1 | # API Reference
2 | The components and higher-order components (HOCs) described below are publicly exposed in the top-level module. Other components should be considered private and subject to change without notice.
3 |
4 | #### [Components](#components-1)
5 | - [`<Typeahead>`](#typeahead)
6 | - [`<AsyncTypeahead>`](#asynctypeahead)
7 | - [`<Highlighter>`](#highlighter)
8 | - [`<Hint>`](#hint)
9 | - [`<Input>`](#input)
10 | - [`<Menu>`](#menu)
11 | - [`<MenuItem>`](#menuitem)
12 | - [`<TypeaheadInputSingle>` & `<TypeaheadInputMulti>`](#typeaheadinputsingle--typeaheadinputmulti)
13 | - [`<TypeaheadMenu>`](#typeaheadmenu)
14 | - [`<Token>`](#token)
15 |
16 | #### [Higher-Order Components & Hooks](#higher-order-components--hooks-1)
17 | - [`useAsync` & `withAsync`](#useasync--withasync)
18 | - [`useItem` & `withItem`](#useitem--withitem)
19 | - [`useToken` & `withToken`](#usetoken--withtoken)
20 | - [`useHint`](#useHint)
21 |
22 | ## Components
23 |
24 | ### `<Typeahead>`
25 | The primary component provided by the module.
26 |
27 | #### Props
28 | Name | Type | Default | Description
29 | -----|------|---------|------------
30 | align | `'justify'` \| `'left'` \| `'right'` | `'justify'` | Specify menu alignment. The default value is `justify`, which makes the menu as wide as the input and truncates long values. Specifying `left` or `right` will align the menu to that side and the width will be determined by the length of menu item values.
31 | allowNew | boolean \| function | `false` | Specifies whether or not arbitrary, user-defined options may be added to the result set. New entries will be included when the trimmed input is truthy and there is no exact match in the result set.<br><br>If a function is specified, allows for a callback to decide whether the new entry menu item should be included in the results list. The callback should return a boolean value:<br><br><pre>`(results: Array<Object\|string>, props: Object) => boolean`</pre>
32 | autoFocus | boolean | `false` | Autofocus the input when the component initially mounts.
33 | caseSensitive | boolean | `false` | Whether or not filtering should be case-sensitive.
34 | clearButton | boolean | `false` | Displays a button to clear the input when there are selections.
35 | defaultInputValue | string | `''` | The initial value displayed in the text input.
36 | defaultOpen | boolean | `false` | Whether or not the menu is displayed upon initial render.
37 | defaultSelected | Array\<Object\|string\> | `[]` | Specify any pre-selected options. Use only if you want the component to be uncontrolled.
38 | disabled | boolean | | Whether to disable the input. Will also disable selections when `multiple={true}`.
39 | dropup | boolean | `false` | Specify whether the menu should appear above the input.
40 | emptyLabel | node | `'No matches found.'` | Message displayed in the menu when there are no valid results.
41 | filterBy | Array\<string\> \| function | | See full documentation in the [Filtering section](Filtering.md#filterby-arraystring--function).
42 | flip | boolean | false | Whether or not to automatically adjust the position of the menu when it reaches the viewport boundaries.
43 | highlightOnlyResult | boolean | false | Highlights the menu item if there is only one result and allows selecting that item by hitting enter. Does not work with `allowNew`.
44 | id `required` | string or number | | An html id attribute, required for assistive technologies such as screen readers.
45 | ignoreDiacritics | boolean | true | Whether the filter should ignore accents and other diacritical marks.
46 | inputProps | object | {} | Props to be applied directly to the input. `onBlur`, `onChange`, `onFocus`, and `onKeyDown` are ignored.
47 | isInvalid | boolean | false | Adds the `is-invalid` classname to the `form-control`. Only affects Bootstrap 4.
48 | isLoading | boolean | false | Indicate whether an asynchronous data fetch is happening.
49 | isValid | boolean | false | Adds the `is-valid` classname to the `form-control`. Only affects Bootstrap 4.
50 | labelKey | string \| function | `'label'` | See full documentation in the [Rendering section](Rendering.md#labelkey-string--function).
51 | minLength | number | 0 | Minimum user input before displaying results.
