20.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
2import _defineProperty from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/defineProperty";
3import _objectWithoutProperties from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutProperties";
4import _objectSpread from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectSpread2";
5import _classCallCheck from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/classCallCheck";
6import _createClass from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createClass";
7import _assertThisInitialized from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/assertThisInitialized";
8import _inherits from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/inherits";
9import _createSuper from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/createSuper";
10var _excluded = ["eventKey", "className", "style", "dragOver", "dragOverGapTop", "dragOverGapBottom", "isLeaf", "isStart", "isEnd", "expanded", "selected", "checked", "halfChecked", "loading", "domRef", "active", "data", "onMouseMove", "selectable"];
11import * as React from 'react';
12import classNames from 'classnames';
13import pickAttrs from "rc-util/es/pickAttrs";
14// @ts-ignore
15import { TreeContext } from './contextTypes';
16import Indent from './Indent';
17import { convertNodePropsToEventData } from './utils/treeUtil';
18var ICON_OPEN = 'open';
19var ICON_CLOSE = 'close';
20var defaultTitle = '---';
21var InternalTreeNode = /*#__PURE__*/function (_React$Component) {
22 _inherits(InternalTreeNode, _React$Component);
23 var _super = _createSuper(InternalTreeNode);
24 function InternalTreeNode() {
25 var _this;
26 _classCallCheck(this, InternalTreeNode);
27 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
28 args[_key] = arguments[_key];
29 }
30 _this = _super.call.apply(_super, [this].concat(args));
31 _this.state = {
32 dragNodeHighlight: false
33 };
34 _this.selectHandle = void 0;
35 _this.onSelectorClick = function (e) {
36 // Click trigger before select/check operation
37 var onNodeClick = _this.props.context.onNodeClick;
38 onNodeClick(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
39 if (_this.isSelectable()) {
40 _this.onSelect(e);
41 } else {
42 _this.onCheck(e);
43 }
44 };
45 _this.onSelectorDoubleClick = function (e) {
46 var onNodeDoubleClick = _this.props.context.onNodeDoubleClick;
47 onNodeDoubleClick(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
48 };
49 _this.onSelect = function (e) {
50 if (_this.isDisabled()) return;
51 var onNodeSelect = _this.props.context.onNodeSelect;
52 e.preventDefault();
53 onNodeSelect(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
54 };
55 _this.onCheck = function (e) {
56 if (_this.isDisabled()) return;
57 var _this$props = _this.props,
58 disableCheckbox = _this$props.disableCheckbox,
59 checked = _this$props.checked;
60 var onNodeCheck = _this.props.context.onNodeCheck;
61 if (!_this.isCheckable() || disableCheckbox) return;
62 e.preventDefault();
63 var targetChecked = !checked;
64 onNodeCheck(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props), targetChecked);
65 };
66 _this.onMouseEnter = function (e) {
67 var onNodeMouseEnter = _this.props.context.onNodeMouseEnter;
68 onNodeMouseEnter(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
69 };
70 _this.onMouseLeave = function (e) {
71 var onNodeMouseLeave = _this.props.context.onNodeMouseLeave;
72 onNodeMouseLeave(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
73 };
74 _this.onContextMenu = function (e) {
75 var onNodeContextMenu = _this.props.context.onNodeContextMenu;
76 onNodeContextMenu(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
77 };
78 _this.onDragStart = function (e) {
79 var onNodeDragStart = _this.props.context.onNodeDragStart;
80 e.stopPropagation();
81 _this.setState({
82 dragNodeHighlight: true
83 });
84 onNodeDragStart(e, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
85 try {
86 // ie throw error
87 // firefox-need-it
88 e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', '');
