 var r3, e2 = Object.prototype, n2 = e2.hasOwnProperty, o2 = "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, i2 = o2.iterator || "@@iterator", u2 = o2.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator", a2 = o2.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
5864 function f2(t11, r4, e3) {
5865 return Object.defineProperty(t11, r4, { value: e3, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }), t11[r4];
5866 }
5867 try {
5868 f2({}, "");
5869 } catch (t11) {
5870 f2 = function(t12, r4, e3) {
5871 return t12[r4] = e3;
5872 };
5873 }
5874 function c2(t11, r4, e3, n3) {
5875 var o3 = r4 && r4.prototype instanceof y2 ? r4 : y2, i3 = Object.create(o3.prototype), u3 = new k2(n3 || []);
5876 return i3._invoke = function(t12, r5, e4) {
5877 var n4 = l2;
5878 return function(o4, i4) {
5879 if (n4 === v2)
5880 throw new Error("Generator is already running");
5881 if (n4 === h2) {
5882 if ("throw" === o4)
5883 throw i4;
5884 return I2();
5885 }
5886 for (e4.method = o4, e4.arg = i4; ; ) {
5887 var u4 = e4.delegate;
5888 if (u4) {
5889 var a3 = x2(u4, e4);
5890 if (a3) {
5891 if (a3 === d2)
5892 continue;
5893 return a3;
5894 }
5895 }
5896 if ("next" === e4.method)
5897 e4.sent = e4._sent = e4.arg;
5898 else if ("throw" === e4.method) {
5899 if (n4 === l2)
5900 throw n4 = h2, e4.arg;
5901 e4.dispatchException(e4.arg);
5902 } else
5903 "return" === e4.method && e4.abrupt("return", e4.arg);
5904 n4 = v2;
5905 var f3 = s2(t12, r5, e4);
5906 if ("normal" === f3.type) {
5907 if (n4 = e4.done ? h2 : p2, f3.arg === d2)
5908 continue;
5909 return { value: f3.arg, done: e4.done };
5910 }
5911 "throw" === f3.type && (n4 = h2, e4.method = "throw", e4.arg = f3.arg);
5912 }
5913 };
5914 }(t11, e3, u3), i3;
5915 }
5916 function s2(t11, r4, e3) {
5917 try {
5918 return { type: "normal", arg: t11.call(r4, e3) };
5919 } catch (t12) {
5920 return { type: "throw", arg: t12 };
5921 }
5922 }
5923 t10.wrap = c2;
5924 var l2 = "suspendedStart", p2 = "suspendedYield", v2 = "executing", h2 = "completed", d2 = {};
5925 function y2() {
5926 }
5927 function b2() {
5928 }
5929 function m2() {
5930 }
5931 var g2 = {};
5932 f2(g2, i2, function() {
5933 return this;
5934 });
5935 var w2 = Object.getPrototypeOf, j2 = w2 && w2(w2(_2([])));
5936 j2 && j2 !== e2 && n2.call(j2, i2) && (g2 = j2);
5937 var O2 = m2.prototype = y2.prototype = Object.create(g2);
5938 function A2(t11) {
5939 ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(r4) {
5940 f2(t11, r4, function(t12) {
5941 return this._invoke(r4, t12);
5942 });
5943 });
5944 }
5945 function S2(t11, r4) {
5946 function e3(o4, i3, u3, a3) {
5947 var f3 = s2(t11[o4], t11, i3);
5948 if ("throw" !== f3.type) {
5949 var c3 = f3.arg, l3 = c3.value;
5950 return l3 && "object" == typeof l3 && n2.call(l3, "__await") ? r4.resolve(l3.u).then(function(t12) {
5951 e3("next", t12, u3, a3);
5952 }, function(t12) {
5953 e3("throw", t12, u3, a3);
5954 }) : r4.resolve(l3).then(function(t12) {
5955 c3.value = t12, u3(c3);
5956 }, function(t12) {
5957 return e3("throw", t12, u3, a3);
5958 });
5959 }
5960 a3(f3.arg);
5961 }
5962 var o3;
5963 this._invoke = function(t12, n3) {
5964 function i3() {
5965 return new r4(function(r5, o4) {
5966 e3(t12, n3, r5, o4);
5967 });
5968 }
5969 return o3 = o3 ? o3.then(i3, i3) : i3();
5970 };
5971 }
5972 function x2(t11, e3) {
5973 var n3 = t11.iterator[e3.method];
5974 if (n3 === r3) {
5975 if (e3.delegate = null, "throw" === e3.method) {
5976 if (t11.iterator.return && (e3.method = "return", e3.arg = r3, x2(t11, e3), "throw" === e3.method))
5977 return d2;
5978 e3.method = "throw", e3.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a 'throw' method");
5979 }
5980 return d2;
5981 }
5982 var o3 = s2(n3, t11.iterator, e3.arg);
5983 if ("throw" === o3.type)
5984 return e3.method = "throw", e3.arg = o3.arg, e3.delegate = null, d2;
5985 var i3 = o3.arg;
5986 return i3 ? i3.done ? (e3[t11.resultName] = i3.value, e3.next = t11.nextLoc, "return" !== e3.method && (e3.method = "next", e3.arg = r3), e3.delegate = null, d2) : i3 : (e3.method = "throw", e3.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), e3.delegate = null, d2);
5987 }
5988 function E2(t11) {
5989 var r4 = { tryLoc: t11[0] };
5990 1 in t11 && (r4.catchLoc = t11[1]), 2 in t11 && (r4.finallyLoc = t11[2], r4.afterLoc = t11[3]), this.tryEntries.push(r4);
5991 }
5992 function P2(t11) {
5993 var r4 = t11.completion || {};
5994 r4.type = "normal", delete r4.arg, t11.completion = r4;
5995 }
5996 function k2(t11) {
5997 this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }], t11.forEach(E2, this), this.reset(true);
5998 }
5999 function _2(t11) {
6000 if (t11) {
6001 var e3 = t11[i2];
6002 if (e3)
6003 return e3.call(t11);
6004 if ("function" == typeof t11.next)
6005 return t11;
6006 if (!isNaN(t11.length)) {
6007 var o3 = -1, u3 = function e4() {
6008 for (; ++o3 < t11.length; )
6009 if (n2.call(t11, o3))
6010 return e4.value = t11[o3], e4.done = false, e4;
6011 return e4.value = r3, e4.done = true, e4;
6012 };
6013 return u3.next = u3;
6014 }
6015 }
6016 return { next: I2 };
6017 }
6018 function I2() {
6019 return { value: r3, done: true };
6020 }
6021 return b2.prototype = m2, f2(O2, "constructor", m2), f2(m2, "constructor", b2), b2.displayName = f2(m2, a2, "GeneratorFunction"), t10.isGeneratorFunction = function(t11) {
6022 var r4 = "function" == typeof t11 && t11.constructor;
6023 return !!r4 && (r4 === b2 || "GeneratorFunction" === (r4.displayName || r4.name));
6024 }, t10.mark = function(t11) {
6025 return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t11, m2) : (t11.__proto__ = m2, f2(t11, a2, "GeneratorFunction")), t11.prototype = Object.create(O2), t11;
6026 }, t10.awrap = function(t11) {
6027 return { u: t11 };
6028 }, A2(S2.prototype), f2(S2.prototype, u2, function() {
6029 return this;
6030 }), t10.AsyncIterator = S2, t10.async = function(r4, e3, n3, o3, i3) {
6031 void 0 === i3 && (i3 = Promise);
6032 var u3 = new S2(c2(r4, e3, n3, o3), i3);
6033 return t10.isGeneratorFunction(e3) ? u3 : u3.next().then(function(t11) {
6034 return t11.done ? t11.value : u3.next();
6035 });
6036 }, A2(O2), f2(O2, a2, "Generator"), f2(O2, i2, function() {
6037 return this;
6038 }), f2(O2, "toString", function() {
6039 return "[object Generator]";
6040 }), t10.keys = function(t11) {
6041 var r4 = [];
6042 for (var e3 in t11)
6043 r4.push(e3);
6044 return r4.reverse(), function e4() {
6045 for (; r4.length; ) {
6046 var n3 = r4.pop();
6047 if (n3 in t11)
6048 return e4.value = n3, e4.done = false, e4;
6049 }
6050 return e4.done = true, e4;
6051 };
6052 }, t10.values = _2, k2.prototype = { constructor: k2, reset: function(t11) {
6053 if (this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.sent = this._sent = r3, this.done = false, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = r3, this.tryEntries.forEach(P2), !t11)
6054 for (var e3 in this)
6055 "t" === e3.charAt(0) && n2.call(this, e3) && !isNaN(+e3.slice(1)) && (this[e3] = r3);
6056 }, stop: function() {
6057 this.done = true;
6058 var t11 = this.tryEntries[0].completion;
6059 if ("throw" === t11.type)
6060 throw t11.arg;
6061 return this.rval;
6062 }, dispatchException: function(t11) {
6063 if (this.done)
6064 throw t11;
6065 var e3 = this;
6066 function o3(n3, o4) {
6067 return a3.type = "throw", a3.arg = t11, e3.next = n3, o4 && (e3.method = "next", e3.arg = r3), !!o4;
6068 }
6069 for (var i3 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i3 >= 0; --i3) {
6070 var u3 = this.tryEntries[i3], a3 = u3.completion;
6071 if ("root" === u3.tryLoc)
6072 return o3("end");
6073 if (u3.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
6074 var f3 = n2.call(u3, "catchLoc"), c3 = n2.call(u3, "finallyLoc");
6075 if (f3 && c3) {
6076 if (this.prev < u3.catchLoc)
6077 return o3(u3.catchLoc, true);
6078 if (this.prev < u3.finallyLoc)
6079 return o3(u3.finallyLoc);
6080 } else if (f3) {
6081 if (this.prev < u3.catchLoc)
6082 return o3(u3.catchLoc, true);
6083 } else {
6084 if (!c3)
6085 throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
6086 if (this.prev < u3.finallyLoc)
6087 return o3(u3.finallyLoc);
6088 }
6089 }
6090 }
6091 }, abrupt: function(t11, r4) {
6092 for (var e3 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e3 >= 0; --e3) {
6093 var o3 = this.tryEntries[e3];
6094 if (o3.tryLoc <= this.prev && n2.call(o3, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o3.finallyLoc) {
6095 var i3 = o3;
6096 break;
6097 }
6098 }
6099 i3 && ("break" === t11 || "continue" === t11) && i3.tryLoc <= r4 && r4 <= i3.finallyLoc && (i3 = null);
6100 var u3 = i3 ? i3.completion : {};
6101 return u3.type = t11, u3.arg = r4, i3 ? (this.method = "next", this.next = i3.finallyLoc, d2) : this.complete(u3);
6102 }, complete: function(t11, r4) {
6103 if ("throw" === t11.type)
6104 throw t11.arg;
6105 return "break" === t11.type || "continue" === t11.type ? this.next = t11.arg : "return" === t11.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t11.arg, this.method = "return", this.next = "end") : "normal" === t11.type && r4 && (this.next = r4), d2;
6106 }, finish: function(t11) {
6107 for (var r4 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r4 >= 0; --r4) {
6108 var e3 = this.tryEntries[r4];
6109 if (e3.finallyLoc === t11)
6110 return this.complete(e3.completion, e3.afterLoc), P2(e3), d2;
6111 }
6112 }, catch: function(t11) {
6113 for (var r4 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r4 >= 0; --r4) {
6114 var e3 = this.tryEntries[r4];
6115 if (e3.tryLoc === t11) {
6116 var n3 = e3.completion;
6117 if ("throw" === n3.type) {
6118 var o3 = n3.arg;
6119 P2(e3);
6120 }
6121 return o3;
6122 }
6123 }
6124 throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
6125 }, delegateYield: function(t11, e3, n3) {
6126 return this.delegate = { iterator: _2(t11), resultName: e3, nextLoc: n3 }, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = r3), d2;
6127 } }, t10;
6128 }(t9.exports);
6129 try {
6130 regeneratorRuntime = r2;
6131 } catch (t10) {
6132 "object" == typeof globalThis ? globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = r2 : Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(r2);
6133 }
6135const Jy = openapi_parser_t(Wy.exports = zy.exports);
6136var Hy = { exports: {} }, Vy = De.includes;
6137ge({ target: "Array", proto: true }, { includes: function(t9) {
6138 return Vy(this, t9, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
6139} });
6140var Yy = na("Array").includes, Qy = ge, Ky = es, Xy = q, Zy = hn, tb = os, rb = openapi_parser_b("".indexOf);
6141Qy({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: !tb("includes") }, { includes: function(t9) {
6142 return !!~rb(Zy(Xy(this)), Zy(Ky(t9)), arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
6143} });
6144var eb = na("String").includes, nb = tt, ob = Yy, ib = eb, ub = Array.prototype, ab = String.prototype;
6145const fb = openapi_parser_t(Hy.exports = function(t9) {
6146 var r2 = t9.includes;
6147 return t9 === ub || nb(ub, t9) && r2 === ub.includes ? ob : "string" == typeof t9 || t9 === ab || nb(ab, t9) && r2 === ab.includes ? ib : r2;
6149var cb = { exports: {} }, sb = na("Array").entries, lb = ln, pb = qt, vb = tt, hb = sb, db = Array.prototype, yb = { DOMTokenList: true, NodeList: true };
6150const bb = openapi_parser_t(cb.exports = function(t9) {
6151 var r2 = t9.entries;
6152 return t9 === db || vb(db, t9) && r2 === db.entries || pb(yb, lb(t9)) ? hb : r2;
6154var mb = { exports: {} };
6155const gb = openapi_parser_t(mb.exports = Np);
6156var wb = { exports: {} }, jb = ge, Ob = openapi_parser_Z, Ab = openapi_parser_l, Sb = openapi_parser_b, xb = openapi_parser_i, Eb = openapi_parser_o.Array, Pb = Ob("JSON", "stringify"), kb = Sb(/./.exec), _b = Sb("".charAt), Ib = Sb("".charCodeAt), Tb = Sb("".replace), Rb = Sb(1 .toString), Fb = /[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g, Nb = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF]$/, Mb = /^[\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/, Db = function(t9, r2, e2) {
6157 var n2 = _b(e2, r2 - 1), o2 = _b(e2, r2 + 1);
6158 return kb(Nb, t9) && !kb(Mb, o2) || kb(Mb, t9) && !kb(Nb, n2) ? "\\u" + Rb(Ib(t9, 0), 16) : t9;
6159}, Ub = xb(function() {
6160 return '"\\udf06\\ud834"' !== Pb("\uDF06\uD834") || '"\\udead"' !== Pb("\uDEAD");
6162Pb && jb({ target: "JSON", stat: true, forced: Ub }, { stringify: function(t9, r2, e2) {
6163 for (var n2 = 0, o2 = arguments.length, i2 = Eb(o2); n2 < o2; n2++)
6164 i2[n2] = arguments[n2];
6165 var u2 = Ab(Pb, null, i2);
6166 return "string" == typeof u2 ? Tb(u2, Fb, Db) : u2;
6167} });
6168var Lb = openapi_parser_V, Cb = openapi_parser_l;
6169Lb.JSON || (Lb.JSON = { stringify: JSON.stringify });
6170const $b = openapi_parser_t(wb.exports = function(t9, r2, e2) {
6171 return Cb(Lb.JSON.stringify, null, arguments);
6173var Bb = { exports: {} }, qb = _i.map;
6174ge({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !ta("map") }, { map: function(t9) {
6175 return qb(this, t9, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
6176} });
6177var Gb = na("Array").map, Wb = tt, zb = Gb, Jb = Array.prototype;
6178const Hb = openapi_parser_t(Bb.exports = function(t9) {
6179 var r2 = t9.map;
6180 return t9 === Jb || Wb(Jb, t9) && r2 === Jb.map ? zb : r2;
6182var Vb = { exports: {} };
6183const Yb = openapi_parser_t(Vb.exports = Qe);
6184var Qb = { exports: {} }, Kb = na("Array").concat, Xb = tt, Zb = Kb, tm = Array.prototype;
6185const rm = openapi_parser_t(Qb.exports = function(t9) {
6186 var r2 = t9.concat;
6187 return t9 === tm || Xb(tm, t9) && r2 === tm.concat ? Zb : r2;
6189var em = { exports: {} }, nm = openapi_parser_w, om = openapi_parser_b, im = He, um = openapi_parser_z, am = om(openapi_parser_S.f), fm = om([].push), cm = function(t9) {
6190 return function(r2) {
6191 for (var e2, n2 = um(r2), o2 = im(n2), i2 = o2.length, u2 = 0, a2 = []; i2 > u2; )
6192 e2 = o2[u2++], nm && !am(n2, e2) || fm(a2, t9 ? [e2, n2[e2]] : n2[e2]);
6193 return a2;
6194 };
6195}, sm = { entries: cm(true), values: cm(false) }.entries;
6196ge({ target: "Object", stat: true }, { entries: function(t9) {
6197 return sm(t9);
6198} });
6199var lm = openapi_parser_V.Object.entries;
6200const pm = openapi_parser_t(em.exports = lm);
6201var vm = { exports: {} };
6202const hm = openapi_parser_t(vm.exports = fa);
6203!function() {
6204 !function(t9) {
6205 !function(r2) {
6206 var e2 = "URLSearchParams" in t9, n2 = "Symbol" in t9 && "iterator" in Symbol, o2 = "FileReader" in t9 && "Blob" in t9 && function() {
6207 try {
6208 return new Blob(), true;
6209 } catch (t10) {
6210 return false;
6211 }
6212 }(), i2 = "FormData" in t9, u2 = "ArrayBuffer" in t9;
6213 if (u2)
6214 var a2 = ["[object Int8Array]", "[object Uint8Array]", "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", "[object Int16Array]", "[object Uint16Array]", "[object Int32Array]", "[object Uint32Array]", "[object Float32Array]", "[object Float64Array]"], f2 = ArrayBuffer.isView || function(t10) {
6215 return t10 && a2.indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(t10)) > -1;
6216 };
6217 function c2(t10) {
6218 if ("string" != typeof t10 && (t10 = String(t10)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~]/i.test(t10))
6219 throw new TypeError("Invalid character in header field name");
6220 return t10.toLowerCase();
6221 }
6222 function s2(t10) {
6223 return "string" != typeof t10 && (t10 = String(t10)), t10;
6224 }
6225 function l2(t10) {
6226 var r3 = { next: function() {
6227 var r4 = t10.shift();
6228 return { done: void 0 === r4, value: r4 };
6229 } };
6230 return n2 && (r3[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
6231 return r3;
6232 }), r3;
6233 }
6234 function p2(t10) {
6235 this.map = {}, t10 instanceof p2 ? t10.forEach(function(t11, r3) {
6236 this.append(r3, t11);
6237 }, this) : Array.isArray(t10) ? t10.forEach(function(t11) {
6238 this.append(t11[0], t11[1]);
6239 }, this) : t10 && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t10).forEach(function(r3) {
6240 this.append(r3, t10[r3]);
6241 }, this);
6242 }
6243 function v2(t10) {
6244 if (t10.bodyUsed)
6245 return Promise.reject(new TypeError("Already read"));
6246 t10.bodyUsed = true;
6247 }
6248 function h2(t10) {
6249 return new Promise(function(r3, e3) {
6250 t10.onload = function() {
6251 r3(t10.result);
6252 }, t10.onerror = function() {
6253 e3(t10.error);
6254 };
6255 });
6256 }
6257 function d2(t10) {
6258 var r3 = new FileReader(), e3 = h2(r3);
6259 return r3.readAsArrayBuffer(t10), e3;
6260 }
6261 function y2(t10) {
6262 if (t10.slice)
6263 return t10.slice(0);
6264 var r3 = new Uint8Array(t10.byteLength);
6265 return r3.set(new Uint8Array(t10)), r3.buffer;
6266 }
6267 function b2() {
6268 return this.bodyUsed = false, this._initBody = function(t10) {
6269 var r3;
6270 this._bodyInit = t10, t10 ? "string" == typeof t10 ? this._bodyText = t10 : o2 && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t10) ? this._bodyBlob = t10 : i2 && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t10) ? this._bodyFormData = t10 : e2 && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t10) ? this._bodyText = t10.toString() : u2 && o2 && ((r3 = t10) && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(r3)) ? (this._bodyArrayBuffer = y2(t10.buffer), this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) : u2 && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t10) || f2(t10)) ? this._bodyArrayBuffer = y2(t10) : this._bodyText = t10 = Object.prototype.toString.call(t10) : this._bodyText = "", this.headers.get("content-type") || ("string" == typeof t10 ? this.headers.set("content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8") : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set("content-type", this._bodyBlob.type) : e2 && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(t10) && this.headers.set("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"));
6271 }, o2 && (this.blob = function() {
6272 var t10 = v2(this);
6273 if (t10)
6274 return t10;
6275 if (this._bodyBlob)
6276 return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob);
6277 if (this._bodyArrayBuffer)
6278 return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]));
6279 if (this._bodyFormData)
6280 throw new Error("could not read FormData body as blob");
6281 return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText]));
6282 }, this.arrayBuffer = function() {
6283 return this._bodyArrayBuffer ? v2(this) || Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer) : this.blob().then(d2);
6284 }), this.text = function() {
6285 var t10 = v2(this);
6286 if (t10)
6287 return t10;
6288 if (this._bodyBlob)
6289 return function(t11) {
6290 var r3 = new FileReader(), e3 = h2(r3);
6291 return r3.readAsText(t11), e3;
6292 }(this._bodyBlob);
6293 if (this._bodyArrayBuffer)
6294 return Promise.resolve(function(t11) {
6295 for (var r3 = new Uint8Array(t11), e3 = new Array(r3.length), n3 = 0; n3 < r3.length; n3++)
6296 e3[n3] = String.fromCharCode(r3[n3]);
6297 return e3.join("");
6298 }(this._bodyArrayBuffer));
6299 if (this._bodyFormData)
6300 throw new Error("could not read FormData body as text");
6301 return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText);
6302 }, i2 && (this.formData = function() {
6303 return this.text().then(w2);
6304 }), this.json = function() {
6305 return this.text().then(JSON.parse);
6306 }, this;
6307 }
6308 p2.prototype.append = function(t10, r3) {
6309 t10 = c2(t10), r3 = s2(r3);
6310 var e3 = this.map[t10];
6311 this.map[t10] = e3 ? e3 + ", " + r3 : r3;
6312 }, p2.prototype.delete = function(t10) {
6313 delete this.map[c2(t10)];
6314 }, p2.prototype.get = function(t10) {
6315 return t10 = c2(t10), this.has(t10) ? this.map[t10] : null;
6316 }, p2.prototype.has = function(t10) {
6317 return this.map.hasOwnProperty(c2(t10));
6318 }, p2.prototype.set = function(t10, r3) {
6319 this.map[c2(t10)] = s2(r3);
6320 }, p2.prototype.forEach = function(t10, r3) {
6321 for (var e3 in this.map)
6322 this.map.hasOwnProperty(e3) && t10.call(r3, this.map[e3], e3, this);
6323 }, p2.prototype.keys = function() {
6324 var t10 = [];
6325 return this.forEach(function(r3, e3) {
6326 t10.push(e3);
6327 }), l2(t10);
6328 }, p2.prototype.values = function() {
6329 var t10 = [];
6330 return this.forEach(function(r3) {
6331 t10.push(r3);
6332 }), l2(t10);
6333 }, p2.prototype.entries = function() {
6334 var t10 = [];
6335 return this.forEach(function(r3, e3) {
6336 t10.push([e3, r3]);
6337 }), l2(t10);
6338 }, n2 && (p2.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = p2.prototype.entries);
6339 var m2 = ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT"];
6340 function g2(t10, r3) {
6341 var e3 = (r3 = r3 || {}).body;
6342 if (t10 instanceof g2) {
6343 if (t10.bodyUsed)
6344 throw new TypeError("Already read");
6345 this.url = t10.url, this.credentials = t10.credentials, r3.headers || (this.headers = new p2(t10.headers)), this.method = t10.method, this.mode = t10.mode, this.signal = t10.signal, e3 || null == t10._bodyInit || (e3 = t10._bodyInit, t10.bodyUsed = true);
6346 } else
6347 this.url = String(t10);
6348 if (this.credentials = r3.credentials || this.credentials || "same-origin", !r3.headers && this.headers || (this.headers = new p2(r3.headers)), this.method = function(t11) {
6349 var r4 = t11.toUpperCase();
6350 return m2.indexOf(r4) > -1 ? r4 : t11;
6351 }(r3.method || this.method || "GET"), this.mode = r3.mode || this.mode || null, this.signal = r3.signal || this.signal, this.referrer = null, ("GET" === this.method || "HEAD" === this.method) && e3)
6352 throw new TypeError("Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests");
6353 this._initBody(e3);
6354 }
6355 function w2(t10) {
6356 var r3 = new FormData();
6357 return t10.trim().split("&").forEach(function(t11) {
6358 if (t11) {
6359 var e3 = t11.split("="), n3 = e3.shift().replace(/\+/g, " "), o3 = e3.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " ");
6360 r3.append(decodeURIComponent(n3), decodeURIComponent(o3));
6361 }
6362 }), r3;
6363 }
6364 function j2(t10, r3) {
6365 r3 || (r3 = {}), this.type = "default", this.status = void 0 === r3.status ? 200 : r3.status, this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300, this.statusText = "statusText" in r3 ? r3.statusText : "OK", this.headers = new p2(r3.headers), this.url = r3.url || "", this._initBody(t10);
6366 }
6367 g2.prototype.clone = function() {
6368 return new g2(this, { body: this._bodyInit });
6369 }, b2.call(g2.prototype), b2.call(j2.prototype), j2.prototype.clone = function() {
6370 return new j2(this._bodyInit, { status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: new p2(this.headers), url: this.url });
6371 }, j2.error = function() {
6372 var t10 = new j2(null, { status: 0, statusText: "" });
6373 return t10.type = "error", t10;
6374 };
6375 var O2 = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308];
6376 j2.redirect = function(t10, r3) {
6377 if (-1 === O2.indexOf(r3))
6378 throw new RangeError("Invalid status code");
6379 return new j2(null, { status: r3, headers: { location: t10 } });
6380 }, r2.DOMException = t9.DOMException;
6381 try {
6382 new r2.DOMException();
6383 } catch (t10) {
6384 r2.DOMException = function(t11, r3) {
6385 this.message = t11, this.name = r3;
6386 var e3 = Error(t11);
6387 this.stack = e3.stack;
6388 }, r2.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), r2.DOMException.prototype.constructor = r2.DOMException;
6389 }
6390 function A2(t10, e3) {
6391 return new Promise(function(n3, i3) {
6392 var u3 = new g2(t10, e3);
6393 if (u3.signal && u3.signal.aborted)
6394 return i3(new r2.DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError"));
6395 var a3 = new XMLHttpRequest();
6396 function f3() {
6397 a3.abort();
6398 }
6399 a3.onload = function() {
6400 var t11, r3, e4 = { status: a3.status, statusText: a3.statusText, headers: (t11 = a3.getAllResponseHeaders() || "", r3 = new p2(), t11.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, " ").split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function(t12) {
6401 var e5 = t12.split(":"), n4 = e5.shift().trim();
6402 if (n4) {
6403 var o4 = e5.join(":").trim();
6404 r3.append(n4, o4);
6405 }
6406 }), r3) };
6407 e4.url = "responseURL" in a3 ? a3.responseURL : e4.headers.get("X-Request-URL");
6408 var o3 = "response" in a3 ? a3.response : a3.responseText;
6409 n3(new j2(o3, e4));
6410 }, a3.onerror = function() {
6411 i3(new TypeError("Network request failed"));
6412 }, a3.ontimeout = function() {
6413 i3(new TypeError("Network request failed"));
6414 }, a3.onabort = function() {
6415 i3(new r2.DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError"));
6416 }, a3.open(u3.method, u3.url, true), "include" === u3.credentials ? a3.withCredentials = true : "omit" === u3.credentials && (a3.withCredentials = false), "responseType" in a3 && o2 && (a3.responseType = "blob"), u3.headers.forEach(function(t11, r3) {
6417 a3.setRequestHeader(r3, t11);
6418 }), u3.signal && (u3.signal.addEventListener("abort", f3), a3.onreadystatechange = function() {
6419 4 === a3.readyState && u3.signal.removeEventListener("abort", f3);
6420 }), a3.send(void 0 === u3._bodyInit ? null : u3._bodyInit);
6421 });
6422 }
6423 A2.polyfill = true, t9.fetch || (t9.fetch = A2, t9.Headers = p2, t9.Request = g2, t9.Response = j2), r2.Headers = p2, r2.Request = g2, r2.Response = j2, r2.fetch = A2, Object.defineProperty(r2, "t", { value: true });
6424 }({});
6425 }("undefined" != typeof self ? self : this);
6427var dm = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol, ym = function() {
6428 if ("function" != typeof Symbol || "function" != typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols)
6429 return false;
6430 if ("symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator)
6431 return true;
6432 var t9 = {}, r2 = Symbol("test"), e2 = Object(r2);
6433 if ("string" == typeof r2)
6434 return false;
6435 if ("[object Symbol]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(r2))
6436 return false;
6437 if ("[object Symbol]" !== Object.prototype.toString.call(e2))
6438 return false;
6439 for (r2 in t9[r2] = 42, t9)
6440 return false;
6441 if ("function" == typeof Object.keys && 0 !== Object.keys(t9).length)
6442 return false;
6443 if ("function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames && 0 !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t9).length)
6444 return false;
6445 var n2 = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t9);
6446 if (1 !== n2.length || n2[0] !== r2)
6447 return false;
6448 if (!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(t9, r2))
6449 return false;
6450 if ("function" == typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor) {
6451 var o2 = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t9, r2);
6452 if (42 !== o2.value || true !== o2.enumerable)
6453 return false;
6454 }
6455 return true;
6456}, bm = "Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible ", mm = Array.prototype.slice, gm = Object.prototype.toString, wm = function(t9) {
6457 var r2 = this;
6458 if ("function" != typeof r2 || "[object Function]" !== gm.call(r2))
6459 throw new TypeError(bm + r2);
6460 for (var e2, n2 = mm.call(arguments, 1), o2 = function() {
6461 if (this instanceof e2) {
6462 var o3 = r2.apply(this, n2.concat(mm.call(arguments)));
6463 return Object(o3) === o3 ? o3 : this;
6464 }
6465 return r2.apply(t9, n2.concat(mm.call(arguments)));
6466 }, i2 = Math.max(0, r2.length - n2.length), u2 = [], a2 = 0; a2 < i2; a2++)
6467 u2.push("$" + a2);
6468 if (e2 = Function("binder", "return function (" + u2.join(",") + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")(o2), r2.prototype) {
6469 var f2 = function() {
6470 };
6471 f2.prototype = r2.prototype, e2.prototype = new f2(), f2.prototype = null;
6472 }
6473 return e2;
6474}, jm = Function.prototype.bind || wm, Om = jm.call(Function.call, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), Am = SyntaxError, Sm = Function, xm = TypeError, Em = function(t9) {
6475 try {
6476 return Sm('"use strict"; return (' + t9 + ").constructor;")();
6477 } catch (t10) {
6478 }
6479}, Pm = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
6480if (Pm)
6481 try {
6482 Pm({}, "");
6483 } catch (t9) {
6484 Pm = null;
6485 }
6486var km = function() {
6487 throw new xm();
6488}, _m = Pm ? function() {
6489 try {
6490 return km;
6491 } catch (t9) {
6492 try {
6493 return Pm(arguments, "callee").get;
6494 } catch (t10) {
6495 return km;
6496 }
6497 }
6498}() : km, Im = "function" == typeof dm && "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof dm("foo") && "symbol" == typeof Symbol("bar") && ym(), Tm = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(t9) {
6499 return t9.__proto__;
6500}, Rm = {}, Fm = "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? void 0 : Tm(Uint8Array), Nm = { "%AggregateError%": "undefined" == typeof AggregateError ? void 0 : AggregateError, "%Array%": Array, "%ArrayBuffer%": "undefined" == typeof ArrayBuffer ? void 0 : ArrayBuffer, "%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": Im ? Tm([][Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%": void 0, "%AsyncFunction%": Rm, "%AsyncGenerator%": Rm, "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%": Rm, "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": Rm, "%Atomics%": "undefined" == typeof Atomics ? void 0 : Atomics, "%BigInt%": "undefined" == typeof BigInt ? void 0 : BigInt, "%Boolean%": Boolean, "%DataView%": "undefined" == typeof DataView ? void 0 : DataView, "%Date%": Date, "%decodeURI%": decodeURI, "%decodeURIComponent%": decodeURIComponent, "%encodeURI%": encodeURI, "%encodeURIComponent%": encodeURIComponent, "%Error%": Error, "%eval%": eval, "%EvalError%": EvalError, "%Float32Array%": "undefined" == typeof Float32Array ? void 0 : Float32Array, "%Float64Array%": "undefined" == typeof Float64Array ? void 0 : Float64Array, "%FinalizationRegistry%": "undefined" == typeof FinalizationRegistry ? void 0 : FinalizationRegistry, "%Function%": Sm, "%GeneratorFunction%": Rm, "%Int8Array%": "undefined" == typeof Int8Array ? void 0 : Int8Array, "%Int16Array%": "undefined" == typeof Int16Array ? void 0 : Int16Array, "%Int32Array%": "undefined" == typeof Int32Array ? void 0 : Int32Array, "%isFinite%": isFinite, "%isNaN%": isNaN, "%IteratorPrototype%": Im ? Tm(Tm([][Symbol.iterator]())) : void 0, "%JSON%": "object" == typeof JSON ? JSON : void 0, "%Map%": "undefined" == typeof Map ? void 0 : Map, "%MapIteratorPrototype%": "undefined" != typeof Map && Im ? Tm((/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%Math%": Math, "%Number%": Number, "%Object%": Object, "%parseFloat%": parseFloat, "%parseInt%": parseInt, "%Promise%": "undefined" == typeof Promise ? void 0 : Promise, "%Proxy%": "undefined" == typeof Proxy ? void 0 : Proxy, "%RangeError%": RangeError, "%ReferenceError%": ReferenceError, "%Reflect%": "undefined" == typeof Reflect ? void 0 : Reflect, "%RegExp%": RegExp, "%Set%": "undefined" == typeof Set ? void 0 : Set, "%SetIteratorPrototype%": "undefined" != typeof Set && Im ? Tm((/* @__PURE__ */ new Set())[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%SharedArrayBuffer%": "undefined" == typeof SharedArrayBuffer ? void 0 : SharedArrayBuffer, "%String%": String, "%StringIteratorPrototype%": Im ? Tm(""[Symbol.iterator]()) : void 0, "%Symbol%": Im ? Symbol : void 0, "%SyntaxError%": Am, "%ThrowTypeError%": _m, "%TypedArray%": Fm, "%TypeError%": xm, "%Uint8Array%": "undefined" == typeof Uint8Array ? void 0 : Uint8Array, "%Uint8ClampedArray%": "undefined" == typeof Uint8ClampedArray ? void 0 : Uint8ClampedArray, "%Uint16Array%": "undefined" == typeof Uint16Array ? void 0 : Uint16Array, "%Uint32Array%": "undefined" == typeof Uint32Array ? void 0 : Uint32Array, "%URIError%": URIError, "%WeakMap%": "undefined" == typeof WeakMap ? void 0 : WeakMap, "%WeakRef%": "undefined" == typeof WeakRef ? void 0 : WeakRef, "%WeakSet%": "undefined" == typeof WeakSet ? void 0 : WeakSet }, Mm = function t2(r2) {
6501 var e2;
6502 if ("%AsyncFunction%" === r2)
6503 e2 = Em("async function () {}");
6504 else if ("%GeneratorFunction%" === r2)
6505 e2 = Em("function* () {}");
6506 else if ("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%" === r2)
6507 e2 = Em("async function* () {}");
6508 else if ("%AsyncGenerator%" === r2) {
6509 var n2 = t2("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%");
6510 n2 && (e2 = n2.prototype);
6511 } else if ("%AsyncIteratorPrototype%" === r2) {
6512 var o2 = t2("%AsyncGenerator%");
6513 o2 && (e2 = Tm(o2.prototype));
6514 }
6515 return Nm[r2] = e2, e2;
6516}, Dm = { "%ArrayBufferPrototype%": ["ArrayBuffer", "prototype"], "%ArrayPrototype%": ["Array", "prototype"], "%ArrayProto_entries%": ["Array", "prototype", "entries"], "%ArrayProto_forEach%": ["Array", "prototype", "forEach"], "%ArrayProto_keys%": ["Array", "prototype", "keys"], "%ArrayProto_values%": ["Array", "prototype", "values"], "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": ["AsyncFunction", "prototype"], "%AsyncGenerator%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype"], "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"], "%BooleanPrototype%": ["Boolean", "prototype"], "%DataViewPrototype%": ["DataView", "prototype"], "%DatePrototype%": ["Date", "prototype"], "%ErrorPrototype%": ["Error", "prototype"], "%EvalErrorPrototype%": ["EvalError", "prototype"], "%Float32ArrayPrototype%": ["Float32Array", "prototype"], "%Float64ArrayPrototype%": ["Float64Array", "prototype"], "%FunctionPrototype%": ["Function", "prototype"], "%Generator%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype"], "%GeneratorPrototype%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"], "%Int8ArrayPrototype%": ["Int8Array", "prototype"], "%Int16ArrayPrototype%": ["Int16Array", "prototype"], "%Int32ArrayPrototype%": ["Int32Array", "prototype"], "%JSONParse%": ["JSON", "parse"], "%JSONStringify%": ["JSON", "stringify"], "%MapPrototype%": ["Map", "prototype"], "%NumberPrototype%": ["Number", "prototype"], "%ObjectPrototype%": ["Object", "prototype"], "%ObjProto_toString%": ["Object", "prototype", "toString"], "%ObjProto_valueOf%": ["Object", "prototype", "valueOf"], "%PromisePrototype%": ["Promise", "prototype"], "%PromiseProto_then%": ["Promise", "prototype", "then"], "%Promise_all%": ["Promise", "all"], "%Promise_reject%": ["Promise", "reject"], "%Promise_resolve%": ["Promise", "resolve"], "%RangeErrorPrototype%": ["RangeError", "prototype"], "%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ["ReferenceError", "prototype"], "%RegExpPrototype%": ["RegExp", "prototype"], "%SetPrototype%": ["Set", "prototype"], "%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": ["SharedArrayBuffer", "prototype"], "%StringPrototype%": ["String", "prototype"], "%SymbolPrototype%": ["Symbol", "prototype"], "%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": ["SyntaxError", "prototype"], "%TypedArrayPrototype%": ["TypedArray", "prototype"], "%TypeErrorPrototype%": ["TypeError", "prototype"], "%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8Array", "prototype"], "%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8ClampedArray", "prototype"], "%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint16Array", "prototype"], "%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint32Array", "prototype"], "%URIErrorPrototype%": ["URIError", "prototype"], "%WeakMapPrototype%": ["WeakMap", "prototype"], "%WeakSetPrototype%": ["WeakSet", "prototype"] }, Um = jm, Lm = Om, Cm = Um.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.concat), $m = Um.call(Function.apply, Array.prototype.splice), Bm = Um.call(Function.call, String.prototype.replace), qm = Um.call(Function.call, String.prototype.slice), Gm = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g, Wm = /\\(\\)?/g, zm = function(t9) {
6517 var r2 = qm(t9, 0, 1), e2 = qm(t9, -1);
6518 if ("%" === r2 && "%" !== e2)
6519 throw new Am("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`");
6520 if ("%" === e2 && "%" !== r2)
6521 throw new Am("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`");
6522 var n2 = [];
6523 return Bm(t9, Gm, function(t10, r3, e3, o2) {
6524 n2[n2.length] = e3 ? Bm(o2, Wm, "$1") : r3 || t10;
6525 }), n2;
6526}, Jm = function(t9, r2) {
6527 var e2, n2 = t9;
6528 if (Lm(Dm, n2) && (n2 = "%" + (e2 = Dm[n2])[0] + "%"), Lm(Nm, n2)) {
6529 var o2 = Nm[n2];
6530 if (o2 === Rm && (o2 = Mm(n2)), void 0 === o2 && !r2)
6531 throw new xm("intrinsic " + t9 + " exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!");
6532 return { alias: e2, name: n2, value: o2 };
6533 }
6534 throw new Am("intrinsic " + t9 + " does not exist!");
6535}, Hm = function(t9, r2) {
6536 if ("string" != typeof t9 || 0 === t9.length)
6537 throw new xm("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string");
6538 if (arguments.length > 1 && "boolean" != typeof r2)
6539 throw new xm('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');
6540 var e2 = zm(t9), n2 = e2.length > 0 ? e2[0] : "", o2 = Jm("%" + n2 + "%", r2), i2 = o2.name, u2 = o2.value, a2 = false, f2 = o2.alias;
6541 f2 && (n2 = f2[0], $m(e2, Cm([0, 1], f2)));
6542 for (var c2 = 1, s2 = true; c2 < e2.length; c2 += 1) {
6543 var l2 = e2[c2], p2 = qm(l2, 0, 1), v2 = qm(l2, -1);
6544 if (('"' === p2 || "'" === p2 || "`" === p2 || '"' === v2 || "'" === v2 || "`" === v2) && p2 !== v2)
6545 throw new Am("property names with quotes must have matching quotes");
6546 if ("constructor" !== l2 && s2 || (a2 = true), Lm(Nm, i2 = "%" + (n2 += "." + l2) + "%"))
6547 u2 = Nm[i2];
6548 else if (null != u2) {
6549 if (!(l2 in u2)) {
6550 if (!r2)
6551 throw new xm("base intrinsic for " + t9 + " exists, but the property is not available.");
6552 return;
6553 }
6554 if (Pm && c2 + 1 >= e2.length) {
6555 var h2 = Pm(u2, l2);
6556 u2 = (s2 = !!h2) && "get" in h2 && !("originalValue" in h2.get) ? h2.get : u2[l2];
6557 } else
6558 s2 = Lm(u2, l2), u2 = u2[l2];
6559 s2 && !a2 && (Nm[i2] = u2);
6560 }
6561 }
6562 return u2;
6563}, Vm = { exports: {} };
6564!function(t9) {
6565 var r2 = jm, e2 = Hm, n2 = e2("%Function.prototype.apply%"), o2 = e2("%Function.prototype.call%"), i2 = e2("%Reflect.apply%", true) || r2.call(o2, n2), u2 = e2("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", true), a2 = e2("%Object.defineProperty%", true), f2 = e2("%Math.max%");
6566 if (a2)
6567 try {
6568 a2({}, "a", { value: 1 });
6569 } catch (t10) {
6570 a2 = null;
6571 }
6572 t9.exports = function(t10) {
6573 var e3 = i2(r2, o2, arguments);
6574 if (u2 && a2) {
6575 var n3 = u2(e3, "length");
6576 n3.configurable && a2(e3, "length", { value: 1 + f2(0, t10.length - (arguments.length - 1)) });
6577 }
6578 return e3;
6579 };
6580 var c2 = function() {
6581 return i2(r2, n2, arguments);
6582 };
6583 a2 ? a2(t9.exports, "apply", { value: c2 }) : t9.exports.apply = c2;
6585var Ym = Hm, Qm = Vm.exports, Km = Qm(Ym("String.prototype.indexOf"));
6586const Xm = openapi_parser_r(Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, default: {} }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })));
6587var Zm = "function" == typeof Map && Map.prototype, tg = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Zm ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Map.prototype, "size") : null, rg = Zm && tg && "function" == typeof tg.get ? tg.get : null, eg = Zm && Map.prototype.forEach, ng = "function" == typeof Set && Set.prototype, og = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && ng ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Set.prototype, "size") : null, ig = ng && og && "function" == typeof og.get ? og.get : null, ug = ng && Set.prototype.forEach, ag = "function" == typeof WeakMap && WeakMap.prototype ? WeakMap.prototype.has : null, fg = "function" == typeof WeakSet && WeakSet.prototype ? WeakSet.prototype.has : null, cg = "function" == typeof WeakRef && WeakRef.prototype ? WeakRef.prototype.deref : null, sg = Boolean.prototype.valueOf, lg = Object.prototype.toString, pg = Function.prototype.toString, vg = String.prototype.match, hg = String.prototype.slice, dg = String.prototype.replace, yg = String.prototype.toUpperCase, bg = String.prototype.toLowerCase, mg = RegExp.prototype.test, gg = Array.prototype.concat, wg = Array.prototype.join, jg = Array.prototype.slice, Og = Math.floor, Ag = "function" == typeof BigInt ? BigInt.prototype.valueOf : null, Sg = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, xg = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? Symbol.prototype.toString : null, Eg = "function" == typeof Symbol && "object" == typeof Symbol.iterator, Pg = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && (typeof Symbol.toStringTag === Eg || "symbol") ? Symbol.toStringTag : null, kg = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, _g = ("function" == typeof Reflect ? Reflect.getPrototypeOf : Object.getPrototypeOf) || ([].__proto__ === Array.prototype ? function(t9) {
6588 return t9.__proto__;
6589} : null);
6590function Ig(t9, r2) {
6591 if (t9 === 1 / 0 || t9 === -1 / 0 || t9 != t9 || t9 && t9 > -1e3 && t9 < 1e3 || mg.call(/e/, r2))
6592 return r2;
6593 var e2 = /[0-9](?=(?:[0-9]{3})+(?![0-9]))/g;
6594 if ("number" == typeof t9) {
6595 var n2 = t9 < 0 ? -Og(-t9) : Og(t9);
6596 if (n2 !== t9) {
6597 var o2 = String(n2), i2 = hg.call(r2, o2.length + 1);
6598 return dg.call(o2, e2, "$&_") + "." + dg.call(dg.call(i2, /([0-9]{3})/g, "$&_"), /_$/, "");
6599 }
6600 }
6601 return dg.call(r2, e2, "$&_");
6603var Tg = Xm.custom, Rg = Tg && Dg(Tg) ? Tg : null;
6604function Fg(t9, r2, e2) {
6605 var n2 = "double" === (e2.quoteStyle || r2) ? '"' : "'";
6606 return n2 + t9 + n2;
6608function Ng(t9) {
6609 return dg.call(String(t9), /"/g, "&quot;");
6611function Mg(t9) {
6612 return !("[object Array]" !== Cg(t9) || Pg && "object" == typeof t9 && Pg in t9);
6614function Dg(t9) {
6615 if (Eg)
6616 return t9 && "object" == typeof t9 && t9 instanceof Symbol;
6617 if ("symbol" == typeof t9)
6618 return true;
6619 if (!t9 || "object" != typeof t9 || !xg)
6620 return false;
6621 try {
6622 return xg.call(t9), true;
6623 } catch (t10) {
6624 }
6625 return false;
6627var Ug = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty || function(t9) {
6628 return t9 in this;
6630function Lg(t9, r2) {
6631 return Ug.call(t9, r2);
6633function Cg(t9) {
6634 return lg.call(t9);
6636function $g(t9, r2) {
6637 if (t9.indexOf)
6638 return t9.indexOf(r2);
6639 for (var e2 = 0, n2 = t9.length; e2 < n2; e2++)
6640 if (t9[e2] === r2)
6641 return e2;
6642 return -1;
6644function Bg(t9, r2) {
6645 if (t9.length > r2.maxStringLength) {
6646 var e2 = t9.length - r2.maxStringLength, n2 = "... " + e2 + " more character" + (e2 > 1 ? "s" : "");
6647 return Bg(hg.call(t9, 0, r2.maxStringLength), r2) + n2;
6648 }
6649 return Fg(dg.call(dg.call(t9, /(['\\])/g, "\\$1"), /[\x00-\x1f]/g, qg), "single", r2);
6651function qg(t9) {
6652 var r2 = t9.charCodeAt(0), e2 = { 8: "b", 9: "t", 10: "n", 12: "f", 13: "r" }[r2];
6653 return e2 ? "\\" + e2 : "\\x" + (r2 < 16 ? "0" : "") + yg.call(r2.toString(16));
6655function Gg(t9) {
6656 return "Object(" + t9 + ")";
6658function Wg(t9) {
6659 return t9 + " { ? }";
6661function zg(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
6662 return t9 + " (" + r2 + ") {" + (n2 ? Jg(e2, n2) : wg.call(e2, ", ")) + "}";
6664function Jg(t9, r2) {
6665 if (0 === t9.length)
6666 return "";
6667 var e2 = "\n" + r2.prev + r2.base;
6668 return e2 + wg.call(t9, "," + e2) + "\n" + r2.prev;
6670function Hg(t9, r2) {
6671 var e2 = Mg(t9), n2 = [];
6672 if (e2) {
6673 n2.length = t9.length;
6674 for (var o2 = 0; o2 < t9.length; o2++)
6675 n2[o2] = Lg(t9, o2) ? r2(t9[o2], t9) : "";
6676 }
6677 var i2, u2 = "function" == typeof Sg ? Sg(t9) : [];
6678 if (Eg) {
6679 i2 = {};
6680 for (var a2 = 0; a2 < u2.length; a2++)
6681 i2["$" + u2[a2]] = u2[a2];
6682 }
6683 for (var f2 in t9)
6684 Lg(t9, f2) && (e2 && String(Number(f2)) === f2 && f2 < t9.length || Eg && i2["$" + f2] instanceof Symbol || (mg.call(/[^\w$]/, f2) ? n2.push(r2(f2, t9) + ": " + r2(t9[f2], t9)) : n2.push(f2 + ": " + r2(t9[f2], t9))));
6685 if ("function" == typeof Sg)
6686 for (var c2 = 0; c2 < u2.length; c2++)
6687 kg.call(t9, u2[c2]) && n2.push("[" + r2(u2[c2]) + "]: " + r2(t9[u2[c2]], t9));
6688 return n2;
6690var Vg = Hm, Yg = function(t9, r2) {
6691 var e2 = Ym(t9, !!r2);
6692 return "function" == typeof e2 && Km(t9, ".prototype.") > -1 ? Qm(e2) : e2;
6693}, Qg = function t3(r2, e2, n2, o2) {
6694 var i2 = e2 || {};
6695 if (Lg(i2, "quoteStyle") && "single" !== i2.quoteStyle && "double" !== i2.quoteStyle)
6696 throw new TypeError('option "quoteStyle" must be "single" or "double"');
6697 if (Lg(i2, "maxStringLength") && ("number" == typeof i2.maxStringLength ? i2.maxStringLength < 0 && i2.maxStringLength !== 1 / 0 : null !== i2.maxStringLength))
6698 throw new TypeError('option "maxStringLength", if provided, must be a positive integer, Infinity, or `null`');
6699 var u2 = !Lg(i2, "customInspect") || i2.customInspect;
6700 if ("boolean" != typeof u2 && "symbol" !== u2)
6701 throw new TypeError("option \"customInspect\", if provided, must be `true`, `false`, or `'symbol'`");
6702 if (Lg(i2, "indent") && null !== i2.indent && " " !== i2.indent && !(parseInt(i2.indent, 10) === i2.indent && i2.indent > 0))
6703 throw new TypeError('option "indent" must be "\\t", an integer > 0, or `null`');
6704 if (Lg(i2, "numericSeparator") && "boolean" != typeof i2.numericSeparator)
6705 throw new TypeError('option "numericSeparator", if provided, must be `true` or `false`');
6706 var a2 = i2.numericSeparator;
6707 if (void 0 === r2)
6708 return "undefined";
6709 if (null === r2)
6710 return "null";
6711 if ("boolean" == typeof r2)
6712 return r2 ? "true" : "false";
6713 if ("string" == typeof r2)
6714 return Bg(r2, i2);
6715 if ("number" == typeof r2) {
6716 if (0 === r2)
6717 return 1 / 0 / r2 > 0 ? "0" : "-0";
6718 var f2 = String(r2);
6719 return a2 ? Ig(r2, f2) : f2;
6720 }
6721 if ("bigint" == typeof r2) {
6722 var c2 = String(r2) + "n";
6723 return a2 ? Ig(r2, c2) : c2;
6724 }
6725 var s2 = void 0 === i2.depth ? 5 : i2.depth;
6726 if (void 0 === n2 && (n2 = 0), n2 >= s2 && s2 > 0 && "object" == typeof r2)
6727 return Mg(r2) ? "[Array]" : "[Object]";
6728 var l2 = function(t9, r3) {
6729 var e3;
6730 if (" " === t9.indent)
6731 e3 = " ";
6732 else {
6733 if (!("number" == typeof t9.indent && t9.indent > 0))
6734 return null;
6735 e3 = wg.call(Array(t9.indent + 1), " ");
6736 }
6737 return { base: e3, prev: wg.call(Array(r3 + 1), e3) };
6738 }(i2, n2);
6739 if (void 0 === o2)
6740 o2 = [];
6741 else if ($g(o2, r2) >= 0)
6742 return "[Circular]";
6743 function p2(r3, e3, u3) {
6744 if (e3 && (o2 = jg.call(o2)).push(e3), u3) {
6745 var a3 = { depth: i2.depth };
6746 return Lg(i2, "quoteStyle") && (a3.quoteStyle = i2.quoteStyle), t3(r3, a3, n2 + 1, o2);
6747 }
6748 return t3(r3, i2, n2 + 1, o2);
6749 }
6750 if ("function" == typeof r2) {
6751 var v2 = function(t9) {
6752 if (t9.name)
6753 return t9.name;
6754 var r3 = vg.call(pg.call(t9), /^function\s*([\w$]+)/);
6755 if (r3)
6756 return r3[1];
6757 return null;
6758 }(r2), h2 = Hg(r2, p2);
6759 return "[Function" + (v2 ? ": " + v2 : " (anonymous)") + "]" + (h2.length > 0 ? " { " + wg.call(h2, ", ") + " }" : "");
6760 }
6761 if (Dg(r2)) {
6762 var d2 = Eg ? dg.call(String(r2), /^(Symbol\(.*\))_[^)]*$/, "$1") : xg.call(r2);
6763 return "object" != typeof r2 || Eg ? d2 : Gg(d2);
6764 }
6765 if (function(t9) {
6766 if (!t9 || "object" != typeof t9)
6767 return false;
6768 if ("undefined" != typeof HTMLElement && t9 instanceof HTMLElement)
6769 return true;
6770 return "string" == typeof t9.nodeName && "function" == typeof t9.getAttribute;
6771 }(r2)) {
6772 for (var y2 = "<" + bg.call(String(r2.nodeName)), b2 = r2.attributes || [], m2 = 0; m2 < b2.length; m2++)
6773 y2 += " " + b2[m2].name + "=" + Fg(Ng(b2[m2].value), "double", i2);
6774 return y2 += ">", r2.childNodes && r2.childNodes.length && (y2 += "..."), y2 += "</" + bg.call(String(r2.nodeName)) + ">";
6775 }
6776 if (Mg(r2)) {
6777 if (0 === r2.length)
6778 return "[]";
6779 var g2 = Hg(r2, p2);
6780 return l2 && !function(t9) {
6781 for (var r3 = 0; r3 < t9.length; r3++)
6782 if ($g(t9[r3], "\n") >= 0)
6783 return false;
6784 return true;
6785 }(g2) ? "[" + Jg(g2, l2) + "]" : "[ " + wg.call(g2, ", ") + " ]";
6786 }
6787 if (function(t9) {
6788 return !("[object Error]" !== Cg(t9) || Pg && "object" == typeof t9 && Pg in t9);
6789 }(r2)) {
6790 var w2 = Hg(r2, p2);
6791 return "cause" in r2 && !kg.call(r2, "cause") ? "{ [" + String(r2) + "] " + wg.call(gg.call("[cause]: " + p2(r2.cause), w2), ", ") + " }" : 0 === w2.length ? "[" + String(r2) + "]" : "{ [" + String(r2) + "] " + wg.call(w2, ", ") + " }";
6792 }
6793 if ("object" == typeof r2 && u2) {
6794 if (Rg && "function" == typeof r2[Rg])
6795 return r2[Rg]();
6796 if ("symbol" !== u2 && "function" == typeof r2.inspect)
6797 return r2.inspect();
6798 }
6799 if (function(t9) {
6800 if (!rg || !t9 || "object" != typeof t9)
6801 return false;
6802 try {
6803 rg.call(t9);
6804 try {
6805 ig.call(t9);
6806 } catch (t10) {
6807 return true;
6808 }
6809 return t9 instanceof Map;
6810 } catch (t10) {
6811 }
6812 return false;
6813 }(r2)) {
6814 var j2 = [];
6815 return eg.call(r2, function(t9, e3) {
6816 j2.push(p2(e3, r2, true) + " => " + p2(t9, r2));
6817 }), zg("Map", rg.call(r2), j2, l2);
6818 }
6819 if (function(t9) {
6820 if (!ig || !t9 || "object" != typeof t9)
6821 return false;
6822 try {
6823 ig.call(t9);
6824 try {
6825 rg.call(t9);
6826 } catch (t10) {
6827 return true;
6828 }
6829 return t9 instanceof Set;
6830 } catch (t10) {
6831 }
6832 return false;
6833 }(r2)) {
6834 var O2 = [];
6835 return ug.call(r2, function(t9) {
6836 O2.push(p2(t9, r2));
6837 }), zg("Set", ig.call(r2), O2, l2);
6838 }
6839 if (function(t9) {
6840 if (!ag || !t9 || "object" != typeof t9)
6841 return false;
6842 try {
6843 ag.call(t9, ag);
6844 try {
6845 fg.call(t9, fg);
6846 } catch (t10) {
6847 return true;
6848 }
6849 return t9 instanceof WeakMap;
6850 } catch (t10) {
6851 }
6852 return false;
6853 }(r2))
6854 return Wg("WeakMap");
6855 if (function(t9) {
6856 if (!fg || !t9 || "object" != typeof t9)
6857 return false;
6858 try {
6859 fg.call(t9, fg);
6860 try {
6861 ag.call(t9, ag);
6862 } catch (t10) {
6863 return true;
6864 }
6865 return t9 instanceof WeakSet;
6866 } catch (t10) {
6867 }
6868 return false;
6869 }(r2))
6870 return Wg("WeakSet");
6871 if (function(t9) {
6872 if (!cg || !t9 || "object" != typeof t9)
6873 return false;
6874 try {
6875 return cg.call(t9), true;
6876 } catch (t10) {
6877 }
6878 return false;
6879 }(r2))
6880 return Wg("WeakRef");
6881 if (function(t9) {
6882 return !("[object Number]" !== Cg(t9) || Pg && "object" == typeof t9 && Pg in t9);
6883 }(r2))
6884 return Gg(p2(Number(r2)));
6885 if (function(t9) {
6886 if (!t9 || "object" != typeof t9 || !Ag)
6887 return false;
6888 try {
6889 return Ag.call(t9), true;
6890 } catch (t10) {
6891 }
6892 return false;
6893 }(r2))
6894 return Gg(p2(Ag.call(r2)));
6895 if (function(t9) {
6896 return !("[object Boolean]" !== Cg(t9) || Pg && "object" == typeof t9 && Pg in t9);
6897 }(r2))
6898 return Gg(sg.call(r2));
6899 if (function(t9) {
6900 return !("[object String]" !== Cg(t9) || Pg && "object" == typeof t9 && Pg in t9);
6901 }(r2))
6902 return Gg(p2(String(r2)));
6903 if (!function(t9) {
6904 return !("[object Date]" !== Cg(t9) || Pg && "object" == typeof t9 && Pg in t9);
6905 }(r2) && !function(t9) {
6906 return !("[object RegExp]" !== Cg(t9) || Pg && "object" == typeof t9 && Pg in t9);
6907 }(r2)) {
6908 var A2 = Hg(r2, p2), S2 = _g ? _g(r2) === Object.prototype : r2 instanceof Object || r2.constructor === Object, x2 = r2 instanceof Object ? "" : "null prototype", E2 = !S2 && Pg && Object(r2) === r2 && Pg in r2 ? hg.call(Cg(r2), 8, -1) : x2 ? "Object" : "", P2 = (S2 || "function" != typeof r2.constructor ? "" : r2.constructor.name ? r2.constructor.name + " " : "") + (E2 || x2 ? "[" + wg.call(gg.call([], E2 || [], x2 || []), ": ") + "] " : "");
6909 return 0 === A2.length ? P2 + "{}" : l2 ? P2 + "{" + Jg(A2, l2) + "}" : P2 + "{ " + wg.call(A2, ", ") + " }";
6910 }
6911 return String(r2);
6912}, Kg = Vg("%TypeError%"), Xg = Vg("%WeakMap%", true), Zg = Vg("%Map%", true), tw = Yg("WeakMap.prototype.get", true), rw = Yg("WeakMap.prototype.set", true), ew = Yg("WeakMap.prototype.has", true), nw = Yg("Map.prototype.get", true), ow = Yg("Map.prototype.set", true), iw = Yg("Map.prototype.has", true), uw = function(t9, r2) {
6913 for (var e2, n2 = t9; null !== (e2 = n2.next); n2 = e2)
6914 if (e2.key === r2)
6915 return n2.next = e2.next, e2.next = t9.next, t9.next = e2, e2;
6916}, aw = String.prototype.replace, fw = /%20/g, cw = "RFC3986", sw = { default: cw, formatters: { RFC1738: function(t9) {
6917 return aw.call(t9, fw, "+");
6918}, RFC3986: function(t9) {
6919 return String(t9);
6920} }, RFC1738: "RFC1738", RFC3986: cw }, lw = sw, pw = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, vw = Array.isArray, hw = function() {
6921 for (var t9 = [], r2 = 0; r2 < 256; ++r2)
6922 t9.push("%" + ((r2 < 16 ? "0" : "") + r2.toString(16)).toUpperCase());
6923 return t9;
6924}(), dw = function(t9, r2) {
6925 for (var e2 = r2 && r2.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}, n2 = 0; n2 < t9.length; ++n2)
6926 void 0 !== t9[n2] && (e2[n2] = t9[n2]);
6927 return e2;
6928}, yw = { arrayToObject: dw, assign: function(t9, r2) {
6929 return Object.keys(r2).reduce(function(t10, e2) {
6930 return t10[e2] = r2[e2], t10;
6931 }, t9);
6932}, combine: function(t9, r2) {
6933 return [].concat(t9, r2);
6934}, compact: function(t9) {
6935 for (var r2 = [{ obj: { o: t9 }, prop: "o" }], e2 = [], n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; ++n2)
6936 for (var o2 = r2[n2], i2 = o2.obj[o2.prop], u2 = Object.keys(i2), a2 = 0; a2 < u2.length; ++a2) {
6937 var f2 = u2[a2], c2 = i2[f2];
6938 "object" == typeof c2 && null !== c2 && -1 === e2.indexOf(c2) && (r2.push({ obj: i2, prop: f2 }), e2.push(c2));
6939 }
6940 return function(t10) {
6941 for (; t10.length > 1; ) {
6942 var r3 = t10.pop(), e3 = r3.obj[r3.prop];
6943 if (vw(e3)) {
6944 for (var n3 = [], o3 = 0; o3 < e3.length; ++o3)
6945 void 0 !== e3[o3] && n3.push(e3[o3]);
6946 r3.obj[r3.prop] = n3;
6947 }
6948 }
6949 }(r2), t9;
6950}, decode: function(t9, r2, e2) {
6951 var n2 = t9.replace(/\+/g, " ");
6952 if ("iso-8859-1" === e2)
6953 return n2.replace(/%[0-9a-f]{2}/gi, unescape);
6954 try {
6955 return decodeURIComponent(n2);
6956 } catch (t10) {
6957 return n2;
6958 }
6959}, encode: function(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
6960 if (0 === t9.length)
6961 return t9;
6962 var i2 = t9;
6963 if ("symbol" == typeof t9 ? i2 = Symbol.prototype.toString.call(t9) : "string" != typeof t9 && (i2 = String(t9)), "iso-8859-1" === e2)
6964 return escape(i2).replace(/%u[0-9a-f]{4}/gi, function(t10) {
6965 return "%26%23" + parseInt(t10.slice(2), 16) + "%3B";
6966 });
6967 for (var u2 = "", a2 = 0; a2 < i2.length; ++a2) {
6968 var f2 = i2.charCodeAt(a2);
6969 45 === f2 || 46 === f2 || 95 === f2 || 126 === f2 || f2 >= 48 && f2 <= 57 || f2 >= 65 && f2 <= 90 || f2 >= 97 && f2 <= 122 || o2 === lw.RFC1738 && (40 === f2 || 41 === f2) ? u2 += i2.charAt(a2) : f2 < 128 ? u2 += hw[f2] : f2 < 2048 ? u2 += hw[192 | f2 >> 6] + hw[128 | 63 & f2] : f2 < 55296 || f2 >= 57344 ? u2 += hw[224 | f2 >> 12] + hw[128 | f2 >> 6 & 63] + hw[128 | 63 & f2] : (a2 += 1, f2 = 65536 + ((1023 & f2) << 10 | 1023 & i2.charCodeAt(a2)), u2 += hw[240 | f2 >> 18] + hw[128 | f2 >> 12 & 63] + hw[128 | f2 >> 6 & 63] + hw[128 | 63 & f2]);
6970 }
6971 return u2;
6972}, isBuffer: function(t9) {
6973 return !(!t9 || "object" != typeof t9) && !!(t9.constructor && t9.constructor.isBuffer && t9.constructor.isBuffer(t9));
6974}, isRegExp: function(t9) {
6975 return "[object RegExp]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
6976}, maybeMap: function(t9, r2) {
6977 if (vw(t9)) {
6978 for (var e2 = [], n2 = 0; n2 < t9.length; n2 += 1)
6979 e2.push(r2(t9[n2]));
6980 return e2;
6981 }
6982 return r2(t9);
6983}, merge: function t4(r2, e2, n2) {
6984 if (!e2)
6985 return r2;
6986 if ("object" != typeof e2) {
6987 if (vw(r2))
6988 r2.push(e2);
6989 else {
6990 if (!r2 || "object" != typeof r2)
6991 return [r2, e2];
6992 (n2 && (n2.plainObjects || n2.allowPrototypes) || !pw.call(Object.prototype, e2)) && (r2[e2] = true);
6993 }
6994 return r2;
6995 }
6996 if (!r2 || "object" != typeof r2)
6997 return [r2].concat(e2);
6998 var o2 = r2;
6999 return vw(r2) && !vw(e2) && (o2 = dw(r2, n2)), vw(r2) && vw(e2) ? (e2.forEach(function(e3, o3) {
7000 if (pw.call(r2, o3)) {
7001 var i2 = r2[o3];
7002 i2 && "object" == typeof i2 && e3 && "object" == typeof e3 ? r2[o3] = t4(i2, e3, n2) : r2.push(e3);
7003 } else
7004 r2[o3] = e3;
7005 }), r2) : Object.keys(e2).reduce(function(r3, o3) {
7006 var i2 = e2[o3];
7007 return pw.call(r3, o3) ? r3[o3] = t4(r3[o3], i2, n2) : r3[o3] = i2, r3;
7008 }, o2);
7009} }, bw = function() {
7010 var t9, r2, e2, n2 = { assert: function(t10) {
7011 if (!n2.has(t10))
7012 throw new Kg("Side channel does not contain " + Qg(t10));
7013 }, get: function(n3) {
7014 if (Xg && n3 && ("object" == typeof n3 || "function" == typeof n3)) {
7015 if (t9)
7016 return tw(t9, n3);
7017 } else if (Zg) {
7018 if (r2)
7019 return nw(r2, n3);
7020 } else if (e2)
7021 return function(t10, r3) {
7022 var e3 = uw(t10, r3);
7023 return e3 && e3.value;
7024 }(e2, n3);
7025 }, has: function(n3) {
7026 if (Xg && n3 && ("object" == typeof n3 || "function" == typeof n3)) {
7027 if (t9)
7028 return ew(t9, n3);
7029 } else if (Zg) {
7030 if (r2)
7031 return iw(r2, n3);
7032 } else if (e2)
7033 return function(t10, r3) {
7034 return !!uw(t10, r3);
7035 }(e2, n3);
7036 return false;
7037 }, set: function(n3, o2) {
7038 Xg && n3 && ("object" == typeof n3 || "function" == typeof n3) ? (t9 || (t9 = new Xg()), rw(t9, n3, o2)) : Zg ? (r2 || (r2 = new Zg()), ow(r2, n3, o2)) : (e2 || (e2 = { key: {}, next: null }), function(t10, r3, e3) {
7039 var n4 = uw(t10, r3);
7040 n4 ? n4.value = e3 : t10.next = { key: r3, next: t10.next, value: e3 };
7041 }(e2, n3, o2));
7042 } };
7043 return n2;
7044}, mw = yw, gw = sw, ww = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, jw = { brackets: function(t9) {
7045 return t9 + "[]";
7046}, comma: "comma", indices: function(t9, r2) {
7047 return t9 + "[" + r2 + "]";
7048}, repeat: function(t9) {
7049 return t9;
7050} }, Ow = Array.isArray, Aw = String.prototype.split, Sw = Array.prototype.push, xw = function(t9, r2) {
7051 Sw.apply(t9, Ow(r2) ? r2 : [r2]);
7052}, Ew = Date.prototype.toISOString, Pw = gw.default, kw = { addQueryPrefix: false, allowDots: false, charset: "utf-8", charsetSentinel: false, delimiter: "&", encode: true, encoder: mw.encode, encodeValuesOnly: false, format: Pw, formatter: gw.formatters[Pw], indices: false, serializeDate: function(t9) {
7053 return Ew.call(t9);
7054}, skipNulls: false, strictNullHandling: false }, _w = {}, Iw = function t5(r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2, c2, s2, l2, p2, v2, h2, d2) {
7055 for (var y2, b2 = r2, m2 = d2, g2 = 0, w2 = false; void 0 !== (m2 = m2.get(_w)) && !w2; ) {
7056 var j2 = m2.get(r2);
7057 if (g2 += 1, void 0 !== j2) {
7058 if (j2 === g2)
7059 throw new RangeError("Cyclic object value");
7060 w2 = true;
7061 }
7062 void 0 === m2.get(_w) && (g2 = 0);
7063 }
7064 if ("function" == typeof a2 ? b2 = a2(e2, b2) : b2 instanceof Date ? b2 = s2(b2) : "comma" === n2 && Ow(b2) && (b2 = mw.maybeMap(b2, function(t9) {
7065 return t9 instanceof Date ? s2(t9) : t9;
7066 })), null === b2) {
7067 if (o2)
7068 return u2 && !v2 ? u2(e2, kw.encoder, h2, "key", l2) : e2;
7069 b2 = "";
7070 }
7071 if ("string" == typeof (y2 = b2) || "number" == typeof y2 || "boolean" == typeof y2 || "symbol" == typeof y2 || "bigint" == typeof y2 || mw.isBuffer(b2)) {
7072 if (u2) {
7073 var O2 = v2 ? e2 : u2(e2, kw.encoder, h2, "key", l2);
7074 if ("comma" === n2 && v2) {
7075 for (var A2 = Aw.call(String(b2), ","), S2 = "", x2 = 0; x2 < A2.length; ++x2)
7076 S2 += (0 === x2 ? "" : ",") + p2(u2(A2[x2], kw.encoder, h2, "value", l2));
7077 return [p2(O2) + "=" + S2];
7078 }
7079 return [p2(O2) + "=" + p2(u2(b2, kw.encoder, h2, "value", l2))];
7080 }
7081 return [p2(e2) + "=" + p2(String(b2))];
7082 }
7083 var E2, P2 = [];
7084 if (void 0 === b2)
7085 return P2;
7086 if ("comma" === n2 && Ow(b2))
7087 E2 = [{ value: b2.length > 0 ? b2.join(",") || null : void 0 }];
7088 else if (Ow(a2))
7089 E2 = a2;
7090 else {
7091 var k2 = Object.keys(b2);
7092 E2 = f2 ? k2.sort(f2) : k2;
7093 }
7094 for (var _2 = 0; _2 < E2.length; ++_2) {
7095 var I2 = E2[_2], T2 = "object" == typeof I2 && void 0 !== I2.value ? I2.value : b2[I2];
7096 if (!i2 || null !== T2) {
7097 var R2 = Ow(b2) ? "function" == typeof n2 ? n2(e2, I2) : e2 : e2 + (c2 ? "." + I2 : "[" + I2 + "]");
7098 d2.set(r2, g2);
7099 var F2 = bw();
7100 F2.set(_w, d2), xw(P2, t5(T2, R2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2, c2, s2, l2, p2, v2, h2, F2));
7101 }
7102 }
7103 return P2;
7104}, Tw = yw, Rw = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Fw = Array.isArray, Nw = { allowDots: false, allowPrototypes: false, allowSparse: false, arrayLimit: 20, charset: "utf-8", charsetSentinel: false, comma: false, decoder: Tw.decode, delimiter: "&", depth: 5, ignoreQueryPrefix: false, interpretNumericEntities: false, parameterLimit: 1e3, parseArrays: true, plainObjects: false, strictNullHandling: false }, Mw = function(t9) {
7105 return t9.replace(/&#(\d+);/g, function(t10, r2) {
7106 return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(r2, 10));
7107 });
7108}, Dw = function(t9, r2) {
7109 return t9 && "string" == typeof t9 && r2.comma && t9.indexOf(",") > -1 ? t9.split(",") : t9;
7110}, Uw = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
7111 if (t9) {
7112 var o2 = e2.allowDots ? t9.replace(/\.([^.[]+)/g, "[$1]") : t9, i2 = /(\[[^[\]]*])/g, u2 = e2.depth > 0 && /(\[[^[\]]*])/.exec(o2), a2 = u2 ? o2.slice(0, u2.index) : o2, f2 = [];
7113 if (a2) {
7114 if (!e2.plainObjects && Rw.call(Object.prototype, a2) && !e2.allowPrototypes)
7115 return;
7116 f2.push(a2);
7117 }
7118 for (var c2 = 0; e2.depth > 0 && null !== (u2 = i2.exec(o2)) && c2 < e2.depth; ) {
7119 if (c2 += 1, !e2.plainObjects && Rw.call(Object.prototype, u2[1].slice(1, -1)) && !e2.allowPrototypes)
7120 return;
7121 f2.push(u2[1]);
7122 }
7123 return u2 && f2.push("[" + o2.slice(u2.index) + "]"), function(t10, r3, e3, n3) {
7124 for (var o3 = n3 ? r3 : Dw(r3, e3), i3 = t10.length - 1; i3 >= 0; --i3) {
7125 var u3, a3 = t10[i3];
7126 if ("[]" === a3 && e3.parseArrays)
7127 u3 = [].concat(o3);
7128 else {
7129 u3 = e3.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {};
7130 var f3 = "[" === a3.charAt(0) && "]" === a3.charAt(a3.length - 1) ? a3.slice(1, -1) : a3, c3 = parseInt(f3, 10);
7131 e3.parseArrays || "" !== f3 ? !isNaN(c3) && a3 !== f3 && String(c3) === f3 && c3 >= 0 && e3.parseArrays && c3 <= e3.arrayLimit ? (u3 = [])[c3] = o3 : "__proto__" !== f3 && (u3[f3] = o3) : u3 = { 0: o3 };
7132 }
7133 o3 = u3;
7134 }
7135 return o3;
7136 }(f2, r2, e2, n2);
7137 }
7138}, Lw = function(t9, r2) {
7139 var e2, n2 = t9, o2 = function(t10) {
7140 if (!t10)
7141 return kw;
7142 if (null !== t10.encoder && void 0 !== t10.encoder && "function" != typeof t10.encoder)
7143 throw new TypeError("Encoder has to be a function.");
7144 var r3 = t10.charset || kw.charset;
7145 if (void 0 !== t10.charset && "utf-8" !== t10.charset && "iso-8859-1" !== t10.charset)
7146 throw new TypeError("The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined");
7147 var e3 = gw.default;
7148 if (void 0 !== t10.format) {
7149 if (!ww.call(gw.formatters, t10.format))
7150 throw new TypeError("Unknown format option provided.");
7151 e3 = t10.format;
7152 }
7153 var n3 = gw.formatters[e3], o3 = kw.filter;
7154 return ("function" == typeof t10.filter || Ow(t10.filter)) && (o3 = t10.filter), { addQueryPrefix: "boolean" == typeof t10.addQueryPrefix ? t10.addQueryPrefix : kw.addQueryPrefix, allowDots: void 0 === t10.allowDots ? kw.allowDots : !!t10.allowDots, charset: r3, charsetSentinel: "boolean" == typeof t10.charsetSentinel ? t10.charsetSentinel : kw.charsetSentinel, delimiter: void 0 === t10.delimiter ? kw.delimiter : t10.delimiter, encode: "boolean" == typeof t10.encode ? t10.encode : kw.encode, encoder: "function" == typeof t10.encoder ? t10.encoder : kw.encoder, encodeValuesOnly: "boolean" == typeof t10.encodeValuesOnly ? t10.encodeValuesOnly : kw.encodeValuesOnly, filter: o3, format: e3, formatter: n3, serializeDate: "function" == typeof t10.serializeDate ? t10.serializeDate : kw.serializeDate, skipNulls: "boolean" == typeof t10.skipNulls ? t10.skipNulls : kw.skipNulls, sort: "function" == typeof t10.sort ? t10.sort : null, strictNullHandling: "boolean" == typeof t10.strictNullHandling ? t10.strictNullHandling : kw.strictNullHandling };
7155 }(r2);
7156 "function" == typeof o2.filter ? n2 = (0, o2.filter)("", n2) : Ow(o2.filter) && (e2 = o2.filter);
7157 var i2, u2 = [];
7158 if ("object" != typeof n2 || null === n2)
7159 return "";
7160 i2 = r2 && r2.arrayFormat in jw ? r2.arrayFormat : r2 && "indices" in r2 ? r2.indices ? "indices" : "repeat" : "indices";
7161 var a2 = jw[i2];
7162 e2 || (e2 = Object.keys(n2)), o2.sort && e2.sort(o2.sort);
7163 for (var f2 = bw(), c2 = 0; c2 < e2.length; ++c2) {
7164 var s2 = e2[c2];
7165 o2.skipNulls && null === n2[s2] || xw(u2, Iw(n2[s2], s2, a2, o2.strictNullHandling, o2.skipNulls, o2.encode ? o2.encoder : null, o2.filter, o2.sort, o2.allowDots, o2.serializeDate, o2.format, o2.formatter, o2.encodeValuesOnly, o2.charset, f2));
7166 }
7167 var l2 = u2.join(o2.delimiter), p2 = true === o2.addQueryPrefix ? "?" : "";
7168 return o2.charsetSentinel && ("iso-8859-1" === o2.charset ? p2 += "utf8=%26%2310003%3B&" : p2 += "utf8=%E2%9C%93&"), l2.length > 0 ? p2 + l2 : "";
7169}, Cw = function(t9, r2) {
7170 var e2 = function(t10) {
7171 if (!t10)
7172 return Nw;
7173 if (null !== t10.decoder && void 0 !== t10.decoder && "function" != typeof t10.decoder)
7174 throw new TypeError("Decoder has to be a function.");
7175 if (void 0 !== t10.charset && "utf-8" !== t10.charset && "iso-8859-1" !== t10.charset)
7176 throw new TypeError("The charset option must be either utf-8, iso-8859-1, or undefined");
7177 var r3 = void 0 === t10.charset ? Nw.charset : t10.charset;
7178 return { allowDots: void 0 === t10.allowDots ? Nw.allowDots : !!t10.allowDots, allowPrototypes: "boolean" == typeof t10.allowPrototypes ? t10.allowPrototypes : Nw.allowPrototypes, allowSparse: "boolean" == typeof t10.allowSparse ? t10.allowSparse : Nw.allowSparse, arrayLimit: "number" == typeof t10.arrayLimit ? t10.arrayLimit : Nw.arrayLimit, charset: r3, charsetSentinel: "boolean" == typeof t10.charsetSentinel ? t10.charsetSentinel : Nw.charsetSentinel, comma: "boolean" == typeof t10.comma ? t10.comma : Nw.comma, decoder: "function" == typeof t10.decoder ? t10.decoder : Nw.decoder, delimiter: "string" == typeof t10.delimiter || Tw.isRegExp(t10.delimiter) ? t10.delimiter : Nw.delimiter, depth: "number" == typeof t10.depth || false === t10.depth ? +t10.depth : Nw.depth, ignoreQueryPrefix: true === t10.ignoreQueryPrefix, interpretNumericEntities: "boolean" == typeof t10.interpretNumericEntities ? t10.interpretNumericEntities : Nw.interpretNumericEntities, parameterLimit: "number" == typeof t10.parameterLimit ? t10.parameterLimit : Nw.parameterLimit, parseArrays: false !== t10.parseArrays, plainObjects: "boolean" == typeof t10.plainObjects ? t10.plainObjects : Nw.plainObjects, strictNullHandling: "boolean" == typeof t10.strictNullHandling ? t10.strictNullHandling : Nw.strictNullHandling };
7179 }(r2);
7180 if ("" === t9 || null == t9)
7181 return e2.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {};
7182 for (var n2 = "string" == typeof t9 ? function(t10, r3) {
7183 var e3, n3 = {}, o3 = r3.ignoreQueryPrefix ? t10.replace(/^\?/, "") : t10, i3 = r3.parameterLimit === 1 / 0 ? void 0 : r3.parameterLimit, u3 = o3.split(r3.delimiter, i3), a3 = -1, f3 = r3.charset;
7184 if (r3.charsetSentinel)
7185 for (e3 = 0; e3 < u3.length; ++e3)
7186 0 === u3[e3].indexOf("utf8=") && ("utf8=%E2%9C%93" === u3[e3] ? f3 = "utf-8" : "utf8=%26%2310003%3B" === u3[e3] && (f3 = "iso-8859-1"), a3 = e3, e3 = u3.length);
7187 for (e3 = 0; e3 < u3.length; ++e3)
7188 if (e3 !== a3) {
7189 var c2, s2, l2 = u3[e3], p2 = l2.indexOf("]="), v2 = -1 === p2 ? l2.indexOf("=") : p2 + 1;
7190 -1 === v2 ? (c2 = r3.decoder(l2, Nw.decoder, f3, "key"), s2 = r3.strictNullHandling ? null : "") : (c2 = r3.decoder(l2.slice(0, v2), Nw.decoder, f3, "key"), s2 = Tw.maybeMap(Dw(l2.slice(v2 + 1), r3), function(t11) {
7191 return r3.decoder(t11, Nw.decoder, f3, "value");
7192 })), s2 && r3.interpretNumericEntities && "iso-8859-1" === f3 && (s2 = Mw(s2)), l2.indexOf("[]=") > -1 && (s2 = Fw(s2) ? [s2] : s2), Rw.call(n3, c2) ? n3[c2] = Tw.combine(n3[c2], s2) : n3[c2] = s2;
7193 }
7194 return n3;
7195 }(t9, e2) : t9, o2 = e2.plainObjects ? /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : {}, i2 = Object.keys(n2), u2 = 0; u2 < i2.length; ++u2) {
7196 var a2 = i2[u2], f2 = Uw(a2, n2[a2], e2, "string" == typeof t9);
7197 o2 = Tw.merge(o2, f2, e2);
7198 }
7199 return true === e2.allowSparse ? o2 : Tw.compact(o2);
7200}, $w = { formats: sw, parse: Cw, stringify: Lw };
7201/*! js-yaml 4.1.0 https://github.com/nodeca/js-yaml @license MIT */
7202function Bw(t9) {
7203 return null == t9;
7205var qw = function(t9, r2) {
7206 var e2, n2, o2, i2;
7207 if (r2)
7208 for (e2 = 0, n2 = (i2 = Object.keys(r2)).length; e2 < n2; e2 += 1)
7209 t9[o2 = i2[e2]] = r2[o2];
7210 return t9;
7211}, Gw = { isNothing: Bw, isObject: function(t9) {
7212 return "object" == typeof t9 && null !== t9;
7213}, toArray: function(t9) {
7214 return Array.isArray(t9) ? t9 : Bw(t9) ? [] : [t9];
7215}, repeat: function(t9, r2) {
7216 var e2, n2 = "";
7217 for (e2 = 0; e2 < r2; e2 += 1)
7218 n2 += t9;
7219 return n2;
7220}, isNegativeZero: function(t9) {
7221 return 0 === t9 && Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === 1 / t9;
7222}, extend: qw };
7223function Ww(t9, r2) {
7224 var e2 = "", n2 = t9.reason || "(unknown reason)";
7225 return t9.mark ? (t9.mark.name && (e2 += 'in "' + t9.mark.name + '" '), e2 += "(" + (t9.mark.line + 1) + ":" + (t9.mark.column + 1) + ")", !r2 && t9.mark.snippet && (e2 += "\n\n" + t9.mark.snippet), n2 + " " + e2) : n2;
7227function zw(t9, r2) {
7228 Error.call(this), this.name = "YAMLException", this.reason = t9, this.mark = r2, this.message = Ww(this, false), Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = new Error().stack || "";
7230zw.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), zw.prototype.constructor = zw, zw.prototype.toString = function(t9) {
7231 return this.name + ": " + Ww(this, t9);
7233var Jw = zw;
7234function Hw(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
7235 var i2 = "", u2 = "", a2 = Math.floor(o2 / 2) - 1;
7236 return n2 - r2 > a2 && (r2 = n2 - a2 + (i2 = " ... ").length), e2 - n2 > a2 && (e2 = n2 + a2 - (u2 = " ...").length), { str: i2 + t9.slice(r2, e2).replace(/\t/g, "\u2192") + u2, pos: n2 - r2 + i2.length };
7238function Vw(t9, r2) {
7239 return Gw.repeat(" ", r2 - t9.length) + t9;
7241var Yw = function(t9, r2) {
7242 if (r2 = Object.create(r2 || null), !t9.buffer)
7243 return null;
7244 r2.maxLength || (r2.maxLength = 79), "number" != typeof r2.indent && (r2.indent = 1), "number" != typeof r2.linesBefore && (r2.linesBefore = 3), "number" != typeof r2.linesAfter && (r2.linesAfter = 2);
7245 for (var e2, n2 = /\r?\n|\r|\0/g, o2 = [0], i2 = [], u2 = -1; e2 = n2.exec(t9.buffer); )
7246 i2.push(e2.index), o2.push(e2.index + e2[0].length), t9.position <= e2.index && u2 < 0 && (u2 = o2.length - 2);
7247 u2 < 0 && (u2 = o2.length - 1);
7248 var a2, f2, c2 = "", s2 = Math.min(t9.line + r2.linesAfter, i2.length).toString().length, l2 = r2.maxLength - (r2.indent + s2 + 3);
7249 for (a2 = 1; a2 <= r2.linesBefore && !(u2 - a2 < 0); a2++)
7250 f2 = Hw(t9.buffer, o2[u2 - a2], i2[u2 - a2], t9.position - (o2[u2] - o2[u2 - a2]), l2), c2 = Gw.repeat(" ", r2.indent) + Vw((t9.line - a2 + 1).toString(), s2) + " | " + f2.str + "\n" + c2;
7251 for (f2 = Hw(t9.buffer, o2[u2], i2[u2], t9.position, l2), c2 += Gw.repeat(" ", r2.indent) + Vw((t9.line + 1).toString(), s2) + " | " + f2.str + "\n", c2 += Gw.repeat("-", r2.indent + s2 + 3 + f2.pos) + "^\n", a2 = 1; a2 <= r2.linesAfter && !(u2 + a2 >= i2.length); a2++)
7252 f2 = Hw(t9.buffer, o2[u2 + a2], i2[u2 + a2], t9.position - (o2[u2] - o2[u2 + a2]), l2), c2 += Gw.repeat(" ", r2.indent) + Vw((t9.line + a2 + 1).toString(), s2) + " | " + f2.str + "\n";
7253 return c2.replace(/\n$/, "");
7254}, Qw = ["kind", "multi", "resolve", "construct", "instanceOf", "predicate", "represent", "representName", "defaultStyle", "styleAliases"], Kw = ["scalar", "sequence", "mapping"];
7255var Xw = function(t9, r2) {
7256 if (r2 = r2 || {}, Object.keys(r2).forEach(function(r3) {
7257 if (-1 === Qw.indexOf(r3))
7258 throw new Jw('Unknown option "' + r3 + '" is met in definition of "' + t9 + '" YAML type.');
7259 }), this.options = r2, this.tag = t9, this.kind = r2.kind || null, this.resolve = r2.resolve || function() {
7260 return true;
7261 }, this.construct = r2.construct || function(t10) {
7262 return t10;
7263 }, this.instanceOf = r2.instanceOf || null, this.predicate = r2.predicate || null, this.represent = r2.represent || null, this.representName = r2.representName || null, this.defaultStyle = r2.defaultStyle || null, this.multi = r2.multi || false, this.styleAliases = function(t10) {
7264 var r3 = {};
7265 return null !== t10 && Object.keys(t10).forEach(function(e2) {
7266 t10[e2].forEach(function(t11) {
7267 r3[String(t11)] = e2;
7268 });
7269 }), r3;
7270 }(r2.styleAliases || null), -1 === Kw.indexOf(this.kind))
7271 throw new Jw('Unknown kind "' + this.kind + '" is specified for "' + t9 + '" YAML type.');
7273function Zw(t9, r2) {
7274 var e2 = [];
7275 return t9[r2].forEach(function(t10) {
7276 var r3 = e2.length;
7277 e2.forEach(function(e3, n2) {
7278 e3.tag === t10.tag && e3.kind === t10.kind && e3.multi === t10.multi && (r3 = n2);
7279 }), e2[r3] = t10;
7280 }), e2;
7282function tj(t9) {
7283 return this.extend(t9);
7285tj.prototype.extend = function(t9) {
7286 var r2 = [], e2 = [];
7287 if (t9 instanceof Xw)
7288 e2.push(t9);
7289 else if (Array.isArray(t9))
7290 e2 = e2.concat(t9);
7291 else {
7292 if (!t9 || !Array.isArray(t9.implicit) && !Array.isArray(t9.explicit))
7293 throw new Jw("Schema.extend argument should be a Type, [ Type ], or a schema definition ({ implicit: [...], explicit: [...] })");
7294 t9.implicit && (r2 = r2.concat(t9.implicit)), t9.explicit && (e2 = e2.concat(t9.explicit));
7295 }
7296 r2.forEach(function(t10) {
7297 if (!(t10 instanceof Xw))
7298 throw new Jw("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");
7299 if (t10.loadKind && "scalar" !== t10.loadKind)
7300 throw new Jw("There is a non-scalar type in the implicit list of a schema. Implicit resolving of such types is not supported.");
7301 if (t10.multi)
7302 throw new Jw("There is a multi type in the implicit list of a schema. Multi tags can only be listed as explicit.");
7303 }), e2.forEach(function(t10) {
7304 if (!(t10 instanceof Xw))
7305 throw new Jw("Specified list of YAML types (or a single Type object) contains a non-Type object.");
7306 });
7307 var n2 = Object.create(tj.prototype);
7308 return n2.implicit = (this.implicit || []).concat(r2), n2.explicit = (this.explicit || []).concat(e2), n2.compiledImplicit = Zw(n2, "implicit"), n2.compiledExplicit = Zw(n2, "explicit"), n2.compiledTypeMap = function() {
7309 var t10, r3, e3 = { scalar: {}, sequence: {}, mapping: {}, fallback: {}, multi: { scalar: [], sequence: [], mapping: [], fallback: [] } };
7310 function n3(t11) {
7311 t11.multi ? (e3.multi[t11.kind].push(t11), e3.multi.fallback.push(t11)) : e3[t11.kind][t11.tag] = e3.fallback[t11.tag] = t11;
7312 }
7313 for (t10 = 0, r3 = arguments.length; t10 < r3; t10 += 1)
7314 arguments[t10].forEach(n3);
7315 return e3;
7316 }(n2.compiledImplicit, n2.compiledExplicit), n2;
7318var rj = tj, ej = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:str", { kind: "scalar", construct: function(t9) {
7319 return null !== t9 ? t9 : "";
7320} }), nj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:seq", { kind: "sequence", construct: function(t9) {
7321 return null !== t9 ? t9 : [];
7322} }), oj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:map", { kind: "mapping", construct: function(t9) {
7323 return null !== t9 ? t9 : {};
7324} }), ij = new rj({ explicit: [ej, nj, oj] });
7325var uj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:null", { kind: "scalar", resolve: function(t9) {
7326 if (null === t9)
7327 return true;
7328 var r2 = t9.length;
7329 return 1 === r2 && "~" === t9 || 4 === r2 && ("null" === t9 || "Null" === t9 || "NULL" === t9);
7330}, construct: function() {
7331 return null;
7332}, predicate: function(t9) {
7333 return null === t9;
7334}, represent: { canonical: function() {
7335 return "~";
7336}, lowercase: function() {
7337 return "null";
7338}, uppercase: function() {
7339 return "NULL";
7340}, camelcase: function() {
7341 return "Null";
7342}, empty: function() {
7343 return "";
7344} }, defaultStyle: "lowercase" });
7345var aj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:bool", { kind: "scalar", resolve: function(t9) {
7346 if (null === t9)
7347 return false;
7348 var r2 = t9.length;
7349 return 4 === r2 && ("true" === t9 || "True" === t9 || "TRUE" === t9) || 5 === r2 && ("false" === t9 || "False" === t9 || "FALSE" === t9);
7350}, construct: function(t9) {
7351 return "true" === t9 || "True" === t9 || "TRUE" === t9;
7352}, predicate: function(t9) {
7353 return "[object Boolean]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
7354}, represent: { lowercase: function(t9) {
7355 return t9 ? "true" : "false";
7356}, uppercase: function(t9) {
7357 return t9 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
7358}, camelcase: function(t9) {
7359 return t9 ? "True" : "False";
7360} }, defaultStyle: "lowercase" });
7361function fj(t9) {
7362 return 48 <= t9 && t9 <= 55;
7364function cj(t9) {
7365 return 48 <= t9 && t9 <= 57;
7367var sj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:int", { kind: "scalar", resolve: function(t9) {
7368 if (null === t9)
7369 return false;
7370 var r2, e2, n2 = t9.length, o2 = 0, i2 = false;
7371 if (!n2)
7372 return false;
7373 if ("-" !== (r2 = t9[o2]) && "+" !== r2 || (r2 = t9[++o2]), "0" === r2) {
7374 if (o2 + 1 === n2)
7375 return true;
7376 if ("b" === (r2 = t9[++o2])) {
7377 for (o2++; o2 < n2; o2++)
7378 if ("_" !== (r2 = t9[o2])) {
7379 if ("0" !== r2 && "1" !== r2)
7380 return false;
7381 i2 = true;
7382 }
7383 return i2 && "_" !== r2;
7384 }
7385 if ("x" === r2) {
7386 for (o2++; o2 < n2; o2++)
7387 if ("_" !== (r2 = t9[o2])) {
7388 if (!(48 <= (e2 = t9.charCodeAt(o2)) && e2 <= 57 || 65 <= e2 && e2 <= 70 || 97 <= e2 && e2 <= 102))
7389 return false;
7390 i2 = true;
7391 }
7392 return i2 && "_" !== r2;
7393 }
7394 if ("o" === r2) {
7395 for (o2++; o2 < n2; o2++)
7396 if ("_" !== (r2 = t9[o2])) {
7397 if (!fj(t9.charCodeAt(o2)))
7398 return false;
7399 i2 = true;
7400 }
7401 return i2 && "_" !== r2;
7402 }
7403 }
7404 if ("_" === r2)
7405 return false;
7406 for (; o2 < n2; o2++)
7407 if ("_" !== (r2 = t9[o2])) {
7408 if (!cj(t9.charCodeAt(o2)))
7409 return false;
7410 i2 = true;
7411 }
7412 return !(!i2 || "_" === r2);
7413}, construct: function(t9) {
7414 var r2, e2 = t9, n2 = 1;
7415 if (-1 !== e2.indexOf("_") && (e2 = e2.replace(/_/g, "")), "-" !== (r2 = e2[0]) && "+" !== r2 || ("-" === r2 && (n2 = -1), r2 = (e2 = e2.slice(1))[0]), "0" === e2)
7416 return 0;
7417 if ("0" === r2) {
7418 if ("b" === e2[1])
7419 return n2 * parseInt(e2.slice(2), 2);
7420 if ("x" === e2[1])
7421 return n2 * parseInt(e2.slice(2), 16);
7422 if ("o" === e2[1])
7423 return n2 * parseInt(e2.slice(2), 8);
7424 }
7425 return n2 * parseInt(e2, 10);
7426}, predicate: function(t9) {
7427 return "[object Number]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9) && t9 % 1 == 0 && !Gw.isNegativeZero(t9);
7428}, represent: { binary: function(t9) {
7429 return t9 >= 0 ? "0b" + t9.toString(2) : "-0b" + t9.toString(2).slice(1);
7430}, octal: function(t9) {
7431 return t9 >= 0 ? "0o" + t9.toString(8) : "-0o" + t9.toString(8).slice(1);
7432}, decimal: function(t9) {
7433 return t9.toString(10);
7434}, hexadecimal: function(t9) {
7435 return t9 >= 0 ? "0x" + t9.toString(16).toUpperCase() : "-0x" + t9.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1);
7436} }, defaultStyle: "decimal", styleAliases: { binary: [2, "bin"], octal: [8, "oct"], decimal: [10, "dec"], hexadecimal: [16, "hex"] } }), lj = new RegExp("^(?:[-+]?(?:[0-9][0-9_]*)(?:\\.[0-9_]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|\\.[0-9_]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?|[-+]?\\.(?:inf|Inf|INF)|\\.(?:nan|NaN|NAN))$");
7437var pj = /^[-+]?[0-9]+e/;
7438var vj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:float", { kind: "scalar", resolve: function(t9) {
7439 return null !== t9 && !(!lj.test(t9) || "_" === t9[t9.length - 1]);
7440}, construct: function(t9) {
7441 var r2, e2;
7442 return e2 = "-" === (r2 = t9.replace(/_/g, "").toLowerCase())[0] ? -1 : 1, "+-".indexOf(r2[0]) >= 0 && (r2 = r2.slice(1)), ".inf" === r2 ? 1 === e2 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY : ".nan" === r2 ? NaN : e2 * parseFloat(r2, 10);
7443}, predicate: function(t9) {
7444 return "[object Number]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9) && (t9 % 1 != 0 || Gw.isNegativeZero(t9));
7445}, represent: function(t9, r2) {
7446 var e2;
7447 if (isNaN(t9))
7448 switch (r2) {
7449 case "lowercase":
7450 return ".nan";
7451 case "uppercase":
7452 return ".NAN";
7453 case "camelcase":
7454 return ".NaN";
7455 }
7456 else if (Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY === t9)
7457 switch (r2) {
7458 case "lowercase":
7459 return ".inf";
7460 case "uppercase":
7461 return ".INF";
7462 case "camelcase":
7463 return ".Inf";
7464 }
7465 else if (Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY === t9)
7466 switch (r2) {
7467 case "lowercase":
7468 return "-.inf";
7469 case "uppercase":
7470 return "-.INF";
7471 case "camelcase":
7472 return "-.Inf";
7473 }
7474 else if (Gw.isNegativeZero(t9))
7475 return "-0.0";
7476 return e2 = t9.toString(10), pj.test(e2) ? e2.replace("e", ".e") : e2;
7477}, defaultStyle: "lowercase" }), hj = ij.extend({ implicit: [uj, aj, sj, vj] }), dj = hj, yj = new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])$"), bj = new RegExp("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]?)-([0-9][0-9]?)(?:[Tt]|[ \\t]+)([0-9][0-9]?):([0-9][0-9]):([0-9][0-9])(?:\\.([0-9]*))?(?:[ \\t]*(Z|([-+])([0-9][0-9]?)(?::([0-9][0-9]))?))?$");
7478var mj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:timestamp", { kind: "scalar", resolve: function(t9) {
7479 return null !== t9 && (null !== yj.exec(t9) || null !== bj.exec(t9));
7480}, construct: function(t9) {
7481 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2, c2 = 0, s2 = null;
7482 if (null === (r2 = yj.exec(t9)) && (r2 = bj.exec(t9)), null === r2)
7483 throw new Error("Date resolve error");
7484 if (e2 = +r2[1], n2 = +r2[2] - 1, o2 = +r2[3], !r2[4])
7485 return new Date(Date.UTC(e2, n2, o2));
7486 if (i2 = +r2[4], u2 = +r2[5], a2 = +r2[6], r2[7]) {
7487 for (c2 = r2[7].slice(0, 3); c2.length < 3; )
7488 c2 += "0";
7489 c2 = +c2;
7490 }
7491 return r2[9] && (s2 = 6e4 * (60 * +r2[10] + +(r2[11] || 0)), "-" === r2[9] && (s2 = -s2)), f2 = new Date(Date.UTC(e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, c2)), s2 && f2.setTime(f2.getTime() - s2), f2;
7492}, instanceOf: Date, represent: function(t9) {
7493 return t9.toISOString();
7494} });
7495var gj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:merge", { kind: "scalar", resolve: function(t9) {
7496 return "<<" === t9 || null === t9;
7497} }), wj = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=\n\r";
7498var jj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:binary", { kind: "scalar", resolve: function(t9) {
7499 if (null === t9)
7500 return false;
7501 var r2, e2, n2 = 0, o2 = t9.length, i2 = wj;
7502 for (e2 = 0; e2 < o2; e2++)
7503 if (!((r2 = i2.indexOf(t9.charAt(e2))) > 64)) {
7504 if (r2 < 0)
7505 return false;
7506 n2 += 6;
7507 }
7508 return n2 % 8 == 0;
7509}, construct: function(t9) {
7510 var r2, e2, n2 = t9.replace(/[\r\n=]/g, ""), o2 = n2.length, i2 = wj, u2 = 0, a2 = [];
7511 for (r2 = 0; r2 < o2; r2++)
7512 r2 % 4 == 0 && r2 && (a2.push(u2 >> 16 & 255), a2.push(u2 >> 8 & 255), a2.push(255 & u2)), u2 = u2 << 6 | i2.indexOf(n2.charAt(r2));
7513 return 0 === (e2 = o2 % 4 * 6) ? (a2.push(u2 >> 16 & 255), a2.push(u2 >> 8 & 255), a2.push(255 & u2)) : 18 === e2 ? (a2.push(u2 >> 10 & 255), a2.push(u2 >> 2 & 255)) : 12 === e2 && a2.push(u2 >> 4 & 255), new Uint8Array(a2);
7514}, predicate: function(t9) {
7515 return "[object Uint8Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
7516}, represent: function(t9) {
7517 var r2, e2, n2 = "", o2 = 0, i2 = t9.length, u2 = wj;
7518 for (r2 = 0; r2 < i2; r2++)
7519 r2 % 3 == 0 && r2 && (n2 += u2[o2 >> 18 & 63], n2 += u2[o2 >> 12 & 63], n2 += u2[o2 >> 6 & 63], n2 += u2[63 & o2]), o2 = (o2 << 8) + t9[r2];
7520 return 0 === (e2 = i2 % 3) ? (n2 += u2[o2 >> 18 & 63], n2 += u2[o2 >> 12 & 63], n2 += u2[o2 >> 6 & 63], n2 += u2[63 & o2]) : 2 === e2 ? (n2 += u2[o2 >> 10 & 63], n2 += u2[o2 >> 4 & 63], n2 += u2[o2 << 2 & 63], n2 += u2[64]) : 1 === e2 && (n2 += u2[o2 >> 2 & 63], n2 += u2[o2 << 4 & 63], n2 += u2[64], n2 += u2[64]), n2;
7521} }), Oj = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Aj = Object.prototype.toString;
7522var Sj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:omap", { kind: "sequence", resolve: function(t9) {
7523 if (null === t9)
7524 return true;
7525 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2 = [], a2 = t9;
7526 for (r2 = 0, e2 = a2.length; r2 < e2; r2 += 1) {
7527 if (n2 = a2[r2], i2 = false, "[object Object]" !== Aj.call(n2))
7528 return false;
7529 for (o2 in n2)
7530 if (Oj.call(n2, o2)) {
7531 if (i2)
7532 return false;
7533 i2 = true;
7534 }
7535 if (!i2)
7536 return false;
7537 if (-1 !== u2.indexOf(o2))
7538 return false;
7539 u2.push(o2);
7540 }
7541 return true;
7542}, construct: function(t9) {
7543 return null !== t9 ? t9 : [];
7544} }), xj = Object.prototype.toString;
7545var Ej = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:pairs", { kind: "sequence", resolve: function(t9) {
7546 if (null === t9)
7547 return true;
7548 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2 = t9;
7549 for (i2 = new Array(u2.length), r2 = 0, e2 = u2.length; r2 < e2; r2 += 1) {
7550 if (n2 = u2[r2], "[object Object]" !== xj.call(n2))
7551 return false;
7552 if (1 !== (o2 = Object.keys(n2)).length)
7553 return false;
7554 i2[r2] = [o2[0], n2[o2[0]]];
7555 }
7556 return true;
7557}, construct: function(t9) {
7558 if (null === t9)
7559 return [];
7560 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2 = t9;
7561 for (i2 = new Array(u2.length), r2 = 0, e2 = u2.length; r2 < e2; r2 += 1)
7562 n2 = u2[r2], o2 = Object.keys(n2), i2[r2] = [o2[0], n2[o2[0]]];
7563 return i2;
7564} }), Pj = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
7565var kj = new Xw("tag:yaml.org,2002:set", { kind: "mapping", resolve: function(t9) {
7566 if (null === t9)
7567 return true;
7568 var r2, e2 = t9;
7569 for (r2 in e2)
7570 if (Pj.call(e2, r2) && null !== e2[r2])
7571 return false;
7572 return true;
7573}, construct: function(t9) {
7574 return null !== t9 ? t9 : {};
7575} }), _j = dj.extend({ implicit: [mj, gj], explicit: [jj, Sj, Ej, kj] }), Ij = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Tj = /[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F\uFFFE\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/, Rj = /[\x85\u2028\u2029]/, Fj = /[,\[\]\{\}]/, Nj = /^(?:!|!!|![a-z\-]+!)$/i, Mj = /^(?:!|[^,\[\]\{\}])(?:%[0-9a-f]{2}|[0-9a-z\-#;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)\[\]])*$/i;
7576function Dj(t9) {
7577 return Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
7579function Uj(t9) {
7580 return 10 === t9 || 13 === t9;
7582function Lj(t9) {
7583 return 9 === t9 || 32 === t9;
7585function Cj(t9) {
7586 return 9 === t9 || 32 === t9 || 10 === t9 || 13 === t9;
7588function $j(t9) {
7589 return 44 === t9 || 91 === t9 || 93 === t9 || 123 === t9 || 125 === t9;
7591function Bj(t9) {
7592 var r2;
7593 return 48 <= t9 && t9 <= 57 ? t9 - 48 : 97 <= (r2 = 32 | t9) && r2 <= 102 ? r2 - 97 + 10 : -1;
7595function qj(t9) {
7596 return 48 === t9 ? "\0" : 97 === t9 ? "\x07" : 98 === t9 ? "\b" : 116 === t9 || 9 === t9 ? " " : 110 === t9 ? "\n" : 118 === t9 ? "\v" : 102 === t9 ? "\f" : 114 === t9 ? "\r" : 101 === t9 ? "\x1B" : 32 === t9 ? " " : 34 === t9 ? '"' : 47 === t9 ? "/" : 92 === t9 ? "\\" : 78 === t9 ? "\x85" : 95 === t9 ? "\xA0" : 76 === t9 ? "\u2028" : 80 === t9 ? "\u2029" : "";
7598function Gj(t9) {
7599 return t9 <= 65535 ? String.fromCharCode(t9) : String.fromCharCode(55296 + (t9 - 65536 >> 10), 56320 + (t9 - 65536 & 1023));
7601for (var Wj = new Array(256), zj = new Array(256), Jj = 0; Jj < 256; Jj++)
7602 Wj[Jj] = qj(Jj) ? 1 : 0, zj[Jj] = qj(Jj);
7603function Hj(t9, r2) {
7604 this.input = t9, this.filename = r2.filename || null, this.schema = r2.schema || _j, this.onWarning = r2.onWarning || null, this.legacy = r2.legacy || false, this.json = r2.json || false, this.listener = r2.listener || null, this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit, this.typeMap = this.schema.compiledTypeMap, this.length = t9.length, this.position = 0, this.line = 0, this.lineStart = 0, this.lineIndent = 0, this.firstTabInLine = -1, this.documents = [];
7606function Vj(t9, r2) {
7607 var e2 = { name: t9.filename, buffer: t9.input.slice(0, -1), position: t9.position, line: t9.line, column: t9.position - t9.lineStart };
7608 return e2.snippet = Yw(e2), new Jw(r2, e2);
7610function Yj(t9, r2) {
7611 throw Vj(t9, r2);
7613function Qj(t9, r2) {
7614 t9.onWarning && t9.onWarning.call(null, Vj(t9, r2));
7616var Kj = { YAML: function(t9, r2, e2) {
7617 var n2, o2, i2;
7618 null !== t9.version && Yj(t9, "duplication of %YAML directive"), 1 !== e2.length && Yj(t9, "YAML directive accepts exactly one argument"), null === (n2 = /^([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)$/.exec(e2[0])) && Yj(t9, "ill-formed argument of the YAML directive"), o2 = parseInt(n2[1], 10), i2 = parseInt(n2[2], 10), 1 !== o2 && Yj(t9, "unacceptable YAML version of the document"), t9.version = e2[0], t9.checkLineBreaks = i2 < 2, 1 !== i2 && 2 !== i2 && Qj(t9, "unsupported YAML version of the document");
7619}, TAG: function(t9, r2, e2) {
7620 var n2, o2;
7621 2 !== e2.length && Yj(t9, "TAG directive accepts exactly two arguments"), n2 = e2[0], o2 = e2[1], Nj.test(n2) || Yj(t9, "ill-formed tag handle (first argument) of the TAG directive"), Ij.call(t9.tagMap, n2) && Yj(t9, 'there is a previously declared suffix for "' + n2 + '" tag handle'), Mj.test(o2) || Yj(t9, "ill-formed tag prefix (second argument) of the TAG directive");
7622 try {
7623 o2 = decodeURIComponent(o2);
7624 } catch (r3) {
7625 Yj(t9, "tag prefix is malformed: " + o2);
7626 }
7627 t9.tagMap[n2] = o2;
7628} };
7629function Xj(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
7630 var o2, i2, u2, a2;
7631 if (r2 < e2) {
7632 if (a2 = t9.input.slice(r2, e2), n2)
7633 for (o2 = 0, i2 = a2.length; o2 < i2; o2 += 1)
7634 9 === (u2 = a2.charCodeAt(o2)) || 32 <= u2 && u2 <= 1114111 || Yj(t9, "expected valid JSON character");
7635 else
7636 Tj.test(a2) && Yj(t9, "the stream contains non-printable characters");
7637 t9.result += a2;
7638 }
7640function Zj(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
7641 var o2, i2, u2, a2;
7642 for (Gw.isObject(e2) || Yj(t9, "cannot merge mappings; the provided source object is unacceptable"), u2 = 0, a2 = (o2 = Object.keys(e2)).length; u2 < a2; u2 += 1)
7643 i2 = o2[u2], Ij.call(r2, i2) || (r2[i2] = e2[i2], n2[i2] = true);
7645function tO(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2) {
7646 var c2, s2;
7647 if (Array.isArray(o2))
7648 for (c2 = 0, s2 = (o2 = Array.prototype.slice.call(o2)).length; c2 < s2; c2 += 1)
7649 Array.isArray(o2[c2]) && Yj(t9, "nested arrays are not supported inside keys"), "object" == typeof o2 && "[object Object]" === Dj(o2[c2]) && (o2[c2] = "[object Object]");
7650 if ("object" == typeof o2 && "[object Object]" === Dj(o2) && (o2 = "[object Object]"), o2 = String(o2), null === r2 && (r2 = {}), "tag:yaml.org,2002:merge" === n2)
7651 if (Array.isArray(i2))
7652 for (c2 = 0, s2 = i2.length; c2 < s2; c2 += 1)
7653 Zj(t9, r2, i2[c2], e2);
7654 else
7655 Zj(t9, r2, i2, e2);
7656 else
7657 t9.json || Ij.call(e2, o2) || !Ij.call(r2, o2) || (t9.line = u2 || t9.line, t9.lineStart = a2 || t9.lineStart, t9.position = f2 || t9.position, Yj(t9, "duplicated mapping key")), "__proto__" === o2 ? Object.defineProperty(r2, o2, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: i2 }) : r2[o2] = i2, delete e2[o2];
7658 return r2;
7660function rO(t9) {
7661 var r2;
7662 10 === (r2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position)) ? t9.position++ : 13 === r2 ? (t9.position++, 10 === t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position) && t9.position++) : Yj(t9, "a line break is expected"), t9.line += 1, t9.lineStart = t9.position, t9.firstTabInLine = -1;
7664function eO(t9, r2, e2) {
7665 for (var n2 = 0, o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position); 0 !== o2; ) {
7666 for (; Lj(o2); )
7667 9 === o2 && -1 === t9.firstTabInLine && (t9.firstTabInLine = t9.position), o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7668 if (r2 && 35 === o2)
7669 do {
7670 o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7671 } while (10 !== o2 && 13 !== o2 && 0 !== o2);
7672 if (!Uj(o2))
7673 break;
7674 for (rO(t9), o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position), n2++, t9.lineIndent = 0; 32 === o2; )
7675 t9.lineIndent++, o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7676 }
7677 return -1 !== e2 && 0 !== n2 && t9.lineIndent < e2 && Qj(t9, "deficient indentation"), n2;
7679function nO(t9) {
7680 var r2, e2 = t9.position;
7681 return !(45 !== (r2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(e2)) && 46 !== r2 || r2 !== t9.input.charCodeAt(e2 + 1) || r2 !== t9.input.charCodeAt(e2 + 2) || (e2 += 3, 0 !== (r2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(e2)) && !Cj(r2)));
7683function oO(t9, r2) {
7684 1 === r2 ? t9.result += " " : r2 > 1 && (t9.result += Gw.repeat("\n", r2 - 1));
7686function iO(t9, r2) {
7687 var e2, n2, o2 = t9.tag, i2 = t9.anchor, u2 = [], a2 = false;
7688 if (-1 !== t9.firstTabInLine)
7689 return false;
7690 for (null !== t9.anchor && (t9.anchorMap[t9.anchor] = u2), n2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position); 0 !== n2 && (-1 !== t9.firstTabInLine && (t9.position = t9.firstTabInLine, Yj(t9, "tab characters must not be used in indentation")), 45 === n2) && Cj(t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position + 1)); )
7691 if (a2 = true, t9.position++, eO(t9, true, -1) && t9.lineIndent <= r2)
7692 u2.push(null), n2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position);
7693 else if (e2 = t9.line, fO(t9, r2, 3, false, true), u2.push(t9.result), eO(t9, true, -1), n2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position), (t9.line === e2 || t9.lineIndent > r2) && 0 !== n2)
7694 Yj(t9, "bad indentation of a sequence entry");
7695 else if (t9.lineIndent < r2)
7696 break;
7697 return !!a2 && (t9.tag = o2, t9.anchor = i2, t9.kind = "sequence", t9.result = u2, true);
7699function uO(t9) {
7700 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2 = false, u2 = false;
7701 if (33 !== (o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position)))
7702 return false;
7703 if (null !== t9.tag && Yj(t9, "duplication of a tag property"), 60 === (o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position)) ? (i2 = true, o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position)) : 33 === o2 ? (u2 = true, e2 = "!!", o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position)) : e2 = "!", r2 = t9.position, i2) {
7704 do {
7705 o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7706 } while (0 !== o2 && 62 !== o2);
7707 t9.position < t9.length ? (n2 = t9.input.slice(r2, t9.position), o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position)) : Yj(t9, "unexpected end of the stream within a verbatim tag");
7708 } else {
7709 for (; 0 !== o2 && !Cj(o2); )
7710 33 === o2 && (u2 ? Yj(t9, "tag suffix cannot contain exclamation marks") : (e2 = t9.input.slice(r2 - 1, t9.position + 1), Nj.test(e2) || Yj(t9, "named tag handle cannot contain such characters"), u2 = true, r2 = t9.position + 1)), o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7711 n2 = t9.input.slice(r2, t9.position), Fj.test(n2) && Yj(t9, "tag suffix cannot contain flow indicator characters");
7712 }
7713 n2 && !Mj.test(n2) && Yj(t9, "tag name cannot contain such characters: " + n2);
7714 try {
7715 n2 = decodeURIComponent(n2);
7716 } catch (r3) {
7717 Yj(t9, "tag name is malformed: " + n2);
7718 }
7719 return i2 ? t9.tag = n2 : Ij.call(t9.tagMap, e2) ? t9.tag = t9.tagMap[e2] + n2 : "!" === e2 ? t9.tag = "!" + n2 : "!!" === e2 ? t9.tag = "tag:yaml.org,2002:" + n2 : Yj(t9, 'undeclared tag handle "' + e2 + '"'), true;
7721function aO(t9) {
7722 var r2, e2;
7723 if (38 !== (e2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position)))
7724 return false;
7725 for (null !== t9.anchor && Yj(t9, "duplication of an anchor property"), e2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position), r2 = t9.position; 0 !== e2 && !Cj(e2) && !$j(e2); )
7726 e2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7727 return t9.position === r2 && Yj(t9, "name of an anchor node must contain at least one character"), t9.anchor = t9.input.slice(r2, t9.position), true;
7729function fO(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
7730 var i2, u2, a2, f2, c2, s2, l2, p2, v2, h2 = 1, d2 = false, y2 = false;
7731 if (null !== t9.listener && t9.listener("open", t9), t9.tag = null, t9.anchor = null, t9.kind = null, t9.result = null, i2 = u2 = a2 = 4 === e2 || 3 === e2, n2 && eO(t9, true, -1) && (d2 = true, t9.lineIndent > r2 ? h2 = 1 : t9.lineIndent === r2 ? h2 = 0 : t9.lineIndent < r2 && (h2 = -1)), 1 === h2)
7732 for (; uO(t9) || aO(t9); )
7733 eO(t9, true, -1) ? (d2 = true, a2 = i2, t9.lineIndent > r2 ? h2 = 1 : t9.lineIndent === r2 ? h2 = 0 : t9.lineIndent < r2 && (h2 = -1)) : a2 = false;
7734 if (a2 && (a2 = d2 || o2), 1 !== h2 && 4 !== e2 || (p2 = 1 === e2 || 2 === e2 ? r2 : r2 + 1, v2 = t9.position - t9.lineStart, 1 === h2 ? a2 && (iO(t9, v2) || function(t10, r3, e3) {
7735 var n3, o3, i3, u3, a3, f3, c3, s3 = t10.tag, l3 = t10.anchor, p3 = {}, v3 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), h3 = null, d3 = null, y3 = null, b2 = false, m2 = false;
7736 if (-1 !== t10.firstTabInLine)
7737 return false;
7738 for (null !== t10.anchor && (t10.anchorMap[t10.anchor] = p3), c3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position); 0 !== c3; ) {
7739 if (b2 || -1 === t10.firstTabInLine || (t10.position = t10.firstTabInLine, Yj(t10, "tab characters must not be used in indentation")), n3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position + 1), i3 = t10.line, 63 !== c3 && 58 !== c3 || !Cj(n3)) {
7740 if (u3 = t10.line, a3 = t10.lineStart, f3 = t10.position, !fO(t10, e3, 2, false, true))
7741 break;
7742 if (t10.line === i3) {
7743 for (c3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position); Lj(c3); )
7744 c3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position);
7745 if (58 === c3)
7746 Cj(c3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position)) || Yj(t10, "a whitespace character is expected after the key-value separator within a block mapping"), b2 && (tO(t10, p3, v3, h3, d3, null, u3, a3, f3), h3 = d3 = y3 = null), m2 = true, b2 = false, o3 = false, h3 = t10.tag, d3 = t10.result;
7747 else {
7748 if (!m2)
7749 return t10.tag = s3, t10.anchor = l3, true;
