1 | # rc-config-loader [![Actions Status: test](https://github.com/azu/rc-config-loader/workflows/test/badge.svg)](https://github.com/azu/rc-config-loader/actions?query=workflow%3A"test")
2 |
3 | Load config from `.{product}rc.{json,yml,js}` file.
4 |
5 | It is a Node.js library for loading `.textlintrc`, `.eslintrc`, `.stylelintrc` etc...
6 |
7 | ## Features
8 |
9 | Find and load a configuration object from:
10 |
11 | - a `package.json` property if it is needed
12 | - a JSON or YAML, JS "rc file"
13 | - `.<product>rc` or `.<product>rc.json` or `.<product>rc.js` or`.<product>rc.yml`, `.<product>rc.yaml`
14 | - TypeScript support
15 | - Includes `.d.ts`
16 |
17 | ## Difference
18 |
19 | ### with [MoOx/rc-loader](https://github.com/MoOx/rc-loader "MoOx/rc-loader")
20 |
21 | - Safe API
22 | - `rc` contains shabang in `.js` file
23 | - Enhance Error message
24 |
25 | ### with [cosmiconfig](https://github.com/davidtheclark/cosmiconfig "cosmiconfig")
26 |
27 | - <del>Sync loading</del>
28 | - [cosmiconfig@3+](https://github.com/davidtheclark/cosmiconfig/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#300) support `sync` option
29 | - <del>Built-in TypeScript support</del>
30 | - [comisconfig@6*](https://github.com/davidtheclark/cosmiconfig/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#600) is written by TypeScript
31 |
32 | If you want to async support and customize loader, recommended to use [cosmiconfig](https://github.com/davidtheclark/cosmiconfig).
33 |
34 | ## Install
35 |
36 | Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/):
37 |
38 | npm install rc-config-loader
39 |
40 | ## Usage
41 |
42 | ### API
43 |
44 | ```ts
45 | export interface rcConfigLoaderOption {
46 | // does look for `package.json`
47 | packageJSON?:
48 | | boolean
49 | | {
50 | fieldName: string;
51 | };
52 | // if config file name is not same with packageName, set the name
53 | configFileName?: string;
54 | // treat default(no ext file) as some extension
55 | defaultExtension?: string | string[];
56 | // where start to load
57 | cwd?: string;
58 | }
59 | /**
60 | * Find and load rcfile, return { config, filePath }
61 | * If not found any rcfile, throw an Error.
62 | * @param {string} pkgName
63 | * @param {rcConfigLoaderOption} [opts]
64 | * @returns {{ config: Object, filePath:string } | undefined}
65 | */
66 | export declare function rcFile<R extends {}>(pkgName: string, opts?: rcConfigLoaderOption): {
67 | config: R;
68 | filePath: string;
69 | } | undefined;
70 |
71 | ```
72 |
73 | `rcFile` return `{ config, filePath }` object.
74 |
75 | - `config`: it is config object
76 | - `filePath`: absolute path to config file
77 |
78 | **Note:**
79 |
80 | - `rcFile` function return `undefined` if the config file is not found
81 | - `rcFile` throw an Error if the config file content is malformed (causing a parsing error)
82 |
83 | Recommenced usage:
84 |
85 | ```js
86 | import { rcFile } from "rc-config-loader"
87 |
88 | function loadRcFile(rcFileName){
89 | try {
90 | const results = rcFile(rcFileName);
91 | // Not Found
92 | if (!results) {
93 | return {};
94 | }
95 | return results.config;
96 | } catch (error) {
97 | // Found it, but it is parsing error
98 | return {} ; // default value
99 | }
100 | }
101 | // load config
102 | const config = loadRcFile("your-application");
103 | console.log(config); // => rcfile content
104 | ```
105 |
106 | It will check these files and return config file if found it.
107 |
108 | - `.your-applicationrc.json`
109 | - `.your-applicationrc.yml`
110 | - `.your-applicationrc.yaml`
111 | - `.your-applicationrc.js`
112 | - [optional] `package.json`
113 | - if `packageJSON` option is enabled
114 |
115 | ### Example
116 |
117 | ```js
118 | import { rcFile } from "rc-config-loader"
119 | // load .eslintrc from current dir
120 | console.log(rcFile("eslint"));
121 |
122 | // load .eslintrc from specific path
123 | console.log(rcFile("eslint", {
124 | configFileName: `${__dirname}/test/fixtures/.eslintrc`
125 | }));
126 | /*
127 | config: { extends: 'standard',
128 | rules:
129 | { 'comma-dangle': [ 2, 'always-multiline' ],
130 | 'arrow-parens': [ 2, 'as-needed' ] } }
131 | filePath: ${__dirname}/test/fixtures/.eslintrc
132 | */
133 |
134 | // load property from package.json
135 | console.log(rcFile("rc-config-loader", {
136 | packageJSON: {
137 | fieldName: "directories"
138 | }
139 | }));
140 | /*
141 | config: { test: 'test' }
142 | filePath: /path/to/package.json
143 | */
144 |
145 | // load .eslintrc from specific dir
146 | console.log(rcFile("eslint", {
147 | cwd: `${__dirname}/test/fixtures`
148 | }));
149 |
150 | // load specific filename from current dir
151 | console.log(rcFile("travis", {configFileName: ".travis"}));
152 | /*
153 | config: { sudo: false, language: 'node_js', node_js: 'stable' }
154 | filePath: /path/to/.travis
155 | */
156 |
157 | // try to load as .json, .yml, js
158 | console.log(rcFile("bar", {
159 | configFileName: `${__dirname}/test/fixtures/.barrc`,
160 | defaultExtension: [".json", ".yml", ".js"]
161 | }));
162 |
163 | // try to load as foobar, but .foobarrc is not found
164 | console.log(rcFile("foorbar")); // => undefined
165 |
166 | // try to load as .json, but it is not json
167 | // throw SyntaxError
168 | try {
169 | rcFile("unknown", {
170 | // This is not json
171 | configFileName: `${__dirname}/test/fixtures/.unknownrc`,
172 | defaultExtension: ".json"
173 | })
174 | } catch (error) {
175 | console.log(error);
176 | /*
177 | SyntaxError: Cannot read config file: /test/fixtures/.unknownrc
178 | */
179 | }
180 | ```
181 |
182 | ## Users
183 |
184 | - [textlint](https://github.com/textlint/textlint "textlint")
185 |
186 | ## Changelog
187 |
188 | See [Releases page](https://github.com/azu/rc-config-loader/releases).
189 |
190 | ## Running tests
191 |
192 | Install devDependencies and Run `npm test`:
193 |
194 | npm i -d && npm test
195 |
196 | ## Contributing
197 |
198 | Pull requests and stars are always welcome.
199 |
200 | For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](https://github.com/azu/rc-config-loader/issues).
201 |
202 | 1. Fork it!
203 | 2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`
204 | 3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
205 | 4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`
206 | 5. Submit a pull request :D
207 |
208 | ## Author
209 |
210 | - [github/azu](https://github.com/azu)
211 | - [twitter/azu_re](https://twitter.com/azu_re)
212 |
213 | ## License
214 |
215 | MIT © azu
216 |
217 | ## Acknowledgement
218 |
219 | - [zkochan/rcfile: Loads library configuration in all possible ways](https://github.com/zkochan/rcfile "zkochan/rcfile: Loads library configuration in all possible ways")
220 |
221 | **Difference**
222 |
223 | - support multiple `defaultExtension`