1 | # rc-collapse
2 |
3 | rc-collapse ui component for react
4 |
5 | [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![build status][github-actions-image]][github-actions-url] [![Test coverage][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![npm download][download-image]][download-url]
6 |
7 | [npm-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/v/rc-collapse.svg?style=flat-square
8 | [npm-url]: http://npmjs.org/package/rc-collapse
9 | [github-actions-image]: https://github.com/react-component/collapse/workflows/CI/badge.svg
10 | [github-actions-url]: https://github.com/react-component/collapse/actions
11 | [codecov-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/react-component/collapse/master.svg?style=flat-square
12 | [codecov-url]: https://app.codecov.io/gh/react-component/collapse
13 | [download-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/rc-collapse.svg?style=flat-square
14 | [download-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/rc-collapse
15 |
16 | ## Live Demo
17 |
18 | http://react-component.github.io/collapse/
19 |
20 | ## Install
21 |
22 | [![rc-collapse](https://nodei.co/npm/rc-collapse.png)](https://npmjs.org/package/rc-collapse)
23 |
24 | ## Usage
25 |
26 | ```js
27 | var Collapse = require('rc-collapse');
28 | var Panel = Collapse.Panel;
29 | var React = require('react');
30 | var ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
31 | require('rc-collapse/assets/index.css');
32 |
33 | var App = (
34 | <Collapse accordion={true}>
35 | <Panel header="hello" headerClass="my-header-class">
36 | this is panel content
37 | </Panel>
38 | <Panel header="title2">this is panel content2 or other</Panel>
39 | </Collapse>
40 | );
41 | ReactDOM.render(App, container);
42 | ```
43 |
44 | ## Features
45 |
46 | - support ie8,ie8+,chrome,firefox,safari
47 |
48 | ## API
49 |
50 | ### Collapse props
51 |
52 | <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
53 | <thead>
54 | <tr>
55 | <th style="width: 100px;">name</th>
56 | <th style="width: 50px;">type</th>
57 | <th>default</th>
58 | <th>description</th>
59 | </tr>
60 | </thead>
61 | <tbody>
62 | <tr>
63 | <td>activeKey</td>
64 | <td>String|Array<String></td>
65 | <th>The first panel key</th>
66 | <td>current active Panel key</td>
67 | </tr>
68 | <tr>
69 | <td>className</td>
70 | <td>String or object</td>
71 | <th></th>
72 | <td>custom className to apply</td>
73 | </tr>
74 | <tr>
75 | <td>defaultActiveKey</td>
76 | <td>String|Array<String></td>
77 | <th>null</th>
78 | <td>default active key</td>
79 | </tr>
80 | <tr>
81 | <td>destroyInactivePanel</td>
82 | <td>Boolean</td>
83 | <th>false</th>
84 | <td>If destroy the panel which not active, default false. </td>
85 | </tr>
86 | <tr>
87 | <td>accordion</td>
88 | <td>Boolean</td>
89 | <th>false</th>
90 | <td>accordion mode, default is null, is collapse mode</td>
91 | </tr>
92 | <tr>
93 | <td>onChange</td>
94 | <td>Function(key)</td>
95 | <th>noop</th>
96 | <td>called when collapse Panel is changed</td>
97 | </tr>
98 | <tr>
99 | <td>expandIcon</td>
100 | <td>(props: PanelProps) => ReactNode</td>
101 | <th></th>
102 | <td>specific the custom expand icon.</td>
103 | </tr>
104 | <tr>
105 | <td>collapsible</td>
106 | <td>'header' | 'icon' | 'disabled'</td>
107 | <th>-</th>
108 | <td>specify whether the panel of children is collapsible or the area of collapsible.</td>
109 | </tr>
110 | <tr>
111 | <td>items</td>
112 | <td>
113 | <a href="./src/interface.ts#ItemType">interface.ts#ItemType</a>
114 | </td>
115 | <th>-</th>
116 | <td>collapse items content</td>
117 | </tr>
118 | </tbody>
119 | </table>
120 |
121 | If `accordion` is null or false, every panel can open. Opening another panel will not close any of the other panels. `activeKey` should be an string, if passing an array (the first item in the array will be used).