7750 Yj(t10, "can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed");
7751 }
7752 } else {
7753 if (!m2)
7754 return t10.tag = s3, t10.anchor = l3, true;
7755 Yj(t10, "can not read a block mapping entry; a multiline key may not be an implicit key");
7756 }
7757 } else
7758 63 === c3 ? (b2 && (tO(t10, p3, v3, h3, d3, null, u3, a3, f3), h3 = d3 = y3 = null), m2 = true, b2 = true, o3 = true) : b2 ? (b2 = false, o3 = true) : Yj(t10, "incomplete explicit mapping pair; a key node is missed; or followed by a non-tabulated empty line"), t10.position += 1, c3 = n3;
7759 if ((t10.line === i3 || t10.lineIndent > r3) && (b2 && (u3 = t10.line, a3 = t10.lineStart, f3 = t10.position), fO(t10, r3, 4, true, o3) && (b2 ? d3 = t10.result : y3 = t10.result), b2 || (tO(t10, p3, v3, h3, d3, y3, u3, a3, f3), h3 = d3 = y3 = null), eO(t10, true, -1), c3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)), (t10.line === i3 || t10.lineIndent > r3) && 0 !== c3)
7760 Yj(t10, "bad indentation of a mapping entry");
7761 else if (t10.lineIndent < r3)
7762 break;
7763 }
7764 return b2 && tO(t10, p3, v3, h3, d3, null, u3, a3, f3), m2 && (t10.tag = s3, t10.anchor = l3, t10.kind = "mapping", t10.result = p3), m2;
7765 }(t9, v2, p2)) || function(t10, r3) {
7766 var e3, n3, o3, i3, u3, a3, f3, c3, s3, l3, p3, v3, h3 = true, d3 = t10.tag, y3 = t10.anchor, b2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
7767 if (91 === (v3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)))
7768 u3 = 93, c3 = false, i3 = [];
7769 else {
7770 if (123 !== v3)
7771 return false;
7772 u3 = 125, c3 = true, i3 = {};
7773 }
7774 for (null !== t10.anchor && (t10.anchorMap[t10.anchor] = i3), v3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position); 0 !== v3; ) {
7775 if (eO(t10, true, r3), (v3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)) === u3)
7776 return t10.position++, t10.tag = d3, t10.anchor = y3, t10.kind = c3 ? "mapping" : "sequence", t10.result = i3, true;
7777 h3 ? 44 === v3 && Yj(t10, "expected the node content, but found ','") : Yj(t10, "missed comma between flow collection entries"), p3 = null, a3 = f3 = false, 63 === v3 && Cj(t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position + 1)) && (a3 = f3 = true, t10.position++, eO(t10, true, r3)), e3 = t10.line, n3 = t10.lineStart, o3 = t10.position, fO(t10, r3, 1, false, true), l3 = t10.tag, s3 = t10.result, eO(t10, true, r3), v3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position), !f3 && t10.line !== e3 || 58 !== v3 || (a3 = true, v3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position), eO(t10, true, r3), fO(t10, r3, 1, false, true), p3 = t10.result), c3 ? tO(t10, i3, b2, l3, s3, p3, e3, n3, o3) : a3 ? i3.push(tO(t10, null, b2, l3, s3, p3, e3, n3, o3)) : i3.push(s3), eO(t10, true, r3), 44 === (v3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)) ? (h3 = true, v3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position)) : h3 = false;
7778 }
7779 Yj(t10, "unexpected end of the stream within a flow collection");
7780 }(t9, p2) ? y2 = true : (u2 && function(t10, r3) {
7781 var e3, n3, o3, i3, u3, a3 = 1, f3 = false, c3 = false, s3 = r3, l3 = 0, p3 = false;
7782 if (124 === (i3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)))
7783 n3 = false;
7784 else {
7785 if (62 !== i3)
7786 return false;
7787 n3 = true;
7788 }
7789 for (t10.kind = "scalar", t10.result = ""; 0 !== i3; )
7790 if (43 === (i3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position)) || 45 === i3)
7791 1 === a3 ? a3 = 43 === i3 ? 3 : 2 : Yj(t10, "repeat of a chomping mode identifier");
7792 else {
7793 if (!((o3 = 48 <= (u3 = i3) && u3 <= 57 ? u3 - 48 : -1) >= 0))
7794 break;
7795 0 === o3 ? Yj(t10, "bad explicit indentation width of a block scalar; it cannot be less than one") : c3 ? Yj(t10, "repeat of an indentation width identifier") : (s3 = r3 + o3 - 1, c3 = true);
7796 }
7797 if (Lj(i3)) {
7798 do {
7799 i3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position);
7800 } while (Lj(i3));
7801 if (35 === i3)
7802 do {
7803 i3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position);
7804 } while (!Uj(i3) && 0 !== i3);
7805 }
7806 for (; 0 !== i3; ) {
7807 for (rO(t10), t10.lineIndent = 0, i3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position); (!c3 || t10.lineIndent < s3) && 32 === i3; )
7808 t10.lineIndent++, i3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position);
7809 if (!c3 && t10.lineIndent > s3 && (s3 = t10.lineIndent), Uj(i3))
7810 l3++;
7811 else {
7812 if (t10.lineIndent < s3) {
7813 3 === a3 ? t10.result += Gw.repeat("\n", f3 ? 1 + l3 : l3) : 1 === a3 && f3 && (t10.result += "\n");
7814 break;
7815 }
7816 for (n3 ? Lj(i3) ? (p3 = true, t10.result += Gw.repeat("\n", f3 ? 1 + l3 : l3)) : p3 ? (p3 = false, t10.result += Gw.repeat("\n", l3 + 1)) : 0 === l3 ? f3 && (t10.result += " ") : t10.result += Gw.repeat("\n", l3) : t10.result += Gw.repeat("\n", f3 ? 1 + l3 : l3), f3 = true, c3 = true, l3 = 0, e3 = t10.position; !Uj(i3) && 0 !== i3; )
7817 i3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position);
7818 Xj(t10, e3, t10.position, false);
7819 }
7820 }
7821 return true;
7822 }(t9, p2) || function(t10, r3) {
7823 var e3, n3, o3;
7824 if (39 !== (e3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)))
7825 return false;
7826 for (t10.kind = "scalar", t10.result = "", t10.position++, n3 = o3 = t10.position; 0 !== (e3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)); )
7827 if (39 === e3) {
7828 if (Xj(t10, n3, t10.position, true), 39 !== (e3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position)))
7829 return true;
7830 n3 = t10.position, t10.position++, o3 = t10.position;
7831 } else
7832 Uj(e3) ? (Xj(t10, n3, o3, true), oO(t10, eO(t10, false, r3)), n3 = o3 = t10.position) : t10.position === t10.lineStart && nO(t10) ? Yj(t10, "unexpected end of the document within a single quoted scalar") : (t10.position++, o3 = t10.position);
7833 Yj(t10, "unexpected end of the stream within a single quoted scalar");
7834 }(t9, p2) || function(t10, r3) {
7835 var e3, n3, o3, i3, u3, a3, f3;
7836 if (34 !== (a3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)))
7837 return false;
7838 for (t10.kind = "scalar", t10.result = "", t10.position++, e3 = n3 = t10.position; 0 !== (a3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)); ) {
7839 if (34 === a3)
7840 return Xj(t10, e3, t10.position, true), t10.position++, true;
7841 if (92 === a3) {
7842 if (Xj(t10, e3, t10.position, true), Uj(a3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position)))
7843 eO(t10, false, r3);
7844 else if (a3 < 256 && Wj[a3])
7845 t10.result += zj[a3], t10.position++;
7846 else if ((u3 = 120 === (f3 = a3) ? 2 : 117 === f3 ? 4 : 85 === f3 ? 8 : 0) > 0) {
7847 for (o3 = u3, i3 = 0; o3 > 0; o3--)
7848 (u3 = Bj(a3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position))) >= 0 ? i3 = (i3 << 4) + u3 : Yj(t10, "expected hexadecimal character");
7849 t10.result += Gj(i3), t10.position++;
7850 } else
7851 Yj(t10, "unknown escape sequence");
7852 e3 = n3 = t10.position;
7853 } else
7854 Uj(a3) ? (Xj(t10, e3, n3, true), oO(t10, eO(t10, false, r3)), e3 = n3 = t10.position) : t10.position === t10.lineStart && nO(t10) ? Yj(t10, "unexpected end of the document within a double quoted scalar") : (t10.position++, n3 = t10.position);
7855 }
7856 Yj(t10, "unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar");
7857 }(t9, p2) ? y2 = true : !function(t10) {
7858 var r3, e3, n3;
7859 if (42 !== (n3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)))
7860 return false;
7861 for (n3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position), r3 = t10.position; 0 !== n3 && !Cj(n3) && !$j(n3); )
7862 n3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position);
7863 return t10.position === r3 && Yj(t10, "name of an alias node must contain at least one character"), e3 = t10.input.slice(r3, t10.position), Ij.call(t10.anchorMap, e3) || Yj(t10, 'unidentified alias "' + e3 + '"'), t10.result = t10.anchorMap[e3], eO(t10, true, -1), true;
7864 }(t9) ? function(t10, r3, e3) {
7865 var n3, o3, i3, u3, a3, f3, c3, s3, l3 = t10.kind, p3 = t10.result;
7866 if (Cj(s3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position)) || $j(s3) || 35 === s3 || 38 === s3 || 42 === s3 || 33 === s3 || 124 === s3 || 62 === s3 || 39 === s3 || 34 === s3 || 37 === s3 || 64 === s3 || 96 === s3)
7867 return false;
7868 if ((63 === s3 || 45 === s3) && (Cj(n3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position + 1)) || e3 && $j(n3)))
7869 return false;
7870 for (t10.kind = "scalar", t10.result = "", o3 = i3 = t10.position, u3 = false; 0 !== s3; ) {
7871 if (58 === s3) {
7872 if (Cj(n3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position + 1)) || e3 && $j(n3))
7873 break;
7874 } else if (35 === s3) {
7875 if (Cj(t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position - 1)))
7876 break;
7877 } else {
7878 if (t10.position === t10.lineStart && nO(t10) || e3 && $j(s3))
7879 break;
7880 if (Uj(s3)) {
7881 if (a3 = t10.line, f3 = t10.lineStart, c3 = t10.lineIndent, eO(t10, false, -1), t10.lineIndent >= r3) {
7882 u3 = true, s3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(t10.position);
7883 continue;
7884 }
7885 t10.position = i3, t10.line = a3, t10.lineStart = f3, t10.lineIndent = c3;
7886 break;
7887 }
7888 }
7889 u3 && (Xj(t10, o3, i3, false), oO(t10, t10.line - a3), o3 = i3 = t10.position, u3 = false), Lj(s3) || (i3 = t10.position + 1), s3 = t10.input.charCodeAt(++t10.position);
7890 }
7891 return Xj(t10, o3, i3, false), !!t10.result || (t10.kind = l3, t10.result = p3, false);
7892 }(t9, p2, 1 === e2) && (y2 = true, null === t9.tag && (t9.tag = "?")) : (y2 = true, null === t9.tag && null === t9.anchor || Yj(t9, "alias node should not have any properties")), null !== t9.anchor && (t9.anchorMap[t9.anchor] = t9.result)) : 0 === h2 && (y2 = a2 && iO(t9, v2))), null === t9.tag)
7893 null !== t9.anchor && (t9.anchorMap[t9.anchor] = t9.result);
7894 else if ("?" === t9.tag) {
7895 for (null !== t9.result && "scalar" !== t9.kind && Yj(t9, 'unacceptable node kind for !<?> tag; it should be "scalar", not "' + t9.kind + '"'), f2 = 0, c2 = t9.implicitTypes.length; f2 < c2; f2 += 1)
7896 if ((l2 = t9.implicitTypes[f2]).resolve(t9.result)) {
7897 t9.result = l2.construct(t9.result), t9.tag = l2.tag, null !== t9.anchor && (t9.anchorMap[t9.anchor] = t9.result);
7898 break;
7899 }
7900 } else if ("!" !== t9.tag) {
7901 if (Ij.call(t9.typeMap[t9.kind || "fallback"], t9.tag))
7902 l2 = t9.typeMap[t9.kind || "fallback"][t9.tag];
7903 else
7904 for (l2 = null, f2 = 0, c2 = (s2 = t9.typeMap.multi[t9.kind || "fallback"]).length; f2 < c2; f2 += 1)
7905 if (t9.tag.slice(0, s2[f2].tag.length) === s2[f2].tag) {
7906 l2 = s2[f2];
7907 break;
7908 }
7909 l2 || Yj(t9, "unknown tag !<" + t9.tag + ">"), null !== t9.result && l2.kind !== t9.kind && Yj(t9, "unacceptable node kind for !<" + t9.tag + '> tag; it should be "' + l2.kind + '", not "' + t9.kind + '"'), l2.resolve(t9.result, t9.tag) ? (t9.result = l2.construct(t9.result, t9.tag), null !== t9.anchor && (t9.anchorMap[t9.anchor] = t9.result)) : Yj(t9, "cannot resolve a node with !<" + t9.tag + "> explicit tag");
7910 }
7911 return null !== t9.listener && t9.listener("close", t9), null !== t9.tag || null !== t9.anchor || y2;
7913function cO(t9) {
7914 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2 = t9.position, u2 = false;
7915 for (t9.version = null, t9.checkLineBreaks = t9.legacy, t9.tagMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), t9.anchorMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); 0 !== (o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position)) && (eO(t9, true, -1), o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position), !(t9.lineIndent > 0 || 37 !== o2)); ) {
7916 for (u2 = true, o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position), r2 = t9.position; 0 !== o2 && !Cj(o2); )
7917 o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7918 for (n2 = [], (e2 = t9.input.slice(r2, t9.position)).length < 1 && Yj(t9, "directive name must not be less than one character in length"); 0 !== o2; ) {
7919 for (; Lj(o2); )
7920 o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7921 if (35 === o2) {
7922 do {
7923 o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7924 } while (0 !== o2 && !Uj(o2));
7925 break;
7926 }
7927 if (Uj(o2))
7928 break;
7929 for (r2 = t9.position; 0 !== o2 && !Cj(o2); )
7930 o2 = t9.input.charCodeAt(++t9.position);
7931 n2.push(t9.input.slice(r2, t9.position));
7932 }
7933 0 !== o2 && rO(t9), Ij.call(Kj, e2) ? Kj[e2](t9, e2, n2) : Qj(t9, 'unknown document directive "' + e2 + '"');
7934 }
7935 eO(t9, true, -1), 0 === t9.lineIndent && 45 === t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position) && 45 === t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position + 1) && 45 === t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position + 2) ? (t9.position += 3, eO(t9, true, -1)) : u2 && Yj(t9, "directives end mark is expected"), fO(t9, t9.lineIndent - 1, 4, false, true), eO(t9, true, -1), t9.checkLineBreaks && Rj.test(t9.input.slice(i2, t9.position)) && Qj(t9, "non-ASCII line breaks are interpreted as content"), t9.documents.push(t9.result), t9.position === t9.lineStart && nO(t9) ? 46 === t9.input.charCodeAt(t9.position) && (t9.position += 3, eO(t9, true, -1)) : t9.position < t9.length - 1 && Yj(t9, "end of the stream or a document separator is expected");
7937function sO(t9, r2) {
7938 r2 = r2 || {}, 0 !== (t9 = String(t9)).length && (10 !== t9.charCodeAt(t9.length - 1) && 13 !== t9.charCodeAt(t9.length - 1) && (t9 += "\n"), 65279 === t9.charCodeAt(0) && (t9 = t9.slice(1)));
7939 var e2 = new Hj(t9, r2), n2 = t9.indexOf("\0");
7940 for (-1 !== n2 && (e2.position = n2, Yj(e2, "null byte is not allowed in input")), e2.input += "\0"; 32 === e2.input.charCodeAt(e2.position); )
7941 e2.lineIndent += 1, e2.position += 1;
7942 for (; e2.position < e2.length - 1; )
7943 cO(e2);
7944 return e2.documents;
7946var lO = function(t9, r2, e2) {
7947 null !== r2 && "object" == typeof r2 && void 0 === e2 && (e2 = r2, r2 = null);
7948 var n2 = sO(t9, e2);
7949 if ("function" != typeof r2)
7950 return n2;
7951 for (var o2 = 0, i2 = n2.length; o2 < i2; o2 += 1)
7952 r2(n2[o2]);
7953}, pO = { loadAll: lO, load: function(t9, r2) {
7954 var e2 = sO(t9, r2);
7955 if (0 !== e2.length) {
7956 if (1 === e2.length)
7957 return e2[0];
7958 throw new Jw("expected a single document in the stream, but found more");
7959 }
7960} }, vO = Object.prototype.toString, hO = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, dO = { 0: "\\0", 7: "\\a", 8: "\\b", 9: "\\t", 10: "\\n", 11: "\\v", 12: "\\f", 13: "\\r", 27: "\\e", 34: '\\"', 92: "\\\\", 133: "\\N", 160: "\\_", 8232: "\\L", 8233: "\\P" }, yO = ["y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "on", "On", "ON", "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", "off", "Off", "OFF"], bO = /^[-+]?[0-9_]+(?::[0-9_]+)+(?:\.[0-9_]*)?$/;
7961function mO(t9) {
7962 var r2, e2, n2;
7963 if (r2 = t9.toString(16).toUpperCase(), t9 <= 255)
7964 e2 = "x", n2 = 2;
7965 else if (t9 <= 65535)
7966 e2 = "u", n2 = 4;
7967 else {
7968 if (!(t9 <= 4294967295))
7969 throw new Jw("code point within a string may not be greater than 0xFFFFFFFF");
7970 e2 = "U", n2 = 8;
7971 }
7972 return "\\" + e2 + Gw.repeat("0", n2 - r2.length) + r2;
7974function gO(t9) {
7975 this.schema = t9.schema || _j, this.indent = Math.max(1, t9.indent || 2), this.noArrayIndent = t9.noArrayIndent || false, this.skipInvalid = t9.skipInvalid || false, this.flowLevel = Gw.isNothing(t9.flowLevel) ? -1 : t9.flowLevel, this.styleMap = function(t10, r2) {
7976 var e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2;
7977 if (null === r2)
7978 return {};
7979 for (e2 = {}, o2 = 0, i2 = (n2 = Object.keys(r2)).length; o2 < i2; o2 += 1)
7980 u2 = n2[o2], a2 = String(r2[u2]), "!!" === u2.slice(0, 2) && (u2 = "tag:yaml.org,2002:" + u2.slice(2)), (f2 = t10.compiledTypeMap.fallback[u2]) && hO.call(f2.styleAliases, a2) && (a2 = f2.styleAliases[a2]), e2[u2] = a2;
7981 return e2;
7982 }(this.schema, t9.styles || null), this.sortKeys = t9.sortKeys || false, this.lineWidth = t9.lineWidth || 80, this.noRefs = t9.noRefs || false, this.noCompatMode = t9.noCompatMode || false, this.condenseFlow = t9.condenseFlow || false, this.quotingType = '"' === t9.quotingType ? 2 : 1, this.forceQuotes = t9.forceQuotes || false, this.replacer = "function" == typeof t9.replacer ? t9.replacer : null, this.implicitTypes = this.schema.compiledImplicit, this.explicitTypes = this.schema.compiledExplicit, this.tag = null, this.result = "", this.duplicates = [], this.usedDuplicates = null;
7984function wO(t9, r2) {
7985 for (var e2, n2 = Gw.repeat(" ", r2), o2 = 0, i2 = -1, u2 = "", a2 = t9.length; o2 < a2; )
7986 -1 === (i2 = t9.indexOf("\n", o2)) ? (e2 = t9.slice(o2), o2 = a2) : (e2 = t9.slice(o2, i2 + 1), o2 = i2 + 1), e2.length && "\n" !== e2 && (u2 += n2), u2 += e2;
7987 return u2;
7989function jO(t9, r2) {
7990 return "\n" + Gw.repeat(" ", t9.indent * r2);
7992function OO(t9) {
7993 return 32 === t9 || 9 === t9;
7995function AO(t9) {
7996 return 32 <= t9 && t9 <= 126 || 161 <= t9 && t9 <= 55295 && 8232 !== t9 && 8233 !== t9 || 57344 <= t9 && t9 <= 65533 && 65279 !== t9 || 65536 <= t9 && t9 <= 1114111;
7998function SO(t9) {
7999 return AO(t9) && 65279 !== t9 && 13 !== t9 && 10 !== t9;
8001function xO(t9, r2, e2) {
8002 var n2 = SO(t9), o2 = n2 && !OO(t9);
8003 return (e2 ? n2 : n2 && 44 !== t9 && 91 !== t9 && 93 !== t9 && 123 !== t9 && 125 !== t9) && 35 !== t9 && !(58 === r2 && !o2) || SO(r2) && !OO(r2) && 35 === t9 || 58 === r2 && o2;
8005function EO(t9, r2) {
8006 var e2, n2 = t9.charCodeAt(r2);
8007 return n2 >= 55296 && n2 <= 56319 && r2 + 1 < t9.length && (e2 = t9.charCodeAt(r2 + 1)) >= 56320 && e2 <= 57343 ? 1024 * (n2 - 55296) + e2 - 56320 + 65536 : n2;
8009function PO(t9) {
8010 return /^\n* /.test(t9);
8012function kO(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2) {
8013 var f2, c2, s2 = 0, l2 = null, p2 = false, v2 = false, h2 = -1 !== n2, d2 = -1, y2 = AO(c2 = EO(t9, 0)) && 65279 !== c2 && !OO(c2) && 45 !== c2 && 63 !== c2 && 58 !== c2 && 44 !== c2 && 91 !== c2 && 93 !== c2 && 123 !== c2 && 125 !== c2 && 35 !== c2 && 38 !== c2 && 42 !== c2 && 33 !== c2 && 124 !== c2 && 61 !== c2 && 62 !== c2 && 39 !== c2 && 34 !== c2 && 37 !== c2 && 64 !== c2 && 96 !== c2 && function(t10) {
8014 return !OO(t10) && 58 !== t10;
8015 }(EO(t9, t9.length - 1));
8016 if (r2 || u2)
8017 for (f2 = 0; f2 < t9.length; s2 >= 65536 ? f2 += 2 : f2++) {
8018 if (!AO(s2 = EO(t9, f2)))
8019 return 5;
8020 y2 = y2 && xO(s2, l2, a2), l2 = s2;
8021 }
8022 else {
8023 for (f2 = 0; f2 < t9.length; s2 >= 65536 ? f2 += 2 : f2++) {
8024 if (10 === (s2 = EO(t9, f2)))
8025 p2 = true, h2 && (v2 = v2 || f2 - d2 - 1 > n2 && " " !== t9[d2 + 1], d2 = f2);
8026 else if (!AO(s2))
8027 return 5;
8028 y2 = y2 && xO(s2, l2, a2), l2 = s2;
8029 }
8030 v2 = v2 || h2 && f2 - d2 - 1 > n2 && " " !== t9[d2 + 1];
8031 }
8032 return p2 || v2 ? e2 > 9 && PO(t9) ? 5 : u2 ? 2 === i2 ? 5 : 2 : v2 ? 4 : 3 : !y2 || u2 || o2(t9) ? 2 === i2 ? 5 : 2 : 1;
8034function _O(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
8035 t9.dump = function() {
8036 if (0 === r2.length)
8037 return 2 === t9.quotingType ? '""' : "''";
8038 if (!t9.noCompatMode && (-1 !== yO.indexOf(r2) || bO.test(r2)))
8039 return 2 === t9.quotingType ? '"' + r2 + '"' : "'" + r2 + "'";
8040 var i2 = t9.indent * Math.max(1, e2), u2 = -1 === t9.lineWidth ? -1 : Math.max(Math.min(t9.lineWidth, 40), t9.lineWidth - i2), a2 = n2 || t9.flowLevel > -1 && e2 >= t9.flowLevel;
8041 switch (kO(r2, a2, t9.indent, u2, function(r3) {
8042 return function(t10, r4) {
8043 var e3, n3;
8044 for (e3 = 0, n3 = t10.implicitTypes.length; e3 < n3; e3 += 1)
8045 if (t10.implicitTypes[e3].resolve(r4))
8046 return true;
8047 return false;
8048 }(t9, r3);
8049 }, t9.quotingType, t9.forceQuotes && !n2, o2)) {
8050 case 1:
8051 return r2;
8052 case 2:
8053 return "'" + r2.replace(/'/g, "''") + "'";
8054 case 3:
8055 return "|" + IO(r2, t9.indent) + TO(wO(r2, i2));
8056 case 4:
8057 return ">" + IO(r2, t9.indent) + TO(wO(function(t10, r3) {
8058 var e3, n3, o3 = /(\n+)([^\n]*)/g, i3 = (a3 = t10.indexOf("\n"), a3 = -1 !== a3 ? a3 : t10.length, o3.lastIndex = a3, RO(t10.slice(0, a3), r3)), u3 = "\n" === t10[0] || " " === t10[0];
8059 var a3;
8060 for (; n3 = o3.exec(t10); ) {
8061 var f2 = n3[1], c2 = n3[2];
8062 e3 = " " === c2[0], i3 += f2 + (u3 || e3 || "" === c2 ? "" : "\n") + RO(c2, r3), u3 = e3;
8063 }
8064 return i3;
8065 }(r2, u2), i2));
8066 case 5:
8067 return '"' + function(t10) {
8068 for (var r3, e3 = "", n3 = 0, o3 = 0; o3 < t10.length; n3 >= 65536 ? o3 += 2 : o3++)
8069 n3 = EO(t10, o3), !(r3 = dO[n3]) && AO(n3) ? (e3 += t10[o3], n3 >= 65536 && (e3 += t10[o3 + 1])) : e3 += r3 || mO(n3);
8070 return e3;
8071 }(r2) + '"';
8072 default:
8073 throw new Jw("impossible error: invalid scalar style");
8074 }
8075 }();
8077function IO(t9, r2) {
8078 var e2 = PO(t9) ? String(r2) : "", n2 = "\n" === t9[t9.length - 1];
8079 return e2 + (n2 && ("\n" === t9[t9.length - 2] || "\n" === t9) ? "+" : n2 ? "" : "-") + "\n";
8081function TO(t9) {
8082 return "\n" === t9[t9.length - 1] ? t9.slice(0, -1) : t9;
8084function RO(t9, r2) {
8085 if ("" === t9 || " " === t9[0])
8086 return t9;
8087 for (var e2, n2, o2 = / [^ ]/g, i2 = 0, u2 = 0, a2 = 0, f2 = ""; e2 = o2.exec(t9); )
8088 (a2 = e2.index) - i2 > r2 && (n2 = u2 > i2 ? u2 : a2, f2 += "\n" + t9.slice(i2, n2), i2 = n2 + 1), u2 = a2;
8089 return f2 += "\n", t9.length - i2 > r2 && u2 > i2 ? f2 += t9.slice(i2, u2) + "\n" + t9.slice(u2 + 1) : f2 += t9.slice(i2), f2.slice(1);
8091function FO(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
8092 var o2, i2, u2, a2 = "", f2 = t9.tag;
8093 for (o2 = 0, i2 = e2.length; o2 < i2; o2 += 1)
8094 u2 = e2[o2], t9.replacer && (u2 = t9.replacer.call(e2, String(o2), u2)), (MO(t9, r2 + 1, u2, true, true, false, true) || void 0 === u2 && MO(t9, r2 + 1, null, true, true, false, true)) && (n2 && "" === a2 || (a2 += jO(t9, r2)), t9.dump && 10 === t9.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? a2 += "-" : a2 += "- ", a2 += t9.dump);
8095 t9.tag = f2, t9.dump = a2 || "[]";
8097function NO(t9, r2, e2) {
8098 var n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2;
8099 for (i2 = 0, u2 = (o2 = e2 ? t9.explicitTypes : t9.implicitTypes).length; i2 < u2; i2 += 1)
8100 if (((a2 = o2[i2]).instanceOf || a2.predicate) && (!a2.instanceOf || "object" == typeof r2 && r2 instanceof a2.instanceOf) && (!a2.predicate || a2.predicate(r2))) {
8101 if (e2 ? a2.multi && a2.representName ? t9.tag = a2.representName(r2) : t9.tag = a2.tag : t9.tag = "?", a2.represent) {
8102 if (f2 = t9.styleMap[a2.tag] || a2.defaultStyle, "[object Function]" === vO.call(a2.represent))
8103 n2 = a2.represent(r2, f2);
8104 else {
8105 if (!hO.call(a2.represent, f2))
8106 throw new Jw("!<" + a2.tag + '> tag resolver accepts not "' + f2 + '" style');
8107 n2 = a2.represent[f2](r2, f2);
8108 }
8109 t9.dump = n2;
8110 }
8111 return true;
8112 }
8113 return false;
8115function MO(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2) {
8116 t9.tag = null, t9.dump = e2, NO(t9, e2, false) || NO(t9, e2, true);
8117 var a2, f2 = vO.call(t9.dump), c2 = n2;
8118 n2 && (n2 = t9.flowLevel < 0 || t9.flowLevel > r2);
8119 var s2, l2, p2 = "[object Object]" === f2 || "[object Array]" === f2;
8120 if (p2 && (l2 = -1 !== (s2 = t9.duplicates.indexOf(e2))), (null !== t9.tag && "?" !== t9.tag || l2 || 2 !== t9.indent && r2 > 0) && (o2 = false), l2 && t9.usedDuplicates[s2])
8121 t9.dump = "*ref_" + s2;
8122 else {
8123 if (p2 && l2 && !t9.usedDuplicates[s2] && (t9.usedDuplicates[s2] = true), "[object Object]" === f2)
8124 n2 && 0 !== Object.keys(t9.dump).length ? (!function(t10, r3, e3, n3) {
8125 var o3, i3, u3, a3, f3, c3, s3 = "", l3 = t10.tag, p3 = Object.keys(e3);
8126 if (true === t10.sortKeys)
8127 p3.sort();
8128 else if ("function" == typeof t10.sortKeys)
8129 p3.sort(t10.sortKeys);
8130 else if (t10.sortKeys)
8131 throw new Jw("sortKeys must be a boolean or a function");
8132 for (o3 = 0, i3 = p3.length; o3 < i3; o3 += 1)
8133 c3 = "", n3 && "" === s3 || (c3 += jO(t10, r3)), a3 = e3[u3 = p3[o3]], t10.replacer && (a3 = t10.replacer.call(e3, u3, a3)), MO(t10, r3 + 1, u3, true, true, true) && ((f3 = null !== t10.tag && "?" !== t10.tag || t10.dump && t10.dump.length > 1024) && (t10.dump && 10 === t10.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? c3 += "?" : c3 += "? "), c3 += t10.dump, f3 && (c3 += jO(t10, r3)), MO(t10, r3 + 1, a3, true, f3) && (t10.dump && 10 === t10.dump.charCodeAt(0) ? c3 += ":" : c3 += ": ", s3 += c3 += t10.dump));
8134 t10.tag = l3, t10.dump = s3 || "{}";
8135 }(t9, r2, t9.dump, o2), l2 && (t9.dump = "&ref_" + s2 + t9.dump)) : (!function(t10, r3, e3) {
8136 var n3, o3, i3, u3, a3, f3 = "", c3 = t10.tag, s3 = Object.keys(e3);
8137 for (n3 = 0, o3 = s3.length; n3 < o3; n3 += 1)
8138 a3 = "", "" !== f3 && (a3 += ", "), t10.condenseFlow && (a3 += '"'), u3 = e3[i3 = s3[n3]], t10.replacer && (u3 = t10.replacer.call(e3, i3, u3)), MO(t10, r3, i3, false, false) && (t10.dump.length > 1024 && (a3 += "? "), a3 += t10.dump + (t10.condenseFlow ? '"' : "") + ":" + (t10.condenseFlow ? "" : " "), MO(t10, r3, u3, false, false) && (f3 += a3 += t10.dump));
8139 t10.tag = c3, t10.dump = "{" + f3 + "}";
8140 }(t9, r2, t9.dump), l2 && (t9.dump = "&ref_" + s2 + " " + t9.dump));
8141 else if ("[object Array]" === f2)
8142 n2 && 0 !== t9.dump.length ? (t9.noArrayIndent && !u2 && r2 > 0 ? FO(t9, r2 - 1, t9.dump, o2) : FO(t9, r2, t9.dump, o2), l2 && (t9.dump = "&ref_" + s2 + t9.dump)) : (!function(t10, r3, e3) {
8143 var n3, o3, i3, u3 = "", a3 = t10.tag;
8144 for (n3 = 0, o3 = e3.length; n3 < o3; n3 += 1)
8145 i3 = e3[n3], t10.replacer && (i3 = t10.replacer.call(e3, String(n3), i3)), (MO(t10, r3, i3, false, false) || void 0 === i3 && MO(t10, r3, null, false, false)) && ("" !== u3 && (u3 += "," + (t10.condenseFlow ? "" : " ")), u3 += t10.dump);
8146 t10.tag = a3, t10.dump = "[" + u3 + "]";
8147 }(t9, r2, t9.dump), l2 && (t9.dump = "&ref_" + s2 + " " + t9.dump));
8148 else {
8149 if ("[object String]" !== f2) {
8150 if ("[object Undefined]" === f2)
8151 return false;
8152 if (t9.skipInvalid)
8153 return false;
8154 throw new Jw("unacceptable kind of an object to dump " + f2);
8155 }
8156 "?" !== t9.tag && _O(t9, t9.dump, r2, i2, c2);
8157 }
8158 null !== t9.tag && "?" !== t9.tag && (a2 = encodeURI("!" === t9.tag[0] ? t9.tag.slice(1) : t9.tag).replace(/!/g, "%21"), a2 = "!" === t9.tag[0] ? "!" + a2 : "tag:yaml.org,2002:" === a2.slice(0, 18) ? "!!" + a2.slice(18) : "!<" + a2 + ">", t9.dump = a2 + " " + t9.dump);
8159 }
8160 return true;
8162function DO(t9, r2) {
8163 var e2, n2, o2 = [], i2 = [];
8164 for (UO(t9, o2, i2), e2 = 0, n2 = i2.length; e2 < n2; e2 += 1)
8165 r2.duplicates.push(o2[i2[e2]]);
8166 r2.usedDuplicates = new Array(n2);
8168function UO(t9, r2, e2) {
8169 var n2, o2, i2;
8170 if (null !== t9 && "object" == typeof t9)
8171 if (-1 !== (o2 = r2.indexOf(t9)))
8172 -1 === e2.indexOf(o2) && e2.push(o2);
8173 else if (r2.push(t9), Array.isArray(t9))
8174 for (o2 = 0, i2 = t9.length; o2 < i2; o2 += 1)
8175 UO(t9[o2], r2, e2);
8176 else
8177 for (o2 = 0, i2 = (n2 = Object.keys(t9)).length; o2 < i2; o2 += 1)
8178 UO(t9[n2[o2]], r2, e2);
8180function LO(t9, r2) {
8181 return function() {
8182 throw new Error("Function yaml." + t9 + " is removed in js-yaml 4. Use yaml." + r2 + " instead, which is now safe by default.");
8183 };
8185var CO = { Type: Xw, Schema: rj, FAILSAFE_SCHEMA: ij, JSON_SCHEMA: hj, CORE_SCHEMA: dj, DEFAULT_SCHEMA: _j, load: pO.load, loadAll: pO.loadAll, dump: { dump: function(t9, r2) {
8186 var e2 = new gO(r2 = r2 || {});
8187 e2.noRefs || DO(t9, e2);
8188 var n2 = t9;
8189 return e2.replacer && (n2 = e2.replacer.call({ "": n2 }, "", n2)), MO(e2, 0, n2, true, true) ? e2.dump + "\n" : "";
8190} }.dump, YAMLException: Jw, types: { binary: jj, float: vj, map: oj, null: uj, pairs: Ej, set: kj, timestamp: mj, bool: aj, int: sj, merge: gj, omap: Sj, seq: nj, str: ej }, safeLoad: LO("safeLoad", "load"), safeLoadAll: LO("safeLoadAll", "loadAll"), safeDump: LO("safeDump", "dump") };
8191const $O = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : window, { FormData: BO, Blob: qO, File: GO } = $O;
8192function WO(t9) {
8193 return function(t10) {
8194 if (Il(t10))
8195 return Dp(t10);
8196 }(t9) || function(t10) {
8197 if (void 0 !== ul && null != Pl(t10) || null != t10["@@iterator"])
8198 return Mp(t10);
8199 }(t9) || Up(t9) || function() {
8200 throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");
8201 }();
8203var zO = { exports: {} };
8204const JO = openapi_parser_t(zO.exports = Kl);
8205var HO = function(t9) {
8206 return ":/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;=".indexOf(t9) > -1;
8207}, VO = function(t9) {
8208 return /^[a-z0-9\-._~]+$/i.test(t9);
8210function YO(t9) {
8211 var r2, e2 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n2 = e2.escape, o2 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0;
8212 return "number" == typeof t9 && (t9 = t9.toString()), "string" == typeof t9 && t9.length && n2 ? o2 ? JSON.parse(t9) : Hb(r2 = WO(t9)).call(r2, function(t10) {
8213 var r3, e3;
8214 if (VO(t10))
8215 return t10;
8216 if (HO(t10) && "unsafe" === n2)
8217 return t10;
8218 var o3 = new TextEncoder();
8219 return Hb(r3 = Hb(e3 = gb(o3.encode(t10))).call(e3, function(t11) {
8220 var r4;
8221 return JO(r4 = "0".concat(t11.toString(16).toUpperCase())).call(r4, -2);
8222 })).call(r3, function(t11) {
8223 return "%".concat(t11);
8224 }).join("");
8225 }).join("") : t9;
8227function QO(t9) {
8228 var r2 = t9.value;
8229 return Array.isArray(r2) ? function(t10) {
8230 var r3 = t10.key, e2 = t10.value, n2 = t10.style, o2 = t10.explode, i2 = t10.escape, u2 = function(t11) {
8231 return YO(t11, { escape: i2 });
8232 };
8233 if ("simple" === n2)
8234 return Hb(e2).call(e2, function(t11) {
8235 return u2(t11);
8236 }).join(",");
8237 if ("label" === n2)
8238 return ".".concat(Hb(e2).call(e2, function(t11) {
8239 return u2(t11);
8240 }).join("."));
8241 if ("matrix" === n2)
8242 return Hb(e2).call(e2, function(t11) {
8243 return u2(t11);
8244 }).reduce(function(t11, e3) {
8245 var n3, i3, u3;
8246 return !t11 || o2 ? rm(i3 = rm(u3 = "".concat(t11 || "", ";")).call(u3, r3, "=")).call(i3, e3) : rm(n3 = "".concat(t11, ",")).call(n3, e3);
8247 }, "");
8248 if ("form" === n2) {
8249 var a2 = o2 ? "&".concat(r3, "=") : ",";
8250 return Hb(e2).call(e2, function(t11) {
8251 return u2(t11);
8252 }).join(a2);
8253 }
8254 if ("spaceDelimited" === n2) {
8255 var f2 = o2 ? "".concat(r3, "=") : "";
8256 return Hb(e2).call(e2, function(t11) {
8257 return u2(t11);
8258 }).join(" ".concat(f2));
8259 }
8260 if ("pipeDelimited" === n2) {
8261 var c2 = o2 ? "".concat(r3, "=") : "";
8262 return Hb(e2).call(e2, function(t11) {
8263 return u2(t11);
8264 }).join("|".concat(c2));
8265 }
8266 return;
8267 }(t9) : "object" === qp(r2) ? function(t10) {
8268 var r3 = t10.key, e2 = t10.value, n2 = t10.style, o2 = t10.explode, i2 = t10.escape, u2 = function(t11) {
8269 return YO(t11, { escape: i2 });
8270 }, a2 = Yb(e2);
8271 if ("simple" === n2)
8272 return a2.reduce(function(t11, r4) {
8273 var n3, i3, a3, f2 = u2(e2[r4]), c2 = o2 ? "=" : ",", s2 = t11 ? "".concat(t11, ",") : "";
8274 return rm(n3 = rm(i3 = rm(a3 = "".concat(s2)).call(a3, r4)).call(i3, c2)).call(n3, f2);
8275 }, "");
8276 if ("label" === n2)
8277 return a2.reduce(function(t11, r4) {
8278 var n3, i3, a3, f2 = u2(e2[r4]), c2 = o2 ? "=" : ".", s2 = t11 ? "".concat(t11, ".") : ".";
8279 return rm(n3 = rm(i3 = rm(a3 = "".concat(s2)).call(a3, r4)).call(i3, c2)).call(n3, f2);
8280 }, "");
8281 if ("matrix" === n2 && o2)
8282 return a2.reduce(function(t11, r4) {
8283 var n3, o3, i3 = u2(e2[r4]), a3 = t11 ? "".concat(t11, ";") : ";";
8284 return rm(n3 = rm(o3 = "".concat(a3)).call(o3, r4, "=")).call(n3, i3);
8285 }, "");
8286 if ("matrix" === n2)
8287 return a2.reduce(function(t11, n3) {
8288 var o3, i3, a3 = u2(e2[n3]), f2 = t11 ? "".concat(t11, ",") : ";".concat(r3, "=");
8289 return rm(o3 = rm(i3 = "".concat(f2)).call(i3, n3, ",")).call(o3, a3);
8290 }, "");
8291 if ("form" === n2)
8292 return a2.reduce(function(t11, r4) {
8293 var n3, i3, a3, f2, c2 = u2(e2[r4]), s2 = t11 ? rm(n3 = "".concat(t11)).call(n3, o2 ? "&" : ",") : "", l2 = o2 ? "=" : ",";
8294 return rm(i3 = rm(a3 = rm(f2 = "".concat(s2)).call(f2, r4)).call(a3, l2)).call(i3, c2);
8295 }, "");
8296 return;
8297 }(t9) : function(t10) {
8298 var r3, e2 = t10.key, n2 = t10.value, o2 = t10.style, i2 = t10.escape, u2 = function(t11) {
8299 return YO(t11, { escape: i2 });
8300 };
8301 if ("simple" === o2)
8302 return u2(n2);
8303 if ("label" === o2)
8304 return ".".concat(u2(n2));
8305 if ("matrix" === o2)
8306 return rm(r3 = ";".concat(e2, "=")).call(r3, u2(n2));
8307 if ("form" === o2)
8308 return u2(n2);
8309 if ("deepObject" === o2)
8310 return u2(n2);
8311 return;
8312 }(t9);
8314var KO = function(t9, r2) {
8315 r2.body = t9;
8316}, XO = { serializeRes: nA, mergeInQueryOrForm: hA };
8317function ZO(t9) {
8318 return tA.apply(this, arguments);
8320function tA() {
8321 return tA = Gy(Jy.mark(function t9(r2) {
8322 var e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2 = arguments;
8323 return Jy.wrap(function(t10) {
8324 for (; ; )
8325 switch (t10.prev = t10.next) {
8326 case 0:
8327 if (e2 = a2.length > 1 && void 0 !== a2[1] ? a2[1] : {}, "object" === qp(r2) && (r2 = (e2 = r2).url), e2.headers = e2.headers || {}, XO.mergeInQueryOrForm(e2), e2.headers && Yb(e2.headers).forEach(function(t11) {
8328 var r3 = e2.headers[t11];
8329 "string" == typeof r3 && (e2.headers[t11] = r3.replace(/\n+/g, " "));
8330 }), !e2.requestInterceptor) {
8331 t10.next = 12;
8332 break;
8333 }
8334 return t10.next = 8, e2.requestInterceptor(e2);
8335 case 8:
8336 if (t10.t0 = t10.sent, t10.t0) {
8337 t10.next = 11;
8338 break;
8339 }
8340 t10.t0 = e2;
8341 case 11:
8342 e2 = t10.t0;
8343 case 12:
8344 return n2 = e2.headers["content-type"] || e2.headers["Content-Type"], /multipart\/form-data/i.test(n2) && e2.body instanceof BO && (delete e2.headers["content-type"], delete e2.headers["Content-Type"]), t10.prev = 14, t10.next = 17, (e2.userFetch || fetch)(e2.url, e2);
8345 case 17:
8346 return o2 = t10.sent, t10.next = 20, XO.serializeRes(o2, r2, e2);
8347 case 20:
8348 if (o2 = t10.sent, !e2.responseInterceptor) {
8349 t10.next = 28;
8350 break;
8351 }
8352 return t10.next = 24, e2.responseInterceptor(o2);
8353 case 24:
8354 if (t10.t1 = t10.sent, t10.t1) {
8355 t10.next = 27;
8356 break;
8357 }
8358 t10.t1 = o2;
8359 case 27:
8360 o2 = t10.t1;
8361 case 28:
8362 t10.next = 39;
8363 break;
8364 case 30:
8365 if (t10.prev = 30, t10.t2 = t10.catch(14), o2) {
8366 t10.next = 34;
8367 break;
8368 }
8369 throw t10.t2;
8370 case 34:
8371 throw (i2 = new Error(o2.statusText || "response status is ".concat(o2.status))).status = o2.status, i2.statusCode = o2.status, i2.responseError = t10.t2, i2;
8372 case 39:
8373 if (o2.ok) {
8374 t10.next = 45;
8375 break;
8376 }
8377 throw (u2 = new Error(o2.statusText || "response status is ".concat(o2.status))).status = o2.status, u2.statusCode = o2.status, u2.response = o2, u2;
8378 case 45:
8379 return t10.abrupt("return", o2);
8380 case 46:
8381 case "end":
8382 return t10.stop();
8383 }
8384 }, t9, null, [[14, 30]]);
8385 })), tA.apply(this, arguments);
8387var rA = function() {
8388 var t9 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "";
8389 return /(json|xml|yaml|text)\b/.test(t9);
8391function eA(t9, r2) {
8392 return r2 && (0 === r2.indexOf("application/json") || r2.indexOf("+json") > 0) ? JSON.parse(t9) : CO.load(t9);
8394function nA(t9, r2) {
8395 var e2 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, n2 = e2.loadSpec, o2 = void 0 !== n2 && n2, i2 = { ok: t9.ok, url: t9.url || r2, status: t9.status, statusText: t9.statusText, headers: iA(t9.headers) }, u2 = i2.headers["content-type"], a2 = o2 || rA(u2), f2 = a2 ? t9.text : t9.blob || t9.buffer;
8396 return f2.call(t9).then(function(t10) {
8397 if (i2.text = t10, i2.data = t10, a2)
8398 try {
8399 var r3 = eA(t10, u2);
8400 i2.body = r3, i2.obj = r3;
8401 } catch (t11) {
8402 i2.parseError = t11;
8403 }
8404 return i2;
8405 });
8407function oA(t9) {
8408 return fb(t9).call(t9, ", ") ? t9.split(", ") : t9;
8410function iA() {
8411 var t9 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
8412 return "function" != typeof bb(t9) ? {} : gb(bb(t9).call(t9)).reduce(function(t10, r2) {
8413 var e2 = Gp(r2, 2), n2 = e2[0], o2 = e2[1];
8414 return t10[n2] = oA(o2), t10;
8415 }, {});
8417function uA(t9, r2) {
8418 return r2 || "undefined" == typeof navigator || (r2 = navigator), r2 && "ReactNative" === r2.product ? !(!t9 || "object" !== qp(t9) || "string" != typeof t9.uri) : void 0 !== GO && t9 instanceof GO || (void 0 !== qO && t9 instanceof qO || (!!ArrayBuffer.isView(t9) || null !== t9 && "object" === qp(t9) && "function" == typeof t9.pipe));
8420function aA(t9, r2) {
8421 return Array.isArray(t9) && t9.some(function(t10) {
8422 return uA(t10, r2);
8423 });
8425var fA = { form: ",", spaceDelimited: "%20", pipeDelimited: "|" }, cA = { csv: ",", ssv: "%20", tsv: "%09", pipes: "|" };
8426function sA(t9, r2) {
8427 var e2 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] && arguments[2], n2 = r2.collectionFormat, o2 = r2.allowEmptyValue, i2 = r2.serializationOption, u2 = r2.encoding, a2 = "object" !== qp(r2) || Array.isArray(r2) ? r2 : r2.value, f2 = e2 ? function(t10) {
8428 return t10.toString();
8429 } : function(t10) {
8430 return encodeURIComponent(t10);
8431 }, c2 = f2(t9);
8432 if (void 0 === a2 && o2)
8433 return [[c2, ""]];
8434 if (uA(a2) || aA(a2))
8435 return [[c2, a2]];
8436 if (i2)
8437 return lA(t9, a2, e2, i2);
8438 if (u2) {
8439 if ([qp(u2.style), qp(u2.explode), qp(u2.allowReserved)].some(function(t10) {
8440 return "undefined" !== t10;
8441 })) {
8442 var s2 = u2.style, l2 = u2.explode, p2 = u2.allowReserved;
8443 return lA(t9, a2, e2, { style: s2, explode: l2, allowReserved: p2 });
8444 }
8445 if (u2.contentType) {
8446 if ("application/json" === u2.contentType) {
8447 var v2 = "string" == typeof a2 ? a2 : $b(a2);
8448 return [[c2, f2(v2)]];
8449 }
8450 return [[c2, f2(a2.toString())]];
8451 }
8452 return "object" !== qp(a2) ? [[c2, f2(a2)]] : Array.isArray(a2) && a2.every(function(t10) {
8453 return "object" !== qp(t10);
8454 }) ? [[c2, Hb(a2).call(a2, f2).join(",")]] : [[c2, f2($b(a2))]];
8455 }
8456 return "object" !== qp(a2) ? [[c2, f2(a2)]] : Array.isArray(a2) ? "multi" === n2 ? [[c2, Hb(a2).call(a2, f2)]] : [[c2, Hb(a2).call(a2, f2).join(cA[n2 || "csv"])]] : [[c2, ""]];
8458function lA(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
8459 var o2, i2, u2, a2 = n2.style || "form", f2 = void 0 === n2.explode ? "form" === a2 : n2.explode, c2 = !e2 && (n2 && n2.allowReserved ? "unsafe" : "reserved"), s2 = function(t10) {
8460 return YO(t10, { escape: c2 });
8461 }, l2 = e2 ? function(t10) {
8462 return t10;
8463 } : function(t10) {
8464 return YO(t10, { escape: c2 });
8465 };
8466 return "object" !== qp(r2) ? [[l2(t9), s2(r2)]] : Array.isArray(r2) ? f2 ? [[l2(t9), Hb(r2).call(r2, s2)]] : [[l2(t9), Hb(r2).call(r2, s2).join(fA[a2])]] : "deepObject" === a2 ? Hb(i2 = Yb(r2)).call(i2, function(e3) {
8467 var n3;
8468 return [l2(rm(n3 = "".concat(t9, "[")).call(n3, e3, "]")), s2(r2[e3])];
8469 }) : f2 ? Hb(u2 = Yb(r2)).call(u2, function(t10) {
8470 return [l2(t10), s2(r2[t10])];
8471 }) : [[l2(t9), Hb(o2 = Yb(r2)).call(o2, function(t10) {
8472 var e3;
8473 return [rm(e3 = "".concat(l2(t10), ",")).call(e3, s2(r2[t10]))];
8474 }).join(",")]];
8476function pA(t9) {
8477 return pm(t9).reduce(function(t10, r2) {
8478 var e2, n2 = Gp(r2, 2), o2 = Lp(sA(n2[0], n2[1], true));
8479 try {
8480 for (o2.s(); !(e2 = o2.n()).done; ) {
8481 var i2 = Gp(e2.value, 2), u2 = i2[0], a2 = i2[1];
8482 if (Array.isArray(a2)) {
8483 var f2, c2 = Lp(a2);
8484 try {
8485 for (c2.s(); !(f2 = c2.n()).done; ) {
8486 var s2 = f2.value;
8487 if (ArrayBuffer.isView(s2)) {
8488 var l2 = new qO([s2]);
8489 t10.append(u2, l2);
8490 } else
8491 t10.append(u2, s2);
8492 }
8493 } catch (t11) {
8494 c2.e(t11);
8495 } finally {
8496 c2.f();
8497 }
8498 } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(a2)) {
8499 var p2 = new qO([a2]);
8500 t10.append(u2, p2);
8501 } else
8502 t10.append(u2, a2);
8503 }
8504 } catch (t11) {
8505 o2.e(t11);
8506 } finally {
8507 o2.f();
8508 }
8509 return t10;
8510 }, new BO());
8512function vA(t9) {
8513 var r2 = Yb(t9).reduce(function(r3, e2) {
8514 var n2, o2 = Lp(sA(e2, t9[e2]));
8515 try {
8516 for (o2.s(); !(n2 = o2.n()).done; ) {
8517 var i2 = Gp(n2.value, 2), u2 = i2[0], a2 = i2[1];
8518 r3[u2] = a2;
8519 }
8520 } catch (t10) {
8521 o2.e(t10);
8522 } finally {
8523 o2.f();
8524 }
8525 return r3;
8526 }, {});
8527 return $w.stringify(r2, { encode: false, indices: false }) || "";
8529function hA() {
8530 var t9 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, r2 = t9.url, e2 = void 0 === r2 ? "" : r2, n2 = t9.query, o2 = t9.form, i2 = function() {
8531 for (var t10 = arguments.length, r3 = new Array(t10), e3 = 0; e3 < t10; e3++)
8532 r3[e3] = arguments[e3];
8533 var n3 = hm(r3).call(r3, function(t11) {
8534 return t11;
8535 }).join("&");
8536 return n3 ? "?".concat(n3) : "";
8537 };
8538 if (o2) {
8539 var u2 = Yb(o2).some(function(t10) {
8540 var r3 = o2[t10].value;
8541 return uA(r3) || aA(r3);
8542 }), a2 = t9.headers["content-type"] || t9.headers["Content-Type"];
8543 if (u2 || /multipart\/form-data/i.test(a2)) {
8544 var f2 = pA(t9.form);
8545 KO(f2, t9);
8546 } else
8547 t9.body = vA(o2);
8548 delete t9.form;
8549 }
8550 if (n2) {
8551 var c2 = e2.split("?"), s2 = Gp(c2, 2), l2 = s2[0], p2 = s2[1], v2 = "";
8552 if (p2) {
8553 var h2 = $w.parse(p2), d2 = Yb(n2);
8554 d2.forEach(function(t10) {
8555 return delete h2[t10];
8556 }), v2 = $w.stringify(h2, { encode: true });
8557 }
8558 var y2 = i2(v2, vA(n2));
8559 t9.url = l2 + y2, delete t9.query;
8560 }
8561 return t9;
8563function dA(t9, r2) {
8564 if (!(t9 instanceof r2))
8565 throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
8567function yA(t9, r2) {
8568 for (var e2 = 0; e2 < r2.length; e2++) {
8569 var n2 = r2[e2];
8570 n2.enumerable = n2.enumerable || false, n2.configurable = true, "value" in n2 && (n2.writable = true), _c(t9, n2.key, n2);
8571 }
8573function bA(t9, r2, e2) {
8574 return r2 && yA(t9.prototype, r2), e2 && yA(t9, e2), _c(t9, "prototype", { writable: false }), t9;
8576var mA = { exports: {} }, gA = ge, wA = _i.find, jA = true;
8577"find" in [] && Array(1).find(function() {
8578 jA = false;
8579}), gA({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: jA }, { find: function(t9) {
8580 return wA(this, t9, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
8581} });
8582var OA = na("Array").find, AA = tt, SA = OA, xA = Array.prototype;
8583const EA = openapi_parser_t(mA.exports = function(t9) {
8584 var r2 = t9.find;
8585 return t9 === xA || AA(xA, t9) && r2 === xA.find ? SA : r2;
8587var PA = { exports: {} };
8588const kA = openapi_parser_t(PA.exports = Uy);
8589var _A = { exports: {} }, IA = ge, TA = openapi_parser_o, RA = Ee, FA = Oe, NA = Te, MA = Ct, DA = ji, UA = Hn, LA = ta("splice"), CA = TA.TypeError, $A = Math.max, BA = Math.min;
8590IA({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !LA }, { splice: function(t9, r2) {
8591 var e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2 = MA(this), c2 = NA(f2), s2 = RA(t9, c2), l2 = arguments.length;
8592 if (0 === l2 ? e2 = n2 = 0 : 1 === l2 ? (e2 = 0, n2 = c2 - s2) : (e2 = l2 - 2, n2 = BA($A(FA(r2), 0), c2 - s2)), c2 + e2 - n2 > 9007199254740991)
8593 throw CA("Maximum allowed length exceeded");
8594 for (o2 = DA(f2, n2), i2 = 0; i2 < n2; i2++)
8595 (u2 = s2 + i2) in f2 && UA(o2, i2, f2[u2]);
8596 if (o2.length = n2, e2 < n2) {
8597 for (i2 = s2; i2 < c2 - n2; i2++)
8598 a2 = i2 + e2, (u2 = i2 + n2) in f2 ? f2[a2] = f2[u2] : delete f2[a2];
8599 for (i2 = c2; i2 > c2 - n2 + e2; i2--)
8600 delete f2[i2 - 1];
8601 } else if (e2 > n2)
8602 for (i2 = c2 - n2; i2 > s2; i2--)
8603 a2 = i2 + e2 - 1, (u2 = i2 + n2 - 1) in f2 ? f2[a2] = f2[u2] : delete f2[a2];
8604 for (i2 = 0; i2 < e2; i2++)
8605 f2[i2 + s2] = arguments[i2 + 2];
8606 return f2.length = c2 - n2 + e2, o2;
8607} });
8608var qA = na("Array").splice, GA = tt, WA = qA, zA = Array.prototype;
8609const JA = openapi_parser_t(_A.exports = function(t9) {
8610 var r2 = t9.splice;
8611 return t9 === zA || GA(zA, t9) && r2 === zA.splice ? WA : r2;
8614 * https://github.com/Starcounter-Jack/JSON-Patch
8615 * (c) 2017 Joachim Wester
8616 * MIT license
8617 */
8618var HA, VA = globalThis && globalThis.__extends || (HA = function(t9, r2) {
8619 return HA = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(t10, r3) {
8620 t10.__proto__ = r3;
8621 } || function(t10, r3) {
8622 for (var e2 in r3)
8623 r3.hasOwnProperty(e2) && (t10[e2] = r3[e2]);
8624 }, HA(t9, r2);
8625}, function(t9, r2) {
8626 function e2() {
8627 this.constructor = t9;
8628 }
8629 HA(t9, r2), t9.prototype = null === r2 ? Object.create(r2) : (e2.prototype = r2.prototype, new e2());
8630}), YA = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
8631function QA(t9, r2) {
8632 return YA.call(t9, r2);
8634function KA(t9) {
8635 if (Array.isArray(t9)) {
8636 for (var r2 = new Array(t9.length), e2 = 0; e2 < r2.length; e2++)
8637 r2[e2] = "" + e2;
8638 return r2;
8639 }
8640 if (Object.keys)
8641 return Object.keys(t9);
8642 r2 = [];
8643 for (var n2 in t9)
8644 QA(t9, n2) && r2.push(n2);
8645 return r2;
8647function XA(t9) {
8648 switch (typeof t9) {
8649 case "object":
8650 return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t9));
8651 case "undefined":
8652 return null;
8653 default:
8654 return t9;
8655 }
8657function ZA(t9) {
8658 for (var r2, e2 = 0, n2 = t9.length; e2 < n2; ) {
8659 if (!((r2 = t9.charCodeAt(e2)) >= 48 && r2 <= 57))
8660 return false;
8661 e2++;
8662 }
8663 return true;
8665function tS(t9) {
8666 return -1 === t9.indexOf("/") && -1 === t9.indexOf("~") ? t9 : t9.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
8668function rS(t9) {
8669 return t9.replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~");
8671function eS(t9) {
8672 if (void 0 === t9)
8673 return true;
8674 if (t9) {
8675 if (Array.isArray(t9)) {
8676 for (var r2 = 0, e2 = t9.length; r2 < e2; r2++)
8677 if (eS(t9[r2]))
8678 return true;
8679 } else if ("object" == typeof t9) {
8680 var n2 = KA(t9), o2 = n2.length;
8681 for (r2 = 0; r2 < o2; r2++)
8682 if (eS(t9[n2[r2]]))
8683 return true;
8684 }
8685 }
8686 return false;
8688function nS(t9, r2) {
8689 var e2 = [t9];
8690 for (var n2 in r2) {
8691 var o2 = "object" == typeof r2[n2] ? JSON.stringify(r2[n2], null, 2) : r2[n2];
8692 void 0 !== o2 && e2.push(n2 + ": " + o2);
8693 }
8694 return e2.join("\n");
8696var oS = function(t9) {
8697 function r2(r3, e2, n2, o2, i2) {
8698 var u2 = this.constructor, a2 = t9.call(this, nS(r3, { name: e2, index: n2, operation: o2, tree: i2 })) || this;
8699 return a2.name = e2, a2.index = n2, a2.operation = o2, a2.tree = i2, Object.setPrototypeOf(a2, u2.prototype), a2.message = nS(r3, { name: e2, index: n2, operation: o2, tree: i2 }), a2;
8700 }
8701 return VA(r2, t9), r2;
8702}(Error), iS = oS, uS = XA, aS = { add: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8703 return t9[r2] = this.value, { newDocument: e2 };
8704}, remove: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8705 var n2 = t9[r2];
8706 return delete t9[r2], { newDocument: e2, removed: n2 };
8707}, replace: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8708 var n2 = t9[r2];
8709 return t9[r2] = this.value, { newDocument: e2, removed: n2 };
8710}, move: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8711 var n2 = cS(e2, this.path);
8712 n2 && (n2 = XA(n2));
8713 var o2 = sS(e2, { op: "remove", path: this.from }).removed;
8714 return sS(e2, { op: "add", path: this.path, value: o2 }), { newDocument: e2, removed: n2 };
8715}, copy: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8716 var n2 = cS(e2, this.from);
8717 return sS(e2, { op: "add", path: this.path, value: XA(n2) }), { newDocument: e2 };
8718}, test: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8719 return { newDocument: e2, test: hS(t9[r2], this.value) };
8720}, _get: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8721 return this.value = t9[r2], { newDocument: e2 };
8722} }, fS = { add: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8723 return ZA(r2) ? t9.splice(r2, 0, this.value) : t9[r2] = this.value, { newDocument: e2, index: r2 };
8724}, remove: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8725 return { newDocument: e2, removed: t9.splice(r2, 1)[0] };
8726}, replace: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8727 var n2 = t9[r2];
8728 return t9[r2] = this.value, { newDocument: e2, removed: n2 };
8729}, move: aS.move, copy: aS.copy, test: aS.test, _get: aS._get };
8730function cS(t9, r2) {
8731 if ("" == r2)
8732 return t9;
8733 var e2 = { op: "_get", path: r2 };
8734 return sS(t9, e2), e2.value;
8736function sS(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2, i2) {
8737 if (void 0 === e2 && (e2 = false), void 0 === n2 && (n2 = true), void 0 === o2 && (o2 = true), void 0 === i2 && (i2 = 0), e2 && ("function" == typeof e2 ? e2(r2, 0, t9, r2.path) : pS(r2, 0)), "" === r2.path) {
8738 var u2 = { newDocument: t9 };
8739 if ("add" === r2.op)
8740 return u2.newDocument = r2.value, u2;
8741 if ("replace" === r2.op)
8742 return u2.newDocument = r2.value, u2.removed = t9, u2;
8743 if ("move" === r2.op || "copy" === r2.op)
8744 return u2.newDocument = cS(t9, r2.from), "move" === r2.op && (u2.removed = t9), u2;
8745 if ("test" === r2.op) {
8746 if (u2.test = hS(t9, r2.value), false === u2.test)
8747 throw new iS("Test operation failed", "TEST_OPERATION_FAILED", i2, r2, t9);
8748 return u2.newDocument = t9, u2;
8749 }
8750 if ("remove" === r2.op)
8751 return u2.removed = t9, u2.newDocument = null, u2;
8752 if ("_get" === r2.op)
8753 return r2.value = t9, u2;
8754 if (e2)
8755 throw new iS("Operation `op` property is not one of operations defined in RFC-6902", "OPERATION_OP_INVALID", i2, r2, t9);
8756 return u2;
8757 }
8758 n2 || (t9 = XA(t9));
8759 var a2 = (r2.path || "").split("/"), f2 = t9, c2 = 1, s2 = a2.length, l2 = void 0, p2 = void 0, v2 = void 0;
8760 for (v2 = "function" == typeof e2 ? e2 : pS; ; ) {
8761 if ((p2 = a2[c2]) && -1 != p2.indexOf("~") && (p2 = rS(p2)), o2 && "__proto__" == p2)
8762 throw new TypeError("JSON-Patch: modifying `__proto__` prop is banned for security reasons, if this was on purpose, please set `banPrototypeModifications` flag false and pass it to this function. More info in fast-json-patch README");
8763 if (e2 && void 0 === l2 && (void 0 === f2[p2] ? l2 = a2.slice(0, c2).join("/") : c2 == s2 - 1 && (l2 = r2.path), void 0 !== l2 && v2(r2, 0, t9, l2)), c2++, Array.isArray(f2)) {
8764 if ("-" === p2)
8765 p2 = f2.length;
8766 else {
8767 if (e2 && !ZA(p2))
8768 throw new iS("Expected an unsigned base-10 integer value, making the new referenced value the array element with the zero-based index", "OPERATION_PATH_ILLEGAL_ARRAY_INDEX", i2, r2, t9);
8769 ZA(p2) && (p2 = ~~p2);
8770 }
8771 if (c2 >= s2) {
8772 if (e2 && "add" === r2.op && p2 > f2.length)
8773 throw new iS("The specified index MUST NOT be greater than the number of elements in the array", "OPERATION_VALUE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", i2, r2, t9);
8774 if (false === (u2 = fS[r2.op].call(r2, f2, p2, t9)).test)
8775 throw new iS("Test operation failed", "TEST_OPERATION_FAILED", i2, r2, t9);
8776 return u2;
8777 }
8778 } else if (c2 >= s2) {
8779 if (false === (u2 = aS[r2.op].call(r2, f2, p2, t9)).test)
8780 throw new iS("Test operation failed", "TEST_OPERATION_FAILED", i2, r2, t9);
8781 return u2;
8782 }
8783 if (f2 = f2[p2], e2 && c2 < s2 && (!f2 || "object" != typeof f2))
8784 throw new iS("Cannot perform operation at the desired path", "OPERATION_PATH_UNRESOLVABLE", i2, r2, t9);
8785 }
8787function lS(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
8788 if (void 0 === n2 && (n2 = true), void 0 === o2 && (o2 = true), e2 && !Array.isArray(r2))
8789 throw new iS("Patch sequence must be an array", "SEQUENCE_NOT_AN_ARRAY");
8790 n2 || (t9 = XA(t9));
8791 for (var i2 = new Array(r2.length), u2 = 0, a2 = r2.length; u2 < a2; u2++)
8792 i2[u2] = sS(t9, r2[u2], e2, true, o2, u2), t9 = i2[u2].newDocument;
8793 return i2.newDocument = t9, i2;
8795function pS(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
8796 if ("object" != typeof t9 || null === t9 || Array.isArray(t9))
8797 throw new iS("Operation is not an object", "OPERATION_NOT_AN_OBJECT", r2, t9, e2);
8798 if (!aS[t9.op])
8799 throw new iS("Operation `op` property is not one of operations defined in RFC-6902", "OPERATION_OP_INVALID", r2, t9, e2);
8800 if ("string" != typeof t9.path)
8801 throw new iS("Operation `path` property is not a string", "OPERATION_PATH_INVALID", r2, t9, e2);
8802 if (0 !== t9.path.indexOf("/") && t9.path.length > 0)
8803 throw new iS('Operation `path` property must start with "/"', "OPERATION_PATH_INVALID", r2, t9, e2);
8804 if (("move" === t9.op || "copy" === t9.op) && "string" != typeof t9.from)
8805 throw new iS("Operation `from` property is not present (applicable in `move` and `copy` operations)", "OPERATION_FROM_REQUIRED", r2, t9, e2);
8806 if (("add" === t9.op || "replace" === t9.op || "test" === t9.op) && void 0 === t9.value)
8807 throw new iS("Operation `value` property is not present (applicable in `add`, `replace` and `test` operations)", "OPERATION_VALUE_REQUIRED", r2, t9, e2);
8808 if (("add" === t9.op || "replace" === t9.op || "test" === t9.op) && eS(t9.value))
8809 throw new iS("Operation `value` property is not present (applicable in `add`, `replace` and `test` operations)", "OPERATION_VALUE_CANNOT_CONTAIN_UNDEFINED", r2, t9, e2);
8810 if (e2) {
8811 if ("add" == t9.op) {
8812 var o2 = t9.path.split("/").length, i2 = n2.split("/").length;
8813 if (o2 !== i2 + 1 && o2 !== i2)
8814 throw new iS("Cannot perform an `add` operation at the desired path", "OPERATION_PATH_CANNOT_ADD", r2, t9, e2);
8815 } else if ("replace" === t9.op || "remove" === t9.op || "_get" === t9.op) {
8816 if (t9.path !== n2)
8817 throw new iS("Cannot perform the operation at a path that does not exist", "OPERATION_PATH_UNRESOLVABLE", r2, t9, e2);
8818 } else if ("move" === t9.op || "copy" === t9.op) {
8819 var u2 = vS([{ op: "_get", path: t9.from, value: void 0 }], e2);
8820 if (u2 && "OPERATION_PATH_UNRESOLVABLE" === u2.name)
8821 throw new iS("Cannot perform the operation from a path that does not exist", "OPERATION_FROM_UNRESOLVABLE", r2, t9, e2);
8822 }
8823 }
8825function vS(t9, r2, e2) {
8826 try {
8827 if (!Array.isArray(t9))
8828 throw new iS("Patch sequence must be an array", "SEQUENCE_NOT_AN_ARRAY");
8829 if (r2)
8830 lS(XA(r2), XA(t9), e2 || true);
8831 else {
8832 e2 = e2 || pS;
8833 for (var n2 = 0; n2 < t9.length; n2++)
8834 e2(t9[n2], n2, r2, void 0);
8835 }
8836 } catch (t10) {
8837 if (t10 instanceof iS)
8838 return t10;
8839 throw t10;
8840 }
8842function hS(t9, r2) {
8843 if (t9 === r2)
8844 return true;
8845 if (t9 && r2 && "object" == typeof t9 && "object" == typeof r2) {
8846 var e2, n2, o2, i2 = Array.isArray(t9), u2 = Array.isArray(r2);
8847 if (i2 && u2) {
8848 if ((n2 = t9.length) != r2.length)
8849 return false;
8850 for (e2 = n2; 0 != e2--; )
8851 if (!hS(t9[e2], r2[e2]))
8852 return false;
8853 return true;
8854 }
8855 if (i2 != u2)
8856 return false;
8857 var a2 = Object.keys(t9);
8858 if ((n2 = a2.length) !== Object.keys(r2).length)
8859 return false;
8860 for (e2 = n2; 0 != e2--; )
8861 if (!r2.hasOwnProperty(a2[e2]))
8862 return false;
8863 for (e2 = n2; 0 != e2--; )
8864 if (!hS(t9[o2 = a2[e2]], r2[o2]))
8865 return false;
8866 return true;
8867 }
8868 return t9 != t9 && r2 != r2;
8870const dS = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, JsonPatchError: iS, deepClone: uS, getValueByPointer: cS, applyOperation: sS, applyPatch: lS, applyReducer: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8871 var n2 = sS(t9, r2);
8872 if (false === n2.test)
8873 throw new iS("Test operation failed", "TEST_OPERATION_FAILED", e2, r2, t9);
8874 return n2.newDocument;
8875}, validator: pS, validate: vS, _areEquals: hS }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
8877 * https://github.com/Starcounter-Jack/JSON-Patch
8878 * (c) 2017 Joachim Wester
8879 * MIT license
8880 */
8881var yS = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), bS = function(t9) {
8882 this.observers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.obj = t9;
8883}, mS = function(t9, r2) {
8884 this.callback = t9, this.observer = r2;
8886function gS(t9, r2) {
8887 void 0 === r2 && (r2 = false);
8888 var e2 = yS.get(t9.object);
8889 wS(e2.value, t9.object, t9.patches, "", r2), t9.patches.length && lS(e2.value, t9.patches);
8890 var n2 = t9.patches;
8891 return n2.length > 0 && (t9.patches = [], t9.callback && t9.callback(n2)), n2;
8893function wS(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
8894 if (r2 !== t9) {
8895 "function" == typeof r2.toJSON && (r2 = r2.toJSON());
8896 for (var i2 = KA(r2), u2 = KA(t9), a2 = false, f2 = u2.length - 1; f2 >= 0; f2--) {
8897 var c2 = t9[l2 = u2[f2]];
8898 if (!QA(r2, l2) || void 0 === r2[l2] && void 0 !== c2 && false === Array.isArray(r2))
8899 Array.isArray(t9) === Array.isArray(r2) ? (o2 && e2.push({ op: "test", path: n2 + "/" + tS(l2), value: XA(c2) }), e2.push({ op: "remove", path: n2 + "/" + tS(l2) }), a2 = true) : (o2 && e2.push({ op: "test", path: n2, value: t9 }), e2.push({ op: "replace", path: n2, value: r2 }));
8900 else {
8901 var s2 = r2[l2];
8902 "object" == typeof c2 && null != c2 && "object" == typeof s2 && null != s2 && Array.isArray(c2) === Array.isArray(s2) ? wS(c2, s2, e2, n2 + "/" + tS(l2), o2) : c2 !== s2 && (o2 && e2.push({ op: "test", path: n2 + "/" + tS(l2), value: XA(c2) }), e2.push({ op: "replace", path: n2 + "/" + tS(l2), value: XA(s2) }));
8903 }
8904 }
8905 if (a2 || i2.length != u2.length)
8906 for (f2 = 0; f2 < i2.length; f2++) {
8907 var l2;
8908 QA(t9, l2 = i2[f2]) || void 0 === r2[l2] || e2.push({ op: "add", path: n2 + "/" + tS(l2), value: XA(r2[l2]) });
8909 }
8910 }
8912const jS = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, unobserve: function(t9, r2) {
8913 r2.unobserve();
8914}, observe: function(t9, r2) {
8915 var e2, n2 = function(t10) {
8916 return yS.get(t10);
8917 }(t9);
8918 if (n2) {
8919 var o2 = function(t10, r3) {
8920 return t10.observers.get(r3);
8921 }(n2, r2);
8922 e2 = o2 && o2.observer;
8923 } else
8924 n2 = new bS(t9), yS.set(t9, n2);
8925 if (e2)
8926 return e2;
8927 if (e2 = {}, n2.value = XA(t9), r2) {
8928 e2.callback = r2, e2.next = null;
8929 var i2 = function() {
8930 gS(e2);
8931 }, u2 = function() {
8932 clearTimeout(e2.next), e2.next = setTimeout(i2);
8933 };
8934 "undefined" != typeof window && (window.addEventListener("mouseup", u2), window.addEventListener("keyup", u2), window.addEventListener("mousedown", u2), window.addEventListener("keydown", u2), window.addEventListener("change", u2));
8935 }
8936 return e2.patches = [], e2.object = t9, e2.unobserve = function() {
8937 gS(e2), clearTimeout(e2.next), function(t10, r3) {
8938 t10.observers.delete(r3.callback);
8939 }(n2, e2), "undefined" != typeof window && (window.removeEventListener("mouseup", u2), window.removeEventListener("keyup", u2), window.removeEventListener("mousedown", u2), window.removeEventListener("keydown", u2), window.removeEventListener("change", u2));
8940 }, n2.observers.set(r2, new mS(r2, e2)), e2;
8941}, generate: gS, compare: function(t9, r2, e2) {
8942 void 0 === e2 && (e2 = false);
8943 var n2 = [];
8944 return wS(t9, r2, n2, "", e2), n2;
8945} }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
8946Object.assign({}, dS, jS, { JsonPatchError: oS, deepClone: XA, escapePathComponent: tS, unescapePathComponent: rS });
8947var OS = function(t9) {
8948 return function(t10) {
8949 return !!t10 && "object" == typeof t10;
8950 }(t9) && !function(t10) {
8951 var r2 = Object.prototype.toString.call(t10);
8952 return "[object RegExp]" === r2 || "[object Date]" === r2 || function(t11) {
8953 return t11.$$typeof === AS;
8954 }(t10);
8955 }(t9);
8957var AS = "function" == typeof Symbol && Symbol.for ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103;
8958function SS(t9, r2) {
8959 return false !== r2.clone && r2.isMergeableObject(t9) ? _S((e2 = t9, Array.isArray(e2) ? [] : {}), t9, r2) : t9;
8960 var e2;
8962function xS(t9, r2, e2) {
8963 return t9.concat(r2).map(function(t10) {
8964 return SS(t10, e2);
8965 });
8967function ES(t9) {
8968 return Object.keys(t9).concat(function(t10) {
8969 return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t10).filter(function(r2) {
8970 return t10.propertyIsEnumerable(r2);
8971 }) : [];
8972 }(t9));
8974function PS(t9, r2) {
8975 try {
8976 return r2 in t9;
8977 } catch (t10) {
8978 return false;
8979 }
8981function kS(t9, r2, e2) {
8982 var n2 = {};
8983 return e2.isMergeableObject(t9) && ES(t9).forEach(function(r3) {
8984 n2[r3] = SS(t9[r3], e2);
8985 }), ES(r2).forEach(function(o2) {
8986 (function(t10, r3) {
8987 return PS(t10, r3) && !(Object.hasOwnProperty.call(t10, r3) && Object.propertyIsEnumerable.call(t10, r3));
8988 })(t9, o2) || (PS(t9, o2) && e2.isMergeableObject(r2[o2]) ? n2[o2] = function(t10, r3) {
8989 if (!r3.customMerge)
8990 return _S;
8991 var e3 = r3.customMerge(t10);
8992 return "function" == typeof e3 ? e3 : _S;
8993 }(o2, e2)(t9[o2], r2[o2], e2) : n2[o2] = SS(r2[o2], e2));
8994 }), n2;
8996function _S(t9, r2, e2) {
8997 (e2 = e2 || {}).arrayMerge = e2.arrayMerge || xS, e2.isMergeableObject = e2.isMergeableObject || OS, e2.cloneUnlessOtherwiseSpecified = SS;
8998 var n2 = Array.isArray(r2);
8999 return n2 === Array.isArray(t9) ? n2 ? e2.arrayMerge(t9, r2, e2) : kS(t9, r2, e2) : SS(r2, e2);
9001_S.all = function(t9, r2) {
9002 if (!Array.isArray(t9))
9003 throw new Error("first argument should be an array");
9004 return t9.reduce(function(t10, e2) {
9005 return _S(t10, e2, r2);
9006 }, {});
9008var IS = _S;
9009const TS = { add: function(t9, r2) {
9010 return { op: "add", path: t9, value: r2 };
9011}, replace: FS, remove: function(t9) {
9012 return { op: "remove", path: t9 };
9013}, merge: function(t9, r2) {
9014 return { type: "mutation", op: "merge", path: t9, value: r2 };
9015}, mergeDeep: function(t9, r2) {
9016 return { type: "mutation", op: "mergeDeep", path: t9, value: r2 };
9017}, context: function(t9, r2) {
9018 return { type: "context", path: t9, value: r2 };
9019}, getIn: function(t9, r2) {
9020 return r2.reduce(function(t10, r3) {
9021 return void 0 !== r3 && t10 ? t10[r3] : t10;
9022 }, t9);
9023}, applyPatch: function(t9, r2, e2) {
9024 if (e2 = e2 || {}, "merge" === (r2 = Rc(Rc({}, r2), {}, { path: r2.path && RS(r2.path) })).op) {
9025 var n2 = JS(t9, r2.path);
9026 Yc(n2, r2.value), lS(t9, [FS(r2.path, n2)]);
9027 } else if ("mergeDeep" === r2.op) {
9028 var o2 = JS(t9, r2.path), i2 = IS(o2, r2.value);
9029 t9 = lS(t9, [FS(r2.path, i2)]).newDocument;
9030 } else if ("add" === r2.op && "" === r2.path && $S(r2.value)) {
9031 var u2 = Yb(r2.value).reduce(function(t10, e3) {
9032 return t10.push({ op: "add", path: "/".concat(RS(e3)), value: r2.value[e3] }), t10;
9033 }, []);
9034 lS(t9, u2);
9035 } else if ("replace" === r2.op && "" === r2.path) {
9036 var a2 = r2.value;
9037 e2.allowMetaPatches && r2.meta && WS(r2) && (Array.isArray(r2.value) || $S(r2.value)) && (a2 = Rc(Rc({}, a2), r2.meta)), t9 = a2;
9038 } else if (lS(t9, [r2]), e2.allowMetaPatches && r2.meta && WS(r2) && (Array.isArray(r2.value) || $S(r2.value))) {
9039 var f2 = Rc(Rc({}, JS(t9, r2.path)), r2.meta);
9040 lS(t9, [FS(r2.path, f2)]);
9041 }
9042 return t9;
9043}, parentPathMatch: function(t9, r2) {
9044 if (!Array.isArray(r2))
9045 return false;
9046 for (var e2 = 0, n2 = r2.length; e2 < n2; e2 += 1)
9047 if (r2[e2] !== t9[e2])
9048 return false;
9049 return true;
9050}, flatten: LS, fullyNormalizeArray: function(t9) {
9051 return CS(LS(US(t9)));
9052}, normalizeArray: US, isPromise: function(t9) {
9053 return $S(t9) && BS(t9.then);
9054}, forEachNew: function(t9, r2) {
9055 try {
9056 return NS(t9, DS, r2);
9057 } catch (t10) {
9058 return t10;
9059 }
9060}, forEachNewPrimitive: function(t9, r2) {
9061 try {
9062 return NS(t9, MS, r2);
9063 } catch (t10) {
9064 return t10;
9065 }
9066}, isJsonPatch: qS, isContextPatch: function(t9) {
9067 return zS(t9) && "context" === t9.type;
9068}, isPatch: zS, isMutation: GS, isAdditiveMutation: WS, isGenerator: function(t9) {
9069 return "[object GeneratorFunction]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
9070}, isFunction: BS, isObject: $S, isError: function(t9) {
9071 return t9 instanceof Error;
9072} };
9073function RS(t9) {
9074 return Array.isArray(t9) ? t9.length < 1 ? "" : "/".concat(Hb(t9).call(t9, function(t10) {
9075 return (t10 + "").replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
9076 }).join("/")) : t9;
9078function FS(t9, r2, e2) {
9079 return { op: "replace", path: t9, value: r2, meta: e2 };
9081function NS(t9, r2, e2) {
9082 var n2;
9083 return CS(LS(Hb(n2 = hm(t9).call(t9, WS)).call(n2, function(t10) {
9084 return r2(t10.value, e2, t10.path);
9085 }) || []));
9087function MS(t9, r2, e2) {
9088 return e2 = e2 || [], Array.isArray(t9) ? Hb(t9).call(t9, function(t10, n3) {
9089 return MS(t10, r2, rm(e2).call(e2, n3));
9090 }) : $S(t9) ? Hb(n2 = Yb(t9)).call(n2, function(n3) {
9091 return MS(t9[n3], r2, rm(e2).call(e2, n3));
9092 }) : r2(t9, e2[e2.length - 1], e2);
9093 var n2;
9095function DS(t9, r2, e2) {
9096 var n2 = [];
9097 if ((e2 = e2 || []).length > 0) {
9098 var o2 = r2(t9, e2[e2.length - 1], e2);
9099 o2 && (n2 = rm(n2).call(n2, o2));
9100 }
9101 if (Array.isArray(t9)) {
9102 var i2 = Hb(t9).call(t9, function(t10, n3) {
9103 return DS(t10, r2, rm(e2).call(e2, n3));
9104 });
9105 i2 && (n2 = rm(n2).call(n2, i2));
9106 } else if ($S(t9)) {
9107 var u2, a2 = Hb(u2 = Yb(t9)).call(u2, function(n3) {
9108 return DS(t9[n3], r2, rm(e2).call(e2, n3));
9109 });
9110 a2 && (n2 = rm(n2).call(n2, a2));
9111 }
9112 return n2 = LS(n2);
9114function US(t9) {
9115 return Array.isArray(t9) ? t9 : [t9];
9117function LS(t9) {
9118 var r2;
9119 return rm(r2 = []).apply(r2, WO(Hb(t9).call(t9, function(t10) {
9120 return Array.isArray(t10) ? LS(t10) : t10;
9121 })));
9123function CS(t9) {
9124 return hm(t9).call(t9, function(t10) {
9125 return void 0 !== t10;
9126 });
9128function $S(t9) {
9129 return t9 && "object" === qp(t9);
9131function BS(t9) {
9132 return t9 && "function" == typeof t9;
9134function qS(t9) {
9135 if (zS(t9)) {
9136 var r2 = t9.op;
9137 return "add" === r2 || "remove" === r2 || "replace" === r2;
9138 }
9139 return false;
9141function GS(t9) {
9142 return qS(t9) || zS(t9) && "mutation" === t9.type;
9144function WS(t9) {
9145 return GS(t9) && ("add" === t9.op || "replace" === t9.op || "merge" === t9.op || "mergeDeep" === t9.op);
9147function zS(t9) {
9148 return t9 && "object" === qp(t9);
9150function JS(t9, r2) {
9151 try {
9152 return cS(t9, r2);
9153 } catch (t10) {
9154 return console.error(t10), {};
9155 }
9157var HS = { exports: {} }, VS = { exports: {} }, YS = openapi_parser_i(function() {
9158 if ("function" == typeof ArrayBuffer) {
9159 var t9 = new ArrayBuffer(8);
9160 Object.isExtensible(t9) && Object.defineProperty(t9, "a", { value: 8 });
9161 }
9162}), QS = openapi_parser_i, KS = openapi_parser_H, XS = openapi_parser_N, ZS = YS, tx = Object.isExtensible, rx = QS(function() {
9163 tx(1);
9164}) || ZS ? function(t9) {
9165 return !!KS(t9) && ((!ZS || "ArrayBuffer" != XS(t9)) && (!tx || tx(t9)));
9166} : tx, ex = !openapi_parser_i(function() {
9167 return Object.isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));
9168}), nx = ge, ox = openapi_parser_b, ix = Ue, ux = openapi_parser_H, ax = qt, fx = Wr.f, cx = $n, sx = Gn, lx = rx, px = ex, vx = false, hx = Ht("meta"), dx = 0, yx = function(t9) {
9169 fx(t9, hx, { value: { objectID: "O" + dx++, weakData: {} } });
9170}, bx = VS.exports = { enable: function() {
9171 bx.enable = function() {
9172 }, vx = true;
9173 var t9 = cx.f, r2 = ox([].splice), e2 = {};
9174 e2[hx] = 1, t9(e2).length && (cx.f = function(e3) {
9175 for (var n2 = t9(e3), o2 = 0, i2 = n2.length; o2 < i2; o2++)
9176 if (n2[o2] === hx) {
9177 r2(n2, o2, 1);
9178 break;
9179 }
9180 return n2;
9181 }, nx({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: true }, { getOwnPropertyNames: sx.f }));
9182}, fastKey: function(t9, r2) {
9183 if (!ux(t9))
9184 return "symbol" == typeof t9 ? t9 : ("string" == typeof t9 ? "S" : "P") + t9;
9185 if (!ax(t9, hx)) {
9186 if (!lx(t9))
9187 return "F";
9188 if (!r2)
9189 return "E";
9190 yx(t9);
9191 }
9192 return t9[hx].objectID;
9193}, getWeakData: function(t9, r2) {
9194 if (!ax(t9, hx)) {
9195 if (!lx(t9))
9196 return true;
9197 if (!r2)
9198 return false;
9199 yx(t9);
9200 }
9201 return t9[hx].weakData;
9202}, onFreeze: function(t9) {
9203 return px && vx && lx(t9) && !ax(t9, hx) && yx(t9), t9;
9204} };
9205ix[hx] = true;
9206var mx = ge, gx = openapi_parser_o, wx = VS.exports, jx = openapi_parser_i, Ox = ae, Ax = hv, Sx = Qv, xx = openapi_parser_m, Ex = openapi_parser_H, Px = xo, kx = Wr.f, _x = _i.forEach, Ix = openapi_parser_w, Tx = Zo.set, Rx = Zo.getterFor, Fx = openapi_parser_b, Nx = Gv, Mx = VS.exports.getWeakData, Dx = Qr, Ux = openapi_parser_H, Lx = Qv, Cx = hv, $x = qt, Bx = Zo.set, qx = Zo.getterFor, Gx = _i.find, Wx = _i.findIndex, zx = Fx([].splice), Jx = 0, Hx = function(t9) {
9207 return t9.frozen || (t9.frozen = new Vx());
9208}, Vx = function() {
9209 this.entries = [];
9210}, Yx = function(t9, r2) {
9211 return Gx(t9.entries, function(t10) {
9212 return t10[0] === r2;
9213 });
9215Vx.prototype = { get: function(t9) {
9216 var r2 = Yx(this, t9);
9217 if (r2)
9218 return r2[1];
9219}, has: function(t9) {
9220 return !!Yx(this, t9);
9221}, set: function(t9, r2) {
9222 var e2 = Yx(this, t9);
9223 e2 ? e2[1] = r2 : this.entries.push([t9, r2]);
9224}, delete: function(t9) {
9225 var r2 = Wx(this.entries, function(r3) {
9226 return r3[0] === t9;
9227 });
9228 return ~r2 && zx(this.entries, r2, 1), !!~r2;
9229} };
9230var Qx, Kx = { getConstructor: function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
9231 var o2 = t9(function(t10, o3) {
9232 Lx(t10, i2), Bx(t10, { type: r2, id: Jx++, frozen: void 0 }), null != o3 && Cx(o3, t10[n2], { that: t10, AS_ENTRIES: e2 });
9233 }), i2 = o2.prototype, u2 = qx(r2), a2 = function(t10, r3, e3) {
9234 var n3 = u2(t10), o3 = Mx(Dx(r3), true);
9235 return true === o3 ? Hx(n3).set(r3, e3) : o3[n3.id] = e3, t10;
9236 };
9237 return Nx(i2, { delete: function(t10) {
9238 var r3 = u2(this);
9239 if (!Ux(t10))
9240 return false;
9241 var e3 = Mx(t10);
9242 return true === e3 ? Hx(r3).delete(t10) : e3 && $x(e3, r3.id) && delete e3[r3.id];
9243 }, has: function(t10) {
9244 var r3 = u2(this);
9245 if (!Ux(t10))
9246 return false;
9247 var e3 = Mx(t10);
9248 return true === e3 ? Hx(r3).has(t10) : e3 && $x(e3, r3.id);
9249 } }), Nx(i2, e2 ? { get: function(t10) {
9250 var r3 = u2(this);
9251 if (Ux(t10)) {
9252 var e3 = Mx(t10);
9253 return true === e3 ? Hx(r3).get(t10) : e3 ? e3[r3.id] : void 0;
9254 }
9255 }, set: function(t10, r3) {
9256 return a2(this, t10, r3);
9257 } } : { add: function(t10) {
9258 return a2(this, t10, true);
9259 } }), o2;
9260} }, Xx = openapi_parser_o, Zx = openapi_parser_b, tE = Gv, rE = VS.exports, eE = function(t9, r2, e2) {
9261 var n2, o2 = -1 !== t9.indexOf("Map"), i2 = -1 !== t9.indexOf("Weak"), u2 = o2 ? "set" : "add", a2 = gx[t9], f2 = a2 && a2.prototype, c2 = {};
9262 if (Ix && xx(a2) && (i2 || f2.forEach && !jx(function() {
9263 new a2().entries().next();
9264 }))) {
9265 var s2 = (n2 = r2(function(r3, e3) {
9266 Tx(Sx(r3, s2), { type: t9, collection: new a2() }), null != e3 && Ax(e3, r3[u2], { that: r3, AS_ENTRIES: o2 });
9267 })).prototype, l2 = Rx(t9);
9268 _x(["add", "clear", "delete", "forEach", "get", "has", "set", "keys", "values", "entries"], function(t10) {
9269 var r3 = "add" == t10 || "set" == t10;
9270 !(t10 in f2) || i2 && "clear" == t10 || Ox(s2, t10, function(e3, n3) {
9271 var o3 = l2(this).collection;
9272 if (!r3 && i2 && !Ex(e3))
9273 return "get" == t10 && void 0;
9274 var u3 = o3[t10](0 === e3 ? 0 : e3, n3);
9275 return r3 ? this : u3;
9276 });
9277 }), i2 || kx(s2, "size", { configurable: true, get: function() {
9278 return l2(this).collection.size;
9279 } });
9280 } else
9281 n2 = e2.getConstructor(r2, t9, o2, u2), wx.enable();
9282 return Px(n2, t9, false, true), c2[t9] = n2, mx({ global: true, forced: true }, c2), i2 || e2.setStrong(n2, t9, o2), n2;
9283}, nE = Kx, oE = openapi_parser_H, iE = rx, uE = Zo.enforce, aE = Do, fE = !Xx.ActiveXObject && "ActiveXObject" in Xx, cE = function(t9) {
9284 return function() {
9285 return t9(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
9286 };
9287}, sE = eE("WeakMap", cE, nE);
9288if (aE && fE) {
9289 Qx = nE.getConstructor(cE, "WeakMap", true), rE.enable();
9290 var lE = sE.prototype, pE = Zx(lE.delete), vE = Zx(lE.has), hE = Zx(lE.get), dE = Zx(lE.set);
9291 tE(lE, { delete: function(t9) {
9292 if (oE(t9) && !iE(t9)) {
9293 var r2 = uE(this);
9294 return r2.frozen || (r2.frozen = new Qx()), pE(this, t9) || r2.frozen.delete(t9);
9295 }
9296 return pE(this, t9);
9297 }, has: function(t9) {
9298 if (oE(t9) && !iE(t9)) {
9299 var r2 = uE(this);
9300 return r2.frozen || (r2.frozen = new Qx()), vE(this, t9) || r2.frozen.has(t9);
9301 }
9302 return vE(this, t9);
9303 }, get: function(t9) {
9304 if (oE(t9) && !iE(t9)) {
9305 var r2 = uE(this);
9306 return r2.frozen || (r2.frozen = new Qx()), vE(this, t9) ? hE(this, t9) : r2.frozen.get(t9);
9307 }
9308 return hE(this, t9);
9309 }, set: function(t9, r2) {
9310 if (oE(t9) && !iE(t9)) {
9311 var e2 = uE(this);
9312 e2.frozen || (e2.frozen = new Qx()), vE(this, t9) ? dE(this, t9, r2) : e2.frozen.set(t9, r2);
9313 } else
9314 dE(this, t9, r2);
9315 return this;
9316 } });
9318const yE = openapi_parser_t(HS.exports = openapi_parser_V.WeakMap);
9319var bE = { exports: {} }, mE = openapi_parser_i, gE = or("iterator"), wE = !mE(function() {
9320 var t9 = new URL("b?a=1&b=2&c=3", "http://a"), r2 = t9.searchParams, e2 = "";
9321 return t9.pathname = "c%20d", r2.forEach(function(t10, n2) {
9322 r2.delete("b"), e2 += n2 + t10;
9323 }), !t9.toJSON || !r2.sort || "http://a/c%20d?a=1&c=3" !== t9.href || "3" !== r2.get("c") || "a=1" !== String(new URLSearchParams("?a=1")) || !r2[gE] || "a" !== new URL("https://a@b").username || "b" !== new URLSearchParams(new URLSearchParams("a=b")).get("a") || "xn--e1aybc" !== new URL("http://\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442").host || "#%D0%B1" !== new URL("http://a#\u0431").hash || "a1c3" !== e2 || "x" !== new URL("http://x", void 0).host;
9324}), jE = Zn, OE = Math.floor, AE = function(t9, r2) {
9325 var e2 = t9.length, n2 = OE(e2 / 2);
9326 return e2 < 8 ? SE(t9, r2) : xE(t9, AE(jE(t9, 0, n2), r2), AE(jE(t9, n2), r2), r2);
9327}, SE = function(t9, r2) {
9328 for (var e2, n2, o2 = t9.length, i2 = 1; i2 < o2; ) {
9329 for (n2 = i2, e2 = t9[i2]; n2 && r2(t9[n2 - 1], e2) > 0; )
9330 t9[n2] = t9[--n2];
9331 n2 !== i2++ && (t9[n2] = e2);
9332 }
9333 return t9;
9334}, xE = function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
9335 for (var o2 = r2.length, i2 = e2.length, u2 = 0, a2 = 0; u2 < o2 || a2 < i2; )
9336 t9[u2 + a2] = u2 < o2 && a2 < i2 ? n2(r2[u2], e2[a2]) <= 0 ? r2[u2++] : e2[a2++] : u2 < o2 ? r2[u2++] : e2[a2++];
9337 return t9;
9338}, EE = ge, PE = openapi_parser_o, kE = openapi_parser_Z, _E = openapi_parser_A, IE = openapi_parser_b, TE = wE, RE = fo, FE = Gv, NE = xo, ME = of, DE = Zo, UE = Qv, LE = openapi_parser_m, CE = qt, $E = Gr, BE = ln, qE = Qr, GE = openapi_parser_H, WE = hn, zE = Cn, JE = openapi_parser_I, HE = yp, VE = El, YE = ih, QE = AE, KE = or("iterator"), XE = DE.set, ZE = DE.getterFor("URLSearchParams"), tP = DE.getterFor("URLSearchParamsIterator"), rP = kE("fetch"), eP = kE("Request"), nP = kE("Headers"), oP = eP && eP.prototype, iP = nP && nP.prototype, uP = PE.RegExp, aP = PE.TypeError, fP = PE.decodeURIComponent, cP = PE.encodeURIComponent, sP = IE("".charAt), lP = IE([].join), pP = IE([].push), vP = IE("".replace), hP = IE([].shift), dP = IE([].splice), yP = IE("".split), bP = IE("".slice), mP = /\+/g, gP = Array(4), wP = function(t9) {
9339 return gP[t9 - 1] || (gP[t9 - 1] = uP("((?:%[\\da-f]{2}){" + t9 + "})", "gi"));
9340}, jP = function(t9) {
9341 try {
9342 return fP(t9);
9343 } catch (r2) {
9344 return t9;
9345 }
9346}, OP = function(t9) {
9347 var r2 = vP(t9, mP, " "), e2 = 4;
9348 try {
9349 return fP(r2);
9350 } catch (t10) {
9351 for (; e2; )
9352 r2 = vP(r2, wP(e2--), jP);
9353 return r2;
9354 }
9355}, AP = /[!'()~]|%20/g, SP = { "!": "%21", "'": "%27", "(": "%28", ")": "%29", "~": "%7E", "%20": "+" }, xP = function(t9) {
9356 return SP[t9];
9357}, EP = function(t9) {
9358 return vP(cP(t9), AP, xP);
9359}, PP = ME(function(t9, r2) {
9360 XE(this, { type: "URLSearchParamsIterator", iterator: HE(ZE(t9).entries), kind: r2 });
9361}, "Iterator", function() {
9362 var t9 = tP(this), r2 = t9.kind, e2 = t9.iterator.next(), n2 = e2.value;
9363 return e2.done || (e2.value = "keys" === r2 ? n2.key : "values" === r2 ? n2.value : [n2.key, n2.value]), e2;
9364}, true), kP = function(t9) {
9365 this.entries = [], this.url = null, void 0 !== t9 && (GE(t9) ? this.parseObject(t9) : this.parseQuery("string" == typeof t9 ? "?" === sP(t9, 0) ? bP(t9, 1) : t9 : WE(t9)));
9367kP.prototype = { type: "URLSearchParams", bindURL: function(t9) {
9368 this.url = t9, this.update();
9369}, parseObject: function(t9) {
9370 var r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2 = VE(t9);
9371 if (f2)
9372 for (e2 = (r2 = HE(t9, f2)).next; !(n2 = _E(e2, r2)).done; ) {
9373 if (i2 = (o2 = HE(qE(n2.value))).next, (u2 = _E(i2, o2)).done || (a2 = _E(i2, o2)).done || !_E(i2, o2).done)
9374 throw aP("Expected sequence with length 2");
9375 pP(this.entries, { key: WE(u2.value), value: WE(a2.value) });
9376 }
9377 else
9378 for (var c2 in t9)
9379 CE(t9, c2) && pP(this.entries, { key: c2, value: WE(t9[c2]) });
9380}, parseQuery: function(t9) {
9381 if (t9)
9382 for (var r2, e2, n2 = yP(t9, "&"), o2 = 0; o2 < n2.length; )
9383 (r2 = n2[o2++]).length && (e2 = yP(r2, "="), pP(this.entries, { key: OP(hP(e2)), value: OP(lP(e2, "=")) }));
9384}, serialize: function() {
9385 for (var t9, r2 = this.entries, e2 = [], n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; )
9386 t9 = r2[n2++], pP(e2, EP(t9.key) + "=" + EP(t9.value));
9387 return lP(e2, "&");
9388}, update: function() {
9389 this.entries.length = 0, this.parseQuery(this.url.query);
9390}, updateURL: function() {
9391 this.url && this.url.update();
9392} };
9393var _P = function() {
9394 UE(this, IP);
9395 var t9 = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0;
9396 XE(this, new kP(t9));
9397}, IP = _P.prototype;
9398if (FE(IP, { append: function(t9, r2) {
9399 YE(arguments.length, 2);
9400 var e2 = ZE(this);
9401 pP(e2.entries, { key: WE(t9), value: WE(r2) }), e2.updateURL();
9402}, delete: function(t9) {
9403 YE(arguments.length, 1);
9404 for (var r2 = ZE(this), e2 = r2.entries, n2 = WE(t9), o2 = 0; o2 < e2.length; )
9405 e2[o2].key === n2 ? dP(e2, o2, 1) : o2++;
9406 r2.updateURL();
9407}, get: function(t9) {
9408 YE(arguments.length, 1);
9409 for (var r2 = ZE(this).entries, e2 = WE(t9), n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; n2++)
9410 if (r2[n2].key === e2)
9411 return r2[n2].value;
9412 return null;
9413}, getAll: function(t9) {
9414 YE(arguments.length, 1);
9415 for (var r2 = ZE(this).entries, e2 = WE(t9), n2 = [], o2 = 0; o2 < r2.length; o2++)
9416 r2[o2].key === e2 && pP(n2, r2[o2].value);
9417 return n2;
9418}, has: function(t9) {
9419 YE(arguments.length, 1);
9420 for (var r2 = ZE(this).entries, e2 = WE(t9), n2 = 0; n2 < r2.length; )
9421 if (r2[n2++].key === e2)
9422 return true;
9423 return false;
9424}, set: function(t9, r2) {
9425 YE(arguments.length, 1);
9426 for (var e2, n2 = ZE(this), o2 = n2.entries, i2 = false, u2 = WE(t9), a2 = WE(r2), f2 = 0; f2 < o2.length; f2++)
9427 (e2 = o2[f2]).key === u2 && (i2 ? dP(o2, f2--, 1) : (i2 = true, e2.value = a2));
9428 i2 || pP(o2, { key: u2, value: a2 }), n2.updateURL();
9429}, sort: function() {
9430 var t9 = ZE(this);
9431 QE(t9.entries, function(t10, r2) {
9432 return t10.key > r2.key ? 1 : -1;
9433 }), t9.updateURL();
9434}, forEach: function(t9) {
9435 for (var r2, e2 = ZE(this).entries, n2 = $E(t9, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0), o2 = 0; o2 < e2.length; )
9436 n2((r2 = e2[o2++]).value, r2.key, this);
9437}, keys: function() {
9438 return new PP(this, "keys");
9439}, values: function() {
9440 return new PP(this, "values");
9441}, entries: function() {
9442 return new PP(this, "entries");
9443} }, { enumerable: true }), RE(IP, KE, IP.entries, { name: "entries" }), RE(IP, "toString", function() {
9444 return ZE(this).serialize();
9445}, { enumerable: true }), NE(_P, "URLSearchParams"), EE({ global: true, forced: !TE }, { URLSearchParams: _P }), !TE && LE(nP)) {
9446 var TP = IE(iP.has), RP = IE(iP.set), FP = function(t9) {
9447 if (GE(t9)) {
9448 var r2, e2 = t9.body;
9449 if ("URLSearchParams" === BE(e2))
9450 return r2 = t9.headers ? new nP(t9.headers) : new nP(), TP(r2, "content-type") || RP(r2, "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"), zE(t9, { body: JE(0, WE(e2)), headers: JE(0, r2) });
9451 }
9452 return t9;
9453 };
9454 if (LE(rP) && EE({ global: true, enumerable: true, forced: true }, { fetch: function(t9) {
9455 return rP(t9, arguments.length > 1 ? FP(arguments[1]) : {});
9456 } }), LE(eP)) {
9457 var NP = function(t9) {
9458 return UE(this, oP), new eP(t9, arguments.length > 1 ? FP(arguments[1]) : {});
9459 };
9460 oP.constructor = NP, NP.prototype = oP, EE({ global: true, forced: true }, { Request: NP });
9461 }
9463const MP = openapi_parser_t(bE.exports = openapi_parser_V.URLSearchParams);
9464function DP(t9, r2) {
9465 function e2() {
9466 Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor) : this.stack = new Error().stack;
9467 for (var t10 = arguments.length, e3 = new Array(t10), n2 = 0; n2 < t10; n2++)
9468 e3[n2] = arguments[n2];
9469 this.message = e3[0], r2 && r2.apply(this, e3);
9470 }
9471 return e2.prototype = new Error(), e2.prototype.name = t9, e2.prototype.constructor = e2, e2;
9473var UP = { exports: {} }, LP = UP.exports = function(t9) {
9474 return new CP(t9);
9476function CP(t9) {
9477 this.value = t9;
9479function $P(t9, r2, e2) {
9480 var n2 = [], o2 = [], i2 = true;
9481 return function t10(u2) {
9482 var a2 = e2 ? BP(u2) : u2, f2 = {}, c2 = true, s2 = { node: a2, node_: u2, path: [].concat(n2), parent: o2[o2.length - 1], parents: o2, key: n2.slice(-1)[0], isRoot: 0 === n2.length, level: n2.length, circular: null, update: function(t11, r3) {
9483 s2.isRoot || (s2.parent.node[s2.key] = t11), s2.node = t11, r3 && (c2 = false);
9484 }, delete: function(t11) {
9485 delete s2.parent.node[s2.key], t11 && (c2 = false);
9486 }, remove: function(t11) {
9487 WP(s2.parent.node) ? s2.parent.node.splice(s2.key, 1) : delete s2.parent.node[s2.key], t11 && (c2 = false);
9488 }, keys: null, before: function(t11) {
9489 f2.before = t11;
9490 }, after: function(t11) {
9491 f2.after = t11;
9492 }, pre: function(t11) {
9493 f2.pre = t11;
9494 }, post: function(t11) {
9495 f2.post = t11;
9496 }, stop: function() {
9497 i2 = false;
9498 }, block: function() {
9499 c2 = false;
9500 } };
9501 if (!i2)
9502 return s2;
9503 function l2() {
9504 if ("object" == typeof s2.node && null !== s2.node) {
9505 s2.keys && s2.node_ === s2.node || (s2.keys = qP(s2.node)), s2.isLeaf = 0 == s2.keys.length;
9506 for (var t11 = 0; t11 < o2.length; t11++)
9507 if (o2[t11].node_ === u2) {
9508 s2.circular = o2[t11];
9509 break;
9510 }
9511 } else
9512 s2.isLeaf = true, s2.keys = null;
9513 s2.notLeaf = !s2.isLeaf, s2.notRoot = !s2.isRoot;
9514 }
9515 l2();
9516 var p2 = r2.call(s2, s2.node);
9517 return void 0 !== p2 && s2.update && s2.update(p2), f2.before && f2.before.call(s2, s2.node), c2 ? ("object" != typeof s2.node || null === s2.node || s2.circular || (o2.push(s2), l2(), zP(s2.keys, function(r3, o3) {
9518 n2.push(r3), f2.pre && f2.pre.call(s2, s2.node[r3], r3);
9519 var i3 = t10(s2.node[r3]);
9520 e2 && JP.call(s2.node, r3) && (s2.node[r3] = i3.node), i3.isLast = o3 == s2.keys.length - 1, i3.isFirst = 0 == o3, f2.post && f2.post.call(s2, i3), n2.pop();
9521 }), o2.pop()), f2.after && f2.after.call(s2, s2.node), s2) : s2;
9522 }(t9).node;
9524function BP(t9) {
9525 if ("object" == typeof t9 && null !== t9) {
9526 var r2;
9527 if (WP(t9))
9528 r2 = [];
9529 else if ("[object Date]" === GP(t9))
9530 r2 = new Date(t9.getTime ? t9.getTime() : t9);
9531 else if (function(t10) {
9532 return "[object RegExp]" === GP(t10);
9533 }(t9))
9534 r2 = new RegExp(t9);
9535 else if (function(t10) {
9536 return "[object Error]" === GP(t10);
9537 }(t9))
9538 r2 = { message: t9.message };
9539 else if (function(t10) {
9540 return "[object Boolean]" === GP(t10);
9541 }(t9))
9542 r2 = new Boolean(t9);
9543 else if (function(t10) {
9544 return "[object Number]" === GP(t10);
9545 }(t9))
9546 r2 = new Number(t9);
9547 else if (function(t10) {
9548 return "[object String]" === GP(t10);
9549 }(t9))
9550 r2 = new String(t9);
9551 else if (Object.create && Object.getPrototypeOf)
9552 r2 = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(t9));
9553 else if (t9.constructor === Object)
9554 r2 = {};
9555 else {
9556 var e2 = t9.constructor && t9.constructor.prototype || t9.__proto__ || {}, n2 = function() {
9557 };
9558 n2.prototype = e2, r2 = new n2();
9559 }
9560 return zP(qP(t9), function(e3) {
9561 r2[e3] = t9[e3];
9562 }), r2;
9563 }
9564 return t9;
9566CP.prototype.get = function(t9) {
9567 for (var r2 = this.value, e2 = 0; e2 < t9.length; e2++) {
9568 var n2 = t9[e2];
9569 if (!r2 || !JP.call(r2, n2)) {
9570 r2 = void 0;
9571 break;
9572 }
9573 r2 = r2[n2];
9574 }
9575 return r2;
9576}, CP.prototype.has = function(t9) {
9577 for (var r2 = this.value, e2 = 0; e2 < t9.length; e2++) {
9578 var n2 = t9[e2];
9579 if (!r2 || !JP.call(r2, n2))
9580 return false;
9581 r2 = r2[n2];
9582 }
9583 return true;
9584}, CP.prototype.set = function(t9, r2) {
9585 for (var e2 = this.value, n2 = 0; n2 < t9.length - 1; n2++) {
9586 var o2 = t9[n2];
9587 JP.call(e2, o2) || (e2[o2] = {}), e2 = e2[o2];
9588 }
9589 return e2[t9[n2]] = r2, r2;
9590}, CP.prototype.map = function(t9) {
9591 return $P(this.value, t9, true);
9592}, CP.prototype.forEach = function(t9) {
9593 return this.value = $P(this.value, t9, false), this.value;
9594}, CP.prototype.reduce = function(t9, r2) {
9595 var e2 = 1 === arguments.length, n2 = e2 ? this.value : r2;
9596 return this.forEach(function(r3) {
9597 this.isRoot && e2 || (n2 = t9.call(this, n2, r3));
9598 }), n2;
9599}, CP.prototype.paths = function() {
9600 var t9 = [];
9601 return this.forEach(function(r2) {
9602 t9.push(this.path);
9603 }), t9;
9604}, CP.prototype.nodes = function() {
9605 var t9 = [];
9606 return this.forEach(function(r2) {
9607 t9.push(this.node);
9608 }), t9;
9609}, CP.prototype.clone = function() {
9610 var t9 = [], r2 = [];
9611 return function e2(n2) {
9612 for (var o2 = 0; o2 < t9.length; o2++)
9613 if (t9[o2] === n2)
9614 return r2[o2];
9615 if ("object" == typeof n2 && null !== n2) {
9616 var i2 = BP(n2);
9617 return t9.push(n2), r2.push(i2), zP(qP(n2), function(t10) {
9618 i2[t10] = e2(n2[t10]);
9619 }), t9.pop(), r2.pop(), i2;
9620 }
9621 return n2;
9622 }(this.value);
9624var qP = Object.keys || function(t9) {
9625 var r2 = [];
9626 for (var e2 in t9)
9627 r2.push(e2);
9628 return r2;
9630function GP(t9) {
9631 return Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
9633var WP = Array.isArray || function(t9) {
9634 return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
9635}, zP = function(t9, r2) {
9636 if (t9.forEach)
9637 return t9.forEach(r2);
9638 for (var e2 = 0; e2 < t9.length; e2++)
9639 r2(t9[e2], e2, t9);
9641zP(qP(CP.prototype), function(t9) {
9642 LP[t9] = function(r2) {
9643 var e2 = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), n2 = new CP(r2);
9644 return n2[t9].apply(n2, e2);
9645 };
9647var JP = Object.hasOwnProperty || function(t9, r2) {
9648 return r2 in t9;
9649}, HP = ["properties"], VP = ["properties"], YP = ["definitions", "parameters", "responses", "securityDefinitions", "components/schemas", "components/responses", "components/parameters", "components/securitySchemes"], QP = ["schema/example", "items/example"];
9650function KP(t9) {
9651 var r2 = t9[t9.length - 1], e2 = t9[t9.length - 2], n2 = t9.join("/");
9652 return HP.indexOf(r2) > -1 && -1 === VP.indexOf(e2) || YP.indexOf(n2) > -1 || QP.some(function(t10) {
9653 return n2.indexOf(t10) > -1;
9654 });
9656function XP(t9, r2) {
9657 var e2, n2 = Gp(t9.split("#"), 2), o2 = n2[0], i2 = n2[1], u2 = ws.resolve(o2 || "", r2 || "");
9658 return i2 ? rm(e2 = "".concat(u2, "#")).call(e2, i2) : u2;
9660var ZP = /^([a-z]+:\/\/|\/\/)/i, tk = DP("JSONRefError", function(t9, r2, e2) {
9661 this.originalError = e2, Yc(this, r2 || {});
9662}), rk = {}, ek = new yE(), nk = [function(t9) {
9663 return "paths" === t9[0] && "responses" === t9[3] && "examples" === t9[5];
9664}, function(t9) {
9665 return "paths" === t9[0] && "responses" === t9[3] && "content" === t9[5] && "example" === t9[7];
9666}, function(t9) {
9667 return "paths" === t9[0] && "responses" === t9[3] && "content" === t9[5] && "examples" === t9[7] && "value" === t9[9];
9668}, function(t9) {
9669 return "paths" === t9[0] && "requestBody" === t9[3] && "content" === t9[4] && "example" === t9[6];
9670}, function(t9) {
9671 return "paths" === t9[0] && "requestBody" === t9[3] && "content" === t9[4] && "examples" === t9[6] && "value" === t9[8];
9672}, function(t9) {
9673 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[2] && "example" === t9[4];
9674}, function(t9) {
9675 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[3] && "example" === t9[5];
9676}, function(t9) {
9677 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[2] && "examples" === t9[4] && "value" === t9[6];
9678}, function(t9) {
9679 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[3] && "examples" === t9[5] && "value" === t9[7];
9680}, function(t9) {
9681 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[2] && "content" === t9[4] && "example" === t9[6];
9682}, function(t9) {
9683 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[2] && "content" === t9[4] && "examples" === t9[6] && "value" === t9[8];
9684}, function(t9) {
9685 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[3] && "content" === t9[4] && "example" === t9[7];
9686}, function(t9) {
9687 return "paths" === t9[0] && "parameters" === t9[3] && "content" === t9[5] && "examples" === t9[7] && "value" === t9[9];
9688}], ok = { key: "$ref", plugin: function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
9689 var o2 = n2.getInstance(), i2 = JO(e2).call(e2, 0, -1);
9690 if (!KP(i2) && !function(t10) {
9691 return nk.some(function(r3) {
9692 return r3(t10);
9693 });
9694 }(i2)) {
9695 var u2 = n2.getContext(e2).baseDoc;
9696 if ("string" != typeof t9)
9697 return new tk("$ref: must be a string (JSON-Ref)", { $ref: t9, baseDoc: u2, fullPath: e2 });
9698 var a2, f2, c2, s2 = fk(t9), l2 = s2[0], p2 = s2[1] || "";
9699 try {
9700 a2 = u2 || l2 ? uk(l2, u2) : null;
9701 } catch (r3) {
9702 return ak(r3, { pointer: p2, $ref: t9, basePath: a2, fullPath: e2 });
9703 }
9704 if (function(t10, r3, e3, n3) {
9705 var o3, i3, u3 = ek.get(n3);
9706 u3 || (u3 = {}, ek.set(n3, u3));
9707 var a3 = function(t11) {
9708 if (0 === t11.length)
9709 return "";
9710 return "/".concat(Hb(t11).call(t11, hk).join("/"));
9711 }(e3), f3 = rm(o3 = "".concat(r3 || "<specmap-base>", "#")).call(o3, t10), c3 = a3.replace(/allOf\/\d+\/?/g, ""), s3 = n3.contextTree.get([]).baseDoc;
9712 if (r3 === s3 && dk(c3, t10))
9713 return true;
9714 var l3 = "", p3 = e3.some(function(t11) {
9715 var r4;
9716 return l3 = rm(r4 = "".concat(l3, "/")).call(r4, hk(t11)), u3[l3] && u3[l3].some(function(t12) {
9717 return dk(t12, f3) || dk(f3, t12);
9718 });
9719 });
9720 if (p3)
9721 return true;
9722 return void (u3[c3] = rm(i3 = u3[c3] || []).call(i3, f3));
9723 }(p2, a2, i2, n2) && !o2.useCircularStructures) {
9724 var v2 = XP(t9, a2);
9725 return t9 === v2 ? null : TS.replace(e2, v2);
9726 }
9727 if (null == a2 ? (c2 = pk(p2), void 0 === (f2 = n2.get(c2)) && (f2 = new tk("Could not resolve reference: ".concat(t9), { pointer: p2, $ref: t9, baseDoc: u2, fullPath: e2 }))) : f2 = null != (f2 = ck(a2, p2)).l ? f2.l : f2.catch(function(r3) {
9728 throw ak(r3, { pointer: p2, $ref: t9, baseDoc: u2, fullPath: e2 });
9729 }), f2 instanceof Error)
9730 return [TS.remove(e2), f2];
9731 var h2 = XP(t9, a2), d2 = TS.replace(i2, f2, { $$ref: h2 });
9732 if (a2 && a2 !== u2)
9733 return [d2, TS.context(i2, { baseDoc: a2 })];
9734 try {
9735 if (!function(t10, r3) {
9736 var e3 = [t10];
9737 return r3.path.reduce(function(t11, r4) {
9738 return e3.push(t11[r4]), t11[r4];
9739 }, t10), n3(r3.value);
9740 function n3(t11) {
9741 return TS.isObject(t11) && (e3.indexOf(t11) >= 0 || Yb(t11).some(function(r4) {
9742 return n3(t11[r4]);
9743 }));
9744 }
9745 }(n2.state, d2) || o2.useCircularStructures)
9746 return d2;
9747 } catch (t10) {
9748 return null;
9749 }
9750 }
9751} }, ik = Yc(ok, { docCache: rk, absoluteify: uk, clearCache: function(t9) {
9752 void 0 !== t9 ? delete rk[t9] : Yb(rk).forEach(function(t10) {
9753 delete rk[t10];
9754 });
9755}, JSONRefError: tk, wrapError: ak, getDoc: sk, split: fk, extractFromDoc: ck, fetchJSON: function(t9) {
9756 return fetch(t9, { headers: { Accept: "application/json, application/yaml" }, loadSpec: true }).then(function(t10) {
9757 return t10.text();
9758 }).then(function(t10) {
9759 return CO.load(t10);
9760 });
9761}, extract: lk, jsonPointerToArray: pk, unescapeJsonPointerToken: vk });
9762function uk(t9, r2) {
9763 if (!ZP.test(t9)) {
9764 var e2;
9765 if (!r2)
9766 throw new tk(rm(e2 = "Tried to resolve a relative URL, without having a basePath. path: '".concat(t9, "' basePath: '")).call(e2, r2, "'"));
9767 return ws.resolve(r2, t9);
9768 }
9769 return t9;
9771function ak(t9, r2) {
9772 var e2, n2;
9773 t9 && t9.response && t9.response.body ? e2 = rm(n2 = "".concat(t9.response.body.code, " ")).call(n2, t9.response.body.message) : e2 = t9.message;
9774 return new tk("Could not resolve reference: ".concat(e2), r2, t9);
9776function fk(t9) {
9777 return (t9 + "").split("#");
9779function ck(t9, r2) {
9780 var e2 = rk[t9];
9781 if (e2 && !TS.isPromise(e2))
9782 try {
9783 var n2 = lk(r2, e2);
9784 return Yc(kA.resolve(n2), { l: n2 });
9785 } catch (t10) {
9786 return kA.reject(t10);
9787 }
9788 return sk(t9).then(function(t10) {
9789 return lk(r2, t10);
9790 });
9792function sk(t9) {
9793 var r2 = rk[t9];
9794 return r2 ? TS.isPromise(r2) ? r2 : kA.resolve(r2) : (rk[t9] = ik.fetchJSON(t9).then(function(r3) {
9795 return rk[t9] = r3, r3;
9796 }), rk[t9]);
9798function lk(t9, r2) {
9799 var e2 = pk(t9);
9800 if (e2.length < 1)
9801 return r2;
9802 var n2 = TS.getIn(r2, e2);
9803 if (void 0 === n2)
9804 throw new tk("Could not resolve pointer: ".concat(t9, " does not exist in document"), { pointer: t9 });
9805 return n2;
9807function pk(t9) {
9808 var r2;
9809 if ("string" != typeof t9)
9810 throw new TypeError("Expected a string, got a ".concat(qp(t9)));
9811 return "/" === t9[0] && (t9 = t9.substr(1)), "" === t9 ? [] : Hb(r2 = t9.split("/")).call(r2, vk);
9813function vk(t9) {
9814 return "string" != typeof t9 ? t9 : new MP("=".concat(t9.replace(/~1/g, "/").replace(/~0/g, "~"))).get("");
9816function hk(t9) {
9817 var r2, e2 = new MP([["", t9.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1")]]);
9818 return JO(r2 = e2.toString()).call(r2, 1);
9820function dk(t9, r2) {
9821 if (!(e2 = r2) || "/" === e2 || "#" === e2)
9822 return true;
9823 var e2, n2 = t9.charAt(r2.length), o2 = JO(r2).call(r2, -1);
9824 return 0 === t9.indexOf(r2) && (!n2 || "/" === n2 || "#" === n2) && "#" !== o2;
9826const yk = { key: "allOf", plugin: function(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
9827 if (!o2.meta || !o2.meta.$$ref) {
9828 var i2 = JO(e2).call(e2, 0, -1);
9829 if (!KP(i2)) {
9830 if (!Array.isArray(t9)) {
9831 var u2 = new TypeError("allOf must be an array");
9832 return u2.fullPath = e2, u2;
9833 }
9834 var a2 = false, f2 = o2.value;
9835 if (i2.forEach(function(t10) {
9836 f2 && (f2 = f2[t10]);
9837 }), f2 = Rc({}, f2), 0 !== Yb(f2).length) {
9838 delete f2.allOf;
9839 var c2, s2, l2 = [];
9840 if (l2.push(n2.replace(i2, {})), t9.forEach(function(t10, r3) {
9841 if (!n2.isObject(t10)) {
9842 if (a2)
9843 return null;
9844 a2 = true;
9845 var o3 = new TypeError("Elements in allOf must be objects");
9846 return o3.fullPath = e2, l2.push(o3);
9847 }
9848 l2.push(n2.mergeDeep(i2, t10));
9849 var u3 = function(t11, r4) {
9850 var e3 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, n3 = e3.specmap, o4 = e3.getBaseUrlForNodePath, i3 = void 0 === o4 ? function(t12) {
9851 var e4;
9852 return n3.getContext(rm(e4 = []).call(e4, WO(r4), WO(t12))).baseDoc;
9853 } : o4, u4 = e3.targetKeys, a3 = void 0 === u4 ? ["$ref", "$$ref"] : u4, f3 = [];
9854 return UP.exports(t11).forEach(function() {
9855 if (fb(a3).call(a3, this.key) && "string" == typeof this.node) {
9856 var t12 = this.path, e4 = rm(r4).call(r4, this.path), o5 = XP(this.node, i3(t12));
9857 f3.push(n3.replace(e4, o5));
9858 }
9859 }), f3;
9860 }(t10, JO(e2).call(e2, 0, -1), { getBaseUrlForNodePath: function(t11) {
9861 var o4;
9862 return n2.getContext(rm(o4 = []).call(o4, WO(e2), [r3], WO(t11))).baseDoc;
9863 }, specmap: n2 });
9864 l2.push.apply(l2, WO(u3));
9865 }), f2.example)
9866 l2.push(n2.remove(rm(c2 = []).call(c2, i2, "example")));
9867 if (l2.push(n2.mergeDeep(i2, f2)), !f2.$$ref)
9868 l2.push(n2.remove(rm(s2 = []).call(s2, i2, "$$ref")));
9869 return l2;
9870 }
9871 }
9872 }
9873} }, bk = { key: "parameters", plugin: function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
9874 if (Array.isArray(t9) && t9.length) {
9875 var o2 = Yc([], t9), i2 = JO(e2).call(e2, 0, -1), u2 = Rc({}, TS.getIn(n2.spec, i2));
9876 return t9.forEach(function(t10, r3) {
9877 try {
9878 o2[r3].default = n2.parameterMacro(u2, t10);
9879 } catch (t11) {
9880 var i3 = new Error(t11);
9881 return i3.fullPath = e2, i3;
9882 }
9883 }), TS.replace(e2, o2);
9884 }
9885 return TS.replace(e2, t9);
9886} }, mk = { key: "properties", plugin: function(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
9887 var o2 = Rc({}, t9);
9888 for (var i2 in t9)
9889 try {
9890 o2[i2].default = n2.modelPropertyMacro(o2[i2]);
9891 } catch (t10) {
9892 var u2 = new Error(t10);
9893 return u2.fullPath = e2, u2;
9894 }
9895 return TS.replace(e2, o2);
9896} };
9897var gk = function() {
9898 function t9(r2) {
9899 dA(this, t9), this.root = wk(r2 || {});
9900 }
9901 return bA(t9, [{ key: "set", value: function(t10, r2) {
9902 var e2 = this.getParent(t10, true);
9903 if (e2) {
9904 var n2 = t10[t10.length - 1], o2 = e2.children;
9905 o2[n2] ? jk(o2[n2], r2, e2) : o2[n2] = wk(r2, e2);
9906 } else
9907 jk(this.root, r2, null);
9908 } }, { key: "get", value: function(t10) {
9909 if ((t10 = t10 || []).length < 1)
9910 return this.root.value;
9911 for (var r2, e2, n2 = this.root, o2 = 0; o2 < t10.length && (e2 = t10[o2], (r2 = n2.children)[e2]); o2 += 1)
9912 n2 = r2[e2];
9913 return n2 && n2.protoValue;
9914 } }, { key: "getParent", value: function(t10, r2) {
9915 return !t10 || t10.length < 1 ? null : t10.length < 2 ? this.root : JO(t10).call(t10, 0, -1).reduce(function(t11, e2) {
9916 if (!t11)
9917 return t11;
9918 var n2 = t11.children;
9919 return !n2[e2] && r2 && (n2[e2] = wk(null, t11)), n2[e2];
9920 }, this.root);
9921 } }]), t9;
9923function wk(t9, r2) {
9924 return jk({ children: {} }, t9, r2);
9926function jk(t9, r2, e2) {
9927 return t9.value = r2 || {}, t9.protoValue = e2 ? Rc(Rc({}, e2.protoValue), t9.value) : t9.value, Yb(t9.children).forEach(function(r3) {
9928 var e3 = t9.children[r3];
9929 t9.children[r3] = jk(e3, e3.value, t9);
