29.6 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import _extends from 'babel-runtime/helpers/extends';
2import _classCallCheck from 'babel-runtime/helpers/classCallCheck';
3import _possibleConstructorReturn from 'babel-runtime/helpers/possibleConstructorReturn';
4import _inherits from 'babel-runtime/helpers/inherits';
5import React from 'react';
6import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
7import moment from 'moment';
8import classnames from 'classnames';
9import { polyfill } from 'react-lifecycles-compat';
10import KeyCode from 'rc-util/es/KeyCode';
11import CalendarPart from './range-calendar/CalendarPart';
12import TodayButton from './calendar/TodayButton';
13import OkButton from './calendar/OkButton';
14import TimePickerButton from './calendar/TimePickerButton';
15import { commonMixinWrapper, propType, defaultProp } from './mixin/CommonMixin';
16import { syncTime, getTodayTime, isAllowedDate } from './util';
17import { goTime, goStartMonth, goEndMonth, includesTime } from './util/toTime';
19function noop() {}
21function isEmptyArray(arr) {
22 return Array.isArray(arr) && (arr.length === 0 || arr.every(function (i) {
23 return !i;
24 }));
27function isArraysEqual(a, b) {
28 if (a === b) return true;
29 if (a === null || typeof a === 'undefined' || b === null || typeof b === 'undefined') {
30 return false;
31 }
32 if (a.length !== b.length) return false;
34 for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
35 if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
36 }
37 return true;
40function getValueFromSelectedValue(selectedValue) {
41 var start = selectedValue[0],
42 end = selectedValue[1];
44 if (end && (start === undefined || start === null)) {
45 start = end.clone().subtract(1, 'month');
46 }
48 if (start && (end === undefined || end === null)) {
49 end = start.clone().add(1, 'month');
50 }
51 return [start, end];
54function normalizeAnchor(props, init) {
55 var selectedValue = props.selectedValue || init && props.defaultSelectedValue;
56 var value = props.value || init && props.defaultValue;
57 var normalizedValue = value ? getValueFromSelectedValue(value) : getValueFromSelectedValue(selectedValue);
58 return !isEmptyArray(normalizedValue) ? normalizedValue : init && [moment(), moment().add(1, 'months')];
61function generateOptions(length, extraOptionGen) {
62 var arr = extraOptionGen ? extraOptionGen().concat() : [];
63 for (var value = 0; value < length; value++) {
64 if (arr.indexOf(value) === -1) {
65 arr.push(value);
66 }
67 }
68 return arr;
71function onInputSelect(direction, value, cause) {
72 if (!value) {
73 return;
74 }
75 var originalValue = this.state.selectedValue;
76 var selectedValue = originalValue.concat();
77 var index = direction === 'left' ? 0 : 1;
78 selectedValue[index] = value;
79 if (selectedValue[0] && this.compare(selectedValue[0], selectedValue[1]) > 0) {
80 selectedValue[1 - index] = this.state.showTimePicker ? selectedValue[index] : undefined;
81 }
82 this.props.onInputSelect(selectedValue);
83 this.fireSelectValueChange(selectedValue, null, cause || { source: 'dateInput' });
86var RangeCalendar = function (_React$Component) {
87 _inherits(RangeCalendar, _React$Component);
89 function RangeCalendar(props) {
90 _classCallCheck(this, RangeCalendar);
92 var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component.call(this, props));
94 _initialiseProps.call(_this);
96 var selectedValue = props.selectedValue || props.defaultSelectedValue;
97 var value = normalizeAnchor(props, 1);
98 _this.state = {