89 } catch (error) {
90 // empty
91 }
92 };
93 _this.onDragEnter = function (e) {
94 var onNodeDragEnter = _this.props.context.onNodeDragEnter;
95 e.preventDefault();
96 e.stopPropagation();
97 onNodeDragEnter(e, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
98 };
99 _this.onDragOver = function (e) {
100 var onNodeDragOver = _this.props.context.onNodeDragOver;
101 e.preventDefault();
102 e.stopPropagation();
103 onNodeDragOver(e, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
104 };
105 _this.onDragLeave = function (e) {
106 var onNodeDragLeave = _this.props.context.onNodeDragLeave;
107 e.stopPropagation();
108 onNodeDragLeave(e, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
109 };
110 _this.onDragEnd = function (e) {
111 var onNodeDragEnd = _this.props.context.onNodeDragEnd;
112 e.stopPropagation();
113 _this.setState({
114 dragNodeHighlight: false
115 });
116 onNodeDragEnd(e, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
117 };
118 _this.onDrop = function (e) {
119 var onNodeDrop = _this.props.context.onNodeDrop;
120 e.preventDefault();
121 e.stopPropagation();
122 _this.setState({
123 dragNodeHighlight: false
124 });
125 onNodeDrop(e, _assertThisInitialized(_this));
126 };
127 // Disabled item still can be switch
128 _this.onExpand = function (e) {
129 var _this$props2 = _this.props,
130 loading = _this$props2.loading,
131 onNodeExpand = _this$props2.context.onNodeExpand;
132 if (loading) return;
133 onNodeExpand(e, convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
134 };
135 // Drag usage
136 _this.setSelectHandle = function (node) {
137 _this.selectHandle = node;
138 };
139 _this.getNodeState = function () {
140 var expanded = _this.props.expanded;
141 if (_this.isLeaf()) {
142 return null;
143 }
144 return expanded ? ICON_OPEN : ICON_CLOSE;
145 };
146 _this.hasChildren = function () {
147 var eventKey = _this.props.eventKey;
148 var keyEntities = _this.props.context.keyEntities;
149 var _ref = keyEntities[eventKey] || {},
150 children = _ref.children;
151 return !!(children || []).length;
152 };
153 _this.isLeaf = function () {
154 var _this$props3 = _this.props,
155 isLeaf = _this$props3.isLeaf,
156 loaded = _this$props3.loaded;
157 var loadData = _this.props.context.loadData;
158 var hasChildren = _this.hasChildren();
159 if (isLeaf === false) {
160 return false;
161 }
162 return isLeaf || !loadData && !hasChildren || loadData && loaded && !hasChildren;
163 };
164 _this.isDisabled = function () {
165 var disabled = _this.props.disabled;
166 var treeDisabled = _this.props.context.disabled;
167 return !!(treeDisabled || disabled);
168 };
169 _this.isCheckable = function () {
170 var checkable = _this.props.checkable;
171 var treeCheckable = _this.props.context.checkable;
172 // Return false if tree or treeNode is not checkable
173 if (!treeCheckable || checkable === false) return false;
174 return treeCheckable;
175 };
176 // Load data to avoid default expanded tree without data
177 _this.syncLoadData = function (props) {
178 var expanded = props.expanded,
179 loading = props.loading,
180 loaded = props.loaded;
181 var _this$props$context = _this.props.context,
182 loadData = _this$props$context.loadData,
183 onNodeLoad = _this$props$context.onNodeLoad;
184 if (loading) {
185 return;
186 }
187 // read from state to avoid loadData at same time
188 if (loadData && expanded && !_this.isLeaf()) {
189 // We needn't reload data when has children in sync logic
190 // It's only needed in node expanded
191 if (!_this.hasChildren() && !loaded) {
192 onNodeLoad(convertNodePropsToEventData(_this.props));
193 }
194 }
195 };
196 _this.isDraggable = function () {
197 var _this$props4 = _this.props,
198 data = _this$props4.data,
199 draggable = _this$props4.context.draggable;
200 return !!(draggable && (!draggable.nodeDraggable || draggable.nodeDraggable(data)));
201 };
202 // ==================== Render: Drag Handler ====================
203 _this.renderDragHandler = function () {
204 var _this$props$context2 = _this.props.context,
205 draggable = _this$props$context2.draggable,
