525 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license React
3 * react-dom-profiling.profiling.js
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
6 *
7 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
9 */
12 Modernizr 3.0.0pre (Custom Build) | MIT
14"use strict";
15"undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ &&
16 "function" ===
17 typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart &&
18 __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStart(Error());
19var Scheduler = require("scheduler"),
20 React = require("react"),
21 ReactDOM = require("react-dom");
22function formatProdErrorMessage(code) {
23 var url = "https://react.dev/errors/" + code;
24 if (1 < arguments.length) {
25 url += "?args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[1]);
26 for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
27 url += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[i]);
28 }
29 return (
30 "Minified React error #" +
31 code +
32 "; visit " +
33 url +
34 " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."
35 );
37function isValidContainer(node) {
38 return !(
39 !node ||
40 (1 !== node.nodeType && 9 !== node.nodeType && 11 !== node.nodeType)
41 );
43var REACT_LEGACY_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.element"),
44 REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.transitional.element"),
45 REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.portal"),
46 REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.fragment"),
47 REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),
48 REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.profiler"),
49 REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.provider"),
50 REACT_CONSUMER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.consumer"),
51 REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.context"),
52 REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),
53 REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense"),
54 REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"),
55 REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.memo"),
56 REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.lazy");
59var REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.offscreen");
62var MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator;
63function getIteratorFn(maybeIterable) {
64 if (null === maybeIterable || "object" !== typeof maybeIterable) return null;
65 maybeIterable =
67 maybeIterable["@@iterator"];
68 return "function" === typeof maybeIterable ? maybeIterable : null;
71function getNearestMountedFiber(fiber) {
72 var node = fiber,
73 nearestMounted = fiber;
74 if (fiber.alternate) for (; node.return; ) node = node.return;
75 else {
76 fiber = node;
77 do
78 (node = fiber),
79 0 !== (node.flags & 4098) && (nearestMounted = node.return),
80 (fiber = node.return);
81 while (fiber);
82 }
83 return 3 === node.tag ? nearestMounted : null;
85function getSuspenseInstanceFromFiber(fiber) {
86 if (13 === fiber.tag) {
87 var suspenseState = fiber.memoizedState;
88 null === suspenseState &&
89 ((fiber = fiber.alternate),
90 null !== fiber && (suspenseState = fiber.memoizedState));
91 if (null !== suspenseState) return suspenseState.dehydrated;
92 }
93 return null;
95function assertIsMounted(fiber) {
96 if (getNearestMountedFiber(fiber) !== fiber)
97 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(188));
99function findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(fiber) {
100 var alternate = fiber.alternate;
101 if (!alternate) {
102 alternate = getNearestMountedFiber(fiber);
103 if (null === alternate) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(188));
104 return alternate !== fiber ? null : fiber;
105 }
106 for (var a = fiber, b = alternate; ; ) {
107 var parentA = a.return;
108 if (null === parentA) break;
109 var parentB = parentA.alternate;
110 if (null === parentB) {
111 b = parentA.return;
112 if (null !== b) {
113 a = b;
114 continue;
115 }
116 break;
117 }
118 if (parentA.child === parentB.child) {
119 for (parentB = parentA.child; parentB; ) {
120 if (parentB === a) return assertIsMounted(parentA), fiber;
121 if (parentB === b) return assertIsMounted(parentA), alternate;
122 parentB = parentB.sibling;
123 }
124 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(188));
125 }
126 if (a.return !== b.return) (a = parentA), (b = parentB);
127 else {
128 for (var didFindChild = !1, child$0 = parentA.child; child$0; ) {
129 if (child$0 === a) {
130 didFindChild = !0;
131 a = parentA;
132 b = parentB;
133 break;
134 }
135 if (child$0 === b) {
136 didFindChild = !0;
137 b = parentA;
138 a = parentB;
139 break;
140 }
141 child$0 = child$0.sibling;
142 }
143 if (!didFindChild) {
144 for (child$0 = parentB.child; child$0; ) {
145 if (child$0 === a) {
146 didFindChild = !0;
147 a = parentB;
148 b = parentA;
149 break;
150 }
151 if (child$0 === b) {
152 didFindChild = !0;
153 b = parentB;
154 a = parentA;
155 break;
156 }
157 child$0 = child$0.sibling;
158 }
159 if (!didFindChild) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(189));
160 }
161 }
162 if (a.alternate !== b) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(190));
163 }
164 if (3 !== a.tag) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(188));
165 return a.stateNode.current === a ? fiber : alternate;
167function findCurrentHostFiber(parent) {
168 parent = findCurrentFiberUsingSlowPath(parent);
169 return null !== parent ? findCurrentHostFiberImpl(parent) : null;
171function findCurrentHostFiberImpl(node) {
172 var tag = node.tag;
173 if (5 === tag || 26 === tag || 27 === tag || 6 === tag) return node;
174 for (node = node.child; null !== node; ) {
175 tag = findCurrentHostFiberImpl(node);
176 if (null !== tag) return tag;
177 node = node.sibling;
178 }
179 return null;
181var assign = Object.assign,
182 isArrayImpl = Array.isArray,
183 ReactSharedInternals =
185 ReactDOMSharedInternals =
187 sharedNotPendingObject = {
188 pending: !1,
189 data: null,
190 method: null,
191 action: null
192 },
193 valueStack = [],
194 index = -1;
195function createCursor(defaultValue) {
196 return { current: defaultValue };
198function pop(cursor) {
199 0 > index ||
200 ((cursor.current = valueStack[index]), (valueStack[index] = null), index--);
202function push(cursor, value) {
203 index++;
204 valueStack[index] = cursor.current;
205 cursor.current = value;
207var contextStackCursor = createCursor(null),
208 contextFiberStackCursor = createCursor(null),
209 rootInstanceStackCursor = createCursor(null),
210 hostTransitionProviderCursor = createCursor(null),
211 HostTransitionContext = {
212 $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE,
213 Provider: null,
214 Consumer: null,
215 _currentValue: null,
216 _currentValue2: null,
217 _threadCount: 0
218 };
219function pushHostContainer(fiber, nextRootInstance) {
220 push(rootInstanceStackCursor, nextRootInstance);
221 push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber);
222 push(contextStackCursor, null);
223 fiber = nextRootInstance.nodeType;
224 switch (fiber) {
225 case 9:
226 case 11:
227 nextRootInstance = (nextRootInstance = nextRootInstance.documentElement)
228 ? (nextRootInstance = nextRootInstance.namespaceURI)
229 ? getOwnHostContext(nextRootInstance)
230 : 0
231 : 0;
232 break;
233 default:
234 if (
235 ((fiber = 8 === fiber ? nextRootInstance.parentNode : nextRootInstance),
236 (nextRootInstance = fiber.tagName),
237 (fiber = fiber.namespaceURI))
238 )
239 (fiber = getOwnHostContext(fiber)),
240 (nextRootInstance = getChildHostContextProd(fiber, nextRootInstance));
241 else
242 switch (nextRootInstance) {
243 case "svg":
244 nextRootInstance = 1;
245 break;
246 case "math":
247 nextRootInstance = 2;
248 break;
249 default:
250 nextRootInstance = 0;
251 }
252 }
253 pop(contextStackCursor);
254 push(contextStackCursor, nextRootInstance);
256function popHostContainer() {
257 pop(contextStackCursor);
258 pop(contextFiberStackCursor);
259 pop(rootInstanceStackCursor);
261function pushHostContext(fiber) {
262 null !== fiber.memoizedState && push(hostTransitionProviderCursor, fiber);
263 var context = contextStackCursor.current;
264 var JSCompiler_inline_result = getChildHostContextProd(context, fiber.type);
265 context !== JSCompiler_inline_result &&
266 (push(contextFiberStackCursor, fiber),
267 push(contextStackCursor, JSCompiler_inline_result));
269function popHostContext(fiber) {
270 contextFiberStackCursor.current === fiber &&
271 (pop(contextStackCursor), pop(contextFiberStackCursor));
272 hostTransitionProviderCursor.current === fiber &&
273 (pop(hostTransitionProviderCursor),
274 (HostTransitionContext._currentValue = null));
276var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
277 scheduleCallback$3 = Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback,
278 cancelCallback$1 = Scheduler.unstable_cancelCallback,
279 shouldYield = Scheduler.unstable_shouldYield,
280 requestPaint = Scheduler.unstable_requestPaint,
281 now$1 = Scheduler.unstable_now,
282 getCurrentPriorityLevel = Scheduler.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel,
283 ImmediatePriority = Scheduler.unstable_ImmediatePriority,
284 UserBlockingPriority = Scheduler.unstable_UserBlockingPriority,
285 NormalPriority$1 = Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority,
286 LowPriority = Scheduler.unstable_LowPriority,
287 IdlePriority = Scheduler.unstable_IdlePriority,
288 log$1 = Scheduler.log,
289 unstable_setDisableYieldValue = Scheduler.unstable_setDisableYieldValue,
290 rendererID = null,
291 injectedHook = null,
292 injectedProfilingHooks = null,
293 isDevToolsPresent = "undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
294function onCommitRoot(root, eventPriority) {
295 if (injectedHook && "function" === typeof injectedHook.onCommitFiberRoot)
296 try {
297 var didError = 128 === (root.current.flags & 128);
298 switch (eventPriority) {
299 case 2:
300 var schedulerPriority = ImmediatePriority;
301 break;
302 case 8:
303 schedulerPriority = UserBlockingPriority;
304 break;
305 case 32:
306 schedulerPriority = NormalPriority$1;
307 break;
308 case 268435456:
309 schedulerPriority = IdlePriority;
310 break;
311 default:
312 schedulerPriority = NormalPriority$1;
313 }
314 injectedHook.onCommitFiberRoot(
315 rendererID,
316 root,
317 schedulerPriority,
318 didError
319 );
320 } catch (err) {}
322function setIsStrictModeForDevtools(newIsStrictMode) {
323 "function" === typeof log$1 && unstable_setDisableYieldValue(newIsStrictMode);
324 if (injectedHook && "function" === typeof injectedHook.setStrictMode)
325 try {
326 injectedHook.setStrictMode(rendererID, newIsStrictMode);
327 } catch (err) {}
329function injectProfilingHooks(profilingHooks) {
330 injectedProfilingHooks = profilingHooks;
332function getLaneLabelMap() {
333 for (var map = new Map(), lane = 1, index$1 = 0; 31 > index$1; index$1++) {
334 var label = getLabelForLane(lane);
335 map.set(lane, label);
336 lane *= 2;
337 }
338 return map;
340function markCommitStopped() {
341 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
342 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStopped &&
343 injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStopped();
345function markComponentRenderStarted(fiber) {
346 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
347 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStarted &&
348 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStarted(fiber);
350function markComponentRenderStopped() {
351 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
352 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStopped &&
353 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentRenderStopped();
355function markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(fiber) {
356 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
357 "function" ===
358 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted &&
359 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(fiber);
361function markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped() {
362 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
363 "function" ===
364 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped &&
365 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped();
367function markRenderStarted(lanes) {
368 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
369 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStarted &&
370 injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStarted(lanes);
372function markRenderStopped() {
373 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
374 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStopped &&
375 injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderStopped();
377function markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane) {
378 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
379 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markStateUpdateScheduled &&
380 injectedProfilingHooks.markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);
382var clz32 = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : clz32Fallback,
383 log = Math.log,
384 LN2 = Math.LN2;
385function clz32Fallback(x) {
386 x >>>= 0;
387 return 0 === x ? 32 : (31 - ((log(x) / LN2) | 0)) | 0;
389function getLabelForLane(lane) {
390 if (lane & 1) return "SyncHydrationLane";
391 if (lane & 2) return "Sync";
392 if (lane & 4) return "InputContinuousHydration";
393 if (lane & 8) return "InputContinuous";
394 if (lane & 16) return "DefaultHydration";
395 if (lane & 32) return "Default";
396 if (lane & 64) return "TransitionHydration";
397 if (lane & 4194176) return "Transition";
398 if (lane & 62914560) return "Retry";
399 if (lane & 67108864) return "SelectiveHydration";
400 if (lane & 134217728) return "IdleHydration";
401 if (lane & 268435456) return "Idle";
402 if (lane & 536870912) return "Offscreen";
403 if (lane & 1073741824) return "Deferred";
405var nextTransitionLane = 128,
406 nextRetryLane = 4194304;
407function getHighestPriorityLanes(lanes) {
408 var pendingSyncLanes = lanes & 42;
409 if (0 !== pendingSyncLanes) return pendingSyncLanes;
410 switch (lanes & -lanes) {
411 case 1:
412 return 1;
413 case 2:
414 return 2;
415 case 4:
416 return 4;
417 case 8:
418 return 8;
419 case 16:
420 return 16;
421 case 32:
422 return 32;
423 case 64:
424 return 64;
425 case 128:
426 case 256:
427 case 512:
428 case 1024:
429 case 2048:
430 case 4096:
431 case 8192:
432 case 16384:
433 case 32768:
434 case 65536:
435 case 131072:
436 case 262144:
437 case 524288:
438 case 1048576:
439 case 2097152:
440 return lanes & 4194176;
441 case 4194304:
442 case 8388608:
443 case 16777216:
444 case 33554432:
445 return lanes & 62914560;
446 case 67108864:
447 return 67108864;
448 case 134217728:
449 return 134217728;
450 case 268435456:
451 return 268435456;
452 case 536870912:
453 return 536870912;
454 case 1073741824:
455 return 0;
456 default:
457 return lanes;
458 }
460function getNextLanes(root, wipLanes) {
461 var pendingLanes = root.pendingLanes;
462 if (0 === pendingLanes) return 0;
463 var nextLanes = 0,
464 suspendedLanes = root.suspendedLanes;
465 root = root.pingedLanes;
466 var nonIdlePendingLanes = pendingLanes & 134217727;
467 0 !== nonIdlePendingLanes
468 ? ((pendingLanes = nonIdlePendingLanes & ~suspendedLanes),
469 0 !== pendingLanes
470 ? (nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(pendingLanes))
471 : ((root &= nonIdlePendingLanes),
472 0 !== root && (nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(root))))
473 : ((pendingLanes &= ~suspendedLanes),
474 0 !== pendingLanes
475 ? (nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(pendingLanes))
476 : 0 !== root && (nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(root)));
477 return 0 === nextLanes
478 ? 0
479 : 0 !== wipLanes &&
480 wipLanes !== nextLanes &&
481 0 === (wipLanes & suspendedLanes) &&
482 ((suspendedLanes = nextLanes & -nextLanes),
483 (root = wipLanes & -wipLanes),
484 suspendedLanes >= root ||
485 (32 === suspendedLanes && 0 !== (root & 4194176)))
486 ? wipLanes
487 : nextLanes;
489function computeExpirationTime(lane, currentTime) {
490 switch (lane) {
491 case 1:
492 case 2:
493 case 4:
494 case 8:
495 return currentTime + 250;
496 case 16:
497 case 32:
498 case 64:
499 case 128:
500 case 256:
501 case 512:
502 case 1024:
503 case 2048:
504 case 4096:
505 case 8192:
506 case 16384:
507 case 32768:
508 case 65536:
509 case 131072:
510 case 262144:
511 case 524288:
512 case 1048576:
513 case 2097152:
514 return currentTime + 5e3;
515 case 4194304:
516 case 8388608:
517 case 16777216:
518 case 33554432:
519 return -1;
520 case 67108864:
521 case 134217728:
522 case 268435456:
523 case 536870912:
524 case 1073741824:
525 return -1;
526 default:
527 return -1;
528 }
530function getLanesToRetrySynchronouslyOnError(root, originallyAttemptedLanes) {
531 if (root.errorRecoveryDisabledLanes & originallyAttemptedLanes) return 0;
532 root = root.pendingLanes & -536870913;
533 return 0 !== root ? root : root & 536870912 ? 536870912 : 0;
535function claimNextTransitionLane() {
536 var lane = nextTransitionLane;
537 nextTransitionLane <<= 1;
538 0 === (nextTransitionLane & 4194176) && (nextTransitionLane = 128);
539 return lane;
541function claimNextRetryLane() {
542 var lane = nextRetryLane;
543 nextRetryLane <<= 1;
544 0 === (nextRetryLane & 62914560) && (nextRetryLane = 4194304);
545 return lane;
547function createLaneMap(initial) {
548 for (var laneMap = [], i = 0; 31 > i; i++) laneMap.push(initial);
549 return laneMap;
551function markRootFinished(root, remainingLanes, spawnedLane) {
552 var noLongerPendingLanes = root.pendingLanes & ~remainingLanes;
553 root.pendingLanes = remainingLanes;
554 root.suspendedLanes = 0;
555 root.pingedLanes = 0;
556 root.expiredLanes &= remainingLanes;
557 root.entangledLanes &= remainingLanes;
558 root.errorRecoveryDisabledLanes &= remainingLanes;
559 root.shellSuspendCounter = 0;
560 remainingLanes = root.entanglements;
561 for (
562 var expirationTimes = root.expirationTimes,
563 hiddenUpdates = root.hiddenUpdates;
564 0 < noLongerPendingLanes;
566 ) {
567 var index$5 = 31 - clz32(noLongerPendingLanes),
568 lane = 1 << index$5;
569 remainingLanes[index$5] = 0;
570 expirationTimes[index$5] = -1;
571 var hiddenUpdatesForLane = hiddenUpdates[index$5];
572 if (null !== hiddenUpdatesForLane)
573 for (
574 hiddenUpdates[index$5] = null, index$5 = 0;
575 index$5 < hiddenUpdatesForLane.length;
576 index$5++
577 ) {
578 var update = hiddenUpdatesForLane[index$5];
579 null !== update && (update.lane &= -536870913);
580 }
581 noLongerPendingLanes &= ~lane;
582 }
583 0 !== spawnedLane && markSpawnedDeferredLane(root, spawnedLane, 0);
585function markSpawnedDeferredLane(root, spawnedLane, entangledLanes) {
586 root.pendingLanes |= spawnedLane;
587 root.suspendedLanes &= ~spawnedLane;
588 var spawnedLaneIndex = 31 - clz32(spawnedLane);
589 root.entangledLanes |= spawnedLane;
590 root.entanglements[spawnedLaneIndex] =
591 root.entanglements[spawnedLaneIndex] |
592 1073741824 |
593 (entangledLanes & 4194218);
595function markRootEntangled(root, entangledLanes) {
596 var rootEntangledLanes = (root.entangledLanes |= entangledLanes);
597 for (root = root.entanglements; rootEntangledLanes; ) {
598 var index$6 = 31 - clz32(rootEntangledLanes),
599 lane = 1 << index$6;
600 (lane & entangledLanes) | (root[index$6] & entangledLanes) &&
601 (root[index$6] |= entangledLanes);
602 rootEntangledLanes &= ~lane;
603 }
605function addFiberToLanesMap(root, fiber, lanes) {
606 if (isDevToolsPresent)
607 for (root = root.pendingUpdatersLaneMap; 0 < lanes; ) {
608 var index$8 = 31 - clz32(lanes),
609 lane = 1 << index$8;
610 root[index$8].add(fiber);
611 lanes &= ~lane;
612 }
614function movePendingFibersToMemoized(root, lanes) {
615 if (isDevToolsPresent)
616 for (
617 var pendingUpdatersLaneMap = root.pendingUpdatersLaneMap,
618 memoizedUpdaters = root.memoizedUpdaters;
619 0 < lanes;
621 ) {
622 var index$9 = 31 - clz32(lanes);
623 root = 1 << index$9;
624 index$9 = pendingUpdatersLaneMap[index$9];
625 0 < index$9.size &&
626 (index$9.forEach(function (fiber) {
627 var alternate = fiber.alternate;
628 (null !== alternate && memoizedUpdaters.has(alternate)) ||
629 memoizedUpdaters.add(fiber);
630 }),
631 index$9.clear());
632 lanes &= ~root;
633 }
635function lanesToEventPriority(lanes) {
636 lanes &= -lanes;
637 return 2 < lanes
638 ? 8 < lanes
639 ? 0 !== (lanes & 134217727)
640 ? 32
641 : 268435456
642 : 8
643 : 2;
645function resolveUpdatePriority() {
646 var updatePriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
647 if (0 !== updatePriority) return updatePriority;
648 updatePriority = window.event;
649 return void 0 === updatePriority ? 32 : getEventPriority(updatePriority.type);
651function runWithPriority(priority, fn) {
652 var previousPriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
653 try {
654 return (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = priority), fn();
655 } finally {
656 ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = previousPriority;
657 }
659var randomKey = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),
660 internalInstanceKey = "__reactFiber$" + randomKey,
661 internalPropsKey = "__reactProps$" + randomKey,
662 internalContainerInstanceKey = "__reactContainer$" + randomKey,
663 internalEventHandlersKey = "__reactEvents$" + randomKey,
664 internalEventHandlerListenersKey = "__reactListeners$" + randomKey,
665 internalEventHandlesSetKey = "__reactHandles$" + randomKey,
666 internalRootNodeResourcesKey = "__reactResources$" + randomKey,
667 internalHoistableMarker = "__reactMarker$" + randomKey;
668function detachDeletedInstance(node) {
669 delete node[internalInstanceKey];
670 delete node[internalPropsKey];
671 delete node[internalEventHandlersKey];
672 delete node[internalEventHandlerListenersKey];
673 delete node[internalEventHandlesSetKey];
675function getClosestInstanceFromNode(targetNode) {
676 var targetInst = targetNode[internalInstanceKey];
677 if (targetInst) return targetInst;
678 for (var parentNode = targetNode.parentNode; parentNode; ) {
679 if (
680 (targetInst =
681 parentNode[internalContainerInstanceKey] ||
682 parentNode[internalInstanceKey])
683 ) {
684 parentNode = targetInst.alternate;
685 if (
686 null !== targetInst.child ||
687 (null !== parentNode && null !== parentNode.child)
688 )
689 for (
690 targetNode = getParentSuspenseInstance(targetNode);
691 null !== targetNode;
693 ) {
694 if ((parentNode = targetNode[internalInstanceKey])) return parentNode;
695 targetNode = getParentSuspenseInstance(targetNode);
696 }
697 return targetInst;
698 }
699 targetNode = parentNode;
700 parentNode = targetNode.parentNode;
701 }
702 return null;
704function getInstanceFromNode(node) {
705 if (
706 (node = node[internalInstanceKey] || node[internalContainerInstanceKey])
707 ) {
708 var tag = node.tag;
709 if (
710 5 === tag ||
711 6 === tag ||
712 13 === tag ||
713 26 === tag ||
714 27 === tag ||
715 3 === tag
716 )
717 return node;
718 }
719 return null;
721function getNodeFromInstance(inst) {
722 var tag = inst.tag;
723 if (5 === tag || 26 === tag || 27 === tag || 6 === tag) return inst.stateNode;
724 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(33));
726function getResourcesFromRoot(root) {
727 var resources = root[internalRootNodeResourcesKey];
728 resources ||
729 (resources = root[internalRootNodeResourcesKey] =
730 { hoistableStyles: new Map(), hoistableScripts: new Map() });
731 return resources;
733function markNodeAsHoistable(node) {
734 node[internalHoistableMarker] = !0;
736var allNativeEvents = new Set(),
737 registrationNameDependencies = {};
738function registerTwoPhaseEvent(registrationName, dependencies) {
739 registerDirectEvent(registrationName, dependencies);
740 registerDirectEvent(registrationName + "Capture", dependencies);
742function registerDirectEvent(registrationName, dependencies) {
743 registrationNameDependencies[registrationName] = dependencies;
744 for (
745 registrationName = 0;
746 registrationName < dependencies.length;
747 registrationName++
748 )
749 allNativeEvents.add(dependencies[registrationName]);
751var canUseDOM = !(
752 "undefined" === typeof window ||
753 "undefined" === typeof window.document ||
754 "undefined" === typeof window.document.createElement
755 ),
757 "^[:A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD\\-.0-9\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040]*$"
758 ),
759 illegalAttributeNameCache = {},
760 validatedAttributeNameCache = {};
761function isAttributeNameSafe(attributeName) {
762 if (hasOwnProperty.call(validatedAttributeNameCache, attributeName))
763 return !0;
764 if (hasOwnProperty.call(illegalAttributeNameCache, attributeName)) return !1;
765 if (VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX.test(attributeName))
766 return (validatedAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = !0);
767 illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = !0;
768 return !1;
770function setValueForAttribute(node, name, value) {
771 if (isAttributeNameSafe(name))
772 if (null === value) node.removeAttribute(name);
773 else {
774 switch (typeof value) {
775 case "undefined":
776 case "function":
777 case "symbol":
778 node.removeAttribute(name);
779 return;
780 case "boolean":
781 var prefix$10 = name.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5);
782 if ("data-" !== prefix$10 && "aria-" !== prefix$10) {
783 node.removeAttribute(name);
784 return;
785 }
786 }
787 node.setAttribute(name, "" + value);
788 }
790function setValueForKnownAttribute(node, name, value) {
791 if (null === value) node.removeAttribute(name);
792 else {
793 switch (typeof value) {
794 case "undefined":
795 case "function":
796 case "symbol":
797 case "boolean":
798 node.removeAttribute(name);
799 return;
800 }
801 node.setAttribute(name, "" + value);
802 }
804function setValueForNamespacedAttribute(node, namespace, name, value) {
805 if (null === value) node.removeAttribute(name);
806 else {
807 switch (typeof value) {
808 case "undefined":
809 case "function":
810 case "symbol":
811 case "boolean":
812 node.removeAttribute(name);
813 return;
814 }
815 node.setAttributeNS(namespace, name, "" + value);
816 }
818var prefix;
819function describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) {
820 if (void 0 === prefix)
821 try {
822 throw Error();
823 } catch (x) {
824 var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/);
825 prefix = (match && match[1]) || "";
826 }
827 return "\n" + prefix + name;
829var reentry = !1;
830function describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {
831 if (!fn || reentry) return "";
832 reentry = !0;
833 var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
834 Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0;
835 var RunInRootFrame = {
836 DetermineComponentFrameRoot: function () {
837 try {
838 if (construct) {
839 var Fake = function () {
840 throw Error();
841 };
842 Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, "props", {
843 set: function () {
844 throw Error();
845 }
846 });
847 if ("object" === typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) {
848 try {
849 Reflect.construct(Fake, []);
850 } catch (x) {
851 var control = x;
852 }
853 Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);
854 } else {
855 try {
856 Fake.call();
857 } catch (x$11) {
858 control = x$11;
859 }
860 fn.call(Fake.prototype);
861 }
862 } else {
863 try {
864 throw Error();
865 } catch (x$12) {
866 control = x$12;
867 }
868 (Fake = fn()) &&
869 "function" === typeof Fake.catch &&
870 Fake.catch(function () {});
871 }
872 } catch (sample) {
873 if (sample && control && "string" === typeof sample.stack)
874 return [sample.stack, control.stack];
875 }
876 return [null, null];
877 }
878 };
879 RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot.displayName =
880 "DetermineComponentFrameRoot";
881 var namePropDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
882 RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot,
883 "name"
884 );
885 namePropDescriptor &&
886 namePropDescriptor.configurable &&
887 Object.defineProperty(RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot, "name", {
888 value: "DetermineComponentFrameRoot"
889 });
890 try {
891 var _RunInRootFrame$Deter = RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot(),
892 sampleStack = _RunInRootFrame$Deter[0],
893 controlStack = _RunInRootFrame$Deter[1];
894 if (sampleStack && controlStack) {
895 var sampleLines = sampleStack.split("\n"),
896 controlLines = controlStack.split("\n");
897 for (
898 namePropDescriptor = RunInRootFrame = 0;
899 RunInRootFrame < sampleLines.length &&
900 !sampleLines[RunInRootFrame].includes("DetermineComponentFrameRoot");
902 )
903 RunInRootFrame++;
904 for (
905 ;
906 namePropDescriptor < controlLines.length &&
907 !controlLines[namePropDescriptor].includes(
908 "DetermineComponentFrameRoot"
909 );
911 )
912 namePropDescriptor++;
913 if (
914 RunInRootFrame === sampleLines.length ||
915 namePropDescriptor === controlLines.length
916 )
917 for (
918 RunInRootFrame = sampleLines.length - 1,
919 namePropDescriptor = controlLines.length - 1;
920 1 <= RunInRootFrame &&
921 0 <= namePropDescriptor &&
922 sampleLines[RunInRootFrame] !== controlLines[namePropDescriptor];
924 )
925 namePropDescriptor--;
926 for (
927 ;
928 1 <= RunInRootFrame && 0 <= namePropDescriptor;
929 RunInRootFrame--, namePropDescriptor--
930 )
931 if (sampleLines[RunInRootFrame] !== controlLines[namePropDescriptor]) {
932 if (1 !== RunInRootFrame || 1 !== namePropDescriptor) {
933 do
934 if (
935 (RunInRootFrame--,
936 namePropDescriptor--,
937 0 > namePropDescriptor ||
938 sampleLines[RunInRootFrame] !==
939 controlLines[namePropDescriptor])
940 ) {
941 var frame =
942 "\n" +
943 sampleLines[RunInRootFrame].replace(" at new ", " at ");
944 fn.displayName &&
945 frame.includes("<anonymous>") &&
946 (frame = frame.replace("<anonymous>", fn.displayName));
947 return frame;
948 }
949 while (1 <= RunInRootFrame && 0 <= namePropDescriptor);
950 }
951 break;
952 }
953 }
954 } finally {
955 (reentry = !1), (Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace);
956 }
957 return (previousPrepareStackTrace = fn ? fn.displayName || fn.name : "")
958 ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(previousPrepareStackTrace)
959 : "";
961function describeFiber(fiber) {
962 switch (fiber.tag) {
963 case 26:
964 case 27:
965 case 5:
966 return describeBuiltInComponentFrame(fiber.type);
967 case 16:
968 return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("Lazy");
969 case 13:
970 return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("Suspense");
971 case 19:
972 return describeBuiltInComponentFrame("SuspenseList");
973 case 0:
974 case 15:
975 return (fiber = describeNativeComponentFrame(fiber.type, !1)), fiber;
976 case 11:
977 return (
978 (fiber = describeNativeComponentFrame(fiber.type.render, !1)), fiber
979 );
980 case 1:
981 return (fiber = describeNativeComponentFrame(fiber.type, !0)), fiber;
982 default:
983 return "";
984 }
986function getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(workInProgress) {
987 try {
988 var info = "";
989 do
990 (info += describeFiber(workInProgress)),
991 (workInProgress = workInProgress.return);
992 while (workInProgress);
993 return info;
994 } catch (x) {
995 return "\nError generating stack: " + x.message + "\n" + x.stack;
996 }
998function getToStringValue(value) {
999 switch (typeof value) {
1000 case "bigint":
1001 case "boolean":
1002 case "number":
1003 case "string":
1004 case "undefined":
1005 return value;
1006 case "object":
1007 return value;
1008 default:
1009 return "";
1010 }
1012function isCheckable(elem) {
1013 var type = elem.type;
1014 return (
1015 (elem = elem.nodeName) &&
1016 "input" === elem.toLowerCase() &&
1017 ("checkbox" === type || "radio" === type)
1018 );
1020function trackValueOnNode(node) {
1021 var valueField = isCheckable(node) ? "checked" : "value",
1022 descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
1023 node.constructor.prototype,
1024 valueField
1025 ),
1026 currentValue = "" + node[valueField];
1027 if (
1028 !node.hasOwnProperty(valueField) &&
1029 "undefined" !== typeof descriptor &&
1030 "function" === typeof descriptor.get &&
1031 "function" === typeof descriptor.set
1032 ) {
1033 var get = descriptor.get,
1034 set = descriptor.set;
1035 Object.defineProperty(node, valueField, {
1036 configurable: !0,
1037 get: function () {
1038 return get.call(this);
1039 },
1040 set: function (value) {
1041 currentValue = "" + value;
1042 set.call(this, value);
1043 }
1044 });
1045 Object.defineProperty(node, valueField, {
1046 enumerable: descriptor.enumerable
1047 });
1048 return {
1049 getValue: function () {
1050 return currentValue;
1051 },
1052 setValue: function (value) {
1053 currentValue = "" + value;
1054 },
1055 stopTracking: function () {
1056 node._valueTracker = null;
1057 delete node[valueField];
1058 }
1059 };
1060 }
1062function track(node) {
1063 node._valueTracker || (node._valueTracker = trackValueOnNode(node));
1065function updateValueIfChanged(node) {
1066 if (!node) return !1;
1067 var tracker = node._valueTracker;
1068 if (!tracker) return !0;
1069 var lastValue = tracker.getValue();
1070 var value = "";
1071 node &&
1072 (value = isCheckable(node)
1073 ? node.checked
1074 ? "true"
1075 : "false"
1076 : node.value);
1077 node = value;
1078 return node !== lastValue ? (tracker.setValue(node), !0) : !1;
1080function getActiveElement(doc) {
1081 doc = doc || ("undefined" !== typeof document ? document : void 0);
1082 if ("undefined" === typeof doc) return null;
1083 try {
1084 return doc.activeElement || doc.body;
1085 } catch (e) {
1086 return doc.body;
1087 }
1089var escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotesRegex = /[\n"\\]/g;
1090function escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(value) {
1091 return value.replace(
1092 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotesRegex,
1093 function (ch) {
1094 return "\\" + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + " ";
1095 }
1096 );
1098function updateInput(
1099 element,
1100 value,
1101 defaultValue,
1102 lastDefaultValue,
1103 checked,
1104 defaultChecked,
1105 type,
1106 name
1107) {
1108 element.name = "";
1109 null != type &&
1110 "function" !== typeof type &&
1111 "symbol" !== typeof type &&
1112 "boolean" !== typeof type
1113 ? (element.type = type)
1114 : element.removeAttribute("type");
1115 if (null != value)
1116 if ("number" === type) {
1117 if ((0 === value && "" === element.value) || element.value != value)
1118 element.value = "" + getToStringValue(value);
1119 } else
1120 element.value !== "" + getToStringValue(value) &&
1121 (element.value = "" + getToStringValue(value));
1122 else
1123 ("submit" !== type && "reset" !== type) || element.removeAttribute("value");
1124 null != value
1125 ? setDefaultValue(element, type, getToStringValue(value))
1126 : null != defaultValue
1127 ? setDefaultValue(element, type, getToStringValue(defaultValue))
1128 : null != lastDefaultValue && element.removeAttribute("value");
1129 null == checked &&
1130 null != defaultChecked &&
1131 (element.defaultChecked = !!defaultChecked);
1132 null != checked &&
1133 (element.checked =
1134 checked && "function" !== typeof checked && "symbol" !== typeof checked);
1135 null != name &&
1136 "function" !== typeof name &&
1137 "symbol" !== typeof name &&
1138 "boolean" !== typeof name
1139 ? (element.name = "" + getToStringValue(name))
1140 : element.removeAttribute("name");
1142function initInput(
1143 element,
1144 value,
1145 defaultValue,
1146 checked,
1147 defaultChecked,
1148 type,
1149 name,
1150 isHydrating
1151) {
1152 null != type &&
1153 "function" !== typeof type &&
1154 "symbol" !== typeof type &&
1155 "boolean" !== typeof type &&
1156 (element.type = type);
1157 if (null != value || null != defaultValue) {
1158 if (
1159 !(
1160 ("submit" !== type && "reset" !== type) ||
1161 (void 0 !== value && null !== value)
1162 )
1163 )
1164 return;
1165 defaultValue =
1166 null != defaultValue ? "" + getToStringValue(defaultValue) : "";
1167 value = null != value ? "" + getToStringValue(value) : defaultValue;
1168 isHydrating || value === element.value || (element.value = value);
1169 element.defaultValue = value;
1170 }
1171 checked = null != checked ? checked : defaultChecked;
1172 checked =
1173 "function" !== typeof checked && "symbol" !== typeof checked && !!checked;
1174 element.checked = isHydrating ? element.checked : !!checked;
1175 element.defaultChecked = !!checked;
1176 null != name &&
1177 "function" !== typeof name &&
1178 "symbol" !== typeof name &&
1179 "boolean" !== typeof name &&
1180 (element.name = name);
1182function setDefaultValue(node, type, value) {
1183 ("number" === type && getActiveElement(node.ownerDocument) === node) ||
1184 node.defaultValue === "" + value ||
1185 (node.defaultValue = "" + value);
1187function updateOptions(node, multiple, propValue, setDefaultSelected) {
1188 node = node.options;
1189 if (multiple) {
1190 multiple = {};
1191 for (var i = 0; i < propValue.length; i++)
1192 multiple["$" + propValue[i]] = !0;
1193 for (propValue = 0; propValue < node.length; propValue++)
1194 (i = multiple.hasOwnProperty("$" + node[propValue].value)),
1195 node[propValue].selected !== i && (node[propValue].selected = i),
1196 i && setDefaultSelected && (node[propValue].defaultSelected = !0);
1197 } else {
1198 propValue = "" + getToStringValue(propValue);
1199 multiple = null;
1200 for (i = 0; i < node.length; i++) {
1201 if (node[i].value === propValue) {
1202 node[i].selected = !0;
1203 setDefaultSelected && (node[i].defaultSelected = !0);
1204 return;
1205 }
1206 null !== multiple || node[i].disabled || (multiple = node[i]);
1207 }
1208 null !== multiple && (multiple.selected = !0);
1209 }
1211function updateTextarea(element, value, defaultValue) {
1212 if (
1213 null != value &&
1214 ((value = "" + getToStringValue(value)),
1215 value !== element.value && (element.value = value),
1216 null == defaultValue)
1217 ) {
1218 element.defaultValue !== value && (element.defaultValue = value);
1219 return;
1220 }
1221 element.defaultValue =
1222 null != defaultValue ? "" + getToStringValue(defaultValue) : "";
1224function initTextarea(element, value, defaultValue, children) {
1225 if (null == value) {
1226 if (null != children) {
1227 if (null != defaultValue) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(92));
1228 if (isArrayImpl(children)) {
1229 if (1 < children.length) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(93));
1230 children = children[0];
1231 }
1232 defaultValue = children;
1233 }
1234 null == defaultValue && (defaultValue = "");
1235 value = defaultValue;
1236 }
1237 defaultValue = getToStringValue(value);
1238 element.defaultValue = defaultValue;
1239 children = element.textContent;
1240 children === defaultValue &&
1241 "" !== children &&
1242 null !== children &&
1243 (element.value = children);
1245function setTextContent(node, text) {
1246 if (text) {
1247 var firstChild = node.firstChild;
1248 if (
1249 firstChild &&
1250 firstChild === node.lastChild &&
1251 3 === firstChild.nodeType
1252 ) {
1253 firstChild.nodeValue = text;
1254 return;
1255 }
1256 }
1257 node.textContent = text;
1259var unitlessNumbers = new Set(
1260 "animationIterationCount aspectRatio borderImageOutset borderImageSlice borderImageWidth boxFlex boxFlexGroup boxOrdinalGroup columnCount columns flex flexGrow flexPositive flexShrink flexNegative flexOrder gridArea gridRow gridRowEnd gridRowSpan gridRowStart gridColumn gridColumnEnd gridColumnSpan gridColumnStart fontWeight lineClamp lineHeight opacity order orphans scale tabSize widows zIndex zoom fillOpacity floodOpacity stopOpacity strokeDasharray strokeDashoffset strokeMiterlimit strokeOpacity strokeWidth MozAnimationIterationCount MozBoxFlex MozBoxFlexGroup MozLineClamp msAnimationIterationCount msFlex msZoom msFlexGrow msFlexNegative msFlexOrder msFlexPositive msFlexShrink msGridColumn msGridColumnSpan msGridRow msGridRowSpan WebkitAnimationIterationCount WebkitBoxFlex WebKitBoxFlexGroup WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup WebkitColumnCount WebkitColumns WebkitFlex WebkitFlexGrow WebkitFlexPositive WebkitFlexShrink WebkitLineClamp".split(
1261 " "
1262 )
1264function setValueForStyle(style, styleName, value) {
1265 var isCustomProperty = 0 === styleName.indexOf("--");
1266 null == value || "boolean" === typeof value || "" === value
1267 ? isCustomProperty
1268 ? style.setProperty(styleName, "")
1269 : "float" === styleName
1270 ? (style.cssFloat = "")
1271 : (style[styleName] = "")
1272 : isCustomProperty
1273 ? style.setProperty(styleName, value)
1274 : "number" !== typeof value || 0 === value || unitlessNumbers.has(styleName)
1275 ? "float" === styleName
1276 ? (style.cssFloat = value)
1277 : (style[styleName] = ("" + value).trim())
1278 : (style[styleName] = value + "px");
1280function setValueForStyles(node, styles, prevStyles) {
1281 if (null != styles && "object" !== typeof styles)
1282 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(62));
1283 node = node.style;
1284 if (null != prevStyles) {
1285 for (var styleName in prevStyles)
1286 !prevStyles.hasOwnProperty(styleName) ||
1287 (null != styles && styles.hasOwnProperty(styleName)) ||
1288 (0 === styleName.indexOf("--")
1289 ? node.setProperty(styleName, "")
1290 : "float" === styleName
1291 ? (node.cssFloat = "")
1292 : (node[styleName] = ""));
1293 for (var styleName$18 in styles)
1294 (styleName = styles[styleName$18]),
1295 styles.hasOwnProperty(styleName$18) &&
1296 prevStyles[styleName$18] !== styleName &&
1297 setValueForStyle(node, styleName$18, styleName);
1298 } else
1299 for (var styleName$19 in styles)
1300 styles.hasOwnProperty(styleName$19) &&
1301 setValueForStyle(node, styleName$19, styles[styleName$19]);
1303function isCustomElement(tagName) {
1304 if (-1 === tagName.indexOf("-")) return !1;
1305 switch (tagName) {
1306 case "annotation-xml":
1307 case "color-profile":
1308 case "font-face":
1309 case "font-face-src":
1310 case "font-face-uri":
1311 case "font-face-format":
1312 case "font-face-name":
1313 case "missing-glyph":
1314 return !1;
1315 default:
1316 return !0;
1317 }
1319var aliases = new Map([
1320 ["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"],
1321 ["htmlFor", "for"],
1322 ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"],
1323 ["crossOrigin", "crossorigin"],
1324 ["accentHeight", "accent-height"],
1325 ["alignmentBaseline", "alignment-baseline"],
1326 ["arabicForm", "arabic-form"],
1327 ["baselineShift", "baseline-shift"],
1328 ["capHeight", "cap-height"],
1329 ["clipPath", "clip-path"],
1330 ["clipRule", "clip-rule"],
1331 ["colorInterpolation", "color-interpolation"],
1332 ["colorInterpolationFilters", "color-interpolation-filters"],
1333 ["colorProfile", "color-profile"],
1334 ["colorRendering", "color-rendering"],
1335 ["dominantBaseline", "dominant-baseline"],
1336 ["enableBackground", "enable-background"],
1337 ["fillOpacity", "fill-opacity"],
1338 ["fillRule", "fill-rule"],
1339 ["floodColor", "flood-color"],
1340 ["floodOpacity", "flood-opacity"],
1341 ["fontFamily", "font-family"],
1342 ["fontSize", "font-size"],
1343 ["fontSizeAdjust", "font-size-adjust"],
1344 ["fontStretch", "font-stretch"],
1345 ["fontStyle", "font-style"],
1346 ["fontVariant", "font-variant"],
1347 ["fontWeight", "font-weight"],
1348 ["glyphName", "glyph-name"],
1349 ["glyphOrientationHorizontal", "glyph-orientation-horizontal"],
1350 ["glyphOrientationVertical", "glyph-orientation-vertical"],
1351 ["horizAdvX", "horiz-adv-x"],
1352 ["horizOriginX", "horiz-origin-x"],
1353 ["imageRendering", "image-rendering"],
1354 ["letterSpacing", "letter-spacing"],
1355 ["lightingColor", "lighting-color"],
1356 ["markerEnd", "marker-end"],
1357 ["markerMid", "marker-mid"],
1358 ["markerStart", "marker-start"],
1359 ["overlinePosition", "overline-position"],
1360 ["overlineThickness", "overline-thickness"],
1361 ["paintOrder", "paint-order"],
1362 ["panose-1", "panose-1"],
1363 ["pointerEvents", "pointer-events"],
1364 ["renderingIntent", "rendering-intent"],
1365 ["shapeRendering", "shape-rendering"],
1366 ["stopColor", "stop-color"],
1367 ["stopOpacity", "stop-opacity"],
1368 ["strikethroughPosition", "strikethrough-position"],
1369 ["strikethroughThickness", "strikethrough-thickness"],
1370 ["strokeDasharray", "stroke-dasharray"],
1371 ["strokeDashoffset", "stroke-dashoffset"],
1372 ["strokeLinecap", "stroke-linecap"],
1373 ["strokeLinejoin", "stroke-linejoin"],
1374 ["strokeMiterlimit", "stroke-miterlimit"],
1375 ["strokeOpacity", "stroke-opacity"],
1376 ["strokeWidth", "stroke-width"],
1377 ["textAnchor", "text-anchor"],
1378 ["textDecoration", "text-decoration"],
1379 ["textRendering", "text-rendering"],
1380 ["transformOrigin", "transform-origin"],
1381 ["underlinePosition", "underline-position"],
1382 ["underlineThickness", "underline-thickness"],
1383 ["unicodeBidi", "unicode-bidi"],
1384 ["unicodeRange", "unicode-range"],
1385 ["unitsPerEm", "units-per-em"],
1386 ["vAlphabetic", "v-alphabetic"],
1387 ["vHanging", "v-hanging"],
1388 ["vIdeographic", "v-ideographic"],
1389 ["vMathematical", "v-mathematical"],
1390 ["vectorEffect", "vector-effect"],
1391 ["vertAdvY", "vert-adv-y"],
1392 ["vertOriginX", "vert-origin-x"],
1393 ["vertOriginY", "vert-origin-y"],
1394 ["wordSpacing", "word-spacing"],
1395 ["writingMode", "writing-mode"],
1396 ["xmlnsXlink", "xmlns:xlink"],
1397 ["xHeight", "x-height"]
1398 ]),
1399 isJavaScriptProtocol =
1400 /^[\u0000-\u001F ]*j[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*v[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*s[\r\n\t]*c[\r\n\t]*r[\r\n\t]*i[\r\n\t]*p[\r\n\t]*t[\r\n\t]*:/i;
1401function sanitizeURL(url) {
1402 return isJavaScriptProtocol.test("" + url)
1403 ? "javascript:throw new Error('React has blocked a javascript: URL as a security precaution.')"