52 | onChange | function | | Invoked when the set of selections changes (ie: an item is added or removed). For consistency, `selected` is always an array of selections, even if multi-selection is not enabled. <br><br><pre>`(selected: Array<Object\|string>) => void`</pre>
53 | onInputChange | function | | Invoked when the input value changes. Receives the string value of the input (`text`), as well as the original event. <br><br><pre>`(text: string, event: Event) => void`</pre>
54 | onBlur, onFocus, onKeyDown | function | | As with a normal text input, these are called when the typeahead input has blur, focus, or keydown events. <br><br><pre>`(event: Event) => void`</pre>
55 | onMenuToggle | function | | Invoked when menu visibility changes. <br><br><pre>`(isOpen: boolean) => void`</pre>
56 | onPaginate | `function` | | Invoked when the pagination menu item is clicked. Receives an event as the first argument and the number of shown results as the second. <br><br><pre>`(event: Event, shownResults: number) => void`</pre>
57 | open | boolean | | Whether or not the menu should be displayed. `undefined` allows the component to control visibility, while `true` and `false` show and hide the menu, respectively.
58 | options `required` | Array\<Object\|string\> | | Full set of options, including any pre-selected options.
59 | paginate | boolean | `true` | Give user the ability to display additional results if the number of results exceeds `maxResults`.
60 | paginationText | string | `'Display additional results...'` | Prompt displayed when large data sets are paginated.
61 | placeholder | string | | Placeholder text for the input.
62 | positionFixed | boolean | `false` | Whether to use fixed positioning for the menu, which is useful when rendering inside a container with `overflow: hidden;`. Uses absolute positioning by default.
63 | renderInput | function | | Callback for custom input rendering. See full documentation in the [Rendering section](Rendering.md#renderinputinputprops-object-state-object).
64 | renderMenu | function | | Callback for custom menu rendering. See full documentation in the [Rendering section](Rendering.md#rendermenuresults-arrayobjectstring-menuprops-object-state-object).
65 | renderMenuItemChildren | function | | Callback for customized rendering of menu item contents. See full documentation in the [Rendering section](Rendering.md#rendermenuitemchildrenoption-objectstring-props-object-index-number).
66 | renderToken | function | | Callback for custom token rendering. See full documentation in the [Rendering section](Rendering.md#rendertokenoption-objectstring-props-object-index-number).
67 | selected | Array\<Object\|string\> | `[]` | The selected option(s) displayed in the input. Use this prop if you want to control the component via its parent.
68 | selectHint | function | | Callback function that determines whether the hint should be selected.<br><br><pre>`(shouldSelectHint: boolean, KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => boolean`</pre>
69 | size | `'lg'` \| `'sm'` | | Specify the size of the input.
70 |
71 | #### Children
72 | In addition to the props listed above, `Typeahead` also accepts either children or a child render function.
73 |
74 | ```jsx
75 | <Typeahead ... >
76 | <div>Render me!</div>
77 | </Typeahead>
78 | ```
79 | The render function receives partial internal state from the component:
80 | ```jsx
81 | <Typeahead ... >
82 | {(state) => (
83 | <div>Render me!</div>
84 | )}
85 | </Typeahead>
86 | ```
87 | This may be useful for things like customizing the loading indicator or clear button, or including an announcer for accessibility purposes.
88 |
89 | ### `<AsyncTypeahead>`
90 | An enhanced version of the normal `Typeahead` component for use when performing asynchronous searches. Provides debouncing of user input, optional query caching, and search prompt, empty results, and pending request behaviors.
91 |
92 | ```jsx
93 | <AsyncTypeahead
94 | isLoading={this.state.isLoading}
95 | labelKey={option => `${option.login}`}
96 | onSearch={(query) => {
97 | this.setState({isLoading: true});
98 | fetch(`https://api.github.com/search/users?q=${query}`)
99 | .then(resp => resp.json())
100 | .then(json => this.setState({
101 | isLoading: false,
102 | options: json.items,
103 | }));
104 | }}
105 | options={this.state.options}
106 | />
107 | ```
108 |
109 | Note that this component is the same as:
110 | ```jsx
111 | import { Typeahead, withAsync } from 'react-bootstrap-typeahead';
112 |
113 | const AsyncTypeahead = withAsync(Typeahead);
114 | ```
115 |
116 | #### Props
117 | Name | Type | Default | Description
118 | -----|------|---------|------------
119 | delay | number | `200` | Delay, in milliseconds, before performing search.
120 | isLoading `required` | boolean | | Whether or not an asynchronous request is in progress.
121 | onSearch `required` | function | | Callback to perform when the search is executed, where `query` is the input string.<br><br><pre>`(query: string) => void`</pre>
122 | options | Array\<Object\|string\> | `[]` | Options to be passed to the typeahead. Will typically be the query results, but can also be initial default options.
123 | promptText | node | `'Type to search...'` | Message displayed in the menu when there is no user input.