9930 }), t9;
9932var Ok = function() {
9933}, Ak = function() {
9934 function t9(r2) {
9935 var e2, n2, o2 = this;
9936 dA(this, t9), Yc(this, { spec: "", debugLevel: "info", plugins: [], pluginHistory: {}, errors: [], mutations: [], promisedPatches: [], state: {}, patches: [], context: {}, contextTree: new gk(), showDebug: false, allPatches: [], pluginProp: "specMap", libMethods: Yc(Object.create(this), TS, { getInstance: function() {
9937 return o2;
9938 } }), allowMetaPatches: false }, r2), this.get = this._get.bind(this), this.getContext = this._getContext.bind(this), this.hasRun = this._hasRun.bind(this), this.wrappedPlugins = hm(e2 = Hb(n2 = this.plugins).call(n2, this.wrapPlugin.bind(this))).call(e2, TS.isFunction), this.patches.push(TS.add([], this.spec)), this.patches.push(TS.context([], this.context)), this.updatePatches(this.patches);
9939 }
9940 return bA(t9, [{ key: "debug", value: function(t10) {
9941 if (this.debugLevel === t10) {
9942 for (var r2, e2 = arguments.length, n2 = new Array(e2 > 1 ? e2 - 1 : 0), o2 = 1; o2 < e2; o2++)
9943 n2[o2 - 1] = arguments[o2];
9944 (r2 = console).log.apply(r2, n2);
9945 }
9946 } }, { key: "verbose", value: function(t10) {
9947 if ("verbose" === this.debugLevel) {
9948 for (var r2, e2, n2 = arguments.length, o2 = new Array(n2 > 1 ? n2 - 1 : 0), i2 = 1; i2 < n2; i2++)
9949 o2[i2 - 1] = arguments[i2];
9950 (r2 = console).log.apply(r2, rm(e2 = ["[".concat(t10, "] ")]).call(e2, o2));
9951 }
9952 } }, { key: "wrapPlugin", value: function(t10, r2) {
9953 var e2, n2, o2, i2 = this.pathDiscriminator, u2 = null;
9954 return t10[this.pluginProp] ? (u2 = t10, e2 = t10[this.pluginProp]) : TS.isFunction(t10) ? e2 = t10 : TS.isObject(t10) && (n2 = t10, o2 = function(t11, r3) {
9955 return !Array.isArray(t11) || t11.every(function(t12, e3) {
9956 return t12 === r3[e3];
9957 });
9958 }, e2 = Jy.mark(function t11(r3, e3) {
9959 var u3, a2, f2, c2, s2, l2;
9960 return Jy.wrap(function(t12) {
9961 for (; ; )
9962 switch (t12.prev = t12.next) {
9963 case 0:
9964 l2 = function(t13, r4, f3) {
9965 var c3, s3, p2, v2, h2, d2, y2, b2, m2, g2, w2, j2, O2;
9966 return Jy.wrap(function(u4) {
9967 for (; ; )
9968 switch (u4.prev = u4.next) {
9969 case 0:
9970 if (TS.isObject(t13)) {
9971 u4.next = 6;
9972 break;
9973 }
9974 if (n2.key !== r4[r4.length - 1]) {
9975 u4.next = 4;
9976 break;
9977 }
9978 return u4.next = 4, n2.plugin(t13, n2.key, r4, e3);
9979 case 4:
9980 u4.next = 30;
9981 break;
9982 case 6:
9983 c3 = r4.length - 1, s3 = r4[c3], p2 = r4.indexOf("properties"), v2 = "properties" === s3 && c3 === p2, h2 = e3.allowMetaPatches && a2[t13.$$ref], d2 = 0, y2 = Yb(t13);
9984 case 12:
9985 if (!(d2 < y2.length)) {
9986 u4.next = 30;
9987 break;
9988 }
9989 if (b2 = y2[d2], m2 = t13[b2], g2 = rm(r4).call(r4, b2), w2 = TS.isObject(m2), j2 = t13.$$ref, h2) {
9990 u4.next = 22;
9991 break;
9992 }
9993 if (!w2) {
9994 u4.next = 22;
9995 break;
9996 }
9997 return e3.allowMetaPatches && j2 && (a2[j2] = true), u4.delegateYield(l2(m2, g2, f3), "t0", 22);
9998 case 22:
9999 if (v2 || b2 !== n2.key) {
10000 u4.next = 27;
10001 break;
10002 }
10003 if (O2 = o2(i2, r4), i2 && !O2) {
10004 u4.next = 27;
10005 break;
10006 }
10007 return u4.next = 27, n2.plugin(m2, b2, g2, e3, f3);
10008 case 27:
10009 d2++, u4.next = 12;
10010 break;
10011 case 30:
10012 case "end":
10013 return u4.stop();
10014 }
10015 }, u3);
10016 }, u3 = Jy.mark(l2), a2 = {}, f2 = Lp(hm(r3).call(r3, TS.isAdditiveMutation)), t12.prev = 4, f2.s();
10017 case 6:
10018 if ((c2 = f2.n()).done) {
10019 t12.next = 11;
10020 break;
10021 }
10022 return s2 = c2.value, t12.delegateYield(l2(s2.value, s2.path, s2), "t0", 9);
10023 case 9:
10024 t12.next = 6;
10025 break;
10026 case 11:
10027 t12.next = 16;
10028 break;
10029 case 13:
10030 t12.prev = 13, t12.t1 = t12.catch(4), f2.e(t12.t1);
10031 case 16:
10032 return t12.prev = 16, f2.f(), t12.finish(16);
10033 case 19:
10034 case "end":
10035 return t12.stop();
10036 }
10037 }, t11, null, [[4, 13, 16, 19]]);
10038 })), Yc(e2.bind(u2), { pluginName: t10.name || r2, isGenerator: TS.isGenerator(e2) });
10039 } }, { key: "nextPlugin", value: function() {
10040 var t10, r2 = this;
10041 return EA(t10 = this.wrappedPlugins).call(t10, function(t11) {
10042 return r2.getMutationsForPlugin(t11).length > 0;
10043 });
10044 } }, { key: "nextPromisedPatch", value: function() {
10045 var t10;
10046 if (this.promisedPatches.length > 0)
10047 return kA.race(Hb(t10 = this.promisedPatches).call(t10, function(t11) {
10048 return t11.value;
10049 }));
10050 } }, { key: "getPluginHistory", value: function(t10) {
10051 var r2 = this.constructor.getPluginName(t10);
10052 return this.pluginHistory[r2] || [];
10053 } }, { key: "getPluginRunCount", value: function(t10) {
10054 return this.getPluginHistory(t10).length;
10055 } }, { key: "getPluginHistoryTip", value: function(t10) {
10056 var r2 = this.getPluginHistory(t10);
10057 return r2 && r2[r2.length - 1] || {};
10058 } }, { key: "getPluginMutationIndex", value: function(t10) {
10059 var r2 = this.getPluginHistoryTip(t10).mutationIndex;
10060 return "number" != typeof r2 ? -1 : r2;
10061 } }, { key: "updatePluginHistory", value: function(t10, r2) {
10062 var e2 = this.constructor.getPluginName(t10);
10063 this.pluginHistory[e2] = this.pluginHistory[e2] || [], this.pluginHistory[e2].push(r2);
10064 } }, { key: "updatePatches", value: function(t10) {
10065 var r2 = this;
10066 TS.normalizeArray(t10).forEach(function(t11) {
10067 if (t11 instanceof Error)
10068 r2.errors.push(t11);
10069 else
10070 try {
10071 if (!TS.isObject(t11))
10072 return void r2.debug("updatePatches", "Got a non-object patch", t11);
10073 if (r2.showDebug && r2.allPatches.push(t11), TS.isPromise(t11.value))
10074 return r2.promisedPatches.push(t11), void r2.promisedPatchThen(t11);
10075 if (TS.isContextPatch(t11))
10076 return void r2.setContext(t11.path, t11.value);
10077 if (TS.isMutation(t11))
10078 return void r2.updateMutations(t11);
10079 } catch (t12) {
10080 console.error(t12), r2.errors.push(t12);
10081 }
10082 });
10083 } }, { key: "updateMutations", value: function(t10) {
10084 "object" === qp(t10.value) && !Array.isArray(t10.value) && this.allowMetaPatches && (t10.value = Rc({}, t10.value));
10085 var r2 = TS.applyPatch(this.state, t10, { allowMetaPatches: this.allowMetaPatches });
10086 r2 && (this.mutations.push(t10), this.state = r2);
10087 } }, { key: "removePromisedPatch", value: function(t10) {
10088 var r2, e2 = this.promisedPatches.indexOf(t10);
10089 e2 < 0 ? this.debug("Tried to remove a promisedPatch that isn't there!") : JA(r2 = this.promisedPatches).call(r2, e2, 1);
10090 } }, { key: "promisedPatchThen", value: function(t10) {
10091 var r2 = this;
10092 return t10.value = t10.value.then(function(e2) {
10093 var n2 = Rc(Rc({}, t10), {}, { value: e2 });
10094 r2.removePromisedPatch(t10), r2.updatePatches(n2);
10095 }).catch(function(e2) {
10096 r2.removePromisedPatch(t10), r2.updatePatches(e2);
10097 }), t10.value;
10098 } }, { key: "getMutations", value: function(t10, r2) {
10099 var e2;
10100 return t10 = t10 || 0, "number" != typeof r2 && (r2 = this.mutations.length), JO(e2 = this.mutations).call(e2, t10, r2);
10101 } }, { key: "getCurrentMutations", value: function() {
10102 return this.getMutationsForPlugin(this.getCurrentPlugin());
10103 } }, { key: "getMutationsForPlugin", value: function(t10) {
10104 var r2 = this.getPluginMutationIndex(t10);
10105 return this.getMutations(r2 + 1);
10106 } }, { key: "getCurrentPlugin", value: function() {
10107 return this.currentPlugin;
10108 } }, { key: "getLib", value: function() {
10109 return this.libMethods;
10110 } }, { key: "_get", value: function(t10) {
10111 return TS.getIn(this.state, t10);
10112 } }, { key: "_getContext", value: function(t10) {
10113 return this.contextTree.get(t10);
10114 } }, { key: "setContext", value: function(t10, r2) {
10115 return this.contextTree.set(t10, r2);
10116 } }, { key: "_hasRun", value: function(t10) {
10117 return this.getPluginRunCount(this.getCurrentPlugin()) > (t10 || 0);
10118 } }, { key: "dispatch", value: function() {
10119 var t10, r2 = this, e2 = this, n2 = this.nextPlugin();
10120 if (!n2) {
10121 var o2 = this.nextPromisedPatch();
10122 if (o2)
10123 return o2.then(function() {
10124 return r2.dispatch();
10125 }).catch(function() {
10126 return r2.dispatch();
10127 });
10128 var i2 = { spec: this.state, errors: this.errors };
10129 return this.showDebug && (i2.patches = this.allPatches), kA.resolve(i2);
10130 }
10131 if (e2.pluginCount = e2.pluginCount || {}, e2.pluginCount[n2] = (e2.pluginCount[n2] || 0) + 1, e2.pluginCount[n2] > 100)
10132 return kA.resolve({ spec: e2.state, errors: rm(t10 = e2.errors).call(t10, new Error("We've reached a hard limit of ".concat(100, " plugin runs"))) });
10133 if (n2 !== this.currentPlugin && this.promisedPatches.length) {
10134 var u2, a2 = Hb(u2 = this.promisedPatches).call(u2, function(t11) {
10135 return t11.value;
10136 });
10137 return kA.all(Hb(a2).call(a2, function(t11) {
10138 return t11.then(Ok, Ok);
10139 })).then(function() {
10140 return r2.dispatch();
10141 });
10142 }
10143 return function() {
10144 e2.currentPlugin = n2;
10145 var t11 = e2.getCurrentMutations(), r3 = e2.mutations.length - 1;
10146 try {
10147 if (n2.isGenerator) {
10148 var o3, i3 = Lp(n2(t11, e2.getLib()));
10149 try {
10150 for (i3.s(); !(o3 = i3.n()).done; ) {
10151 f2(o3.value);
10152 }
10153 } catch (t12) {
10154 i3.e(t12);
10155 } finally {
10156 i3.f();
10157 }
10158 } else {
10159 f2(n2(t11, e2.getLib()));
10160 }
10161 } catch (t12) {
10162 console.error(t12), f2([Yc(Object.create(t12), { plugin: n2 })]);
10163 } finally {
10164 e2.updatePluginHistory(n2, { mutationIndex: r3 });
10165 }
10166 return e2.dispatch();
10167 }();
10168 function f2(t11) {
10169 t11 && (t11 = TS.fullyNormalizeArray(t11), e2.updatePatches(t11, n2));
10170 }
10171 } }], [{ key: "getPluginName", value: function(t10) {
10172 return t10.pluginName;
10173 } }, { key: "getPatchesOfType", value: function(t10, r2) {
10174 return hm(t10).call(t10, r2);
10175 } }]), t9;
10177var Sk = { refs: ik, allOf: yk, parameters: bk, properties: mk }, xk = function(t9) {
10178 return String.prototype.toLowerCase.call(t9);
10179}, Ek = function(t9) {
10180 return t9.replace(/[^\w]/gi, "_");
10182function Pk(t9) {
10183 var r2 = t9.openapi;
10184 return !!r2 && gs(r2).call(r2, "3");
10186function kk(t9, r2) {
10187 var e2 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : "", n2 = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : {}, o2 = n2.v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode;
10188 if (!t9 || "object" !== qp(t9))
10189 return null;
10190 var i2 = (t9.operationId || "").replace(/\s/g, "");
10191 return i2.length ? Ek(t9.operationId) : _k(r2, e2, { v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode: o2 });
10193function _k(t9, r2) {
10194 var e2, n2 = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, o2 = n2.v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode;
10195 if (o2) {
10196 var i2, u2, a2 = rm(i2 = "".concat(r2.toLowerCase(), "_")).call(i2, t9).replace(/[\s!@#$%^&*()_+=[{\]};:<>|./?,\\'""-]/g, "_");
10197 return (a2 = a2 || rm(u2 = "".concat(t9.substring(1), "_")).call(u2, r2)).replace(/((_){2,})/g, "_").replace(/^(_)*/g, "").replace(/([_])*$/g, "");
10198 }
10199 return rm(e2 = "".concat(xk(r2))).call(e2, Ek(t9));
10201function Ik(t9, r2) {
10202 var e2;
10203 return rm(e2 = "".concat(xk(r2), "-")).call(e2, t9);
10205function Tk(t9, r2) {
10206 return t9 && t9.paths ? function(t10, r3) {
10207 return Rk(t10, r3, true) || null;
10208 }(t9, function(t10) {
10209 var e2 = t10.pathName, n2 = t10.method, o2 = t10.operation;
10210 if (!o2 || "object" !== qp(o2))
10211 return false;
10212 var i2 = o2.operationId;
10213 return [kk(o2, e2, n2), Ik(e2, n2), i2].some(function(t11) {
10214 return t11 && t11 === r2;
10215 });
10216 }) : null;
10218function Rk(t9, r2, e2) {
10219 if (!t9 || "object" !== qp(t9) || !t9.paths || "object" !== qp(t9.paths))
10220 return null;
10221 var n2 = t9.paths;
10222 for (var o2 in n2)
10223 for (var i2 in n2[o2])
10224 if ("PARAMETERS" !== i2.toUpperCase()) {
10225 var u2 = n2[o2][i2];
10226 if (u2 && "object" === qp(u2)) {
10227 var a2 = { spec: t9, pathName: o2, method: i2.toUpperCase(), operation: u2 }, f2 = r2(a2);
10228 if (e2 && f2)
10229 return a2;
10230 }
10231 }
10233function Fk(t9) {
10234 var r2 = t9.spec, e2 = r2.paths, n2 = {};
10235 if (!e2 || r2.$$normalized)
10236 return t9;
10237 for (var o2 in e2) {
10238 var i2, u2 = e2[o2];
10239 if (null != u2 && fb(i2 = ["object", "function"]).call(i2, qp(u2))) {
10240 var a2 = u2.parameters, f2 = function(t10) {
10241 var e3, i3 = u2[t10];
10242 if (null == i3 || !fb(e3 = ["object", "function"]).call(e3, qp(i3)))
10243 return "continue";
10244 var f3 = kk(i3, o2, t10);
10245 if (f3) {
10246 n2[f3] ? n2[f3].push(i3) : n2[f3] = [i3];
10247 var c3 = n2[f3];
10248 if (c3.length > 1)
10249 c3.forEach(function(t11, r3) {
10250 var e4;
10251 t11.p = t11.p || t11.operationId, t11.operationId = rm(e4 = "".concat(f3)).call(e4, r3 + 1);
10252 });
10253 else if (void 0 !== i3.operationId) {
10254 var s2 = c3[0];
10255 s2.p = s2.p || i3.operationId, s2.operationId = f3;
10256 }
10257 }
10258 if ("parameters" !== t10) {
10259 var l2 = [], p2 = {};
10260 for (var v2 in r2)
10261 "produces" !== v2 && "consumes" !== v2 && "security" !== v2 || (p2[v2] = r2[v2], l2.push(p2));
10262 if (a2 && (p2.parameters = a2, l2.push(p2)), l2.length) {
10263 var h2, d2 = Lp(l2);
10264 try {
10265 for (d2.s(); !(h2 = d2.n()).done; ) {
10266 var y2 = h2.value;
10267 for (var b2 in y2)
10268 if (i3[b2]) {
10269 if ("parameters" === b2) {
10270 var m2, g2 = Lp(y2[b2]);
10271 try {
10272 var w2 = function() {
10273 var t11 = m2.value;
10274 i3[b2].some(function(r3) {
10275 return r3.name && r3.name === t11.name || r3.$ref && r3.$ref === t11.$ref || r3.$$ref && r3.$$ref === t11.$$ref || r3 === t11;
10276 }) || i3[b2].push(t11);
10277 };
10278 for (g2.s(); !(m2 = g2.n()).done; )
10279 w2();
10280 } catch (t11) {
10281 g2.e(t11);
10282 } finally {
10283 g2.f();
10284 }
10285 }
10286 } else
10287 i3[b2] = y2[b2];
10288 }
10289 } catch (t11) {
10290 d2.e(t11);
10291 } finally {
10292 d2.f();
10293 }
10294 }
10295 }
10296 };
10297 for (var c2 in u2)
10298 f2(c2);
10299 }
10300 }
10301 return r2.$$normalized = true, t9;
10303function Nk(t9) {
10304 var r2 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, e2 = r2.requestInterceptor, n2 = r2.responseInterceptor, o2 = t9.withCredentials ? "include" : "same-origin";
10305 return function(r3) {
10306 return t9({ url: r3, loadSpec: true, requestInterceptor: e2, responseInterceptor: n2, headers: { Accept: "application/json, application/yaml" }, credentials: o2 }).then(function(t10) {
10307 return t10.body;
10308 });
10309 };
10311function Mk(t9) {
10312 var r2 = t9.fetch, e2 = t9.spec, n2 = t9.url, o2 = t9.mode, i2 = t9.allowMetaPatches, u2 = void 0 === i2 || i2, a2 = t9.pathDiscriminator, f2 = t9.modelPropertyMacro, c2 = t9.parameterMacro, s2 = t9.requestInterceptor, l2 = t9.responseInterceptor, p2 = t9.skipNormalization, v2 = t9.useCircularStructures, h2 = t9.http, d2 = t9.baseDoc;
10313 return d2 = d2 || n2, h2 = r2 || h2 || ZO, e2 ? y2(e2) : Nk(h2, { requestInterceptor: s2, responseInterceptor: l2 })(d2).then(y2);
10314 function y2(t10) {
10315 d2 && (Sk.refs.docCache[d2] = t10), Sk.refs.fetchJSON = Nk(h2, { requestInterceptor: s2, responseInterceptor: l2 });
10316 var r3, e3 = [Sk.refs];
10317 return "function" == typeof c2 && e3.push(Sk.parameters), "function" == typeof f2 && e3.push(Sk.properties), "strict" !== o2 && e3.push(Sk.allOf), (r3 = { spec: t10, context: { baseDoc: d2 }, plugins: e3, allowMetaPatches: u2, pathDiscriminator: a2, parameterMacro: c2, modelPropertyMacro: f2, useCircularStructures: v2 }, new Ak(r3).dispatch()).then(p2 ? function() {
10318 var t11 = Gy(Jy.mark(function t12(r4) {
10319 return Jy.wrap(function(t13) {
10320 for (; ; )
10321 switch (t13.prev = t13.next) {
10322 case 0:
10323 return t13.abrupt("return", r4);
10324 case 1:
10325 case "end":
10326 return t13.stop();
10327 }
10328 }, t12);
10329 }));
10330 return function(r4) {
10331 return t11.apply(this, arguments);
10332 };
10333 }() : Fk);
10334 }
10336var Dk = Array.isArray, Uk = "object" == typeof global && global && global.Object === Object && global, Lk = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, Ck = Uk || Lk || Function("return this")(), $k = Ck.Symbol, Bk = $k, qk = Object.prototype, Gk = qk.hasOwnProperty, Wk = qk.toString, zk = Bk ? Bk.toStringTag : void 0;
10337var Jk = function(t9) {
10338 var r2 = Gk.call(t9, zk), e2 = t9[zk];
10339 try {
10340 t9[zk] = void 0;
10341 var n2 = true;
10342 } catch (t10) {
10343 }
10344 var o2 = Wk.call(t9);
10345 return n2 && (r2 ? t9[zk] = e2 : delete t9[zk]), o2;
10346}, Hk = Object.prototype.toString;
10347var Vk = Jk, Yk = function(t9) {
10348 return Hk.call(t9);
10349}, Qk = $k ? $k.toStringTag : void 0;
10350var Kk = function(t9) {
10351 return null == t9 ? void 0 === t9 ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" : Qk && Qk in Object(t9) ? Vk(t9) : Yk(t9);
10353var Xk = Kk, Zk = function(t9) {
10354 return null != t9 && "object" == typeof t9;
10356var t_ = function(t9) {
10357 return "symbol" == typeof t9 || Zk(t9) && "[object Symbol]" == Xk(t9);
10358}, r_ = Dk, e_ = t_, n_ = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, o_ = /^\w*$/;
10359var i_ = function(t9, r2) {
10360 if (r_(t9))
10361 return false;
10362 var e2 = typeof t9;
10363 return !("number" != e2 && "symbol" != e2 && "boolean" != e2 && null != t9 && !e_(t9)) || (o_.test(t9) || !n_.test(t9) || null != r2 && t9 in Object(r2));
10365var u_ = function(t9) {
10366 var r2 = typeof t9;
10367 return null != t9 && ("object" == r2 || "function" == r2);
10368}, a_ = Kk, f_ = u_;
10369var c_ = function(t9) {
10370 if (!f_(t9))
10371 return false;
10372 var r2 = a_(t9);
10373 return "[object Function]" == r2 || "[object GeneratorFunction]" == r2 || "[object AsyncFunction]" == r2 || "[object Proxy]" == r2;
10374}, s_ = Ck["i"], l_ = function() {
10375 var t9 = /[^.]+$/.exec(s_ && s_.keys && s_.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
10376 return t9 ? "Symbol(src)_1." + t9 : "";
10378var p_ = function(t9) {
10379 return !!l_ && l_ in t9;
10380}, v_ = Function.prototype.toString;
10381var h_ = c_, d_ = p_, y_ = u_, b_ = function(t9) {
10382 if (null != t9) {
10383 try {
10384 return v_.call(t9);
10385 } catch (t10) {
10386 }
10387 try {
10388 return t9 + "";
10389 } catch (t10) {
10390 }
10391 }
10392 return "";
10393}, m_ = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, g_ = Function.prototype, w_ = Object.prototype, j_ = g_.toString, O_ = w_.hasOwnProperty, A_ = RegExp("^" + j_.call(O_).replace(/[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$");
10394var S_ = function(t9) {
10395 return !(!y_(t9) || d_(t9)) && (h_(t9) ? A_ : m_).test(b_(t9));
10396}, x_ = function(t9, r2) {
10397 return null == t9 ? void 0 : t9[r2];
10399var E_ = function(t9, r2) {
10400 var e2 = x_(t9, r2);
10401 return S_(e2) ? e2 : void 0;
10402}, P_ = E_(Object, "create"), k_ = P_;
10403var __ = function() {
10404 this.v = k_ ? k_(null) : {}, this.size = 0;
10406var I_ = function(t9) {
10407 var r2 = this.has(t9) && delete this.v[t9];
10408 return this.size -= r2 ? 1 : 0, r2;
10409}, T_ = P_, R_ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
10410var F_ = function(t9) {
10411 var r2 = this.v;
10412 if (T_) {
10413 var e2 = r2[t9];
10414 return "__lodash_hash_undefined__" === e2 ? void 0 : e2;
10415 }
10416 return R_.call(r2, t9) ? r2[t9] : void 0;
10417}, N_ = P_, M_ = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
10418var D_ = function(t9) {
10419 var r2 = this.v;
10420 return N_ ? void 0 !== r2[t9] : M_.call(r2, t9);
10421}, U_ = P_;
10422var L_ = function(t9, r2) {
10423 var e2 = this.v;
10424 return this.size += this.has(t9) ? 0 : 1, e2[t9] = U_ && void 0 === r2 ? "__lodash_hash_undefined__" : r2, this;
10425}, C_ = __, $_ = I_, B_ = F_, q_ = D_, G_ = L_;
10426function W_(t9) {
10427 var r2 = -1, e2 = null == t9 ? 0 : t9.length;
10428 for (this.clear(); ++r2 < e2; ) {
10429 var n2 = t9[r2];
10430 this.set(n2[0], n2[1]);
10431 }
10433W_.prototype.clear = C_, W_.prototype.delete = $_, W_.prototype.get = B_, W_.prototype.has = q_, W_.prototype.set = G_;
10434var z_ = W_;
10435var J_ = function() {
10436 this.v = [], this.size = 0;
10438var H_ = function(t9, r2) {
10439 return t9 === r2 || t9 != t9 && r2 != r2;
10441var V_ = function(t9, r2) {
10442 for (var e2 = t9.length; e2--; )
10443 if (H_(t9[e2][0], r2))
10444 return e2;
10445 return -1;
10446}, Y_ = V_, Q_ = Array.prototype.splice;
10447var K_ = function(t9) {
10448 var r2 = this.v, e2 = Y_(r2, t9);
10449 return !(e2 < 0) && (e2 == r2.length - 1 ? r2.pop() : Q_.call(r2, e2, 1), --this.size, true);
10450}, X_ = V_;
10451var Z_ = function(t9) {
10452 var r2 = this.v, e2 = X_(r2, t9);
10453 return e2 < 0 ? void 0 : r2[e2][1];
10454}, tI = V_;
10455var rI = V_;
10456var eI = function(t9, r2) {
10457 var e2 = this.v, n2 = rI(e2, t9);
10458 return n2 < 0 ? (++this.size, e2.push([t9, r2])) : e2[n2][1] = r2, this;
10459}, nI = J_, oI = K_, iI = Z_, uI = function(t9) {
10460 return tI(this.v, t9) > -1;
10461}, aI = eI;
10462function fI(t9) {
10463 var r2 = -1, e2 = null == t9 ? 0 : t9.length;
10464 for (this.clear(); ++r2 < e2; ) {
10465 var n2 = t9[r2];
10466 this.set(n2[0], n2[1]);
10467 }
10469fI.prototype.clear = nI, fI.prototype.delete = oI, fI.prototype.get = iI, fI.prototype.has = uI, fI.prototype.set = aI;
10470var cI = fI, sI = E_(Ck, "Map"), lI = z_, pI = cI, vI = sI;
10471var hI = function(t9) {
10472 var r2 = typeof t9;
10473 return "string" == r2 || "number" == r2 || "symbol" == r2 || "boolean" == r2 ? "__proto__" !== t9 : null === t9;
10474}, dI = hI;
10475var yI = function(t9, r2) {
10476 var e2 = t9.v;
10477 return dI(r2) ? e2["string" == typeof r2 ? "string" : "hash"] : e2.map;
10478}, bI = yI;
10479var mI = yI;
10480var gI = yI;
10481var wI = yI;
10482var jI = function(t9, r2) {
10483 var e2 = wI(this, t9), n2 = e2.size;
10484 return e2.set(t9, r2), this.size += e2.size == n2 ? 0 : 1, this;
10485}, OI = function() {
10486 this.size = 0, this.v = { hash: new lI(), map: new (vI || pI)(), string: new lI() };
10487}, AI = function(t9) {
10488 var r2 = bI(this, t9).delete(t9);
10489 return this.size -= r2 ? 1 : 0, r2;
10490}, SI = function(t9) {
10491 return mI(this, t9).get(t9);
10492}, xI = function(t9) {
10493 return gI(this, t9).has(t9);
10494}, EI = jI;
10495function PI(t9) {
10496 var r2 = -1, e2 = null == t9 ? 0 : t9.length;
10497 for (this.clear(); ++r2 < e2; ) {
10498 var n2 = t9[r2];
10499 this.set(n2[0], n2[1]);
10500 }
10502PI.prototype.clear = OI, PI.prototype.delete = AI, PI.prototype.get = SI, PI.prototype.has = xI, PI.prototype.set = EI;
10503var kI = PI;
10504function _I(t9, r2) {
10505 if ("function" != typeof t9 || null != r2 && "function" != typeof r2)
10506 throw new TypeError("Expected a function");
10507 var e2 = function() {
10508 var n2 = arguments, o2 = r2 ? r2.apply(this, n2) : n2[0], i2 = e2.cache;
10509 if (i2.has(o2))
10510 return i2.get(o2);
10511 var u2 = t9.apply(this, n2);
10512 return e2.cache = i2.set(o2, u2) || i2, u2;
10513 };
10514 return e2.cache = new (_I.Cache || kI)(), e2;
10516_I.Cache = kI;
10517var II = _I;
10518var TI = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g, RI = /\\(\\)?/g, FI = function(t9) {
10519 var r2 = II(t9, function(t10) {
10520 return 500 === e2.size && e2.clear(), t10;
10521 }), e2 = r2.cache;
10522 return r2;
10523}(function(t9) {
10524 var r2 = [];
10525 return 46 === t9.charCodeAt(0) && r2.push(""), t9.replace(TI, function(t10, e2, n2, o2) {
10526 r2.push(n2 ? o2.replace(RI, "$1") : e2 || t10);
10527 }), r2;
10528}), NI = FI;
10529var MI = function(t9, r2) {
10530 for (var e2 = -1, n2 = null == t9 ? 0 : t9.length, o2 = Array(n2); ++e2 < n2; )
10531 o2[e2] = r2(t9[e2], e2, t9);
10532 return o2;
10533}, DI = MI, UI = Dk, LI = t_, CI = $k ? $k.prototype : void 0, $I = CI ? CI.toString : void 0;
10534var BI = function t6(r2) {
10535 if ("string" == typeof r2)
10536 return r2;
10537 if (UI(r2))
10538 return DI(r2, t6) + "";
10539 if (LI(r2))
10540 return $I ? $I.call(r2) : "";
10541 var e2 = r2 + "";
10542 return "0" == e2 && 1 / r2 == -Infinity ? "-0" : e2;
10543}, qI = BI;
10544var GI = Dk, WI = i_, zI = NI, JI = function(t9) {
10545 return null == t9 ? "" : qI(t9);
10547var HI = t_;
10548var VI = function(t9, r2) {
10549 return GI(t9) ? t9 : WI(t9, r2) ? [t9] : zI(JI(t9));
10550}, YI = function(t9) {
10551 if ("string" == typeof t9 || HI(t9))
10552 return t9;
10553 var r2 = t9 + "";
10554 return "0" == r2 && 1 / t9 == -Infinity ? "-0" : r2;
10556var QI = function(t9, r2) {
10557 for (var e2 = 0, n2 = (r2 = VI(r2, t9)).length; null != t9 && e2 < n2; )
10558 t9 = t9[YI(r2[e2++])];
10559 return e2 && e2 == n2 ? t9 : void 0;
10560}, KI = QI;
10561var XI = function(t9, r2, e2) {
10562 var n2 = null == t9 ? void 0 : KI(t9, r2);
10563 return void 0 === n2 ? e2 : n2;
10565function ZI() {
10566 return ZI = Gy(Jy.mark(function t9(r2, e2) {
10567 var n2, o2, i2, u2, a2, f2, c2, s2, l2, p2, v2, h2, d2 = arguments;
10568 return Jy.wrap(function(t10) {
10569 for (; ; )
10570 switch (t10.prev = t10.next) {
10571 case 0:
10572 return n2 = d2.length > 2 && void 0 !== d2[2] ? d2[2] : {}, o2 = n2.returnEntireTree, i2 = n2.baseDoc, u2 = n2.requestInterceptor, a2 = n2.responseInterceptor, f2 = n2.parameterMacro, c2 = n2.modelPropertyMacro, s2 = n2.useCircularStructures, l2 = { pathDiscriminator: e2, baseDoc: i2, requestInterceptor: u2, responseInterceptor: a2, parameterMacro: f2, modelPropertyMacro: c2, useCircularStructures: s2 }, p2 = Fk({ spec: r2 }), v2 = p2.spec, t10.next = 6, Mk(Rc(Rc({}, l2), {}, { spec: v2, allowMetaPatches: true, skipNormalization: true }));
10573 case 6:
10574 return h2 = t10.sent, !o2 && Array.isArray(e2) && e2.length && (h2.spec = XI(h2.spec, e2) || null), t10.abrupt("return", h2);
10575 case 9:
10576 case "end":
10577 return t10.stop();
10578 }
10579 }, t9);
10580 })), ZI.apply(this, arguments);
10582var tT = function() {
10583 return null;
10584}, rT = { mapTagOperations: function(t9) {
10585 var r2 = t9.spec, e2 = t9.cb, n2 = void 0 === e2 ? tT : e2, o2 = t9.defaultTag, i2 = void 0 === o2 ? "default" : o2, u2 = t9.v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode, a2 = {}, f2 = {};
10586 return Rk(r2, function(t10) {
10587 var e3, o3 = t10.pathName, c2 = t10.method, s2 = t10.operation;
10588 (s2.tags ? (e3 = s2.tags, Array.isArray(e3) ? e3 : [e3]) : [i2]).forEach(function(t11) {
10589 if ("string" == typeof t11) {
10590 f2[t11] = f2[t11] || {};
10591 var e4, i3 = f2[t11], l2 = kk(s2, o3, c2, { v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode: u2 }), p2 = n2({ spec: r2, pathName: o3, method: c2, operation: s2, operationId: l2 });
10592 if (a2[l2])
10593 a2[l2] += 1, i3[rm(e4 = "".concat(l2)).call(e4, a2[l2])] = p2;
10594 else if (void 0 !== i3[l2]) {
10595 var v2, h2, d2 = a2[l2] || 1;
10596 a2[l2] = d2 + 1, i3[rm(v2 = "".concat(l2)).call(v2, a2[l2])] = p2;
10597 var y2 = i3[l2];
10598 delete i3[l2], i3[rm(h2 = "".concat(l2)).call(h2, d2)] = y2;
10599 } else
10600 i3[l2] = p2;
10601 }
10602 });
10603 }), f2;
10604}, makeExecute: function() {
10605 var t9 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
10606 return function(r2) {
10607 var e2 = r2.pathName, n2 = r2.method, o2 = r2.operationId;
10608 return function(r3) {
10609 var i2 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, u2 = t9.requestInterceptor, a2 = t9.responseInterceptor, f2 = t9.userFetch;
10610 return t9.execute(Rc({ spec: t9.spec, requestInterceptor: u2, responseInterceptor: a2, userFetch: f2, pathName: e2, method: n2, parameters: r3, operationId: o2 }, i2));
10611 };
10612 };
10613} };
10614var eT = { exports: {} }, nT = ge, oT = De.indexOf, iT = qf, uT = openapi_parser_b([].indexOf), aT = !!uT && 1 / uT([1], 1, -0) < 0, fT = iT("indexOf");
10615nT({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: aT || !fT }, { indexOf: function(t9) {
10616 var r2 = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
10617 return aT ? uT(this, t9, r2) || 0 : oT(this, t9, r2);
10618} });
10619var cT = na("Array").indexOf, sT = tt, lT = cT, pT = Array.prototype;
10620const vT = openapi_parser_t(eT.exports = function(t9) {
10621 var r2 = t9.indexOf;
10622 return t9 === pT || sT(pT, t9) && r2 === pT.indexOf ? lT : r2;
10624function hT(t9, r2) {
10625 if (null == t9)
10626 return {};
10627 var e2, n2, o2 = function(t10, r3) {
10628 if (null == t10)
10629 return {};
10630 var e3, n3, o3 = {}, i3 = Ke(t10);
10631 for (n3 = 0; n3 < i3.length; n3++)
10632 e3 = i3[n3], vT(r3).call(r3, e3) >= 0 || (o3[e3] = t10[e3]);
10633 return o3;
10634 }(t9, r2);
10635 if (Yu) {
10636 var i2 = Yu(t9);
10637 for (n2 = 0; n2 < i2.length; n2++)
10638 e2 = i2[n2], vT(r2).call(r2, e2) >= 0 || Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(t9, e2) && (o2[e2] = t9[e2]);
10639 }
10640 return o2;
10642var dT = {
10643 parse: function(t9, r2) {
10644 if ("string" != typeof t9)
10645 throw new TypeError("argument str must be a string");
10646 var e2 = {}, n2 = (r2 || {}).decode || mT, o2 = 0;
10647 for (; o2 < t9.length; ) {
10648 var i2 = t9.indexOf("=", o2);
10649 if (-1 === i2)
10650 break;
10651 var u2 = t9.indexOf(";", o2);
10652 if (-1 === u2)
10653 u2 = t9.length;
10654 else if (u2 < i2) {
10655 o2 = t9.lastIndexOf(";", i2 - 1) + 1;
10656 continue;
10657 }
10658 var a2 = t9.slice(o2, i2).trim();
10659 if (void 0 === e2[a2]) {
10660 var f2 = t9.slice(i2 + 1, u2).trim();
10661 34 === f2.charCodeAt(0) && (f2 = f2.slice(1, -1)), e2[a2] = wT(f2, n2);
10662 }
10663 o2 = u2 + 1;
10664 }
10665 return e2;
10666 },
10667 serialize: function(t9, r2, e2) {
10668 var n2 = e2 || {}, o2 = n2.encode || gT;
10669 if ("function" != typeof o2)
10670 throw new TypeError("option encode is invalid");
10671 if (!bT.test(t9))
10672 throw new TypeError("argument name is invalid");
10673 var i2 = o2(r2);
10674 if (i2 && !bT.test(i2))
10675 throw new TypeError("argument val is invalid");
10676 var u2 = t9 + "=" + i2;
10677 if (null != n2.maxAge) {
10678 var a2 = n2.maxAge - 0;
10679 if (isNaN(a2) || !isFinite(a2))
10680 throw new TypeError("option maxAge is invalid");
10681 u2 += "; Max-Age=" + Math.floor(a2);
10682 }
10683 if (n2.domain) {
10684 if (!bT.test(n2.domain))
10685 throw new TypeError("option domain is invalid");
10686 u2 += "; Domain=" + n2.domain;
10687 }
10688 if (n2.path) {
10689 if (!bT.test(n2.path))
10690 throw new TypeError("option path is invalid");
10691 u2 += "; Path=" + n2.path;
10692 }
10693 if (n2.expires) {
10694 var f2 = n2.expires;
10695 if (!function(t10) {
10696 return "[object Date]" === yT.call(t10) || t10 instanceof Date;
10697 }(f2) || isNaN(f2.valueOf()))
10698 throw new TypeError("option expires is invalid");
10699 u2 += "; Expires=" + f2.toUTCString();
10700 }
10701 n2.httpOnly && (u2 += "; HttpOnly");
10702 n2.secure && (u2 += "; Secure");
10703 if (n2.priority) {
10704 switch ("string" == typeof n2.priority ? n2.priority.toLowerCase() : n2.priority) {
10705 case "low":
10706 u2 += "; Priority=Low";
10707 break;
10708 case "medium":
10709 u2 += "; Priority=Medium";
10710 break;
10711 case "high":
10712 u2 += "; Priority=High";
10713 break;
10714 default:
10715 throw new TypeError("option priority is invalid");
10716 }
10717 }
10718 if (n2.sameSite) {
10719 switch ("string" == typeof n2.sameSite ? n2.sameSite.toLowerCase() : n2.sameSite) {
10720 case true:
10721 u2 += "; SameSite=Strict";
10722 break;
10723 case "lax":
10724 u2 += "; SameSite=Lax";
10725 break;
10726 case "strict":
10727 u2 += "; SameSite=Strict";
10728 break;
10729 case "none":
10730 u2 += "; SameSite=None";
10731 break;
10732 default:
10733 throw new TypeError("option sameSite is invalid");
10734 }
10735 }
10736 return u2;
10737 }
10738}, yT = Object.prototype.toString, bT = /^[\u0009\u0020-\u007e\u0080-\u00ff]+$/;
10739function mT(t9) {
10740 return -1 !== t9.indexOf("%") ? decodeURIComponent(t9) : t9;
10742function gT(t9) {
10743 return encodeURIComponent(t9);
10745function wT(t9, r2) {
10746 try {
10747 return r2(t9);
10748 } catch (r3) {
10749 return t9;
10750 }
10753 * is-plain-object <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-plain-object>
10754 *
10755 * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Jon Schlinkert.
10756 * Released under the MIT License.
10757 */
10758function jT(t9) {
10759 return "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t9);
10761function OT(t9) {
10762 var r2, e2;
10763 return false !== jT(t9) && (void 0 === (r2 = t9.constructor) || false !== jT(e2 = r2.prototype) && false !== e2.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf"));
10765const AT = { body: function(t9) {
10766 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.value;
10767 r2.body = e2;
10768}, header: function(t9) {
10769 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.parameter, n2 = t9.value;
10770 r2.headers = r2.headers || {}, void 0 !== n2 && (r2.headers[e2.name] = n2);
10771}, query: function(t9) {
10772 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.value, n2 = t9.parameter;
10773 r2.query = r2.query || {}, false === e2 && "boolean" === n2.type && (e2 = "false");
10774 0 === e2 && ["number", "integer"].indexOf(n2.type) > -1 && (e2 = "0");
10775 if (e2)
10776 r2.query[n2.name] = { collectionFormat: n2.collectionFormat, value: e2 };
10777 else if (n2.allowEmptyValue && void 0 !== e2) {
10778 var o2 = n2.name;
10779 r2.query[o2] = r2.query[o2] || {}, r2.query[o2].allowEmptyValue = true;
10780 }
10781}, path: function(t9) {
10782 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.value, n2 = t9.parameter;
10783 r2.url = r2.url.split("{".concat(n2.name, "}")).join(encodeURIComponent(e2));
10784}, formData: function(t9) {
10785 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.value, n2 = t9.parameter;
10786 (e2 || n2.allowEmptyValue) && (r2.form = r2.form || {}, r2.form[n2.name] = { value: e2, allowEmptyValue: n2.allowEmptyValue, collectionFormat: n2.collectionFormat });
10787} };
10788function ST(t9, r2) {
10789 return fb(r2).call(r2, "application/json") ? "string" == typeof t9 ? t9 : $b(t9) : t9.toString();
10791var xT = ["accept", "authorization", "content-type"];
10792const ET = Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, path: function(t9) {
10793 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.value, n2 = t9.parameter, o2 = n2.name, i2 = n2.style, u2 = n2.explode, a2 = n2.content;
10794 if (a2) {
10795 var f2 = Yb(a2)[0];
10796 r2.url = r2.url.split("{".concat(o2, "}")).join(YO(ST(e2, f2), { escape: true }));
10797 } else {
10798 var c2 = QO({ key: n2.name, value: e2, style: i2 || "simple", explode: u2 || false, escape: true });
10799 r2.url = r2.url.split("{".concat(o2, "}")).join(c2);
10800 }
10801}, query: function(t9) {
10802 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.value, n2 = t9.parameter;
10803 if (r2.query = r2.query || {}, n2.content) {
10804 var o2 = Yb(n2.content)[0];
10805 r2.query[n2.name] = ST(e2, o2);
10806 } else if (false === e2 && (e2 = "false"), 0 === e2 && (e2 = "0"), e2) {
10807 var i2 = n2.style, u2 = n2.explode, a2 = n2.allowReserved;
10808 r2.query[n2.name] = { value: e2, serializationOption: { style: i2, explode: u2, allowReserved: a2 } };
10809 } else if (n2.allowEmptyValue && void 0 !== e2) {
10810 var f2 = n2.name;
10811 r2.query[f2] = r2.query[f2] || {}, r2.query[f2].allowEmptyValue = true;
10812 }
10813}, header: function(t9) {
10814 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.parameter, n2 = t9.value;
10815 if (r2.headers = r2.headers || {}, !(xT.indexOf(e2.name.toLowerCase()) > -1))
10816 if (e2.content) {
10817 var o2 = Yb(e2.content)[0];
10818 r2.headers[e2.name] = ST(n2, o2);
10819 } else
10820 void 0 !== n2 && (r2.headers[e2.name] = QO({ key: e2.name, value: n2, style: e2.style || "simple", explode: void 0 !== e2.explode && e2.explode, escape: false }));
10821}, cookie: function(t9) {
10822 var r2 = t9.req, e2 = t9.parameter, n2 = t9.value;
10823 r2.headers = r2.headers || {};
10824 var o2 = qp(n2);
10825 if (e2.content) {
10826 var i2, u2 = Yb(e2.content)[0];
10827 r2.headers.Cookie = rm(i2 = "".concat(e2.name, "=")).call(i2, ST(n2, u2));
10828 } else if ("undefined" !== o2) {
10829 var a2 = "object" === o2 && !Array.isArray(n2) && e2.explode ? "" : "".concat(e2.name, "=");
10830 r2.headers.Cookie = a2 + QO({ key: e2.name, value: n2, escape: false, style: e2.style || "form", explode: void 0 !== e2.explode && e2.explode });
10831 }
10832} }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
10833var PT = { exports: {} };
10834ge({ global: true }, { globalThis: openapi_parser_o });
10835var kT = { exports: {} };
10836const _T = openapi_parser_t(PT.exports = kT.exports = openapi_parser_o);
10837var IT = (void 0 !== _T ? _T : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : window).btoa;
10838function TT(t9, r2) {
10839 var e2 = t9.operation, n2 = t9.requestBody, o2 = t9.securities, i2 = t9.spec, u2 = t9.attachContentTypeForEmptyPayload, a2 = t9.requestContentType;
10840 r2 = function(t10) {
10841 var r3 = t10.request, e3 = t10.securities, n3 = void 0 === e3 ? {} : e3, o3 = t10.operation, i3 = void 0 === o3 ? {} : o3, u3 = t10.spec, a3 = Rc({}, r3), f3 = n3.authorized, c3 = void 0 === f3 ? {} : f3, s3 = i3.security || u3.security || [], l3 = c3 && !!Yb(c3).length, p3 = XI(u3, ["components", "securitySchemes"]) || {};
10842 if (a3.headers = a3.headers || {}, a3.query = a3.query || {}, !Yb(n3).length || !l3 || !s3 || Array.isArray(i3.security) && !i3.security.length)
10843 return r3;
10844 return s3.forEach(function(t11) {
10845 Yb(t11).forEach(function(t12) {
10846 var r4 = c3[t12], e4 = p3[t12];
10847 if (r4) {
10848 var n4 = r4.value || r4, o4 = e4.type;
10849 if (r4) {
10850 if ("apiKey" === o4)
10851 "query" === e4.in && (a3.query[e4.name] = n4), "header" === e4.in && (a3.headers[e4.name] = n4), "cookie" === e4.in && (a3.cookies[e4.name] = n4);
10852 else if ("http" === o4) {
10853 if (/^basic$/i.test(e4.scheme)) {
10854 var i4, u4 = n4.username || "", f4 = n4.password || "", s4 = IT(rm(i4 = "".concat(u4, ":")).call(i4, f4));
10855 a3.headers.Authorization = "Basic ".concat(s4);
10856 }
10857 /^bearer$/i.test(e4.scheme) && (a3.headers.Authorization = "Bearer ".concat(n4));
10858 } else if ("oauth2" === o4 || "openIdConnect" === o4) {
10859 var l4, v3 = r4.token || {}, h3 = v3[e4["x-tokenName"] || "access_token"], d2 = v3.token_type;
10860 d2 && "bearer" !== d2.toLowerCase() || (d2 = "Bearer"), a3.headers.Authorization = rm(l4 = "".concat(d2, " ")).call(l4, h3);
10861 }
10862 }
10863 }
10864 });
10865 }), a3;
10866 }({ request: r2, securities: o2, operation: e2, spec: i2 });
10867 var f2 = e2.requestBody || {}, c2 = Yb(f2.content || {}), s2 = a2 && c2.indexOf(a2) > -1;
10868 if (n2 || u2) {
10869 if (a2 && s2)
10870 r2.headers["Content-Type"] = a2;
10871 else if (!a2) {
10872 var l2 = c2[0];
10873 l2 && (r2.headers["Content-Type"] = l2, a2 = l2);
10874 }
10875 } else
10876 a2 && s2 && (r2.headers["Content-Type"] = a2);
10877 if (!t9.responseContentType && e2.responses) {
10878 var p2, v2 = hm(p2 = pm(e2.responses)).call(p2, function(t10) {
10879 var r3 = Gp(t10, 2), e3 = r3[0], n3 = r3[1], o3 = parseInt(e3, 10);
10880 return o3 >= 200 && o3 < 300 && OT(n3.content);
10881 }).reduce(function(t10, r3) {
10882 var e3 = Gp(r3, 2)[1];
10883 return rm(t10).call(t10, Yb(e3.content));
10884 }, []);
10885 v2.length > 0 && (r2.headers.accept = v2.join(", "));
10886 }
10887 if (n2)
10888 if (a2) {
10889 if (c2.indexOf(a2) > -1)
10890 if ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" === a2 || "multipart/form-data" === a2)
10891 if ("object" === qp(n2)) {
10892 var h2 = (f2.content[a2] || {}).encoding || {};
10893 r2.form = {}, Yb(n2).forEach(function(t10) {
10894 r2.form[t10] = { value: n2[t10], encoding: h2[t10] || {} };
10895 });
10896 } else
10897 r2.form = n2;
10898 else
10899 r2.body = n2;
10900 } else
10901 r2.body = n2;
10902 return r2;
10904function RT(t9, r2) {
10905 var e2, n2, o2 = t9.spec, i2 = t9.operation, u2 = t9.securities, a2 = t9.requestContentType, f2 = t9.responseContentType, c2 = t9.attachContentTypeForEmptyPayload;
10906 if (r2 = function(t10) {
10907 var r3 = t10.request, e3 = t10.securities, n3 = void 0 === e3 ? {} : e3, o3 = t10.operation, i3 = void 0 === o3 ? {} : o3, u3 = t10.spec, a3 = Rc({}, r3), f3 = n3.authorized, c3 = void 0 === f3 ? {} : f3, s3 = n3.specSecurity, l3 = void 0 === s3 ? [] : s3, p3 = i3.security || l3, v3 = c3 && !!Yb(c3).length, h3 = u3.securityDefinitions;
10908 if (a3.headers = a3.headers || {}, a3.query = a3.query || {}, !Yb(n3).length || !v3 || !p3 || Array.isArray(i3.security) && !i3.security.length)
10909 return r3;
10910 return p3.forEach(function(t11) {
10911 Yb(t11).forEach(function(t12) {
10912 var r4 = c3[t12];
10913 if (r4) {
10914 var e4 = r4.token, n4 = r4.value || r4, o4 = h3[t12], i4 = o4.type, u4 = o4["x-tokenName"] || "access_token", f4 = e4 && e4[u4], s4 = e4 && e4.token_type;
10915 if (r4) {
10916 if ("apiKey" === i4) {
10917 var l4 = "query" === o4.in ? "query" : "headers";
10918 a3[l4] = a3[l4] || {}, a3[l4][o4.name] = n4;
10919 } else if ("basic" === i4)
10920 if (n4.header)
10921 a3.headers.authorization = n4.header;
10922 else {
10923 var p4, v4 = n4.username || "", d3 = n4.password || "";
10924 n4.base64 = IT(rm(p4 = "".concat(v4, ":")).call(p4, d3)), a3.headers.authorization = "Basic ".concat(n4.base64);
10925 }
10926 else if ("oauth2" === i4 && f4) {
10927 var y2;
10928 s4 = s4 && "bearer" !== s4.toLowerCase() ? s4 : "Bearer", a3.headers.authorization = rm(y2 = "".concat(s4, " ")).call(y2, f4);
10929 }
10930 }
10931 }
10932 });
10933 }), a3;
10934 }({ request: r2, securities: u2, operation: i2, spec: o2 }), r2.body || r2.form || c2)
10935 if (a2)
10936 r2.headers["Content-Type"] = a2;
10937 else if (Array.isArray(i2.consumes)) {
10938 var s2 = Gp(i2.consumes, 1);
10939 r2.headers["Content-Type"] = s2[0];
10940 } else if (Array.isArray(o2.consumes)) {
10941 var l2 = Gp(o2.consumes, 1);
10942 r2.headers["Content-Type"] = l2[0];
10943 } else
10944 i2.parameters && hm(e2 = i2.parameters).call(e2, function(t10) {
10945 return "file" === t10.type;
10946 }).length ? r2.headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data" : i2.parameters && hm(n2 = i2.parameters).call(n2, function(t10) {
10947 return "formData" === t10.in;
10948 }).length && (r2.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
10949 else if (a2) {
10950 var p2, v2, h2 = i2.parameters && hm(p2 = i2.parameters).call(p2, function(t10) {
10951 return "body" === t10.in;
10952 }).length > 0, d2 = i2.parameters && hm(v2 = i2.parameters).call(v2, function(t10) {
10953 return "formData" === t10.in;
10954 }).length > 0;
10955 (h2 || d2) && (r2.headers["Content-Type"] = a2);
10956 }
10957 return !f2 && Array.isArray(i2.produces) && i2.produces.length > 0 && (r2.headers.accept = i2.produces.join(", ")), r2;
10959var FT = ["http", "fetch", "spec", "operationId", "pathName", "method", "parameters", "securities"], NT = function(t9) {
10960 return Array.isArray(t9) ? t9 : [];
10961}, MT = DP("OperationNotFoundError", function(t9, r2, e2) {
10962 this.originalError = e2, Yc(this, r2 || {});
10963}), DT = { buildRequest: UT };
10964function UT(t9) {
10965 var r2, e2, n2 = t9.spec, o2 = t9.operationId, i2 = t9.responseContentType, u2 = t9.scheme, a2 = t9.requestInterceptor, f2 = t9.responseInterceptor, c2 = t9.contextUrl, s2 = t9.userFetch, l2 = t9.server, p2 = t9.serverVariables, v2 = t9.http, h2 = t9.signal, d2 = t9.parameters, y2 = t9.parameterBuilders, b2 = Pk(n2);
10966 y2 || (y2 = b2 ? ET : AT);
10967 var m2 = { url: "", credentials: v2 && v2.withCredentials ? "include" : "same-origin", headers: {}, cookies: {} };
10968 h2 && (m2.signal = h2), a2 && (m2.requestInterceptor = a2), f2 && (m2.responseInterceptor = f2), s2 && (m2.userFetch = s2);
10969 var g2 = Tk(n2, o2);
10970 if (!g2)
10971 throw new MT("Operation ".concat(o2, " not found"));
10972 var w2 = g2.operation, j2 = void 0 === w2 ? {} : w2, O2 = g2.method, A2 = g2.pathName;
10973 if (m2.url += CT({ spec: n2, scheme: u2, contextUrl: c2, server: l2, serverVariables: p2, pathName: A2, method: O2 }), !o2)
10974 return delete m2.cookies, m2;
10975 m2.url += A2, m2.method = "".concat(O2).toUpperCase(), d2 = d2 || {};
10976 var S2 = n2.paths[A2] || {};
10977 i2 && (m2.headers.accept = i2);
10978 var x2 = function(t10) {
10979 var r3 = {};
10980 t10.forEach(function(t11) {
10981 r3[t11.in] || (r3[t11.in] = {}), r3[t11.in][t11.name] = t11;
10982 });
10983 var e3 = [];
10984 return Yb(r3).forEach(function(t11) {
10985 Yb(r3[t11]).forEach(function(n3) {
10986 e3.push(r3[t11][n3]);
10987 });
10988 }), e3;
10989 }(rm(r2 = rm(e2 = []).call(e2, NT(j2.parameters))).call(r2, NT(S2.parameters)));
10990 x2.forEach(function(t10) {
10991 var r3, e3, o3 = y2[t10.in];
10992 if ("body" === t10.in && t10.schema && t10.schema.properties && (r3 = d2), void 0 === (r3 = t10 && t10.name && d2[t10.name]))
10993 r3 = t10 && t10.name && d2[rm(e3 = "".concat(t10.in, ".")).call(e3, t10.name)];
10994 else if (function(t11, r4) {
10995 return hm(r4).call(r4, function(r5) {
10996 return r5.name === t11;
10997 });
10998 }(t10.name, x2).length > 1) {
10999 var i3;
11000 console.warn(rm(i3 = "Parameter '".concat(t10.name, "' is ambiguous because the defined spec has more than one parameter with the name: '")).call(i3, t10.name, "' and the passed-in parameter values did not define an 'in' value."));
11001 }
11002 if (null !== r3) {
11003 if (void 0 !== t10.default && void 0 === r3 && (r3 = t10.default), void 0 === r3 && t10.required && !t10.allowEmptyValue)
11004 throw new Error("Required parameter ".concat(t10.name, " is not provided"));
11005 if (b2 && t10.schema && "object" === t10.schema.type && "string" == typeof r3)
11006 try {
11007 r3 = JSON.parse(r3);
11008 } catch (t11) {
11009 throw new Error("Could not parse object parameter value string as JSON");
11010 }
11011 o3 && o3({ req: m2, parameter: t10, value: r3, operation: j2, spec: n2 });
11012 }
11013 });
11014 var E2 = Rc(Rc({}, t9), {}, { operation: j2 });
11015 if ((m2 = b2 ? TT(E2, m2) : RT(E2, m2)).cookies && Yb(m2.cookies).length) {
11016 var P2 = Yb(m2.cookies).reduce(function(t10, r3) {
11017 var e3 = m2.cookies[r3];
11018 return t10 + (t10 ? "&" : "") + dT.serialize(r3, e3);
11019 }, "");
11020 m2.headers.Cookie = P2;
11021 }
11022 return m2.cookies && delete m2.cookies, hA(m2), m2;
11024var LT = function(t9) {
11025 return t9 ? t9.replace(/\W/g, "") : null;
11027function CT(t9) {
11028 return Pk(t9.spec) ? function(t10) {
11029 var r2 = t10.spec, e2 = t10.pathName, n2 = t10.method, o2 = t10.server, i2 = t10.contextUrl, u2 = t10.serverVariables, a2 = void 0 === u2 ? {} : u2, f2 = XI(r2, ["paths", e2, (n2 || "").toLowerCase(), "servers"]) || XI(r2, ["paths", e2, "servers"]) || XI(r2, ["servers"]), c2 = "", s2 = null;
11030 if (o2 && f2 && f2.length) {
11031 var l2 = Hb(f2).call(f2, function(t11) {
11032 return t11.url;
11033 });
11034 l2.indexOf(o2) > -1 && (c2 = o2, s2 = f2[l2.indexOf(o2)]);
11035 }
11036 if (!c2 && f2 && f2.length) {
11037 c2 = f2[0].url;
11038 var p2 = Gp(f2, 1);
11039 s2 = p2[0];
11040 }
11041 if (c2.indexOf("{") > -1) {
11042 var v2 = function(t11) {
11043 var r3, e3 = [], n3 = /{([^}]+)}/g;
11044 for (; r3 = n3.exec(t11); )
11045 e3.push(r3[1]);
11046 return e3;
11047 }(c2);
11048 v2.forEach(function(t11) {
11049 if (s2.variables && s2.variables[t11]) {
11050 var r3 = s2.variables[t11], e3 = a2[t11] || r3.default, n3 = new RegExp("{".concat(t11, "}"), "g");
11051 c2 = c2.replace(n3, e3);
11052 }
11053 });
11054 }
11055 return function() {
11056 var t11, r3, e3 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "", n3 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "", o3 = e3 && n3 ? ws.parse(ws.resolve(n3, e3)) : ws.parse(e3), i3 = ws.parse(n3), u3 = LT(o3.protocol) || LT(i3.protocol) || "", a3 = o3.host || i3.host, f3 = o3.pathname || "";
11057 t11 = u3 && a3 ? rm(r3 = "".concat(u3, "://")).call(r3, a3 + f3) : f3;
11058 return "/" === t11[t11.length - 1] ? JO(t11).call(t11, 0, -1) : t11;
11059 }(c2, i2);
11060 }(t9) : function(t10) {
11061 var r2, e2, n2 = t10.spec, o2 = t10.scheme, i2 = t10.contextUrl, u2 = void 0 === i2 ? "" : i2, a2 = ws.parse(u2), f2 = Array.isArray(n2.schemes) ? n2.schemes[0] : null, c2 = o2 || f2 || LT(a2.protocol) || "http", s2 = n2.host || a2.host || "", l2 = n2.basePath || "";
11062 r2 = c2 && s2 ? rm(e2 = "".concat(c2, "://")).call(e2, s2 + l2) : l2;
11063 return "/" === r2[r2.length - 1] ? JO(r2).call(r2, 0, -1) : r2;
11064 }(t9);
11066function $T(t9) {
11067 var r2 = this, e2 = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {};
11068 if ("string" == typeof t9 ? e2.url = t9 : e2 = t9, !(this instanceof $T))
11069 return new $T(e2);
11070 Yc(this, e2);
11071 var n2 = this.resolve().then(function() {
11072 return r2.disableInterfaces || Yc(r2, $T.makeApisTagOperation(r2)), r2;
11073 });
11074 return n2.client = this, n2;
11076$T.http = ZO, $T.makeHttp = function(t9, r2, e2) {
11077 return e2 = e2 || function(t10) {
11078 return t10;
11079 }, r2 = r2 || function(t10) {
11080 return t10;
11081 }, function(n2) {
11082 return "string" == typeof n2 && (n2 = { url: n2 }), XO.mergeInQueryOrForm(n2), n2 = r2(n2), e2(t9(n2));
11083 };
11084}.bind(null, $T.http), $T.resolve = Mk, $T.resolveSubtree = function(t9, r2) {
11085 return ZI.apply(this, arguments);
11086}, $T.execute = function(t9) {
11087 var r2 = t9.http, e2 = t9.fetch, n2 = t9.spec, o2 = t9.operationId, i2 = t9.pathName, u2 = t9.method, a2 = t9.parameters, f2 = t9.securities, c2 = hT(t9, FT), s2 = r2 || e2 || ZO;
11088 i2 && u2 && !o2 && (o2 = Ik(i2, u2));
11089 var l2 = DT.buildRequest(Rc({ spec: n2, operationId: o2, parameters: a2, securities: f2, http: s2 }, c2));
11090 return l2.body && (OT(l2.body) || Array.isArray(l2.body)) && (l2.body = $b(l2.body)), s2(l2);
11091}, $T.serializeRes = nA, $T.serializeHeaders = iA, $T.clearCache = function() {
11092 Sk.refs.clearCache();
11093}, $T.makeApisTagOperation = function() {
11094 var t9 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, r2 = rT.makeExecute(t9);
11095 return { apis: rT.mapTagOperations({ v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode: t9.v2OperationIdCompatibilityMode, spec: t9.spec, cb: r2 }) };
11096}, $T.buildRequest = UT, $T.helpers = { opId: kk }, $T.getBaseUrl = CT, $T.prototype = { http: ZO, execute: function(t9) {
11097 return this.applyDefaults(), $T.execute(Rc({ spec: this.spec, http: this.http, securities: { authorized: this.authorizations }, contextUrl: "string" == typeof this.url ? this.url : void 0, requestInterceptor: this.requestInterceptor || null, responseInterceptor: this.responseInterceptor || null }, t9));
11098}, resolve: function() {
11099 var t9 = this, r2 = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};
11100 return $T.resolve(Rc({ spec: this.spec, url: this.url, http: this.http || this.fetch, allowMetaPatches: this.allowMetaPatches, useCircularStructures: this.useCircularStructures, requestInterceptor: this.requestInterceptor || null, responseInterceptor: this.responseInterceptor || null, skipNormalization: this.skipNormalization || false }, r2)).then(function(r3) {
11101 return t9.originalSpec = t9.spec, t9.spec = r3.spec, t9.errors = r3.errors, t9;
11102 });
11103} }, $T.prototype.applyDefaults = function() {
11104 var t9 = this.spec, r2 = this.url;
11105 if (r2 && gs(r2).call(r2, "http")) {
11106 var e2 = ws.parse(r2);
11107 t9.host || (t9.host = e2.host), t9.schemes || (t9.schemes = [e2.protocol.replace(":", "")]), t9.basePath || (t9.basePath = "/");
11108 }
11109}, $T.helpers;
11110function BT(t9) {
11111 const r2 = (t9 = t9.replace("[]", "Array")).split("/");
11112 return r2[0] = r2[0].replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_\-\.]+|\s+/gm, "_"), r2.join("/");
11114const qT = { parameterTypeProperties: ["format", "minimum", "maximum", "exclusiveMinimum", "exclusiveMaximum", "minLength", "maxLength", "multipleOf", "minItems", "maxItems", "uniqueItems", "minProperties", "maxProperties", "additionalProperties", "pattern", "enum", "default"], arrayProperties: ["items", "minItems", "maxItems", "uniqueItems"], httpMethods: ["get", "post", "put", "delete", "patch", "head", "options", "trace"], uniqueOnly: function(t9, r2, e2) {
11115 return e2.indexOf(t9) === r2;
11116}, createHash: function(t9) {
11117 let r2, e2 = 0;
11118 if (0 === t9.length)
11119 return e2;
11120 for (let n2 = 0; n2 < t9.length; n2++)
11121 r2 = t9.charCodeAt(n2), e2 = (e2 << 5) - e2 + r2, e2 |= 0;
11122 return e2;
11123}, sanitise: BT, sanitiseAll: function(t9) {
11124 return BT(t9.split("/").join("_"));
11125}, camelize: function(t9) {
11126 return t9.toLowerCase().replace(/[-_ \/\.](.)/g, (t10, r2) => r2.toUpperCase());
11127}, clone: function(t9) {
11128 return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t9));
11129}, circularClone: function t7(r2, e2 = null) {
11130 if (e2 || (e2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()), Object(r2) !== r2 || r2 instanceof Function)
11131 return r2;
11132 if (e2.has(r2))
11133 return e2.get(r2);
11134 let n2;
11135 try {
11136 n2 = new r2.constructor();
11137 } catch (t9) {
11138 n2 = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(r2));
11139 }
11140 return e2.set(r2, n2), Object.assign(n2, ...Object.keys(r2).map((n3) => ({ [n3]: t7(r2[n3], e2) })));
11141} };
11142function GT() {
11143 return { depth: 0, seen: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), top: true, combine: false, allowRefSiblings: false };
11145const WT = { getDefaultState: GT, walkSchema: function t8(r2, e2, n2, o2) {
11146 if (void 0 === n2.depth && (n2 = GT()), null == r2)
11147 return r2;
11148 if (n2.combine && (r2.allOf && Array.isArray(r2.allOf) && 1 === r2.allOf.length && delete (r2 = { ...r2.allOf[0], ...r2 })?.allOf, r2?.anyOf && Array.isArray(r2.anyOf) && 1 === r2.anyOf.length && delete (r2 = { ...r2.anyOf[0], ...r2 })?.anyOf, r2?.oneOf && Array.isArray(r2.oneOf) && 1 === r2.oneOf.length && delete (r2 = { ...r2.oneOf[0], ...r2 })?.oneOf), o2(r2, e2, n2), n2.seen.has(r2))
11149 return r2;
11150 if ("object" == typeof r2 && null !== r2 && n2.seen.set(r2, true), n2.top = false, n2.depth++, void 0 !== r2?.items && (n2.property = "items", t8(r2.items, r2, n2, o2)), r2?.additionalItems && "object" == typeof r2.additionalItems && (n2.property = "additionalItems", t8(r2.additionalItems, r2, n2, o2)), r2?.additionalProperties && "object" == typeof r2.additionalProperties && (n2.property = "additionalProperties", t8(r2.additionalProperties, r2, n2, o2)), r2?.properties)
11151 for (const e3 in r2.properties) {
11152 const i2 = r2.properties[e3];
11153 n2.property = `properties/${e3}`, t8(i2, r2, n2, o2);
11154 }
11155 if (r2?.patternProperties)
11156 for (const e3 in r2.patternProperties) {
11157 const i2 = r2.patternProperties[e3];
11158 n2.property = `patternProperties/${e3}`, t8(i2, r2, n2, o2);
11159 }
11160 if (r2?.allOf)
11161 for (const e3 in r2.allOf) {
11162 const i2 = r2.allOf[e3];
11163 n2.property = `allOf/${e3}`, t8(i2, r2, n2, o2);
11164 }
11165 if (r2?.anyOf)
11166 for (const e3 in r2.anyOf) {
11167 const i2 = r2.anyOf[e3];
11168 n2.property = `anyOf/${e3}`, t8(i2, r2, n2, o2);
11169 }
11170 if (r2?.oneOf)
11171 for (const e3 in r2.oneOf) {
11172 const i2 = r2.oneOf[e3];
11173 n2.property = `oneOf/${e3}`, t8(i2, r2, n2, o2);
11174 }
11175 return r2?.not && (n2.property = "not", t8(r2.not, r2, n2, o2)), n2.depth--, r2;
11176} };
11177function zT(t9, r2, e2) {
11178 if (r2 || (r2 = { depth: 0 }), r2.depth || (r2 = { path: "#", depth: 0, pkey: "", parent: {}, payload: {}, seen: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), identity: false, identityDetection: false, ...r2 }), "object" != typeof t9)
11179 return;
11180 const n2 = r2.path;
11181 for (const o2 in t9) {
11182 if (r2.key = o2, r2.path = `${r2.path}/${encodeURIComponent(o2)}`, r2.identityPath = r2.seen.get(t9[o2]), r2.identity = void 0 !== r2.identityPath, t9.hasOwnProperty(o2) && e2(t9, o2, r2), "object" == typeof t9[o2] && !r2.identity) {
11183 r2.identityDetection && !Array.isArray(t9[o2]) && null !== t9[o2] && r2.seen.set(t9[o2], r2.path);
11184 const n3 = {};
11185 n3.parent = t9, n3.path = r2.path, n3.depth = r2.depth ? r2.depth + 1 : 1, n3.pkey = o2, n3.payload = r2.payload, n3.seen = r2.seen, n3.identity = false, n3.identityDetection = r2.identityDetection, zT(t9[o2], n3, e2);
11186 }
11187 r2.path = n2;
11188 }
11190let JT;
11191function HT(t9, r2) {
11192 for (const e2 in t9)
11193 e2.startsWith("x-") && !e2.startsWith("x-s2o") && (r2[e2] = t9[e2]);
11195function VT(t9, r2) {
11196 WT.walkSchema(t9, {}, {}, (t10, e2) => {
11197 !function(t11) {
11198 if (t11["x-required"] && Array.isArray(t11["x-required"]) && (t11.required || (t11.required = []), t11.required = t11.required.concat(t11["x-required"]), delete t11["x-required"]), t11["x-anyOf"] && (t11.anyOf = t11["x-anyOf"], delete t11["x-anyOf"]), t11["x-oneOf"] && (t11.oneOf = t11["x-oneOf"], delete t11["x-oneOf"]), t11["x-not"] && (t11.not = t11["x-not"], delete t11["x-not"]), "boolean" == typeof t11["x-nullable"] && (t11.nullable = t11["x-nullable"], delete t11["x-nullable"]), "object" == typeof t11["x-discriminator"] && "string" == typeof t11["x-discriminator"].propertyName) {
11199 t11.discriminator = t11["x-discriminator"], delete t11["x-discriminator"];
11200 for (const r3 in t11.discriminator.mapping) {
11201 const e3 = t11.discriminator.mapping[r3];
11202 e3.startsWith("#/definitions/") && (t11.discriminator.mapping[r3] = e3.replace("#/definitions/", "#/components/schemas/"));
11203 }
11204 }
11205 }(t10), function(t11, r3, e3) {
11206 if (t11.nullable && e3.patches++, t11.discriminator && "string" == typeof t11.discriminator && (t11.discriminator = { propertyName: t11.discriminator }), t11.items && Array.isArray(t11.items) && (0 === t11.items.length ? t11.items = {} : 1 === t11.items.length ? t11.items = t11.items[0] : t11.items = { anyOf: t11.items }), t11.type && Array.isArray(t11.type)) {
11207 if (e3.patches++, e3.warnings.push("(Patchable) schema type must not be an array"), 0 === t11.type.length)
11208 delete t11.type;
11209 else {
11210 t11.oneOf || (t11.oneOf = []);
11211 for (const r4 of t11.type) {
11212 const e4 = {};
11213 if ("null" === r4)
11214 t11.nullable = true;
11215 else {
11216 e4.type = r4;
11217 for (const r5 of qT.arrayProperties)
11218 void 0 !== t11.prop && (e4[r5] = t11[r5], delete t11[r5]);
11219 }
11220 e4.type && t11.oneOf.push(e4);
11221 }
11222 delete t11.type, 0 === t11.oneOf.length ? delete t11.oneOf : t11.oneOf.length < 2 && (t11.type = t11.oneOf[0].type, Object.keys(t11.oneOf[0]).length > 1 && (e3.patches++, e3.warnings.push("Lost properties from oneOf")), delete t11.oneOf);
11223 }
11224 t11.type && Array.isArray(t11.type) && 1 === t11.type.length && (t11.type = t11.type[0]);
11225 }
11226 t11.type && "null" === t11.type && (delete t11.type, t11.nullable = true), "array" !== t11.type || t11.items || (t11.items = {}), "file" === t11.type && (t11.type = "string", t11.format = "binary"), "boolean" == typeof t11.required && (t11.required && t11.name && (void 0 === r3.required && (r3.required = []), Array.isArray(r3.required) && r3.required.push(t11.name)), delete t11.required), t11.xml && "string" == typeof t11.xml.namespace && (t11.xml.namespace || delete t11.xml.namespace), t11.allowEmptyValue && (delete t11.allowEmptyValue, e3.patches++, e3.warnings.push("(Patchable): deleted schema.allowEmptyValue"));
11227 }(t10, e2, r2);
11228 });
11230function YT(t9) {
11231 for (const r2 in t9)
11232 for (const e2 in t9[r2]) {
11233 const n2 = qT.sanitise(e2);
11234 e2 !== n2 && (t9[r2][n2] = t9[r2][e2], delete t9[r2][e2]);
11235 }
11237function QT(t9, r2) {
11238 if ("basic" === t9.type && (t9.type = "http", t9.scheme = "basic"), "oauth2" === t9.type) {
11239 const e2 = {};
11240 let n2 = t9.flow;
11241 "application" === t9.flow && (n2 = "clientCredentials"), "accessCode" === t9.flow && (n2 = "authorizationCode"), "string" == typeof t9.authorizationUrl && (e2.authorizationUrl = t9.authorizationUrl.split("?")[0].trim() || "/"), "string" == typeof t9.tokenUrl && (e2.tokenUrl = t9.tokenUrl.split("?")[0].trim() || "/"), e2.scopes = t9.scopes || {}, t9.flows = {}, t9.flows[n2] = e2, delete t9.flow, delete t9.authorizationUrl, delete t9.tokenUrl, delete t9.scopes, t9.name && (delete t9.name, r2.patches++, r2.warnings.push("(Patchable) oauth2 securitySchemes should not have name property"));
11242 }
11244function KT(t9) {
11245 return t9 && !t9["x-s2o-delete"];
11247function XT(t9, r2) {
11248 if (t9.type && !t9.schema && (t9.schema = {}), t9.type && (t9.schema.type = t9.type), t9.items && "array" !== t9.items.type) {
11249 if (t9.items.collectionFormat !== t9.collectionFormat)
11250 return r2.errCount++, void r2.errors.push({ message: "Nested collectionFormats are not supported", pointer: "/.../responses/header" });
11251 delete t9.items.collectionFormat;
11252 }
11253 "array" === t9.type ? ("ssv" === t9.collectionFormat ? (r2.patches++, r2.warnings.push("collectionFormat:ssv is no longer supported for headers")) : "pipes" === t9.collectionFormat ? (r2.patches++, r2.warnings.push("collectionFormat:pipes is no longer supported for headers")) : "multi" === t9.collectionFormat ? t9.explode = true : "tsv" === t9.collectionFormat ? (t9["x-collectionFormat"] = "tsv", r2.patches++, r2.warnings.push("collectionFormat:tsv is no longer supported")) : t9.style = "simple", delete t9.collectionFormat) : t9.collectionFormat && (delete t9.collectionFormat, r2.patches++, r2.warnings.push("(Patchable) collectionFormat is only applicable to header.type array")), delete t9.type;
11254 for (const r3 of qT.parameterTypeProperties)
11255 void 0 !== t9[r3] && (t9.schema[r3] = t9[r3], delete t9[r3]);
11256 for (const r3 of qT.arrayProperties)
11257 void 0 !== t9[r3] && (t9.schema[r3] = t9[r3], delete t9[r3]);
11259function ZT(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2, i2, u2) {
11260 const a2 = {};
11261 let f2, c2 = true;
11262 r2 && r2.consumes && "string" == typeof r2.consumes && (r2.consumes = [r2.consumes], u2.patches++, u2.warnings.push("(Patchable) operation.consumes must be an array")), Array.isArray(i2.consumes) || delete i2.consumes;
11263 const s2 = ((r2 ? r2.consumes : null) || i2.consumes || []).filter(qT.uniqueOnly);
11264 if (t9 && (t9.name || t9.in)) {
11265 "boolean" == typeof t9["x-deprecated"] && (t9.deprecated = t9["x-deprecated"], delete t9["x-deprecated"]), void 0 !== t9["x-example"] && (t9.example = t9["x-example"], delete t9["x-example"]), "body" === t9.in || t9.type || (t9.type = "string", u2.patches++, u2.warnings.push("(Patchable) parameter.type is mandatory for non-body parameters")), "file" === t9.type && (t9["x-s2o-originalType"] = t9.type, f2 = t9.type), null === t9.description && delete t9.description;
11266 let r3 = t9.collectionFormat;
11267 if ("array" !== t9.type || r3 || (r3 = "csv"), r3 && ("array" !== t9.type && (delete t9.collectionFormat, u2.patches++, u2.warnings.push("(Patchable) collectionFormat is only applicable to param.type array")), "csv" !== r3 || "query" !== t9.in && "cookie" !== t9.in || (t9.style = "form", t9.explode = false), "csv" !== r3 || "path" !== t9.in && "header" !== t9.in || (t9.style = "simple"), "ssv" === r3 && ("query" === t9.in ? t9.style = "spaceDelimited" : u2.warnings.push(`${t9.name} collectionFormat:ssv is no longer supported except for in:query parameters`)), "pipes" === r3 && ("query" === t9.in ? t9.style = "pipeDelimited" : u2.warnings.push(`${t9.name} collectionFormat:pipes is no longer supported except for in:query parameters`)), "multi" === r3 && (t9.explode = true), "tsv" === r3 && (u2.warnings.push("collectionFormat:tsv is no longer supported"), t9["x-collectionFormat"] = "tsv"), delete t9.collectionFormat), t9.type && "body" !== t9.type && "formData" !== t9.in)
11268 if (t9.items && t9.schema)
11269 u2.warnings.push(`${t9.name} parameter has array,items and schema`);
11270 else {
11271 t9.schema && u2.patches++, t9.schema && "object" == typeof t9.schema || (t9.schema = {}), t9.schema.type = t9.type, t9.items && (t9.schema.items = t9.items, delete t9.items, zT(t9.schema.items, null, (e3, n3) => {
11272 "collectionFormat" === n3 && "string" == typeof e3[n3] && (r3 && e3[n3] !== r3 && u2.warnings.push(`${t9.name} Nested collectionFormats are not supported`), delete e3[n3]);
11273 }));
11274 for (const r4 of qT.parameterTypeProperties)
11275 void 0 !== t9[r4] && (t9.schema[r4] = t9[r4]), delete t9[r4];
11276 }
11277 t9.schema && VT(t9.schema, u2), t9["x-ms-skip-url-encoding"] && "query" === t9.in && (t9.allowReserved = true, delete t9["x-ms-skip-url-encoding"]);
11278 }
11279 if (t9 && "formData" === t9.in) {
11280 c2 = false, a2.content = {};
11281 let r3 = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
11282 if (s2.length && s2.indexOf("multipart/form-data") >= 0 && (r3 = "multipart/form-data"), a2.content[r3] = {}, t9.schema)
11283 a2.content[r3].schema = t9.schema;
11284 else {
11285 a2.content[r3].schema = {}, a2.content[r3].schema.type = "object", a2.content[r3].schema.properties = {}, a2.content[r3].schema.properties[t9.name] = {};
11286 const e3 = a2.content[r3].schema, n3 = a2.content[r3].schema.properties[t9.name];
11287 t9.description && (n3.description = t9.description), t9.example && (n3.example = t9.example), t9.type && (n3.type = t9.type);
11288 for (const r4 of qT.parameterTypeProperties)
11289 void 0 !== t9[r4] && (n3[r4] = t9[r4]);
11290 true === t9.required && (e3.required || (e3.required = []), e3.required.push(t9.name), a2.required = true), void 0 !== t9.default && (n3.default = t9.default), n3.properties && (n3.properties = t9.properties), t9.allOf && (n3.allOf = t9.allOf), "array" === t9.type && t9.items && (n3.items = t9.items, n3.items.collectionFormat && delete n3.items.collectionFormat), "file" !== f2 && "file" !== t9["x-s2o-originalType"] || (n3.type = "string", n3.format = "binary"), HT(t9, n3);
11291 }
11292 } else
11293 t9 && "file" === t9.type && (t9.required && (a2.required = t9.required), a2.content = {}, a2.content["application/octet-stream"] = {}, a2.content["application/octet-stream"].schema = {}, a2.content["application/octet-stream"].schema.type = "string", a2.content["application/octet-stream"].schema.format = "binary", HT(t9, a2));
11294 if (t9 && "body" === t9.in) {
11295 a2.content = {}, t9.name && (a2["x-s2o-name"] = (r2 && r2.operationId ? qT.sanitiseAll(r2.operationId) : "") + qT.camelize(`_${t9.name}`)), t9.description && (a2.description = t9.description), t9.required && (a2.required = t9.required), s2.length || s2.push("application/json");
11296 for (const r3 of s2)
11297 a2.content[r3] = {}, a2.content[r3].schema = qT.clone(t9.schema || {}), VT(a2.content[r3].schema, u2);
11298 HT(t9, a2);
11299 }
11300 if (Object.keys(a2).length > 0 && (t9["x-s2o-delete"] = true, r2))
11301 if (r2.requestBody && c2) {
11302 r2.requestBody["x-s2o-overloaded"] = true;
11303 const t10 = r2.operationId || o2;
11304 u2.warnings.push(`Operation ${t10} has multiple requestBodies`);
11305 } else
11306 r2.requestBody || (r2 = function(t10, r3) {
11307 const e3 = {};
11308 for (const n3 of Object.keys(t10))
11309 e3[n3] = t10[n3], "parameters" === n3 && (e3.requestBody = {}, r3.rbname && (e3[r3.rbname] = ""));
11310 return e3.requestBody = {}, e3;
11311 }(r2, u2), e2[n2] = r2), r2.requestBody.content && r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"] && r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema && r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.properties && a2.content["multipart/form-data"] && a2.content["multipart/form-data"].schema && a2.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.properties ? (r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.properties = Object.assign(r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.properties, a2.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.properties), r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.required = (r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.required || []).concat(a2.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.required || []), r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.required.length || delete r2.requestBody.content["multipart/form-data"].schema.required) : r2.requestBody.content && r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"] && r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema && r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.properties && a2.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"] && a2.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema && a2.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.properties ? (r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.properties = Object.assign(r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.properties, a2.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.properties), r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.required = (r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.required || []).concat(a2.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.required || []), r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.required.length || delete r2.requestBody.content["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"].schema.required) : (r2.requestBody = Object.assign(r2.requestBody, a2), r2.requestBody["x-s2o-name"] || r2.operationId && (r2.requestBody["x-s2o-name"] = qT.sanitiseAll(r2.operationId)));
11312 if (t9 && !t9["x-s2o-delete"]) {
11313 delete t9.type;
11314 for (const r3 of qT.parameterTypeProperties)
11315 delete t9[r3];
11316 "path" !== t9.in || void 0 !== t9.required && true === t9.required || (t9.required = true, u2.patches++, u2.warnings.push(`(Patchable) path parameters must be required:true [${t9.name} in ${o2}]`));
11317 }
11318 return r2;
11320function tR(t9, r2, e2, n2) {
11321 if (!t9)
11322 return false;
11323 if (t9.description || "object" != typeof t9 || Array.isArray(t9) || (n2.patches++, n2.warnings.push("(Patchable) response.description is mandatory")), void 0 !== t9.schema) {
11324 VT(t9.schema, n2), r2 && r2.produces && "string" == typeof r2.produces && (r2.produces = [r2.produces], n2.patches++, n2.warnings.push("(Patchable) operation.produces must be an array")), e2.produces && !Array.isArray(e2.produces) && delete e2.produces;
11325 const o2 = ((r2 ? r2.produces : null) || e2.produces || []).filter(qT.uniqueOnly);
11326 o2.length || o2.push("*/*"), t9.content = {};
11327 for (const r3 of o2) {
11328 if (t9.content[r3] = {}, t9.content[r3].schema = qT.clone(t9.schema), t9.examples && t9.examples[r3]) {
11329 const e3 = {};
11330 e3.value = t9.examples[r3], t9.content[r3].examples = {}, t9.content[r3].examples.response = e3, delete t9.examples[r3];
11331 }
11332 "file" === t9.content[r3].schema.type && (t9.content[r3].schema = { type: "string", format: "binary" });
11333 }
11334 delete t9.schema;
11335 }
11336 for (const r3 in t9.examples)
11337 t9.content || (t9.content = {}), t9.content[r3] || (t9.content[r3] = {}), t9.content[r3].examples = {}, t9.content[r3].examples.response = {}, t9.content[r3].examples.response.value = t9.examples[r3];
11338 if (delete t9.examples, t9.headers)
11339 for (const r3 in t9.headers)
11340 "status code" === r3.toLowerCase() ? (delete t9.headers[r3], n2.patches++, n2.warnings.push('(Patchable) "Status Code" is not a valid header')) : XT(t9.headers[r3], n2);
11342function rR(t9, r2, e2, n2, o2) {
11343 for (const i2 in t9) {
11344 const u2 = t9[i2];
11345 u2 && u2["x-trace"] && "object" == typeof u2["x-trace"] && (u2.trace = u2["x-trace"], delete u2["x-trace"]), u2 && u2["x-summary"] && "string" == typeof u2["x-summary"] && (u2.summary = u2["x-summary"], delete u2["x-summary"]), u2 && u2["x-description"] && "string" == typeof u2["x-description"] && (u2.description = u2["x-description"], delete u2["x-description"]), u2 && u2["x-servers"] && Array.isArray(u2["x-servers"]) && (u2.servers = u2["x-servers"], delete u2["x-servers"]);
11346 for (const t10 in u2)
11347 if (qT.httpMethods.indexOf(t10) >= 0 || "x-amazon-apigateway-any-method" === t10) {
11348 let a2 = u2[t10];
11349 if (a2 && a2.parameters && Array.isArray(a2.parameters)) {
11350 if (u2.parameters)
11351 for (const r3 of u2.parameters) {
11352 a2.parameters.find((t11) => t11.name === r3.name && t11.in === r3.in) || "formData" !== r3.in && "body" !== r3.in && "file" !== r3.type || (a2 = ZT(r3, a2, u2, t10, i2, o2, e2));
11353 }
11354 for (const r3 of a2.parameters)
11355 a2 = ZT(r3, a2, u2, t10, `${t10}: ${i2}`, o2, e2);
11356 a2.parameters && (a2.parameters = a2.parameters.filter(KT));
11357 }
11358 if (a2 && a2.security && YT(a2.security), "object" == typeof a2) {
11359 if (!a2.responses) {
11360 const t11 = { description: "Default response" };
11361 a2.responses = { default: t11 };
11362 }
11363 for (const t11 in a2.responses) {
11364 tR(a2.responses[t11], a2, o2, e2);
11365 }
11366 }
11367 if (a2 && a2["x-servers"] && Array.isArray(a2["x-servers"]))
11368 a2.servers = a2["x-servers"], delete a2["x-servers"];
11369 else if (a2 && a2.schemes && a2.schemes.length) {
11370 for (const t11 of a2.schemes)
11371 if ((!o2.schemes || o2.schemes.indexOf(t11) < 0) && (a2.servers || (a2.servers = []), Array.isArray(o2.servers)))
11372 for (const t12 of o2.servers) {
11373 const r3 = qT.clone(t12);
11374 a2.servers.push(r3);
11375 }
11376 }
11377 if (a2) {
11378 if (delete a2.consumes, delete a2.produces, delete a2.schemes, a2["x-ms-examples"]) {
11379 for (const t11 in a2["x-ms-examples"]) {
11380 const r3 = a2["x-ms-examples"][t11], e3 = qT.sanitiseAll(t11);
11381 if (r3.parameters)
11382 for (const e4 in r3.parameters) {
11383 const n3 = r3.parameters[e4];
11384 for (const r4 of (a2.parameters || []).concat(u2.parameters || []))
11385 r4.name !== e4 || r4.example || (r4.examples || (r4.examples = {}), r4.examples[t11] = { value: n3 });
11386 }
11387 if (r3.responses)
11388 for (const n3 in r3.responses) {
11389 if (r3.responses[n3].headers)
11390 for (const t12 in r3.responses[n3].headers) {
11391 const e4 = r3.responses[n3].headers[t12];
11392 for (const r4 in a2.responses[n3].headers)
11393 if (r4 === t12) {
11394 a2.responses[n3].headers[r4].example = e4;
11395 }
11396 }
11397 if (r3.responses[n3].body && (o2.components.examples[e3] = { value: qT.clone(r3.responses[n3].body) }, a2.responses[n3] && a2.responses[n3].content))
11398 for (const r4 in a2.responses[n3].content) {
11399 const o3 = a2.responses[n3].content[r4];
11400 o3.examples || (o3.examples = {}), o3.examples[t11] = { $ref: `#/components/examples/${e3}` };
11401 }
11402 }
11403 }
11404 delete a2["x-ms-examples"];
11405 }
11406 if (a2.parameters && 0 === a2.parameters.length && delete a2.parameters, a2.requestBody) {
11407 const e3 = a2.operationId ? qT.sanitiseAll(a2.operationId) : qT.camelize(qT.sanitiseAll(t10 + i2)), o3 = qT.sanitise(a2.requestBody["x-s2o-name"] || e3 || "");
11408 delete a2.requestBody["x-s2o-name"];
11409 const u3 = JSON.stringify(a2.requestBody), f2 = qT.createHash(u3);
11410 if (!n2[f2]) {
11411 const t11 = {};
11412 t11.name = o3, t11.body = a2.requestBody, t11.refs = [], n2[f2] = t11;
11413 }
11414 const c2 = `#/${r2}/${encodeURIComponent(i2)}/${t10}/requestBody`;
11415 n2[f2].refs.push(c2);
11416 }
11417 }
11418 }
11419 if (u2 && u2.parameters) {
11420 for (const t10 in u2.parameters) {
11421 ZT(u2.parameters[t10], null, u2, null, i2, o2, e2);
11422 }
11423 Array.isArray(u2.parameters) && (u2.parameters = u2.parameters.filter(KT));
11424 }
11425 }
11427function eR(t9) {
11428 return t9 && t9.url && "string" == typeof t9.url ? (t9.url = t9.url.split("{{").join("{"), t9.url = t9.url.split("}}").join("}"), t9.url.replace(/\{(.+?)\}/g, (r2, e2) => {
11429 t9.variables || (t9.variables = {}), t9.variables[e2] = { default: "unknown" };
11430 }), t9) : t9;
11432function nR(t9, r2) {
11433 void 0 !== t9.info && null !== t9.info || (t9.info = { version: "", title: "" }, r2.patches++, r2.warnings.push("(Patchable) info object is mandatory")), ("object" != typeof t9.info || Array.isArray(t9.info)) && (r2.errCount++, r2.errors.push({ message: "info must be an object", pointer: "/info" })), t9.info && (void 0 === t9.info.title && (r2.patches++, t9.info.title = "", r2.warnings.push({ message: "(Patchable) info.title cannot be null", pointer: "/info/title", patchable: true })), void 0 === t9.info.version ? (r2.patches++, t9.info.version = "", r2.warnings.push("(Patchable) info.version cannot be null")) : "string" != typeof t9.info.version && (r2.patches++, t9.info.version = t9.info.version.toString(), r2.warnings.push("(Patchable) info.version must be a string")));
11435function oR(t9, r2) {
11436 t9.paths || (r2.patches++, t9.paths = {}, r2.warnings.push("(Patchable) paths object is mandatory"));
11438function iR(t9 = {}) {
11439 const r2 = { original: t9, openapi: {}, patches: 0, warnings: [], errCount: 0, errors: [] };
11440 if (t9.openapi && "string" == typeof t9.openapi && t9.openapi.startsWith("3."))
11441 return r2.openapi = qT.circularClone(t9), nR(r2.openapi, r2), oR(r2.openapi, r2), r2;
11442 if ("2.0" !== t9.swagger)
11443 return r2.errCount++, r2.errors.push({ message: `Unsupported swagger/OpenAPI version: ${t9.openapi ? t9.openapi : t9.swagger}`, pointer: "/swagger" }), r2;
11444 if (r2.openapi = qT.circularClone(t9), r2.openapi.openapi = "3.0.0", delete r2.openapi.swagger, zT(r2.openapi, {}, (t10, r3, e2) => {
11445 null === t10[r3] && !r3.startsWith("x-") && "default" !== r3 && e2.path.indexOf("/example") < 0 && delete t10[r3];
11446 }), t9.host)
11447 (t9.schemes || []).forEach((e2) => {
11448 const n2 = {}, o2 = (t9.basePath || "").replace(/\/$/, "");
11449 n2.url = `${e2 ? `${e2}:` : ""}//${t9.host}${o2}`, eR(n2), r2.openapi.servers || (r2.openapi.servers = []), r2.openapi.servers.push(n2);
11450 });
11451 else if (t9.basePath) {
11452 const e2 = {};
11453 e2.url = t9.basePath, eR(e2), r2.openapi.servers || (r2.openapi.servers = []), r2.openapi.servers.push(e2);
11454 }
11455 if (delete r2.openapi.host, delete r2.openapi.basePath, t9["x-ms-parameterized-host"]) {
11456 const e2 = t9["x-ms-parameterized-host"], n2 = {};
11457 n2.url = e2.hostTemplate + (t9.basePath ? t9.basePath : ""), n2.variables = {};
11458 const o2 = n2.url.match(/\{\w+\}/g);
11459 for (const t10 in e2.parameters) {
11460 const r3 = e2.parameters[t10];
11461 t10.startsWith("x-") || (delete r3.required, delete r3.type, delete r3.in, void 0 === r3.default && (r3.enum ? r3.default = r3.enum[0] : r3.default = "none"), r3.name || (r3.name = o2[t10].replace("{", "").replace("}", "")), n2.variables[r3.name] = r3, delete r3.name);
11462 }
11463 r2.openapi.servers || (r2.openapi.servers = []), false === e2.useSchemePrefix ? r2.openapi.servers.push(n2) : t9.schemes.forEach((t10) => {
11464 r2.openapi.servers.push({ ...n2, url: `${t10}://${n2.url}` });
11465 }), delete r2.openapi["x-ms-parameterized-host"];
11466 }
11467 return nR(r2.openapi, r2), oR(r2.openapi, r2), "string" == typeof r2.openapi.consumes && (r2.openapi.consumes = [r2.openapi.consumes]), "string" == typeof r2.openapi.produces && (r2.openapi.produces = [r2.openapi.produces]), r2.openapi.components = {}, r2.openapi["x-callbacks"] && (r2.openapi.components.callbacks = r2.openapi["x-callbacks"], delete r2.openapi["x-callbacks"]), r2.openapi.components.examples = {}, r2.openapi.components.headers = {}, r2.openapi["x-links"] && (r2.openapi.components.links = r2.openapi["x-links"], delete r2.openapi["x-links"]), r2.openapi.components.parameters = r2.openapi.parameters || {}, r2.openapi.components.responses = r2.openapi.responses || {}, r2.openapi.components.requestBodies = {}, r2.openapi.components.securitySchemes = r2.openapi.securityDefinitions || {}, r2.openapi.components.schemas = r2.openapi.definitions || {}, delete r2.openapi.definitions, delete r2.openapi.responses, delete r2.openapi.parameters, delete r2.openapi.securityDefinitions, function(t10) {
11468 const r3 = t10.openapi, e2 = {};
11469 JT = { schemas: {} }, r3.security && YT(r3.security);
11470 for (const e3 in r3.components.securitySchemes) {
11471 const n2 = qT.sanitise(e3);
11472 if (e3 !== n2) {
11473 if (r3.components.securitySchemes[n2])
11474 return t10.errCount++, t10.errors.push({ message: `Duplicate sanitised securityScheme name ${n2}`, pointer: `/components/securitySchemes/${n2}` }), t10;
11475 r3.components.securitySchemes[n2] = r3.components.securitySchemes[e3], delete r3.components.securitySchemes[e3];
11476 }
11477 QT(r3.components.securitySchemes[n2], t10);
11478 }
11479 for (const e3 in r3.components.schemas) {
11480 const n2 = qT.sanitiseAll(e3);
11481 let o2 = 0;
11482 if (e3 !== n2) {
11483 for (; r3.components.schemas[n2 + o2]; )
11484 o2 = o2 ? ++o2 : 2;
11485 r3.components.schemas[n2 + o2] = r3.components.schemas[e3], delete r3.components.schemas[e3];
11486 }
11487 JT.schemas[e3] = n2 + o2, VT(r3.components.schemas[`${n2}${o2}`], t10);
11488 }
11489 for (const e3 in r3.components.parameters) {
11490 const n2 = qT.sanitise(e3);
11491 if (e3 !== n2) {
11492 if (r3.components.parameters[n2])
11493 return t10.errCount++, t10.errors.push({ message: `Duplicate sanitised parameter name ${n2}`, pointer: `/components/parameters/${n2}` }), t10;
11494 r3.components.parameters[n2] = r3.components.parameters[e3], delete r3.components.parameters[e3];
11495 }
11496 ZT(r3.components.parameters[n2], null, null, null, n2, r3, t10);
11497 }
11498 for (const e3 in r3.components.responses) {
11499 const n2 = qT.sanitise(e3);
11500 if (e3 !== n2) {
11501 if (r3.components.responses[n2])
11502 return t10.errCount++, t10.errors.push({ message: `Duplicate sanitised response name ${n2}`, pointer: `/components/responses/${n2}` }), t10;
11503 r3.components.responses[n2] = r3.components.responses[e3], delete r3.components.responses[e3];
11504 }
11505 const o2 = r3.components.responses[n2];
11506 if (tR(o2, null, r3, t10), o2.headers)
11507 for (const r4 in o2.headers)
11508 "status code" === r4.toLowerCase() ? (delete o2.headers[r4], t10.patches++, t10.warnings.push('(Patchable) "Status Code" is not a valid header')) : XT(o2.headers[r4], t10);
11509 }
11510 for (const t11 in r3.components.requestBodies) {
11511 const n2 = r3.components.requestBodies[t11], o2 = JSON.stringify(n2), i2 = qT.createHash(o2), u2 = {};
11512 u2.name = t11, u2.body = n2, u2.refs = [], e2[i2] = u2;
11513 }
11514 rR(r3.paths, "paths", t10, e2, r3), r3["x-ms-paths"] && rR(r3["x-ms-paths"], "x-ms-paths", t10, e2, r3);
11515 for (const t11 in r3.components.parameters)
11516 r3.components.parameters[t11]["x-s2o-delete"] && delete r3.components.parameters[t11];
11517 return delete r3.consumes, delete r3.produces, delete r3.schemes, r3.components.requestBodies = {}, r3.components.responses && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components.responses).length && delete r3.components.responses, r3.components.parameters && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components.parameters).length && delete r3.components.parameters, r3.components.examples && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components.examples).length && delete r3.components.examples, r3.components.requestBodies && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components.requestBodies).length && delete r3.components.requestBodies, r3.components.securitySchemes && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components.securitySchemes).length && delete r3.components.securitySchemes, r3.components.headers && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components.headers).length && delete r3.components.headers, r3.components.schemas && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components.schemas).length && delete r3.components.schemas, r3.components && 0 === Object.keys(r3.components).length && delete r3.components, t10;
11518 }(r2);
11520function uR(t9) {
11521 return t9.ok && t9.text && t9.parseError && "YAMLException" === t9.parseError.name && (!t9.headers["content-type"] || t9.headers["content-type"].match("text/plain")) && (t9.body = t9.text), t9;
11523const aR = { convertObj: iR, resolve: function(t9) {
11524 return new Promise(async (r2) => {
11525 try {
11526 const e2 = await $T.resolve(t9, uR);
11527 if (e2.errors && e2.errors.length > 0)
11528 r2(e2);
11529 else {
11530 e2.spec.openapi && (e2.resolvedSpec = e2.spec, r2(e2));
11531 const t10 = iR(e2.spec);
11532 t10.errors && t10.errors.length > 0 && (Array.isArray(e2.errors) ? e2.errors.concat(e2.errors) : e2.errors = t10.errors), t10.warnings && t10.warnings.length > 0 && (e2.warnings = t10.warnings), e2.resolvedSpec = e2.spec, e2.spec = t10.openapi, r2(e2);
11533 }
11534 } catch (t10) {
11535 r2(t10);
11536 }
11537 });
11538} };
11541;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils/spec-parser.js
11542/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */
11546async function ProcessSpec(specUrl, generateMissingTags = false, sortTags = false, sortEndpointsBy = '', attrApiKey = '', attrApiKeyLocation = '', attrApiKeyValue = '', serverUrl = '') {
11547 var _jsonParsedSpec$info, _jsonParsedSpec$compo;
11548 let jsonParsedSpec;
11549 try {
11550 var _specMeta$resolvedSpe, _specMeta$resolvedSpe2;
11551 this.requestUpdate(); // important to show the initial loader
11552 let specMeta;
11553 if (typeof specUrl === 'string') {
11554 specMeta = await aR.resolve({
11555 url: specUrl,
11556 allowMetaPatches: false
11557 }); // Swagger(specUrl);
11558 } else {
11559 specMeta = await aR.resolve({
11560 spec: specUrl,
11561 allowMetaPatches: false
11562 }); // Swagger({ spec: specUrl });
11563 }
11565 await sleep(0); // important to show the initial loader (allows for rendering updates)
11567 // If JSON Schema Viewer
11568 if ((_specMeta$resolvedSpe = specMeta.resolvedSpec) !== null && _specMeta$resolvedSpe !== void 0 && _specMeta$resolvedSpe.jsonSchemaViewer && (_specMeta$resolvedSpe2 = specMeta.resolvedSpec) !== null && _specMeta$resolvedSpe2 !== void 0 && _specMeta$resolvedSpe2.schemaAndExamples) {
11569 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('before-render', {
11570 detail: {
11571 spec: specMeta.resolvedSpec
11572 }
11573 }));
11574 const schemaAndExamples = Object.entries(specMeta.resolvedSpec.schemaAndExamples).map(v => ({
11575 show: true,
11576 expanded: true,
11577 selectedExample: null,
11578 name: v[0],
11579 elementId: v[0].replace(invalidCharsRegEx, '-'),
11580 ...v[1]
11581 }));
11582 const parsedSpec = {
11583 specLoadError: false,
11584 isSpecLoading: false,
11585 info: specMeta.resolvedSpec.info,
11586 schemaAndExamples
11587 };
11588 return parsedSpec;
11589 }
11590 if (specMeta.spec && (specMeta.spec.components || specMeta.spec.info || specMeta.spec.servers || specMeta.spec.tags || specMeta.spec.paths)) {
11591 jsonParsedSpec = specMeta.spec;
11592 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('before-render', {
11593 detail: {
11594 spec: jsonParsedSpec
11595 }
11596 }));
11597 } else {
11598 var _specMeta$response, _specMeta$response2, _specMeta$response3, _specMeta$response4;
11599 console.info('RapiDoc: %c There was an issue while parsing the spec %o ', 'color:orangered', specMeta); // eslint-disable-line no-console
11600 return {
11601 specLoadError: true,
11602 isSpecLoading: false,
11603 info: {
11604 title: 'Error loading the spec',
11605 description: (_specMeta$response = specMeta.response) !== null && _specMeta$response !== void 0 && _specMeta$response.url ? `${(_specMeta$response2 = specMeta.response) === null || _specMeta$response2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _specMeta$response2.url}${(_specMeta$response3 = specMeta.response) === null || _specMeta$response3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _specMeta$response3.status} ${(_specMeta$response4 = specMeta.response) === null || _specMeta$response4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _specMeta$response4.statusText}` : 'Unable to load the Spec',
11606 version: ' '
11607 },
11608 tags: []
11609 };
11610 }
11611 } catch (err) {
11612 console.info('RapiDoc: %c There was an issue while parsing the spec %o ', 'color:orangered', err); // eslint-disable-line no-console
11613 }
11615 // const pathGroups = groupByPaths(jsonParsedSpec);
11617 // Tags with Paths and WebHooks
11618 const tags = groupByTags(jsonParsedSpec, sortEndpointsBy, generateMissingTags, sortTags);
11620 // Components
11621 const components = getComponents(jsonParsedSpec);
11623 // Info Description Headers
11624 const infoDescriptionHeaders = (_jsonParsedSpec$info = jsonParsedSpec.info) !== null && _jsonParsedSpec$info !== void 0 && _jsonParsedSpec$info.description ? getHeadersFromMarkdown(jsonParsedSpec.info.description) : [];
11626 // Security Scheme
11627 const securitySchemes = [];
11628 if ((_jsonParsedSpec$compo = jsonParsedSpec.components) !== null && _jsonParsedSpec$compo !== void 0 && _jsonParsedSpec$compo.securitySchemes) {
11629 const securitySchemeSet = new Set();
11630 Object.entries(jsonParsedSpec.components.securitySchemes).forEach(kv => {
11631 if (!securitySchemeSet.has(kv[0])) {
11632 securitySchemeSet.add(kv[0]);
11633 const securityObj = {
11634 securitySchemeId: kv[0],
11635 ...kv[1]
11636 };
11637 securityObj.value = '';
11638 securityObj.finalKeyValue = '';
11639 if (kv[1].type === 'apiKey' || kv[1].type === 'http') {
11640 securityObj.in = kv[1].in || 'header';
11641 securityObj.name = kv[1].name || 'Authorization';
11642 securityObj.user = '';
11643 securityObj.password = '';
11644 } else if (kv[1].type === 'oauth2') {
11645 securityObj.in = 'header';
11646 securityObj.name = 'Authorization';
11647 securityObj.clientId = '';
11648 securityObj.clientSecret = '';
11649 }
11650 securitySchemes.push(securityObj);
11651 }
11652 });
11653 }
11654 if (attrApiKey && attrApiKeyLocation && attrApiKeyValue) {
11655 securitySchemes.push({
11656 securitySchemeId: rapidocApiKey,
11657 description: 'api-key provided in rapidoc element attributes',
11658 type: 'apiKey',
11659 oAuthFlow: '',
11660 name: attrApiKey,
11661 in: attrApiKeyLocation,
11662 value: attrApiKeyValue,
11663 finalKeyValue: attrApiKeyValue
11664 });
11665 }
11667 // Updated Security Type Display Text based on Type
11668 securitySchemes.forEach(v => {
11669 if (v.type === 'http') {
11670 v.typeDisplay = v.scheme === 'basic' ? 'HTTP Basic' : 'HTTP Bearer';
11671 } else if (v.type === 'apiKey') {
11672 v.typeDisplay = `API Key (${v.name})`;
11673 } else if (v.type === 'oauth2') {
11674 v.typeDisplay = `OAuth (${v.securitySchemeId})`;
11675 } else {
11676 v.typeDisplay = v.type || 'None';
11677 }
11678 });
11680 // Servers
11681 let servers = [];
11682 if (jsonParsedSpec.servers && Array.isArray(jsonParsedSpec.servers)) {
11683 jsonParsedSpec.servers.forEach(v => {
11684 let computedUrl = v.url.trim();
11685 if (!(computedUrl.startsWith('http') || computedUrl.startsWith('//') || computedUrl.startsWith('{'))) {
11686 if (window.location.origin.startsWith('http')) {
11687 v.url = window.location.origin + v.url;
11688 computedUrl = v.url;
11689 }
11690 }
11691 // Apply server-variables to generate final computed-url
11692 if (v.variables) {
11693 Object.entries(v.variables).forEach(kv => {
11694 const regex = new RegExp(`{${kv[0]}}`, 'g');
11695 computedUrl = computedUrl.replace(regex, kv[1].default || '');
11696 kv[1].value = kv[1].default || '';
11697 });
11698 }
11699 v.computedUrl = computedUrl;
11700 });
11701 if (serverUrl) {
11702 jsonParsedSpec.servers.push({
11703 url: serverUrl,
11704 computedUrl: serverUrl
11705 });
11706 }
11707 } else if (serverUrl) {
11708 jsonParsedSpec.servers = [{
11709 url: serverUrl,
11710 computedUrl: serverUrl
11711 }];
11712 } else if (window.location.origin.startsWith('http')) {
11713 jsonParsedSpec.servers = [{
11714 url: window.location.origin,
11715 computedUrl: window.location.origin
11716 }];
11717 } else {
11718 jsonParsedSpec.servers = [{
11719 url: 'http://localhost',
11720 computedUrl: 'http://localhost'
11721 }];
11722 }
11723 servers = jsonParsedSpec.servers;
11724 const parsedSpec = {
11725 specLoadError: false,
11726 isSpecLoading: false,
11727 info: jsonParsedSpec.info,
11728 infoDescriptionHeaders,
11729 tags,
11730 components,
11731 externalDocs: jsonParsedSpec.externalDocs,
11732 securitySchemes,
11733 servers
11734 };
11735 return parsedSpec;
11737function getHeadersFromMarkdown(markdownContent) {
11738 const tokens = marked.lexer(markdownContent);
11739 const headers = tokens.filter(v => v.type === 'heading' && v.depth <= 2);
11740 return headers || [];
11742function getComponents(openApiSpec) {
11743 if (!openApiSpec.components) {
11744 return [];
11745 }
11746 const components = [];
11747 for (const component in openApiSpec.components) {
11748 const subComponents = [];
11749 for (const sComponent in openApiSpec.components[component]) {
11750 const scmp = {
11751 show: true,
11752 id: `${component.toLowerCase()}-${sComponent.toLowerCase()}`.replace(invalidCharsRegEx, '-'),
11753 name: sComponent,
11754 component: openApiSpec.components[component][sComponent]
11755 };
11756 subComponents.push(scmp);
11757 }
11758 let cmpDescription = component;
11759 let cmpName = component;
11760 switch (component) {
11761 case 'schemas':
11762 cmpName = 'Schemas';
11763 cmpDescription = 'Schemas allows the definition of input and output data types. These types can be objects, but also primitives and arrays.';
11764 break;
11765 case 'responses':
11766 cmpName = 'Responses';
11767 cmpDescription = 'Describes responses from an API Operation, including design-time, static links to operations based on the response.';
11768 break;
11769 case 'parameters':
11770 cmpName = 'Parameters';
11771 cmpDescription = 'Describes operation parameters. A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location.';
11772 break;
11773 case 'examples':
11774 cmpName = 'Examples';
11775 cmpDescription = 'List of Examples for operations, can be requests, responses and objects examples.';
11776 break;
11777 case 'requestBodies':
11778 cmpName = 'Request Bodies';
11779 cmpDescription = 'Describes common request bodies that are used across the API operations.';
11780 break;
11781 case 'headers':
11782 cmpName = 'Headers';
11783 cmpDescription = 'Headers follows the structure of the Parameters but they are explicitly in "header"';
11784 break;
11785 case 'securitySchemes':
11786 cmpName = 'Security Schemes';
11787 // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
11788 cmpDescription = 'Defines a security scheme that can be used by the operations. Supported schemes are HTTP authentication, an API key (either as a header, a cookie parameter or as a query parameter), OAuth2\'s common flows(implicit, password, client credentials and authorization code) as defined in RFC6749, and OpenID Connect Discovery.';
11789 break;
11790 case 'links':
11791 cmpName = 'Links';
11792 cmpDescription = 'Links represent a possible design-time link for a response. The presence of a link does not guarantee the caller\'s ability to successfully invoke it, rather it provides a known relationship and traversal mechanism between responses and other operations.';
11793 break;
11794 case 'callbacks':
11795 cmpName = 'Callbacks';
11796 // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
11797 cmpDescription = 'A map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent operation. Each value in the map is a Path Item Object that describes a set of requests that may be initiated by the API provider and the expected responses. The key value used to identify the path item object is an expression, evaluated at runtime, that identifies a URL to use for the callback operation.';
11798 break;
11799 default:
11800 cmpName = component;
11801 cmpDescription = component;
11802 break;
11803 }
11804 const cmp = {
11805 show: true,
11806 name: cmpName,
11807 description: cmpDescription,
11808 subComponents
11809 };
11810 components.push(cmp);
11811 }
11812 return components || [];
11814function groupByTags(openApiSpec, sortEndpointsBy, generateMissingTags = false, sortTags = false) {
11815 const supportedMethods = ['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'patch', 'head', 'options']; // this is also used for ordering endpoints by methods
11816 const tags = openApiSpec.tags && Array.isArray(openApiSpec.tags) ? openApiSpec.tags.map(v => ({
11817 show: true,
11818 elementId: `tag--${v.name.replace(invalidCharsRegEx, '-')}`,
11819 name: v.name,
11820 description: v.description || '',
11821 headers: v.description ? getHeadersFromMarkdown(v.description) : [],
11822 paths: [],
11823 expanded: v['x-tag-expanded'] !== false
11824 })) : [];
11825 const pathsAndWebhooks = openApiSpec.paths || {};
11826 if (openApiSpec.webhooks) {
11827 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(openApiSpec.webhooks)) {
11828 value._type = 'webhook'; // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle
11829 pathsAndWebhooks[key] = value;
11830 }
11831 }
11832 // For each path find the tag and push it into the corresponding tag
11833 for (const pathOrHookName in pathsAndWebhooks) {
11834 const commonParams = pathsAndWebhooks[pathOrHookName].parameters;
11835 const commonPathProp = {
11836 servers: pathsAndWebhooks[pathOrHookName].servers || [],
11837 parameters: pathsAndWebhooks[pathOrHookName].parameters || []
11838 };
11839 const isWebhook = pathsAndWebhooks[pathOrHookName]._type === 'webhook'; // eslint-disable-line no-underscore-dangle
11840 supportedMethods.forEach(methodName => {
11841 if (pathsAndWebhooks[pathOrHookName][methodName]) {
11842 const pathOrHookObj = openApiSpec.paths[pathOrHookName][methodName];
11843 // If path.methods are tagged, else generate it from path
11844 const pathTags = pathOrHookObj.tags || [];
11845 if (pathTags.length === 0) {
11846 if (generateMissingTags) {
11847 const pathOrHookNameKey = pathOrHookName.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, '');
11848 const firstWordEndIndex = pathOrHookNameKey.indexOf('/');
11849 if (firstWordEndIndex === -1) {
11850 pathTags.push(pathOrHookNameKey);
11851 } else {
11852 // firstWordEndIndex -= 1;
11853 pathTags.push(pathOrHookNameKey.substr(0, firstWordEndIndex));
11854 }
11855 } else {
11856 pathTags.push('General ⦂');
11857 }
11858 }
11859 pathTags.forEach(tag => {
11860 let tagObj;
11861 let specTagsItem;
11862 if (openApiSpec.tags) {
11863 specTagsItem = openApiSpec.tags.find(v => v.name.toLowerCase() === tag.toLowerCase());
11864 }
11865 tagObj = tags.find(v => v.name === tag);
11866 if (!tagObj) {
11867 var _specTagsItem, _specTagsItem2;
11868 tagObj = {
11869 show: true,
11870 elementId: `tag--${tag.replace(invalidCharsRegEx, '-')}`,
11871 name: tag,
11872 description: ((_specTagsItem = specTagsItem) === null || _specTagsItem === void 0 ? void 0 : _specTagsItem.description) || '',
11873 headers: (_specTagsItem2 = specTagsItem) !== null && _specTagsItem2 !== void 0 && _specTagsItem2.description ? getHeadersFromMarkdown(specTagsItem.description) : [],
11874 paths: [],
11875 expanded: specTagsItem ? specTagsItem['x-tag-expanded'] !== false : true
11876 };
11877 tags.push(tagObj);
11878 }
11880 // Generate a short summary which is broken
11881 let shortSummary = (pathOrHookObj.summary || pathOrHookObj.description || `${methodName.toUpperCase()} ${pathOrHookName}`).trim();
11882 if (shortSummary.length > 100) {
11883 [shortSummary] = shortSummary.split(/[.|!|?]\s|[\r?\n]/); // take the first line (period or carriage return)
11884 }
11885 // Merge Common Parameters with This methods parameters
11886 let finalParameters = [];
11887 if (commonParams) {
11888 if (pathOrHookObj.parameters) {
11889 finalParameters = commonParams.filter(commonParam => {
11890 if (!pathOrHookObj.parameters.some(param => commonParam.name === param.name && commonParam.in === param.in)) {
11891 return commonParam;
11892 }
11893 }).concat(pathOrHookObj.parameters);
11894 } else {
11895 finalParameters = commonParams.slice(0);
11896 }
11897 } else {
11898 finalParameters = pathOrHookObj.parameters ? pathOrHookObj.parameters.slice(0) : [];
11899 }
11901 // Filter callbacks to contain only objects.
