1 | # React DayPicker
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3 | DayPicker is a [React](https://react.dev) component to create date pickers, calendars, and date inputs for web applications.
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5 | 📖 See **[daypicker.dev](https://daypicker.dev)** for guides, examples and API reference.
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7 | ## Features
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9 | - 🛠 An extensive set of props for [customizing](./docs/customization.mdx) the calendar.
10 | - 🎨 Minimal design that can be [easily styled](./docs/styling.mdx) with CSS or any CSS framework.
11 | - 📅 Supports [selections](./docs/selection-modes.mdx) of single day, multiple days, ranges of days, or [custom selections](./guides/custom-selections.mdx).
12 | - 🌍 Can be [localized](./docs/localization.mdx) into any language, supports [ISO 8601 dates](./docs/localization.mdx#iso-week-dates), [UTC dates](./docs/localization.mdx#utc-dates), and [Jalali calendar](./docs/localization.mdx#jalali-calendar).
13 | - 🦮 Complies with WCAG 2.1 AA requirements for [accessibility](./docs/accessibility.mdx).
14 | - ⚙️ [Customizable components](./guides/custom-components.mdx) for more complex use cases.
15 | - 🔤 Easy integration [with input fields](./guides/input-fields.mdx).
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17 | DayPicker is written in TypeScript and compiled to CommonJS and ESM. It relies on [date-fns](https://date-fns.org) for date manipulation and formatting.
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19 | ## Installation
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21 | ```bash
22 | npm install react-day-picker
23 | ```
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25 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-day-picker"><img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/react-day-picker" alt="npm version"/></a>
26 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/react-day-picker.svg" alt="npm downloads"/> <img src="https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/react-day-picker" alt="Min gzipped size"/>
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28 | ## Example
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30 | ```tsx
31 | import { DayPicker } from "react-day-picker";
32 | import "react-day-picker/style.css";
33 |
34 | function MyDatePicker() {
35 | const [selected, setSelected] = useState<Date>();
36 |
37 | return (
38 | <DayPicker
39 | mode="single"
40 | selected={selected}
41 | onSelect={setSelected}
42 | footer={
43 | selected ? `Selected: ${selected.toLocaleDateString()}` : "Pick a day."
44 | }
45 | />
46 | );
47 | }
48 | ```
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50 | ## Compatibility
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52 | DayPicker is compatible with React 16.8 and later.
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54 | ## License
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56 | DayPicker is released under the [MIT License](./license).
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58 | ## Community
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60 | Ask for help and share your experience with DayPicker.
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62 | - 💬 [Discussion forums](https://github.com/gpbl/react-day-picker/discussions) - get support and provide feedback.
63 | - 🪳 [Report an issue](https://github.com/gpbl/react-day-picker/issues/new/choose) - report a bug or a feature request.
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65 | ## Funding
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67 | Consider supporting DayPicker's maintainer with a donation. Your support helps to keep the project alive and keep it updated.
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69 | - 🎗️ [Sponsor DayPicker on GitHub](https://github.com/sponsors/gpbl)