122 |
123 | If `accordion` is true, only one panel can be open. Opening another panel will cause the previously opened panel to close. `activeKey` should be an string, if passing an array (the first item in the array will be used).
124 |
125 | ### Collapse.Panel props
126 |
127 | > **deprecated** use `items` instead, will be removed in `v4.0.0`
128 |
129 | <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
130 | <thead>
131 | <tr>
132 | <th style="width: 100px;">name</th>
133 | <th style="width: 50px;">type</th>
134 | <th>default</th>
135 | <th>description</th>
136 | </tr>
137 | </thead>
138 | <tbody>
139 | <tr>
140 | <td>header</td>
141 | <td>String or node</td>
142 | <th></th>
143 | <td>header content of Panel</td>
144 | </tr>
145 | <tr>
146 | <td>headerClass</td>
147 | <td>String</td>
148 | <th>' '</th>
149 | <td>custom className to apply to header</td>
150 | </tr>
151 | <tr>
152 | <td>showArrow</td>
153 | <td>boolean</td>
154 | <th>true</th>
155 | <td>show arrow beside header</td>
156 | </tr>
157 | <tr>
158 | <td>className</td>
159 | <td>String or object</td>
160 | <th></th>
161 | <td>custom className to apply</td>
162 | </tr>
163 | <tr>
164 | <td>style</td>
165 | <td>object</td>
166 | <th></th>
167 | <td>custom style</td>
168 | </tr>
169 | <tr>
170 | <td>openMotion</td>
171 | <td>object</td>
172 | <th></th>
173 | <td>set the animation of open behavior, [more](https://github.com/react-component/motion). Different with v2, closed pane use a `rc-collapse-content-hidden` class to set `display: none` for hidden.</td>
174 | </tr>
175 | <tr>
176 | <td>forceRender</td>
177 | <td>boolean</td>
178 | <th>false</th>
179 | <td>forced render of content in panel, not lazy render after clicking on header</td>
180 | </tr>
181 | <tr>
182 | <td>extra</td>
183 | <td>String | ReactNode</td>
184 | <th></th>
185 | <td>Content to render in the right of the panel header</td>
186 | </tr>
187 | <tr>
188 | <td>collapsible</td>
189 | <td>'header' | 'icon' | 'disabled'</td>
190 | <th>-</th>
191 | <td>specify whether the panel be collapsible or the area of collapsible.</td>
192 | </tr>
193 | </tbody>
194 | </table>
195 |
196 | > `disabled` is removed since 3.0.0, please use `collapsible=disabled` replace it.
197 |
198 | #### key
199 |
200 | If `key` is not provided, the panel's index will be used instead.
201 |
202 | #### KeyBoard Event
203 |
204 | By default, Collapse will listen `onKeyDown`(<3.7.0 `onKeyPress`) event with `enter` key to toggle panel's active state when `collapsible` is not `disabled`. If you want to disable this behavior, you can prevent the event from bubbling like this:
205 |
206 | ```jsx
207 | const App = () => {
208 | const items: CollapseProps['items'] = [
209 | {
210 | label: <input onKeyDown={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} />,
211 | children: 'content',
212 | },
213 | {
214 | label: (
215 | <div onKeyDown={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}>
216 | <CustomComponent />
217 | </div>
218 | ),
219 | children: 'content',
220 | },
221 | {
222 | label: 'title 2',
223 | children: 'content 2',
224 | collapsible: 'disabled',
225 | },
226 | {
227 | label: 'title 3',
228 | children: 'content 3',
229 | onItemClick: console.log,
230 | },
231 | ];
232 |
233 | return <Collapse items={items} />;
234 | };
235 | ```
236 |
237 | ## Development
238 |
239 | ```bash
240 | npm install
241 | npm start
242 | ```
243 |
244 | ## Test Case
245 |
246 | ```bash
247 | npm test
248 | ```
249 |
250 | ## Coverage
251 |
252 | ```bash
253 | npm test -- --coverage
254 | ```
255 |
256 | ## License
257 |
258 | rc-collapse is released under the MIT license.