1404 : url;
1406var currentReplayingEvent = null;
1407function getEventTarget(nativeEvent) {
1408 nativeEvent = nativeEvent.target || nativeEvent.srcElement || window;
1409 nativeEvent.correspondingUseElement &&
1410 (nativeEvent = nativeEvent.correspondingUseElement);
1411 return 3 === nativeEvent.nodeType ? nativeEvent.parentNode : nativeEvent;
1413var restoreTarget = null,
1414 restoreQueue = null;
1415function restoreStateOfTarget(target) {
1416 var internalInstance = getInstanceFromNode(target);
1417 if (internalInstance && (target = internalInstance.stateNode)) {
1418 var props = target[internalPropsKey] || null;
1419 a: switch (((target = internalInstance.stateNode), internalInstance.type)) {
1420 case "input":
1421 updateInput(
1422 target,
1423 props.value,
1424 props.defaultValue,
1425 props.defaultValue,
1426 props.checked,
1427 props.defaultChecked,
1428 props.type,
1429 props.name
1430 );
1431 internalInstance = props.name;
1432 if ("radio" === props.type && null != internalInstance) {
1433 for (props = target; props.parentNode; ) props = props.parentNode;
1434 props = props.querySelectorAll(
1435 'input[name="' +
1436 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(
1437 "" + internalInstance
1438 ) +
1439 '"][type="radio"]'
1440 );
1441 for (
1442 internalInstance = 0;
1443 internalInstance < props.length;
1444 internalInstance++
1445 ) {
1446 var otherNode = props[internalInstance];
1447 if (otherNode !== target && otherNode.form === target.form) {
1448 var otherProps = otherNode[internalPropsKey] || null;
1449 if (!otherProps) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(90));
1450 updateInput(
1451 otherNode,
1452 otherProps.value,
1453 otherProps.defaultValue,
1454 otherProps.defaultValue,
1455 otherProps.checked,
1456 otherProps.defaultChecked,
1457 otherProps.type,
1458 otherProps.name
1459 );
1460 }
1461 }
1462 for (
1463 internalInstance = 0;
1464 internalInstance < props.length;
1465 internalInstance++
1466 )
1467 (otherNode = props[internalInstance]),
1468 otherNode.form === target.form && updateValueIfChanged(otherNode);
1469 }
1470 break a;
1471 case "textarea":
1472 updateTextarea(target, props.value, props.defaultValue);
1473 break a;
1474 case "select":
1475 (internalInstance = props.value),
1476 null != internalInstance &&
1477 updateOptions(target, !!props.multiple, internalInstance, !1);
1478 }
1479 }
1481var isInsideEventHandler = !1;
1482function batchedUpdates$2(fn, a, b) {
1483 if (isInsideEventHandler) return fn(a, b);
1484 isInsideEventHandler = !0;
1485 try {
1486 var JSCompiler_inline_result = fn(a);
1487 return JSCompiler_inline_result;
1488 } finally {
1489 if (
1490 ((isInsideEventHandler = !1),
1491 null !== restoreTarget || null !== restoreQueue)
1492 )
1493 if (
1494 (flushSyncWork$1(),
1495 restoreTarget &&
1496 ((a = restoreTarget),
1497 (fn = restoreQueue),
1498 (restoreQueue = restoreTarget = null),
1499 restoreStateOfTarget(a),
1500 fn))
1501 )
1502 for (a = 0; a < fn.length; a++) restoreStateOfTarget(fn[a]);
1503 }
1505function getListener(inst, registrationName) {
1506 var stateNode = inst.stateNode;
1507 if (null === stateNode) return null;
1508 var props = stateNode[internalPropsKey] || null;
1509 if (null === props) return null;
1510 stateNode = props[registrationName];
1511 a: switch (registrationName) {
1512 case "onClick":
1513 case "onClickCapture":
1514 case "onDoubleClick":
1515 case "onDoubleClickCapture":
1516 case "onMouseDown":
1517 case "onMouseDownCapture":
1518 case "onMouseMove":
1519 case "onMouseMoveCapture":
1520 case "onMouseUp":
1521 case "onMouseUpCapture":
1522 case "onMouseEnter":
1523 (props = !props.disabled) ||
1524 ((inst = inst.type),
1525 (props = !(
1526 "button" === inst ||
1527 "input" === inst ||
1528 "select" === inst ||
1529 "textarea" === inst
1530 )));
1531 inst = !props;
1532 break a;
1533 default:
1534 inst = !1;
1535 }
1536 if (inst) return null;
1537 if (stateNode && "function" !== typeof stateNode)
1538 throw Error(
1539 formatProdErrorMessage(231, registrationName, typeof stateNode)
1540 );
1541 return stateNode;
1543var passiveBrowserEventsSupported = !1;
1544if (canUseDOM)
1545 try {
1546 var options = {};
1547 Object.defineProperty(options, "passive", {
1548 get: function () {
1549 passiveBrowserEventsSupported = !0;
1550 }
1551 });
1552 window.addEventListener("test", options, options);
1553 window.removeEventListener("test", options, options);
1554 } catch (e) {
1555 passiveBrowserEventsSupported = !1;
1556 }
1557var root = null,
1558 startText = null,
1559 fallbackText = null;
1560function getData() {
1561 if (fallbackText) return fallbackText;
1562 var start,
1563 startValue = startText,
1564 startLength = startValue.length,
1565 end,
1566 endValue = "value" in root ? root.value : root.textContent,
1567 endLength = endValue.length;
1568 for (
1569 start = 0;
1570 start < startLength && startValue[start] === endValue[start];
1571 start++
1572 );
1573 var minEnd = startLength - start;
1574 for (
1575 end = 1;
1576 end <= minEnd &&
1577 startValue[startLength - end] === endValue[endLength - end];
1578 end++
1579 );
1580 return (fallbackText = endValue.slice(start, 1 < end ? 1 - end : void 0));
1582function getEventCharCode(nativeEvent) {
1583 var keyCode = nativeEvent.keyCode;
1584 "charCode" in nativeEvent
1585 ? ((nativeEvent = nativeEvent.charCode),
1586 0 === nativeEvent && 13 === keyCode && (nativeEvent = 13))
1587 : (nativeEvent = keyCode);
1588 10 === nativeEvent && (nativeEvent = 13);
1589 return 32 <= nativeEvent || 13 === nativeEvent ? nativeEvent : 0;
1591function functionThatReturnsTrue() {
1592 return !0;
1594function functionThatReturnsFalse() {
1595 return !1;
1597function createSyntheticEvent(Interface) {
1598 function SyntheticBaseEvent(
1599 reactName,
1600 reactEventType,
1601 targetInst,
1602 nativeEvent,
1603 nativeEventTarget
1604 ) {
1605 this._reactName = reactName;
1606 this._targetInst = targetInst;
1607 this.type = reactEventType;
1608 this.nativeEvent = nativeEvent;
1609 this.target = nativeEventTarget;
1610 this.currentTarget = null;
1611 for (var propName in Interface)
1612 Interface.hasOwnProperty(propName) &&
1613 ((reactName = Interface[propName]),
1614 (this[propName] = reactName
1615 ? reactName(nativeEvent)
1616 : nativeEvent[propName]));
1617 this.isDefaultPrevented = (
1618 null != nativeEvent.defaultPrevented
1619 ? nativeEvent.defaultPrevented
1620 : !1 === nativeEvent.returnValue
1621 )
1622 ? functionThatReturnsTrue
1623 : functionThatReturnsFalse;
1624 this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsFalse;
1625 return this;
1626 }
1627 assign(SyntheticBaseEvent.prototype, {
1628 preventDefault: function () {
1629 this.defaultPrevented = !0;
1630 var event = this.nativeEvent;
1631 event &&
1632 (event.preventDefault
1633 ? event.preventDefault()
1634 : "unknown" !== typeof event.returnValue && (event.returnValue = !1),
1635 (this.isDefaultPrevented = functionThatReturnsTrue));
1636 },
1637 stopPropagation: function () {
1638 var event = this.nativeEvent;
1639 event &&
1640 (event.stopPropagation
1641 ? event.stopPropagation()
1642 : "unknown" !== typeof event.cancelBubble &&
1643 (event.cancelBubble = !0),
1644 (this.isPropagationStopped = functionThatReturnsTrue));
1645 },
1646 persist: function () {},
1647 isPersistent: functionThatReturnsTrue
1648 });
1649 return SyntheticBaseEvent;
1651var EventInterface = {
1652 eventPhase: 0,
1653 bubbles: 0,
1654 cancelable: 0,
1655 timeStamp: function (event) {
1656 return event.timeStamp || Date.now();
1657 },
1658 defaultPrevented: 0,
1659 isTrusted: 0
1660 },
1661 SyntheticEvent = createSyntheticEvent(EventInterface),
1662 UIEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, { view: 0, detail: 0 }),
1663 SyntheticUIEvent = createSyntheticEvent(UIEventInterface),
1664 lastMovementX,
1665 lastMovementY,
1666 lastMouseEvent,
1667 MouseEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, {
1668 screenX: 0,
1669 screenY: 0,
1670 clientX: 0,
1671 clientY: 0,
1672 pageX: 0,
1673 pageY: 0,
1674 ctrlKey: 0,
1675 shiftKey: 0,
1676 altKey: 0,
1677 metaKey: 0,
1678 getModifierState: getEventModifierState,
1679 button: 0,
1680 buttons: 0,
1681 relatedTarget: function (event) {
1682 return void 0 === event.relatedTarget
1683 ? event.fromElement === event.srcElement
1684 ? event.toElement
1685 : event.fromElement
1686 : event.relatedTarget;
1687 },
1688 movementX: function (event) {
1689 if ("movementX" in event) return event.movementX;
1690 event !== lastMouseEvent &&
1691 (lastMouseEvent && "mousemove" === event.type
1692 ? ((lastMovementX = event.screenX - lastMouseEvent.screenX),
1693 (lastMovementY = event.screenY - lastMouseEvent.screenY))
1694 : (lastMovementY = lastMovementX = 0),
1695 (lastMouseEvent = event));
1696 return lastMovementX;
1697 },
1698 movementY: function (event) {
1699 return "movementY" in event ? event.movementY : lastMovementY;
1700 }
1701 }),
1702 SyntheticMouseEvent = createSyntheticEvent(MouseEventInterface),
1703 DragEventInterface = assign({}, MouseEventInterface, { dataTransfer: 0 }),
1704 SyntheticDragEvent = createSyntheticEvent(DragEventInterface),
1705 FocusEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, { relatedTarget: 0 }),
1706 SyntheticFocusEvent = createSyntheticEvent(FocusEventInterface),
1707 AnimationEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {
1708 animationName: 0,
1709 elapsedTime: 0,
1710 pseudoElement: 0
1711 }),
1712 SyntheticAnimationEvent = createSyntheticEvent(AnimationEventInterface),
1713 ClipboardEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {
1714 clipboardData: function (event) {
1715 return "clipboardData" in event
1716 ? event.clipboardData
1717 : window.clipboardData;
1718 }
1719 }),
1720 SyntheticClipboardEvent = createSyntheticEvent(ClipboardEventInterface),
1721 CompositionEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, { data: 0 }),
1722 SyntheticCompositionEvent = createSyntheticEvent(CompositionEventInterface),
1723 normalizeKey = {
1724 Esc: "Escape",
1725 Spacebar: " ",
1726 Left: "ArrowLeft",
1727 Up: "ArrowUp",
1728 Right: "ArrowRight",
1729 Down: "ArrowDown",
1730 Del: "Delete",
1731 Win: "OS",
1732 Menu: "ContextMenu",
1733 Apps: "ContextMenu",
1734 Scroll: "ScrollLock",
1735 MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified"
1736 },
1737 translateToKey = {
1738 8: "Backspace",
1739 9: "Tab",
1740 12: "Clear",
1741 13: "Enter",
1742 16: "Shift",
1743 17: "Control",
1744 18: "Alt",
1745 19: "Pause",
1746 20: "CapsLock",
1747 27: "Escape",
1748 32: " ",
1749 33: "PageUp",
1750 34: "PageDown",
1751 35: "End",
1752 36: "Home",
1753 37: "ArrowLeft",
1754 38: "ArrowUp",
1755 39: "ArrowRight",
1756 40: "ArrowDown",
1757 45: "Insert",
1758 46: "Delete",
1759 112: "F1",
1760 113: "F2",
1761 114: "F3",
1762 115: "F4",
1763 116: "F5",
1764 117: "F6",
1765 118: "F7",
1766 119: "F8",
1767 120: "F9",
1768 121: "F10",
1769 122: "F11",
1770 123: "F12",
1771 144: "NumLock",
1772 145: "ScrollLock",
1773 224: "Meta"
1774 },
1775 modifierKeyToProp = {
1776 Alt: "altKey",
1777 Control: "ctrlKey",
1778 Meta: "metaKey",
1779 Shift: "shiftKey"
1780 };
1781function modifierStateGetter(keyArg) {
1782 var nativeEvent = this.nativeEvent;
1783 return nativeEvent.getModifierState
1784 ? nativeEvent.getModifierState(keyArg)
1785 : (keyArg = modifierKeyToProp[keyArg])
1786 ? !!nativeEvent[keyArg]
1787 : !1;
1789function getEventModifierState() {
1790 return modifierStateGetter;
1792var KeyboardEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, {
1793 key: function (nativeEvent) {
1794 if (nativeEvent.key) {
1795 var key = normalizeKey[nativeEvent.key] || nativeEvent.key;
1796 if ("Unidentified" !== key) return key;
1797 }
1798 return "keypress" === nativeEvent.type
1799 ? ((nativeEvent = getEventCharCode(nativeEvent)),
1800 13 === nativeEvent ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(nativeEvent))
1801 : "keydown" === nativeEvent.type || "keyup" === nativeEvent.type
1802 ? translateToKey[nativeEvent.keyCode] || "Unidentified"
1803 : "";
1804 },
1805 code: 0,
1806 location: 0,
1807 ctrlKey: 0,
1808 shiftKey: 0,
1809 altKey: 0,
1810 metaKey: 0,
1811 repeat: 0,
1812 locale: 0,
1813 getModifierState: getEventModifierState,
1814 charCode: function (event) {
1815 return "keypress" === event.type ? getEventCharCode(event) : 0;
1816 },
1817 keyCode: function (event) {
1818 return "keydown" === event.type || "keyup" === event.type
1819 ? event.keyCode
1820 : 0;
1821 },
1822 which: function (event) {
1823 return "keypress" === event.type
1824 ? getEventCharCode(event)
1825 : "keydown" === event.type || "keyup" === event.type
1826 ? event.keyCode
1827 : 0;
1828 }
1829 }),
1830 SyntheticKeyboardEvent = createSyntheticEvent(KeyboardEventInterface),
1831 PointerEventInterface = assign({}, MouseEventInterface, {
1832 pointerId: 0,
1833 width: 0,
1834 height: 0,
1835 pressure: 0,
1836 tangentialPressure: 0,
1837 tiltX: 0,
1838 tiltY: 0,
1839 twist: 0,
1840 pointerType: 0,
1841 isPrimary: 0
1842 }),
1843 SyntheticPointerEvent = createSyntheticEvent(PointerEventInterface),
1844 TouchEventInterface = assign({}, UIEventInterface, {
1845 touches: 0,
1846 targetTouches: 0,
1847 changedTouches: 0,
1848 altKey: 0,
1849 metaKey: 0,
1850 ctrlKey: 0,
1851 shiftKey: 0,
1852 getModifierState: getEventModifierState
1853 }),
1854 SyntheticTouchEvent = createSyntheticEvent(TouchEventInterface),
1855 TransitionEventInterface = assign({}, EventInterface, {
1856 propertyName: 0,
1857 elapsedTime: 0,
1858 pseudoElement: 0
1859 }),
1860 SyntheticTransitionEvent = createSyntheticEvent(TransitionEventInterface),
1861 WheelEventInterface = assign({}, MouseEventInterface, {
1862 deltaX: function (event) {
1863 return "deltaX" in event
1864 ? event.deltaX
1865 : "wheelDeltaX" in event
1866 ? -event.wheelDeltaX
1867 : 0;
1868 },
1869 deltaY: function (event) {
1870 return "deltaY" in event
1871 ? event.deltaY
1872 : "wheelDeltaY" in event
1873 ? -event.wheelDeltaY
1874 : "wheelDelta" in event
1875 ? -event.wheelDelta
1876 : 0;
1877 },
1878 deltaZ: 0,
1879 deltaMode: 0
1880 }),
1881 SyntheticWheelEvent = createSyntheticEvent(WheelEventInterface),
1882 END_KEYCODES = [9, 13, 27, 32],
1883 canUseCompositionEvent = canUseDOM && "CompositionEvent" in window,
1884 documentMode = null;
1885canUseDOM &&
1886 "documentMode" in document &&
1887 (documentMode = document.documentMode);
1888var canUseTextInputEvent = canUseDOM && "TextEvent" in window && !documentMode,
1889 useFallbackCompositionData =
1890 canUseDOM &&
1891 (!canUseCompositionEvent ||
1892 (documentMode && 8 < documentMode && 11 >= documentMode)),
1893 SPACEBAR_CHAR = String.fromCharCode(32),
1894 hasSpaceKeypress = !1;
1895function isFallbackCompositionEnd(domEventName, nativeEvent) {
1896 switch (domEventName) {
1897 case "keyup":
1898 return -1 !== END_KEYCODES.indexOf(nativeEvent.keyCode);
1899 case "keydown":
1900 return 229 !== nativeEvent.keyCode;
1901 case "keypress":
1902 case "mousedown":
1903 case "focusout":
1904 return !0;
1905 default:
1906 return !1;
1907 }
1909function getDataFromCustomEvent(nativeEvent) {
1910 nativeEvent = nativeEvent.detail;
1911 return "object" === typeof nativeEvent && "data" in nativeEvent
1912 ? nativeEvent.data
1913 : null;
1915var isComposing = !1;
1916function getNativeBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent) {
1917 switch (domEventName) {
1918 case "compositionend":
1919 return getDataFromCustomEvent(nativeEvent);
1920 case "keypress":
1921 if (32 !== nativeEvent.which) return null;
1922 hasSpaceKeypress = !0;
1923 return SPACEBAR_CHAR;
1924 case "textInput":
1925 return (
1926 (domEventName = nativeEvent.data),
1927 domEventName === SPACEBAR_CHAR && hasSpaceKeypress ? null : domEventName
1928 );
1929 default:
1930 return null;
1931 }
1933function getFallbackBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent) {
1934 if (isComposing)
1935 return "compositionend" === domEventName ||
1936 (!canUseCompositionEvent &&
1937 isFallbackCompositionEnd(domEventName, nativeEvent))
1938 ? ((domEventName = getData()),
1939 (fallbackText = startText = root = null),
1940 (isComposing = !1),
1941 domEventName)
1942 : null;
1943 switch (domEventName) {
1944 case "paste":
1945 return null;
1946 case "keypress":
1947 if (
1948 !(nativeEvent.ctrlKey || nativeEvent.altKey || nativeEvent.metaKey) ||
1949 (nativeEvent.ctrlKey && nativeEvent.altKey)
1950 ) {
1951 if (nativeEvent.char && 1 < nativeEvent.char.length)
1952 return nativeEvent.char;
1953 if (nativeEvent.which) return String.fromCharCode(nativeEvent.which);
1954 }
1955 return null;
1956 case "compositionend":
1957 return useFallbackCompositionData && "ko" !== nativeEvent.locale
1958 ? null
1959 : nativeEvent.data;
1960 default:
1961 return null;
1962 }
1964var supportedInputTypes = {
1965 color: !0,
1966 date: !0,
1967 datetime: !0,
1968 "datetime-local": !0,
1969 email: !0,
1970 month: !0,
1971 number: !0,
1972 password: !0,
1973 range: !0,
1974 search: !0,
1975 tel: !0,
1976 text: !0,
1977 time: !0,
1978 url: !0,
1979 week: !0
1981function isTextInputElement(elem) {
1982 var nodeName = elem && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
1983 return "input" === nodeName
1984 ? !!supportedInputTypes[elem.type]
1985 : "textarea" === nodeName
1986 ? !0
1987 : !1;
1989function createAndAccumulateChangeEvent(
1990 dispatchQueue,
1991 inst,
1992 nativeEvent,
1993 target
1994) {
1995 restoreTarget
1996 ? restoreQueue
1997 ? restoreQueue.push(target)
1998 : (restoreQueue = [target])
1999 : (restoreTarget = target);
2000 inst = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(inst, "onChange");
2001 0 < inst.length &&
2002 ((nativeEvent = new SyntheticEvent(
2003 "onChange",
2004 "change",
2005 null,
2006 nativeEvent,
2007 target
2008 )),
2009 dispatchQueue.push({ event: nativeEvent, listeners: inst }));
2011var activeElement$1 = null,
2012 activeElementInst$1 = null;
2013function runEventInBatch(dispatchQueue) {
2014 processDispatchQueue(dispatchQueue, 0);
2016function getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst) {
2017 var targetNode = getNodeFromInstance(targetInst);
2018 if (updateValueIfChanged(targetNode)) return targetInst;
2020function getTargetInstForChangeEvent(domEventName, targetInst) {
2021 if ("change" === domEventName) return targetInst;
2023var isInputEventSupported = !1;
2024if (canUseDOM) {
2025 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$284;
2026 if (canUseDOM) {
2027 var isSupported$jscomp$inline_418 = "oninput" in document;
2028 if (!isSupported$jscomp$inline_418) {
2029 var element$jscomp$inline_419 = document.createElement("div");
2030 element$jscomp$inline_419.setAttribute("oninput", "return;");
2031 isSupported$jscomp$inline_418 =
2032 "function" === typeof element$jscomp$inline_419.oninput;
2033 }
2034 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$284 = isSupported$jscomp$inline_418;
2035 } else JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$284 = !1;
2036 isInputEventSupported =
2037 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$284 &&
2038 (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode);
2040function stopWatchingForValueChange() {
2041 activeElement$1 &&
2042 (activeElement$1.detachEvent("onpropertychange", handlePropertyChange),
2043 (activeElementInst$1 = activeElement$1 = null));
2045function handlePropertyChange(nativeEvent) {
2046 if (
2047 "value" === nativeEvent.propertyName &&
2048 getInstIfValueChanged(activeElementInst$1)
2049 ) {
2050 var dispatchQueue = [];
2051 createAndAccumulateChangeEvent(
2052 dispatchQueue,
2053 activeElementInst$1,
2054 nativeEvent,
2055 getEventTarget(nativeEvent)
2056 );
2057 batchedUpdates$2(runEventInBatch, dispatchQueue);
2058 }
2060function handleEventsForInputEventPolyfill(domEventName, target, targetInst) {
2061 "focusin" === domEventName
2062 ? (stopWatchingForValueChange(),
2063 (activeElement$1 = target),
2064 (activeElementInst$1 = targetInst),
2065 activeElement$1.attachEvent("onpropertychange", handlePropertyChange))
2066 : "focusout" === domEventName && stopWatchingForValueChange();
2068function getTargetInstForInputEventPolyfill(domEventName) {
2069 if (
2070 "selectionchange" === domEventName ||
2071 "keyup" === domEventName ||
2072 "keydown" === domEventName
2073 )
2074 return getInstIfValueChanged(activeElementInst$1);
2076function getTargetInstForClickEvent(domEventName, targetInst) {
2077 if ("click" === domEventName) return getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst);
2079function getTargetInstForInputOrChangeEvent(domEventName, targetInst) {
2080 if ("input" === domEventName || "change" === domEventName)
2081 return getInstIfValueChanged(targetInst);
2083function is(x, y) {
2084 return (x === y && (0 !== x || 1 / x === 1 / y)) || (x !== x && y !== y);
2086var objectIs = "function" === typeof Object.is ? Object.is : is;
2087function shallowEqual(objA, objB) {
2088 if (objectIs(objA, objB)) return !0;
2089 if (
2090 "object" !== typeof objA ||
2091 null === objA ||
2092 "object" !== typeof objB ||
2093 null === objB
2094 )
2095 return !1;
2096 var keysA = Object.keys(objA),
2097 keysB = Object.keys(objB);
2098 if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) return !1;
2099 for (keysB = 0; keysB < keysA.length; keysB++) {
2100 var currentKey = keysA[keysB];
2101 if (
2102 !hasOwnProperty.call(objB, currentKey) ||
2103 !objectIs(objA[currentKey], objB[currentKey])
2104 )
2105 return !1;
2106 }
2107 return !0;
2109function getLeafNode(node) {
2110 for (; node && node.firstChild; ) node = node.firstChild;
2111 return node;
2113function getNodeForCharacterOffset(root, offset) {
2114 var node = getLeafNode(root);
2115 root = 0;
2116 for (var nodeEnd; node; ) {
2117 if (3 === node.nodeType) {
2118 nodeEnd = root + node.textContent.length;
2119 if (root <= offset && nodeEnd >= offset)
2120 return { node: node, offset: offset - root };
2121 root = nodeEnd;
2122 }
2123 a: {
2124 for (; node; ) {
2125 if (node.nextSibling) {
2126 node = node.nextSibling;
2127 break a;
2128 }
2129 node = node.parentNode;
2130 }
2131 node = void 0;
2132 }
2133 node = getLeafNode(node);
2134 }
2136function containsNode(outerNode, innerNode) {
2137 return outerNode && innerNode
2138 ? outerNode === innerNode
2139 ? !0
2140 : outerNode && 3 === outerNode.nodeType
2141 ? !1
2142 : innerNode && 3 === innerNode.nodeType
2143 ? containsNode(outerNode, innerNode.parentNode)
2144 : "contains" in outerNode
2145 ? outerNode.contains(innerNode)
2146 : outerNode.compareDocumentPosition
2147 ? !!(outerNode.compareDocumentPosition(innerNode) & 16)
2148 : !1
2149 : !1;
2151function getActiveElementDeep() {
2152 for (
2153 var win = window, element = getActiveElement();
2154 element instanceof win.HTMLIFrameElement;
2156 ) {
2157 try {
2158 var JSCompiler_inline_result =
2159 "string" === typeof element.contentWindow.location.href;
2160 } catch (err) {
2161 JSCompiler_inline_result = !1;
2162 }
2163 if (JSCompiler_inline_result) win = element.contentWindow;
2164 else break;
2165 element = getActiveElement(win.document);
2166 }
2167 return element;
2169function hasSelectionCapabilities(elem) {
2170 var nodeName = elem && elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
2171 return (
2172 nodeName &&
2173 (("input" === nodeName &&
2174 ("text" === elem.type ||
2175 "search" === elem.type ||
2176 "tel" === elem.type ||
2177 "url" === elem.type ||
2178 "password" === elem.type)) ||
2179 "textarea" === nodeName ||
2180 "true" === elem.contentEditable)
2181 );
2183function restoreSelection(priorSelectionInformation) {
2184 var curFocusedElem = getActiveElementDeep(),
2185 priorFocusedElem = priorSelectionInformation.focusedElem,
2186 priorSelectionRange = priorSelectionInformation.selectionRange;
2187 if (
2188 curFocusedElem !== priorFocusedElem &&
2189 priorFocusedElem &&
2190 priorFocusedElem.ownerDocument &&
2191 containsNode(
2192 priorFocusedElem.ownerDocument.documentElement,
2193 priorFocusedElem
2194 )
2195 ) {
2196 if (
2197 null !== priorSelectionRange &&
2198 hasSelectionCapabilities(priorFocusedElem)
2199 )
2200 if (
2201 ((curFocusedElem = priorSelectionRange.start),
2202 (priorSelectionInformation = priorSelectionRange.end),
2203 void 0 === priorSelectionInformation &&
2204 (priorSelectionInformation = curFocusedElem),
2205 "selectionStart" in priorFocusedElem)
2206 )
2207 (priorFocusedElem.selectionStart = curFocusedElem),
2208 (priorFocusedElem.selectionEnd = Math.min(
2209 priorSelectionInformation,
2210 priorFocusedElem.value.length
2211 ));
2212 else if (
2213 ((priorSelectionInformation =
2214 ((curFocusedElem = priorFocusedElem.ownerDocument || document) &&
2215 curFocusedElem.defaultView) ||
2216 window),
2217 priorSelectionInformation.getSelection)
2218 ) {
2219 priorSelectionInformation = priorSelectionInformation.getSelection();
2220 var length = priorFocusedElem.textContent.length,
2221 start = Math.min(priorSelectionRange.start, length);
2222 priorSelectionRange =
2223 void 0 === priorSelectionRange.end
2224 ? start
2225 : Math.min(priorSelectionRange.end, length);
2226 !priorSelectionInformation.extend &&
2227 start > priorSelectionRange &&
2228 ((length = priorSelectionRange),
2229 (priorSelectionRange = start),
2230 (start = length));
2231 length = getNodeForCharacterOffset(priorFocusedElem, start);
2232 var endMarker = getNodeForCharacterOffset(
2233 priorFocusedElem,
2234 priorSelectionRange
2235 );
2236 length &&
2237 endMarker &&
2238 (1 !== priorSelectionInformation.rangeCount ||
2239 priorSelectionInformation.anchorNode !== length.node ||
2240 priorSelectionInformation.anchorOffset !== length.offset ||
2241 priorSelectionInformation.focusNode !== endMarker.node ||
2242 priorSelectionInformation.focusOffset !== endMarker.offset) &&
2243 ((curFocusedElem = curFocusedElem.createRange()),
2244 curFocusedElem.setStart(length.node, length.offset),
2245 priorSelectionInformation.removeAllRanges(),
2246 start > priorSelectionRange
2247 ? (priorSelectionInformation.addRange(curFocusedElem),
2248 priorSelectionInformation.extend(
2249 endMarker.node,
2250 endMarker.offset
2251 ))
2252 : (curFocusedElem.setEnd(endMarker.node, endMarker.offset),
2253 priorSelectionInformation.addRange(curFocusedElem)));
2254 }
2255 curFocusedElem = [];
2256 for (
2257 priorSelectionInformation = priorFocusedElem;
2258 (priorSelectionInformation = priorSelectionInformation.parentNode);
2260 )
2261 1 === priorSelectionInformation.nodeType &&
2262 curFocusedElem.push({
2263 element: priorSelectionInformation,
2264 left: priorSelectionInformation.scrollLeft,
2265 top: priorSelectionInformation.scrollTop
2266 });
2267 "function" === typeof priorFocusedElem.focus && priorFocusedElem.focus();
2268 for (
2269 priorFocusedElem = 0;
2270 priorFocusedElem < curFocusedElem.length;
2271 priorFocusedElem++
2272 )
2273 (priorSelectionInformation = curFocusedElem[priorFocusedElem]),
2274 (priorSelectionInformation.element.scrollLeft =
2275 priorSelectionInformation.left),
2276 (priorSelectionInformation.element.scrollTop =
2277 priorSelectionInformation.top);
2278 }
2280var skipSelectionChangeEvent =
2281 canUseDOM && "documentMode" in document && 11 >= document.documentMode,
2282 activeElement = null,
2283 activeElementInst = null,
2284 lastSelection = null,
2285 mouseDown = !1;
2286function constructSelectEvent(dispatchQueue, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget) {
2287 var doc =
2288 nativeEventTarget.window === nativeEventTarget
2289 ? nativeEventTarget.document
2290 : 9 === nativeEventTarget.nodeType
2291 ? nativeEventTarget
2292 : nativeEventTarget.ownerDocument;
2293 mouseDown ||
2294 null == activeElement ||
2295 activeElement !== getActiveElement(doc) ||
2296 ((doc = activeElement),
2297 "selectionStart" in doc && hasSelectionCapabilities(doc)
2298 ? (doc = { start: doc.selectionStart, end: doc.selectionEnd })
2299 : ((doc = (
2300 (doc.ownerDocument && doc.ownerDocument.defaultView) ||
2301 window
2302 ).getSelection()),
2303 (doc = {
2304 anchorNode: doc.anchorNode,
2305 anchorOffset: doc.anchorOffset,
2306 focusNode: doc.focusNode,
2307 focusOffset: doc.focusOffset
2308 })),
2309 (lastSelection && shallowEqual(lastSelection, doc)) ||
2310 ((lastSelection = doc),
2311 (doc = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(activeElementInst, "onSelect")),
2312 0 < doc.length &&
2313 ((nativeEvent = new SyntheticEvent(
2314 "onSelect",
2315 "select",
2316 null,
2317 nativeEvent,
2318 nativeEventTarget
2319 )),
2320 dispatchQueue.push({ event: nativeEvent, listeners: doc }),
2321 (nativeEvent.target = activeElement))));
2323function makePrefixMap(styleProp, eventName) {
2324 var prefixes = {};
2325 prefixes[styleProp.toLowerCase()] = eventName.toLowerCase();
2326 prefixes["Webkit" + styleProp] = "webkit" + eventName;
2327 prefixes["Moz" + styleProp] = "moz" + eventName;
2328 return prefixes;
2330var vendorPrefixes = {
2331 animationend: makePrefixMap("Animation", "AnimationEnd"),
2332 animationiteration: makePrefixMap("Animation", "AnimationIteration"),
2333 animationstart: makePrefixMap("Animation", "AnimationStart"),
2334 transitionrun: makePrefixMap("Transition", "TransitionRun"),
2335 transitionstart: makePrefixMap("Transition", "TransitionStart"),
2336 transitioncancel: makePrefixMap("Transition", "TransitionCancel"),
2337 transitionend: makePrefixMap("Transition", "TransitionEnd")
2338 },
2339 prefixedEventNames = {},
2340 style = {};
2341canUseDOM &&
2342 ((style = document.createElement("div").style),
2343 "AnimationEvent" in window ||
2344 (delete vendorPrefixes.animationend.animation,
2345 delete vendorPrefixes.animationiteration.animation,
2346 delete vendorPrefixes.animationstart.animation),
2347 "TransitionEvent" in window ||
2348 delete vendorPrefixes.transitionend.transition);
2349function getVendorPrefixedEventName(eventName) {
