1 | # React DnD Multi Backend [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![dependencies Status][deps-image]][deps-url] [![devDependencies Status][deps-dev-image]][deps-dev-url]
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3 | [Try it here!](https://louisbrunner.github.io/dnd-multi-backend/examples/react-dnd-multi-backend.html)
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5 | This project is a Drag'n'Drop backend compatible with [React DnD](https://github.com/react-dnd/react-dnd).
6 | It enables your application to use different DnD backends depending on the situation.
7 | You can either generate your own backend pipeline or use the default one (`HTML5toTouch`).
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9 | [HTML5toTouch](src/HTML5toTouch.js) starts by using the [React DnD HTML5 Backend](https://react-dnd.github.io/react-dnd/docs/backends/html5), but switches to the [React DnD Touch Backend](https://react-dnd.github.io/react-dnd/docs/backends/touch) if a touch event is triggered.
10 | You application can smoothly use the nice HTML5 compatible backend and fallback on the Touch one on mobile devices!
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12 | Moreover, because some backends don't support preview, a `Preview` component has been added to make it easier to mock the Drag'n'Drop "ghost".
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14 | See the [migration section](#migrating) for instructions when switching from `2.x.x`, `3.x.x` or `4.x.x`.
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17 | ## Installation
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19 | ### NPM Installation
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21 | ```sh
22 | npm install react-dnd-multi-backend
23 | ```
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25 | You can then `MultiBackend = require('react-dnd-multi-backend')` or `import MultiBackend from 'react-dnd-multi-backend'`.
26 | To get the `HTML5toTouch` pipeline, just require/import `react-dnd-multi-backend/dist/BUILD_TYPE/HTML5toTouch` (where `BUILD_TYPE` is either `cjs` for CommonJS or `esm` for ES Module).
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28 | ### Browser Installation
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30 | Use the minified UMD build in the `dist` folder: https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/react-dnd-multi-backend?path=dist%2Fumd.
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32 | `react-dnd-multi-backend.min.js` exports a global `window.ReactDnDMultiBackend` when imported as a `<script>` tag.
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34 | If you want to use the `HTML5toTouch` pipeline, also include `HTML5toTouch.min.js`.
35 | It exports a global `window.HTML5toTouch` when imported as a `<script>` tag.
36 | This file also includes the `HTML5` and `Touch` backends, so no need to include them as well.
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39 | ## Usage
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41 | ### Backend
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43 | You can plug this backend in the `DragDropContext` the same way you do for any backend (e.g. `ReactDnDHTML5Backend`), you can see [the docs](https://react-dnd.github.io/react-dnd/docs/backends/html5) for more information.
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45 | You must pass a 'pipeline' to use as argument. This package includes `HTML5toTouch`, but you can write your own.
46 | Note that if you include this file, you will have to add `react-dnd-html5-backend` and `react-dnd-touch-backend` to your `package.json` `dependencies`.
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48 | ```js
49 | import { DndProvider } from 'react-dnd';
50 | import MultiBackend from 'react-dnd-multi-backend';
51 | import HTML5toTouch from 'react-dnd-multi-backend/dist/esm/HTML5toTouch'; // or any other pipeline
52 | ...
53 | const App = () => {
54 | return (
55 | <DndProvider backend={MultiBackend} options={HTML5toTouch}>
56 | <Example />
57 | </DndProvider>
58 | );
59 | };
60 | ```
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62 | ### Create a custom pipeline
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64 | Creating a pipeline is fairly easy. A pipeline is composed of a list of backends, the first one will be the default one, loaded at the start of the **MultiBackend**, the order of the rest isn't important.
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66 | Each backend entry must specify one property: `backend`, containing the class of the Backend to instantiate.
67 | But other options are available:
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69 | - `preview` (a boolean indicating if `Preview` components should be shown)
70 | - `transition` (an object returned by the `createTransition` function)
71 | - `skipDispatchOnTransition` (a boolean indicating transition events should not be dispatched to new backend, defaults to `false`. See [note below](#note-on-skipdispatchontransition) for details and use cases.)
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73 | Here is the `HTML5toTouch` pipeline code as an example:
74 | ```js
75 | ...
76 | import HTML5Backend from 'react-dnd-html5-backend';
77 | import TouchBackend from 'react-dnd-touch-backend';
78 | import MultiBackend, { TouchTransition } from 'react-dnd-multi-backend';
79 | ...
80 | const HTML5toTouch = {
81 | backends: [
82 | {
83 | backend: HTML5Backend
84 | },
85 | {
86 | backend: TouchBackend({enableMouseEvents: true}), // Note that you can call your backends with options
87 | preview: true,
88 | transition: TouchTransition
89 | }
90 | ]
91 | };
92 | ...
93 | const App = () => {
94 | return (
95 | <DndProvider backend={MultiBackend} options={HTML5toTouch}>
96 | <Example />
97 | </DndProvider>
98 | );
99 | };
100 | ```
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102 | `TouchTransition` is a predefined transition that you can use in your own pipelines, it is triggered when a *touchstart* is received. Transitions rea really easy to write, here is an example:
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104 | ```js
105 | import { createTransition } from 'react-dnd-multi-backend';
106 |
107 | const TouchTransition = createTransition('touchstart', (event) => {
108 | return event.touches != null;
109 | });
110 | ```
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112 | You can also import `HTML5DragTransition` which works the same way, but detects when a HTML5 DragEvent is received.
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114 | #### Note on `skipDispatchOnTransition`
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116 | By default, when an event triggers a transition, `dnd-multi-backend` dispatches a cloned version of the event after setting up the new backend. This allows the newly activated backend to handle the original event.
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118 | If your app code or another library has registered event listeners for the same events that are being used for transitions, this duplicate event may cause problems.