206 prefixCls = _this$props$context2.prefixCls;
207 return (draggable === null || draggable === void 0 ? void 0 : draggable.icon) ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
208 className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-draggable-icon")
209 }, draggable.icon) : null;
210 };
211 // ====================== Render: Switcher ======================
212 _this.renderSwitcherIconDom = function (isLeaf) {
213 var switcherIconFromProps = _this.props.switcherIcon;
214 var switcherIconFromCtx = _this.props.context.switcherIcon;
215 var switcherIcon = switcherIconFromProps || switcherIconFromCtx;
216 // if switcherIconDom is null, no render switcher span
217 if (typeof switcherIcon === 'function') {
218 return switcherIcon(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, _this.props), {}, {
219 isLeaf: isLeaf
220 }));
221 }
222 return switcherIcon;
223 };
224 // Switcher
225 _this.renderSwitcher = function () {
226 var expanded = _this.props.expanded;
227 var prefixCls = _this.props.context.prefixCls;
228 if (_this.isLeaf()) {
229 // if switcherIconDom is null, no render switcher span
230 var _switcherIconDom = _this.renderSwitcherIconDom(true);
231 return _switcherIconDom !== false ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
232 className: classNames("".concat(prefixCls, "-switcher"), "".concat(prefixCls, "-switcher-noop"))
233 }, _switcherIconDom) : null;
234 }
235 var switcherCls = classNames("".concat(prefixCls, "-switcher"), "".concat(prefixCls, "-switcher_").concat(expanded ? ICON_OPEN : ICON_CLOSE));
236 var switcherIconDom = _this.renderSwitcherIconDom(false);
237 return switcherIconDom !== false ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
238 onClick: _this.onExpand,
239 className: switcherCls
240 }, switcherIconDom) : null;
241 };
242 // ====================== Render: Checkbox ======================
243 // Checkbox
244 _this.renderCheckbox = function () {
245 var _this$props5 = _this.props,
246 checked = _this$props5.checked,
247 halfChecked = _this$props5.halfChecked,
248 disableCheckbox = _this$props5.disableCheckbox;
249 var prefixCls = _this.props.context.prefixCls;
250 var disabled = _this.isDisabled();
251 var checkable = _this.isCheckable();
252 if (!checkable) return null;
253 // [Legacy] Custom element should be separate with `checkable` in future
254 var $custom = typeof checkable !== 'boolean' ? checkable : null;
255 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
256 className: classNames("".concat(prefixCls, "-checkbox"), checked && "".concat(prefixCls, "-checkbox-checked"), !checked && halfChecked && "".concat(prefixCls, "-checkbox-indeterminate"), (disabled || disableCheckbox) && "".concat(prefixCls, "-checkbox-disabled")),
257 onClick: _this.onCheck
258 }, $custom);
259 };
260 // ==================== Render: Title + Icon ====================
261 _this.renderIcon = function () {
262 var loading = _this.props.loading;
263 var prefixCls = _this.props.context.prefixCls;
264 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
265 className: classNames("".concat(prefixCls, "-iconEle"), "".concat(prefixCls, "-icon__").concat(_this.getNodeState() || 'docu'), loading && "".concat(prefixCls, "-icon_loading"))
266 });
267 };
268 // Icon + Title
269 _this.renderSelector = function () {
270 var dragNodeHighlight = _this.state.dragNodeHighlight;
271 var _this$props6 = _this.props,
272 _this$props6$title = _this$props6.title,
273 title = _this$props6$title === void 0 ? defaultTitle : _this$props6$title,
274 selected = _this$props6.selected,
275 icon = _this$props6.icon,
276 loading = _this$props6.loading,
277 data = _this$props6.data;
278 var _this$props$context3 = _this.props.context,
279 prefixCls = _this$props$context3.prefixCls,
280 showIcon = _this$props$context3.showIcon,
281 treeIcon = _this$props$context3.icon,
282 loadData = _this$props$context3.loadData,
283 titleRender = _this$props$context3.titleRender;
284 var disabled = _this.isDisabled();
285 var wrapClass = "".concat(prefixCls, "-node-content-wrapper");