2350 if (prefixedEventNames[eventName]) return prefixedEventNames[eventName];
2351 if (!vendorPrefixes[eventName]) return eventName;
2352 var prefixMap = vendorPrefixes[eventName],
2353 styleProp;
2354 for (styleProp in prefixMap)
2355 if (prefixMap.hasOwnProperty(styleProp) && styleProp in style)
2356 return (prefixedEventNames[eventName] = prefixMap[styleProp]);
2357 return eventName;
2359var ANIMATION_END = getVendorPrefixedEventName("animationend"),
2360 ANIMATION_ITERATION = getVendorPrefixedEventName("animationiteration"),
2361 ANIMATION_START = getVendorPrefixedEventName("animationstart"),
2362 TRANSITION_RUN = getVendorPrefixedEventName("transitionrun"),
2363 TRANSITION_START = getVendorPrefixedEventName("transitionstart"),
2364 TRANSITION_CANCEL = getVendorPrefixedEventName("transitioncancel"),
2365 TRANSITION_END = getVendorPrefixedEventName("transitionend"),
2366 topLevelEventsToReactNames = new Map(),
2367 simpleEventPluginEvents =
2368 "abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll scrollEnd toggle touchMove waiting wheel".split(
2369 " "
2370 );
2371function registerSimpleEvent(domEventName, reactName) {
2372 topLevelEventsToReactNames.set(domEventName, reactName);
2373 registerTwoPhaseEvent(reactName, [domEventName]);
2375function extractEvents$1(
2376 dispatchQueue,
2377 domEventName,
2378 maybeTargetInst,
2379 nativeEvent,
2380 nativeEventTarget
2381) {
2382 if (
2383 "submit" === domEventName &&
2384 maybeTargetInst &&
2385 maybeTargetInst.stateNode === nativeEventTarget
2386 ) {
2387 var action = (nativeEventTarget[internalPropsKey] || null).action,
2388 submitter = nativeEvent.submitter;
2389 submitter &&
2390 ((domEventName = (domEventName = submitter[internalPropsKey] || null)
2391 ? domEventName.formAction
2392 : submitter.getAttribute("formAction")),
2393 null != domEventName && ((action = domEventName), (submitter = null)));
2394 if ("function" === typeof action) {
2395 var event = new SyntheticEvent(
2396 "action",
2397 "action",
2398 null,
2399 nativeEvent,
2400 nativeEventTarget
2401 );
2402 dispatchQueue.push({
2403 event: event,
2404 listeners: [
2405 {
2406 instance: null,
2407 listener: function () {
2408 if (!nativeEvent.defaultPrevented) {
2409 event.preventDefault();
2410 if (submitter) {
2411 var temp = submitter.ownerDocument.createElement("input");
2412 temp.name = submitter.name;
2413 temp.value = submitter.value;
2414 submitter.parentNode.insertBefore(temp, submitter);
2415 var formData = new FormData(nativeEventTarget);
2416 temp.parentNode.removeChild(temp);
2417 } else formData = new FormData(nativeEventTarget);
2418 startHostTransition(
2419 maybeTargetInst,
2420 {
2421 pending: !0,
2422 data: formData,
2423 method: nativeEventTarget.method,
2424 action: action
2425 },
2426 action,
2427 formData
2428 );
2429 }
2430 },
2431 currentTarget: nativeEventTarget
2432 }
2433 ]
2434 });
2435 }
2436 }
2438for (
2439 var reportGlobalError =
2440 "function" === typeof reportError
2441 ? reportError
2442 : function (error) {
2443 if (
2444 "object" === typeof window &&
2445 "function" === typeof window.ErrorEvent
2446 ) {
2447 var event = new window.ErrorEvent("error", {
2448 bubbles: !0,
2449 cancelable: !0,
2450 message:
2451 "object" === typeof error &&
2452 null !== error &&
2453 "string" === typeof error.message
2454 ? String(error.message)
2455 : String(error),
2456 error: error
2457 });
2458 if (!window.dispatchEvent(event)) return;
2459 } else if (
2460 "object" === typeof process &&
2461 "function" === typeof process.emit
2462 ) {
2463 process.emit("uncaughtException", error);
2464 return;
2465 }
2466 console.error(error);
2467 },
2468 i$jscomp$inline_459 = 0;
2469 i$jscomp$inline_459 < simpleEventPluginEvents.length;
2470 i$jscomp$inline_459++
2471) {
2472 var eventName$jscomp$inline_460 =
2473 simpleEventPluginEvents[i$jscomp$inline_459],
2474 domEventName$jscomp$inline_461 = eventName$jscomp$inline_460.toLowerCase(),
2475 capitalizedEvent$jscomp$inline_462 =
2476 eventName$jscomp$inline_460[0].toUpperCase() +
2477 eventName$jscomp$inline_460.slice(1);
2478 registerSimpleEvent(
2479 domEventName$jscomp$inline_461,
2480 "on" + capitalizedEvent$jscomp$inline_462
2481 );
2483registerSimpleEvent(ANIMATION_END, "onAnimationEnd");
2484registerSimpleEvent(ANIMATION_ITERATION, "onAnimationIteration");
2485registerSimpleEvent(ANIMATION_START, "onAnimationStart");
2486registerSimpleEvent("dblclick", "onDoubleClick");
2487registerSimpleEvent("focusin", "onFocus");
2488registerSimpleEvent("focusout", "onBlur");
2489registerSimpleEvent(TRANSITION_RUN, "onTransitionRun");
2490registerSimpleEvent(TRANSITION_START, "onTransitionStart");
2491registerSimpleEvent(TRANSITION_CANCEL, "onTransitionCancel");
2492registerSimpleEvent(TRANSITION_END, "onTransitionEnd");
2493registerDirectEvent("onMouseEnter", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]);
2494registerDirectEvent("onMouseLeave", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]);
2495registerDirectEvent("onPointerEnter", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]);
2496registerDirectEvent("onPointerLeave", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]);
2498 "onChange",
2499 "change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange".split(" ")
2502 "onSelect",
2503 "focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange".split(
2504 " "
2505 )
2507registerTwoPhaseEvent("onBeforeInput", [
2508 "compositionend",
2509 "keypress",
2510 "textInput",
2511 "paste"
2514 "onCompositionEnd",
2515 "compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")
2518 "onCompositionStart",
2519 "compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")
2522 "onCompositionUpdate",
2523 "compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")
2525var mediaEventTypes =
2526 "abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting".split(
2527 " "
2528 ),
2529 nonDelegatedEvents = new Set(
2530 "cancel close invalid load scroll scrollend toggle"
2531 .split(" ")
2532 .concat(mediaEventTypes)
2533 );
2534function processDispatchQueue(dispatchQueue, eventSystemFlags) {
2535 eventSystemFlags = 0 !== (eventSystemFlags & 4);
2536 for (var i = 0; i < dispatchQueue.length; i++) {
2537 var _dispatchQueue$i = dispatchQueue[i],
2538 event = _dispatchQueue$i.event;
2539 _dispatchQueue$i = _dispatchQueue$i.listeners;
2540 a: {
2541 var previousInstance = void 0;
2542 if (eventSystemFlags)
2543 for (
2544 var i$jscomp$0 = _dispatchQueue$i.length - 1;
2545 0 <= i$jscomp$0;
2546 i$jscomp$0--
2547 ) {
2548 var _dispatchListeners$i = _dispatchQueue$i[i$jscomp$0],
2549 instance = _dispatchListeners$i.instance,
2550 currentTarget = _dispatchListeners$i.currentTarget;
2551 _dispatchListeners$i = _dispatchListeners$i.listener;
2552 if (instance !== previousInstance && event.isPropagationStopped())
2553 break a;
2554 previousInstance = _dispatchListeners$i;
2555 event.currentTarget = currentTarget;
2556 try {
2557 previousInstance(event);
2558 } catch (error) {
2559 reportGlobalError(error);
2560 }
2561 event.currentTarget = null;
2562 previousInstance = instance;
2563 }
2564 else
2565 for (
2566 i$jscomp$0 = 0;
2567 i$jscomp$0 < _dispatchQueue$i.length;
2568 i$jscomp$0++
2569 ) {
2570 _dispatchListeners$i = _dispatchQueue$i[i$jscomp$0];
2571 instance = _dispatchListeners$i.instance;
2572 currentTarget = _dispatchListeners$i.currentTarget;
2573 _dispatchListeners$i = _dispatchListeners$i.listener;
2574 if (instance !== previousInstance && event.isPropagationStopped())
2575 break a;
2576 previousInstance = _dispatchListeners$i;
2577 event.currentTarget = currentTarget;
2578 try {
2579 previousInstance(event);
2580 } catch (error) {
2581 reportGlobalError(error);
2582 }
2583 event.currentTarget = null;
2584 previousInstance = instance;
2585 }
2586 }
2587 }
2589function listenToNonDelegatedEvent(domEventName, targetElement) {
2590 var JSCompiler_inline_result = targetElement[internalEventHandlersKey];
2591 void 0 === JSCompiler_inline_result &&
2592 (JSCompiler_inline_result = targetElement[internalEventHandlersKey] =
2593 new Set());
2594 var listenerSetKey = domEventName + "__bubble";
2595 JSCompiler_inline_result.has(listenerSetKey) ||
2596 (addTrappedEventListener(targetElement, domEventName, 2, !1),
2597 JSCompiler_inline_result.add(listenerSetKey));
2599function listenToNativeEvent(domEventName, isCapturePhaseListener, target) {
2600 var eventSystemFlags = 0;
2601 isCapturePhaseListener && (eventSystemFlags |= 4);
2602 addTrappedEventListener(
2603 target,
2604 domEventName,
2605 eventSystemFlags,
2606 isCapturePhaseListener
2607 );
2609var listeningMarker = "_reactListening" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2);
2610function listenToAllSupportedEvents(rootContainerElement) {
2611 if (!rootContainerElement[listeningMarker]) {
2612 rootContainerElement[listeningMarker] = !0;
2613 allNativeEvents.forEach(function (domEventName) {
2614 "selectionchange" !== domEventName &&
2615 (nonDelegatedEvents.has(domEventName) ||
2616 listenToNativeEvent(domEventName, !1, rootContainerElement),
2617 listenToNativeEvent(domEventName, !0, rootContainerElement));
2618 });
2619 var ownerDocument =
2620 9 === rootContainerElement.nodeType
2621 ? rootContainerElement
2622 : rootContainerElement.ownerDocument;
2623 null === ownerDocument ||
2624 ownerDocument[listeningMarker] ||
2625 ((ownerDocument[listeningMarker] = !0),
2626 listenToNativeEvent("selectionchange", !1, ownerDocument));
2627 }
2629function addTrappedEventListener(
2630 targetContainer,
2631 domEventName,
2632 eventSystemFlags,
2633 isCapturePhaseListener
2634) {
2635 switch (getEventPriority(domEventName)) {
2636 case 2:
2637 var listenerWrapper = dispatchDiscreteEvent;
2638 break;
2639 case 8:
2640 listenerWrapper = dispatchContinuousEvent;
2641 break;
2642 default:
2643 listenerWrapper = dispatchEvent;
2644 }
2645 eventSystemFlags = listenerWrapper.bind(
2646 null,
2647 domEventName,
2648 eventSystemFlags,
2649 targetContainer
2650 );
2651 listenerWrapper = void 0;
2652 !passiveBrowserEventsSupported ||
2653 ("touchstart" !== domEventName &&
2654 "touchmove" !== domEventName &&
2655 "wheel" !== domEventName) ||
2656 (listenerWrapper = !0);
2657 isCapturePhaseListener
2658 ? void 0 !== listenerWrapper
2659 ? targetContainer.addEventListener(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, {
2660 capture: !0,
2661 passive: listenerWrapper
2662 })
2663 : targetContainer.addEventListener(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, !0)
2664 : void 0 !== listenerWrapper
2665 ? targetContainer.addEventListener(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, {
2666 passive: listenerWrapper
2667 })
2668 : targetContainer.addEventListener(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, !1);
2670function dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(
2671 domEventName,
2672 eventSystemFlags,
2673 nativeEvent,
2674 targetInst$jscomp$0,
2675 targetContainer
2676) {
2677 var ancestorInst = targetInst$jscomp$0;
2678 if (
2679 0 === (eventSystemFlags & 1) &&
2680 0 === (eventSystemFlags & 2) &&
2681 null !== targetInst$jscomp$0
2682 )
2683 a: for (;;) {
2684 if (null === targetInst$jscomp$0) return;
2685 var nodeTag = targetInst$jscomp$0.tag;
2686 if (3 === nodeTag || 4 === nodeTag) {
2687 var container = targetInst$jscomp$0.stateNode.containerInfo;
2688 if (
2689 container === targetContainer ||
2690 (8 === container.nodeType && container.parentNode === targetContainer)
2691 )
2692 break;
2693 if (4 === nodeTag)
2694 for (nodeTag = targetInst$jscomp$0.return; null !== nodeTag; ) {
2695 var grandTag = nodeTag.tag;
2696 if (3 === grandTag || 4 === grandTag)
2697 if (
2698 ((grandTag = nodeTag.stateNode.containerInfo),
2699 grandTag === targetContainer ||
2700 (8 === grandTag.nodeType &&
2701 grandTag.parentNode === targetContainer))
2702 )
2703 return;
2704 nodeTag = nodeTag.return;
2705 }
2706 for (; null !== container; ) {
2707 nodeTag = getClosestInstanceFromNode(container);
2708 if (null === nodeTag) return;
2709 grandTag = nodeTag.tag;
2710 if (
2711 5 === grandTag ||
2712 6 === grandTag ||
2713 26 === grandTag ||
2714 27 === grandTag
2715 ) {
2716 targetInst$jscomp$0 = ancestorInst = nodeTag;
2717 continue a;
2718 }
2719 container = container.parentNode;
2720 }
2721 }
2722 targetInst$jscomp$0 = targetInst$jscomp$0.return;
2723 }
2724 batchedUpdates$2(function () {
2725 var targetInst = ancestorInst,
2726 nativeEventTarget = getEventTarget(nativeEvent),
2727 dispatchQueue = [];
2728 a: {
2729 var reactName = topLevelEventsToReactNames.get(domEventName);
2730 if (void 0 !== reactName) {
2731 var SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticEvent,
2732 reactEventType = domEventName;
2733 switch (domEventName) {
2734 case "keypress":
2735 if (0 === getEventCharCode(nativeEvent)) break a;
2736 case "keydown":
2737 case "keyup":
2738 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticKeyboardEvent;
2739 break;
2740 case "focusin":
2741 reactEventType = "focus";
2742 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticFocusEvent;
2743 break;
2744 case "focusout":
2745 reactEventType = "blur";
2746 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticFocusEvent;
2747 break;
2748 case "beforeblur":
2749 case "afterblur":
2750 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticFocusEvent;
2751 break;
2752 case "click":
2753 if (2 === nativeEvent.button) break a;
2754 case "auxclick":
2755 case "dblclick":
2756 case "mousedown":
2757 case "mousemove":
2758 case "mouseup":
2759 case "mouseout":
2760 case "mouseover":
2761 case "contextmenu":
2762 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticMouseEvent;
2763 break;
2764 case "drag":
2765 case "dragend":
2766 case "dragenter":
2767 case "dragexit":
2768 case "dragleave":
2769 case "dragover":
2770 case "dragstart":
2771 case "drop":
2772 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticDragEvent;
2773 break;
2774 case "touchcancel":
2775 case "touchend":
2776 case "touchmove":
2777 case "touchstart":
2778 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticTouchEvent;
2779 break;
2780 case ANIMATION_END:
2783 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticAnimationEvent;
2784 break;
2786 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticTransitionEvent;
2787 break;
2788 case "scroll":
2789 case "scrollend":
2790 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticUIEvent;
2791 break;
2792 case "wheel":
2793 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticWheelEvent;
2794 break;
2795 case "copy":
2796 case "cut":
2797 case "paste":
2798 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticClipboardEvent;
2799 break;
2800 case "gotpointercapture":
2801 case "lostpointercapture":
2802 case "pointercancel":
2803 case "pointerdown":
2804 case "pointermove":
2805 case "pointerout":
2806 case "pointerover":
2807 case "pointerup":
2808 SyntheticEventCtor = SyntheticPointerEvent;
2809 }
2810 var inCapturePhase = 0 !== (eventSystemFlags & 4),
2811 accumulateTargetOnly =
2812 !inCapturePhase &&
2813 ("scroll" === domEventName || "scrollend" === domEventName),
2814 reactEventName = inCapturePhase
2815 ? null !== reactName
2816 ? reactName + "Capture"
2817 : null
2818 : reactName;
2819 inCapturePhase = [];
2820 for (
2821 var instance = targetInst, lastHostComponent;
2822 null !== instance;
2824 ) {
2825 var _instance = instance;
2826 lastHostComponent = _instance.stateNode;
2827 _instance = _instance.tag;
2828 (5 !== _instance && 26 !== _instance && 27 !== _instance) ||
2829 null === lastHostComponent ||
2830 null === reactEventName ||
2831 ((_instance = getListener(instance, reactEventName)),
2832 null != _instance &&
2833 inCapturePhase.push(
2834 createDispatchListener(instance, _instance, lastHostComponent)
2835 ));
2836 if (accumulateTargetOnly) break;
2837 instance = instance.return;
2838 }
2839 0 < inCapturePhase.length &&
2840 ((reactName = new SyntheticEventCtor(
2841 reactName,
2842 reactEventType,
2843 null,
2844 nativeEvent,
2845 nativeEventTarget
2846 )),
2847 dispatchQueue.push({ event: reactName, listeners: inCapturePhase }));
2848 }
2849 }
2850 if (0 === (eventSystemFlags & 7)) {
2851 a: {
2852 reactName =
2853 "mouseover" === domEventName || "pointerover" === domEventName;
2854 SyntheticEventCtor =
2855 "mouseout" === domEventName || "pointerout" === domEventName;
2856 if (
2857 reactName &&
2858 nativeEvent !== currentReplayingEvent &&
2859 (reactEventType =
2860 nativeEvent.relatedTarget || nativeEvent.fromElement) &&
2861 (getClosestInstanceFromNode(reactEventType) ||
2862 reactEventType[internalContainerInstanceKey])
2863 )
2864 break a;
2865 if (SyntheticEventCtor || reactName) {
2866 reactName =
2867 nativeEventTarget.window === nativeEventTarget
2868 ? nativeEventTarget
2869 : (reactName = nativeEventTarget.ownerDocument)
2870 ? reactName.defaultView || reactName.parentWindow
2871 : window;
2872 if (SyntheticEventCtor) {
2873 if (
2874 ((reactEventType =
2875 nativeEvent.relatedTarget || nativeEvent.toElement),
2876 (SyntheticEventCtor = targetInst),
2877 (reactEventType = reactEventType
2878 ? getClosestInstanceFromNode(reactEventType)
2879 : null),
2880 null !== reactEventType &&
2881 ((accumulateTargetOnly =
2882 getNearestMountedFiber(reactEventType)),
2883 (inCapturePhase = reactEventType.tag),
2884 reactEventType !== accumulateTargetOnly ||
2885 (5 !== inCapturePhase &&
2886 27 !== inCapturePhase &&
2887 6 !== inCapturePhase)))
2888 )
2889 reactEventType = null;
2890 } else (SyntheticEventCtor = null), (reactEventType = targetInst);
2891 if (SyntheticEventCtor !== reactEventType) {
2892 inCapturePhase = SyntheticMouseEvent;
2893 _instance = "onMouseLeave";
2894 reactEventName = "onMouseEnter";
2895 instance = "mouse";
2896 if ("pointerout" === domEventName || "pointerover" === domEventName)
2897 (inCapturePhase = SyntheticPointerEvent),
2898 (_instance = "onPointerLeave"),
2899 (reactEventName = "onPointerEnter"),
2900 (instance = "pointer");
2901 accumulateTargetOnly =
2902 null == SyntheticEventCtor
2903 ? reactName
2904 : getNodeFromInstance(SyntheticEventCtor);
2905 lastHostComponent =
2906 null == reactEventType
2907 ? reactName
2908 : getNodeFromInstance(reactEventType);
2909 reactName = new inCapturePhase(
2910 _instance,
2911 instance + "leave",
2912 SyntheticEventCtor,
2913 nativeEvent,
2914 nativeEventTarget
2915 );
2916 reactName.target = accumulateTargetOnly;
2917 reactName.relatedTarget = lastHostComponent;
2918 _instance = null;
2919 getClosestInstanceFromNode(nativeEventTarget) === targetInst &&
2920 ((inCapturePhase = new inCapturePhase(
2921 reactEventName,
2922 instance + "enter",
2923 reactEventType,
2924 nativeEvent,
2925 nativeEventTarget
2926 )),
2927 (inCapturePhase.target = lastHostComponent),
2928 (inCapturePhase.relatedTarget = accumulateTargetOnly),
2929 (_instance = inCapturePhase));
2930 accumulateTargetOnly = _instance;
2931 if (SyntheticEventCtor && reactEventType)
2932 b: {
2933 inCapturePhase = SyntheticEventCtor;
2934 reactEventName = reactEventType;
2935 instance = 0;
2936 for (
2937 lastHostComponent = inCapturePhase;
2938 lastHostComponent;
2939 lastHostComponent = getParent(lastHostComponent)
2940 )
2941 instance++;
2942 lastHostComponent = 0;
2943 for (
2944 _instance = reactEventName;
2945 _instance;
2946 _instance = getParent(_instance)
2947 )
2948 lastHostComponent++;
2949 for (; 0 < instance - lastHostComponent; )
2950 (inCapturePhase = getParent(inCapturePhase)), instance--;
2951 for (; 0 < lastHostComponent - instance; )
2952 (reactEventName = getParent(reactEventName)),
2953 lastHostComponent--;
2954 for (; instance--; ) {
2955 if (
2956 inCapturePhase === reactEventName ||
2957 (null !== reactEventName &&
2958 inCapturePhase === reactEventName.alternate)
2959 )
2960 break b;
2961 inCapturePhase = getParent(inCapturePhase);
2962 reactEventName = getParent(reactEventName);
2963 }
2964 inCapturePhase = null;
2965 }
2966 else inCapturePhase = null;
2967 null !== SyntheticEventCtor &&
2968 accumulateEnterLeaveListenersForEvent(
2969 dispatchQueue,
2970 reactName,
2971 SyntheticEventCtor,
2972 inCapturePhase,
2973 !1
2974 );
2975 null !== reactEventType &&
2976 null !== accumulateTargetOnly &&
2977 accumulateEnterLeaveListenersForEvent(
2978 dispatchQueue,
2979 accumulateTargetOnly,
2980 reactEventType,
2981 inCapturePhase,
2982 !0
2983 );
2984 }
2985 }
2986 }
2987 a: {
2988 reactName = targetInst ? getNodeFromInstance(targetInst) : window;
2989 SyntheticEventCtor =
2990 reactName.nodeName && reactName.nodeName.toLowerCase();
2991 if (
2992 "select" === SyntheticEventCtor ||
2993 ("input" === SyntheticEventCtor && "file" === reactName.type)
2994 )
2995 var getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForChangeEvent;
2996 else if (isTextInputElement(reactName))
2997 if (isInputEventSupported)
2998 getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForInputOrChangeEvent;
2999 else {
3000 getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForInputEventPolyfill;
3001 var handleEventFunc = handleEventsForInputEventPolyfill;
3002 }
3003 else
3004 (SyntheticEventCtor = reactName.nodeName),
3005 !SyntheticEventCtor ||
3006 "input" !== SyntheticEventCtor.toLowerCase() ||
3007 ("checkbox" !== reactName.type && "radio" !== reactName.type)
3008 ? targetInst &&
3009 isCustomElement(targetInst.elementType) &&
3010 (getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForChangeEvent)
3011 : (getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstForClickEvent);
3012 if (
3013 getTargetInstFunc &&
3014 (getTargetInstFunc = getTargetInstFunc(domEventName, targetInst))
3015 ) {
3016 createAndAccumulateChangeEvent(
3017 dispatchQueue,
3018 getTargetInstFunc,
3019 nativeEvent,
3020 nativeEventTarget
3021 );
3022 break a;
3023 }
3024 handleEventFunc && handleEventFunc(domEventName, reactName, targetInst);
3025 "focusout" === domEventName &&
3026 targetInst &&
3027 "number" === reactName.type &&
3028 null != targetInst.memoizedProps.value &&
3029 setDefaultValue(reactName, "number", reactName.value);
3030 }
3031 handleEventFunc = targetInst ? getNodeFromInstance(targetInst) : window;
3032 switch (domEventName) {
3033 case "focusin":
3034 if (
3035 isTextInputElement(handleEventFunc) ||
3036 "true" === handleEventFunc.contentEditable
3037 )
3038 (activeElement = handleEventFunc),
3039 (activeElementInst = targetInst),
3040 (lastSelection = null);
3041 break;
3042 case "focusout":
3043 lastSelection = activeElementInst = activeElement = null;
3044 break;
3045 case "mousedown":
3046 mouseDown = !0;
3047 break;
3048 case "contextmenu":
3049 case "mouseup":
3050 case "dragend":
3051 mouseDown = !1;
3052 constructSelectEvent(dispatchQueue, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);
3053 break;
3054 case "selectionchange":
3055 if (skipSelectionChangeEvent) break;
3056 case "keydown":
3057 case "keyup":
3058 constructSelectEvent(dispatchQueue, nativeEvent, nativeEventTarget);
3059 }
3060 var fallbackData;
3061 if (canUseCompositionEvent)
3062 b: {
3063 switch (domEventName) {
3064 case "compositionstart":
3065 var eventType = "onCompositionStart";
3066 break b;
3067 case "compositionend":
3068 eventType = "onCompositionEnd";
3069 break b;
3070 case "compositionupdate":
3071 eventType = "onCompositionUpdate";
3072 break b;
3073 }
3074 eventType = void 0;
3075 }
3076 else
3077 isComposing
3078 ? isFallbackCompositionEnd(domEventName, nativeEvent) &&
3079 (eventType = "onCompositionEnd")
3080 : "keydown" === domEventName &&
3081 229 === nativeEvent.keyCode &&
3082 (eventType = "onCompositionStart");
3083 eventType &&
3084 (useFallbackCompositionData &&
3085 "ko" !== nativeEvent.locale &&
3086 (isComposing || "onCompositionStart" !== eventType
3087 ? "onCompositionEnd" === eventType &&
3088 isComposing &&
3089 (fallbackData = getData())
3090 : ((root = nativeEventTarget),
3091 (startText = "value" in root ? root.value : root.textContent),
3092 (isComposing = !0))),
3093 (handleEventFunc = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(targetInst, eventType)),
3094 0 < handleEventFunc.length &&
3095 ((eventType = new SyntheticCompositionEvent(
3096 eventType,
3097 domEventName,
3098 null,
3099 nativeEvent,
3100 nativeEventTarget
3101 )),
3102 dispatchQueue.push({ event: eventType, listeners: handleEventFunc }),
3103 fallbackData
3104 ? (eventType.data = fallbackData)
3105 : ((fallbackData = getDataFromCustomEvent(nativeEvent)),
3106 null !== fallbackData && (eventType.data = fallbackData))));
3107 if (
3108 (fallbackData = canUseTextInputEvent
3109 ? getNativeBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent)
3110 : getFallbackBeforeInputChars(domEventName, nativeEvent))
3111 )
3112 (eventType = accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(targetInst, "onBeforeInput")),
3113 0 < eventType.length &&
3114 ((handleEventFunc = new SyntheticCompositionEvent(
3115 "onBeforeInput",
3116 "beforeinput",
3117 null,
3118 nativeEvent,
3119 nativeEventTarget
3120 )),
3121 dispatchQueue.push({
3122 event: handleEventFunc,
3123 listeners: eventType
3124 }),
3125 (handleEventFunc.data = fallbackData));
3126 extractEvents$1(
3127 dispatchQueue,
3128 domEventName,
3129 targetInst,
3130 nativeEvent,
3131 nativeEventTarget
3132 );
3133 }
3134 processDispatchQueue(dispatchQueue, eventSystemFlags);
3135 });
3137function createDispatchListener(instance, listener, currentTarget) {
3138 return {
3139 instance: instance,
3140 listener: listener,
3141 currentTarget: currentTarget
3142 };
3144function accumulateTwoPhaseListeners(targetFiber, reactName) {
3145 for (
3146 var captureName = reactName + "Capture", listeners = [];
3147 null !== targetFiber;
3149 ) {
3150 var _instance2 = targetFiber,
3151 stateNode = _instance2.stateNode;
3152 _instance2 = _instance2.tag;
3153 (5 !== _instance2 && 26 !== _instance2 && 27 !== _instance2) ||
3154 null === stateNode ||
3155 ((_instance2 = getListener(targetFiber, captureName)),
3156 null != _instance2 &&
3157 listeners.unshift(
3158 createDispatchListener(targetFiber, _instance2, stateNode)
3159 ),
3160 (_instance2 = getListener(targetFiber, reactName)),
3161 null != _instance2 &&
3162 listeners.push(
3163 createDispatchListener(targetFiber, _instance2, stateNode)
3164 ));
3165 targetFiber = targetFiber.return;
3166 }
3167 return listeners;
3169function getParent(inst) {
3170 if (null === inst) return null;
3171 do inst = inst.return;
3172 while (inst && 5 !== inst.tag && 27 !== inst.tag);
3173 return inst ? inst : null;
3175function accumulateEnterLeaveListenersForEvent(
3176 dispatchQueue,
3177 event,
3178 target,
3179 common,
3180 inCapturePhase
3181) {
3182 for (
3183 var registrationName = event._reactName, listeners = [];
3184 null !== target && target !== common;
3186 ) {
3187 var _instance3 = target,
3188 alternate = _instance3.alternate,
3189 stateNode = _instance3.stateNode;
3190 _instance3 = _instance3.tag;
3191 if (null !== alternate && alternate === common) break;
3192 (5 !== _instance3 && 26 !== _instance3 && 27 !== _instance3) ||
3193 null === stateNode ||
3194 ((alternate = stateNode),
3195 inCapturePhase
3196 ? ((stateNode = getListener(target, registrationName)),
3197 null != stateNode &&
3198 listeners.unshift(
3199 createDispatchListener(target, stateNode, alternate)
3200 ))
3201 : inCapturePhase ||
3202 ((stateNode = getListener(target, registrationName)),
3203 null != stateNode &&
3204 listeners.push(
3205 createDispatchListener(target, stateNode, alternate)
3206 )));
3207 target = target.return;
3208 }
3209 0 !== listeners.length &&
3210 dispatchQueue.push({ event: event, listeners: listeners });
3212var NORMALIZE_NEWLINES_REGEX = /\r\n?/g,
3214function normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(markup) {
3215 return ("string" === typeof markup ? markup : "" + markup)
3216 .replace(NORMALIZE_NEWLINES_REGEX, "\n")
3219function checkForUnmatchedText(serverText, clientText) {
3220 clientText = normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(clientText);
3221 return normalizeMarkupForTextOrAttribute(serverText) === clientText ? !0 : !1;
3223function noop$3() {}
3224function setProp(domElement, tag, key, value, props, prevValue) {
3225 switch (key) {
3226 case "children":
3227 "string" === typeof value
3228 ? "body" === tag ||
3229 ("textarea" === tag && "" === value) ||
3230 setTextContent(domElement, value)
3231 : ("number" === typeof value || "bigint" === typeof value) &&
3232 "body" !== tag &&
3233 setTextContent(domElement, "" + value);
3234 break;
3235 case "className":
3236 setValueForKnownAttribute(domElement, "class", value);
3237 break;
3238 case "tabIndex":
3239 setValueForKnownAttribute(domElement, "tabindex", value);
3240 break;
3241 case "dir":
3242 case "role":
3243 case "viewBox":
3244 case "width":
3245 case "height":
3246 setValueForKnownAttribute(domElement, key, value);
3247 break;
3248 case "style":
3249 setValueForStyles(domElement, value, prevValue);
3250 break;
3251 case "src":
3252 case "href":
3253 if ("" === value && ("a" !== tag || "href" !== key)) {
3254 domElement.removeAttribute(key);
3255 break;
3256 }
3257 if (
3258 null == value ||
3259 "function" === typeof value ||
3260 "symbol" === typeof value ||
3261 "boolean" === typeof value
3262 ) {
3263 domElement.removeAttribute(key);
3264 break;
3265 }
3266 value = sanitizeURL("" + value);
3267 domElement.setAttribute(key, value);
3268 break;
3269 case "action":
3270 case "formAction":
3271 if ("function" === typeof value) {
3272 domElement.setAttribute(
3273 key,
3274 "javascript:throw new Error('A React form was unexpectedly submitted. If you called form.submit() manually, consider using form.requestSubmit() instead. If you\\'re trying to use event.stopPropagation() in a submit event handler, consider also calling event.preventDefault().')"