11902 if (pathOrHookObj.callbacks) {
11903 for (const [callbackName, callbackConfig] of Object.entries(pathOrHookObj.callbacks)) {
11904 const filteredCallbacks = Object.entries(callbackConfig).filter(entry => typeof entry[1] === 'object') || [];
11905 pathOrHookObj.callbacks[callbackName] = Object.fromEntries(filteredCallbacks);
11906 }
11907 }
11909 // Update Responses
11910 tagObj.paths.push({
11911 show: true,
11912 expanded: false,
11913 isWebhook,
11914 expandedAtLeastOnce: false,
11915 summary: pathOrHookObj.summary || '',
11916 description: pathOrHookObj.description || '',
11917 externalDocs: pathOrHookObj.externalDocs,
11918 shortSummary,
11919 method: methodName,
11920 path: pathOrHookName,
11921 operationId: pathOrHookObj.operationId,
11922 elementId: `${methodName}-${pathOrHookName.replace(invalidCharsRegEx, '-')}`,
11923 servers: pathOrHookObj.servers ? commonPathProp.servers.concat(pathOrHookObj.servers) : commonPathProp.servers,
11924 parameters: finalParameters,
11925 requestBody: pathOrHookObj.requestBody,
11926 responses: pathOrHookObj.responses,
11927 callbacks: pathOrHookObj.callbacks,
11928 deprecated: pathOrHookObj.deprecated,
11929 security: pathOrHookObj.security,
11930 // commonSummary: commonPathProp.summary,
11931 // commonDescription: commonPathProp.description,
11932 xBadges: pathOrHookObj['x-badges'] || undefined,
11933 xCodeSamples: pathOrHookObj['x-codeSamples'] || pathOrHookObj['x-code-samples'] || ''
11934 });
11935 }); // End of tag path create
11936 }
11937 }); // End of Methods
11938 }
11940 const tagsWithSortedPaths = tags.filter(tag => tag.paths && tag.paths.length > 0);
11941 tagsWithSortedPaths.forEach(tag => {
11942 if (sortEndpointsBy === 'method') {
11943 tag.paths.sort((a, b) => supportedMethods.indexOf(a.method).toString().localeCompare(supportedMethods.indexOf(b.method)));
11944 } else if (sortEndpointsBy === 'summary') {
11945 tag.paths.sort((a, b) => a.shortSummary.localeCompare(b.shortSummary));
11946 } else if (sortEndpointsBy === 'path') {
11947 tag.paths.sort((a, b) => a.path.localeCompare(b.path));
11948 } else if (sortEndpointsBy === 'none') {
11949 // don't sort if sortEndpointsBy is 'none'
11950 }
11951 tag.firstPathId = tag.paths[0].elementId;
11952 });
11953 return sortTags ? tagsWithSortedPaths.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name)) : tagsWithSortedPaths;
11955;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit-html/directive.js
11957 * @license
11958 * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
11959 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
11960 */
11961const directive_t={ATTRIBUTE:1,CHILD:2,PROPERTY:3,BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE:4,EVENT:5,ELEMENT:6},directive_e=t=>(...e)=>({_$litDirective$:t,values:e});class directive_i{constructor(t){}get _$AU(){return this._$AM._$AU}_$AT(t,e,i){this._$Ct=t,this._$AM=e,this._$Ci=i}_$AS(t,e){return this.update(t,e)}update(t,e){return this.render(...e)}}
11962//# sourceMappingURL=directive.js.map
11964;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit-html/directives/unsafe-html.js
11967 * @license
11968 * Copyright 2017 Google LLC
11969 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
11970 */class unsafe_html_e extends directive_i{constructor(i){if(super(i),this.it=b,i.type!==directive_t.CHILD)throw Error(this.constructor.directiveName+"() can only be used in child bindings")}render(r){if(r===b||null==r)return this._t=void 0,this.it=r;if(r===x)return r;if("string"!=typeof r)throw Error(this.constructor.directiveName+"() called with a non-string value");if(r===this.it)return this._t;this.it=r;const s=[r];return s.raw=s,this._t={_$litType$:this.constructor.resultType,strings:s,values:[]}}}unsafe_html_e.directiveName="unsafeHTML",unsafe_html_e.resultType=1;const unsafe_html_o=directive_e(unsafe_html_e);
11971//# sourceMappingURL=unsafe-html.js.map
11973;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit/directives/unsafe-html.js
11975//# sourceMappingURL=unsafe-html.js.map
11977;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/security-scheme-template.js
11978/* provided dependency */ var Buffer = __webpack_require__(764)["lW"];
11979/* eslint-disable arrow-body-style */
11981 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
11983const codeVerifier = '731DB1C3F7EA533B85E29492D26AA-1234567890-1234567890';
11984const codeChallenge = '4FatVDBJKPAo4JgLLaaQFMUcQPn5CrPRvLlaob9PTYc'; // Base64 encoded SHA-256
11986const localStorageKey = 'rapidoc';
11987function applyApiKey(securitySchemeId, username = '', password = '', providedApikeyVal = '') {
11988 var _this$resolvedSpec$se, _securityObj$scheme;
11989 const securityObj = (_this$resolvedSpec$se = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$se === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$se.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === securitySchemeId);
11990 if (!securityObj) {
11991 return false;
11992 }
11993 let finalApiKeyValue = '';
11994 if (((_securityObj$scheme = securityObj.scheme) === null || _securityObj$scheme === void 0 ? void 0 : _securityObj$scheme.toLowerCase()) === 'basic') {
11995 if (username) {
11996 finalApiKeyValue = `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${username}:${password}`, 'utf8').toString('base64')}`;
11997 }
11998 } else if (providedApikeyVal) {
11999 var _securityObj$scheme2;
12000 securityObj.value = providedApikeyVal;
12001 finalApiKeyValue = `${((_securityObj$scheme2 = securityObj.scheme) === null || _securityObj$scheme2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _securityObj$scheme2.toLowerCase()) === 'bearer' ? 'Bearer ' : ''}${providedApikeyVal}`;
12002 }
12003 if (finalApiKeyValue) {
12004 securityObj.finalKeyValue = finalApiKeyValue;
12005 this.requestUpdate();
12006 return true;
12007 }
12008 return false;
12010function onClearAllApiKeys() {
12011 var _this$resolvedSpec$se2;
12012 (_this$resolvedSpec$se2 = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$se2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$se2.forEach(v => {
12013 v.user = '';
12014 v.password = '';
12015 v.value = '';
12016 v.finalKeyValue = '';
12017 });
12018 this.requestUpdate();
12020function getPersistedApiKeys() {
12021 return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey)) || {};
12023function setPersistedApiKeys(obj) {
12024 localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, JSON.stringify(obj));
12026function recoverPersistedApiKeys() {
12027 const rapidocLs = getPersistedApiKeys.call(this);
12028 Object.values(rapidocLs).forEach(p => {
12029 applyApiKey.call(this, p.securitySchemeId, p.username, p.password, p.value);
12030 });
12032function onApiKeyChange(securitySchemeId) {
12033 let apiKeyValue = '';
12034 const securityObj = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === securitySchemeId);
12035 if (securityObj) {
12036 const trEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(`security-scheme-${securitySchemeId}`);
12037 if (trEl) {
12038 if (securityObj.type && securityObj.scheme && securityObj.type === 'http' && securityObj.scheme.toLowerCase() === 'basic') {
12039 const userVal = trEl.querySelector('.api-key-user').value.trim();
12040 const passwordVal = trEl.querySelector('.api-key-password').value.trim();
12041 applyApiKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, userVal, passwordVal);
12042 } else {
12043 apiKeyValue = trEl.querySelector('.api-key-input').value.trim();
12044 applyApiKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, '', '', apiKeyValue);
12045 }
12046 if (this.persistAuth === 'true') {
12047 const rapidocLs = getPersistedApiKeys.call(this);
12048 rapidocLs[securitySchemeId] = securityObj;
12049 setPersistedApiKeys.call(this, rapidocLs);
12050 }
12051 }
12052 }
12055// Updates the OAuth Access Token (API key), so it reflects in UI and gets used in TRY calls
12056function updateOAuthKey(securitySchemeId, accessToken, tokenType = 'Bearer') {
12057 const securityObj = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === securitySchemeId);
12058 securityObj.finalKeyValue = `${tokenType.toLowerCase() === 'bearer' ? 'Bearer' : tokenType.toLowerCase() === 'mac' ? 'MAC' : tokenType} ${accessToken}`;
12059 this.requestUpdate();
12062/* eslint-disable no-console */
12063// Gets Access-Token in exchange of Authorization Code
12064async function fetchAccessToken(tokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrl, grantType, authCode, securitySchemeId, authFlowDivEl, sendClientSecretIn = 'header', scopes = null, username = null, password = null) {
12065 const respDisplayEl = authFlowDivEl ? authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.oauth-resp-display') : undefined;
12066 const urlFormParams = new URLSearchParams();
12067 const headers = new Headers();
12068 urlFormParams.append('grant_type', grantType);
12069 if (grantType === 'authorization_code') {
12070 urlFormParams.append('client_id', clientId);
12071 urlFormParams.append('client_secret', clientSecret);
12072 }
12073 if (grantType !== 'client_credentials' && grantType !== 'password') {
12074 urlFormParams.append('redirect_uri', redirectUrl);
12075 }
12076 if (authCode) {
12077 urlFormParams.append('code', authCode);
12078 urlFormParams.append('code_verifier', codeVerifier); // for PKCE
12079 }
12081 if (sendClientSecretIn === 'header') {
12082 headers.set('Authorization', `Basic ${Buffer.from(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`, 'utf8').toString('base64')}`);
12083 } else {
12084 urlFormParams.append('client_id', clientId);
12085 urlFormParams.append('client_secret', clientSecret);
12086 }
12087 if (grantType === 'password') {
12088 urlFormParams.append('username', username);
12089 urlFormParams.append('password', password);
12090 }
12091 if (scopes) {
12092 urlFormParams.append('scope', scopes);
12093 }
12094 try {
12095 const resp = await fetch(tokenUrl, {
12096 method: 'POST',
12097 headers,
12098 body: urlFormParams
12099 });
12100 const tokenResp = await resp.json();
12101 if (resp.ok) {
12102 if (tokenResp.token_type && tokenResp.access_token) {
12103 updateOAuthKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, tokenResp.access_token, tokenResp.token_type);
12104 if (respDisplayEl) {
12105 respDisplayEl.innerHTML = '<span style="color:var(--green)">Access Token Received</span>';
12106 }
12107 return true;
12108 }
12109 } else {
12110 if (respDisplayEl) {
12111 respDisplayEl.innerHTML = `<span style="color:var(--red)">${tokenResp.error_description || tokenResp.error_description || 'Unable to get access token'}</span>`;
12112 }
12113 return false;
12114 }
12115 } catch (err) {
12116 if (respDisplayEl) {
12117 respDisplayEl.innerHTML = '<span style="color:var(--red)">Failed to get access token</span>';
12118 }
12119 return false;
12120 }
12123// Gets invoked when it receives the Authorization Code from the other window via message-event
12124async function onWindowMessageEvent(msgEvent, winObj, tokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrl, grantType, sendClientSecretIn, securitySchemeId, authFlowDivEl) {
12125 sessionStorage.removeItem('winMessageEventActive');
12126 winObj.close();
12127 if (msgEvent.data.fake) {
12128 return;
12129 }
12130 if (!msgEvent.data) {
12131 console.warn('RapiDoc: Received no data with authorization message');
12132 }
12133 if (msgEvent.data.error) {
12134 console.warn('RapiDoc: Error while receiving data');
12135 }
12136 if (msgEvent.data) {
12137 if (msgEvent.data.responseType === 'code') {
12138 // Authorization Code flow
12139 fetchAccessToken.call(this, tokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrl, grantType, msgEvent.data.code, securitySchemeId, authFlowDivEl, sendClientSecretIn);
12140 } else if (msgEvent.data.responseType === 'token') {
12141 // Implicit flow
12142 updateOAuthKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, msgEvent.data.access_token, msgEvent.data.token_type);
12143 }
12144 }
12147// code_challenge generator for PKCE flow
12148// TODO: Implement dynamic generation of code-challenge based on code-verifier
12150async function generateCodeChallenge() {
12151 const encoder = new TextEncoder();
12152 const data = encoder.encode(codeVerifier);
12153 const sha256Hash = await window.crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', data); // returns Unit8Array
12154 // const utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder();
12155 // const b64EncodedSha256 = btoa(utf8Decoder.decode(sha256Hash));
12156 const b64EncodedSha256 = base64encode(sha256Hash);
12157 return b64EncodedSha256;
12161async function onInvokeOAuthFlow(securitySchemeId, flowType, authUrl, tokenUrl, e) {
12162 const authFlowDivEl = e.target.closest('.oauth-flow');
12163 const clientId = authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.oauth-client-id') ? authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.oauth-client-id').value.trim() : '';
12164 const clientSecret = authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.oauth-client-secret') ? authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.oauth-client-secret').value.trim() : '';
12165 const username = authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.api-key-user') ? authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.api-key-user').value.trim() : '';
12166 const password = authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.api-key-password') ? authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.api-key-password').value.trim() : '';
12167 const sendClientSecretIn = authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.oauth-send-client-secret-in') ? authFlowDivEl.querySelector('.oauth-send-client-secret-in').value.trim() : 'header';
12168 const checkedScopeEls = [...authFlowDivEl.querySelectorAll('.scope-checkbox:checked')];
12169 const pkceCheckboxEl = authFlowDivEl.querySelector(`#${securitySchemeId}-pkce`);
12170 const state = `${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 9)}random${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 9)}`;
12171 const nonce = `${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 9)}random${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 9)}`;
12172 // const codeChallenge = await generateCodeChallenge(codeVerifier);
12173 const redirectUrlObj = new URL(`${window.location.origin}${window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/'))}/${this.oauthReceiver}`);
12174 let grantType = '';
12175 let responseType = '';
12176 let newWindow;
12178 // clear previous error messages
12179 const errEls = [...authFlowDivEl.parentNode.querySelectorAll('.oauth-resp-display')];
12180 errEls.forEach(v => {
12181 v.innerHTML = '';
12182 });
12183 if (flowType === 'authorizationCode' || flowType === 'implicit') {
12184 const authUrlObj = new URL(authUrl);
12185 if (flowType === 'authorizationCode') {
12186 grantType = 'authorization_code';
12187 responseType = 'code';
12188 } else if (flowType === 'implicit') {
12189 responseType = 'token';
12190 }
12191 const authCodeParams = new URLSearchParams(authUrlObj.search);
12192 const selectedScopes = checkedScopeEls.map(v => v.value).join(' ');
12193 if (selectedScopes) {
12194 authCodeParams.set('scope', selectedScopes);
12195 }
12196 authCodeParams.set('client_id', clientId);
12197 authCodeParams.set('redirect_uri', redirectUrlObj.toString());
12198 authCodeParams.set('response_type', responseType);
12199 authCodeParams.set('state', state);
12200 authCodeParams.set('nonce', nonce);
12201 if (pkceCheckboxEl && pkceCheckboxEl.checked) {
12202 authCodeParams.set('code_challenge', codeChallenge);
12203 authCodeParams.set('code_challenge_method', 'S256');
12204 }
12205 authCodeParams.set('show_dialog', true);
12206 authUrlObj.search = authCodeParams.toString();
12207 // If any older message-event-listener is active then fire a fake message to remove it (these are single time listeners)
12208 if (sessionStorage.getItem('winMessageEventActive') === 'true') {
12209 window.postMessage({
12210 fake: true
12211 }, this);
12212 }
12213 setTimeout(() => {
12214 newWindow = window.open(authUrlObj.toString());
12215 if (!newWindow) {
12216 console.error(`RapiDoc: Unable to open ${authUrlObj.toString()} in a new window`);
12217 } else {
12218 sessionStorage.setItem('winMessageEventActive', 'true');
12219 window.addEventListener('message', msgEvent => onWindowMessageEvent.call(this, msgEvent, newWindow, tokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrlObj.toString(), grantType, sendClientSecretIn, securitySchemeId, authFlowDivEl), {
12220 once: true
12221 });
12222 }
12223 }, 10);
12224 } else if (flowType === 'clientCredentials') {
12225 grantType = 'client_credentials';
12226 const selectedScopes = checkedScopeEls.map(v => v.value).join(' ');
12227 fetchAccessToken.call(this, tokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrlObj.toString(), grantType, '', securitySchemeId, authFlowDivEl, sendClientSecretIn, selectedScopes);
12228 } else if (flowType === 'password') {
12229 grantType = 'password';
12230 const selectedScopes = checkedScopeEls.map(v => v.value).join(' ');
12231 fetchAccessToken.call(this, tokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, redirectUrlObj.toString(), grantType, '', securitySchemeId, authFlowDivEl, sendClientSecretIn, selectedScopes, username, password);
12232 }
12234/* eslint-enable no-console */
12236/* eslint-disable indent */
12238function oAuthFlowTemplate(flowName, clientId, clientSecret, securitySchemeId, authFlow, defaultScopes = [], receiveTokenIn = 'header') {
12239 let {
12240 authorizationUrl,
12241 tokenUrl,
12242 refreshUrl
12243 } = authFlow;
12244 const pkceOnly = authFlow['x-pkce-only'] || false;
12245 const isUrlAbsolute = url => url.indexOf('://') > 0 || url.indexOf('//') === 0;
12246 // Calculcate base URL
12247 const url = new URL(this.selectedServer.computedUrl);
12248 const baseUrl = url.origin;
12249 if (refreshUrl && !isUrlAbsolute(refreshUrl)) {
12250 refreshUrl = `${baseUrl}/${refreshUrl.replace(/^\//, '')}`;
12251 }
12252 if (tokenUrl && !isUrlAbsolute(tokenUrl)) {
12253 tokenUrl = `${baseUrl}/${tokenUrl.replace(/^\//, '')}`;
12254 }
12255 if (authorizationUrl && !isUrlAbsolute(authorizationUrl)) {
12256 authorizationUrl = `${baseUrl}/${authorizationUrl.replace(/^\//, '')}`;
12257 }
12258 let flowNameDisplay;
12259 if (flowName === 'authorizationCode') {
12260 flowNameDisplay = 'Authorization Code Flow';
12261 } else if (flowName === 'clientCredentials') {
12262 flowNameDisplay = 'Client Credentials Flow';
12263 } else if (flowName === 'implicit') {
12264 flowNameDisplay = 'Implicit Flow';
12265 } else if (flowName === 'password') {
12266 flowNameDisplay = 'Password Flow';
12267 } else {
12268 flowNameDisplay = flowName;
12269 }
12270 return y`
12271 <div class="oauth-flow ${flowName}" style="padding: 12px 0; margin-bottom:12px;">
12272 <div class="tiny-title upper" style="margin-bottom:8px;">${flowNameDisplay}</div>
12273 ${authorizationUrl ? y`<div style="margin-bottom:5px"><span style="width:75px; display: inline-block;">Auth URL</span> <span class="mono-font"> ${authorizationUrl} </span></div>` : ''}
12274 ${tokenUrl ? y`<div style="margin-bottom:5px"><span style="width:75px; display: inline-block;">Token URL</span> <span class="mono-font">${tokenUrl}</span></div>` : ''}
12275 ${refreshUrl ? y`<div style="margin-bottom:5px"><span style="width:75px; display: inline-block;">Refresh URL</span> <span class="mono-font">${refreshUrl}</span></div>` : ''}
12276 ${flowName === 'authorizationCode' || flowName === 'clientCredentials' || flowName === 'implicit' || flowName === 'password' ? y`
12277 ${authFlow.scopes ? y`
12278 <span> Scopes </span>
12279 <div class= "oauth-scopes" part="section-auth-scopes" style = "width:100%; display:flex; flex-direction:column; flex-wrap:wrap; margin:0 0 10px 24px">
12280 ${Object.entries(authFlow.scopes).map((scopeAndDescr, index) => y`
12281 <div class="m-checkbox" style="display:inline-flex; align-items:center">
12282 <input type="checkbox" part="checkbox checkbox-auth-scope" class="scope-checkbox" id="${securitySchemeId}${flowName}${index}" ?checked="${defaultScopes.includes(scopeAndDescr[0])}" value="${scopeAndDescr[0]}">
12283 <label for="${securitySchemeId}${flowName}${index}" style="margin-left:5px; cursor:pointer">
12284 <span class="mono-font">${scopeAndDescr[0]}</span>
12285 ${scopeAndDescr[0] !== scopeAndDescr[1] ? ` - ${scopeAndDescr[1] || ''}` : ''}
12286 </label>
12287 </div>
12288 `)}
12289 </div>
12290 ` : ''}
12291 ${flowName === 'password' ? y`
12292 <div style="margin:5px 0">
12293 <input type="text" value = "" placeholder="username" spellcheck="false" class="oauth2 ${flowName} ${securitySchemeId} api-key-user" part="textbox textbox-username">
12294 <input type="password" value = "" placeholder="password" spellcheck="false" class="oauth2 ${flowName} ${securitySchemeId} api-key-password" style = "margin:0 5px;" part="textbox textbox-password">
12295 </div>` : ''}
12296 <div>
12297 ${flowName === 'authorizationCode' ? y`
12298 <div style="margin: 16px 0 4px">
12299 <input type="checkbox" part="checkbox checkbox-auth-scope" id="${securitySchemeId}-pkce" checked ?disabled=${pkceOnly}>
12300 <label for="${securitySchemeId}-pkce" style="margin:0 16px 0 4px; line-height:24px; cursor:pointer">
12301 Send Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
12302 </label>
12303 </div>
12304 ` : ''}
12305 <input type="text" part="textbox textbox-auth-client-id" value = "${clientId || ''}" placeholder="client-id" spellcheck="false" class="oauth2 ${flowName} ${securitySchemeId} oauth-client-id">
12306 ${flowName === 'authorizationCode' || flowName === 'clientCredentials' || flowName === 'password' ? y`
12307 <input
12308 type="password" part="textbox textbox-auth-client-secret"
12309 value = "${clientSecret || ''}" placeholder="client-secret" spellcheck="false"
12310 class="oauth2 ${flowName} ${securitySchemeId}
12311 oauth-client-secret"
12312 style = "margin:0 5px;${pkceOnly ? 'display:none;' : ''}"
12313 >
12314 <select style="margin-right:5px;${pkceOnly ? 'display:none;' : ''}" class="${flowName} ${securitySchemeId} oauth-send-client-secret-in">
12315 <option value = 'header' .selected = ${receiveTokenIn === 'header'} > Authorization Header </option>
12316 <option value = 'request-body' .selected = ${receiveTokenIn === 'request-body'}> Request Body </option>
12317 </select>` : ''}
12318 ${flowName === 'authorizationCode' || flowName === 'clientCredentials' || flowName === 'implicit' || flowName === 'password' ? y`
12319 <button class="m-btn thin-border" part="btn btn-outline"
12320 @click="${e => {
12321 onInvokeOAuthFlow.call(this, securitySchemeId, flowName, authorizationUrl, tokenUrl, e);
12322 }}"
12323 > GET TOKEN </button>` : ''}
12324 </div>
12325 <div class="oauth-resp-display red-text small-font-size"></div>
12326 ` : ''}
12327 </div>
12328 `;
12330function removeApiKey(securitySchemeId) {
12331 var _this$resolvedSpec$se3;
12332 const securityObj = (_this$resolvedSpec$se3 = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$se3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$se3.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === securitySchemeId);
12333 securityObj.user = '';
12334 securityObj.password = '';
12335 securityObj.value = '';
12336 securityObj.finalKeyValue = '';
12337 if (this.persistAuth === 'true') {
12338 const rapidocLs = getPersistedApiKeys.call(this);
12339 delete rapidocLs[securityObj.securitySchemeId];
12340 setPersistedApiKeys.call(this, rapidocLs);
12341 }
12342 this.requestUpdate();
12344function securitySchemeTemplate() {
12345 var _this$resolvedSpec$se4;
12346 if (!this.resolvedSpec) {
12347 return '';
12348 }
12349 const providedApiKeys = (_this$resolvedSpec$se4 = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$se4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$se4.filter(v => v.finalKeyValue);
12350 if (!providedApiKeys) {
12351 return;
12352 }
12353 return y`
12354 <section id='auth' part="section-auth" style="text-align:left; direction:ltr; margin-top:24px; margin-bottom:24px;" class = 'observe-me ${'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) ? 'section-gap--read-mode' : 'section-gap '}'>
12355 <div class='sub-title regular-font'> AUTHENTICATION </div>
12357 <div class="small-font-size" style="display:flex; align-items: center; min-height:30px">
12358 ${providedApiKeys.length > 0 ? y`
12359 <div class="blue-text"> ${providedApiKeys.length} API key applied </div>
12360 <div style="flex:1"></div>
12361 <button class="m-btn thin-border" part="btn btn-outline" @click=${() => {
12362 onClearAllApiKeys.call(this);
12363 }}>CLEAR ALL API KEYS</button>` : y`<div class="red-text">No API key applied</div>`}
12364 </div>
12365 ${this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes && this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.length > 0 ? y`
12366 <table role="presentation" id="auth-table" class='m-table padded-12' style="width:100%;">
12367 ${this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.map(v => y`
12368 <tr id="security-scheme-${v.securitySchemeId}" class="${v.type.toLowerCase()}">
12369 <td style="max-width:500px; overflow-wrap: break-word;">
12370 <div style="line-height:28px; margin-bottom:5px;">
12371 <span style="font-weight:bold; font-size:var(--font-size-regular)">${v.typeDisplay}</span>
12372 ${v.finalKeyValue ? y`
12373 <span class='blue-text'> ${v.finalKeyValue ? 'Key Applied' : ''} </span>
12374 <button class="m-btn thin-border small" part="btn btn-outline" @click=${() => {
12375 removeApiKey.call(this, v.securitySchemeId);
12376 }}>REMOVE</button>
12377 ` : ''}
12378 </div>
12379 ${v.description ? y`
12380 <div class="m-markdown">
12381 ${unsafe_html_o(marked(v.description || ''))}
12382 </div>` : ''}
12384 ${v.type.toLowerCase() === 'apikey' || v.type.toLowerCase() === 'http' && v.scheme.toLowerCase() === 'bearer' ? y`
12385 <div style="margin-bottom:5px">
12386 ${v.type.toLowerCase() === 'apikey' ? y`Send <code>${v.name}</code> in <code>${v.in}</code>` : y`Send <code>Authorization</code> in <code>header</code> containing the word <code>Bearer</code> followed by a space and a Token String.`}
12387 </div>
12388 <div style="max-height:28px;">
12389 ${v.in !== 'cookie' ? y`
12390 <input type = "text" value = "${v.value}" class="${v.type} ${v.securitySchemeId} api-key-input" placeholder = "api-token" spellcheck = "false">
12391 <button class="m-btn thin-border" style = "margin-left:5px;"
12392 part = "btn btn-outline"
12393 @click="${e => {
12394 onApiKeyChange.call(this, v.securitySchemeId, e);
12395 }}">
12396 ${v.finalKeyValue ? 'UPDATE' : 'SET'}
12397 </button>` : y`<span class="gray-text" style="font-size::var(--font-size-small)"> cookies cannot be set from here</span>`}
12398 </div>` : ''}
12399 ${v.type.toLowerCase() === 'http' && v.scheme.toLowerCase() === 'basic' ? y`
12400 <div style="margin-bottom:5px">
12401 Send <code>Authorization</code> in <code>header</code> containing the word <code>Basic</code> followed by a space and a base64 encoded string of <code>username:password</code>.
12402 </div>
12403 <div>
12404 <input type="text" value = "${v.user}" placeholder="username" spellcheck="false" class="${v.type} ${v.securitySchemeId} api-key-user" style="width:100px">
12405 <input type="password" value = "${v.password}" placeholder="password" spellcheck="false" class="${v.type} ${v.securitySchemeId} api-key-password" style = "width:100px; margin:0 5px;">
12406 <button class="m-btn thin-border"
12407 @click="${e => {
12408 onApiKeyChange.call(this, v.securitySchemeId, e);
12409 }}"
12410 part = "btn btn-outline"
12411 >
12412 ${v.finalKeyValue ? 'UPDATE' : 'SET'}
12413 </button>
12414 </div>` : ''}
12415 </td>
12416 </tr>
12417 ${v.type.toLowerCase() === 'oauth2' ? y`
12418 <tr>
12419 <td style="border:none; padding-left:48px">
12420 ${Object.keys(v.flows).map(f => oAuthFlowTemplate.call(this, f, v.flows[f]['x-client-id'] || v['x-client-id'] || '', v.flows[f]['x-client-secret'] || v['x-client-secret'] || '', v.securitySchemeId, v.flows[f], v.flows[f]['x-default-scopes'] || v['x-default-scopes'], v.flows[f]['x-receive-token-in'] || v['x-receive-token-in']))}
12421 </td>
12422 </tr>
12423 ` : ''}
12424 `)}
12425 </table>` : ''}
12426 <slot name="auth"></slot>
12427 </section>
12430function pathSecurityTemplate(pathSecurity) {
12431 if (this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes && pathSecurity) {
12432 const orSecurityKeys1 = [];
12433 if (Array.isArray(pathSecurity)) {
12434 if (pathSecurity.length === 0) {
12435 return '';
12436 }
12437 } else {
12438 return '';
12439 }
12440 pathSecurity.forEach(pSecurity => {
12441 const andSecurityKeys1 = [];
12442 const andKeyTypes = [];
12443 if (Object.keys(pSecurity).length === 0) {
12444 orSecurityKeys1.push({
12445 securityTypes: 'None',
12446 securityDefs: []
12447 });
12448 } else {
12449 Object.keys(pSecurity).forEach(pathSecurityKey => {
12450 let pathScopes = '';
12451 const s = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.find(ss => ss.securitySchemeId === pathSecurityKey);
12452 if (pSecurity[pathSecurityKey] && Array.isArray(pSecurity[pathSecurityKey])) {
12453 pathScopes = pSecurity[pathSecurityKey].join(', ');
12454 }
12455 if (s) {
12456 andKeyTypes.push(s.typeDisplay);
12457 andSecurityKeys1.push({
12458 ...s,
12459 ...{
12460 scopes: pathScopes
12461 }
12462 });
12463 }
12464 });
12465 orSecurityKeys1.push({
12466 securityTypes: andKeyTypes.length > 1 ? `${andKeyTypes[0]} + ${andKeyTypes.length - 1} more` : andKeyTypes[0],
12467 securityDefs: andSecurityKeys1
12468 });
12469 }
12470 });
12471 return y`<div style="position:absolute; top:3px; right:2px; font-size:var(--font-size-small); line-height: 1.5;">
12472 <div style="position:relative; display:flex; min-width:350px; max-width:700px; justify-content: flex-end;">
12473 <svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="1.5" fill="none" style="stroke:var(--fg3)"> <rect x="5" y="11" width="14" height="10" rx="2" /> <circle cx="12" cy="16" r="1" /> <path d="M8 11v-4a4 4 0 0 1 8 0v4" /></svg>
12474 ${orSecurityKeys1.map((orSecurityItem1, i) => y`
12475 ${orSecurityItem1.securityTypes ? y`
12476 ${i !== 0 ? y`<div style="padding:3px 4px;"> OR </div>` : ''}
12477 <div class="tooltip">
12478 <div style = "padding:2px 4px; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis;max-width:150px; overflow:hidden;">
12479 ${this.updateRoute === 'true' && this.allowAuthentication === 'true' ? y`<a part="anchor anchor-operation-security" href="#auth"> ${orSecurityItem1.securityTypes} </a>` : y`${orSecurityItem1.securityTypes}`}
12480 </div>
12481 <div class="tooltip-text" style="position:absolute; color: var(--fg); top:26px; right:0; border:1px solid var(--border-color);padding:2px 4px; display:block;">
12482 ${orSecurityItem1.securityDefs.length > 1 ? y`<div>Requires <b>all</b> of the following </div>` : ''}
12483 <div style="padding-left: 8px">
12484 ${orSecurityItem1.securityDefs.map((andSecurityItem, j) => {
12485 const scopeHtml = y`${andSecurityItem.scopes !== '' ? y`
12486 <div>
12487 <b>Required scopes:</b>
12488 <br/>
12489 <div style="margin-left:8px">
12490 ${andSecurityItem.scopes.split(',').map((scope, cnt) => y`${cnt === 0 ? '' : '┃'}<span>${scope}</span>`)}
12491 </div>
12492 </div>` : ''}`;
12493 return y`
12494 ${andSecurityItem.type === 'oauth2' ? y`
12495 <div>
12496 ${orSecurityItem1.securityDefs.length > 1 ? y`<b>${j + 1}.</b> &nbsp;` : 'Needs'}
12497 OAuth Token <span style="font-family:var(--font-mono); color:var(--primary-color);">${andSecurityItem.securitySchemeId}</span> in <b>Authorization header</b>
12498 ${scopeHtml}
12499 </div>` : andSecurityItem.type === 'http' ? y`
12500 <div>
12501 ${orSecurityItem1.securityDefs.length > 1 ? y`<b>${j + 1}.</b> &nbsp;` : y`Requires`}
12502 ${andSecurityItem.scheme === 'basic' ? 'Base 64 encoded username:password' : 'Bearer Token'} in <b>Authorization header</b>
12503 ${scopeHtml}
12504 </div>` : y`
12505 <div>
12506 ${orSecurityItem1.securityDefs.length > 1 ? y`<b>${j + 1}.</b> &nbsp;` : y`Requires`}
12507 Token in <b>${andSecurityItem.name} ${andSecurityItem.in}</b>
12508 ${scopeHtml}
12509 </div>`}`;
12510 })}
12511 </div>
12512 </div>
12513 </div>
12514 ` : ''}
12515 `)}
12516 </div>
12517 `;
12518 }
12519 return '';
12522/* eslint-enable indent */
12523;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/code-samples-template.js
12525 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
12529/* eslint-disable indent */
12530function codeSamplesTemplate(xCodeSamples) {
12531 return y`
12532 <section class="table-title" style="margin-top:24px;">CODE SAMPLES</div>
12533 <div class="tab-panel col"
12534 @click="${e => {
12535 if (!e.target.classList.contains('tab-btn')) {
12536 return;
12537 }
12538 const clickedTab = e.target.dataset.tab;
12539 const tabButtons = [...e.currentTarget.querySelectorAll('.tab-btn')];
12540 const tabContents = [...e.currentTarget.querySelectorAll('.tab-content')];
12541 tabButtons.forEach(tabBtnEl => tabBtnEl.classList[tabBtnEl.dataset.tab === clickedTab ? 'add' : 'remove']('active'));
12542 tabContents.forEach(tabBodyEl => {
12543 tabBodyEl.style.display = tabBodyEl.dataset.tab === clickedTab ? 'block' : 'none';
12544 });
12545 }}">
12546 <div class="tab-buttons row" style="width:100; overflow">
12547 ${xCodeSamples.map((v, i) => y`<button class="tab-btn ${i === 0 ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = '${v.lang}${i}'> ${v.label || v.lang} </button>`)}
12548 </div>
12549 ${xCodeSamples.map((v, i) => {
12550 var _v$lang, _v$lang2, _v$lang3;
12551 return y`
12552 <div class="tab-content m-markdown" style= "display:${i === 0 ? 'block' : 'none'}" data-tab = '${v.lang}${i}'>
12553 <button class="toolbar-btn" style = "position:absolute; top:12px; right:8px" @click='${e => {
12554 copyToClipboard(v.source, e);
12555 }}'> Copy </button>
12556 <pre><code class="language">${(prism_default()).languages[(_v$lang = v.lang) === null || _v$lang === void 0 ? void 0 : _v$lang.toLowerCase()] ? unsafe_html_o(prism_default().highlight(v.source, (prism_default()).languages[(_v$lang2 = v.lang) === null || _v$lang2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _v$lang2.toLowerCase()], (_v$lang3 = v.lang) === null || _v$lang3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _v$lang3.toLowerCase())) : v.source}</code></pre>
12557 </div>`;
12558 })}
12559 </div>
12560 </section>`;
12562/* eslint-enable indent */
12563;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/callback-template.js
12566/* eslint-disable indent */
12567function callbackTemplate(callbacks) {
12568 return y`
12569 <div class="req-res-title" style="margin-top:12px">CALLBACKS</div>
12570 ${Object.entries(callbacks).map(kv => y`
12571 <div class="tiny-title" style="padding: 12px; border:1px solid var(--light-border-color)">
12572 ${kv[0]}
12573 ${Object.entries(kv[1]).map(pathObj => y`
12574 <div class="mono-font small-font-size" style="display:flex; margin-left:16px;">
12575 <div style="width:100%">
12576 ${Object.entries(pathObj[1]).map(method => {
12577 var _method$, _method$2, _method$3;
12578 return y`
12579 <div>
12580 <div style="margin-top:12px;">
12581 <div class="method method-fg ${method[0]}" style="width:70px; border:none; margin:0; padding:0; line-height:20px; vertical-align: baseline;text-align:left">
12582 <span style="font-size:20px;"> &#x2944; </span>
12583 ${method[0]}
12584 </div>
12585 <span style="line-height:20px; vertical-align: baseline;">${pathObj[0]} </span>
12586 </div>
12587 <div class='expanded-req-resp-container'>
12588 <api-request
12589 class = "${this.renderStyle}-mode callback"
12590 style = "width:100%;"
12591 callback = "true"
12592 method = "${method[0] || ''}",
12593 path = "${pathObj[0] || ''}"
12594 .parameters = "${((_method$ = method[1]) === null || _method$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _method$.parameters) || ''}"
12595 .request_body = "${((_method$2 = method[1]) === null || _method$2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _method$2.requestBody) || ''}"
12596 fill-request-fields-with-example = "${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample}"
12597 allow-try = "false"
12598 render-style="${this.renderStyle}"
12599 schema-style = "${this.schemaStyle}"
12600 active-schema-tab = "${this.defaultSchemaTab}"
12601 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
12602 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
12603 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
12604 schema-hide-read-only = "false"
12605 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : 'true'}"
12606 fetch-credentials = "${this.fetchCredentials}"
12607 exportparts = "wrap-request-btn:wrap-request-btn, btn:btn, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-outline:btn-outline, btn-try:btn-try, btn-clear:btn-clear, btn-clear-resp:btn-clear-resp,
12608 file-input:file-input, textbox:textbox, textbox-param:textbox-param, textarea:textarea, textarea-param:textarea-param,
12609 anchor:anchor, anchor-param-example:anchor-param-example, schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
12610 > </api-request>
12612 <api-response
12613 style = "width:100%;"
12614 class = "${this.renderStyle}-mode"
12615 callback = "true"
12616 .responses="${(_method$3 = method[1]) === null || _method$3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _method$3.responses}"
12617 render-style="${this.renderStyle}"
12618 schema-style="${this.schemaStyle}"
12619 active-schema-tab = "${this.defaultSchemaTab}"
12620 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
12621 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
12622 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
12623 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : 'true'}"
12624 schema-hide-write-only = "false"
12625 exportparts = "btn:btn, btn-response-status:btn-response-status, btn-selected-response-status:btn-selected-response-status, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-copy:btn-copy,
12626 schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
12627 > </api-response>
12628 </div>
12629 </div>
12630 `;
12631 })}
12632 </div>
12633 </div>
12634 `)}
12635 </div>
12636 `)}
12637 `;
12639/* eslint-enable indent */
12640;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit-html/directives/guard.js
12643 * @license
12644 * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
12645 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
12646 */
12647const guard_e={},guard_i=directive_e(class extends directive_i{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.ot=guard_e}render(r,t){return t()}update(t,[s,e]){if(Array.isArray(s)){if(Array.isArray(this.ot)&&this.ot.length===s.length&&s.every(((r,t)=>r===this.ot[t])))return x}else if(this.ot===s)return x;return this.ot=Array.isArray(s)?Array.from(s):s,this.render(s,e)}});
12648//# sourceMappingURL=guard.js.map
12650;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit/directives/guard.js
12652//# sourceMappingURL=guard.js.map
12654;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit-html/directive-helpers.js
12657 * @license
12658 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
12659 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
12660 */const{I:directive_helpers_l}=L,directive_helpers_t=o=>null===o||"object"!=typeof o&&"function"!=typeof o,directive_helpers_i={HTML:1,SVG:2},directive_helpers_n=(o,l)=>void 0===l?void 0!==(null==o?void 0:o._$litType$):(null==o?void 0:o._$litType$)===l,directive_helpers_d=o=>void 0!==(null==o?void 0:o._$litDirective$),directive_helpers_v=o=>null==o?void 0:o._$litDirective$,directive_helpers_e=o=>void 0===o.strings,directive_helpers_c=()=>document.createComment(""),directive_helpers_r=(o,t,i)=>{var n;const d=o._$AA.parentNode,v=void 0===t?o._$AB:t._$AA;if(void 0===i){const t=d.insertBefore(directive_helpers_c(),v),n=d.insertBefore(directive_helpers_c(),v);i=new directive_helpers_l(t,n,o,o.options)}else{const l=i._$AB.nextSibling,t=i._$AM,e=t!==o;if(e){let l;null===(n=i._$AQ)||void 0===n||n.call(i,o),i._$AM=o,void 0!==i._$AP&&(l=o._$AU)!==t._$AU&&i._$AP(l)}if(l!==v||e){let o=i._$AA;for(;o!==l;){const l=o.nextSibling;d.insertBefore(o,v),o=l}}}return i},directive_helpers_u=(o,l,t=o)=>(o._$AI(l,t),o),directive_helpers_f={},directive_helpers_s=(o,l=directive_helpers_f)=>o._$AH=l,directive_helpers_m=o=>o._$AH,directive_helpers_p=o=>{var l;null===(l=o._$AP)||void 0===l||l.call(o,!1,!0);let t=o._$AA;const i=o._$AB.nextSibling;for(;t!==i;){const o=t.nextSibling;t.remove(),t=o}},directive_helpers_a=o=>{o._$AR()};
12661//# sourceMappingURL=directive-helpers.js.map
12663;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit-html/directives/live.js
12666 * @license
12667 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC
12668 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
12669 */const live_l=directive_e(class extends directive_i{constructor(r){if(super(r),r.type!==directive_t.PROPERTY&&r.type!==directive_t.ATTRIBUTE&&r.type!==directive_t.BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE)throw Error("The `live` directive is not allowed on child or event bindings");if(!directive_helpers_e(r))throw Error("`live` bindings can only contain a single expression")}render(r){return r}update(i,[t]){if(t===x||t===b)return t;const o=i.element,l=i.name;if(i.type===directive_t.PROPERTY){if(t===o[l])return x}else if(i.type===directive_t.BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE){if(!!t===o.hasAttribute(l))return x}else if(i.type===directive_t.ATTRIBUTE&&o.getAttribute(l)===t+"")return x;return directive_helpers_s(i),t}});
12670//# sourceMappingURL=live.js.map
12672;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/lit/directives/live.js
12674//# sourceMappingURL=live.js.map
12676// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/xml-but-prettier/dist/index.js
12677var dist = __webpack_require__(131);
12678var dist_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(dist);
12679;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/border-styles.js
12681/* harmony default export */ const border_styles = (i`
12682.border-top {
12683 border-top:1px solid var(--border-color);
12686 border:1px solid var(--border-color);
12687 border-radius: var(--border-radius);
12690 border:1px solid var(--light-border-color);
12691 border-radius: var(--border-radius);
12694 padding: 8px 16px;
12697 padding-top: 8px;
12700 margin-top: 8px;
12703;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils/schema-utils.js
12704// Takes a value as input and provides a printable string to replresent null values, spaces, blankstring etc
12705function getPrintableVal(val) {
12706 if (val === undefined) {
12707 return '';
12708 }
12709 if (val === null) {
12710 return 'null';
12711 }
12712 if (val === '') {
12713 return '∅';
12714 }
12715 if (typeof val === 'boolean' || typeof val === 'number') {
12716 return `${val}`;
12717 }
12718 if (Array.isArray(val)) {
12719 return val.map(v => v === null ? 'null' : v === '' ? '∅' : v.toString().replace(/^ +| +$/g, m => '●'.repeat(m.length)) || '').join(', ');
12720 }
12721 return val.toString().replace(/^ +| +$/g, m => '●'.repeat(m.length)) || '';
12724/* Generates an schema object containing type and constraint info */
12725function getTypeInfo(schema) {
12726 if (!schema) {
12727 return;
12728 }
12729 let dataType = '';
12730 let constrain = '';
12731 // let examples;
12733 if (schema.$ref) {
12734 const n = schema.$ref.lastIndexOf('/');
12735 const schemaNode = schema.$ref.substring(n + 1);
12736 dataType = `{recursive: ${schemaNode}} `;
12737 } else if (schema.type) {
12738 dataType = Array.isArray(schema.type) ? schema.type.join(schema.length === 2 ? ' or ' : '┃') : schema.type;
12739 if (schema.format || schema.enum || schema.const) {
12740 dataType = dataType.replace('string', schema.enum ? 'enum' : schema.const ? 'const' : schema.format);
12741 }
12742 if (schema.nullable) {
12743 dataType += '┃null';
12744 }
12745 } else if (schema.const) {
12746 dataType = 'const';
12747 } else if (Object.keys(schema).length === 0) {
12748 dataType = 'any';
12749 } else {
12750 dataType = '{missing-type-info}';
12751 }
12752 const info = {
12753 type: dataType,
12754 format: schema.format || '',
12755 pattern: schema.pattern && !schema.enum ? schema.pattern : '',
12756 readOrWriteOnly: schema.readOnly ? '🆁' : schema.writeOnly ? '🆆' : '',
12757 deprecated: schema.deprecated ? '❌' : '',
12758 examples: schema.examples || schema.example,
12759 default: getPrintableVal(schema.default),
12760 description: schema.description || '',
12761 constrain: '',
12762 allowedValues: '',
12763 arrayType: '',
12764 html: ''
12765 };
12766 if (info.type === '{recursive}') {
12767 info.description = schema.$ref.substring(schema.$ref.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
12768 } else if (info.type === '{missing-type-info}' || info.type === 'any') {
12769 info.description = info.description || '';
12770 }
12771 // Set Allowed Values
12772 info.allowedValues = schema.const ? schema.const : Array.isArray(schema.enum) ? schema.enum.map(v => getPrintableVal(v)).join('┃') : '';
12773 if (dataType === 'array' && schema.items) {
12774 var _schema$items, _schema$items2;
12775 const arrayItemType = (_schema$items = schema.items) === null || _schema$items === void 0 ? void 0 : _schema$items.type;
12776 const arrayItemDefault = getPrintableVal(schema.items.default);
12777 info.arrayType = `${schema.type} of ${Array.isArray(arrayItemType) ? arrayItemType.join('') : arrayItemType}`;
12778 info.default = arrayItemDefault;
12779 info.allowedValues = schema.items.const ? schema.const : Array.isArray((_schema$items2 = schema.items) === null || _schema$items2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _schema$items2.enum) ? schema.items.enum.map(v => getPrintableVal(v)).join('┃') : '';
12780 }
12781 if (dataType.match(/integer|number/g)) {
12782 if (schema.minimum !== undefined || schema.exclusiveMinimum !== undefined) {
12783 constrain += schema.minimum !== undefined ? `Min ${schema.minimum}` : `More than ${schema.exclusiveMinimum}`;
12784 }
12785 if (schema.maximum !== undefined || schema.exclusiveMaximum !== undefined) {
12786 constrain += schema.maximum !== undefined ? `${constrain ? '┃' : ''}Max ${schema.maximum}` : `${constrain ? '┃' : ''}Less than ${schema.exclusiveMaximum}`;
12787 }
12788 if (schema.multipleOf !== undefined) {
12789 constrain += `${constrain ? '┃' : ''} multiple of ${schema.multipleOf}`;
12790 }
12791 }
12792 if (dataType.match(/string/g)) {
12793 if (schema.minLength !== undefined && schema.maxLength !== undefined) {
12794 constrain += `${constrain ? '┃' : ''}${schema.minLength} to ${schema.maxLength} chars`;
12795 } else if (schema.minLength !== undefined) {
12796 constrain += `${constrain ? '┃' : ''}Min ${schema.minLength} chars`;
12797 } else if (schema.maxLength !== undefined) {
12798 constrain += `Max ${constrain ? '┃' : ''}${schema.maxLength} chars`;
12799 }
12800 }
12801 info.constrain = constrain;
12802 info.html = `${info.type}~|~${info.readOrWriteOnly}~|~${info.constrain}~|~${info.default}~|~${info.allowedValues}~|~${info.pattern}~|~${info.description}~|~${schema.title || ''}~|~${info.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}`;
12803 return info;
12805function nestExampleIfPresent(example) {
12806 if (typeof example === 'boolean' || typeof example === 'number') {
12807 return {
12808 Example: {
12809 value: `${example}`
12810 }
12811 };
12812 }
12813 if (example === '') {
12814 return {
12815 Example: {
12816 value: ''
12817 }
12818 };
12819 }
12820 return example ? {
12821 Example: {
12822 value: example
12823 }
12824 } : example;
12828 * Normalize example object in the following format (List of object which is used to render example links and fill the input boxes)
12829 * [{
12830 * exampleVal : 'value to be rendered on the input control (text-box)',
12831 * exampleList : [
12832 * value : '',
12833 * printableValue: '',
12834 * summary : '',
12835 * description : ''
12836 * ]
12837 * }]
12838 * */
12839function normalizeExamples(examples, dataType = 'string') {
12840 if (!examples) {
12841 return {
12842 exampleVal: '',
12843 exampleList: []
12844 };
12845 }
12846 if (examples.constructor === Object) {
12847 const exampleList = Object.values(examples).filter(v => v['x-example-show-value'] !== false).map(v => ({
12848 value: typeof v.value === 'boolean' || typeof v.value === 'number' ? `${v.value}` : v.value || '',
12849 printableValue: getPrintableVal(v.value),
12850 summary: v.summary || '',
12851 description: v.description || ''
12852 }));
12853 const exampleVal = exampleList.length > 0 ? exampleList[0].value.toString() : '';
12854 return {
12855 exampleVal,
12856 exampleList
12857 };
12858 }
12860 // This is non-standard way to provide example but will support for now
12861 if (!Array.isArray(examples)) {
12862 examples = examples ? [examples] : [];
12863 }
12864 if (examples.length === 0) {
12865 return {
12866 exampleVal: '',
12867 exampleList: []
12868 };
12869 }
12870 if (dataType === 'array') {
12871 const [exampleVal] = examples;
12872 const exampleList = examples.map(v => ({
12873 value: v,
12874 printableValue: getPrintableVal(v)
12875 }));
12876 return {
12877 exampleVal,
12878 exampleList
12879 };
12880 }
12881 const exampleVal = examples[0].toString();
12882 const exampleList = examples.map(v => ({
12883 value: v.toString(),
12884 printableValue: getPrintableVal(v)
12885 }));
12886 return {
12887 exampleVal,
12888 exampleList
12889 };
12891function anyExampleWithSummaryOrDescription(examples) {
12892 return examples.some(x => {
12893 var _x$summary, _x$description;
12894 return ((_x$summary = x.summary) === null || _x$summary === void 0 ? void 0 : _x$summary.length) > 0 || ((_x$description = x.description) === null || _x$description === void 0 ? void 0 : _x$description.length) > 0;
12895 });
12897function getSampleValueByType(schemaObj) {
12898 const example = schemaObj.examples ? schemaObj.examples[0] : schemaObj.example === null ? null : schemaObj.example || undefined;
12899 if (example === '') {
12900 return '';
12901 }
12902 if (example === null) {
12903 return null;
12904 }
12905 if (example === 0) {
12906 return 0;
12907 }
12908 if (example === false) {
12909 return false;
12910 }
12911 if (example instanceof Date) {
12912 switch (schemaObj.format.toLowerCase()) {
12913 case 'date':
12914 return example.toISOString().split('T')[0];
12915 case 'time':
12916 return example.toISOString().split('T')[1];
12917 default:
12918 return example.toISOString();
12919 }
12920 }
12921 if (example) {
12922 return example;
12923 }
12924 if (Object.keys(schemaObj).length === 0) {
12925 return null;
12926 }
12927 if (schemaObj.$ref) {
12928 // Indicates a Circular ref
12929 return schemaObj.$ref;
12930 }
12931 if (schemaObj.const === false || schemaObj.const === 0 || schemaObj.const === null || schemaObj.const === '') {
12932 return schemaObj.const;
12933 }
12934 if (schemaObj.const) {
12935 return schemaObj.const;
12936 }
12937 const typeValue = Array.isArray(schemaObj.type) ? schemaObj.type[0] : schemaObj.type;
12938 if (!typeValue) {
12939 return '?';
12940 }
12941 if (typeValue.match(/^integer|^number/g)) {
12942 const multipleOf = Number.isNaN(Number(schemaObj.multipleOf)) ? undefined : Number(schemaObj.multipleOf);
12943 const maximum = Number.isNaN(Number(schemaObj.maximum)) ? undefined : Number(schemaObj.maximum);
12944 const minimumPossibleVal = Number.isNaN(Number(schemaObj.minimum)) ? Number.isNaN(Number(schemaObj.exclusiveMinimum)) ? maximum || 0 : Number(schemaObj.exclusiveMinimum) + (typeValue.startsWith('integer') ? 1 : 0.001) : Number(schemaObj.minimum);
12945 const finalVal = multipleOf ? multipleOf >= minimumPossibleVal ? multipleOf : minimumPossibleVal % multipleOf === 0 ? minimumPossibleVal : Math.ceil(minimumPossibleVal / multipleOf) * multipleOf : minimumPossibleVal;
12946 return finalVal;
12947 }
12948 if (typeValue.match(/^boolean/g)) {
12949 return false;
12950 }
12951 if (typeValue.match(/^null/g)) {
12952 return null;
12953 }
12954 if (typeValue.match(/^string/g)) {
12955 if (schemaObj.enum) {
12956 return schemaObj.enum[0];
12957 }
12958 if (schemaObj.const) {
12959 return schemaObj.const;
12960 }
12961 if (schemaObj.pattern) {
12962 return schemaObj.pattern;
12963 }
12964 if (schemaObj.format) {
12965 const u = `${Date.now().toString(16)}${Math.random().toString(16)}0`.repeat(16);
12966 switch (schemaObj.format.toLowerCase()) {
12967 case 'url':
12968 case 'uri':
12969 return 'http://example.com';
12970 case 'date':
12971 return new Date(0).toISOString().split('T')[0];
12972 case 'time':
12973 return new Date(0).toISOString().split('T')[1];
12974 case 'date-time':
12975 return new Date(0).toISOString();
12976 case 'duration':
12977 return 'P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S';
12978 // P=Period 3-Years 6-Months 4-Days 12-Hours 30-Minutes 5-Seconds
12979 case 'email':
12980 case 'idn-email':
12981 return 'user@example.com';
12982 case 'hostname':
12983 case 'idn-hostname':
12984 return 'www.example.com';
12985 case 'ipv4':
12986 return '';
12987 case 'ipv6':
12988 return '2001:0db8:5b96:0000:0000:426f:8e17:642a';
12989 case 'uuid':
12990 return [u.substr(0, 8), u.substr(8, 4), `4000-8${u.substr(13, 3)}`, u.substr(16, 12)].join('-');
12991 default:
12992 return '';
12993 }
12994 } else {
12995 const minLength = Number.isNaN(schemaObj.minLength) ? undefined : Number(schemaObj.minLength);
12996 const maxLength = Number.isNaN(schemaObj.maxLength) ? undefined : Number(schemaObj.maxLength);
12997 const finalLength = minLength || (maxLength > 6 ? 6 : maxLength || undefined);
12998 return finalLength ? 'A'.repeat(finalLength) : 'string';
12999 }
13000 }
13001 // If type cannot be determined
13002 return '?';
13006json2xml- TestCase
13007 {
13008 'prop1' : 'one',
13009 'prop2' : 'two',
13010 'prop3' : [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ],
13011 'prop4' : {
13012 'ob1' : 'val-1',
13013 'ob2' : 'val-2'
13014 }
13015 }
13016 <root>
13017 <prop1>simple</prop1>
13018 <prop2>
13019 <0>a</0>
13020 <1>b</1>
13021 <2>c</2>
13022 </prop2>
13023 <prop3>
13024 <ob1>val-1</ob1>
13025 <ob2>val-2</ob2>
13026 </prop3>
13027 </root>
13029function json2xml(obj, level = 1) {
13030 const indent = ' '.repeat(level);
13031 let xmlText = '';
13032 if (level === 1 && typeof obj !== 'object') {
13033 return `\n${indent}${obj.toString()}`;
13034 }
13035 for (const prop in obj) {
13036 const tagNameOrProp = obj[prop]['::XML_TAG'] || prop;
13037 let tagName = '';
13038 if (Array.isArray(obj[prop])) {
13039 tagName = tagNameOrProp[0]['::XML_TAG'] || `${prop}`;
13040 } else {
13041 tagName = tagNameOrProp;
13042 }
13043 if (prop.startsWith('::')) {
13044 continue;
13045 }
13046 if (Array.isArray(obj[prop])) {
13047 xmlText = `${xmlText}\n${indent}<${tagName}>${json2xml(obj[prop], level + 1)}\n${indent}</${tagName}>`;
13048 } else if (typeof obj[prop] === 'object') {
13049 xmlText = `${xmlText}\n${indent}<${tagName}>${json2xml(obj[prop], level + 1)}\n${indent}</${tagName}>`;
13050 } else {
13051 xmlText = `${xmlText}\n${indent}<${tagName}>${obj[prop].toString()}</${tagName}>`;
13052 }
13053 }
13054 return xmlText;
13056function addSchemaInfoToExample(schema, obj) {
13057 var _schema$xml, _schema$xml3;
13058 if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
13059 return;
13060 }
13061 if (schema.title) {
13062 obj['::TITLE'] = schema.title;
13063 }
13064 if (schema.description) {
13065 obj['::DESCRIPTION'] = schema.description;
13066 }
13067 if ((_schema$xml = schema.xml) !== null && _schema$xml !== void 0 && _schema$xml.name) {
13068 var _schema$xml2;
13069 obj['::XML_TAG'] = (_schema$xml2 = schema.xml) === null || _schema$xml2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _schema$xml2.name;
13070 }
13071 if ((_schema$xml3 = schema.xml) !== null && _schema$xml3 !== void 0 && _schema$xml3.wrapped) {
13072 var _schema$xml4;
13073 obj['::XML_WRAP'] = (_schema$xml4 = schema.xml) === null || _schema$xml4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _schema$xml4.wrapped.toString();
13074 }
13076function removeTitlesAndDescriptions(obj) {
13077 if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
13078 return;
13079 }
13080 delete obj['::TITLE'];
13081 delete obj['::DESCRIPTION'];
13082 delete obj['::XML_TAG'];
13083 delete obj['::XML_WRAP'];
13084 for (const k in obj) {
13085 removeTitlesAndDescriptions(obj[k]);
13086 }
13088function addPropertyExampleToObjectExamples(example, obj, propertyKey) {
13089 for (const key in obj) {
13090 obj[key][propertyKey] = example;
13091 }
13093function mergePropertyExamples(obj, propertyName, propExamples) {
13094 // Create an example for each variant of the propertyExample, merging them with the current (parent) example
13095 let i = 0;
13096 const maxCombinations = 10;
13097 const mergedObj = {};
13098 for (const exampleKey in obj) {
13099 for (const propExampleKey in propExamples) {
13100 mergedObj[`example-${i}`] = {
13101 ...obj[exampleKey]
13102 };
13103 mergedObj[`example-${i}`][propertyName] = propExamples[propExampleKey];
13104 i++;
13105 if (i >= maxCombinations) {
13106 break;
13107 }
13108 }
13109 if (i >= maxCombinations) {
13110 break;
13111 }
13112 }
13113 return mergedObj;
13116/* For changing JSON-Schema to a Sample Object, as per the schema (to generate examples based on schema) */
13117function schemaToSampleObj(schema, config = {}) {
13118 let obj = {};
13119 if (!schema) {
13120 return;
13121 }
13122 if (schema.allOf) {
13123 var _schema$allOf$, _schema$allOf$2;
13124 const objWithAllProps = {};
13125 if (schema.allOf.length === 1 && !((_schema$allOf$ = schema.allOf[0]) !== null && _schema$allOf$ !== void 0 && _schema$allOf$.properties) && !((_schema$allOf$2 = schema.allOf[0]) !== null && _schema$allOf$2 !== void 0 && _schema$allOf$2.items)) {
13126 // If allOf has single item and the type is not an object or array, then its a primitive
13127 if (schema.allOf[0].$ref) {
13128 return '{ }';
13129 }
13130 if (schema.allOf[0].readOnly && config.includeReadOnly) {
13131 const tempSchema = schema.allOf[0];
13132 return getSampleValueByType(tempSchema);
13133 }
13134 return;
13135 }
13136 schema.allOf.forEach(v => {
13137 if (v.type === 'object' || v.properties || v.allOf || v.anyOf || v.oneOf) {
13138 const partialObj = schemaToSampleObj(v, config);
13139 Object.assign(objWithAllProps, partialObj);
13140 } else if (v.type === 'array' || v.items) {
13141 const partialObj = [schemaToSampleObj(v, config)];
13142 Object.assign(objWithAllProps, partialObj);
13143 } else if (v.type) {
13144 const prop = `prop${Object.keys(objWithAllProps).length}`;
13145 objWithAllProps[prop] = getSampleValueByType(v);
13146 } else {
13147 return '';
13148 }
13149 });
13150 obj = objWithAllProps;
13151 } else if (schema.oneOf) {
13152 // 1. First create example with scheme.properties
13153 const objWithSchemaProps = {};
13154 if (schema.properties) {
13155 for (const propertyName in schema.properties) {
13156 var _schema$properties$pr;
13157 if (schema.properties[propertyName].properties || (_schema$properties$pr = schema.properties[propertyName].properties) !== null && _schema$properties$pr !== void 0 && _schema$properties$pr.items) {
13158 objWithSchemaProps[propertyName] = schemaToSampleObj(schema.properties[propertyName], config);
13159 } else {
13160 objWithSchemaProps[propertyName] = getSampleValueByType(schema.properties[propertyName]);
13161 }
13162 }
13163 }
13164 if (schema.oneOf.length > 0) {
13165 /*
13166 oneOf:
13167 - type: object
13168 properties:
13169 option1_PropA:
13170 type: string
13171 option1_PropB:
13172 type: string
13173 - type: object
13174 properties:
13175 option2_PropX:
13176 type: string
13177 properties:
13178 prop1:
13179 type: string
13180 prop2:
13181 type: string
13182 minLength: 10
13183 The aboove Schem should generate the following 2 examples
13184 Example-1
13185 {
13186 prop1: 'string',
13187 prop2: 'AAAAAAAAAA', <-- min-length 10
13188 option1_PropA: 'string',
13189 option1_PropB: 'string'
13190 }
13191 Example-2
13192 {
13193 prop1: 'string',
13194 prop2: 'AAAAAAAAAA', <-- min-length 10
13195 option2_PropX: 'string'
13196 }
13197 */
13198 let i = 0;
13199 // Merge all examples of each oneOf-schema
13200 for (const key in schema.oneOf) {
13201 const oneOfSamples = schemaToSampleObj(schema.oneOf[key], config);
13202 for (const sampleKey in oneOfSamples) {
13203 // 2. In the final example include a one-of item along with properties
13204 let finalExample;
13205 if (Object.keys(objWithSchemaProps).length > 0) {
13206 if (oneOfSamples[sampleKey] === null || typeof oneOfSamples[sampleKey] !== 'object') {
13207 // This doesn't really make sense since every oneOf schema _should_ be an object if there are common properties, so we'll skip this
13208 continue;
13209 } else {
13210 finalExample = Object.assign(oneOfSamples[sampleKey], objWithSchemaProps);
13211 }
13212 } else {
13213 finalExample = oneOfSamples[sampleKey];
13214 }
13215 obj[`example-${i}`] = finalExample;
13216 addSchemaInfoToExample(schema.oneOf[key], obj[`example-${i}`]);
13217 i++;
13218 }
13219 }
13220 }
13221 } else if (schema.anyOf) {
13222 // First generate values for regular properties
13223 let commonObj;
13224 if (schema.type === 'object' || schema.properties) {
13225 commonObj = {
13226 'example-0': {}
13227 };
13228 for (const propertyName in schema.properties) {
13229 if (schema.example) {
13230 commonObj = schema;
13231 break;
13232 }
13233 if (schema.properties[propertyName].deprecated && !config.includeDeprecated) {
13234 continue;
13235 }
13236 if (schema.properties[propertyName].readOnly && !config.includeReadOnly) {
13237 continue;
13238 }
13239 if (schema.properties[propertyName].writeOnly && !config.includeWriteOnly) {
13240 continue;
13241 }
13242 commonObj = mergePropertyExamples(commonObj, propertyName, schemaToSampleObj(schema.properties[propertyName], config));
13243 }
13244 }
13246 // Combine every variant of the regular properties with every variant of the anyOf samples
13247 let i = 0;
13248 for (const key in schema.anyOf) {
13249 const anyOfSamples = schemaToSampleObj(schema.anyOf[key], config);
13250 for (const sampleKey in anyOfSamples) {
13251 if (typeof commonObj !== 'undefined') {
13252 for (const commonKey in commonObj) {
13253 obj[`example-${i}`] = {
13254 ...commonObj[commonKey],
13255 ...anyOfSamples[sampleKey]
13256 };
13257 }
13258 } else {
13259 obj[`example-${i}`] = anyOfSamples[sampleKey];
13260 }
13261 addSchemaInfoToExample(schema.anyOf[key], obj[`example-${i}`]);
13262 i++;
13263 }
13264 }
13265 } else if (schema.type === 'object' || schema.properties) {
13266 obj['example-0'] = {};
13267 addSchemaInfoToExample(schema, obj['example-0']);
13268 if (schema.example) {
13269 obj['example-0'] = schema.example;
13270 } else {
13271 for (const propertyName in schema.properties) {
13272 var _schema$properties$pr2, _schema$properties$pr3, _schema$properties$pr4, _schema$properties$pr5, _schema$properties$pr6;
13273 if ((_schema$properties$pr2 = schema.properties[propertyName]) !== null && _schema$properties$pr2 !== void 0 && _schema$properties$pr2.deprecated && !config.includeDeprecated) {
13274 continue;
13275 }
13276 if ((_schema$properties$pr3 = schema.properties[propertyName]) !== null && _schema$properties$pr3 !== void 0 && _schema$properties$pr3.readOnly && !config.includeReadOnly) {
13277 continue;
13278 }
13279 if ((_schema$properties$pr4 = schema.properties[propertyName]) !== null && _schema$properties$pr4 !== void 0 && _schema$properties$pr4.writeOnly && !config.includeWriteOnly) {
13280 continue;
13281 }
13282 if (((_schema$properties$pr5 = schema.properties[propertyName]) === null || _schema$properties$pr5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _schema$properties$pr5.type) === 'array' || (_schema$properties$pr6 = schema.properties[propertyName]) !== null && _schema$properties$pr6 !== void 0 && _schema$properties$pr6.items) {
13283 var _schema$properties$pr7, _schema$properties$pr8;
13284 if (schema.properties[propertyName].example) {
13285 addPropertyExampleToObjectExamples(schema.properties[propertyName].example, obj, propertyName);
13286 } else if ((_schema$properties$pr7 = schema.properties[propertyName]) !== null && _schema$properties$pr7 !== void 0 && (_schema$properties$pr8 = _schema$properties$pr7.items) !== null && _schema$properties$pr8 !== void 0 && _schema$properties$pr8.example) {
13287 // schemas and properties support single example but not multiple examples.
13288 addPropertyExampleToObjectExamples([schema.properties[propertyName].items.example], obj, propertyName);
13289 } else {
13290 const itemSamples = schemaToSampleObj(schema.properties[propertyName].items, config);
13291 if (config.useXmlTagForProp) {
13292 var _schema$properties$pr9, _schema$properties$pr10;
13293 const xmlTagName = ((_schema$properties$pr9 = schema.properties[propertyName].xml) === null || _schema$properties$pr9 === void 0 ? void 0 : _schema$properties$pr9.name) || propertyName;
13294 if ((_schema$properties$pr10 = schema.properties[propertyName].xml) !== null && _schema$properties$pr10 !== void 0 && _schema$properties$pr10.wrapped) {
13295 const wrappedItemSample = JSON.parse(`{ "${xmlTagName}" : { "${xmlTagName}" : ${JSON.stringify(itemSamples['example-0'])} } }`);
13296 obj = mergePropertyExamples(obj, xmlTagName, wrappedItemSample);
13297 } else {
13298 obj = mergePropertyExamples(obj, xmlTagName, itemSamples);
13299 }
13300 } else {
13301 const arraySamples = [];
13302 for (const key in itemSamples) {
13303 arraySamples[key] = [itemSamples[key]];
13304 }
13305 obj = mergePropertyExamples(obj, propertyName, arraySamples);
13306 }
13307 }
13308 continue;
13309 }
13310 obj = mergePropertyExamples(obj, propertyName, schemaToSampleObj(schema.properties[propertyName], config));
13311 }
13312 }
13313 } else if (schema.type === 'array' || schema.items) {
13314 if (schema.items || schema.example) {
13315 var _schema$items3;
13316 if (schema.example) {
13317 obj['example-0'] = schema.example;
13318 } else if ((_schema$items3 = schema.items) !== null && _schema$items3 !== void 0 && _schema$items3.example) {
13319 // schemas and properties support single example but not multiple examples.
13320 obj['example-0'] = [schema.items.example];
13321 } else {
13322 const samples = schemaToSampleObj(schema.items, config);
13323 let i = 0;
13324 for (const key in samples) {
13325 obj[`example-${i}`] = [samples[key]];
13326 addSchemaInfoToExample(schema.items, obj[`example-${i}`]);
13327 i++;
13328 }
13329 }
13330 } else {
13331 obj['example-0'] = [];
13332 }
13333 } else {
13334 return {
13335 'example-0': getSampleValueByType(schema)
13336 };
13337 }
13338 return obj;
13340function generateMarkdownForArrayAndObjectDescription(schema, level = 0) {
13341 var _schema$items4;
13342 let markdown = (schema.description || schema.title) && (schema.minItems || schema.maxItems) ? '<span class="descr-expand-toggle">➔</span>' : '';
13343 if (schema.title) {
13344 if (schema.description) {
13345 markdown = `${markdown} <b>${schema.title}:</b> ${schema.description}<br/>`;
13346 } else {
13347 markdown = `${markdown} ${schema.title}<br/>`;
13348 }
13349 } else if (schema.description) {
13350 markdown = `${markdown} ${schema.description}<br/>`;
13351 }
13352 if (schema.minItems) {
13353 markdown = `${markdown} <b>Min Items:</b> ${schema.minItems}`;
13354 }
13355 if (schema.maxItems) {
13356 markdown = `${markdown} <b>Max Items:</b> ${schema.maxItems}`;
13357 }
13358 if (level > 0 && (_schema$items4 = schema.items) !== null && _schema$items4 !== void 0 && _schema$items4.description) {
13359 let itemsMarkdown = '';
13360 if (schema.items.minProperties) {
13361 itemsMarkdown = `<b>Min Properties:</b> ${schema.items.minProperties}`;
13362 }
13363 if (schema.items.maxProperties) {
13364 itemsMarkdown = `${itemsMarkdown} <b>Max Properties:</b> ${schema.items.maxProperties}`;
13365 }
13366 markdown = `${markdown}${itemsMarkdown} [ ${schema.items.description} ] `;
13367 }
13368 return markdown;
13371 * For changing OpenAPI-Schema to an Object Notation,
13372 * This Object would further be an input to UI Components to generate an Object-Tree
13373 * @param {object} schema - Schema object from OpenAPI spec
13374 * @param {object} obj - recursivly pass this object to generate object notation
13375 * @param {number} level - recursion level
13376 * @param {string} suffix - used for suffixing property names to avoid duplicate props during object composion
13377 */
13378function schemaInObjectNotation(schema, obj, level = 0, suffix = '') {
13379 if (!schema) {
13380 return;
13381 }
13382 if (schema.allOf) {
13383 const objWithAllProps = {};
13384 if (schema.allOf.length === 1 && !schema.allOf[0].properties && !schema.allOf[0].items) {
13385 // If allOf has single item and the type is not an object or array, then its a primitive
13386 const tempSchema = schema.allOf[0];
13387 return `${getTypeInfo(tempSchema).html}`;
13388 }
13389 // If allOf is an array of multiple elements, then all the keys makes a single object
13390 schema.allOf.map((v, i) => {
13391 if (v.type === 'object' || v.properties || v.allOf || v.anyOf || v.oneOf) {
13392 const propSuffix = (v.anyOf || v.oneOf) && i > 0 ? i : '';
13393 const partialObj = schemaInObjectNotation(v, {}, level + 1, propSuffix);
13394 Object.assign(objWithAllProps, partialObj);
13395 } else if (v.type === 'array' || v.items) {
13396 const partialObj = schemaInObjectNotation(v, {}, level + 1);
13397 Object.assign(objWithAllProps, partialObj);
13398 } else if (v.type) {
13399 const prop = `prop${Object.keys(objWithAllProps).length}`;
13400 const typeObj = getTypeInfo(v);
13401 objWithAllProps[prop] = `${typeObj.html}`;
13402 } else {
13403 return '';
13404 }
13405 });
13406 obj = objWithAllProps;
13407 } else if (schema.anyOf || schema.oneOf) {
13408 obj['::description'] = schema.description || '';
13409 // 1. First iterate the regular properties
13410 if (schema.type === 'object' || schema.properties) {
13411 obj['::description'] = schema.description || '';
13412 obj['::type'] = 'object';
13413 // obj['::deprecated'] = schema.deprecated || false;
13414 for (const key in schema.properties) {
13415 if (schema.required && schema.required.includes(key)) {
13416 obj[`${key}*`] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.properties[key], {}, level + 1);
13417 } else {
13418 obj[key] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.properties[key], {}, level + 1);
13419 }
13420 }
13421 }
13422 // 2. Then show allof/anyof objects
13423 const objWithAnyOfProps = {};
13424 const xxxOf = schema.anyOf ? 'anyOf' : 'oneOf';
13425 schema[xxxOf].forEach((v, index) => {
13426 if (v.type === 'object' || v.properties || v.allOf || v.anyOf || v.oneOf) {
13427 const partialObj = schemaInObjectNotation(v, {});
13428 objWithAnyOfProps[`::OPTION~${index + 1}${v.title ? `~${v.title}` : ''}`] = partialObj;
13429 objWithAnyOfProps[`::OPTION~${index + 1}${v.title ? `~${v.title}` : ''}`]['::readwrite'] = ''; // xxx-options cannot be read or write only
13430 objWithAnyOfProps['::type'] = 'xxx-of-option';
13431 } else if (v.type === 'array' || v.items) {
13432 // This else-if block never seems to get executed
13433 const partialObj = schemaInObjectNotation(v, {});
13434 objWithAnyOfProps[`::OPTION~${index + 1}${v.title ? `~${v.title}` : ''}`] = partialObj;
13435 objWithAnyOfProps[`::OPTION~${index + 1}${v.title ? `~${v.title}` : ''}`]['::readwrite'] = ''; // xxx-options cannot be read or write only
13436 objWithAnyOfProps['::type'] = 'xxx-of-array';
13437 } else {
13438 const prop = `::OPTION~${index + 1}${v.title ? `~${v.title}` : ''}`;
13439 objWithAnyOfProps[prop] = `${getTypeInfo(v).html}`;
13440 objWithAnyOfProps['::type'] = 'xxx-of-option';
13441 }
13442 });
13443 obj[schema.anyOf ? `::ANY~OF ${suffix}` : `::ONE~OF ${suffix}`] = objWithAnyOfProps;
13444 // obj['::type'] = 'object';
13445 obj['::type'] = 'object';
13446 } else if (Array.isArray(schema.type)) {
13447 // When a property has multiple types, then check further if any of the types are array or object, if yes then modify the schema using one-of
13448 // Clone the schema - as it will be modified to replace multi-data-types with one-of;
13449 const subSchema = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(schema));
13450 const primitiveType = [];
13451 const complexTypes = [];
13452 subSchema.type.forEach(v => {
13453 var _subSchema$items, _subSchema$items2;
13454 if (v.match(/integer|number|string|null|boolean/g)) {
13455 primitiveType.push(v);
13456 } else if (v === 'array' && typeof ((_subSchema$items = subSchema.items) === null || _subSchema$items === void 0 ? void 0 : _subSchema$items.type) === 'string' && (_subSchema$items2 = subSchema.items) !== null && _subSchema$items2 !== void 0 && _subSchema$items2.type.match(/integer|number|string|null|boolean/g)) {
13457 // Array with primitive types should also be treated as primitive type
13458 if (subSchema.items.type === 'string' && subSchema.items.format) {
13459 primitiveType.push(`[${subSchema.items.format}]`);
13460 } else {
13461 primitiveType.push(`[${subSchema.items.type}]`);
13462 }
13463 } else {
13464 complexTypes.push(v);
13465 }
13466 });
13467 let multiPrimitiveTypes;
13468 if (primitiveType.length > 0) {
13469 subSchema.type = primitiveType.join(primitiveType.length === 2 ? ' or ' : '┃');
13470 multiPrimitiveTypes = getTypeInfo(subSchema);
13471 if (complexTypes.length === 0) {
13472 var _multiPrimitiveTypes;
13473 return `${((_multiPrimitiveTypes = multiPrimitiveTypes) === null || _multiPrimitiveTypes === void 0 ? void 0 : _multiPrimitiveTypes.html) || ''}`;
13474 }
13475 }
13476 if (complexTypes.length > 0) {
13477 var _multiPrimitiveTypes2;
13478 obj['::type'] = 'object';
13479 const multiTypeOptions = {
13480 '::type': 'xxx-of-option'
13481 };
13483 // Generate ONE-OF options for complexTypes
13484 complexTypes.forEach((v, i) => {
13485 if (v === 'null') {
13486 multiTypeOptions[`::OPTION~${i + 1}`] = 'NULL~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~~|~';
13487 } else if ('integer, number, string, boolean,'.includes(`${v},`)) {
13488 subSchema.type = Array.isArray(v) ? v.join('┃') : v;
13489 const primitiveTypeInfo = getTypeInfo(subSchema);
13490 multiTypeOptions[`::OPTION~${i + 1}`] = primitiveTypeInfo.html;
13491 } else if (v === 'object') {
13492 // If object type iterate all the properties and create an object-type-option
13493 const objTypeOption = {
13494 '::title': schema.title || '',
13495 '::description': schema.description || '',
13496 '::type': 'object',
13497 '::deprecated': schema.deprecated || false
13498 };
13499 for (const key in schema.properties) {
13500 if (schema.required && schema.required.includes(key)) {
13501 objTypeOption[`${key}*`] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.properties[key], {}, level + 1);
13502 } else {
13503 objTypeOption[key] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.properties[key], {}, level + 1);
13504 }
13505 }
13506 multiTypeOptions[`::OPTION~${i + 1}`] = objTypeOption;
13507 } else if (v === 'array') {
13508 multiTypeOptions[`::OPTION~${i + 1}`] = {
13509 '::title': schema.title || '',
13510 '::description': schema.description || '',
13511 '::type': 'array',
13512 '::props': schemaInObjectNotation(schema.items, {}, level + 1)
13513 };
13514 }
13515 });
13516 multiTypeOptions[`::OPTION~${complexTypes.length + 1}`] = ((_multiPrimitiveTypes2 = multiPrimitiveTypes) === null || _multiPrimitiveTypes2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _multiPrimitiveTypes2.html) || '';
13517 obj['::ONE~OF'] = multiTypeOptions;
13518 }
13519 } else if (schema.type === 'object' || schema.properties) {
13520 // If Object
13521 obj['::title'] = schema.title || '';
13522 obj['::description'] = generateMarkdownForArrayAndObjectDescription(schema, level);
13523 obj['::type'] = 'object';
13524 if (Array.isArray(schema.type) && schema.type.includes('null') || schema.nullable) {
13525 obj['::dataTypeLabel'] = 'object or null';
13526 }
13527 obj['::deprecated'] = schema.deprecated || false;
13528 obj['::readwrite'] = schema.readOnly ? 'readonly' : schema.writeOnly ? 'writeonly' : '';
13529 for (const key in schema.properties) {
13530 if (schema.required && schema.required.includes(key)) {
13531 obj[`${key}*`] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.properties[key], {}, level + 1);
13532 } else {
13533 obj[key] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.properties[key], {}, level + 1);
13534 }
13535 }
13536 for (const key in schema.patternProperties) {
13537 obj[`[pattern: ${key}]`] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.patternProperties[key], obj, level + 1);
13538 }
13539 if (schema.additionalProperties) {
13540 obj['[any-key]'] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.additionalProperties, {});
13541 }
13542 } else if (schema.type === 'array' || schema.items) {
13543 var _schema$items5;
13544 // If Array
13545 obj['::title'] = schema.title || '';
13546 obj['::description'] = generateMarkdownForArrayAndObjectDescription(schema, level);
13547 obj['::type'] = 'array';
13548 if (Array.isArray(schema.type) && schema.type.includes('null') || schema.nullable) {
13549 obj['::dataTypeLabel'] = 'array or null';
13550 }
13551 obj['::deprecated'] = schema.deprecated || false;
13552 obj['::readwrite'] = schema.readOnly ? 'readonly' : schema.writeOnly ? 'writeonly' : '';
13553 if ((_schema$items5 = schema.items) !== null && _schema$items5 !== void 0 && _schema$items5.items) {
13554 obj['::array-type'] = schema.items.items.type;
13555 }
13556 obj['::props'] = schemaInObjectNotation(schema.items, {}, level + 1);
13557 } else {
13558 const typeObj = getTypeInfo(schema);
13559 if (typeObj !== null && typeObj !== void 0 && typeObj.html) {
13560 return `${typeObj.html}`;
13561 }
13562 return '';
13563 }
13564 return obj;
13567/* Create Example object */
13568function generateExample(schema, mimeType, examples = '', example = '', includeReadOnly = true, includeWriteOnly = true, outputType = 'json', includeGeneratedExample = false) {
13569 const finalExamples = [];
13570 // First check if examples is provided
13571 if (examples) {
13572 for (const eg in examples) {
13573 let egContent = '';
13574 let egFormat = 'json';
13575 if (mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('json')) {
13576 if (outputType === 'text') {
13577 egContent = typeof examples[eg].value === 'string' ? examples[eg].value : JSON.stringify(examples[eg].value, undefined, 2);
13578 egFormat = 'text';
13579 } else {
13580 egContent = examples[eg].value;
13581 if (typeof examples[eg].value === 'string') {
13582 try {
13583 // const fixedJsonString = examples[eg].value.replace((/([\w]+)(:)/g), '"$1"$2').replace((/'/g), '"');
13584 const fixedJsonString = examples[eg].value;
13585 egContent = JSON.parse(fixedJsonString);
13586 egFormat = 'json';
13587 } catch (err) {
13588 egFormat = 'text';
13589 egContent = examples[eg].value;
13590 }
13591 }
13592 }
13593 } else {
13594 egContent = examples[eg].value;
13595 egFormat = 'text';
13596 }
13597 finalExamples.push({
13598 exampleId: eg,
13599 exampleSummary: examples[eg].summary || eg,
13600 exampleDescription: examples[eg].description || '',
13601 exampleType: mimeType,
13602 exampleValue: egContent,
13603 exampleFormat: egFormat
13604 });
13605 }
13606 } else if (example) {
13607 let egContent = '';
13608 let egFormat = 'json';
13609 if (mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('json')) {
13610 if (outputType === 'text') {
13611 egContent = typeof example === 'string' ? example : JSON.stringify(example, undefined, 2);
13612 egFormat = 'text';
13613 } else if (typeof example === 'object') {
13614 egContent = example;
13615 egFormat = 'json';
13616 } else if (typeof example === 'string') {
13617 try {
13618 egContent = JSON.parse(example);
13619 egFormat = 'json';
13620 } catch (err) {
13621 egFormat = 'text';
13622 egContent = example;
13623 }
13624 }
13625 } else {
13626 egContent = example;
13627 egFormat = 'text';
13628 }
13629 finalExamples.push({
13630 exampleId: 'Example',
13631 exampleSummary: '',
13632 exampleDescription: '',
13633 exampleType: mimeType,
13634 exampleValue: egContent,
13635 exampleFormat: egFormat
13636 });
13637 }
13638 // If schema-level examples are not provided or includeGeneratedExample === true then generate one based on the schema field types
13639 if (finalExamples.length === 0 || includeGeneratedExample === true) {
13640 if (schema) {
13641 if (schema.example) {
13642 // Note: Deprecated: The 'example' property has been deprecated in 3.1.0 in favor of the JSON Schema 'examples' keyword
13643 finalExamples.push({
13644 exampleId: 'Example',
13645 exampleSummary: '',
13646 exampleDescription: '',
13647 exampleType: mimeType,
13648 exampleValue: schema.example,
13649 exampleFormat: mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('json') && typeof schema.example === 'object' ? 'json' : 'text'
13650 });
13651 } else if (mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('json') || mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('text') || mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('*/*') || mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('xml')) {
13652 let xmlRootStart = '';
13653 let xmlRootEnd = '';
13654 let exampleFormat = '';
13655 let exampleValue = '';
13656 if (mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('xml')) {
13657 var _schema$xml5, _schema$xml6;
13658 xmlRootStart = (_schema$xml5 = schema.xml) !== null && _schema$xml5 !== void 0 && _schema$xml5.name ? `<${schema.xml.name} ${schema.xml.namespace ? `xmlns="${schema.xml.namespace}"` : ''}>` : '<root>';
13659 xmlRootEnd = (_schema$xml6 = schema.xml) !== null && _schema$xml6 !== void 0 && _schema$xml6.name ? `</${schema.xml.name}>` : '</root>';
13660 exampleFormat = 'text';
13661 } else {
13662 exampleFormat = outputType;
13663 }
13664 const samples = schemaToSampleObj(schema, {
13665 includeReadOnly,
13666 includeWriteOnly,
13667 deprecated: true,
13668 useXmlTagForProp: mimeType === null || mimeType === void 0 ? void 0 : mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('xml')
13669 });
13670 let i = 0;
13671 for (const samplesKey in samples) {
13672 if (!samples[samplesKey]) {
13673 continue;
13674 }
13675 const summary = samples[samplesKey]['::TITLE'] || `Example ${++i}`;
13676 const description = samples[samplesKey]['::DESCRIPTION'] || '';
13677 if (mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('xml')) {
13678 exampleValue = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n${xmlRootStart}${json2xml(samples[samplesKey], 1)}\n${xmlRootEnd}`;
13679 } else {
13680 removeTitlesAndDescriptions(samples[samplesKey]);
13681 exampleValue = outputType === 'text' ? JSON.stringify(samples[samplesKey], null, 2) : samples[samplesKey];
13682 }
13683 finalExamples.push({
13684 exampleId: samplesKey,
13685 exampleSummary: summary,
13686 exampleDescription: description,
13687 exampleType: mimeType,
13688 exampleFormat,
13689 exampleValue
13690 });
13691 }
13692 } else if (mimeType !== null && mimeType !== void 0 && mimeType.toLowerCase().includes('jose')) {
13693 finalExamples.push({
13694 exampleId: 'Example',
13695 exampleSummary: 'Base64 Encoded',
13696 exampleDescription: '',
13697 exampleType: mimeType,
13698 exampleValue: schema.pattern || 'bXJpbg==',
13699 exampleFormat: 'text'
13700 });
13701 } else {
13702 finalExamples.push({
13703 exampleId: 'Example',
13704 exampleSummary: '',
13705 exampleDescription: '',
13706 exampleType: mimeType,
13707 exampleValue: '',
13708 exampleFormat: 'text'
13709 });
13710 }
13711 } else {
13712 // No Example or Schema provided (should never reach here)
13713 finalExamples.push({
13714 exampleId: 'Example',
13715 exampleSummary: '',
13716 exampleDescription: '',
13717 exampleType: mimeType,
13718 exampleValue: '',
13719 exampleFormat: 'text'
13720 });
13721 }
13722 }
13723 return finalExamples;
13725function getSerializeStyleForContentType(contentType) {
13726 if (contentType === 'application/json') {
13727 return 'json';
13728 }
13729 if (contentType === 'application/xml') {
13730 return 'xml';
13731 }
13732 return null;
13734function getSchemaFromParam(param) {
13735 if (param.schema) {
13736 return [param.schema, null, null];
13737 }
13738 if (param.content) {
13739 // we gonna use the first content-encoding
13740 for (const contentType of Object.keys(param.content)) {
13741 if (param.content[contentType].schema) {
13742 return [param.content[contentType].schema, getSerializeStyleForContentType(contentType), param.content[contentType]];
13743 }
13744 }
13745 }
13746 return [null, null, null];
13748;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/json-tree.js
13755class JsonTree extends lit_element_s {
13756 static get properties() {
13757 return {
13758 data: {
13759 type: Object
13760 },
13761 renderStyle: {
13762 type: String,
13763 attribute: 'render-style'
13764 }
13765 };
13766 }
13767 static get styles() {
13768 return [font_styles, border_styles, input_styles, i`
13769 :host{
13770 display:flex;
13771 }
13772 :where(button, input[type="checkbox"], [tabindex="0"]):focus-visible { box-shadow: var(--focus-shadow); }
13773 :where(input[type="text"], input[type="password"], select, textarea):focus-visible { border-color: var(--primary-color); }
13774 .json-tree {
13775 position: relative;
13776 font-family: var(--font-mono);
13777 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
13778 display:inline-block;
13779 overflow:hidden;
13780 word-break: break-all;
13781 flex:1;
13782 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 6px);
13783 min-height: 40px;
13784 direction: ltr;
13785 text-align: left;
13786 }
13788 .open-bracket {
13789 display:inline-block;
13790 padding: 0 20px 0 0;
13791 cursor:pointer;
13792 border: 1px solid transparent;
13793 border-radius:3px;
13794 }
13795 .close-bracket {
13796 border: 1px solid transparent;
13797 border-radius:3px;
13798 display:inline-block;
13799 }
13800 .open-bracket:hover {
13801 color:var(--primary-color);
13802 background-color:var(--hover-color);
13803 border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
13804 }
13805 .open-bracket.expanded:hover ~ .inside-bracket {
13806 border-left: 1px solid var(--fg3);
13807 }
13808 .open-bracket.expanded:hover ~ .close-bracket {
13809 color:var(--primary-color);
13810 }
13811 .inside-bracket {
13812 padding-left:12px;
13813 overflow: hidden;
13814 border-left:1px dotted var(--border-color);
13815 }
13816 .open-bracket.collapsed + .inside-bracket,
13817 .open-bracket.collapsed + .inside-bracket + .close-bracket {
13818 display:none;
13819 }
13821 .string{color:var(--green);}
13822 .number{color:var(--blue);}
13823 .null{color:var(--red);}
13824 .boolean{color:var(--purple);}
13825 .object{color:var(--fg)}
13826 .toolbar {
13827 position: absolute;
13828 top:5px;
13829 right:6px;
13830 display:flex;
13831 padding:2px;
13832 align-items: center;
13833 }`, custom_styles];
13834 }
13836 /* eslint-disable indent */
13837 render() {
13838 return y`
13839 <div class = "json-tree" @click='${e => {
13840 if (e.target.classList.contains('btn-copy')) {
13841 copyToClipboard(JSON.stringify(this.data, null, 2), e);
13842 } else {
13843 this.toggleExpand(e);
13844 }
13845 }}'>
13846 <div class='toolbar'>
13847 <button class="toolbar-btn btn-copy" part="btn btn-fill btn-copy"> Copy </button>
13848 </div>
13849 ${this.generateTree(this.data, true)}
13850 </div>
13851 `;
13852 }
13853 generateTree(data, isLast = false) {
13854 if (data === null) {
13855 return y`<div class="null" style="display:inline;">null</div>`;
13856 }
13857 if (typeof data === 'object' && data instanceof Date === false) {
13858 const detailType = Array.isArray(data) ? 'array' : 'pure_object';
13859 if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
13860 return y`${Array.isArray(data) ? '[ ],' : '{ },'}`;
13861 }
13862 return y`
13863 <div class="open-bracket expanded ${detailType === 'array' ? 'array' : 'object'}" > ${detailType === 'array' ? '[' : '{'}</div>
13864 <div class="inside-bracket">
13865 ${Object.keys(data).map((key, i, a) => y`
13866 <div class="item">
13867 ${detailType === 'pure_object' ? y`"${key}":` : ''}
13868 ${this.generateTree(data[key], i === a.length - 1)}
13869 </div>`)}
13870 </div>
13871 <div class="close-bracket">${detailType === 'array' ? ']' : '}'}${isLast ? '' : ','}</div>
13872 `;
13873 }
13874 return typeof data === 'string' || data instanceof Date ? y`<span class="${typeof data}">"${data}"</span>${isLast ? '' : ','}` : y`<span class="${typeof data}">${data}</span>${isLast ? '' : ','}`;
13875 }
13876 /* eslint-enable indent */
13878 toggleExpand(e) {
13879 const openBracketEl = e.target;
13880 if (e.target.classList.contains('open-bracket')) {
13881 if (openBracketEl.classList.contains('expanded')) {
13882 openBracketEl.classList.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
13883 e.target.innerHTML = e.target.classList.contains('array') ? '[...]' : '{...}';
13884 } else {
13885 openBracketEl.classList.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
13886 e.target.innerHTML = e.target.classList.contains('array') ? '[' : '{';
13887 }
13888 }
13889 }
13891// Register the element with the browser
13892customElements.define('json-tree', JsonTree);
13893;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/schema-styles.js
13895/* harmony default export */ const schema_styles = (i`
13897*, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; }
13899.tr {
13900 display: flex;
13901 flex: none;
13902 width: 100%;
13903 box-sizing: content-box;
13904 border-bottom: 1px dotted transparent;
13905 transition: max-height 0.3s ease-out;
13907.td {
13908 display: block;
13909 flex: 0 0 auto;
13911.key {
13912 font-family: var(--font-mono);
13913 white-space: normal;
13914 word-break: break-all;
13917.collapsed-all-descr .key {
13918 overflow:hidden;
13920.expanded-all-descr .key-descr .descr-expand-toggle {
13921 display:none;
13924.key-descr .descr-expand-toggle {
13925 display:inline-block;
13926 user-select:none;
13927 color: var(--fg);
13928 cursor: pointer;
13929 transform: rotate(45deg);
13930 transition: transform .2s ease;
13933.expanded-descr .key-descr .descr-expand-toggle {
13934 transform: rotate(270deg)
13937.key-descr .descr-expand-toggle:hover {
13938 color: var(--primary-color);
13941.expanded-descr .more-content { display:none; }
13943.key-descr {
13944 font-family:var(--font-regular);
13945 color:var(--light-fg);
13946 flex-shrink: 1;
13947 text-overflow: ellipsis;
13948 overflow: hidden;
13949 display: none;
13951.expanded-descr .key-descr{
13952 max-height:auto;
13953 overflow:hidden;
13954 display: none;
13957.xxx-of-key {
13958 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) - 2px);
13959 font-weight:bold;
13960 background-color:var(--primary-color);
13961 color:var(--primary-color-invert);
13962 border-radius:2px;
13963 line-height:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 6px);
13964 padding:0px 5px;
13965 margin-bottom:1px;
13966 display:inline-block;
13969.xxx-of-descr {
13970 font-family: var(--font-regular);
13971 color: var(--primary-color);
13972 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) - 1px);
13973 margin-left: 2px;
13976.stri, .string, .uri, .url, .byte, .bina, .date, .pass, .ipv4, .ipv4, .uuid, .emai, .host {color:var(--green);}
13977.inte, .numb, .number, .int6, .int3, .floa, .doub, .deci .blue {color:var(--blue);}
13978.null {color:var(--red);}
13979.bool, .boolean{color:var(--orange)}
13980.enum {color:var(--purple)}
13981.cons {color:var(--purple)}
13982.recu {color:var(--brown)}
13983.toolbar {
13984 display:flex;
13985 width:100%;
13986 padding: 2px 0;
13987 color:var(--primary-color);
13989.toolbar-item {
13990 cursor:pointer;
13991 padding:5px 0;
13992 margin:0 2px;
13994.schema-root-type {
13995 cursor:auto;
13996 color:var(--fg2);
13997 font-weight: bold;
13998 text-transform: uppercase;
14000.toolbar-item:first-of-type { margin:0 2px 0 0;}
14002@media only screen and (min-width: 500px) {
14003 .key-descr {
14004 display: block;
14005 }
14006 .expanded-descr .key-descr{
14007 display: block;
14008 }
14011;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/schema-tree.js
14013 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
14019class SchemaTree extends lit_element_s {
14020 static get properties() {
14021 return {
14022 data: {
14023 type: Object
14024 },
14025 schemaExpandLevel: {
14026 type: Number,
14027 attribute: 'schema-expand-level'
14028 },
14029 schemaDescriptionExpanded: {
14030 type: String,
14031 attribute: 'schema-description-expanded'
14032 },
14033 allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle: {
14034 type: String,
14035 attribute: 'allow-schema-description-expand-toggle'
14036 },
14037 schemaHideReadOnly: {
14038 type: String,
14039 attribute: 'schema-hide-read-only'
14040 },
14041 schemaHideWriteOnly: {
14042 type: String,
14043 attribute: 'schema-hide-write-only'
14044 }
14045 };
14046 }
14047 connectedCallback() {
14048 super.connectedCallback();
14049 if (!this.schemaExpandLevel || this.schemaExpandLevel < 1) {
14050 this.schemaExpandLevel = 99999;
14051 }
14052 if (!this.schemaDescriptionExpanded || !'true false'.includes(this.schemaDescriptionExpanded)) {
14053 this.schemaDescriptionExpanded = 'false';
14054 }
14055 if (!this.schemaHideReadOnly || !'true false'.includes(this.schemaHideReadOnly)) {
14056 this.schemaHideReadOnly = 'true';
14057 }
14058 if (!this.schemaHideWriteOnly || !'true false'.includes(this.schemaHideWriteOnly)) {
14059 this.schemaHideWriteOnly = 'true';
14060 }
14061 }
14062 static get styles() {
14063 return [font_styles, schema_styles, border_styles, i`
14064 .tree {
14065 font-size:var(--font-size-small);
14066 text-align: left;
14067 direction: ltr;
14068 line-height:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 6px);
14069 }
14070 .tree .tr:hover{
14071 background-color:var(--hover-color);
14072 }
14073 .collapsed-all-descr .tr:not(.expanded-descr) {
14074 overflow: hidden;
14075 max-height:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 8px);
14076 }
14077 .tree .key {
14078 max-width: 300px;
14079 }
14080 .key.deprecated .key-label {
14081 color: var(--red);
14082 }
14083 .tr.expanded:hover > .td.key > .open-bracket {
14084 color: var(--primary-color);
14085 }
14086 .tr.expanded:hover + .inside-bracket {
14087 border-left: 1px solid var(--fg3);
14088 }
14089 .tr.expanded:hover + .inside-bracket + .close-bracket {
14090 color: var(--primary-color);
14091 }
14092 .inside-bracket.xxx-of-option {
14093 border-left: 1px solid transparent;
14094 }
14095 .open-bracket{
14096 display:inline-block;
14097 padding: 0 20px 0 0;
14098 cursor:pointer;
14099 border: 1px solid transparent;
14100 border-radius:3px;
14101 }
14102 .open-bracket:hover {
14103 color:var(--primary-color);
14104 background-color:var(--hover-color);
14105 border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
14106 }
14107 .close-bracket{
14108 display:inline-block;
14109 font-family: var(--font-mono);
14110 }
14111 .tr.collapsed + .inside-bracket,
14112 .tr.collapsed + .inside-bracket + .close-bracket{
14113 overflow: hidden;
14114 display:none;
14115 }
14116 .inside-bracket.object,
14117 .inside-bracket.array {
14118 border-left: 1px dotted var(--border-color);
14119 }`, custom_styles];
14120 }
14122 /* eslint-disable indent */
14123 render() {
14124 var _this$data, _this$data2, _this$data3;
14125 return y`
14126 <div class="tree ${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded === 'true' ? 'expanded-all-descr' : 'collapsed-all-descr'}" @click="${e => this.handleAllEvents(e)}">
14127 <div class="toolbar">
14128 <div class="toolbar-item schema-root-type ${((_this$data = this.data) === null || _this$data === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$data['::type']) || ''} "> ${((_this$data2 = this.data) === null || _this$data2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$data2['::type']) || ''} </div>
14129 ${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle === 'true' ? y`
14130 <div style="flex:1"></div>
14131 <div part="schema-toolbar-item schema-multiline-toggle" class='toolbar-item schema-multiline-toggle'>
14132 ${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded === 'true' ? 'Single line description' : 'Multiline description'}
14133 </div>` : ''}
14134 </div>
14135 <span part="schema-description" class='m-markdown'> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(((_this$data3 = this.data) === null || _this$data3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$data3['::description']) || ''))}</span>
14136 ${this.data ? y`
14137 ${this.generateTree(this.data['::type'] === 'array' ? this.data['::props'] : this.data, this.data['::type'], this.data['::array-type'] || '')}` : y`<span class='mono-font' style='color:var(--red)'> Schema not found </span>`}
14138 </div>
14139 `;
14140 }
14141 generateTree(data, dataType = 'object', arrayType = '', key = '', description = '', schemaLevel = 0, indentLevel = 0, readOrWrite = '') {
14142 var _data$Type;
14143 if (this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'true') {
14144 if (dataType === 'array') {
14145 if (readOrWrite === 'readonly') {
14146 return;
14147 }
14148 }
14149 if ((data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data['::readwrite']) === 'readonly') {
14150 return;
14151 }
14152 }
14153 if (this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'true') {
14154 if (dataType === 'array') {
14155 if (readOrWrite === 'writeonly') {
14156 return;
14157 }
14158 }
14159 if ((data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data['::readwrite']) === 'writeonly') {
14160 return;
14161 }
14162 }
14163 if (!data) {
14164 return y`<div class="null" style="display:inline;">
14165 <span class="key-label xxx-of-key"> ${key.replace('::OPTION~', '')}</span>
14166 ${dataType === 'array' ? y`<span class='mono-font'> [ ] </span>` : dataType === 'object' ? y`<span class='mono-font'> { } </span>` : y`<span class='mono-font'> schema undefined </span>`}
14167 </div>`;
14168 }
14169 if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
14170 return y`<span class="key object">${key}:{ }</span>`;
14171 }
14172 let keyLabel = '';
14173 let keyDescr = '';
14174 if (key.startsWith('::ONE~OF') || key.startsWith('::ANY~OF')) {
14175 keyLabel = key.replace('::', '').replace('~', ' ');
14176 } else if (key.startsWith('::OPTION')) {
14177 const parts = key.split('~');
14178 [, keyLabel, keyDescr] = parts;
14179 } else {
14180 keyLabel = key;
14181 }
14182 const leftPadding = 12;
14183 const minFieldColWidth = 400 - indentLevel * leftPadding;
14184 let openBracket = '';
14185 let closeBracket = '';
14186 const newSchemaLevel = (_data$Type = data['::type']) !== null && _data$Type !== void 0 && _data$Type.startsWith('xxx-of') ? schemaLevel : schemaLevel + 1;
14187 // const newIndentLevel = dataType === 'xxx-of-option' || data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-option' ? indentLevel : (indentLevel + 1);
14188 const newIndentLevel = dataType === 'xxx-of-option' || data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-option' || key.startsWith('::OPTION') ? indentLevel : indentLevel + 1;
14189 if (data['::type'] === 'object') {
14190 if (dataType === 'array') {
14191 if (schemaLevel < this.schemaExpandLevel) {
14192 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket array-of-object" >[{</span>`;
14193 } else {
14194 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket array-of-object">[{...}]</span>`;
14195 }
14196 closeBracket = '}]';
14197 } else {
14198 if (schemaLevel < this.schemaExpandLevel) {
14199 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket object">{</span>`;
14200 } else {
14201 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket object">{...}</span>`;
14202 }
14203 closeBracket = '}';
14204 }
14205 } else if (data['::type'] === 'array') {
14206 if (dataType === 'array') {
14207 const arrType = arrayType !== 'object' ? arrayType : '';
14208 if (schemaLevel < this.schemaExpandLevel) {
14209 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket array-of-array" data-array-type="${arrType}">[[ ${arrType} </span>`;
14210 } else {
14211 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket array-of-array" data-array-type="${arrType}">[[...]]</span>`;
14212 }
14213 closeBracket = ']]';
14214 } else {
14215 if (schemaLevel < this.schemaExpandLevel) {
14216 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket array">[</span>`;
14217 } else {
14218 openBracket = y`<span class="open-bracket array">[...]</span>`;
14219 }
14220 closeBracket = ']';
14221 }
14222 }
14223 if (typeof data === 'object') {
14224 var _data$Type2;
14225 return y`
14226 <div class="tr ${schemaLevel < this.schemaExpandLevel || (_data$Type2 = data['::type']) !== null && _data$Type2 !== void 0 && _data$Type2.startsWith('xxx-of') ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'} ${data['::type'] || 'no-type-info'}" title="${data['::deprecated'] ? 'Deprecated' : ''}">
14227 <div class="td key ${data['::deprecated'] ? 'deprecated' : ''}" style='min-width:${minFieldColWidth}px'>
14228 ${data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-option' || data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-array' || key.startsWith('::OPTION') ? y`<span class='key-label xxx-of-key'> ${keyLabel}</span><span class="xxx-of-descr">${keyDescr}</span>` : keyLabel === '::props' || keyLabel === '::ARRAY~OF' ? '' : schemaLevel > 0 ? y`<span class="key-label" title="${readOrWrite === 'readonly' ? 'Read-Only' : readOrWrite === 'writeonly' ? 'Write-Only' : ''}">
14229 ${data['::deprecated'] ? '✗' : ''}
14230 ${keyLabel.replace(/\*$/, '')}${keyLabel.endsWith('*') ? y`<span style="color:var(--red)">*</span>` : ''}${readOrWrite === 'readonly' ? y` 🆁` : readOrWrite === 'writeonly' ? y` 🆆` : readOrWrite}:
14231 </span>` : ''}
14232 ${openBracket}
14233 </div>
14234 <div class='td key-descr m-markdown-small'>${unsafe_html_o(marked(description || ''))}</div>
14235 </div>
14236 <div class='inside-bracket ${data['::type'] || 'no-type-info'}' style='padding-left:${data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-option' || data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-array' ? 0 : leftPadding}px;'>
14237 ${Array.isArray(data) && data[0] ? y`${this.generateTree(data[0], 'xxx-of-option', '', '::ARRAY~OF', '', newSchemaLevel, newIndentLevel, data[0]['::readwrite'])}` : y`
14238 ${Object.keys(data).map(dataKey => {
14239 var _data$dataKey;
14240 return y`
14241 ${['::title', '::description', '::type', '::props', '::deprecated', '::array-type', '::readwrite', '::dataTypeLabel'].includes(dataKey) ? data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'array' || data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'object' ? y`${this.generateTree(data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'array' ? data[dataKey]['::props'] : data[dataKey], data[dataKey]['::type'], data[dataKey]['::array-type'] || '', dataKey, data[dataKey]['::description'], newSchemaLevel, newIndentLevel, data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] ? data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] : '')}` : '' : y`${this.generateTree(data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'array' ? data[dataKey]['::props'] : data[dataKey], data[dataKey]['::type'], data[dataKey]['::array-type'] || '', dataKey, ((_data$dataKey = data[dataKey]) === null || _data$dataKey === void 0 ? void 0 : _data$dataKey['::description']) || '', newSchemaLevel, newIndentLevel, data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] ? data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] : '')}`}
14242 `;
14243 })}
14244 `}
14245 </div>
14246 ${data['::type'] && data['::type'].includes('xxx-of') ? '' : y`<div class='close-bracket'> ${closeBracket} </div>`}
14247 `;
14248 }
14250 // For Primitive types and array of Primitives
14251 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
14252 const [type, primitiveReadOrWrite, constraint, defaultValue, allowedValues, pattern, schemaDescription, schemaTitle, deprecated] = data.split('~|~');
14253 if (primitiveReadOrWrite === '🆁' && this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'true') {
14254 return;
14255 }
14256 if (primitiveReadOrWrite === '🆆' && this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'true') {
14257 return;
14258 }
14259 const dataTypeCss = type.replace(/┃.*/g, '').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9+]/g, '').substring(0, 4).toLowerCase();
14260 const descrExpander = `${constraint || defaultValue || allowedValues || pattern ? `<span class="descr-expand-toggle ${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded === 'true' ? 'expanded-descr' : ''}">➔</span>` : ''}`;
14261 let finalReadWriteText = '';
14262 let finalReadWriteTip = '';
14263 if (dataType === 'array') {
14264 if (readOrWrite === 'readonly') {
14265 finalReadWriteText = '🆁';
14266 finalReadWriteTip = 'Read-Only';
14267 } else if (readOrWrite === 'writeonly') {
14268 finalReadWriteText = '🆆';
14269 finalReadWriteTip = 'Write-Only';
14270 }
14271 } else if (primitiveReadOrWrite === '🆁') {
14272 finalReadWriteText = '🆁';
14273 finalReadWriteTip = 'Read-Only';
14274 } else if (primitiveReadOrWrite === '🆆') {
14275 finalReadWriteText = '🆆';
14276 finalReadWriteTip = 'Write-Only';
14277 }
14278 return y`
14279 <div class = "tr primitive" title="${deprecated ? 'Deprecated' : ''}">
14280 <div class="td key ${deprecated}" style='min-width:${minFieldColWidth}px'>
14281 ${deprecated ? y`<span style='color:var(--red);'>✗</span>` : ''}
14282 ${keyLabel.endsWith('*') ? y`<span class="key-label">${keyLabel.substring(0, keyLabel.length - 1)}</span><span style='color:var(--red);'>*</span>:` : key.startsWith('::OPTION') ? y`<span class='key-label xxx-of-key'>${keyLabel}</span><span class="xxx-of-descr">${keyDescr}</span>` : y`<span class="key-label">${keyLabel}:</span>`}
14283 <span class="${dataTypeCss}" title="${finalReadWriteTip}">
14284 ${dataType === 'array' ? `[${type}]` : `${type}`}
14285 ${finalReadWriteText}
14286 </span>
14287 </div>
14288 <div class='td key-descr'>
14289 ${description || schemaTitle || schemaDescription ? y`${y`<span class="m-markdown-small">
14290 ${unsafe_html_o(marked(dataType === 'array' ? `${descrExpander} ${description}` : schemaTitle ? `${descrExpander} <b>${schemaTitle}:</b> ${schemaDescription}` : `${descrExpander} ${schemaDescription}`))}
14291 </span>`}` : ''}
14292 ${constraint ? y`<div style='display:inline-block; line-break:anywhere; margin-right:8px'><span class='bold-text'>Constraints: </span>${constraint}</div>` : ''}
14293 ${defaultValue ? y`<div style='display:inline-block; line-break:anywhere; margin-right:8px'><span class='bold-text'>Default: </span>${defaultValue}</div>` : ''}
14294 ${allowedValues ? y`<div style='display:inline-block; line-break:anywhere; margin-right:8px'><span class='bold-text'>${type === 'const' ? 'Value' : 'Allowed'}: </span>${allowedValues}</div>` : ''}
14295 ${pattern ? y`<div style='display:inline-block; line-break: anywhere; margin-right:8px'><span class='bold-text'>Pattern: </span>${pattern}</div>` : ''}
14296 </div>
14297 </div>
14298 `;
14299 }
14300 /* eslint-enable indent */
14302 handleAllEvents(e) {
14303 if (e.target.classList.contains('open-bracket')) {
14304 this.toggleObjectExpand(e);
14305 } else if (e.target.classList.contains('schema-multiline-toggle')) {
14306 this.schemaDescriptionExpanded = this.schemaDescriptionExpanded === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true';
14307 } else if (e.target.classList.contains('descr-expand-toggle')) {
14308 const trEl = e.target.closest('.tr');
14309 if (trEl) {
14310 trEl.classList.toggle('expanded-descr');
14311 trEl.style.maxHeight = trEl.scrollHeight;
14312 }
14313 }
14314 }
14315 toggleObjectExpand(e) {
14316 const rowEl = e.target.closest('.tr');
14317 if (rowEl.classList.contains('expanded')) {
14318 rowEl.classList.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
14319 e.target.innerHTML = e.target.classList.contains('array-of-object') ? '[{...}]' : e.target.classList.contains('array-of-array') ? '[[...]]' : e.target.classList.contains('array') ? '[...]' : '{...}';
14320 } else {
14321 rowEl.classList.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
14322 e.target.innerHTML = e.target.classList.contains('array-of-object') ? '[{' : e.target.classList.contains('array-of-array') ? `[[ ${e.target.dataset.arrayType}` : e.target.classList.contains('object') ? '{' : '[';
14323 }
14324 }
14326customElements.define('schema-tree', SchemaTree);
14327;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/tag-input.js
14329class TagInput extends lit_element_s {
14330 /* eslint-disable indent */
14331 render() {
14332 let tagItemTmpl = '';
14333 if (Array.isArray(this.value)) {
14334 tagItemTmpl = y`${this.value.filter(v => typeof v === 'string' && v.trim() !== '').map(v => y`<span class='tag'>${v}</span>`)}`;
14335 }
14336 return y`
14337 <div class='tags'>
14338 ${tagItemTmpl}
14339 <input type="text" class='editor' @paste="${e => this.afterPaste(e)}" @keydown="${this.afterKeyDown}" @blur="${this.onBlur}" placeholder="${this.placeholder || ''}">
14340 </div>
14341 `;
14342 }
14343 /* eslint-enable indent */
14345 static get properties() {
14346 return {
14347 placeholder: {
14348 type: String
14349 },
14350 value: {
14351 type: Array,
14352 attribute: 'value'
14353 }
14354 };
14355 }
14356 attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) {
14357 if (name === 'value') {
14358 if (newVal && oldVal !== newVal) {
14359 this.value = newVal.split(',').filter(v => v.trim() !== '');
14360 }
14361 }
14362 super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal);
14363 }
14364 afterPaste(e) {
14365 const clipboardData = e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
14366 const pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text');
14367 const pastedArray = pastedData ? pastedData.split(',').filter(v => v.trim() !== '') : '';
14368 if (pastedArray) {
14369 if (Array.isArray(this.value)) {
14370 this.value = [...this.value, ...pastedArray];
14371 } else {
14372 this.value = pastedArray;
14373 }
14374 }
14375 e.preventDefault();
14376 }
14377 afterKeyDown(e) {
14378 if (e.keyCode === 13) {
14379 e.stopPropagation();
14380 e.preventDefault();
14381 if (e.target.value) {
14382 if (Array.isArray(this.value)) {
14383 this.value = [...this.value, e.target.value];
14384 } else {
14385 this.value = [e.target.value];
14386 }
14387 e.target.value = '';
14388 }
14389 } else if (e.keyCode === 8) {
14390 if (e.target.value.length === 0) {
14391 if (Array.isArray(this.value) && this.value.length > 0) {
14392 this.value.splice(-1);
14393 this.value = [...this.value];
14394 }
14395 }
14396 }
14397 }
14398 onBlur(e) {
14399 if (e.target.value) {
14400 if (Array.isArray(this.value)) {
14401 this.value = [...this.value, e.target.value];
14402 } else {
14403 this.value = [e.target.value];
14404 }
14405 e.target.value = '';
14406 }
14407 }
14408 static get styles() {
14409 return [i`
14410 .tags {
14411 display:flex;
14412 flex-wrap: wrap;
14413 outline: none;
14414 padding:0;
14415 border-radius:var(--border-radius);
14416 border:1px solid var(--border-color);
14417 cursor:text;
14418 overflow:hidden;
14419 background:var(--input-bg);
14420 }
14421 .tag, .editor {
14422 padding:3px;
14423 margin:2px;
14424 }
14425 .tag{
14426 border:1px solid var(--border-color);
14427 background-color:var(--bg3);
14428 color:var(--fg3);
14429 border-radius:var(--border-radius);
14430 word-break: break-all;
14431 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
14432 }
14433 .tag:hover ~ #cursor {
14434 display: block;
14435 }
14436 .editor {
14437 flex:1;
14438 border:1px solid transparent;
14439 color:var(--fg);
14440 min-width:60px;
14441 outline: none;
14442 line-height: inherit;
14443 font-family:inherit;
14444 background:transparent;
14445 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px);
14446 }
14447 .editor:focus-visible {
14448 outline: 1px solid;
14449 }
14450 .editor::placeholder {
14451 color: var(--placeholder-color);
14452 opacity:1;
14453 }
14454 `];
14455 }
14457// Register the element with the browser
14458customElements.define('tag-input', TagInput);
14459;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/api-request.js
14461 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
14462 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
14463 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
14480class ApiRequest extends lit_element_s {
14481 constructor() {
14482 super();
14483 this.responseMessage = '';
14484 this.responseStatus = 'success';
14485 this.responseHeaders = '';
14486 this.responseText = '';
14487 this.responseUrl = '';
14488 this.curlSyntax = '';
14489 this.activeResponseTab = 'response'; // allowed values: response, headers, curl
14490 this.selectedRequestBodyType = '';
14491 this.selectedRequestBodyExample = '';
14492 this.activeParameterSchemaTabs = {};
14493 }
14494 static get properties() {
14495 return {
14496 serverUrl: {
14497 type: String,
14498 attribute: 'server-url'
14499 },
14500 servers: {
14501 type: Array
14502 },
14503 method: {
14504 type: String
14505 },
14506 path: {
14507 type: String
14508 },
14509 security: {
14510 type: Array
14511 },
14512 parameters: {
14513 type: Array
14514 },
14515 request_body: {
14516 type: Object
14517 },
14518 api_keys: {
14519 type: Array
14520 },
14521 parser: {
14522 type: Object
14523 },
14524 accept: {
14525 type: String
14526 },
14527 callback: {
14528 type: String
14529 },
14530 webhook: {
14531 type: String
14532 },
14533 responseMessage: {
14534 type: String,
14535 attribute: false
14536 },
14537 responseText: {
14538 type: String,
14539 attribute: false
14540 },
14541 responseHeaders: {
14542 type: String,
14543 attribute: false
14544 },
14545 responseStatus: {
14546 type: String,
14547 attribute: false
14548 },
14549 responseUrl: {
14550 type: String,
14551 attribute: false
14552 },
14553 curlSyntax: {
14554 type: String,
14555 attribute: false
14556 },
14557 fillRequestFieldsWithExample: {
14558 type: String,
14559 attribute: 'fill-request-fields-with-example'
14560 },
14561 allowTry: {
14562 type: String,
14563 attribute: 'allow-try'
14564 },
14565 showCurlBeforeTry: {
14566 type: String,
14567 attribute: 'show-curl-before-try'
14568 },
14569 renderStyle: {
14570 type: String,
14571 attribute: 'render-style'
14572 },
14573 schemaStyle: {
14574 type: String,
14575 attribute: 'schema-style'
14576 },
14577 activeSchemaTab: {
14578 type: String,
14579 attribute: 'active-schema-tab'
14580 },
14581 activeParameterSchemaTabs: {
14582 type: Object,
14583 converter: {
14584 fromAttribute: attr => JSON.parse(attr),
14585 toAttribute: prop => JSON.stringify(prop)
14586 },
14587 attribute: 'active-parameter-schema-tabs'
14588 },
14589 schemaExpandLevel: {
14590 type: Number,
14591 attribute: 'schema-expand-level'
14592 },
14593 schemaDescriptionExpanded: {
14594 type: String,
14595 attribute: 'schema-description-expanded'
14596 },
14597 allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle: {
14598 type: String,
14599 attribute: 'allow-schema-description-expand-toggle'
14600 },
14601 schemaHideReadOnly: {
14602 type: String,
14603 attribute: 'schema-hide-read-only'
14604 },
14605 schemaHideWriteOnly: {
14606 type: String,
14607 attribute: 'schema-hide-write-only'
14608 },
14609 fetchCredentials: {
14610 type: String,
14611 attribute: 'fetch-credentials'
14612 },
14613 // properties for internal tracking
14614 activeResponseTab: {
14615 type: String
14616 },
14617 // internal tracking of response-tab not exposed as a attribute
14618 selectedRequestBodyType: {
14619 type: String,
14620 attribute: 'selected-request-body-type'
14621 },
14622 // internal tracking of selected request-body type
14623 selectedRequestBodyExample: {
14624 type: String,
14625 attribute: 'selected-request-body-example'
14626 } // internal tracking of selected request-body example
14627 };
14628 }
14630 static get styles() {
14631 return [table_styles, input_styles, font_styles, flex_styles, border_styles, tab_styles, prism_styles, i`
14632 *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; }
14633 :where(button, input[type="checkbox"], [tabindex="0"]):focus-visible { box-shadow: var(--focus-shadow); }
14634 :where(input[type="text"], input[type="password"], select, textarea):focus-visible { border-color: var(--primary-color); }
14635 tag-input:focus-within { outline: 1px solid;}
14636 .read-mode {
14637 margin-top: 24px;
14638 }
14639 .param-name,
14640 .param-type {
14641 margin: 1px 0;
14642 text-align: right;
14643 line-height: var(--font-size-small);
14644 }
14645 .param-name {
14646 color: var(--fg);
14647 font-family: var(--font-mono);
14648 }
14649 .param-name.deprecated {
14650 color: var(--red);
14651 }
14652 .param-type{
14653 color: var(--light-fg);
14654 font-family: var(--font-regular);
14655 }
14656 .param-constraint{
14657 min-width:100px;
14658 }
14659 .param-constraint:empty{
14660 display:none;
14661 }
14662 .top-gap{margin-top:24px;}
14664 .textarea {
14665 min-height:220px;
14666 padding:5px;
14667 resize:vertical;
14668 direction: ltr;
14669 }
14670 .example:first-child {
14671 margin-top: -9px;
14672 }
14674 .response-message{
14675 font-weight:bold;
14676 text-overflow: ellipsis;
14677 }
14678 .response-message.error {
14679 color:var(--red);
14680 }
14681 .response-message.success {
14682 color:var(--blue);
14683 }
14685 .file-input-container {
14686 align-items:flex-end;
14687 }
14688 .file-input-container .input-set:first-child .file-input-remove-btn{
14689 visibility:hidden;
14690 }
14692 .file-input-remove-btn{
14693 font-size:16px;
14694 color:var(--red);
14695 outline: none;
14696 border: none;
14697 background:none;
14698 cursor:pointer;
14699 }
14701 .v-tab-btn {
14702 font-size: var(--smal-font-size);
14703 height:24px;