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120 | You can optionally disable this behavior per backend:
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122 | ```js
123 | const CustomHTML5toTouch = {
124 | backends: [
125 | {
126 | backend: HTML5Backend,
127 | transition: MouseTransition
128 | // by default, will dispatch a duplicate `mousedown` event when this backend is activated
129 | },
130 | {
131 | backend: TouchBackend,
132 | // Note that you can call your backends with options
133 | options: {enableMouseEvents: true},
134 | preview: true,
135 | transition: TouchTransition,
136 | // will not dispatch a duplicate `touchstart` event when this backend is activated
137 | skipDispatchOnTransition: true
138 | }
139 | ]
140 | };
141 | ```
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143 | **WARNING:** if you enable `skipDispatchOnTransition`, the backend transition will happen as expected, but the new backend may not handle the first event!
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145 | In this example, the first `touchstart` event would trigger the `TouchBackend` to replace the `HTML5Backend`—but the user would have to start a new touch event for the `TouchBackend` to register a drag.
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148 | ### Preview
149 |
150 | The `Preview` class is usable in two different ways: function-based and context-based.
151 | Both of them receive the same data formatted the same way, an object containing 3 properties:
152 |
153 | - `itemType`: the type of the item (`monitor.getItemType()`)
154 | - `item`: the item (`monitor.getItem()`)
155 | - `style`: an object representing the style (used for positioning), it should be passed to the `style` property of your preview component
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157 | Note that this component will only be showed while using a backend flagged with `preview: true` (see [Create a custom pipeline](#create-a-custom-pipeline)) which is the case for the Touch backend in the default `HTML5toTouch` pipeline.
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159 | #### Function-based
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161 | ```js
162 | import MultiBackend, { Preview } from 'react-dnd-multi-backend';
163 | ...
164 | const generatePreview = ({itemType, item, style}) => {
165 | // render your preview
166 | };
167 | ...
168 | <Preview generator={generatePreview} />
169 | // or
170 | <Preview>{generatePreview}</Preview>
171 | ```
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173 | #### Context-based
174 |
175 | ```js
176 | import MultiBackend, { Preview } from 'react-dnd-multi-backend';
177 | ...
178 | const MyPreview = () => {
179 | const {itemType, item, style} = useContext(Preview.Component);
180 | // render your preview
181 | };
182 | ...
183 | <Preview>
184 | <MyPreview />
185 | // or
186 | <Preview.Context.Consumer>
187 | {({itemType, item, style}) => /* render your preview */}
188 | </Preview.Context.Consumer>
189 | </Preview>
190 | ```
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192 | ### Examples
193 |
194 | You can see an example [here](examples/).
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197 | ## Migrating
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199 | ### Migrating from 2.x.x
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201 | In 2.x.x, the pipeline was static but corresponded with the behavior of `HTML5toTouch`, so just [including and passing this pipeline as a parameter](#backend) would give you the same experience as before.
202 |
203 | If you used the `start` option, it's a bit different.
204 | With `start: 0` or `start: Backend.HTML5`, **MultiBackend** simply used the default pipeline, so you can also just pass `HTML5toTouch`.
205 | With `start: 1` or `start: Backend.TOUCH`, **MultiBackend** would only use the TouchBackend, so you can replace **MultiBackend** with **TouchBackend** (however, you would lose the `Preview` component) or create a simple pipeline (see [Create a custom pipeline](#create-a-custom-pipeline)) and pass it as a parameter:
206 | ```js
207 | var TouchOnly = { backends: [{ backend: TouchBackend, preview: true }] };
208 | ```
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210 | ### Migrating from 3.1.2
211 |
212 | Starting with `3.1.8`, the dependencies of `react-dnd-multi-backend` changed. `react`, `react-dom`, `react-dnd` become peer dependencies and you need to install them manually as `dependencies` in your project `package.json`.
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214 | Note that if you use the `HTML5toTouch` pipeline, the same is true for `react-dnd-html5-backend` and `react-dnd-touch-backend`.
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216 | ### Migrating from 3.x.x
217 |
218 | Starting with `4.0.0`, `react-dnd-multi-backend` will start using `react-dnd` (and the corresponding backends) `9.0.0` and later.
219 |
220 | This means you need to transition from `DragDropContext(MultiBackend(HTML5toTouch))(App)` to `<DndProvider backend={MultiBackend} options={HTML5toTouch}>`.
221 | Accordingly, the pipeline syntax changes and you should specify backend options as a separate property, e.g. `{backend: TouchBackend({enableMouseEvents: true})}` becomes `{backend: TouchBackend, options: {enableMouseEvents: true}}`.
222 | Note that if you use the `HTML5toTouch` pipeline, the same is true for `react-dnd-html5-backend` and `react-dnd-touch-backend`.
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224 | ### Migrating from 4.x.x
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226 | Starting with `5.0.0`, `react-dnd-preview` (which provides the `Preview` component) will start passing its arguments packed in one argument, an object `{itemType, item, style}`, instead of 3 different arguments (`itemType`, `item` and `style`). This means that will need to change your generator function to receive arguments correctly.
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229 | ## License
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231 | MIT, Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Louis Brunner
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235 | [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/react-dnd-multi-backend.svg
236 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/react-dnd-multi-backend
237 | [deps-image]: https://david-dm.org/louisbrunner/react-dnd-multi-backend/status.svg
238 | [deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/louisbrunner/react-dnd-multi-backend
239 | [deps-dev-image]: https://david-dm.org/louisbrunner/react-dnd-multi-backend/dev-status.svg
240 | [deps-dev-url]: https://david-dm.org/louisbrunner/react-dnd-multi-backend?type=dev