2.67 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Backend, DragDropManager, Unsubscribe } from 'dnd-core';
2import { HTML5BackendContext, HTML5BackendOptions } from './types';
3export declare class HTML5BackendImpl implements Backend {
4 private options;
5 private actions;
6 private monitor;
7 private registry;
8 private enterLeaveCounter;
9 private sourcePreviewNodes;
10 private sourcePreviewNodeOptions;
11 private sourceNodes;
12 private sourceNodeOptions;
13 private dragStartSourceIds;
14 private dropTargetIds;
15 private dragEnterTargetIds;
16 private currentNativeSource;
17 private currentNativeHandle;
18 private currentDragSourceNode;
19 private altKeyPressed;
20 private mouseMoveTimeoutTimer;
21 private asyncEndDragFrameId;
22 private dragOverTargetIds;
23 constructor(manager: DragDropManager, globalContext?: HTML5BackendContext, options?: HTML5BackendOptions);
24 /**
25 * Generate profiling statistics for the HTML5Backend.
26 */
27 profile(): Record<string, number>;
28 get window(): Window | undefined;
29 get document(): Document | undefined;
30 /**
31 * Get the root element to use for event subscriptions
32 */
33 private get rootElement();
34 setup(): void;
35 teardown(): void;
36 connectDragPreview(sourceId: string, node: Element, options: any): Unsubscribe;
37 connectDragSource(sourceId: string, node: Element, options: any): Unsubscribe;
38 connectDropTarget(targetId: string, node: HTMLElement): Unsubscribe;
39 private addEventListeners;
40 private removeEventListeners;
41 private getCurrentSourceNodeOptions;
42 private getCurrentDropEffect;
43 private getCurrentSourcePreviewNodeOptions;
44 private getSourceClientOffset;
45 private isDraggingNativeItem;
46 private beginDragNativeItem;
47 private endDragNativeItem;
48 private isNodeInDocument;
49 private endDragIfSourceWasRemovedFromDOM;
50 private setCurrentDragSourceNode;
51 private clearCurrentDragSourceNode;
52 handleTopDragStartCapture: () => void;
53 handleDragStart(e: DragEvent, sourceId: string): void;
54 handleTopDragStart: (e: DragEvent) => void;
55 handleTopDragEndCapture: () => void;
56 handleTopDragEnterCapture: (e: DragEvent) => void;
57 handleDragEnter(e: DragEvent, targetId: string): void;
58 handleTopDragEnter: (e: DragEvent) => void;
59 handleTopDragOverCapture: () => void;
60 handleDragOver(e: DragEvent, targetId: string): void;
61 handleTopDragOver: (e: DragEvent) => void;
62 handleTopDragLeaveCapture: (e: DragEvent) => void;
63 handleTopDropCapture: (e: DragEvent) => void;
64 handleDrop(e: DragEvent, targetId: string): void;
65 handleTopDrop: (e: DragEvent) => void;
66 handleSelectStart: (e: DragEvent) => void;