99 selectedValue: selectedValue,
100 prevSelectedValue: selectedValue,
101 firstSelectedValue: null,
102 hoverValue: props.hoverValue || [],
103 value: value,
104 showTimePicker: false,
105 mode: props.mode || ['date', 'date'],
106 panelTriggerSource: '' // Trigger by which picker panel: 'start' & 'end'
107 };
108 return _this;
109 }
111 RangeCalendar.getDerivedStateFromProps = function getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, state) {
112 var newState = {};
113 if ('value' in nextProps) {
114 newState.value = normalizeAnchor(nextProps, 0);
115 }
116 if ('hoverValue' in nextProps && !isArraysEqual(state.hoverValue, nextProps.hoverValue)) {
117 newState.hoverValue = nextProps.hoverValue;
118 }
119 if ('selectedValue' in nextProps) {
120 newState.selectedValue = nextProps.selectedValue;
121 newState.prevSelectedValue = nextProps.selectedValue;
122 }
123 if ('mode' in nextProps && !isArraysEqual(state.mode, nextProps.mode)) {
124 newState.mode = nextProps.mode;
125 }
126 return newState;
127 };
129 // get disabled hours for second picker
132 RangeCalendar.prototype.render = function render() {
133 var _className, _classnames;
135 var props = this.props,
136 state = this.state;
137 var prefixCls = props.prefixCls,
138 dateInputPlaceholder = props.dateInputPlaceholder,
139 seperator = props.seperator,
140 timePicker = props.timePicker,
141 showOk = props.showOk,
142 locale = props.locale,
143 showClear = props.showClear,
144 showToday = props.showToday,
145 type = props.type,
146 clearIcon = props.clearIcon;
147 var hoverValue = state.hoverValue,
148 selectedValue = state.selectedValue,
149 mode = state.mode,
150 showTimePicker = state.showTimePicker;
152 var className = (_className = {}, _className[props.className] = !!props.className, _className[prefixCls] = 1, _className[prefixCls + '-hidden'] = !props.visible, _className[prefixCls + '-range'] = 1, _className[prefixCls + '-show-time-picker'] = showTimePicker, _className[prefixCls + '-week-number'] = props.showWeekNumber, _className);
153 var classes = classnames(className);
154 var newProps = {
155 selectedValue: state.selectedValue,
156 onSelect: this.onSelect,
157 onDayHover: type === 'start' && selectedValue[1] || type === 'end' && selectedValue[0] || !!hoverValue.length ? this.onDayHover : undefined
158 };
160 var placeholder1 = void 0;
161 var placeholder2 = void 0;
163 if (dateInputPlaceholder) {
164 if (Array.isArray(dateInputPlaceholder)) {
165 placeholder1 = dateInputPlaceholder[0];
166 placeholder2 = dateInputPlaceholder[1];
167 } else {
168 placeholder1 = placeholder2 = dateInputPlaceholder;
169 }
170 }
171 var showOkButton = showOk === true || showOk !== false && !!timePicker;
172 var cls = classnames((_classnames = {}, _classnames[prefixCls + '-footer'] = true, _classnames[prefixCls + '-range-bottom'] = true, _classnames[prefixCls + '-footer-show-ok'] = showOkButton, _classnames));
174 var startValue = this.getStartValue();
175 var endValue = this.getEndValue();
176 var todayTime = getTodayTime(startValue);
177 var thisMonth = todayTime.month();
178 var thisYear = todayTime.year();
179 var isTodayInView = startValue.year() === thisYear && startValue.month() === thisMonth || endValue.year() === thisYear && endValue.month() === thisMonth;
180 var nextMonthOfStart = startValue.clone().add(1, 'months');
181 var isClosestMonths = nextMonthOfStart.year() === endValue.year() && nextMonthOfStart.month() === endValue.month();
183 var extraFooter = props.renderFooter();
185 return React.createElement(
186 'div',