3275 );
3276 break;
3277 } else
3278 "function" === typeof prevValue &&
3279 ("formAction" === key
3280 ? ("input" !== tag &&
3281 setProp(domElement, tag, "name", props.name, props, null),
3282 setProp(
3283 domElement,
3284 tag,
3285 "formEncType",
3286 props.formEncType,
3287 props,
3288 null
3289 ),
3290 setProp(
3291 domElement,
3292 tag,
3293 "formMethod",
3294 props.formMethod,
3295 props,
3296 null
3297 ),
3298 setProp(
3299 domElement,
3300 tag,
3301 "formTarget",
3302 props.formTarget,
3303 props,
3304 null
3305 ))
3306 : (setProp(domElement, tag, "encType", props.encType, props, null),
3307 setProp(domElement, tag, "method", props.method, props, null),
3308 setProp(domElement, tag, "target", props.target, props, null)));
3309 if (
3310 null == value ||
3311 "symbol" === typeof value ||
3312 "boolean" === typeof value
3313 ) {
3314 domElement.removeAttribute(key);
3315 break;
3316 }
3317 value = sanitizeURL("" + value);
3318 domElement.setAttribute(key, value);
3319 break;
3320 case "onClick":
3321 null != value && (domElement.onclick = noop$3);
3322 break;
3323 case "onScroll":
3324 null != value && listenToNonDelegatedEvent("scroll", domElement);
3325 break;
3326 case "onScrollEnd":
3327 null != value && listenToNonDelegatedEvent("scrollend", domElement);
3328 break;
3329 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
3330 if (null != value) {
3331 if ("object" !== typeof value || !("__html" in value))
3332 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(61));
3333 key = value.__html;
3334 if (null != key) {
3335 if (null != props.children) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(60));
3336 domElement.innerHTML = key;
3337 }
3338 }
3339 break;
3340 case "multiple":
3341 domElement.multiple =
3342 value && "function" !== typeof value && "symbol" !== typeof value;
3343 break;
3344 case "muted":
3345 domElement.muted =
3346 value && "function" !== typeof value && "symbol" !== typeof value;
3347 break;
3348 case "suppressContentEditableWarning":
3349 case "suppressHydrationWarning":
3350 case "defaultValue":
3351 case "defaultChecked":
3352 case "innerHTML":
3353 case "ref":
3354 break;
3355 case "autoFocus":
3356 break;
3357 case "xlinkHref":
3358 if (
3359 null == value ||
3360 "function" === typeof value ||
3361 "boolean" === typeof value ||
3362 "symbol" === typeof value
3363 ) {
3364 domElement.removeAttribute("xlink:href");
3365 break;
3366 }
3367 key = sanitizeURL("" + value);
3368 domElement.setAttributeNS(
3369 "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
3370 "xlink:href",
3371 key
3372 );
3373 break;
3374 case "contentEditable":
3375 case "spellCheck":
3376 case "draggable":
3377 case "value":
3378 case "autoReverse":
3379 case "externalResourcesRequired":
3380 case "focusable":
3381 case "preserveAlpha":
3382 null != value && "function" !== typeof value && "symbol" !== typeof value
3383 ? domElement.setAttribute(key, "" + value)
3384 : domElement.removeAttribute(key);
3385 break;
3386 case "inert":
3387 case "allowFullScreen":
3388 case "async":
3389 case "autoPlay":
3390 case "controls":
3391 case "default":
3392 case "defer":
3393 case "disabled":
3394 case "disablePictureInPicture":
3395 case "disableRemotePlayback":
3396 case "formNoValidate":
3397 case "hidden":
3398 case "loop":
3399 case "noModule":
3400 case "noValidate":
3401 case "open":
3402 case "playsInline":
3403 case "readOnly":
3404 case "required":
3405 case "reversed":
3406 case "scoped":
3407 case "seamless":
3408 case "itemScope":
3409 value && "function" !== typeof value && "symbol" !== typeof value
3410 ? domElement.setAttribute(key, "")
3411 : domElement.removeAttribute(key);
3412 break;
3413 case "capture":
3414 case "download":
3415 !0 === value
3416 ? domElement.setAttribute(key, "")
3417 : !1 !== value &&
3418 null != value &&
3419 "function" !== typeof value &&
3420 "symbol" !== typeof value
3421 ? domElement.setAttribute(key, value)
3422 : domElement.removeAttribute(key);
3423 break;
3424 case "cols":
3425 case "rows":
3426 case "size":
3427 case "span":
3428 null != value &&
3429 "function" !== typeof value &&
3430 "symbol" !== typeof value &&
3431 !isNaN(value) &&
3432 1 <= value
3433 ? domElement.setAttribute(key, value)
3434 : domElement.removeAttribute(key);
3435 break;
3436 case "rowSpan":
3437 case "start":
3438 null == value ||
3439 "function" === typeof value ||
3440 "symbol" === typeof value ||
3441 isNaN(value)
3442 ? domElement.removeAttribute(key)
3443 : domElement.setAttribute(key, value);
3444 break;
3445 case "xlinkActuate":
3446 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3447 domElement,
3448 "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
3449 "xlink:actuate",
3450 value
3451 );
3452 break;
3453 case "xlinkArcrole":
3454 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3455 domElement,
3456 "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
3457 "xlink:arcrole",
3458 value
3459 );
3460 break;
3461 case "xlinkRole":
3462 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3463 domElement,
3464 "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
3465 "xlink:role",
3466 value
3467 );
3468 break;
3469 case "xlinkShow":
3470 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3471 domElement,
3472 "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
3473 "xlink:show",
3474 value
3475 );
3476 break;
3477 case "xlinkTitle":
3478 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3479 domElement,
3480 "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
3481 "xlink:title",
3482 value
3483 );
3484 break;
3485 case "xlinkType":
3486 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3487 domElement,
3488 "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
3489 "xlink:type",
3490 value
3491 );
3492 break;
3493 case "xmlBase":
3494 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3495 domElement,
3496 "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",
3497 "xml:base",
3498 value
3499 );
3500 break;
3501 case "xmlLang":
3502 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3503 domElement,
3504 "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",
3505 "xml:lang",
3506 value
3507 );
3508 break;
3509 case "xmlSpace":
3510 setValueForNamespacedAttribute(
3511 domElement,
3512 "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",
3513 "xml:space",
3514 value
3515 );
3516 break;
3517 case "is":
3518 setValueForAttribute(domElement, "is", value);
3519 break;
3520 case "innerText":
3521 case "textContent":
3522 break;
3523 default:
3524 if (
3525 !(2 < key.length) ||
3526 ("o" !== key[0] && "O" !== key[0]) ||
3527 ("n" !== key[1] && "N" !== key[1])
3528 )
3529 (key = aliases.get(key) || key),
3530 setValueForAttribute(domElement, key, value);
3531 }
3533function setPropOnCustomElement(domElement, tag, key, value, props, prevValue) {
3534 switch (key) {
3535 case "style":
3536 setValueForStyles(domElement, value, prevValue);
3537 break;
3538 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
3539 if (null != value) {
3540 if ("object" !== typeof value || !("__html" in value))
3541 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(61));
3542 key = value.__html;
3543 if (null != key) {
3544 if (null != props.children) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(60));
3545 domElement.innerHTML = key;
3546 }
3547 }
3548 break;
3549 case "children":
3550 "string" === typeof value
3551 ? setTextContent(domElement, value)
3552 : ("number" === typeof value || "bigint" === typeof value) &&
3553 setTextContent(domElement, "" + value);
3554 break;
3555 case "onScroll":
3556 null != value && listenToNonDelegatedEvent("scroll", domElement);
3557 break;
3558 case "onScrollEnd":
3559 null != value && listenToNonDelegatedEvent("scrollend", domElement);
3560 break;
3561 case "onClick":
3562 null != value && (domElement.onclick = noop$3);
3563 break;
3564 case "suppressContentEditableWarning":
3565 case "suppressHydrationWarning":
3566 case "innerHTML":
3567 case "ref":
3568 break;
3569 case "innerText":
3570 case "textContent":
3571 break;
3572 default:
3573 if (!registrationNameDependencies.hasOwnProperty(key))
3574 a: {
3575 if (
3576 "o" === key[0] &&
3577 "n" === key[1] &&
3578 ((props = key.endsWith("Capture")),
3579 (tag = key.slice(2, props ? key.length - 7 : void 0)),
3580 (prevValue = domElement[internalPropsKey] || null),
3581 (prevValue = null != prevValue ? prevValue[key] : null),
3582 "function" === typeof prevValue &&
3583 domElement.removeEventListener(tag, prevValue, props),
3584 "function" === typeof value)
3585 ) {
3586 "function" !== typeof prevValue &&
3587 null !== prevValue &&
3588 (key in domElement
3589 ? (domElement[key] = null)
3590 : domElement.hasAttribute(key) &&
3591 domElement.removeAttribute(key));
3592 domElement.addEventListener(tag, value, props);
3593 break a;
3594 }
3595 key in domElement
3596 ? (domElement[key] = value)
3597 : !0 === value
3598 ? domElement.setAttribute(key, "")
3599 : setValueForAttribute(domElement, key, value);
3600 }
3601 }
3603function setInitialProperties(domElement, tag, props) {
3604 switch (tag) {
3605 case "div":
3606 case "span":
3607 case "svg":
3608 case "path":
3609 case "a":
3610 case "g":
3611 case "p":
3612 case "li":
3613 break;
3614 case "input":
3615 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("invalid", domElement);
3616 var name = null,
3617 type = null,
3618 value = null,
3619 defaultValue = null,
3620 checked = null,
3621 defaultChecked = null;
3622 for (propKey in props)
3623 if (props.hasOwnProperty(propKey)) {
3624 var propValue = props[propKey];
3625 if (null != propValue)
3626 switch (propKey) {
3627 case "name":
3628 name = propValue;
3629 break;
3630 case "type":
3631 type = propValue;
3632 break;
3633 case "checked":
3634 checked = propValue;
3635 break;
3636 case "defaultChecked":
3637 defaultChecked = propValue;
3638 break;
3639 case "value":
3640 value = propValue;
3641 break;
3642 case "defaultValue":
3643 defaultValue = propValue;
3644 break;
3645 case "children":
3646 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
3647 if (null != propValue)
3648 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(137, tag));
3649 break;
3650 default:
3651 setProp(domElement, tag, propKey, propValue, props, null);
3652 }
3653 }
3654 initInput(
3655 domElement,
3656 value,
3657 defaultValue,
3658 checked,
3659 defaultChecked,
3660 type,
3661 name,
3662 !1
3663 );
3664 track(domElement);
3665 return;
3666 case "select":
3667 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("invalid", domElement);
3668 var propKey = (type = value = null);
3669 for (name in props)
3670 if (
3671 props.hasOwnProperty(name) &&
3672 ((defaultValue = props[name]), null != defaultValue)
3673 )
3674 switch (name) {
3675 case "value":
3676 value = defaultValue;
3677 break;
3678 case "defaultValue":
3679 type = defaultValue;
3680 break;
3681 case "multiple":
3682 propKey = defaultValue;
3683 default:
3684 setProp(domElement, tag, name, defaultValue, props, null);
3685 }
3686 tag = value;
3687 props = type;
3688 domElement.multiple = !!propKey;
3689 null != tag
3690 ? updateOptions(domElement, !!propKey, tag, !1)
3691 : null != props && updateOptions(domElement, !!propKey, props, !0);
3692 return;
3693 case "textarea":
3694 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("invalid", domElement);
3695 value = name = propKey = null;
3696 for (type in props)
3697 if (
3698 props.hasOwnProperty(type) &&
3699 ((defaultValue = props[type]), null != defaultValue)
3700 )
3701 switch (type) {
3702 case "value":
3703 propKey = defaultValue;
3704 break;
3705 case "defaultValue":
3706 name = defaultValue;
3707 break;
3708 case "children":
3709 value = defaultValue;
3710 break;
3711 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
3712 if (null != defaultValue) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(91));
3713 break;
3714 default:
3715 setProp(domElement, tag, type, defaultValue, props, null);
3716 }
3717 initTextarea(domElement, propKey, name, value);
3718 track(domElement);
3719 return;
3720 case "option":
3721 for (defaultValue in props)
3722 if (
3723 props.hasOwnProperty(defaultValue) &&
3724 ((propKey = props[defaultValue]), null != propKey)
3725 )
3726 switch (defaultValue) {
3727 case "selected":
3728 domElement.selected =
3729 propKey &&
3730 "function" !== typeof propKey &&
3731 "symbol" !== typeof propKey;
3732 break;
3733 default:
3734 setProp(domElement, tag, defaultValue, propKey, props, null);
3735 }
3736 return;
3737 case "dialog":
3738 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("cancel", domElement);
3739 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("close", domElement);
3740 break;
3741 case "iframe":
3742 case "object":
3743 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("load", domElement);
3744 break;
3745 case "video":
3746 case "audio":
3747 for (propKey = 0; propKey < mediaEventTypes.length; propKey++)
3748 listenToNonDelegatedEvent(mediaEventTypes[propKey], domElement);
3749 break;
3750 case "image":
3751 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("error", domElement);
3752 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("load", domElement);
3753 break;
3754 case "details":
3755 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("toggle", domElement);
3756 break;
3757 case "embed":
3758 case "source":
3759 case "img":
3760 case "link":
3761 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("error", domElement),
3762 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("load", domElement);
3763 case "area":
3764 case "base":
3765 case "br":
3766 case "col":
3767 case "hr":
3768 case "keygen":
3769 case "meta":
3770 case "param":
3771 case "track":
3772 case "wbr":
3773 case "menuitem":
3774 for (checked in props)
3775 if (
3776 props.hasOwnProperty(checked) &&
3777 ((propKey = props[checked]), null != propKey)
3778 )
3779 switch (checked) {
3780 case "children":
3781 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
3782 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(137, tag));
3783 default:
3784 setProp(domElement, tag, checked, propKey, props, null);
3785 }
3786 return;
3787 default:
3788 if (isCustomElement(tag)) {
3789 for (defaultChecked in props)
3790 props.hasOwnProperty(defaultChecked) &&
3791 ((propKey = props[defaultChecked]),
3792 void 0 !== propKey &&
3793 setPropOnCustomElement(
3794 domElement,
3795 tag,
3796 defaultChecked,
3797 propKey,
3798 props,
3799 void 0
3800 ));
3801 return;
3802 }
3803 }
3804 for (value in props)
3805 props.hasOwnProperty(value) &&
3806 ((propKey = props[value]),
3807 null != propKey && setProp(domElement, tag, value, propKey, props, null));
3809function updateProperties(domElement, tag, lastProps, nextProps) {
3810 switch (tag) {
3811 case "div":
3812 case "span":
3813 case "svg":
3814 case "path":
3815 case "a":
3816 case "g":
3817 case "p":
3818 case "li":
3819 break;
3820 case "input":
3821 var name = null,
3822 type = null,
3823 value = null,
3824 defaultValue = null,
3825 lastDefaultValue = null,
3826 checked = null,
3827 defaultChecked = null;
3828 for (propKey in lastProps) {
3829 var lastProp = lastProps[propKey];
3830 if (lastProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) && null != lastProp)
3831 switch (propKey) {
3832 case "checked":
3833 break;
3834 case "value":
3835 break;
3836 case "defaultValue":
3837 lastDefaultValue = lastProp;
3838 default:
3839 nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey) ||
3840 setProp(domElement, tag, propKey, null, nextProps, lastProp);
3841 }
3842 }
3843 for (var propKey$46 in nextProps) {
3844 var propKey = nextProps[propKey$46];
3845 lastProp = lastProps[propKey$46];
3846 if (
3847 nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$46) &&
3848 (null != propKey || null != lastProp)
3849 )
3850 switch (propKey$46) {
3851 case "type":
3852 type = propKey;
3853 break;
3854 case "name":
3855 name = propKey;
3856 break;
3857 case "checked":
3858 checked = propKey;
3859 break;
3860 case "defaultChecked":
3861 defaultChecked = propKey;
3862 break;
3863 case "value":
3864 value = propKey;
3865 break;
3866 case "defaultValue":
3867 defaultValue = propKey;
3868 break;
3869 case "children":
3870 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
3871 if (null != propKey)
3872 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(137, tag));
3873 break;
3874 default:
3875 propKey !== lastProp &&
3876 setProp(
3877 domElement,
3878 tag,
3879 propKey$46,
3880 propKey,
3881 nextProps,
3882 lastProp
3883 );
3884 }
3885 }
3886 updateInput(
3887 domElement,
3888 value,
3889 defaultValue,
3890 lastDefaultValue,
3891 checked,
3892 defaultChecked,
3893 type,
3894 name
3895 );
3896 return;
3897 case "select":
3898 propKey = value = defaultValue = propKey$46 = null;
3899 for (type in lastProps)
3900 if (
3901 ((lastDefaultValue = lastProps[type]),
3902 lastProps.hasOwnProperty(type) && null != lastDefaultValue)
3903 )
3904 switch (type) {
3905 case "value":
3906 break;
3907 case "multiple":
3908 propKey = lastDefaultValue;
3909 default:
3910 nextProps.hasOwnProperty(type) ||
3911 setProp(
3912 domElement,
3913 tag,
3914 type,
3915 null,
3916 nextProps,
3917 lastDefaultValue
3918 );
3919 }
3920 for (name in nextProps)
3921 if (
3922 ((type = nextProps[name]),
3923 (lastDefaultValue = lastProps[name]),
3924 nextProps.hasOwnProperty(name) &&
3925 (null != type || null != lastDefaultValue))
3926 )
3927 switch (name) {
3928 case "value":
3929 propKey$46 = type;
3930 break;
3931 case "defaultValue":
3932 defaultValue = type;
3933 break;
3934 case "multiple":
3935 value = type;
3936 default:
3937 type !== lastDefaultValue &&
3938 setProp(
3939 domElement,
3940 tag,
3941 name,
3942 type,
3943 nextProps,
3944 lastDefaultValue
3945 );
3946 }
3947 tag = defaultValue;
3948 lastProps = value;
3949 nextProps = propKey;
3950 null != propKey$46
3951 ? updateOptions(domElement, !!lastProps, propKey$46, !1)
3952 : !!nextProps !== !!lastProps &&
3953 (null != tag
3954 ? updateOptions(domElement, !!lastProps, tag, !0)
3955 : updateOptions(domElement, !!lastProps, lastProps ? [] : "", !1));
3956 return;
3957 case "textarea":
3958 propKey = propKey$46 = null;
3959 for (defaultValue in lastProps)
3960 if (
3961 ((name = lastProps[defaultValue]),
3962 lastProps.hasOwnProperty(defaultValue) &&
3963 null != name &&
3964 !nextProps.hasOwnProperty(defaultValue))
3965 )
3966 switch (defaultValue) {
3967 case "value":
3968 break;
3969 case "children":
3970 break;
3971 default:
3972 setProp(domElement, tag, defaultValue, null, nextProps, name);
3973 }
3974 for (value in nextProps)
3975 if (
3976 ((name = nextProps[value]),
3977 (type = lastProps[value]),
3978 nextProps.hasOwnProperty(value) && (null != name || null != type))
3979 )
3980 switch (value) {
3981 case "value":
3982 propKey$46 = name;
3983 break;
3984 case "defaultValue":
3985 propKey = name;
3986 break;
3987 case "children":
3988 break;
3989 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
3990 if (null != name) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(91));
3991 break;
3992 default:
3993 name !== type &&
3994 setProp(domElement, tag, value, name, nextProps, type);
3995 }
3996 updateTextarea(domElement, propKey$46, propKey);
3997 return;
3998 case "option":
3999 for (var propKey$62 in lastProps)
4000 if (
4001 ((propKey$46 = lastProps[propKey$62]),
4002 lastProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$62) &&
4003 null != propKey$46 &&
4004 !nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$62))
4005 )
4006 switch (propKey$62) {
4007 case "selected":
4008 domElement.selected = !1;
4009 break;
4010 default:
4011 setProp(domElement, tag, propKey$62, null, nextProps, propKey$46);
4012 }
4013 for (lastDefaultValue in nextProps)
4014 if (
4015 ((propKey$46 = nextProps[lastDefaultValue]),
4016 (propKey = lastProps[lastDefaultValue]),
4017 nextProps.hasOwnProperty(lastDefaultValue) &&
4018 propKey$46 !== propKey &&
4019 (null != propKey$46 || null != propKey))
4020 )
4021 switch (lastDefaultValue) {
4022 case "selected":
4023 domElement.selected =
4024 propKey$46 &&
4025 "function" !== typeof propKey$46 &&
4026 "symbol" !== typeof propKey$46;
4027 break;
4028 default:
4029 setProp(
4030 domElement,
4031 tag,
4032 lastDefaultValue,
4033 propKey$46,
4034 nextProps,
4035 propKey
4036 );
4037 }
4038 return;
4039 case "img":
4040 case "link":
4041 case "area":
4042 case "base":
4043 case "br":
4044 case "col":
4045 case "embed":
4046 case "hr":
4047 case "keygen":
4048 case "meta":
4049 case "param":
4050 case "source":
4051 case "track":
4052 case "wbr":
4053 case "menuitem":
4054 for (var propKey$67 in lastProps)
4055 (propKey$46 = lastProps[propKey$67]),
4056 lastProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$67) &&
4057 null != propKey$46 &&
4058 !nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$67) &&
4059 setProp(domElement, tag, propKey$67, null, nextProps, propKey$46);
4060 for (checked in nextProps)
4061 if (
4062 ((propKey$46 = nextProps[checked]),
4063 (propKey = lastProps[checked]),
4064 nextProps.hasOwnProperty(checked) &&
4065 propKey$46 !== propKey &&
4066 (null != propKey$46 || null != propKey))
4067 )
4068 switch (checked) {
4069 case "children":
4070 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
4071 if (null != propKey$46)
4072 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(137, tag));
4073 break;
4074 default:
4075 setProp(domElement, tag, checked, propKey$46, nextProps, propKey);
4076 }
4077 return;
4078 default:
4079 if (isCustomElement(tag)) {
4080 for (var propKey$72 in lastProps)
4081 (propKey$46 = lastProps[propKey$72]),
4082 lastProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$72) &&
4083 void 0 !== propKey$46 &&
4084 !nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$72) &&
4085 setPropOnCustomElement(
4086 domElement,
4087 tag,
4088 propKey$72,
4089 void 0,
4090 nextProps,
4091 propKey$46
4092 );
4093 for (defaultChecked in nextProps)
4094 (propKey$46 = nextProps[defaultChecked]),
4095 (propKey = lastProps[defaultChecked]),
4096 !nextProps.hasOwnProperty(defaultChecked) ||
4097 propKey$46 === propKey ||
4098 (void 0 === propKey$46 && void 0 === propKey) ||
4099 setPropOnCustomElement(
4100 domElement,
4101 tag,
4102 defaultChecked,
4103 propKey$46,
4104 nextProps,
4105 propKey
4106 );
4107 return;
4108 }
4109 }
4110 for (var propKey$77 in lastProps)
4111 (propKey$46 = lastProps[propKey$77]),
4112 lastProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$77) &&
4113 null != propKey$46 &&
4114 !nextProps.hasOwnProperty(propKey$77) &&
4115 setProp(domElement, tag, propKey$77, null, nextProps, propKey$46);
4116 for (lastProp in nextProps)
4117 (propKey$46 = nextProps[lastProp]),
4118 (propKey = lastProps[lastProp]),
4119 !nextProps.hasOwnProperty(lastProp) ||
4120 propKey$46 === propKey ||
4121 (null == propKey$46 && null == propKey) ||
4122 setProp(domElement, tag, lastProp, propKey$46, nextProps, propKey);
4124var concurrentQueues = [],
4125 concurrentQueuesIndex = 0,
4126 concurrentlyUpdatedLanes = 0;
4127function finishQueueingConcurrentUpdates() {
4128 for (
4129 var endIndex = concurrentQueuesIndex,
4130 i = (concurrentlyUpdatedLanes = concurrentQueuesIndex = 0);
4131 i < endIndex;
4133 ) {
4134 var fiber = concurrentQueues[i];
4135 concurrentQueues[i++] = null;
4136 var queue = concurrentQueues[i];
4137 concurrentQueues[i++] = null;
4138 var update = concurrentQueues[i];
4139 concurrentQueues[i++] = null;
4140 var lane = concurrentQueues[i];
4141 concurrentQueues[i++] = null;
4142 if (null !== queue && null !== update) {
4143 var pending = queue.pending;
4144 null === pending
4145 ? (update.next = update)
4146 : ((update.next = pending.next), (pending.next = update));
4147 queue.pending = update;
4148 }
4149 0 !== lane && markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, update, lane);
4150 }
4152function enqueueUpdate$1(fiber, queue, update, lane) {
4153 concurrentQueues[concurrentQueuesIndex++] = fiber;
4154 concurrentQueues[concurrentQueuesIndex++] = queue;
4155 concurrentQueues[concurrentQueuesIndex++] = update;
4156 concurrentQueues[concurrentQueuesIndex++] = lane;
4157 concurrentlyUpdatedLanes |= lane;
4158 fiber.lanes |= lane;
4159 fiber = fiber.alternate;
4160 null !== fiber && (fiber.lanes |= lane);
4162function enqueueConcurrentHookUpdate(fiber, queue, update, lane) {
4163 enqueueUpdate$1(fiber, queue, update, lane);
4164 return getRootForUpdatedFiber(fiber);
4166function enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, lane) {
4167 enqueueUpdate$1(fiber, null, null, lane);
4168 return getRootForUpdatedFiber(fiber);
4170function markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(sourceFiber, update, lane) {
4171 sourceFiber.lanes |= lane;
4172 var alternate = sourceFiber.alternate;
4173 null !== alternate && (alternate.lanes |= lane);
4174 for (var isHidden = !1, parent = sourceFiber.return; null !== parent; )
4175 (parent.childLanes |= lane),
4176 (alternate = parent.alternate),
4177 null !== alternate && (alternate.childLanes |= lane),
4178 22 === parent.tag &&
4179 ((sourceFiber = parent.stateNode),
4180 null === sourceFiber || sourceFiber._visibility & 1 || (isHidden = !0)),
4181 (sourceFiber = parent),
4182 (parent = parent.return);
4183 isHidden &&
4184 null !== update &&
4185 3 === sourceFiber.tag &&
4186 ((parent = sourceFiber.stateNode),
4187 (isHidden = 31 - clz32(lane)),
4188 (parent = parent.hiddenUpdates),
4189 (sourceFiber = parent[isHidden]),
4190 null === sourceFiber
4191 ? (parent[isHidden] = [update])
4192 : sourceFiber.push(update),
4193 (update.lane = lane | 536870912));
4195function getRootForUpdatedFiber(sourceFiber) {
4196 throwIfInfiniteUpdateLoopDetected();
4197 for (var parent = sourceFiber.return; null !== parent; )
4198 (sourceFiber = parent), (parent = sourceFiber.return);
4199 return 3 === sourceFiber.tag ? sourceFiber.stateNode : null;
4201var emptyContextObject = {},
4202 CapturedStacks = new WeakMap();
4203function createCapturedValueAtFiber(value, source) {
4204 if ("object" === typeof value && null !== value) {
4205 var stack = CapturedStacks.get(value);
4206 "string" !== typeof stack &&
4207 ((stack = getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(source)),
4208 CapturedStacks.set(value, stack));
4209 } else stack = getStackByFiberInDevAndProd(source);
4210 return { value: value, source: source, stack: stack };
4212var forkStack = [],
4213 forkStackIndex = 0,
4214 treeForkProvider = null,
4215 treeForkCount = 0,
4216 idStack = [],
4217 idStackIndex = 0,
4218 treeContextProvider = null,
4219 treeContextId = 1,
4220 treeContextOverflow = "";
4221function pushTreeFork(workInProgress, totalChildren) {
4222 forkStack[forkStackIndex++] = treeForkCount;
4223 forkStack[forkStackIndex++] = treeForkProvider;
4224 treeForkProvider = workInProgress;
4225 treeForkCount = totalChildren;
4227function pushTreeId(workInProgress, totalChildren, index) {
4228 idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextId;
4229 idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextOverflow;
4230 idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextProvider;
4231 treeContextProvider = workInProgress;
4232 var baseIdWithLeadingBit = treeContextId;
4233 workInProgress = treeContextOverflow;
4234 var baseLength = 32 - clz32(baseIdWithLeadingBit) - 1;
4235 baseIdWithLeadingBit &= ~(1 << baseLength);
4236 index += 1;
4237 var length = 32 - clz32(totalChildren) + baseLength;
4238 if (30 < length) {
4239 var numberOfOverflowBits = baseLength - (baseLength % 5);
4240 length = (
4241 baseIdWithLeadingBit &
4242 ((1 << numberOfOverflowBits) - 1)
4243 ).toString(32);
4244 baseIdWithLeadingBit >>= numberOfOverflowBits;
4245 baseLength -= numberOfOverflowBits;
4246 treeContextId =
4247 (1 << (32 - clz32(totalChildren) + baseLength)) |
4248 (index << baseLength) |
4249 baseIdWithLeadingBit;
4250 treeContextOverflow = length + workInProgress;
4251 } else
4252 (treeContextId =
4253 (1 << length) | (index << baseLength) | baseIdWithLeadingBit),
4254 (treeContextOverflow = workInProgress);
4256function pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress) {
4257 null !== workInProgress.return &&
4258 (pushTreeFork(workInProgress, 1), pushTreeId(workInProgress, 1, 0));
4260function popTreeContext(workInProgress) {
4261 for (; workInProgress === treeForkProvider; )
4262 (treeForkProvider = forkStack[--forkStackIndex]),
4263 (forkStack[forkStackIndex] = null),
4264 (treeForkCount = forkStack[--forkStackIndex]),
4265 (forkStack[forkStackIndex] = null);
4266 for (; workInProgress === treeContextProvider; )
4267 (treeContextProvider = idStack[--idStackIndex]),
4268 (idStack[idStackIndex] = null),
4269 (treeContextOverflow = idStack[--idStackIndex]),
4270 (idStack[idStackIndex] = null),
4271 (treeContextId = idStack[--idStackIndex]),
4272 (idStack[idStackIndex] = null);
4274var hydrationParentFiber = null,
4275 nextHydratableInstance = null,
4276 isHydrating = !1,
4277 hydrationErrors = null,
4278 rootOrSingletonContext = !1,
4279 HydrationMismatchException = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(519));
4280function throwOnHydrationMismatch(fiber) {
4281 var error = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(418, ""));
4282 queueHydrationError(createCapturedValueAtFiber(error, fiber));
4283 throw HydrationMismatchException;
4285function prepareToHydrateHostInstance(fiber) {
4286 var instance = fiber.stateNode,
4287 type = fiber.type,
4288 props = fiber.memoizedProps;
4289 instance[internalInstanceKey] = fiber;
4290 instance[internalPropsKey] = props;
4291 switch (type) {
4292 case "dialog":
4293 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("cancel", instance);
4294 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("close", instance);
4295 break;
4296 case "iframe":
4297 case "object":
4298 case "embed":
4299 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("load", instance);
4300 break;
4301 case "video":
4302 case "audio":
4303 for (type = 0; type < mediaEventTypes.length; type++)
4304 listenToNonDelegatedEvent(mediaEventTypes[type], instance);
4305 break;
4306 case "source":
4307 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("error", instance);
4308 break;
4309 case "img":
4310 case "image":
4311 case "link":
4312 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("error", instance);
4313 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("load", instance);
4314 break;
4315 case "details":
4316 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("toggle", instance);
4317 break;
4318 case "input":
4319 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("invalid", instance);
4320 initInput(
4321 instance,
4322 props.value,
4323 props.defaultValue,
4324 props.checked,
4325 props.defaultChecked,
4326 props.type,
4327 props.name,
4328 !0
4329 );
4330 track(instance);
4331 break;
4332 case "select":
4333 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("invalid", instance);
4334 break;
4335 case "textarea":
4336 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("invalid", instance),
4337 initTextarea(instance, props.value, props.defaultValue, props.children),
4338 track(instance);
4339 }
4340 type = props.children;
4341 ("string" !== typeof type &&
4342 "number" !== typeof type &&
4343 "bigint" !== typeof type) ||
4344 instance.textContent === "" + type ||
4345 !0 === props.suppressHydrationWarning ||
4346 checkForUnmatchedText(instance.textContent, type)
4347 ? (null != props.onScroll && listenToNonDelegatedEvent("scroll", instance),
4348 null != props.onScrollEnd &&
4349 listenToNonDelegatedEvent("scrollend", instance),
4350 null != props.onClick && (instance.onclick = noop$3),
4351 (instance = !0))
4352 : (instance = !1);
4353 instance || throwOnHydrationMismatch(fiber);
4355function popToNextHostParent(fiber) {
4356 for (hydrationParentFiber = fiber.return; hydrationParentFiber; )
4357 switch (hydrationParentFiber.tag) {
4358 case 3:
4359 case 27:
4360 rootOrSingletonContext = !0;
4361 return;
4362 case 5:
4363 case 13:
4364 rootOrSingletonContext = !1;
4365 return;
4366 default:
4367 hydrationParentFiber = hydrationParentFiber.return;
4368 }
4370function popHydrationState(fiber) {
4371 if (fiber !== hydrationParentFiber) return !1;
4372 if (!isHydrating) return popToNextHostParent(fiber), (isHydrating = !0), !1;
4373 var shouldClear = !1,
4374 JSCompiler_temp;
4375 if ((JSCompiler_temp = 3 !== fiber.tag && 27 !== fiber.tag)) {
4376 if ((JSCompiler_temp = 5 === fiber.tag))
4377 (JSCompiler_temp = fiber.type),
4378 (JSCompiler_temp =
4379 !("form" !== JSCompiler_temp && "button" !== JSCompiler_temp) ||
4380 shouldSetTextContent(fiber.type, fiber.memoizedProps));
4381 JSCompiler_temp = !JSCompiler_temp;
4382 }
4383 JSCompiler_temp && (shouldClear = !0);
4384 shouldClear && nextHydratableInstance && throwOnHydrationMismatch(fiber);
4385 popToNextHostParent(fiber);
4386 if (13 === fiber.tag) {
4387 fiber = fiber.memoizedState;
4388 fiber = null !== fiber ? fiber.dehydrated : null;
4389 if (!fiber) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(317));
4390 a: {
4391 fiber = fiber.nextSibling;
4392 for (shouldClear = 0; fiber; ) {
4393 if (8 === fiber.nodeType)
4394 if (((JSCompiler_temp = fiber.data), "/$" === JSCompiler_temp)) {
4395 if (0 === shouldClear) {
4396 nextHydratableInstance = getNextHydratable(fiber.nextSibling);
4397 break a;
4398 }
4399 shouldClear--;
4400 } else
4401 ("$" !== JSCompiler_temp &&
4402 "$!" !== JSCompiler_temp &&
4403 "$?" !== JSCompiler_temp) ||
4404 shouldClear++;
4405 fiber = fiber.nextSibling;
4406 }
4407 nextHydratableInstance = null;
4408 }
4409 } else
4410 nextHydratableInstance = hydrationParentFiber
4411 ? getNextHydratable(fiber.stateNode.nextSibling)
4412 : null;
4413 return !0;
4415function resetHydrationState() {
4416 nextHydratableInstance = hydrationParentFiber = null;
4417 isHydrating = !1;
4419function queueHydrationError(error) {
4420 null === hydrationErrors
4421 ? (hydrationErrors = [error])
4422 : hydrationErrors.push(error);
4424var SuspenseException = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(460)),
4425 SuspenseyCommitException = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(474)),
4426 noopSuspenseyCommitThenable = { then: function () {} };
4427function isThenableResolved(thenable) {
4428 thenable = thenable.status;
4429 return "fulfilled" === thenable || "rejected" === thenable;
4431function noop$2() {}
4432function trackUsedThenable(thenableState, thenable, index) {
4433 index = thenableState[index];
4434 void 0 === index
4435 ? thenableState.push(thenable)
4436 : index !== thenable && (thenable.then(noop$2, noop$2), (thenable = index));
4437 switch (thenable.status) {
4438 case "fulfilled":
4439 return thenable.value;
4440 case "rejected":
4441 thenableState = thenable.reason;
4442 if (thenableState === SuspenseException)
4443 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(483));
4444 throw thenableState;
4445 default:
4446 if ("string" === typeof thenable.status) thenable.then(noop$2, noop$2);
4447 else {
4448 thenableState = workInProgressRoot;
4449 if (null !== thenableState && 100 < thenableState.shellSuspendCounter)
4450 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(482));
4451 thenableState = thenable;
4452 thenableState.status = "pending";
4453 thenableState.then(
4454 function (fulfilledValue) {
4455 if ("pending" === thenable.status) {
4456 var fulfilledThenable = thenable;
4457 fulfilledThenable.status = "fulfilled";
4458 fulfilledThenable.value = fulfilledValue;
4459 }
4460 },
4461 function (error) {
4462 if ("pending" === thenable.status) {
4463 var rejectedThenable = thenable;
4464 rejectedThenable.status = "rejected";
4465 rejectedThenable.reason = error;
4466 }
4467 }
4468 );
4469 }
4470 switch (thenable.status) {
4471 case "fulfilled":
4472 return thenable.value;
4473 case "rejected":
4474 thenableState = thenable.reason;
4475 if (thenableState === SuspenseException)
4476 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(483));
4477 throw thenableState;
4478 }
4479 suspendedThenable = thenable;
4480 throw SuspenseException;
4481 }
4483var suspendedThenable = null;
4484function getSuspendedThenable() {
4485 if (null === suspendedThenable) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(459));
4486 var thenable = suspendedThenable;
4487 suspendedThenable = null;
4488 return thenable;
4490var thenableState$1 = null,
4491 thenableIndexCounter$1 = 0;
4492function unwrapThenable(thenable) {
4493 var index = thenableIndexCounter$1;
4494 thenableIndexCounter$1 += 1;
4495 null === thenableState$1 && (thenableState$1 = []);
4496 return trackUsedThenable(thenableState$1, thenable, index);
4498function coerceRef(returnFiber, current, workInProgress, element) {
4499 returnFiber = element.props.ref;
4500 workInProgress.ref = void 0 !== returnFiber ? returnFiber : null;
4502function throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild) {
4503 if (newChild.$$typeof === REACT_LEGACY_ELEMENT_TYPE)
4504 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(525));
4505 returnFiber = Object.prototype.toString.call(newChild);
4506 throw Error(
4507 formatProdErrorMessage(
4508 31,
4509 "[object Object]" === returnFiber
4510 ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(newChild).join(", ") + "}"
4511 : returnFiber
4512 )
4513 );
4515function resolveLazy(lazyType) {
4516 var init = lazyType._init;
4517 return init(lazyType._payload);
4519function createChildReconciler(shouldTrackSideEffects) {
4520 function deleteChild(returnFiber, childToDelete) {
4521 if (shouldTrackSideEffects) {
4522 var deletions = returnFiber.deletions;
4523 null === deletions
4524 ? ((returnFiber.deletions = [childToDelete]), (returnFiber.flags |= 16))
4525 : deletions.push(childToDelete);
4526 }
4527 }
4528 function deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild) {
4529 if (!shouldTrackSideEffects) return null;
4530 for (; null !== currentFirstChild; )
4531 deleteChild(returnFiber, currentFirstChild),
4532 (currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling);
4533 return null;
4534 }
4535 function mapRemainingChildren(currentFirstChild) {
4536 for (var existingChildren = new Map(); null !== currentFirstChild; )
4537 null !== currentFirstChild.key
4538 ? existingChildren.set(currentFirstChild.key, currentFirstChild)
4539 : existingChildren.set(currentFirstChild.index, currentFirstChild),
4540 (currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling);
4541 return existingChildren;
4542 }
4543 function useFiber(fiber, pendingProps) {
4544 fiber = createWorkInProgress(fiber, pendingProps);
4545 fiber.index = 0;
4546 fiber.sibling = null;
4547 return fiber;
4548 }
4549 function placeChild(newFiber, lastPlacedIndex, newIndex) {
4550 newFiber.index = newIndex;
4551 if (!shouldTrackSideEffects)
4552 return (newFiber.flags |= 1048576), lastPlacedIndex;
4553 newIndex = newFiber.alternate;
4554 if (null !== newIndex)
4555 return (
4556 (newIndex = newIndex.index),
4557 newIndex < lastPlacedIndex
4558 ? ((newFiber.flags |= 33554434), lastPlacedIndex)
4559 : newIndex
4560 );
4561 newFiber.flags |= 33554434;
4562 return lastPlacedIndex;
4563 }
4564 function placeSingleChild(newFiber) {
4565 shouldTrackSideEffects &&
4566 null === newFiber.alternate &&
4567 (newFiber.flags |= 33554434);
4568 return newFiber;
4569 }
4570 function updateTextNode(returnFiber, current, textContent, lanes) {
4571 if (null === current || 6 !== current.tag)
4572 return (
4573 (current = createFiberFromText(textContent, returnFiber.mode, lanes)),
4574 (current.return = returnFiber),
4575 current
4576 );
4577 current = useFiber(current, textContent);
4578 current.return = returnFiber;
4579 return current;
4580 }
4581 function updateElement(returnFiber, current, element, lanes) {
4582 var elementType = element.type;
4583 if (elementType === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE)
4584 return updateFragment(
4585 returnFiber,
4586 current,
4587 element.props.children,
4588 lanes,
4589 element.key
4590 );
4591 if (
4592 null !== current &&
4593 (current.elementType === elementType ||
4594 ("object" === typeof elementType &&
4595 null !== elementType &&
4596 elementType.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE &&
4597 resolveLazy(elementType) === current.type))
4598 )
4599 return (
4600 (lanes = useFiber(current, element.props)),
4601 coerceRef(returnFiber, current, lanes, element),
4602 (lanes.return = returnFiber),
4603 lanes
4604 );
4605 lanes = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(
4606 element.type,
4607 element.key,
4608 element.props,
4609 null,
4610 returnFiber.mode,
4611 lanes
4612 );
4613 coerceRef(returnFiber, current, lanes, element);
4614 lanes.return = returnFiber;
4615 return lanes;
4616 }
4617 function updatePortal(returnFiber, current, portal, lanes) {
4618 if (
4619 null === current ||
4620 4 !== current.tag ||
4621 current.stateNode.containerInfo !== portal.containerInfo ||
4622 current.stateNode.implementation !== portal.implementation
4623 )
4624 return (
4625 (current = createFiberFromPortal(portal, returnFiber.mode, lanes)),
4626 (current.return = returnFiber),
4627 current
4628 );
4629 current = useFiber(current, portal.children || []);
4630 current.return = returnFiber;
4631 return current;
4632 }
4633 function updateFragment(returnFiber, current, fragment, lanes, key) {
4634 if (null === current || 7 !== current.tag)
4635 return (
4636 (current = createFiberFromFragment(
4637 fragment,
4638 returnFiber.mode,
4639 lanes,
4640 key
4641 )),
4642 (current.return = returnFiber),
4643 current
4644 );
4645 current = useFiber(current, fragment);
4646 current.return = returnFiber;
4647 return current;
4648 }
4649 function createChild(returnFiber, newChild, lanes) {
4650 if (
4651 ("string" === typeof newChild && "" !== newChild) ||
4652 "number" === typeof newChild ||
4653 "bigint" === typeof newChild
4654 )
4655 return (
4656 (newChild = createFiberFromText(
4657 "" + newChild,
4658 returnFiber.mode,
4659 lanes
4660 )),
4661 (newChild.return = returnFiber),
4662 newChild
4663 );
4664 if ("object" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {
4665 switch (newChild.$$typeof) {
4667 return (
4668 (lanes = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(
4669 newChild.type,
4670 newChild.key,
4671 newChild.props,
4672 null,
4673 returnFiber.mode,
4674 lanes
4675 )),
4676 coerceRef(returnFiber, null, lanes, newChild),
4677 (lanes.return = returnFiber),
4678 lanes
4679 );
4681 return (
4682 (newChild = createFiberFromPortal(
4683 newChild,
4684 returnFiber.mode,
4685 lanes
4686 )),
4687 (newChild.return = returnFiber),
4688 newChild
4689 );
4690 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
4691 var init = newChild._init;
4692 return createChild(returnFiber, init(newChild._payload), lanes);
4693 }
4694 if (isArrayImpl(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))
4695 return (
4696 (newChild = createFiberFromFragment(
4697 newChild,
4698 returnFiber.mode,
4699 lanes,
4700 null
4701 )),
4702 (newChild.return = returnFiber),
4703 newChild
4704 );
4705 if ("function" === typeof newChild.then)
4706 return createChild(returnFiber, unwrapThenable(newChild), lanes);
4707 if (newChild.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE)
4708 return createChild(
4709 returnFiber,
4710 readContextDuringReconciliation(returnFiber, newChild, lanes),
4711 lanes
4712 );
4713 throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);
4714 }
4715 return null;
4716 }
4717 function updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes) {
4718 var key = null !== oldFiber ? oldFiber.key : null;
4719 if (
4720 ("string" === typeof newChild && "" !== newChild) ||
4721 "number" === typeof newChild ||
4722 "bigint" === typeof newChild
4723 )
4724 return null !== key
4725 ? null
4726 : updateTextNode(returnFiber, oldFiber, "" + newChild, lanes);
4727 if ("object" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {
4728 switch (newChild.$$typeof) {