124 | searchText | node | `'Searching...'` | Message to display in the menu while the request is pending.
125 | useCache | bool | `true` | Whether or not the component should cache query results.
126 |
127 | ### `<Highlighter>`
128 | Component for highlighting substring matches in the menu items.
129 |
130 | ```jsx
131 | <Typeahead
132 | ...
133 | renderMenuItemChildren={(option, props, idx) => (
134 | <Highlighter search={props.text}>
135 | {option[props.labelKey]}
136 | </Highlighter>
137 | )}
138 | />
139 | ```
140 |
141 | #### Props
142 | Name | Type | Default | Description
143 | -----|------|---------|------------
144 | children `(required)` | string | | `Highlighter` expects a string as the only child.
145 | highlightClassName | string | `'rbt-highlight-text'` | Classname applied to the highlighted text.
146 | search `(required)` | string | | The substring to look for. This value should correspond to the input text of the typeahead and can be obtained via the `onInputChange` prop or from the `text` property of props being passed down via `renderMenu` or `renderMenuItemChildren`.
147 |
148 | ### `<Hint>`
149 | The `Hint` component can be used to wrap custom inputs.
150 |
151 | ```jsx
152 | <Typeahead
153 | ...
154 | renderInput={({ inputRef, referenceElementRef, ...inputProps }) => (
155 | <Hint>
156 | <FloatingLabel controlId="name" label="Name">
157 | <Form.Control
158 | {...inputProps}
159 | ref={(node) => {
160 | inputRef(node);
161 | referenceElementRef(node);
162 | }}
163 | type="text"
164 | />
165 | </FloatingLabel>
166 | </Hint>
167 | )}
168 | />
169 | ```
170 |
171 | #### Props
172 | Name | Type | Default | Description
173 | -----|------|---------|------------
174 | children `(required)` | node | |
175 |
176 | ### `<Input>`
177 | Abstract `<input>` component that handles an `inputRef` prop and is used as the basis for both single- and multi-select input components.
178 |
179 | ### `<Menu>`
180 | Provides the markup for a Bootstrap menu, along with some extra functionality for specifying a label when there are no results.
181 |
182 | Name | Type | Default | Description
183 | -----|------|---------|------------
184 | emptyLabel | node | `'No matches found.'` | Message to display in the menu if there are no valid results.
185 | id `required` | string \| number | | Id value required for accessibility.
186 | maxHeight | string | `'300px'` | Maximum height of the dropdown menu.
187 |
188 | ### `<MenuItem>`
189 | Provides the markup for a Bootstrap menu item, but is wrapped by the [`withItem` HOC](#useitem--withitem) to ensure proper behavior within the typeahead context. Provided for use if a more customized `Menu` is desired.
190 |
191 | #### Props
192 | Name | Type | Default | Description
193 | -----|------|---------|------------
194 | option `(required)` | Object \| string | | The data item to be displayed.
195 | position | number | | The position of the item as rendered in the menu. Allows the top-level `Typeahead` component to be be aware of the item's position despite any custom ordering or grouping in `renderMenu`. **Note:** The value must be a unique, zero-based, sequential integer for proper behavior when keying through the menu.
196 |
197 | ### `<TypeaheadInputSingle>` & `<TypeaheadInputMulti>`
198 | Input components that handles single- and multi-selections, respectively. In the multi-select component, selections are rendered as children.
199 |
200 | #### Props
201 | Name | Type | Default | Description
202 | -----|------|---------|------------
203 | disabled | boolean | `false` | Whether or not the input component is disabled.
204 |
205 | ### `<TypeaheadMenu>`
206 | The default menu which is rendered by the `Typeahead` component. Can be used in a custom `renderMenu` function for wrapping or modifying the props passed to it without having to re-implement the default functionality.
207 |
208 | #### Props
209 | Name | Type | Default | Description
210 | -----|------|---------|------------
211 | labelKey `required` | string \| function | | See full documentation in the [Rendering section](Rendering.md#labelkey-string--function).
212 | newSelectionPrefix | string | `'New selection: '` | Provides the ability to specify a prefix before the user-entered text to indicate that the selection will be new. No-op unless `allowNew={true}`.
213 | paginationText | string | `'Display additional results...'` | Prompt displayed when large data sets are paginated.
214 | renderMenuItemChildren | function | | Provides a hook for customized rendering of menu item contents.
215 | text `required` | string | | The current value of the typeahead's input.
216 |
217 | ### `<Token>`
218 | Individual token component, most commonly for use within `renderToken` to customize the `Token` contents.