187 {
188 ref: this.saveRoot,
189 className: classes,
190 style: props.style,
191 tabIndex: '0',
192 onKeyDown: this.onKeyDown
193 },
194 props.renderSidebar(),
195 React.createElement(
196 'div',
197 { className: prefixCls + '-panel' },
198 showClear && selectedValue[0] && selectedValue[1] ? React.createElement(
199 'a',
200 {
201 role: 'button',
202 title: locale.clear,
203 onClick: this.clear
204 },
205 clearIcon || React.createElement('span', { className: prefixCls + '-clear-btn' })
206 ) : null,
207 React.createElement(
208 'div',
209 {
210 className: prefixCls + '-date-panel',
211 onMouseLeave: type !== 'both' ? this.onDatePanelLeave : undefined,
212 onMouseEnter: type !== 'both' ? this.onDatePanelEnter : undefined
213 },
214 React.createElement(CalendarPart, _extends({}, props, newProps, {
215 hoverValue: hoverValue,
216 direction: 'left',
217 disabledTime: this.disabledStartTime,
218 disabledMonth: this.disabledStartMonth,
219 format: this.getFormat(),
220 value: startValue,
221 mode: mode[0],
222 placeholder: placeholder1,
223 onInputChange: this.onStartInputChange,
224 onInputSelect: this.onStartInputSelect,
225 onValueChange: this.onStartValueChange,
226 onPanelChange: this.onStartPanelChange,
227 showDateInput: this.props.showDateInput,
228 timePicker: timePicker,
229 showTimePicker: showTimePicker || mode[0] === 'time',
230 enablePrev: true,
231 enableNext: !isClosestMonths || this.isMonthYearPanelShow(mode[1]),
232 clearIcon: clearIcon
233 })),
234 React.createElement(
235 'span',
236 { className: prefixCls + '-range-middle' },
237 seperator
238 ),
239 React.createElement(CalendarPart, _extends({}, props, newProps, {
240 hoverValue: hoverValue,
241 direction: 'right',
242 format: this.getFormat(),
243 timePickerDisabledTime: this.getEndDisableTime(),
244 placeholder: placeholder2,
245 value: endValue,
246 mode: mode[1],
247 onInputChange: this.onEndInputChange,
248 onInputSelect: this.onEndInputSelect,
249 onValueChange: this.onEndValueChange,
250 onPanelChange: this.onEndPanelChange,
251 showDateInput: this.props.showDateInput,
252 timePicker: timePicker,
253 showTimePicker: showTimePicker || mode[1] === 'time',
254 disabledTime: this.disabledEndTime,
255 disabledMonth: this.disabledEndMonth,
256 enablePrev: !isClosestMonths || this.isMonthYearPanelShow(mode[0]),
257 enableNext: true,
258 clearIcon: clearIcon
259 }))
260 ),
261 React.createElement(
262 'div',
263 { className: cls },
264 showToday || props.timePicker || showOkButton || extraFooter ? React.createElement(
265 'div',
266 { className: prefixCls + '-footer-btn' },
267 extraFooter,
268 showToday ? React.createElement(TodayButton, _extends({}, props, {
269 disabled: isTodayInView,
270 value: state.value[0],
271 onToday: this.onToday,
272 text: locale.backToToday
273 })) : null,
274 props.timePicker ? React.createElement(TimePickerButton, _extends({}, props, {
275 showTimePicker: showTimePicker || mode[0] === 'time' && mode[1] === 'time',
276 onOpenTimePicker: this.onOpenTimePicker,
277 onCloseTimePicker: this.onCloseTimePicker,
278 timePickerDisabled: !this.hasSelectedValue() || hoverValue.length
279 })) : null,
280 showOkButton ? React.createElement(OkButton, _extends({}, props, {
281 onOk: this.onOk,
282 okDisabled: !this.isAllowedDateAndTime(selectedValue) || !this.hasSelectedValue() || hoverValue.length
283 })) : null
284 ) : null
285 )
286 )
287 );
288 };
290 return RangeCalendar;
293RangeCalendar.propTypes = _extends({}, propType, {
294 prefixCls: PropTypes.string,
295 dateInputPlaceholder: PropTypes.any,
