1 | 7.2.0
2 | ==================
3 | * #100
4 |
5 | 7.1.0
6 | ==================
7 | * #180 (fix event handling for `copy` `cut` `paste`)
8 | * add support for codemirror events `inputRead` `keyHandled`
9 |
10 | 7.0.0
11 | ==================
12 | * #180 (fix event handling for `copy` `cut` `paste`)
13 | * add support for codemirror events `inputRead` `keyHandled`
14 |
15 | 7.0.0
16 | ==================
17 | * remove `event` param from `copy` `cut` `paste` per [@types/codemirror](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/codemirror)
18 |
19 | 6.0.1
20 | ==================
21 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/pull/176
22 |
23 | 5.1.0
24 | ==================
25 | * add support for `renderLine` (#98)
26 |
27 | 5.0.3
28 | ==================
29 | * #88
30 |
31 | 5.0.2
32 | ==================
33 |
34 | 5.0.1
35 | ==================
36 | * #78
37 |
38 | 5.0.0
39 | ==================
40 | * #75 - remove `autoFocus` in favor of codemirror.options.autofocus
41 |
42 | 4.3.0
43 | ==================
44 | * #74 => add support for more DOM events => onContextMenu | onCopy | onCut | onDblClick | onDragLeave | onDragStart | onMouseDown | onPaste | onTouchStart
45 | * #76 => babel-ify index.js package for out of the box runtime support e.g. `Object.assign`
46 |
47 | 4.2.0
48 | ==================
49 | * add notion of UnControlled#detach => [`editorDidAttach`, `editorDidDetach`] (related to #37)
50 |
51 | 4.1.0
52 | ==================
53 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/63
54 | * add internal notion of `applied`, `appliedUserDefined`, `appliedNext` to isolate update flows for controlled v. uncontrolled
55 | * test coverage
56 |
57 | 4.0.1
58 | ==================
59 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/61
60 |
61 | 4.0.0
62 | ==================
63 | * cursor, scroll, and selection events occur after an internal hydrate
64 | * cursor, scroll, and selection events have more strict checking and are more responsive for changed valued
65 | * added `PREVENT_CODEMIRROR_RENDER` global for rendering bypass
66 | * selections managed via props now have and isolated autofocus option
67 | * optimization of setting instance options when updated via props
68 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/49
69 | * test coverage
70 |
71 | 3.0.6
72 | ==================
73 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/28
74 |
75 | 3.0.5
76 | ==================
77 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/31 (take 2)
78 |
79 | 3.0.4
80 | ==================
81 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/31
82 |
83 | 3.0.3
84 | ==================
85 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/pull/27
86 |
87 | 3.0.2
88 | ==================
89 | * https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/22
90 |
91 | 3.0.1
92 | ==================
93 | * fixes https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/25
94 |
95 | 3.0.0
96 | ==================
97 | * typings
98 | * [`onSet`, onBeforeSet`] deprecated [removed]
99 | * [`resetCursorOnSet`, `autoScrollCursorOnSet`] deprecated, now => [`autoCursor`, `autoScroll`]
100 | * add `autoFocus`
101 | * modify return of `onSelection`: this.editor, data.ranges) now => (this.editor, data)
102 | * split component into two per usage, `UnControlled` & `Controlled`
103 | * fixes https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/22
104 |
105 | 2.0.2
106 | ==================
107 | * fixes https://github.com/scniro/react-codemirror2/issues/14
108 | * remove deprecation warnings from 1.x
109 |
110 | 2.0.1
111 | ==================
112 | * bump `peerDependencies` to support react 16.x
113 |
114 | 2.0.0
115 | ==================
116 | * deprecate 1.x due to dependency conflicts occurring from over-strict versioning of codemirror as a `dependency`. Codemirror is now designated as a `peerDependency`
117 |
118 | 1.0.0
119 | ==================
120 | * [`onValueSet`, `onValueChange`] deprecated, now => [`onSet`, `onChange`];
121 | * add `onBeforeChange` `onBeforeSet`
122 | * add `defineMode`