1 | <p align="center"><img src ="https://github.com/bokuweb/re-resizable/blob/master/logo.png?raw=true" /></p>
2 |
3 | <p align="center">📏 A resizable component for React.</p>
4 |
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6 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/re-resizable">
7 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/re-resizable.svg" alt="Build Status" /></a>
8 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/re-resizable">
9 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/re-resizable.svg" /></a>
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14 | </p>
15 |
16 | ## Table of Contents
17 |
18 | - [Screenshot](#Screenshot)
19 | - [Live Demo](#live-demo)
20 | - [Storybook](#storybook)
21 | - [CodeSandbox](#codesandbox)
22 | - [Install](#install)
23 | - [Usage](#usage)
24 | - [Props](#props)
25 | - [Instance API](#instance-api)
26 | - [updateSize(size: { width: number | string, height: number | string }): void](#updateSize-void)
27 | - [Test](#test)
28 | - [Related](#related)
29 |
30 | ## Screenshot
31 |
32 | ![screenshot](https://github.com/bokuweb/re-resizable/blob/master/docs/screenshot.gif?raw=true)
33 |
34 | ## Live Demo
35 |
36 | ### Storybook
37 |
38 | [Storybook](http://bokuweb.github.io/re-resizable/)
39 |
40 | ### CodeSandbox
41 |
42 | [![Edit xp9p7272m4](https://codesandbox.io/static/img/play-codesandbox.svg)](https://codesandbox.io/s/xp9p7272m4)
43 | [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/xp9p7272m4)
44 | [CodeSandbox(TypeScript)](https://codesandbox.io/s/1vwo2p4l64)
45 | [CodeSandbox(With hooks)](https://codesandbox.io/s/blissful-joliot-d3unx)
46 |
47 | ## Install
48 |
49 | ```sh
50 | $ npm install --save re-resizable
51 | ```
52 |
53 | ## Usage
54 |
55 | ### Example with `defaultSize`
56 |
57 | ```javascript
58 | import { Resizable } from 're-resizable';
59 |
60 | <Resizable
61 | defaultSize={{
62 | width: 320,
63 | height: 200,
64 | }}
65 | >
66 | Sample with default size
67 | </Resizable>
68 | ```
69 |
70 | If you only want to set the width, you can do so by providing just the width property.
71 | The height property will automatically be set to auto, which means it will adjust 100% of its parent's height:
72 |
73 | ```javascript
74 | import { Resizable } from 're-resizable';
75 |
76 | <Resizable
77 | defaultSize={{
78 | width: 320
79 | }}
80 | >
81 | Sample with default size
82 | </Resizable>
83 | ```
84 | ### Example with `size`
85 |
86 | If you use `size` props, please manage state by yourself.
87 |
88 | ```javascript
89 | import { Resizable } from 're-resizable';
90 |
91 | <Resizable
92 | size={{ width: this.state.width, height: this.state.height }}
93 | onResizeStop={(e, direction, ref, d) => {
94 | this.setState({
95 | width: this.state.width + d.width,
96 | height: this.state.height + d.height,
97 | });
98 | }}
99 | >
100 | Sample with size
101 | </Resizable>
102 | ```
103 |
104 | ## Props
105 |
106 | #### `defaultSize?: { width?: (number | string), height?: (number | string) };`
107 |
108 | Specifies the `width` and `height` that the dragged item should start at.
109 | For example, you can set `300`, `'300px'`, `50%`.
110 | If both `defaultSize` and `size` omitted, set `'auto'`.
111 |
112 | `defaultSize` will be ignored when `size` set.
113 |
114 | #### `size?: { width?: (number | string), height?: (number | string) };`
115 |
116 | The `size` property is used to set the size of the component.
117 | For example, you can set `300`, `'300px'`, `50%`.
118 |
119 | Use `size` if you need to control size state by yourself.
120 |
121 | #### `className?: string;`
122 |
123 | The `className` property is used to set the custom `className` of a resizable component.
124 |
125 | #### `style?: { [key: string]: string };`
126 |
127 | The `style` property is used to set the custom `style` of a resizable component.