296 seperator: PropTypes.string,
297 defaultValue: PropTypes.any,
298 value: PropTypes.any,
299 hoverValue: PropTypes.any,
300 mode: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['time', 'date', 'month', 'year', 'decade'])),
301 showDateInput: PropTypes.bool,
302 timePicker: PropTypes.any,
303 showOk: PropTypes.bool,
304 showToday: PropTypes.bool,
305 defaultSelectedValue: PropTypes.array,
306 selectedValue: PropTypes.array,
307 onOk: PropTypes.func,
308 showClear: PropTypes.bool,
309 locale: PropTypes.object,
310 onChange: PropTypes.func,
311 onSelect: PropTypes.func,
312 onValueChange: PropTypes.func,
313 onHoverChange: PropTypes.func,
314 onPanelChange: PropTypes.func,
315 format: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string)]),
316 onClear: PropTypes.func,
317 type: PropTypes.any,
318 disabledDate: PropTypes.func,
319 disabledTime: PropTypes.func,
320 clearIcon: PropTypes.node,
321 onKeyDown: PropTypes.func
323RangeCalendar.defaultProps = _extends({}, defaultProp, {
324 type: 'both',
325 seperator: '~',
326 defaultSelectedValue: [],
327 onValueChange: noop,
328 onHoverChange: noop,
329 onPanelChange: noop,
330 disabledTime: noop,
331 onInputSelect: noop,
332 showToday: true,
333 showDateInput: true
336var _initialiseProps = function _initialiseProps() {
337 var _this2 = this;
339 this.onDatePanelEnter = function () {
340 if (_this2.hasSelectedValue()) {
341 _this2.fireHoverValueChange(_this2.state.selectedValue.concat());
342 }
343 };
345 this.onDatePanelLeave = function () {
346 if (_this2.hasSelectedValue()) {
347 _this2.fireHoverValueChange([]);
348 }
349 };
351 this.onSelect = function (value) {
352 var type = _this2.props.type;
353 var _state = _this2.state,
354 selectedValue = _state.selectedValue,
355 prevSelectedValue = _state.prevSelectedValue,
356 firstSelectedValue = _state.firstSelectedValue;
358 var nextSelectedValue = void 0;
359 if (type === 'both') {
360 if (!firstSelectedValue) {
361 syncTime(prevSelectedValue[0], value);
362 nextSelectedValue = [value];
363 } else if (_this2.compare(firstSelectedValue, value) < 0) {
364 syncTime(prevSelectedValue[1], value);
365 nextSelectedValue = [firstSelectedValue, value];
366 } else {
367 syncTime(prevSelectedValue[0], value);
368 syncTime(prevSelectedValue[1], firstSelectedValue);
369 nextSelectedValue = [value, firstSelectedValue];
370 }
371 } else if (type === 'start') {
372 syncTime(prevSelectedValue[0], value);
373 var endValue = selectedValue[1];
374 nextSelectedValue = endValue && _this2.compare(endValue, value) > 0 ? [value, endValue] : [value];
375 } else {
376 // type === 'end'
377 var startValue = selectedValue[0];
378 if (startValue && _this2.compare(startValue, value) <= 0) {
379 syncTime(prevSelectedValue[1], value);
380 nextSelectedValue = [startValue, value];
381 } else {
382 syncTime(prevSelectedValue[0], value);
383 nextSelectedValue = [value];
384 }
385 }
387 _this2.fireSelectValueChange(nextSelectedValue);
388 };
390 this.onKeyDown = function (event) {
391 if (event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input') {
392 return;
393 }
395 var keyCode = event.keyCode;
397 var ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
399 var _state2 = _this2.state,
400 selectedValue = _state2.selectedValue,
401 hoverValue = _state2.hoverValue,
402 firstSelectedValue = _state2.firstSelectedValue,
403 value = _state2.value;
404 var _props = _this2.props,
405 onKeyDown = _props.onKeyDown,
406 disabledDate = _props.disabledDate;
408 // Update last time of the picker