286 // Icon - Still show loading icon when loading without showIcon
287 var $icon;
288 if (showIcon) {
289 var currentIcon = icon || treeIcon;
290 $icon = currentIcon ? /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
291 className: classNames("".concat(prefixCls, "-iconEle"), "".concat(prefixCls, "-icon__customize"))
292 }, typeof currentIcon === 'function' ? currentIcon(_this.props) : currentIcon) : _this.renderIcon();
293 } else if (loadData && loading) {
294 $icon = _this.renderIcon();
295 }
296 // Title
297 var titleNode;
298 if (typeof title === 'function') {
299 titleNode = title(data);
300 } else if (titleRender) {
301 titleNode = titleRender(data);
302 } else {
303 titleNode = title;
304 }
305 var $title = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
306 className: "".concat(prefixCls, "-title")
307 }, titleNode);
308 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("span", {
309 ref: _this.setSelectHandle,
310 title: typeof title === 'string' ? title : '',
311 className: classNames("".concat(wrapClass), "".concat(wrapClass, "-").concat(_this.getNodeState() || 'normal'), !disabled && (selected || dragNodeHighlight) && "".concat(prefixCls, "-node-selected")),
312 onMouseEnter: _this.onMouseEnter,
313 onMouseLeave: _this.onMouseLeave,
314 onContextMenu: _this.onContextMenu,
315 onClick: _this.onSelectorClick,
316 onDoubleClick: _this.onSelectorDoubleClick
317 }, $icon, $title, _this.renderDropIndicator());
318 };
319 // =================== Render: Drop Indicator ===================
320 _this.renderDropIndicator = function () {
321 var _this$props7 = _this.props,
322 disabled = _this$props7.disabled,
323 eventKey = _this$props7.eventKey;
324 var _this$props$context4 = _this.props.context,
325 draggable = _this$props$context4.draggable,
326 dropLevelOffset = _this$props$context4.dropLevelOffset,
327 dropPosition = _this$props$context4.dropPosition,
328 prefixCls = _this$props$context4.prefixCls,
329 indent = _this$props$context4.indent,
330 dropIndicatorRender = _this$props$context4.dropIndicatorRender,
331 dragOverNodeKey = _this$props$context4.dragOverNodeKey,
332 direction = _this$props$context4.direction;
333 var rootDraggable = !!draggable;
334 // allowDrop is calculated in Tree.tsx, there is no need for calc it here
335 var showIndicator = !disabled && rootDraggable && dragOverNodeKey === eventKey;
336 return showIndicator ? dropIndicatorRender({
337 dropPosition: dropPosition,
338 dropLevelOffset: dropLevelOffset,
339 indent: indent,
340 prefixCls: prefixCls,
341 direction: direction
342 }) : null;
343 };
344 return _this;
345 }
346 _createClass(InternalTreeNode, [{
347 key: "componentDidMount",
348 value:
349 // Isomorphic needn't load data in server side
350 function componentDidMount() {
351 this.syncLoadData(this.props);
352 }
353 }, {
354 key: "componentDidUpdate",
355 value: function componentDidUpdate() {
356 this.syncLoadData(this.props);
357 }
358 }, {
359 key: "isSelectable",
360 value: function isSelectable() {
361 var selectable = this.props.selectable;
362 var treeSelectable = this.props.context.selectable;
363 // Ignore when selectable is undefined or null
364 if (typeof selectable === 'boolean') {
365 return selectable;
366 }
367 return treeSelectable;
368 }
369 }, {
370 key: "render",
371 value:
372 // =========================== Render ===========================
373 function render() {
374 var _classNames;
375 var _this$props8 = this.props,
376 eventKey = _this$props8.eventKey,
377 className = _this$props8.className,
378 style = _this$props8.style,
379 dragOver = _this$props8.dragOver,
380 dragOverGapTop = _this$props8.dragOverGapTop,
381 dragOverGapBottom = _this$props8.dragOverGapBottom,
382 isLeaf = _this$props8.isLeaf,
383 isStart = _this$props8.isStart,
384 isEnd = _this$props8.isEnd,
385 expanded = _this$props8.expanded,
386 selected = _this$props8.selected,
387 checked = _this$props8.checked,
388 halfChecked = _this$props8.halfChecked,
389 loading = _this$props8.loading,
390 domRef = _this$props8.domRef,
