1.42 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from 'react';
2import type { AlignType, CellEllipsisType, ColumnType, CustomizeComponent, DataIndex, DefaultRecordType, ScopeType } from '../interface';
3export interface CellProps<RecordType extends DefaultRecordType> {
4 prefixCls?: string;
5 className?: string;
6 record?: RecordType;
7 /** `column` index is the real show rowIndex */
8 index?: number;
9 /** the index of the record. For the render(value, record, renderIndex) */
10 renderIndex?: number;
11 dataIndex?: DataIndex<RecordType>;
12 render?: ColumnType<RecordType>['render'];
13 component?: CustomizeComponent;
14 children?: React.ReactNode;
15 colSpan?: number;
16 rowSpan?: number;
17 scope?: ScopeType;
18 ellipsis?: CellEllipsisType;
19 align?: AlignType;
20 shouldCellUpdate?: (record: RecordType, prevRecord: RecordType) => boolean;
21 fixLeft?: number | false;
22 fixRight?: number | false;
23 firstFixLeft?: boolean;
24 lastFixLeft?: boolean;
25 firstFixRight?: boolean;
26 lastFixRight?: boolean;
27 allColsFixedLeft?: boolean;
28 /** @private Used for `expandable` with nest tree */
29 appendNode?: React.ReactNode;
30 additionalProps?: React.TdHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableCellElement>;
31 rowType?: 'header' | 'body' | 'footer';
32 isSticky?: boolean;
34declare function Cell<RecordType>(props: CellProps<RecordType>): React.JSX.Element;
35declare const _default: typeof Cell;
36export default _default;