410 var updateHoverPoint = function updateHoverPoint(func) {
411 // Change hover to make focus in UI
412 var currentHoverTime = void 0;
413 var nextHoverTime = void 0;
414 var nextHoverValue = void 0;
416 if (!firstSelectedValue) {
417 currentHoverTime = hoverValue[0] || selectedValue[0] || value[0] || moment();
418 nextHoverTime = func(currentHoverTime);
419 nextHoverValue = [nextHoverTime];
420 _this2.fireHoverValueChange(nextHoverValue);
421 } else {
422 if (hoverValue.length === 1) {
423 currentHoverTime = hoverValue[0].clone();
424 nextHoverTime = func(currentHoverTime);
425 nextHoverValue = _this2.onDayHover(nextHoverTime);
426 } else {
427 currentHoverTime = hoverValue[0].isSame(firstSelectedValue, 'day') ? hoverValue[1] : hoverValue[0];
428 nextHoverTime = func(currentHoverTime);
429 nextHoverValue = _this2.onDayHover(nextHoverTime);
430 }
431 }
433 // Find origin hover time on value index
434 if (nextHoverValue.length >= 2) {
435 var miss = nextHoverValue.some(function (ht) {
436 return !includesTime(value, ht, 'month');
437 });
438 if (miss) {
439 var newValue = nextHoverValue.slice().sort(function (t1, t2) {
440 return t1.valueOf() - t2.valueOf();
441 });
442 if (newValue[0].isSame(newValue[1], 'month')) {
443 newValue[1] = newValue[0].clone().add(1, 'month');
444 }
445 _this2.fireValueChange(newValue);
446 }
447 } else if (nextHoverValue.length === 1) {
448 // If only one value, let's keep the origin panel
449 var oriValueIndex = value.findIndex(function (time) {
450 return time.isSame(currentHoverTime, 'month');
451 });
452 if (oriValueIndex === -1) oriValueIndex = 0;
454 if (value.every(function (time) {
455 return !time.isSame(nextHoverTime, 'month');
456 })) {
457 var _newValue = value.slice();
458 _newValue[oriValueIndex] = nextHoverTime.clone();
459 _this2.fireValueChange(_newValue);
460 }
461 }
463 event.preventDefault();
465 return nextHoverTime;
466 };
468 switch (keyCode) {
469 case KeyCode.DOWN:
470 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
471 return goTime(time, 1, 'weeks');
472 });
473 return;
474 case KeyCode.UP:
475 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
476 return goTime(time, -1, 'weeks');
477 });
478 return;
479 case KeyCode.LEFT:
480 if (ctrlKey) {
481 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
482 return goTime(time, -1, 'years');
483 });
484 } else {
485 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
486 return goTime(time, -1, 'days');
487 });
488 }
489 return;
490 case KeyCode.RIGHT:
491 if (ctrlKey) {
492 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
493 return goTime(time, 1, 'years');
494 });
495 } else {
496 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
497 return goTime(time, 1, 'days');
498 });
499 }
500 return;
501 case KeyCode.HOME:
502 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
503 return goStartMonth(time);
504 });
505 return;
506 case KeyCode.END:
507 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
508 return goEndMonth(time);
509 });
510 return;
511 case KeyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
512 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
513 return goTime(time, 1, 'month');
514 });
515 return;
516 case KeyCode.PAGE_UP:
517 updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
518 return goTime(time, -1, 'month');
519 });
520 return;
521 case KeyCode.ENTER:
522 {
523 var lastValue = void 0;
524 if (hoverValue.length === 0) {
525 lastValue = updateHoverPoint(function (time) {
526 return time;
527 });
528 } else if (hoverValue.length === 1) {