219 |
220 | #### Props
221 | Name | Type | Default | Description
222 | -----|------|---------|------------
223 | option `(required)` | Object \| string | | The data item to be displayed.
224 | disabled | boolean | `false` | Whether the token is in a disabled state. If `true` it will not be interactive or removeable.
225 | href | string | | If provided, the token will be rendered with an `<a>` tag and `href` attribute.
226 | readOnly | boolean | `false` | Whether the token is in a read-only state. If `true` it will not be removeable, but it will be interactive if provided an `href`.
227 | tabIndex | number | `0` | Allows the tabindex to be set if something other than the default is desired.
228 |
229 | ## Higher-Order Components & Hooks
230 |
231 | ### `useAsync` & `withAsync`
232 | The HOC used in [`AsyncTypeahead`](#asynctypeahead).
233 |
234 | ### `useItem` & `withItem`
235 | Connects individual menu items with the main typeahead component via context and abstracts a lot of complex functionality required for behaviors like keying through the menu and input hinting. Also provides `onClick` behavior and active state.
236 |
237 | If you use your own menu item components (in `renderMenu` for example), you are strongly advised to use either the hook or the HOC:
238 |
239 | ```jsx
240 | import { MenuItem } from 'react-bootstrap';
241 | import { Menu, Typeahead, useItem, withItem } from 'react-bootstrap-typeahead';
242 |
243 | const Item = withItem(MenuItem);
244 |
245 | // OR
246 |
247 | const Item = (props) => <MenuItem {...useItem(props)} />;
248 |
249 | <Typeahead
250 | renderMenu={(results, menuProps) => (
251 | <Menu {...menuProps}>
252 | {results.map((option, position) => (
253 | <Item option={option} position={position}>
254 | {option.label}
255 | </Item>
256 | ))}
257 | </Menu>
258 | )}
259 | />
260 | ```
261 |
262 | ### `useToken` & `withToken`
263 | Encapsulates keystroke and outside click behaviors used in `Token`. Useful if you want completely custom markup for the token. The hook and the HOC provide the following props to be consumed by the token component:
264 |
265 | Name | Type | Description
266 | -----|------|------------
267 | active | boolean | Whether the token is active or not. Useful for adding an "active" classname to the component for styling.
268 | onBlur | function | Callback invoked when the token loses focus. Should be applied to the top-level element.
269 | onClick | function | Callback invoked when the token is clicked. Should be applied to the top-level element.
270 | onFocus | function | Callback invoked when the token is focused. Should be applied to the top-level element.
271 | onKeyDown | function | Callback invoked when the token is focused and a key is pressed. Should be applied to the top-level element.
272 | onRemove | function | Callback used to handle token removal. This typically would be applied to the `onClick` handler of a "remove" or "x" button in the token.
273 | ref | Used for detecting clicks outside the token and updating internal state accordingly. Should be applied to the top-level DOM node.
274 |
275 | ```jsx
276 | // Important: use `forwardRef` to pass the ref on to the underlying DOM nodes.
277 | const MyToken = forwardRef(({ active, onRemove, ...props }, ref) => (
278 | <div
279 | {...props}
280 | className={active ? 'active' : ''}
281 | ref={ref}>
282 | <button onClick={onRemove}>
283 | x
284 | </button>
285 | </div>
286 | ));
287 |
288 | // HOC
289 | const CustomToken = withToken(MyToken);
290 |
291 | // Hook
292 | const CustomToken = (props) => <MyToken {...useToken(props)} />;
293 | ```
294 | If using the hook, you can also apply it directly within your token component:
295 | ```jsx
296 | const MyToken = (props) => {
297 | const { active, onRemove, ref, ...otherProps } = useToken(props);
298 |
299 | return (
300 | <div
301 | {...otherProps}
302 | className={active ? 'active' : ''}
303 | ref={ref}>
304 | <button onClick={onRemove}>
305 | x
306 | </button>
307 | </div>
308 | );
309 | };
310 | ```
311 |
312 | ### `useHint`
313 | Hook for adding a hint to a custom input. Mainly useful if you'd like to customize the hint's markup.
314 |
315 | ```jsx
316 | const CustomHint = (props) => {
317 | const { hintRef, hintText } = useHint(props);
318 |
319 | return (
320 | <div ... >
321 | {props.children}
322 | <input
323 | ...
324 | ref={hintRef}
325 | value={hintText}
326 | />
327 | </div>
328 | );
329 | };
330 | ```
331 | See the [`Hint` component](https://github.com/ericgio/react-bootstrap-typeahead/blob/master/src/components/Hint.js#L136) for an example of how to apply `useHint`.