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1// Type definitions for Raven.js
2// Project: https://github.com/getsentry/raven-js
3// Definitions by: Santi Albo <https://github.com/santialbo/>, Benjamin Pannell <http://github.com/spartan563>
5declare var Raven: Raven.RavenStatic;
7export = Raven;
9declare namespace Raven {
10 interface RavenOptions {
11 /** The log level associated with this event. Default: error */
12 level?: LogLevel;
14 /** The name of the logger used by Sentry. Default: javascript */
15 logger?: string;
17 /** The environment of the application you are monitoring with Sentry */
18 environment?: string;
20 /** The release version of the application you are monitoring with Sentry */
21 release?: string;
23 /** The name of the server or device that the client is running on */
24 serverName?: string;
26 /** List of messages to be filtered out before being sent to Sentry. */
27 ignoreErrors?: (RegExp | string)[];
29 /** Similar to ignoreErrors, but will ignore errors from whole urls patching a regex pattern. */
30 ignoreUrls?: (RegExp | string)[];
32 /** The inverse of ignoreUrls. Only report errors from whole urls matching a regex pattern. */
33 whitelistUrls?: (RegExp | string)[];
35 /** An array of regex patterns to indicate which urls are a part of your app. */
36 includePaths?: (RegExp | string)[];
38 /** Additional data to be tagged onto the error. */
39 tags?: {
40 [id: string]: string;
41 };
43 /** set to true to get the stack trace of your message */
44 stacktrace?: boolean;
46 extra?: any;
48 /** In some cases you may see issues where Sentry groups multiple events together when they should be separate entities. In other cases, Sentry simply doesn’t group events together because they’re so sporadic that they never look the same. */
49 fingerprint?: string[];
51 /** An array of strings representing keys that should be scrubbed from the payload sent to Sentry */
52 sanitizeKeys?: (RegExp | string)[];
54 /** A function which allows mutation of the data payload right before being sent to Sentry */
55 dataCallback?: (data: any) => any;
57 /** A callback function that allows you to apply your own filters to determine if the message should be sent to Sentry. */
58 shouldSendCallback?: (data: any) => boolean;
60 /** By default, Raven does not truncate messages. If you need to truncate characters for whatever reason, you may set this to limit the length. */
61 maxMessageLength?: number;
63 /** By default, Raven will truncate URLs as they appear in breadcrumbs and other meta interfaces to 250 characters in order to minimize bytes over the wire. This does *not* affect URLs in stack traces. */
64 maxUrlLength?: number;
66 /** By default, Raven captures all unhandled promise rejections using standard `unhandledrejection` event. If you want to disable this behaviour, set this option to `false` */
67 captureUnhandledRejections?: boolean;
69 /** Override the default HTTP data transport handler. */
70 transport?: (options: RavenTransportOptions) => void;
72 /** Append headers to the fetch or XMLHttpRequest request. Should be in a form of hash, were value can be string or function */
73 headers?: {
74 [key: string]: string | Function;
75 };
77 /** `fetch` init parameters */
78 fetchParameters?: {
79 [key: string]: string | Function;
80 };
82 /** Allow use of private/secretKey. */
83 allowSecretKey?: boolean;
85 /** Enables/disables instrumentation of globals. */
86 instrument?: boolean | RavenInstrumentationOptions;
88 /** Enables/disables automatic collection of breadcrumbs. */
89 autoBreadcrumbs?: boolean | AutoBreadcrumbOptions;
91 /** By default, Raven captures as many as 100 breadcrumb entries. If you find this too noisy, you can reduce this number by setting maxBreadcrumbs. Note that this number cannot be set higher than the default of 100. */
92 maxBreadcrumbs?: number;
94 /** A function that allows filtering or mutating breadcrumb payloads. Return false to throw away the breadcrumb. */
95 breadcrumbCallback?: (data: any) => any;
97 /**
98 * A sampling rate to apply to events. A value of 0.0 will send no events, and a value of 1.0 will send all events (default).
99 */
100 sampleRate?: number;
102 /**
103 * By default, Raven.js attempts to suppress duplicate captured errors and messages that occur back-to-back.
104 * Such events are often triggered by rogue code (e.g. from a `setInterval` callback in a browser extension),
105 * are not actionable, and eat up your event quota.
106 */
107 allowDuplicates?: boolean;
109 /**
110 * If set to true, Raven.js outputs some light debugging information onto the console.
111 */
112 debug?: boolean;
113 }
115 interface RavenInstrumentationOptions {
116 tryCatch?: boolean;
117 }
119 interface RavenStatic {
120 /** Raven.js version. */
121 VERSION: string;
123 Plugins: {[id: string]: RavenPlugin};
125 /**
126 * Allow Raven to be configured as soon as it is loaded
127 * It uses a global RavenConfig = {dsn: '...', config: {}}
128 *
129 * @return undefined
130 */
131 afterLoad(): void;
133 /**
134 * Allow multiple versions of Raven to be installed.
135 * Strip Raven from the global context and returns the instance.
136 *
137 * @return {Raven}
138 */
139 noConflict(): RavenStatic;
141 /**
142 * Configure Raven with a DSN and extra options
143 *
144 * @param {string} dsn The public Sentry DSN
145 * @param {object} options Optional set of global options [optional]
146 * @return {Raven}
147 */
148 config(dsn: string, options?: RavenOptions): RavenStatic;
150 /**
151 * Installs a global window.onerror error handler
152 * to capture and report uncaught exceptions.
153 * At this point, install() is required to be called due
154 * to the way TraceKit is set up.