128 |
129 | #### `minWidth?: number | string;`
130 |
131 | The `minWidth` property is used to set the minimum width of a resizable component. Defaults to 10px.
132 |
133 | It accepts viewport as well as parent relative units. For example, you can set `300`, `50%`, `50vw` or `50vh`.
134 |
135 | Same type of values can be applied to `minHeight`, `maxWidth` and `maxHeight`.
136 |
137 | #### `minHeight?: number | string;`
138 |
139 | The `minHeight` property is used to set the minimum height of a resizable component. Defaults to 10px.
140 |
141 | #### `maxWidth?: number | string;`
142 |
143 | The `maxWidth` property is used to set the maximum width of a resizable component.
144 |
145 | #### `maxHeight?: number | string`;
146 |
147 | The `maxHeight` property is used to set the maximum height of a resizable component.
148 |
149 | #### `grid?: [number, number];`
150 |
151 | The `grid` property is used to specify the increments that resizing should snap to. Defaults to `[1, 1]`.
152 |
153 | #### `gridGap?: [number, number];`
154 |
155 | The `gridGap` property is used to specify any gaps between your grid cells that should be accounted for when resizing. Defaults to `[0, 0]`.
156 | The value provided for each axis will always add the grid gap amount times grid cells spanned minus one.
157 |
158 | #### `snap?: { x?: Array<number>, y?: Array<number> };`
159 |
160 | The `snap` property is used to specify absolute pixel values that resizing should snap to. `x` and `y` are both optional, allowing you to only include the axis you want to define. Defaults to `null`.
161 |
162 | #### `snapGap?: number`
163 |
164 | The `snapGap` property is used to specify the minimum gap required in order to move to the next snapping target. Defaults to `0` which means that snap targets are always used.
165 |
166 | #### `resizeRatio?: number | [number, number];`
167 |
168 | The `resizeRatio` property is used to set the number of pixels the resizable component scales by compared to the number of pixels the mouse/touch moves. Defaults to `1` (for a 1:1 ratio). The number set is the left side of the ratio, `2` will give a 2:1 ratio.
169 |
170 | For [number, number] means [resizeRatioX, resizeRatioY], more precise control.
171 |
172 | #### `lockAspectRatio?: boolean | number;`
173 |
174 | The `lockAspectRatio` property is used to lock aspect ratio.
175 | Set to `true` to lock the aspect ratio based on the initial size.
176 | Set to a numeric value to lock a specific aspect ratio (such as `16/9`).
177 | If set to numeric, make sure to set initial height/width to values with correct aspect ratio.
178 | If omitted, set `false`.
179 |
180 | #### `lockAspectRatioExtraWidth?: number;`
181 |
182 | The `lockAspectRatioExtraWidth` property enables a resizable component to maintain an aspect ratio plus extra width.
183 | For instance, a video could be displayed 16:9 with a 50px side bar.
184 | If omitted, set `0`.
185 |
186 | #### `lockAspectRatioExtraHeight?: number;`
187 |
188 | The `lockAspectRatioExtraHeight` property enables a resizable component to maintain an aspect ratio plus extra height.
189 | For instance, a video could be displayed 16:9 with a 50px header bar.
190 | If omitted, set `0`.
191 |
192 | #### `bounds?: ('window' | 'parent' | HTMLElement);`
193 |
194 | Specifies resize boundaries.
195 |
196 | #### `boundsByDirection?: boolean;`
197 |
198 | By default max dimensions based on left and top element position.
199 | Width grow to right side, height grow to bottom side.
200 | Set `true` for detect max dimensions by direction.
201 | For example: enable `boundsByDirection` when resizable component stick on right side of screen and you want resize by left handler;
202 |
203 | `false` by default.
204 |
205 | #### `handleStyles?: HandleStyles;`
206 |
207 | The `handleStyles` property is used to override the style of one or more resize handles.
208 | Only the axis you specify will have its handle style replaced.
209 | If you specify a value for `right` it will completely replace the styles for the `right` resize handle,
210 | but other handle will still use the default styles.
211 |
212 | #### `handleClasses?: HandleClassName;`
213 |
214 | The `handleClasses` property is used to set the className of one or more resize handles.
