3.48 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
2import _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/objectWithoutPropertiesLoose";
3var _excluded = ["activeKey", "getControlledId", "getControllerId"],
4 _excluded2 = ["bsPrefix", "className", "active", "onEnter", "onEntering", "onEntered", "onExit", "onExiting", "onExited", "mountOnEnter", "unmountOnExit", "transition", "as", "eventKey"];
5import classNames from 'classnames';
6import React, { useContext } from 'react';
7import { useBootstrapPrefix } from './ThemeProvider';
8import TabContext from './TabContext';
9import SelectableContext, { makeEventKey } from './SelectableContext';
10import Fade from './Fade';
12function useTabContext(props) {
13 var context = useContext(TabContext);
14 if (!context) return props;
16 var activeKey = context.activeKey,
17 getControlledId = context.getControlledId,
18 getControllerId = context.getControllerId,
19 rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(context, _excluded);
21 var shouldTransition = props.transition !== false && rest.transition !== false;
22 var key = makeEventKey(props.eventKey);
23 return _extends({}, props, {
24 active: props.active == null && key != null ? makeEventKey(activeKey) === key : props.active,
25 id: getControlledId(props.eventKey),
26 'aria-labelledby': getControllerId(props.eventKey),
27 transition: shouldTransition && (props.transition || rest.transition || Fade),
28 mountOnEnter: props.mountOnEnter != null ? props.mountOnEnter : rest.mountOnEnter,
29 unmountOnExit: props.unmountOnExit != null ? props.unmountOnExit : rest.unmountOnExit
30 });
33var TabPane = /*#__PURE__*/React.forwardRef(function (props, ref) {
34 var _useTabContext = useTabContext(props),
35 bsPrefix = _useTabContext.bsPrefix,
36 className = _useTabContext.className,
37 active = _useTabContext.active,
38 onEnter = _useTabContext.onEnter,
39 onEntering = _useTabContext.onEntering,
40 onEntered = _useTabContext.onEntered,
41 onExit = _useTabContext.onExit,
42 onExiting = _useTabContext.onExiting,
43 onExited = _useTabContext.onExited,
44 mountOnEnter = _useTabContext.mountOnEnter,
45 unmountOnExit = _useTabContext.unmountOnExit,
46 Transition = _useTabContext.transition,
47 _useTabContext$as = _useTabContext.as,
48 Component = _useTabContext$as === void 0 ? 'div' : _useTabContext$as,
49 _ = _useTabContext.eventKey,
50 rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_useTabContext, _excluded2);
52 var prefix = useBootstrapPrefix(bsPrefix, 'tab-pane');
53 if (!active && !Transition && unmountOnExit) return null;
54 var pane = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Component, _extends({}, rest, {
55 ref: ref,
56 role: "tabpanel",
57 "aria-hidden": !active,
58 className: classNames(className, prefix, {
59 active: active
60 })
61 }));
62 if (Transition) pane = /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(Transition, {
63 in: active,
64 onEnter: onEnter,
65 onEntering: onEntering,
66 onEntered: onEntered,
67 onExit: onExit,
68 onExiting: onExiting,
69 onExited: onExited,
70 mountOnEnter: mountOnEnter,
71 unmountOnExit: unmountOnExit
72 }, pane); // We provide an empty the TabContext so `<Nav>`s in `<TabPane>`s don't
73 // conflict with the top level one.
75 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(TabContext.Provider, {
76 value: null
77 }, /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(SelectableContext.Provider, {
78 value: null
79 }, pane));
81TabPane.displayName = 'TabPane';
82export default TabPane;
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