4730 return newChild.key === key
4731 ? updateElement(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes)
4732 : null;
4734 return newChild.key === key
4735 ? updatePortal(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes)
4736 : null;
4737 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
4738 return (
4739 (key = newChild._init),
4740 updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, key(newChild._payload), lanes)
4741 );
4742 }
4743 if (isArrayImpl(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))
4744 return null !== key
4745 ? null
4746 : updateFragment(returnFiber, oldFiber, newChild, lanes, null);
4747 if ("function" === typeof newChild.then)
4748 return updateSlot(
4749 returnFiber,
4750 oldFiber,
4751 unwrapThenable(newChild),
4752 lanes
4753 );
4754 if (newChild.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE)
4755 return updateSlot(
4756 returnFiber,
4757 oldFiber,
4758 readContextDuringReconciliation(returnFiber, newChild, lanes),
4759 lanes
4760 );
4761 throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);
4762 }
4763 return null;
4764 }
4765 function updateFromMap(
4766 existingChildren,
4767 returnFiber,
4768 newIdx,
4769 newChild,
4770 lanes
4771 ) {
4772 if (
4773 ("string" === typeof newChild && "" !== newChild) ||
4774 "number" === typeof newChild ||
4775 "bigint" === typeof newChild
4776 )
4777 return (
4778 (existingChildren = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null),
4779 updateTextNode(returnFiber, existingChildren, "" + newChild, lanes)
4780 );
4781 if ("object" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {
4782 switch (newChild.$$typeof) {
4784 return (
4785 (existingChildren =
4786 existingChildren.get(
4787 null === newChild.key ? newIdx : newChild.key
4788 ) || null),
4789 updateElement(returnFiber, existingChildren, newChild, lanes)
4790 );
4792 return (
4793 (existingChildren =
4794 existingChildren.get(
4795 null === newChild.key ? newIdx : newChild.key
4796 ) || null),
4797 updatePortal(returnFiber, existingChildren, newChild, lanes)
4798 );
4799 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
4800 var init = newChild._init;
4801 return updateFromMap(
4802 existingChildren,
4803 returnFiber,
4804 newIdx,
4805 init(newChild._payload),
4806 lanes
4807 );
4808 }
4809 if (isArrayImpl(newChild) || getIteratorFn(newChild))
4810 return (
4811 (existingChildren = existingChildren.get(newIdx) || null),
4812 updateFragment(returnFiber, existingChildren, newChild, lanes, null)
4813 );
4814 if ("function" === typeof newChild.then)
4815 return updateFromMap(
4816 existingChildren,
4817 returnFiber,
4818 newIdx,
4819 unwrapThenable(newChild),
4820 lanes
4821 );
4822 if (newChild.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE)
4823 return updateFromMap(
4824 existingChildren,
4825 returnFiber,
4826 newIdx,
4827 readContextDuringReconciliation(returnFiber, newChild, lanes),
4828 lanes
4829 );
4830 throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);
4831 }
4832 return null;
4833 }
4834 function reconcileChildrenArray(
4835 returnFiber,
4836 currentFirstChild,
4837 newChildren,
4838 lanes
4839 ) {
4840 for (
4841 var resultingFirstChild = null,
4842 previousNewFiber = null,
4843 oldFiber = currentFirstChild,
4844 newIdx = (currentFirstChild = 0),
4845 nextOldFiber = null;
4846 null !== oldFiber && newIdx < newChildren.length;
4847 newIdx++
4848 ) {
4849 oldFiber.index > newIdx
4850 ? ((nextOldFiber = oldFiber), (oldFiber = null))
4851 : (nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling);
4852 var newFiber = updateSlot(
4853 returnFiber,
4854 oldFiber,
4855 newChildren[newIdx],
4856 lanes
4857 );
4858 if (null === newFiber) {
4859 null === oldFiber && (oldFiber = nextOldFiber);
4860 break;
4861 }
4862 shouldTrackSideEffects &&
4863 oldFiber &&
4864 null === newFiber.alternate &&
4865 deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);
4866 currentFirstChild = placeChild(newFiber, currentFirstChild, newIdx);
4867 null === previousNewFiber
4868 ? (resultingFirstChild = newFiber)
4869 : (previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber);
4870 previousNewFiber = newFiber;
4871 oldFiber = nextOldFiber;
4872 }
4873 if (newIdx === newChildren.length)
4874 return (
4875 deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber),
4876 isHydrating && pushTreeFork(returnFiber, newIdx),
4877 resultingFirstChild
4878 );
4879 if (null === oldFiber) {
4880 for (; newIdx < newChildren.length; newIdx++)
4881 (oldFiber = createChild(returnFiber, newChildren[newIdx], lanes)),
4882 null !== oldFiber &&
4883 ((currentFirstChild = placeChild(
4884 oldFiber,
4885 currentFirstChild,
4886 newIdx
4887 )),
4888 null === previousNewFiber
4889 ? (resultingFirstChild = oldFiber)
4890 : (previousNewFiber.sibling = oldFiber),
4891 (previousNewFiber = oldFiber));
4892 isHydrating && pushTreeFork(returnFiber, newIdx);
4893 return resultingFirstChild;
4894 }
4895 for (
4896 oldFiber = mapRemainingChildren(oldFiber);
4897 newIdx < newChildren.length;
4898 newIdx++
4899 )
4900 (nextOldFiber = updateFromMap(
4901 oldFiber,
4902 returnFiber,
4903 newIdx,
4904 newChildren[newIdx],
4905 lanes
4906 )),
4907 null !== nextOldFiber &&
4908 (shouldTrackSideEffects &&
4909 null !== nextOldFiber.alternate &&
4910 oldFiber.delete(
4911 null === nextOldFiber.key ? newIdx : nextOldFiber.key
4912 ),
4913 (currentFirstChild = placeChild(
4914 nextOldFiber,
4915 currentFirstChild,
4916 newIdx
4917 )),
4918 null === previousNewFiber
4919 ? (resultingFirstChild = nextOldFiber)
4920 : (previousNewFiber.sibling = nextOldFiber),
4921 (previousNewFiber = nextOldFiber));
4922 shouldTrackSideEffects &&
4923 oldFiber.forEach(function (child) {
4924 return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);
4925 });
4926 isHydrating && pushTreeFork(returnFiber, newIdx);
4927 return resultingFirstChild;
4928 }
4929 function reconcileChildrenIterator(
4930 returnFiber,
4931 currentFirstChild,
4932 newChildren,
4933 lanes
4934 ) {
4935 if (null == newChildren) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(151));
4936 for (
4937 var resultingFirstChild = null,
4938 previousNewFiber = null,
4939 oldFiber = currentFirstChild,
4940 newIdx = (currentFirstChild = 0),
4941 nextOldFiber = null,
4942 step = newChildren.next();
4943 null !== oldFiber && !step.done;
4944 newIdx++, step = newChildren.next(), null
4945 ) {
4946 oldFiber.index > newIdx
4947 ? ((nextOldFiber = oldFiber), (oldFiber = null))
4948 : (nextOldFiber = oldFiber.sibling);
4949 var newFiber = updateSlot(returnFiber, oldFiber, step.value, lanes);
4950 if (null === newFiber) {
4951 null === oldFiber && (oldFiber = nextOldFiber);
4952 break;
4953 }
4954 shouldTrackSideEffects &&
4955 oldFiber &&
4956 null === newFiber.alternate &&
4957 deleteChild(returnFiber, oldFiber);
4958 currentFirstChild = placeChild(newFiber, currentFirstChild, newIdx);
4959 null === previousNewFiber
4960 ? (resultingFirstChild = newFiber)
4961 : (previousNewFiber.sibling = newFiber);
4962 previousNewFiber = newFiber;
4963 oldFiber = nextOldFiber;
4964 }
4965 if (step.done)
4966 return (
4967 deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, oldFiber),
4968 isHydrating && pushTreeFork(returnFiber, newIdx),
4969 resultingFirstChild
4970 );
4971 if (null === oldFiber) {
4972 for (; !step.done; newIdx++, step = newChildren.next(), null)
4973 (step = createChild(returnFiber, step.value, lanes)),
4974 null !== step &&
4975 ((currentFirstChild = placeChild(step, currentFirstChild, newIdx)),
4976 null === previousNewFiber
4977 ? (resultingFirstChild = step)
4978 : (previousNewFiber.sibling = step),
4979 (previousNewFiber = step));
4980 isHydrating && pushTreeFork(returnFiber, newIdx);
4981 return resultingFirstChild;
4982 }
4983 for (
4984 oldFiber = mapRemainingChildren(oldFiber);
4985 !step.done;
4986 newIdx++, step = newChildren.next(), null
4987 )
4988 (step = updateFromMap(oldFiber, returnFiber, newIdx, step.value, lanes)),
4989 null !== step &&
4990 (shouldTrackSideEffects &&
4991 null !== step.alternate &&
4992 oldFiber.delete(null === step.key ? newIdx : step.key),
4993 (currentFirstChild = placeChild(step, currentFirstChild, newIdx)),
4994 null === previousNewFiber
4995 ? (resultingFirstChild = step)
4996 : (previousNewFiber.sibling = step),
4997 (previousNewFiber = step));
4998 shouldTrackSideEffects &&
4999 oldFiber.forEach(function (child) {
5000 return deleteChild(returnFiber, child);
5001 });
5002 isHydrating && pushTreeFork(returnFiber, newIdx);
5003 return resultingFirstChild;
5004 }
5005 function reconcileChildFibersImpl(
5006 returnFiber,
5007 currentFirstChild,
5008 newChild,
5009 lanes
5010 ) {
5011 "object" === typeof newChild &&
5012 null !== newChild &&
5013 newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE &&
5014 null === newChild.key &&
5015 (newChild = newChild.props.children);
5016 if ("object" === typeof newChild && null !== newChild) {
5017 switch (newChild.$$typeof) {
5019 a: {
5020 for (
5021 var key = newChild.key, child = currentFirstChild;
5022 null !== child;
5024 ) {
5025 if (child.key === key) {
5026 key = newChild.type;
5027 if (key === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE) {
5028 if (7 === child.tag) {
5029 deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child.sibling);
5030 currentFirstChild = useFiber(
5031 child,
5032 newChild.props.children
5033 );
5034 currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;
5035 returnFiber = currentFirstChild;
5036 break a;
5037 }
5038 } else if (
5039 child.elementType === key ||
5040 ("object" === typeof key &&
5041 null !== key &&
5042 key.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE &&
5043 resolveLazy(key) === child.type)
5044 ) {
5045 deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child.sibling);
5046 currentFirstChild = useFiber(child, newChild.props);
5047 coerceRef(returnFiber, child, currentFirstChild, newChild);
5048 currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;
5049 returnFiber = currentFirstChild;
5050 break a;
5051 }
5052 deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, child);
5053 break;
5054 } else deleteChild(returnFiber, child);
5055 child = child.sibling;
5056 }
5057 newChild.type === REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE
5058 ? ((currentFirstChild = createFiberFromFragment(
5059 newChild.props.children,
5060 returnFiber.mode,
5061 lanes,
5062 newChild.key
5063 )),
5064 (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),
5065 (returnFiber = currentFirstChild))
5066 : ((lanes = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(
5067 newChild.type,
5068 newChild.key,
5069 newChild.props,
5070 null,
5071 returnFiber.mode,
5072 lanes
5073 )),
5074 coerceRef(returnFiber, currentFirstChild, lanes, newChild),
5075 (lanes.return = returnFiber),
5076 (returnFiber = lanes));
5077 }
5078 return placeSingleChild(returnFiber);
5080 a: {
5081 for (child = newChild.key; null !== currentFirstChild; ) {
5082 if (currentFirstChild.key === child)
5083 if (
5084 4 === currentFirstChild.tag &&
5085 currentFirstChild.stateNode.containerInfo ===
5086 newChild.containerInfo &&
5087 currentFirstChild.stateNode.implementation ===
5088 newChild.implementation
5089 ) {
5090 deleteRemainingChildren(
5091 returnFiber,
5092 currentFirstChild.sibling
5093 );
5094 currentFirstChild = useFiber(
5095 currentFirstChild,
5096 newChild.children || []
5097 );
5098 currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;
5099 returnFiber = currentFirstChild;
5100 break a;
5101 } else {
5102 deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);
5103 break;
5104 }
5105 else deleteChild(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);
5106 currentFirstChild = currentFirstChild.sibling;
5107 }
5108 currentFirstChild = createFiberFromPortal(
5109 newChild,
5110 returnFiber.mode,
5111 lanes
5112 );
5113 currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber;
5114 returnFiber = currentFirstChild;
5115 }
5116 return placeSingleChild(returnFiber);
5117 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
5118 return (
5119 (child = newChild._init),
5120 reconcileChildFibersImpl(
5121 returnFiber,
5122 currentFirstChild,
5123 child(newChild._payload),
5124 lanes
5125 )
5126 );
5127 }
5128 if (isArrayImpl(newChild))
5129 return reconcileChildrenArray(
5130 returnFiber,
5131 currentFirstChild,
5132 newChild,
5133 lanes
5134 );
5135 if (getIteratorFn(newChild)) {
5136 child = getIteratorFn(newChild);
5137 if ("function" !== typeof child)
5138 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(150));
5139 newChild = child.call(newChild);
5140 return reconcileChildrenIterator(
5141 returnFiber,
5142 currentFirstChild,
5143 newChild,
5144 lanes
5145 );
5146 }
5147 if ("function" === typeof newChild.then)
5148 return reconcileChildFibersImpl(
5149 returnFiber,
5150 currentFirstChild,
5151 unwrapThenable(newChild),
5152 lanes
5153 );
5154 if (newChild.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE)
5155 return reconcileChildFibersImpl(
5156 returnFiber,
5157 currentFirstChild,
5158 readContextDuringReconciliation(returnFiber, newChild, lanes),
5159 lanes
5160 );
5161 throwOnInvalidObjectType(returnFiber, newChild);
5162 }
5163 return ("string" === typeof newChild && "" !== newChild) ||
5164 "number" === typeof newChild ||
5165 "bigint" === typeof newChild
5166 ? ((newChild = "" + newChild),
5167 null !== currentFirstChild && 6 === currentFirstChild.tag
5168 ? (deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild.sibling),
5169 (currentFirstChild = useFiber(currentFirstChild, newChild)),
5170 (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),
5171 (returnFiber = currentFirstChild))
5172 : (deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild),
5173 (currentFirstChild = createFiberFromText(
5174 newChild,
5175 returnFiber.mode,
5176 lanes
5177 )),
5178 (currentFirstChild.return = returnFiber),
5179 (returnFiber = currentFirstChild)),
5180 placeSingleChild(returnFiber))
5181 : deleteRemainingChildren(returnFiber, currentFirstChild);
5182 }
5183 return function (returnFiber, currentFirstChild, newChild, lanes) {
5184 thenableIndexCounter$1 = 0;
5185 returnFiber = reconcileChildFibersImpl(
5186 returnFiber,
5187 currentFirstChild,
5188 newChild,
5189 lanes
5190 );
5191 thenableState$1 = null;
5192 return returnFiber;
5193 };
5195var reconcileChildFibers = createChildReconciler(!0),
5196 mountChildFibers = createChildReconciler(!1),
5197 currentTreeHiddenStackCursor = createCursor(null),
5198 prevEntangledRenderLanesCursor = createCursor(0);
5199function pushHiddenContext(fiber, context) {
5200 fiber = entangledRenderLanes;
5201 push(prevEntangledRenderLanesCursor, fiber);
5202 push(currentTreeHiddenStackCursor, context);
5203 entangledRenderLanes = fiber | context.baseLanes;
5205function reuseHiddenContextOnStack() {
5206 push(prevEntangledRenderLanesCursor, entangledRenderLanes);
5207 push(currentTreeHiddenStackCursor, currentTreeHiddenStackCursor.current);
5209function popHiddenContext() {
5210 entangledRenderLanes = prevEntangledRenderLanesCursor.current;
5211 pop(currentTreeHiddenStackCursor);
5212 pop(prevEntangledRenderLanesCursor);
5214var suspenseHandlerStackCursor = createCursor(null),
5215 shellBoundary = null;
5216function pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(handler) {
5217 var current = handler.alternate;
5218 push(suspenseStackCursor, suspenseStackCursor.current & 1);
5219 push(suspenseHandlerStackCursor, handler);
5220 null === shellBoundary &&
5221 (null === current || null !== currentTreeHiddenStackCursor.current
5222 ? (shellBoundary = handler)
5223 : null !== current.memoizedState && (shellBoundary = handler));
5225function pushOffscreenSuspenseHandler(fiber) {
5226 if (22 === fiber.tag) {
5227 if (
5228 (push(suspenseStackCursor, suspenseStackCursor.current),
5229 push(suspenseHandlerStackCursor, fiber),
5230 null === shellBoundary)
5231 ) {
5232 var current = fiber.alternate;
5233 null !== current &&
5234 null !== current.memoizedState &&
5235 (shellBoundary = fiber);
5236 }
5237 } else reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(fiber);
5239function reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack() {
5240 push(suspenseStackCursor, suspenseStackCursor.current);
5241 push(suspenseHandlerStackCursor, suspenseHandlerStackCursor.current);
5243function popSuspenseHandler(fiber) {
5244 pop(suspenseHandlerStackCursor);
5245 shellBoundary === fiber && (shellBoundary = null);
5246 pop(suspenseStackCursor);
5248var suspenseStackCursor = createCursor(0);
5249function findFirstSuspended(row) {
5250 for (var node = row; null !== node; ) {
5251 if (13 === node.tag) {
5252 var state = node.memoizedState;
5253 if (
5254 null !== state &&
5255 ((state = state.dehydrated),
5256 null === state || "$?" === state.data || "$!" === state.data)
5257 )
5258 return node;
5259 } else if (19 === node.tag && void 0 !== node.memoizedProps.revealOrder) {
5260 if (0 !== (node.flags & 128)) return node;
5261 } else if (null !== node.child) {
5262 node.child.return = node;
5263 node = node.child;
5264 continue;
5265 }
5266 if (node === row) break;
5267 for (; null === node.sibling; ) {
5268 if (null === node.return || node.return === row) return null;
5269 node = node.return;
5270 }
5271 node.sibling.return = node.return;
5272 node = node.sibling;
5273 }
5274 return null;
5276var AbortControllerLocal =
5277 "undefined" !== typeof AbortController
5278 ? AbortController
5279 : function () {
5280 var listeners = [],
5281 signal = (this.signal = {
5282 aborted: !1,
5283 addEventListener: function (type, listener) {
5284 listeners.push(listener);
5285 }
5286 });
5287 this.abort = function () {
5288 signal.aborted = !0;
5289 listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
5290 return listener();
5291 });
5292 };
5293 },
5294 scheduleCallback$2 = Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback,
5295 NormalPriority = Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority,
5296 CacheContext = {
5297 $$typeof: REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE,
5298 Consumer: null,
5299 Provider: null,
5300 _currentValue: null,
5301 _currentValue2: null,
5302 _threadCount: 0
5303 };
5304function createCache() {
5305 return {
5306 controller: new AbortControllerLocal(),
5307 data: new Map(),
5308 refCount: 0
5309 };
5311function releaseCache(cache) {
5312 cache.refCount--;
5313 0 === cache.refCount &&
5314 scheduleCallback$2(NormalPriority, function () {
5315 cache.controller.abort();
5316 });
5318var firstScheduledRoot = null,
5319 lastScheduledRoot = null,
5320 didScheduleMicrotask = !1,
5321 mightHavePendingSyncWork = !1,
5322 isFlushingWork = !1,
5323 currentEventTransitionLane = 0;
5324function ensureRootIsScheduled(root) {
5325 root !== lastScheduledRoot &&
5326 null === root.next &&
5327 (null === lastScheduledRoot
5328 ? (firstScheduledRoot = lastScheduledRoot = root)
5329 : (lastScheduledRoot = lastScheduledRoot.next = root));
5330 mightHavePendingSyncWork = !0;
5331 didScheduleMicrotask ||
5332 ((didScheduleMicrotask = !0),
5333 scheduleImmediateTask(processRootScheduleInMicrotask));
5335function flushSyncWorkAcrossRoots_impl(onlyLegacy) {
5336 if (!isFlushingWork && mightHavePendingSyncWork) {
5337 isFlushingWork = !0;
5338 do {
5339 var didPerformSomeWork = !1;
5340 for (var root$103 = firstScheduledRoot; null !== root$103; ) {
5341 if (!onlyLegacy) {
5342 var workInProgressRootRenderLanes$105 = workInProgressRootRenderLanes;
5343 workInProgressRootRenderLanes$105 = getNextLanes(
5344 root$103,
5345 root$103 === workInProgressRoot
5346 ? workInProgressRootRenderLanes$105
5347 : 0
5348 );
5349 0 !== (workInProgressRootRenderLanes$105 & 3) &&
5350 ((didPerformSomeWork = !0),
5351 performSyncWorkOnRoot(root$103, workInProgressRootRenderLanes$105));
5352 }
5353 root$103 = root$103.next;
5354 }
5355 } while (didPerformSomeWork);
5356 isFlushingWork = !1;
5357 }
5359function processRootScheduleInMicrotask() {
5360 mightHavePendingSyncWork = didScheduleMicrotask = !1;
5361 for (
5362 var currentTime = now$1(), prev = null, root = firstScheduledRoot;
5363 null !== root;
5365 ) {
5366 var next = root.next;
5367 if (0 !== currentEventTransitionLane && shouldAttemptEagerTransition()) {
5368 var root$jscomp$0 = root,
5369 lane = currentEventTransitionLane;
5370 root$jscomp$0.pendingLanes |= 2;
5371 root$jscomp$0.entangledLanes |= 2;
5372 root$jscomp$0.entanglements[1] |= lane;
5373 }
5374 root$jscomp$0 = scheduleTaskForRootDuringMicrotask(root, currentTime);
5375 0 === root$jscomp$0
5376 ? ((root.next = null),
5377 null === prev ? (firstScheduledRoot = next) : (prev.next = next),
5378 null === next && (lastScheduledRoot = prev))
5379 : ((prev = root),
5380 0 !== (root$jscomp$0 & 3) && (mightHavePendingSyncWork = !0));
5381 root = next;
5382 }
5383 currentEventTransitionLane = 0;
5384 flushSyncWorkAcrossRoots_impl(!1);
5386function scheduleTaskForRootDuringMicrotask(root, currentTime) {
5387 for (
5388 var suspendedLanes = root.suspendedLanes,
5389 pingedLanes = root.pingedLanes,
5390 expirationTimes = root.expirationTimes,
5391 lanes = root.pendingLanes & -62914561;
5392 0 < lanes;
5394 ) {
5395 var index$3 = 31 - clz32(lanes),
5396 lane = 1 << index$3,
5397 expirationTime = expirationTimes[index$3];
5398 if (-1 === expirationTime) {
5399 if (0 === (lane & suspendedLanes) || 0 !== (lane & pingedLanes))
5400 expirationTimes[index$3] = computeExpirationTime(lane, currentTime);
5401 } else expirationTime <= currentTime && (root.expiredLanes |= lane);
5402 lanes &= ~lane;
5403 }
5404 currentTime = workInProgressRoot;
5405 suspendedLanes = workInProgressRootRenderLanes;
5406 suspendedLanes = getNextLanes(
5407 root,
5408 root === currentTime ? suspendedLanes : 0
5409 );
5410 pingedLanes = root.callbackNode;
5411 if (
5412 0 === suspendedLanes ||
5413 (root === currentTime && 2 === workInProgressSuspendedReason) ||
5414 null !== root.cancelPendingCommit
5415 )
5416 return (
5417 null !== pingedLanes &&
5418 null !== pingedLanes &&
5419 cancelCallback$1(pingedLanes),
5420 (root.callbackNode = null),
5421 (root.callbackPriority = 0)
5422 );
5423 if (0 !== (suspendedLanes & 3))
5424 return (
5425 null !== pingedLanes &&
5426 null !== pingedLanes &&
5427 cancelCallback$1(pingedLanes),
5428 (root.callbackPriority = 2),
5429 (root.callbackNode = null),
5430 2
5431 );
5432 currentTime = suspendedLanes & -suspendedLanes;
5433 if (currentTime === root.callbackPriority) return currentTime;
5434 null !== pingedLanes && cancelCallback$1(pingedLanes);
5435 switch (lanesToEventPriority(suspendedLanes)) {
5436 case 2:
5437 suspendedLanes = ImmediatePriority;
5438 break;
5439 case 8:
5440 suspendedLanes = UserBlockingPriority;
5441 break;
5442 case 32:
5443 suspendedLanes = NormalPriority$1;
5444 break;
5445 case 268435456:
5446 suspendedLanes = IdlePriority;
5447 break;
5448 default:
5449 suspendedLanes = NormalPriority$1;
5450 }
5451 pingedLanes = performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root);
5452 suspendedLanes = scheduleCallback$3(suspendedLanes, pingedLanes);
5453 root.callbackPriority = currentTime;
5454 root.callbackNode = suspendedLanes;
5455 return currentTime;
5457function scheduleImmediateTask(cb) {
5458 scheduleMicrotask(function () {
5459 0 !== (executionContext & 6)
5460 ? scheduleCallback$3(ImmediatePriority, cb)
5461 : cb();
5462 });
5464function requestTransitionLane() {
5465 0 === currentEventTransitionLane &&
5466 (currentEventTransitionLane = claimNextTransitionLane());
5467 return currentEventTransitionLane;
5469var currentEntangledListeners = null,
5470 currentEntangledPendingCount = 0,
5471 currentEntangledLane = 0,
5472 currentEntangledActionThenable = null;
5473function entangleAsyncAction(transition, thenable) {
5474 if (null === currentEntangledListeners) {
5475 var entangledListeners = (currentEntangledListeners = []);
5476 currentEntangledPendingCount = 0;
5477 currentEntangledLane = requestTransitionLane();
5478 currentEntangledActionThenable = {
5479 status: "pending",
5480 value: void 0,
5481 then: function (resolve) {
5482 entangledListeners.push(resolve);
5483 }
5484 };
5485 }
5486 currentEntangledPendingCount++;
5487 thenable.then(pingEngtangledActionScope, pingEngtangledActionScope);
5488 return thenable;
5490function pingEngtangledActionScope() {
5491 if (
5492 null !== currentEntangledListeners &&
5493 0 === --currentEntangledPendingCount
5494 ) {
5495 null !== currentEntangledActionThenable &&
5496 (currentEntangledActionThenable.status = "fulfilled");
5497 var listeners = currentEntangledListeners;
5498 currentEntangledListeners = null;
5499 currentEntangledLane = 0;
5500 currentEntangledActionThenable = null;
5501 for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) (0, listeners[i])();
5502 }
5504function chainThenableValue(thenable, result) {
5505 var listeners = [],
5506 thenableWithOverride = {
5507 status: "pending",
5508 value: null,
5509 reason: null,
5510 then: function (resolve) {
5511 listeners.push(resolve);
5512 }
5513 };
5514 thenable.then(
5515 function () {
5516 thenableWithOverride.status = "fulfilled";
5517 thenableWithOverride.value = result;
5518 for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) (0, listeners[i])(result);
5519 },
5520 function (error) {
5521 thenableWithOverride.status = "rejected";
5522 thenableWithOverride.reason = error;
5523 for (error = 0; error < listeners.length; error++)
5524 (0, listeners[error])(void 0);
5525 }
5526 );
5527 return thenableWithOverride;
5529function requestCurrentTransition() {
5530 var transition = ReactSharedInternals.T;
5531 null !== transition && transition._callbacks.add(handleAsyncAction);
5532 return transition;
5534function handleAsyncAction(transition, thenable) {
5535 entangleAsyncAction(transition, thenable);
5537function notifyTransitionCallbacks(transition, returnValue) {
5538 transition._callbacks.forEach(function (callback) {
5539 return callback(transition, returnValue);
5540 });
5542var resumedCache = createCursor(null);
5543function peekCacheFromPool() {
5544 var cacheResumedFromPreviousRender = resumedCache.current;
5545 return null !== cacheResumedFromPreviousRender
5546 ? cacheResumedFromPreviousRender
5547 : workInProgressRoot.pooledCache;
5549function pushTransition(offscreenWorkInProgress, prevCachePool) {
5550 null === prevCachePool
5551 ? push(resumedCache, resumedCache.current)
5552 : push(resumedCache, prevCachePool.pool);
5554function getSuspendedCache() {
5555 var cacheFromPool = peekCacheFromPool();
5556 return null === cacheFromPool
5557 ? null
5558 : { parent: CacheContext._currentValue, pool: cacheFromPool };
5560var renderLanes = 0,
5561 currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null,
5562 currentHook = null,
5563 workInProgressHook = null,
5564 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1,
5565 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = !1,
5566 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV = !1,
5567 localIdCounter = 0,
5568 thenableIndexCounter = 0,
5569 thenableState = null,
5570 globalClientIdCounter = 0;
5571function throwInvalidHookError() {
5572 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(321));
5574function areHookInputsEqual(nextDeps, prevDeps) {
5575 if (null === prevDeps) return !1;
5576 for (var i = 0; i < prevDeps.length && i < nextDeps.length; i++)
5577 if (!objectIs(nextDeps[i], prevDeps[i])) return !1;
5578 return !0;
5580function renderWithHooks(
5581 current,
5582 workInProgress,
5583 Component,
5584 props,
5585 secondArg,
5586 nextRenderLanes
5587) {
5588 renderLanes = nextRenderLanes;
5589 currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = workInProgress;
5590 workInProgress.memoizedState = null;
5591 workInProgress.updateQueue = null;
5592 workInProgress.lanes = 0;
5593 ReactSharedInternals.H =
5594 null === current || null === current.memoizedState
5595 ? HooksDispatcherOnMount
5596 : HooksDispatcherOnUpdate;
5597 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV = !1;
5598 current = Component(props, secondArg);
5599 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV = !1;
5600 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass &&
5601 (current = renderWithHooksAgain(
5602 workInProgress,
5603 Component,
5604 props,
5605 secondArg
5606 ));
5607 finishRenderingHooks();
5608 return current;
5610function finishRenderingHooks() {
5611 ReactSharedInternals.H = ContextOnlyDispatcher;
5612 var didRenderTooFewHooks = null !== currentHook && null !== currentHook.next;
5613 renderLanes = 0;
5614 workInProgressHook = currentHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;
5615 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1;
5616 thenableIndexCounter = 0;
5617 thenableState = null;
5618 if (didRenderTooFewHooks) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(300));
5620function renderWithHooksAgain(workInProgress, Component, props, secondArg) {
5621 currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = workInProgress;
5622 var numberOfReRenders = 0;
5623 do {
5624 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass && (thenableState = null);
5625 thenableIndexCounter = 0;
5626 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = !1;
5627 if (25 <= numberOfReRenders) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(301));
5628 numberOfReRenders += 1;
5629 workInProgressHook = currentHook = null;
5630 workInProgress.updateQueue = null;
5631 ReactSharedInternals.H = HooksDispatcherOnRerender;
5632 var children = Component(props, secondArg);
5633 } while (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass);
5634 return children;
5636function TransitionAwareHostComponent() {
5637 var dispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.H,
5638 maybeThenable = dispatcher.useState()[0];
5639 maybeThenable =
5640 "function" === typeof maybeThenable.then
5641 ? useThenable(maybeThenable)
5642 : maybeThenable;
5643 dispatcher = dispatcher.useState()[0];
5644 (null !== currentHook ? currentHook.memoizedState : null) !== dispatcher &&
5645 (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.flags |= 1024);
5646 return maybeThenable;
5648function checkDidRenderIdHook() {
5649 var didRenderIdHook = 0 !== localIdCounter;
5650 localIdCounter = 0;
5651 return didRenderIdHook;
5653function bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, lanes) {
5654 workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue;
5655 workInProgress.flags &= -2053;
5656 current.lanes &= ~lanes;
5658function resetHooksOnUnwind(workInProgress) {
5659 if (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate) {
5660 for (
5661 workInProgress = workInProgress.memoizedState;
5662 null !== workInProgress;
5664 ) {
5665 var queue = workInProgress.queue;
5666 null !== queue && (queue.pending = null);
5667 workInProgress = workInProgress.next;
5668 }
5669 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1;
5670 }
5671 renderLanes = 0;
5672 workInProgressHook = currentHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;
5673 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = !1;
5674 thenableIndexCounter = localIdCounter = 0;
5675 thenableState = null;
5677function mountWorkInProgressHook() {
5678 var hook = {
5679 memoizedState: null,
5680 baseState: null,
5681 baseQueue: null,
5682 queue: null,
5683 next: null
5684 };
5685 null === workInProgressHook
5686 ? (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState = workInProgressHook = hook)
5687 : (workInProgressHook = workInProgressHook.next = hook);
5688 return workInProgressHook;
5690function updateWorkInProgressHook() {
5691 if (null === currentHook) {
5692 var nextCurrentHook = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.alternate;
5693 nextCurrentHook =
5694 null !== nextCurrentHook ? nextCurrentHook.memoizedState : null;
5695 } else nextCurrentHook = currentHook.next;
5696 var nextWorkInProgressHook =
5697 null === workInProgressHook
5698 ? currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState
5699 : workInProgressHook.next;
5700 if (null !== nextWorkInProgressHook)
5701 (workInProgressHook = nextWorkInProgressHook),
5702 (currentHook = nextCurrentHook);
5703 else {
5704 if (null === nextCurrentHook) {
5705 if (null === currentlyRenderingFiber$1.alternate)
5706 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(467));
5707 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(310));
5708 }
5709 currentHook = nextCurrentHook;
5710 nextCurrentHook = {
5711 memoizedState: currentHook.memoizedState,
5712 baseState: currentHook.baseState,
5713 baseQueue: currentHook.baseQueue,
5714 queue: currentHook.queue,
5715 next: null
5716 };
5717 null === workInProgressHook
5718 ? (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState = workInProgressHook =
5719 nextCurrentHook)
5720 : (workInProgressHook = workInProgressHook.next = nextCurrentHook);
5721 }
5722 return workInProgressHook;
5724var createFunctionComponentUpdateQueue;
5725createFunctionComponentUpdateQueue = function () {
5726 return { lastEffect: null, events: null, stores: null };
5728function useThenable(thenable) {
5729 var index = thenableIndexCounter;
5730 thenableIndexCounter += 1;
5731 null === thenableState && (thenableState = []);
5732 thenable = trackUsedThenable(thenableState, thenable, index);
5733 null === currentlyRenderingFiber$1.alternate &&
5734 (null === workInProgressHook
5735 ? null === currentlyRenderingFiber$1.memoizedState
5736 : null === workInProgressHook.next) &&
5737 (ReactSharedInternals.H = HooksDispatcherOnMount);
5738 return thenable;
5740function use(usable) {
5741 if (null !== usable && "object" === typeof usable) {
5742 if ("function" === typeof usable.then) return useThenable(usable);
5743 if (usable.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE) return readContext(usable);
5744 }
5745 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(438, String(usable)));
5747function basicStateReducer(state, action) {
5748 return "function" === typeof action ? action(state) : action;
5750function updateReducer(reducer) {
5751 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
5752 return updateReducerImpl(hook, currentHook, reducer);
5754function updateReducerImpl(hook, current, reducer) {
5755 var queue = hook.queue;
5756 if (null === queue) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(311));
5757 queue.lastRenderedReducer = reducer;
5758 var baseQueue = hook.baseQueue,
5759 pendingQueue = queue.pending;
5760 if (null !== pendingQueue) {
5761 if (null !== baseQueue) {
5762 var baseFirst = baseQueue.next;
5763 baseQueue.next = pendingQueue.next;
5764 pendingQueue.next = baseFirst;
5765 }
5766 current.baseQueue = baseQueue = pendingQueue;
5767 queue.pending = null;
5768 }
5769 pendingQueue = hook.baseState;
5770 if (null === baseQueue) hook.memoizedState = pendingQueue;
5771 else {
5772 current = baseQueue.next;
5773 var newBaseQueueFirst = (baseFirst = null),
5774 newBaseQueueLast = null,
5775 update = current,
5776 didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction$106 = !1;
5777 do {
5778 var updateLane = update.lane & -536870913;
5779 if (
5780 updateLane !== update.lane
5781 ? (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & updateLane) === updateLane
5782 : (renderLanes & updateLane) === updateLane
5783 ) {
5784 var revertLane = update.revertLane;
5785 if (0 === revertLane)
5786 null !== newBaseQueueLast &&
5787 (newBaseQueueLast = newBaseQueueLast.next =
5788 {
5789 lane: 0,
5790 revertLane: 0,
5791 action: update.action,
5792 hasEagerState: update.hasEagerState,
5793 eagerState: update.eagerState,
5794 next: null
5795 }),
5796 updateLane === currentEntangledLane &&
5797 (didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction$106 = !0);
5798 else if ((renderLanes & revertLane) === revertLane) {
5799 update = update.next;
5800 revertLane === currentEntangledLane &&
5801 (didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction$106 = !0);
5802 continue;
5803 } else
5804 (updateLane = {
5805 lane: 0,
5806 revertLane: update.revertLane,
5807 action: update.action,
5808 hasEagerState: update.hasEagerState,
5809 eagerState: update.eagerState,
5810 next: null
5811 }),
5812 null === newBaseQueueLast
5813 ? ((newBaseQueueFirst = newBaseQueueLast = updateLane),
5814 (baseFirst = pendingQueue))
5815 : (newBaseQueueLast = newBaseQueueLast.next = updateLane),
5816 (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes |= revertLane),
5817 (workInProgressRootSkippedLanes |= revertLane);
5818 updateLane = update.action;
5819 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV &&
5820 reducer(pendingQueue, updateLane);
5821 pendingQueue = update.hasEagerState
5822 ? update.eagerState
5823 : reducer(pendingQueue, updateLane);
5824 } else
5825 (revertLane = {
5826 lane: updateLane,
5827 revertLane: update.revertLane,
5828 action: update.action,
5829 hasEagerState: update.hasEagerState,
5830 eagerState: update.eagerState,
5831 next: null
5832 }),
5833 null === newBaseQueueLast
5834 ? ((newBaseQueueFirst = newBaseQueueLast = revertLane),
5835 (baseFirst = pendingQueue))
5836 : (newBaseQueueLast = newBaseQueueLast.next = revertLane),
5837 (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes |= updateLane),
5838 (workInProgressRootSkippedLanes |= updateLane);
5839 update = update.next;
5840 } while (null !== update && update !== current);
5841 null === newBaseQueueLast
5842 ? (baseFirst = pendingQueue)
5843 : (newBaseQueueLast.next = newBaseQueueFirst);
5844 if (
5845 !objectIs(pendingQueue, hook.memoizedState) &&
5846 ((didReceiveUpdate = !0),
5847 didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction$106 &&
5848 ((reducer = currentEntangledActionThenable), null !== reducer))
5849 )
5850 throw reducer;
5851 hook.memoizedState = pendingQueue;
5852 hook.baseState = baseFirst;
5853 hook.baseQueue = newBaseQueueLast;
5854 queue.lastRenderedState = pendingQueue;
5855 }
5856 null === baseQueue && (queue.lanes = 0);
5857 return [hook.memoizedState, queue.dispatch];
5859function rerenderReducer(reducer) {
5860 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook(),
5861 queue = hook.queue;
5862 if (null === queue) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(311));
5863 queue.lastRenderedReducer = reducer;
5864 var dispatch = queue.dispatch,
5865 lastRenderPhaseUpdate = queue.pending,
5866 newState = hook.memoizedState;
5867 if (null !== lastRenderPhaseUpdate) {
5868 queue.pending = null;
5869 var update = (lastRenderPhaseUpdate = lastRenderPhaseUpdate.next);
5870 do (newState = reducer(newState, update.action)), (update = update.next);
5871 while (update !== lastRenderPhaseUpdate);
5872 objectIs(newState, hook.memoizedState) || (didReceiveUpdate = !0);
5873 hook.memoizedState = newState;
5874 null === hook.baseQueue && (hook.baseState = newState);
5875 queue.lastRenderedState = newState;
5876 }
5877 return [newState, dispatch];
5879function updateSyncExternalStore(subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {
5880 var fiber = currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
5881 hook = updateWorkInProgressHook(),
5882 isHydrating$jscomp$0 = isHydrating;
5883 if (isHydrating$jscomp$0) {
5884 if (void 0 === getServerSnapshot) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(407));
5885 getServerSnapshot = getServerSnapshot();
5886 } else getServerSnapshot = getSnapshot();
5887 var snapshotChanged = !objectIs(
5888 (currentHook || hook).memoizedState,
5889 getServerSnapshot
5890 );
5891 snapshotChanged &&
5892 ((hook.memoizedState = getServerSnapshot), (didReceiveUpdate = !0));
5893 hook = hook.queue;
5894 updateEffect(subscribeToStore.bind(null, fiber, hook, subscribe), [
5895 subscribe
5896 ]);
5897 if (
5898 hook.getSnapshot !== getSnapshot ||
5899 snapshotChanged ||
5900 (null !== workInProgressHook && workInProgressHook.memoizedState.tag & 1)
5901 ) {
5902 fiber.flags |= 2048;
5903 pushEffect(
5904 9,
5905 updateStoreInstance.bind(
5906 null,
5907 fiber,
5908 hook,
5909 getServerSnapshot,
5910 getSnapshot
5911 ),
5912 { destroy: void 0 },
5913 null
5914 );
5915 if (null === workInProgressRoot) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(349));
5916 isHydrating$jscomp$0 ||
5917 0 !== (renderLanes & 60) ||
5918 pushStoreConsistencyCheck(fiber, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot);
5919 }
5920 return getServerSnapshot;
5922function pushStoreConsistencyCheck(fiber, getSnapshot, renderedSnapshot) {
5923 fiber.flags |= 16384;
5924 fiber = { getSnapshot: getSnapshot, value: renderedSnapshot };
5925 getSnapshot = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue;
5926 null === getSnapshot
5927 ? ((getSnapshot = createFunctionComponentUpdateQueue()),
5928 (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue = getSnapshot),
5929 (getSnapshot.stores = [fiber]))
5930 : ((renderedSnapshot = getSnapshot.stores),
5931 null === renderedSnapshot
5932 ? (getSnapshot.stores = [fiber])
5933 : renderedSnapshot.push(fiber));
5935function updateStoreInstance(fiber, inst, nextSnapshot, getSnapshot) {
5936 inst.value = nextSnapshot;
5937 inst.getSnapshot = getSnapshot;
5938 checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst) && forceStoreRerender(fiber);
5940function subscribeToStore(fiber, inst, subscribe) {
5941 return subscribe(function () {
5942 checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst) && forceStoreRerender(fiber);
5943 });
5945function checkIfSnapshotChanged(inst) {
5946 var latestGetSnapshot = inst.getSnapshot;
5947 inst = inst.value;
5948 try {
5949 var nextValue = latestGetSnapshot();
5950 return !objectIs(inst, nextValue);
5951 } catch (error) {
5952 return !0;
5953 }
5955function forceStoreRerender(fiber) {
5956 var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, 2);
5957 null !== root && scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, 2);
5959function mountStateImpl(initialState) {
5960 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
5961 if ("function" === typeof initialState) {
5962 var initialStateInitializer = initialState;
5963 initialState = initialStateInitializer();
5964 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV &&
5965 (setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!0),
5966 initialStateInitializer(),
5967 setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!1));
5968 }
5969 hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialState;
5970 hook.queue = {
5971 pending: null,
5972 lanes: 0,
5973 dispatch: null,
5974 lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,
5975 lastRenderedState: initialState
5976 };
5977 return hook;
5979function updateOptimisticImpl(hook, current, passthrough, reducer) {
5980 hook.baseState = passthrough;
5981 return updateReducerImpl(
5982 hook,
5983 currentHook,
5984 "function" === typeof reducer ? reducer : basicStateReducer
5985 );
5987function dispatchActionState(
5988 fiber,
5989 actionQueue,
5990 setPendingState,
5991 setState,
5992 payload
5993) {
5994 if (isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(485));
5995 fiber = actionQueue.pending;
5996 null === fiber
5997 ? ((fiber = { payload: payload, next: null }),
5998 (fiber.next = actionQueue.pending = fiber),
5999 runActionStateAction(actionQueue, setPendingState, setState, payload))
6000 : (actionQueue.pending = fiber.next =
6001 { payload: payload, next: fiber.next });
6003function runActionStateAction(actionQueue, setPendingState, setState, payload) {
6004 var action = actionQueue.action,
6005 prevState = actionQueue.state,
6006 prevTransition = ReactSharedInternals.T,
6007 currentTransition = { _callbacks: new Set() };
6008 ReactSharedInternals.T = currentTransition;
6009 setPendingState(!0);
6010 try {
6011 var returnValue = action(prevState, payload);
6012 null !== returnValue &&
6013 "object" === typeof returnValue &&
6014 "function" === typeof returnValue.then
6015 ? (notifyTransitionCallbacks(currentTransition, returnValue),
6016 returnValue.then(
6017 function (nextState) {
6018 actionQueue.state = nextState;
