1 | # rc-util
2 |
3 | Common Utils For React Component.
4 |
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31 | ## Install
32 |
33 | [![rc-util](https://nodei.co/npm/rc-util.png)](https://npmjs.org/package/rc-util)
34 |
35 | ## API
36 |
37 | ### createChainedFunction
38 |
39 | > (...functions): Function
40 |
41 | Create a function which will call all the functions with it's arguments from left to right.
42 |
43 | ```jsx|pure
44 | import createChainedFunction from 'rc-util/lib/createChainedFunction';
45 | ```
46 |
47 | ### deprecated
48 |
49 | > (prop: string, instead: string, component: string): void
50 |
51 | Log an error message to warn developers that `prop` is deprecated.
52 |
53 | ```jsx|pure
54 | import deprecated from 'rc-util/lib/deprecated';
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ### getContainerRenderMixin
58 |
59 | > (config: Object): Object
60 |
61 | To generate a mixin which will render specific component into specific container automatically.
62 |
63 | ```jsx|pure
64 | import getContainerRenderMixin from 'rc-util/lib/getContainerRenderMixin';
65 | ```
66 |
67 | Fields in `config` and their meanings.
68 |
69 | | Field | Type | Description | Default |
70 | | ------------- | ---------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
71 | | autoMount | boolean | Whether to render component into container automatically | true |
72 | | autoDestroy | boolean | Whether to remove container automatically while the component is unmounted | true |
73 | | isVisible | (instance): boolean | A function to get current visibility of the component | - |
74 | | isForceRender | (instance): boolean | A function to determine whether to render popup even it's not visible | - |
75 | | getComponent | (instance, extra): ReactNode | A function to get the component which will be rendered into container | - |
76 | | getContainer | (instance): HTMLElement | A function to get the container | |
77 |
78 | ### Portal
79 |
80 | Render children to the specific container;
81 |
82 | ```jsx|pure
83 | import Portal from 'rc-util/lib/Portal';
84 | ```
85 |
86 | Props:
87 |
88 | | Prop | Type | Description | Default |
89 | | ------------ | --------------- | ------------------------------- | ------- |
90 | | children | ReactChildren | Content render to the container | - |
91 | | getContainer | (): HTMLElement | A function to get the container | - |
92 |
93 | ### getScrollBarSize
94 |
95 | > (fresh?: boolean): number
96 |
97 | Get the width of scrollbar.
98 |
99 | ```jsx|pure
100 | import getScrollBarSize from 'rc-util/lib/getScrollBarSize';
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ### guid
104 |
105 | > (): string
106 |
107 | To generate a global unique id across current application.
108 |
109 | ```jsx|pure
110 | import guid from 'rc-util/lib/guid';
111 | ```
112 |
113 | ### pickAttrs
114 |
115 | > (props: Object): Object
116 |
117 | Pick valid HTML attributes and events from props.
118 |
119 | ```jsx|pure
120 | import pickAttrs from 'rc-util/lib/pickAttrs';
121 | ```
122 |
123 | ### warn
124 |
125 | > (msg: string): void
126 |
127 | A shallow wrapper of `console.warn`.
128 |
129 | ```jsx|pure
130 | import warn from 'rc-util/lib/warn';
131 | ```
132 |
133 | ### warning
134 |
135 | > (valid: boolean, msg: string): void
136 |
137 | A shallow wrapper of [warning](https://github.com/BerkeleyTrue/warning), but only warning once for the same message.
138 |
139 | ```jsx|pure
140 | import warning, { noteOnce } from 'rc-util/lib/warning';
141 |
142 | warning(false, '[antd Component] test hello world');
143 |
144 | // Low level note
145 | noteOnce(false, '[antd Component] test hello world');
146 | ```
147 |
148 | ### Children
149 |
150 | A collection of functions to operate React elements' children.
151 |
152 | #### Children/mapSelf
153 |
154 | > (children): children
155 |
156 | Return a shallow copy of children.
157 |
158 | ```jsx|pure
159 | import mapSelf from 'rc-util/lib/Children/mapSelf';
160 | ```
161 |
162 | #### Children/toArray
163 |
164 | > (children: ReactNode[]): ReactNode[]
165 |
166 | Convert children into an array.
