2.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/*jshint newcap: false */
2/*global global, describe, it, afterEach, before, after */
3'use strict';
4var expect = require('expect.js'),
5 React = require('react'),
6 DocumentTitle = require('../');
8describe('DocumentTitle (in a browser)', function () {
9 afterEach(function () {
10 React.unmountComponentAtNode(global.document.body);
11 delete global.document.title;
12 });
13 before(function () {
14 // Prepare the globals React expects in a browser
15 global.window = require('global/window');
16 global.document = require('global/document');
17 global.window.document = document;
18 global.window.location = {};
19 global.window.navigator = {userAgent: 'Chrome'};
20 console.debug = console.log;
21 });
22 after(function () {
23 delete global.window;
24 delete global.document;
25 delete console.debug;
26 });
27 it('changes the document title on mount', function (done) {
28 var title = 'hello world';
29 var Component = React.createClass({
30 componentDidMount: function () {
31 expect(global.document.title).to.equal(title);
32 done();
33 },
34 render: function () {
35 return React.createElement(DocumentTitle, {title: title});
36 }
37 });
38 React.render(React.createElement(Component), global.document.body);
39 });
40 it('supports nesting', function (done) {
41 var called = false;
42 var title = 'hello world';
43 var Component1 = React.createClass({
44 componentDidMount: function () {
45 setTimeout(function () {
46 expect(called).to.be(true);
47 expect(global.document.title).to.equal(title);
48 done();
49 });
50 },
51 render: function () {
52 return React.createElement(DocumentTitle, {title: title});
53 }
54 });
55 var Component2 = React.createClass({
56 componentDidMount: function () {
57 called = true;
58 },
59 render: function () {
60 return React.createElement(DocumentTitle, {title: 'nope'},
61 React.DOM.div(null, React.createElement(Component1))
62 );
63 }
64 });
65 React.render(React.createElement(Component2), global.document.body);
66 });