6019 finishRunningActionStateAction(
6020 actionQueue,
6021 setPendingState,
6022 setState
6023 );
6024 },
6025 function () {
6026 return finishRunningActionStateAction(
6027 actionQueue,
6028 setPendingState,
6029 setState
6030 );
6031 }
6032 ),
6033 setState(returnValue))
6034 : (setState(returnValue),
6035 (actionQueue.state = returnValue),
6036 finishRunningActionStateAction(actionQueue, setPendingState, setState));
6037 } catch (error) {
6038 setState({ then: function () {}, status: "rejected", reason: error }),
6039 finishRunningActionStateAction(actionQueue, setPendingState, setState);
6040 } finally {
6041 ReactSharedInternals.T = prevTransition;
6042 }
6044function finishRunningActionStateAction(
6045 actionQueue,
6046 setPendingState,
6047 setState
6048) {
6049 var last = actionQueue.pending;
6050 if (null !== last) {
6051 var first = last.next;
6052 first === last
6053 ? (actionQueue.pending = null)
6054 : ((first = first.next),
6055 (last.next = first),
6056 runActionStateAction(
6057 actionQueue,
6058 setPendingState,
6059 setState,
6060 first.payload
6061 ));
6062 }
6064function actionStateReducer(oldState, newState) {
6065 return newState;
6067function mountActionState(action, initialStateProp) {
6068 if (isHydrating) {
6069 var ssrFormState = workInProgressRoot.formState;
6070 if (null !== ssrFormState) {
6071 a: {
6072 var JSCompiler_inline_result = currentlyRenderingFiber$1;
6073 if (isHydrating) {
6074 if (nextHydratableInstance) {
6075 b: {
6076 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = nextHydratableInstance;
6077 for (
6078 var inRootOrSingleton = rootOrSingletonContext;
6079 8 !== JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0.nodeType;
6081 ) {
6082 if (!inRootOrSingleton) {
6083 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = null;
6084 break b;
6085 }
6086 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = getNextHydratable(
6087 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0.nextSibling
6088 );
6089 if (null === JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0) {
6090 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = null;
6091 break b;
6092 }
6093 }
6094 inRootOrSingleton = JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0.data;
6095 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 =
6096 "F!" === inRootOrSingleton || "F" === inRootOrSingleton
6097 ? JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0
6098 : null;
6099 }
6100 if (JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0) {
6101 nextHydratableInstance = getNextHydratable(
6102 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0.nextSibling
6103 );
6104 JSCompiler_inline_result =
6105 "F!" === JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0.data;
6106 break a;
6107 }
6108 }
6109 throwOnHydrationMismatch(JSCompiler_inline_result);
6110 }
6111 JSCompiler_inline_result = !1;
6112 }
6113 JSCompiler_inline_result && (initialStateProp = ssrFormState[0]);
6114 }
6115 }
6116 ssrFormState = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6117 ssrFormState.memoizedState = ssrFormState.baseState = initialStateProp;
6118 JSCompiler_inline_result = {
6119 pending: null,
6120 lanes: 0,
6121 dispatch: null,
6122 lastRenderedReducer: actionStateReducer,
6123 lastRenderedState: initialStateProp
6124 };
6125 ssrFormState.queue = JSCompiler_inline_result;
6126 ssrFormState = dispatchSetState.bind(
6127 null,
6128 currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
6129 JSCompiler_inline_result
6130 );
6131 JSCompiler_inline_result.dispatch = ssrFormState;
6132 JSCompiler_inline_result = mountStateImpl(!1);
6133 inRootOrSingleton = dispatchOptimisticSetState.bind(
6134 null,
6135 currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
6136 !1,
6137 JSCompiler_inline_result.queue
6138 );
6139 JSCompiler_inline_result = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6140 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = {
6141 state: initialStateProp,
6142 dispatch: null,
6143 action: action,
6144 pending: null
6145 };
6146 JSCompiler_inline_result.queue = JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0;
6147 ssrFormState = dispatchActionState.bind(
6148 null,
6149 currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
6150 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0,
6151 inRootOrSingleton,
6152 ssrFormState
6153 );
6154 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0.dispatch = ssrFormState;
6155 JSCompiler_inline_result.memoizedState = action;
6156 return [initialStateProp, ssrFormState, !1];
6158function updateActionState(action) {
6159 var stateHook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6160 return updateActionStateImpl(stateHook, currentHook, action);
6162function updateActionStateImpl(stateHook, currentStateHook, action) {
6163 currentStateHook = updateReducerImpl(
6164 stateHook,
6165 currentStateHook,
6166 actionStateReducer
6167 )[0];
6168 stateHook = updateReducer(basicStateReducer)[0];
6169 currentStateHook =
6170 "object" === typeof currentStateHook &&
6171 null !== currentStateHook &&
6172 "function" === typeof currentStateHook.then
6173 ? useThenable(currentStateHook)
6174 : currentStateHook;
6175 var actionQueueHook = updateWorkInProgressHook(),
6176 actionQueue = actionQueueHook.queue,
6177 dispatch = actionQueue.dispatch;
6178 action !== actionQueueHook.memoizedState &&
6179 ((currentlyRenderingFiber$1.flags |= 2048),
6180 pushEffect(
6181 9,
6182 actionStateActionEffect.bind(null, actionQueue, action),
6183 { destroy: void 0 },
6184 null
6185 ));
6186 return [currentStateHook, dispatch, stateHook];
6188function actionStateActionEffect(actionQueue, action) {
6189 actionQueue.action = action;
6191function rerenderActionState(action) {
6192 var stateHook = updateWorkInProgressHook(),
6193 currentStateHook = currentHook;
6194 if (null !== currentStateHook)
6195 return updateActionStateImpl(stateHook, currentStateHook, action);
6196 updateWorkInProgressHook();
6197 stateHook = stateHook.memoizedState;
6198 currentStateHook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6199 var dispatch = currentStateHook.queue.dispatch;
6200 currentStateHook.memoizedState = action;
6201 return [stateHook, dispatch, !1];
6203function pushEffect(tag, create, inst, deps) {
6204 tag = { tag: tag, create: create, inst: inst, deps: deps, next: null };
6205 create = currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue;
6206 null === create
6207 ? ((create = createFunctionComponentUpdateQueue()),
6208 (currentlyRenderingFiber$1.updateQueue = create),
6209 (create.lastEffect = tag.next = tag))
6210 : ((inst = create.lastEffect),
6211 null === inst
6212 ? (create.lastEffect = tag.next = tag)
6213 : ((deps = inst.next),
6214 (inst.next = tag),
6215 (tag.next = deps),
6216 (create.lastEffect = tag)));
6217 return tag;
6219function updateRef() {
6220 return updateWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState;
6222function mountEffectImpl(fiberFlags, hookFlags, create, deps) {
6223 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6224 currentlyRenderingFiber$1.flags |= fiberFlags;
6225 hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(
6226 1 | hookFlags,
6227 create,
6228 { destroy: void 0 },
6229 void 0 === deps ? null : deps
6230 );
6232function updateEffectImpl(fiberFlags, hookFlags, create, deps) {
6233 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6234 deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;
6235 var inst = hook.memoizedState.inst;
6236 null !== currentHook &&
6237 null !== deps &&
6238 areHookInputsEqual(deps, currentHook.memoizedState.deps)
6239 ? (hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(hookFlags, create, inst, deps))
6240 : ((currentlyRenderingFiber$1.flags |= fiberFlags),
6241 (hook.memoizedState = pushEffect(1 | hookFlags, create, inst, deps)));
6243function mountEffect(create, deps) {
6244 mountEffectImpl(8390656, 8, create, deps);
6246function updateEffect(create, deps) {
6247 updateEffectImpl(2048, 8, create, deps);
6249function updateInsertionEffect(create, deps) {
6250 return updateEffectImpl(4, 2, create, deps);
6252function updateLayoutEffect(create, deps) {
6253 return updateEffectImpl(4, 4, create, deps);
6255function imperativeHandleEffect(create, ref) {
6256 if ("function" === typeof ref) {
6257 create = create();
6258 var refCleanup = ref(create);
6259 return function () {
6260 "function" === typeof refCleanup ? refCleanup() : ref(null);
6261 };
6262 }
6263 if (null !== ref && void 0 !== ref)
6264 return (
6265 (create = create()),
6266 (ref.current = create),
6267 function () {
6268 ref.current = null;
6269 }
6270 );
6272function updateImperativeHandle(ref, create, deps) {
6273 deps = null !== deps && void 0 !== deps ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;
6274 updateEffectImpl(4, 4, imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref), deps);
6276function mountDebugValue() {}
6277function updateCallback(callback, deps) {
6278 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6279 deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;
6280 var prevState = hook.memoizedState;
6281 if (null !== deps && areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevState[1]))
6282 return prevState[0];
6283 hook.memoizedState = [callback, deps];
6284 return callback;
6286function updateMemo(nextCreate, deps) {
6287 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6288 deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;
6289 var prevState = hook.memoizedState;
6290 if (null !== deps && areHookInputsEqual(deps, prevState[1]))
6291 return prevState[0];
6292 prevState = nextCreate();
6293 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV &&
6294 (setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!0),
6295 nextCreate(),
6296 setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!1));
6297 hook.memoizedState = [prevState, deps];
6298 return prevState;
6300function mountDeferredValueImpl(hook, value, initialValue) {
6301 if (void 0 === initialValue || 0 !== (renderLanes & 1073741824))
6302 return (hook.memoizedState = value);
6303 hook.memoizedState = initialValue;
6304 hook = requestDeferredLane();
6305 currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes |= hook;
6306 workInProgressRootSkippedLanes |= hook;
6307 return initialValue;
6309function updateDeferredValueImpl(hook, prevValue, value, initialValue) {
6310 if (objectIs(value, prevValue)) return value;
6311 if (null !== currentTreeHiddenStackCursor.current)
6312 return (
6313 (hook = mountDeferredValueImpl(hook, value, initialValue)),
6314 objectIs(hook, prevValue) || (didReceiveUpdate = !0),
6315 hook
6316 );
6317 if (0 === (renderLanes & 42))
6318 return (didReceiveUpdate = !0), (hook.memoizedState = value);
6319 hook = requestDeferredLane();
6320 currentlyRenderingFiber$1.lanes |= hook;
6321 workInProgressRootSkippedLanes |= hook;
6322 return prevValue;
6324function startTransition(fiber, queue, pendingState, finishedState, callback) {
6325 var previousPriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
6326 ReactDOMSharedInternals.p =
6327 0 !== previousPriority && 8 > previousPriority ? previousPriority : 8;
6328 var prevTransition = ReactSharedInternals.T,
6329 currentTransition = { _callbacks: new Set() };
6330 ReactSharedInternals.T = currentTransition;
6331 dispatchOptimisticSetState(fiber, !1, queue, pendingState);
6332 try {
6333 var returnValue = callback();
6334 if (
6335 null !== returnValue &&
6336 "object" === typeof returnValue &&
6337 "function" === typeof returnValue.then
6338 ) {
6339 notifyTransitionCallbacks(currentTransition, returnValue);
6340 var thenableForFinishedState = chainThenableValue(
6341 returnValue,
6342 finishedState
6343 );
6344 dispatchSetState(fiber, queue, thenableForFinishedState);
6345 } else dispatchSetState(fiber, queue, finishedState);
6346 } catch (error) {
6347 dispatchSetState(fiber, queue, {
6348 then: function () {},
6349 status: "rejected",
6350 reason: error
6351 });
6352 } finally {
6353 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = previousPriority),
6354 (ReactSharedInternals.T = prevTransition);
6355 }
6357function startHostTransition(formFiber, pendingState, callback, formData) {
6358 if (5 !== formFiber.tag) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(476));
6359 var queue = ensureFormComponentIsStateful(formFiber).queue;
6360 startTransition(
6361 formFiber,
6362 queue,
6363 pendingState,
6364 sharedNotPendingObject,
6365 function () {
6366 requestFormReset$2(formFiber);
6367 return callback(formData);
6368 }
6369 );
6371function ensureFormComponentIsStateful(formFiber) {
6372 var existingStateHook = formFiber.memoizedState;
6373 if (null !== existingStateHook) return existingStateHook;
6374 existingStateHook = {
6375 memoizedState: sharedNotPendingObject,
6376 baseState: sharedNotPendingObject,
6377 baseQueue: null,
6378 queue: {
6379 pending: null,
6380 lanes: 0,
6381 dispatch: null,
6382 lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,
6383 lastRenderedState: sharedNotPendingObject
6384 },
6385 next: null
6386 };
6387 var initialResetState = {};
6388 existingStateHook.next = {
6389 memoizedState: initialResetState,
6390 baseState: initialResetState,
6391 baseQueue: null,
6392 queue: {
6393 pending: null,
6394 lanes: 0,
6395 dispatch: null,
6396 lastRenderedReducer: basicStateReducer,
6397 lastRenderedState: initialResetState
6398 },
6399 next: null
6400 };
6401 formFiber.memoizedState = existingStateHook;
6402 formFiber = formFiber.alternate;
6403 null !== formFiber && (formFiber.memoizedState = existingStateHook);
6404 return existingStateHook;
6406function requestFormReset$2(formFiber) {
6407 requestCurrentTransition();
6408 var resetStateQueue = ensureFormComponentIsStateful(formFiber).next.queue;
6409 dispatchSetState(formFiber, resetStateQueue, {});
6411function useHostTransitionStatus() {
6412 var status = readContext(HostTransitionContext);
6413 return null !== status ? status : sharedNotPendingObject;
6415function updateId() {
6416 return updateWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState;
6418function updateRefresh() {
6419 return updateWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState;
6421function refreshCache(fiber) {
6422 for (var provider = fiber.return; null !== provider; ) {
6423 switch (provider.tag) {
6424 case 24:
6425 case 3:
6426 var lane = requestUpdateLane();
6427 fiber = createUpdate(lane);
6428 var root$114 = enqueueUpdate(provider, fiber, lane);
6429 null !== root$114 &&
6430 (scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root$114, provider, lane),
6431 entangleTransitions(root$114, provider, lane));
6432 provider = { cache: createCache() };
6433 fiber.payload = provider;
6434 return;
6435 }
6436 provider = provider.return;
6437 }
6439function dispatchReducerAction(fiber, queue, action) {
6440 var lane = requestUpdateLane();
6441 action = {
6442 lane: lane,
6443 revertLane: 0,
6444 action: action,
6445 hasEagerState: !1,
6446 eagerState: null,
6447 next: null
6448 };
6449 isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)
6450 ? enqueueRenderPhaseUpdate(queue, action)
6451 : ((action = enqueueConcurrentHookUpdate(fiber, queue, action, lane)),
6452 null !== action &&
6453 (scheduleUpdateOnFiber(action, fiber, lane),
6454 entangleTransitionUpdate(action, queue, lane)));
6455 markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);
6457function dispatchSetState(fiber, queue, action) {
6458 var lane = requestUpdateLane(),
6459 update = {
6460 lane: lane,
6461 revertLane: 0,
6462 action: action,
6463 hasEagerState: !1,
6464 eagerState: null,
6465 next: null
6466 };
6467 if (isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)) enqueueRenderPhaseUpdate(queue, update);
6468 else {
6469 var alternate = fiber.alternate;
6470 if (
6471 0 === fiber.lanes &&
6472 (null === alternate || 0 === alternate.lanes) &&
6473 ((alternate = queue.lastRenderedReducer), null !== alternate)
6474 )
6475 try {
6476 var currentState = queue.lastRenderedState,
6477 eagerState = alternate(currentState, action);
6478 update.hasEagerState = !0;
6479 update.eagerState = eagerState;
6480 if (objectIs(eagerState, currentState)) {
6481 enqueueUpdate$1(fiber, queue, update, 0);
6482 null === workInProgressRoot && finishQueueingConcurrentUpdates();
6483 return;
6484 }
6485 } catch (error) {
6486 } finally {
6487 }
6488 action = enqueueConcurrentHookUpdate(fiber, queue, update, lane);
6489 null !== action &&
6490 (scheduleUpdateOnFiber(action, fiber, lane),
6491 entangleTransitionUpdate(action, queue, lane));
6492 }
6493 markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, lane);
6495function dispatchOptimisticSetState(fiber, throwIfDuringRender, queue, action) {
6496 requestCurrentTransition();
6497 action = {
6498 lane: 2,
6499 revertLane: requestTransitionLane(),
6500 action: action,
6501 hasEagerState: !1,
6502 eagerState: null,
6503 next: null
6504 };
6505 if (isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber)) {
6506 if (throwIfDuringRender) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(479));
6507 } else
6508 (throwIfDuringRender = enqueueConcurrentHookUpdate(
6509 fiber,
6510 queue,
6511 action,
6512 2
6513 )),
6514 null !== throwIfDuringRender &&
6515 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(throwIfDuringRender, fiber, 2);
6516 markStateUpdateScheduled(fiber, 2);
6518function isRenderPhaseUpdate(fiber) {
6519 var alternate = fiber.alternate;
6520 return (
6521 fiber === currentlyRenderingFiber$1 ||
6522 (null !== alternate && alternate === currentlyRenderingFiber$1)
6523 );
6525function enqueueRenderPhaseUpdate(queue, update) {
6526 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdateDuringThisPass = didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate =
6527 !0;
6528 var pending = queue.pending;
6529 null === pending
6530 ? (update.next = update)
6531 : ((update.next = pending.next), (pending.next = update));
6532 queue.pending = update;
6534function entangleTransitionUpdate(root, queue, lane) {
6535 if (0 !== (lane & 4194176)) {
6536 var queueLanes = queue.lanes;
6537 queueLanes &= root.pendingLanes;
6538 lane |= queueLanes;
6539 queue.lanes = lane;
6540 markRootEntangled(root, lane);
6541 }
6543var ContextOnlyDispatcher = {
6544 readContext: readContext,
6545 use: use,
6546 useCallback: throwInvalidHookError,
6547 useContext: throwInvalidHookError,
6548 useEffect: throwInvalidHookError,
6549 useImperativeHandle: throwInvalidHookError,
6550 useLayoutEffect: throwInvalidHookError,
6551 useInsertionEffect: throwInvalidHookError,
6552 useMemo: throwInvalidHookError,
6553 useReducer: throwInvalidHookError,
6554 useRef: throwInvalidHookError,
6555 useState: throwInvalidHookError,
6556 useDebugValue: throwInvalidHookError,
6557 useDeferredValue: throwInvalidHookError,
6558 useTransition: throwInvalidHookError,
6559 useSyncExternalStore: throwInvalidHookError,
6560 useId: throwInvalidHookError
6562ContextOnlyDispatcher.useCacheRefresh = throwInvalidHookError;
6563ContextOnlyDispatcher.useHostTransitionStatus = throwInvalidHookError;
6564ContextOnlyDispatcher.useFormState = throwInvalidHookError;
6565ContextOnlyDispatcher.useActionState = throwInvalidHookError;
6566ContextOnlyDispatcher.useOptimistic = throwInvalidHookError;
6567var HooksDispatcherOnMount = {
6568 readContext: readContext,
6569 use: use,
6570 useCallback: function (callback, deps) {
6571 mountWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState = [
6572 callback,
6573 void 0 === deps ? null : deps
6574 ];
6575 return callback;
6576 },
6577 useContext: readContext,
6578 useEffect: mountEffect,
6579 useImperativeHandle: function (ref, create, deps) {
6580 deps = null !== deps && void 0 !== deps ? deps.concat([ref]) : null;
6581 mountEffectImpl(
6582 4194308,
6583 4,
6584 imperativeHandleEffect.bind(null, create, ref),
6585 deps
6586 );
6587 },
6588 useLayoutEffect: function (create, deps) {
6589 return mountEffectImpl(4194308, 4, create, deps);
6590 },
6591 useInsertionEffect: function (create, deps) {
6592 mountEffectImpl(4, 2, create, deps);
6593 },
6594 useMemo: function (nextCreate, deps) {
6595 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6596 deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;
6597 var nextValue = nextCreate();
6598 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV &&
6599 (setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!0),
6600 nextCreate(),
6601 setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!1));
6602 hook.memoizedState = [nextValue, deps];
6603 return nextValue;
6604 },
6605 useReducer: function (reducer, initialArg, init) {
6606 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6607 if (void 0 !== init) {
6608 var initialState = init(initialArg);
6609 shouldDoubleInvokeUserFnsInHooksDEV &&
6610 (setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!0),
6611 init(initialArg),
6612 setIsStrictModeForDevtools(!1));
6613 } else initialState = initialArg;
6614 hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = initialState;
6615 reducer = {
6616 pending: null,
6617 lanes: 0,
6618 dispatch: null,
6619 lastRenderedReducer: reducer,
6620 lastRenderedState: initialState
6621 };
6622 hook.queue = reducer;
6623 reducer = reducer.dispatch = dispatchReducerAction.bind(
6624 null,
6625 currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
6626 reducer
6627 );
6628 return [hook.memoizedState, reducer];
6629 },
6630 useRef: function (initialValue) {
6631 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6632 initialValue = { current: initialValue };
6633 return (hook.memoizedState = initialValue);
6634 },
6635 useState: function (initialState) {
6636 initialState = mountStateImpl(initialState);
6637 var queue = initialState.queue,
6638 dispatch = dispatchSetState.bind(null, currentlyRenderingFiber$1, queue);
6639 queue.dispatch = dispatch;
6640 return [initialState.memoizedState, dispatch];
6641 },
6642 useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,
6643 useDeferredValue: function (value, initialValue) {
6644 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6645 return mountDeferredValueImpl(hook, value, initialValue);
6646 },
6647 useTransition: function () {
6648 var stateHook = mountStateImpl(!1);
6649 stateHook = startTransition.bind(
6650 null,
6651 currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
6652 stateHook.queue,
6653 !0,
6654 !1
6655 );
6656 mountWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState = stateHook;
6657 return [!1, stateHook];
6658 },
6659 useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {
6660 var fiber = currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
6661 hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6662 if (isHydrating) {
6663 if (void 0 === getServerSnapshot)
6664 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(407));
6665 getServerSnapshot = getServerSnapshot();
6666 } else {
6667 getServerSnapshot = getSnapshot();
6668 if (null === workInProgressRoot) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(349));
6669 0 !== (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & 60) ||
6670 pushStoreConsistencyCheck(fiber, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot);
6671 }
6672 hook.memoizedState = getServerSnapshot;
6673 var inst = { value: getServerSnapshot, getSnapshot: getSnapshot };
6674 hook.queue = inst;
6675 mountEffect(subscribeToStore.bind(null, fiber, inst, subscribe), [
6676 subscribe
6677 ]);
6678 fiber.flags |= 2048;
6679 pushEffect(
6680 9,
6681 updateStoreInstance.bind(
6682 null,
6683 fiber,
6684 inst,
6685 getServerSnapshot,
6686 getSnapshot
6687 ),
6688 { destroy: void 0 },
6689 null
6690 );
6691 return getServerSnapshot;
6692 },
6693 useId: function () {
6694 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook(),
6695 identifierPrefix = workInProgressRoot.identifierPrefix;
6696 if (isHydrating) {
6697 var JSCompiler_inline_result = treeContextOverflow;
6698 var idWithLeadingBit = treeContextId;
6699 JSCompiler_inline_result =
6700 (
6701 idWithLeadingBit & ~(1 << (32 - clz32(idWithLeadingBit) - 1))
6702 ).toString(32) + JSCompiler_inline_result;
6703 identifierPrefix =
6704 ":" + identifierPrefix + "R" + JSCompiler_inline_result;
6705 JSCompiler_inline_result = localIdCounter++;
6706 0 < JSCompiler_inline_result &&
6707 (identifierPrefix += "H" + JSCompiler_inline_result.toString(32));
6708 identifierPrefix += ":";
6709 } else
6710 (JSCompiler_inline_result = globalClientIdCounter++),
6711 (identifierPrefix =
6712 ":" +
6713 identifierPrefix +
6714 "r" +
6715 JSCompiler_inline_result.toString(32) +
6716 ":");
6717 return (hook.memoizedState = identifierPrefix);
6718 },
6719 useCacheRefresh: function () {
6720 return (mountWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState = refreshCache.bind(
6721 null,
6722 currentlyRenderingFiber$1
6723 ));
6724 }
6726HooksDispatcherOnMount.useHostTransitionStatus = useHostTransitionStatus;
6727HooksDispatcherOnMount.useFormState = mountActionState;
6728HooksDispatcherOnMount.useActionState = mountActionState;
6729HooksDispatcherOnMount.useOptimistic = function (passthrough) {
6730 var hook = mountWorkInProgressHook();
6731 hook.memoizedState = hook.baseState = passthrough;
6732 var queue = {
6733 pending: null,
6734 lanes: 0,
6735 dispatch: null,
6736 lastRenderedReducer: null,
6737 lastRenderedState: null
6738 };
6739 hook.queue = queue;
6740 hook = dispatchOptimisticSetState.bind(
6741 null,
6742 currentlyRenderingFiber$1,
6743 !0,
6744 queue
6745 );
6746 queue.dispatch = hook;
6747 return [passthrough, hook];
6749var HooksDispatcherOnUpdate = {
6750 readContext: readContext,
6751 use: use,
6752 useCallback: updateCallback,
6753 useContext: readContext,
6754 useEffect: updateEffect,
6755 useImperativeHandle: updateImperativeHandle,
6756 useInsertionEffect: updateInsertionEffect,
6757 useLayoutEffect: updateLayoutEffect,
6758 useMemo: updateMemo,
6759 useReducer: updateReducer,
6760 useRef: updateRef,
6761 useState: function () {
6762 return updateReducer(basicStateReducer);
6763 },
6764 useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,
6765 useDeferredValue: function (value, initialValue) {
6766 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6767 return updateDeferredValueImpl(
6768 hook,
6769 currentHook.memoizedState,
6770 value,
6771 initialValue
6772 );
6773 },
6774 useTransition: function () {
6775 var booleanOrThenable = updateReducer(basicStateReducer)[0],
6776 start = updateWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState;
6777 return [
6778 "boolean" === typeof booleanOrThenable
6779 ? booleanOrThenable
6780 : useThenable(booleanOrThenable),
6781 start
6782 ];
6783 },
6784 useSyncExternalStore: updateSyncExternalStore,
6785 useId: updateId
6787HooksDispatcherOnUpdate.useCacheRefresh = updateRefresh;
6788HooksDispatcherOnUpdate.useHostTransitionStatus = useHostTransitionStatus;
6789HooksDispatcherOnUpdate.useFormState = updateActionState;
6790HooksDispatcherOnUpdate.useActionState = updateActionState;
6791HooksDispatcherOnUpdate.useOptimistic = function (passthrough, reducer) {
6792 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6793 return updateOptimisticImpl(hook, currentHook, passthrough, reducer);
6795var HooksDispatcherOnRerender = {
6796 readContext: readContext,
6797 use: use,
6798 useCallback: updateCallback,
6799 useContext: readContext,
6800 useEffect: updateEffect,
6801 useImperativeHandle: updateImperativeHandle,
6802 useInsertionEffect: updateInsertionEffect,
6803 useLayoutEffect: updateLayoutEffect,
6804 useMemo: updateMemo,
6805 useReducer: rerenderReducer,
6806 useRef: updateRef,
6807 useState: function () {
6808 return rerenderReducer(basicStateReducer);
6809 },
6810 useDebugValue: mountDebugValue,
6811 useDeferredValue: function (value, initialValue) {
6812 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6813 return null === currentHook
6814 ? mountDeferredValueImpl(hook, value, initialValue)
6815 : updateDeferredValueImpl(
6816 hook,
6817 currentHook.memoizedState,
6818 value,
6819 initialValue
6820 );
6821 },
6822 useTransition: function () {
6823 var booleanOrThenable = rerenderReducer(basicStateReducer)[0],
6824 start = updateWorkInProgressHook().memoizedState;
6825 return [
6826 "boolean" === typeof booleanOrThenable
6827 ? booleanOrThenable
6828 : useThenable(booleanOrThenable),
6829 start
6830 ];
6831 },
6832 useSyncExternalStore: updateSyncExternalStore,
6833 useId: updateId
6835HooksDispatcherOnRerender.useCacheRefresh = updateRefresh;
6836HooksDispatcherOnRerender.useHostTransitionStatus = useHostTransitionStatus;
6837HooksDispatcherOnRerender.useFormState = rerenderActionState;
6838HooksDispatcherOnRerender.useActionState = rerenderActionState;
6839HooksDispatcherOnRerender.useOptimistic = function (passthrough, reducer) {
6840 var hook = updateWorkInProgressHook();
6841 if (null !== currentHook)
6842 return updateOptimisticImpl(hook, currentHook, passthrough, reducer);
6843 hook.baseState = passthrough;
6844 return [passthrough, hook.queue.dispatch];
6846var now = Scheduler.unstable_now,
6847 commitTime = 0,
6848 layoutEffectStartTime = -1,
6849 profilerStartTime = -1,
6850 passiveEffectStartTime = -1,
6851 currentUpdateIsNested = !1,
6852 nestedUpdateScheduled = !1;
6853function startProfilerTimer(fiber) {
6854 profilerStartTime = now();
6855 0 > fiber.actualStartTime && (fiber.actualStartTime = now());
6857function stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(fiber, overrideBaseTime) {
6858 if (0 <= profilerStartTime) {
6859 var elapsedTime = now() - profilerStartTime;
6860 fiber.actualDuration += elapsedTime;
6861 overrideBaseTime && (fiber.selfBaseDuration = elapsedTime);
6862 profilerStartTime = -1;
6863 }
6865function recordLayoutEffectDuration(fiber) {
6866 if (0 <= layoutEffectStartTime) {
6867 var elapsedTime = now() - layoutEffectStartTime;
6868 layoutEffectStartTime = -1;
6869 for (fiber = fiber.return; null !== fiber; ) {
6870 switch (fiber.tag) {
6871 case 3:
6872 fiber.stateNode.effectDuration += elapsedTime;
6873 return;
6874 case 12:
6875 fiber.stateNode.effectDuration += elapsedTime;
6876 return;
6877 }
6878 fiber = fiber.return;
6879 }
6880 }
6882function recordPassiveEffectDuration(fiber) {
6883 if (0 <= passiveEffectStartTime) {
6884 var elapsedTime = now() - passiveEffectStartTime;
6885 passiveEffectStartTime = -1;
6886 for (fiber = fiber.return; null !== fiber; ) {
6887 switch (fiber.tag) {
6888 case 3:
6889 fiber = fiber.stateNode;
6890 null !== fiber && (fiber.passiveEffectDuration += elapsedTime);
6891 return;
6892 case 12:
6893 fiber = fiber.stateNode;
6894 null !== fiber && (fiber.passiveEffectDuration += elapsedTime);
6895 return;
6896 }
6897 fiber = fiber.return;
6898 }
6899 }
6901function startLayoutEffectTimer() {
6902 layoutEffectStartTime = now();
6904function transferActualDuration(fiber) {
6905 for (var child = fiber.child; child; )
6906 (fiber.actualDuration += child.actualDuration), (child = child.sibling);
6908function defaultOnUncaughtError(error) {
6909 reportGlobalError(error);
6911function defaultOnCaughtError(error) {
6912 console.error(error);
6914function defaultOnRecoverableError(error) {
6915 reportGlobalError(error);
6917function logUncaughtError(root, errorInfo) {
6918 try {
6919 var onUncaughtError = root.onUncaughtError;
6920 onUncaughtError(errorInfo.value, { componentStack: errorInfo.stack });
6921 } catch (e$120) {
6922 setTimeout(function () {
6923 throw e$120;
6924 });
6925 }
6927function logCaughtError(root, boundary, errorInfo) {
6928 try {
6929 var onCaughtError = root.onCaughtError;
6930 onCaughtError(errorInfo.value, {
6931 componentStack: errorInfo.stack,
6932 errorBoundary: 1 === boundary.tag ? boundary.stateNode : null
6933 });
6934 } catch (e$121) {
6935 setTimeout(function () {
6936 throw e$121;
6937 });
6938 }
6940function createRootErrorUpdate(root, errorInfo, lane) {
6941 lane = createUpdate(lane);
6942 lane.tag = 3;
6943 lane.payload = { element: null };
6944 lane.callback = function () {
6945 logUncaughtError(root, errorInfo);
6946 };
6947 return lane;
6949function createClassErrorUpdate(lane) {
6950 lane = createUpdate(lane);
6951 lane.tag = 3;
6952 return lane;
6954function initializeClassErrorUpdate(update, root, fiber, errorInfo) {
6955 var getDerivedStateFromError = fiber.type.getDerivedStateFromError;
6956 if ("function" === typeof getDerivedStateFromError) {
6957 var error = errorInfo.value;
6958 update.payload = function () {
6959 return getDerivedStateFromError(error);
6960 };
6961 update.callback = function () {
6962 logCaughtError(root, fiber, errorInfo);
6963 };
6964 }
6965 var inst = fiber.stateNode;
6966 null !== inst &&
6967 "function" === typeof inst.componentDidCatch &&
6968 (update.callback = function () {
6969 logCaughtError(root, fiber, errorInfo);
6970 "function" !== typeof getDerivedStateFromError &&
6971 (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed
6972 ? (legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = new Set([this]))
6973 : legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.add(this));
6974 var stack = errorInfo.stack;
6975 this.componentDidCatch(errorInfo.value, {
6976 componentStack: null !== stack ? stack : ""
6977 });
6978 });
6980function throwException(
6981 root,
6982 returnFiber,
6983 sourceFiber,
6984 value,
6985 rootRenderLanes
6986) {
6987 sourceFiber.flags |= 32768;
6988 isDevToolsPresent && restorePendingUpdaters(root, rootRenderLanes);
6989 if (
6990 null !== value &&
6991 "object" === typeof value &&
6992 "function" === typeof value.then
6993 ) {
6994 sourceFiber = suspenseHandlerStackCursor.current;
6995 if (null !== sourceFiber) {
6996 switch (sourceFiber.tag) {
6997 case 13:
6998 return (
6999 null === shellBoundary
7000 ? renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible()
7001 : null === sourceFiber.alternate &&
7002 0 === workInProgressRootExitStatus &&
7003 (workInProgressRootExitStatus = 3),
7004 (sourceFiber.flags &= -257),
7005 (sourceFiber.flags |= 65536),
7006 (sourceFiber.lanes = rootRenderLanes),
7007 value === noopSuspenseyCommitThenable
7008 ? (sourceFiber.flags |= 16384)
7009 : ((returnFiber = sourceFiber.updateQueue),
7010 null === returnFiber
7011 ? (sourceFiber.updateQueue = new Set([value]))
7012 : returnFiber.add(value),
7013 attachPingListener(root, value, rootRenderLanes)),
7014 !1
7015 );
7016 case 22:
7017 return (
7018 (sourceFiber.flags |= 65536),
7019 value === noopSuspenseyCommitThenable
7020 ? (sourceFiber.flags |= 16384)
7021 : ((returnFiber = sourceFiber.updateQueue),
7022 null === returnFiber
7023 ? ((returnFiber = {
7024 transitions: null,
7025 markerInstances: null,
7026 retryQueue: new Set([value])
7027 }),
7028 (sourceFiber.updateQueue = returnFiber))
7029 : ((sourceFiber = returnFiber.retryQueue),
7030 null === sourceFiber
7031 ? (returnFiber.retryQueue = new Set([value]))
7032 : sourceFiber.add(value)),
7033 attachPingListener(root, value, rootRenderLanes)),
7034 !1
7035 );
7036 }
7037 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(435, sourceFiber.tag));
7038 }
7039 attachPingListener(root, value, rootRenderLanes);
7040 renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible();
7041 return !1;
7042 }
7043 if (isHydrating)
7044 return (
7045 (returnFiber = suspenseHandlerStackCursor.current),
7046 null !== returnFiber
7047 ? (0 === (returnFiber.flags & 65536) && (returnFiber.flags |= 256),
7048 (returnFiber.flags |= 65536),
7049 (returnFiber.lanes = rootRenderLanes),
7050 value !== HydrationMismatchException &&
7051 ((root = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(422), { cause: value })),
7052 queueHydrationError(createCapturedValueAtFiber(root, sourceFiber))))
7053 : (value !== HydrationMismatchException &&
7054 ((returnFiber = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(423), {
7055 cause: value
7056 })),
7057 queueHydrationError(
7058 createCapturedValueAtFiber(returnFiber, sourceFiber)
7059 )),
7060 (root = root.current.alternate),
7061 (root.flags |= 65536),
7062 (rootRenderLanes &= -rootRenderLanes),
7063 (root.lanes |= rootRenderLanes),
7064 (value = createCapturedValueAtFiber(value, sourceFiber)),
7065 (rootRenderLanes = createRootErrorUpdate(
7066 root.stateNode,
7067 value,
7068 rootRenderLanes
7069 )),
7070 enqueueCapturedUpdate(root, rootRenderLanes),
7071 4 !== workInProgressRootExitStatus &&
7072 (workInProgressRootExitStatus = 2)),
7073 !1
7074 );
7075 var wrapperError = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(520), { cause: value });
7076 wrapperError = createCapturedValueAtFiber(wrapperError, sourceFiber);
7077 null === workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors
7078 ? (workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors = [wrapperError])
7079 : workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors.push(wrapperError);
7080 4 !== workInProgressRootExitStatus && (workInProgressRootExitStatus = 2);
7081 if (null === returnFiber) return !0;
7082 value = createCapturedValueAtFiber(value, sourceFiber);
7083 sourceFiber = returnFiber;
7084 do {
7085 switch (sourceFiber.tag) {
7086 case 3:
7087 return (
7088 (sourceFiber.flags |= 65536),
7089 (root = rootRenderLanes & -rootRenderLanes),
7090 (sourceFiber.lanes |= root),
7091 (root = createRootErrorUpdate(sourceFiber.stateNode, value, root)),
7092 enqueueCapturedUpdate(sourceFiber, root),
7093 !1
7094 );
7095 case 1:
7096 if (
7097 ((returnFiber = sourceFiber.type),
7098 (wrapperError = sourceFiber.stateNode),
7099 0 === (sourceFiber.flags & 128) &&
7100 ("function" === typeof returnFiber.getDerivedStateFromError ||
7101 (null !== wrapperError &&
7102 "function" === typeof wrapperError.componentDidCatch &&
7103 (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed ||
7104 !legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.has(wrapperError)))))
7105 )
7106 return (
7107 (sourceFiber.flags |= 65536),
7108 (rootRenderLanes &= -rootRenderLanes),
7109 (sourceFiber.lanes |= rootRenderLanes),
7110 (rootRenderLanes = createClassErrorUpdate(rootRenderLanes)),
7111 initializeClassErrorUpdate(
7112 rootRenderLanes,
7113 root,
7114 sourceFiber,
7115 value
7116 ),
7117 enqueueCapturedUpdate(sourceFiber, rootRenderLanes),
7118 !1
7119 );
7120 }
7121 sourceFiber = sourceFiber.return;
7122 } while (null !== sourceFiber);
7123 return !1;
7125var SelectiveHydrationException = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(461)),
7126 didReceiveUpdate = !1;
7127function reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes) {
7128 workInProgress.child =
7129 null === current
7130 ? mountChildFibers(workInProgress, null, nextChildren, renderLanes)
7131 : reconcileChildFibers(
7132 workInProgress,
7133 current.child,
7134 nextChildren,
7135 renderLanes
7136 );
7138function updateForwardRef(
7139 current,
7140 workInProgress,
7141 Component,
7142 nextProps,
7143 renderLanes
7144) {
7145 Component = Component.render;
7146 var ref = workInProgress.ref;
7147 if ("ref" in nextProps) {
7148 var propsWithoutRef = {};
7149 for (var key in nextProps)
7150 "ref" !== key && (propsWithoutRef[key] = nextProps[key]);
7151 } else propsWithoutRef = nextProps;
7152 prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);
7153 markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);
7154 nextProps = renderWithHooks(
7155 current,
7156 workInProgress,
7157 Component,
7158 propsWithoutRef,
7159 ref,
7160 renderLanes
7161 );
7162 key = checkDidRenderIdHook();
7163 markComponentRenderStopped();
7164 if (null !== current && !didReceiveUpdate)
7165 return (
7166 bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, renderLanes),
7167 bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
7168 );
7169 isHydrating && key && pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress);
7170 workInProgress.flags |= 1;
7171 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextProps, renderLanes);
7172 return workInProgress.child;
7174function updateMemoComponent(
7175 current,
7176 workInProgress,
7177 Component,
7178 nextProps,
7179 renderLanes
7180) {
7181 if (null === current) {
7182 var type = Component.type;
7183 if (
7184 "function" === typeof type &&
7185 !shouldConstruct(type) &&
7186 void 0 === type.defaultProps &&
7187 null === Component.compare
7188 )
7189 return (
7190 (workInProgress.tag = 15),
7191 (workInProgress.type = type),
7192 updateSimpleMemoComponent(
7193 current,
7194 workInProgress,
7195 type,
7196 nextProps,
7197 renderLanes
7198 )
7199 );
7200 current = createFiberFromTypeAndProps(
7201 Component.type,
7202 null,
7203 nextProps,
7204 workInProgress,
7205 workInProgress.mode,
7206 renderLanes
7207 );
7208 current.ref = workInProgress.ref;
7209 current.return = workInProgress;
7210 return (workInProgress.child = current);
7211 }
7212 type = current.child;
7213 if (0 === (current.lanes & renderLanes)) {
7214 var prevProps = type.memoizedProps;
7215 Component = Component.compare;
7216 Component = null !== Component ? Component : shallowEqual;
7217 if (Component(prevProps, nextProps) && current.ref === workInProgress.ref)
7218 return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);
7219 }
7220 workInProgress.flags |= 1;
7221 current = createWorkInProgress(type, nextProps);
7222 current.ref = workInProgress.ref;
7223 current.return = workInProgress;
7224 return (workInProgress.child = current);
7226function updateSimpleMemoComponent(
7227 current,
7228 workInProgress,
7229 Component,
7230 nextProps,
7231 renderLanes
7232) {
7233 if (null !== current) {
7234 var prevProps = current.memoizedProps;
7235 if (
7236 shallowEqual(prevProps, nextProps) &&
7237 current.ref === workInProgress.ref
7238 )
7239 if (
7240 ((didReceiveUpdate = !1),
7241 (workInProgress.pendingProps = nextProps = prevProps),
7242 0 !== (current.lanes & renderLanes))
7243 )
7244 0 !== (current.flags & 131072) && (didReceiveUpdate = !0);
7245 else
7246 return (
7247 (workInProgress.lanes = current.lanes),
7248 bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
7249 );
7250 }
7251 return updateFunctionComponent(
7252 current,
7253 workInProgress,
7254 Component,
7255 nextProps,
7256 renderLanes
7257 );
7259function updateOffscreenComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {
7260 var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps,
7261 nextChildren = nextProps.children,
7262 nextIsDetached = 0 !== (workInProgress.stateNode._pendingVisibility & 2),
7263 prevState = null !== current ? current.memoizedState : null;
7264 markRef(current, workInProgress);
7265 if ("hidden" === nextProps.mode || nextIsDetached) {
7266 if (0 !== (workInProgress.flags & 128)) {
7267 renderLanes =
7268 null !== prevState ? prevState.baseLanes | renderLanes : renderLanes;
7269 if (null !== current) {
7270 nextProps = workInProgress.child = current.child;
7271 for (nextChildren = 0; null !== nextProps; )
7272 (nextChildren =
7273 nextChildren | nextProps.lanes | nextProps.childLanes),
7274 (nextProps = nextProps.sibling);
7275 workInProgress.childLanes = nextChildren & ~renderLanes;
7276 } else (workInProgress.childLanes = 0), (workInProgress.child = null);
7277 return deferHiddenOffscreenComponent(
7278 current,
7279 workInProgress,
7280 renderLanes
7281 );
7282 }
7283 if (0 !== (renderLanes & 536870912))
7284 (workInProgress.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null }),
7285 null !== current &&
7286 pushTransition(
7287 workInProgress,
7288 null !== prevState ? prevState.cachePool : null
7289 ),
7290 null !== prevState
7291 ? pushHiddenContext(workInProgress, prevState)
7292 : reuseHiddenContextOnStack(),
7293 pushOffscreenSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
7294 else
7295 return (
7296 (workInProgress.lanes = workInProgress.childLanes = 536870912),
7297 deferHiddenOffscreenComponent(
7298 current,
7299 workInProgress,
7300 null !== prevState ? prevState.baseLanes | renderLanes : renderLanes
7301 )
7302 );
7303 } else
7304 null !== prevState
7305 ? (pushTransition(workInProgress, prevState.cachePool),
