1 | # rc-queue-anim
2 | ---
3 |
4 | Animate React Component in queue, thanks to [rc-animate](https://github.com/react-component/animate) and [enter-animation](https://github.com/jljsj33/enter-animation).
5 |
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13 |
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15 | [npm-url]: http://npmjs.org/package/rc-queue-anim
16 | [github-actions-image]: https://github.com/react-component/queue-anim/workflows/CI/badge.svg
17 | [github-actions-url]: https://github.com/react-component/queue-anim/actions
18 | [codecov-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/react-component/queue-anim/master.svg?style=flat-square
19 | [codecov-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/react-component/queue-anim/branch/master
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23 | [lgtm-grade-url]: https://lgtm.com/projects/g/react-component/queue-anim/context:javascript
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25 | [node-url]: http://nodejs.org/download/
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27 | [download-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/rc-queue-anim
28 |
29 | ## Example
30 | 2.x: https://queue-anim.vercel.app/
31 |
32 | 1.x: http://react-component.github.io/queue-anim/examples/
33 |
34 | ![](https://t.alipayobjects.com/images/rmsweb/T12PliXjXgXXXXXXXX.gif)
35 |
36 | ## Usage
37 |
38 | ```js
39 | import QueueAnim from 'rc-queue-anim';
40 | import React from 'react';
41 | import ReactDom from 'react-dom';
42 |
43 | ReactDom.render(
44 | <QueueAnim>
45 | <div key="1">enter in queue</div>
46 | <div key="2">enter in queue</div>
47 | <div key="3">enter in queue</div>
48 | </QueueAnim>
49 | , mountNode);
50 | ```
51 |
52 | ## Install
53 |
54 | [![rc-queue-anim](https://nodei.co/npm/rc-queue-anim.png)](https://npmjs.org/package/rc-queue-anim)
55 |
56 | ## Browser Support
57 |
58 | |![IE](https://github.com/alrra/browser-logos/blob/master/src/edge/edge_48x48.png?raw=true) | ![Chrome](https://github.com/alrra/browser-logos/blob/master/src/chrome/chrome_48x48.png?raw=true) | ![Firefox](https://github.com/alrra/browser-logos/blob/master/src/firefox/firefox_48x48.png?raw=true) | ![Opera](https://github.com/alrra/browser-logos/blob/master/src/opera/opera_48x48.png?raw=true) | ![Safari](https://github.com/alrra/browser-logos/blob/master/src/safari/safari_48x48.png?raw=true)|
59 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
60 | | IE 10+ ✔ | Chrome 31.0+ ✔ | Firefox 31.0+ ✔ | Opera 30.0+ ✔ | Safari 7.0+ ✔ |
61 |
62 | ### 1.7.x add childRefs and currentRef;
63 |
64 | ```js
65 | <QueueAnim
66 | component={Row}
67 | ref={(c) => {
68 | this.ref = c;
69 | }}
70 | onEnd={() => {
71 | // this..currentRef = <Row />
72 | // this..childRefs.a = <Col key="a">1212</Col>
73 | }}
74 | >
75 | <Col key="a">1212</Col>
76 | </QueueAnim>
77 | ```
78 |
79 | ## API
80 |
81 | > You must provide the key attribute for all children of QueueAnim, children would not peform any animation without key.
82 |
83 | | props | type | default | description |
84 | |------------|----------------|---------|----------------|
85 | | type | string / array | `right` | Animation Styles <br/>`alpha` `left` `right` `top` `bottom` `scale` `scaleBig` `scaleX` `scaleY`|
86 | | animConfig | object / array | null | Custom config, See below for more details [animConfig](#animConfig) |
87 | | delay | number / array | 0 | delay of animation |
88 | | duration | number / array | 450 | duration of animation |
89 | | interval | number / array | 100 | interval of duration |
90 | | leaveReverse | boolean | false | reverse animation order at leave |
91 | | ease | string / array | `easeOutQuart` | animation easing config like `'ease'`, `['easeIn', 'easeOut']`, `[[.42,0,.58,1]`, [.42,0,.58,1]]: [more](http://easings.net/en) |
92 | | appear | boolean | true | whether support appear anim |
93 | | component | string / React.Element | `div` | component tag |
94 | | componentProps | Object | null | component is React.Element, component tag props |
95 | | animatingClassName | array | `['queue-anim-entering', 'queue-anim-leaving']` | className to every element of animating |
96 | | forcedReplay | boolean | false | `leave` animation moment trigger `enter`, forced replay. |
97 | | onEnd | function | null | animation end callback({ key, type }), type: `enter` or `leave` |
98 |
99 | > Above props support array format, like `['left', 'top']`, the secord item is leave config. [Demo](http://react-component.github.io/queue-anim/examples/enter-leave.html)
100 |
101 | ### animConfig
102 |
103 | **Data fall into three categories:**
104 |
105 | - Custom set start: `{ opacity:[1, 0] }` ;
106 | <br/> default;
107 | <br/>type: `{ opacity: Array<end, start> }`;
108 | <br/>leave automatic reverse: `{ opacity: Array<start, end> }`;
109 |
110 | - Custom: `{ opacity: 0 }`;
111 | <br/> Start position is not set。
112 |
113 | - Array: `[{ opacity:[1, 0] }, { opacity:[1, 0] }]`;
114 | <br/> type: `[{ opacity: Array<end, start> }, { opacity: Array<start, end>}]`
115 |
116 | ## Development
117 |
118 | ```
119 | npm install
120 | npm start
121 | ```