14704 border:none;
14705 background:none;
14706 opacity: 0.3;
14707 cursor: pointer;
14708 padding: 4px 8px;
14709 }
14710 .v-tab-btn.active {
14711 font-weight: bold;
14712 background: var(--bg);
14713 opacity: 1;
14714 }
14716 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
14717 .textarea {
14718 padding:8px;
14719 }
14720 }
14722 @media only screen and (max-width: 470px) {
14723 .hide-in-small-screen {
14724 display:none;
14725 }
14726 }
14727 `, custom_styles];
14728 }
14729 render() {
14730 return y`
14731 <div class="col regular-font request-panel ${'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) || this.callback === 'true' ? 'read-mode' : 'view-mode'}">
14732 <div class=" ${this.callback === 'true' ? 'tiny-title' : 'req-res-title'} ">
14733 ${this.callback === 'true' ? 'CALLBACK REQUEST' : 'REQUEST'}
14734 </div>
14735 <div>
14736 ${guard_i([this.method, this.path, this.allowTry, this.parameters, this.activeParameterSchemaTabs], () => this.inputParametersTemplate('path'))}
14737 ${guard_i([this.method, this.path, this.allowTry, this.parameters, this.activeParameterSchemaTabs], () => this.inputParametersTemplate('query'))}
14738 ${this.requestBodyTemplate()}
14739 ${guard_i([this.method, this.path, this.allowTry, this.parameters, this.activeParameterSchemaTabs], () => this.inputParametersTemplate('header'))}
14740 ${guard_i([this.method, this.path, this.allowTry, this.parameters, this.activeParameterSchemaTabs], () => this.inputParametersTemplate('cookie'))}
14741 ${this.allowTry === 'false' ? '' : y`${this.apiCallTemplate()}`}
14742 </div>
14743 </div>
14744 `;
14745 }
14746 async updated() {
14747 if (this.showCurlBeforeTry === 'true') {
14748 this.applyCURLSyntax(this.shadowRoot);
14749 }
14751 // In focused mode after rendering the request component, update the text-areas(which contains examples) using
14752 // the original values from hidden textareas
14753 // This is done coz, user may update the dom by editing the textarea's and once the DOM is updated externally change detection wont happen, therefore update the values manually
14755 // if (this.renderStyle === 'focused') {
14756 // if (changedProperties.size === 1 && changedProperties.has('activeSchemaTab')) {
14757 // // dont update example as only tabs is switched
14758 // } else {
14759 // this.requestUpdate();
14760 // }
14761 // }
14763 if (this.webhook === 'true') {
14764 this.allowTry = 'false';
14765 }
14766 }
14767 async saveExampleState() {
14768 if (this.renderStyle === 'focused') {
14769 const reqBodyTextAreaEls = [...this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('textarea.request-body-param-user-input')];
14770 reqBodyTextAreaEls.forEach(el => {
14771 el.dataset.user_example = el.value;
14772 });
14773 const exampleTextAreaEls = [...this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('textarea[data-ptype="form-data"]')];
14774 exampleTextAreaEls.forEach(el => {
14775 el.dataset.user_example = el.value;
14776 });
14777 this.requestUpdate();
14778 }
14779 }
14780 async updateExamplesFromDataAttr() {
14781 // In focused mode after rendering the request component, update the text-areas(which contains examples) using
14782 // the original values from hidden textareas
14783 // This is done coz, user may update the dom by editing the textarea's and once the DOM is updated externally change detection wont happen, therefore update the values manually
14784 if (this.renderStyle === 'focused') {
14785 const reqBodyTextAreaEls = [...this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('textarea.request-body-param-user-input')];
14786 reqBodyTextAreaEls.forEach(el => {
14787 el.value = el.dataset.user_example || el.dataset.example;
14788 });
14789 const exampleTextAreaEls = [...this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('textarea[data-ptype="form-data"]')];
14790 exampleTextAreaEls.forEach(el => {
14791 el.value = el.dataset.user_example || el.dataset.example;
14792 });
14793 this.requestUpdate();
14794 }
14795 }
14797 /* eslint-disable indent */
14798 renderExample(example, paramType, paramName) {
14799 var _example$value;
14800 return y`
14801 ${paramType === 'array' ? '[' : ''}
14802 <a
14803 part="anchor anchor-param-example"
14804 style="display:inline-block; min-width:24px; text-align:center"
14805 class="${this.allowTry === 'true' ? '' : 'inactive-link'}"
14806 data-example-type="${paramType === 'array' ? paramType : 'string'}"
14807 data-example="${example.value && Array.isArray(example.value) ? (_example$value = example.value) === null || _example$value === void 0 ? void 0 : _example$value.join('~|~') : example.value || ''}"
14808 @click="${e => {
14809 const inputEl = e.target.closest('table').querySelector(`[data-pname="${paramName}"]`);
14810 if (inputEl) {
14811 inputEl.value = e.target.dataset.exampleType === 'array' ? e.target.dataset.example.split('~|~') : e.target.dataset.example;
14812 }
14813 }}"
14814 > ${example.printableValue || example.value} </a>
14815 ${paramType === 'array' ? '] ' : ''}
14816 `;
14817 }
14818 renderShortFormatExamples(examples, paramType, paramName) {
14819 return y`${examples.map((x, i) => y`
14820 ${i === 0 ? '' : '┃'}
14821 ${this.renderExample(x, paramType, paramName)}`)}`;
14822 }
14823 renderLongFormatExamples(exampleList, paramType, paramName) {
14824 return y` <ul style="list-style-type: disclosure-closed;">
14825 ${exampleList.map(v => {
14826 var _v$summary, _v$description;
14827 return y`
14828 <li>
14829 ${this.renderExample(v, paramType, paramName)}
14830 ${((_v$summary = v.summary) === null || _v$summary === void 0 ? void 0 : _v$summary.length) > 0 ? y`<span>&lpar;${v.summary}&rpar;</span>` : ''}
14831 ${((_v$description = v.description) === null || _v$description === void 0 ? void 0 : _v$description.length) > 0 ? y`<p>${unsafe_html_o(marked(v.description))}</p>` : ''}
14832 </li>
14833 `;
14834 })}
14835 </ul>`;
14836 }
14837 exampleListTemplate(paramName, paramType, exampleList = []) {
14838 return y` ${exampleList.length > 0 ? y`<span style="font-weight:bold">Examples: </span>
14839 ${anyExampleWithSummaryOrDescription(exampleList) ? this.renderLongFormatExamples(exampleList, paramType, paramName) : this.renderShortFormatExamples(exampleList, paramType, paramName)}` : ''}`;
14840 }
14841 inputParametersTemplate(paramType) {
14842 const filteredParams = this.parameters ? this.parameters.filter(param => param.in === paramType) : [];
14843 if (filteredParams.length === 0) {
14844 return '';
14845 }
14846 let title = '';
14847 if (paramType === 'path') {
14848 title = 'PATH PARAMETERS';
14849 } else if (paramType === 'query') {
14851 } else if (paramType === 'header') {
14852 title = 'REQUEST HEADERS';
14853 } else if (paramType === 'cookie') {
14854 title = 'COOKIES';
14855 }
14856 const tableRows = [];
14857 for (const param of filteredParams) {
14858 const [declaredParamSchema, serializeStyle, mimeTypeElem] = getSchemaFromParam(param);
14859 if (!declaredParamSchema) {
14860 continue;
14861 }
14862 const paramSchema = getTypeInfo(declaredParamSchema);
14863 if (!paramSchema) {
14864 continue; // eslint-disable-line no-continue
14865 }
14867 const schemaAsObj = schemaInObjectNotation(declaredParamSchema, {});
14868 // let exampleVal = '';
14869 // let exampleList = [];
14870 let paramStyle = 'form';
14871 let paramExplode = true;
14872 let paramAllowReserved = false;
14873 if (paramType === 'query') {
14874 if (param.style && 'form spaceDelimited pipeDelimited'.includes(param.style)) {
14875 paramStyle = param.style;
14876 } else if (serializeStyle) {
14877 paramStyle = serializeStyle;
14878 }
14879 if (typeof param.explode === 'boolean') {
14880 paramExplode = param.explode;
14881 }
14882 if (typeof param.allowReserved === 'boolean') {
14883 paramAllowReserved = param.allowReserved;
14884 }
14885 }
14886 // openapi 3.1.0 spec based examples (which must be Object(string : { value:any, summary?: string, description?: string})
14887 const example = normalizeExamples(param.examples || nestExampleIfPresent(param.example) || nestExampleIfPresent(mimeTypeElem === null || mimeTypeElem === void 0 ? void 0 : mimeTypeElem.example) || (mimeTypeElem === null || mimeTypeElem === void 0 ? void 0 : mimeTypeElem.examples) || nestExampleIfPresent(paramSchema.examples) || nestExampleIfPresent(paramSchema.example), paramSchema.type);
14888 if (!example.exampleVal && paramSchema.type === 'object') {
14889 example.exampleVal = generateExample(declaredParamSchema, serializeStyle || 'json', '', '', this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? true : false,
14890 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
14891 this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? false : true,
14892 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
14893 true, 'text', false)[0].exampleValue;
14894 }
14895 const labelColWidth = 'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) ? '200px' : '160px';
14896 tableRows.push(y`
14897 <tr title="${param.deprecated ? 'Deprecated' : ''}">
14898 <td rowspan="${this.allowTry === 'true' ? '1' : '2'}" style="width:${labelColWidth}; min-width:100px;">
14899 <div class="param-name ${param.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}" >
14900 ${param.deprecated ? y`<span style='color:var(--red);'>✗</span>` : ''}
14901 ${param.required ? y`<span style='color:var(--red)'>*</span>` : ''}
14902 ${param.name}
14903 </div>
14904 <div class="param-type">
14905 ${paramSchema.type === 'array' ? `${paramSchema.arrayType}` : `${paramSchema.format ? paramSchema.format : paramSchema.type}`}
14906 </div>
14907 </td>
14908 ${this.allowTry === 'true' ? y`
14909 <td style="min-width:100px;" colspan="${paramSchema.default || paramSchema.constrain || paramSchema.allowedValues || paramSchema.pattern ? '1' : '2'}">
14910 ${paramSchema.type === 'array' ? y`
14911 <tag-input class="request-param"
14912 style = "width:100%"
14913 data-ptype = "${paramType}"
14914 data-pname = "${param.name}"
14915 data-example = "${Array.isArray(example.exampleVal) ? example.exampleVal.join('~|~') : example.exampleVal}"
14916 data-param-serialize-style = "${paramStyle}"
14917 data-param-serialize-explode = "${paramExplode}"
14918 data-param-allow-reserved = "${paramAllowReserved}"
14919 data-x-fill-example = "${param['x-fill-example'] || 'yes'}"
14920 data-array = "true"
14921 placeholder = "add-multiple &#x21a9;"
14922 .value="${param['x-fill-example'] === 'no' ? [] : live_l(this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample === 'true' ? Array.isArray(example.exampleVal) ? example.exampleVal : [example.exampleVal] : [])}"
14923 >
14924 </tag-input>` : paramSchema.type === 'object' ? y`
14925 <div class="tab-panel col" style="border-width:0 0 1px 0;">
14926 <div class="tab-buttons row" @click="${e => {
14927 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'button') {
14928 const newState = {
14929 ...this.activeParameterSchemaTabs
14930 };
14931 newState[param.name] = e.target.dataset.tab;
14932 this.activeParameterSchemaTabs = newState;
14933 }
14934 }}">
14935 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeParameterSchemaTabs[param.name] === 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'example'>EXAMPLE </button>
14936 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeParameterSchemaTabs[param.name] !== 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'schema'>SCHEMA</button>
14937 </div>
14938 ${this.activeParameterSchemaTabs[param.name] === 'example' ? y`<div class="tab-content col">
14939 <textarea
14940 class = "textarea request-param"
14941 part = "textarea textarea-param"
14942 data-ptype = "${paramType}-object"
14943 data-pname = "${param.name}"
14944 data-example = "${example.exampleVal}"
14945 data-param-serialize-style = "${paramStyle}"
14946 data-param-serialize-explode = "${paramExplode}"
14947 data-param-allow-reserved = "${paramAllowReserved}"
14948 data-x-fill-example = "${param['x-fill-example'] || 'yes'}"
14949 spellcheck = "false"
14950 .textContent="${param['x-fill-example'] === 'no' ? '' : live_l(this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample === 'true' ? example.exampleVal : '')}"
14951 style = "resize:vertical; width:100%; height: ${'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) ? '180px' : '120px'};"
14952 @input=${e => {
14953 const requestPanelEl = this.getRequestPanel(e);
14954 this.liveCURLSyntaxUpdate(requestPanelEl);
14955 }}
14956 ></textarea>
14957 </div>` : y`
14958 <div class="tab-content col">
14959 <schema-tree
14960 class = 'json'
14961 style = 'display: block'
14962 .data = '${schemaAsObj}'
14963 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
14964 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
14965 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
14966 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly.includes(this.method)}"
14967 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly.includes(this.method)}"
14968 exportparts = "wrap-request-btn:wrap-request-btn, btn:btn, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-outline:btn-outline, btn-try:btn-try, btn-clear:btn-clear, btn-clear-resp:btn-clear-resp,
14969 file-input:file-input, textbox:textbox, textbox-param:textbox-param, textarea:textarea, textarea-param:textarea-param,
14970 anchor:anchor, anchor-param-example:anchor-param-example"
14971 > </schema-tree>
14972 </div>`}
14973 </div>` : y`
14974 <input type="${paramSchema.format === 'password' ? 'password' : 'text'}" spellcheck="false" style="width:100%"
14975 class="request-param"
14976 part="textbox textbox-param"
14977 data-ptype="${paramType}"
14978 data-pname="${param.name}"
14979 data-example="${Array.isArray(example.exampleVal) ? example.exampleVal.join('~|~') : example.exampleVal}"
14980 data-param-allow-reserved = "${paramAllowReserved}"
14981 data-x-fill-example = "${param['x-fill-example'] || 'yes'}"
14982 data-array="false"
14983 .value="${param['x-fill-example'] === 'no' ? '' : live_l(this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample === 'true' ? example.exampleVal : '')}"
14984 @input=${e => {
14985 const requestPanelEl = this.getRequestPanel(e);
14986 this.liveCURLSyntaxUpdate(requestPanelEl);
14987 }}
14988 />`}
14989 </td>` : ''}
14990 ${paramSchema.default || paramSchema.constrain || paramSchema.allowedValues || paramSchema.pattern ? y`
14991 <td colspan="${this.allowTry === 'true' ? '1' : '2'}">
14992 <div class="param-constraint">
14993 ${paramSchema.default ? y`<span style="font-weight:bold">Default: </span>${paramSchema.default}<br/>` : ''}
14994 ${paramSchema.pattern ? y`<span style="font-weight:bold">Pattern: </span>${paramSchema.pattern}<br/>` : ''}
14995 ${paramSchema.constrain ? y`${paramSchema.constrain}<br/>` : ''}
14996 ${paramSchema.allowedValues && paramSchema.allowedValues.split('┃').map((v, i) => y`
14997 ${i > 0 ? '┃' : y`<span style="font-weight:bold">Allowed: </span>`}
14998 ${y`
14999 <a part="anchor anchor-param-constraint" class = "${this.allowTry === 'true' ? '' : 'inactive-link'}"
15000 data-type="${paramSchema.type === 'array' ? paramSchema.type : 'string'}"
15001 data-enum="${v.trim()}"
15002 @click="${e => {
15003 const inputEl = e.target.closest('table').querySelector(`[data-pname="${param.name}"]`);
15004 if (inputEl) {
15005 if (e.target.dataset.type === 'array') {
15006 inputEl.value = [e.target.dataset.enum];
15007 } else {
15008 inputEl.value = e.target.dataset.enum;
15009 }
15010 }
15011 }}"
15012 >${v}</a>`}`)}
15013 </div>
15014 </td>` : y`<td></td>`}
15015 </tr>
15016 <tr>
15017 ${this.allowTry === 'true' ? y`<td style="border:none"> </td>` : ''}
15018 <td colspan="2" style="border:none">
15019 <span class="m-markdown-small">${unsafe_html_o(marked(param.description || ''))}</span>
15020 ${this.exampleListTemplate.call(this, param.name, paramSchema.type, example.exampleList)}
15021 </td>
15022 </tr>
15023 `);
15024 }
15025 return y`
15026 <div class="table-title top-gap">${title}</div>
15027 <div style="display:block; overflow-x:auto; max-width:100%;">
15028 <table role="presentation" class="m-table" style="width:100%; word-break:break-word;">
15029 ${tableRows}
15030 </table>
15031 </div>`;
15032 }
15034 // This method is called before navigation change in focused mode
15035 async beforeNavigationFocusedMode() {
15036 // this.saveExampleState();
15037 }
15039 // This method is called after navigation change in focused mode
15040 async afterNavigationFocusedMode() {
15041 this.selectedRequestBodyType = '';
15042 this.selectedRequestBodyExample = '';
15043 this.updateExamplesFromDataAttr();
15044 this.clearResponseData();
15045 }
15047 // Request-Body Event Handlers
15048 onSelectExample(e) {
15049 this.selectedRequestBodyExample = e.target.value;
15050 const exampleDropdownEl = e.target;
15051 window.setTimeout(selectEl => {
15052 const readOnlyExampleEl = selectEl.closest('.example-panel').querySelector('.request-body-param');
15053 const userInputExampleTextareaEl = selectEl.closest('.example-panel').querySelector('.request-body-param-user-input');
15054 userInputExampleTextareaEl.value = readOnlyExampleEl.innerText;
15055 const requestPanelEl = this.getRequestPanel({
15056 target: selectEl
15057 });
15058 this.liveCURLSyntaxUpdate(requestPanelEl);
15059 }, 0, exampleDropdownEl);
15060 }
15061 onMimeTypeChange(e) {
15062 this.selectedRequestBodyType = e.target.value;
15063 const mimeDropdownEl = e.target;
15064 this.selectedRequestBodyExample = '';
15065 window.setTimeout(selectEl => {
15066 const readOnlyExampleEl = selectEl.closest('.request-body-container').querySelector('.request-body-param');
15067 if (readOnlyExampleEl) {
15068 const userInputExampleTextareaEl = selectEl.closest('.request-body-container').querySelector('.request-body-param-user-input');
15069 userInputExampleTextareaEl.value = readOnlyExampleEl.innerText;
15070 }
15071 }, 0, mimeDropdownEl);
15072 }
15073 requestBodyTemplate() {
15074 if (!this.request_body) {
15075 return '';
15076 }
15077 if (Object.keys(this.request_body).length === 0) {
15078 return '';
15079 }
15081 // Variable to store partial HTMLs
15082 let reqBodyTypeSelectorHtml = '';
15083 let reqBodyFileInputHtml = '';
15084 let reqBodyFormHtml = '';
15085 let reqBodySchemaHtml = '';
15086 let reqBodyExampleHtml = '';
15087 const requestBodyTypes = [];
15088 const {
15089 content
15090 } = this.request_body;
15091 for (const mimeType in content) {
15092 requestBodyTypes.push({
15093 mimeType,
15094 schema: content[mimeType].schema,
15095 example: content[mimeType].example,
15096 examples: content[mimeType].examples
15097 });
15098 if (!this.selectedRequestBodyType) {
15099 this.selectedRequestBodyType = mimeType;
15100 }
15101 }
15102 // MIME Type selector
15103 reqBodyTypeSelectorHtml = requestBodyTypes.length === 1 ? '' : y`
15104 <select style="min-width:100px; max-width:100%; margin-bottom:-1px;" @change = '${e => this.onMimeTypeChange(e)}'>
15105 ${requestBodyTypes.map(reqBody => y`
15106 <option value = '${reqBody.mimeType}' ?selected = '${reqBody.mimeType === this.selectedRequestBodyType}'>
15107 ${reqBody.mimeType}
15108 </option> `)}
15109 </select>
15110 `;
15112 // For Loop - Main
15113 requestBodyTypes.forEach(reqBody => {
15114 let schemaAsObj;
15115 let reqBodyExamples = [];
15116 if (this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('json') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('xml') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('text') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('jose')) {
15117 // Generate Example
15118 if (reqBody.mimeType === this.selectedRequestBodyType) {
15119 reqBodyExamples = generateExample(reqBody.schema, reqBody.mimeType, reqBody.examples, reqBody.example, this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? true : false,
15120 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
15121 this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? false : true,
15122 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
15123 'text', false);
15124 if (!this.selectedRequestBodyExample) {
15125 this.selectedRequestBodyExample = reqBodyExamples.length > 0 ? reqBodyExamples[0].exampleId : '';
15126 }
15127 reqBodyExampleHtml = y`
15128 ${reqBodyExampleHtml}
15129 <div class = 'example-panel border-top pad-top-8'>
15130 ${reqBodyExamples.length === 1 ? '' : y`
15131 <select style="min-width:100px; max-width:100%; margin-bottom:-1px;" @change='${e => this.onSelectExample(e)}'>
15132 ${reqBodyExamples.map(v => y`<option value="${v.exampleId}" ?selected=${v.exampleId === this.selectedRequestBodyExample} >
15133 ${v.exampleSummary.length > 80 ? v.exampleId : v.exampleSummary ? v.exampleSummary : v.exampleId}
15134 </option>`)}
15135 </select>
15136 `}
15137 ${reqBodyExamples.filter(v => v.exampleId === this.selectedRequestBodyExample).map(v => y`
15138 <div class="example ${v.exampleId === this.selectedRequestBodyExample ? 'example-selected' : ''}" data-example = '${v.exampleId}'>
15139 ${v.exampleSummary && v.exampleSummary.length > 80 ? y`<div style="padding: 4px 0"> ${v.exampleSummary} </div>` : ''}
15140 ${v.exampleDescription ? y`<div class="m-markdown-small" style="padding: 4px 0"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(v.exampleDescription || ''))} </div>` : ''}
15141 <!-- This pre(hidden) is to store the original example value, this will remain unchanged when users switches from one example to another, its is used to populate the editable textarea -->
15142 <pre
15143 class = "textarea is-hidden request-body-param ${reqBody.mimeType.substring(reqBody.mimeType.indexOf('/') + 1)}"
15144 spellcheck = "false"
15145 data-ptype = "${reqBody.mimeType}"
15146 style="width:100%; resize:vertical; display:none"
15147 >${v.exampleFormat === 'text' ? v.exampleValue : JSON.stringify(v.exampleValue, null, 2)}</pre>
15149 <!-- this textarea is for user to edit the example -->
15150 <textarea
15151 class = "textarea request-body-param-user-input"
15152 part = "textarea textarea-param"
15153 spellcheck = "false"
15154 data-ptype = "${reqBody.mimeType}"
15155 data-example = "${v.exampleFormat === 'text' ? v.exampleValue : JSON.stringify(v.exampleValue, null, 2)}"
15156 data-example-format = "${v.exampleFormat}"
15157 style="width:100%; resize:vertical;"
15158 .textContent = "${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample === 'true' ? v.exampleFormat === 'text' ? v.exampleValue : JSON.stringify(v.exampleValue, null, 2) : ''}"
15159 @input=${e => {
15160 const requestPanelEl = this.getRequestPanel(e);
15161 this.liveCURLSyntaxUpdate(requestPanelEl);
15162 }}
15163 ></textarea>
15164 </div>
15165 `)}
15167 </div>
15168 `;
15169 }
15170 } else if (this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('form-urlencoded') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('form-data')) {
15171 if (reqBody.mimeType === this.selectedRequestBodyType) {
15172 const ex = generateExample(reqBody.schema, reqBody.mimeType, reqBody.examples, reqBody.example, this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? true : false,
15173 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
15174 this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? false : true,
15175 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
15176 'text', false);
15177 if (reqBody.schema) {
15178 reqBodyFormHtml = this.formDataTemplate(reqBody.schema, reqBody.mimeType, ex[0] ? ex[0].exampleValue : '');
15179 }
15180 }
15181 } else if (/^audio\/|^image\/|^video\/|^font\/|tar$|zip$|7z$|rtf$|msword$|excel$|\/pdf$|\/octet-stream$/.test(this.selectedRequestBodyType)) {
15182 if (reqBody.mimeType === this.selectedRequestBodyType) {
15183 reqBodyFileInputHtml = y`
15184 <div class = "small-font-size bold-text row">
15185 <input type="file" part="file-input" style="max-width:100%" class="request-body-param-file" data-ptype="${reqBody.mimeType}" spellcheck="false" />
15186 </div>
15187 `;
15188 }
15189 }
15191 // Generate Schema
15192 if (reqBody.mimeType.includes('json') || reqBody.mimeType.includes('xml') || reqBody.mimeType.includes('text') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('jose')) {
15193 schemaAsObj = schemaInObjectNotation(reqBody.schema, {});
15194 if (this.schemaStyle === 'table') {
15195 reqBodySchemaHtml = y`
15196 ${reqBodySchemaHtml}
15197 <schema-table
15198 class = '${reqBody.mimeType.substring(reqBody.mimeType.indexOf('/') + 1)}'
15199 style = 'display: ${this.selectedRequestBodyType === reqBody.mimeType ? 'block' : 'none'};'
15200 .data = '${schemaAsObj}'
15201 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
15202 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
15203 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
15204 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly}"
15205 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly}"
15206 exportparts = "schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
15207 > </schema-table>
15208 `;
15209 } else if (this.schemaStyle === 'tree') {
15210 reqBodySchemaHtml = y`
15211 ${reqBodySchemaHtml}
15212 <schema-tree
15213 class = "${reqBody.mimeType.substring(reqBody.mimeType.indexOf('/') + 1)}"
15214 style = "display: ${this.selectedRequestBodyType === reqBody.mimeType ? 'block' : 'none'};"
15215 .data = "${schemaAsObj}"
15216 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
15217 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
15218 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
15219 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly}"
15220 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly}"
15221 exportparts = "schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
15222 > </schema-tree>
15223 `;
15224 }
15225 }
15226 });
15227 return y`
15228 <div class='request-body-container' data-selected-request-body-type="${this.selectedRequestBodyType}">
15229 <div class="table-title top-gap row">
15230 REQUEST BODY ${this.request_body.required ? y`<span class="mono-font" style='color:var(--red)'>*</span>` : ''}
15231 <span style = "font-weight:normal; margin-left:5px"> ${this.selectedRequestBodyType}</span>
15232 <span style="flex:1"></span>
15233 ${reqBodyTypeSelectorHtml}
15234 </div>
15235 ${this.request_body.description ? y`<div class="m-markdown" style="margin-bottom:12px">${unsafe_html_o(marked(this.request_body.description))}</div>` : ''}
15237 ${this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('json') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('xml') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('text') || this.selectedRequestBodyType.includes('jose') ? y`
15238 <div class="tab-panel col" style="border-width:0 0 1px 0;">
15239 <div class="tab-buttons row" @click="${e => {
15240 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'button') {
15241 this.activeSchemaTab = e.target.dataset.tab;
15242 }
15243 }}">
15244 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeSchemaTab === 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'example'>EXAMPLE</button>
15245 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeSchemaTab !== 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'schema'>SCHEMA</button>
15246 </div>
15247 ${y`<div class="tab-content col" style="display:${this.activeSchemaTab === 'example' ? 'block' : 'none'};"> ${reqBodyExampleHtml}</div>`}
15248 ${y`<div class="tab-content col" style="display:${this.activeSchemaTab === 'example' ? 'none' : 'block'};"> ${reqBodySchemaHtml}</div>`}
15249 </div>` : y`
15250 ${reqBodyFileInputHtml}
15251 ${reqBodyFormHtml}`}
15252 </div>
15253 `;
15254 }
15255 formDataParamAsObjectTemplate(fieldName, fieldSchema, mimeType) {
15256 var _formdataPartExample$;
15257 // This template is used when form-data param should be send as a object (application/json, application/xml)
15258 const formdataPartSchema = schemaInObjectNotation(fieldSchema, {});
15259 const formdataPartExample = generateExample(fieldSchema, 'json', fieldSchema.examples, fieldSchema.example, this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? true : false,
15260 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
15261 this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? false : true,
15262 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
15263 'text', false);
15264 return y`
15265 <div class="tab-panel row" style="min-height:220px; border-left: 6px solid var(--light-border-color); align-items: stretch;">
15266 <div style="width:24px; background-color:var(--light-border-color)">
15267 <div class="row" style="flex-direction:row-reverse; width:160px; height:24px; transform:rotate(270deg) translateX(-160px); transform-origin:top left; display:block;" @click="${e => {
15268 if (e.target.classList.contains('v-tab-btn')) {
15269 const {
15270 tab
15271 } = e.target.dataset;
15272 if (tab) {
15273 const tabPanelEl = e.target.closest('.tab-panel');
15274 const selectedTabBtnEl = tabPanelEl.querySelector(`.v-tab-btn[data-tab="${tab}"]`);
15275 const otherTabBtnEl = [...tabPanelEl.querySelectorAll(`.v-tab-btn:not([data-tab="${tab}"])`)];
15276 const selectedTabContentEl = tabPanelEl.querySelector(`.tab-content[data-tab="${tab}"]`);
15277 const otherTabContentEl = [...tabPanelEl.querySelectorAll(`.tab-content:not([data-tab="${tab}"])`)];
15278 selectedTabBtnEl.classList.add('active');
15279 selectedTabContentEl.style.display = 'block';
15280 otherTabBtnEl.forEach(el => {
15281 el.classList.remove('active');
15282 });
15283 otherTabContentEl.forEach(el => {
15284 el.style.display = 'none';
15285 });
15286 }
15287 }
15288 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'button') {
15289 this.activeSchemaTab = e.target.dataset.tab;
15290 }
15291 }}">
15292 <button class="v-tab-btn ${this.activeSchemaTab === 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'example'>EXAMPLE</button>
15293 <button class="v-tab-btn ${this.activeSchemaTab !== 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'schema'>SCHEMA</button>
15294 </div>
15295 </div>
15296 ${y`
15297 <div class="tab-content col" data-tab = 'example' style="display:${this.activeSchemaTab === 'example' ? 'block' : 'none'}; padding-left:5px; width:100%">
15298 <textarea
15299 class = "textarea"
15300 part = "textarea textarea-param"
15301 style = "width:100%; border:none; resize:vertical;"
15302 data-array = "false"
15303 data-ptype = "${mimeType.includes('form-urlencode') ? 'form-urlencode' : 'form-data'}"
15304 data-pname = "${fieldName}"
15305 data-example = "${((_formdataPartExample$ = formdataPartExample[0]) === null || _formdataPartExample$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _formdataPartExample$.exampleValue) || ''}"
15306 .textContent = "${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample === 'true' ? formdataPartExample[0].exampleValue : ''}"
15307 spellcheck = "false"
15308 ></textarea>
15309 </div>`}
15310 ${y`
15311 <div class="tab-content col" data-tab = 'schema' style="display:${this.activeSchemaTab !== 'example' ? 'block' : 'none'}; padding-left:5px; width:100%;">
15312 <schema-tree
15313 .data = '${formdataPartSchema}'
15314 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
15315 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
15316 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}",
15317 > </schema-tree>
15318 </div>`}
15319 </div>
15320 `;
15321 }
15322 formDataTemplate(schema, mimeType, exampleValue = '') {
15323 const formDataTableRows = [];
15324 if (schema.properties) {
15325 for (const fieldName in schema.properties) {
15326 var _schema$required, _fieldSchema$items;
15327 const fieldSchema = schema.properties[fieldName];
15328 if (fieldSchema.readOnly) {
15329 continue;
15330 }
15331 const fieldExamples = fieldSchema.examples || fieldSchema.example || '';
15332 const fieldType = fieldSchema.type;
15333 const paramSchema = getTypeInfo(fieldSchema);
15334 const labelColWidth = 'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) ? '200px' : '160px';
15335 const example = normalizeExamples(paramSchema.examples || paramSchema.example, paramSchema.type);
15336 formDataTableRows.push(y`
15337 <tr title="${fieldSchema.deprecated ? 'Deprecated' : ''}">
15338 <td style="width:${labelColWidth}; min-width:100px;">
15339 <div class="param-name ${fieldSchema.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}">
15340 ${fieldName}${(_schema$required = schema.required) !== null && _schema$required !== void 0 && _schema$required.includes(fieldName) || fieldSchema.required ? y`<span style='color:var(--red);'>*</span>` : ''}
15341 </div>
15342 <div class="param-type">${paramSchema.type}</div>
15343 </td>
15344 <td
15345 style="${fieldType === 'object' ? 'width:100%; padding:0;' : this.allowTry === 'true' ? '' : 'display:none;'} min-width:100px;"
15346 colspan="${fieldType === 'object' ? 2 : 1}">
15347 ${fieldType === 'array' ? ((_fieldSchema$items = fieldSchema.items) === null || _fieldSchema$items === void 0 ? void 0 : _fieldSchema$items.format) === 'binary' ? y`
15348 <div class="file-input-container col" style='align-items:flex-end;' @click="${e => this.onAddRemoveFileInput(e, fieldName, mimeType)}">
15349 <div class='input-set row'>
15350 <input
15351 type = "file"
15352 part = "file-input"
15353 style = "width:100%"
15354 data-pname = "${fieldName}"
15355 data-ptype = "${mimeType.includes('form-urlencode') ? 'form-urlencode' : 'form-data'}"
15356 data-array = "false"
15357 data-file-array = "true"
15358 />
15359 <button class="file-input-remove-btn"> &#x2715; </button>
15360 </div>
15361 <button class="m-btn primary file-input-add-btn" part="btn btn-fill" style="margin:2px 25px 0 0; padding:2px 6px;">ADD</button>
15362 </div>
15363 ` : y`
15364 <tag-input
15365 style = "width:100%"
15366 data-ptype = "${mimeType.includes('form-urlencode') ? 'form-urlencode' : 'form-data'}"
15367 data-pname = "${fieldName}"
15368 data-example = "${Array.isArray(fieldExamples) ? fieldExamples.join('~|~') : fieldExamples}"
15369 data-array = "true"
15370 placeholder = "add-multiple &#x21a9;"
15371 .value = "${Array.isArray(fieldExamples) ? Array.isArray(fieldExamples[0]) ? fieldExamples[0] : [fieldExamples[0]] : [fieldExamples]}"
15372 >
15373 </tag-input>
15374 ` : y`
15375 ${fieldType === 'object' ? this.formDataParamAsObjectTemplate.call(this, fieldName, fieldSchema, mimeType) : y`
15376 ${this.allowTry === 'true' ? y`<input
15377 .value = "${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample === 'true' ? example.exampleVal : ''}"
15378 spellcheck = "false"
15379 type = "${fieldSchema.format === 'binary' ? 'file' : fieldSchema.format === 'password' ? 'password' : 'text'}"
15380 part = "textbox textbox-param"
15381 style = "width:100%"
15382 data-ptype = "${mimeType.includes('form-urlencode') ? 'form-urlencode' : 'form-data'}"
15383 data-pname = "${fieldName}"
15384 data-example = "${Array.isArray(fieldExamples) ? fieldExamples[0] : fieldExamples}"
15385 data-array = "false"
15386 />` : ''}
15387 `}`}
15388 </td>
15389 ${fieldType === 'object' ? '' : y`
15390 <td>
15391 ${paramSchema.default || paramSchema.constrain || paramSchema.allowedValues || paramSchema.pattern ? y`
15392 <div class="param-constraint">
15393 ${paramSchema.default ? y`<span style="font-weight:bold">Default: </span>${paramSchema.default}<br/>` : ''}
15394 ${paramSchema.pattern ? y`<span style="font-weight:bold">Pattern: </span>${paramSchema.pattern}<br/>` : ''}
15395 ${paramSchema.constrain ? y`${paramSchema.constrain}<br/>` : ''}
15396 ${paramSchema.allowedValues && paramSchema.allowedValues.split('┃').map((v, i) => y`
15397 ${i > 0 ? '┃' : y`<span style="font-weight:bold">Allowed: </span>`}
15398 ${y`
15399 <a part="anchor anchor-param-constraint" class = "${this.allowTry === 'true' ? '' : 'inactive-link'}"
15400 data-type="${paramSchema.type === 'array' ? paramSchema.type : 'string'}"
15401 data-enum="${v.trim()}"
15402 @click="${e => {
15403 const inputEl = e.target.closest('table').querySelector(`[data-pname="${fieldName}"]`);
15404 if (inputEl) {
15405 if (e.target.dataset.type === 'array') {
15406 inputEl.value = [e.target.dataset.enum];
15407 } else {
15408 inputEl.value = e.target.dataset.enum;
15409 }
15410 }
15411 }}"
15412 >
15413 ${v}
15414 </a>`}`)}
15415 </div>` : ''}
15416 </td>`}
15417 </tr>
15418 ${fieldType === 'object' ? '' : y`
15419 <tr>
15420 <td style="border:none"> </td>
15421 <td colspan="2" style="border:none; margin-top:0; padding:0 5px 8px 5px;">
15422 <span class="m-markdown-small">${unsafe_html_o(marked(fieldSchema.description || ''))}</span>
15423 ${this.exampleListTemplate.call(this, fieldName, paramSchema.type, example.exampleList)}
15424 </td>
15425 </tr>
15426 `}`);
15427 }
15428 return y`
15429 <table role="presentation" style="width:100%;" class="m-table">
15430 ${formDataTableRows}
15431 </table>
15432 `;
15433 }
15434 return y`
15435 <textarea
15436 class = "textarea dynamic-form-param ${mimeType}"
15437 part = "textarea textarea-param"
15438 spellcheck = "false"
15439 data-pname="dynamic-form"
15440 data-ptype="${mimeType}"
15441 .textContent = "${exampleValue}"
15442 style="width:100%"
15443 ></textarea>
15444 ${schema.description ? y`<span class="m-markdown-small">${unsafe_html_o(marked(schema.description))}</span>` : ''}
15445 `;
15446 }
15447 curlSyntaxTemplate(display = 'flex') {
15448 return y`
15449 <div class="col m-markdown" style="flex:1; display:${display}; position:relative; max-width: 100%;">
15450 <button class="toolbar-btn" style = "position:absolute; top:12px; right:8px" @click='${e => {
15451 copyToClipboard(this.curlSyntax.replace(/\\$/, ''), e);
15452 }}' part="btn btn-fill"> Copy </button>
15453 <pre style="white-space:pre"><code>${unsafe_html_o(prism_default().highlight(this.curlSyntax.trim().replace(/\\$/, ''), (prism_default()).languages.shell, 'shell'))}</code></pre>
15454 </div>
15455 `;
15456 }
15457 apiResponseTabTemplate() {
15458 let responseFormat = '';
15459 let responseContent = '';
15460 if (!this.responseIsBlob) {
15461 if (this.responseHeaders.includes('application/x-ndjson')) {
15462 responseFormat = 'json';
15463 const prismLines = this.responseText.split('\n').map(q => prism_default().highlight(q, (prism_default()).languages[responseFormat], responseFormat)).join('\n');
15464 responseContent = y`<code>${unsafe_html_o(prismLines)}</code>`;
15465 } else if (this.responseHeaders.includes('json')) {
15466 responseFormat = 'json';
15467 responseContent = y`<code>${unsafe_html_o(prism_default().highlight(this.responseText, (prism_default()).languages[responseFormat], responseFormat))}</code>`;
15468 } else if (this.responseHeaders.includes('html') || this.responseHeaders.includes('xml')) {
15469 responseFormat = 'html';
15470 responseContent = y`<code>${unsafe_html_o(prism_default().highlight(this.responseText, (prism_default()).languages[responseFormat], responseFormat))}</code>`;
15471 } else {
15472 responseFormat = 'text';
15473 responseContent = y`<code>${this.responseText}</code>`;
15474 }
15475 }
15476 return y`
15477 <div class="row" style="font-size:var(--font-size-small); margin:5px 0">
15478 <div class="response-message ${this.responseStatus}">Response Status: ${this.responseMessage}</div>
15479 <div style="flex:1"></div>
15480 <button class="m-btn" part="btn btn-outline btn-clear-response" @click="${this.clearResponseData}">CLEAR RESPONSE</button>
15481 </div>
15482 <div class="tab-panel col" style="border-width:0 0 1px 0;">
15483 <div id="tab_buttons" class="tab-buttons row" @click="${e => {
15484 if (e.target.classList.contains('tab-btn') === false) {
15485 return;
15486 }
15487 this.activeResponseTab = e.target.dataset.tab;
15488 }}">
15489 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeResponseTab === 'response' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'response' > RESPONSE</button>
15490 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeResponseTab === 'headers' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'headers' > RESPONSE HEADERS</button>
15491 ${this.showCurlBeforeTry === 'true' ? '' : y`<button class="tab-btn ${this.activeResponseTab === 'curl' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'curl'>CURL</button>`}
15492 </div>
15493 ${this.responseIsBlob ? y`
15494 <div class="tab-content col" style="flex:1; display:${this.activeResponseTab === 'response' ? 'flex' : 'none'};">
15495 <button class="m-btn thin-border mar-top-8" style="width:135px" @click='${e => {
15496 downloadResource(this.responseBlobUrl, this.respContentDisposition, e);
15497 }}' part="btn btn-outline">
15499 </button>
15500 ${this.responseBlobType === 'view' ? y`<button class="m-btn thin-border mar-top-8" style="width:135px" @click='${e => {
15501 viewResource(this.responseBlobUrl, e);
15502 }}' part="btn btn-outline">VIEW (NEW TAB)</button>` : ''}
15503 </div>` : y`
15504 <div class="tab-content col m-markdown" style="flex:1; display:${this.activeResponseTab === 'response' ? 'flex' : 'none'};" >
15505 <button class="toolbar-btn" style="position:absolute; top:12px; right:8px" @click='${e => {
15506 copyToClipboard(this.responseText, e);
15507 }}' part="btn btn-fill"> Copy </button>
15508 <pre style="white-space:pre; min-height:50px; height:var(--resp-area-height, 400px); resize:vertical; overflow:auto">${responseContent}</pre>
15509 </div>`}
15510 <div class="tab-content col m-markdown" style="flex:1; display:${this.activeResponseTab === 'headers' ? 'flex' : 'none'};" >
15511 <button class="toolbar-btn" style = "position:absolute; top:12px; right:8px" @click='${e => {
15512 copyToClipboard(this.responseHeaders, e);
15513 }}' part="btn btn-fill"> Copy </button>
15514 <pre style="white-space:pre"><code>${unsafe_html_o(prism_default().highlight(this.responseHeaders, (prism_default()).languages.css, 'css'))}</code></pre>
15515 </div>
15516 ${this.showCurlBeforeTry === 'true' ? '' : this.curlSyntaxTemplate(this.activeResponseTab === 'curl' ? 'flex' : 'none')}
15517 </div>`;
15518 }
15519 apiCallTemplate() {
15520 var _this$security, _this$api_keys$;
15521 let selectServerDropdownHtml = '';
15522 if (this.servers && this.servers.length > 0) {
15523 selectServerDropdownHtml = y`
15524 <select style="min-width:100px;" @change='${e => {
15525 this.serverUrl = e.target.value;
15526 }}'>
15527 ${this.servers.map(v => y`<option value = "${v.url}"> ${v.url} - ${v.description} </option>`)}
15528 </select>
15529 `;
15530 }
15531 const selectedServerHtml = y`
15532 <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column;">
15533 ${selectServerDropdownHtml}
15534 ${this.serverUrl ? y`
15535 <div style="display:flex; align-items:baseline;">
15536 <div style="font-weight:bold; padding-right:5px;">API Server</div>
15537 <span class = "gray-text"> ${this.serverUrl} </span>
15538 </div>
15539 ` : ''}
15540 </div>
15541 `;
15542 return y`
15543 <div style="display:flex; align-items:flex-end; margin:16px 0; font-size:var(--font-size-small);" part="wrap-request-btn">
15544 <div class="hide-in-small-screen" style="flex-direction:column; margin:0; width:calc(100% - 60px);">
15545 <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; align-items:center; overflow:hidden;">
15546 ${selectedServerHtml}
15547 </div>
15548 <div style="display:flex;">
15549 <div style="font-weight:bold; padding-right:5px;">Authentication</div>
15550 ${((_this$security = this.security) === null || _this$security === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$security.length) > 0 ? y`
15551 ${this.api_keys.length > 0 ? y`<div style="color:var(--blue); overflow:hidden;">
15552 ${this.api_keys.length === 1 ? `${(_this$api_keys$ = this.api_keys[0]) === null || _this$api_keys$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$api_keys$.typeDisplay} in ${this.api_keys[0].in}` : `${this.api_keys.length} API keys applied`}
15553 </div>` : y`<div class="gray-text">Required <span style="color:var(--red)">(None Applied)</span>`}` : y`<span class="gray-text"> Not Required </span>`}
15554 </div>
15555 </div>
15556 ${this.parameters.length > 0 || this.request_body ? y`
15557 <button class="m-btn thin-border" part="btn btn-outline btn-fill" style="margin-right:5px;" @click="${this.onFillRequestData}" title="Fills with example data (if provided)">
15559 </button>
15560 <button class="m-btn thin-border" part="btn btn-outline btn-clear" style="margin-right:5px;" @click="${this.onClearRequestData}">
15561 CLEAR
15562 </button>` : ''}
15563 <button class="m-btn primary thin-border" part="btn btn-try" @click="${this.onTryClick}">TRY</button>
15564 </div>
15565 <div class="row" style="font-size:var(--font-size-small); margin:5px 0">
15566 ${this.showCurlBeforeTry === 'true' ? this.curlSyntaxTemplate() : ''}
15567 </div>
15568 ${this.responseMessage === '' ? '' : this.apiResponseTabTemplate()}
15569 `;
15570 }
15571 /* eslint-enable indent */
15573 async onFillRequestData(e) {
15574 const requestPanelEl = e.target.closest('.request-panel');
15575 const requestPanelInputEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll('input, tag-input, textarea:not(.is-hidden)')];
15576 requestPanelInputEls.forEach(el => {
15577 if (el.dataset.example) {
15578 if (el.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'TAG-INPUT') {
15579 el.value = el.dataset.example.split('~|~');
15580 } else {
15581 el.value = el.dataset.example;
15582 }
15583 }
15584 });
15585 }
15586 async onClearRequestData(e) {
15587 const requestPanelEl = e.target.closest('.request-panel');
15588 const requestPanelInputEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll('input, tag-input, textarea:not(.is-hidden)')];
15589 requestPanelInputEls.forEach(el => {
15590 el.value = '';
15591 });
15592 }
15593 buildFetchURL(requestPanelEl) {
15594 let fetchUrl;
15595 const pathParamEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll("[data-ptype='path']")];
15596 const queryParamEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll("[data-ptype='query']")];
15597 const queryParamObjTypeEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll("[data-ptype='query-object']")];
15598 fetchUrl = this.path;
15599 // Generate URL using Path Params
15600 pathParamEls.map(el => {
15601 fetchUrl = fetchUrl.replace(`{${el.dataset.pname}}`, encodeURIComponent(el.value));
15602 });
15604 // Query Params
15605 const urlQueryParamsMap = new Map();
15606 const queryParamsWithReservedCharsAllowed = [];
15607 if (queryParamEls.length > 0) {
15608 queryParamEls.forEach(el => {
15609 const queryParam = new URLSearchParams();
15610 if (el.dataset.paramAllowReserved === 'true') {
15611 queryParamsWithReservedCharsAllowed.push(el.dataset.pname);
15612 }
15613 if (el.dataset.array === 'false') {
15614 if (el.value !== '') {
15615 queryParam.append(el.dataset.pname, el.value);
15616 }
15617 } else {
15618 const {
15619 paramSerializeStyle,
15620 paramSerializeExplode
15621 } = el.dataset;
15622 let vals = el.value && Array.isArray(el.value) ? el.value : [];
15623 vals = Array.isArray(vals) ? vals.filter(v => v !== '') : [];
15624 if (vals.length > 0) {
15625 if (paramSerializeStyle === 'spaceDelimited') {
15626 queryParam.append(el.dataset.pname, vals.join(' ').replace(/^\s|\s$/g, ''));
15627 } else if (paramSerializeStyle === 'pipeDelimited') {
15628 queryParam.append(el.dataset.pname, vals.join('|').replace(/^\||\|$/g, ''));
15629 } else {
15630 if (paramSerializeExplode === 'true') {
15631 // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
15632 vals.forEach(v => {
15633 queryParam.append(el.dataset.pname, v);
15634 });
15635 } else {
15636 queryParam.append(el.dataset.pname, vals.join(',').replace(/^,|,$/g, ''));
15637 }
15638 }
15639 }
15640 }
15641 if (queryParam.toString()) {
15642 urlQueryParamsMap.set(el.dataset.pname, queryParam);
15643 }
15644 });
15645 }
15647 // Query Params (Dynamic - create from JSON)
15648 if (queryParamObjTypeEls.length > 0) {
15649 queryParamObjTypeEls.map(el => {
15650 const queryParam = new URLSearchParams();
15651 try {
15652 let queryParamObj = {};
15653 const {
15654 paramSerializeStyle,
15655 paramSerializeExplode
15656 } = el.dataset;
15657 queryParamObj = Object.assign(queryParamObj, JSON.parse(el.value.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')));
15658 if (el.dataset.paramAllowReserved === 'true') {
15659 queryParamsWithReservedCharsAllowed.push(el.dataset.pname);
15660 }
15661 if ('json xml'.includes(paramSerializeStyle)) {
15662 if (paramSerializeStyle === 'json') {
15663 queryParam.append(el.dataset.pname, JSON.stringify(queryParamObj));
15664 } else if (paramSerializeStyle === 'xml') {
15665 queryParam.append(el.dataset.pname, json2xml(queryParamObj));
15666 }
15667 } else {
15668 for (const key in queryParamObj) {
15669 if (typeof queryParamObj[key] === 'object') {
15670 if (Array.isArray(queryParamObj[key])) {
15671 if (paramSerializeStyle === 'spaceDelimited') {
15672 queryParam.append(key, queryParamObj[key].join(' '));
15673 } else if (paramSerializeStyle === 'pipeDelimited') {
15674 queryParam.append(key, queryParamObj[key].join('|'));
15675 } else {
15676 if (paramSerializeExplode === 'true') {
15677 // eslint-disable-line no-lonely-if
15678 queryParamObj[key].forEach(v => {
15679 queryParam.append(key, v);
15680 });
15681 } else {
15682 queryParam.append(key, queryParamObj[key]);
15683 }
15684 }
15685 }
15686 } else {
15687 queryParam.append(key, queryParamObj[key]);
15688 }
15689 }
15690 }
15691 } catch (err) {
15692 console.error('RapiDoc: unable to parse %s into object', el.value); // eslint-disable-line no-console
15693 }
15695 if (queryParam.toString()) {
15696 urlQueryParamsMap.set(el.dataset.pname, queryParam);
15697 }
15698 });
15699 }
15700 let urlQueryParamString = '';
15701 if (urlQueryParamsMap.size) {
15702 urlQueryParamsMap.forEach((val, pname) => {
15703 if (queryParamsWithReservedCharsAllowed.includes(pname)) {
15704 urlQueryParamString += `${pname}=`;
15705 urlQueryParamString += val.getAll(pname).join(`&${pname}=`);
15706 urlQueryParamString += '&';
15707 } else {
15708 urlQueryParamString += `${val.toString()}&`;
15709 }
15710 });
15711 urlQueryParamString = urlQueryParamString.slice(0, -1);
15712 }
15713 if (urlQueryParamString.length !== 0) {
15714 fetchUrl = `${fetchUrl}${fetchUrl.includes('?') ? '&' : '?'}${urlQueryParamString}`;
15715 }
15717 // Add authentication Query-Param if provided
15718 this.api_keys.filter(v => v.in === 'query').forEach(v => {
15719 fetchUrl = `${fetchUrl}${fetchUrl.includes('?') ? '&' : '?'}${v.name}=${encodeURIComponent(v.finalKeyValue)}`;
15720 });
15721 fetchUrl = `${this.serverUrl.replace(/\/$/, '')}${fetchUrl}`;
15722 return fetchUrl;
15723 }
15724 buildFetchHeaders(requestPanelEl) {
15725 var _this$closest;
15726 const respEl = (_this$closest = this.closest('.expanded-req-resp-container, .req-resp-container')) === null || _this$closest === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$closest.getElementsByTagName('api-response')[0];
15727 const headerParamEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll("[data-ptype='header']")];
15728 const requestBodyContainerEl = requestPanelEl.querySelector('.request-body-container');
15729 const acceptHeader = respEl === null || respEl === void 0 ? void 0 : respEl.selectedMimeType;
15730 const reqHeaders = new Headers();
15731 if (acceptHeader) {
15732 // Uses the acceptHeader from Response panel
15733 reqHeaders.append('Accept', acceptHeader);
15734 } else if (this.accept) {
15735 reqHeaders.append('Accept', this.accept);
15736 }
15738 // Add Authentication Header if provided
15739 this.api_keys.filter(v => v.in === 'header').forEach(v => {
15740 reqHeaders.append(v.name, v.finalKeyValue);
15741 });
15743 // Add Header Params
15744 headerParamEls.map(el => {
15745 if (el.value) {
15746 reqHeaders.append(el.dataset.pname, el.value);
15747 }
15748 });
15749 if (requestBodyContainerEl) {
15750 const requestBodyType = requestBodyContainerEl.dataset.selectedRequestBodyType;
15751 // Common for all request-body
15752 if (!requestBodyType.includes('form-data')) {
15753 // For multipart/form-data dont set the content-type to allow creation of browser generated part boundaries
15754 reqHeaders.append('Content-Type', requestBodyType);
15755 }
15756 }
15757 return reqHeaders;
15758 }
15759 buildFetchBodyOptions(requestPanelEl) {
15760 const requestBodyContainerEl = requestPanelEl.querySelector('.request-body-container');
15761 const fetchOptions = {
15762 method: this.method.toUpperCase()
15763 };
15764 if (requestBodyContainerEl) {
15765 const requestBodyType = requestBodyContainerEl.dataset.selectedRequestBodyType;
15766 if (requestBodyType.includes('form-urlencoded')) {
15767 // url-encoded Form Params (dynamic) - Parse JSON and generate Params
15768 const formUrlDynamicTextAreaEl = requestPanelEl.querySelector("[data-ptype='dynamic-form']");
15769 if (formUrlDynamicTextAreaEl) {
15770 const val = formUrlDynamicTextAreaEl.value;
15771 const formUrlDynParams = new URLSearchParams();
15772 let proceed = true;
15773 let tmpObj;
15774 if (val) {
15775 try {
15776 tmpObj = JSON.parse(val);
15777 } catch (err) {
15778 proceed = false;
15779 console.warn('RapiDoc: Invalid JSON provided', err); // eslint-disable-line no-console
15780 }
15781 } else {
15782 proceed = false;
15783 }
15784 if (proceed) {
15785 for (const prop in tmpObj) {
15786 formUrlDynParams.append(prop, JSON.stringify(tmpObj[prop]));
15787 }
15788 fetchOptions.body = formUrlDynParams;
15789 }
15790 } else {
15791 // url-encoded Form Params (regular)
15792 const formUrlEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll("[data-ptype='form-urlencode']")];
15793 const formUrlParams = new URLSearchParams();
15794 formUrlEls.filter(v => v.type !== 'file').forEach(el => {
15795 if (el.dataset.array === 'false') {
15796 if (el.value) {
15797 formUrlParams.append(el.dataset.pname, el.value);
15798 }
15799 } else {
15800 const vals = el.value && Array.isArray(el.value) ? el.value.join(',') : '';
15801 formUrlParams.append(el.dataset.pname, vals);
15802 }
15803 });
15804 fetchOptions.body = formUrlParams;
15805 }
15806 } else if (requestBodyType.includes('form-data')) {
15807 const formDataParams = new FormData();
15808 const formDataEls = [...requestPanelEl.querySelectorAll("[data-ptype='form-data']")];
15809 formDataEls.forEach(el => {
15810 if (el.dataset.array === 'false') {
15811 if (el.type === 'file' && el.files[0]) {
15812 formDataParams.append(el.dataset.pname, el.files[0], el.files[0].name);
15813 } else if (el.value) {
15814 formDataParams.append(el.dataset.pname, el.value);
15815 }
15816 } else if (el.value && Array.isArray(el.value)) {
15817 formDataParams.append(el.dataset.pname, el.value.join(','));
15818 }
15819 });
15820 fetchOptions.body = formDataParams;
15821 } else if (/^audio\/|^image\/|^video\/|^font\/|tar$|zip$|7z$|rtf$|msword$|excel$|\/pdf$|\/octet-stream$/.test(requestBodyType)) {
15822 const bodyParamFileEl = requestPanelEl.querySelector('.request-body-param-file');
15823 if (bodyParamFileEl !== null && bodyParamFileEl !== void 0 && bodyParamFileEl.files[0]) {
15824 fetchOptions.body = bodyParamFileEl.files[0]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
15825 }
15826 } else if (requestBodyType.includes('json') || requestBodyType.includes('xml') || requestBodyType.includes('text')) {
15827 const exampleTextAreaEl = requestPanelEl.querySelector('.request-body-param-user-input');
15828 if (exampleTextAreaEl !== null && exampleTextAreaEl !== void 0 && exampleTextAreaEl.value) {
15829 fetchOptions.body = exampleTextAreaEl.value;
15830 }
15831 }
15832 }
15833 return fetchOptions;
15834 }
15835 async onTryClick(e) {
15836 const tryBtnEl = e.target;
15837 const requestPanelEl = tryBtnEl.closest('.request-panel');
15838 const fetchUrl = this.buildFetchURL(requestPanelEl);
15839 const fetchOptions = this.buildFetchBodyOptions(requestPanelEl);
15840 const reqHeaders = this.buildFetchHeaders(requestPanelEl);
15841 this.responseUrl = '';
15842 this.responseHeaders = [];
15843 this.curlSyntax = this.generateCURLSyntax(fetchUrl, reqHeaders, fetchOptions, requestPanelEl);
15844 this.responseStatus = 'success';
15845 this.responseIsBlob = false;
15846 this.respContentDisposition = '';
15847 if (this.responseBlobUrl) {
15848 URL.revokeObjectURL(this.responseBlobUrl);
15849 this.responseBlobUrl = '';
15850 }
15851 if (this.fetchCredentials) {
15852 fetchOptions.credentials = this.fetchCredentials;
15853 }
15854 const controller = new AbortController();
15855 const {
15856 signal
15857 } = controller;
15858 fetchOptions.headers = reqHeaders;
15859 const tempRequest = {
15860 url: fetchUrl,
15861 ...fetchOptions
15862 };
15863 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('before-try', {
15864 bubbles: true,
15865 composed: true,
15866 detail: {
15867 request: tempRequest,
15868 controller
15869 }
15870 }));
15871 const updatedFetchOptions = {
15872 method: tempRequest.method,
15873 headers: tempRequest.headers,
15874 credentials: tempRequest.credentials,
15875 body: tempRequest.body
15876 };
15877 const fetchRequest = new Request(tempRequest.url, updatedFetchOptions);
15878 let fetchResponse;
15879 let responseClone;
15880 try {
15881 let respBlob;
15882 let respJson;
15883 let respText;
15884 tryBtnEl.disabled = true;
15885 this.responseText = '⌛';
15886 this.responseMessage = '';
15887 this.requestUpdate();
15888 const startTime = performance.now();
15889 fetchResponse = await fetch(fetchRequest, {
15890 signal
15891 });
15892 const endTime = performance.now();
15893 responseClone = fetchResponse.clone(); // create a response clone to allow reading response body again (response.json, response.text etc)
15894 tryBtnEl.disabled = false;
15895 this.responseMessage = y`${fetchResponse.statusText ? `${fetchResponse.statusText}:${fetchResponse.status}` : fetchResponse.status} <div style="color:var(--light-fg)"> Took ${Math.round(endTime - startTime)} milliseconds </div>`;
15896 this.responseUrl = fetchResponse.url;
15897 const respHeadersObj = {};
15898 fetchResponse.headers.forEach((hdrVal, hdr) => {
15899 respHeadersObj[hdr] = hdrVal;
15900 this.responseHeaders = `${this.responseHeaders}${hdr}: ${hdrVal}\n`;
15901 });
15902 const contentType = fetchResponse.headers.get('content-type');
15903 const respEmpty = (await fetchResponse.clone().text()).length === 0;
15904 if (respEmpty) {
15905 this.responseText = '';
15906 } else if (contentType) {
15907 if (contentType === 'application/x-ndjson') {
15908 this.responseText = await fetchResponse.text();
15909 } else if (contentType.includes('json')) {
15910 if (/charset=[^"']+/.test(contentType)) {
15911 const encoding = contentType.split('charset=')[1];
15912 const buffer = await fetchResponse.arrayBuffer();
15913 try {
15914 respText = new TextDecoder(encoding).decode(buffer);
15915 } catch {
15916 respText = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(buffer);
15917 }
15918 try {
15919 respJson = JSON.parse(respText);
15920 this.responseText = JSON.stringify(respJson, null, 2);
15921 } catch {
15922 this.responseText = respText;
15923 }
15924 } else {
15925 respJson = await fetchResponse.json();
15926 this.responseText = JSON.stringify(respJson, null, 2);
15927 }
15928 // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-escape
15929 } else if (/^font\/|tar$|zip$|7z$|rtf$|msword$|excel$|\/pdf$|\/octet-stream$|^application\/vnd\./.test(contentType)) {
15930 this.responseIsBlob = true;
15931 this.responseBlobType = 'download';
15932 } else if (/^audio|^image|^video/.test(contentType)) {
15933 this.responseIsBlob = true;
15934 this.responseBlobType = 'view';
15935 } else {
15936 respText = await fetchResponse.text();
15937 if (contentType.includes('xml')) {
15938 this.responseText = dist_default()(respText, {
15939 textNodesOnSameLine: true,
15940 indentor: ' '
15941 });
15942 } else {
15943 this.responseText = respText;
15944 }
15945 }
15946 if (this.responseIsBlob) {
15947 const contentDisposition = fetchResponse.headers.get('content-disposition');
15948 this.respContentDisposition = contentDisposition ? contentDisposition.split('filename=')[1].replace(/"|'/g, '') : 'filename';
15949 respBlob = await fetchResponse.blob();
15950 this.responseBlobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(respBlob);
15951 }
15952 } else {
15953 respText = await fetchResponse.text();
15954 this.responseText = respText;
15955 }
15956 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('after-try', {
15957 bubbles: true,
15958 composed: true,
15959 detail: {
15960 request: fetchRequest,
15961 response: responseClone,
15962 responseHeaders: respHeadersObj,
15963 responseBody: respJson || respText || respBlob,
15964 responseStatus: responseClone.ok
15965 }
15966 }));
15967 } catch (err) {
15968 tryBtnEl.disabled = false;
15969 if (err.name === 'AbortError') {
15970 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('request-aborted', {
15971 bubbles: true,
15972 composed: true,
15973 detail: {
15974 err,
15975 request: fetchRequest
15976 }
15977 }));
15978 this.responseMessage = 'Request Aborted';
15979 this.responseText = 'Request Aborted';
15980 } else {
15981 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('after-try', {
15982 bubbles: true,
15983 composed: true,
15984 detail: {
15985 err,
15986 request: fetchRequest
15987 }
15988 }));
15989 this.responseMessage = `${err.message} (CORS or Network Issue)`;
15990 }
15991 }
15992 this.requestUpdate();
15993 }
15994 liveCURLSyntaxUpdate(requestPanelEl) {
15995 this.applyCURLSyntax(requestPanelEl);
15996 this.requestUpdate();
15997 }
15998 onGenerateCURLClick(e) {
15999 const requestPanelEl = this.getRequestPanel(e);
16000 this.applyCURLSyntax(requestPanelEl);
16001 }
16002 getRequestPanel(e) {
16003 return e.target.closest('.request-panel');
16004 }
16005 applyCURLSyntax(requestPanelEl) {
16006 const fetchUrl = this.buildFetchURL(requestPanelEl);
16007 const fetchOptions = this.buildFetchBodyOptions(requestPanelEl);
16008 const fetchHeaders = this.buildFetchHeaders(requestPanelEl);
16009 this.curlSyntax = this.generateCURLSyntax(fetchUrl, fetchHeaders, fetchOptions, requestPanelEl);
16010 }
16011 generateCURLSyntax(fetchUrl, fetchHeaders, fetchOptions, requestPanelEl) {
16012 let curlUrl;
16013 let curl = '';
16014 let curlHeaders = '';
16015 let curlData = '';
16016 let curlForm = '';
16017 const requestBodyContainerEl = requestPanelEl.querySelector('.request-body-container');
16018 if (fetchUrl.startsWith('http') === false) {
16019 const url = new URL(fetchUrl, window.location.href);
16020 curlUrl = url.href;
16021 } else {
16022 curlUrl = fetchUrl;
16023 }
16024 curl = `curl -X ${this.method.toUpperCase()} "${curlUrl}" \\\n`;
16025 curlHeaders = Array.from(fetchHeaders).map(([key, value]) => ` -H "${key}: ${value}"`).join('\\\n');
16026 if (curlHeaders) {
16027 curlHeaders = `${curlHeaders} \\\n`;
16028 }
16029 if (fetchOptions.body instanceof URLSearchParams) {
16030 curlData = ` -d ${fetchOptions.body.toString()} \\\n`;
16031 } else if (fetchOptions.body instanceof File) {
16032 curlData = ` --data-binary @${fetchOptions.body.name} \\\n`;
16033 } else if (fetchOptions.body instanceof FormData) {
16034 curlForm = Array.from(fetchOptions.body).reduce((aggregator, [key, value]) => {
16035 if (value instanceof File) {
16036 return [...aggregator, ` -F "${key}=@${value.name}"`];
16037 }
16038 const multiple = value.match(/([^,],)/gm);
16039 if (multiple) {
16040 const multipleResults = multiple.map(one => `-F "${key}[]=${one}"`);
16041 return [...aggregator, ...multipleResults];
16042 }
16043 return [...aggregator, ` -F "${key}=${value}"`];
16044 }, []).join('\\\n');
16045 } else if (requestBodyContainerEl && requestBodyContainerEl.dataset.selectedRequestBodyType) {
16046 const requestBodyType = requestBodyContainerEl.dataset.selectedRequestBodyType;
16047 const exampleTextAreaEl = requestPanelEl.querySelector('.request-body-param-user-input');
16048 if (exampleTextAreaEl !== null && exampleTextAreaEl !== void 0 && exampleTextAreaEl.value) {
16049 fetchOptions.body = exampleTextAreaEl.value;
16050 if (requestBodyType.includes('json')) {
16051 try {
16052 curlData = ` -d '${JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(exampleTextAreaEl.value))}' \\\n`;
16053 } catch (err) {
16054 // Ignore.
16055 }
16056 }
16057 if (!curlData) {
16058 curlData = ` -d '${exampleTextAreaEl.value.replace(/'/g, '\'"\'"\'')}' \\\n`;
16059 }
16060 }
16061 }
16062 return `${curl}${curlHeaders}${curlData}${curlForm}`;
16063 }
16064 onAddRemoveFileInput(e, pname, ptype) {
16065 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'button') {
16066 return;
16067 }
16068 if (e.target.classList.contains('file-input-remove-btn')) {
16069 // Remove File Input Set
16070 const el = e.target.closest('.input-set');
16071 el.remove();
16072 return;
16073 }
16074 const el = e.target.closest('.file-input-container');
16076 // Add File Input Set
16078 // Container
16079 const newInputContainerEl = document.createElement('div');
16080 newInputContainerEl.setAttribute('class', 'input-set row');
16082 // File Input
16083 const newInputEl = document.createElement('input');
16084 newInputEl.type = 'file';
16085 newInputEl.style = 'width:200px; margin-top:2px;';
16086 newInputEl.setAttribute('data-pname', pname);
16087 newInputEl.setAttribute('data-ptype', ptype.includes('form-urlencode') ? 'form-urlencode' : 'form-data');
16088 newInputEl.setAttribute('data-array', 'false');
16089 newInputEl.setAttribute('data-file-array', 'true');
16091 // Remover Button
16092 const newRemoveBtnEl = document.createElement('button');
16093 newRemoveBtnEl.setAttribute('class', 'file-input-remove-btn');
16094 newRemoveBtnEl.innerHTML = '&#x2715;';
16095 newInputContainerEl.appendChild(newInputEl);
16096 newInputContainerEl.appendChild(newRemoveBtnEl);
16097 el.insertBefore(newInputContainerEl, e.target);
16098 // el.appendChild(newInputContainerEl);
16099 }
16101 clearResponseData() {
16102 this.responseUrl = '';
16103 this.responseHeaders = '';
16104 this.responseText = '';
16105 this.responseStatus = 'success';
16106 this.responseMessage = '';
16107 this.responseIsBlob = false;
16108 this.responseBlobType = '';
16109 this.respContentDisposition = '';
16110 if (this.responseBlobUrl) {
16111 URL.revokeObjectURL(this.responseBlobUrl);
16112 this.responseBlobUrl = '';
16113 }
16114 }
16115 disconnectedCallback() {
16116 this.curlSyntax = '';
16117 // Cleanup ObjectURL for the blob data if this component created one
16118 if (this.responseBlobUrl) {
16119 URL.revokeObjectURL(this.responseBlobUrl);
16120 this.responseBlobUrl = '';
16121 }
16122 super.disconnectedCallback();
16123 }
16126// Register the element with the browser
16127customElements.define('api-request', ApiRequest);
16128;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/schema-table.js
16130 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
16135class SchemaTable extends lit_element_s {
16136 static get properties() {
16137 return {
16138 schemaExpandLevel: {
16139 type: Number,
16140 attribute: 'schema-expand-level'
16141 },
16142 schemaDescriptionExpanded: {
16143 type: String,
16144 attribute: 'schema-description-expanded'
16145 },
16146 allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle: {
16147 type: String,
16148 attribute: 'allow-schema-description-expand-toggle'
16149 },
16150 schemaHideReadOnly: {
16151 type: String,
16152 attribute: 'schema-hide-read-only'
16153 },
16154 schemaHideWriteOnly: {
16155 type: String,
16156 attribute: 'schema-hide-write-only'
16157 },
16158 data: {
16159 type: Object
16160 }
16161 };
16162 }
16163 connectedCallback() {
16164 super.connectedCallback();
16165 if (!this.schemaExpandLevel || this.schemaExpandLevel < 1) {
16166 this.schemaExpandLevel = 99999;
16167 }
16168 if (!this.schemaDescriptionExpanded || !'true false'.includes(this.schemaDescriptionExpanded)) {
16169 this.schemaDescriptionExpanded = 'false';
16170 }
16171 if (!this.schemaHideReadOnly || !'true false'.includes(this.schemaHideReadOnly)) {
16172 this.schemaHideReadOnly = 'true';
16173 }
16174 if (!this.schemaHideWriteOnly || !'true false'.includes(this.schemaHideWriteOnly)) {
16175 this.schemaHideWriteOnly = 'true';
16176 }
16177 }
16178 static get styles() {
16179 return [font_styles, schema_styles, i`
16180 .table {
16181 font-size: var(--font-size-small);
16182 text-align: left;
16183 line-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 6px);
16184 }
16185 .table .tr {
16186 width: calc(100% - 5px);
16187 padding: 0 0 0 5px;
16188 border-bottom: 1px dotted var(--light-border-color);
16189 }
16190 .table .td {
16191 padding: 4px 0;
16192 }
16193 .table .key {
16194 width: 240px;
16195 }
16196 .key .key-label {
16197 font-size: var(--font-size-mono);
16198 }
16199 .key.deprecated .key-label {
16200 color: var(--red);
16201 }
16203 .table .key-type {
16204 white-space: normal;
16205 width: 150px;
16206 }
16207 .collapsed-all-descr .tr:not(.expanded-descr) {
16208 max-height: calc(var(--font-size-small) + var(--font-size-small));
16209 }
16211 .obj-toggle {
16212 padding: 0 2px;
16213 border-radius:2px;
16214 border: 1px solid transparent;
16215 display: inline-block;
16216 margin-left: -16px;
16217 color:var(--primary-color);
16218 cursor:pointer;
16219 font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) + 4px);
16220 font-family: var(--font-mono);
16221 background-clip: border-box;
16222 }
16223 .obj-toggle:hover {
16224 border-color: var(--primary-color);
16225 }
16226 .tr.expanded + .object-body {
16227 display:block;
16228 }
16229 .tr.collapsed + .object-body {
16230 display:none;
16231 }`, custom_styles];
16232 }
16234 /* eslint-disable indent */
16235 render() {
16236 var _this$data, _this$data2, _this$data3;
16237 return y`
16238 <div class="table ${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded === 'true' ? 'expanded-all-descr' : 'collapsed-all-descr'}" @click="${e => this.handleAllEvents(e)}">
16239 <div class='toolbar'>
16240 <div class="toolbar-item schema-root-type ${((_this$data = this.data) === null || _this$data === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$data['::type']) || ''} "> ${((_this$data2 = this.data) === null || _this$data2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$data2['::type']) || ''} </div>
16241 ${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle === 'true' ? y`
16242 <div style="flex:1"></div>
16243 <div part="schema-multiline-toggle" class='toolbar-item schema-multiline-toggle' >
16244 ${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded === 'true' ? 'Single line description' : 'Multiline description'}
16245 </div>
16246 ` : ''}
16247 </div>
16248 <span part="schema-description" class='m-markdown'> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(((_this$data3 = this.data) === null || _this$data3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$data3['::description']) || ''))} </span>
16249 <div style = 'border:1px solid var(--light-border-color)'>
16250 <div style='display:flex; background-color: var(--bg2); padding:8px 4px; border-bottom:1px solid var(--light-border-color);'>
16251 <div class='key' style='font-family:var(--font-regular); font-weight:bold; color:var(--fg);'> Field </div>
16252 <div class='key-type' style='font-family:var(--font-regular); font-weight:bold; color:var(--fg);'> Type </div>
16253 <div class='key-descr' style='font-family:var(--font-regular); font-weight:bold; color:var(--fg);'> Description </div>
16254 </div>
16255 ${this.data ? y`
16256 ${this.generateTree(this.data['::type'] === 'array' ? this.data['::props'] : this.data, this.data['::type'], this.data['::array-type'])}` : ''}
16257 </div>
16258 </div>
16259 `;
16260 }
16261 generateTree(data, dataType = 'object', arrayType = '', key = '', description = '', schemaLevel = 0, indentLevel = 0, readOrWrite = '') {
16262 var _data$Type, _keyLabel;
16263 if (this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'true') {
16264 if (dataType === 'array') {
16265 if (readOrWrite === 'readonly') {
16266 return;
16267 }
16268 }
16269 if (data && data['::readwrite'] === 'readonly') {
16270 return;
16271 }
16272 }
16273 if (this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'true') {
16274 if (dataType === 'array') {
16275 if (readOrWrite === 'writeonly') {
16276 return;
16277 }
16278 }
16279 if (data && data['::readwrite'] === 'writeonly') {
16280 return;
16281 }
16282 }
16283 if (!data) {
16284 return y`<div class="null" style="display:inline;">
16285 <span style='margin-left:${(schemaLevel + 1) * 16}px'> &nbsp; </span>
16286 <span class="key-label xxx-of-key"> ${key.replace('::OPTION~', '')}</span>
16287 ${dataType === 'array' ? y`<span class='mono-font'> [ ] </span>` : dataType === 'object' ? y`<span class='mono-font'> { } </span>` : y`<span class='mono-font'> schema undefined </span>`}
16288 </div>`;
16289 }
16290 const newSchemaLevel = (_data$Type = data['::type']) !== null && _data$Type !== void 0 && _data$Type.startsWith('xxx-of') ? schemaLevel : schemaLevel + 1;
16291 const newIndentLevel = dataType === 'xxx-of-option' || data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-option' || key.startsWith('::OPTION') ? indentLevel : indentLevel + 1;
16292 const leftPadding = 16 * newIndentLevel; // 2 space indentation at each level
16293 if (Object.keys(data).length === 0) {
16294 return y`<span class="td key object" style='padding-left:${leftPadding}px'>${key}</span>`;
16295 }
16296 let keyLabel = '';
16297 let keyDescr = '';
16298 let isOneOfLabel = false;
16299 if (key.startsWith('::ONE~OF') || key.startsWith('::ANY~OF')) {
16300 keyLabel = key.replace('::', '').replace('~', ' ');
16301 isOneOfLabel = true;
16302 } else if (key.startsWith('::OPTION')) {
16303 const parts = key.split('~');
16304 keyLabel = parts[1]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
16305 keyDescr = parts[2]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
16306 } else {
16307 keyLabel = key;
16308 }
16309 let detailObjType = '';
16310 if (data['::type'] === 'object') {
16311 if (dataType === 'array') {
16312 detailObjType = 'array of object'; // Array of Object
16313 } else {
16314 detailObjType = data['::dataTypeLabel'] || data['::type'];
16315 }
16316 } else if (data['::type'] === 'array') {
16317 if (dataType === 'array') {
16318 // detailObjType = 'array of array'; // Array of array
16319 detailObjType = `array of array ${arrayType !== 'object' ? `of ${arrayType}` : ''}`; // Array of array
16320 } else {
16321 detailObjType = data['::dataTypeLabel'] || data['::type'];
16322 }
16323 }
16324 if (typeof data === 'object') {
16325 return y`
16326 ${newSchemaLevel >= 0 && key ? y`
16327 <div class='tr ${newSchemaLevel <= this.schemaExpandLevel ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'} ${data['::type']}' data-obj='${keyLabel}' title="${data['::deprecated'] ? 'Deprecated' : ''}">
16328 <div class="td key ${data['::deprecated'] ? 'deprecated' : ''}" style='padding-left:${leftPadding}px'>
16329 ${keyLabel || keyDescr ? y`
16330 <span class='obj-toggle ${newSchemaLevel < this.schemaExpandLevel ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}' data-obj='${keyLabel}'>
16331 ${schemaLevel < this.schemaExpandLevel ? '-' : '+'}
16332 </span>` : ''}
16333 ${data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-option' || data['::type'] === 'xxx-of-array' || key.startsWith('::OPTION') ? y`<span class="xxx-of-key" style="margin-left:-6px">${keyLabel}</span><span class="${isOneOfLabel ? 'xxx-of-key' : 'xxx-of-descr'}">${keyDescr}</span>` : keyLabel.endsWith('*') ? y`<span class="key-label" style="display:inline-block; margin-left:-6px;">${data['::deprecated'] ? '✗' : ''} ${keyLabel.substring(0, keyLabel.length - 1)}</span><span style='color:var(--red);'>*</span>` : y`<span class="key-label" style="display:inline-block; margin-left:-6px;">${data['::deprecated'] ? '✗' : ''} ${keyLabel === '::props' ? '' : keyLabel}</span>`}
16334 ${data['::type'] === 'xxx-of' && dataType === 'array' ? y`<span style="color:var(--primary-color)">ARRAY</span>` : ''}
16335 </div>
16336 <div class='td key-type' title="${data['::readwrite'] === 'readonly' ? 'Read-Only' : data['::readwrite'] === 'writeonly' ? 'Write-Only' : ''}">
16337 ${(data['::type'] || '').includes('xxx-of') ? '' : detailObjType}
16338 ${data['::readwrite'] === 'readonly' ? ' 🆁' : data['::readwrite'] === 'writeonly' ? ' 🆆' : ''}
16339 </div>
16340 <div class='td key-descr m-markdown-small' style='line-height:1.7'>${unsafe_html_o(marked(description || ''))}</div>
16341 </div>` : y`
16342 ${data['::type'] === 'array' && dataType === 'array' ? y`
16343 <div class='tr'>
16344 <div class='td key'></div>
16345 <div class='td key-type'>
16346 ${arrayType && arrayType !== 'object' ? `${dataType} of ${arrayType}` : dataType}
16347 </div>
16348 <div class='td key-descr'></div>
16349 </div>` : ''}`}
16350 <div class='object-body'>
16351 ${Array.isArray(data) && data[0] ? y`${this.generateTree(data[0], 'xxx-of-option', '', '::ARRAY~OF', '', newSchemaLevel, newIndentLevel, '')}` : y`
16352 ${Object.keys(data).map(dataKey => {
16353 var _data$dataKey;
16354 return y`
16355 ${['::title', '::description', '::type', '::props', '::deprecated', '::array-type', '::readwrite', '::dataTypeLabel'].includes(dataKey) ? data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'array' || data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'object' ? y`${this.generateTree(data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'array' ? data[dataKey]['::props'] : data[dataKey], data[dataKey]['::type'], data[dataKey]['::array-type'] || '', dataKey, data[dataKey]['::description'], newSchemaLevel, newIndentLevel, data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] ? data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] : '')}` : '' : y`${this.generateTree(data[dataKey]['::type'] === 'array' ? data[dataKey]['::props'] : data[dataKey], data[dataKey]['::type'], data[dataKey]['::array-type'] || '', dataKey, ((_data$dataKey = data[dataKey]) === null || _data$dataKey === void 0 ? void 0 : _data$dataKey['::description']) || '', newSchemaLevel, newIndentLevel, data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] ? data[dataKey]['::readwrite'] : '')}`}
16356 `;
16357 })}
16358 `}
16359 <div>
16360 `;
16361 }
16363 // For Primitive Data types
16364 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
16365 const [type, readOrWriteOnly, constraint, defaultValue, allowedValues, pattern, schemaDescription, schemaTitle, deprecated] = data.split('~|~');
16366 if (readOrWriteOnly === '🆁' && this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'true') {
16367 return;
16368 }
16369 if (readOrWriteOnly === '🆆' && this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'true') {
16370 return;
16371 }
16372 const dataTypeCss = type.replace(/┃.*/g, '').replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9+]/g, '').substring(0, 4).toLowerCase();
16373 const descrExpander = `${constraint || defaultValue || allowedValues || pattern ? '<span class="descr-expand-toggle">➔</span>' : ''}`;
16374 let dataTypeHtml = '';
16375 if (dataType === 'array') {
16376 dataTypeHtml = y`
16377 <div class='td key-type ${dataTypeCss}' title="${readOrWrite === 'readonly' ? 'Read-Only' : readOrWriteOnly === 'writeonly' ? 'Write-Only' : ''}">
16378 [${type}] ${readOrWrite === 'readonly' ? '🆁' : readOrWrite === 'writeonly' ? '🆆' : ''}
16379 </div>`;
16380 } else {
16381 dataTypeHtml = y`
16382 <div class='td key-type ${dataTypeCss}' title="${readOrWriteOnly === '🆁' ? 'Read-Only' : readOrWriteOnly === '🆆' ? 'Write-Only' : ''}">
16383 ${type} ${readOrWriteOnly}
16384 </div>`;
16385 }
16386 return y`
16387 <div class = "tr primitive" title="${deprecated ? 'Deprecated' : ''}">
16388 <div class="td key ${deprecated}" style='padding-left:${leftPadding}px'>
16389 ${deprecated ? y`<span style='color:var(--red);'>✗</span>` : ''}
16390 ${(_keyLabel = keyLabel) !== null && _keyLabel !== void 0 && _keyLabel.endsWith('*') ? y`
16391 <span class="key-label">${keyLabel.substring(0, keyLabel.length - 1)}</span>
16392 <span style='color:var(--red);'>*</span>` : key.startsWith('::OPTION') ? y`<span class='xxx-of-key'>${keyLabel}</span><span class="xxx-of-descr">${keyDescr}</span>` : y`${keyLabel ? y`<span class="key-label"> ${keyLabel}</span>` : y`<span class="xxx-of-descr">${schemaTitle}</span>`}`}
16393 </div>
16394 ${dataTypeHtml}
16395 <div class='td key-descr' style='font-size: var(--font-size-small)'>
16396 ${y`<span class="m-markdown-small">
16397 ${unsafe_html_o(marked(dataType === 'array' ? `${descrExpander} ${description}` : schemaTitle ? `${descrExpander} <b>${schemaTitle}:</b> ${schemaDescription}` : `${descrExpander} ${schemaDescription}`))}
16398 </span>`}
16399 ${constraint ? y`<div class='' style='display:inline-block; line-break:anywhere; margin-right:8px;'> <span class='bold-text'>Constraints: </span> ${constraint}</div>` : ''}
16400 ${defaultValue ? y`<div style='display:inline-block; line-break:anywhere; margin-right:8px;'> <span class='bold-text'>Default: </span>${defaultValue}</div>` : ''}
16401 ${allowedValues ? y`<div style='display:inline-block; line-break:anywhere; margin-right:8px;'> <span class='bold-text'>${type === 'const' ? 'Value' : 'Allowed'}: </span>${allowedValues}</div>` : ''}
16402 ${pattern ? y`<div style='display:inline-block; line-break:anywhere; margin-right:8px;'> <span class='bold-text'>Pattern: </span>${pattern}</div>` : ''}
16403 </div>
16404 </div>
16405 `;
16406 }
16407 /* eslint-enable indent */
16409 handleAllEvents(e) {
16410 if (e.target.classList.contains('obj-toggle')) {
16411 this.toggleObjectExpand(e);
16412 } else if (e.target.classList.contains('schema-multiline-toggle')) {
16413 this.schemaDescriptionExpanded = this.schemaDescriptionExpanded === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true';
16414 } else if (e.target.classList.contains('descr-expand-toggle')) {
16415 const trEl = e.target.closest('.tr');
16416 if (trEl) {
16417 trEl.classList.toggle('expanded-descr');
16418 trEl.style.maxHeight = trEl.scrollHeight;
16419 }
16420 }
16421 }
16422 toggleObjectExpand(e) {
16423 const rowEl = e.target.closest('.tr');
16424 if (rowEl.classList.contains('expanded')) {
16425 rowEl.classList.add('collapsed');
16426 rowEl.classList.remove('expanded');
16427 e.target.innerText = '+';
16428 } else {
16429 rowEl.classList.remove('collapsed');
16430 rowEl.classList.add('expanded');
16431 e.target.innerText = '-';
16432 }
16433 }
16435customElements.define('schema-table', SchemaTable);
16436;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/api-response.js
16438 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
16451class ApiResponse extends lit_element_s {
16452 constructor() {
16453 super();
16454 this.selectedStatus = '';
16455 this.headersForEachRespStatus = {};
16456 this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus = {};
16457 this.activeSchemaTab = 'schema';
16458 }
16459 static get properties() {
16460 return {
16461 callback: {
16462 type: String
16463 },
16464 webhook: {
16465 type: String
16466 },
16467 responses: {
16468 type: Object
16469 },
16470 parser: {
16471 type: Object
16472 },
16473 schemaStyle: {
16474 type: String,
16475 attribute: 'schema-style'
16476 },
16477 renderStyle: {
16478 type: String,
16479 attribute: 'render-style'
16480 },
16481 selectedStatus: {
16482 type: String,
16483 attribute: 'selected-status'
16484 },
16485 selectedMimeType: {
16486 type: String,
16487 attribute: 'selected-mime-type'
16488 },
16489 activeSchemaTab: {
16490 type: String,
16491 attribute: 'active-schema-tab'
16492 },
16493 schemaExpandLevel: {
16494 type: Number,
16495 attribute: 'schema-expand-level'
16496 },
16497 schemaDescriptionExpanded: {
16498 type: String,
16499 attribute: 'schema-description-expanded'
16500 },
16501 allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle: {
16502 type: String,
16503 attribute: 'allow-schema-description-expand-toggle'
16504 },
16505 schemaHideReadOnly: {
16506 type: String,
16507 attribute: 'schema-hide-read-only'
16508 },
16509 schemaHideWriteOnly: {
16510 type: String,
16511 attribute: 'schema-hide-write-only'
16512 }
16513 };
16514 }
16515 static get styles() {
16516 return [font_styles, flex_styles, tab_styles, table_styles, input_styles, border_styles, i`
16517 :where(button, input[type="checkbox"], [tabindex="0"]):focus-visible { box-shadow: var(--focus-shadow); }
16518 :where(input[type="text"], input[type="password"], select, textarea):focus-visible { border-color: var(--primary-color); }
16519 .resp-head{
16520 vertical-align: middle;
16521 padding:16px 0 8px;
16522 }
16523 .resp-head.divider{
16524 border-top: 1px solid var(--border-color);
16525 margin-top:10px;
16526 }
16527 .resp-status{
16528 font-weight:bold;
16529 font-size:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px);
16530 }
16531 .resp-descr{
16532 font-size:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px);
16533 color:var(--light-fg);
16534 text-align:left;
16535 }
16536 .top-gap{margin-top:16px;}
16537 .example-panel{
16538 font-size:var(--font-size-small);
16539 margin:0;
16540 }
16541 .focused-mode,
16542 .read-mode {
16543 padding-top:24px;
16544 margin-top:12px;
16545 border-top: 1px dashed var(--border-color);
16546 }`, custom_styles];
16547 }
16548 render() {
16549 return y`
16550 <div class="col regular-font response-panel ${this.renderStyle}-mode">
16551 <div class=" ${this.callback === 'true' ? 'tiny-title' : 'req-res-title'} ">
16552 ${this.callback === 'true' ? 'CALLBACK RESPONSE' : 'RESPONSE'}
16553 </div>
16554 <div>
16555 ${this.responseTemplate()}
16556 <div>
16557 </div>
16558 `;
16559 }
16560 resetSelection() {
16561 this.selectedStatus = '';
16562 this.selectedMimeType = '';
16563 }
16565 /* eslint-disable indent */
16566 responseTemplate() {
16567 if (!this.responses) {
16568 return '';
16569 }
16570 for (const statusCode in this.responses) {
16571 if (!this.selectedStatus) {
16572 this.selectedStatus = statusCode;
16573 }
16574 const allMimeResp = {};
16575 for (const mimeResp in (_this$responses$statu = this.responses[statusCode]) === null || _this$responses$statu === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$responses$statu.content) {
16576 var _this$responses$statu, _respExamples$;
16577 const mimeRespObj = this.responses[statusCode].content[mimeResp];
16578 if (!this.selectedMimeType) {
16579 this.selectedMimeType = mimeResp;
16580 }
16581 // Generate Schema
16582 const schemaTree = schemaInObjectNotation(mimeRespObj.schema, {});
16583 // Generate Example
16584 const respExamples = generateExample(mimeRespObj.schema, mimeResp, mimeRespObj.examples, mimeRespObj.example, this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? false : true,
16585 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
16586 this.callback === 'true' || this.webhook === 'true' ? true : false,
16587 // eslint-disable-line no-unneeded-ternary
16588 mimeResp.includes('json') ? 'json' : 'text');
16589 allMimeResp[mimeResp] = {
16590 description: this.responses[statusCode].description,
16591 examples: respExamples,
16592 selectedExample: ((_respExamples$ = respExamples[0]) === null || _respExamples$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _respExamples$.exampleId) || '',
16593 schemaTree
16594 };
16595 }
16596 // Headers for each response status
16597 const tempHeaders = [];
16598 for (const key in (_this$responses$statu2 = this.responses[statusCode]) === null || _this$responses$statu2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$responses$statu2.headers) {
16599 var _this$responses$statu2;
16600 tempHeaders.push({
16601 name: key,
16602 ...this.responses[statusCode].headers[key]
16603 });
16604 }
16605 this.headersForEachRespStatus[statusCode] = tempHeaders;
16606 this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus[statusCode] = allMimeResp;
16607 }
16608 return y`
16609 ${Object.keys(this.responses).length > 1 ? y`<div class='row' style='flex-wrap:wrap'>
16610 ${Object.keys(this.responses).map(respStatus => y`
16611 ${respStatus === '$$ref' // Swagger-Client parser creates '$$ref' object if JSON references are used to create responses - this should be ignored
16612 ? '' : y`
16613 <button
16614 @click="${() => {
16615 this.selectedStatus = respStatus;
16616 if (this.responses[respStatus].content && Object.keys(this.responses[respStatus].content)[0]) {
16617 this.selectedMimeType = Object.keys(this.responses[respStatus].content)[0]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
16618 } else {
16619 this.selectedMimeType = undefined;
16620 }
16621 }}"
16622 class='m-btn small ${this.selectedStatus === respStatus ? 'primary' : ''}'
16623 part="btn ${this.selectedStatus === respStatus ? 'btn-response-status btn-selected-response-status' : ' btn-response-status'}"
16624 style='margin: 8px 4px 0 0'
16625 >
16626 ${respStatus}
16627 </button>`}`)}` : y`<span>${Object.keys(this.responses)[0]}</span>`}
16628 </div>
16630 ${Object.keys(this.responses).map(status => {
16631 var _this$responses$statu3, _this$headersForEachR;
16632 return y`
16633 <div style = 'display: ${status === this.selectedStatus ? 'block' : 'none'}' >
16634 <div class="top-gap">
16635 <span class="resp-descr m-markdown ">${unsafe_html_o(marked(((_this$responses$statu3 = this.responses[status]) === null || _this$responses$statu3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$responses$statu3.description) || ''))}</span>
16636 ${this.headersForEachRespStatus[status] && ((_this$headersForEachR = this.headersForEachRespStatus[status]) === null || _this$headersForEachR === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$headersForEachR.length) > 0 ? y`${this.responseHeaderListTemplate(this.headersForEachRespStatus[status])}` : ''}
16637 </div>
16638 ${Object.keys(this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus[status]).length === 0 ? '' : y`
16639 <div class="tab-panel col">
16640 <div class="tab-buttons row" @click="${e => {
16641 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'button') {
16642 this.activeSchemaTab = e.target.dataset.tab;
16643 }
16644 }}" >
16645 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeSchemaTab === 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'example'>EXAMPLE </button>
16646 <button class="tab-btn ${this.activeSchemaTab !== 'example' ? 'active' : ''}" data-tab = 'schema' >SCHEMA</button>
16647 <div style="flex:1"></div>
16648 ${Object.keys(this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus[status]).length === 1 ? y`<span class='small-font-size gray-text' style='align-self:center; margin-top:8px;'> ${Object.keys(this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus[status])[0]} </span>` : y`${this.mimeTypeDropdownTemplate(Object.keys(this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus[status]))}`}
16649 </div>
16650 ${this.activeSchemaTab === 'example' ? y`<div class ='tab-content col' style = 'flex:1;'>
16651 ${this.mimeExampleTemplate(this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus[status][this.selectedMimeType])}
16652 </div>` : y`<div class ='tab-content col' style = 'flex:1;'>
16653 ${this.mimeSchemaTemplate(this.mimeResponsesForEachStatus[status][this.selectedMimeType])}
16654 </div>`}
16655 </div>
16656 `}`;
16657 })}
16658 `;
16659 }
16660 responseHeaderListTemplate(respHeaders) {
16661 return y`
16662 <div style="padding:16px 0 8px 0" class="resp-headers small-font-size bold-text">RESPONSE HEADERS</div>
16663 <table role="presentation" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin-bottom:16px; border:1px solid var(--border-color); border-radius: var(--border-radius)" class="small-font-size mono-font">
16664 ${respHeaders.map(v => {
16665 var _v$schema, _v$schema2;
16666 return y`
16667 <tr>
16668 <td style="padding:8px; vertical-align: baseline; min-width:120px; border-top: 1px solid var(--light-border-color); text-overflow: ellipsis;">
16669 ${v.name || ''}
16670 </td>
16671 <td style="padding:4px; vertical-align: baseline; padding:0 5px; border-top: 1px solid var(--light-border-color); text-overflow: ellipsis;">
16672 ${((_v$schema = v.schema) === null || _v$schema === void 0 ? void 0 : _v$schema.type) || ''}
16673 </td>
16674 <td style="padding:8px; vertical-align: baseline; border-top: 1px solid var(--light-border-color);text-overflow: ellipsis;">
16675 <div class="m-markdown-small regular-font" >${unsafe_html_o(marked(v.description || ''))}</div>
16676 </td>
16677 <td style="padding:8px; vertical-align: baseline; border-top: 1px solid var(--light-border-color); text-overflow: ellipsis;">
16678 ${((_v$schema2 = v.schema) === null || _v$schema2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _v$schema2.example) || ''}
16679 </td>
16680 </tr>
16681 `;
16682 })}
16683 </table>`;
16684 }
16685 mimeTypeDropdownTemplate(mimeTypes) {
16686 return y`
16687 <select aria-label='mime types' @change="${e => {
16688 this.selectedMimeType = e.target.value;
16689 }}" style='margin-bottom: -1px; z-index:1'>
16690 ${mimeTypes.map(mimeType => y`<option value='${mimeType}' ?selected = '${mimeType === this.selectedMimeType}'> ${mimeType} </option>`)}
16691 </select>`;
16692 }
16693 onSelectExample(e) {
16694 const exampleContainerEl = e.target.closest('.example-panel');
16695 const exampleEls = [...exampleContainerEl.querySelectorAll('.example')];
16696 exampleEls.forEach(v => {
16697 v.style.display = v.dataset.example === e.target.value ? 'block' : 'none';
16698 });
16699 }
16700 mimeExampleTemplate(mimeRespDetails) {
16701 if (!mimeRespDetails) {
16702 return y`
16703 <pre style='color:var(--red)' class = '${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? 'read example-panel border pad-8-16' : 'example-panel border-top'}'> No example provided </pre>
16704 `;
16705 }
16706 return y`
16707 ${mimeRespDetails.examples.length === 1 ? y`
16708 ${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleFormat === 'json' ? y`
16709 ${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleSummary && mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleSummary.length > 80 ? y`<div style="padding: 4px 0"> ${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleSummary} </div>` : ''}
16710 ${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleDescription ? y`<div class="m-markdown-small" style="padding: 4px 0"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleDescription || ''))} </div>` : ''}
16711 <json-tree
16712 render-style = '${this.renderStyle}'
16713 .data="${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleValue}"
16714 class = 'example-panel ${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? 'border pad-8-16' : 'border-top pad-top-8'}'
16715 exportparts = "btn:btn, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-copy:btn-copy"
16716 ></json-tree>` : y`
16717 ${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleSummary && mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleSummary.length > 80 ? y`<div style="padding: 4px 0"> ${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleSummary} </div>` : ''}
16718 ${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleDescription ? y`<div class="m-markdown-small" style="padding: 4px 0"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleDescription || ''))} </div>` : ''}
16719 <pre class = 'example-panel ${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? 'border pad-8-16' : 'border-top pad-top-8'}'>${mimeRespDetails.examples[0].exampleValue}</pre>
16720 `}` : y`
16721 <span class = 'example-panel ${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? 'border pad-8-16' : 'border-top pad-top-8'}'>
16722 <select aria-label='response examples' style="min-width:100px; max-width:100%" @change='${e => this.onSelectExample(e)}'>
16723 ${mimeRespDetails.examples.map(v => y`<option value="${v.exampleId}" ?selected=${v.exampleId === mimeRespDetails.selectedExample} >
16724 ${v.exampleSummary.length > 80 ? v.exampleId : v.exampleSummary}
16725 </option>`)}
16726 </select>
16727 ${mimeRespDetails.examples.map(v => y`
16728 <div class="example" data-example = '${v.exampleId}' style = "display: ${v.exampleId === mimeRespDetails.selectedExample ? 'block' : 'none'}">
16729 ${v.exampleSummary && v.exampleSummary.length > 80 ? y`<div style="padding: 4px 0"> ${v.exampleSummary} </div>` : ''}
16730 ${v.exampleDescription ? y`<div class="m-markdown-small" style="padding: 4px 0"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(v.exampleDescription || ''))} </div>` : ''}
16731 ${v.exampleFormat === 'json' ? y`
16732 <json-tree
16733 render-style = '${this.renderStyle}'
16734 .data = '${v.exampleValue}'
16735 exportparts = "btn:btn, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-copy:btn-copy"
16736 ></json-tree>` : y`<pre>${v.exampleValue}</pre>`}
16737 </div>
16738 `)}
16739 </span>
16740 `}
16741 `;
16742 }
16743 mimeSchemaTemplate(mimeRespDetails) {
16744 if (!mimeRespDetails) {
16745 return y`
16746 <pre style='color:var(--red)' class = '${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? 'border pad-8-16' : 'border-top'}'> Schema not found</pre>
16747 `;
16748 }
16749 return y`
16750 ${this.schemaStyle === 'table' ? y`
16751 <schema-table
16752 .data = "${mimeRespDetails.schemaTree}"
16753 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
16754 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
16755 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
16756 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly}"
16757 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly}"
16758 exportparts = "schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
16759 > </schema-table> ` : y`
16760 <schema-tree
16761 .data = '${mimeRespDetails.schemaTree}'
16762 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
16763 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
16764 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
16765 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly}"
16766 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly}"
16767 exportparts = "schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
16768 > </schema-tree>`}`;
16769 }
16770 /* eslint-enable indent */
16773// Register the element with the browser
16774customElements.define('api-response', ApiResponse);
16775;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/expanded-endpoint-template.js
16777 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
16786/* eslint-disable indent */
16787function headingRenderer(tagElementId) {
16788 const renderer = new marked.Renderer();
16789 renderer.heading = (text, level, raw, slugger) => `<h${level} class="observe-me" id="${tagElementId}--${slugger.slug(raw)}">${text}</h${level}>`;
16790 return renderer;
16792function expandCollapseTagDescription(e) {
16793 const tagDescriptionEl = e.target.closest('.tag-container').querySelector('.tag-description');
16794 const tagIconEl = e.target.closest('.tag-container').querySelector('.tag-icon');
16795 if (tagDescriptionEl && tagIconEl) {
16796 const isExpanded = tagDescriptionEl.classList.contains('expanded');
16797 if (isExpanded) {
16798 tagDescriptionEl.style.maxHeight = 0;
16799 tagDescriptionEl.classList.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
16800 tagIconEl.classList.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
16801 } else {
16802 tagDescriptionEl.style.maxHeight = `${tagDescriptionEl.scrollHeight}px`;
16803 tagDescriptionEl.classList.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
16804 tagIconEl.classList.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
16805 }
16806 }
16808function expandedEndpointBodyTemplate(path, tagName = '', tagDescription = '') {
16809 var _path$xBadges, _path$externalDocs, _path$externalDocs2, _path$externalDocs3, _path$externalDocs4, _path$externalDocs5, _path$externalDocs6, _path$servers, _path$servers$;
16810 const acceptContentTypes = new Set();
16811 for (const respStatus in path.responses) {
16812 for (const acceptContentType in (_path$responses$respS = path.responses[respStatus]) === null || _path$responses$respS === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$responses$respS.content) {
16813 var _path$responses$respS;
16814 acceptContentTypes.add(acceptContentType.trim());
16815 }
16816 }
16817 const accept = [...acceptContentTypes].join(', ');
16819 // Filter API Keys that are non-empty and are applicable to the the path
16820 const nonEmptyApiKeys = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.filter(v => {
16821 var _path$security;
16822 return v.finalKeyValue && ((_path$security = path.security) === null || _path$security === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$security.some(ps => v.securitySchemeId in ps));
16823 }) || [];
16825 // If a RapiDoc API Key is specified on the element and its value is not hyphen(-) then include it for all paths
16826 const rapiDocApiKey = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === rapidocApiKey && v.value !== '-');
16827 if (rapiDocApiKey) {
16828 nonEmptyApiKeys.push(rapiDocApiKey);
16829 }
16830 const codeSampleTabPanel = path.xCodeSamples ? codeSamplesTemplate.call(this, path.xCodeSamples) : '';
16831 return y`
16832 ${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? y`<div class='divider' part="operation-divider"></div>` : ''}
16833 <div class='expanded-endpoint-body observe-me ${path.method} ${path.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''} ' part="section-operation ${path.elementId}" id='${path.elementId}'>
16834 ${this.renderStyle === 'focused' && tagName !== 'General ⦂' ? y`
16835 <div class="tag-container" part="section-operation-tag">
16836 <span class="upper" style="font-weight:bold; font-size:18px;"> ${tagName} </span>
16837 ${tagDescription ? y`
16838 <svg class="tag-icon collapsed" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" stroke-width="2" fill="none" style="stroke:var(--primary-color); vertical-align:top; cursor:pointer"
16839 @click="${e => {
16840 expandCollapseTagDescription.call(this, e);
16841 }}"
16842 >
16843 <path d="M12 20h-6a2 2 0 0 1 -2 -2v-12a2 2 0 0 1 2 -2h8"></path><path d="M18 4v17"></path><path d="M15 18l3 3l3 -3"></path>
16844 </svg>
16845 <div class="tag-description collapsed" style="max-height:0px; overflow:hidden; margin-top:16px; border:1px solid var(--border-color)">
16846 <div class="m-markdown" style="padding:8px"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(tagDescription))}</div>
16847 </div>` : ''}
16848 </div>
16849 ` : ''}
16850 ${path.deprecated ? y`<div class="bold-text red-text"> DEPRECATED </div>` : ''}
16851 ${y`
16852 ${path.xBadges && ((_path$xBadges = path.xBadges) === null || _path$xBadges === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$xBadges.length) > 0 ? y`
16853 <div style="display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap; margin-bottom: -24px; font-size: var(--font-size-small);">
16854 ${path.xBadges.map(v => y`<span style="margin:1px; margin-right:5px; padding:1px 8px; font-weight:bold; border-radius:12px; background-color: var(--light-${v.color}, var(--input-bg)); color:var(--${v.color}); border:1px solid var(--${v.color})">${v.label}</span>`)}
16855 </div>
16856 ` : ''}
16857 <h2 part="section-operation-summary"> ${path.shortSummary || `${path.method.toUpperCase()} ${path.path}`}</h2>
16858 ${path.isWebhook ? y`<span part="section-operation-webhook" style="color:var(--primary-color); font-weight:bold; font-size: var(--font-size-regular);"> WEBHOOK </span>` : y`
16859 <div part="section-operation-webhook-method" class="mono-font regular-font-size" style="text-align:left; direction:ltr; padding: 8px 0; color:var(--fg3)">
16860 <span part="label-operation-method" class="regular-font upper method-fg bold-text ${path.method}">${path.method}</span>
16861 <span part="label-operation-path">${path.path}</span>
16862 </div>
16863 `}
16864 <slot name="${path.elementId}"></slot>`}
16865 ${path.description ? y`<div class="m-markdown"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(path.description))}</div>` : ''}
16866 ${pathSecurityTemplate.call(this, path.security)}
16867 ${(_path$externalDocs = path.externalDocs) !== null && _path$externalDocs !== void 0 && _path$externalDocs.url || (_path$externalDocs2 = path.externalDocs) !== null && _path$externalDocs2 !== void 0 && _path$externalDocs2.description ? y`<div style="background-color:var(--bg3); padding:2px 8px 8px 8px; margin:8px 0; border-radius:var(--border-radius)">
16868 <div class="m-markdown"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(((_path$externalDocs3 = path.externalDocs) === null || _path$externalDocs3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$externalDocs3.description) || ''))} </div>
16869 ${(_path$externalDocs4 = path.externalDocs) !== null && _path$externalDocs4 !== void 0 && _path$externalDocs4.url ? y`<a style="font-family:var(--font-mono); font-size:var(--font-size-small)" href="${(_path$externalDocs5 = path.externalDocs) === null || _path$externalDocs5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$externalDocs5.url}" target="_blank">
16870 ${(_path$externalDocs6 = path.externalDocs) === null || _path$externalDocs6 === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$externalDocs6.url} <div style="transform: rotate(270deg) scale(1.5); display: inline-block; margin-left:5px">⇲</div>
16871 </a>` : ''}
16872 </div>` : ''}
16873 ${codeSampleTabPanel}
16874 <div class='expanded-req-resp-container'>
16875 <api-request
16876 class = "${this.renderStyle}-mode"
16877 style = "width:100%;"
16878 webhook = "${path.isWebhook}"
16879 method = "${path.method}"
16880 path = "${path.path}"
16881 .security = "${path.security}"
16882 .parameters = "${path.parameters}"
16883 .request_body = "${path.requestBody}"
16884 .api_keys = "${nonEmptyApiKeys}"
16885 .servers = "${path.servers}"
16886 server-url = "${((_path$servers = path.servers) === null || _path$servers === void 0 ? void 0 : (_path$servers$ = _path$servers[0]) === null || _path$servers$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$servers$.url) || this.selectedServer.computedUrl}"
16887 fill-request-fields-with-example = "${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample}"
16888 allow-try = "${this.allowTry}"
16889 show-curl-before-try = "${this.showCurlBeforeTry}"
16890 accept = "${accept}"
16891 render-style="${this.renderStyle}"
16892 schema-style = "${this.schemaStyle}"
16893 active-schema-tab = "${this.defaultSchemaTab}"
16894 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
16895 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
16896 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
16897 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'false' : 'true'}"
16898 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'true' : 'false'}"
16899 fetch-credentials = "${this.fetchCredentials}"
16900 exportparts = "wrap-request-btn:wrap-request-btn, btn:btn, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-outline:btn-outline, btn-try:btn-try, btn-clear:btn-clear, btn-clear-resp:btn-clear-resp,
16901 file-input:file-input, textbox:textbox, textbox-param:textbox-param, textarea:textarea, textarea-param:textarea-param,
16902 anchor:anchor, anchor-param-example:anchor-param-example, schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
16903 > </api-request>
16905 ${path.callbacks ? callbackTemplate.call(this, path.callbacks) : ''}
16907 <api-response
16908 class = "${this.renderStyle}-mode"
16909 style = "width:100%;"
16910 webhook = "${path.isWebhook}"
16911 .responses = "${path.responses}"
16912 render-style = "${this.renderStyle}"
16913 schema-style = "${this.schemaStyle}"
16914 active-schema-tab = "${this.defaultSchemaTab}"
16915 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
16916 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
16917 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
16918 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'true' : 'false'}"
16919 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'false' : 'true'}"
16920 selected-status = "${Object.keys(path.responses || {})[0] || ''}"
16921 exportparts = "btn:btn, btn-response-status:btn-response-status, btn-selected-response-status:btn-selected-response-status, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-copy:btn-copy,
16922 schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
16923 > </api-response>
16924 </div>
16925 </div>
16926 `;
16928function expandedEndpointTemplate() {
16929 if (!this.resolvedSpec) {
16930 return '';
16931 }
16932 return y`
16933 ${this.resolvedSpec.tags.map(tag => y`
16934 <section id="${tag.elementId}" part="section-tag" class="regular-font section-gap--read-mode observe-me" style="border-top:1px solid var(--primary-color);">
16935 <div class="title tag" part="section-tag-title label-tag-title">${tag.name}</div>
16936 <slot name="${tag.elementId}"></slot>
16937 <div class="regular-font-size">
16938 ${unsafe_html_o(`
16939 <div class="m-markdown regular-font">
16940 ${marked(tag.description || '', this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar === 'true' ? {
16941 renderer: headingRenderer(tag.elementId)
16942 } : undefined)}
16943 </div>`)}
16944 </div>
16945 </section>
16946 <section class="regular-font section-gap--read-mode" part="section-operations-in-tag">
16947 ${tag.paths.map(path => expandedEndpointBodyTemplate.call(this, path))}
16948 </section>
16949 `)}
16952/* eslint-enable indent */
16953;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/components-template.js
16955 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
16961function schemaBodyTemplate(sComponent) {
16962 return y`
16963 <div class='divider'></div>
16964 <div class='expanded-endpoint-body observe-me ${sComponent.name}' id='cmp--${sComponent.id}' >
16965 <div style="font-weight:bold"> ${sComponent.name} <span style="color:var(--light-fg); font-size:var(--font-size-small); font-weight:400;"> Schema </span></div>
16966 ${this.schemaStyle === 'table' ? y`
16967 <schema-table
16968 .data = '${schemaInObjectNotation(sComponent.component, {})}'
16969 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
16970 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
16971 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
16972 schema-hide-read-only = "false"
16973 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly}"
16974 exportparts = "schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
16975 > </schema-table>` : y`
16976 <schema-tree
16977 .data = '${schemaInObjectNotation(sComponent.component, {})}'
16978 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
16979 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
16980 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
16981 schema-hide-read-only = "false"
16982 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly}"
16983 exportparts = "schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
16984 > </schema-tree>`}
16985 </div>`;
16987function componentBodyTemplate(sComponent, componentType) {
16988 if (sComponent.id.indexOf('schemas-') !== -1) {
16989 return schemaBodyTemplate.call(this, sComponent);
16990 }
16991 return y`
16992 <div class='divider'></div>
16993 <div class='expanded-endpoint-body observe-me ${sComponent.name}' id='cmp--${sComponent.id}' >
16994 ${y`
16995 <div style="font-weight:bold"> ${sComponent.name} <span style="color:var(--light-fg); font-size:var(--font-size-small); font-weight:400"> ${componentType} </span> </div>
16996 ${sComponent.component ? y`
16997 <div class='mono-font regular-font-size' style='padding: 8px 0; color:var(--fg2)'>
16998 <json-tree class="border tree" render-style='${this.renderStyle}' .data="${sComponent.component}"> </json-tree>
16999 </div>` : ''}
17000 `}
17001 </div>
17002 `;
17004function componentsTemplate() {
17005 if (!this.resolvedSpec) {
17006 return '';
17007 }
17008 return y`
17009 ${this.resolvedSpec.components.map(component => y`
17010 <div id="cmp--${component.name.toLowerCase()}" class='regular-font section-gap--read-mode observe-me' style="border-top:1px solid var(--primary-color);">
17011 <div class="title tag">${component.name}</div>
17012 <div class="regular-font-size">
17013 ${unsafe_html_o(`<div class='m-markdown regular-font'>${marked(component.description ? component.description : '')}</div>`)}
17014 </div>
17015 </div>
17016 <div class='regular-font section-gap--read-mode'>
17017 ${component.subComponents.filter(c => c.expanded !== false).map(sComponent => componentBodyTemplate.call(this, sComponent, component.name))}
17018 </div>
17019 `)}
17022/* eslint-enable indent */
17023;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/overview-template.js
17025 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
17029/* eslint-disable indent */
17030function overview_template_headingRenderer() {
17031 const renderer = new marked.Renderer();
17032 renderer.heading = (text, level, raw, slugger) => `<h${level} class="observe-me" id="overview--${slugger.slug(raw)}">${text}</h${level}>`;
17033 return renderer;
17035function overviewTemplate() {
17036 var _this$resolvedSpec, _this$resolvedSpec$in, _this$resolvedSpec$in2, _this$specUrl;
17037 return y`
17038 <section id="overview" part="section-overview"
17039 class="observe-me ${this.renderStyle === 'view' ? 'section-gap' : 'section-gap--read-mode'}">
17040 ${(_this$resolvedSpec = this.resolvedSpec) !== null && _this$resolvedSpec !== void 0 && _this$resolvedSpec.info ? y`
17041 <div id="api-title" part="section-overview-title" style="font-size:32px">
17042 ${this.resolvedSpec.info.title}
17043 ${!this.resolvedSpec.info.version ? '' : y`
17044 <span style = 'font-size:var(--font-size-small);font-weight:bold'>
17045 ${this.resolvedSpec.info.version}
17046 </span>`}
17047 </div>
17048 <div id="api-info" style="font-size:calc(var(--font-size-regular) - 1px); margin-top:8px;">
17049 ${(_this$resolvedSpec$in = this.resolvedSpec.info.contact) !== null && _this$resolvedSpec$in !== void 0 && _this$resolvedSpec$in.email ? y`<span>${this.resolvedSpec.info.contact.name || 'Email'}:
17050 <a href="mailto:${this.resolvedSpec.info.contact.email}" part="anchor anchor-overview">${this.resolvedSpec.info.contact.email}</a>
17051 </span>` : ''}
17052 ${(_this$resolvedSpec$in2 = this.resolvedSpec.info.contact) !== null && _this$resolvedSpec$in2 !== void 0 && _this$resolvedSpec$in2.url ? y`<span>URL: <a href="${this.resolvedSpec.info.contact.url}" part="anchor anchor-overview">${this.resolvedSpec.info.contact.url}</a></span>` : ''}
17053 ${this.resolvedSpec.info.license ? y`<span>License:
17054 ${this.resolvedSpec.info.license.url ? y`<a href="${this.resolvedSpec.info.license.url}" part="anchor anchor-overview">${this.resolvedSpec.info.license.name}</a>` : this.resolvedSpec.info.license.name} </span>` : ''}
17055 ${this.resolvedSpec.info.termsOfService ? y`<span><a href="${this.resolvedSpec.info.termsOfService}" part="anchor anchor-overview">Terms of Service</a></span>` : ''}
17056 ${this.specUrl && this.allowSpecFileDownload === 'true' ? y`
17057 <div style="display:flex; margin:12px 0; gap:8px; justify-content: start;">
17058 <button class="m-btn thin-border" style="min-width:170px" part="btn btn-outline" @click='${e => {
17059 downloadResource(this.specUrl, 'openapi-spec', e);
17060 }}'>Download OpenAPI spec</button>
17061 ${(_this$specUrl = this.specUrl) !== null && _this$specUrl !== void 0 && _this$specUrl.trim().toLowerCase().endsWith('json') ? y`<button class="m-btn thin-border" style="width:200px" part="btn btn-outline" @click='${e => {
17062 viewResource(this.specUrl, e);
17063 }}'>View OpenAPI spec (New Tab)</button>` : ''}
17064 </div>` : ''}
17065 </div>
17066 <slot name="overview"></slot>
17067 <div id="api-description">
17068 ${this.resolvedSpec.info.description ? y`${unsafe_html_o(`
17069 <div class="m-markdown regular-font">
17070 ${marked(this.resolvedSpec.info.description, this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar === 'true' ? {
17071 renderer: overview_template_headingRenderer()
17072 } : undefined)}
17073 </div>`)}` : ''}
17074 </div>
17075 ` : ''}
17076 </section>
17077 `;
17079/* eslint-enable indent */
17080;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/server-template.js
17082 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
17084function setApiServer(serverUrl) {
17085 var _this$resolvedSpec;
17086 const serverObj = (_this$resolvedSpec = this.resolvedSpec) === null || _this$resolvedSpec === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec.servers.find(s => s.url === serverUrl);
17087 if (!serverObj) {
17088 return false;
17089 }
17090 this.selectedServer = serverObj;
17091 this.requestUpdate();
17092 this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('api-server-change', {
17093 bubbles: true,
17094 composed: true,
17095 detail: {
17096 selectedServer: serverObj
17097 }
17098 }));
17099 return true;
17101function onApiServerVarChange(e, serverObj) {
17102 const inputEls = [...e.currentTarget.closest('table').querySelectorAll('input, select')];
17103 let tempUrl = serverObj.url;
17104 inputEls.forEach(v => {
17105 const regex = new RegExp(`{${v.dataset.var}}`, 'g');
17106 tempUrl = tempUrl.replace(regex, v.value);
17107 });
17108 serverObj.computedUrl = tempUrl;
17109 this.requestUpdate();
17112/* eslint-disable indent */
17113function serverVarsTemplate() {
17114 // const selectedServerObj = this.resolvedSpec.servers.find((v) => (v.url === this.selectedServer));
17115 return this.selectedServer && this.selectedServer.variables ? y`
17116 <div class="table-title">SERVER VARIABLES</div>
17117 <table class='m-table' role='presentation'>
17118 ${Object.entries(this.selectedServer.variables).map(kv => y`
17119 <tr>
17120 <td style="vertical-align: middle;" >${kv[0]}</td>
17121 <td>
17122 ${kv[1].enum ? y`
17123 <select
17124 data-var = "${kv[0]}"
17125 @input = ${e => {
17126 onApiServerVarChange.call(this, e, this.selectedServer);
17127 }}
17128 >
17129 ${Object.entries(kv[1].enum).map(e => kv[1].default === e[1] ? y`
17130 <option
17131 selected
17132 label = ${e[1]}
17133 value = ${e[1]}
17134 />` : y`
17135 <option
17136 label = ${e[1]}
17137 value = ${e[1]}
17138 />`)}
17139 </select>` : y`
17140 <input
17141 type = "text"
17142 part="textbox textbox-server-var"
17143 spellcheck = "false"
17144 data-var = "${kv[0]}"
