1 | import React from "react";
2 |
3 | import { addMonths, startOfDay, startOfMonth } from "date-fns";
4 | import { defaultLocale } from "react-day-picker";
5 |
6 | import {
7 | activeElement,
8 | dateButton,
9 | grid,
10 | nav,
11 | previousButton
12 | } from "@/test/elements";
13 | import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "@/test/render";
14 | import { user } from "@/test/user";
15 |
16 | import { DayPicker } from "./DayPicker";
17 | import { MonthProps } from "./components/Month";
18 | import { MonthsProps } from "./components/Months";
19 | import { labelGrid } from "./labels";
20 |
21 | const testId = "test";
22 | const dayPicker = () => screen.getByTestId(testId);
23 |
24 | test("should render a date picker component", () => {
25 | render(<DayPicker data-testid={testId} />);
26 | expect(dayPicker()).toBeInTheDocument();
27 | });
28 |
29 | test("render the navigation and month grids", () => {
30 | render(<DayPicker data-testid={testId} />);
31 |
32 | expect(nav()).toBeInTheDocument();
33 | expect(grid()).toBeInTheDocument();
34 | });
35 |
36 | test("apply classnames and style according to props", () => {
37 | render(
38 | <DayPicker
39 | data-testid={testId}
40 | className="custom-class"
41 | numberOfMonths={2}
42 | showWeekNumber
43 | style={{ color: "red" }}
44 | />
45 | );
46 |
47 | expect(dayPicker()).toHaveClass("rdp-root");
48 | expect(dayPicker()).toHaveClass("custom-class");
49 | expect(dayPicker()).toHaveStyle({ color: "red" });
50 | });
51 |
52 | test("use custom components", () => {
53 | render(
54 | <DayPicker
55 | data-testid={testId}
56 | components={{
57 | Nav: () => <div>Custom Navigation</div>,
58 | Month: (props: MonthProps) => <div>Custom Month</div>,
59 | Months: (props: MonthsProps) => (
60 | <div {...props}>
61 | Custom Months<div>{props.children}</div>
62 | </div>
63 | ),
64 | Footer: () => <div>Custom Footer</div>
65 | }}
66 | footer="Footer"
67 | />
68 | );
69 |
70 | expect(dayPicker()).toHaveTextContent("Custom Navigation");
71 | expect(dayPicker()).toHaveTextContent("Custom Months");
72 | expect(dayPicker()).toHaveTextContent("Custom Month");
73 | expect(dayPicker()).toHaveTextContent("Custom Footer");
74 | });
75 |
76 | describe("when the date picker is focused", () => {
77 | test("focus the previous button", async () => {
78 | render(<DayPicker />);
79 | await user.tab();
80 | expect(activeElement()).toBe(previousButton());
81 | });
82 |
83 | test("on RTL, focus the previous button", async () => {
84 | render(<DayPicker dir="rtl" />);
85 | await user.tab();
86 | expect(activeElement()).toBe(previousButton());
87 | });
88 | });
89 |
90 | describe("when the grid is focused", () => {
91 | const today = new Date();
92 |
93 | beforeAll(() => jest.setSystemTime(today));
94 | afterAll(() => jest.useRealTimers());
95 |
96 | test("should focus the today's date", async () => {
97 | render(<DayPicker mode="single" today={today} />);
98 | await user.tab();
99 | await user.tab();
100 | await user.tab();
101 | expect(activeElement()).toBe(dateButton(today));
102 | });
103 | describe("when the today’s date is disabled", () => {
104 | test("should focus the first day of the month", async () => {
105 | render(<DayPicker mode="single" disabled={today} />);
106 | await user.tab();
107 | await user.tab();
108 | await user.tab();
109 | expect(activeElement()).toBe(dateButton(startOfMonth(today)));
110 | });
111 | });
112 | });
113 |
114 | describe("when a day is mouse entered", () => {
115 | const handleDayMouseEnter = jest.fn();
116 | const handleDayMouseLeave = jest.fn();
117 | const today = startOfDay(new Date());
118 | beforeEach(async () => {
119 | render(
120 | <DayPicker
121 | today={today}
122 | defaultMonth={today}
123 | mode="single"
124 | onDayMouseEnter={handleDayMouseEnter}
125 | onDayMouseLeave={handleDayMouseLeave}
126 | />
127 | );
128 | fireEvent.mouseEnter(dateButton(today));
129 | fireEvent.mouseLeave(dateButton(today));
130 | });
131 | test("should call the event handler", async () => {
132 | expect(handleDayMouseEnter).toHaveBeenCalled();
133 | expect(handleDayMouseLeave).toHaveBeenCalled();
134 | });
135 | });
136 |
137 | describe("when the `month` is changed programmatically", () => {
138 | test("should update the calendar to reflect the new month", async () => {
139 | const initialMonth = new Date(2023, 0, 1);
140 | const newMonth = new Date(2023, 1, 1);
141 | const { rerender } = render(
142 | <DayPicker month={initialMonth} mode="single" />
143 | );
144 | expect(grid("January 2023")).toBeInTheDocument();
145 | rerender(<DayPicker month={newMonth} mode="single" />);
146 | expect(grid("February 2023")).toBeInTheDocument();
147 | });
148 | });
149 |
150 | describe("when the `startMonth` is changed programmatically", () => {
151 | test("should update the calendar to reflect the new month", async () => {
152 | const initialStartMonth = new Date();
153 | const newStartMonth = addMonths(new Date(), 2);
154 | const { rerender } = render(
155 | <DayPicker startMonth={initialStartMonth} mode="single" />
156 | );
157 | expect(grid(labelGrid(initialStartMonth))).toBeInTheDocument();
158 | rerender(<DayPicker startMonth={newStartMonth} mode="single" />);
159 | expect(grid(labelGrid(newStartMonth))).toBeInTheDocument();
160 | });
161 | });
162 |
163 | test("extends the default locale", () => {
164 | render(
165 | <DayPicker
166 | month={new Date(2024, 0)}
167 | locale={{
168 | localize: {
169 | ...defaultLocale.localize,
170 | month: () => "bar"
171 | }
172 | }}
173 | />
174 | );
175 |
176 | expect(grid("bar 2024")).toBeInTheDocument();
177 | });