7306 pushHiddenContext(workInProgress, prevState),
7307 reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(workInProgress),
7308 (workInProgress.memoizedState = null))
7309 : (null !== current && pushTransition(workInProgress, null),
7310 reuseHiddenContextOnStack(),
7311 reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(workInProgress));
7312 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);
7313 return workInProgress.child;
7315function deferHiddenOffscreenComponent(current, workInProgress, nextBaseLanes) {
7316 var JSCompiler_inline_result = peekCacheFromPool();
7317 JSCompiler_inline_result =
7318 null === JSCompiler_inline_result
7319 ? null
7320 : { parent: CacheContext._currentValue, pool: JSCompiler_inline_result };
7321 workInProgress.memoizedState = {
7322 baseLanes: nextBaseLanes,
7323 cachePool: JSCompiler_inline_result
7324 };
7325 null !== current && pushTransition(workInProgress, null);
7326 reuseHiddenContextOnStack();
7327 pushOffscreenSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
7328 return null;
7330function markRef(current, workInProgress) {
7331 var ref = workInProgress.ref;
7332 if (null === ref)
7333 null !== current &&
7334 null !== current.ref &&
7335 (workInProgress.flags |= 2097664);
7336 else {
7337 if ("function" !== typeof ref && "object" !== typeof ref)
7338 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(284));
7339 if (null === current || current.ref !== ref)
7340 workInProgress.flags |= 2097664;
7341 }
7343function updateFunctionComponent(
7344 current,
7345 workInProgress,
7346 Component,
7347 nextProps,
7348 renderLanes
7349) {
7350 prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);
7351 markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);
7352 Component = renderWithHooks(
7353 current,
7354 workInProgress,
7355 Component,
7356 nextProps,
7357 void 0,
7358 renderLanes
7359 );
7360 nextProps = checkDidRenderIdHook();
7361 markComponentRenderStopped();
7362 if (null !== current && !didReceiveUpdate)
7363 return (
7364 bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, renderLanes),
7365 bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
7366 );
7367 isHydrating && nextProps && pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress);
7368 workInProgress.flags |= 1;
7369 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, Component, renderLanes);
7370 return workInProgress.child;
7372function replayFunctionComponent(
7373 current,
7374 workInProgress,
7375 nextProps,
7376 Component,
7377 secondArg,
7378 renderLanes
7379) {
7380 prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);
7381 markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress);
7382 nextProps = renderWithHooksAgain(
7383 workInProgress,
7384 Component,
7385 nextProps,
7386 secondArg
7387 );
7388 finishRenderingHooks();
7389 Component = checkDidRenderIdHook();
7390 markComponentRenderStopped();
7391 if (null !== current && !didReceiveUpdate)
7392 return (
7393 bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, renderLanes),
7394 bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
7395 );
7396 isHydrating && Component && pushMaterializedTreeId(workInProgress);
7397 workInProgress.flags |= 1;
7398 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextProps, renderLanes);
7399 return workInProgress.child;
7401function updateClassComponent(
7402 current,
7403 workInProgress,
7404 Component,
7405 nextProps,
7406 renderLanes
7407) {
7408 prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes);
7409 if (null === workInProgress.stateNode) {
7410 var context = emptyContextObject,
7411 contextType = Component.contextType;
7412 "object" === typeof contextType &&
7413 null !== contextType &&
7414 (context = readContext(contextType));
7415 context = new Component(nextProps, context);
7416 workInProgress.memoizedState =
7417 null !== context.state && void 0 !== context.state ? context.state : null;
7418 context.updater = classComponentUpdater;
7419 workInProgress.stateNode = context;
7420 context._reactInternals = workInProgress;
7421 context = workInProgress.stateNode;
7422 context.props = nextProps;
7423 context.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;
7424 context.refs = {};
7425 initializeUpdateQueue(workInProgress);
7426 contextType = Component.contextType;
7427 context.context =
7428 "object" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType
7429 ? readContext(contextType)
7430 : emptyContextObject;
7431 context.state = workInProgress.memoizedState;
7432 contextType = Component.getDerivedStateFromProps;
7433 "function" === typeof contextType &&
7434 (applyDerivedStateFromProps(
7435 workInProgress,
7436 Component,
7437 contextType,
7438 nextProps
7439 ),
7440 (context.state = workInProgress.memoizedState));
7441 "function" === typeof Component.getDerivedStateFromProps ||
7442 "function" === typeof context.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||
7443 ("function" !== typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&
7444 "function" !== typeof context.componentWillMount) ||
7445 ((contextType = context.state),
7446 "function" === typeof context.componentWillMount &&
7447 context.componentWillMount(),
7448 "function" === typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&
7449 context.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(),
7450 contextType !== context.state &&
7451 classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(context, context.state, null),
7452 processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, nextProps, context, renderLanes),
7453 suspendIfUpdateReadFromEntangledAsyncAction(),
7454 (context.state = workInProgress.memoizedState));
7455 "function" === typeof context.componentDidMount &&
7456 (workInProgress.flags |= 4194308);
7457 nextProps = !0;
7458 } else if (null === current) {
7459 context = workInProgress.stateNode;
7460 var unresolvedOldProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps,
7461 oldProps = resolveClassComponentProps(Component, unresolvedOldProps);
7462 context.props = oldProps;
7463 var oldContext = context.context,
7464 contextType$jscomp$0 = Component.contextType;
7465 contextType = emptyContextObject;
7466 "object" === typeof contextType$jscomp$0 &&
7467 null !== contextType$jscomp$0 &&
7468 (contextType = readContext(contextType$jscomp$0));
7469 var getDerivedStateFromProps = Component.getDerivedStateFromProps;
7470 contextType$jscomp$0 =
7471 "function" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps ||
7472 "function" === typeof context.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate;
7473 unresolvedOldProps = workInProgress.pendingProps !== unresolvedOldProps;
7474 contextType$jscomp$0 ||
7475 ("function" !== typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&
7476 "function" !== typeof context.componentWillReceiveProps) ||
7477 ((unresolvedOldProps || oldContext !== contextType) &&
7478 callComponentWillReceiveProps(
7479 workInProgress,
7480 context,
7481 nextProps,
7482 contextType
7483 ));
7484 hasForceUpdate = !1;
7485 var oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState;
7486 context.state = oldState;
7487 processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, nextProps, context, renderLanes);
7488 suspendIfUpdateReadFromEntangledAsyncAction();
7489 oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState;
7490 unresolvedOldProps || oldState !== oldContext || hasForceUpdate
7491 ? ("function" === typeof getDerivedStateFromProps &&
7492 (applyDerivedStateFromProps(
7493 workInProgress,
7494 Component,
7495 getDerivedStateFromProps,
7496 nextProps
7497 ),
7498 (oldContext = workInProgress.memoizedState)),
7499 (oldProps =
7500 hasForceUpdate ||
7501 checkShouldComponentUpdate(
7502 workInProgress,
7503 Component,
7504 oldProps,
7505 nextProps,
7506 oldState,
7507 oldContext,
7508 contextType
7509 ))
7510 ? (contextType$jscomp$0 ||
7511 ("function" !== typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&
7512 "function" !== typeof context.componentWillMount) ||
7513 ("function" === typeof context.componentWillMount &&
7514 context.componentWillMount(),
7515 "function" === typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&
7516 context.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()),
7517 "function" === typeof context.componentDidMount &&
7518 (workInProgress.flags |= 4194308))
7519 : ("function" === typeof context.componentDidMount &&
7520 (workInProgress.flags |= 4194308),
7521 (workInProgress.memoizedProps = nextProps),
7522 (workInProgress.memoizedState = oldContext)),
7523 (context.props = nextProps),
7524 (context.state = oldContext),
7525 (context.context = contextType),
7526 (nextProps = oldProps))
7527 : ("function" === typeof context.componentDidMount &&
7528 (workInProgress.flags |= 4194308),
7529 (nextProps = !1));
7530 } else {
7531 context = workInProgress.stateNode;
7532 cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress);
7533 contextType = workInProgress.memoizedProps;
7534 contextType$jscomp$0 = resolveClassComponentProps(Component, contextType);
7535 context.props = contextType$jscomp$0;
7536 getDerivedStateFromProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;
7537 oldState = context.context;
7538 oldContext = Component.contextType;
7539 oldProps = emptyContextObject;
7540 "object" === typeof oldContext &&
7541 null !== oldContext &&
7542 (oldProps = readContext(oldContext));
7543 unresolvedOldProps = Component.getDerivedStateFromProps;
7544 (oldContext =
7545 "function" === typeof unresolvedOldProps ||
7546 "function" === typeof context.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) ||
7547 ("function" !== typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&
7548 "function" !== typeof context.componentWillReceiveProps) ||
7549 ((contextType !== getDerivedStateFromProps || oldState !== oldProps) &&
7550 callComponentWillReceiveProps(
7551 workInProgress,
7552 context,
7553 nextProps,
7554 oldProps
7555 ));
7556 hasForceUpdate = !1;
7557 oldState = workInProgress.memoizedState;
7558 context.state = oldState;
7559 processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, nextProps, context, renderLanes);
7560 suspendIfUpdateReadFromEntangledAsyncAction();
7561 var newState = workInProgress.memoizedState;
7562 contextType !== getDerivedStateFromProps ||
7563 oldState !== newState ||
7564 hasForceUpdate
7565 ? ("function" === typeof unresolvedOldProps &&
7566 (applyDerivedStateFromProps(
7567 workInProgress,
7568 Component,
7569 unresolvedOldProps,
7570 nextProps
7571 ),
7572 (newState = workInProgress.memoizedState)),
7573 (contextType$jscomp$0 =
7574 hasForceUpdate ||
7575 checkShouldComponentUpdate(
7576 workInProgress,
7577 Component,
7578 contextType$jscomp$0,
7579 nextProps,
7580 oldState,
7581 newState,
7582 oldProps
7583 ) ||
7584 !1)
7585 ? (oldContext ||
7586 ("function" !== typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate &&
7587 "function" !== typeof context.componentWillUpdate) ||
7588 ("function" === typeof context.componentWillUpdate &&
7589 context.componentWillUpdate(nextProps, newState, oldProps),
7590 "function" === typeof context.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate &&
7591 context.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(
7592 nextProps,
7593 newState,
7594 oldProps
7595 )),
7596 "function" === typeof context.componentDidUpdate &&
7597 (workInProgress.flags |= 4),
7598 "function" === typeof context.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate &&
7599 (workInProgress.flags |= 1024))
7600 : ("function" !== typeof context.componentDidUpdate ||
7601 (contextType === current.memoizedProps &&
7602 oldState === current.memoizedState) ||
7603 (workInProgress.flags |= 4),
7604 "function" !== typeof context.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||
7605 (contextType === current.memoizedProps &&
7606 oldState === current.memoizedState) ||
7607 (workInProgress.flags |= 1024),
7608 (workInProgress.memoizedProps = nextProps),
7609 (workInProgress.memoizedState = newState)),
7610 (context.props = nextProps),
7611 (context.state = newState),
7612 (context.context = oldProps),
7613 (nextProps = contextType$jscomp$0))
7614 : ("function" !== typeof context.componentDidUpdate ||
7615 (contextType === current.memoizedProps &&
7616 oldState === current.memoizedState) ||
7617 (workInProgress.flags |= 4),
7618 "function" !== typeof context.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate ||
7619 (contextType === current.memoizedProps &&
7620 oldState === current.memoizedState) ||
7621 (workInProgress.flags |= 1024),
7622 (nextProps = !1));
7623 }
7624 context = nextProps;
7625 markRef(current, workInProgress);
7626 nextProps = 0 !== (workInProgress.flags & 128);
7627 context || nextProps
7628 ? ((context = workInProgress.stateNode),
7629 nextProps && "function" !== typeof Component.getDerivedStateFromError
7630 ? ((Component = null), (profilerStartTime = -1))
7631 : (markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress),
7632 (Component = context.render()),
7633 markComponentRenderStopped()),
7634 (workInProgress.flags |= 1),
7635 null !== current && nextProps
7636 ? ((workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(
7637 workInProgress,
7638 current.child,
7639 null,
7640 renderLanes
7641 )),
7642 (workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(
7643 workInProgress,
7644 null,
7645 Component,
7646 renderLanes
7647 )))
7648 : reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, Component, renderLanes),
7649 (workInProgress.memoizedState = context.state),
7650 (current = workInProgress.child))
7651 : (current = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(
7652 current,
7653 workInProgress,
7654 renderLanes
7655 ));
7656 return current;
7658function mountHostRootWithoutHydrating(
7659 current,
7660 workInProgress,
7661 nextChildren,
7662 renderLanes
7663) {
7664 resetHydrationState();
7665 workInProgress.flags |= 256;
7666 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes);
7667 return workInProgress.child;
7669var SUSPENDED_MARKER = { dehydrated: null, treeContext: null, retryLane: 0 };
7670function mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes) {
7671 return { baseLanes: renderLanes, cachePool: getSuspendedCache() };
7673function getRemainingWorkInPrimaryTree(
7674 current,
7675 primaryTreeDidDefer,
7676 renderLanes
7677) {
7678 current = null !== current ? current.childLanes & ~renderLanes : 0;
7679 primaryTreeDidDefer && (current |= workInProgressDeferredLane);
7680 return current;
7682function updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {
7683 var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps,
7684 showFallback = !1,
7685 didSuspend = 0 !== (workInProgress.flags & 128),
7686 JSCompiler_temp;
7687 (JSCompiler_temp = didSuspend) ||
7688 (JSCompiler_temp =
7689 null !== current && null === current.memoizedState
7690 ? !1
7691 : 0 !== (suspenseStackCursor.current & 2));
7692 JSCompiler_temp && ((showFallback = !0), (workInProgress.flags &= -129));
7693 JSCompiler_temp = 0 !== (workInProgress.flags & 32);
7694 workInProgress.flags &= -33;
7695 if (null === current) {
7696 if (isHydrating) {
7697 showFallback
7698 ? pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress)
7699 : reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(workInProgress);
7700 if (isHydrating) {
7701 var nextInstance = nextHydratableInstance,
7702 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0;
7703 if ((JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = nextInstance)) {
7704 c: {
7705 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = nextInstance;
7706 for (
7707 nextInstance = rootOrSingletonContext;
7708 8 !== JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.nodeType;
7710 ) {
7711 if (!nextInstance) {
7712 nextInstance = null;
7713 break c;
7714 }
7715 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = getNextHydratable(
7716 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.nextSibling
7717 );
7718 if (null === JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0) {
7719 nextInstance = null;
7720 break c;
7721 }
7722 }
7723 nextInstance = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0;
7724 }
7725 null !== nextInstance
7726 ? ((workInProgress.memoizedState = {
7727 dehydrated: nextInstance,
7728 treeContext:
7729 null !== treeContextProvider
7730 ? { id: treeContextId, overflow: treeContextOverflow }
7731 : null,
7732 retryLane: 536870912
7733 }),
7734 (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = createFiber(18, null, null, 0)),
7735 (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.stateNode = nextInstance),
7736 (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.return = workInProgress),
7737 (workInProgress.child = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0),
7738 (hydrationParentFiber = workInProgress),
7739 (nextHydratableInstance = null),
7740 (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = !0))
7741 : (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = !1);
7742 }
7743 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 || throwOnHydrationMismatch(workInProgress);
7744 }
7745 nextInstance = workInProgress.memoizedState;
7746 if (
7747 null !== nextInstance &&
7748 ((nextInstance = nextInstance.dehydrated), null !== nextInstance)
7749 )
7750 return (
7751 "$!" === nextInstance.data
7752 ? (workInProgress.lanes = 16)
7753 : (workInProgress.lanes = 536870912),
7754 null
7755 );
7756 popSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
7757 }
7758 nextInstance = nextProps.children;
7759 nextProps = nextProps.fallback;
7760 if (showFallback)
7761 return (
7762 reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(workInProgress),
7763 (showFallback = workInProgress.mode),
7764 (nextInstance = mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(
7765 { mode: "hidden", children: nextInstance },
7766 showFallback
7767 )),
7768 (nextProps = createFiberFromFragment(
7769 nextProps,
7770 showFallback,
7771 renderLanes,
7772 null
7773 )),
7774 (nextInstance.return = workInProgress),
7775 (nextProps.return = workInProgress),
7776 (nextInstance.sibling = nextProps),
7777 (workInProgress.child = nextInstance),
7778 (showFallback = workInProgress.child),
7779 (showFallback.memoizedState = mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes)),
7780 (showFallback.childLanes = getRemainingWorkInPrimaryTree(
7781 current,
7782 JSCompiler_temp,
7783 renderLanes
7784 )),
7785 (workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER),
7786 nextProps
7787 );
7788 pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
7789 return mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(workInProgress, nextInstance);
7790 }
7791 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = current.memoizedState;
7792 if (
7793 null !== JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 &&
7794 ((nextInstance = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.dehydrated),
7795 null !== nextInstance)
7796 ) {
7797 if (didSuspend)
7798 workInProgress.flags & 256
7799 ? (pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress),
7800 (workInProgress.flags &= -257),
7801 (workInProgress = retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(
7802 current,
7803 workInProgress,
7804 renderLanes
7805 )))
7806 : null !== workInProgress.memoizedState
7807 ? (reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(workInProgress),
7808 (workInProgress.child = current.child),
7809 (workInProgress.flags |= 128),
7810 (workInProgress = null))
7811 : (reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(workInProgress),
7812 (showFallback = nextProps.fallback),
7813 (nextInstance = workInProgress.mode),
7814 (nextProps = mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(
7815 { mode: "visible", children: nextProps.children },
7816 nextInstance
7817 )),
7818 (showFallback = createFiberFromFragment(
7819 showFallback,
7820 nextInstance,
7821 renderLanes,
7822 null
7823 )),
7824 (showFallback.flags |= 2),
7825 (nextProps.return = workInProgress),
7826 (showFallback.return = workInProgress),
7827 (nextProps.sibling = showFallback),
7828 (workInProgress.child = nextProps),
7829 reconcileChildFibers(
7830 workInProgress,
7831 current.child,
7832 null,
7833 renderLanes
7834 ),
7835 (nextProps = workInProgress.child),
7836 (nextProps.memoizedState = mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes)),
7837 (nextProps.childLanes = getRemainingWorkInPrimaryTree(
7838 current,
7839 JSCompiler_temp,
7840 renderLanes
7841 )),
7842 (workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER),
7843 (workInProgress = showFallback));
7844 else if (
7845 (pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress),
7846 "$!" === nextInstance.data)
7847 ) {
7848 JSCompiler_temp =
7849 nextInstance.nextSibling && nextInstance.nextSibling.dataset;
7850 if (JSCompiler_temp) var digest = JSCompiler_temp.dgst;
7851 JSCompiler_temp = digest;
7852 nextProps = Error(formatProdErrorMessage(419));
7853 nextProps.stack = "";
7854 nextProps.digest = JSCompiler_temp;
7855 queueHydrationError({ value: nextProps, source: null, stack: null });
7856 workInProgress = retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(
7857 current,
7858 workInProgress,
7859 renderLanes
7860 );
7861 } else if (
7862 ((JSCompiler_temp = 0 !== (renderLanes & current.childLanes)),
7863 didReceiveUpdate || JSCompiler_temp)
7864 ) {
7865 JSCompiler_temp = workInProgressRoot;
7866 if (null !== JSCompiler_temp) {
7867 nextProps = renderLanes & -renderLanes;
7868 if (0 !== (nextProps & 42)) nextProps = 1;
7869 else
7870 switch (nextProps) {
7871 case 2:
7872 nextProps = 1;
7873 break;
7874 case 8:
7875 nextProps = 4;
7876 break;
7877 case 32:
7878 nextProps = 16;
7879 break;
7880 case 128:
7881 case 256:
7882 case 512:
7883 case 1024:
7884 case 2048:
7885 case 4096:
7886 case 8192:
7887 case 16384:
7888 case 32768:
7889 case 65536:
7890 case 131072:
7891 case 262144:
7892 case 524288:
7893 case 1048576:
7894 case 2097152:
7895 case 4194304:
7896 case 8388608:
7897 case 16777216:
7898 case 33554432:
7899 nextProps = 64;
7900 break;
7901 case 268435456:
7902 nextProps = 134217728;
7903 break;
7904 default:
7905 nextProps = 0;
7906 }
7907 nextProps =
7908 0 !== (nextProps & (JSCompiler_temp.suspendedLanes | renderLanes))
7909 ? 0
7910 : nextProps;
7911 if (0 !== nextProps && nextProps !== JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.retryLane)
7912 throw (
7913 ((JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.retryLane = nextProps),
7914 enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(current, nextProps),
7915 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(JSCompiler_temp, current, nextProps),
7916 SelectiveHydrationException)
7917 );
7918 }
7919 "$?" === nextInstance.data || renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible();
7920 workInProgress = retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(
7921 current,
7922 workInProgress,
7923 renderLanes
7924 );
7925 } else
7926 "$?" === nextInstance.data
7927 ? ((workInProgress.flags |= 128),
7928 (workInProgress.child = current.child),
7929 (workInProgress = retryDehydratedSuspenseBoundary.bind(
7930 null,
7931 current
7932 )),
7933 (nextInstance._reactRetry = workInProgress),
7934 (workInProgress = null))
7935 : ((current = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.treeContext),
7936 (nextHydratableInstance = getNextHydratable(
7937 nextInstance.nextSibling
7938 )),
7939 (hydrationParentFiber = workInProgress),
7940 (isHydrating = !0),
7941 (hydrationErrors = null),
7942 (rootOrSingletonContext = !1),
7943 null !== current &&
7944 ((idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextId),
7945 (idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextOverflow),
7946 (idStack[idStackIndex++] = treeContextProvider),
7947 (treeContextId = current.id),
7948 (treeContextOverflow = current.overflow),
7949 (treeContextProvider = workInProgress)),
7950 (workInProgress = mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(
7951 workInProgress,
7952 nextProps.children
7953 )),
7954 (workInProgress.flags |= 4096));
7955 return workInProgress;
7956 }
7957 if (showFallback)
7958 return (
7959 reuseSuspenseHandlerOnStack(workInProgress),
7960 (showFallback = nextProps.fallback),
7961 (nextInstance = workInProgress.mode),
7962 (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = current.child),
7963 (digest = JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.sibling),
7964 (nextProps = createWorkInProgress(JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0, {
7965 mode: "hidden",
7966 children: nextProps.children
7967 })),
7968 (nextProps.subtreeFlags =
7969 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.subtreeFlags & 31457280),
7970 null !== digest
7971 ? (showFallback = createWorkInProgress(digest, showFallback))
7972 : ((showFallback = createFiberFromFragment(
7973 showFallback,
7974 nextInstance,
7975 renderLanes,
7976 null
7977 )),
7978 (showFallback.flags |= 2)),
7979 (showFallback.return = workInProgress),
7980 (nextProps.return = workInProgress),
7981 (nextProps.sibling = showFallback),
7982 (workInProgress.child = nextProps),
7983 (nextProps = showFallback),
7984 (showFallback = workInProgress.child),
7985 (nextInstance = current.child.memoizedState),
7986 null === nextInstance
7987 ? (nextInstance = mountSuspenseOffscreenState(renderLanes))
7988 : ((JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = nextInstance.cachePool),
7989 null !== JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0
7990 ? ((digest = CacheContext._currentValue),
7991 (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 =
7992 JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0.parent !== digest
7993 ? { parent: digest, pool: digest }
7994 : JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0))
7995 : (JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0 = getSuspendedCache()),
7996 (nextInstance = {
7997 baseLanes: nextInstance.baseLanes | renderLanes,
7998 cachePool: JSCompiler_temp$jscomp$0
7999 })),
8000 (showFallback.memoizedState = nextInstance),
8001 (showFallback.childLanes = getRemainingWorkInPrimaryTree(
8002 current,
8003 JSCompiler_temp,
8004 renderLanes
8005 )),
8006 (workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER),
8007 nextProps
8008 );
8009 pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
8010 renderLanes = current.child;
8011 current = renderLanes.sibling;
8012 renderLanes = createWorkInProgress(renderLanes, {
8013 mode: "visible",
8014 children: nextProps.children
8015 });
8016 renderLanes.return = workInProgress;
8017 renderLanes.sibling = null;
8018 null !== current &&
8019 ((JSCompiler_temp = workInProgress.deletions),
8020 null === JSCompiler_temp
8021 ? ((workInProgress.deletions = [current]), (workInProgress.flags |= 16))
8022 : JSCompiler_temp.push(current));
8023 workInProgress.child = renderLanes;
8024 workInProgress.memoizedState = null;
8025 return renderLanes;
8027function mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(workInProgress, primaryChildren) {
8028 primaryChildren = mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(
8029 { mode: "visible", children: primaryChildren },
8030 workInProgress.mode
8031 );
8032 primaryChildren.return = workInProgress;
8033 return (workInProgress.child = primaryChildren);
8035function mountWorkInProgressOffscreenFiber(offscreenProps, mode) {
8036 return createFiberFromOffscreen(offscreenProps, mode, 0, null);
8038function retrySuspenseComponentWithoutHydrating(
8039 current,
8040 workInProgress,
8041 renderLanes
8042) {
8043 reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, current.child, null, renderLanes);
8044 current = mountSuspensePrimaryChildren(
8045 workInProgress,
8046 workInProgress.pendingProps.children
8047 );
8048 current.flags |= 2;
8049 workInProgress.memoizedState = null;
8050 return current;
8052function scheduleSuspenseWorkOnFiber(fiber, renderLanes, propagationRoot) {
8053 fiber.lanes |= renderLanes;
8054 var alternate = fiber.alternate;
8055 null !== alternate && (alternate.lanes |= renderLanes);
8056 scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(fiber.return, renderLanes, propagationRoot);
8058function initSuspenseListRenderState(
8059 workInProgress,
8060 isBackwards,
8061 tail,
8062 lastContentRow,
8063 tailMode
8064) {
8065 var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;
8066 null === renderState
8067 ? (workInProgress.memoizedState = {
8068 isBackwards: isBackwards,
8069 rendering: null,
8070 renderingStartTime: 0,
8071 last: lastContentRow,
8072 tail: tail,
8073 tailMode: tailMode
8074 })
8075 : ((renderState.isBackwards = isBackwards),
8076 (renderState.rendering = null),
8077 (renderState.renderingStartTime = 0),
8078 (renderState.last = lastContentRow),
8079 (renderState.tail = tail),
8080 (renderState.tailMode = tailMode));
8082function updateSuspenseListComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {
8083 var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps,
8084 revealOrder = nextProps.revealOrder,
8085 tailMode = nextProps.tail;
8086 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextProps.children, renderLanes);
8087 nextProps = suspenseStackCursor.current;
8088 if (0 !== (nextProps & 2))
8089 (nextProps = (nextProps & 1) | 2), (workInProgress.flags |= 128);
8090 else {
8091 if (null !== current && 0 !== (current.flags & 128))
8092 a: for (current = workInProgress.child; null !== current; ) {
8093 if (13 === current.tag)
8094 null !== current.memoizedState &&
8095 scheduleSuspenseWorkOnFiber(current, renderLanes, workInProgress);
8096 else if (19 === current.tag)
8097 scheduleSuspenseWorkOnFiber(current, renderLanes, workInProgress);
8098 else if (null !== current.child) {
8099 current.child.return = current;
8100 current = current.child;
8101 continue;
8102 }
8103 if (current === workInProgress) break a;
8104 for (; null === current.sibling; ) {
8105 if (null === current.return || current.return === workInProgress)
8106 break a;
8107 current = current.return;
8108 }
8109 current.sibling.return = current.return;
8110 current = current.sibling;
8111 }
8112 nextProps &= 1;
8113 }
8114 push(suspenseStackCursor, nextProps);
8115 switch (revealOrder) {
8116 case "forwards":
8117 renderLanes = workInProgress.child;
8118 for (revealOrder = null; null !== renderLanes; )
8119 (current = renderLanes.alternate),
8120 null !== current &&
8121 null === findFirstSuspended(current) &&
8122 (revealOrder = renderLanes),
8123 (renderLanes = renderLanes.sibling);
8124 renderLanes = revealOrder;
8125 null === renderLanes
8126 ? ((revealOrder = workInProgress.child), (workInProgress.child = null))
8127 : ((revealOrder = renderLanes.sibling), (renderLanes.sibling = null));
8128 initSuspenseListRenderState(
8129 workInProgress,
8130 !1,
8131 revealOrder,
8132 renderLanes,
8133 tailMode
8134 );
8135 break;
8136 case "backwards":
8137 renderLanes = null;
8138 revealOrder = workInProgress.child;
8139 for (workInProgress.child = null; null !== revealOrder; ) {
8140 current = revealOrder.alternate;
8141 if (null !== current && null === findFirstSuspended(current)) {
8142 workInProgress.child = revealOrder;
8143 break;
8144 }
8145 current = revealOrder.sibling;
8146 revealOrder.sibling = renderLanes;
8147 renderLanes = revealOrder;
8148 revealOrder = current;
8149 }
8150 initSuspenseListRenderState(
8151 workInProgress,
8152 !0,
8153 renderLanes,
8154 null,
8155 tailMode
8156 );
8157 break;
8158 case "together":
8159 initSuspenseListRenderState(workInProgress, !1, null, null, void 0);
8160 break;
8161 default:
8162 workInProgress.memoizedState = null;
8163 }
8164 return workInProgress.child;
8166function bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {
8167 null !== current && (workInProgress.dependencies = current.dependencies);
8168 profilerStartTime = -1;
8169 workInProgressRootSkippedLanes |= workInProgress.lanes;
8170 if (0 === (renderLanes & workInProgress.childLanes)) return null;
8171 if (null !== current && workInProgress.child !== current.child)
8172 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(153));
8173 if (null !== workInProgress.child) {
8174 current = workInProgress.child;
8175 renderLanes = createWorkInProgress(current, current.pendingProps);
8176 workInProgress.child = renderLanes;
8177 for (renderLanes.return = workInProgress; null !== current.sibling; )
8178 (current = current.sibling),
8179 (renderLanes = renderLanes.sibling =
8180 createWorkInProgress(current, current.pendingProps)),
8181 (renderLanes.return = workInProgress);
8182 renderLanes.sibling = null;
8183 }
8184 return workInProgress.child;
8186function attemptEarlyBailoutIfNoScheduledUpdate(
8187 current,
8188 workInProgress,
8189 renderLanes
8190) {
8191 switch (workInProgress.tag) {
8192 case 3:
8193 pushHostContainer(workInProgress, workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo);
8194 pushProvider(workInProgress, CacheContext, current.memoizedState.cache);
8195 resetHydrationState();
8196 break;
8197 case 27:
8198 case 5:
8199 pushHostContext(workInProgress);
8200 break;
8201 case 4:
8202 pushHostContainer(workInProgress, workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo);
8203 break;
8204 case 10:
8205 pushProvider(
8206 workInProgress,
8207 workInProgress.type,
8208 workInProgress.memoizedProps.value
8209 );
8210 break;
8211 case 12:
8212 0 !== (renderLanes & workInProgress.childLanes) &&
8213 (workInProgress.flags |= 4);
8214 var stateNode = workInProgress.stateNode;
8215 stateNode.effectDuration = 0;
8216 stateNode.passiveEffectDuration = 0;
8217 break;
8218 case 13:
8219 stateNode = workInProgress.memoizedState;
8220 if (null !== stateNode) {
8221 if (null !== stateNode.dehydrated)
8222 return (
8223 pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress),
8224 (workInProgress.flags |= 128),
8225 null
8226 );
8227 if (0 !== (renderLanes & workInProgress.child.childLanes))
8228 return updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);
8229 pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
8230 current = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(
8231 current,
8232 workInProgress,
8233 renderLanes
8234 );
8235 return null !== current ? current.sibling : null;
8236 }
8237 pushPrimaryTreeSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
8238 break;
8239 case 19:
8240 stateNode = 0 !== (renderLanes & workInProgress.childLanes);
8241 if (0 !== (current.flags & 128)) {
8242 if (stateNode)
8243 return updateSuspenseListComponent(
8244 current,
8245 workInProgress,
8246 renderLanes
8247 );
8248 workInProgress.flags |= 128;
8249 }
8250 var renderState = workInProgress.memoizedState;
8251 null !== renderState &&
8252 ((renderState.rendering = null),
8253 (renderState.tail = null),
8254 (renderState.lastEffect = null));
8255 push(suspenseStackCursor, suspenseStackCursor.current);
8256 if (stateNode) break;
8257 else return null;
8258 case 22:
8259 case 23:
8260 return (
8261 (workInProgress.lanes = 0),
8262 updateOffscreenComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
8263 );
8264 case 24:
8265 pushProvider(workInProgress, CacheContext, current.memoizedState.cache);
8266 }
8267 return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);
8269function beginWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {
8270 if (null !== current)
8271 if (current.memoizedProps !== workInProgress.pendingProps)
8272 didReceiveUpdate = !0;
8273 else {
8274 if (
8275 0 === (current.lanes & renderLanes) &&
8276 0 === (workInProgress.flags & 128)
8277 )
8278 return (
8279 (didReceiveUpdate = !1),
8280 attemptEarlyBailoutIfNoScheduledUpdate(
8281 current,
8282 workInProgress,
8283 renderLanes
8284 )
8285 );
8286 didReceiveUpdate = 0 !== (current.flags & 131072) ? !0 : !1;
8287 }
8288 else
8289 (didReceiveUpdate = !1),
8290 isHydrating &&
8291 0 !== (workInProgress.flags & 1048576) &&
8292 pushTreeId(workInProgress, treeForkCount, workInProgress.index);
8293 workInProgress.lanes = 0;
8294 switch (workInProgress.tag) {
8295 case 16:
8296 a: {
8297 current = workInProgress.pendingProps;
8298 var lazyComponent = workInProgress.elementType,
8299 init = lazyComponent._init;
8300 lazyComponent = init(lazyComponent._payload);
8301 workInProgress.type = lazyComponent;
8302 if ("function" === typeof lazyComponent)
8303 shouldConstruct(lazyComponent)
8304 ? ((current = resolveClassComponentProps(lazyComponent, current)),
8305 (workInProgress.tag = 1),
8306 (workInProgress = updateClassComponent(
8307 null,
8308 workInProgress,
8309 lazyComponent,
8310 current,
8311 renderLanes
8312 )))
8313 : ((workInProgress.tag = 0),
8314 (workInProgress = updateFunctionComponent(
8315 null,
8316 workInProgress,
8317 lazyComponent,
8318 current,
8319 renderLanes
8320 )));
8321 else {
8322 if (void 0 !== lazyComponent && null !== lazyComponent)
8323 if (
8324 ((init = lazyComponent.$$typeof), init === REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE)
8325 ) {
8326 workInProgress.tag = 11;
8327 workInProgress = updateForwardRef(
8328 null,
8329 workInProgress,
8330 lazyComponent,
8331 current,
8332 renderLanes
8333 );
8334 break a;
8335 } else if (init === REACT_MEMO_TYPE) {
8336 workInProgress.tag = 14;
8337 workInProgress = updateMemoComponent(
8338 null,
8339 workInProgress,
8340 lazyComponent,
8341 current,
8342 renderLanes
8343 );
8344 break a;
8345 }
8346 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(306, lazyComponent, ""));
8347 }
8348 }
8349 return workInProgress;
8350 case 0:
8351 return updateFunctionComponent(
8352 current,
8353 workInProgress,
8354 workInProgress.type,
8355 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8356 renderLanes
8357 );
8358 case 1:
8359 return (
8360 (lazyComponent = workInProgress.type),
8361 (init = resolveClassComponentProps(
8362 lazyComponent,
8363 workInProgress.pendingProps
8364 )),
8365 updateClassComponent(
8366 current,
8367 workInProgress,
8368 lazyComponent,
8369 init,
8370 renderLanes
8371 )
8372 );
8373 case 3:
8374 a: {
8375 pushHostContainer(
8376 workInProgress,
8377 workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo
8378 );
8379 if (null === current) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(387));
8380 var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;
8381 init = workInProgress.memoizedState;
8382 lazyComponent = init.element;
8383 cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress);
8384 processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, nextProps, null, renderLanes);
8385 var nextState = workInProgress.memoizedState;
8386 nextProps = nextState.cache;
8387 pushProvider(workInProgress, CacheContext, nextProps);
8388 nextProps !== init.cache &&
8389 propagateContextChange(workInProgress, CacheContext, renderLanes);
8390 suspendIfUpdateReadFromEntangledAsyncAction();
8391 nextProps = nextState.element;
8392 if (init.isDehydrated)
8393 if (
8394 ((init = {
8395 element: nextProps,
8396 isDehydrated: !1,
8397 cache: nextState.cache
8398 }),
8399 (workInProgress.updateQueue.baseState = init),
8400 (workInProgress.memoizedState = init),
8401 workInProgress.flags & 256)
8402 ) {
8403 workInProgress = mountHostRootWithoutHydrating(
8404 current,
8405 workInProgress,
8406 nextProps,
8407 renderLanes
8408 );
8409 break a;
8410 } else if (nextProps !== lazyComponent) {
8411 lazyComponent = createCapturedValueAtFiber(
8412 Error(formatProdErrorMessage(424)),
8413 workInProgress
8414 );
8415 queueHydrationError(lazyComponent);
8416 workInProgress = mountHostRootWithoutHydrating(
8417 current,
8418 workInProgress,
8419 nextProps,
8420 renderLanes
8421 );
8422 break a;
8423 } else
8424 for (
8425 nextHydratableInstance = getNextHydratable(
8426 workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild
8427 ),
8428 hydrationParentFiber = workInProgress,
8429 isHydrating = !0,
8430 hydrationErrors = null,
8431 rootOrSingletonContext = !0,
8432 renderLanes = mountChildFibers(
8433 workInProgress,
8434 null,
8435 nextProps,
8436 renderLanes
8437 ),
8438 workInProgress.child = renderLanes;
8439 renderLanes;
8441 )
8442 (renderLanes.flags = (renderLanes.flags & -3) | 4096),
8443 (renderLanes = renderLanes.sibling);
8444 else {
8445 resetHydrationState();
8446 if (nextProps === lazyComponent) {
8447 workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(
8448 current,
8449 workInProgress,
8450 renderLanes
8451 );
8452 break a;
8453 }
8454 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextProps, renderLanes);
8455 }
8456 workInProgress = workInProgress.child;
8457 }
8458 return workInProgress;
8459 case 26:
8460 return (
8461 markRef(current, workInProgress),
8462 (renderLanes = workInProgress.memoizedState =
8463 getResource(
8464 workInProgress.type,
8465 null === current ? null : current.memoizedProps,
8466 workInProgress.pendingProps
8467 )),
8468 null !== current ||
8469 isHydrating ||
8470 null !== renderLanes ||
8471 ((renderLanes = workInProgress.type),
8472 (current = workInProgress.pendingProps),
8473 (lazyComponent = getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(
8474 rootInstanceStackCursor.current
8475 ).createElement(renderLanes)),
8476 (lazyComponent[internalInstanceKey] = workInProgress),
8477 (lazyComponent[internalPropsKey] = current),
8478 setInitialProperties(lazyComponent, renderLanes, current),
8479 markNodeAsHoistable(lazyComponent),
8480 (workInProgress.stateNode = lazyComponent)),
8481 null
8482 );
8483 case 27:
8484 return (
8485 pushHostContext(workInProgress),
8486 null === current &&
8487 isHydrating &&
8488 ((lazyComponent = workInProgress.stateNode =
8489 resolveSingletonInstance(
8490 workInProgress.type,
8491 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8492 rootInstanceStackCursor.current
8493 )),
8494 (hydrationParentFiber = workInProgress),
8495 (rootOrSingletonContext = !0),
8496 (nextHydratableInstance = getNextHydratable(
8497 lazyComponent.firstChild
8498 ))),
8499 (lazyComponent = workInProgress.pendingProps.children),
8500 null !== current || isHydrating
8501 ? reconcileChildren(
8502 current,
8503 workInProgress,
8504 lazyComponent,
8505 renderLanes
8506 )
8507 : (workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(
8508 workInProgress,
8509 null,
8510 lazyComponent,
8511 renderLanes
8512 )),
8513 markRef(current, workInProgress),
8514 workInProgress.child
8515 );
8516 case 5:
8517 if (null === current && isHydrating) {
8518 if ((init = lazyComponent = nextHydratableInstance))
8519 (lazyComponent = canHydrateInstance(
8520 lazyComponent,
8521 workInProgress.type,
8522 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8523 rootOrSingletonContext
8524 )),
8525 null !== lazyComponent
8526 ? ((workInProgress.stateNode = lazyComponent),
8527 (hydrationParentFiber = workInProgress),
8528 (nextHydratableInstance = getNextHydratable(
8529 lazyComponent.firstChild
8530 )),
8531 (rootOrSingletonContext = !1),
8532 (init = !0))
8533 : (init = !1);
8534 init || throwOnHydrationMismatch(workInProgress);
8535 }
8536 pushHostContext(workInProgress);
8537 init = workInProgress.type;
8538 nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;
8539 nextState = null !== current ? current.memoizedProps : null;
8540 lazyComponent = nextProps.children;
8541 shouldSetTextContent(init, nextProps)
8542 ? (lazyComponent = null)
8543 : null !== nextState &&
8544 shouldSetTextContent(init, nextState) &&
8545 (workInProgress.flags |= 32);
8546 null !== workInProgress.memoizedState &&
8547 ((init = renderWithHooks(
8548 current,
8549 workInProgress,
8550 TransitionAwareHostComponent,
8551 null,
8552 null,
8553 renderLanes
8554 )),
8555 (HostTransitionContext._currentValue = init),
8556 didReceiveUpdate &&
8557 null !== current &&
8558 current.memoizedState.memoizedState !== init &&
8559 propagateContextChange(
8560 workInProgress,
8561 HostTransitionContext,
8562 renderLanes
8563 ));
8564 markRef(current, workInProgress);