17145 value = "${kv[1].default}"
17146 @input = ${e => {
17147 onApiServerVarChange.call(this, e, this.selectedServer);
17148 }}
17149 />`}
17150 </td>
17151 </tr>
17152 ${kv[1].description ? y`<tr><td colspan="2" style="border:none"><span class="m-markdown-small"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(kv[1].description))} </span></td></tr>` : ''}
17153 `)}
17154 </table>
17155 ` : '';
17157function serverTemplate() {
17158 var _this$resolvedSpec$se, _this$resolvedSpec2, _this$selectedServer;
17159 if (!this.resolvedSpec || this.resolvedSpec.specLoadError) {
17160 return '';
17161 }
17162 return y`
17163 <section id = 'servers' part="section-servers" style="text-align:left; direction:ltr; margin-top:24px; margin-bottom:24px;" class='regular-font observe-me ${'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) ? 'section-gap--read-mode' : 'section-gap'}'>
17164 <div part = "section-servers-title" class = "sub-title">API SERVER</div>
17165 <div class = 'mono-font' style='margin: 12px 0; font-size:calc(var(--font-size-small) + 1px);'>
17166 ${!this.resolvedSpec.servers || ((_this$resolvedSpec$se = this.resolvedSpec.servers) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$se === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$se.length) === 0 ? '' : y`
17167 ${(_this$resolvedSpec2 = this.resolvedSpec) === null || _this$resolvedSpec2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec2.servers.map((server, i) => y`
17168 <input type = 'radio'
17169 name = 'api_server'
17170 id = 'srvr-opt-${i}'
17171 value = '${server.url}'
17172 @change = ${() => {
17173 setApiServer.call(this, server.url);
17174 }}
17175 .checked = '${this.selectedServer.url === server.url}'
17176 style = 'margin:4px 0; cursor:pointer'
17177 />
17178 <label style='cursor:pointer' for='srvr-opt-${i}'>
17179 ${server.url} ${server.description ? y`- <span class='regular-font'>${server.description} </span>` : ''}
17180 </label>
17181 <br/>
17182 `)}
17183 `}
17184 <div class="table-title primary-text" part="label-selected-server"> SELECTED: ${((_this$selectedServer = this.selectedServer) === null || _this$selectedServer === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$selectedServer.computedUrl) || 'none'}</div>
17185 </div>
17186 <slot name="servers"></slot>
17187 ${serverVarsTemplate.call(this)}
17188 </section>`;
17190/* eslint-enable indent */
17191;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/navbar-template.js
17195function expandCollapseNavBarTag(navLinkEl, action = 'toggle') {
17196 const tagAndPathEl = navLinkEl === null || navLinkEl === void 0 ? void 0 : navLinkEl.closest('.nav-bar-tag-and-paths');
17197 const pathsUnderTagEl = tagAndPathEl === null || tagAndPathEl === void 0 ? void 0 : tagAndPathEl.querySelector('.nav-bar-paths-under-tag');
17198 if (tagAndPathEl) {
17199 const isExpanded = tagAndPathEl.classList.contains('expanded');
17200 if (isExpanded && (action === 'toggle' || action === 'collapse')) {
17201 pathsUnderTagEl.style.maxHeight = 0;
17202 tagAndPathEl.classList.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
17203 } else if (!isExpanded && (action === 'toggle' || action === 'expand')) {
17204 tagAndPathEl.classList.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
17205 pathsUnderTagEl.style.maxHeight = `${pathsUnderTagEl.scrollHeight}px`;
17206 }
17207 }
17209function expandCollapseAll(event, action = 'expand-all') {
17210 if (!(event.type === 'click' || event.type === 'keyup' && event.keyCode === 13)) {
17211 return;
17212 }
17213 const navEl = event.target.closest('.nav-scroll');
17214 const elList = [...navEl.querySelectorAll('.nav-bar-tag-and-paths')];
17215 if (action === 'expand-all') {
17216 elList.forEach(el => {
17217 const navBarPathsUnderTagEl = el.querySelector('.nav-bar-paths-under-tag');
17218 el.classList.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
17219 navBarPathsUnderTagEl.style.maxHeight = `${navBarPathsUnderTagEl === null || navBarPathsUnderTagEl === void 0 ? void 0 : navBarPathsUnderTagEl.scrollHeight}px`;
17220 });
17221 } else {
17222 elList.forEach(el => {
17223 el.classList.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
17224 el.querySelector('.nav-bar-paths-under-tag').style.maxHeight = 0;
17225 });
17226 }
17228function navBarClickAndEnterHandler(event) {
17229 var _navEl$dataset, _navEl$dataset2, _navEl$dataset3, _navEl$dataset4;
17230 if (!(event.type === 'click' || event.type === 'keyup' && event.keyCode === 13)) {
17231 return;
17232 }
17233 const navEl = event.target;
17234 event.stopPropagation();
17235 if (((_navEl$dataset = navEl.dataset) === null || _navEl$dataset === void 0 ? void 0 : _navEl$dataset.action) === 'navigate') {
17236 this.scrollToEventTarget(event, false);
17237 } else if (((_navEl$dataset2 = navEl.dataset) === null || _navEl$dataset2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _navEl$dataset2.action) === 'expand-all' || ((_navEl$dataset3 = navEl.dataset) === null || _navEl$dataset3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _navEl$dataset3.action) === 'collapse-all') {
17238 expandCollapseAll(event, navEl.dataset.action);
17239 } else if (((_navEl$dataset4 = navEl.dataset) === null || _navEl$dataset4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _navEl$dataset4.action) === 'expand-collapse-tag') {
17240 expandCollapseNavBarTag(navEl, 'toggle');
17241 }
17244/* eslint-disable indent */
17245function navbarTemplate() {
17246 var _this$resolvedSpec$in, _this$resolvedSpec$in2, _this$resolvedSpec$in3, _this$resolvedSpec$in4;
17247 if (!this.resolvedSpec || this.resolvedSpec.specLoadError) {
17248 return y`
17249 <nav class='nav-bar' part='section-navbar'>
17250 <slot name='nav-logo' class='logo'></slot>
17251 </nav>
17252 `;
17253 }
17254 return y`
17255 <nav class='nav-bar ${this.renderStyle}' part='section-navbar'>
17256 <slot name='nav-logo' class='logo'></slot>
17257 ${this.allowSearch === 'false' && this.allowAdvancedSearch === 'false' ? '' : y`
17258 <div style='display:flex; flex-direction:row; justify-content:center; align-items:stretch; padding:8px 24px 12px 24px; ${this.allowAdvancedSearch === 'false' ? 'border-bottom: 1px solid var(--nav-hover-bg-color)' : ''}' part='section-navbar-search'>
17259 ${this.allowSearch === 'false' ? '' : y`
17260 <div style = 'display:flex; flex:1; line-height:22px;'>
17261 <input id = 'nav-bar-search'
17262 part = 'textbox textbox-nav-filter'
17263 style = 'width:100%; padding-right:20px; color:var(--nav-hover-text-color); border-color:var(--nav-accent-color); background-color:var(--nav-hover-bg-color)'
17264 type = 'text'
17265 placeholder = 'Filter'
17266 @change = '${this.onSearchChange}'
17267 spellcheck = 'false'
17268 >
17269 <div style='margin: 6px 5px 0 -24px; font-size:var(--font-size-regular); cursor:pointer;'>&#x21a9;</div>
17270 </div>
17271 ${this.matchPaths ? y`
17272 <button @click = '${this.onClearSearch}' class='m-btn thin-border' style='margin-left:5px; color:var(--nav-text-color); width:75px; padding:6px 8px;' part='btn btn-outline btn-clear-filter'>
17273 CLEAR
17274 </button>` : ''}
17275 `}
17276 ${this.allowAdvancedSearch === 'false' || this.matchPaths ? '' : y`
17277 <button class='m-btn primary' part='btn btn-fill btn-search' style='margin-left:5px; padding:6px 8px; width:75px' @click='${this.onShowSearchModalClicked}'>
17278 SEARCH
17279 </button>
17280 `}
17281 </div>
17282 `}
17283 ${y`<nav class='nav-scroll' tabindex='-1' part='section-navbar-scroll' @click='${e => navBarClickAndEnterHandler.call(this, e)}' @keyup='${e => navBarClickAndEnterHandler.call(this, e)}' >
17284 ${this.showInfo === 'false' || !this.resolvedSpec.info ? '' : y`
17285 ${this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar === 'true' ? y`
17286 ${this.resolvedSpec.infoDescriptionHeaders.length > 0 ? y`<div class='nav-bar-info ${this.navActiveItemMarker}' id='link-overview' data-content-id='overview' data-action='navigate' tabindex='0' part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-overview'>
17287 ${((_this$resolvedSpec$in = this.resolvedSpec.info) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$in === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$resolvedSpec$in2 = _this$resolvedSpec$in.title) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$in2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$in2.trim()) || 'Overview'}
17288 </div>` : ''}
17289 <div class='overview-headers'>
17290 ${this.resolvedSpec.infoDescriptionHeaders.map(header => y`
17291 <div
17292 class='nav-bar-h${header.depth} ${this.navActiveItemMarker}'
17293 id='link-overview--${new marked.Slugger().slug(header.text)}'
17294 data-action='navigate'
17295 data-content-id='overview--${new marked.Slugger().slug(header.text)}'
17296 >
17297 ${header.text}
17298 </div>`)}
17299 </div>
17300 ${this.resolvedSpec.infoDescriptionHeaders.length > 0 ? y`<hr style='border-top: 1px solid var(--nav-hover-bg-color); border-width:1px 0 0 0; margin: 15px 0 0 0'/>` : ''}
17301 ` : y`<div class='nav-bar-info ${this.navActiveItemMarker}' id='link-overview' data-action='navigate' data-content-id='overview' tabindex='0'>
17302 ${((_this$resolvedSpec$in3 = this.resolvedSpec.info) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$in3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$resolvedSpec$in4 = _this$resolvedSpec$in3.title) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$in4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$in4.trim()) || 'Overview'}
17303 </div>`}
17304 `}
17306 ${this.allowServerSelection === 'false' ? '' : y`<div class='nav-bar-info ${this.navActiveItemMarker}' id='link-servers' data-action='navigate' data-content-id='servers' tabindex='0' part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-servers'> API Servers </div>`}
17307 ${this.allowAuthentication === 'false' || !this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes ? '' : y`<div class='nav-bar-info ${this.navActiveItemMarker}' id='link-auth' data-action='navigate' data-content-id='auth' tabindex='0' part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-auth'> Authentication </div>`}
17309 <div id='link-operations-top' class='nav-bar-section operations' data-action='navigate' data-content-id='${this.renderStyle === 'focused' ? '' : 'operations-top'}' part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-operations-top'>
17310 <div style='font-size:16px; display:flex; margin-left:10px;'>
17311 ${this.renderStyle === 'focused' ? y`
17312 <div class='nav-bar-expand-all'
17313 data-action='expand-all'
17314 tabindex='0'
17315 title='Expand all'
17316 >▸</div>
17317 <div class='nav-bar-collapse-all'
17318 data-action='collapse-all'
17319 tabindex='0'
17320 title='Collapse all'
17321 >▸</div>` : ''}
17322 </div>
17323 <div class='nav-bar-section-title'> OPERATIONS </div>
17324 </div>
17326 <!-- TAGS AND PATHS-->
17327 ${this.resolvedSpec.tags.filter(tag => tag.paths.filter(path => pathIsInSearch(this.matchPaths, path, this.matchType)).length).map(tag => {
17328 var _tag$paths;
17329 return y`
17330 <div class='nav-bar-tag-and-paths ${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? 'expanded' : tag.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}' >
17331 ${tag.name === 'General ⦂' ? y`<hr style='border:none; border-top: 1px dotted var(--nav-text-color); opacity:0.3; margin:-1px 0 0 0;'/>` : y`
17332 <div
17333 class='nav-bar-tag ${this.navActiveItemMarker}'
17334 part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-tag'
17335 id='link-${tag.elementId}'
17336 data-action='${(this.renderStyle === 'read' ? 'navigate' : this.onNavTagClick === 'show-description') ? 'navigate' : 'expand-collapse-tag'}'
17337 data-content-id='${(this.renderStyle === 'read' ? `${tag.elementId}` : this.onNavTagClick === 'show-description') ? `${tag.elementId}` : ''}'
17338 data-first-path-id='${tag.firstPathId}'
17339 tabindex='0'
17340 >
17341 <div style="pointer-events:none;">${tag.name}</div>
17342 <div class='nav-bar-tag-icon' tabindex='0' data-action='expand-collapse-tag'></div>
17343 </div>
17344 `}
17345 ${this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar === 'true' ? y`
17346 ${this.renderStyle === 'focused' && this.onNavTagClick === 'expand-collapse' ? '' : y`
17347 <div class='tag-headers'>
17348 ${tag.headers.map(header => y`
17349 <div
17350 class='nav-bar-h${header.depth} ${this.navActiveItemMarker}'
17351 part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-h${header.depth}'
17352 id='link-${tag.elementId}--${new marked.Slugger().slug(header.text)}'
17353 data-action='navigate'
17354 data-content-id='${tag.elementId}--${new marked.Slugger().slug(header.text)}'
17355 tabindex='0'
17356 > ${header.text}</div>`)}
17357 </div>`}` : ''}
17358 <div class='nav-bar-paths-under-tag' style='max-height:${tag.expanded || this.renderStyle === 'read' ? (((_tag$paths = tag.paths) === null || _tag$paths === void 0 ? void 0 : _tag$paths.length) || 1) * 50 : 0}px;'>
17359 <!-- Paths in each tag (endpoints) -->
17360 ${tag.paths.filter(v => {
17361 if (this.matchPaths) {
17362 return pathIsInSearch(this.matchPaths, v, this.matchType);
17363 }
17364 return true;
17365 }).map(p => y`
17366 <div
17367 class='nav-bar-path ${this.navActiveItemMarker} ${this.usePathInNavBar === 'true' ? 'small-font' : ''}'
17368 part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-path'
17369 data-action='navigate'
17370 data-content-id='${p.elementId}'
17371 id='link-${p.elementId}'
17372 tabindex='0'
17373 >
17374 <span style = 'display:flex; pointer-events: none; align-items:start; ${p.deprecated ? 'filter:opacity(0.5)' : ''}'>
17375 ${y`<span class='nav-method ${this.showMethodInNavBar} ${p.method}' style='pointer-events: none;'>
17376 ${this.showMethodInNavBar === 'as-colored-block' ? p.method.substring(0, 3).toUpperCase() : p.method.toUpperCase()}
17377 </span>`}
17378 ${p.isWebhook ? y`<span style='font-weight:bold; pointer-events: none; margin-right:8px; font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) - 2px)'>WEBHOOK</span>` : ''}
17379 ${this.usePathInNavBar === 'true' ? y`<span style='pointer-events: none;' class='mono-font'>${p.path}</span>` : p.summary || p.shortSummary}
17380 </span>
17381 </div>`)}
17382 </div>
17383 </div>
17384 `;
17385 })}
17387 <!-- COMPONENTS -->
17388 ${this.resolvedSpec.components && this.showComponents === 'true' && this.renderStyle === 'focused' ? y`
17389 <div id='link-components' class='nav-bar-section components'>
17390 <div></div>
17391 <div class='nav-bar-section-title'>COMPONENTS</div>
17392 </div>
17393 ${this.resolvedSpec.components.map(component => component.subComponents.length ? y`
17394 <div class='nav-bar-tag'
17395 part='section-navbar-item section-navbar-tag'
17396 data-action='navigate'
17397 data-content-id='cmp--${component.name.toLowerCase()}'
17398 id='link-cmp--${component.name.toLowerCase()}'
17399 >
17400 ${component.name}
17401 </div>
17402 ${component.subComponents.filter(p => p.expanded !== false).map(p => y`
17403 <div class='nav-bar-path' data-action='navigate' data-content-id='cmp--${p.id}' id='link-cmp--${p.id}'>
17404 <span> ${p.name} </span>
17405 </div>`)}` : '')}` : ''}
17406 </nav>`}
17410/* eslint-enable indent */
17411;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/focused-endpoint-template.js
17413 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
17423function focused_endpoint_template_headingRenderer(tagElementId) {
17424 const renderer = new marked.Renderer();
17425 renderer.heading = (text, level, raw, slugger) => `<h${level} class="observe-me" id="${tagElementId}--${slugger.slug(raw)}">${text}</h${level}>`;
17426 return renderer;
17428function wrapFocusedTemplate(templateToWrap) {
17429 return y`
17430 <div class='regular-font section-gap--focused-mode' part="section-operations-in-tag">
17431 ${templateToWrap}
17432 </div>`;
17434function defaultContentTemplate() {
17435 var _this$resolvedSpec$ta;
17436 // In focused mode default content is overview or first path
17437 if (this.showInfo === 'true') {
17438 return wrapFocusedTemplate(overviewTemplate.call(this));
17439 }
17440 const selectedTagObj = this.resolvedSpec.tags[0];
17441 const selectedPathObj = (_this$resolvedSpec$ta = this.resolvedSpec.tags[0]) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$ta === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$ta.paths[0];
17442 return selectedTagObj && selectedPathObj ? wrapFocusedTemplate(expandedEndpointBodyTemplate.call(this, selectedPathObj, selectedTagObj.name)) : wrapFocusedTemplate('');
17445/* eslint-disable indent */
17446function focusedTagBodyTemplate(tag) {
17447 return y`
17448 <h1 id="${tag.elementId}">${tag.name}</h1>
17449 ${this.onNavTagClick === 'show-description' && tag.description ? y`
17450 <div class="m-markdown">
17451 ${unsafe_html_o(`
17452 <div class="m-markdown regular-font">
17453 ${marked(tag.description || '', this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar === 'true' ? {
17454 renderer: focused_endpoint_template_headingRenderer(tag.elementId)
17455 } : undefined)}
17456 </div>`)}
17457 </div>` : ''}
17458 `;
17460function focusedEndpointTemplate() {
17461 if (!this.focusedElementId || !this.resolvedSpec) {
17462 return;
17463 }
17464 const focusElId = this.focusedElementId;
17465 let selectedPathObj = null;
17466 let selectedTagObj = null;
17467 let focusedTemplate;
17468 let i = 0;
17469 if (focusElId.startsWith('overview') && this.showInfo === 'true') {
17470 focusedTemplate = overviewTemplate.call(this);
17471 } else if (focusElId === 'auth' && this.allowAuthentication === 'true') {
17472 focusedTemplate = securitySchemeTemplate.call(this);
17473 } else if (focusElId === 'servers' && this.allowServerSelection === 'true') {
17474 focusedTemplate = serverTemplate.call(this);
17475 } else if (focusElId === 'operations-top') {
17476 focusedTemplate = y`
17477 <div id="operations-top" class="observe-me">
17478 <slot name="operations-top"></slot>
17479 </div>`;
17480 } else if (focusElId.startsWith('cmp--') && this.showComponents === 'true') {
17481 focusedTemplate = componentsTemplate.call(this);
17482 } else if (focusElId.startsWith('tag--')) {
17483 const idToFocus = focusElId.indexOf('--', 4) > 0 ? focusElId.substring(0, focusElId.indexOf('--', 5)) : focusElId;
17484 selectedTagObj = this.resolvedSpec.tags.find(v => v.elementId === idToFocus);
17485 if (selectedTagObj) {
17486 focusedTemplate = wrapFocusedTemplate.call(this, focusedTagBodyTemplate.call(this, selectedTagObj));
17487 } else {
17488 focusedTemplate = defaultContentTemplate.call(this);
17489 }
17490 } else {
17491 for (i = 0; i < this.resolvedSpec.tags.length; i += 1) {
17492 selectedTagObj = this.resolvedSpec.tags[i];
17493 selectedPathObj = this.resolvedSpec.tags[i].paths.find(v => `${v.elementId}` === focusElId);
17494 if (selectedPathObj) {
17495 break;
17496 }
17497 }
17498 if (selectedPathObj) {
17499 // In focused mode we must expand the nav-bar tag element if it is collapsed
17500 const newNavEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(`link-${focusElId}`);
17501 expandCollapseNavBarTag(newNavEl, 'expand');
17502 focusedTemplate = wrapFocusedTemplate.call(this, expandedEndpointBodyTemplate.call(this, selectedPathObj, selectedTagObj.name || '', selectedTagObj.description || ''));
17503 } else {
17504 // if focusedElementId is not found then show the default content (overview or first-path)
17505 focusedTemplate = defaultContentTemplate.call(this);
17506 }
17507 }
17508 return focusedTemplate;
17510/* eslint-enable indent */
17511;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/endpoint-template.js
17513 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
17521function toggleExpand(path) {
17522 if (path.expanded) {
17523 path.expanded = false; // collapse
17524 if (this.updateRoute === 'true') {
17525 this.replaceHistoryState('');
17526 }
17527 } else {
17528 path.expanded = true; // Expand
17529 if (this.updateRoute === 'true') {
17530 const newHash = `${this.routePrefix || '#'}${path.elementId}`;
17531 if (window.location.hash !== newHash) {
17532 this.replaceHistoryState(path.elementId);
17533 }
17534 }
17535 }
17536 this.requestUpdate();
17538function endpoint_template_expandCollapseAll(operationsRootEl, action = 'expand-all') {
17539 const elList = [...operationsRootEl.querySelectorAll('.section-tag')];
17540 if (action === 'expand-all') {
17541 elList.map(el => {
17542 el.classList.replace('collapsed', 'expanded');
17543 });
17544 } else {
17545 elList.map(el => {
17546 el.classList.replace('expanded', 'collapsed');
17547 });
17548 }
17550function onExpandCollapseAll(e, action = 'expand-all') {
17551 endpoint_template_expandCollapseAll.call(this, e.target.closest('.operations-root'), action);
17554/* eslint-disable indent */
17555function endpointHeadTemplate(path, pathsExpanded = false) {
17556 return y`
17557 <summary @click="${e => {
17558 toggleExpand.call(this, path, e);
17559 }}" part="section-endpoint-head-${path.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}" class='endpoint-head ${path.method} ${path.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''} ${pathsExpanded || path.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}'>
17560 <div part="section-endpoint-head-method" class="method ${path.method} ${path.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}"> ${path.method} </div>
17561 <div part="section-endpoint-head-path" class="path ${path.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}">
17562 ${path.path}
17563 ${path.isWebhook ? y`<span style="font-family: var(--font-regular); font-size: var(--); font-size: var(--font-size-small); color:var(--primary-color); margin-left: 16px"> Webhook</span>` : ''}
17564 </div>
17565 ${path.deprecated ? y`
17566 <span style="font-size:var(--font-size-small); text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:bold; color:var(--red); margin:2px 0 0 5px;">
17567 deprecated
17568 </span>` : ''}
17569 ${this.showSummaryWhenCollapsed ? y`
17570 <div class="only-large-screen" style="min-width:60px; flex:1"></div>
17571 <div part="section-endpoint-head-description" class="descr">${path.summary || path.shortSummary} </div>` : ''}
17572 </summary>
17573 `;
17575function endpointBodyTemplate(path) {
17576 var _path$xBadges, _path$externalDocs, _path$externalDocs2, _path$externalDocs3, _path$externalDocs4, _path$externalDocs5, _path$externalDocs6;
17577 const acceptContentTypes = new Set();
17578 for (const respStatus in path.responses) {
17579 for (const acceptContentType in (_path$responses$respS = path.responses[respStatus]) === null || _path$responses$respS === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$responses$respS.content) {
17580 var _path$responses$respS;
17581 acceptContentTypes.add(acceptContentType.trim());
17582 }
17583 }
17584 const accept = [...acceptContentTypes].join(', ');
17585 // Filter API Keys that are non-empty and are applicable to the the path
17586 const nonEmptyApiKeys = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.filter(v => {
17587 var _path$security;
17588 return v.finalKeyValue && ((_path$security = path.security) === null || _path$security === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$security.some(ps => v.securitySchemeId in ps));
17589 }) || [];
17591 // If a RapiDoc API Key is specified on the element and its value is not hyphen(-) then include it for all paths
17592 const rapiDocApiKey = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === rapidocApiKey && v.value !== '-');
17593 if (rapiDocApiKey) {
17594 nonEmptyApiKeys.push(rapiDocApiKey);
17595 }
17596 const codeSampleTabPanel = path.xCodeSamples ? codeSamplesTemplate(path.xCodeSamples) : '';
17597 return y`
17598 <div part="section-endpoint-body-${path.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}" class='endpoint-body ${path.method} ${path.deprecated ? 'deprecated' : ''}'>
17599 <div class="summary">
17600 ${path.summary ? y`<div class="title" part="section-endpoint-body-title">${path.summary}<div>` : path.shortSummary !== path.description ? y`<div class="title" part="section-endpoint-body-title">${path.shortSummary}</div>` : ''}
17601 ${path.xBadges && ((_path$xBadges = path.xBadges) === null || _path$xBadges === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$xBadges.length) > 0 ? y`
17602 <div style="display:flex; flex-wrap:wrap;font-size: var(--font-size-small);">
17603 ${path.xBadges.map(v => y`<span part="endpoint-badge" style="margin:1px; margin-right:5px; padding:1px 8px; font-weight:bold; border-radius:12px; background-color: var(--light-${v.color}, var(--input-bg)); color:var(--${v.color}); border:1px solid var(--${v.color})">${v.label}</span>`)}
17604 </div>
17605 ` : ''}
17607 ${path.description ? y`<div part="section-endpoint-body-description" class="m-markdown"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(path.description))}</div>` : ''}
17608 ${(_path$externalDocs = path.externalDocs) !== null && _path$externalDocs !== void 0 && _path$externalDocs.url || (_path$externalDocs2 = path.externalDocs) !== null && _path$externalDocs2 !== void 0 && _path$externalDocs2.description ? y`<div style="background-color:var(--bg3); padding:2px 8px 8px 8px; margin:8px 0; border-radius:var(--border-radius)">
17609 <div class="m-markdown"> ${unsafe_html_o(marked(((_path$externalDocs3 = path.externalDocs) === null || _path$externalDocs3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$externalDocs3.description) || ''))} </div>
17610 ${(_path$externalDocs4 = path.externalDocs) !== null && _path$externalDocs4 !== void 0 && _path$externalDocs4.url ? y`<a style="font-family:var(--font-mono); font-size:var(--font-size-small)" href="${(_path$externalDocs5 = path.externalDocs) === null || _path$externalDocs5 === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$externalDocs5.url}" target="_blank">
17611 ${(_path$externalDocs6 = path.externalDocs) === null || _path$externalDocs6 === void 0 ? void 0 : _path$externalDocs6.url} <div style="transform: rotate(270deg) scale(1.5); display: inline-block; margin-left:5px">⇲</div>
17612 </a>` : ''}
17613 </div>` : ''}
17614 <slot name="${path.elementId}"></slot>
17615 ${pathSecurityTemplate.call(this, path.security)}
17616 ${codeSampleTabPanel}
17617 </div>
17618 <div class='req-resp-container'>
17619 <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:column" class="view-mode-request ${this.layout}-layout">
17620 <api-request
17621 class = "${this.renderStyle}-mode ${this.layout}-layout"
17622 style = "width:100%;"
17623 webhook = "${path.isWebhook}"
17624 method = "${path.method}"
17625 path = "${path.path}"
17626 .security = "${path.security}"
17627 .parameters = "${path.parameters}"
17628 .request_body = "${path.requestBody}"
17629 .api_keys = "${nonEmptyApiKeys}"
17630 .servers = "${path.servers}"
17631 server-url = "${path.servers && path.servers.length > 0 ? path.servers[0].url : this.selectedServer.computedUrl}"
17632 active-schema-tab = "${this.defaultSchemaTab}"
17633 fill-request-fields-with-example = "${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample}"
17634 allow-try = "${this.allowTry}"
17635 show-curl-before-try = "${this.showCurlBeforeTry}"
17636 accept = "${accept}"
17637 render-style="${this.renderStyle}"
17638 schema-style = "${this.schemaStyle}"
17639 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
17640 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
17641 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
17642 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'false' : 'true'}"
17643 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'true' : 'false'}"
17644 fetch-credentials = "${this.fetchCredentials}"
17645 exportparts = "wrap-request-btn:wrap-request-btn, btn:btn, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-outline:btn-outline, btn-try:btn-try, btn-clear:btn-clear, btn-clear-resp:btn-clear-resp,
17646 file-input:file-input, textbox:textbox, textbox-param:textbox-param, textarea:textarea, textarea-param:textarea-param,
17647 anchor:anchor, anchor-param-example:anchor-param-example, schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
17648 > </api-request>
17650 ${path.callbacks ? callbackTemplate.call(this, path.callbacks) : ''}
17651 </div>
17653 <api-response
17654 class = "${this.renderStyle}-mode"
17655 style = "width:100%;"
17656 webhook = "${path.isWebhook}"
17657 .responses="${path.responses}"
17658 active-schema-tab = "${this.defaultSchemaTab}"
17659 render-style="${this.renderStyle}"
17660 schema-style="${this.schemaStyle}"
17661 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
17662 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
17663 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
17664 schema-hide-read-only = "${this.schemaHideReadOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'true' : 'false'}"
17665 schema-hide-write-only = "${this.schemaHideWriteOnly === 'never' ? 'false' : path.isWebhook ? 'false' : 'true'}"
17666 selected-status = "${Object.keys(path.responses || {})[0] || ''}"
17667 exportparts = "btn:btn, btn-fill:btn-fill, btn-outline:btn-outline, btn-try:btn-try, file-input:file-input,
17668 textbox:textbox, textbox-param:textbox-param, textarea:textarea, textarea-param:textarea-param, anchor:anchor, anchor-param-example:anchor-param-example, btn-clear-resp:btn-clear-resp,
17669 schema-description:schema-description, schema-multiline-toggle:schema-multiline-toggle"
17670 > </api-response>
17671 </div>
17672 </div>`;
17674function endpointTemplate(showExpandCollapse = true, showTags = true, pathsExpanded = false) {
17675 if (!this.resolvedSpec) {
17676 return '';
17677 }
17678 return y`
17679 ${showExpandCollapse ? y`
17680 <div style="display:flex; justify-content:flex-end;">
17681 <span @click="${e => onExpandCollapseAll(e, 'expand-all')}" style="color:var(--primary-color); cursor:pointer;">
17682 Expand all
17683 </span>
17684 &nbsp;|&nbsp;
17685 <span @click="${e => onExpandCollapseAll(e, 'collapse-all')}" style="color:var(--primary-color); cursor:pointer;" >
17686 Collapse all
17687 </span>
17688 &nbsp; sections
17689 </div>` : ''}
17690 ${this.resolvedSpec.tags.map(tag => y`
17691 ${showTags ? y`
17692 <div class='regular-font section-gap section-tag ${tag.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}'>
17693 <div class='section-tag-header' @click="${() => {
17694 tag.expanded = !tag.expanded;
17695 this.requestUpdate();
17696 }}">
17697 <div id='${tag.elementId}' class="sub-title tag" style="color:var(--primary-color)">${tag.name}</div>
17698 </div>
17699 <div class='section-tag-body'>
17700 <slot name="${tag.elementId}"></slot>
17701 <div class="regular-font regular-font-size m-markdown" style="padding-bottom:12px">
17702 ${unsafe_html_o(marked(tag.description || ''))}
17703 </div>
17704 ${tag.paths.filter(v => {
17705 if (this.matchPaths) {
17706 return pathIsInSearch(this.matchPaths, v, this.matchType);
17707 }
17708 return true;
17709 }).map(path => y`
17710 <section part="section-endpoint" id='${path.elementId}' class='m-endpoint regular-font ${path.method} ${pathsExpanded || path.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}'>
17711 ${endpointHeadTemplate.call(this, path, pathsExpanded)}
17712 ${pathsExpanded || path.expanded ? endpointBodyTemplate.call(this, path) : ''}
17713 </section>`)}
17714 </div>
17715 </div>` : y`
17716 <div class='section-tag-body'>
17717 ${tag.paths.filter(v => {
17718 if (this.matchPaths) {
17719 return pathIsInSearch(this.matchPaths, v, this.matchType);
17720 }
17721 return true;
17722 }).map(path => y`
17723 <section id='${path.elementId}' class='m-endpoint regular-font ${path.method} ${pathsExpanded || path.expanded ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'}'>
17724 ${endpointHeadTemplate.call(this, path, pathsExpanded)}
17725 ${pathsExpanded || path.expanded ? endpointBodyTemplate.call(this, path) : ''}
17726 </section>`)}
17727 </div>
17728 `}
17729 `)}`;
17731/* eslint-enable indent */
17732;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/logo-template.js
17735/* eslint-disable indent */
17736function logoTemplate(style) {
17737 return y`
17738 <div style=${style}>
17739 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="1 0 511 512">
17740 <path d="M351 411a202 202 0 01-350 0 203 203 0 01333-24 203 203 0 0117 24zm0 0" fill="#adc165"/>
17741 <path d="M334 387a202 202 0 01-216-69 202 202 0 01216 69zm78 32H85a8 8 0 01-8-8 8 8 0 018-8h327a8 8 0 017 8 8 8 0 01-7 8zm0 0" fill="#99aa52"/>
17742 <path d="M374 338l-5 30a202 202 0 01-248-248 203 203 0 01253 218zm0 0" fill="#ffc73b"/>
17743 <path d="M374 338a202 202 0 01-100-197 203 203 0 01100 197zm38 81l-6-2-231-231a8 8 0 0111-11l231 230a8 8 0 01-5 14zm0 0" fill="#efb025"/>
17744 <path d="M311 175c0 75 40 140 101 175a202 202 0 000-350 202 202 0 00-101 175zm0 0" fill="#ff903e"/>
17745 <path d="M412 419a8 8 0 01-8-8V85a8 8 0 0115 0v326a8 8 0 01-7 8zm0 0" fill="#e87425"/>
17746 </svg>
17747 </div>
17750/* eslint-enable indent */
17751;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/header-template.js
17755/* eslint-disable indent */
17756function headerTemplate() {
17757 return y`
17758 <header class="row main-header regular-font" part="section-header" style="padding:8px 4px 8px 4px;min-height:48px;">
17759 <div class="only-large-screen-flex" style="align-items: center;">
17760 <slot name="logo" class="logo" part="section-logo">
17761 ${logoTemplate('height:36px;width:36px;margin-left:5px')}
17762 <!-- m-logo style="height:36px;width:36px;margin-left:5px"></m-logo -->
17763 </slot>
17764 <div class="header-title" part="label-header-title">${this.headingText}</div>
17765 </div>
17766 <div style="margin: 0px 8px;display:flex;flex:1">
17767 ${this.allowSpecUrlLoad === 'false' ? '' : y`
17768 <input id="spec-url"
17769 type="text"
17770 style="font-size:var(--font-size-small)"
17771 class="header-input mono-font"
17772 part="textbox textbox-spec-url"
17773 placeholder="Spec URL"
17774 value="${this.specUrl || ''}"
17775 @change="${this.onSpecUrlChange}"
17776 spellcheck="false"
17777 >
17778 <div style="margin: 6px 5px 0 -24px; font-size:var(--font-size-regular); cursor:pointer;">&#x21a9;</div>
17779 `}
17780 ${this.allowSpecFileLoad === 'false' ? '' : y`
17781 <input id="spec-file"
17782 part = "file-input"
17783 type="file"
17784 style="display:none"
17785 value="${this.specFile || ''}"
17786 @change="${this.onSpecFileChange}"
17787 spellcheck="false"
17788 >
17789 <button class="m-btn primary only-large-screen" style="margin-left:10px;" part="btn btn-fill" @click="${this.onFileLoadClick}"> LOCAL JSON FILE </button>
17790 `}
17791 <slot name="header"></slot>
17792 ${this.allowSearch === 'false' || 'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) ? '' : y`
17793 <input id="search" class="header-input" type="text" part="textbox textbox-header-filter" placeholder="Filter" @change="${this.onSearchChange}" style="max-width:130px;margin-left:10px;" spellcheck="false" >
17794 <div style="margin: 6px 5px 0 -24px; font-size:var(--font-size-regular); cursor:pointer;">&#x21a9;</div>
17795 `}
17797 ${this.allowAdvancedSearch === 'false' || 'read focused'.includes(this.renderStyle) ? '' : y`
17798 <button class="m-btn primary only-large-screen" part="btn btn-fill btn-search" style="margin-left:10px;" @click="${this.onShowSearchModalClicked}">
17799 Search
17800 </button>
17801 `}
17802 </div>
17803 </header>`;
17805/* eslint-enable indent */
17806;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/styles/dialog-box-styles.js
17808/* harmony default export */ const dialog_box_styles = (i`
17809 *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; }
17811 .dialog-box-overlay {
17812 background-color: var(--overlay-bg);
17813 position: fixed;
17814 left: 0;
17815 top: 0;
17816 width: 100vw;
17817 height: 100vh;
17818 overflow: hidden;
17819 z-index: var(--dialog-z-index);
17820 }
17822 .dialog-box {
17823 position: fixed;
17824 top: 100px;
17825 left: 50%;
17826 transform: translate(-50%, 0%);
17827 display: flex;
17828 flex-direction: column;
17829 width: 70vw;
17830 background-color: var(--bg2);
17831 color: var(--fg2);
17832 border-radius: 4px;
17833 max-height: 500px;
17834 overflow: hidden;
17835 border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
17836 box-shadow: 0 14px 28px rgba(0,0,0,0.25), 0 10px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.22);
17837 }
17839 .dialog-box-header {
17840 position: sticky;
17841 top: 0;
17842 align-self: stretch;
17843 display: flex;
17844 align-items: center;
17845 padding: 0px 16px;
17846 min-height: 60px;
17847 max-height: 60px;
17848 border-bottom: 1px solid var(--light-border-color);
17849 overflow: hidden;
17850 }
17852 .dialog-box-header button {
17853 font-size: 1.5rem;
17854 font-weight: 700;
17855 line-height: 1;
17856 color: var(--fg);
17857 border: none;
17858 outline: none;
17859 background-color: transparent;
17860 cursor:pointer;
17861 border: 1px solid transparent;
17862 border-radius: 50%;
17863 margin-right: -8px;
17864 }
17865 .dialog-box-header button:hover {
17866 border-color: var(--primary-color);
17867 }
17869 .dialog-box-content {
17870 padding: 16px;
17871 display:block;
17872 overflow: auto;
17873 height: 100%;
17874 }
17876 .dialog-box-title {
17877 flex-grow: 1;
17878 font-size:24px;
17879 }
17881;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/components/dialog-box.js
17884class DialogBox extends lit_element_s {
17885 static get properties() {
17886 return {
17887 heading: {
17888 type: String,
17889 attribute: 'heading'
17890 },
17891 show: {
17892 type: String,
17893 attribute: 'show'
17894 }
17895 };
17896 }
17897 static get styles() {
17898 return [dialog_box_styles];
17899 }
17900 connectedCallback() {
17901 super.connectedCallback();
17902 document.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
17903 if (e.code === 'Escape') {
17904 this.onClose();
17905 }
17906 });
17907 }
17908 attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) {
17909 if (oldVal !== newVal) {
17910 if (name === 'heading') {
17911 this.heading = newVal;
17912 }
17913 if (name === 'show') {
17914 this.show = newVal;
17915 if (newVal === 'true') {
17916 document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('open', {
17917 bubbles: true,
17918 composed: true,
17919 detail: this
17920 }));
17921 }
17922 }
17923 }
17924 super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal);
17925 }
17927 /* eslint-disable indent */
17928 render() {
17929 return y`
17930 ${this.show === 'true' ? y`
17931 <div class="dialog-box-overlay">
17932 <div class="dialog-box">
17933 <header class="dialog-box-header">
17934 <span class="dialog-box-title">${this.heading}</span>
17935 <button type="button" @click="${this.onClose}">&times;</button>
17936 </header>
17937 <div class="dialog-box-content">
17938 <slot></slot>
17939 </div>
17940 </div>
17941 </div>` : ''}`;
17942 }
17943 /* eslint-enable indent */
17945 onClose() {
17946 document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('close', {
17947 bubbles: true,
17948 composed: true
17949 }));
17950 }
17952customElements.define('dialog-box', DialogBox);
17953;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/advance-search-template.js
17957/* eslint-disable indent */
17958function searchByPropertiesModalTemplate() {
17959 var _this$advancedSearchM;
17960 document.addEventListener('close', () => {
17961 this.showAdvancedSearchDialog = false;
17962 });
17963 document.addEventListener('open', this.onOpenSearchDialog);
17964 return y`
17965 <dialog-box
17966 heading="Search"
17967 show="${!!this.showAdvancedSearchDialog}"
17968 >
17969 <span class="advanced-search-options">
17970 <input
17971 style="width:100%; padding-right:20px;"
17972 type="text"
17973 part="textbox textbox-search-dialog"
17974 placeholder="search text..."
17975 spellcheck="false"
17976 @keyup = "${e => this.onAdvancedSearch(e, 400)}"
17977 >
17978 <div style="display:flex; margin:8px 0 24px;">
17979 <div>
17980 <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="checkbox" part="checkbox checkbox-search-dialog" id="search-api-path" checked @change = "${e => this.onAdvancedSearch(e, 0)}">
17981 <label for="search-api-path" style="cursor:pointer;"> API Path </label>
17982 </div>
17983 <div style="margin-left: 16px;">
17984 <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="checkbox" part="checkbox checkbox-search-dialog" id="search-api-descr" checked @change = "${e => this.onAdvancedSearch(e, 0)}">
17985 <label style="cursor:pointer;" for="search-api-descr"> API Description </label>
17986 </div>
17987 <div style="margin-left: 16px;">
17988 <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="checkbox" part="checkbox checkbox-search-dialog" id="search-api-params" @change = "${e => this.onAdvancedSearch(e, 0)}">
17989 <label style="cursor:pointer;" for="search-api-params"> API Parameters </label>
17990 </div>
17991 <div style="margin-left: 16px;">
17992 <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="checkbox" part="checkbox checkbox-search-dialog" id="search-api-request-body" @change = "${e => this.onAdvancedSearch(e, 0)}">
17993 <label style="cursor:pointer;" for="search-api-request-body"> Request Body Parameters </label>
17994 </div>
17995 <div style="margin-left: 16px;">
17996 <input style="cursor:pointer;" type="checkbox" part="checkbox checkbox-search-dialog" id="search-api-resp-descr" @change = "${e => this.onAdvancedSearch(e, 0)}">
17997 <label style="cursor:pointer;" for="search-api-resp-descr"> Response Description </label>
17998 </div>
17999 </div>
18000 </span>
18002 ${(_this$advancedSearchM = this.advancedSearchMatches) === null || _this$advancedSearchM === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$advancedSearchM.map(path => y`
18003 <div
18004 class="mono-font small-font-size hover-bg"
18005 style='padding: 5px; cursor: pointer; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--light-border-color); ${path.deprecated ? 'filter:opacity(0.5);' : ''}'
18006 data-content-id='${path.elementId}'
18007 tabindex = '0'
18008 @click="${e => {
18009 this.matchPaths = ''; // clear quick filter if applied
18010 this.showAdvancedSearchDialog = false; // Hide Search Dialog
18011 this.requestUpdate();
18012 this.scrollToEventTarget(e, true);
18013 }}"
18014 >
18015 <span class="upper bold-text method-fg ${path.method}">${path.method}</span>
18016 <span>${path.path}</span>
18017 <span class="regular-font gray-text">${path.summary}</span>
18018 </div>
18019 `)}
18020 </dialog-box>
18021 `;
18023/* eslint-enable indent */
18024;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils/color-utils.js
18025/* harmony default export */ const color_utils = ({
18026 color: {
18027 inputReverseFg: '#fff',
18028 inputReverseBg: '#333',
18029 headerBg: '#444',
18030 getRgb(hex) {
18031 if (hex.indexOf('#') === 0) {
18032 hex = hex.slice(1, 7);
18033 }
18034 // convert 3-digit hex to 6-digits.
18035 if (hex.length === 3 || hex.length === 4) {
18036 hex = hex[0] + hex[0] + hex[1] + hex[1] + hex[2] + hex[2];
18037 }
18038 if (hex.length !== 6) {
18039 throw new Error('Invalid HEX color.');
18040 }
18041 return {
18042 r: parseInt(hex.slice(0, 2), 16),
18043 g: parseInt(hex.slice(2, 4), 16),
18044 b: parseInt(hex.slice(4, 6), 16)
18045 };
18046 },
18047 luminanace(hexColorCode) {
18048 const rgb = this.getRgb(hexColorCode);
18049 return rgb.r * 0.299 + rgb.g * 0.587 + rgb.b * 0.114;
18050 },
18051 invert(hexColorCode) {
18052 return this.luminanace(hexColorCode) > 135 ? '#000' : '#fff'; // compare with `>=128`, but giving little more preference to white over black
18053 },
18055 opacity(hex, opacity) {
18056 const rgb = this.getRgb(hex);
18057 return `rgba(${rgb.r}, ${rgb.g}, ${rgb.b}, ${opacity})`;
18058 },
18059 brightness(hex, amt) {
18060 const rgb = this.getRgb(hex);
18061 rgb.r += amt;
18062 rgb.g += amt;
18063 rgb.b += amt;
18064 if (rgb.r > 255) rgb.r = 255;else if (rgb.r < 0) rgb.r = 0;
18065 if (rgb.g > 255) rgb.g = 255;else if (rgb.g < 0) rgb.g = 0;
18066 if (rgb.b > 255) rgb.b = 255;else if (rgb.b < 0) rgb.b = 0;
18067 return `#${rgb.r.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}${rgb.g.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}${rgb.b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')}`;
18068 },
18069 hasGoodContrast(hexColorCode1, hexColorCode2) {
18070 const lum1 = this.luminanace(hexColorCode1);
18071 const lum2 = this.luminanace(hexColorCode2);
18072 return lum1 - lum2;
18073 }
18074 }
18076function isValidHexColor(colorCode) {
18077 return /^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{8}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{4})$/i.test(colorCode);
18079;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/utils/theme.js
18082/* Generates an schema object containing type and constraint info */
18083function setTheme(baseTheme, theme = {}) {
18084 let newTheme = {};
18086 // Common Theme colors
18087 const primaryColor = theme.primaryColor ? theme.primaryColor : baseTheme === 'dark' ? '#f76b39' : '#ff591e';
18088 const primaryColorInvert = color_utils.color.invert(primaryColor);
18089 const primaryColorTrans = color_utils.color.opacity(primaryColor, '0.4');
18091 // Dark and Light Theme colors
18092 if (baseTheme === 'dark') {
18093 const bg1 = theme.bg1 ? theme.bg1 : '#2a2b2c';
18094 const fg1 = theme.fg1 ? theme.fg1 : '#bbb';
18095 const bg2 = theme.bg2 ? theme.bg2 : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 5); // or #383838;
18096 const bg3 = theme.bg3 ? theme.bg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 17); // or #444;
18097 const lightBg = theme.bg3 ? theme.bg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 35);
18098 const fg2 = theme.fg2 ? theme.fg2 : color_utils.color.brightness(fg1, -15); // or #ababab
18099 const fg3 = theme.fg3 ? theme.fg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(fg1, -20); // or #aaa
18100 const lightFg = theme.fg3 ? theme.fg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(fg1, -65); // or #777
18101 const inlineCodeFg = theme.inlineCodeFg ? theme.inlineCodeFg : '#aaa';
18102 const selectionBg = '#bbb';
18103 const selectionFg = '#eee';
18104 const headerColor = theme.headerColor ? theme.headerColor : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 10);
18105 const navBgColor = theme.navBgColor ? theme.navBgColor : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 10);
18106 const navTextColor = theme.navTextColor ? theme.navTextColor : color_utils.color.opacity(color_utils.color.invert(navBgColor), '0.50');
18107 const navHoverBgColor = theme.navHoverBgColor ? theme.navHoverBgColor : color_utils.color.brightness(navBgColor, -15);
18108 const navHoverTextColor = theme.navHoverTextColor ? theme.navHoverTextColor : color_utils.color.invert(navBgColor);
18109 const navAccentColor = theme.navAccentColor ? theme.navAccentColor : color_utils.color.brightness(primaryColor, 25);
18110 const navAccentTextColor = theme.navAccentTextColor ? theme.navAccenttextColor : color_utils.color.invert(navAccentColor);
18111 const overlayBg = 'rgba(80, 80, 80, 0.4)';
18112 newTheme = {
18113 bg1,
18114 bg2,
18115 bg3,
18116 lightBg,
18117 fg1,
18118 fg2,
18119 fg3,
18120 lightFg,
18121 inlineCodeFg,
18122 primaryColor,
18123 primaryColorTrans,
18124 primaryColorInvert,
18125 selectionBg,
18126 selectionFg,
18127 overlayBg,
18128 navBgColor,
18129 navTextColor,
18130 navHoverBgColor,
18131 navHoverTextColor,
18132 navAccentColor,
18133 navAccentTextColor,
18134 headerColor,
18135 headerColorInvert: color_utils.color.invert(headerColor),
18136 headerColorDarker: color_utils.color.brightness(headerColor, -20),
18137 headerColorBorder: color_utils.color.brightness(headerColor, 10),
18138 borderColor: theme.borderColor || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 20),
18139 // #555
18140 lightBorderColor: theme.lightBorderColor || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 15),
18141 // #444
18142 codeBorderColor: theme.codeBorderColor || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 30),
18143 inputBg: theme.inputBg || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -5),
18144 // #2f2f2f
18145 placeHolder: theme.placeHolder || color_utils.color.opacity(fg1, '0.3'),
18146 hoverColor: theme.hoverColor || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -10),
18147 // #2a2a2a
18149 red: theme.red ? theme.red : '#F06560',
18150 lightRed: theme.lightRed ? theme.lightRed : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -10),
18151 // #2a2a2a
18153 pink: theme.pink ? theme.pink : '#ffb2b2',
18154 lightPink: theme.lightPink || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -10),
18155 green: theme.green || '#7ec699',
18156 lightGreen: theme.lightGreen || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -10),
18157 // #2a2a2a
18159 blue: theme.blue || '#71b7ff',
18160 lightBlue: theme.lightBlue || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -10),
18161 // #2a2a2a
18163 orange: theme.orange ? theme.orange : '#f08d49',
18164 lightOrange: theme.lightOrange || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -10),
18165 // #2a2a2a
18167 yellow: theme.yellow || '#827717',
18168 lightYellow: theme.lightYellow || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -10),
18169 // #2a2a2a
18171 purple: theme.purple || '#786FF1',
18172 brown: theme.brown || '#D4AC0D',
18173 codeBg: theme.codeBg || color_utils.color.opacity(color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -15), 0.7),
18174 codeFg: theme.codeFg || '#aaa',
18175 codePropertyColor: theme.codePropertyColor || '#f8c555',
18176 codeKeywordColor: theme.codeKeywordColor || '#cc99cd',
18177 codeOperatorColor: theme.codeOperatorColor || '#67cdcc'
18178 };
18179 } else {
18180 const bg1 = theme.bg1 ? theme.bg1 : '#fafbfc';
18181 const fg1 = theme.fg1 ? theme.fg1 : '#444444';
18182 const bg2 = theme.bg2 ? theme.bg2 : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -5); // or '#fafafa'
18183 const bg3 = theme.bg3 ? theme.bg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -15); // or '#f6f6f6'
18184 const lightBg = theme.bg3 ? theme.bg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -45);
18185 const fg2 = theme.fg2 ? theme.fg2 : color_utils.color.brightness(fg1, 17); // or '#555'
18186 const fg3 = theme.fg3 ? theme.fg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(fg1, 30); // or #666
18187 const lightFg = theme.fg3 ? theme.fg3 : color_utils.color.brightness(fg1, 70); // or #999
18188 const inlineCodeFg = theme.inlineCodeFg ? theme.inlineCodeFg : 'brown';
18189 const selectionBg = '#444';
18190 const selectionFg = '#eee';
18191 const headerColor = theme.headerColor ? theme.headerColor : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -180);
18193 /*
18194 const navBgColor = theme.navBgColor ? theme.navBgColor : ColorUtils.color.brightness(bg1, -10);
18195 const navTextColor = theme.navTextColor ? theme.navTextColor : ColorUtils.color.brightness(fg1, 5);
18196 const navHoverBgColor = theme.navHoverBgColor ? theme.navHoverBgColor : bg1;
18197 const navHoverTextColor = theme.navHoverTextColor ? theme.navHoverTextColor : primaryColor;
18198 const navAccentColor = theme.navAccentColor ? theme.navAccentColor : primaryColor;
18199 */
18200 const navBgColor = theme.navBgColor ? theme.navBgColor : color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -200);
18201 const navTextColor = theme.navTextColor ? theme.navTextColor : color_utils.color.opacity(color_utils.color.invert(navBgColor), '0.65');
18202 const navHoverBgColor = theme.navHoverBgColor ? theme.navHoverBgColor : color_utils.color.brightness(navBgColor, -15);
18203 const navHoverTextColor = theme.navHoverTextColor ? theme.navHoverTextColor : color_utils.color.invert(navBgColor);
18204 const navAccentColor = theme.navAccentColor ? theme.navAccentColor : color_utils.color.brightness(primaryColor, 25);
18205 const navAccentTextColor = theme.navAccentTextColor ? theme.navAccenttextColor : color_utils.color.invert(navAccentColor);
18206 const overlayBg = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)';
18207 newTheme = {
18208 bg1,
18209 bg2,
18210 bg3,
18211 lightBg,
18212 fg1,
18213 fg2,
18214 fg3,
18215 lightFg,
18216 inlineCodeFg,
18217 primaryColor,
18218 primaryColorTrans,
18219 primaryColorInvert,
18220 selectionBg,
18221 selectionFg,
18222 overlayBg,
18223 navBgColor,
18224 navTextColor,
18225 navHoverBgColor,
18226 navHoverTextColor,
18227 navAccentColor,
18228 navAccentTextColor,
18229 headerColor,
18230 headerColorInvert: color_utils.color.invert(headerColor),
18231 headerColorDarker: color_utils.color.brightness(headerColor, -20),
18232 headerColorBorder: color_utils.color.brightness(headerColor, 10),
18233 borderColor: theme.borderColor || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -38),
18234 lightBorderColor: theme.lightBorderColor || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -23),
18235 codeBorderColor: theme.codeBorderColor || 'transparent',
18236 inputBg: theme.inputBg || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, 10),
18237 // #fff
18238 placeHolder: theme.placeHolder || color_utils.color.brightness(lightFg, 20),
18239 // #dedede
18240 hoverColor: theme.hoverColor || color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -5),
18241 // # f1f1f1
18243 red: theme.red || '#F06560',
18244 lightRed: theme.lightRed || '#fff0f0',
18245 pink: theme.pink ? theme.pink : '#990055',
18246 lightPink: theme.lightPink ? theme.lightPink : '#ffb2b2',
18247 green: theme.green || '#690',
18248 lightGreen: theme.lightGreen || '#fbfff0',
18249 blue: theme.blue || '#47AFE8',
18250 lightBlue: theme.lightBlue || '#eff8fd',
18251 orange: theme.orange || '#FF9900',
18252 lightOrange: theme.lightOrange || '#fff5e6',
18253 yellow: theme.yellow || '#827717',
18254 lightYellow: theme.lightYellow || '#fff5cc',
18255 purple: theme.purple || '#786FF1',
18256 brown: theme.brown || '#D4AC0D',
18257 codeBg: theme.codeBg || color_utils.color.opacity(color_utils.color.brightness(bg1, -15), 0.7),
18258 codeFg: theme.codeFg || '#666',
18259 codePropertyColor: theme.codePropertyColor || '#905',
18260 codeKeywordColor: theme.codeKeywordColor || '#07a',
18261 codeOperatorColor: theme.codeOperatorColor || '#9a6e3a'
18262 };
18263 }
18264 return y`
18265 <style>
18266 *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box; }
18268 :host {
18269 /* Common Styles - irrespective of themes */
18270 --border-radius: 2px;
18271 --layout: ${this.layout || 'row'};
18272 --font-mono: ${this.monoFont || 'Monaco, "Andale Mono", "Roboto Mono", Consolas, monospace'};
18273 --font-regular: ${this.regularFont || '"Open Sans", Avenir, "Segoe UI", Arial, sans-serif'};
18274 --scroll-bar-width: 8px;
18275 --nav-item-padding: ${this.navItemSpacing === 'relaxed' ? '10px 16px 10px 10px' : this.navItemSpacing === 'compact' ? '5px 16px 5px 10px' : '7px 16px 7px 10px'};
18277 --resp-area-height: ${this.responseAreaHeight};
18278 --font-size-small: ${this.fontSize === 'default' ? '12px' : this.fontSize === 'large' ? '13px' : '14px'};
18279 --font-size-mono: ${this.fontSize === 'default' ? '13px' : this.fontSize === 'large' ? '14px' : '15px'};
18280 --font-size-regular: ${this.fontSize === 'default' ? '14px' : this.fontSize === 'large' ? '15px' : '16px'};
18281 --dialog-z-index: 1000;
18283 --focus-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent, 0 0 0 3px ${newTheme.primaryColorTrans};
18285 /* Theme specific styles */
18286 --bg:${newTheme.bg1};
18287 --bg2:${newTheme.bg2};
18288 --bg3:${newTheme.bg3};
18289 --light-bg:${newTheme.lightBg};
18290 --fg:${newTheme.fg1};
18291 --fg2:${newTheme.fg2};
18292 --fg3:${newTheme.fg3};
18293 --light-fg:${newTheme.lightFg};
18294 --selection-bg:${newTheme.selectionBg};
18295 --selection-fg:${newTheme.selectionFg};
18296 --overlay-bg:${newTheme.overlayBg};
18298 /* Border Colors */
18299 --border-color:${newTheme.borderColor};
18300 --light-border-color:${newTheme.lightBorderColor};
18301 --code-border-color:${newTheme.codeBorderColor};
18303 --input-bg:${newTheme.inputBg};
18304 --placeholder-color:${newTheme.placeHolder};
18305 --hover-color:${newTheme.hoverColor};
18306 --red:${newTheme.red};
18307 --light-red:${newTheme.lightRed};
18308 --pink:${newTheme.pink};
18309 --light-pink:${newTheme.lightPink};
18310 --green:${newTheme.green};
18311 --light-green:${newTheme.lightGreen};
18312 --blue:${newTheme.blue};
18313 --light-blue:${newTheme.lightBlue};
18314 --orange:${newTheme.orange};
18315 --light-orange:${newTheme.lightOrange};
18316 --yellow:${newTheme.yellow};
18317 --light-yellow:${newTheme.lightYellow};
18318 --purple:${newTheme.purple};
18319 --brown:${newTheme.brown};
18321 /* Header Color */
18322 --header-bg:${newTheme.headerColor};
18323 --header-fg:${newTheme.headerColorInvert};
18324 --header-color-darker:${newTheme.headerColorDarker};
18325 --header-color-border:${newTheme.headerColorBorder};
18327 /* Nav Colors */
18328 --nav-bg-color:${newTheme.navBgColor};
18329 --nav-text-color:${newTheme.navTextColor};
18330 --nav-hover-bg-color:${newTheme.navHoverBgColor};
18331 --nav-hover-text-color:${newTheme.navHoverTextColor};
18332 --nav-accent-color:${newTheme.navAccentColor};
18333 --nav-accent-text-color:${newTheme.navAccentTextColor};
18335 /* Nav API Method Colors*/
18336 --nav-get-color:${newTheme.blue};
18337 --nav-put-color:${newTheme.orange};
18338 --nav-post-color:${newTheme.green};
18339 --nav-delete-color:${newTheme.red};
18340 --nav-head-color:${newTheme.yellow};
18342 /* Primary Colors */
18343 --primary-color:${newTheme.primaryColor};
18344 --primary-color-invert:${newTheme.primaryColorInvert};
18345 --primary-color-trans:${newTheme.primaryColorTrans};
18347 /*Code Syntax Color*/
18348 --code-bg:${newTheme.codeBg};
18349 --code-fg:${newTheme.codeFg};
18350 --inline-code-fg:${newTheme.inlineCodeFg};
18351 --code-property-color:${newTheme.codePropertyColor};
18352 --code-keyword-color:${newTheme.codeKeywordColor};
18353 --code-operator-color:${newTheme.codeOperatorColor};
18354 }
18355 </style>`;
18357;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/main-body-template.js
18360// Templates
18372function mainBodyTemplate(isMini = false, showExpandCollapse = true, showTags = true, pathsExpanded = false) {
18373 if (!this.resolvedSpec) {
18374 return '';
18375 }
18376 if (this.persistAuth === 'true') {
18377 recoverPersistedApiKeys.call(this);
18378 }
18379 const newTheme = {
18380 bg1: isValidHexColor(this.bgColor) ? this.bgColor : '',
18381 fg1: isValidHexColor(this.textColor) ? this.textColor : '',
18382 headerColor: isValidHexColor(this.headerColor) ? this.headerColor : '',
18383 primaryColor: isValidHexColor(this.primaryColor) ? this.primaryColor : '',
18384 navBgColor: isValidHexColor(this.navBgColor) ? this.navBgColor : '',
18385 navTextColor: isValidHexColor(this.navTextColor) ? this.navTextColor : '',
18386 navHoverBgColor: isValidHexColor(this.navHoverBgColor) ? this.navHoverBgColor : '',
18387 navHoverTextColor: isValidHexColor(this.navHoverTextColor) ? this.navHoverTextColor : '',
18388 navAccentColor: isValidHexColor(this.navAccentColor) ? this.navAccentColor : '',
18389 navAccentTextColor: isValidHexColor(this.navAccentTextColor) ? this.navAccentTextColor : ''
18390 };
18391 /* eslint-disable indent */
18392 if (this.resolvedSpec.specLoadError) {
18393 if (isMini) {
18394 return y`
18395 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
18396 <div style='display:flex; align-items:center; border:1px dashed var(--border-color); height:42px; padding:5px; font-size:var(--font-size-small); color:var(--red); font-family:var(--font-mono)'> ${this.resolvedSpec.info.description} </div>
18397 `;
18398 }
18399 return y`
18400 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
18401 <!-- Header -->
18402 ${headerTemplate.call(this)}
18403 <main class='main-content regular-font' part='section-main-content'>
18404 <slot></slot>
18405 <div style='margin:24px; text-align: center;'>
18406 <h1 style='color: var(--red)'> ${this.resolvedSpec.info.title} </h1>
18407 <div style='font-family:var(--font-mono)'> ${this.resolvedSpec.info.description} </div>
18408 </div>
18409 </main>
18410 `;
18411 }
18412 if (this.resolvedSpec.isSpecLoading) {
18413 return y`
18414 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
18415 <main class='main-content regular-font' part='section-main-content'>
18416 <slot></slot>
18417 <div class='main-content-inner--${this.renderStyle}-mode'>
18418 <div class='loader'></div>
18419 </div>
18420 </main>
18421 `;
18422 }
18423 return y`
18424 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
18426 <!-- Header -->
18427 ${this.showHeader === 'false' ? '' : headerTemplate.call(this)}
18429 <!-- Advanced Search -->
18430 ${this.allowAdvancedSearch === 'false' ? '' : searchByPropertiesModalTemplate.call(this)}
18432 <div id='the-main-body' class='body ${this.cssClasses}' dir='${this.pageDirection}' >
18433 <!-- Side Nav -->
18434 ${(this.renderStyle === 'read' || this.renderStyle === 'focused') && this.showSideNav === 'true' && this.resolvedSpec ? navbarTemplate.call(this) : ''}
18436 <!-- Main Content -->
18437 <main class='main-content regular-font' tabindex='-1' part='section-main-content'>
18438 <slot></slot>
18439 <div class='main-content-inner--${this.renderStyle}-mode'>
18440 ${this.loading === true ? y`<div class='loader'></div>` : y`
18441 ${this.loadFailed === true ? y`<div style='text-align: center;margin: 16px;'> Unable to load the Spec</div>` : y`
18442 <div class='operations-root' @click='${e => {
18443 this.handleHref(e);
18444 }}'>
18445 ${this.renderStyle === 'focused' ? y`${focusedEndpointTemplate.call(this)}` : y`
18446 ${this.showInfo === 'true' ? overviewTemplate.call(this) : ''}
18447 ${this.allowServerSelection === 'true' ? serverTemplate.call(this) : ''}
18448 ${this.allowAuthentication === 'true' ? securitySchemeTemplate.call(this) : ''}
18449 <div id='operations-top' class='observe-me'>
18450 <slot name='operations-top'></slot>
18451 </div>
18452 ${this.renderStyle === 'read' ? expandedEndpointTemplate.call(this) : endpointTemplate.call(this, showExpandCollapse, showTags, pathsExpanded)}
18453 `}
18454 </div>
18455 `}`}
18456 </div>
18457 <slot name='footer'></slot>
18458 </main>
18459 </div>
18460 `;
18462/* eslint-enable indent */
18463;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/rapidoc.js
18477// Styles
18488// import { expandCollapseNavBarTag } from '@/templates/navbar-template';
18494class RapiDoc extends lit_element_s {
18495 constructor() {
18496 super();
18497 const intersectionObserverOptions = {
18498 root: this.getRootNode().host,
18499 rootMargin: '-50px 0px -50px 0px',
18500 // when the element is visible 100px from bottom
18501 threshold: 0
18502 };
18503 this.showSummaryWhenCollapsed = true;
18504 // Will activate intersection observer only after spec load and hash analyze
18505 // to scroll to the proper element without being reverted by observer behavior
18506 this.isIntersectionObserverActive = false;
18507 this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
18508 this.onIntersect(entries);
18509 }, intersectionObserverOptions);
18510 }
18511 static get properties() {
18512 return {
18513 // Heading
18514 headingText: {
18515 type: String,
18516 attribute: 'heading-text'
18517 },
18518 gotoPath: {
18519 type: String,
18520 attribute: 'goto-path'
18521 },
18522 // Spec
18523 updateRoute: {
18524 type: String,
18525 attribute: 'update-route'
18526 },
18527 routePrefix: {
18528 type: String,
18529 attribute: 'route-prefix'
18530 },
18531 specUrl: {
18532 type: String,
18533 attribute: 'spec-url'
18534 },
18535 sortTags: {
18536 type: String,
18537 attribute: 'sort-tags'
18538 },
18539 generateMissingTags: {
18540 type: String,
18541 attribute: 'generate-missing-tags'
18542 },
18543 sortEndpointsBy: {
18544 type: String,
18545 attribute: 'sort-endpoints-by'
18546 },
18547 specFile: {
18548 type: String,
18549 attribute: false
18550 },
18551 // UI Layouts
18552 layout: {
18553 type: String
18554 },
18555 renderStyle: {
18556 type: String,
18557 attribute: 'render-style'
18558 },
18559 defaultSchemaTab: {
18560 type: String,
18561 attribute: 'default-schema-tab'
18562 },
18563 responseAreaHeight: {
18564 type: String,
18565 attribute: 'response-area-height'
18566 },
18567 fillRequestFieldsWithExample: {
18568 type: String,
18569 attribute: 'fill-request-fields-with-example'
18570 },
18571 persistAuth: {
18572 type: String,
18573 attribute: 'persist-auth'
18574 },
18575 onNavTagClick: {
18576 type: String,
18577 attribute: 'on-nav-tag-click'
18578 },
18579 // Schema Styles
18580 schemaStyle: {
18581 type: String,
18582 attribute: 'schema-style'
18583 },
18584 schemaExpandLevel: {
18585 type: Number,
18586 attribute: 'schema-expand-level'
18587 },
18588 schemaDescriptionExpanded: {
18589 type: String,
18590 attribute: 'schema-description-expanded'
18591 },
18592 schemaHideReadOnly: {
18593 type: String,
18594 attribute: 'schema-hide-read-only'
18595 },
18596 schemaHideWriteOnly: {
18597 type: String,
18598 attribute: 'schema-hide-write-only'
18599 },
18600 // API Server
18601 apiKeyName: {
18602 type: String,
18603 attribute: 'api-key-name'
18604 },
18605 apiKeyLocation: {
18606 type: String,
18607 attribute: 'api-key-location'
18608 },
18609 apiKeyValue: {
18610 type: String,
18611 attribute: 'api-key-value'
18612 },
18613 defaultApiServerUrl: {
18614 type: String,
18615 attribute: 'default-api-server'
18616 },
18617 serverUrl: {
18618 type: String,
18619 attribute: 'server-url'
18620 },
18621 oauthReceiver: {
18622 type: String,
18623 attribute: 'oauth-receiver'
18624 },
18625 // Hide/Show Sections & Enable Disable actions
18626 showHeader: {
18627 type: String,
18628 attribute: 'show-header'
18629 },
18630 showSideNav: {
18631 type: String,
18632 attribute: 'show-side-nav'
18633 },
18634 showInfo: {
18635 type: String,
18636 attribute: 'show-info'
18637 },
18638 allowAuthentication: {
18639 type: String,
18640 attribute: 'allow-authentication'
18641 },
18642 allowTry: {
18643 type: String,
18644 attribute: 'allow-try'
18645 },
18646 showCurlBeforeTry: {
18647 type: String,
18648 attribute: 'show-curl-before-try'
18649 },
18650 allowSpecUrlLoad: {
18651 type: String,
18652 attribute: 'allow-spec-url-load'
18653 },
18654 allowSpecFileLoad: {
18655 type: String,
18656 attribute: 'allow-spec-file-load'
18657 },
18658 allowSpecFileDownload: {
18659 type: String,
18660 attribute: 'allow-spec-file-download'
18661 },
18662 allowSearch: {
18663 type: String,
18664 attribute: 'allow-search'
18665 },
18666 allowAdvancedSearch: {
18667 type: String,
18668 attribute: 'allow-advanced-search'
18669 },
18670 allowServerSelection: {
18671 type: String,
18672 attribute: 'allow-server-selection'
18673 },
18674 allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle: {
18675 type: String,
18676 attribute: 'allow-schema-description-expand-toggle'
18677 },
18678 showComponents: {
18679 type: String,
18680 attribute: 'show-components'
18681 },
18682 pageDirection: {
18683 type: String,
18684 attribute: 'page-direction'
18685 },
18686 // Main Colors and Font
18687 theme: {
18688 type: String
18689 },
18690 bgColor: {
18691 type: String,
18692 attribute: 'bg-color'
18693 },
18694 textColor: {
18695 type: String,
18696 attribute: 'text-color'
18697 },
18698 headerColor: {
18699 type: String,
18700 attribute: 'header-color'
18701 },
18702 primaryColor: {
18703 type: String,
18704 attribute: 'primary-color'
18705 },
18706 fontSize: {
18707 type: String,
18708 attribute: 'font-size'
18709 },
18710 regularFont: {
18711 type: String,
18712 attribute: 'regular-font'
18713 },
18714 monoFont: {
18715 type: String,
18716 attribute: 'mono-font'
18717 },
18718 loadFonts: {
18719 type: String,
18720 attribute: 'load-fonts'
18721 },
18722 cssFile: {
18723 type: String,
18724 attribute: 'css-file'
18725 },
18726 cssClasses: {
18727 type: String,
18728 attribute: 'css-classes'
18729 },
18730 // Nav Bar Colors
18731 navBgColor: {
18732 type: String,
18733 attribute: 'nav-bg-color'
18734 },
18735 navTextColor: {
18736 type: String,
18737 attribute: 'nav-text-color'
18738 },
18739 navHoverBgColor: {
18740 type: String,
18741 attribute: 'nav-hover-bg-color'
18742 },
18743 navHoverTextColor: {
18744 type: String,
18745 attribute: 'nav-hover-text-color'
18746 },
18747 navAccentColor: {
18748 type: String,
18749 attribute: 'nav-accent-color'
18750 },
18751 navAccentTextColor: {
18752 type: String,
18753 attribute: 'nav-accent-text-color'
18754 },
18755 navActiveItemMarker: {
18756 type: String,
18757 attribute: 'nav-active-item-marker'
18758 },
18759 navItemSpacing: {
18760 type: String,
18761 attribute: 'nav-item-spacing'
18762 },
18763 showMethodInNavBar: {
18764 type: String,
18765 attribute: 'show-method-in-nav-bar'
18766 },
18767 usePathInNavBar: {
18768 type: String,
18769 attribute: 'use-path-in-nav-bar'
18770 },
18771 infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar: {
18772 type: String,
18773 attribute: 'info-description-headings-in-navbar'
18774 },
18775 // Fetch Options
18776 fetchCredentials: {
18777 type: String,
18778 attribute: 'fetch-credentials'
18779 },
18780 // Filters
18781 matchPaths: {
18782 type: String,
18783 attribute: 'match-paths'
18784 },
18785 matchType: {
18786 type: String,
18787 attribute: 'match-type'
18788 },
18789 // Internal Properties
18790 loading: {
18791 type: Boolean
18792 },
18793 // indicates spec is being loaded
18794 focusedElementId: {
18795 type: String
18796 },
18797 // updating the focusedElementId will automatically render appropriate section in focused mode
18798 showAdvancedSearchDialog: {
18799 type: Boolean
18800 },
18801 advancedSearchMatches: {
18802 type: Object
18803 }
18804 };
18805 }
18806 static get styles() {
18807 return [font_styles, input_styles, flex_styles, table_styles, endpoint_styles, prism_styles, tab_styles, nav_styles, info_styles, i`
18808 :host {
18809 display:flex;
18810 flex-direction: column;
18811 min-width:360px;
18812 width:100%;
18813 height:100%;
18814 margin:0;
18815 padding:0;
18816 overflow: hidden;
18817 letter-spacing:normal;
18818 color:var(--fg);
18819 background-color:var(--bg);
18820 font-family:var(--font-regular);
18821 }
18822 :where(button, input[type="checkbox"], [tabindex="0"]):focus-visible { box-shadow: var(--focus-shadow); }
18823 :where(input[type="text"], input[type="password"], select, textarea):focus-visible { border-color: var(--primary-color); }
18824 .body {
18825 display:flex;
18826 height:100%;
18827 width:100%;
18828 overflow:hidden;
18829 }
18830 .main-content {
18831 margin:0;
18832 padding: 0;
18833 display:block;
18834 flex:1;
18835 height:100%;
18836 overflow-y: auto;
18837 overflow-x: hidden;
18838 scrollbar-width: thin;
18839 scrollbar-color: var(--border-color) transparent;
18840 }
18842 .main-content-inner--view-mode {
18843 padding: 0 8px;
18844 }
18845 .main-content::-webkit-scrollbar {
18846 width: 8px;
18847 height: 8px;
18848 }
18849 .main-content::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
18850 background:transparent;
18851 }
18852 .main-content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
18853 background-color: var(--border-color);
18854 }
18856 .section-gap.section-tag {
18857 border-bottom:1px solid var(--border-color);
18858 }
18859 .section-gap,
18860 .section-gap--focused-mode,
18861 .section-gap--read-mode {
18862 padding: 0px 4px;
18863 }
18864 .section-tag-header {
18865 position:relative;
18866 cursor: n-resize;
18867 padding: 12px 0;
18868 }
18869 .collapsed .section-tag-header:hover{
18870 cursor: s-resize;
18871 }
18873 .section-tag-header:hover{
18874 background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0,0,0,0), var(--border-color), rgba(0,0,0,0));
18875 }
18877 .section-tag-header:hover::after {
18878 position:absolute;
18879 margin-left:-24px;
18880 font-size:20px;
18881 top: calc(50% - 14px);
18882 color:var(--primary-color);
18883 content: '⬆';
18884 }
18886 .collapsed .section-tag-header::after {
18887 position:absolute;
18888 margin-left:-24px;
18889 font-size:20px;
18890 top: calc(50% - 14px);
18891 color: var(--border-color);
18892 content: '⬇';
18893 }
18894 .collapsed .section-tag-header:hover::after {
18895 color:var(--primary-color);
18896 }
18898 .collapsed .section-tag-body {
18899 display:none;
18900 }
18902 .logo {
18903 height:36px;
18904 width:36px;
18905 margin-left:5px;
18906 }
18907 .only-large-screen-flex,
18908 .only-large-screen{
18909 display:none;
18910 }
18911 .tag.title {
18912 text-transform: uppercase;
18913 }
18914 .main-header {
18915 background-color:var(--header-bg);
18916 color:var(--header-fg);
18917 width:100%;
18918 }
18919 .header-title {
18920 font-size:calc(var(--font-size-regular) + 8px);
18921 padding:0 8px;
18922 }
18923 input.header-input{
18924 background:var(--header-color-darker);
18925 color:var(--header-fg);
18926 border:1px solid var(--header-color-border);
18927 flex:1;
18928 padding-right:24px;
18929 border-radius:3px;
18930 }
18931 input.header-input::placeholder {
18932 opacity:0.4;
18933 }
18934 .loader {
18935 margin: 16px auto 16px auto;
18936 border: 4px solid var(--bg3);
18937 border-radius: 50%;
18938 border-top: 4px solid var(--primary-color);
18939 width: 36px;
18940 height: 36px;
18941 animation: spin 2s linear infinite;
18942 }
18943 .expanded-endpoint-body {
18944 position: relative;
18945 padding: 6px 0px;
18946 }
18947 .expanded-endpoint-body .tag-description {
18948 background: var(--code-bg);
18949 border-radius: var(--border-radius);
18950 transition: max-height .2s ease-out;
18951 }
18952 .expanded-endpoint-body .tag-icon {
18953 transition: transform .2s ease-out;
18954 }
18955 .expanded-endpoint-body .tag-icon.expanded {
18956 transform: rotate(180deg);
18957 }
18958 .divider {
18959 border-top: 2px solid var(--border-color);
18960 margin: 24px 0;
18961 width:100%;
18962 }
18964 .tooltip {
18965 cursor:pointer;
18966 border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
18967 border-left-width: 4px;
18968 margin-left:2px;
18969 }
18970 .tooltip a {
18971 color: var(--fg2);
18972 text-decoration: none;
18973 }
18974 .tooltip-text {
18975 color: var(--fg2);
18976 max-width: 400px;
18977 position: absolute;
18978 z-index:1;
18979 background-color: var(--bg2);
18980 visibility: hidden;
18982 overflow-wrap: break-word;
18983 }
18984 .tooltip:hover {
18985 color: var(--primary-color);
18986 border-color: var(--primary-color);
18987 }
18988 .tooltip:hover a:hover {
18989 color: var(--primary-color);
18990 }
18992 .tooltip:hover .tooltip-text {
18993 visibility: visible;
18994 }
18996 @keyframes spin {
18997 0% { transform: rotate(0deg); }
18998 100% { transform: rotate(360deg); }
18999 }
19001 .nav-method { font-weight: bold; margin-right: 4px; font-size: calc(var(--font-size-small) - 2px); white-space: nowrap; }
19002 .nav-method.false { display: none; }
19004 .nav-method.as-colored-text.get { color:var(--nav-get-color); }
19005 .nav-method.as-colored-text.put { color:var(--nav-put-color); }
19006 .nav-method.as-colored-text.post { color:var(--nav-post-color); }
19007 .nav-method.as-colored-text.delete { color:var(--nav-delete-color); }
19008 .nav-method.as-colored-text.head, .nav-method.as-colored-text.patch, .nav-method.as-colored-text.options { color:var(--nav-head-color); }
19010 .nav-method.as-colored-block {
19011 padding: 1px 4px;
19012 min-width: 30px;
19013 border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
19014 color: #000;
19015 }
19016 .colored-block .nav-method.as-colored-block {
19017 outline: 1px solid;
19018 }
19020 .nav-method.as-colored-block.get { background-color: var(--blue); }
19021 .nav-method.as-colored-block.put { background-color: var(--orange); }
19022 .nav-method.as-colored-block.post { background-color: var(--green); }
19023 .nav-method.as-colored-block.delete { background-color: var(--red); }
19024 .nav-method.as-colored-block.head, .nav-method.as-colored-block.patch , .nav-method.as-colored-block.options {
19025 background-color: var(--yellow);
19026 }
19028 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
19029 .nav-bar {
19030 width: 260px;
19031 display:flex;
19032 }
19033 .only-large-screen{
19034 display:block;
19035 }
19036 .only-large-screen-flex{
19037 display:flex;
19038 }
19039 .section-gap {
19040 padding: 0 0 0 24px;
19041 }
19042 .section-gap--focused-mode {
19043 padding: 24px 8px;
19044 }
19045 .section-gap--read-mode {
19046 padding: 24px 8px;
19047 }
19048 .endpoint-body {
19049 position: relative;
19050 padding:36px 0 48px 0;
19051 }
19052 }
19054 @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
19055 .nav-bar {
19056 width: ${r(this.fontSize === 'default' ? '300px' : this.fontSize === 'large' ? '315px' : '330px')};
19057 display:flex;
19058 }
19059 .section-gap--focused-mode {
19060 padding: 12px 80px 12px 80px;
19061 }
19062 .section-gap--read-mode {
19063 padding: 24px 80px 12px 80px;
19064 }
19065 }`, custom_styles];
19066 }
19068 // Startup
19069 connectedCallback() {
19070 super.connectedCallback();
19071 const parent = this.parentElement;
19072 if (parent) {
19073 if (parent.offsetWidth === 0 && parent.style.width === '') {
19074 parent.style.width = '100vw';
19075 }
19076 if (parent.offsetHeight === 0 && parent.style.height === '') {
19077 parent.style.height = '100vh';
19078 }
19079 if (parent.tagName === 'BODY') {
19080 if (!parent.style.marginTop) {
19081 parent.style.marginTop = '0';
19082 }
19083 if (!parent.style.marginRight) {
19084 parent.style.marginRight = '0';
19085 }
19086 if (!parent.style.marginBottom) {
19087 parent.style.marginBottom = '0';
19088 }
19089 if (!parent.style.marginLeft) {
19090 parent.style.marginLeft = '0';
19091 }
19092 }
19093 }
19094 if (this.loadFonts !== 'false') {
19095 const fontDescriptor = {
19096 family: 'Open Sans',
19097 style: 'normal',
19098 weight: '300',
19099 unicodeRange: 'U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD'
19100 };
19101 const fontWeight300 = new FontFace('Open Sans', "url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v18/mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UN_r8OUuhpKKSTjw.woff2) format('woff2')", fontDescriptor);
19102 fontDescriptor.weight = '600';
19103 const fontWeight600 = new FontFace('Open Sans', "url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v18/mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UNirkOUuhpKKSTjw.woff2) format('woff2')", fontDescriptor);
19104 fontWeight300.load().then(font => {
19105 document.fonts.add(font);
19106 });
19107 fontWeight600.load().then(font => {
19108 document.fonts.add(font);
19109 });
19110 }
19111 if (!this.layout || !'row, column,'.includes(`${this.layout},`)) {
19112 this.layout = 'row';
19113 }
19114 if (!this.renderStyle || !'read, view, focused,'.includes(`${this.renderStyle},`)) {
19115 this.renderStyle = 'focused';
19116 }
19117 if (!this.schemaStyle || !'tree, table,'.includes(`${this.schemaStyle},`)) {
19118 this.schemaStyle = 'tree';
19119 }
19120 if (!this.theme || !'light, dark,'.includes(`${this.theme},`)) {
19121 this.theme = window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: light)').matches ? 'light' : 'dark';
19122 }
19123 if (!this.defaultSchemaTab || !'example, schema, model,'.includes(`${this.defaultSchemaTab},`)) {
19124 this.defaultSchemaTab = 'example';
19125 } else if (this.defaultSchemaTab === 'model') {
19126 this.defaultSchemaTab = 'schema';
19127 }
19128 if (!this.schemaExpandLevel || this.schemaExpandLevel < 1) {
19129 this.schemaExpandLevel = 99999;
19130 }
19131 if (!this.schemaDescriptionExpanded || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded},`)) {
19132 this.schemaDescriptionExpanded = 'false';
19133 }
19134 if (!this.schemaHideReadOnly || !'default, never,'.includes(`${this.schemaHideReadOnly},`)) {
19135 this.schemaHideReadOnly = 'default';
19136 }
19137 if (!this.schemaHideWriteOnly || !'default, never,'.includes(`${this.schemaHideWriteOnly},`)) {
19138 this.schemaHideWriteOnly = 'default';
19139 }
19140 if (!this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample},`)) {
19141 this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample = 'true';
19142 }
19143 if (!this.persistAuth || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.persistAuth},`)) {
19144 this.persistAuth = 'false';
19145 }
19146 if (!this.responseAreaHeight) {
19147 this.responseAreaHeight = '400px';
19148 }
19149 if (!this.allowSearch || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowSearch},`)) {
19150 this.allowSearch = 'true';
19151 }
19152 if (!this.allowAdvancedSearch || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowAdvancedSearch},`)) {
19153 this.allowAdvancedSearch = 'true';
19154 }
19155 if (!this.allowTry || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowTry},`)) {
19156 this.allowTry = 'true';
19157 }
19158 if (!this.apiKeyValue) {
19159 this.apiKeyValue = '-';
19160 }
19161 if (!this.apiKeyLocation) {
19162 this.apiKeyLocation = 'header';
19163 }
19164 if (!this.apiKeyName) {
19165 this.apiKeyName = '';
19166 }
19167 if (!this.oauthReceiver) {
19168 this.oauthReceiver = 'oauth-receiver.html';
19169 }
19170 if (!this.updateRoute || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.updateRoute},`)) {
19171 this.updateRoute = 'true';
19172 }
19173 if (!this.routePrefix) {
19174 this.routePrefix = '#';
19175 }
19176 if (!this.sortTags || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.sortTags},`)) {
19177 this.sortTags = 'false';
19178 }
19179 if (!this.generateMissingTags || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.generateMissingTags},`)) {
19180 this.generateMissingTags = 'false';
19181 }
19182 if (!this.sortEndpointsBy || !'method, path, summary, none,'.includes(`${this.sortEndpointsBy},`)) {
19183 this.sortEndpointsBy = 'path';
19184 }
19185 if (!this.onNavTagClick || !'expand-collapse, show-description,'.includes(`${this.onNavTagClick},`)) {
19186 this.onNavTagClick = 'expand-collapse';
19187 }
19188 if (!this.navItemSpacing || !'compact, relaxed, default,'.includes(`${this.navItemSpacing},`)) {
19189 this.navItemSpacing = 'default';
19190 }
19191 if (!this.showMethodInNavBar || !'false, as-plain-text, as-colored-text, as-colored-block,'.includes(`${this.showMethodInNavBar},`)) {
19192 this.showMethodInNavBar = 'false';
19193 }
19194 if (!this.usePathInNavBar || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.usePathInNavBar},`)) {
19195 this.usePathInNavBar = 'false';
19196 }
19197 if (!this.navActiveItemMarker || !'left-bar, colored-block'.includes(`${this.navActiveItemMarker},`)) {
19198 this.navActiveItemMarker = 'left-bar';
19199 }
19200 if (!this.fontSize || !'default, large, largest,'.includes(`${this.fontSize},`)) {
19201 this.fontSize = 'default';
19202 }
19203 if (!this.showInfo || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.showInfo},`)) {
19204 this.showInfo = 'true';
19205 }
19206 if (!this.allowServerSelection || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowServerSelection},`)) {
19207 this.allowServerSelection = 'true';
19208 }
19209 if (!this.allowAuthentication || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowAuthentication},`)) {
19210 this.allowAuthentication = 'true';
19211 }
19212 if (!this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle},`)) {
19213 this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle = 'true';
19214 }
19215 if (!this.showSideNav || !'true false'.includes(this.showSideNav)) {
19216 this.showSideNav = 'true';
19217 }
19218 if (!this.showComponents || !'true false'.includes(this.showComponents)) {
19219 this.showComponents = 'false';
19220 }
19221 if (!this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar},`)) {
19222 this.infoDescriptionHeadingsInNavBar = 'false';
19223 }
19224 if (!this.fetchCredentials || !'omit, same-origin, include,'.includes(`${this.fetchCredentials},`)) {
19225 this.fetchCredentials = '';
19226 }
19227 if (!this.matchType || !'includes regex'.includes(this.matchType)) {
19228 this.matchType = 'includes';
19229 }
19230 if (!this.showAdvancedSearchDialog) {
19231 this.showAdvancedSearchDialog = false;
19232 }
19233 if (!this.cssFile) {
19234 this.cssFile = null;
19235 }
19236 if (!this.cssClasses) {
19237 this.cssClasses = '';
19238 }
19239 marked.setOptions({
19240 highlight: (code, lang) => {
19241 if ((prism_default()).languages[lang]) {
19242 return prism_default().highlight(code, (prism_default()).languages[lang], lang);
19243 }
19244 return code;
19245 }
19246 });
19247 window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => {
19248 this.scrollToPath(this.getElementIDFromURL());
19249 }, true);
19250 }
19252 // Cleanup
19253 disconnectedCallback() {
19254 if (this.intersectionObserver) {
19255 this.intersectionObserver.disconnect();
19256 }
19257 super.disconnectedCallback();
19258 }
19259 infoDescriptionHeadingRenderer() {
19260 const renderer = new marked.Renderer();
19261 renderer.heading = (text, level, raw, slugger) => `<h${level} class="observe-me" id="${slugger.slug(raw)}">${text}</h${level}>`;
19262 return renderer;
19263 }
19264 render() {
19265 // return render(mainBodyTemplate(this), this.shadowRoot, { eventContext: this });
19266 const cssLinkEl = document.querySelector(`link[href*="${this.cssFile}"]`);
19267 // adding custom style for RapiDoc
19268 if (cssLinkEl) {
19269 this.shadowRoot.appendChild(cssLinkEl.cloneNode());
19270 }
19271 return mainBodyTemplate.call(this);
19272 }
19273 observeExpandedContent() {
19274 // Main Container
19275 const observeOverviewEls = this.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('.observe-me');
19276 observeOverviewEls.forEach(targetEl => {
19277 this.intersectionObserver.observe(targetEl);
19278 });
19279 }
19280 attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) {
19281 if (name === 'spec-url') {
19282 if (oldVal !== newVal) {
19283 // put it at the end of event-loop to load all the attributes
19284 window.setTimeout(async () => {
19285 await this.loadSpec(newVal);
19286 // If goto-path is provided and no location-hash is present then try to scroll there
19287 if (this.gotoPath && !window.location.hash) {
19288 this.scrollToPath(this.gotoPath);
19289 }
19290 }, 0);
19291 }
19292 }
19293 if (name === 'render-style') {
19294 if (newVal === 'read') {
19295 window.setTimeout(() => {
19296 this.observeExpandedContent();
19297 }, 100);
19298 } else {
19299 this.intersectionObserver.disconnect();
19300 }
19301 }
19302 if (name === 'api-key-name' || name === 'api-key-location' || name === 'api-key-value') {
19303 let updateSelectedApiKey = false;
19304 let apiKeyName = '';
19305 let apiKeyLocation = '';
19306 let apiKeyValue = '';
19307 if (name === 'api-key-name') {
19308 if (this.getAttribute('api-key-location') && this.getAttribute('api-key-value')) {
19309 apiKeyName = newVal;
19310 apiKeyLocation = this.getAttribute('api-key-location');
19311 apiKeyValue = this.getAttribute('api-key-value');
19312 updateSelectedApiKey = true;
19313 }
19314 } else if (name === 'api-key-location') {
19315 if (this.getAttribute('api-key-name') && this.getAttribute('api-key-value')) {
19316 apiKeyLocation = newVal;
19317 apiKeyName = this.getAttribute('api-key-name');
19318 apiKeyValue = this.getAttribute('api-key-value');
19319 updateSelectedApiKey = true;
19320 }
19321 } else if (name === 'api-key-value') {
19322 if (this.getAttribute('api-key-name') && this.getAttribute('api-key-location')) {
19323 apiKeyValue = newVal;
19324 apiKeyLocation = this.getAttribute('api-key-location');
19325 apiKeyName = this.getAttribute('api-key-name');
19326 updateSelectedApiKey = true;
19327 }
19328 }
19329 if (updateSelectedApiKey) {
19330 if (this.resolvedSpec) {
19331 const rapiDocApiKey = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === rapidocApiKey);
19332 if (!rapiDocApiKey) {
19333 this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.push({
19334 securitySchemeId: rapidocApiKey,
19335 description: 'api-key provided in rapidoc element attributes',
19336 type: 'apiKey',
19337 name: apiKeyName,
19338 in: apiKeyLocation,
19339 value: apiKeyValue,
19340 finalKeyValue: apiKeyValue
19341 });
19342 } else {
19343 rapiDocApiKey.name = apiKeyName;
19344 rapiDocApiKey.in = apiKeyLocation;
19345 rapiDocApiKey.value = apiKeyValue;
19346 rapiDocApiKey.finalKeyValue = apiKeyValue;
19347 }
19348 this.requestUpdate();
19349 }
19350 }
19351 }
19352 super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal);
19353 }
19354 onSpecUrlChange() {
19355 this.setAttribute('spec-url', this.shadowRoot.getElementById('spec-url').value);
19356 }
19357 onSpecFileChange(e) {
19358 this.setAttribute('spec-file', this.shadowRoot.getElementById('spec-file').value);
19359 const specFile = e.target.files[0];
19360 const reader = new FileReader();
19361 reader.onload = () => {
19362 try {
19363 const specObj = JSON.parse(reader.result);
19364 this.loadSpec(specObj);
19365 this.shadowRoot.getElementById('spec-url').value = '';
19366 } catch (err) {
19367 console.error('RapiDoc: Unable to read or parse json'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
19368 }
19369 };
19370 // Read the Text file
19371 reader.readAsText(specFile);
19372 }
19373 onFileLoadClick() {
19374 this.shadowRoot.getElementById('spec-file').click();
19375 }
19376 onSearchChange(e) {
19377 this.matchPaths = e.target.value;
19378 this.resolvedSpec.tags.forEach(tag => tag.paths.filter(v => {
19379 if (this.matchPaths) {
19380 // v.expanded = false;
19381 if (pathIsInSearch(this.matchPaths, v, this.matchType)) {
19382 tag.expanded = true;
19383 }
19384 }
19385 }));
19386 this.resolvedSpec.components.forEach(component => component.subComponents.filter(v => {
19387 v.expanded = false;
19388 if (!this.matchPaths || componentIsInSearch(this.matchPaths, v)) {
19389 v.expanded = true;
19390 }
19391 }));
19392 this.requestUpdate();
19393 }
19394 onClearSearch() {
19395 const searchEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById('nav-bar-search');
19396 searchEl.value = '';
19397 this.matchPaths = '';
19398 this.resolvedSpec.components.forEach(component => component.subComponents.filter(v => {
19399 v.expanded = true;
19400 }));
19401 }
19402 onShowSearchModalClicked() {
19403 this.showAdvancedSearchDialog = true;
19404 }
19406 // Event Handler on Dialog-Box is opened
19407 async onOpenSearchDialog(e) {
19408 // Set focus to text input
19409 const inputEl = e.detail.querySelector('input');
19410 await sleep(0);
19411 if (inputEl) {
19412 inputEl.focus();
19413 }
19414 }
19416 // Public Method
19417 async loadSpec(specUrl) {
19418 if (!specUrl) {
19419 return;
19420 }
19421 this.matchPaths = '';
19422 try {
19423 this.resolvedSpec = {
19424 specLoadError: false,
19425 isSpecLoading: true,
19426 tags: []
19427 };
19428 this.loading = true;
19429 this.loadFailed = false;
19430 const spec = await ProcessSpec.call(this, specUrl, this.generateMissingTags === 'true', this.sortTags === 'true', this.getAttribute('sort-endpoints-by'), this.getAttribute('api-key-name'), this.getAttribute('api-key-location'), this.getAttribute('api-key-value'), this.getAttribute('server-url'));
19431 this.loading = false;
19432 this.afterSpecParsedAndValidated(spec);
19433 } catch (err) {
19434 this.loading = false;
19435 this.loadFailed = true;
19436 this.resolvedSpec = null;
19437 console.error(`RapiDoc: Unable to resolve the API spec.. ${err.message}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
19438 }
19439 }
19441 async afterSpecParsedAndValidated(spec) {
19442 this.resolvedSpec = spec;
19443 this.selectedServer = undefined;
19444 if (this.defaultApiServerUrl) {
19445 if (this.defaultApiServerUrl === this.serverUrl) {
19446 this.selectedServer = {
19447 url: this.serverUrl,
19448 computedUrl: this.serverUrl
19449 };
19450 } else if (this.resolvedSpec.servers) {
19451 this.selectedServer = this.resolvedSpec.servers.find(v => v.url === this.defaultApiServerUrl);
19452 }
19453 }
19454 if (!this.selectedServer) {
19455 if (this.resolvedSpec.servers) {
19456 this.selectedServer = this.resolvedSpec.servers[0]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
19457 }
19458 }
19460 this.requestUpdate();
19461 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
19462 while (!(await this.updateComplete));
19463 const specLoadedEvent = new CustomEvent('spec-loaded', {
19464 detail: spec
19465 });
19466 this.dispatchEvent(specLoadedEvent);
19468 // Initiate IntersectionObserver and put it at the end of event loop, to allow loading all the child elements (must for larger specs)
19469 this.intersectionObserver.disconnect();
19470 if (this.renderStyle === 'read') {
19471 await sleep(100);
19472 this.observeExpandedContent(); // This will auto-highlight the selected nav-item in read-mode
19473 }
19475 this.isIntersectionObserverActive = true;
19477 // On first time Spec load, try to navigate to location hash if provided
19478 const elementId = this.getElementIDFromURL();
19479 if (elementId) {
19480 if (this.renderStyle === 'view') {
19481 this.expandAndGotoOperation(elementId, true, true);
19482 } else {
19483 this.scrollToPath(elementId);
19484 }
19485 } else if (this.renderStyle === 'focused') {
19486 // If goto-path is provided and no location-hash is present then try to scroll to default element
19487 if (!this.gotoPath) {
19488 var _this$resolvedSpec$ta;
19489 const defaultElementId = this.showInfo ? 'overview' : (_this$resolvedSpec$ta = this.resolvedSpec.tags[0]) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$ta === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$ta.paths[0];
19490 this.scrollToPath(defaultElementId);
19491 }
19492 }
19493 }
19495 /**
19496 * Return the URL from where is served the RapiDoc component, removing any hash and route prefix
19497 */
19498 getComponentBaseURL() {
19499 const {
19500 href
19501 } = window.location;
19503 // Remove end of string # or /
19504 const cleanRouterPrefix = this.routePrefix.replace(/(#|\/)$/, '');
19505 if (!cleanRouterPrefix) {
19506 return href.split('#')[0];
19507 }
19508 const indexOfRoutePrefix = href.lastIndexOf(cleanRouterPrefix);
19509 if (indexOfRoutePrefix === -1) {
19510 return href;
19511 }
19512 return href.slice(0, indexOfRoutePrefix);
19513 }
19515 /**
19516 * From the URL return the ID of the element whether it is in the hash or if used a router prefix without a hash
19517 */
19518 getElementIDFromURL() {
19519 const baseURL = this.getComponentBaseURL();
19520 const elementId = window.location.href.replace(baseURL + this.routePrefix, '');
19521 return elementId;
19522 }
19523 replaceHistoryState(hashId) {
19524 const baseURL = this.getComponentBaseURL();
19525 window.history.replaceState(null, null, `${baseURL}${this.routePrefix || '#'}${hashId}`);
19526 }
19527 expandAndGotoOperation(elementId, scrollToElement = true) {
19528 if (!this.resolvedSpec) {
19529 return;
19530 }
19531 // Expand full operation and tag
19532 let isExpandingNeeded = true;
19533 const tmpElementId = elementId.indexOf('#') === -1 ? elementId : elementId.substring(1);
19534 if (tmpElementId.startsWith('overview') || tmpElementId === 'servers' || tmpElementId === 'auth') {
19535 isExpandingNeeded = false;
19536 } else {
19537 for (let i = 0; i < ((_this$resolvedSpec$ta2 = this.resolvedSpec.tags) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$ta2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$ta2.length); i++) {
19538 var _this$resolvedSpec$ta2, _tag$paths;
19539 const tag = this.resolvedSpec.tags[i];
19540 const path = (_tag$paths = tag.paths) === null || _tag$paths === void 0 ? void 0 : _tag$paths.find(p => p.elementId === elementId);
19541 if (path) {
19542 if (path.expanded && tag.expanded) {
19543 isExpandingNeeded = false;
19544 } else {
19545 path.expanded = true;
19546 tag.expanded = true;
19547 }
19548 }
19549 }
19550 }
19551 if (scrollToElement) {
19552 // requestUpdate() and delay required, else we cant find element
19553 if (isExpandingNeeded) {
19554 this.requestUpdate();
19555 }
19556 window.setTimeout(() => {
19557 const gotoEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(tmpElementId);
19558 if (gotoEl) {
19559 gotoEl.scrollIntoView({
19560 behavior: 'auto',
19561 block: 'start'
19562 });
19563 if (this.updateRoute === 'true') {
19564 this.replaceHistoryState(tmpElementId);
19565 }
19566 }
19567 }, isExpandingNeeded ? 150 : 0);
19568 }
19569 }
19570 isValidTopId(id) {
19571 return id.startsWith('overview') || id === 'servers' || id === 'auth';
19572 }
19573 isValidPathId(id) {
19574 var _this$resolvedSpec2, _this$resolvedSpec2$t;
19575 if (id === 'overview' && this.showInfo) {
19576 return true;
19577 }
19578 if (id === 'servers' && this.allowServerSelection) {
19579 return true;
19580 }
19581 if (id === 'auth' && this.allowAuthentication) {
19582 return true;
19583 }
19584 if (id.startsWith('tag--')) {
19585 var _this$resolvedSpec, _this$resolvedSpec$ta3;
19586 return (_this$resolvedSpec = this.resolvedSpec) === null || _this$resolvedSpec === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$resolvedSpec$ta3 = _this$resolvedSpec.tags) === null || _this$resolvedSpec$ta3 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec$ta3.find(tag => tag.elementId === id);
19587 }
19588 return (_this$resolvedSpec2 = this.resolvedSpec) === null || _this$resolvedSpec2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$resolvedSpec2$t = _this$resolvedSpec2.tags) === null || _this$resolvedSpec2$t === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$resolvedSpec2$t.find(tag => tag.paths.find(path => path.elementId === id));
19589 }
19590 onIntersect(entries) {
19591 if (this.isIntersectionObserverActive === false) {
19592 return;
19593 }
19594 entries.forEach(entry => {
19595 if (entry.isIntersecting && entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
19596 const oldNavEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.nav-bar-tag.active, .nav-bar-path.active, .nav-bar-info.active, .nav-bar-h1.active, .nav-bar-h2.active, .operations.active');
19597 const newNavEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(`link-${entry.target.id}`);
19599 // Add active class in the new element
19600 if (newNavEl) {
19601 if (this.updateRoute === 'true') {
19602 this.replaceHistoryState(entry.target.id);
19603 }
19604 newNavEl.scrollIntoView({
19605 behavior: 'auto',
19606 block: 'center'
19607 });
19608 newNavEl.classList.add('active');
19609 newNavEl.part.add('section-navbar-active-item');
19610 }
19612 // Remove active class from previous element
19613 // if it is different from the new one (edge case on loading in read render style)
19614 if (oldNavEl && oldNavEl !== newNavEl) {
19615 oldNavEl.classList.remove('active');
19616 oldNavEl.part.remove('section-navbar-active-item');
19617 }
19618 }
19619 });
19620 }
19622 // Called by anchor tags created using markdown
19623 handleHref(e) {
19624 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
19625 if (e.target.getAttribute('href').startsWith('#')) {
19626 const gotoEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(e.target.getAttribute('href').replace('#', ''));
19627 if (gotoEl) {
19628 gotoEl.scrollIntoView({
19629 behavior: 'auto',
19630 block: 'start'
19631 });
19632 }
19633 }
19634 }
19635 }
19637 /**
19638 * Called by
19639 * - onClick of Navigation Bar
19640 * - onClick of Advanced Search items
19641 *
19642 * Functionality:
19643 * 1. First deactivate IntersectionObserver
19644 * 2. Scroll to the element
19645 * 3. Activate IntersectionObserver (after little delay)
19646 *
19647 */
19648 async scrollToEventTarget(event, scrollNavItemToView = true) {
19649 if (!(event.type === 'click' || event.type === 'keyup' && event.keyCode === 13)) {
19650 return;
19651 }
19652 const navEl = event.target;
19653 if (!navEl.dataset.contentId) {
19654 return;
19655 }
19656 this.isIntersectionObserverActive = false;
19657 if (this.renderStyle === 'focused') {
19658 const requestEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('api-request');
19659 if (requestEl) {
19660 requestEl.beforeNavigationFocusedMode();
19661 }
19662 }
19663 this.scrollToPath(navEl.dataset.contentId, true, scrollNavItemToView);
19664 setTimeout(() => {
19665 this.isIntersectionObserverActive = true;
19666 }, 300);
19667 }
19669 // Public Method (scrolls to a given path and highlights the left-nav selection)
19670 async scrollToPath(elementId, expandPath = true, scrollNavItemToView = true) {
19671 if (this.renderStyle === 'focused') {
19672 // for focused mode update this.focusedElementId to update the rendering, else it wont find the needed html elements
19673 // focusedElementId will get validated in the template
19674 this.focusedElementId = elementId;
19675 await sleep(0);
19676 }
19677 if (this.renderStyle === 'view') {
19678 this.expandAndGotoOperation(elementId, expandPath, true);
19679 } else {
19680 let isValidElementId = false;
19681 const contentEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(elementId);
19682 if (contentEl) {
19683 isValidElementId = true;
19684 contentEl.scrollIntoView({
19685 behavior: 'auto',
19686 block: 'start'
19687 });
19688 } else {
19689 isValidElementId = false;
19690 }
19691 if (isValidElementId) {
19692 // for focused style it is important to reset request-body-selection and response selection which maintains the state for in case of multiple req-body or multiple response mime-type
19693 if (this.renderStyle === 'focused') {
19694 const requestEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('api-request');
19695 if (requestEl) {
19696 requestEl.afterNavigationFocusedMode();
19697 }
19698 const responseEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('api-response');
19699 if (responseEl) {
19700 responseEl.resetSelection();
19701 }
19702 }
19704 // Update Location Hash
19705 if (this.updateRoute === 'true') {
19706 this.replaceHistoryState(elementId);
19707 }
19709 // Update NavBar View and Styles
19710 const newNavEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(`link-${elementId}`);
19711 if (newNavEl) {
19712 if (scrollNavItemToView) {
19713 newNavEl.scrollIntoView({
19714 behavior: 'auto',
19715 block: 'center'
19716 });
19717 }
19718 await sleep(0);
19719 const oldNavEl = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.nav-bar-tag.active, .nav-bar-path.active, .nav-bar-info.active, .nav-bar-h1.active, .nav-bar-h2.active, .operations.active');
19720 if (oldNavEl) {
19721 oldNavEl.classList.remove('active');
19722 oldNavEl.part.remove('active');
19723 oldNavEl.part.remove('section-navbar-active-item');
19724 }
19725 newNavEl.classList.add('active'); // must add the class after scrolling
19726 newNavEl.part.add('section-navbar-active-item');
19727 // this.requestUpdate();
19728 }
19729 }
19730 }
19731 }
19733 // Public Method - to update security-scheme of type http
19734 setHttpUserNameAndPassword(securitySchemeId, username, password) {
19735 return applyApiKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, username, password);
19736 }
19738 // Public Method - to update security-scheme of type apiKey or OAuth
19739 setApiKey(securitySchemeId, apiKeyValue) {
19740 return applyApiKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, '', '', apiKeyValue);
19741 }
19743 // Public Method
19744 removeAllSecurityKeys() {
19745 return onClearAllApiKeys.call(this);
19746 }
19748 // Public Method
19749 setApiServer(apiServerUrl) {
19750 // return apiServerUrl;
19751 return setApiServer.call(this, apiServerUrl);
19752 }
19754 // Event handler for Advanced Search text-inputs and checkboxes
19755 onAdvancedSearch(ev, delay) {
19756 const eventTargetEl = ev.target;
19757 clearTimeout(this.timeoutId);
19758 this.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
19759 let searchInputEl;
19760 if (eventTargetEl.type === 'text') {
19761 searchInputEl = eventTargetEl;
19762 } else {
19763 searchInputEl = eventTargetEl.closest('.advanced-search-options').querySelector('input[type=text]');
19764 }
19765 const searchOptions = [...eventTargetEl.closest('.advanced-search-options').querySelectorAll('input:checked')].map(v => v.id);
19766 this.advancedSearchMatches = advancedSearch(searchInputEl.value, this.resolvedSpec.tags, searchOptions);
19767 }, delay);
19768 }
19770customElements.define('rapi-doc', RapiDoc);
19771;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/rapidoc-mini.js
19785// Styles
19800class RapiDocMini extends lit_element_s {
19801 constructor() {
19802 super();
19803 this.isMini = true;
19804 this.updateRoute = 'false';
19805 this.renderStyle = 'view';
19806 this.showHeader = 'false';
19807 this.allowAdvancedSearch = 'false';
19808 }
19809 static get properties() {
19810 return {
19811 // Spec
19812 specUrl: {
19813 type: String,
19814 attribute: 'spec-url'
19815 },
19816 sortEndpointsBy: {
19817 type: String,
19818 attribute: 'sort-endpoints-by'
19819 },
19820 // UI Layouts
19821 layout: {
19822 type: String
19823 },
19824 pathsExpanded: {
19825 type: String,
19826 attribute: 'paths-expanded'
19827 },
19828 defaultSchemaTab: {
19829 type: String,
19830 attribute: 'default-schema-tab'
19831 },
19832 responseAreaHeight: {
19833 type: String,
19834 attribute: 'response-area-height'
19835 },
19836 showSummaryWhenCollapsed: {
19837 type: String,
19838 attribute: 'show-summary-when-collapsed'
19839 },
19840 fillRequestFieldsWithExample: {
19841 type: String,
19842 attribute: 'fill-request-fields-with-example'
19843 },
19844 persistAuth: {
19845 type: String,
19846 attribute: 'persist-auth'
19847 },
19848 // Schema Styles
19849 schemaStyle: {
19850 type: String,
19851 attribute: 'schema-style'
19852 },
19853 schemaExpandLevel: {
19854 type: Number,
19855 attribute: 'schema-expand-level'
19856 },
19857 schemaDescriptionExpanded: {
19858 type: String,
19859 attribute: 'schema-description-expanded'
19860 },
19861 // API Server
19862 apiKeyName: {
19863 type: String,
19864 attribute: 'api-key-name'
19865 },
19866 apiKeyLocation: {
19867 type: String,
19868 attribute: 'api-key-location'
19869 },
19870 apiKeyValue: {
19871 type: String,
19872 attribute: 'api-key-value'
19873 },
19874 defaultApiServerUrl: {
19875 type: String,
19876 attribute: 'default-api-server'
19877 },
19878 serverUrl: {
19879 type: String,
19880 attribute: 'server-url'
19881 },
19882 oauthReceiver: {
19883 type: String,
19884 attribute: 'oauth-receiver'
19885 },
19886 allowTry: {
19887 type: String,
19888 attribute: 'allow-try'
19889 },
19890 // Main Colors and Font
19891 theme: {
19892 type: String
19893 },
19894 bgColor: {
19895 type: String,
19896 attribute: 'bg-color'
19897 },
19898 textColor: {
19899 type: String,
19900 attribute: 'text-color'
19901 },
19902 primaryColor: {
19903 type: String,
19904 attribute: 'primary-color'
19905 },
19906 fontSize: {
19907 type: String,
19908 attribute: 'font-size'
19909 },
19910 regularFont: {
19911 type: String,
19912 attribute: 'regular-font'
19913 },
19914 monoFont: {
19915 type: String,
19916 attribute: 'mono-font'
19917 },
19918 loadFonts: {
19919 type: String,
19920 attribute: 'load-fonts'
19921 },
19922 // Fetch Options
19923 fetchCredentials: {
19924 type: String,
19925 attribute: 'fetch-credentials'
19926 },
19927 // Filters
19928 matchPaths: {
19929 type: String,
19930 attribute: 'match-paths'
19931 },
19932 matchType: {
19933 type: String,
19934 attribute: 'match-type'
19935 },
19936 // Internal Properties
19937 loading: {
19938 type: Boolean
19939 } // indicates spec is being loaded
19940 };
19941 }
19943 static get styles() {
19944 return [font_styles, input_styles, flex_styles, table_styles, endpoint_styles, prism_styles, tab_styles, nav_styles, info_styles, i`
19945 :host {
19946 display:flex;
19947 flex-direction: column;
19948 min-width:360px;
19949 width:100%;
19950 height:100%;
19951 margin:0;
19952 padding:0;
19953 overflow: hidden;
19954 letter-spacing:normal;
19955 color:var(--fg);
19956 background-color:var(--bg);
19957 font-family:var(--font-regular);
19958 }
19960 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
19961 .only-large-screen{
19962 display:block;
19963 }
19964 .only-large-screen-flex{
19965 display:flex;
19966 }
19967 }`];
19968 }
19970 // Startup
19971 connectedCallback() {
19972 super.connectedCallback();
19973 if (this.loadFonts !== 'false') {
19974 const fontDescriptor = {
19975 family: 'Open Sans',
19976 style: 'normal',
19977 weight: '300',
19978 unicodeRange: 'U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD'
19979 };
19980 const fontWeight300 = new FontFace('Open Sans', "url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v18/mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UN_r8OUuhpKKSTjw.woff2) format('woff2')", fontDescriptor);
19981 fontDescriptor.weight = '600';
19982 const fontWeight600 = new FontFace('Open Sans', "url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v18/mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UNirkOUuhpKKSTjw.woff2) format('woff2')", fontDescriptor);
19983 fontWeight300.load().then(font => {
19984 document.fonts.add(font);
19985 });
19986 fontWeight600.load().then(font => {
19987 document.fonts.add(font);
19988 });
19989 }
19990 if (!this.showSummaryWhenCollapsed || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.showSummaryWhenCollapsed},`)) {
19991 this.showSummaryWhenCollapsed = 'true';
19992 }
19993 if (!this.layout || !'row, column,'.includes(`${this.layout},`)) {
19994 this.layout = 'row';
19995 }
19996 if (!this.schemaStyle || !'tree, table,'.includes(`${this.schemaStyle},`)) {
19997 this.schemaStyle = 'tree';
19998 }
19999 if (!this.theme || !'light, dark,'.includes(`${this.theme},`)) {
20000 this.theme = window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: light)').matches ? 'light' : 'dark';
20001 }
20002 if (!this.defaultSchemaTab || !'example, schema, model,'.includes(`${this.defaultSchemaTab},`)) {
20003 this.defaultSchemaTab = 'example';
20004 } else if (this.defaultSchemaTab === 'model') {
20005 this.defaultSchemaTab = 'schema';
20006 }
20007 this.pathsExpanded = this.pathsExpanded === 'true';
20008 if (!this.schemaExpandLevel || this.schemaExpandLevel < 1) {
20009 this.schemaExpandLevel = 99999;
20010 }
20011 if (!this.schemaDescriptionExpanded || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded},`)) {
20012 this.schemaDescriptionExpanded = 'false';
20013 }
20014 if (!this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample},`)) {
20015 this.fillRequestFieldsWithExample = 'true';
20016 }
20017 if (!this.persistAuth || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.persistAuth},`)) {
20018 this.persistAuth = 'false';
20019 }
20020 if (!this.responseAreaHeight) {
20021 this.responseAreaHeight = '300px';
20022 }
20023 if (!this.allowTry || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowTry},`)) {
20024 this.allowTry = 'true';
20025 }
20026 if (!this.apiKeyValue) {
20027 this.apiKeyValue = '-';
20028 }
20029 if (!this.apiKeyLocation) {
20030 this.apiKeyLocation = 'header';
20031 }
20032 if (!this.apiKeyName) {
20033 this.apiKeyName = '';
20034 }
20035 if (!this.oauthReceiver) {
20036 this.oauthReceiver = 'oauth-receiver.html';
20037 }
20038 if (!this.sortTags || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.sortTags},`)) {
20039 this.sortTags = 'false';
20040 }
20041 if (!this.sortEndpointsBy || !'method, path, summary,'.includes(`${this.sortEndpointsBy},`)) {
20042 this.sortEndpointsBy = 'path';
20043 }
20044 if (!this.fontSize || !'default, large, largest,'.includes(`${this.fontSize},`)) {
20045 this.fontSize = 'default';
20046 }
20047 if (!this.matchType || !'includes regex'.includes(this.matchType)) {
20048 this.matchType = 'includes';
20049 }
20050 if (!this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle},`)) {
20051 this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle = 'true';
20052 }
20053 if (!this.fetchCredentials || !'omit, same-origin, include,'.includes(`${this.fetchCredentials},`)) {
20054 this.fetchCredentials = '';
20055 }
20056 marked.setOptions({
20057 highlight: (code, lang) => {
20058 if ((prism_default()).languages[lang]) {
20059 return prism_default().highlight(code, (prism_default()).languages[lang], lang);
20060 }
20061 return code;
20062 }
20063 });
20064 }
20065 render() {
20066 return mainBodyTemplate.call(this, true, false, false, this.pathsExpanded);
20067 }
20068 attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) {
20069 if (name === 'spec-url') {
20070 if (oldVal !== newVal) {
20071 // put it at the end of event-loop to load all the attributes
20072 window.setTimeout(async () => {
20073 await this.loadSpec(newVal);
20074 }, 0);
20075 }
20076 }
20077 if (name === 'api-key-name' || name === 'api-key-location' || name === 'api-key-value') {
20078 let updateSelectedApiKey = false;
20079 let apiKeyName = '';
20080 let apiKeyLocation = '';
20081 let apiKeyValue = '';
20082 if (name === 'api-key-name') {
20083 if (this.getAttribute('api-key-location') && this.getAttribute('api-key-value')) {
20084 apiKeyName = newVal;
20085 apiKeyLocation = this.getAttribute('api-key-location');
20086 apiKeyValue = this.getAttribute('api-key-value');
20087 updateSelectedApiKey = true;
20088 }
20089 } else if (name === 'api-key-location') {
20090 if (this.getAttribute('api-key-name') && this.getAttribute('api-key-value')) {
20091 apiKeyLocation = newVal;
20092 apiKeyName = this.getAttribute('api-key-name');
20093 apiKeyValue = this.getAttribute('api-key-value');
20094 updateSelectedApiKey = true;
20095 }
20096 } else if (name === 'api-key-value') {
20097 if (this.getAttribute('api-key-name') && this.getAttribute('api-key-location')) {
20098 apiKeyValue = newVal;
20099 apiKeyLocation = this.getAttribute('api-key-location');
20100 apiKeyName = this.getAttribute('api-key-name');
20101 updateSelectedApiKey = true;
20102 }
20103 }
20104 if (updateSelectedApiKey) {
20105 if (this.resolvedSpec) {
20106 const rapiDocApiKey = this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.find(v => v.securitySchemeId === rapidocApiKey);
20107 if (!rapiDocApiKey) {
20108 this.resolvedSpec.securitySchemes.push({
20109 apiKeyId: rapidocApiKey,
20110 description: 'api-key provided in rapidoc element attributes',
20111 type: 'apiKey',
20112 name: apiKeyName,
20113 in: apiKeyLocation,
20114 value: apiKeyValue,
20115 finalKeyValue: apiKeyValue
20116 });
20117 } else {
20118 rapiDocApiKey.name = apiKeyName;
20119 rapiDocApiKey.in = apiKeyLocation;
20120 rapiDocApiKey.value = apiKeyValue;
20121 rapiDocApiKey.finalKeyValue = apiKeyValue;
20122 }
20123 this.requestUpdate();
20124 }
20125 }
20126 }
20127 super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal);
20128 }
20129 onSpecUrlChange() {
20130 this.setAttribute('spec-url', this.shadowRoot.getElementById('spec-url').value);
20131 }
20133 // Public Method
20134 async loadSpec(specUrl) {
20135 if (!specUrl) {
20136 return;
20137 }
20138 try {
20139 this.resolvedSpec = {
20140 specLoadError: false,
20141 isSpecLoading: true,
20142 tags: []
20143 };
20144 this.loading = true;
20145 this.loadFailed = false;
20146 this.requestUpdate();
20147 const spec = await ProcessSpec.call(this, specUrl, this.generateMissingTags === 'true', this.sortTags === 'true', this.getAttribute('sort-endpoints-by'), this.getAttribute('api-key-name'), this.getAttribute('api-key-location'), this.getAttribute('api-key-value'), this.getAttribute('server-url'));
20148 this.loading = false;
20149 this.afterSpecParsedAndValidated(spec);
20150 } catch (err) {
20151 this.loading = false;
20152 this.loadFailed = true;
20153 this.resolvedSpec = null;
20154 console.error(`RapiDoc: Unable to resolve the API spec.. ${err.message}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
20155 }
20156 }
20158 // Public Method - to update security-scheme of type http
20159 setHttpUserNameAndPassword(securitySchemeId, username, password) {
20160 return applyApiKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, username, password);
20161 }
20163 // Public Method - to update security-scheme of type apiKey or OAuth
20164 setApiKey(securitySchemeId, apiKeyValue) {
20165 return applyApiKey.call(this, securitySchemeId, '', '', apiKeyValue);
20166 }
20168 // Public Method
20169 removeAllSecurityKeys() {
20170 return onClearAllApiKeys.call(this);
20171 }
20173 // Public Method
20174 setApiServer(apiServerUrl) {
20175 // return apiServerUrl;
20176 return setApiServer.call(this, apiServerUrl);
20177 }
20178 async afterSpecParsedAndValidated(spec) {
20179 this.resolvedSpec = spec;
20180 this.selectedServer = undefined;
20181 if (this.defaultApiServerUrl) {
20182 if (this.defaultApiServerUrl === this.serverUrl) {
20183 this.selectedServer = {
20184 url: this.serverUrl,
20185 computedUrl: this.serverUrl
20186 };
20187 } else if (this.resolvedSpec.servers) {
20188 this.selectedServer = this.resolvedSpec.servers.find(v => v.url === this.defaultApiServerUrl);
20189 }
20190 }
20191 if (!this.selectedServer) {
20192 if (this.resolvedSpec.servers) {
20193 this.selectedServer = this.resolvedSpec.servers[0]; // eslint-disable-line prefer-destructuring
20194 }
20195 }
20197 this.requestUpdate();
20198 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
20199 while (!(await this.updateComplete));
20200 const specLoadedEvent = new CustomEvent('spec-loaded', {
20201 detail: spec
20202 });
20203 this.dispatchEvent(specLoadedEvent);
20204 }
20206 // Called by anchor tags created using markdown
20207 handleHref(e) {
20208 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
20209 if (e.target.getAttribute('href').startsWith('#')) {
20210 const gotoEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(e.target.getAttribute('href').replace('#', ''));
20211 if (gotoEl) {
20212 gotoEl.scrollIntoView({
20213 behavior: 'auto',
20214 block: 'start'
20215 });
20216 }
20217 }
20218 }
20219 }
20221customElements.define('rapi-doc-mini', RapiDocMini);
20222;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/oauth-receiver.js
20223class OauthReceiver extends HTMLElement {
20224 connectedCallback() {
20225 this.receiveAuthParms();
20226 window.addEventListener('storage', e => this.receiveStorage(e), true);
20227 }
20229 /**
20230 * Read OAuth2 parameters and sends them off
20231 * to the window opener through `window.postMessage`.