215 |
216 | #### `handleComponent?: HandleComponent;`
217 |
218 | The `handleComponent` property is used to pass a React Component to be rendered as one or more resize handle. For example, this could be used to use an arrow icon as a handle..
219 |
220 | #### `handleWrapperStyle?: { [key: string]: string };`
221 |
222 | The `handleWrapperStyle` property is used to override the style of resize handles wrapper.
223 |
224 | #### `handleWrapperClass?: string;`
225 |
226 | The `handleWrapperClass` property is used to override the className of resize handles wrapper.
227 |
228 | #### `enable?: ?Enable | false;`
229 |
230 | The `enable` property is used to set the resizable permission of a resizable component.
231 |
232 | The permission of `top`, `right`, `bottom`, `left`, `topRight`, `bottomRight`, `bottomLeft`, `topLeft` direction resizing.
233 | If omitted, all resizer are enabled.
234 | If you want to permit only right direction resizing, set `{ top:false, right:true, bottom:false, left:false, topRight:false, bottomRight:false, bottomLeft:false, topLeft:false }`.
235 |
236 | #### `onResizeStart?: ResizeStartCallBack;`
237 |
238 | `ResizeStartCallBack` type is below.
239 |
240 | ```javascript
241 | type ResizeStartCallback = (
242 | e: SyntheticMouseEvent<HTMLDivElement> | SyntheticTouchEvent<HTMLDivElement>,
243 | dir: ResizableDirection,
244 | refToElement: HTMLDivElement,
245 | ) => void;
246 | ```
247 |
248 | Calls when resizable component resize start.
249 |
250 | #### `onResize?: ResizeCallback;`
251 |
252 | #### `scale?: number`;
253 |
254 | The `scale` property is used in the scenario where the resizable element is a descendent of an element using css scaling (e.g. - `transform: scale(0.5)`).
255 |
256 | #### `as?: string | React.ComponentType`;
257 |
258 | By default the `Resizable` component will render a `div` as a wrapper. The `as` property is used to change the element used.
259 |
260 | ### Basic
261 |
262 | `ResizeCallback` type is below.
263 |
264 | ```javascript
265 | type ResizeCallback = (
266 | event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent,
267 | direction: ResizableDirection,
268 | refToElement: HTMLDivElement,
269 | delta: NumberSize,
270 | ) => void;
271 | ```
272 |
273 | Calls when resizable component resizing.
274 |
275 | #### `onResizeStop?: ResizeCallback;`
276 |
277 | `ResizeCallback` type is below.
278 |
279 | ```javascript
280 | type ResizeCallback = (
281 | event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent,
282 | direction: ResizableDirection,
283 | refToElement: HTMLDivElement,
284 | delta: NumberSize,
285 | ) => void;
286 | ```
287 |
288 | Calls when resizable component resize stop.
289 |
290 | ## Instance API
291 |
292 | #### * `updateSize(size: { width: number | string, height: number | string }): void`
293 |
294 | Update component size.
295 |
296 | `grid`, `snap`, `max/minWidth`, `max/minHeight` props is ignored, when this method called.
297 |
298 | - for example
299 |
300 | ```javascript
301 | class YourComponent extends Component {
302 |
303 | // ...
304 |
305 | update() {
306 | this.resizable.updateSize({ width: 200, height: 300 });
307 | }
308 |
309 | render() {
310 | return (
311 | <Resizable ref={c => { this.resizable = c; }}>
312 | example
313 | </Resizable>
314 | );
315 | }
316 |
317 | // ...
318 | }
319 | ```
320 |
321 | ## Contribute
322 |
323 | If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue or make a pull request.
324 |
325 | If you have a bug to report, please reproduce the bug in [CodeSandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/ll587k677z) to help us easily isolate it.
326 |
327 | ## Test
328 |
329 | ``` sh
330 | npm test
331 | ```
332 |
333 | ## Related
334 |
335 | - [react-rnd](https://github.com/bokuweb/react-rnd)
336 | - [react-sortable-pane](https://github.com/bokuweb/react-sortable-pane)