2.91 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/extends";
2import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from "@babel/runtime/helpers/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose";
3import scrollIntoView from 'scroll-into-view-if-needed';
4import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
5import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
6import { useTypeaheadContext } from '../core/Context';
7import { getDisplayName, getMenuItemId, preventInputBlur, warn } from '../utils';
8import { optionType } from '../propTypes';
9var propTypes = {
10 option: optionType.isRequired,
11 position: PropTypes.number
13export var useItem = function useItem(_ref) {
14 var label = _ref.label,
15 onClick = _ref.onClick,
16 option = _ref.option,
17 position = _ref.position,
18 props = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["label", "onClick", "option", "position"]);
20 var _useTypeaheadContext = useTypeaheadContext(),
21 activeIndex = _useTypeaheadContext.activeIndex,
22 id = _useTypeaheadContext.id,
23 isOnlyResult = _useTypeaheadContext.isOnlyResult,
24 onActiveItemChange = _useTypeaheadContext.onActiveItemChange,
25 onInitialItemChange = _useTypeaheadContext.onInitialItemChange,
26 onMenuItemClick = _useTypeaheadContext.onMenuItemClick,
27 setItem = _useTypeaheadContext.setItem;
29 var itemRef = useRef(null);
30 useEffect(function () {
31 if (position === 0) {
32 onInitialItemChange(option);
33 }
34 });
35 useEffect(function () {
36 if (position === activeIndex) {
37 onActiveItemChange(option); // Automatically scroll the menu as the user keys through it.
39 var node = itemRef.current;
40 node && scrollIntoView(node, {
41 block: 'nearest',
42 boundary: node.parentNode,
43 inline: 'nearest',
44 scrollMode: 'if-needed'
45 });
46 }
47 });
48 var handleClick = useCallback(function (e) {
49 onMenuItemClick(option, e);
50 onClick && onClick(e);
51 }, [onClick, onMenuItemClick, option]);
52 var active = isOnlyResult || activeIndex === position; // Update the item's position in the item stack.
54 setItem(option, position);
55 return _extends({}, props, {
56 active: active,
57 'aria-label': label,
58 'aria-selected': active,
59 id: getMenuItemId(id, position),
60 onClick: handleClick,
61 onMouseDown: preventInputBlur,
62 ref: itemRef,
63 role: 'option'
64 });
66export var withItem = function withItem(Component) {
67 var displayName = "withItem(" + getDisplayName(Component) + ")";
69 var WrappedMenuItem = function WrappedMenuItem(props) {
70 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, useItem(props));
71 };
73 WrappedMenuItem.displayName = displayName;
74 WrappedMenuItem.propTypes = propTypes;
75 return WrappedMenuItem;
77export default function menuItemContainer(Component) {
78 /* istanbul ignore next */
79 warn(false, 'The `menuItemContainer` export is deprecated; use `withItem` instead.');
80 /* istanbul ignore next */
82 return withItem(Component);
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