20232 */
20233 receiveAuthParms() {
20234 let authData = {};
20235 if (document.location.search) {
20236 // Applies to authorizationCode flow
20237 const params = new URLSearchParams(document.location.search);
20238 const code = params.get('code');
20239 const error = params.get('error');
20240 const state = params.get('state');
20241 authData = {
20242 code,
20243 error,
20244 state,
20245 responseType: 'code'
20246 };
20247 } else if (window.location.hash) {
20248 // Applies to Implicit flow
20249 const token_type = this.parseQueryString(window.location.hash.substring(1), 'token_type'); // eslint-disable-line camelcase
20250 const access_token = this.parseQueryString(window.location.hash.substring(1), 'access_token'); // eslint-disable-line camelcase
20251 authData = {
20252 token_type,
20253 access_token,
20254 responseType: 'token'
20255 }; // eslint-disable-line camelcase
20256 }
20258 if (window.opener) {
20259 window.opener.postMessage(authData, this.target);
20260 return;
20261 }
20262 sessionStorage.setItem('rapidoc-oauth-data', JSON.stringify(authData)); // Fallback to session storage if window.opener dont exist
20263 }
20265 relayAuthParams(e) {
20266 if (window.parent) {
20267 if (e.key === 'rapidoc-oauth-data') {
20268 const authData = JSON.parse(e.newValue);
20269 window.parent.postMessage(authData, this.target);
20270 }
20271 }
20272 }
20273 parseQueryString(queryString, key) {
20274 const vars = queryString.split('&');
20275 for (let i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
20276 const pair = vars[i].split('=');
20277 if (decodeURIComponent(pair[0]) === key) {
20278 return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
20279 }
20280 }
20281 }
20283customElements.define('oauth-receiver', OauthReceiver);
20284;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/templates/json-schema-viewer-template.js
20286 // eslint-disable-line import/extensions
20289// Templates
20298/* eslint-disable indent */
20299// Json Schema Nav Template
20300function jsonSchemaNavTemplate() {
20301 return y`
20302 <nav class='nav-bar' part="section-navbar">
20303 <slot name="nav-logo" class="logo"></slot>
20304 <div style="display:flex;line-height:22px; padding:8px">
20305 <input id="nav-bar-search"
20306 part = "textbox textbox-nav-filter"
20307 style = "width:100%; height: 26px; padding-right:20px; color:var(--nav-hover-text-color); border-color:var(--nav-accent-color); background-color:var(--nav-hover-bg-color)"
20308 type = "text"
20309 placeholder = "Filter"
20310 @change = "${this.onSearchChange}"
20311 spellcheck = "false"
20312 >
20313 <div style="margin: 6px 5px 0 -24px; font-size:var(--font-size-regular); cursor:pointer;">&#x21a9;</div>
20314 </div>
20315 <nav style="flex:1" class='nav-scroll' part="section-navbar-scroll">
20316 ${this.resolvedSpec.schemaAndExamples.map(v => y`
20317 <div class='nav-bar-path' data-content-id='${v.elementId}' id='link-${v.elementId}'
20318 @click = '${e => {
20319 this.scrollToEventTarget(e, false);
20320 }}'
20321 >
20322 ${v.name}
20323 </div>`)}
20324 </nav>
20325 </nav>
20326 `;
20329// Json Schema Body Template
20330function jsonSchemaBodyTemplate() {
20331 return y`
20332 ${this.showInfo === 'true' ? overviewTemplate.call(this) : ''}
20333 <div style="font-size:var(--font-size-regular);">
20334 ${this.resolvedSpec.schemaAndExamples.map(jSchemaBody => {
20335 var _examplesObj$;
20336 const examplesObj = generateExample(jSchemaBody.schema, 'json', jSchemaBody.examples, jSchemaBody.example, true, false, 'json', true);
20337 jSchemaBody.selectedExample = (_examplesObj$ = examplesObj[0]) === null || _examplesObj$ === void 0 ? void 0 : _examplesObj$.exampleId;
20338 return y`
20339 <section id='${jSchemaBody.elementId}' class='json-schema-and-example regular-font' style="display:flex; flex-direction: column; border:1px solid var(--border-color); margin-bottom:32px; border-top: 5px solid var(--border-color)">
20340 <div style="padding:16px; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--border-color)">
20341 <div style="font-size:var(--font-size-small); font-weight:bold">${jSchemaBody.name}</div>
20342 <span class="json-schema-description m-markdown ">${unsafe_html_o(marked(jSchemaBody.description || ''))}</span>
20343 </div>
20344 <div style="display:flex; flex-direction: row; gap:16px;">
20345 <div class="json-schema-def" style="flex:1; padding:16px 0 16px 16px; ">
20346 <schema-tree
20347 .data = "${schemaInObjectNotation(jSchemaBody.schema, {})}"
20348 schema-expand-level = "${this.schemaExpandLevel}"
20349 schema-description-expanded = "${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded}"
20350 allow-schema-description-expand-toggle = "${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle}"
20351 schema-hide-read-only = "false"
20352 schema-hide-write-only = "false"
20353 > </schema-tree>
20354 </div>
20355 <div class="json-schema-example-panel" style="width:400px; background-color: var(--input-bg); padding:16px 0 16px 16px; border-left: 1px dashed var(--border-color);">
20356 ${examplesObj.length > 1 ? y`<select style="min-width:100px; max-width:100%" @change='${e => this.onSelectExample(e, jSchemaBody)}'>
20357 ${examplesObj.map(v => y`
20358 <option value="${v.exampleId}" ?selected=${v.exampleId === jSchemaBody.selectedExample}>
20359 ${v.exampleSummary.length > 80 ? v.exampleId : v.exampleSummary}
20360 </option>`)}
20361 </select>` : y`<div style="font-size: var(--font-size-small);font-weight:700; margin:5px 0"> ${examplesObj[0].exampleSummary}</div>`}
20362 ${examplesObj.map(v => y`
20363 <json-tree
20364 .data = "${v.exampleValue}"
20365 data-example = "${v.exampleId}"
20366 class = "example"
20367 style = "margin-top:16px; display: ${v.exampleId === jSchemaBody.selectedExample ? 'flex' : 'none'}"
20368 ></json-tree>`)}
20369 </div>
20370 </div>
20371 </section>`;
20372 })}
20373 </div>
20374 `;
20376/* eslint-enable indent */
20378// Json Schema Root Template
20379function jsonSchemaViewerTemplate(isMini = false) {
20380 // export default function jsonSchemaViewerTemplate(isMini = false, showExpandCollapse = true, showTags = true, pathsExpanded = false) {
20381 if (!this.resolvedSpec) {
20382 return '';
20383 }
20384 const newTheme = {
20385 bg1: isValidHexColor(this.bgColor) ? this.bgColor : '',
20386 fg1: isValidHexColor(this.textColor) ? this.textColor : '',
20387 headerColor: isValidHexColor(this.headerColor) ? this.headerColor : '',
20388 primaryColor: isValidHexColor(this.primaryColor) ? this.primaryColor : '',
20389 navBgColor: isValidHexColor(this.navBgColor) ? this.navBgColor : '',
20390 navTextColor: isValidHexColor(this.navTextColor) ? this.navTextColor : '',
20391 navHoverBgColor: isValidHexColor(this.navHoverBgColor) ? this.navHoverBgColor : '',
20392 navHoverTextColor: isValidHexColor(this.navHoverTextColor) ? this.navHoverTextColor : '',
20393 navAccentColor: isValidHexColor(this.navAccentColor) ? this.navAccentColor : '',
20394 navAccenttextColor: isValidHexColor(this.navAccentTextColor) ? this.navAccentTextColor : ''
20395 };
20396 /* eslint-disable indent */
20397 if (this.resolvedSpec.specLoadError) {
20398 if (isMini) {
20399 return y`
20400 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
20401 <div style="display:flex; align-items:center; border:1px dashed var(--border-color); height:42px; padding:5px; font-size:var(--font-size-small); color:var(--red); font-family:var(--font-mono)"> ${this.resolvedSpec.info.description} </div>
20402 `;
20403 }
20404 return y`
20405 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
20406 <!-- Header -->
20407 ${headerTemplate.call(this)}
20408 <h1> Header </h1>
20409 <main class="main-content regular-font" part="section-main-content">
20410 <slot></slot>
20411 <div style="margin:24px; text-align: center;">
20412 <h1 style="color: var(--red)"> ${this.resolvedSpec.info.title} </h1>
20413 <div style="font-family:var(--font-mono)"> ${this.resolvedSpec.info.description} </div>
20414 </div>
20415 </main>
20416 `;
20417 }
20418 if (this.resolvedSpec.isSpecLoading) {
20419 return y`
20420 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
20421 <main class="main-content regular-font" part="section-main-content">
20422 <slot></slot>
20423 <div class="main-content-inner--${this.renderStyle}-mode">
20424 <div class="loader"></div>
20425 </div>
20426 </main>
20427 `;
20428 }
20429 return y`
20430 ${this.theme === 'dark' ? setTheme.call(this, 'dark', newTheme) : setTheme.call(this, 'light', newTheme)}
20432 <!-- Header -->
20433 ${this.showHeader === 'false' ? '' : headerTemplate.call(this)}
20435 <div id='the-main-body' class="body ${this.cssClasses}" dir= ${this.pageDirection}>
20437 <!-- Side Nav -->
20438 ${jsonSchemaNavTemplate.call(this)}
20440 <!-- Main Content -->
20441 <main class="main-content regular-font" part="section-main-content">
20442 <slot></slot>
20443 <div class="main-content-inner--${this.renderStyle}-mode">
20444 ${this.loading === true ? y`<div class="loader"></div>` : y`
20445 ${this.loadFailed === true ? y`<div style="text-align: center;margin: 16px;"> Unable to load the Spec</div>` : y`
20446 <div class="operations-root" @click="${e => {
20447 this.handleHref(e);
20448 }}">
20449 ${jsonSchemaBodyTemplate.call(this)}
20450 </div>
20451 `}`}
20452 </div>
20453 <slot name="footer"></slot>
20454 </main>
20455 </div>
20456 `;
20458/* eslint-enable indent */
20459;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/json-schema-viewer.js
20473// Styles
20485class JsonSchemaViewer extends lit_element_s {
20486 constructor() {
20487 super();
20488 this.isMini = false;
20489 this.updateRoute = 'false';
20490 this.renderStyle = 'focused';
20491 this.showHeader = 'true';
20492 this.allowAdvancedSearch = 'false';
20493 this.selectedExampleForEachSchema = {};
20494 }
20495 static get properties() {
20496 return {
20497 // Spec
20498 specUrl: {
20499 type: String,
20500 attribute: 'spec-url'
20501 },
20502 // Schema Styles
20503 schemaStyle: {
20504 type: String,
20505 attribute: 'schema-style'
20506 },
20507 schemaExpandLevel: {
20508 type: Number,
20509 attribute: 'schema-expand-level'
20510 },
20511 schemaDescriptionExpanded: {
20512 type: String,
20513 attribute: 'schema-description-expanded'
20514 },
20515 allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle: {
20516 type: String,
20517 attribute: 'allow-schema-description-expand-toggle'
20518 },
20519 // Hide/show Sections
20520 showHeader: {
20521 type: String,
20522 attribute: 'show-header'
20523 },
20524 showSideNav: {
20525 type: String,
20526 attribute: 'show-side-nav'
20527 },
20528 showInfo: {
20529 type: String,
20530 attribute: 'show-info'
20531 },
20532 // Allow or restrict features
20533 allowSpecUrlLoad: {
20534 type: String,
20535 attribute: 'allow-spec-url-load'
20536 },
20537 allowSpecFileLoad: {
20538 type: String,
20539 attribute: 'allow-spec-file-load'
20540 },
20541 allowSpecFileDownload: {
20542 type: String,
20543 attribute: 'allow-spec-file-download'
20544 },
20545 allowSearch: {
20546 type: String,
20547 attribute: 'allow-search'
20548 },
20549 // Main Colors and Font
20550 theme: {
20551 type: String
20552 },
20553 bgColor: {
20554 type: String,
20555 attribute: 'bg-color'
20556 },
20557 textColor: {
20558 type: String,
20559 attribute: 'text-color'
20560 },
20561 primaryColor: {
20562 type: String,
20563 attribute: 'primary-color'
20564 },
20565 fontSize: {
20566 type: String,
20567 attribute: 'font-size'
20568 },
20569 regularFont: {
20570 type: String,
20571 attribute: 'regular-font'
20572 },
20573 monoFont: {
20574 type: String,
20575 attribute: 'mono-font'
20576 },
20577 loadFonts: {
20578 type: String,
20579 attribute: 'load-fonts'
20580 },
20581 // Internal Properties
20582 loading: {
20583 type: Boolean
20584 } // indicates spec is being loaded
20585 };
20586 }
20588 static get styles() {
20589 return [font_styles, input_styles, flex_styles, table_styles, endpoint_styles, prism_styles, tab_styles, nav_styles, info_styles, i`
20590 :host {
20591 display:flex;
20592 flex-direction: column;
20593 min-width:360px;
20594 width:100%;
20595 height:100%;
20596 margin:0;
20597 padding:0;
20598 overflow: hidden;
20599 letter-spacing:normal;
20600 color:var(--fg);
20601 background-color:var(--bg);
20602 font-family:var(--font-regular);
20603 }
20604 .body {
20605 display:flex;
20606 height:100%;
20607 width:100%;
20608 overflow:hidden;
20609 }
20610 .nav-bar {
20611 width: 230px;
20612 display:flex;
20613 }
20615 .main-content {
20616 margin:0;
20617 padding: 16px;
20618 display:block;
20619 flex:1;
20620 height:100%;
20621 overflow-y: auto;
20622 overflow-x: hidden;
20623 scrollbar-width: thin;
20624 scrollbar-color: var(--border-color) transparent;
20625 }
20626 .main-content-inner--view-mode {
20627 padding: 0 8px;
20628 }
20629 .main-content::-webkit-scrollbar {
20630 width: 8px;
20631 height: 8px;
20632 }
20633 .main-content::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
20634 background:transparent;
20635 }
20636 .main-content::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
20637 background-color: var(--border-color);
20638 }
20639 .main-header {
20640 background-color:var(--header-bg);
20641 color:var(--header-fg);
20642 width:100%;
20643 }
20644 .header-title {
20645 font-size:calc(var(--font-size-regular) + 8px);
20646 padding:0 8px;
20647 }
20648 input.header-input{
20649 background:var(--header-color-darker);
20650 color:var(--header-fg);
20651 border:1px solid var(--header-color-border);
20652 flex:1;
20653 padding-right:24px;
20654 border-radius:3px;
20655 }
20656 input.header-input::placeholder {
20657 opacity:0.4;
20658 }
20659 .loader {
20660 margin: 16px auto 16px auto;
20661 border: 4px solid var(--bg3);
20662 border-radius: 50%;
20663 border-top: 4px solid var(--primary-color);
20664 width: 36px;
20665 height: 36px;
20666 animation: spin 2s linear infinite;
20667 }
20668 @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
20669 .only-large-screen{
20670 display:block;
20671 }
20672 .only-large-screen-flex{
20673 display:flex;
20674 }
20675 }`];
20676 }
20678 // Startup
20679 connectedCallback() {
20680 super.connectedCallback();
20681 const parent = this.parentElement;
20682 if (parent) {
20683 if (parent.offsetWidth === 0 && parent.style.width === '') {
20684 parent.style.width = '100vw';
20685 }
20686 if (parent.offsetHeight === 0 && parent.style.height === '') {
20687 parent.style.height = '100vh';
20688 }
20689 if (parent.tagName === 'BODY') {
20690 if (!parent.style.marginTop) {
20691 parent.style.marginTop = '0';
20692 }
20693 if (!parent.style.marginRight) {
20694 parent.style.marginRight = '0';
20695 }
20696 if (!parent.style.marginBottom) {
20697 parent.style.marginBottom = '0';
20698 }
20699 if (!parent.style.marginLeft) {
20700 parent.style.marginLeft = '0';
20701 }
20702 }
20703 }
20704 if (this.loadFonts !== 'false') {
20705 const fontDescriptor = {
20706 family: 'Open Sans',
20707 style: 'normal',
20708 weight: '300',
20709 unicodeRange: 'U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD'
20710 };
20711 const fontWeight300 = new FontFace('Open Sans', "url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v18/mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UN_r8OUuhpKKSTjw.woff2) format('woff2')", fontDescriptor);
20712 fontDescriptor.weight = '600';
20713 const fontWeight600 = new FontFace('Open Sans', "url(https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v18/mem5YaGs126MiZpBA-UNirkOUuhpKKSTjw.woff2) format('woff2')", fontDescriptor);
20714 fontWeight300.load().then(font => {
20715 document.fonts.add(font);
20716 });
20717 fontWeight600.load().then(font => {
20718 document.fonts.add(font);
20719 });
20720 }
20721 this.renderStyle = 'focused';
20722 this.pathsExpanded = this.pathsExpanded === 'true';
20723 if (!this.showInfo || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.showInfo},`)) {
20724 this.showInfo = 'true';
20725 }
20726 if (!this.showSideNav || !'true false'.includes(this.showSideNav)) {
20727 this.showSideNav = 'true';
20728 }
20729 if (!this.showHeader || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.showHeader},`)) {
20730 this.showHeader = 'true';
20731 }
20732 if (!this.schemaStyle || !'tree, table,'.includes(`${this.schemaStyle},`)) {
20733 this.schemaStyle = 'tree';
20734 }
20735 if (!this.theme || !'light, dark,'.includes(`${this.theme},`)) {
20736 this.theme = window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: light)').matches ? 'light' : 'dark';
20737 }
20738 if (!this.allowSearch || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowSearch},`)) {
20739 this.allowSearch = 'true';
20740 }
20741 if (!this.schemaExpandLevel || this.schemaExpandLevel < 1) {
20742 this.schemaExpandLevel = 99999;
20743 }
20744 if (!this.schemaDescriptionExpanded || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.schemaDescriptionExpanded},`)) {
20745 this.schemaDescriptionExpanded = 'false';
20746 }
20747 if (!this.fontSize || !'default, large, largest,'.includes(`${this.fontSize},`)) {
20748 this.fontSize = 'default';
20749 }
20750 if (!this.matchType || !'includes regex'.includes(this.matchType)) {
20751 this.matchType = 'includes';
20752 }
20753 if (!this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle || !'true, false,'.includes(`${this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle},`)) {
20754 this.allowSchemaDescriptionExpandToggle = 'true';
20755 }
20756 marked.setOptions({
20757 highlight: (code, lang) => {
20758 if ((prism_default()).languages[lang]) {
20759 return prism_default().highlight(code, (prism_default()).languages[lang], lang);
20760 }
20761 return code;
20762 }
20763 });
20764 }
20765 render() {
20766 return jsonSchemaViewerTemplate.call(this, true, false, false, this.pathsExpanded);
20767 }
20768 attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal) {
20769 if (name === 'spec-url') {
20770 if (oldVal !== newVal) {
20771 // put it at the end of event-loop to load all the attributes
20772 window.setTimeout(async () => {
20773 await this.loadSpec(newVal);
20774 }, 0);
20775 }
20776 }
20777 super.attributeChangedCallback(name, oldVal, newVal);
20778 }
20779 onSpecUrlChange() {
20780 this.setAttribute('spec-url', this.shadowRoot.getElementById('spec-url').value);
20781 }
20782 onSearchChange(e) {
20783 // Todo: Filter Search
20784 this.matchPaths = e.target.value;
20785 }
20787 // Public Method
20788 async loadSpec(specUrl) {
20789 if (!specUrl) {
20790 return;
20791 }
20792 try {
20793 this.resolvedSpec = {
20794 specLoadError: false,
20795 isSpecLoading: true,
20796 tags: []
20797 };
20798 this.loading = true;
20799 this.loadFailed = false;
20800 this.requestUpdate();
20801 const spec = await ProcessSpec.call(this, specUrl, this.generateMissingTags === 'true', this.sortTags === 'true', this.getAttribute('sort-endpoints-by'));
20802 this.loading = false;
20803 this.afterSpecParsedAndValidated(spec);
20804 } catch (err) {
20805 this.loading = false;
20806 this.loadFailed = true;
20807 this.resolvedSpec = null;
20808 console.error(`RapiDoc: Unable to resolve the API spec.. ${err.message}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
20809 }
20810 }
20812 async afterSpecParsedAndValidated(spec) {
20813 this.resolvedSpec = spec;
20814 const specLoadedEvent = new CustomEvent('spec-loaded', {
20815 detail: spec
20816 });
20817 this.dispatchEvent(specLoadedEvent);
20818 }
20820 // Called by anchor tags created using markdown
20821 handleHref(e) {
20822 if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
20823 if (e.target.getAttribute('href').startsWith('#')) {
20824 const gotoEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(e.target.getAttribute('href').replace('#', ''));
20825 if (gotoEl) {
20826 gotoEl.scrollIntoView({
20827 behavior: 'auto',
20828 block: 'start'
20829 });
20830 }
20831 }
20832 }
20833 }
20835 // Example Dropdown @change Handler
20836 onSelectExample(e) {
20837 const exampleContainerEl = e.target.closest('.json-schema-example-panel');
20838 const exampleEls = [...exampleContainerEl.querySelectorAll('.example')];
20839 exampleEls.forEach(v => {
20840 v.style.display = v.dataset.example === e.target.value ? 'flex' : 'none';
20841 });
20842 }
20843 async scrollToEventTarget(event) {
20844 const navEl = event.currentTarget;
20845 if (!navEl.dataset.contentId) {
20846 return;
20847 }
20848 const contentEl = this.shadowRoot.getElementById(navEl.dataset.contentId);
20849 if (contentEl) {
20850 contentEl.scrollIntoView({
20851 behavior: 'auto',
20852 block: 'start'
20853 });
20854 }
20855 }
20857customElements.define('json-schema-viewer', JsonSchemaViewer);
20858;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/index.js
20863/* harmony default export */ const src = ({
20864 RapiDoc: RapiDoc
20868/***/ }),
20870/***/ 742:
20871/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
20873"use strict";
20876exports.byteLength = byteLength
20877exports.toByteArray = toByteArray
20878exports.fromByteArray = fromByteArray
20880var lookup = []
20881var revLookup = []
20882var Arr = typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? Uint8Array : Array
20884var code = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
20885for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) {
20886 lookup[i] = code[i]
20887 revLookup[code.charCodeAt(i)] = i
20890// Support decoding URL-safe base64 strings, as Node.js does.
20891// See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#URL_applications
20892revLookup['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62
20893revLookup['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63
20895function getLens (b64) {
20896 var len = b64.length
20898 if (len % 4 > 0) {
20899 throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4')
20900 }
20902 // Trim off extra bytes after placeholder bytes are found
20903 // See: https://github.com/beatgammit/base64-js/issues/42
20904 var validLen = b64.indexOf('=')
20905 if (validLen === -1) validLen = len
20907 var placeHoldersLen = validLen === len
20908 ? 0
20909 : 4 - (validLen % 4)
20911 return [validLen, placeHoldersLen]
20914// base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data
20915function byteLength (b64) {
20916 var lens = getLens(b64)
20917 var validLen = lens[0]
20918 var placeHoldersLen = lens[1]
20919 return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen
20922function _byteLength (b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen) {
20923 return ((validLen + placeHoldersLen) * 3 / 4) - placeHoldersLen
20926function toByteArray (b64) {
20927 var tmp
20928 var lens = getLens(b64)
20929 var validLen = lens[0]
20930 var placeHoldersLen = lens[1]
20932 var arr = new Arr(_byteLength(b64, validLen, placeHoldersLen))
20934 var curByte = 0
20936 // if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars
20937 var len = placeHoldersLen > 0
20938 ? validLen - 4
20939 : validLen
20941 var i
20942 for (i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
20943 tmp =
20944 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 18) |
20945 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 12) |
20946 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] << 6) |
20947 revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 3)]
20948 arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 16) & 0xFF
20949 arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF
20950 arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF
20951 }
20953 if (placeHoldersLen === 2) {
20954 tmp =
20955 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 2) |
20956 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] >> 4)
20957 arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF
20958 }
20960 if (placeHoldersLen === 1) {
20961 tmp =
20962 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 10) |
20963 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 4) |
20964 (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] >> 2)
20965 arr[curByte++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF
20966 arr[curByte++] = tmp & 0xFF
20967 }
20969 return arr
20972function tripletToBase64 (num) {
20973 return lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] +
20974 lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] +
20975 lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] +
20976 lookup[num & 0x3F]
20979function encodeChunk (uint8, start, end) {
20980 var tmp
20981 var output = []
20982 for (var i = start; i < end; i += 3) {
20983 tmp =
20984 ((uint8[i] << 16) & 0xFF0000) +
20985 ((uint8[i + 1] << 8) & 0xFF00) +
20986 (uint8[i + 2] & 0xFF)
20987 output.push(tripletToBase64(tmp))
20988 }
20989 return output.join('')
20992function fromByteArray (uint8) {
20993 var tmp
20994 var len = uint8.length
20995 var extraBytes = len % 3 // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes
20996 var parts = []
20997 var maxChunkLength = 16383 // must be multiple of 3
20999 // go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later
21000 for (var i = 0, len2 = len - extraBytes; i < len2; i += maxChunkLength) {
21001 parts.push(encodeChunk(uint8, i, (i + maxChunkLength) > len2 ? len2 : (i + maxChunkLength)))
21002 }
21004 // pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes
21005 if (extraBytes === 1) {
21006 tmp = uint8[len - 1]
21007 parts.push(
21008 lookup[tmp >> 2] +
21009 lookup[(tmp << 4) & 0x3F] +
21010 '=='
21011 )
21012 } else if (extraBytes === 2) {
21013 tmp = (uint8[len - 2] << 8) + uint8[len - 1]
21014 parts.push(
21015 lookup[tmp >> 10] +
21016 lookup[(tmp >> 4) & 0x3F] +
21017 lookup[(tmp << 2) & 0x3F] +
21018 '='
21019 )
21020 }
21022 return parts.join('')
21026/***/ }),
21028/***/ 764:
21029/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
21031"use strict";
21032var __webpack_unused_export__;
21034 * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
21035 *
21036 * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org>
21037 * @license MIT
21038 */
21039/* eslint-disable no-proto */
21043const base64 = __webpack_require__(742)
21044const ieee754 = __webpack_require__(645)
21045const customInspectSymbol =
21046 (typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol['for'] === 'function') // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
21047 ? Symbol['for']('nodejs.util.inspect.custom') // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
21048 : null
21050exports.lW = Buffer
21051__webpack_unused_export__ = SlowBuffer
21052exports.h2 = 50
21054const K_MAX_LENGTH = 0x7fffffff
21055__webpack_unused_export__ = K_MAX_LENGTH
21058 * If `Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT`:
21059 * === true Use Uint8Array implementation (fastest)
21060 * === false Print warning and recommend using `buffer` v4.x which has an Object
21061 * implementation (most compatible, even IE6)
21062 *
21063 * Browsers that support typed arrays are IE 10+, Firefox 4+, Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+,
21064 * Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+.
21065 *
21066 * We report that the browser does not support typed arrays if the are not subclassable
21067 * using __proto__. Firefox 4-29 lacks support for adding new properties to `Uint8Array`
21068 * (See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695438). IE 10 lacks support
21069 * for __proto__ and has a buggy typed array implementation.
21070 */
21071Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = typedArraySupport()
21073if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console !== 'undefined' &&
21074 typeof console.error === 'function') {
21075 console.error(
21076 'This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by ' +
21077 '`buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.'
21078 )
21081function typedArraySupport () {
21082 // Can typed array instances can be augmented?
21083 try {
21084 const arr = new Uint8Array(1)
21085 const proto = { foo: function () { return 42 } }
21086 Object.setPrototypeOf(proto, Uint8Array.prototype)
21087 Object.setPrototypeOf(arr, proto)
21088 return arr.foo() === 42
21089 } catch (e) {
21090 return false
21091 }
21094Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'parent', {
21095 enumerable: true,
21096 get: function () {
21097 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(this)) return undefined
21098 return this.buffer
21099 }
21102Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, 'offset', {
21103 enumerable: true,
21104 get: function () {
21105 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(this)) return undefined
21106 return this.byteOffset
21107 }
21110function createBuffer (length) {
21111 if (length > K_MAX_LENGTH) {
21112 throw new RangeError('The value "' + length + '" is invalid for option "size"')
21113 }
21114 // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance
21115 const buf = new Uint8Array(length)
21116 Object.setPrototypeOf(buf, Buffer.prototype)
21117 return buf
21121 * The Buffer constructor returns instances of `Uint8Array` that have their
21122 * prototype changed to `Buffer.prototype`. Furthermore, `Buffer` is a subclass of
21123 * `Uint8Array`, so the returned instances will have all the node `Buffer` methods
21124 * and the `Uint8Array` methods. Square bracket notation works as expected -- it
21125 * returns a single octet.
21126 *
21127 * The `Uint8Array` prototype remains unmodified.
21128 */
21130function Buffer (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) {
21131 // Common case.
21132 if (typeof arg === 'number') {
21133 if (typeof encodingOrOffset === 'string') {
21134 throw new TypeError(
21135 'The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number'
21136 )
21137 }
21138 return allocUnsafe(arg)
21139 }
21140 return from(arg, encodingOrOffset, length)
21143Buffer.poolSize = 8192 // not used by this implementation
21145function from (value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
21146 if (typeof value === 'string') {
21147 return fromString(value, encodingOrOffset)
21148 }
21150 if (ArrayBuffer.isView(value)) {
21151 return fromArrayView(value)
21152 }
21154 if (value == null) {
21155 throw new TypeError(
21156 'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, ' +
21157 'or Array-like Object. Received type ' + (typeof value)
21158 )
21159 }
21161 if (isInstance(value, ArrayBuffer) ||
21162 (value && isInstance(value.buffer, ArrayBuffer))) {
21163 return fromArrayBuffer(value, encodingOrOffset, length)
21164 }
21166 if (typeof SharedArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' &&
21167 (isInstance(value, SharedArrayBuffer) ||
21168 (value && isInstance(value.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))) {
21169 return fromArrayBuffer(value, encodingOrOffset, length)
21170 }
21172 if (typeof value === 'number') {
21173 throw new TypeError(
21174 'The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number'
21175 )
21176 }
21178 const valueOf = value.valueOf && value.valueOf()
21179 if (valueOf != null && valueOf !== value) {
21180 return Buffer.from(valueOf, encodingOrOffset, length)
21181 }
21183 const b = fromObject(value)
21184 if (b) return b
21186 if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toPrimitive != null &&
21187 typeof value[Symbol.toPrimitive] === 'function') {
21188 return Buffer.from(value[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'), encodingOrOffset, length)
21189 }
21191 throw new TypeError(
21192 'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, ' +
21193 'or Array-like Object. Received type ' + (typeof value)
21194 )
21198 * Functionally equivalent to Buffer(arg, encoding) but throws a TypeError
21199 * if value is a number.
21200 * Buffer.from(str[, encoding])
21201 * Buffer.from(array)
21202 * Buffer.from(buffer)
21203 * Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])
21204 **/
21205Buffer.from = function (value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
21206 return from(value, encodingOrOffset, length)
21209// Note: Change prototype *after* Buffer.from is defined to workaround Chrome bug:
21210// https://github.com/feross/buffer/pull/148
21211Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype)
21212Object.setPrototypeOf(Buffer, Uint8Array)
21214function assertSize (size) {
21215 if (typeof size !== 'number') {
21216 throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number')
21217 } else if (size < 0) {
21218 throw new RangeError('The value "' + size + '" is invalid for option "size"')
21219 }
21222function alloc (size, fill, encoding) {
21223 assertSize(size)
21224 if (size <= 0) {
21225 return createBuffer(size)
21226 }
21227 if (fill !== undefined) {
21228 // Only pay attention to encoding if it's a string. This
21229 // prevents accidentally sending in a number that would
21230 // be interpreted as a start offset.
21231 return typeof encoding === 'string'
21232 ? createBuffer(size).fill(fill, encoding)
21233 : createBuffer(size).fill(fill)
21234 }
21235 return createBuffer(size)
21239 * Creates a new filled Buffer instance.
21240 * alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])
21241 **/
21242Buffer.alloc = function (size, fill, encoding) {
21243 return alloc(size, fill, encoding)
21246function allocUnsafe (size) {
21247 assertSize(size)
21248 return createBuffer(size < 0 ? 0 : checked(size) | 0)
21252 * Equivalent to Buffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance.
21253 * */
21254Buffer.allocUnsafe = function (size) {
21255 return allocUnsafe(size)
21258 * Equivalent to SlowBuffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance.
21259 */
21260Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (size) {
21261 return allocUnsafe(size)
21264function fromString (string, encoding) {
21265 if (typeof encoding !== 'string' || encoding === '') {
21266 encoding = 'utf8'
21267 }
21269 if (!Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) {
21270 throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
21271 }
21273 const length = byteLength(string, encoding) | 0
21274 let buf = createBuffer(length)
21276 const actual = buf.write(string, encoding)
21278 if (actual !== length) {
21279 // Writing a hex string, for example, that contains invalid characters will
21280 // cause everything after the first invalid character to be ignored. (e.g.
21281 // 'abxxcd' will be treated as 'ab')
21282 buf = buf.slice(0, actual)
21283 }
21285 return buf
21288function fromArrayLike (array) {
21289 const length = array.length < 0 ? 0 : checked(array.length) | 0
21290 const buf = createBuffer(length)
21291 for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
21292 buf[i] = array[i] & 255
21293 }
21294 return buf
21297function fromArrayView (arrayView) {
21298 if (isInstance(arrayView, Uint8Array)) {
21299 const copy = new Uint8Array(arrayView)
21300 return fromArrayBuffer(copy.buffer, copy.byteOffset, copy.byteLength)
21301 }
21302 return fromArrayLike(arrayView)
21305function fromArrayBuffer (array, byteOffset, length) {
21306 if (byteOffset < 0 || array.byteLength < byteOffset) {
21307 throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds')
21308 }
21310 if (array.byteLength < byteOffset + (length || 0)) {
21311 throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds')
21312 }
21314 let buf
21315 if (byteOffset === undefined && length === undefined) {
21316 buf = new Uint8Array(array)
21317 } else if (length === undefined) {
21318 buf = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset)
21319 } else {
21320 buf = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset, length)
21321 }
21323 // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance
21324 Object.setPrototypeOf(buf, Buffer.prototype)
21326 return buf
21329function fromObject (obj) {
21330 if (Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) {
21331 const len = checked(obj.length) | 0
21332 const buf = createBuffer(len)
21334 if (buf.length === 0) {
21335 return buf
21336 }
21338 obj.copy(buf, 0, 0, len)
21339 return buf
21340 }
21342 if (obj.length !== undefined) {
21343 if (typeof obj.length !== 'number' || numberIsNaN(obj.length)) {
21344 return createBuffer(0)
21345 }
21346 return fromArrayLike(obj)
21347 }
21349 if (obj.type === 'Buffer' && Array.isArray(obj.data)) {
21350 return fromArrayLike(obj.data)
21351 }
21354function checked (length) {
21355 // Note: cannot use `length < K_MAX_LENGTH` here because that fails when
21356 // length is NaN (which is otherwise coerced to zero.)
21357 if (length >= K_MAX_LENGTH) {
21358 throw new RangeError('Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum ' +
21359 'size: 0x' + K_MAX_LENGTH.toString(16) + ' bytes')
21360 }
21361 return length | 0
21364function SlowBuffer (length) {
21365 if (+length != length) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
21366 length = 0
21367 }
21368 return Buffer.alloc(+length)
21371Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer (b) {
21372 return b != null && b._isBuffer === true &&
21373 b !== Buffer.prototype // so Buffer.isBuffer(Buffer.prototype) will be false
21376Buffer.compare = function compare (a, b) {
21377 if (isInstance(a, Uint8Array)) a = Buffer.from(a, a.offset, a.byteLength)
21378 if (isInstance(b, Uint8Array)) b = Buffer.from(b, b.offset, b.byteLength)
21379 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b)) {
21380 throw new TypeError(
21381 'The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array'
21382 )
21383 }
21385 if (a === b) return 0
21387 let x = a.length
21388 let y = b.length
21390 for (let i = 0, len = Math.min(x, y); i < len; ++i) {
21391 if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
21392 x = a[i]
21393 y = b[i]
21394 break
21395 }
21396 }
21398 if (x < y) return -1
21399 if (y < x) return 1
21400 return 0
21403Buffer.isEncoding = function isEncoding (encoding) {
21404 switch (String(encoding).toLowerCase()) {
21405 case 'hex':
21406 case 'utf8':
21407 case 'utf-8':
21408 case 'ascii':
21409 case 'latin1':
21410 case 'binary':
21411 case 'base64':
21412 case 'ucs2':
21413 case 'ucs-2':
21414 case 'utf16le':
21415 case 'utf-16le':
21416 return true
21417 default:
21418 return false
21419 }
21422Buffer.concat = function concat (list, length) {
21423 if (!Array.isArray(list)) {
21424 throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers')
21425 }
21427 if (list.length === 0) {
21428 return Buffer.alloc(0)
21429 }
21431 let i
21432 if (length === undefined) {
21433 length = 0
21434 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
21435 length += list[i].length
21436 }
21437 }
21439 const buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(length)
21440 let pos = 0
21441 for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
21442 let buf = list[i]
21443 if (isInstance(buf, Uint8Array)) {
21444 if (pos + buf.length > buffer.length) {
21445 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) buf = Buffer.from(buf)
21446 buf.copy(buffer, pos)
21447 } else {
21448 Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(
21449 buffer,
21450 buf,
21451 pos
21452 )
21453 }
21454 } else if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) {
21455 throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers')
21456 } else {
21457 buf.copy(buffer, pos)
21458 }
21459 pos += buf.length
21460 }
21461 return buffer
21464function byteLength (string, encoding) {
21465 if (Buffer.isBuffer(string)) {
21466 return string.length
21467 }
21468 if (ArrayBuffer.isView(string) || isInstance(string, ArrayBuffer)) {
21469 return string.byteLength
21470 }
21471 if (typeof string !== 'string') {
21472 throw new TypeError(
21473 'The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. ' +
21474 'Received type ' + typeof string
21475 )
21476 }
21478 const len = string.length
21479 const mustMatch = (arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === true)
21480 if (!mustMatch && len === 0) return 0
21482 // Use a for loop to avoid recursion
21483 let loweredCase = false
21484 for (;;) {
21485 switch (encoding) {
21486 case 'ascii':
21487 case 'latin1':
21488 case 'binary':
21489 return len
21490 case 'utf8':
21491 case 'utf-8':
21492 return utf8ToBytes(string).length
21493 case 'ucs2':
21494 case 'ucs-2':
21495 case 'utf16le':
21496 case 'utf-16le':
21497 return len * 2
21498 case 'hex':
21499 return len >>> 1
21500 case 'base64':
21501 return base64ToBytes(string).length
21502 default:
21503 if (loweredCase) {
21504 return mustMatch ? -1 : utf8ToBytes(string).length // assume utf8
21505 }
21506 encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
21507 loweredCase = true
21508 }
21509 }
21511Buffer.byteLength = byteLength
21513function slowToString (encoding, start, end) {
21514 let loweredCase = false
21516 // No need to verify that "this.length <= MAX_UINT32" since it's a read-only
21517 // property of a typed array.
21519 // This behaves neither like String nor Uint8Array in that we set start/end
21520 // to their upper/lower bounds if the value passed is out of range.
21521 // undefined is handled specially as per ECMA-262 6th Edition,
21522 // Section Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization.
21523 if (start === undefined || start < 0) {
21524 start = 0
21525 }
21526 // Return early if start > this.length. Done here to prevent potential uint32
21527 // coercion fail below.
21528 if (start > this.length) {
21529 return ''
21530 }
21532 if (end === undefined || end > this.length) {
21533 end = this.length
21534 }
21536 if (end <= 0) {
21537 return ''
21538 }
21540 // Force coercion to uint32. This will also coerce falsey/NaN values to 0.
21541 end >>>= 0
21542 start >>>= 0
21544 if (end <= start) {
21545 return ''
21546 }
21548 if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'
21550 while (true) {
21551 switch (encoding) {
21552 case 'hex':
21553 return hexSlice(this, start, end)
21555 case 'utf8':
21556 case 'utf-8':
21557 return utf8Slice(this, start, end)
21559 case 'ascii':
21560 return asciiSlice(this, start, end)
21562 case 'latin1':
21563 case 'binary':
21564 return latin1Slice(this, start, end)
21566 case 'base64':
21567 return base64Slice(this, start, end)
21569 case 'ucs2':
21570 case 'ucs-2':
21571 case 'utf16le':
21572 case 'utf-16le':
21573 return utf16leSlice(this, start, end)
21575 default:
21576 if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
21577 encoding = (encoding + '').toLowerCase()
21578 loweredCase = true
21579 }
21580 }
21583// This property is used by `Buffer.isBuffer` (and the `is-buffer` npm package)
21584// to detect a Buffer instance. It's not possible to use `instanceof Buffer`
21585// reliably in a browserify context because there could be multiple different
21586// copies of the 'buffer' package in use. This method works even for Buffer
21587// instances that were created from another copy of the `buffer` package.
21588// See: https://github.com/feross/buffer/issues/154
21589Buffer.prototype._isBuffer = true
21591function swap (b, n, m) {
21592 const i = b[n]
21593 b[n] = b[m]
21594 b[m] = i
21597Buffer.prototype.swap16 = function swap16 () {
21598 const len = this.length
21599 if (len % 2 !== 0) {
21600 throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits')
21601 }
21602 for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
21603 swap(this, i, i + 1)
21604 }
21605 return this
21608Buffer.prototype.swap32 = function swap32 () {
21609 const len = this.length
21610 if (len % 4 !== 0) {
21611 throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits')
21612 }
21613 for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
21614 swap(this, i, i + 3)
21615 swap(this, i + 1, i + 2)
21616 }
21617 return this
21620Buffer.prototype.swap64 = function swap64 () {
21621 const len = this.length
21622 if (len % 8 !== 0) {
21623 throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits')
21624 }
21625 for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 8) {
21626 swap(this, i, i + 7)
21627 swap(this, i + 1, i + 6)
21628 swap(this, i + 2, i + 5)
21629 swap(this, i + 3, i + 4)
21630 }
21631 return this
21634Buffer.prototype.toString = function toString () {
21635 const length = this.length
21636 if (length === 0) return ''
21637 if (arguments.length === 0) return utf8Slice(this, 0, length)
21638 return slowToString.apply(this, arguments)
21641Buffer.prototype.toLocaleString = Buffer.prototype.toString
21643Buffer.prototype.equals = function equals (b) {
21644 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
21645 if (this === b) return true
21646 return Buffer.compare(this, b) === 0
21649Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect () {
21650 let str = ''
21651 const max = exports.h2
21652 str = this.toString('hex', 0, max).replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ').trim()
21653 if (this.length > max) str += ' ... '
21654 return '<Buffer ' + str + '>'
21656if (customInspectSymbol) {
21657 Buffer.prototype[customInspectSymbol] = Buffer.prototype.inspect
21660Buffer.prototype.compare = function compare (target, start, end, thisStart, thisEnd) {
21661 if (isInstance(target, Uint8Array)) {
21662 target = Buffer.from(target, target.offset, target.byteLength)
21663 }
21664 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(target)) {
21665 throw new TypeError(
21666 'The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. ' +
21667 'Received type ' + (typeof target)
21668 )
21669 }
21671 if (start === undefined) {
21672 start = 0
21673 }
21674 if (end === undefined) {
21675 end = target ? target.length : 0
21676 }
21677 if (thisStart === undefined) {
21678 thisStart = 0
21679 }
21680 if (thisEnd === undefined) {
21681 thisEnd = this.length
21682 }
21684 if (start < 0 || end > target.length || thisStart < 0 || thisEnd > this.length) {
21685 throw new RangeError('out of range index')
21686 }
21688 if (thisStart >= thisEnd && start >= end) {
21689 return 0
21690 }
21691 if (thisStart >= thisEnd) {
21692 return -1
21693 }
21694 if (start >= end) {
21695 return 1
21696 }
21698 start >>>= 0
21699 end >>>= 0
21700 thisStart >>>= 0
21701 thisEnd >>>= 0
21703 if (this === target) return 0
21705 let x = thisEnd - thisStart
21706 let y = end - start
21707 const len = Math.min(x, y)
21709 const thisCopy = this.slice(thisStart, thisEnd)
21710 const targetCopy = target.slice(start, end)
21712 for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
21713 if (thisCopy[i] !== targetCopy[i]) {
21714 x = thisCopy[i]
21715 y = targetCopy[i]
21716 break
21717 }
21718 }
21720 if (x < y) return -1
21721 if (y < x) return 1
21722 return 0
21725// Finds either the first index of `val` in `buffer` at offset >= `byteOffset`,
21726// OR the last index of `val` in `buffer` at offset <= `byteOffset`.
21728// Arguments:
21729// - buffer - a Buffer to search
21730// - val - a string, Buffer, or number
21731// - byteOffset - an index into `buffer`; will be clamped to an int32
21732// - encoding - an optional encoding, relevant is val is a string
21733// - dir - true for indexOf, false for lastIndexOf
21734function bidirectionalIndexOf (buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
21735 // Empty buffer means no match
21736 if (buffer.length === 0) return -1
21738 // Normalize byteOffset
21739 if (typeof byteOffset === 'string') {
21740 encoding = byteOffset
21741 byteOffset = 0
21742 } else if (byteOffset > 0x7fffffff) {
21743 byteOffset = 0x7fffffff
21744 } else if (byteOffset < -0x80000000) {
21745 byteOffset = -0x80000000
21746 }
21747 byteOffset = +byteOffset // Coerce to Number.
21748 if (numberIsNaN(byteOffset)) {
21749 // byteOffset: it it's undefined, null, NaN, "foo", etc, search whole buffer
21750 byteOffset = dir ? 0 : (buffer.length - 1)
21751 }
21753 // Normalize byteOffset: negative offsets start from the end of the buffer
21754 if (byteOffset < 0) byteOffset = buffer.length + byteOffset
21755 if (byteOffset >= buffer.length) {
21756 if (dir) return -1
21757 else byteOffset = buffer.length - 1
21758 } else if (byteOffset < 0) {
21759 if (dir) byteOffset = 0
21760 else return -1
21761 }
21763 // Normalize val
21764 if (typeof val === 'string') {
21765 val = Buffer.from(val, encoding)
21766 }
21768 // Finally, search either indexOf (if dir is true) or lastIndexOf
21769 if (Buffer.isBuffer(val)) {
21770 // Special case: looking for empty string/buffer always fails
21771 if (val.length === 0) {
21772 return -1
21773 }
21774 return arrayIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir)
21775 } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
21776 val = val & 0xFF // Search for a byte value [0-255]
21777 if (typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function') {
21778 if (dir) {
21779 return Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(buffer, val, byteOffset)
21780 } else {
21781 return Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(buffer, val, byteOffset)
21782 }
21783 }
21784 return arrayIndexOf(buffer, [val], byteOffset, encoding, dir)
21785 }
21787 throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer')
21790function arrayIndexOf (arr, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
21791 let indexSize = 1
21792 let arrLength = arr.length
21793 let valLength = val.length
21795 if (encoding !== undefined) {
21796 encoding = String(encoding).toLowerCase()
21797 if (encoding === 'ucs2' || encoding === 'ucs-2' ||
21798 encoding === 'utf16le' || encoding === 'utf-16le') {
21799 if (arr.length < 2 || val.length < 2) {
21800 return -1
21801 }
21802 indexSize = 2
21803 arrLength /= 2
21804 valLength /= 2
21805 byteOffset /= 2
21806 }
21807 }
21809 function read (buf, i) {
21810 if (indexSize === 1) {
21811 return buf[i]
21812 } else {
21813 return buf.readUInt16BE(i * indexSize)
21814 }
21815 }
21817 let i
21818 if (dir) {
21819 let foundIndex = -1
21820 for (i = byteOffset; i < arrLength; i++) {
21821 if (read(arr, i) === read(val, foundIndex === -1 ? 0 : i - foundIndex)) {
21822 if (foundIndex === -1) foundIndex = i
21823 if (i - foundIndex + 1 === valLength) return foundIndex * indexSize
21824 } else {
21825 if (foundIndex !== -1) i -= i - foundIndex
21826 foundIndex = -1
21827 }
21828 }
21829 } else {
21830 if (byteOffset + valLength > arrLength) byteOffset = arrLength - valLength
21831 for (i = byteOffset; i >= 0; i--) {
21832 let found = true
21833 for (let j = 0; j < valLength; j++) {
21834 if (read(arr, i + j) !== read(val, j)) {
21835 found = false
21836 break
21837 }
21838 }
21839 if (found) return i
21840 }
21841 }
21843 return -1
21846Buffer.prototype.includes = function includes (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
21847 return this.indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) !== -1
21850Buffer.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
21851 return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, true)
21854Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
21855 return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, false)
21858function hexWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
21859 offset = Number(offset) || 0
21860 const remaining = buf.length - offset
21861 if (!length) {
21862 length = remaining
21863 } else {
21864 length = Number(length)
21865 if (length > remaining) {
21866 length = remaining
21867 }
21868 }
21870 const strLen = string.length
21872 if (length > strLen / 2) {
21873 length = strLen / 2
21874 }
21875 let i
21876 for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
21877 const parsed = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16)
21878 if (numberIsNaN(parsed)) return i
21879 buf[offset + i] = parsed
21880 }
21881 return i
21884function utf8Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
21885 return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)
21888function asciiWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
21889 return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
21892function base64Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
21893 return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
21896function ucs2Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
21897 return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)
21900Buffer.prototype.write = function write (string, offset, length, encoding) {
21901 // Buffer#write(string)
21902 if (offset === undefined) {
21903 encoding = 'utf8'
21904 length = this.length
21905 offset = 0
21906 // Buffer#write(string, encoding)
21907 } else if (length === undefined && typeof offset === 'string') {
21908 encoding = offset
21909 length = this.length
21910 offset = 0
21911 // Buffer#write(string, offset[, length][, encoding])
21912 } else if (isFinite(offset)) {
21913 offset = offset >>> 0
21914 if (isFinite(length)) {
21915 length = length >>> 0
21916 if (encoding === undefined) encoding = 'utf8'
21917 } else {
21918 encoding = length
21919 length = undefined
21920 }
21921 } else {
21922 throw new Error(
21923 'Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported'
21924 )
21925 }
21927 const remaining = this.length - offset
21928 if (length === undefined || length > remaining) length = remaining
21930 if ((string.length > 0 && (length < 0 || offset < 0)) || offset > this.length) {
21931 throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds')
21932 }
21934 if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'
21936 let loweredCase = false
21937 for (;;) {
21938 switch (encoding) {
21939 case 'hex':
21940 return hexWrite(this, string, offset, length)
21942 case 'utf8':
21943 case 'utf-8':
21944 return utf8Write(this, string, offset, length)
21946 case 'ascii':
21947 case 'latin1':
21948 case 'binary':
21949 return asciiWrite(this, string, offset, length)
21951 case 'base64':
21952 // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write
21953 return base64Write(this, string, offset, length)
21955 case 'ucs2':
21956 case 'ucs-2':
21957 case 'utf16le':
21958 case 'utf-16le':
21959 return ucs2Write(this, string, offset, length)
21961 default:
21962 if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
21963 encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
21964 loweredCase = true
21965 }
21966 }
21969Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON () {
21970 return {
21971 type: 'Buffer',
21972 data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0)
21973 }
21976function base64Slice (buf, start, end) {
21977 if (start === 0 && end === buf.length) {
21978 return base64.fromByteArray(buf)
21979 } else {
21980 return base64.fromByteArray(buf.slice(start, end))
21981 }
21984function utf8Slice (buf, start, end) {
21985 end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
21986 const res = []
21988 let i = start
21989 while (i < end) {
21990 const firstByte = buf[i]
21991 let codePoint = null
21992 let bytesPerSequence = (firstByte > 0xEF)
21993 ? 4
21994 : (firstByte > 0xDF)
21995 ? 3
21996 : (firstByte > 0xBF)
21997 ? 2
21998 : 1
22000 if (i + bytesPerSequence <= end) {
22001 let secondByte, thirdByte, fourthByte, tempCodePoint
22003 switch (bytesPerSequence) {
22004 case 1:
22005 if (firstByte < 0x80) {
22006 codePoint = firstByte
22007 }
22008 break
22009 case 2:
22010 secondByte = buf[i + 1]
22011 if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
22012 tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0x1F) << 0x6 | (secondByte & 0x3F)
22013 if (tempCodePoint > 0x7F) {
22014 codePoint = tempCodePoint
22015 }
22016 }
22017 break
22018 case 3:
22019 secondByte = buf[i + 1]
22020 thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
22021 if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
22022 tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0xC | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (thirdByte & 0x3F)
22023 if (tempCodePoint > 0x7FF && (tempCodePoint < 0xD800 || tempCodePoint > 0xDFFF)) {
22024 codePoint = tempCodePoint
22025 }
22026 }
22027 break
22028 case 4:
22029 secondByte = buf[i + 1]
22030 thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
22031 fourthByte = buf[i + 3]
22032 if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (fourthByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
22033 tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0x12 | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0xC | (thirdByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (fourthByte & 0x3F)
22034 if (tempCodePoint > 0xFFFF && tempCodePoint < 0x110000) {
22035 codePoint = tempCodePoint
22036 }
22037 }
22038 }
22039 }
22041 if (codePoint === null) {
22042 // we did not generate a valid codePoint so insert a
22043 // replacement char (U+FFFD) and advance only 1 byte
22044 codePoint = 0xFFFD
22045 bytesPerSequence = 1
22046 } else if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) {
22047 // encode to utf16 (surrogate pair dance)
22048 codePoint -= 0x10000
22049 res.push(codePoint >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800)
22050 codePoint = 0xDC00 | codePoint & 0x3FF
22051 }
22053 res.push(codePoint)
22054 i += bytesPerSequence
22055 }
22057 return decodeCodePointsArray(res)
22060// Based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/22747272/680742, the browser with
22061// the lowest limit is Chrome, with 0x10000 args.
22062// We go 1 magnitude less, for safety
22063const MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH = 0x1000
22065function decodeCodePointsArray (codePoints) {
22066 const len = codePoints.length
22067 if (len <= MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH) {
22068 return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codePoints) // avoid extra slice()
22069 }
22071 // Decode in chunks to avoid "call stack size exceeded".
22072 let res = ''
22073 let i = 0
22074 while (i < len) {
22075 res += String.fromCharCode.apply(
22076 String,
22077 codePoints.slice(i, i += MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH)
22078 )
22079 }
22080 return res
22083function asciiSlice (buf, start, end) {
22084 let ret = ''
22085 end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
22087 for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
22088 ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i] & 0x7F)
22089 }
22090 return ret
22093function latin1Slice (buf, start, end) {
22094 let ret = ''
22095 end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
22097 for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
22098 ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i])
22099 }
22100 return ret
22103function hexSlice (buf, start, end) {
22104 const len = buf.length
22106 if (!start || start < 0) start = 0
22107 if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len
22109 let out = ''
22110 for (let i = start; i < end; ++i) {
22111 out += hexSliceLookupTable[buf[i]]
22112 }
22113 return out
22116function utf16leSlice (buf, start, end) {
22117 const bytes = buf.slice(start, end)
22118 let res = ''
22119 // If bytes.length is odd, the last 8 bits must be ignored (same as node.js)
22120 for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length - 1; i += 2) {
22121 res += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i] + (bytes[i + 1] * 256))
22122 }
22123 return res
22126Buffer.prototype.slice = function slice (start, end) {
22127 const len = this.length
22128 start = ~~start
22129 end = end === undefined ? len : ~~end
22131 if (start < 0) {
22132 start += len
22133 if (start < 0) start = 0
22134 } else if (start > len) {
22135 start = len
22136 }
22138 if (end < 0) {
22139 end += len
22140 if (end < 0) end = 0
22141 } else if (end > len) {
22142 end = len
22143 }
22145 if (end < start) end = start
22147 const newBuf = this.subarray(start, end)
22148 // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance
22149 Object.setPrototypeOf(newBuf, Buffer.prototype)
22151 return newBuf
22155 * Need to make sure that buffer isn't trying to write out of bounds.
22156 */
22157function checkOffset (offset, ext, length) {
22158 if ((offset % 1) !== 0 || offset < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint')
22159 if (offset + ext > length) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length')
22162Buffer.prototype.readUintLE =
22163Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE = function readUIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22164 offset = offset >>> 0
22165 byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
22166 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
22168 let val = this[offset]
22169 let mul = 1
22170 let i = 0
22171 while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22172 val += this[offset + i] * mul
22173 }
22175 return val
22178Buffer.prototype.readUintBE =
22179Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE = function readUIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22180 offset = offset >>> 0
22181 byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
22182 if (!noAssert) {
22183 checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
22184 }
22186 let val = this[offset + --byteLength]
22187 let mul = 1
22188 while (byteLength > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22189 val += this[offset + --byteLength] * mul
22190 }
22192 return val
22195Buffer.prototype.readUint8 =
22196Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
22197 offset = offset >>> 0
22198 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
22199 return this[offset]
22202Buffer.prototype.readUint16LE =
22203Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function readUInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
22204 offset = offset >>> 0
22205 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
22206 return this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
22209Buffer.prototype.readUint16BE =
22210Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function readUInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
22211 offset = offset >>> 0
22212 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
22213 return (this[offset] << 8) | this[offset + 1]
22216Buffer.prototype.readUint32LE =
22217Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function readUInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
22218 offset = offset >>> 0
22219 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
22221 return ((this[offset]) |
22222 (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
22223 (this[offset + 2] << 16)) +
22224 (this[offset + 3] * 0x1000000)
22227Buffer.prototype.readUint32BE =
22228Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function readUInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
22229 offset = offset >>> 0
22230 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
22232 return (this[offset] * 0x1000000) +
22233 ((this[offset + 1] << 16) |
22234 (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
22235 this[offset + 3])
22238Buffer.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigUInt64LE (offset) {
22239 offset = offset >>> 0
22240 validateNumber(offset, 'offset')
22241 const first = this[offset]
22242 const last = this[offset + 7]
22243 if (first === undefined || last === undefined) {
22244 boundsError(offset, this.length - 8)
22245 }
22247 const lo = first +
22248 this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 +
22249 this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 +
22250 this[++offset] * 2 ** 24
22252 const hi = this[++offset] +
22253 this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 +
22254 this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 +
22255 last * 2 ** 24
22257 return BigInt(lo) + (BigInt(hi) << BigInt(32))
22260Buffer.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigUInt64BE (offset) {
22261 offset = offset >>> 0
22262 validateNumber(offset, 'offset')
22263 const first = this[offset]
22264 const last = this[offset + 7]
22265 if (first === undefined || last === undefined) {
22266 boundsError(offset, this.length - 8)
22267 }
22269 const hi = first * 2 ** 24 +
22270 this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 +
22271 this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 +
22272 this[++offset]
22274 const lo = this[++offset] * 2 ** 24 +
22275 this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 +
22276 this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 +
22277 last
22279 return (BigInt(hi) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(lo)
22282Buffer.prototype.readIntLE = function readIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22283 offset = offset >>> 0
22284 byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
22285 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
22287 let val = this[offset]
22288 let mul = 1
22289 let i = 0
22290 while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22291 val += this[offset + i] * mul
22292 }
22293 mul *= 0x80
22295 if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)
22297 return val
22300Buffer.prototype.readIntBE = function readIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22301 offset = offset >>> 0
22302 byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
22303 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
22305 let i = byteLength
22306 let mul = 1
22307 let val = this[offset + --i]
22308 while (i > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22309 val += this[offset + --i] * mul
22310 }
22311 mul *= 0x80
22313 if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)
22315 return val
22318Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function readInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
22319 offset = offset >>> 0
22320 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
22321 if (!(this[offset] & 0x80)) return (this[offset])
22322 return ((0xff - this[offset] + 1) * -1)
22325Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function readInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
22326 offset = offset >>> 0
22327 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
22328 const val = this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
22329 return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val
22332Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function readInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
22333 offset = offset >>> 0
22334 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
22335 const val = this[offset + 1] | (this[offset] << 8)
22336 return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val
22339Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function readInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
22340 offset = offset >>> 0
22341 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
22343 return (this[offset]) |
22344 (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
22345 (this[offset + 2] << 16) |
22346 (this[offset + 3] << 24)
22349Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function readInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
22350 offset = offset >>> 0
22351 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
22353 return (this[offset] << 24) |
22354 (this[offset + 1] << 16) |
22355 (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
22356 (this[offset + 3])
22359Buffer.prototype.readBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigInt64LE (offset) {
22360 offset = offset >>> 0
22361 validateNumber(offset, 'offset')
22362 const first = this[offset]
22363 const last = this[offset + 7]
22364 if (first === undefined || last === undefined) {
22365 boundsError(offset, this.length - 8)
22366 }
22368 const val = this[offset + 4] +
22369 this[offset + 5] * 2 ** 8 +
22370 this[offset + 6] * 2 ** 16 +
22371 (last << 24) // Overflow
22373 return (BigInt(val) << BigInt(32)) +
22374 BigInt(first +
22375 this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 +
22376 this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 +
22377 this[++offset] * 2 ** 24)
22380Buffer.prototype.readBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function readBigInt64BE (offset) {
22381 offset = offset >>> 0
22382 validateNumber(offset, 'offset')
22383 const first = this[offset]
22384 const last = this[offset + 7]
22385 if (first === undefined || last === undefined) {
22386 boundsError(offset, this.length - 8)
22387 }
22389 const val = (first << 24) + // Overflow
22390 this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 +
22391 this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 +
22392 this[++offset]
22394 return (BigInt(val) << BigInt(32)) +
22395 BigInt(this[++offset] * 2 ** 24 +
22396 this[++offset] * 2 ** 16 +
22397 this[++offset] * 2 ** 8 +
22398 last)
22401Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function readFloatLE (offset, noAssert) {
22402 offset = offset >>> 0
22403 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
22404 return ieee754.read(this, offset, true, 23, 4)
22407Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function readFloatBE (offset, noAssert) {
22408 offset = offset >>> 0
22409 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
22410 return ieee754.read(this, offset, false, 23, 4)
22413Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function readDoubleLE (offset, noAssert) {
22414 offset = offset >>> 0
22415 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
22416 return ieee754.read(this, offset, true, 52, 8)
22419Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function readDoubleBE (offset, noAssert) {
22420 offset = offset >>> 0
22421 if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
22422 return ieee754.read(this, offset, false, 52, 8)
22425function checkInt (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
22426 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance')
22427 if (value > max || value < min) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds')
22428 if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
22431Buffer.prototype.writeUintLE =
22432Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE = function writeUIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22433 value = +value
22434 offset = offset >>> 0
22435 byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
22436 if (!noAssert) {
22437 const maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1
22438 checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0)
22439 }
22441 let mul = 1
22442 let i = 0
22443 this[offset] = value & 0xFF
22444 while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22445 this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF
22446 }
22448 return offset + byteLength
22451Buffer.prototype.writeUintBE =
22452Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE = function writeUIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22453 value = +value
22454 offset = offset >>> 0
22455 byteLength = byteLength >>> 0
22456 if (!noAssert) {
22457 const maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1
22458 checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0)
22459 }
22461 let i = byteLength - 1
22462 let mul = 1
22463 this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
22464 while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22465 this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF
22466 }
22468 return offset + byteLength
22471Buffer.prototype.writeUint8 =
22472Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function writeUInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
22473 value = +value
22474 offset = offset >>> 0
22475 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0xff, 0)
22476 this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
22477 return offset + 1
22480Buffer.prototype.writeUint16LE =
22481Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function writeUInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22482 value = +value
22483 offset = offset >>> 0
22484 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
22485 this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
22486 this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
22487 return offset + 2
22490Buffer.prototype.writeUint16BE =
22491Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function writeUInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22492 value = +value
22493 offset = offset >>> 0
22494 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
22495 this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
22496 this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff)
22497 return offset + 2
22500Buffer.prototype.writeUint32LE =
22501Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function writeUInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22502 value = +value
22503 offset = offset >>> 0
22504 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
22505 this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
22506 this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
22507 this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
22508 this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
22509 return offset + 4
22512Buffer.prototype.writeUint32BE =
22513Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function writeUInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22514 value = +value
22515 offset = offset >>> 0
22516 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
22517 this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
22518 this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
22519 this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
22520 this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff)
22521 return offset + 4
22524function wrtBigUInt64LE (buf, value, offset, min, max) {
22525 checkIntBI(value, min, max, buf, offset, 7)
22527 let lo = Number(value & BigInt(0xffffffff))
22528 buf[offset++] = lo
22529 lo = lo >> 8
22530 buf[offset++] = lo
22531 lo = lo >> 8
22532 buf[offset++] = lo
22533 lo = lo >> 8
22534 buf[offset++] = lo
22535 let hi = Number(value >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(0xffffffff))
22536 buf[offset++] = hi
22537 hi = hi >> 8
22538 buf[offset++] = hi
22539 hi = hi >> 8
22540 buf[offset++] = hi
22541 hi = hi >> 8
22542 buf[offset++] = hi
22543 return offset
22546function wrtBigUInt64BE (buf, value, offset, min, max) {
22547 checkIntBI(value, min, max, buf, offset, 7)
22549 let lo = Number(value & BigInt(0xffffffff))
22550 buf[offset + 7] = lo
22551 lo = lo >> 8
22552 buf[offset + 6] = lo
22553 lo = lo >> 8
22554 buf[offset + 5] = lo
22555 lo = lo >> 8
22556 buf[offset + 4] = lo
22557 let hi = Number(value >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(0xffffffff))
22558 buf[offset + 3] = hi
22559 hi = hi >> 8
22560 buf[offset + 2] = hi
22561 hi = hi >> 8
22562 buf[offset + 1] = hi
22563 hi = hi >> 8
22564 buf[offset] = hi
22565 return offset + 8
22568Buffer.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigUInt64LE (value, offset = 0) {
22569 return wrtBigUInt64LE(this, value, offset, BigInt(0), BigInt('0xffffffffffffffff'))
22572Buffer.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigUInt64BE (value, offset = 0) {
22573 return wrtBigUInt64BE(this, value, offset, BigInt(0), BigInt('0xffffffffffffffff'))
22576Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE = function writeIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22577 value = +value
22578 offset = offset >>> 0
22579 if (!noAssert) {
22580 const limit = Math.pow(2, (8 * byteLength) - 1)
22582 checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)
22583 }
22585 let i = 0
22586 let mul = 1
22587 let sub = 0
22588 this[offset] = value & 0xFF
22589 while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22590 if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i - 1] !== 0) {
22591 sub = 1
22592 }
22593 this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF
22594 }
22596 return offset + byteLength
22599Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE = function writeIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
22600 value = +value
22601 offset = offset >>> 0
22602 if (!noAssert) {
22603 const limit = Math.pow(2, (8 * byteLength) - 1)
22605 checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)
22606 }
22608 let i = byteLength - 1
22609 let mul = 1
22610 let sub = 0
22611 this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
22612 while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
22613 if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i + 1] !== 0) {
22614 sub = 1
22615 }
22616 this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF
22617 }
22619 return offset + byteLength
22622Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function writeInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
22623 value = +value
22624 offset = offset >>> 0
22625 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0x7f, -0x80)
22626 if (value < 0) value = 0xff + value + 1
22627 this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
22628 return offset + 1
22631Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function writeInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22632 value = +value
22633 offset = offset >>> 0
22634 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
22635 this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
22636 this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
22637 return offset + 2
22640Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function writeInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22641 value = +value
22642 offset = offset >>> 0
22643 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
22644 this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
22645 this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff)
22646 return offset + 2
22649Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function writeInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22650 value = +value
22651 offset = offset >>> 0
22652 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
22653 this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
22654 this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
22655 this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
22656 this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
22657 return offset + 4
22660Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function writeInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22661 value = +value
22662 offset = offset >>> 0
22663 if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
22664 if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
22665 this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
22666 this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
22667 this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
22668 this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff)
22669 return offset + 4
22672Buffer.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigInt64LE (value, offset = 0) {
22673 return wrtBigUInt64LE(this, value, offset, -BigInt('0x8000000000000000'), BigInt('0x7fffffffffffffff'))
22676Buffer.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = defineBigIntMethod(function writeBigInt64BE (value, offset = 0) {
22677 return wrtBigUInt64BE(this, value, offset, -BigInt('0x8000000000000000'), BigInt('0x7fffffffffffffff'))
22680function checkIEEE754 (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
22681 if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
22682 if (offset < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
22685function writeFloat (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
22686 value = +value
22687 offset = offset >>> 0
22688 if (!noAssert) {
22689 checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 4, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38)
22690 }
22691 ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 23, 4)
22692 return offset + 4
22695Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function writeFloatLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22696 return writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)
22699Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function writeFloatBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22700 return writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)
22703function writeDouble (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
22704 value = +value
22705 offset = offset >>> 0
22706 if (!noAssert) {
22707 checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 8, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308)
22708 }
22709 ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 52, 8)
22710 return offset + 8
22713Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function writeDoubleLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22714 return writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)
22717Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function writeDoubleBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
22718 return writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)
22721// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)
22722Buffer.prototype.copy = function copy (target, targetStart, start, end) {
22723 if (!Buffer.isBuffer(target)) throw new TypeError('argument should be a Buffer')
22724 if (!start) start = 0
22725 if (!end && end !== 0) end = this.length
22726 if (targetStart >= target.length) targetStart = target.length
22727 if (!targetStart) targetStart = 0
22728 if (end > 0 && end < start) end = start
22730 // Copy 0 bytes; we're done
22731 if (end === start) return 0
22732 if (target.length === 0 || this.length === 0) return 0
22734 // Fatal error conditions
22735 if (targetStart < 0) {
22736 throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds')
22737 }
22738 if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
22739 if (end < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds')
22741 // Are we oob?
22742 if (end > this.length) end = this.length
22743 if (target.length - targetStart < end - start) {
22744 end = target.length - targetStart + start
22745 }
22747 const len = end - start
22749 if (this === target && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin === 'function') {
22750 // Use built-in when available, missing from IE11
22751 this.copyWithin(targetStart, start, end)
22752 } else {
22753 Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(
22754 target,
22755 this.subarray(start, end),
22756 targetStart
22757 )
22758 }
22760 return len
22763// Usage:
22764// buffer.fill(number[, offset[, end]])
22765// buffer.fill(buffer[, offset[, end]])
22766// buffer.fill(string[, offset[, end]][, encoding])
22767Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill (val, start, end, encoding) {
22768 // Handle string cases:
22769 if (typeof val === 'string') {
22770 if (typeof start === 'string') {
22771 encoding = start
22772 start = 0
22773 end = this.length
22774 } else if (typeof end === 'string') {
22775 encoding = end
22776 end = this.length
22777 }
22778 if (encoding !== undefined && typeof encoding !== 'string') {
22779 throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string')
22780 }
22781 if (typeof encoding === 'string' && !Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) {
22782 throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
22783 }
22784 if (val.length === 1) {
22785 const code = val.charCodeAt(0)
22786 if ((encoding === 'utf8' && code < 128) ||
22787 encoding === 'latin1') {
22788 // Fast path: If `val` fits into a single byte, use that numeric value.
22789 val = code
22790 }
22791 }
22792 } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
22793 val = val & 255
22794 } else if (typeof val === 'boolean') {
22795 val = Number(val)
22796 }
22798 // Invalid ranges are not set to a default, so can range check early.
22799 if (start < 0 || this.length < start || this.length < end) {
22800 throw new RangeError('Out of range index')
22801 }
22803 if (end <= start) {
22804 return this
22805 }
22807 start = start >>> 0
22808 end = end === undefined ? this.length : end >>> 0
22810 if (!val) val = 0
22812 let i
22813 if (typeof val === 'number') {
22814 for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
22815 this[i] = val
22816 }
22817 } else {
22818 const bytes = Buffer.isBuffer(val)
22819 ? val
22820 : Buffer.from(val, encoding)
22821 const len = bytes.length
22822 if (len === 0) {
22823 throw new TypeError('The value "' + val +
22824 '" is invalid for argument "value"')
22825 }
22826 for (i = 0; i < end - start; ++i) {
22827 this[i + start] = bytes[i % len]
22828 }
22829 }
22831 return this
22835// =============
22837// Simplified versions from Node, changed for Buffer-only usage
22838const errors = {}
22839function E (sym, getMessage, Base) {
22840 errors[sym] = class NodeError extends Base {
22841 constructor () {
22842 super()
22844 Object.defineProperty(this, 'message', {
22845 value: getMessage.apply(this, arguments),
22846 writable: true,
22847 configurable: true
22848 })
22850 // Add the error code to the name to include it in the stack trace.
22851 this.name = `${this.name} [${sym}]`
22852 // Access the stack to generate the error message including the error code
22853 // from the name.
22854 this.stack // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
22855 // Reset the name to the actual name.
22856 delete this.name
22857 }
22859 get code () {
22860 return sym
22861 }
22863 set code (value) {
22864 Object.defineProperty(this, 'code', {
22865 configurable: true,
22866 enumerable: true,
22867 value,
22868 writable: true
22869 })
22870 }
22872 toString () {
22873 return `${this.name} [${sym}]: ${this.message}`
22874 }
22875 }
22879 function (name) {
22880 if (name) {
22881 return `${name} is outside of buffer bounds`
22882 }
22884 return 'Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds'
22885 }, RangeError)
22887 function (name, actual) {
22888 return `The "${name}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof actual}`
22889 }, TypeError)
22891 function (str, range, input) {
22892 let msg = `The value of "${str}" is out of range.`
22893 let received = input
22894 if (Number.isInteger(input) && Math.abs(input) > 2 ** 32) {
22895 received = addNumericalSeparator(String(input))
22896 } else if (typeof input === 'bigint') {
22897 received = String(input)
22898 if (input > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || input < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) {
22899 received = addNumericalSeparator(received)
22900 }
22901 received += 'n'
22902 }
22903 msg += ` It must be ${range}. Received ${received}`
22904 return msg
22905 }, RangeError)
22907function addNumericalSeparator (val) {
22908 let res = ''
22909 let i = val.length
22910 const start = val[0] === '-' ? 1 : 0
22911 for (; i >= start + 4; i -= 3) {
22912 res = `_${val.slice(i - 3, i)}${res}`
22913 }
22914 return `${val.slice(0, i)}${res}`
22918// ===============
22920function checkBounds (buf, offset, byteLength) {
22921 validateNumber(offset, 'offset')
22922 if (buf[offset] === undefined || buf[offset + byteLength] === undefined) {
22923 boundsError(offset, buf.length - (byteLength + 1))
22924 }
22927function checkIntBI (value, min, max, buf, offset, byteLength) {
22928 if (value > max || value < min) {
22929 const n = typeof min === 'bigint' ? 'n' : ''
22930 let range
22931 if (byteLength > 3) {
22932 if (min === 0 || min === BigInt(0)) {
22933 range = `>= 0${n} and < 2${n} ** ${(byteLength + 1) * 8}${n}`
22934 } else {
22935 range = `>= -(2${n} ** ${(byteLength + 1) * 8 - 1}${n}) and < 2 ** ` +
22936 `${(byteLength + 1) * 8 - 1}${n}`
22937 }
22938 } else {
22939 range = `>= ${min}${n} and <= ${max}${n}`
22940 }
22941 throw new errors.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE('value', range, value)
22942 }
22943 checkBounds(buf, offset, byteLength)
22946function validateNumber (value, name) {
22947 if (typeof value !== 'number') {
22948 throw new errors.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(name, 'number', value)
22949 }
22952function boundsError (value, length, type) {
22953 if (Math.floor(value) !== value) {
22954 validateNumber(value, type)
22955 throw new errors.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type || 'offset', 'an integer', value)
22956 }
22958 if (length < 0) {
22959 throw new errors.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS()
22960 }
22962 throw new errors.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(type || 'offset',
22963 `>= ${type ? 1 : 0} and <= ${length}`,
22964 value)
22968// ================
22970const INVALID_BASE64_RE = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g
22972function base64clean (str) {
22973 // Node takes equal signs as end of the Base64 encoding
22974 str = str.split('=')[0]
22975 // Node strips out invalid characters like \n and \t from the string, base64-js does not
22976 str = str.trim().replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE, '')
22977 // Node converts strings with length < 2 to ''
22978 if (str.length < 2) return ''
22979 // Node allows for non-padded base64 strings (missing trailing ===), base64-js does not
22980 while (str.length % 4 !== 0) {
22981 str = str + '='
22982 }
22983 return str
22986function utf8ToBytes (string, units) {
22987 units = units || Infinity
22988 let codePoint
22989 const length = string.length
22990 let leadSurrogate = null
22991 const bytes = []
22993 for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
22994 codePoint = string.charCodeAt(i)
22996 // is surrogate component
22997 if (codePoint > 0xD7FF && codePoint < 0xE000) {
22998 // last char was a lead
22999 if (!leadSurrogate) {
23000 // no lead yet
23001 if (codePoint > 0xDBFF) {
23002 // unexpected trail
23003 if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
23004 continue
23005 } else if (i + 1 === length) {
23006 // unpaired lead
23007 if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
23008 continue
23009 }
23011 // valid lead
23012 leadSurrogate = codePoint
23014 continue
23015 }
23017 // 2 leads in a row
23018 if (codePoint < 0xDC00) {
23019 if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
23020 leadSurrogate = codePoint
23021 continue
23022 }
23024 // valid surrogate pair
23025 codePoint = (leadSurrogate - 0xD800 << 10 | codePoint - 0xDC00) + 0x10000
23026 } else if (leadSurrogate) {
23027 // valid bmp char, but last char was a lead
23028 if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
23029 }
23031 leadSurrogate = null
23033 // encode utf8
23034 if (codePoint < 0x80) {
23035 if ((units -= 1) < 0) break
23036 bytes.push(codePoint)
23037 } else if (codePoint < 0x800) {
23038 if ((units -= 2) < 0) break
23039 bytes.push(
23040 codePoint >> 0x6 | 0xC0,
23041 codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
23042 )
23043 } else if (codePoint < 0x10000) {
23044 if ((units -= 3) < 0) break
23045 bytes.push(
23046 codePoint >> 0xC | 0xE0,
23047 codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
23048 codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
23049 )
23050 } else if (codePoint < 0x110000) {
23051 if ((units -= 4) < 0) break
23052 bytes.push(
23053 codePoint >> 0x12 | 0xF0,
23054 codePoint >> 0xC & 0x3F | 0x80,
23055 codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
23056 codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
23057 )
23058 } else {
23059 throw new Error('Invalid code point')
23060 }
23061 }
23063 return bytes
23066function asciiToBytes (str) {
23067 const byteArray = []
23068 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
23069 // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F..
23070 byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF)
23071 }
23072 return byteArray
23075function utf16leToBytes (str, units) {
23076 let c, hi, lo
23077 const byteArray = []
23078 for (let i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
23079 if ((units -= 2) < 0) break
23081 c = str.charCodeAt(i)
23082 hi = c >> 8
23083 lo = c % 256
23084 byteArray.push(lo)
23085 byteArray.push(hi)
23086 }
23088 return byteArray
23091function base64ToBytes (str) {
23092 return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(str))
23095function blitBuffer (src, dst, offset, length) {
23096 let i
23097 for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
23098 if ((i + offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length)) break
23099 dst[i + offset] = src[i]
23100 }
23101 return i
23104// ArrayBuffer or Uint8Array objects from other contexts (i.e. iframes) do not pass
23105// the `instanceof` check but they should be treated as of that type.
23106// See: https://github.com/feross/buffer/issues/166
23107function isInstance (obj, type) {
23108 return obj instanceof type ||
23109 (obj != null && obj.constructor != null && obj.constructor.name != null &&
23110 obj.constructor.name === type.name)
23112function numberIsNaN (obj) {
23113 // For IE11 support
23114 return obj !== obj // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare
23117// Create lookup table for `toString('hex')`
23118// See: https://github.com/feross/buffer/issues/219
23119const hexSliceLookupTable = (function () {
23120 const alphabet = '0123456789abcdef'
23121 const table = new Array(256)
23122 for (let i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
23123 const i16 = i * 16
23124 for (let j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
23125 table[i16 + j] = alphabet[i] + alphabet[j]
23126 }
23127 }
23128 return table
23131// Return not function with Error if BigInt not supported
23132function defineBigIntMethod (fn) {
23133 return typeof BigInt === 'undefined' ? BufferBigIntNotDefined : fn
23136function BufferBigIntNotDefined () {
23137 throw new Error('BigInt not supported')
23141/***/ }),
23143/***/ 645:
23144/***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
23146/*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */
23147exports.read = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
23148 var e, m
23149 var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1
23150 var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
23151 var eBias = eMax >> 1
23152 var nBits = -7
23153 var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0
23154 var d = isLE ? -1 : 1
23155 var s = buffer[offset + i]
23157 i += d
23159 e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
23160 s >>= (-nBits)
23161 nBits += eLen
23162 for (; nBits > 0; e = (e * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}
23164 m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
23165 e >>= (-nBits)
23166 nBits += mLen
23167 for (; nBits > 0; m = (m * 256) + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}
23169 if (e === 0) {
23170 e = 1 - eBias
23171 } else if (e === eMax) {
23172 return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity)
23173 } else {
23174 m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen)
23175 e = e - eBias
23176 }
23177 return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen)
23180exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
23181 var e, m, c
23182 var eLen = (nBytes * 8) - mLen - 1
23183 var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
23184 var eBias = eMax >> 1
23185 var rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0)
23186 var i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1)
23187 var d = isLE ? 1 : -1
23188 var s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0
23190 value = Math.abs(value)
23192 if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {
23193 m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0
23194 e = eMax
23195 } else {
23196 e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)
23197 if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {
23198 e--
23199 c *= 2
23200 }
23201 if (e + eBias >= 1) {
23202 value += rt / c
23203 } else {
23204 value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias)
23205 }
23206 if (value * c >= 2) {
23207 e++
23208 c /= 2
23209 }
23211 if (e + eBias >= eMax) {
23212 m = 0
23213 e = eMax
23214 } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {
23215 m = ((value * c) - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
23216 e = e + eBias
23217 } else {
23218 m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
23219 e = 0
23220 }
23221 }
23223 for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8) {}
23225 e = (e << mLen) | m
23226 eLen += mLen
23227 for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8) {}
23229 buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128
23233/***/ }),
23235/***/ 874:
23236/***/ (() => {
23238(function (Prism) {
23239 // $ set | grep '^[A-Z][^[:space:]]*=' | cut -d= -f1 | tr '\n' '|'
23241 // + make sure PS1..4 are here as they are not always set,
23242 // - some useless things.
23245 var commandAfterHeredoc = {
23246 pattern: /(^(["']?)\w+\2)[ \t]+\S.*/,
23247 lookbehind: true,
23248 alias: 'punctuation', // this looks reasonably well in all themes
23249 inside: null // see below
23250 };
23252 var insideString = {
23253 'bash': commandAfterHeredoc,
23254 'environment': {
23255 pattern: RegExp('\\$' + envVars),
23256 alias: 'constant'
23257 },
23258 'variable': [
23259 // [0]: Arithmetic Environment
23260 {
23261 pattern: /\$?\(\([\s\S]+?\)\)/,
23262 greedy: true,
23263 inside: {
23264 // If there is a $ sign at the beginning highlight $(( and )) as variable
23265 'variable': [
23266 {
23267 pattern: /(^\$\(\([\s\S]+)\)\)/,
23268 lookbehind: true
23269 },
23270 /^\$\(\(/
23271 ],
23272 'number': /\b0x[\dA-Fa-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\B\.\d+)(?:[Ee]-?\d+)?/,
23273 // Operators according to https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Shell-Arithmetic
23274 'operator': /--|\+\+|\*\*=?|<<=?|>>=?|&&|\|\||[=!+\-*/%<>^&|]=?|[?~:]/,
23275 // If there is no $ sign at the beginning highlight (( and )) as punctuation
23276 'punctuation': /\(\(?|\)\)?|,|;/
23277 }
23278 },
23279 // [1]: Command Substitution
23280 {
23281 pattern: /\$\((?:\([^)]+\)|[^()])+\)|`[^`]+`/,
23282 greedy: true,
23283 inside: {
23284 'variable': /^\$\(|^`|\)$|`$/
23285 }
23286 },
23287 // [2]: Brace expansion
23288 {
23289 pattern: /\$\{[^}]+\}/,
23290 greedy: true,
23291 inside: {
23292 'operator': /:[-=?+]?|[!\/]|##?|%%?|\^\^?|,,?/,
23293 'punctuation': /[\[\]]/,
23294 'environment': {
23295 pattern: RegExp('(\\{)' + envVars),
23296 lookbehind: true,
23297 alias: 'constant'
23298 }
23299 }
23300 },
23301 /\$(?:\w+|[#?*!@$])/
23302 ],
23303 // Escape sequences from echo and printf's manuals, and escaped quotes.
23304 'entity': /\\(?:[abceEfnrtv\\"]|O?[0-7]{1,3}|U[0-9a-fA-F]{8}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2})/
23305 };
23307 Prism.languages.bash = {
23308 'shebang': {
23309 pattern: /^#!\s*\/.*/,
23310 alias: 'important'
23311 },
23312 'comment': {
23313 pattern: /(^|[^"{\\$])#.*/,
23314 lookbehind: true
23315 },
23316 'function-name': [
23317 // a) function foo {
23318 // b) foo() {
23319 // c) function foo() {
23320 // but not “foo {”
23321 {
23322 // a) and c)
23323 pattern: /(\bfunction\s+)[\w-]+(?=(?:\s*\(?:\s*\))?\s*\{)/,
23324 lookbehind: true,
23325 alias: 'function'
23326 },
23327 {
23328 // b)
23329 pattern: /\b[\w-]+(?=\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{)/,
23330 alias: 'function'
23331 }
23332 ],
23333 // Highlight variable names as variables in for and select beginnings.
23334 'for-or-select': {
23335 pattern: /(\b(?:for|select)\s+)\w+(?=\s+in\s)/,
23336 alias: 'variable',
23337 lookbehind: true
23338 },
23339 // Highlight variable names as variables in the left-hand part
23340 // of assignments (“=” and “+=”).
23341 'assign-left': {
23342 pattern: /(^|[\s;|&]|[<>]\()\w+(?:\.\w+)*(?=\+?=)/,
23343 inside: {
23344 'environment': {
23345 pattern: RegExp('(^|[\\s;|&]|[<>]\\()' + envVars),
23346 lookbehind: true,
23347 alias: 'constant'
23348 }
23349 },
23350 alias: 'variable',
23351 lookbehind: true
23352 },
23353 // Highlight parameter names as variables
23354 'parameter': {
23355 pattern: /(^|\s)-{1,2}(?:\w+:[+-]?)?\w+(?:\.\w+)*(?=[=\s]|$)/,
23356 alias: 'variable',
23357 lookbehind: true
23358 },
23359 'string': [
23360 // Support for Here-documents https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document
23361 {
23362 pattern: /((?:^|[^<])<<-?\s*)(\w+)\s[\s\S]*?(?:\r?\n|\r)\2/,
23363 lookbehind: true,
23364 greedy: true,
23365 inside: insideString
23366 },
23367 // Here-document with quotes around the tag
23368 // → No expansion (so no “inside”).
23369 {
23370 pattern: /((?:^|[^<])<<-?\s*)(["'])(\w+)\2\s[\s\S]*?(?:\r?\n|\r)\3/,
23371 lookbehind: true,
23372 greedy: true,
23373 inside: {
23374 'bash': commandAfterHeredoc
23375 }
23376 },
23377 // “Normal” string
23378 {
23379 // https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Double-Quotes.html
23380 pattern: /(^|[^\\](?:\\\\)*)"(?:\\[\s\S]|\$\([^)]+\)|\$(?!\()|`[^`]+`|[^"\\`$])*"/,
23381 lookbehind: true,
23382 greedy: true,
23383 inside: insideString
23384 },
23385 {
23386 // https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Single-Quotes.html
23387 pattern: /(^|[^$\\])'[^']*'/,
23388 lookbehind: true,
23389 greedy: true
23390 },
23391 {
23392 // https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/ANSI_002dC-Quoting.html
23393 pattern: /\$'(?:[^'\\]|\\[\s\S])*'/,
23394 greedy: true,
23395 inside: {
23396 'entity': insideString.entity
23397 }
23398 }
23399 ],
23400 'environment': {
23401 pattern: RegExp('\\$?' + envVars),
23402 alias: 'constant'
23403 },
23404 'variable': insideString.variable,
23405 'function': {
23406 pattern: /(^|[\s;|&]|[<>]\()(?:add|apropos|apt|apt-cache|apt-get|aptitude|aspell|automysqlbackup|awk|basename|bash|bc|bconsole|bg|bzip2|cal|cargo|cat|cfdisk|chgrp|chkconfig|chmod|chown|chroot|cksum|clear|cmp|column|comm|composer|cp|cron|crontab|csplit|curl|cut|date|dc|dd|ddrescue|debootstrap|df|diff|diff3|dig|dir|dircolors|dirname|dirs|dmesg|docker|docker-compose|du|egrep|eject|env|ethtool|expand|expect|expr|fdformat|fdisk|fg|fgrep|file|find|fmt|fold|format|free|fsck|ftp|fuser|gawk|git|gparted|grep|groupadd|groupdel|groupmod|groups|grub-mkconfig|gzip|halt|head|hg|history|host|hostname|htop|iconv|id|ifconfig|ifdown|ifup|import|install|ip|java|jobs|join|kill|killall|less|link|ln|locate|logname|logrotate|look|lpc|lpr|lprint|lprintd|lprintq|lprm|ls|lsof|lynx|make|man|mc|mdadm|mkconfig|mkdir|mke2fs|mkfifo|mkfs|mkisofs|mknod|mkswap|mmv|more|most|mount|mtools|mtr|mutt|mv|nano|nc|netstat|nice|nl|node|nohup|notify-send|npm|nslookup|op|open|parted|passwd|paste|pathchk|ping|pkill|pnpm|podman|podman-compose|popd|pr|printcap|printenv|ps|pushd|pv|quota|quotacheck|quotactl|ram|rar|rcp|reboot|remsync|rename|renice|rev|rm|rmdir|rpm|rsync|scp|screen|sdiff|sed|sendmail|seq|service|sftp|sh|shellcheck|shuf|shutdown|sleep|slocate|sort|split|ssh|stat|strace|su|sudo|sum|suspend|swapon|sync|sysctl|tac|tail|tar|tee|time|timeout|top|touch|tr|traceroute|tsort|tty|umount|uname|unexpand|uniq|units|unrar|unshar|unzip|update-grub|uptime|useradd|userdel|usermod|users|uudecode|uuencode|v|vcpkg|vdir|vi|vim|virsh|vmstat|wait|watch|wc|wget|whereis|which|who|whoami|write|xargs|xdg-open|yarn|yes|zenity|zip|zsh|zypper)(?=$|[)\s;|&])/,
23407 lookbehind: true
23408 },
23409 'keyword': {
23410 pattern: /(^|[\s;|&]|[<>]\()(?:case|do|done|elif|else|esac|fi|for|function|if|in|select|then|until|while)(?=$|[)\s;|&])/,
23411 lookbehind: true
23412 },
23413 // https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Shell-Builtin-Commands.html
23414 'builtin': {
23415 pattern: /(^|[\s;|&]|[<>]\()(?:\.|:|alias|bind|break|builtin|caller|cd|command|continue|declare|echo|enable|eval|exec|exit|export|getopts|hash|help|let|local|logout|mapfile|printf|pwd|read|readarray|readonly|return|set|shift|shopt|source|test|times|trap|type|typeset|ulimit|umask|unalias|unset)(?=$|[)\s;|&])/,
23416 lookbehind: true,
23417 // Alias added to make those easier to distinguish from strings.
23418 alias: 'class-name'
23419 },
23420 'boolean': {
23421 pattern: /(^|[\s;|&]|[<>]\()(?:false|true)(?=$|[)\s;|&])/,
23422 lookbehind: true
23423 },
23424 'file-descriptor': {
23425 pattern: /\B&\d\b/,
23426 alias: 'important'
23427 },
23428 'operator': {
23429 // Lots of redirections here, but not just that.
23430 pattern: /\d?<>|>\||\+=|=[=~]?|!=?|<<[<-]?|[&\d]?>>|\d[<>]&?|[<>][&=]?|&[>&]?|\|[&|]?/,
23431 inside: {
23432 'file-descriptor': {
23433 pattern: /^\d/,
23434 alias: 'important'
23435 }
23436 }
23437 },
23438 'punctuation': /\$?\(\(?|\)\)?|\.\.|[{}[\];\\]/,
23439 'number': {
23440 pattern: /(^|\s)(?:[1-9]\d*|0)(?:[.,]\d+)?\b/,
23441 lookbehind: true
23442 }
23443 };
23445 commandAfterHeredoc.inside = Prism.languages.bash;
23447 /* Patterns in command substitution. */
23448 var toBeCopied = [
23449 'comment',
23450 'function-name',
23451 'for-or-select',
23452 'assign-left',
23453 'parameter',
23454 'string',
23455 'environment',
23456 'function',
23457 'keyword',
23458 'builtin',
23459 'boolean',
23460 'file-descriptor',
23461 'operator',
23462 'punctuation',
23463 'number'
23464 ];
23465 var inside = insideString.variable[1].inside;
23466 for (var i = 0; i < toBeCopied.length; i++) {
23467 inside[toBeCopied[i]] = Prism.languages.bash[toBeCopied[i]];
23468 }
23470 Prism.languages.sh = Prism.languages.bash;
23471 Prism.languages.shell = Prism.languages.bash;
23475/***/ }),
23477/***/ 16:
23478/***/ (() => {
23480(function (Prism) {
23482 /**
23483 * Replaces all placeholders "<<n>>" of given pattern with the n-th replacement (zero based).
23484 *
23485 * Note: This is a simple text based replacement. Be careful when using backreferences!
23486 *
23487 * @param {string} pattern the given pattern.
23488 * @param {string[]} replacements a list of replacement which can be inserted into the given pattern.
23489 * @returns {string} the pattern with all placeholders replaced with their corresponding replacements.
23490 * @example replace(/a<<0>>a/.source, [/b+/.source]) === /a(?:b+)a/.source
23491 */
23492 function replace(pattern, replacements) {
23493 return pattern.replace(/<<(\d+)>>/g, function (m, index) {
23494 return '(?:' + replacements[+index] + ')';
23495 });
23496 }
23497 /**
23498 * @param {string} pattern
23499 * @param {string[]} replacements
23500 * @param {string} [flags]
23501 * @returns {RegExp}
23502 */
23503 function re(pattern, replacements, flags) {
23504 return RegExp(replace(pattern, replacements), flags || '');
23505 }
23507 /**
23508 * Creates a nested pattern where all occurrences of the string `<<self>>` are replaced with the pattern itself.
23509 *
23510 * @param {string} pattern
23511 * @param {number} depthLog2
23512 * @returns {string}
23513 */
23514 function nested(pattern, depthLog2) {
23515 for (var i = 0; i < depthLog2; i++) {
23516 pattern = pattern.replace(/<<self>>/g, function () { return '(?:' + pattern + ')'; });
23517 }
23518 return pattern.replace(/<<self>>/g, '[^\\s\\S]');
23519 }
23521 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/
23522 var keywordKinds = {
23523 // keywords which represent a return or variable type
23524 type: 'bool byte char decimal double dynamic float int long object sbyte short string uint ulong ushort var void',
23525 // keywords which are used to declare a type
23526 typeDeclaration: 'class enum interface record struct',
23527 // contextual keywords
23528 // ("var" and "dynamic" are missing because they are used like types)
23529 contextual: 'add alias and ascending async await by descending from(?=\\s*(?:\\w|$)) get global group into init(?=\\s*;) join let nameof not notnull on or orderby partial remove select set unmanaged value when where with(?=\\s*{)',
23530 // all other keywords
23531 other: 'abstract as base break case catch checked const continue default delegate do else event explicit extern finally fixed for foreach goto if implicit in internal is lock namespace new null operator out override params private protected public readonly ref return sealed sizeof stackalloc static switch this throw try typeof unchecked unsafe using virtual volatile while yield'
23532 };
23534 // keywords
23535 function keywordsToPattern(words) {
23536 return '\\b(?:' + words.trim().replace(/ /g, '|') + ')\\b';
23537 }
23538 var typeDeclarationKeywords = keywordsToPattern(keywordKinds.typeDeclaration);
23539 var keywords = RegExp(keywordsToPattern(keywordKinds.type + ' ' + keywordKinds.typeDeclaration + ' ' + keywordKinds.contextual + ' ' + keywordKinds.other));
23540 var nonTypeKeywords = keywordsToPattern(keywordKinds.typeDeclaration + ' ' + keywordKinds.contextual + ' ' + keywordKinds.other);
23541 var nonContextualKeywords = keywordsToPattern(keywordKinds.type + ' ' + keywordKinds.typeDeclaration + ' ' + keywordKinds.other);
23543 // types
23544 var generic = nested(/<(?:[^<>;=+\-*/%&|^]|<<self>>)*>/.source, 2); // the idea behind the other forbidden characters is to prevent false positives. Same for tupleElement.
23545 var nestedRound = nested(/\((?:[^()]|<<self>>)*\)/.source, 2);
23546 var name = /@?\b[A-Za-z_]\w*\b/.source;
23547 var genericName = replace(/<<0>>(?:\s*<<1>>)?/.source, [name, generic]);
23548 var identifier = replace(/(?!<<0>>)<<1>>(?:\s*\.\s*<<1>>)*/.source, [nonTypeKeywords, genericName]);
23549 var array = /\[\s*(?:,\s*)*\]/.source;
23550 var typeExpressionWithoutTuple = replace(/<<0>>(?:\s*(?:\?\s*)?<<1>>)*(?:\s*\?)?/.source, [identifier, array]);
23551 var tupleElement = replace(/[^,()<>[\];=+\-*/%&|^]|<<0>>|<<1>>|<<2>>/.source, [generic, nestedRound, array]);
23552 var tuple = replace(/\(<<0>>+(?:,<<0>>+)+\)/.source, [tupleElement]);
23553 var typeExpression = replace(/(?:<<0>>|<<1>>)(?:\s*(?:\?\s*)?<<2>>)*(?:\s*\?)?/.source, [tuple, identifier, array]);
23555 var typeInside = {
23556 'keyword': keywords,
23557 'punctuation': /[<>()?,.:[\]]/
23558 };
23560 // strings & characters
23561 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/language-specification/lexical-structure#character-literals
23562 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/language-specification/lexical-structure#string-literals
23563 var character = /'(?:[^\r\n'\\]|\\.|\\[Uux][\da-fA-F]{1,8})'/.source; // simplified pattern
23564 var regularString = /"(?:\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"/.source;
23565 var verbatimString = /@"(?:""|\\[\s\S]|[^\\"])*"(?!")/.source;
23568 Prism.languages.csharp = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
23569 'string': [
23570 {
23571 pattern: re(/(^|[^$\\])<<0>>/.source, [verbatimString]),
23572 lookbehind: true,
23573 greedy: true
23574 },
23575 {
23576 pattern: re(/(^|[^@$\\])<<0>>/.source, [regularString]),
23577 lookbehind: true,
23578 greedy: true
23579 }
23580 ],
23581 'class-name': [
23582 {
23583 // Using static
23584 // using static System.Math;
23585 pattern: re(/(\busing\s+static\s+)<<0>>(?=\s*;)/.source, [identifier]),
23586 lookbehind: true,
23587 inside: typeInside
23588 },
23589 {
23590 // Using alias (type)
23591 // using Project = PC.MyCompany.Project;
23592 pattern: re(/(\busing\s+<<0>>\s*=\s*)<<1>>(?=\s*;)/.source, [name, typeExpression]),
23593 lookbehind: true,
23594 inside: typeInside
23595 },
23596 {
23597 // Using alias (alias)
23598 // using Project = PC.MyCompany.Project;
23599 pattern: re(/(\busing\s+)<<0>>(?=\s*=)/.source, [name]),
23600 lookbehind: true
23601 },
23602 {
23603 // Type declarations
23604 // class Foo<A, B>
23605 // interface Foo<out A, B>
23606 pattern: re(/(\b<<0>>\s+)<<1>>/.source, [typeDeclarationKeywords, genericName]),
23607 lookbehind: true,
23608 inside: typeInside
23609 },
23610 {
23611 // Single catch exception declaration
23612 // catch(Foo)
23613 // (things like catch(Foo e) is covered by variable declaration)
23614 pattern: re(/(\bcatch\s*\(\s*)<<0>>/.source, [identifier]),
23615 lookbehind: true,
23616 inside: typeInside
23617 },
23618 {
23619 // Name of the type parameter of generic constraints
23620 // where Foo : class
23621 pattern: re(/(\bwhere\s+)<<0>>/.source, [name]),
23622 lookbehind: true
23623 },
23624 {
23625 // Casts and checks via as and is.
23626 // as Foo<A>, is Bar<B>
23627 // (things like if(a is Foo b) is covered by variable declaration)
23628 pattern: re(/(\b(?:is(?:\s+not)?|as)\s+)<<0>>/.source, [typeExpressionWithoutTuple]),
23629 lookbehind: true,
23630 inside: typeInside
23631 },
23632 {
23633 // Variable, field and parameter declaration
23634 // (Foo bar, Bar baz, Foo[,,] bay, Foo<Bar, FooBar<Bar>> bax)
23635 pattern: re(/\b<<0>>(?=\s+(?!<<1>>|with\s*\{)<<2>>(?:\s*[=,;:{)\]]|\s+(?:in|when)\b))/.source, [typeExpression, nonContextualKeywords, name]),
23636 inside: typeInside
23637 }
23638 ],
23639 'keyword': keywords,
23640 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/language-specification/lexical-structure#literals
23641 'number': /(?:\b0(?:x[\da-f_]*[\da-f]|b[01_]*[01])|(?:\B\.\d+(?:_+\d+)*|\b\d+(?:_+\d+)*(?:\.\d+(?:_+\d+)*)?)(?:e[-+]?\d+(?:_+\d+)*)?)(?:[dflmu]|lu|ul)?\b/i,
23642 'operator': />>=?|<<=?|[-=]>|([-+&|])\1|~|\?\?=?|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?/,
23643 'punctuation': /\?\.?|::|[{}[\];(),.:]/
23644 });
23646 Prism.languages.insertBefore('csharp', 'number', {
23647 'range': {
23648 pattern: /\.\./,
23649 alias: 'operator'
23650 }
23651 });
23653 Prism.languages.insertBefore('csharp', 'punctuation', {
23654 'named-parameter': {
23655 pattern: re(/([(,]\s*)<<0>>(?=\s*:)/.source, [name]),
23656 lookbehind: true,
23657 alias: 'punctuation'
23658 }
23659 });
23661 Prism.languages.insertBefore('csharp', 'class-name', {
23662 'namespace': {
23663 // namespace Foo.Bar {}
23664 // using Foo.Bar;
23665 pattern: re(/(\b(?:namespace|using)\s+)<<0>>(?:\s*\.\s*<<0>>)*(?=\s*[;{])/.source, [name]),
23666 lookbehind: true,
23667 inside: {
23668 'punctuation': /\./
23669 }
23670 },
23671 'type-expression': {
23672 // default(Foo), typeof(Foo<Bar>), sizeof(int)
23673 pattern: re(/(\b(?:default|sizeof|typeof)\s*\(\s*(?!\s))(?:[^()\s]|\s(?!\s)|<<0>>)*(?=\s*\))/.source, [nestedRound]),
23674 lookbehind: true,
23675 alias: 'class-name',
23676 inside: typeInside
23677 },
23678 'return-type': {
23679 // Foo<Bar> ForBar(); Foo IFoo.Bar() => 0
23680 // int this[int index] => 0; T IReadOnlyList<T>.this[int index] => this[index];
23681 // int Foo => 0; int Foo { get; set } = 0;
23682 pattern: re(/<<0>>(?=\s+(?:<<1>>\s*(?:=>|[({]|\.\s*this\s*\[)|this\s*\[))/.source, [typeExpression, identifier]),
23683 inside: typeInside,
23684 alias: 'class-name'
23685 },
23686 'constructor-invocation': {
23687 // new List<Foo<Bar[]>> { }
23688 pattern: re(/(\bnew\s+)<<0>>(?=\s*[[({])/.source, [typeExpression]),
23689 lookbehind: true,
23690 inside: typeInside,
23691 alias: 'class-name'
23692 },
23693 /*'explicit-implementation': {
23694 // int IFoo<Foo>.Bar => 0; void IFoo<Foo<Foo>>.Foo<T>();
23695 pattern: replace(/\b<<0>>(?=\.<<1>>)/, className, methodOrPropertyDeclaration),
23696 inside: classNameInside,
23697 alias: 'class-name'
23698 },*/
23699 'generic-method': {
23700 // foo<Bar>()
23701 pattern: re(/<<0>>\s*<<1>>(?=\s*\()/.source, [name, generic]),
23702 inside: {
23703 'function': re(/^<<0>>/.source, [name]),
23704 'generic': {
23705 pattern: RegExp(generic),
23706 alias: 'class-name',
23707 inside: typeInside
23708 }
23709 }
23710 },
23711 'type-list': {
23712 // The list of types inherited or of generic constraints
23713 // class Foo<F> : Bar, IList<FooBar>
23714 // where F : Bar, IList<int>
23715 pattern: re(
23716 /\b((?:<<0>>\s+<<1>>|record\s+<<1>>\s*<<5>>|where\s+<<2>>)\s*:\s*)(?:<<3>>|<<4>>|<<1>>\s*<<5>>|<<6>>)(?:\s*,\s*(?:<<3>>|<<4>>|<<6>>))*(?=\s*(?:where|[{;]|=>|$))/.source,
23717 [typeDeclarationKeywords, genericName, name, typeExpression, keywords.source, nestedRound, /\bnew\s*\(\s*\)/.source]
23718 ),
23719 lookbehind: true,
23720 inside: {
23721 'record-arguments': {
23722 pattern: re(/(^(?!new\s*\()<<0>>\s*)<<1>>/.source, [genericName, nestedRound]),
23723 lookbehind: true,
23724 greedy: true,
23725 inside: Prism.languages.csharp
23726 },
23727 'keyword': keywords,
23728 'class-name': {
23729 pattern: RegExp(typeExpression),
23730 greedy: true,
23731 inside: typeInside
23732 },
23733 'punctuation': /[,()]/
23734 }
23735 },
23736 'preprocessor': {
23737 pattern: /(^[\t ]*)#.*/m,
23738 lookbehind: true,
23739 alias: 'property',
23740 inside: {
23741 // highlight preprocessor directives as keywords
23742 'directive': {
23743 pattern: /(#)\b(?:define|elif|else|endif|endregion|error|if|line|nullable|pragma|region|undef|warning)\b/,
23744 lookbehind: true,
23745 alias: 'keyword'
23746 }
23747 }
23748 }
23749 });
23751 // attributes
23752 var regularStringOrCharacter = regularString + '|' + character;
23753 var regularStringCharacterOrComment = replace(/\/(?![*/])|\/\/[^\r\n]*[\r\n]|\/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))*\*\/|<<0>>/.source, [regularStringOrCharacter]);
23754 var roundExpression = nested(replace(/[^"'/()]|<<0>>|\(<<self>>*\)/.source, [regularStringCharacterOrComment]), 2);
23756 // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/concepts/attributes/#attribute-targets
23757 var attrTarget = /\b(?:assembly|event|field|method|module|param|property|return|type)\b/.source;
23758 var attr = replace(/<<0>>(?:\s*\(<<1>>*\))?/.source, [identifier, roundExpression]);
23760 Prism.languages.insertBefore('csharp', 'class-name', {
23761 'attribute': {
23762 // Attributes
23763 // [Foo], [Foo(1), Bar(2, Prop = "foo")], [return: Foo(1), Bar(2)], [assembly: Foo(Bar)]
23764 pattern: re(/((?:^|[^\s\w>)?])\s*\[\s*)(?:<<0>>\s*:\s*)?<<1>>(?:\s*,\s*<<1>>)*(?=\s*\])/.source, [attrTarget, attr]),
23765 lookbehind: true,
23766 greedy: true,
23767 inside: {
23768 'target': {
23769 pattern: re(/^<<0>>(?=\s*:)/.source, [attrTarget]),
23770 alias: 'keyword'
23771 },
23772 'attribute-arguments': {
23773 pattern: re(/\(<<0>>*\)/.source, [roundExpression]),
23774 inside: Prism.languages.csharp
23775 },
23776 'class-name': {
23777 pattern: RegExp(identifier),
23778 inside: {
23779 'punctuation': /\./
23780 }
23781 },
23782 'punctuation': /[:,]/
23783 }
23784 }
23785 });
23788 // string interpolation
23789 var formatString = /:[^}\r\n]+/.source;
23790 // multi line
23791 var mInterpolationRound = nested(replace(/[^"'/()]|<<0>>|\(<<self>>*\)/.source, [regularStringCharacterOrComment]), 2);
23792 var mInterpolation = replace(/\{(?!\{)(?:(?![}:])<<0>>)*<<1>>?\}/.source, [mInterpolationRound, formatString]);
23793 // single line
23794 var sInterpolationRound = nested(replace(/[^"'/()]|\/(?!\*)|\/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))*\*\/|<<0>>|\(<<self>>*\)/.source, [regularStringOrCharacter]), 2);
23795 var sInterpolation = replace(/\{(?!\{)(?:(?![}:])<<0>>)*<<1>>?\}/.source, [sInterpolationRound, formatString]);
23797 function createInterpolationInside(interpolation, interpolationRound) {
23798 return {
23799 'interpolation': {
23800 pattern: re(/((?:^|[^{])(?:\{\{)*)<<0>>/.source, [interpolation]),
23801 lookbehind: true,
23802 inside: {
23803 'format-string': {
23804 pattern: re(/(^\{(?:(?![}:])<<0>>)*)<<1>>(?=\}$)/.source, [interpolationRound, formatString]),
23805 lookbehind: true,
23806 inside: {
23807 'punctuation': /^:/
23808 }
23809 },
23810 'punctuation': /^\{|\}$/,
23811 'expression': {
23812 pattern: /[\s\S]+/,
23813 alias: 'language-csharp',
23814 inside: Prism.languages.csharp
23815 }
23816 }
23817 },
23818 'string': /[\s\S]+/
23819 };
23820 }
23822 Prism.languages.insertBefore('csharp', 'string', {
23823 'interpolation-string': [
23824 {
23825 pattern: re(/(^|[^\\])(?:\$@|@\$)"(?:""|\\[\s\S]|\{\{|<<0>>|[^\\{"])*"/.source, [mInterpolation]),
23826 lookbehind: true,
23827 greedy: true,
23828 inside: createInterpolationInside(mInterpolation, mInterpolationRound),
23829 },
23830 {
23831 pattern: re(/(^|[^@\\])\$"(?:\\.|\{\{|<<0>>|[^\\"{])*"/.source, [sInterpolation]),
23832 lookbehind: true,
23833 greedy: true,
23834 inside: createInterpolationInside(sInterpolation, sInterpolationRound),
23835 }
23836 ],
23837 'char': {
23838 pattern: RegExp(character),
23839 greedy: true
23840 }
23841 });
23843 Prism.languages.dotnet = Prism.languages.cs = Prism.languages.csharp;
23848/***/ }),
23850/***/ 251:
23851/***/ (() => {
23853(function (Prism) {
23855 var string = /(?:"(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^"\\\r\n])*"|'(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^'\\\r\n])*')/;
23857 Prism.languages.css = {
23858 'comment': /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//,
23859 'atrule': {
23860 pattern: RegExp('@[\\w-](?:' + /[^;{\s"']|\s+(?!\s)/.source + '|' + string.source + ')*?' + /(?:;|(?=\s*\{))/.source),
23861 inside: {
23862 'rule': /^@[\w-]+/,
23863 'selector-function-argument': {
23864 pattern: /(\bselector\s*\(\s*(?![\s)]))(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\))+(?=\s*\))/,
23865 lookbehind: true,
23866 alias: 'selector'
23867 },
23868 'keyword': {
23869 pattern: /(^|[^\w-])(?:and|not|only|or)(?![\w-])/,
23870 lookbehind: true
23871 }
23872 // See rest below
23873 }
23874 },
23875 'url': {
23876 // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-3/#urls
23877 pattern: RegExp('\\burl\\((?:' + string.source + '|' + /(?:[^\\\r\n()"']|\\[\s\S])*/.source + ')\\)', 'i'),
23878 greedy: true,
23879 inside: {
23880 'function': /^url/i,
23881 'punctuation': /^\(|\)$/,
23882 'string': {
23883 pattern: RegExp('^' + string.source + '$'),
23884 alias: 'url'
23885 }
23886 }
23887 },
23888 'selector': {
23889 pattern: RegExp('(^|[{}\\s])[^{}\\s](?:[^{};"\'\\s]|\\s+(?![\\s{])|' + string.source + ')*(?=\\s*\\{)'),
23890 lookbehind: true
23891 },
23892 'string': {
23893 pattern: string,
23894 greedy: true
23895 },
23896 'property': {
23897 pattern: /(^|[^-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])(?!\s)[-_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*:)/i,
23898 lookbehind: true
23899 },
23900 'important': /!important\b/i,
23901 'function': {
23902 pattern: /(^|[^-a-z0-9])[-a-z0-9]+(?=\()/i,
23903 lookbehind: true
23904 },
23905 'punctuation': /[(){};:,]/
23906 };
23908 Prism.languages.css['atrule'].inside.rest = Prism.languages.css;
23910 var markup = Prism.languages.markup;
23911 if (markup) {
23912 markup.tag.addInlined('style', 'css');
23913 markup.tag.addAttribute('style', 'css');
23914 }
23919/***/ }),
23921/***/ 46:
23922/***/ (() => {
23924Prism.languages.go = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
23925 'string': {
23926 pattern: /(^|[^\\])"(?:\\.|[^"\\\r\n])*"|`[^`]*`/,
23927 lookbehind: true,
23928 greedy: true
23929 },
23930 'keyword': /\b(?:break|case|chan|const|continue|default|defer|else|fallthrough|for|func|go(?:to)?|if|import|interface|map|package|range|return|select|struct|switch|type|var)\b/,
23931 'boolean': /\b(?:_|false|iota|nil|true)\b/,
23932 'number': [
23933 // binary and octal integers
23934 /\b0(?:b[01_]+|o[0-7_]+)i?\b/i,
23935 // hexadecimal integers and floats
23936 /\b0x(?:[a-f\d_]+(?:\.[a-f\d_]*)?|\.[a-f\d_]+)(?:p[+-]?\d+(?:_\d+)*)?i?(?!\w)/i,
23937 // decimal integers and floats
23938 /(?:\b\d[\d_]*(?:\.[\d_]*)?|\B\.\d[\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?[\d_]+)?i?(?!\w)/i
23939 ],
23940 'operator': /[*\/%^!=]=?|\+[=+]?|-[=-]?|\|[=|]?|&(?:=|&|\^=?)?|>(?:>=?|=)?|<(?:<=?|=|-)?|:=|\.\.\./,
23941 'builtin': /\b(?:append|bool|byte|cap|close|complex|complex(?:64|128)|copy|delete|error|float(?:32|64)|u?int(?:8|16|32|64)?|imag|len|make|new|panic|print(?:ln)?|real|recover|rune|string|uintptr)\b/
23944Prism.languages.insertBefore('go', 'string', {
23945 'char': {
23946 pattern: /'(?:\\.|[^'\\\r\n]){0,10}'/,
23947 greedy: true
23948 }
23951delete Prism.languages.go['class-name'];
23954/***/ }),
23956/***/ 57:
23957/***/ (() => {
23959(function (Prism) {
23961 /**
23962 * @param {string} name
23963 * @returns {RegExp}
23964 */
23965 function headerValueOf(name) {
23966 return RegExp('(^(?:' + name + '):[ \t]*(?![ \t]))[^]+', 'i');
23967 }
23969 Prism.languages.http = {
23970 'request-line': {
23971 pattern: /^(?:CONNECT|DELETE|GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|PATCH|POST|PRI|PUT|SEARCH|TRACE)\s(?:https?:\/\/|\/)\S*\sHTTP\/[\d.]+/m,
23972 inside: {
23973 // HTTP Method
23974 'method': {
23975 pattern: /^[A-Z]+\b/,
23976 alias: 'property'
23977 },
23978 // Request Target e.g. http://example.com, /path/to/file
23979 'request-target': {
23980 pattern: /^(\s)(?:https?:\/\/|\/)\S*(?=\s)/,
23981 lookbehind: true,
23982 alias: 'url',
23983 inside: Prism.languages.uri
23984 },
23985 // HTTP Version
23986 'http-version': {
23987 pattern: /^(\s)HTTP\/[\d.]+/,
23988 lookbehind: true,
23989 alias: 'property'
23990 },
23991 }
23992 },
23993 'response-status': {
23994 pattern: /^HTTP\/[\d.]+ \d+ .+/m,
23995 inside: {
23996 // HTTP Version
23997 'http-version': {
23998 pattern: /^HTTP\/[\d.]+/,
23999 alias: 'property'
24000 },
24001 // Status Code
24002 'status-code': {
24003 pattern: /^(\s)\d+(?=\s)/,
24004 lookbehind: true,
24005 alias: 'number'
24006 },
24007 // Reason Phrase
24008 'reason-phrase': {
24009 pattern: /^(\s).+/,
24010 lookbehind: true,
24011 alias: 'string'
24012 }
24013 }
24014 },
24015 'header': {
24016 pattern: /^[\w-]+:.+(?:(?:\r\n?|\n)[ \t].+)*/m,
24017 inside: {
24018 'header-value': [
24019 {
24020 pattern: headerValueOf(/Content-Security-Policy/.source),
24021 lookbehind: true,
24022 alias: ['csp', 'languages-csp'],
24023 inside: Prism.languages.csp
24024 },
24025 {
24026 pattern: headerValueOf(/Public-Key-Pins(?:-Report-Only)?/.source),
24027 lookbehind: true,
24028 alias: ['hpkp', 'languages-hpkp'],
24029 inside: Prism.languages.hpkp
24030 },
24031 {
24032 pattern: headerValueOf(/Strict-Transport-Security/.source),
24033 lookbehind: true,
24034 alias: ['hsts', 'languages-hsts'],
24035 inside: Prism.languages.hsts
24036 },
24037 {
24038 pattern: headerValueOf(/[^:]+/.source),
24039 lookbehind: true
24040 }
24041 ],
24042 'header-name': {
24043 pattern: /^[^:]+/,
24044 alias: 'keyword'
24045 },
24046 'punctuation': /^:/
24047 }
24048 }
24049 };
24051 // Create a mapping of Content-Type headers to language definitions
24052 var langs = Prism.languages;
24053 var httpLanguages = {
24054 'application/javascript': langs.javascript,
24055 'application/json': langs.json || langs.javascript,
24056 'application/xml': langs.xml,
24057 'text/xml': langs.xml,
24058 'text/html': langs.html,
24059 'text/css': langs.css,
24060 'text/plain': langs.plain
24061 };
24063 // Declare which types can also be suffixes
24064 var suffixTypes = {
24065 'application/json': true,
24066 'application/xml': true
24067 };
24069 /**
24070 * Returns a pattern for the given content type which matches it and any type which has it as a suffix.
24071 *
24072 * @param {string} contentType
24073 * @returns {string}
24074 */
24075 function getSuffixPattern(contentType) {
24076 var suffix = contentType.replace(/^[a-z]+\//, '');
24077 var suffixPattern = '\\w+/(?:[\\w.-]+\\+)+' + suffix + '(?![+\\w.-])';
24078 return '(?:' + contentType + '|' + suffixPattern + ')';
24079 }
24081 // Insert each content type parser that has its associated language
24082 // currently loaded.
24083 var options;
24084 for (var contentType in httpLanguages) {
24085 if (httpLanguages[contentType]) {
24086 options = options || {};
24088 var pattern = suffixTypes[contentType] ? getSuffixPattern(contentType) : contentType;
24089 options[contentType.replace(/\//g, '-')] = {
24090 pattern: RegExp(
24091 '(' + /content-type:\s*/.source + pattern + /(?:(?:\r\n?|\n)[\w-].*)*(?:\r(?:\n|(?!\n))|\n)/.source + ')' +
24092 // This is a little interesting:
24093 // The HTTP format spec required 1 empty line before the body to make everything unambiguous.
24094 // However, when writing code by hand (e.g. to display on a website) people can forget about this,
24095 // so we want to be liberal here. We will allow the empty line to be omitted if the first line of
24096 // the body does not start with a [\w-] character (as headers do).