155 *
156 * @return {Raven}
157 */
158 install(): RavenStatic;
160 /**
161 * Adds a plugin to Raven
162 *
163 * @return {Raven}
164 */
165 addPlugin(plugin: RavenPlugin, ...pluginArgs: any[]): RavenStatic;
167 /**
168 * Wrap code within a context so Raven can capture errors
169 * reliably across domains that is executed immediately.
170 *
171 * @param {object} options A specific set of options for this context [optional]
172 * @param {function} func The callback to be immediately executed within the context
173 * @param {array} args An array of arguments to be called with the callback [optional]
174 */
175 context(func: Function, ...args: any[]): void;
176 context(options: RavenOptions, func: Function, ...args: any[]): void;
178 /**
179 * Wrap code within a context and returns back a new function to be executed
180 *
181 * @param {object} options A specific set of options for this context [optional]
182 * @param {function} func The function to be wrapped in a new context
183 * @return {function} The newly wrapped functions with a context
184 */
185 wrap(func: Function): Function;
186 wrap(options: RavenOptions, func: Function): Function;
187 wrap<T extends Function>(func: T): T;
188 wrap<T extends Function>(options: RavenOptions, func: T): T;
190 /**
191 * Uninstalls the global error handler.
192 *
193 * @return {Raven}
194 */
195 uninstall(): RavenStatic;
197 /**
198 * Manually capture an exception and send it over to Sentry
199 *
200 * @param {error|ErrorEvent|string} ex An exception to be logged
201 * @param {object} options A specific set of options for this error [optional]
202 * @return {Raven}
203 */
204 captureException(
205 ex: unknown,
206 options?: RavenOptions
207 ): RavenStatic;
209 /**
210 * Manually send a message to Sentry
211 *
212 * @param {string} msg A plain message to be captured in Sentry
213 * @param {object} options A specific set of options for this message [optional]
214 * @return {Raven}
215 */
216 captureMessage(msg: string, options?: RavenOptions): RavenStatic;
218 /** Log a breadcrumb */
219 captureBreadcrumb(crumb: Breadcrumb): RavenStatic;
221 /**
222 * Set/Clear a user to be sent along with the payload.
223 *
224 * @param {object} user An object representing user data [optional]
225 * If user is undefined, the current user context will be removed.
226 * @return {Raven}
227 */
228 setUserContext(user?: {[key: string]: any}): RavenStatic;
230 /**
231 * Merge extra attributes to be sent along with the payload.
232 *
233 * @param {object} context A set of data to be merged with the current extra context data [optional]
234 * If context is undefined, the current extra context data will be removed.
235 * @return {Raven}
236 */
237 setExtraContext(context?: Object): RavenStatic;
239 /**
240 * Merge tags to be sent along with the payload.
241 *
242 * @param {object} tags A set of data to be merged with the current tag context data [optional]
243 * If tags is undefined, the current tag context data will be removed.
244 * @return {Raven}
245 */
246 setTagsContext(tags?: Object): RavenStatic;
248 /** Clear all of the context. */
249 clearContext(): RavenStatic;
251 /** Get a copy of the current context. This cannot be mutated.*/
252 getContext(): Object;
254 /** Override the default HTTP data transport handler. */
255 setTransport(
256 transportFunction: (options: RavenTransportOptions) => void
257 ): RavenStatic;
259 /** Set environment of application */
260 setEnvironment(environment: string): RavenStatic;
262 /** Set release version of application */
263 setRelease(release: string): RavenStatic;
265 /** Get the latest raw exception that was captured by Raven.*/
266 lastException(): Error;
268 /** An event id is a globally unique id for the event that was just sent. This event id can be used to find the exact event from within Sentry. */
269 lastEventId(): string;
271 /** If you need to conditionally check if raven needs to be initialized or not, you can use the isSetup function. It will return true if Raven is already initialized. */
272 isSetup(): boolean;
274 /** Specify a function that allows mutation of the data payload right before being sent to Sentry. */
275 setDataCallback(callback?: RavenCallback): RavenStatic;
277 /** Specify a callback function that allows you to mutate or filter breadcrumbs when they are captured. */
278 setBreadcrumbCallback(callback?: RavenCallback): RavenStatic;
280 /** Specify a callback function that allows you to apply your own filters to determine if the message should be sent to Sentry. */
281 setShouldSendCallback(callback?: RavenCallback): RavenStatic;
283 /** Show Sentry user feedback dialog */
284 showReportDialog(options?: Object): void;
286 /**
287 * Configure Raven DSN
288 *
289 * @param {string} dsn The public Sentry DSN
290 */
291 setDSN(dsn: string): void;
292 }
294 type RavenCallback = (data: any, orig?: (data: any) => any) => any | void;
296 interface RavenTransportOptions {
297 url: string;
298 data: any;
299 auth: {
300 sentry_version: string;
301 sentry_client: string;
302 sentry_key: string;
303 };
304 onSuccess(): void;
305 onError(error: Error & {request?: XMLHttpRequest}): void;
306 }
308 interface RavenPlugin {
309 (raven: RavenStatic, ...args: any[]): RavenStatic;
310 }
312 interface Breadcrumb {
313 message?: string;
314 category?: string;
315 level?: LogLevel;
316 data?: any;
317 type?: BreadcrumbType;
318 }
320 type BreadcrumbType = 'navigation' | 'http';
322 interface AutoBreadcrumbOptions {
323 xhr?: boolean;
324 console?: boolean;
325 dom?: boolean;
326 location?: boolean;
327 sentry?: boolean;
328 }
330 /** Event/Breadcrumb Severity. `critical` is for Breadcrumbs only and `fatal` is for Events only. */
331 type LogLevel =
332 | 'critical'
333 | 'fatal'
334 | 'error'
335 | 'warning'
336 | 'info'
337 | 'debug'
338 | 'warn'
339 | 'log';