1 | # react-docgen-typescript
2 |
3 | [](https://github.com/styleguidist/react-docgen-typescript/actions/workflows/nodejs.yml)
4 |
5 | 
6 |
7 | A simple parser for React properties defined in TypeScript instead of propTypes.
8 |
9 | It can be used with [React Styleguidist](https://github.com/styleguidist/react-styleguidist).
10 |
11 | ## Installation
12 |
13 | ```bash
14 | npm install --save-dev react-docgen-typescript
15 | ```
16 |
17 | ## Usage
18 |
19 | To parse a file for docgen information use the `parse` function.
20 |
21 | ```ts
22 | const docgen = require("react-docgen-typescript");
23 |
24 | const options = {
25 | savePropValueAsString: true,
26 | };
27 |
28 | // Parse a file for docgen info
29 | docgen.parse("./path/to/component", options);
30 | ```
31 |
32 | If you want to customize the typescript configuration or docgen options, this package exports a variety of ways to create custom parsers.
33 |
34 | ```ts
35 | const docgen = require("react-docgen-typescript");
36 |
37 | // Create a parser with the default typescript config and custom docgen options
38 | const customParser = docgen.withDefaultConfig(options);
39 |
40 | const docs = customParser.parse("./path/to/component");
41 |
42 | // Create a parser with the custom typescript and custom docgen options
43 | const customCompilerOptionsParser = docgen.withCompilerOptions(
44 | { esModuleInterop: true },
45 | options
46 | );
47 |
48 | // Create a parser with using your typescript config
49 | const tsConfigParser = docgen.withCustomConfig("./tsconfig.json", {
50 | savePropValueAsString: true,
51 | });
52 | ```
53 |
54 | ### React Styleguidist integration
55 |
56 | Include following line in your `styleguide.config.js`:
57 |
58 | ```javascript
59 | module.exports = {
60 | propsParser: require("react-docgen-typescript").withDefaultConfig([
61 | parserOptions,
62 | ]).parse,
63 | };
64 | ```
65 |
66 | or if you want to use custom tsconfig file
67 |
68 | ```javascript
69 | module.exports = {
70 | propsParser: require("react-docgen-typescript").withCustomConfig(
71 | "./tsconfig.json",
72 | [parserOptions]
73 | ).parse,
74 | };
75 | ```
76 |
77 | ## Options
78 |
79 | ### `propFilter`
80 |
81 | The `propFilter` option allows you to omit certain props from documentation generation.
82 |
83 | You can either provide and object with some of our pre-configured filters:
84 |
85 | ```typescript
86 | interface FilterOptions {
87 | skipPropsWithName?: string[] | string;
88 | skipPropsWithoutDoc?: boolean;
89 | }
90 |
91 | const options = {
92 | propFilter: {
93 | skipPropsWithName: ['as', 'id'];
94 | skipPropsWithoutDoc: true;
95 | }
96 | }
97 | ```
98 |
99 | If you do not want to print out all the HTML attributes of a component typed like the following:
100 |
101 | ```typescript
102 | const MyComponent: React.FC<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> = ()...
103 | ```
104 |
105 | you can provide a `propFilter` function and do the filtering logic yourself.
106 |
107 | ```typescript
108 | type PropFilter = (prop: PropItem, component: Component) => boolean;
109 |
110 | const options = {
111 | propFilter: (prop: PropItem, component: Component) => {
112 | if (prop.declarations !== undefined && prop.declarations.length > 0) {
113 | const hasPropAdditionalDescription = prop.declarations.find((declaration) => {
114 | return !declaration.fileName.includes("node_modules");
115 | });
116 |
117 | return Boolean(hasPropAdditionalDescription);
118 | }
119 |
120 | return true;
121 | },
122 | };
123 | ```
124 |
125 | Note: `children` without a doc comment will not be documented.
126 |
127 | ### `componentNameResolver`
128 |
129 | ```typescript
130 | (exp: ts.Symbol, source: ts.SourceFile) => string | undefined | null | false;
131 | ```
132 |
133 | If a string is returned, then the component will use that name. Else it will fallback to the default logic of parser.
134 |
135 | ### `shouldExtractLiteralValuesFromEnum`: boolean
136 |
137 | If set to true, string enums and unions will be converted to docgen enum format. Useful if you use Storybook and want to generate knobs automatically using [addon-smart-knobs](https://github.com/storybookjs/addon-smart-knobs).
