1 | import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
2 | import { SIZES } from './constants';
3 | import { isFunction, warn } from './utils';
5 | { alt: 'onBlur', prop: 'onBlur' },
6 | { alt: 'onInputChange', prop: 'onChange' },
7 | { alt: 'onFocus', prop: 'onFocus' },
8 | { alt: 'onKeyDown', prop: 'onKeyDown' },
9 | ];
10 | export const sizeType = PropTypes.oneOf(SIZES);
11 | export function checkPropType(validator, callback) {
12 | return (props, propName, componentName) => {
13 | PropTypes.checkPropTypes({ [propName]: validator }, props, 'prop', componentName);
14 | isFunction(callback) && callback(props, propName, componentName);
15 | };
16 | }
17 | export function caseSensitiveType(props) {
18 | const { caseSensitive, filterBy } = props;
19 | warn(!caseSensitive || typeof filterBy !== 'function', 'Your `filterBy` function will override the `caseSensitive` prop.');
20 | }
21 | export function deprecated(validator, reason) {
22 | return (props, propName, componentName) => {
23 | if (props[propName] != null) {
24 | warn(false, `The \`${propName}\` prop is deprecated. ${reason}`);
25 | }
26 | return PropTypes.checkPropTypes({ [propName]: validator }, props, 'prop', componentName);
27 | };
28 | }
29 | export function defaultInputValueType(props) {
30 | const { defaultInputValue, defaultSelected, multiple, selected } = props;
31 | const name = defaultSelected.length ? 'defaultSelected' : 'selected';
32 | warn(!(!multiple &&
33 | defaultInputValue &&
34 | (defaultSelected.length || (selected && selected.length))), `\`defaultInputValue\` will be overridden by the value from \`${name}\`.`);
35 | }
36 | export function defaultSelectedType(props) {
37 | const { defaultSelected, multiple } = props;
38 | warn(multiple || defaultSelected.length <= 1, 'You are passing multiple options to the `defaultSelected` prop of a ' +
39 | 'Typeahead in single-select mode. The selections will be truncated to a ' +
40 | 'single selection.');
41 | }
42 | export function highlightOnlyResultType({ allowNew, highlightOnlyResult, }) {
43 | warn(!(highlightOnlyResult && allowNew), '`highlightOnlyResult` will not work with `allowNew`.');
44 | }
45 | export function ignoreDiacriticsType(props) {
46 | const { filterBy, ignoreDiacritics } = props;
47 | warn(ignoreDiacritics || typeof filterBy !== 'function', 'Your `filterBy` function will override the `ignoreDiacritics` prop.');
48 | }
49 | export function inputPropsType({ inputProps }) {
50 | if (!(inputProps &&
51 | Object.prototype.toString.call(inputProps) === '[object Object]')) {
52 | return;
53 | }
54 | INPUT_PROPS_BLACKLIST.forEach(({ alt, prop }) => {
55 | const msg = alt ? ` Use the top-level \`${alt}\` prop instead.` : null;
56 | warn(!inputProps[prop], `The \`${prop}\` property of \`inputProps\` will be ignored.${msg}`);
57 | });
58 | }
59 | export function isRequiredForA11y(props, propName, componentName) {
60 | warn(props[propName] != null, `The prop \`${propName}\` is required to make \`${componentName}\` ` +
61 | 'accessible for users of assistive technologies such as screen readers.');
62 | }
63 | export function labelKeyType({ allowNew, labelKey }) {
64 | warn(!(isFunction(labelKey) && allowNew), '`labelKey` must be a string when `allowNew={true}`.');
65 | }
66 | export const optionType = PropTypes.oneOfType([
67 | PropTypes.object,
68 | PropTypes.string,
69 | ]);
70 | export function selectedType({ multiple, onChange, selected }) {
71 | warn(multiple || !selected || selected.length <= 1, 'You are passing multiple options to the `selected` prop of a Typeahead ' +
72 | 'in single-select mode. This may lead to unexpected behaviors or errors.');
73 | warn(!selected || (selected && isFunction(onChange)), 'You provided a `selected` prop without an `onChange` handler. If you ' +
74 | 'want the typeahead to be uncontrolled, use `defaultSelected`. ' +
75 | 'Otherwise, set `onChange`.');
76 | }