4.71 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import React, { Component } from 'react';
2import { StretchType, AlignType, TransitionNameType, AnimationType, Point, MotionType } from './interface';
4 * Popup should follow the steps for each component work correctly:
5 * measure - check for the current stretch size
6 * align - let component align the position
7 * aligned - re-align again in case additional className changed the size
8 * afterAlign - choice next step is trigger motion or finished
9 * beforeMotion - should reset motion to invisible so that CSSMotion can do normal motion
10 * motion - play the motion
11 * stable - everything is done
12 */
13declare type PopupStatus = null | 'measure' | 'align' | 'aligned' | 'afterAlign' | 'beforeMotion' | 'motion' | 'AfterMotion' | 'stable';
14interface PopupProps {
15 visible?: boolean;
16 style?: React.CSSProperties;
17 getClassNameFromAlign?: (align: AlignType) => string;
18 onAlign?: (element: HTMLElement, align: AlignType) => void;
19 getRootDomNode?: () => HTMLElement;
20 align?: AlignType;
21 destroyPopupOnHide?: boolean;
22 className?: string;
23 prefixCls: string;
24 onMouseEnter?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
25 onMouseLeave?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
26 onMouseDown?: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
27 onTouchStart?: React.TouchEventHandler<HTMLElement>;
28 stretch?: StretchType;
29 children?: React.ReactNode;
30 point?: Point;
31 zIndex?: number;
32 mask?: boolean;
33 motion: MotionType;
34 maskMotion: MotionType;
35 animation: AnimationType;
36 transitionName: TransitionNameType;
37 maskAnimation: AnimationType;
38 maskTransitionName: TransitionNameType;
40interface PopupState {
41 targetWidth: number;
42 targetHeight: number;
43 status: PopupStatus;
44 prevVisible: boolean;
45 alignClassName: string;
47interface AlignRefType {
48 forceAlign: () => void;
50declare class Popup extends Component<PopupProps, PopupState> {
51 state: PopupState;
52 popupRef: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
53 alignRef: React.RefObject<AlignRefType>;
54 private nextFrameState;
55 private nextFrameId;
56 static getDerivedStateFromProps({ visible, ...props }: PopupProps, { prevVisible, status }: PopupState): Partial<PopupState>;
57 componentDidMount(): void;
58 componentDidUpdate(): void;
59 componentWillUnmount(): void;
60 onAlign: (popupDomNode: HTMLElement, align: AlignType) => void;
61 onMotionEnd: () => void;
62 setStateOnNextFrame: (state: Partial<PopupState>) => void;
63 getMotion: () => {
64 motionName?: string | {
65 none?: string;
66 enter?: string;
67 appear?: string;
68 leave?: string;
69 "appear-active"?: string;
70 "enter-active"?: string;
71 "leave-active"?: string;
72 };
73 motionAppear?: boolean;
74 motionEnter?: boolean;
75 motionLeave?: boolean;
76 motionLeaveImmediately?: boolean;
77 removeOnLeave?: boolean;
78 leavedClassName?: string;
79 onAppearStart?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
80 onAppearActive?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
81 onAppearEnd?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
82 onEnterStart?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
83 onEnterActive?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
84 onEnterEnd?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
85 onLeaveStart?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
86 onLeaveActive?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
87 onLeaveEnd?: (element: HTMLElement, event: React.TransitionEvent<HTMLElement> | React.AnimationEvent<HTMLElement>) => false | void | React.CSSProperties;
88 };
89 getAlignTarget: () => Point | (() => HTMLElement);
90 getZIndexStyle(): React.CSSProperties;
91 cancelFrameState: () => void;
92 renderPopupElement: () => JSX.Element;
93 renderMaskElement: () => JSX.Element;
94 render(): JSX.Element;
96export default Popup;