6.72 kBMarkdownView Raw
1# rc-table
3React table component with useful functions.
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14[npm-url]: http://npmjs.org/package/rc-table
15[travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/react-component/table.svg?style=flat-square
16[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/react-component/table
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18[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/react-component/table?branch=master
19[codecov-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/react-component/table/master.svg?style=flat-square
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22[david-image]: https://david-dm.org/react-component/table/status.svg?style=flat-square
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26[download-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/rc-table
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28[bundlephobia-image]: https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/rc-table
30## install
34## Development
37npm install
38npm start
41## Example
45## Usage
48import Table from 'rc-table';
50const columns = [
51 {
52 title: 'Name',
53 dataIndex: 'name',
54 key: 'name',
55 width: 100,
56 },
57 {
58 title: 'Age',
59 dataIndex: 'age',
60 key: 'age',
61 width: 100,
62 },
63 {
64 title: 'Address',
65 dataIndex: 'address',
66 key: 'address',
67 width: 200,
68 },
69 {
70 title: 'Operations',
71 dataIndex: '',
72 key: 'operations',
73 render: () => <a href="#">Delete</a>,
74 },
77const data = [
78 { name: 'Jack', age: 28, address: 'some where', key: '1' },
79 { name: 'Rose', age: 36, address: 'some where', key: '2' },
82React.render(<Table columns={columns} data={data} />, mountNode);
85## API
87### Properties
89| Name | Type | Default | Description |
90| --- | --- | --- | --- |
91| tableLayout | `auto` \| `fixed` | `auto` \| `fixed` for any columns is fixed or ellipsis or header is fixed | https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/table-layout |
92| prefixCls | String | rc-table | |
93| className | String | | additional className |
94| id | String | | identifier of the container div |
95| useFixedHeader | Boolean | false | whether use separator table for header. better set width for columns |
96| scroll | Object | {x: false, y: false} | whether table can be scroll in x/y direction, `x` or `y` can be a number that indicated the width and height of table body |
97| expandable | Object | | Config expand props |
98| expandable.defaultExpandAllRows | Boolean | false | Expand All Rows initially |
99| expandable.defaultExpandedRowKeys | String[] | [] | initial expanded rows keys |
100| expandable.expandedRowKeys | String[] | | current expanded rows keys |
101| expandable.expandedRowRender | Function(recode, index, indent, expanded):ReactNode | | Content render to expanded row |
102| expandable.expandedRowClassName | Function(recode, index, indent):string | | get expanded row's className |
103| expandable.expandRowByClick | boolean | | Support expand by click row |
104| expandable.expandIconColumnIndex | Number | 0 | The index of expandIcon which column will be inserted when expandIconAsCell is false |
105| expandable.expandIcon | props => ReactNode | | Customize expand icon |
106| expandable.indentSize | Number | 15 | indentSize for every level of data.i.children, better using with column.width specified |
107| expandable.rowExpandable | (record) => boolean | | Config row support expandable |
108| expandable.onExpand | Function(expanded, record) | | function to call when click expand icon |
109| expandable.onExpandedRowsChange | Function(expandedRows) | | function to call when the expanded rows change |
110| rowKey | string or Function(record):string | 'key' | If rowKey is string, `record[rowKey]` will be used as key. If rowKey is function, the return value of `rowKey(record)` will be use as key. |
111| rowClassName | string or Function(record, index, indent):string | | get row's className |
112| rowRef | Function(record, index, indent):string | | get row's ref key |
113| data | Object[] | | data record array to be rendered |
114| onRow | Function(record, index) | | Set custom props per each row. |
115| onHeaderRow | Function(record, index) | | Set custom props per each header row. |
116| showHeader | Boolean | true | whether table head is shown |
117| title | Function(currentData) | | table title render function |
118| footer | Function(currentData) | | table footer render function |
119| emptyText | React.Node or Function | `No Data` | Display text when data is empty |
120| columns | Object[] | | The columns config of table, see table below |
121| components | Object | | Override table elements, see [#171](https://github.com/react-component/table/pull/171) for more details |
123## Column Props
125| Name | Type | Default | Description |
126| --- | --- | --- | --- |
127| key | String | | key of this column |
128| className | String | | className of this column |
129| colSpan | Number | | thead colSpan of this column |
130| title | React Node | | title of this column |
131| dataIndex | String | | display field of the data record |
132| width | String \| Number | | width of the specific proportion calculation according to the width of the columns |
133| fixed | String \| Boolean | | this column will be fixed when table scroll horizontally: true or 'left' or 'right' |
134| align | String | | specify how cell content is aligned |
135| ellipsis | Boolean | | specify whether cell content be ellipsized |
136| onCell | Function(record, index) | | Set custom props per each cell. |
137| onHeaderCell | Function(record) | | Set custom props per each header cell. |
138| render | Function(value, row, index) | | The render function of cell, has three params: the text of this cell, the record of this row, the index of this row, it's return an object:{ children: value, props: { colSpan: 1, rowSpan:1 } } ==> 'children' is the text of this cell, props is some setting of this cell, eg: 'colspan' set td colspan, 'rowspan' set td rowspan |
140## License
142rc-table is released under the MIT license.