391 active = _this$props8.active,
392 data = _this$props8.data,
393 onMouseMove = _this$props8.onMouseMove,
394 selectable = _this$props8.selectable,
395 otherProps = _objectWithoutProperties(_this$props8, _excluded);
396 var _this$props$context5 = this.props.context,
397 prefixCls = _this$props$context5.prefixCls,
398 filterTreeNode = _this$props$context5.filterTreeNode,
399 keyEntities = _this$props$context5.keyEntities,
400 dropContainerKey = _this$props$context5.dropContainerKey,
401 dropTargetKey = _this$props$context5.dropTargetKey,
402 draggingNodeKey = _this$props$context5.draggingNodeKey;
403 var disabled = this.isDisabled();
404 var dataOrAriaAttributeProps = pickAttrs(otherProps, {
405 aria: true,
406 data: true
407 });
408 var _ref2 = keyEntities[eventKey] || {},
409 level = _ref2.level;
410 var isEndNode = isEnd[isEnd.length - 1];
411 var mergedDraggable = this.isDraggable();
412 var draggableWithoutDisabled = !disabled && mergedDraggable;
413 var dragging = draggingNodeKey === eventKey;
414 var ariaSelected = selectable !== undefined ? {
415 'aria-selected': !!selectable
416 } : undefined;
417 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement("div", _extends({
418 ref: domRef,
419 className: classNames(className, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode"), (_classNames = {}, _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-disabled"), disabled), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-switcher-").concat(expanded ? 'open' : 'close'), !isLeaf), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-checkbox-checked"), checked), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-checkbox-indeterminate"), halfChecked), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-selected"), selected), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-loading"), loading), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-active"), active), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-leaf-last"), isEndNode), _defineProperty(_classNames, "".concat(prefixCls, "-treenode-draggable"), mergedDraggable), _defineProperty(_classNames, "dragging", dragging), _defineProperty(_classNames, 'drop-target', dropTargetKey === eventKey), _defineProperty(_classNames, 'drop-container', dropContainerKey === eventKey), _defineProperty(_classNames, 'drag-over', !disabled && dragOver), _defineProperty(_classNames, 'drag-over-gap-top', !disabled && dragOverGapTop), _defineProperty(_classNames, 'drag-over-gap-bottom', !disabled && dragOverGapBottom), _defineProperty(_classNames, 'filter-node', filterTreeNode && filterTreeNode(convertNodePropsToEventData(this.props))), _classNames)),
420 style: style
421 // Draggable config
422 ,
423 draggable: draggableWithoutDisabled,
424 "aria-grabbed": dragging,
425 onDragStart: draggableWithoutDisabled ? this.onDragStart : undefined
426 // Drop config
427 ,
428 onDragEnter: mergedDraggable ? this.onDragEnter : undefined,
429 onDragOver: mergedDraggable ? this.onDragOver : undefined,
430 onDragLeave: mergedDraggable ? this.onDragLeave : undefined,
431 onDrop: mergedDraggable ? this.onDrop : undefined,
432 onDragEnd: mergedDraggable ? this.onDragEnd : undefined,
433 onMouseMove: onMouseMove
434 }, ariaSelected, dataOrAriaAttributeProps), /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Indent, {
435 prefixCls: prefixCls,
436 level: level,
437 isStart: isStart,
438 isEnd: isEnd
439 }), this.renderDragHandler(), this.renderSwitcher(), this.renderCheckbox(), this.renderSelector());
440 }
441 }]);
442 return InternalTreeNode;
444var ContextTreeNode = function ContextTreeNode(props) {
445 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TreeContext.Consumer, null, function (context) {
446 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(InternalTreeNode, _extends({}, props, {
447 context: context
448 }));
449 });
451ContextTreeNode.displayName = 'TreeNode';
452ContextTreeNode.isTreeNode = 1;
453export { InternalTreeNode };
454export default ContextTreeNode;
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