529 lastValue = hoverValue[0];
530 } else {
531 lastValue = hoverValue[0].isSame(firstSelectedValue, 'day') ? hoverValue[1] : hoverValue[0];
532 }
533 if (lastValue && (!disabledDate || !disabledDate(lastValue))) {
534 _this2.onSelect(lastValue);
535 }
536 event.preventDefault();
537 return;
538 }
539 default:
540 if (onKeyDown) {
541 onKeyDown(event);
542 }
543 }
544 };
546 this.onDayHover = function (value) {
547 var hoverValue = [];
548 var _state3 = _this2.state,
549 selectedValue = _state3.selectedValue,
550 firstSelectedValue = _state3.firstSelectedValue;
551 var type = _this2.props.type;
553 if (type === 'start' && selectedValue[1]) {
554 hoverValue = _this2.compare(value, selectedValue[1]) < 0 ? [value, selectedValue[1]] : [value];
555 } else if (type === 'end' && selectedValue[0]) {
556 hoverValue = _this2.compare(value, selectedValue[0]) > 0 ? [selectedValue[0], value] : [];
557 } else {
558 if (!firstSelectedValue) {
559 if (_this2.state.hoverValue.length) {
560 _this2.setState({ hoverValue: [] });
561 }
562 return hoverValue;
563 }
564 hoverValue = _this2.compare(value, firstSelectedValue) < 0 ? [value, firstSelectedValue] : [firstSelectedValue, value];
565 }
566 _this2.fireHoverValueChange(hoverValue);
568 return hoverValue;
569 };
571 this.onToday = function () {
572 var startValue = getTodayTime(_this2.state.value[0]);
573 var endValue = startValue.clone().add(1, 'months');
574 _this2.setState({ value: [startValue, endValue] });
575 };
577 this.onOpenTimePicker = function () {
578 _this2.setState({
579 showTimePicker: true
580 });
581 };
583 this.onCloseTimePicker = function () {
584 _this2.setState({
585 showTimePicker: false
586 });
587 };
589 this.onOk = function () {
590 var selectedValue = _this2.state.selectedValue;
592 if (_this2.isAllowedDateAndTime(selectedValue)) {
593 _this2.props.onOk(_this2.state.selectedValue);
594 }
595 };
597 this.onStartInputChange = function () {
598 for (var _len = arguments.length, oargs = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
599 oargs[_key] = arguments[_key];
600 }
602 var args = ['left'].concat(oargs);
603 return onInputSelect.apply(_this2, args);
604 };
606 this.onEndInputChange = function () {
607 for (var _len2 = arguments.length, oargs = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
608 oargs[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
609 }
611 var args = ['right'].concat(oargs);
612 return onInputSelect.apply(_this2, args);
613 };
615 this.onStartInputSelect = function (value) {
616 var args = ['left', value, { source: 'dateInputSelect' }];
617 return onInputSelect.apply(_this2, args);
618 };
620 this.onEndInputSelect = function (value) {
621 var args = ['right', value, { source: 'dateInputSelect' }];
622 return onInputSelect.apply(_this2, args);
623 };
625 this.onStartValueChange = function (leftValue) {
626 var value = [].concat(_this2.state.value);
627 value[0] = leftValue;
628 return _this2.fireValueChange(value);
629 };
631 this.onEndValueChange = function (rightValue) {
632 var value = [].concat(_this2.state.value);
633 value[1] = rightValue;
634 return _this2.fireValueChange(value);
635 };
637 this.onStartPanelChange = function (value, mode) {
638 var props = _this2.props,
639 state = _this2.state;
641 var newMode = [mode, state.mode[1]];
642 var newState = {
643 panelTriggerSource: 'start'
644 };
645 if (!('mode' in props)) {
646 newState.mode = newMode;
647 }
648 _this2.setState(newState);
649 var newValue = [value || state.value[0], state.value[1]];
