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1import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
2import { getDates } from "./helpers/getDates.js";
3import { getDays } from "./helpers/getDays.js";
4import { getDisplayMonths } from "./helpers/getDisplayMonths.js";
5import { getInitialMonth } from "./helpers/getInitialMonth.js";
6import { getMonths } from "./helpers/getMonths.js";
7import { getNavMonths } from "./helpers/getNavMonth.js";
8import { getNextMonth } from "./helpers/getNextMonth.js";
9import { getPreviousMonth } from "./helpers/getPreviousMonth.js";
10import { getWeeks } from "./helpers/getWeeks.js";
11/** @private */
12export function useCalendar(props, dateLib) {
13 const [navStart, navEnd] = getNavMonths(props, dateLib);
14 const { startOfMonth, endOfMonth } = dateLib;
15 const initialMonth = getInitialMonth(props, dateLib);
16 const [firstMonth, setFirstMonth] = useState(initialMonth);
17 // Update the displayed month if `month` changes
18 useEffect(() => {
19 const initialDisplayMonth = getInitialMonth(props, dateLib);
20 setFirstMonth(initialDisplayMonth);
21 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
22 }, [props.month]);
23 // Update the displayed month if start/end month changes
24 useEffect(() => {
25 // TOFIX: this effect should do nothing if the current firstMonth is between
26 // startMonth and endMonth
27 const initialDisplayMonth = getInitialMonth(props, dateLib);
28 setFirstMonth(initialDisplayMonth);
29 // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
30 }, [props.startMonth, props.endMonth]);
31 /** The months displayed in the calendar. */
32 const displayMonths = getDisplayMonths(firstMonth, navEnd, props, dateLib);
33 /** The dates displayed in the calendar. */
34 const dates = getDates(displayMonths, props.endMonth ? endOfMonth(props.endMonth) : undefined, props, dateLib);
35 /** The Months displayed in the calendar. */
36 const months = getMonths(displayMonths, dates, props, dateLib);
37 /** The Weeks displayed in the calendar. */
38 const weeks = getWeeks(months);
39 /** The Days displayed in the calendar. */
40 const days = getDays(months);
41 const previousMonth = getPreviousMonth(firstMonth, navStart, props, dateLib);
42 const nextMonth = getNextMonth(firstMonth, navEnd, props, dateLib);
43 const { disableNavigation, onMonthChange } = props;
44 const isDayInCalendar = (day) => weeks.some((week) => week.days.some((d) => d.isEqualTo(day)));
45 const goToMonth = (date) => {
46 if (disableNavigation) {
47 return;
48 }
49 let newMonth = startOfMonth(date);
50 // if month is before start, use the first month instead
51 if (navStart && newMonth < startOfMonth(navStart)) {
52 newMonth = startOfMonth(navStart);
53 }
54 // if month is after endMonth, use the last month instead
55 if (navEnd && newMonth > startOfMonth(navEnd)) {
56 newMonth = startOfMonth(navEnd);
57 }
58 setFirstMonth(newMonth);
59 onMonthChange?.(newMonth);
60 };
61 const goToDay = (day) => {
62 // is this check necessary?
63 if (isDayInCalendar(day)) {
64 return;
65 }
66 goToMonth(day.date);
67 };
68 const calendar = {
69 months,
70 weeks,
71 days,
72 navStart,
73 navEnd,
74 previousMonth,
75 nextMonth,
76 goToMonth,
77 goToDay
78 };
79 return calendar;
81//# sourceMappingURL=useCalendar.js.map
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