167 |
168 | ```jsx|pure
169 | import toArray from 'rc-util/lib/Children/toArray';
170 | ```
171 |
172 | ### Dom
173 |
174 | A collection of functions to operate DOM elements.
175 |
176 | #### Dom/addEventlistener
177 |
178 | > (target: ReactNode, eventType: string, listener: Function): { remove: Function }
179 |
180 | A shallow wrapper of [add-dom-event-listener](https://github.com/yiminghe/add-dom-event-listener).
181 |
182 | ```jsx|pure
183 | import addEventlistener from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/addEventlistener';
184 | ```
185 |
186 | #### Dom/canUseDom
187 |
188 | > (): boolean
189 |
190 | Check if DOM is available.
191 |
192 | ```jsx|pure
193 | import canUseDom from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/canUseDom';
194 | ```
195 |
196 | #### Dom/class
197 |
198 | A collection of functions to operate DOM nodes' class name.
199 |
200 | - `hasClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): boolean`
201 | - `addClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): void`
202 | - `removeClass(node: HTMLElement, className: string): void`
203 |
204 | ```jsx|pure
205 | import cssClass from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/class;
206 | ```
207 |
208 | #### Dom/contains
209 |
210 | > (root: HTMLElement, node: HTMLElement): boolean
211 |
212 | Check if node is equal to root or in the subtree of root.
213 |
214 | ```jsx|pure
215 | import contains from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/contains';
216 | ```
217 |
218 | #### Dom/css
219 |
220 | A collection of functions to get or set css styles.
221 |
222 | - `get(node: HTMLElement, name?: string): any`
223 | - `set(node: HTMLElement, name?: string, value: any) | set(node, object)`
224 | - `getOuterWidth(el: HTMLElement): number`
225 | - `getOuterHeight(el: HTMLElement): number`
226 | - `getDocSize(): { width: number, height: number }`
227 | - `getClientSize(): { width: number, height: number }`
228 | - `getScroll(): { scrollLeft: number, scrollTop: number }`
229 | - `getOffset(node: HTMLElement): { left: number, top: number }`
230 |
231 | ```jsx|pure
232 | import css from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/css';
233 | ```
234 |
235 | #### Dom/focus
236 |
237 | A collection of functions to operate focus status of DOM node.
238 |
239 | - `saveLastFocusNode(): void`
240 | - `clearLastFocusNode(): void`
241 | - `backLastFocusNode(): void`
242 | - `getFocusNodeList(node: HTMLElement): HTMLElement[]` get a list of focusable nodes from the subtree of node.
243 | - `limitTabRange(node: HTMLElement, e: Event): void`
244 |
245 | ```jsx|pure
246 | import focus from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/focus';
247 | ```
248 |
249 | #### Dom/support
250 |
251 | > { animation: boolean | Object, transition: boolean | Object }
252 |
253 | A flag to tell whether current environment supports `animationend` or `transitionend`.
254 |
255 | ```jsx|pure
256 | import support from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/support';
257 | ```
258 |
259 | ### KeyCode
260 |
261 | > Enum
262 |
263 | Enum of KeyCode, please check the [definition](https://github.com/react-component/util/blob/master/src/KeyCode.ts) of it.
264 |
265 | ```jsx|pure
266 | import KeyCode from 'rc-util/lib/KeyCode';
267 | ```
268 |
269 | #### KeyCode.isTextModifyingKeyEvent
270 |
271 | > (e: Event): boolean
272 |
273 | Whether text and modified key is entered at the same time.
274 |
275 | #### KeyCode.isCharacterKey
276 |
277 | > (keyCode: KeyCode): boolean
278 |
279 | Whether character is entered.
280 |
281 | ### ScrollLocker
282 |
283 | > ScrollLocker<{lock: (options: {container: HTMLElement}) => void, unLock: () => void}>
284 |
285 | improve shake when page scroll bar hidden.
286 |
287 | `ScrollLocker` change body style, and add a class `ant-scrolling-effect` when called, so if you page look abnormal, please check this;
288 |
289 | ```js
290 | import ScrollLocker from 'rc-util/lib/Dom/scrollLocker';
291 |
292 | const scrollLocker = new ScrollLocker();
293 |
294 | // lock
295 | scrollLocker.lock()
296 |
297 | // unLock
298 | scrollLocker.unLock()
299 | ```
300 |
301 | ## License
302 |
303 | [MIT](/LICENSE)