650 props.onPanelChange(newValue, newMode);
651 };
653 this.onEndPanelChange = function (value, mode) {
654 var props = _this2.props,
655 state = _this2.state;
657 var newMode = [state.mode[0], mode];
658 var newState = {
659 panelTriggerSource: 'end'
660 };
661 if (!('mode' in props)) {
662 newState.mode = newMode;
663 }
664 _this2.setState(newState);
665 var newValue = [state.value[0], value || state.value[1]];
666 props.onPanelChange(newValue, newMode);
667 };
669 this.getStartValue = function () {
670 var _state4 = _this2.state,
671 selectedValue = _state4.selectedValue,
672 showTimePicker = _state4.showTimePicker,
673 value = _state4.value,
674 mode = _state4.mode,
675 panelTriggerSource = _state4.panelTriggerSource;
677 var startValue = value[0];
678 // keep selectedTime when select date
679 if (selectedValue[0] && _this2.props.timePicker) {
680 startValue = startValue.clone();
681 syncTime(selectedValue[0], startValue);
682 }
683 if (showTimePicker && selectedValue[0]) {
684 startValue = selectedValue[0];
685 }
687 // Adjust month if date not align
688 if (panelTriggerSource === 'end' && mode[0] === 'date' && mode[1] === 'date' && startValue.isSame(value[1], 'month')) {
689 startValue = startValue.clone().subtract(1, 'month');
690 }
692 return startValue;
693 };
695 this.getEndValue = function () {
696 var _state5 = _this2.state,
697 value = _state5.value,
698 selectedValue = _state5.selectedValue,
699 showTimePicker = _state5.showTimePicker,
700 mode = _state5.mode,
701 panelTriggerSource = _state5.panelTriggerSource;
703 var endValue = value[1] ? value[1].clone() : value[0].clone().add(1, 'month');
704 // keep selectedTime when select date
705 if (selectedValue[1] && _this2.props.timePicker) {
706 syncTime(selectedValue[1], endValue);
707 }
708 if (showTimePicker) {
709 endValue = selectedValue[1] ? selectedValue[1] : _this2.getStartValue();
710 }
712 // Adjust month if date not align
713 if (!showTimePicker && panelTriggerSource !== 'end' && mode[0] === 'date' && mode[1] === 'date' && endValue.isSame(value[0], 'month')) {
714 endValue = endValue.clone().add(1, 'month');
715 }
717 return endValue;
718 };
720 this.getEndDisableTime = function () {
721 var _state6 = _this2.state,
722 selectedValue = _state6.selectedValue,
723 value = _state6.value;
724 var disabledTime = _this2.props.disabledTime;
726 var userSettingDisabledTime = disabledTime(selectedValue, 'end') || {};
727 var startValue = selectedValue && selectedValue[0] || value[0].clone();
728 // if startTime and endTime is same day..
729 // the second time picker will not able to pick time before first time picker
730 if (!selectedValue[1] || startValue.isSame(selectedValue[1], 'day')) {
731 var hours = startValue.hour();
732 var minutes = startValue.minute();
733 var second = startValue.second();
734 var _disabledHours = userSettingDisabledTime.disabledHours,
735 _disabledMinutes = userSettingDisabledTime.disabledMinutes,
736 _disabledSeconds = userSettingDisabledTime.disabledSeconds;
738 var oldDisabledMinutes = _disabledMinutes ? _disabledMinutes() : [];
739 var olddisabledSeconds = _disabledSeconds ? _disabledSeconds() : [];
740 _disabledHours = generateOptions(hours, _disabledHours);
741 _disabledMinutes = generateOptions(minutes, _disabledMinutes);
742 _disabledSeconds = generateOptions(second, _disabledSeconds);
743 return {
744 disabledHours: function disabledHours() {
745 return _disabledHours;
746 },
747 disabledMinutes: function disabledMinutes(hour) {
748 if (hour === hours) {
749 return _disabledMinutes;
750 }