138 |
139 | ### `shouldExtractValuesFromUnion`: boolean
140 |
141 | If set to true, every unions will be converted to docgen enum format.
142 |
143 | ### `skipChildrenPropWithoutDoc`: boolean (default: `true`)
144 |
145 | If set to false the docs for the `children` prop will be generated even without an explicit description.
146 |
147 | ### `shouldRemoveUndefinedFromOptional`: boolean
148 |
149 | If set to true, types that are optional will not display " | undefined" in the type.
150 |
151 | ### `savePropValueAsString`: boolean
152 |
153 | If set to true, defaultValue to props will be string.
154 | Example:
155 |
156 | ```javascript
157 | Component.defaultProps = {
158 | counter: 123,
159 | disabled: false,
160 | };
161 | ```
162 |
163 | Will return:
164 |
165 | ```javascript
166 | counter: {
167 | defaultValue: '123',
168 | required: true,
169 | type: 'number'
170 | },
171 | disabled: {
172 | defaultValue: 'false',
173 | required: true,
174 | type: 'boolean'
175 | }
176 | ```
177 |
178 | **Styled components example:**
179 |
180 | ```typescript
181 | componentNameResolver: (exp, source) =>
182 | exp.getName() === "StyledComponentClass" && getDefaultExportForFile(source);
183 | ```
184 |
185 | > The parser exports `getDefaultExportForFile` helper through its public API.
186 |
187 | ## Example
188 |
189 | In the example folder you can see React Styleguidist integration.
190 |
191 | **Warning:** only named exports are supported. If your project uses default exports, you still need to include named exports for `react-docgen-typescript`.
192 |
193 | The component [`Column.tsx`](./examples/react-styleguidist-example/components/Column.tsx)
194 |
195 | ```javascript
196 | import * as React from "react";
197 | import { Component } from "react";
198 |
199 | /**
200 | * Column properties.
201 | */
202 | export interface IColumnProps {
203 | /** prop1 description */
204 | prop1?: string;
205 | /** prop2 description */
206 | prop2: number;
207 | /**
208 | * prop3 description
209 | */
210 | prop3: () => void;
211 | /** prop4 description */
212 | prop4: "option1" | "option2" | "option3";
213 | }
214 |
215 | /**
216 | * Form column.
217 | */
218 | export class Column extends Component<IColumnProps, {}> {
219 | render() {
220 | return <div>Test</div>;
221 | }
222 | }
223 | ```
224 |
225 | Will generate the following stylesheet:
226 |
227 | 
228 |
229 | The functional component [`Grid.tsx`](./examples/react-styleguidist-example/components/Grid.tsx)
230 |
231 | ```javascript
232 | import * as React from "react";
233 |
234 | /**
235 | * Grid properties.
236 | */
237 | export interface IGridProps {
238 | /** prop1 description */
239 | prop1?: string;
240 | /** prop2 description */
241 | prop2: number;
242 | /**
243 | * prop3 description
244 | */
245 | prop3: () => void;
246 | /** Working grid description */
247 | prop4: "option1" | "option2" | "option3";
248 | }
249 |
250 | /**
251 | * Form Grid.
252 | */
253 | export const Grid = (props: IGridProps) => {
254 | const smaller = () => {
255 | return;
256 | };
257 | return <div>Grid</div>;
258 | };
259 | ```
260 |
261 | Will generate the following stylesheet:
262 |
263 | 
264 |
265 | ## Contributions
266 |
267 | The typescript is pretty complex and there are many different ways how
268 | to define components and their props so it's realy hard to support all
269 | these use cases. That means only one thing, contributions are highly
270 | welcome. Just keep in mind that each PR should also include tests for
271 | the part it's fixing.
272 |
273 | Thanks to all contributors without their help there wouldn't be a single
274 | bug fixed or feature implemented. Check the [**contributors**](https://github.com/styleguidist/react-docgen-typescript/graphs/contributors) tab to find out
275 | more. All those people supported this project. **THANK YOU!**
276 |
277 | ## Thanks to others
278 |
279 | The integration with React Styleguidist wouldn't be possible without [Vyacheslav Slinko](https://github.com/vslinko) pull request [#118](https://github.com/styleguidist/react-styleguidist/pull/118) at React Styleguidist.