24097 /[^ \t\w-][\s\S]*/.source,
24098 'i'
24099 ),
24100 lookbehind: true,
24101 inside: httpLanguages[contentType]
24102 };
24103 }
24104 }
24105 if (options) {
24106 Prism.languages.insertBefore('http', 'header', options);
24107 }
24112/***/ }),
24114/***/ 503:
24115/***/ (() => {
24117(function (Prism) {
24119 var keywords = /\b(?:abstract|assert|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|default|do|double|else|enum|exports|extends|final|finally|float|for|goto|if|implements|import|instanceof|int|interface|long|module|native|new|non-sealed|null|open|opens|package|permits|private|protected|provides|public|record(?!\s*[(){}[\]<>=%~.:,;?+\-*/&|^])|requires|return|sealed|short|static|strictfp|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|to|transient|transitive|try|uses|var|void|volatile|while|with|yield)\b/;
24121 // full package (optional) + parent classes (optional)
24122 var classNamePrefix = /(?:[a-z]\w*\s*\.\s*)*(?:[A-Z]\w*\s*\.\s*)*/.source;
24124 // based on the java naming conventions
24125 var className = {
24126 pattern: RegExp(/(^|[^\w.])/.source + classNamePrefix + /[A-Z](?:[\d_A-Z]*[a-z]\w*)?\b/.source),
24127 lookbehind: true,
24128 inside: {
24129 'namespace': {
24130 pattern: /^[a-z]\w*(?:\s*\.\s*[a-z]\w*)*(?:\s*\.)?/,
24131 inside: {
24132 'punctuation': /\./
24133 }
24134 },
24135 'punctuation': /\./
24136 }
24137 };
24139 Prism.languages.java = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
24140 'string': {
24141 pattern: /(^|[^\\])"(?:\\.|[^"\\\r\n])*"/,
24142 lookbehind: true,
24143 greedy: true
24144 },
24145 'class-name': [
24146 className,
24147 {
24148 // variables, parameters, and constructor references
24149 // this to support class names (or generic parameters) which do not contain a lower case letter (also works for methods)
24150 pattern: RegExp(/(^|[^\w.])/.source + classNamePrefix + /[A-Z]\w*(?=\s+\w+\s*[;,=()]|\s*(?:\[[\s,]*\]\s*)?::\s*new\b)/.source),
24151 lookbehind: true,
24152 inside: className.inside
24153 },
24154 {
24155 // class names based on keyword
24156 // this to support class names (or generic parameters) which do not contain a lower case letter (also works for methods)
24157 pattern: RegExp(/(\b(?:class|enum|extends|implements|instanceof|interface|new|record|throws)\s+)/.source + classNamePrefix + /[A-Z]\w*\b/.source),
24158 lookbehind: true,
24159 inside: className.inside
24160 }
24161 ],
24162 'keyword': keywords,
24163 'function': [
24164 Prism.languages.clike.function,
24165 {
24166 pattern: /(::\s*)[a-z_]\w*/,
24167 lookbehind: true
24168 }
24169 ],
24170 'number': /\b0b[01][01_]*L?\b|\b0x(?:\.[\da-f_p+-]+|[\da-f_]+(?:\.[\da-f_p+-]+)?)\b|(?:\b\d[\d_]*(?:\.[\d_]*)?|\B\.\d[\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?\d[\d_]*)?[dfl]?/i,
24171 'operator': {
24172 pattern: /(^|[^.])(?:<<=?|>>>?=?|->|--|\+\+|&&|\|\||::|[?:~]|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?)/m,
24173 lookbehind: true
24174 },
24175 'constant': /\b[A-Z][A-Z_\d]+\b/
24176 });
24178 Prism.languages.insertBefore('java', 'string', {
24179 'triple-quoted-string': {
24180 // http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/355#Description
24181 pattern: /"""[ \t]*[\r\n](?:(?:"|"")?(?:\\.|[^"\\]))*"""/,
24182 greedy: true,
24183 alias: 'string'
24184 },
24185 'char': {
24186 pattern: /'(?:\\.|[^'\\\r\n]){1,6}'/,
24187 greedy: true
24188 }
24189 });
24191 Prism.languages.insertBefore('java', 'class-name', {
24192 'annotation': {
24193 pattern: /(^|[^.])@\w+(?:\s*\.\s*\w+)*/,
24194 lookbehind: true,
24195 alias: 'punctuation'
24196 },
24197 'generics': {
24198 pattern: /<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&)|<(?:[\w\s,.?]|&(?!&))*>)*>)*>)*>/,
24199 inside: {
24200 'class-name': className,
24201 'keyword': keywords,
24202 'punctuation': /[<>(),.:]/,
24203 'operator': /[?&|]/
24204 }
24205 },
24206 'import': [
24207 {
24208 pattern: RegExp(/(\bimport\s+)/.source + classNamePrefix + /(?:[A-Z]\w*|\*)(?=\s*;)/.source),
24209 lookbehind: true,
24210 inside: {
24211 'namespace': className.inside.namespace,
24212 'punctuation': /\./,
24213 'operator': /\*/,
24214 'class-name': /\w+/
24215 }
24216 },
24217 {
24218 pattern: RegExp(/(\bimport\s+static\s+)/.source + classNamePrefix + /(?:\w+|\*)(?=\s*;)/.source),
24219 lookbehind: true,
24220 alias: 'static',
24221 inside: {
24222 'namespace': className.inside.namespace,
24223 'static': /\b\w+$/,
24224 'punctuation': /\./,
24225 'operator': /\*/,
24226 'class-name': /\w+/
24227 }
24228 }
24229 ],
24230 'namespace': {
24231 pattern: RegExp(
24232 /(\b(?:exports|import(?:\s+static)?|module|open|opens|package|provides|requires|to|transitive|uses|with)\s+)(?!<keyword>)[a-z]\w*(?:\.[a-z]\w*)*\.?/
24233 .source.replace(/<keyword>/g, function () { return keywords.source; })),
24234 lookbehind: true,
24235 inside: {
24236 'punctuation': /\./,
24237 }
24238 }
24239 });
24243/***/ }),
24245/***/ 277:
24246/***/ (() => {
24248// https://www.json.org/json-en.html
24249Prism.languages.json = {
24250 'property': {
24251 pattern: /(^|[^\\])"(?:\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?=\s*:)/,
24252 lookbehind: true,
24253 greedy: true
24254 },
24255 'string': {
24256 pattern: /(^|[^\\])"(?:\\.|[^\\"\r\n])*"(?!\s*:)/,
24257 lookbehind: true,
24258 greedy: true
24259 },
24260 'comment': {
24261 pattern: /\/\/.*|\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/,
24262 greedy: true
24263 },
24264 'number': /-?\b\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[+-]?\d+)?\b/i,
24265 'punctuation': /[{}[\],]/,
24266 'operator': /:/,
24267 'boolean': /\b(?:false|true)\b/,
24268 'null': {
24269 pattern: /\bnull\b/,
24270 alias: 'keyword'
24271 }
24274Prism.languages.webmanifest = Prism.languages.json;
24277/***/ }),
24279/***/ 366:
24280/***/ (() => {
24282Prism.languages.python = {
24283 'comment': {
24284 pattern: /(^|[^\\])#.*/,
24285 lookbehind: true,
24286 greedy: true
24287 },
24288 'string-interpolation': {
24289 pattern: /(?:f|fr|rf)(?:("""|''')[\s\S]*?\1|("|')(?:\\.|(?!\2)[^\\\r\n])*\2)/i,
24290 greedy: true,
24291 inside: {
24292 'interpolation': {
24293 // "{" <expression> <optional "!s", "!r", or "!a"> <optional ":" format specifier> "}"
24294 pattern: /((?:^|[^{])(?:\{\{)*)\{(?!\{)(?:[^{}]|\{(?!\{)(?:[^{}]|\{(?!\{)(?:[^{}])+\})+\})+\}/,
24295 lookbehind: true,
24296 inside: {
24297 'format-spec': {
24298 pattern: /(:)[^:(){}]+(?=\}$)/,
24299 lookbehind: true
24300 },
24301 'conversion-option': {
24302 pattern: /![sra](?=[:}]$)/,
24303 alias: 'punctuation'
24304 },
24305 rest: null
24306 }
24307 },
24308 'string': /[\s\S]+/
24309 }
24310 },
24311 'triple-quoted-string': {
24312 pattern: /(?:[rub]|br|rb)?("""|''')[\s\S]*?\1/i,
24313 greedy: true,
24314 alias: 'string'
24315 },
24316 'string': {
24317 pattern: /(?:[rub]|br|rb)?("|')(?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/i,
24318 greedy: true
24319 },
24320 'function': {
24321 pattern: /((?:^|\s)def[ \t]+)[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?=\s*\()/g,
24322 lookbehind: true
24323 },
24324 'class-name': {
24325 pattern: /(\bclass\s+)\w+/i,
24326 lookbehind: true
24327 },
24328 'decorator': {
24329 pattern: /(^[\t ]*)@\w+(?:\.\w+)*/m,
24330 lookbehind: true,
24331 alias: ['annotation', 'punctuation'],
24332 inside: {
24333 'punctuation': /\./
24334 }
24335 },
24336 'keyword': /\b(?:_(?=\s*:)|and|as|assert|async|await|break|case|class|continue|def|del|elif|else|except|exec|finally|for|from|global|if|import|in|is|lambda|match|nonlocal|not|or|pass|print|raise|return|try|while|with|yield)\b/,
24337 'builtin': /\b(?:__import__|abs|all|any|apply|ascii|basestring|bin|bool|buffer|bytearray|bytes|callable|chr|classmethod|cmp|coerce|compile|complex|delattr|dict|dir|divmod|enumerate|eval|execfile|file|filter|float|format|frozenset|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|help|hex|id|input|int|intern|isinstance|issubclass|iter|len|list|locals|long|map|max|memoryview|min|next|object|oct|open|ord|pow|property|range|raw_input|reduce|reload|repr|reversed|round|set|setattr|slice|sorted|staticmethod|str|sum|super|tuple|type|unichr|unicode|vars|xrange|zip)\b/,
24338 'boolean': /\b(?:False|None|True)\b/,
24339 'number': /\b0(?:b(?:_?[01])+|o(?:_?[0-7])+|x(?:_?[a-f0-9])+)\b|(?:\b\d+(?:_\d+)*(?:\.(?:\d+(?:_\d+)*)?)?|\B\.\d+(?:_\d+)*)(?:e[+-]?\d+(?:_\d+)*)?j?(?!\w)/i,
24340 'operator': /[-+%=]=?|!=|:=|\*\*?=?|\/\/?=?|<[<=>]?|>[=>]?|[&|^~]/,
24341 'punctuation': /[{}[\];(),.:]/
24344Prism.languages.python['string-interpolation'].inside['interpolation'].inside.rest = Prism.languages.python;
24346Prism.languages.py = Prism.languages.python;
24349/***/ }),
24351/***/ 358:
24352/***/ (() => {
24354(function (Prism) {
24356 // https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#c-ns-anchor-property
24357 // https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#c-ns-alias-node
24358 var anchorOrAlias = /[*&][^\s[\]{},]+/;
24359 // https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#c-ns-tag-property
24360 var tag = /!(?:<[\w\-%#;/?:@&=+$,.!~*'()[\]]+>|(?:[a-zA-Z\d-]*!)?[\w\-%#;/?:@&=+$.~*'()]+)?/;
24361 // https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#c-ns-properties(n,c)
24362 var properties = '(?:' + tag.source + '(?:[ \t]+' + anchorOrAlias.source + ')?|'
24363 + anchorOrAlias.source + '(?:[ \t]+' + tag.source + ')?)';
24364 // https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#ns-plain(n,c)
24365 // This is a simplified version that doesn't support "#" and multiline keys
24366 // All these long scarry character classes are simplified versions of YAML's characters
24367 var plainKey = /(?:[^\s\x00-\x08\x0e-\x1f!"#%&'*,\-:>?@[\]`{|}\x7f-\x84\x86-\x9f\ud800-\udfff\ufffe\uffff]|[?:-]<PLAIN>)(?:[ \t]*(?:(?![#:])<PLAIN>|:<PLAIN>))*/.source
24368 .replace(/<PLAIN>/g, function () { return /[^\s\x00-\x08\x0e-\x1f,[\]{}\x7f-\x84\x86-\x9f\ud800-\udfff\ufffe\uffff]/.source; });
24369 var string = /"(?:[^"\\\r\n]|\\.)*"|'(?:[^'\\\r\n]|\\.)*'/.source;
24371 /**
24372 *
24373 * @param {string} value
24374 * @param {string} [flags]
24375 * @returns {RegExp}
24376 */
24377 function createValuePattern(value, flags) {
24378 flags = (flags || '').replace(/m/g, '') + 'm'; // add m flag
24379 var pattern = /([:\-,[{]\s*(?:\s<<prop>>[ \t]+)?)(?:<<value>>)(?=[ \t]*(?:$|,|\]|\}|(?:[\r\n]\s*)?#))/.source
24380 .replace(/<<prop>>/g, function () { return properties; }).replace(/<<value>>/g, function () { return value; });
24381 return RegExp(pattern, flags);
24382 }
24384 Prism.languages.yaml = {
24385 'scalar': {
24386 pattern: RegExp(/([\-:]\s*(?:\s<<prop>>[ \t]+)?[|>])[ \t]*(?:((?:\r?\n|\r)[ \t]+)\S[^\r\n]*(?:\2[^\r\n]+)*)/.source
24387 .replace(/<<prop>>/g, function () { return properties; })),
24388 lookbehind: true,
24389 alias: 'string'
24390 },
24391 'comment': /#.*/,
24392 'key': {
24393 pattern: RegExp(/((?:^|[:\-,[{\r\n?])[ \t]*(?:<<prop>>[ \t]+)?)<<key>>(?=\s*:\s)/.source
24394 .replace(/<<prop>>/g, function () { return properties; })
24395 .replace(/<<key>>/g, function () { return '(?:' + plainKey + '|' + string + ')'; })),
24396 lookbehind: true,
24397 greedy: true,
24398 alias: 'atrule'
24399 },
24400 'directive': {
24401 pattern: /(^[ \t]*)%.+/m,
24402 lookbehind: true,
24403 alias: 'important'
24404 },
24405 'datetime': {
24406 pattern: createValuePattern(/\d{4}-\d\d?-\d\d?(?:[tT]|[ \t]+)\d\d?:\d{2}:\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?(?:[ \t]*(?:Z|[-+]\d\d?(?::\d{2})?))?|\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}|\d\d?:\d{2}(?::\d{2}(?:\.\d*)?)?/.source),
24407 lookbehind: true,
24408 alias: 'number'
24409 },
24410 'boolean': {
24411 pattern: createValuePattern(/false|true/.source, 'i'),
24412 lookbehind: true,
24413 alias: 'important'
24414 },
24415 'null': {
24416 pattern: createValuePattern(/null|~/.source, 'i'),
24417 lookbehind: true,
24418 alias: 'important'
24419 },
24420 'string': {
24421 pattern: createValuePattern(string),
24422 lookbehind: true,
24423 greedy: true
24424 },
24425 'number': {
24426 pattern: createValuePattern(/[+-]?(?:0x[\da-f]+|0o[0-7]+|(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?|\.inf|\.nan)/.source, 'i'),
24427 lookbehind: true
24428 },
24429 'tag': tag,
24430 'important': anchorOrAlias,
24431 'punctuation': /---|[:[\]{}\-,|>?]|\.\.\./
24432 };
24434 Prism.languages.yml = Prism.languages.yaml;
24439/***/ }),
24441/***/ 660:
24442/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {
24445/* **********************************************
24446 Begin prism-core.js
24447********************************************** */
24449/// <reference lib="WebWorker"/>
24451var _self = (typeof window !== 'undefined')
24452 ? window // if in browser
24453 : (
24454 (typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined' && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope)
24455 ? self // if in worker
24456 : {} // if in node js
24457 );
24460 * Prism: Lightweight, robust, elegant syntax highlighting
24461 *
24462 * @license MIT <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>
24463 * @author Lea Verou <https://lea.verou.me>
24464 * @namespace
24465 * @public
24466 */
24467var Prism = (function (_self) {
24469 // Private helper vars
24470 var lang = /(?:^|\s)lang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)(?=\s|$)/i;
24471 var uniqueId = 0;
24473 // The grammar object for plaintext
24474 var plainTextGrammar = {};
24477 var _ = {
24478 /**
24479 * By default, Prism will attempt to highlight all code elements (by calling {@link Prism.highlightAll}) on the
24480 * current page after the page finished loading. This might be a problem if e.g. you wanted to asynchronously load
24481 * additional languages or plugins yourself.
24482 *
24483 * By setting this value to `true`, Prism will not automatically highlight all code elements on the page.
24484 *
24485 * You obviously have to change this value before the automatic highlighting started. To do this, you can add an
24486 * empty Prism object into the global scope before loading the Prism script like this:
24487 *
24488 * ```js
24489 * window.Prism = window.Prism || {};
24490 * Prism.manual = true;
24491 * // add a new <script> to load Prism's script
24492 * ```
24493 *
24494 * @default false
24495 * @type {boolean}
24496 * @memberof Prism
24497 * @public
24498 */
24499 manual: _self.Prism && _self.Prism.manual,
24500 /**
24501 * By default, if Prism is in a web worker, it assumes that it is in a worker it created itself, so it uses
24502 * `addEventListener` to communicate with its parent instance. However, if you're using Prism manually in your
24503 * own worker, you don't want it to do this.
24504 *
24505 * By setting this value to `true`, Prism will not add its own listeners to the worker.
24506 *
24507 * You obviously have to change this value before Prism executes. To do this, you can add an
24508 * empty Prism object into the global scope before loading the Prism script like this:
24509 *
24510 * ```js
24511 * window.Prism = window.Prism || {};
24512 * Prism.disableWorkerMessageHandler = true;
24513 * // Load Prism's script
24514 * ```
24515 *
24516 * @default false
24517 * @type {boolean}
24518 * @memberof Prism
24519 * @public
24520 */
24521 disableWorkerMessageHandler: _self.Prism && _self.Prism.disableWorkerMessageHandler,
24523 /**
24524 * A namespace for utility methods.
24525 *
24526 * All function in this namespace that are not explicitly marked as _public_ are for __internal use only__ and may
24527 * change or disappear at any time.
24528 *
24529 * @namespace
24530 * @memberof Prism
24531 */
24532 util: {
24533 encode: function encode(tokens) {
24534 if (tokens instanceof Token) {
24535 return new Token(tokens.type, encode(tokens.content), tokens.alias);
24536 } else if (Array.isArray(tokens)) {
24537 return tokens.map(encode);
24538 } else {
24539 return tokens.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');
24540 }
24541 },
24543 /**
24544 * Returns the name of the type of the given value.
24545 *
24546 * @param {any} o
24547 * @returns {string}
24548 * @example
24549 * type(null) === 'Null'
24550 * type(undefined) === 'Undefined'
24551 * type(123) === 'Number'
24552 * type('foo') === 'String'
24553 * type(true) === 'Boolean'
24554 * type([1, 2]) === 'Array'
24555 * type({}) === 'Object'
24556 * type(String) === 'Function'
24557 * type(/abc+/) === 'RegExp'
24558 */
24559 type: function (o) {
24560 return Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1);
24561 },
24563 /**
24564 * Returns a unique number for the given object. Later calls will still return the same number.
24565 *
24566 * @param {Object} obj
24567 * @returns {number}
24568 */
24569 objId: function (obj) {
24570 if (!obj['__id']) {
24571 Object.defineProperty(obj, '__id', { value: ++uniqueId });
24572 }
24573 return obj['__id'];
24574 },
24576 /**
24577 * Creates a deep clone of the given object.
24578 *
24579 * The main intended use of this function is to clone language definitions.
24580 *
24581 * @param {T} o
24582 * @param {Record<number, any>} [visited]
24583 * @returns {T}
24584 * @template T
24585 */
24586 clone: function deepClone(o, visited) {
24587 visited = visited || {};
24589 var clone; var id;
24590 switch (_.util.type(o)) {
24591 case 'Object':
24592 id = _.util.objId(o);
24593 if (visited[id]) {
24594 return visited[id];
24595 }
24596 clone = /** @type {Record<string, any>} */ ({});
24597 visited[id] = clone;
24599 for (var key in o) {
24600 if (o.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
24601 clone[key] = deepClone(o[key], visited);
24602 }
24603 }
24605 return /** @type {any} */ (clone);
24607 case 'Array':
24608 id = _.util.objId(o);
24609 if (visited[id]) {
24610 return visited[id];
24611 }
24612 clone = [];
24613 visited[id] = clone;
24615 (/** @type {Array} */(/** @type {any} */(o))).forEach(function (v, i) {
24616 clone[i] = deepClone(v, visited);
24617 });
24619 return /** @type {any} */ (clone);
24621 default:
24622 return o;
24623 }
24624 },
24626 /**
24627 * Returns the Prism language of the given element set by a `language-xxxx` or `lang-xxxx` class.
24628 *
24629 * If no language is set for the element or the element is `null` or `undefined`, `none` will be returned.
24630 *
24631 * @param {Element} element
24632 * @returns {string}
24633 */
24634 getLanguage: function (element) {
24635 while (element) {
24636 var m = lang.exec(element.className);
24637 if (m) {
24638 return m[1].toLowerCase();
24639 }
24640 element = element.parentElement;
24641 }
24642 return 'none';
24643 },
24645 /**
24646 * Sets the Prism `language-xxxx` class of the given element.
24647 *
24648 * @param {Element} element
24649 * @param {string} language
24650 * @returns {void}
24651 */
24652 setLanguage: function (element, language) {
24653 // remove all `language-xxxx` classes
24654 // (this might leave behind a leading space)
24655 element.className = element.className.replace(RegExp(lang, 'gi'), '');
24657 // add the new `language-xxxx` class
24658 // (using `classList` will automatically clean up spaces for us)
24659 element.classList.add('language-' + language);
24660 },
24662 /**
24663 * Returns the script element that is currently executing.
24664 *
24665 * This does __not__ work for line script element.
24666 *
24667 * @returns {HTMLScriptElement | null}
24668 */
24669 currentScript: function () {
24670 if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
24671 return null;
24672 }
24673 if ('currentScript' in document && 1 < 2 /* hack to trip TS' flow analysis */) {
24674 return /** @type {any} */ (document.currentScript);
24675 }
24677 // IE11 workaround
24678 // we'll get the src of the current script by parsing IE11's error stack trace
24679 // this will not work for inline scripts
24681 try {
24682 throw new Error();
24683 } catch (err) {
24684 // Get file src url from stack. Specifically works with the format of stack traces in IE.
24685 // A stack will look like this:
24686 //
24687 // Error
24688 // at _.util.currentScript (http://localhost/components/prism-core.js:119:5)
24689 // at Global code (http://localhost/components/prism-core.js:606:1)
24691 var src = (/at [^(\r\n]*\((.*):[^:]+:[^:]+\)$/i.exec(err.stack) || [])[1];
24692 if (src) {
24693 var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
24694 for (var i in scripts) {
24695 if (scripts[i].src == src) {
24696 return scripts[i];
24697 }
24698 }
24699 }
24700 return null;
24701 }
24702 },
24704 /**
24705 * Returns whether a given class is active for `element`.
24706 *
24707 * The class can be activated if `element` or one of its ancestors has the given class and it can be deactivated
24708 * if `element` or one of its ancestors has the negated version of the given class. The _negated version_ of the
24709 * given class is just the given class with a `no-` prefix.
24710 *
24711 * Whether the class is active is determined by the closest ancestor of `element` (where `element` itself is
24712 * closest ancestor) that has the given class or the negated version of it. If neither `element` nor any of its
24713 * ancestors have the given class or the negated version of it, then the default activation will be returned.
24714 *
24715 * In the paradoxical situation where the closest ancestor contains __both__ the given class and the negated
24716 * version of it, the class is considered active.
24717 *
24718 * @param {Element} element
24719 * @param {string} className
24720 * @param {boolean} [defaultActivation=false]
24721 * @returns {boolean}
24722 */
24723 isActive: function (element, className, defaultActivation) {
24724 var no = 'no-' + className;
24726 while (element) {
24727 var classList = element.classList;
24728 if (classList.contains(className)) {
24729 return true;
24730 }
24731 if (classList.contains(no)) {
24732 return false;
24733 }
24734 element = element.parentElement;
24735 }
24736 return !!defaultActivation;
24737 }
24738 },
24740 /**
24741 * This namespace contains all currently loaded languages and the some helper functions to create and modify languages.
24742 *
24743 * @namespace
24744 * @memberof Prism
24745 * @public
24746 */
24747 languages: {
24748 /**
24749 * The grammar for plain, unformatted text.
24750 */
24751 plain: plainTextGrammar,
24752 plaintext: plainTextGrammar,
24753 text: plainTextGrammar,
24754 txt: plainTextGrammar,
24756 /**
24757 * Creates a deep copy of the language with the given id and appends the given tokens.
24758 *
24759 * If a token in `redef` also appears in the copied language, then the existing token in the copied language
24760 * will be overwritten at its original position.
24761 *
24762 * ## Best practices
24763 *
24764 * Since the position of overwriting tokens (token in `redef` that overwrite tokens in the copied language)
24765 * doesn't matter, they can technically be in any order. However, this can be confusing to others that trying to
24766 * understand the language definition because, normally, the order of tokens matters in Prism grammars.
24767 *
24768 * Therefore, it is encouraged to order overwriting tokens according to the positions of the overwritten tokens.
24769 * Furthermore, all non-overwriting tokens should be placed after the overwriting ones.
24770 *
24771 * @param {string} id The id of the language to extend. This has to be a key in `Prism.languages`.
24772 * @param {Grammar} redef The new tokens to append.
24773 * @returns {Grammar} The new language created.
24774 * @public
24775 * @example
24776 * Prism.languages['css-with-colors'] = Prism.languages.extend('css', {
24777 * // Prism.languages.css already has a 'comment' token, so this token will overwrite CSS' 'comment' token
24778 * // at its original position
24779 * 'comment': { ... },
24780 * // CSS doesn't have a 'color' token, so this token will be appended
24781 * 'color': /\b(?:red|green|blue)\b/
24782 * });
24783 */
24784 extend: function (id, redef) {
24785 var lang = _.util.clone(_.languages[id]);
24787 for (var key in redef) {
24788 lang[key] = redef[key];
24789 }
24791 return lang;
24792 },
24794 /**
24795 * Inserts tokens _before_ another token in a language definition or any other grammar.
24796 *
24797 * ## Usage
24798 *
24799 * This helper method makes it easy to modify existing languages. For example, the CSS language definition
24800 * not only defines CSS highlighting for CSS documents, but also needs to define highlighting for CSS embedded
24801 * in HTML through `<style>` elements. To do this, it needs to modify `Prism.languages.markup` and add the
24802 * appropriate tokens. However, `Prism.languages.markup` is a regular JavaScript object literal, so if you do
24803 * this:
24804 *
24805 * ```js
24806 * Prism.languages.markup.style = {
24807 * // token
24808 * };
24809 * ```
24810 *
24811 * then the `style` token will be added (and processed) at the end. `insertBefore` allows you to insert tokens
24812 * before existing tokens. For the CSS example above, you would use it like this:
24813 *
24814 * ```js
24815 * Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'cdata', {
24816 * 'style': {
24817 * // token
24818 * }
24819 * });
24820 * ```
24821 *
24822 * ## Special cases
24823 *
24824 * If the grammars of `inside` and `insert` have tokens with the same name, the tokens in `inside`'s grammar
24825 * will be ignored.
24826 *
24827 * This behavior can be used to insert tokens after `before`:
24828 *
24829 * ```js
24830 * Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'comment', {
24831 * 'comment': Prism.languages.markup.comment,
24832 * // tokens after 'comment'
24833 * });
24834 * ```
24835 *
24836 * ## Limitations
24837 *
24838 * The main problem `insertBefore` has to solve is iteration order. Since ES2015, the iteration order for object
24839 * properties is guaranteed to be the insertion order (except for integer keys) but some browsers behave
24840 * differently when keys are deleted and re-inserted. So `insertBefore` can't be implemented by temporarily
24841 * deleting properties which is necessary to insert at arbitrary positions.
24842 *
24843 * To solve this problem, `insertBefore` doesn't actually insert the given tokens into the target object.
24844 * Instead, it will create a new object and replace all references to the target object with the new one. This
24845 * can be done without temporarily deleting properties, so the iteration order is well-defined.
24846 *
24847 * However, only references that can be reached from `Prism.languages` or `insert` will be replaced. I.e. if
24848 * you hold the target object in a variable, then the value of the variable will not change.
24849 *
24850 * ```js
24851 * var oldMarkup = Prism.languages.markup;
24852 * var newMarkup = Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'comment', { ... });
24853 *
24854 * assert(oldMarkup !== Prism.languages.markup);
24855 * assert(newMarkup === Prism.languages.markup);
24856 * ```
24857 *
24858 * @param {string} inside The property of `root` (e.g. a language id in `Prism.languages`) that contains the
24859 * object to be modified.
24860 * @param {string} before The key to insert before.
24861 * @param {Grammar} insert An object containing the key-value pairs to be inserted.
24862 * @param {Object<string, any>} [root] The object containing `inside`, i.e. the object that contains the
24863 * object to be modified.
24864 *
24865 * Defaults to `Prism.languages`.
24866 * @returns {Grammar} The new grammar object.
24867 * @public
24868 */
24869 insertBefore: function (inside, before, insert, root) {
24870 root = root || /** @type {any} */ (_.languages);
24871 var grammar = root[inside];
24872 /** @type {Grammar} */
24873 var ret = {};
24875 for (var token in grammar) {
24876 if (grammar.hasOwnProperty(token)) {
24878 if (token == before) {
24879 for (var newToken in insert) {
24880 if (insert.hasOwnProperty(newToken)) {
24881 ret[newToken] = insert[newToken];
24882 }
24883 }
24884 }
24886 // Do not insert token which also occur in insert. See #1525
24887 if (!insert.hasOwnProperty(token)) {
24888 ret[token] = grammar[token];
24889 }
24890 }
24891 }
24893 var old = root[inside];
24894 root[inside] = ret;
24896 // Update references in other language definitions
24897 _.languages.DFS(_.languages, function (key, value) {
24898 if (value === old && key != inside) {
24899 this[key] = ret;
24900 }
24901 });
24903 return ret;
24904 },
24906 // Traverse a language definition with Depth First Search
24907 DFS: function DFS(o, callback, type, visited) {
24908 visited = visited || {};
24910 var objId = _.util.objId;
24912 for (var i in o) {
24913 if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
24914 callback.call(o, i, o[i], type || i);
24916 var property = o[i];
24917 var propertyType = _.util.type(property);
24919 if (propertyType === 'Object' && !visited[objId(property)]) {
24920 visited[objId(property)] = true;
24921 DFS(property, callback, null, visited);
24922 } else if (propertyType === 'Array' && !visited[objId(property)]) {
24923 visited[objId(property)] = true;
24924 DFS(property, callback, i, visited);
24925 }
24926 }
24927 }
24928 }
24929 },
24931 plugins: {},
24933 /**
24934 * This is the most high-level function in Prism’s API.
24935 * It fetches all the elements that have a `.language-xxxx` class and then calls {@link Prism.highlightElement} on
24936 * each one of them.
24937 *
24938 * This is equivalent to `Prism.highlightAllUnder(document, async, callback)`.
24939 *
24940 * @param {boolean} [async=false] Same as in {@link Prism.highlightAllUnder}.
24941 * @param {HighlightCallback} [callback] Same as in {@link Prism.highlightAllUnder}.
24942 * @memberof Prism
24943 * @public
24944 */
24945 highlightAll: function (async, callback) {
24946 _.highlightAllUnder(document, async, callback);
24947 },
24949 /**
24950 * Fetches all the descendants of `container` that have a `.language-xxxx` class and then calls
24951 * {@link Prism.highlightElement} on each one of them.
24952 *
24953 * The following hooks will be run:
24954 * 1. `before-highlightall`
24955 * 2. `before-all-elements-highlight`
24956 * 3. All hooks of {@link Prism.highlightElement} for each element.
24957 *
24958 * @param {ParentNode} container The root element, whose descendants that have a `.language-xxxx` class will be highlighted.
24959 * @param {boolean} [async=false] Whether each element is to be highlighted asynchronously using Web Workers.
24960 * @param {HighlightCallback} [callback] An optional callback to be invoked on each element after its highlighting is done.
24961 * @memberof Prism
24962 * @public
24963 */
24964 highlightAllUnder: function (container, async, callback) {
24965 var env = {
24966 callback: callback,
24967 container: container,
24968 selector: 'code[class*="language-"], [class*="language-"] code, code[class*="lang-"], [class*="lang-"] code'
24969 };
24971 _.hooks.run('before-highlightall', env);
24973 env.elements = Array.prototype.slice.apply(env.container.querySelectorAll(env.selector));
24975 _.hooks.run('before-all-elements-highlight', env);
24977 for (var i = 0, element; (element = env.elements[i++]);) {
24978 _.highlightElement(element, async === true, env.callback);
24979 }
24980 },
24982 /**
24983 * Highlights the code inside a single element.
24984 *
24985 * The following hooks will be run:
24986 * 1. `before-sanity-check`
24987 * 2. `before-highlight`
24988 * 3. All hooks of {@link Prism.highlight}. These hooks will be run by an asynchronous worker if `async` is `true`.
24989 * 4. `before-insert`
24990 * 5. `after-highlight`
24991 * 6. `complete`
24992 *
24993 * Some the above hooks will be skipped if the element doesn't contain any text or there is no grammar loaded for
24994 * the element's language.
24995 *
24996 * @param {Element} element The element containing the code.
24997 * It must have a class of `language-xxxx` to be processed, where `xxxx` is a valid language identifier.
24998 * @param {boolean} [async=false] Whether the element is to be highlighted asynchronously using Web Workers
24999 * to improve performance and avoid blocking the UI when highlighting very large chunks of code. This option is
25000 * [disabled by default](https://prismjs.com/faq.html#why-is-asynchronous-highlighting-disabled-by-default).
25001 *
25002 * Note: All language definitions required to highlight the code must be included in the main `prism.js` file for
25003 * asynchronous highlighting to work. You can build your own bundle on the
25004 * [Download page](https://prismjs.com/download.html).
25005 * @param {HighlightCallback} [callback] An optional callback to be invoked after the highlighting is done.
25006 * Mostly useful when `async` is `true`, since in that case, the highlighting is done asynchronously.
25007 * @memberof Prism
25008 * @public
25009 */
25010 highlightElement: function (element, async, callback) {
25011 // Find language
25012 var language = _.util.getLanguage(element);
25013 var grammar = _.languages[language];
25015 // Set language on the element, if not present
25016 _.util.setLanguage(element, language);
25018 // Set language on the parent, for styling
25019 var parent = element.parentElement;
25020 if (parent && parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'pre') {
25021 _.util.setLanguage(parent, language);
25022 }
25024 var code = element.textContent;
25026 var env = {
25027 element: element,
25028 language: language,
25029 grammar: grammar,
25030 code: code
25031 };
25033 function insertHighlightedCode(highlightedCode) {
25034 env.highlightedCode = highlightedCode;
25036 _.hooks.run('before-insert', env);
25038 env.element.innerHTML = env.highlightedCode;
25040 _.hooks.run('after-highlight', env);
25041 _.hooks.run('complete', env);
25042 callback && callback.call(env.element);
25043 }
25045 _.hooks.run('before-sanity-check', env);
25047 // plugins may change/add the parent/element
25048 parent = env.element.parentElement;
25049 if (parent && parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'pre' && !parent.hasAttribute('tabindex')) {
25050 parent.setAttribute('tabindex', '0');
25051 }
25053 if (!env.code) {
25054 _.hooks.run('complete', env);
25055 callback && callback.call(env.element);
25056 return;
25057 }
25059 _.hooks.run('before-highlight', env);
25061 if (!env.grammar) {
25062 insertHighlightedCode(_.util.encode(env.code));
25063 return;
25064 }
25066 if (async && _self.Worker) {
25067 var worker = new Worker(_.filename);
25069 worker.onmessage = function (evt) {
25070 insertHighlightedCode(evt.data);
25071 };
25073 worker.postMessage(JSON.stringify({
25074 language: env.language,
25075 code: env.code,
25076 immediateClose: true
25077 }));
25078 } else {
25079 insertHighlightedCode(_.highlight(env.code, env.grammar, env.language));
25080 }
25081 },
25083 /**
25084 * Low-level function, only use if you know what you’re doing. It accepts a string of text as input
25085 * and the language definitions to use, and returns a string with the HTML produced.
25086 *
25087 * The following hooks will be run:
25088 * 1. `before-tokenize`
25089 * 2. `after-tokenize`
25090 * 3. `wrap`: On each {@link Token}.
25091 *
25092 * @param {string} text A string with the code to be highlighted.
25093 * @param {Grammar} grammar An object containing the tokens to use.
25094 *
25095 * Usually a language definition like `Prism.languages.markup`.
25096 * @param {string} language The name of the language definition passed to `grammar`.
25097 * @returns {string} The highlighted HTML.
25098 * @memberof Prism
25099 * @public
25100 * @example
25101 * Prism.highlight('var foo = true;', Prism.languages.javascript, 'javascript');
25102 */
25103 highlight: function (text, grammar, language) {
25104 var env = {
25105 code: text,
25106 grammar: grammar,
25107 language: language
25108 };
25109 _.hooks.run('before-tokenize', env);
25110 if (!env.grammar) {
25111 throw new Error('The language "' + env.language + '" has no grammar.');
25112 }
25113 env.tokens = _.tokenize(env.code, env.grammar);
25114 _.hooks.run('after-tokenize', env);
25115 return Token.stringify(_.util.encode(env.tokens), env.language);
25116 },
25118 /**
25119 * This is the heart of Prism, and the most low-level function you can use. It accepts a string of text as input
25120 * and the language definitions to use, and returns an array with the tokenized code.
25121 *
25122 * When the language definition includes nested tokens, the function is called recursively on each of these tokens.
25123 *
25124 * This method could be useful in other contexts as well, as a very crude parser.
25125 *
25126 * @param {string} text A string with the code to be highlighted.
25127 * @param {Grammar} grammar An object containing the tokens to use.
25128 *
25129 * Usually a language definition like `Prism.languages.markup`.
25130 * @returns {TokenStream} An array of strings and tokens, a token stream.
25131 * @memberof Prism
25132 * @public
25133 * @example
25134 * let code = `var foo = 0;`;
25135 * let tokens = Prism.tokenize(code, Prism.languages.javascript);
25136 * tokens.forEach(token => {
25137 * if (token instanceof Prism.Token && token.type === 'number') {
25138 * console.log(`Found numeric literal: ${token.content}`);
25139 * }
25140 * });
25141 */
25142 tokenize: function (text, grammar) {
25143 var rest = grammar.rest;
25144 if (rest) {
25145 for (var token in rest) {
25146 grammar[token] = rest[token];
25147 }
25149 delete grammar.rest;
25150 }
25152 var tokenList = new LinkedList();
25153 addAfter(tokenList, tokenList.head, text);
25155 matchGrammar(text, tokenList, grammar, tokenList.head, 0);
25157 return toArray(tokenList);
25158 },
25160 /**
25161 * @namespace
25162 * @memberof Prism
25163 * @public
25164 */
25165 hooks: {
25166 all: {},
25168 /**
25169 * Adds the given callback to the list of callbacks for the given hook.
25170 *
25171 * The callback will be invoked when the hook it is registered for is run.
25172 * Hooks are usually directly run by a highlight function but you can also run hooks yourself.
25173 *
25174 * One callback function can be registered to multiple hooks and the same hook multiple times.
25175 *
25176 * @param {string} name The name of the hook.
25177 * @param {HookCallback} callback The callback function which is given environment variables.
25178 * @public
25179 */
25180 add: function (name, callback) {
25181 var hooks = _.hooks.all;
25183 hooks[name] = hooks[name] || [];
25185 hooks[name].push(callback);
25186 },
25188 /**
25189 * Runs a hook invoking all registered callbacks with the given environment variables.
25190 *
25191 * Callbacks will be invoked synchronously and in the order in which they were registered.
25192 *
25193 * @param {string} name The name of the hook.
25194 * @param {Object<string, any>} env The environment variables of the hook passed to all callbacks registered.
25195 * @public
25196 */
25197 run: function (name, env) {
25198 var callbacks = _.hooks.all[name];
25200 if (!callbacks || !callbacks.length) {
25201 return;
25202 }
25204 for (var i = 0, callback; (callback = callbacks[i++]);) {
25205 callback(env);
25206 }
25207 }
25208 },
25210 Token: Token
25211 };
25212 _self.Prism = _;
25215 // Typescript note:
25216 // The following can be used to import the Token type in JSDoc:
25217 //
25218 // @typedef {InstanceType<import("./prism-core")["Token"]>} Token
25220 /**
25221 * Creates a new token.
25222 *
25223 * @param {string} type See {@link Token#type type}
25224 * @param {string | TokenStream} content See {@link Token#content content}
25225 * @param {string|string[]} [alias] The alias(es) of the token.
25226 * @param {string} [matchedStr=""] A copy of the full string this token was created from.
25227 * @class
25228 * @global
25229 * @public
25230 */
25231 function Token(type, content, alias, matchedStr) {
25232 /**
25233 * The type of the token.
25234 *
25235 * This is usually the key of a pattern in a {@link Grammar}.
25236 *
25237 * @type {string}
25238 * @see GrammarToken
25239 * @public
25240 */
25241 this.type = type;
25242 /**
25243 * The strings or tokens contained by this token.
25244 *
25245 * This will be a token stream if the pattern matched also defined an `inside` grammar.
25246 *
25247 * @type {string | TokenStream}
25248 * @public
25249 */
25250 this.content = content;
25251 /**
25252 * The alias(es) of the token.
25253 *
25254 * @type {string|string[]}
25255 * @see GrammarToken
25256 * @public
25257 */
25258 this.alias = alias;
25259 // Copy of the full string this token was created from
25260 this.length = (matchedStr || '').length | 0;
25261 }
25263 /**
25264 * A token stream is an array of strings and {@link Token Token} objects.
25265 *
25266 * Token streams have to fulfill a few properties that are assumed by most functions (mostly internal ones) that process
25267 * them.
25268 *
25269 * 1. No adjacent strings.
25270 * 2. No empty strings.
25271 *
25272 * The only exception here is the token stream that only contains the empty string and nothing else.
25273 *
25274 * @typedef {Array<string | Token>} TokenStream
25275 * @global
25276 * @public
25277 */
25279 /**
25280 * Converts the given token or token stream to an HTML representation.
25281 *
25282 * The following hooks will be run:
25283 * 1. `wrap`: On each {@link Token}.
25284 *
25285 * @param {string | Token | TokenStream} o The token or token stream to be converted.
25286 * @param {string} language The name of current language.
25287 * @returns {string} The HTML representation of the token or token stream.
25288 * @memberof Token
25289 * @static
25290 */
25291 Token.stringify = function stringify(o, language) {
25292 if (typeof o == 'string') {
25293 return o;
25294 }
25295 if (Array.isArray(o)) {
25296 var s = '';
25297 o.forEach(function (e) {
25298 s += stringify(e, language);
25299 });
25300 return s;
25301 }
25303 var env = {
25304 type: o.type,
25305 content: stringify(o.content, language),
25306 tag: 'span',
25307 classes: ['token', o.type],
25308 attributes: {},
25309 language: language
25310 };
25312 var aliases = o.alias;
25313 if (aliases) {
25314 if (Array.isArray(aliases)) {
25315 Array.prototype.push.apply(env.classes, aliases);
25316 } else {
25317 env.classes.push(aliases);
25318 }
25319 }
25321 _.hooks.run('wrap', env);
25323 var attributes = '';
25324 for (var name in env.attributes) {
25325 attributes += ' ' + name + '="' + (env.attributes[name] || '').replace(/"/g, '&quot;') + '"';
25326 }
25328 return '<' + env.tag + ' class="' + env.classes.join(' ') + '"' + attributes + '>' + env.content + '</' + env.tag + '>';
25329 };
25331 /**
25332 * @param {RegExp} pattern
25333 * @param {number} pos
25334 * @param {string} text
25335 * @param {boolean} lookbehind
25336 * @returns {RegExpExecArray | null}
25337 */
25338 function matchPattern(pattern, pos, text, lookbehind) {
25339 pattern.lastIndex = pos;
25340 var match = pattern.exec(text);
25341 if (match && lookbehind && match[1]) {
25342 // change the match to remove the text matched by the Prism lookbehind group
25343 var lookbehindLength = match[1].length;
25344 match.index += lookbehindLength;
25345 match[0] = match[0].slice(lookbehindLength);
25346 }
25347 return match;
25348 }
25350 /**
25351 * @param {string} text
25352 * @param {LinkedList<string | Token>} tokenList
25353 * @param {any} grammar
25354 * @param {LinkedListNode<string | Token>} startNode
25355 * @param {number} startPos
25356 * @param {RematchOptions} [rematch]
25357 * @returns {void}
25358 * @private
25359 *
25360 * @typedef RematchOptions
25361 * @property {string} cause
25362 * @property {number} reach
25363 */
25364 function matchGrammar(text, tokenList, grammar, startNode, startPos, rematch) {
25365 for (var token in grammar) {
25366 if (!grammar.hasOwnProperty(token) || !grammar[token]) {
25367 continue;
25368 }
25370 var patterns = grammar[token];
25371 patterns = Array.isArray(patterns) ? patterns : [patterns];
25373 for (var j = 0; j < patterns.length; ++j) {
25374 if (rematch && rematch.cause == token + ',' + j) {
25375 return;
25376 }
25378 var patternObj = patterns[j];
25379 var inside = patternObj.inside;
25380 var lookbehind = !!patternObj.lookbehind;
25381 var greedy = !!patternObj.greedy;
25382 var alias = patternObj.alias;
25384 if (greedy && !patternObj.pattern.global) {
25385 // Without the global flag, lastIndex won't work
25386 var flags = patternObj.pattern.toString().match(/[imsuy]*$/)[0];
25387 patternObj.pattern = RegExp(patternObj.pattern.source, flags + 'g');
25388 }
25390 /** @type {RegExp} */
25391 var pattern = patternObj.pattern || patternObj;
25393 for ( // iterate the token list and keep track of the current token/string position
25394 var currentNode = startNode.next, pos = startPos;
25395 currentNode !== tokenList.tail;
25396 pos += currentNode.value.length, currentNode = currentNode.next
25397 ) {
25399 if (rematch && pos >= rematch.reach) {
25400 break;
25401 }
25403 var str = currentNode.value;
25405 if (tokenList.length > text.length) {
25406 // Something went terribly wrong, ABORT, ABORT!
25407 return;
25408 }
25410 if (str instanceof Token) {
25411 continue;
25412 }
25414 var removeCount = 1; // this is the to parameter of removeBetween
25415 var match;
25417 if (greedy) {
25418 match = matchPattern(pattern, pos, text, lookbehind);
25419 if (!match || match.index >= text.length) {
25420 break;
25421 }
25423 var from = match.index;
25424 var to = match.index + match[0].length;
25425 var p = pos;
25427 // find the node that contains the match
25428 p += currentNode.value.length;
25429 while (from >= p) {
25430 currentNode = currentNode.next;
25431 p += currentNode.value.length;
25432 }
25433 // adjust pos (and p)
25434 p -= currentNode.value.length;
25435 pos = p;
25437 // the current node is a Token, then the match starts inside another Token, which is invalid
25438 if (currentNode.value instanceof Token) {
25439 continue;
25440 }
25442 // find the last node which is affected by this match
25443 for (
25444 var k = currentNode;
25445 k !== tokenList.tail && (p < to || typeof k.value === 'string');
25446 k = k.next
25447 ) {
25448 removeCount++;
25449 p += k.value.length;
25450 }
25451 removeCount--;
25453 // replace with the new match
25454 str = text.slice(pos, p);
25455 match.index -= pos;
25456 } else {
25457 match = matchPattern(pattern, 0, str, lookbehind);
25458 if (!match) {
25459 continue;
25460 }
25461 }
25463 // eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare
25464 var from = match.index;
25465 var matchStr = match[0];
25466 var before = str.slice(0, from);
25467 var after = str.slice(from + matchStr.length);
25469 var reach = pos + str.length;
25470 if (rematch && reach > rematch.reach) {
25471 rematch.reach = reach;
25472 }
25474 var removeFrom = currentNode.prev;
25476 if (before) {
25477 removeFrom = addAfter(tokenList, removeFrom, before);
25478 pos += before.length;
25479 }
25481 removeRange(tokenList, removeFrom, removeCount);
25483 var wrapped = new Token(token, inside ? _.tokenize(matchStr, inside) : matchStr, alias, matchStr);
25484 currentNode = addAfter(tokenList, removeFrom, wrapped);
25486 if (after) {
25487 addAfter(tokenList, currentNode, after);
25488 }
25490 if (removeCount > 1) {
25491 // at least one Token object was removed, so we have to do some rematching
25492 // this can only happen if the current pattern is greedy
25494 /** @type {RematchOptions} */
25495 var nestedRematch = {
25496 cause: token + ',' + j,
25497 reach: reach
25498 };
25499 matchGrammar(text, tokenList, grammar, currentNode.prev, pos, nestedRematch);
25501 // the reach might have been extended because of the rematching
25502 if (rematch && nestedRematch.reach > rematch.reach) {
25503 rematch.reach = nestedRematch.reach;
25504 }
25505 }
25506 }
25507 }
25508 }
25509 }
25511 /**
25512 * @typedef LinkedListNode
25513 * @property {T} value
25514 * @property {LinkedListNode<T> | null} prev The previous node.
25515 * @property {LinkedListNode<T> | null} next The next node.
25516 * @template T
25517 * @private
25518 */
25520 /**
25521 * @template T
25522 * @private
25523 */
25524 function LinkedList() {
25525 /** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */
25526 var head = { value: null, prev: null, next: null };
25527 /** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */
25528 var tail = { value: null, prev: head, next: null };
25529 head.next = tail;
25531 /** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */
25532 this.head = head;
25533 /** @type {LinkedListNode<T>} */
25534 this.tail = tail;
25535 this.length = 0;
25536 }
25538 /**
25539 * Adds a new node with the given value to the list.
25540 *
25541 * @param {LinkedList<T>} list
25542 * @param {LinkedListNode<T>} node
25543 * @param {T} value
25544 * @returns {LinkedListNode<T>} The added node.
25545 * @template T
25546 */
25547 function addAfter(list, node, value) {
25548 // assumes that node != list.tail && values.length >= 0
25549 var next = node.next;
25551 var newNode = { value: value, prev: node, next: next };
25552 node.next = newNode;
25553 next.prev = newNode;
25554 list.length++;
25556 return newNode;
25557 }
25558 /**
25559 * Removes `count` nodes after the given node. The given node will not be removed.
25560 *
25561 * @param {LinkedList<T>} list
25562 * @param {LinkedListNode<T>} node
25563 * @param {number} count
25564 * @template T
25565 */
25566 function removeRange(list, node, count) {
25567 var next = node.next;
25568 for (var i = 0; i < count && next !== list.tail; i++) {
25569 next = next.next;
25570 }
25571 node.next = next;
25572 next.prev = node;
25573 list.length -= i;
25574 }
25575 /**
25576 * @param {LinkedList<T>} list
25577 * @returns {T[]}
25578 * @template T
25579 */
25580 function toArray(list) {
25581 var array = [];
25582 var node = list.head.next;
25583 while (node !== list.tail) {
25584 array.push(node.value);
25585 node = node.next;
25586 }
25587 return array;
25588 }
25591 if (!_self.document) {
25592 if (!_self.addEventListener) {
25593 // in Node.js
25594 return _;
25595 }
25597 if (!_.disableWorkerMessageHandler) {
25598 // In worker
25599 _self.addEventListener('message', function (evt) {
25600 var message = JSON.parse(evt.data);
25601 var lang = message.language;
25602 var code = message.code;
25603 var immediateClose = message.immediateClose;
25605 _self.postMessage(_.highlight(code, _.languages[lang], lang));
25606 if (immediateClose) {
25607 _self.close();
25608 }
25609 }, false);
25610 }
25612 return _;
25613 }
25615 // Get current script and highlight
25616 var script = _.util.currentScript();
25618 if (script) {
25619 _.filename = script.src;
25621 if (script.hasAttribute('data-manual')) {
25622 _.manual = true;
25623 }
25624 }
25626 function highlightAutomaticallyCallback() {
25627 if (!_.manual) {
25628 _.highlightAll();
25629 }
25630 }
25632 if (!_.manual) {
25633 // If the document state is "loading", then we'll use DOMContentLoaded.
25634 // If the document state is "interactive" and the prism.js script is deferred, then we'll also use the
25635 // DOMContentLoaded event because there might be some plugins or languages which have also been deferred and they
25636 // might take longer one animation frame to execute which can create a race condition where only some plugins have
25637 // been loaded when Prism.highlightAll() is executed, depending on how fast resources are loaded.
25638 // See https://github.com/PrismJS/prism/issues/2102
25639 var readyState = document.readyState;
25640 if (readyState === 'loading' || readyState === 'interactive' && script && script.defer) {
25641 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', highlightAutomaticallyCallback);
25642 } else {
25643 if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {
25644 window.requestAnimationFrame(highlightAutomaticallyCallback);
25645 } else {
25646 window.setTimeout(highlightAutomaticallyCallback, 16);
25647 }
25648 }
25649 }
25651 return _;
25655if ( true && module.exports) {
25656 module.exports = Prism;
25659// hack for components to work correctly in node.js
25660if (typeof __webpack_require__.g !== 'undefined') {
25661 __webpack_require__.g.Prism = Prism;
25664// some additional documentation/types
25667 * The expansion of a simple `RegExp` literal to support additional properties.
25668 *
25669 * @typedef GrammarToken
25670 * @property {RegExp} pattern The regular expression of the token.
25671 * @property {boolean} [lookbehind=false] If `true`, then the first capturing group of `pattern` will (effectively)
25672 * behave as a lookbehind group meaning that the captured text will not be part of the matched text of the new token.
25673 * @property {boolean} [greedy=false] Whether the token is greedy.
25674 * @property {string|string[]} [alias] An optional alias or list of aliases.
25675 * @property {Grammar} [inside] The nested grammar of this token.
25676 *
25677 * The `inside` grammar will be used to tokenize the text value of each token of this kind.
25678 *
25679 * This can be used to make nested and even recursive language definitions.
25680 *
25681 * Note: This can cause infinite recursion. Be careful when you embed different languages or even the same language into
25682 * each another.
25683 * @global
25684 * @public
25685 */
25688 * @typedef Grammar
25689 * @type {Object<string, RegExp | GrammarToken | Array<RegExp | GrammarToken>>}
25690 * @property {Grammar} [rest] An optional grammar object that will be appended to this grammar.
25691 * @global
25692 * @public
25693 */
25696 * A function which will invoked after an element was successfully highlighted.
25697 *
25698 * @callback HighlightCallback
25699 * @param {Element} element The element successfully highlighted.
25700 * @returns {void}
25701 * @global
25702 * @public
25703 */
25706 * @callback HookCallback
25707 * @param {Object<string, any>} env The environment variables of the hook.
25708 * @returns {void}
25709 * @global
25710 * @public
25711 */
25714/* **********************************************
25715 Begin prism-markup.js
25716********************************************** */
25718Prism.languages.markup = {
25719 'comment': {
25720 pattern: /<!--(?:(?!<!--)[\s\S])*?-->/,
25721 greedy: true
25722 },
25723 'prolog': {
25724 pattern: /<\?[\s\S]+?\?>/,
25725 greedy: true
25726 },
25727 'doctype': {
25728 // https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#NT-doctypedecl
25729 pattern: /<!DOCTYPE(?:[^>"'[\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+(?:\[(?:[^<"'\]]|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|<(?!!--)|<!--(?:[^-]|-(?!->))*-->)*\]\s*)?>/i,
25730 greedy: true,
25731 inside: {
25732 'internal-subset': {
25733 pattern: /(^[^\[]*\[)[\s\S]+(?=\]>$)/,
25734 lookbehind: true,
25735 greedy: true,
25736 inside: null // see below
25737 },
25738 'string': {
25739 pattern: /"[^"]*"|'[^']*'/,
25740 greedy: true
25741 },
25742 'punctuation': /^<!|>$|[[\]]/,
25743 'doctype-tag': /^DOCTYPE/i,
25744 'name': /[^\s<>'"]+/
25745 }
25746 },
25747 'cdata': {
25748 pattern: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i,
25749 greedy: true
25750 },
25751 'tag': {
25752 pattern: /<\/?(?!\d)[^\s>\/=$<%]+(?:\s(?:\s*[^\s>\/=]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))|(?=[\s/>])))+)?\s*\/?>/,
25753 greedy: true,
25754 inside: {
25755 'tag': {
25756 pattern: /^<\/?[^\s>\/]+/,
25757 inside: {
25758 'punctuation': /^<\/?/,
25759 'namespace': /^[^\s>\/:]+:/
25760 }
25761 },
25762 'special-attr': [],
25763 'attr-value': {
25764 pattern: /=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+)/,
25765 inside: {
25766 'punctuation': [
25767 {
25768 pattern: /^=/,
25769 alias: 'attr-equals'
25770 },
25771 {
25772 pattern: /^(\s*)["']|["']$/,
25773 lookbehind: true
25774 }
25775 ]
25776 }
25777 },
25778 'punctuation': /\/?>/,
25779 'attr-name': {
25780 pattern: /[^\s>\/]+/,
25781 inside: {
25782 'namespace': /^[^\s>\/:]+:/
25783 }
25784 }
25786 }
25787 },
25788 'entity': [
25789 {
25790 pattern: /&[\da-z]{1,8};/i,
25791 alias: 'named-entity'
25792 },
25793 /&#x?[\da-f]{1,8};/i
25794 ]
25797Prism.languages.markup['tag'].inside['attr-value'].inside['entity'] =
25798 Prism.languages.markup['entity'];
25799Prism.languages.markup['doctype'].inside['internal-subset'].inside = Prism.languages.markup;
25801// Plugin to make entity title show the real entity, idea by Roman Komarov
25802Prism.hooks.add('wrap', function (env) {
25804 if (env.type === 'entity') {
25805 env.attributes['title'] = env.content.replace(/&amp;/, '&');
25806 }
25809Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addInlined', {
25810 /**
25811 * Adds an inlined language to markup.
25812 *
25813 * An example of an inlined language is CSS with `<style>` tags.
25814 *
25815 * @param {string} tagName The name of the tag that contains the inlined language. This name will be treated as
25816 * case insensitive.
25817 * @param {string} lang The language key.
25818 * @example
25819 * addInlined('style', 'css');
25820 */
25821 value: function addInlined(tagName, lang) {
25822 var includedCdataInside = {};
25823 includedCdataInside['language-' + lang] = {
25824 pattern: /(^<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S]+?(?=\]\]>$)/i,
25825 lookbehind: true,
25826 inside: Prism.languages[lang]
25827 };
25828 includedCdataInside['cdata'] = /^<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>$/i;
25830 var inside = {
25831 'included-cdata': {
25832 pattern: /<!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\]>/i,
25833 inside: includedCdataInside
25834 }
25835 };
25836 inside['language-' + lang] = {
25837 pattern: /[\s\S]+/,
25838 inside: Prism.languages[lang]
25839 };
25841 var def = {};
25842 def[tagName] = {
25843 pattern: RegExp(/(<__[^>]*>)(?:<!\[CDATA\[(?:[^\]]|\](?!\]>))*\]\]>|(?!<!\[CDATA\[)[\s\S])*?(?=<\/__>)/.source.replace(/__/g, function () { return tagName; }), 'i'),
25844 lookbehind: true,
25845 greedy: true,
25846 inside: inside
25847 };
25849 Prism.languages.insertBefore('markup', 'cdata', def);
25850 }
25852Object.defineProperty(Prism.languages.markup.tag, 'addAttribute', {
25853 /**
25854 * Adds an pattern to highlight languages embedded in HTML attributes.
25855 *
25856 * An example of an inlined language is CSS with `style` attributes.
25857 *
25858 * @param {string} attrName The name of the tag that contains the inlined language. This name will be treated as
25859 * case insensitive.
25860 * @param {string} lang The language key.
25861 * @example
25862 * addAttribute('style', 'css');
25863 */
25864 value: function (attrName, lang) {
25865 Prism.languages.markup.tag.inside['special-attr'].push({
25866 pattern: RegExp(
25867 /(^|["'\s])/.source + '(?:' + attrName + ')' + /\s*=\s*(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^\s'">=]+(?=[\s>]))/.source,
25868 'i'
25869 ),
25870 lookbehind: true,
25871 inside: {
25872 'attr-name': /^[^\s=]+/,
25873 'attr-value': {
25874 pattern: /=[\s\S]+/,
25875 inside: {
25876 'value': {
25877 pattern: /(^=\s*(["']|(?!["'])))\S[\s\S]*(?=\2$)/,
25878 lookbehind: true,
25879 alias: [lang, 'language-' + lang],
25880 inside: Prism.languages[lang]
25881 },
25882 'punctuation': [
25883 {
25884 pattern: /^=/,
25885 alias: 'attr-equals'
25886 },
25887 /"|'/
25888 ]
25889 }
25890 }
25891 }
25892 });
25893 }
25896Prism.languages.html = Prism.languages.markup;
25897Prism.languages.mathml = Prism.languages.markup;
25898Prism.languages.svg = Prism.languages.markup;
25900Prism.languages.xml = Prism.languages.extend('markup', {});
25901Prism.languages.ssml = Prism.languages.xml;
25902Prism.languages.atom = Prism.languages.xml;
25903Prism.languages.rss = Prism.languages.xml;
25906/* **********************************************
25907 Begin prism-css.js
25908********************************************** */
25910(function (Prism) {
25912 var string = /(?:"(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^"\\\r\n])*"|'(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|[^'\\\r\n])*')/;
25914 Prism.languages.css = {
25915 'comment': /\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\//,
25916 'atrule': {
25917 pattern: RegExp('@[\\w-](?:' + /[^;{\s"']|\s+(?!\s)/.source + '|' + string.source + ')*?' + /(?:;|(?=\s*\{))/.source),
25918 inside: {
25919 'rule': /^@[\w-]+/,
25920 'selector-function-argument': {
25921 pattern: /(\bselector\s*\(\s*(?![\s)]))(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\))+(?=\s*\))/,
25922 lookbehind: true,
25923 alias: 'selector'
25924 },
25925 'keyword': {
25926 pattern: /(^|[^\w-])(?:and|not|only|or)(?![\w-])/,
25927 lookbehind: true
25928 }
25929 // See rest below
25930 }
25931 },
25932 'url': {
25933 // https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-3/#urls
25934 pattern: RegExp('\\burl\\((?:' + string.source + '|' + /(?:[^\\\r\n()"']|\\[\s\S])*/.source + ')\\)', 'i'),
25935 greedy: true,
25936 inside: {
25937 'function': /^url/i,
25938 'punctuation': /^\(|\)$/,
25939 'string': {
25940 pattern: RegExp('^' + string.source + '$'),
25941 alias: 'url'
25942 }
25943 }
25944 },
25945 'selector': {
25946 pattern: RegExp('(^|[{}\\s])[^{}\\s](?:[^{};"\'\\s]|\\s+(?![\\s{])|' + string.source + ')*(?=\\s*\\{)'),
25947 lookbehind: true
25948 },
25949 'string': {
25950 pattern: string,
25951 greedy: true
25952 },
25953 'property': {
25954 pattern: /(^|[^-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])(?!\s)[-_a-z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[-\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*:)/i,
25955 lookbehind: true
25956 },
25957 'important': /!important\b/i,
25958 'function': {
25959 pattern: /(^|[^-a-z0-9])[-a-z0-9]+(?=\()/i,
25960 lookbehind: true
25961 },
25962 'punctuation': /[(){};:,]/
25963 };
25965 Prism.languages.css['atrule'].inside.rest = Prism.languages.css;
25967 var markup = Prism.languages.markup;
25968 if (markup) {
25969 markup.tag.addInlined('style', 'css');
25970 markup.tag.addAttribute('style', 'css');
25971 }
25976/* **********************************************
25977 Begin prism-clike.js
25978********************************************** */
25980Prism.languages.clike = {
25981 'comment': [
25982 {
25983 pattern: /(^|[^\\])\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/,
25984 lookbehind: true,
25985 greedy: true
25986 },
25987 {
25988 pattern: /(^|[^\\:])\/\/.*/,
25989 lookbehind: true,
25990 greedy: true
25991 }
25992 ],
25993 'string': {
25994 pattern: /(["'])(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\1)[^\\\r\n])*\1/,
25995 greedy: true
25996 },
25997 'class-name': {
25998 pattern: /(\b(?:class|extends|implements|instanceof|interface|new|trait)\s+|\bcatch\s+\()[\w.\\]+/i,
25999 lookbehind: true,
26000 inside: {
26001 'punctuation': /[.\\]/
26002 }
26003 },
26004 'keyword': /\b(?:break|catch|continue|do|else|finally|for|function|if|in|instanceof|new|null|return|throw|try|while)\b/,
26005 'boolean': /\b(?:false|true)\b/,
26006 'function': /\b\w+(?=\()/,
26007 'number': /\b0x[\da-f]+\b|(?:\b\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\B\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i,
26008 'operator': /[<>]=?|[!=]=?=?|--?|\+\+?|&&?|\|\|?|[?*/~^%]/,
26009 'punctuation': /[{}[\];(),.:]/
26013/* **********************************************
26014 Begin prism-javascript.js
26015********************************************** */
26017Prism.languages.javascript = Prism.languages.extend('clike', {
26018 'class-name': [
26019 Prism.languages.clike['class-name'],
26020 {
26021 pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])(?!\s)[_$A-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\.(?:constructor|prototype))/,
26022 lookbehind: true
26023 }
26024 ],
26025 'keyword': [
26026 {
26027 pattern: /((?:^|\})\s*)catch\b/,
26028 lookbehind: true
26029 },
26030 {
26031 pattern: /(^|[^.]|\.\.\.\s*)\b(?:as|assert(?=\s*\{)|async(?=\s*(?:function\b|\(|[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|await|break|case|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally(?=\s*(?:\{|$))|for|from(?=\s*(?:['"]|$))|function|(?:get|set)(?=\s*(?:[#\[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]|$))|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)\b/,
26032 lookbehind: true
26033 },
26034 ],
26035 // Allow for all non-ASCII characters (See http://stackoverflow.com/a/2008444)
26036 'function': /#?(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*(?:\.\s*(?:apply|bind|call)\s*)?\()/,
26037 'number': {
26038 pattern: RegExp(
26039 /(^|[^\w$])/.source +
26040 '(?:' +
26041 (
26042 // constant
26043 /NaN|Infinity/.source +
26044 '|' +
26045 // binary integer
26046 /0[bB][01]+(?:_[01]+)*n?/.source +
26047 '|' +
26048 // octal integer
26049 /0[oO][0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*n?/.source +
26050 '|' +
26051 // hexadecimal integer
26052 /0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]+(?:_[\dA-Fa-f]+)*n?/.source +
26053 '|' +
26054 // decimal bigint
26055 /\d+(?:_\d+)*n/.source +
26056 '|' +
26057 // decimal number (integer or float) but no bigint
26058 /(?:\d+(?:_\d+)*(?:\.(?:\d+(?:_\d+)*)?)?|\.\d+(?:_\d+)*)(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+(?:_\d+)*)?/.source
26059 ) +
26060 ')' +
26061 /(?![\w$])/.source
26062 ),
26063 lookbehind: true
26064 },
26065 'operator': /--|\+\+|\*\*=?|=>|&&=?|\|\|=?|[!=]==|<<=?|>>>?=?|[-+*/%&|^!=<>]=?|\.{3}|\?\?=?|\?\.?|[~:]/
26068Prism.languages.javascript['class-name'][0].pattern = /(\b(?:class|extends|implements|instanceof|interface|new)\s+)[\w.\\]+/;
26070Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'keyword', {
26071 'regex': {
26072 pattern: RegExp(
26073 // lookbehind
26074 // eslint-disable-next-line regexp/no-dupe-characters-character-class
26075 /((?:^|[^$\w\xA0-\uFFFF."'\])\s]|\b(?:return|yield))\s*)/.source +
26076 // Regex pattern:
26077 // There are 2 regex patterns here. The RegExp set notation proposal added support for nested character
26078 // classes if the `v` flag is present. Unfortunately, nested CCs are both context-free and incompatible
26079 // with the only syntax, so we have to define 2 different regex patterns.
26080 /\//.source +
26081 '(?:' +
26082 /(?:\[(?:[^\]\\\r\n]|\\.)*\]|\\.|[^/\\\[\r\n])+\/[dgimyus]{0,7}/.source +
26083 '|' +
26084 // `v` flag syntax. This supports 3 levels of nested character classes.
26085 /(?:\[(?:[^[\]\\\r\n]|\\.|\[(?:[^[\]\\\r\n]|\\.|\[(?:[^[\]\\\r\n]|\\.)*\])*\])*\]|\\.|[^/\\\[\r\n])+\/[dgimyus]{0,7}v[dgimyus]{0,7}/.source +
26086 ')' +
26087 // lookahead
26088 /(?=(?:\s|\/\*(?:[^*]|\*(?!\/))*\*\/)*(?:$|[\r\n,.;:})\]]|\/\/))/.source
26089 ),
26090 lookbehind: true,
26091 greedy: true,
26092 inside: {
26093 'regex-source': {
26094 pattern: /^(\/)[\s\S]+(?=\/[a-z]*$)/,
26095 lookbehind: true,
26096 alias: 'language-regex',
26097 inside: Prism.languages.regex
26098 },
26099 'regex-delimiter': /^\/|\/$/,
26100 'regex-flags': /^[a-z]+$/,
26101 }
26102 },
26103 // This must be declared before keyword because we use "function" inside the look-forward
26104 'function-variable': {
26105 pattern: /#?(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*[=:]\s*(?:async\s*)?(?:\bfunction\b|(?:\((?:[^()]|\([^()]*\))*\)|(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*)\s*=>))/,
26106 alias: 'function'
26107 },
26108 'parameter': [
26109 {
26110 pattern: /(function(?:\s+(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*)?\s*\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]*\))+(?=\s*\))/,
26111 lookbehind: true,
26112 inside: Prism.languages.javascript
26113 },
26114 {
26115 pattern: /(^|[^$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])(?!\s)[_$a-z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*=>)/i,
26116 lookbehind: true,
26117 inside: Prism.languages.javascript
26118 },
26119 {
26120 pattern: /(\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]*\))+(?=\s*\)\s*=>)/,
26121 lookbehind: true,
26122 inside: Prism.languages.javascript
26123 },
26124 {
26125 pattern: /((?:\b|\s|^)(?!(?:as|async|await|break|case|catch|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|else|enum|export|extends|finally|for|from|function|get|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|interface|let|new|null|of|package|private|protected|public|return|set|static|super|switch|this|throw|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|while|with|yield)(?![$\w\xA0-\uFFFF]))(?:(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*\s*)\(\s*|\]\s*\(\s*)(?!\s)(?:[^()\s]|\s+(?![\s)])|\([^()]*\))+(?=\s*\)\s*\{)/,
26126 lookbehind: true,
26127 inside: Prism.languages.javascript
26128 }
26129 ],
26130 'constant': /\b[A-Z](?:[A-Z_]|\dx?)*\b/
26133Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'string', {
26134 'hashbang': {
26135 pattern: /^#!.*/,
26136 greedy: true,
26137 alias: 'comment'
26138 },
26139 'template-string': {
26140 pattern: /`(?:\\[\s\S]|\$\{(?:[^{}]|\{(?:[^{}]|\{[^}]*\})*\})+\}|(?!\$\{)[^\\`])*`/,
26141 greedy: true,
26142 inside: {
26143 'template-punctuation': {
26144 pattern: /^`|`$/,
26145 alias: 'string'
26146 },
26147 'interpolation': {
26148 pattern: /((?:^|[^\\])(?:\\{2})*)\$\{(?:[^{}]|\{(?:[^{}]|\{[^}]*\})*\})+\}/,
26149 lookbehind: true,
26150 inside: {
26151 'interpolation-punctuation': {
26152 pattern: /^\$\{|\}$/,
26153 alias: 'punctuation'
26154 },
26155 rest: Prism.languages.javascript
26156 }
26157 },
26158 'string': /[\s\S]+/
26159 }
26160 },
26161 'string-property': {
26162 pattern: /((?:^|[,{])[ \t]*)(["'])(?:\\(?:\r\n|[\s\S])|(?!\2)[^\\\r\n])*\2(?=\s*:)/m,
26163 lookbehind: true,
26164 greedy: true,
26165 alias: 'property'
26166 }
26169Prism.languages.insertBefore('javascript', 'operator', {
26170 'literal-property': {
26171 pattern: /((?:^|[,{])[ \t]*)(?!\s)[_$a-zA-Z\xA0-\uFFFF](?:(?!\s)[$\w\xA0-\uFFFF])*(?=\s*:)/m,
26172 lookbehind: true,
26173 alias: 'property'
26174 },
26177if (Prism.languages.markup) {
26178 Prism.languages.markup.tag.addInlined('script', 'javascript');
26180 // add attribute support for all DOM events.
26181 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events#Standard_events
26182 Prism.languages.markup.tag.addAttribute(
26183 /on(?:abort|blur|change|click|composition(?:end|start|update)|dblclick|error|focus(?:in|out)?|key(?:down|up)|load|mouse(?:down|enter|leave|move|out|over|up)|reset|resize|scroll|select|slotchange|submit|unload|wheel)/.source,
26184 'javascript'
26185 );
26188Prism.languages.js = Prism.languages.javascript;
26191/* **********************************************
26192 Begin prism-file-highlight.js
26193********************************************** */
26195(function () {
26197 if (typeof Prism === 'undefined' || typeof document === 'undefined') {
26198 return;
26199 }
26201 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/matches#Polyfill
26202 if (!Element.prototype.matches) {
26203 Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector;
26204 }
26206 var LOADING_MESSAGE = 'Loading…';
26207 var FAILURE_MESSAGE = function (status, message) {
26208 return '✖ Error ' + status + ' while fetching file: ' + message;
26209 };
26210 var FAILURE_EMPTY_MESSAGE = '✖ Error: File does not exist or is empty';
26212 var EXTENSIONS = {
26213 'js': 'javascript',
26214 'py': 'python',
26215 'rb': 'ruby',
26216 'ps1': 'powershell',
26217 'psm1': 'powershell',
26218 'sh': 'bash',
26219 'bat': 'batch',
26220 'h': 'c',
26221 'tex': 'latex'
26222 };
26224 var STATUS_ATTR = 'data-src-status';
26225 var STATUS_LOADING = 'loading';
26226 var STATUS_LOADED = 'loaded';
26227 var STATUS_FAILED = 'failed';
26229 var SELECTOR = 'pre[data-src]:not([' + STATUS_ATTR + '="' + STATUS_LOADED + '"])'
26230 + ':not([' + STATUS_ATTR + '="' + STATUS_LOADING + '"])';
26232 /**
26233 * Loads the given file.
26234 *
26235 * @param {string} src The URL or path of the source file to load.
26236 * @param {(result: string) => void} success
26237 * @param {(reason: string) => void} error
26238 */
26239 function loadFile(src, success, error) {
26240 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
26241 xhr.open('GET', src, true);
26242 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
26243 if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
26244 if (xhr.status < 400 && xhr.responseText) {
26245 success(xhr.responseText);
26246 } else {
26247 if (xhr.status >= 400) {
26248 error(FAILURE_MESSAGE(xhr.status, xhr.statusText));
26249 } else {
26251 }
26252 }
26253 }
26254 };
26255 xhr.send(null);
26256 }
26258 /**
26259 * Parses the given range.
26260 *
26261 * This returns a range with inclusive ends.
26262 *
26263 * @param {string | null | undefined} range
26264 * @returns {[number, number | undefined] | undefined}
26265 */
26266 function parseRange(range) {
26267 var m = /^\s*(\d+)\s*(?:(,)\s*(?:(\d+)\s*)?)?$/.exec(range || '');
26268 if (m) {
26269 var start = Number(m[1]);
26270 var comma = m[2];
26271 var end = m[3];
26273 if (!comma) {
26274 return [start, start];
26275 }
26276 if (!end) {
26277 return [start, undefined];
26278 }
26279 return [start, Number(end)];
26280 }
26281 return undefined;
26282 }
26284 Prism.hooks.add('before-highlightall', function (env) {
26285 env.selector += ', ' + SELECTOR;
26286 });
26288 Prism.hooks.add('before-sanity-check', function (env) {
26289 var pre = /** @type {HTMLPreElement} */ (env.element);
26290 if (pre.matches(SELECTOR)) {
26291 env.code = ''; // fast-path the whole thing and go to complete
26293 pre.setAttribute(STATUS_ATTR, STATUS_LOADING); // mark as loading
26295 // add code element with loading message
26296 var code = pre.appendChild(document.createElement('CODE'));
26297 code.textContent = LOADING_MESSAGE;
26299 var src = pre.getAttribute('data-src');
26301 var language = env.language;
26302 if (language === 'none') {
26303 // the language might be 'none' because there is no language set;
26304 // in this case, we want to use the extension as the language
26305 var extension = (/\.(\w+)$/.exec(src) || [, 'none'])[1];
26306 language = EXTENSIONS[extension] || extension;
26307 }
26309 // set language classes
26310 Prism.util.setLanguage(code, language);
26311 Prism.util.setLanguage(pre, language);
26313 // preload the language
26314 var autoloader = Prism.plugins.autoloader;
26315 if (autoloader) {
26316 autoloader.loadLanguages(language);
26317 }
26319 // load file
26320 loadFile(
26321 src,
26322 function (text) {
26323 // mark as loaded
26324 pre.setAttribute(STATUS_ATTR, STATUS_LOADED);
26326 // handle data-range
26327 var range = parseRange(pre.getAttribute('data-range'));
26328 if (range) {
26329 var lines = text.split(/\r\n?|\n/g);
26331 // the range is one-based and inclusive on both ends
26332 var start = range[0];
26333 var end = range[1] == null ? lines.length : range[1];
26335 if (start < 0) { start += lines.length; }
26336 start = Math.max(0, Math.min(start - 1, lines.length));
26337 if (end < 0) { end += lines.length; }
26338 end = Math.max(0, Math.min(end, lines.length));
26340 text = lines.slice(start, end).join('\n');
26342 // add data-start for line numbers
26343 if (!pre.hasAttribute('data-start')) {
26344 pre.setAttribute('data-start', String(start + 1));
26345 }
26346 }
26348 // highlight code
26349 code.textContent = text;
26350 Prism.highlightElement(code);
26351 },
26352 function (error) {
26353 // mark as failed
26354 pre.setAttribute(STATUS_ATTR, STATUS_FAILED);
26356 code.textContent = error;
26357 }
26358 );
26359 }
26360 });
26362 Prism.plugins.fileHighlight = {
26363 /**
26364 * Executes the File Highlight plugin for all matching `pre` elements under the given container.
26365 *
26366 * Note: Elements which are already loaded or currently loading will not be touched by this method.
26367 *
26368 * @param {ParentNode} [container=document]
26369 */
26370 highlight: function highlight(container) {
26371 var elements = (container || document).querySelectorAll(SELECTOR);
26373 for (var i = 0, element; (element = elements[i++]);) {
26374 Prism.highlightElement(element);
26375 }
26376 }
26377 };
26379 var logged = false;
26380 /** @deprecated Use `Prism.plugins.fileHighlight.highlight` instead. */
26381 Prism.fileHighlight = function () {
26382 if (!logged) {
26383 console.warn('Prism.fileHighlight is deprecated. Use `Prism.plugins.fileHighlight.highlight` instead.');
26384 logged = true;
26385 }
26386 Prism.plugins.fileHighlight.highlight.apply(this, arguments);
26387 };
26392/***/ }),
26394/***/ 464:
26395/***/ ((module) => {
26397"use strict";
26399 * repeat-string <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/repeat-string>
26400 *
26401 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert.
26402 * Licensed under the MIT License.
26403 */
26408 * Results cache
26409 */
26411var res = '';
26412var cache;
26415 * Expose `repeat`
26416 */
26418module.exports = repeat;
26421 * Repeat the given `string` the specified `number`
26422 * of times.
26423 *
26424 * **Example:**
26425 *
26426 * ```js
26427 * var repeat = require('repeat-string');
26428 * repeat('A', 5);
26429 * //=> AAAAA
26430 * ```
26431 *
26432 * @param {String} `string` The string to repeat
26433 * @param {Number} `number` The number of times to repeat the string
26434 * @return {String} Repeated string
26435 * @api public
26436 */
26438function repeat(str, num) {
26439 if (typeof str !== 'string') {
26440 throw new TypeError('expected a string');
26441 }
26443 // cover common, quick use cases
26444 if (num === 1) return str;
26445 if (num === 2) return str + str;
26447 var max = str.length * num;
26448 if (cache !== str || typeof cache === 'undefined') {
26449 cache = str;
26450 res = '';
26451 } else if (res.length >= max) {
26452 return res.substr(0, max);
26453 }
26455 while (max > res.length && num > 1) {
26456 if (num & 1) {
26457 res += str;
26458 }
26460 num >>= 1;
26461 str += str;
26462 }
26464 res += str;
26465 res = res.substr(0, max);
26466 return res;
26470/***/ }),
26472/***/ 131:
26473/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __webpack_require__) => {
26475"use strict";
26478var repeat = __webpack_require__(464);
26480var splitOnTags = function splitOnTags(str) {
26481 return str.split(/(<\/?[^>]+>)/g).filter(function (line) {
26482 return line.trim() !== '';
26483 });
26485var isTag = function isTag(str) {
26486 return (/<[^>!]+>/.test(str)
26487 );
26489var isClosingTag = function isClosingTag(str) {
26490 return (/<\/+[^>]+>/.test(str)
26491 );
26493var isSelfClosingTag = function isSelfClosingTag(str) {
26494 return (/<[^>]+\/>/.test(str)
26495 );
26497var isOpeningTag = function isOpeningTag(str) {
26498 return isTag(str) && !isClosingTag(str) && !isSelfClosingTag(str);
26501module.exports = function (xml) {
26502 var config = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
26503 var indentor = config.indentor,
26504 textNodesOnSameLine = config.textNodesOnSameLine;
26506 var depth = 0;
26507 var indicesToRemove = [];
26508 indentor = indentor || ' ';
26510 var rawResult = lexer(xml).map(function (element, i, arr) {
26511 var value = element.value,
26512 type = element.type;
26514 if (type === 'ClosingTag') {
26515 depth--;
26516 }
26518 var indentation = repeat(indentor, depth);
26519 var line = indentation + value;
26521 if (type === 'OpeningTag') {
26522 depth++;
26523 }
26525 if (textNodesOnSameLine) {
26526 // Lookbehind for [OpeningTag][Text][ClosingTag]
26527 var oneBefore = arr[i - 1];
26528 var twoBefore = arr[i - 2];
26530 if (type === "ClosingTag" && oneBefore.type === "Text" && twoBefore.type === "OpeningTag") {
26531 // collapse into a single line
26532 line = '' + indentation + twoBefore.value + oneBefore.value + value;
26533 indicesToRemove.push(i - 2, i - 1);
26534 }
26535 }
26537 return line;
26538 });
26540 indicesToRemove.forEach(function (idx) {
26541 return rawResult[idx] = null;
26542 });
26544 return rawResult.filter(function (val) {
26545 return !!val;
26546 }).join('\n');
26549function lexer(xmlStr) {
26550 var values = splitOnTags(xmlStr);
26551 return values.map(function (value) {
26552 return {
26553 value: value,
26554 type: getType(value)
26555 };
26556 });
26559// Helpers
26561function getType(str) {
26562 if (isClosingTag(str)) {
26563 return 'ClosingTag';
26564 }
26566 if (isOpeningTag(str)) {
26567 return 'OpeningTag';
26568 }
26570 if (isSelfClosingTag(str)) {
26571 return 'SelfClosingTag';
26572 }
26574 return 'Text';
26577/***/ })
26579/******/ });
26581/******/ // The module cache
26582/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
26584/******/ // The require function
26585/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
26586/******/ // Check if module is in cache
26587/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
26588/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
26589/******/ if (cachedModule.error !== undefined) throw cachedModule.error;
26590/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
26591/******/ }
26592/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
26593/******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
26594/******/ // no module.id needed
26595/******/ // no module.loaded needed
26596/******/ exports: {}
26597/******/ };
26599/******/ // Execute the module function
26600/******/ try {
26601/******/ var execOptions = { id: moduleId, module: module, factory: __webpack_modules__[moduleId], require: __webpack_require__ };
26602/******/ __webpack_require__.i.forEach(function(handler) { handler(execOptions); });
26603/******/ module = execOptions.module;
26604/******/ execOptions.factory.call(module.exports, module, module.exports, execOptions.require);
26605/******/ } catch(e) {
26606/******/ module.error = e;
26607/******/ throw e;
26608/******/ }
26610/******/ // Return the exports of the module
26611/******/ return module.exports;
26612/******/ }
26614/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
26615/******/ __webpack_require__.m = __webpack_modules__;
26617/******/ // expose the module cache
26618/******/ __webpack_require__.c = __webpack_module_cache__;
26620/******/ // expose the module execution interceptor
26621/******/ __webpack_require__.i = [];
26624/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
26625/******/ (() => {
26626/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
26627/******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
26628/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
26629/******/ () => (module['default']) :
26630/******/ () => (module);
26631/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
26632/******/ return getter;
26633/******/ };
26634/******/ })();
26636/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
26637/******/ (() => {
26638/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
26639/******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
26640/******/ for(var key in definition) {
26641/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
26642/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
26643/******/ }
26644/******/ }
26645/******/ };
26646/******/ })();
26648/******/ /* webpack/runtime/get javascript update chunk filename */
26649/******/ (() => {
26650/******/ // This function allow to reference all chunks
26651/******/ __webpack_require__.hu = (chunkId) => {
26652/******/ // return url for filenames based on template
26653/******/ return "" + chunkId + "." + __webpack_require__.h() + ".hot-update.js";
26654/******/ };
26655/******/ })();
26657/******/ /* webpack/runtime/get update manifest filename */
26658/******/ (() => {
26659/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrF = () => ("main." + __webpack_require__.h() + ".hot-update.json");
26660/******/ })();
26662/******/ /* webpack/runtime/getFullHash */
26663/******/ (() => {
26664/******/ __webpack_require__.h = () => ("fdf734afd7a6f574c7ff")
26665/******/ })();
26667/******/ /* webpack/runtime/global */
26668/******/ (() => {
26669/******/ __webpack_require__.g = (function() {
26670/******/ if (typeof globalThis === 'object') return globalThis;
26671/******/ try {
26672/******/ return this || new Function('return this')();
26673/******/ } catch (e) {
26674/******/ if (typeof window === 'object') return window;
26675/******/ }
26676/******/ })();
26677/******/ })();
26679/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
26680/******/ (() => {
26681/******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) => (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop))
26682/******/ })();
26684/******/ /* webpack/runtime/load script */
26685/******/ (() => {
26686/******/ var inProgress = {};
26687/******/ var dataWebpackPrefix = "rapidoc:";
26688/******/ // loadScript function to load a script via script tag
26689/******/ __webpack_require__.l = (url, done, key, chunkId) => {
26690/******/ if(inProgress[url]) { inProgress[url].push(done); return; }
26691/******/ var script, needAttach;
26692/******/ if(key !== undefined) {
26693/******/ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
26694/******/ for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
26695/******/ var s = scripts[i];
26696/******/ if(s.getAttribute("src") == url || s.getAttribute("data-webpack") == dataWebpackPrefix + key) { script = s; break; }
26697/******/ }
26698/******/ }
26699/******/ if(!script) {
26700/******/ needAttach = true;
26701/******/ script = document.createElement('script');
26703/******/ script.charset = 'utf-8';
26704/******/ script.timeout = 120;
26705/******/ if (__webpack_require__.nc) {
26706/******/ script.setAttribute("nonce", __webpack_require__.nc);
26707/******/ }
26708/******/ script.setAttribute("data-webpack", dataWebpackPrefix + key);
26709/******/ script.src = url;
26710/******/ }
26711/******/ inProgress[url] = [done];
26712/******/ var onScriptComplete = (prev, event) => {
26713/******/ // avoid mem leaks in IE.
26714/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = null;
26715/******/ clearTimeout(timeout);
26716/******/ var doneFns = inProgress[url];
26717/******/ delete inProgress[url];
26718/******/ script.parentNode && script.parentNode.removeChild(script);
26719/******/ doneFns && doneFns.forEach((fn) => (fn(event)));
26720/******/ if(prev) return prev(event);
26721/******/ };
26722/******/ var timeout = setTimeout(onScriptComplete.bind(null, undefined, { type: 'timeout', target: script }), 120000);
26723/******/ script.onerror = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onerror);
26724/******/ script.onload = onScriptComplete.bind(null, script.onload);
26725/******/ needAttach && document.head.appendChild(script);
26726/******/ };
26727/******/ })();
26729/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hot module replacement */
26730/******/ (() => {
26731/******/ var currentModuleData = {};
26732/******/ var installedModules = __webpack_require__.c;
26734/******/ // module and require creation
26735/******/ var currentChildModule;
26736/******/ var currentParents = [];
26738/******/ // status
26739/******/ var registeredStatusHandlers = [];
26740/******/ var currentStatus = "idle";
26742/******/ // while downloading
26743/******/ var blockingPromises = 0;
26744/******/ var blockingPromisesWaiting = [];
26746/******/ // The update info
26747/******/ var currentUpdateApplyHandlers;
26748/******/ var queuedInvalidatedModules;
26750/******/ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
26751/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrD = currentModuleData;
26753/******/ __webpack_require__.i.push(function (options) {
26754/******/ var module = options.module;
26755/******/ var require = createRequire(options.require, options.id);
26756/******/ module.hot = createModuleHotObject(options.id, module);
26757/******/ module.parents = currentParents;
26758/******/ module.children = [];
26759/******/ currentParents = [];
26760/******/ options.require = require;
26761/******/ });
26763/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrC = {};
26764/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrI = {};
26766/******/ function createRequire(require, moduleId) {
26767/******/ var me = installedModules[moduleId];
26768/******/ if (!me) return require;
26769/******/ var fn = function (request) {
26770/******/ if (me.hot.active) {
26771/******/ if (installedModules[request]) {
26772/******/ var parents = installedModules[request].parents;
26773/******/ if (parents.indexOf(moduleId) === -1) {
26774/******/ parents.push(moduleId);
26775/******/ }
26776/******/ } else {
26777/******/ currentParents = [moduleId];
26778/******/ currentChildModule = request;
26779/******/ }
26780/******/ if (me.children.indexOf(request) === -1) {
26781/******/ me.children.push(request);
26782/******/ }
26783/******/ } else {
26784/******/ console.warn(
26785/******/ "[HMR] unexpected require(" +
26786/******/ request +
26787/******/ ") from disposed module " +
26788/******/ moduleId
26789/******/ );
26790/******/ currentParents = [];
26791/******/ }
26792/******/ return require(request);
26793/******/ };
26794/******/ var createPropertyDescriptor = function (name) {
26795/******/ return {
26796/******/ configurable: true,
26797/******/ enumerable: true,
26798/******/ get: function () {
26799/******/ return require[name];
26800/******/ },
26801/******/ set: function (value) {
26802/******/ require[name] = value;
26803/******/ }
26804/******/ };
26805/******/ };
26806/******/ for (var name in require) {
26807/******/ if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(require, name) && name !== "e") {
26808/******/ Object.defineProperty(fn, name, createPropertyDescriptor(name));
26809/******/ }
26810/******/ }
26811/******/ fn.e = function (chunkId) {
26812/******/ return trackBlockingPromise(require.e(chunkId));
26813/******/ };
26814/******/ return fn;
26815/******/ }
26817/******/ function createModuleHotObject(moduleId, me) {
26818/******/ var _main = currentChildModule !== moduleId;
26819/******/ var hot = {
26820/******/ // private stuff
26821/******/ _acceptedDependencies: {},
26822/******/ _acceptedErrorHandlers: {},
26823/******/ _declinedDependencies: {},
26824/******/ _selfAccepted: false,
26825/******/ _selfDeclined: false,
26826/******/ _selfInvalidated: false,
26827/******/ _disposeHandlers: [],
26828/******/ _main: _main,
26829/******/ _requireSelf: function () {
26830/******/ currentParents = me.parents.slice();
26831/******/ currentChildModule = _main ? undefined : moduleId;
26832/******/ __webpack_require__(moduleId);
26833/******/ },
26835/******/ // Module API
26836/******/ active: true,
26837/******/ accept: function (dep, callback, errorHandler) {
26838/******/ if (dep === undefined) hot._selfAccepted = true;
26839/******/ else if (typeof dep === "function") hot._selfAccepted = dep;
26840/******/ else if (typeof dep === "object" && dep !== null) {
26841/******/ for (var i = 0; i < dep.length; i++) {
26842/******/ hot._acceptedDependencies[dep[i]] = callback || function () {};
26843/******/ hot._acceptedErrorHandlers[dep[i]] = errorHandler;
26844/******/ }
26845/******/ } else {
26846/******/ hot._acceptedDependencies[dep] = callback || function () {};
26847/******/ hot._acceptedErrorHandlers[dep] = errorHandler;
26848/******/ }
26849/******/ },
26850/******/ decline: function (dep) {
26851/******/ if (dep === undefined) hot._selfDeclined = true;
26852/******/ else if (typeof dep === "object" && dep !== null)
26853/******/ for (var i = 0; i < dep.length; i++)
26854/******/ hot._declinedDependencies[dep[i]] = true;
26855/******/ else hot._declinedDependencies[dep] = true;
26856/******/ },
26857/******/ dispose: function (callback) {
26858/******/ hot._disposeHandlers.push(callback);
26859/******/ },
26860/******/ addDisposeHandler: function (callback) {
26861/******/ hot._disposeHandlers.push(callback);
26862/******/ },
26863/******/ removeDisposeHandler: function (callback) {
26864/******/ var idx = hot._disposeHandlers.indexOf(callback);
26865/******/ if (idx >= 0) hot._disposeHandlers.splice(idx, 1);
26866/******/ },
26867/******/ invalidate: function () {
26868/******/ this._selfInvalidated = true;
26869/******/ switch (currentStatus) {
26870/******/ case "idle":
26871/******/ currentUpdateApplyHandlers = [];
26872/******/ Object.keys(__webpack_require__.hmrI).forEach(function (key) {
26873/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrI[key](
26874/******/ moduleId,
26875/******/ currentUpdateApplyHandlers
26876/******/ );
26877/******/ });
26878/******/ setStatus("ready");
26879/******/ break;
26880/******/ case "ready":
26881/******/ Object.keys(__webpack_require__.hmrI).forEach(function (key) {
26882/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrI[key](
26883/******/ moduleId,
26884/******/ currentUpdateApplyHandlers
26885/******/ );
26886/******/ });
26887/******/ break;
26888/******/ case "prepare":
26889/******/ case "check":
26890/******/ case "dispose":
26891/******/ case "apply":
26892/******/ (queuedInvalidatedModules = queuedInvalidatedModules || []).push(
26893/******/ moduleId
26894/******/ );
26895/******/ break;
26896/******/ default:
26897/******/ // ignore requests in error states
26898/******/ break;
26899/******/ }
26900/******/ },
26902/******/ // Management API
26903/******/ check: hotCheck,
26904/******/ apply: hotApply,
26905/******/ status: function (l) {
26906/******/ if (!l) return currentStatus;
26907/******/ registeredStatusHandlers.push(l);
26908/******/ },
26909/******/ addStatusHandler: function (l) {
26910/******/ registeredStatusHandlers.push(l);
26911/******/ },
26912/******/ removeStatusHandler: function (l) {
26913/******/ var idx = registeredStatusHandlers.indexOf(l);
26914/******/ if (idx >= 0) registeredStatusHandlers.splice(idx, 1);
26915/******/ },
26917/******/ //inherit from previous dispose call
26918/******/ data: currentModuleData[moduleId]
26919/******/ };
26920/******/ currentChildModule = undefined;
26921/******/ return hot;
26922/******/ }
26924/******/ function setStatus(newStatus) {
26925/******/ currentStatus = newStatus;
26926/******/ var results = [];
26928/******/ for (var i = 0; i < registeredStatusHandlers.length; i++)
26929/******/ results[i] = registeredStatusHandlers[i].call(null, newStatus);
26931/******/ return Promise.all(results);
26932/******/ }
26934/******/ function unblock() {
26935/******/ if (--blockingPromises === 0) {
26936/******/ setStatus("ready").then(function () {
26937/******/ if (blockingPromises === 0) {
26938/******/ var list = blockingPromisesWaiting;
26939/******/ blockingPromisesWaiting = [];
26940/******/ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
26941/******/ list[i]();
26942/******/ }
26943/******/ }
26944/******/ });
26945/******/ }
26946/******/ }
26948/******/ function trackBlockingPromise(promise) {
26949/******/ switch (currentStatus) {
26950/******/ case "ready":
26951/******/ setStatus("prepare");
26952/******/ /* fallthrough */
26953/******/ case "prepare":
26954/******/ blockingPromises++;
26955/******/ promise.then(unblock, unblock);
26956/******/ return promise;
26957/******/ default:
26958/******/ return promise;
26959/******/ }
26960/******/ }
26962/******/ function waitForBlockingPromises(fn) {
26963/******/ if (blockingPromises === 0) return fn();
26964/******/ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
26965/******/ blockingPromisesWaiting.push(function () {
26966/******/ resolve(fn());
26967/******/ });
26968/******/ });
26969/******/ }
26971/******/ function hotCheck(applyOnUpdate) {
26972/******/ if (currentStatus !== "idle") {
26973/******/ throw new Error("check() is only allowed in idle status");
26974/******/ }
26975/******/ return setStatus("check")
26976/******/ .then(__webpack_require__.hmrM)
26977/******/ .then(function (update) {
26978/******/ if (!update) {
26979/******/ return setStatus(applyInvalidatedModules() ? "ready" : "idle").then(
26980/******/ function () {
26981/******/ return null;
26982/******/ }
26983/******/ );
26984/******/ }
26986/******/ return setStatus("prepare").then(function () {
26987/******/ var updatedModules = [];
26988/******/ currentUpdateApplyHandlers = [];
26990/******/ return Promise.all(
26991/******/ Object.keys(__webpack_require__.hmrC).reduce(function (
26992/******/ promises,
26993/******/ key
26994/******/ ) {
26995/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrC[key](
26996/******/ update.c,
26997/******/ update.r,
26998/******/ update.m,
26999/******/ promises,
27000/******/ currentUpdateApplyHandlers,
27001/******/ updatedModules
27002/******/ );
27003/******/ return promises;
27004/******/ },
27005/******/ [])
27006/******/ ).then(function () {
27007/******/ return waitForBlockingPromises(function () {
27008/******/ if (applyOnUpdate) {
27009/******/ return internalApply(applyOnUpdate);
27010/******/ } else {
27011/******/ return setStatus("ready").then(function () {
27012/******/ return updatedModules;
27013/******/ });
27014/******/ }
27015/******/ });
27016/******/ });
27017/******/ });
27018/******/ });
27019/******/ }
27021/******/ function hotApply(options) {
27022/******/ if (currentStatus !== "ready") {
27023/******/ return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
27024/******/ throw new Error(
27025/******/ "apply() is only allowed in ready status (state: " +
27026/******/ currentStatus +
27027/******/ ")"
27028/******/ );
27029/******/ });
27030/******/ }
27031/******/ return internalApply(options);
27032/******/ }
27034/******/ function internalApply(options) {
27035/******/ options = options || {};
27037/******/ applyInvalidatedModules();
27039/******/ var results = currentUpdateApplyHandlers.map(function (handler) {
27040/******/ return handler(options);
27041/******/ });
27042/******/ currentUpdateApplyHandlers = undefined;
27044/******/ var errors = results
27045/******/ .map(function (r) {
27046/******/ return r.error;
27047/******/ })
27048/******/ .filter(Boolean);
27050/******/ if (errors.length > 0) {
27051/******/ return setStatus("abort").then(function () {
27052/******/ throw errors[0];
27053/******/ });
27054/******/ }
27056/******/ // Now in "dispose" phase
27057/******/ var disposePromise = setStatus("dispose");
27059/******/ results.forEach(function (result) {
27060/******/ if (result.dispose) result.dispose();
27061/******/ });
27063/******/ // Now in "apply" phase
27064/******/ var applyPromise = setStatus("apply");
27066/******/ var error;
27067/******/ var reportError = function (err) {
27068/******/ if (!error) error = err;
27069/******/ };
27071/******/ var outdatedModules = [];
27072/******/ results.forEach(function (result) {
27073/******/ if (result.apply) {
27074/******/ var modules = result.apply(reportError);
27075/******/ if (modules) {
27076/******/ for (var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
27077/******/ outdatedModules.push(modules[i]);
27078/******/ }
27079/******/ }
27080/******/ }
27081/******/ });
27083/******/ return Promise.all([disposePromise, applyPromise]).then(function () {
27084/******/ // handle errors in accept handlers and self accepted module load
27085/******/ if (error) {
27086/******/ return setStatus("fail").then(function () {
27087/******/ throw error;
27088/******/ });
27089/******/ }
27091/******/ if (queuedInvalidatedModules) {
27092/******/ return internalApply(options).then(function (list) {
27093/******/ outdatedModules.forEach(function (moduleId) {
27094/******/ if (list.indexOf(moduleId) < 0) list.push(moduleId);
27095/******/ });
27096/******/ return list;
27097/******/ });
27098/******/ }
27100/******/ return setStatus("idle").then(function () {
27101/******/ return outdatedModules;
27102/******/ });
27103/******/ });
27104/******/ }
27106/******/ function applyInvalidatedModules() {
27107/******/ if (queuedInvalidatedModules) {
27108/******/ if (!currentUpdateApplyHandlers) currentUpdateApplyHandlers = [];
27109/******/ Object.keys(__webpack_require__.hmrI).forEach(function (key) {
27110/******/ queuedInvalidatedModules.forEach(function (moduleId) {
27111/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrI[key](
27112/******/ moduleId,
27113/******/ currentUpdateApplyHandlers
27114/******/ );
27115/******/ });
27116/******/ });
27117/******/ queuedInvalidatedModules = undefined;
27118/******/ return true;
27119/******/ }
27120/******/ }
27121/******/ })();
27123/******/ /* webpack/runtime/publicPath */
27124/******/ (() => {
27125/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
27126/******/ })();
27128/******/ /* webpack/runtime/jsonp chunk loading */
27129/******/ (() => {
27130/******/ // no baseURI
27132/******/ // object to store loaded and loading chunks
27133/******/ // undefined = chunk not loaded, null = chunk preloaded/prefetched
27134/******/ // [resolve, reject, Promise] = chunk loading, 0 = chunk loaded
27135/******/ var installedChunks = __webpack_require__.hmrS_jsonp = __webpack_require__.hmrS_jsonp || {
27136/******/ 179: 0
27137/******/ };
27139/******/ // no chunk on demand loading
27141/******/ // no prefetching
27143/******/ // no preloaded
27145/******/ var currentUpdatedModulesList;
27146/******/ var waitingUpdateResolves = {};
27147/******/ function loadUpdateChunk(chunkId, updatedModulesList) {
27148/******/ currentUpdatedModulesList = updatedModulesList;
27149/******/ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
27150/******/ waitingUpdateResolves[chunkId] = resolve;
27151/******/ // start update chunk loading
27152/******/ var url = __webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.hu(chunkId);
27153/******/ // create error before stack unwound to get useful stacktrace later
27154/******/ var error = new Error();
27155/******/ var loadingEnded = (event) => {
27156/******/ if(waitingUpdateResolves[chunkId]) {
27157/******/ waitingUpdateResolves[chunkId] = undefined
27158/******/ var errorType = event && (event.type === 'load' ? 'missing' : event.type);
27159/******/ var realSrc = event && event.target && event.target.src;
27160/******/ error.message = 'Loading hot update chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.\n(' + errorType + ': ' + realSrc + ')';
27161/******/ error.name = 'ChunkLoadError';
27162/******/ error.type = errorType;
27163/******/ error.request = realSrc;
27164/******/ reject(error);
27165/******/ }
27166/******/ };
27167/******/ __webpack_require__.l(url, loadingEnded);
27168/******/ });
27169/******/ }
27171/******/ self["webpackHotUpdaterapidoc"] = (chunkId, moreModules, runtime) => {
27172/******/ for(var moduleId in moreModules) {
27173/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(moreModules, moduleId)) {
27174/******/ currentUpdate[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
27175/******/ if(currentUpdatedModulesList) currentUpdatedModulesList.push(moduleId);
27176/******/ }
27177/******/ }
27178/******/ if(runtime) currentUpdateRuntime.push(runtime);
27179/******/ if(waitingUpdateResolves[chunkId]) {
27180/******/ waitingUpdateResolves[chunkId]();
27181/******/ waitingUpdateResolves[chunkId] = undefined;
27182/******/ }
27183/******/ };
27185/******/ var currentUpdateChunks;
27186/******/ var currentUpdate;
27187/******/ var currentUpdateRemovedChunks;
27188/******/ var currentUpdateRuntime;
27189/******/ function applyHandler(options) {
27190/******/ if (__webpack_require__.f) delete __webpack_require__.f.jsonpHmr;
27191/******/ currentUpdateChunks = undefined;
27192/******/ function getAffectedModuleEffects(updateModuleId) {
27193/******/ var outdatedModules = [updateModuleId];
27194/******/ var outdatedDependencies = {};
27196/******/ var queue = outdatedModules.map(function (id) {
27197/******/ return {
27198/******/ chain: [id],
27199/******/ id: id
27200/******/ };
27201/******/ });
27202/******/ while (queue.length > 0) {
27203/******/ var queueItem = queue.pop();
27204/******/ var moduleId = queueItem.id;
27205/******/ var chain = queueItem.chain;
27206/******/ var module = __webpack_require__.c[moduleId];
27207/******/ if (
27208/******/ !module ||
27209/******/ (module.hot._selfAccepted && !module.hot._selfInvalidated)
27210/******/ )
27211/******/ continue;
27212/******/ if (module.hot._selfDeclined) {
27213/******/ return {
27214/******/ type: "self-declined",
27215/******/ chain: chain,
27216/******/ moduleId: moduleId
27217/******/ };
27218/******/ }
27219/******/ if (module.hot._main) {
27220/******/ return {
27221/******/ type: "unaccepted",
27222/******/ chain: chain,
27223/******/ moduleId: moduleId
27224/******/ };
27225/******/ }
27226/******/ for (var i = 0; i < module.parents.length; i++) {
27227/******/ var parentId = module.parents[i];
27228/******/ var parent = __webpack_require__.c[parentId];
27229/******/ if (!parent) continue;
27230/******/ if (parent.hot._declinedDependencies[moduleId]) {
27231/******/ return {
27232/******/ type: "declined",
27233/******/ chain: chain.concat([parentId]),
27234/******/ moduleId: moduleId,
27235/******/ parentId: parentId
27236/******/ };
27237/******/ }
27238/******/ if (outdatedModules.indexOf(parentId) !== -1) continue;
27239/******/ if (parent.hot._acceptedDependencies[moduleId]) {
27240/******/ if (!outdatedDependencies[parentId])
27241/******/ outdatedDependencies[parentId] = [];
27242/******/ addAllToSet(outdatedDependencies[parentId], [moduleId]);
27243/******/ continue;
27244/******/ }
27245/******/ delete outdatedDependencies[parentId];
27246/******/ outdatedModules.push(parentId);
27247/******/ queue.push({
27248/******/ chain: chain.concat([parentId]),
27249/******/ id: parentId
27250/******/ });
27251/******/ }
27252/******/ }
27254/******/ return {
27255/******/ type: "accepted",
27256/******/ moduleId: updateModuleId,
27257/******/ outdatedModules: outdatedModules,
27258/******/ outdatedDependencies: outdatedDependencies
27259/******/ };
27260/******/ }
27262/******/ function addAllToSet(a, b) {
27263/******/ for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
27264/******/ var item = b[i];
27265/******/ if (a.indexOf(item) === -1) a.push(item);
27266/******/ }
27267/******/ }
27269/******/ // at begin all updates modules are outdated
27270/******/ // the "outdated" status can propagate to parents if they don't accept the children
27271/******/ var outdatedDependencies = {};
27272/******/ var outdatedModules = [];
27273/******/ var appliedUpdate = {};
27275/******/ var warnUnexpectedRequire = function warnUnexpectedRequire(module) {
27276/******/ console.warn(
27277/******/ "[HMR] unexpected require(" + module.id + ") to disposed module"
27278/******/ );
27279/******/ };
27281/******/ for (var moduleId in currentUpdate) {
27282/******/ if (__webpack_require__.o(currentUpdate, moduleId)) {
27283/******/ var newModuleFactory = currentUpdate[moduleId];
27284/******/ /** @type {TODO} */
27285/******/ var result;
27286/******/ if (newModuleFactory) {
27287/******/ result = getAffectedModuleEffects(moduleId);
27288/******/ } else {
27289/******/ result = {
27290/******/ type: "disposed",
27291/******/ moduleId: moduleId
27292/******/ };
27293/******/ }
27294/******/ /** @type {Error|false} */
27295/******/ var abortError = false;
27296/******/ var doApply = false;
27297/******/ var doDispose = false;
27298/******/ var chainInfo = "";
27299/******/ if (result.chain) {
27300/******/ chainInfo = "\nUpdate propagation: " + result.chain.join(" -> ");
27301/******/ }
27302/******/ switch (result.type) {
27303/******/ case "self-declined":
27304/******/ if (options.onDeclined) options.onDeclined(result);
27305/******/ if (!options.ignoreDeclined)
27306/******/ abortError = new Error(
27307/******/ "Aborted because of self decline: " +
27308/******/ result.moduleId +
27309/******/ chainInfo
27310/******/ );
27311/******/ break;
27312/******/ case "declined":
27313/******/ if (options.onDeclined) options.onDeclined(result);
27314/******/ if (!options.ignoreDeclined)
27315/******/ abortError = new Error(
27316/******/ "Aborted because of declined dependency: " +
27317/******/ result.moduleId +
27318/******/ " in " +
27319/******/ result.parentId +
27320/******/ chainInfo
27321/******/ );
27322/******/ break;
27323/******/ case "unaccepted":
27324/******/ if (options.onUnaccepted) options.onUnaccepted(result);
27325/******/ if (!options.ignoreUnaccepted)
27326/******/ abortError = new Error(
27327/******/ "Aborted because " + moduleId + " is not accepted" + chainInfo
27328/******/ );
27329/******/ break;
27330/******/ case "accepted":
27331/******/ if (options.onAccepted) options.onAccepted(result);
27332/******/ doApply = true;
27333/******/ break;
27334/******/ case "disposed":
27335/******/ if (options.onDisposed) options.onDisposed(result);
27336/******/ doDispose = true;
27337/******/ break;
27338/******/ default:
27339/******/ throw new Error("Unexception type " + result.type);
27340/******/ }
27341/******/ if (abortError) {
27342/******/ return {
27343/******/ error: abortError
27344/******/ };
27345/******/ }
27346/******/ if (doApply) {
27347/******/ appliedUpdate[moduleId] = newModuleFactory;
27348/******/ addAllToSet(outdatedModules, result.outdatedModules);
27349/******/ for (moduleId in result.outdatedDependencies) {
27350/******/ if (__webpack_require__.o(result.outdatedDependencies, moduleId)) {
27351/******/ if (!outdatedDependencies[moduleId])
27352/******/ outdatedDependencies[moduleId] = [];
27353/******/ addAllToSet(
27354/******/ outdatedDependencies[moduleId],
27355/******/ result.outdatedDependencies[moduleId]
27356/******/ );
27357/******/ }
27358/******/ }
27359/******/ }
27360/******/ if (doDispose) {
27361/******/ addAllToSet(outdatedModules, [result.moduleId]);
27362/******/ appliedUpdate[moduleId] = warnUnexpectedRequire;
27363/******/ }
27364/******/ }
27365/******/ }
27366/******/ currentUpdate = undefined;
27368/******/ // Store self accepted outdated modules to require them later by the module system
27369/******/ var outdatedSelfAcceptedModules = [];
27370/******/ for (var j = 0; j < outdatedModules.length; j++) {
27371/******/ var outdatedModuleId = outdatedModules[j];
27372/******/ var module = __webpack_require__.c[outdatedModuleId];
27373/******/ if (
27374/******/ module &&
27375/******/ (module.hot._selfAccepted || module.hot._main) &&
27376/******/ // removed self-accepted modules should not be required
27377/******/ appliedUpdate[outdatedModuleId] !== warnUnexpectedRequire &&
27378/******/ // when called invalidate self-accepting is not possible
27379/******/ !module.hot._selfInvalidated
27380/******/ ) {
27381/******/ outdatedSelfAcceptedModules.push({
27382/******/ module: outdatedModuleId,
27383/******/ require: module.hot._requireSelf,
27384/******/ errorHandler: module.hot._selfAccepted
27385/******/ });
27386/******/ }
27387/******/ }
27389/******/ var moduleOutdatedDependencies;
27391/******/ return {
27392/******/ dispose: function () {
27393/******/ currentUpdateRemovedChunks.forEach(function (chunkId) {
27394/******/ delete installedChunks[chunkId];
27395/******/ });
27396/******/ currentUpdateRemovedChunks = undefined;
27398/******/ var idx;
27399/******/ var queue = outdatedModules.slice();
27400/******/ while (queue.length > 0) {
27401/******/ var moduleId = queue.pop();
27402/******/ var module = __webpack_require__.c[moduleId];
27403/******/ if (!module) continue;
27405/******/ var data = {};
27407/******/ // Call dispose handlers
27408/******/ var disposeHandlers = module.hot._disposeHandlers;
27409/******/ for (j = 0; j < disposeHandlers.length; j++) {
27410/******/ disposeHandlers[j].call(null, data);
27411/******/ }
27412/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrD[moduleId] = data;
27414/******/ // disable module (this disables requires from this module)
27415/******/ module.hot.active = false;
27417/******/ // remove module from cache
27418/******/ delete __webpack_require__.c[moduleId];
27420/******/ // when disposing there is no need to call dispose handler
27421/******/ delete outdatedDependencies[moduleId];
27423/******/ // remove "parents" references from all children
27424/******/ for (j = 0; j < module.children.length; j++) {
27425/******/ var child = __webpack_require__.c[module.children[j]];
27426/******/ if (!child) continue;
27427/******/ idx = child.parents.indexOf(moduleId);
27428/******/ if (idx >= 0) {
27429/******/ child.parents.splice(idx, 1);
27430/******/ }
27431/******/ }
27432/******/ }
27434/******/ // remove outdated dependency from module children
27435/******/ var dependency;
27436/******/ for (var outdatedModuleId in outdatedDependencies) {
27437/******/ if (__webpack_require__.o(outdatedDependencies, outdatedModuleId)) {
27438/******/ module = __webpack_require__.c[outdatedModuleId];
27439/******/ if (module) {
27440/******/ moduleOutdatedDependencies =
27441/******/ outdatedDependencies[outdatedModuleId];
27442/******/ for (j = 0; j < moduleOutdatedDependencies.length; j++) {
27443/******/ dependency = moduleOutdatedDependencies[j];
27444/******/ idx = module.children.indexOf(dependency);
27445/******/ if (idx >= 0) module.children.splice(idx, 1);
27446/******/ }
27447/******/ }
27448/******/ }
27449/******/ }
27450/******/ },
27451/******/ apply: function (reportError) {
27452/******/ // insert new code
27453/******/ for (var updateModuleId in appliedUpdate) {
27454/******/ if (__webpack_require__.o(appliedUpdate, updateModuleId)) {
27455/******/ __webpack_require__.m[updateModuleId] = appliedUpdate[updateModuleId];
27456/******/ }
27457/******/ }
27459/******/ // run new runtime modules
27460/******/ for (var i = 0; i < currentUpdateRuntime.length; i++) {
27461/******/ currentUpdateRuntime[i](__webpack_require__);
27462/******/ }
27464/******/ // call accept handlers
27465/******/ for (var outdatedModuleId in outdatedDependencies) {
27466/******/ if (__webpack_require__.o(outdatedDependencies, outdatedModuleId)) {
27467/******/ var module = __webpack_require__.c[outdatedModuleId];
27468/******/ if (module) {
27469/******/ moduleOutdatedDependencies =
27470/******/ outdatedDependencies[outdatedModuleId];
27471/******/ var callbacks = [];
27472/******/ var errorHandlers = [];
27473/******/ var dependenciesForCallbacks = [];
27474/******/ for (var j = 0; j < moduleOutdatedDependencies.length; j++) {
27475/******/ var dependency = moduleOutdatedDependencies[j];
27476/******/ var acceptCallback =
27477/******/ module.hot._acceptedDependencies[dependency];
27478/******/ var errorHandler =
27479/******/ module.hot._acceptedErrorHandlers[dependency];
27480/******/ if (acceptCallback) {
27481/******/ if (callbacks.indexOf(acceptCallback) !== -1) continue;
27482/******/ callbacks.push(acceptCallback);
27483/******/ errorHandlers.push(errorHandler);
27484/******/ dependenciesForCallbacks.push(dependency);
27485/******/ }
27486/******/ }
27487/******/ for (var k = 0; k < callbacks.length; k++) {
27488/******/ try {
27489/******/ callbacks[k].call(null, moduleOutdatedDependencies);
27490/******/ } catch (err) {
27491/******/ if (typeof errorHandlers[k] === "function") {
27492/******/ try {
27493/******/ errorHandlers[k](err, {
27494/******/ moduleId: outdatedModuleId,
27495/******/ dependencyId: dependenciesForCallbacks[k]
27496/******/ });
27497/******/ } catch (err2) {
27498/******/ if (options.onErrored) {
27499/******/ options.onErrored({
27500/******/ type: "accept-error-handler-errored",
27501/******/ moduleId: outdatedModuleId,
27502/******/ dependencyId: dependenciesForCallbacks[k],
27503/******/ error: err2,
27504/******/ originalError: err
27505/******/ });
27506/******/ }
27507/******/ if (!options.ignoreErrored) {
27508/******/ reportError(err2);
27509/******/ reportError(err);
27510/******/ }
27511/******/ }
27512/******/ } else {
27513/******/ if (options.onErrored) {
27514/******/ options.onErrored({
27515/******/ type: "accept-errored",
27516/******/ moduleId: outdatedModuleId,
27517/******/ dependencyId: dependenciesForCallbacks[k],
27518/******/ error: err
27519/******/ });
27520/******/ }
27521/******/ if (!options.ignoreErrored) {
27522/******/ reportError(err);
27523/******/ }
27524/******/ }
27525/******/ }
27526/******/ }
27527/******/ }
27528/******/ }
27529/******/ }
27531/******/ // Load self accepted modules
27532/******/ for (var o = 0; o < outdatedSelfAcceptedModules.length; o++) {
27533/******/ var item = outdatedSelfAcceptedModules[o];
27534/******/ var moduleId = item.module;
27535/******/ try {
27536/******/ item.require(moduleId);
27537/******/ } catch (err) {
27538/******/ if (typeof item.errorHandler === "function") {
27539/******/ try {
27540/******/ item.errorHandler(err, {
27541/******/ moduleId: moduleId,
27542/******/ module: __webpack_require__.c[moduleId]
27543/******/ });
27544/******/ } catch (err2) {
27545/******/ if (options.onErrored) {
27546/******/ options.onErrored({
27547/******/ type: "self-accept-error-handler-errored",
27548/******/ moduleId: moduleId,
27549/******/ error: err2,
27550/******/ originalError: err
27551/******/ });
27552/******/ }
27553/******/ if (!options.ignoreErrored) {
27554/******/ reportError(err2);
27555/******/ reportError(err);
27556/******/ }
27557/******/ }
27558/******/ } else {
27559/******/ if (options.onErrored) {
27560/******/ options.onErrored({
27561/******/ type: "self-accept-errored",
27562/******/ moduleId: moduleId,
27563/******/ error: err
27564/******/ });
27565/******/ }
27566/******/ if (!options.ignoreErrored) {
27567/******/ reportError(err);
27568/******/ }
27569/******/ }
27570/******/ }
27571/******/ }
27573/******/ return outdatedModules;
27574/******/ }
27575/******/ };
27576/******/ }
27577/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrI.jsonp = function (moduleId, applyHandlers) {
27578/******/ if (!currentUpdate) {
27579/******/ currentUpdate = {};
27580/******/ currentUpdateRuntime = [];
27581/******/ currentUpdateRemovedChunks = [];
27582/******/ applyHandlers.push(applyHandler);
27583/******/ }
27584/******/ if (!__webpack_require__.o(currentUpdate, moduleId)) {
27585/******/ currentUpdate[moduleId] = __webpack_require__.m[moduleId];
27586/******/ }
27587/******/ };
27588/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrC.jsonp = function (
27589/******/ chunkIds,
27590/******/ removedChunks,
27591/******/ removedModules,
27592/******/ promises,
27593/******/ applyHandlers,
27594/******/ updatedModulesList
27595/******/ ) {
27596/******/ applyHandlers.push(applyHandler);
27597/******/ currentUpdateChunks = {};
27598/******/ currentUpdateRemovedChunks = removedChunks;
27599/******/ currentUpdate = removedModules.reduce(function (obj, key) {
27600/******/ obj[key] = false;
27601/******/ return obj;
27602/******/ }, {});
27603/******/ currentUpdateRuntime = [];
27604/******/ chunkIds.forEach(function (chunkId) {
27605/******/ if (
27606/******/ __webpack_require__.o(installedChunks, chunkId) &&
27607/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] !== undefined
27608/******/ ) {
27609/******/ promises.push(loadUpdateChunk(chunkId, updatedModulesList));
27610/******/ currentUpdateChunks[chunkId] = true;
27611/******/ } else {
27612/******/ currentUpdateChunks[chunkId] = false;
27613/******/ }
27614/******/ });
27615/******/ if (__webpack_require__.f) {
27616/******/ __webpack_require__.f.jsonpHmr = function (chunkId, promises) {
27617/******/ if (
27618/******/ currentUpdateChunks &&
27619/******/ __webpack_require__.o(currentUpdateChunks, chunkId) &&
27620/******/ !currentUpdateChunks[chunkId]
27621/******/ ) {
27622/******/ promises.push(loadUpdateChunk(chunkId));
27623/******/ currentUpdateChunks[chunkId] = true;
27624/******/ }
27625/******/ };
27626/******/ }
27627/******/ };
27629/******/ __webpack_require__.hmrM = () => {
27630/******/ if (typeof fetch === "undefined") throw new Error("No browser support: need fetch API");
27631/******/ return fetch(__webpack_require__.p + __webpack_require__.hmrF()).then((response) => {
27632/******/ if(response.status === 404) return; // no update available
27633/******/ if(!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch update manifest " + response.statusText);
27634/******/ return response.json();
27635/******/ });
27636/******/ };
27638/******/ // no on chunks loaded
27640/******/ // no jsonp function
27641/******/ })();
27645/******/ // module cache are used so entry inlining is disabled
27646/******/ // startup
27647/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
27648/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__(656);
27650/******/ })()
\No newline at end of file