751 return oldDisabledMinutes;
752 },
753 disabledSeconds: function disabledSeconds(hour, minute) {
754 if (hour === hours && minute === minutes) {
755 return _disabledSeconds;
756 }
757 return olddisabledSeconds;
758 }
759 };
760 }
761 return userSettingDisabledTime;
762 };
764 this.isAllowedDateAndTime = function (selectedValue) {
765 return isAllowedDate(selectedValue[0], _this2.props.disabledDate, _this2.disabledStartTime) && isAllowedDate(selectedValue[1], _this2.props.disabledDate, _this2.disabledEndTime);
766 };
768 this.isMonthYearPanelShow = function (mode) {
769 return ['month', 'year', 'decade'].indexOf(mode) > -1;
770 };
772 this.hasSelectedValue = function () {
773 var selectedValue = _this2.state.selectedValue;
775 return !!selectedValue[1] && !!selectedValue[0];
776 };
778 this.compare = function (v1, v2) {
779 if (_this2.props.timePicker) {
780 return v1.diff(v2);
781 }
782 return v1.diff(v2, 'days');
783 };
785 this.fireSelectValueChange = function (selectedValue, direct, cause) {
786 var timePicker = _this2.props.timePicker;
787 var prevSelectedValue = _this2.state.prevSelectedValue;
789 if (timePicker && timePicker.props.defaultValue) {
790 var timePickerDefaultValue = timePicker.props.defaultValue;
791 if (!prevSelectedValue[0] && selectedValue[0]) {
792 syncTime(timePickerDefaultValue[0], selectedValue[0]);
793 }
794 if (!prevSelectedValue[1] && selectedValue[1]) {
795 syncTime(timePickerDefaultValue[1], selectedValue[1]);
796 }
797 }
799 if (!('selectedValue' in _this2.props)) {
800 _this2.setState({
801 selectedValue: selectedValue
802 });
803 }
805 // 尚未选择过时间,直接输入的话
806 if (!_this2.state.selectedValue[0] || !_this2.state.selectedValue[1]) {
807 var startValue = selectedValue[0] || moment();
808 var endValue = selectedValue[1] || startValue.clone().add(1, 'months');
809 _this2.setState({
810 selectedValue: selectedValue,
811 value: getValueFromSelectedValue([startValue, endValue])
812 });
813 }
815 if (selectedValue[0] && !selectedValue[1]) {
816 _this2.setState({ firstSelectedValue: selectedValue[0] });
817 _this2.fireHoverValueChange(selectedValue.concat());
818 }
819 _this2.props.onChange(selectedValue);
820 if (direct || selectedValue[0] && selectedValue[1]) {
821 _this2.setState({
822 prevSelectedValue: selectedValue,
823 firstSelectedValue: null
824 });
825 _this2.fireHoverValueChange([]);
826 _this2.props.onSelect(selectedValue, cause);
827 }
828 };
830 this.fireValueChange = function (value) {
831 var props = _this2.props;
832 if (!('value' in props)) {
833 _this2.setState({
834 value: value
835 });
836 }
837 props.onValueChange(value);
838 };
840 this.fireHoverValueChange = function (hoverValue) {
841 var props = _this2.props;
842 if (!('hoverValue' in props)) {
843 _this2.setState({ hoverValue: hoverValue });
844 }
845 props.onHoverChange(hoverValue);
846 };
848 this.clear = function () {
849 _this2.fireSelectValueChange([], true);
850 _this2.props.onClear();
851 };
853 this.disabledStartTime = function (time) {
854 return _this2.props.disabledTime(time, 'start');
855 };
857 this.disabledEndTime = function (time) {
858 return _this2.props.disabledTime(time, 'end');
859 };
861 this.disabledStartMonth = function (month) {
862 var value = _this2.state.value;
864 return month.isAfter(value[1], 'month');
865 };
867 this.disabledEndMonth = function (month) {
868 var value = _this2.state.value;
870 return month.isBefore(value[0], 'month');
871 };
876export default commonMixinWrapper(RangeCalendar);
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