3.34 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { CSSProperties, InputHTMLAttributes, KeyboardEventHandler, MouseEventHandler, ReactElement, ReactNode } from 'react';
2import type { InputFocusOptions } from './utils/commonUtils';
3import type { LiteralUnion } from './utils/types';
4export interface CommonInputProps {
5 prefix?: ReactNode;
6 suffix?: ReactNode;
7 addonBefore?: ReactNode;
8 addonAfter?: ReactNode;
9 /** @deprecated Use `classNames` instead */
10 classes?: {
11 affixWrapper?: string;
12 group?: string;
13 wrapper?: string;
14 };
15 classNames?: {
16 affixWrapper?: string;
17 prefix?: string;
18 suffix?: string;
19 groupWrapper?: string;
20 wrapper?: string;
21 };
22 styles?: {
23 affixWrapper?: CSSProperties;
24 prefix?: CSSProperties;
25 suffix?: CSSProperties;
26 };
27 allowClear?: boolean | {
28 clearIcon?: ReactNode;
29 };
31type DataAttr = Record<`data-${string}`, string>;
32export type ValueType = InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>['value'] | bigint;
33export interface BaseInputProps extends CommonInputProps {
34 value?: ValueType;
35 /** @deprecated Use `children` instead */
36 inputElement?: ReactElement;
37 prefixCls?: string;
38 className?: string;
39 style?: CSSProperties;
40 disabled?: boolean;
41 focused?: boolean;
42 triggerFocus?: () => void;
43 readOnly?: boolean;
44 handleReset?: MouseEventHandler;
45 hidden?: boolean;
46 dataAttrs?: {
47 affixWrapper?: DataAttr;
48 };
49 components?: {
50 affixWrapper?: 'span' | 'div';
51 groupWrapper?: 'span' | 'div';
52 wrapper?: 'span' | 'div';
53 groupAddon?: 'span' | 'div';
54 };
55 children: ReactElement;
57export type ShowCountFormatter = (args: {
58 value: string;
59 count: number;
60 maxLength?: number;
61}) => ReactNode;
62export type ExceedFormatter = (value: string, config: {
63 max: number;
64}) => string;
65export interface CountConfig {
66 max?: number;
67 strategy?: (value: string) => number;
68 show?: boolean | ShowCountFormatter;
69 /** Trigger when content larger than the `max` limitation */
70 exceedFormatter?: ExceedFormatter;
72export interface InputProps extends CommonInputProps, Omit<InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, 'size' | 'prefix' | 'type' | 'value'> {
73 value?: ValueType;
74 prefixCls?: string;
75 type?: LiteralUnion<'button' | 'checkbox' | 'color' | 'date' | 'datetime-local' | 'email' | 'file' | 'hidden' | 'image' | 'month' | 'number' | 'password' | 'radio' | 'range' | 'reset' | 'search' | 'submit' | 'tel' | 'text' | 'time' | 'url' | 'week', string>;
76 onPressEnter?: KeyboardEventHandler<HTMLInputElement>;
77 /** It's better to use `count.show` instead */
78 showCount?: boolean | {
79 formatter: ShowCountFormatter;
80 };
81 autoComplete?: string;
82 htmlSize?: number;
83 classNames?: CommonInputProps['classNames'] & {
84 input?: string;
85 count?: string;
86 };
87 styles?: CommonInputProps['styles'] & {
88 input?: CSSProperties;
89 count?: CSSProperties;
90 };
91 count?: CountConfig;
93export interface InputRef {
94 focus: (options?: InputFocusOptions) => void;
95 blur: () => void;
96 setSelectionRange: (start: number, end: number, direction?: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'none') => void;
97 select: () => void;
98 input: HTMLInputElement | null;
100export {};