8565 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, lazyComponent, renderLanes);
8566 return workInProgress.child;
8567 case 6:
8568 if (null === current && isHydrating) {
8569 if ((current = renderLanes = nextHydratableInstance))
8570 (renderLanes = canHydrateTextInstance(
8571 renderLanes,
8572 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8573 rootOrSingletonContext
8574 )),
8575 null !== renderLanes
8576 ? ((workInProgress.stateNode = renderLanes),
8577 (hydrationParentFiber = workInProgress),
8578 (nextHydratableInstance = null),
8579 (current = !0))
8580 : (current = !1);
8581 current || throwOnHydrationMismatch(workInProgress);
8582 }
8583 return null;
8584 case 13:
8585 return updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);
8586 case 4:
8587 return (
8588 pushHostContainer(
8589 workInProgress,
8590 workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo
8591 ),
8592 (lazyComponent = workInProgress.pendingProps),
8593 null === current
8594 ? (workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(
8595 workInProgress,
8596 null,
8597 lazyComponent,
8598 renderLanes
8599 ))
8600 : reconcileChildren(
8601 current,
8602 workInProgress,
8603 lazyComponent,
8604 renderLanes
8605 ),
8606 workInProgress.child
8607 );
8608 case 11:
8609 return updateForwardRef(
8610 current,
8611 workInProgress,
8612 workInProgress.type,
8613 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8614 renderLanes
8615 );
8616 case 7:
8617 return (
8618 reconcileChildren(
8619 current,
8620 workInProgress,
8621 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8622 renderLanes
8623 ),
8624 workInProgress.child
8625 );
8626 case 8:
8627 return (
8628 reconcileChildren(
8629 current,
8630 workInProgress,
8631 workInProgress.pendingProps.children,
8632 renderLanes
8633 ),
8634 workInProgress.child
8635 );
8636 case 12:
8637 return (
8638 (workInProgress.flags |= 4),
8639 (lazyComponent = workInProgress.stateNode),
8640 (lazyComponent.effectDuration = 0),
8641 (lazyComponent.passiveEffectDuration = 0),
8642 reconcileChildren(
8643 current,
8644 workInProgress,
8645 workInProgress.pendingProps.children,
8646 renderLanes
8647 ),
8648 workInProgress.child
8649 );
8650 case 10:
8651 a: {
8652 lazyComponent = workInProgress.type;
8653 init = workInProgress.pendingProps;
8654 nextProps = workInProgress.memoizedProps;
8655 nextState = init.value;
8656 pushProvider(workInProgress, lazyComponent, nextState);
8657 if (null !== nextProps)
8658 if (objectIs(nextProps.value, nextState)) {
8659 if (nextProps.children === init.children) {
8660 workInProgress = bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(
8661 current,
8662 workInProgress,
8663 renderLanes
8664 );
8665 break a;
8666 }
8667 } else
8668 propagateContextChange(workInProgress, lazyComponent, renderLanes);
8669 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, init.children, renderLanes);
8670 workInProgress = workInProgress.child;
8671 }
8672 return workInProgress;
8673 case 9:
8674 return (
8675 (init = workInProgress.type._context),
8676 (lazyComponent = workInProgress.pendingProps.children),
8677 prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes),
8678 (init = readContext(init)),
8679 markComponentRenderStarted(workInProgress),
8680 (lazyComponent = lazyComponent(init)),
8681 markComponentRenderStopped(),
8682 (workInProgress.flags |= 1),
8683 reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, lazyComponent, renderLanes),
8684 workInProgress.child
8685 );
8686 case 14:
8687 return updateMemoComponent(
8688 current,
8689 workInProgress,
8690 workInProgress.type,
8691 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8692 renderLanes
8693 );
8694 case 15:
8695 return updateSimpleMemoComponent(
8696 current,
8697 workInProgress,
8698 workInProgress.type,
8699 workInProgress.pendingProps,
8700 renderLanes
8701 );
8702 case 19:
8703 return updateSuspenseListComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);
8704 case 22:
8705 return updateOffscreenComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes);
8706 case 24:
8707 return (
8708 prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes),
8709 (lazyComponent = readContext(CacheContext)),
8710 null === current
8711 ? ((init = peekCacheFromPool()),
8712 null === init &&
8713 ((init = workInProgressRoot),
8714 (nextProps = createCache()),
8715 (init.pooledCache = nextProps),
8716 nextProps.refCount++,
8717 null !== nextProps && (init.pooledCacheLanes |= renderLanes),
8718 (init = nextProps)),
8719 (workInProgress.memoizedState = {
8720 parent: lazyComponent,
8721 cache: init
8722 }),
8723 initializeUpdateQueue(workInProgress),
8724 pushProvider(workInProgress, CacheContext, init))
8725 : (0 !== (current.lanes & renderLanes) &&
8726 (cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress),
8727 processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, null, null, renderLanes),
8728 suspendIfUpdateReadFromEntangledAsyncAction()),
8729 (init = current.memoizedState),
8730 (nextProps = workInProgress.memoizedState),
8731 init.parent !== lazyComponent
8732 ? ((init = { parent: lazyComponent, cache: lazyComponent }),
8733 (workInProgress.memoizedState = init),
8734 0 === workInProgress.lanes &&
8735 (workInProgress.memoizedState =
8736 workInProgress.updateQueue.baseState =
8737 init),
8738 pushProvider(workInProgress, CacheContext, lazyComponent))
8739 : ((lazyComponent = nextProps.cache),
8740 pushProvider(workInProgress, CacheContext, lazyComponent),
8741 lazyComponent !== init.cache &&
8742 propagateContextChange(
8743 workInProgress,
8744 CacheContext,
8745 renderLanes
8746 ))),
8747 reconcileChildren(
8748 current,
8749 workInProgress,
8750 workInProgress.pendingProps.children,
8751 renderLanes
8752 ),
8753 workInProgress.child
8754 );
8755 }
8756 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(156, workInProgress.tag));
8758var valueCursor = createCursor(null),
8759 currentlyRenderingFiber = null,
8760 lastContextDependency = null,
8761 lastFullyObservedContext = null;
8762function resetContextDependencies() {
8763 lastFullyObservedContext =
8764 lastContextDependency =
8765 currentlyRenderingFiber =
8766 null;
8768function pushProvider(providerFiber, context, nextValue) {
8769 push(valueCursor, context._currentValue);
8770 context._currentValue = nextValue;
8772function popProvider(context) {
8773 context._currentValue = valueCursor.current;
8774 pop(valueCursor);
8776function scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(parent, renderLanes, propagationRoot) {
8777 for (; null !== parent; ) {
8778 var alternate = parent.alternate;
8779 (parent.childLanes & renderLanes) !== renderLanes
8780 ? ((parent.childLanes |= renderLanes),
8781 null !== alternate && (alternate.childLanes |= renderLanes))
8782 : null !== alternate &&
8783 (alternate.childLanes & renderLanes) !== renderLanes &&
8784 (alternate.childLanes |= renderLanes);
8785 if (parent === propagationRoot) break;
8786 parent = parent.return;
8787 }
8789function propagateContextChange(workInProgress, context, renderLanes) {
8790 var fiber = workInProgress.child;
8791 null !== fiber && (fiber.return = workInProgress);
8792 for (; null !== fiber; ) {
8793 var list = fiber.dependencies;
8794 if (null !== list) {
8795 var nextFiber = fiber.child;
8796 for (var dependency = list.firstContext; null !== dependency; ) {
8797 if (dependency.context === context) {
8798 if (1 === fiber.tag) {
8799 dependency = createUpdate(renderLanes & -renderLanes);
8800 dependency.tag = 2;
8801 var updateQueue = fiber.updateQueue;
8802 if (null !== updateQueue) {
8803 updateQueue = updateQueue.shared;
8804 var pending = updateQueue.pending;
8805 null === pending
8806 ? (dependency.next = dependency)
8807 : ((dependency.next = pending.next),
8808 (pending.next = dependency));
8809 updateQueue.pending = dependency;
8810 }
8811 }
8812 fiber.lanes |= renderLanes;
8813 dependency = fiber.alternate;
8814 null !== dependency && (dependency.lanes |= renderLanes);
8815 scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(
8816 fiber.return,
8817 renderLanes,
8818 workInProgress
8819 );
8820 list.lanes |= renderLanes;
8821 break;
8822 }
8823 dependency = dependency.next;
8824 }
8825 } else if (10 === fiber.tag)
8826 nextFiber = fiber.type === workInProgress.type ? null : fiber.child;
8827 else if (18 === fiber.tag) {
8828 nextFiber = fiber.return;
8829 if (null === nextFiber) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(341));
8830 nextFiber.lanes |= renderLanes;
8831 list = nextFiber.alternate;
8832 null !== list && (list.lanes |= renderLanes);
8833 scheduleContextWorkOnParentPath(nextFiber, renderLanes, workInProgress);
8834 nextFiber = fiber.sibling;
8835 } else nextFiber = fiber.child;
8836 if (null !== nextFiber) nextFiber.return = fiber;
8837 else
8838 for (nextFiber = fiber; null !== nextFiber; ) {
8839 if (nextFiber === workInProgress) {
8840 nextFiber = null;
8841 break;
8842 }
8843 fiber = nextFiber.sibling;
8844 if (null !== fiber) {
8845 fiber.return = nextFiber.return;
8846 nextFiber = fiber;
8847 break;
8848 }
8849 nextFiber = nextFiber.return;
8850 }
8851 fiber = nextFiber;
8852 }
8854function prepareToReadContext(workInProgress, renderLanes) {
8855 currentlyRenderingFiber = workInProgress;
8856 lastFullyObservedContext = lastContextDependency = null;
8857 workInProgress = workInProgress.dependencies;
8858 null !== workInProgress &&
8859 null !== workInProgress.firstContext &&
8860 (0 !== (workInProgress.lanes & renderLanes) && (didReceiveUpdate = !0),
8861 (workInProgress.firstContext = null));
8863function readContext(context) {
8864 return readContextForConsumer(currentlyRenderingFiber, context);
8866function readContextDuringReconciliation(consumer, context, renderLanes) {
8867 null === currentlyRenderingFiber &&
8868 prepareToReadContext(consumer, renderLanes);
8869 return readContextForConsumer(consumer, context);
8871function readContextForConsumer(consumer, context) {
8872 var value = context._currentValue;
8873 if (lastFullyObservedContext !== context)
8874 if (
8875 ((context = { context: context, memoizedValue: value, next: null }),
8876 null === lastContextDependency)
8877 ) {
8878 if (null === consumer) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(308));
8879 lastContextDependency = context;
8880 consumer.dependencies = { lanes: 0, firstContext: context };
8881 } else lastContextDependency = lastContextDependency.next = context;
8882 return value;
8884var hasForceUpdate = !1;
8885function initializeUpdateQueue(fiber) {
8886 fiber.updateQueue = {
8887 baseState: fiber.memoizedState,
8888 firstBaseUpdate: null,
8889 lastBaseUpdate: null,
8890 shared: { pending: null, lanes: 0, hiddenCallbacks: null },
8891 callbacks: null
8892 };
8894function cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress) {
8895 current = current.updateQueue;
8896 workInProgress.updateQueue === current &&
8897 (workInProgress.updateQueue = {
8898 baseState: current.baseState,
8899 firstBaseUpdate: current.firstBaseUpdate,
8900 lastBaseUpdate: current.lastBaseUpdate,
8901 shared: current.shared,
8902 callbacks: null
8903 });
8905function createUpdate(lane) {
8906 return { lane: lane, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null };
8908function enqueueUpdate(fiber, update, lane) {
8909 var updateQueue = fiber.updateQueue;
8910 if (null === updateQueue) return null;
8911 updateQueue = updateQueue.shared;
8912 if (0 !== (executionContext & 2)) {
8913 var pending = updateQueue.pending;
8914 null === pending
8915 ? (update.next = update)
8916 : ((update.next = pending.next), (pending.next = update));
8917 updateQueue.pending = update;
8918 update = getRootForUpdatedFiber(fiber);
8919 markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, null, lane);
8920 return update;
8921 }
8922 enqueueUpdate$1(fiber, updateQueue, update, lane);
8923 return getRootForUpdatedFiber(fiber);
8925function entangleTransitions(root, fiber, lane) {
8926 fiber = fiber.updateQueue;
8927 if (null !== fiber && ((fiber = fiber.shared), 0 !== (lane & 4194176))) {
8928 var queueLanes = fiber.lanes;
8929 queueLanes &= root.pendingLanes;
8930 lane |= queueLanes;
8931 fiber.lanes = lane;
8932 markRootEntangled(root, lane);
8933 }
8935function enqueueCapturedUpdate(workInProgress, capturedUpdate) {
8936 var queue = workInProgress.updateQueue,
8937 current = workInProgress.alternate;
8938 if (
8939 null !== current &&
8940 ((current = current.updateQueue), queue === current)
8941 ) {
8942 var newFirst = null,
8943 newLast = null;
8944 queue = queue.firstBaseUpdate;
8945 if (null !== queue) {
8946 do {
8947 var clone = {
8948 lane: queue.lane,
8949 tag: queue.tag,
8950 payload: queue.payload,
8951 callback: null,
8952 next: null
8953 };
8954 null === newLast
8955 ? (newFirst = newLast = clone)
8956 : (newLast = newLast.next = clone);
8957 queue = queue.next;
8958 } while (null !== queue);
8959 null === newLast
8960 ? (newFirst = newLast = capturedUpdate)
8961 : (newLast = newLast.next = capturedUpdate);
8962 } else newFirst = newLast = capturedUpdate;
8963 queue = {
8964 baseState: current.baseState,
8965 firstBaseUpdate: newFirst,
8966 lastBaseUpdate: newLast,
8967 shared: current.shared,
8968 callbacks: current.callbacks
8969 };
8970 workInProgress.updateQueue = queue;
8971 return;
8972 }
8973 workInProgress = queue.lastBaseUpdate;
8974 null === workInProgress
8975 ? (queue.firstBaseUpdate = capturedUpdate)
8976 : (workInProgress.next = capturedUpdate);
8977 queue.lastBaseUpdate = capturedUpdate;
8979var didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction = !1;
8980function suspendIfUpdateReadFromEntangledAsyncAction() {
8981 if (didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction) {
8982 var entangledActionThenable = currentEntangledActionThenable;
8983 if (null !== entangledActionThenable) throw entangledActionThenable;
8984 }
8986function processUpdateQueue(
8987 workInProgress$jscomp$0,
8988 props,
8989 instance$jscomp$0,
8990 renderLanes
8991) {
8992 didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction = !1;
8993 var queue = workInProgress$jscomp$0.updateQueue;
8994 hasForceUpdate = !1;
8995 var firstBaseUpdate = queue.firstBaseUpdate,
8996 lastBaseUpdate = queue.lastBaseUpdate,
8997 pendingQueue = queue.shared.pending;
8998 if (null !== pendingQueue) {
8999 queue.shared.pending = null;
9000 var lastPendingUpdate = pendingQueue,
9001 firstPendingUpdate = lastPendingUpdate.next;
9002 lastPendingUpdate.next = null;
9003 null === lastBaseUpdate
9004 ? (firstBaseUpdate = firstPendingUpdate)
9005 : (lastBaseUpdate.next = firstPendingUpdate);
9006 lastBaseUpdate = lastPendingUpdate;
9007 var current = workInProgress$jscomp$0.alternate;
9008 null !== current &&
9009 ((current = current.updateQueue),
9010 (pendingQueue = current.lastBaseUpdate),
9011 pendingQueue !== lastBaseUpdate &&
9012 (null === pendingQueue
9013 ? (current.firstBaseUpdate = firstPendingUpdate)
9014 : (pendingQueue.next = firstPendingUpdate),
9015 (current.lastBaseUpdate = lastPendingUpdate)));
9016 }
9017 if (null !== firstBaseUpdate) {
9018 var newState = queue.baseState;
9019 lastBaseUpdate = 0;
9020 current = firstPendingUpdate = lastPendingUpdate = null;
9021 pendingQueue = firstBaseUpdate;
9022 do {
9023 var updateLane = pendingQueue.lane & -536870913,
9024 isHiddenUpdate = updateLane !== pendingQueue.lane;
9025 if (
9026 isHiddenUpdate
9027 ? (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & updateLane) === updateLane
9028 : (renderLanes & updateLane) === updateLane
9029 ) {
9030 0 !== updateLane &&
9031 updateLane === currentEntangledLane &&
9032 (didReadFromEntangledAsyncAction = !0);
9033 null !== current &&
9034 (current = current.next =
9035 {
9036 lane: 0,
9037 tag: pendingQueue.tag,
9038 payload: pendingQueue.payload,
9039 callback: null,
9040 next: null
9041 });
9042 a: {
9043 var workInProgress = workInProgress$jscomp$0,
9044 update = pendingQueue;
9045 updateLane = props;
9046 var instance = instance$jscomp$0;
9047 switch (update.tag) {
9048 case 1:
9049 workInProgress = update.payload;
9050 if ("function" === typeof workInProgress) {
9051 newState = workInProgress.call(instance, newState, updateLane);
9052 break a;
9053 }
9054 newState = workInProgress;
9055 break a;
9056 case 3:
9057 workInProgress.flags = (workInProgress.flags & -65537) | 128;
9058 case 0:
9059 workInProgress = update.payload;
9060 updateLane =
9061 "function" === typeof workInProgress
9062 ? workInProgress.call(instance, newState, updateLane)
9063 : workInProgress;
9064 if (null === updateLane || void 0 === updateLane) break a;
9065 newState = assign({}, newState, updateLane);
9066 break a;
9067 case 2:
9068 hasForceUpdate = !0;
9069 }
9070 }
9071 updateLane = pendingQueue.callback;
9072 null !== updateLane &&
9073 ((workInProgress$jscomp$0.flags |= 64),
9074 isHiddenUpdate && (workInProgress$jscomp$0.flags |= 8192),
9075 (isHiddenUpdate = queue.callbacks),
9076 null === isHiddenUpdate
9077 ? (queue.callbacks = [updateLane])
9078 : isHiddenUpdate.push(updateLane));
9079 } else
9080 (isHiddenUpdate = {
9081 lane: updateLane,
9082 tag: pendingQueue.tag,
9083 payload: pendingQueue.payload,
9084 callback: pendingQueue.callback,
9085 next: null
9086 }),
9087 null === current
9088 ? ((firstPendingUpdate = current = isHiddenUpdate),
9089 (lastPendingUpdate = newState))
9090 : (current = current.next = isHiddenUpdate),
9091 (lastBaseUpdate |= updateLane);
9092 pendingQueue = pendingQueue.next;
9093 if (null === pendingQueue)
9094 if (((pendingQueue = queue.shared.pending), null === pendingQueue))
9095 break;
9096 else
9097 (isHiddenUpdate = pendingQueue),
9098 (pendingQueue = isHiddenUpdate.next),
9099 (isHiddenUpdate.next = null),
9100 (queue.lastBaseUpdate = isHiddenUpdate),
9101 (queue.shared.pending = null);
9102 } while (1);
9103 null === current && (lastPendingUpdate = newState);
9104 queue.baseState = lastPendingUpdate;
9105 queue.firstBaseUpdate = firstPendingUpdate;
9106 queue.lastBaseUpdate = current;
9107 null === firstBaseUpdate && (queue.shared.lanes = 0);
9108 workInProgressRootSkippedLanes |= lastBaseUpdate;
9109 workInProgress$jscomp$0.lanes = lastBaseUpdate;
9110 workInProgress$jscomp$0.memoizedState = newState;
9111 }
9113function callCallback(callback, context) {
9114 if ("function" !== typeof callback)
9115 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(191, callback));
9116 callback.call(context);
9118function commitCallbacks(updateQueue, context) {
9119 var callbacks = updateQueue.callbacks;
9120 if (null !== callbacks)
9121 for (
9122 updateQueue.callbacks = null, updateQueue = 0;
9123 updateQueue < callbacks.length;
9124 updateQueue++
9125 )
9126 callCallback(callbacks[updateQueue], context);
9128function applyDerivedStateFromProps(
9129 workInProgress,
9130 ctor,
9131 getDerivedStateFromProps,
9132 nextProps
9133) {
9134 ctor = workInProgress.memoizedState;
9135 getDerivedStateFromProps = getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, ctor);
9136 getDerivedStateFromProps =
9137 null === getDerivedStateFromProps || void 0 === getDerivedStateFromProps
9138 ? ctor
9139 : assign({}, ctor, getDerivedStateFromProps);
9140 workInProgress.memoizedState = getDerivedStateFromProps;
9141 0 === workInProgress.lanes &&
9142 (workInProgress.updateQueue.baseState = getDerivedStateFromProps);
9144var classComponentUpdater = {
9145 isMounted: function (component) {
9146 return (component = component._reactInternals)
9147 ? getNearestMountedFiber(component) === component
9148 : !1;
9149 },
9150 enqueueSetState: function (inst, payload, callback) {
9151 inst = inst._reactInternals;
9152 var lane = requestUpdateLane(),
9153 update = createUpdate(lane);
9154 update.payload = payload;
9155 void 0 !== callback && null !== callback && (update.callback = callback);
9156 payload = enqueueUpdate(inst, update, lane);
9157 null !== payload &&
9158 (scheduleUpdateOnFiber(payload, inst, lane),
9159 entangleTransitions(payload, inst, lane));
9160 markStateUpdateScheduled(inst, lane);
9161 },
9162 enqueueReplaceState: function (inst, payload, callback) {
9163 inst = inst._reactInternals;
9164 var lane = requestUpdateLane(),
9165 update = createUpdate(lane);
9166 update.tag = 1;
9167 update.payload = payload;
9168 void 0 !== callback && null !== callback && (update.callback = callback);
9169 payload = enqueueUpdate(inst, update, lane);
9170 null !== payload &&
9171 (scheduleUpdateOnFiber(payload, inst, lane),
9172 entangleTransitions(payload, inst, lane));
9173 markStateUpdateScheduled(inst, lane);
9174 },
9175 enqueueForceUpdate: function (inst, callback) {
9176 inst = inst._reactInternals;
9177 var lane = requestUpdateLane(),
9178 update = createUpdate(lane);
9179 update.tag = 2;
9180 void 0 !== callback && null !== callback && (update.callback = callback);
9181 callback = enqueueUpdate(inst, update, lane);
9182 null !== callback &&
9183 (scheduleUpdateOnFiber(callback, inst, lane),
9184 entangleTransitions(callback, inst, lane));
9185 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
9186 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markForceUpdateScheduled &&
9187 injectedProfilingHooks.markForceUpdateScheduled(inst, lane);
9188 }
9190function checkShouldComponentUpdate(
9191 workInProgress,
9192 ctor,
9193 oldProps,
9194 newProps,
9195 oldState,
9196 newState,
9197 nextContext
9198) {
9199 workInProgress = workInProgress.stateNode;
9200 return "function" === typeof workInProgress.shouldComponentUpdate
9201 ? workInProgress.shouldComponentUpdate(newProps, newState, nextContext)
9202 : ctor.prototype && ctor.prototype.isPureReactComponent
9203 ? !shallowEqual(oldProps, newProps) || !shallowEqual(oldState, newState)
9204 : !0;
9206function callComponentWillReceiveProps(
9207 workInProgress,
9208 instance,
9209 newProps,
9210 nextContext
9211) {
9212 workInProgress = instance.state;
9213 "function" === typeof instance.componentWillReceiveProps &&
9214 instance.componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);
9215 "function" === typeof instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps &&
9216 instance.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(newProps, nextContext);
9217 instance.state !== workInProgress &&
9218 classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(instance, instance.state, null);
9220function resolveClassComponentProps(Component, baseProps) {
9221 var newProps = baseProps;
9222 if ("ref" in baseProps) {
9223 newProps = {};
9224 for (var propName in baseProps)
9225 "ref" !== propName && (newProps[propName] = baseProps[propName]);
9226 }
9227 if ((Component = Component.defaultProps)) {
9228 newProps === baseProps && (newProps = assign({}, newProps));
9229 for (var propName$162 in Component)
9230 void 0 === newProps[propName$162] &&
9231 (newProps[propName$162] = Component[propName$162]);
9232 }
9233 return newProps;
9235var offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = !1,
9236 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = !1,
9237 needsFormReset = !1,
9238 PossiblyWeakSet = "function" === typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set,
9239 nextEffect = null,
9240 inProgressLanes = null,
9241 inProgressRoot = null;
9242function shouldProfile(current) {
9243 return 0 !== (current.mode & 2) && 0 !== (executionContext & 4);
9245function callComponentWillUnmountWithTimer(current, instance) {
9246 instance.props = resolveClassComponentProps(
9247 current.type,
9248 current.memoizedProps
9249 );
9250 instance.state = current.memoizedState;
9251 if (shouldProfile(current))
9252 try {
9253 startLayoutEffectTimer(), instance.componentWillUnmount();
9254 } finally {
9255 recordLayoutEffectDuration(current);
9256 }
9257 else instance.componentWillUnmount();
9259function safelyAttachRef(current, nearestMountedAncestor) {
9260 try {
9261 var ref = current.ref;
9262 if (null !== ref) {
9263 var instance = current.stateNode;
9264 switch (current.tag) {
9265 case 26:
9266 case 27:
9267 case 5:
9268 var instanceToUse = instance;
9269 break;
9270 default:
9271 instanceToUse = instance;
9272 }
9273 if ("function" === typeof ref)
9274 if (shouldProfile(current))
9275 try {
9276 startLayoutEffectTimer(), (current.refCleanup = ref(instanceToUse));
9277 } finally {
9278 recordLayoutEffectDuration(current);
9279 }
9280 else current.refCleanup = ref(instanceToUse);
9281 else ref.current = instanceToUse;
9282 }
9283 } catch (error) {
9284 captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);
9285 }
9287function safelyDetachRef(current, nearestMountedAncestor) {
9288 var ref = current.ref,
9289 refCleanup = current.refCleanup;
9290 if (null !== ref)
9291 if ("function" === typeof refCleanup)
9292 try {
9293 if (shouldProfile(current))
9294 try {
9295 startLayoutEffectTimer(), refCleanup();
9296 } finally {
9297 recordLayoutEffectDuration(current);
9298 }
9299 else refCleanup();
9300 } catch (error) {
9301 captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);
9302 } finally {
9303 (current.refCleanup = null),
9304 (current = current.alternate),
9305 null != current && (current.refCleanup = null);
9306 }
9307 else if ("function" === typeof ref)
9308 try {
9309 if (shouldProfile(current))
9310 try {
9311 startLayoutEffectTimer(), ref(null);
9312 } finally {
9313 recordLayoutEffectDuration(current);
9314 }
9315 else ref(null);
9316 } catch (error$163) {
9317 captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error$163);
9318 }
9319 else ref.current = null;
9321function safelyCallDestroy(current, nearestMountedAncestor, destroy) {
9322 try {
9323 destroy();
9324 } catch (error) {
9325 captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);
9326 }
9328var shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = !1;
9329function commitBeforeMutationEffects(root, firstChild) {
9330 eventsEnabled = _enabled;
9331 root = getActiveElementDeep();
9332 if (hasSelectionCapabilities(root)) {
9333 if ("selectionStart" in root)
9334 var JSCompiler_temp = {
9335 start: root.selectionStart,
9336 end: root.selectionEnd
9337 };
9338 else
9339 a: {
9340 JSCompiler_temp =
9341 ((JSCompiler_temp = root.ownerDocument) &&
9342 JSCompiler_temp.defaultView) ||
9343 window;
9344 var selection =
9345 JSCompiler_temp.getSelection && JSCompiler_temp.getSelection();
9346 if (selection && 0 !== selection.rangeCount) {
9347 JSCompiler_temp = selection.anchorNode;
9348 var anchorOffset = selection.anchorOffset,
9349 focusNode = selection.focusNode;
9350 selection = selection.focusOffset;
9351 try {
9352 JSCompiler_temp.nodeType, focusNode.nodeType;
9353 } catch (e$22) {
9354 JSCompiler_temp = null;
9355 break a;
9356 }
9357 var length = 0,
9358 start = -1,
9359 end = -1,
9360 indexWithinAnchor = 0,
9361 indexWithinFocus = 0,
9362 node = root,
9363 parentNode = null;
9364 b: for (;;) {
9365 for (var next; ; ) {
9366 node !== JSCompiler_temp ||
9367 (0 !== anchorOffset && 3 !== node.nodeType) ||
9368 (start = length + anchorOffset);
9369 node !== focusNode ||
9370 (0 !== selection && 3 !== node.nodeType) ||
9371 (end = length + selection);
9372 3 === node.nodeType && (length += node.nodeValue.length);
9373 if (null === (next = node.firstChild)) break;
9374 parentNode = node;
9375 node = next;
9376 }
9377 for (;;) {
9378 if (node === root) break b;
9379 parentNode === JSCompiler_temp &&
9380 ++indexWithinAnchor === anchorOffset &&
9381 (start = length);
9382 parentNode === focusNode &&
9383 ++indexWithinFocus === selection &&
9384 (end = length);
9385 if (null !== (next = node.nextSibling)) break;
9386 node = parentNode;
9387 parentNode = node.parentNode;
9388 }
9389 node = next;
9390 }
9391 JSCompiler_temp =
9392 -1 === start || -1 === end ? null : { start: start, end: end };
9393 } else JSCompiler_temp = null;
9394 }
9395 JSCompiler_temp = JSCompiler_temp || { start: 0, end: 0 };
9396 } else JSCompiler_temp = null;
9397 selectionInformation = { focusedElem: root, selectionRange: JSCompiler_temp };
9398 _enabled = !1;
9399 for (nextEffect = firstChild; null !== nextEffect; )
9400 if (
9401 ((firstChild = nextEffect),
9402 (root = firstChild.child),
9403 0 !== (firstChild.subtreeFlags & 1028) && null !== root)
9404 )
9405 (root.return = firstChild), (nextEffect = root);
9406 else
9407 for (; null !== nextEffect; ) {
9408 firstChild = nextEffect;
9409 try {
9410 var current = firstChild.alternate,
9411 flags = firstChild.flags;
9412 switch (firstChild.tag) {
9413 case 0:
9414 break;
9415 case 11:
9416 case 15:
9417 break;
9418 case 1:
9419 if (0 !== (flags & 1024) && null !== current) {
9420 var prevState = current.memoizedState,
9421 instance = firstChild.stateNode,
9422 snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(
9423 resolveClassComponentProps(
9424 firstChild.type,
9425 current.memoizedProps
9426 ),
9427 prevState
9428 );
9429 instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = snapshot;
9430 }
9431 break;
9432 case 3:
9433 if (0 !== (flags & 1024)) {
9434 var container = firstChild.stateNode.containerInfo,
9435 nodeType = container.nodeType;
9436 if (9 === nodeType) clearContainerSparingly(container);
9437 else if (1 === nodeType)
9438 switch (container.nodeName) {
9439 case "HEAD":
9440 case "HTML":
9441 case "BODY":
9442 clearContainerSparingly(container);
9443 break;
9444 default:
9445 container.textContent = "";
9446 }
9447 }
9448 break;
9449 case 5:
9450 case 26:
9451 case 27:
9452 case 6:
9453 case 4:
9454 case 17:
9455 break;
9456 default:
9457 if (0 !== (flags & 1024))
9458 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(163));
9459 }
9460 } catch (error) {
9461 captureCommitPhaseError(firstChild, firstChild.return, error);
9462 }
9463 root = firstChild.sibling;
9464 if (null !== root) {
9465 root.return = firstChild.return;
9466 nextEffect = root;
9467 break;
9468 }
9469 nextEffect = firstChild.return;
9470 }
9471 current = shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur;
9472 shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = !1;
9473 return current;
9475function commitHookEffectListUnmount(
9476 flags,
9477 finishedWork,
9478 nearestMountedAncestor
9479) {
9480 var updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;
9481 updateQueue = null !== updateQueue ? updateQueue.lastEffect : null;
9482 if (null !== updateQueue) {
9483 var effect = (updateQueue = updateQueue.next);
9484 do {
9485 if ((effect.tag & flags) === flags) {
9486 var inst = effect.inst,
9487 destroy = inst.destroy;
9488 void 0 !== destroy &&
9489 ((inst.destroy = void 0),
9490 0 !== (flags & 8)
9491 ? null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
9492 "function" ===
9493 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStarted &&
9494 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStarted(
9495 finishedWork
9496 )
9497 : 0 !== (flags & 4) &&
9498 markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(finishedWork),
9499 safelyCallDestroy(finishedWork, nearestMountedAncestor, destroy),
9500 0 !== (flags & 8)
9501 ? null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
9502 "function" ===
9503 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStopped &&
9504 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectUnmountStopped()
9505 : 0 !== (flags & 4) && markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped());
9506 }
9507 effect = effect.next;
9508 } while (effect !== updateQueue);
9509 }
9511function commitHookEffectListMount(flags, finishedWork) {
9512 var updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;
9513 updateQueue = null !== updateQueue ? updateQueue.lastEffect : null;
9514 if (null !== updateQueue) {
9515 var effect = (updateQueue = updateQueue.next);
9516 do {
9517 if ((effect.tag & flags) === flags) {
9518 0 !== (flags & 8)
9519 ? null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
9520 "function" ===
9521 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStarted &&
9522 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStarted(
9523 finishedWork
9524 )
9525 : 0 !== (flags & 4) &&
9526 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
9527 "function" ===
9528 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStarted &&
9529 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStarted(
9530 finishedWork
9531 );
9532 var create = effect.create,
9533 inst = effect.inst;
9534 create = create();
9535 inst.destroy = create;
9536 0 !== (flags & 8)
9537 ? null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
9538 "function" ===
9539 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStopped &&
9540 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentPassiveEffectMountStopped()
9541 : 0 !== (flags & 4) &&
9542 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
9543 "function" ===
9544 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStopped &&
9545 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentLayoutEffectMountStopped();
9546 }
9547 effect = effect.next;
9548 } while (effect !== updateQueue);
9549 }
9551function commitHookLayoutEffects(finishedWork, hookFlags) {
9552 if (shouldProfile(finishedWork)) {
9553 try {
9554 startLayoutEffectTimer(),
9555 commitHookEffectListMount(hookFlags, finishedWork);
9556 } catch (error) {
9557 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
9558 }
9559 recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);
9560 } else
9561 try {
9562 commitHookEffectListMount(hookFlags, finishedWork);
9563 } catch (error$167) {
9564 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error$167);
9565 }
9567function commitClassCallbacks(finishedWork) {
9568 var updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue;
9569 if (null !== updateQueue) {
9570 var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
9571 try {
9572 commitCallbacks(updateQueue, instance);
9573 } catch (error) {
9574 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
9575 }
9576 }
9578function commitHostComponentMount(finishedWork) {
9579 var type = finishedWork.type,
9580 props = finishedWork.memoizedProps,
9581 instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
9582 try {
9583 a: switch (type) {
9584 case "button":
9585 case "input":
9586 case "select":
9587 case "textarea":
9588 props.autoFocus && instance.focus();
9589 break a;
9590 case "img":
9591 props.src && (instance.src = props.src);
9592 }
9593 } catch (error) {
9594 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
9595 }
9597function commitProfilerUpdate(finishedWork, current) {
9598 if (executionContext & 4)
9599 try {
9600 var _finishedWork$memoize2 = finishedWork.memoizedProps,
9601 onCommit = _finishedWork$memoize2.onCommit,
9602 onRender = _finishedWork$memoize2.onRender,
9603 effectDuration = finishedWork.stateNode.effectDuration;
9604 _finishedWork$memoize2 = commitTime;
9605 current = null === current ? "mount" : "update";
9606 currentUpdateIsNested && (current = "nested-update");
9607 "function" === typeof onRender &&
9608 onRender(
9609 finishedWork.memoizedProps.id,
9610 current,
9611 finishedWork.actualDuration,
9612 finishedWork.treeBaseDuration,
9613 finishedWork.actualStartTime,
9614 _finishedWork$memoize2
9615 );
9616 "function" === typeof onCommit &&
9617 onCommit(
9618 finishedWork.memoizedProps.id,
9619 current,
9620 effectDuration,
9621 _finishedWork$memoize2
9622 );
9623 enqueuePendingPassiveProfilerEffect(finishedWork);
9624 var parentFiber = finishedWork.return;
9625 a: for (; null !== parentFiber; ) {
9626 switch (parentFiber.tag) {
9627 case 3:
9628 parentFiber.stateNode.effectDuration += effectDuration;
9629 break a;
9630 case 12:
9631 parentFiber.stateNode.effectDuration += effectDuration;
9632 break a;
9633 }
9634 parentFiber = parentFiber.return;
9635 }
9636 } catch (error) {
9637 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
9638 }
9640function commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(finishedRoot, current, finishedWork) {
9641 var flags = finishedWork.flags;
9642 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
9643 case 0:
9644 case 11:
9645 case 15:
9646 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9647 flags & 4 && commitHookLayoutEffects(finishedWork, 5);
9648 break;
9649 case 1:
9650 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9651 if (flags & 4)
9652 if (((finishedRoot = finishedWork.stateNode), null === current))
9653 if (shouldProfile(finishedWork)) {
9654 try {
9655 startLayoutEffectTimer(), finishedRoot.componentDidMount();
9656 } catch (error) {
9657 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
9658 }
9659 recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);
9660 } else
9661 try {
9662 finishedRoot.componentDidMount();
9663 } catch (error$168) {
9664 captureCommitPhaseError(
9665 finishedWork,
9666 finishedWork.return,
9667 error$168
9668 );
9669 }
9670 else {
9671 var prevProps = resolveClassComponentProps(
9672 finishedWork.type,
9673 current.memoizedProps
9674 );
9675 current = current.memoizedState;
9676 if (shouldProfile(finishedWork)) {
9677 try {
9678 startLayoutEffectTimer(),
9679 finishedRoot.componentDidUpdate(
9680 prevProps,
9681 current,
9682 finishedRoot.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate
9683 );
9684 } catch (error$169) {
9685 captureCommitPhaseError(
9686 finishedWork,
9687 finishedWork.return,
9688 error$169
9689 );
9690 }
9691 recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);
9692 } else
9693 try {
9694 finishedRoot.componentDidUpdate(
9695 prevProps,
9696 current,
9697 finishedRoot.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate
9698 );
9699 } catch (error$170) {
9700 captureCommitPhaseError(
9701 finishedWork,
9702 finishedWork.return,
9703 error$170
9704 );
9705 }
9706 }
9707 flags & 64 && commitClassCallbacks(finishedWork);
9708 flags & 512 && safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
9709 break;
9710 case 3:
9711 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9712 if (flags & 64 && ((flags = finishedWork.updateQueue), null !== flags)) {
9713 finishedRoot = null;
9714 if (null !== finishedWork.child)
9715 switch (finishedWork.child.tag) {
9716 case 27:
9717 case 5:
9718 finishedRoot = finishedWork.child.stateNode;
9719 break;
9720 case 1:
9721 finishedRoot = finishedWork.child.stateNode;
9722 }
9723 try {
9724 commitCallbacks(flags, finishedRoot);
9725 } catch (error) {
9726 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
9727 }
9728 }
9729 break;
9730 case 26:
9731 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9732 flags & 512 && safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
9733 break;
9734 case 27:
9735 case 5:
9736 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9737 null === current && flags & 4 && commitHostComponentMount(finishedWork);
9738 flags & 512 && safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
9739 break;
9740 case 12:
9741 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9742 flags & 4 && commitProfilerUpdate(finishedWork, current);
9743 break;
9744 case 13:
9745 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9746 flags & 4 && commitSuspenseHydrationCallbacks(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9747 break;
9748 case 22:
9749 prevProps =
9750 null !== finishedWork.memoizedState || offscreenSubtreeIsHidden;
9751 if (!prevProps) {
9752 current =
9753 (null !== current && null !== current.memoizedState) ||
9754 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden;
9755 var prevOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden = offscreenSubtreeIsHidden,
9756 prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden = offscreenSubtreeWasHidden;
9757 offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = prevProps;
9758 (offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = current) && !prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden
9759 ? recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
9760 finishedRoot,
9761 finishedWork,
9762 0 !== (finishedWork.subtreeFlags & 8772)
9763 )
9764 : recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9765 offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden;
9766 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden;
9767 }
9768 flags & 512 &&
9769 ("manual" === finishedWork.memoizedProps.mode
9770 ? safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return)
9771 : safelyDetachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return));
9772 break;
9773 default:
9774 recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
9775 }
9777function detachFiberAfterEffects(fiber) {
9778 var alternate = fiber.alternate;
9779 null !== alternate &&
9780 ((fiber.alternate = null), detachFiberAfterEffects(alternate));
9781 fiber.child = null;
9782 fiber.deletions = null;
9783 fiber.sibling = null;
9784 5 === fiber.tag &&
9785 ((alternate = fiber.stateNode),
9786 null !== alternate && detachDeletedInstance(alternate));
9787 fiber.stateNode = null;
9788 fiber.return = null;
9789 fiber.dependencies = null;
9790 fiber.memoizedProps = null;
9791 fiber.memoizedState = null;
9792 fiber.pendingProps = null;
9793 fiber.stateNode = null;
9794 fiber.updateQueue = null;
9796function isHostParent(fiber) {
9797 return (
9798 5 === fiber.tag ||
9799 3 === fiber.tag ||
9800 26 === fiber.tag ||
9801 27 === fiber.tag ||
9802 4 === fiber.tag
9803 );
9805function getHostSibling(fiber) {
9806 a: for (;;) {
9807 for (; null === fiber.sibling; ) {
9808 if (null === fiber.return || isHostParent(fiber.return)) return null;
9809 fiber = fiber.return;
9810 }
9811 fiber.sibling.return = fiber.return;
9812 for (
9813 fiber = fiber.sibling;
9814 5 !== fiber.tag &&
9815 6 !== fiber.tag &&
9816 27 !== fiber.tag &&
9817 18 !== fiber.tag;
9819 ) {
9820 if (fiber.flags & 2) continue a;
9821 if (null === fiber.child || 4 === fiber.tag) continue a;
9822 else (fiber.child.return = fiber), (fiber = fiber.child);
9823 }
9824 if (!(fiber.flags & 2)) return fiber.stateNode;
9825 }
9827function insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(node, before, parent) {
9828 var tag = node.tag;
9829 if (5 === tag || 6 === tag)
9830 (node = node.stateNode),
9831 before
9832 ? 8 === parent.nodeType
9833 ? parent.parentNode.insertBefore(node, before)
9834 : parent.insertBefore(node, before)
9835 : (8 === parent.nodeType
9836 ? ((before = parent.parentNode), before.insertBefore(node, parent))
9837 : ((before = parent), before.appendChild(node)),
9838 (parent = parent._reactRootContainer),
9839 (null !== parent && void 0 !== parent) ||
9840 null !== before.onclick ||
9841 (before.onclick = noop$3));
9842 else if (4 !== tag && 27 !== tag && ((node = node.child), null !== node))
9843 for (
9844 insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(node, before, parent),
9845 node = node.sibling;
9846 null !== node;
9848 )
9849 insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(node, before, parent),
9850 (node = node.sibling);
9852function insertOrAppendPlacementNode(node, before, parent) {
9853 var tag = node.tag;
9854 if (5 === tag || 6 === tag)
9855 (node = node.stateNode),
9856 before ? parent.insertBefore(node, before) : parent.appendChild(node);
9857 else if (4 !== tag && 27 !== tag && ((node = node.child), null !== node))
9858 for (
9859 insertOrAppendPlacementNode(node, before, parent), node = node.sibling;
9860 null !== node;
9862 )
9863 insertOrAppendPlacementNode(node, before, parent), (node = node.sibling);
9865var hostParent = null,
9866 hostParentIsContainer = !1;
9867function recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
9868 finishedRoot,
9869 nearestMountedAncestor,
9870 parent
9871) {
9872 for (parent = parent.child; null !== parent; )
9873 commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber(finishedRoot, nearestMountedAncestor, parent),
9874 (parent = parent.sibling);
9876function commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber(
9877 finishedRoot,
9878 nearestMountedAncestor,
9879 deletedFiber
9880) {
9881 if (injectedHook && "function" === typeof injectedHook.onCommitFiberUnmount)
9882 try {
9883 injectedHook.onCommitFiberUnmount(rendererID, deletedFiber);
9884 } catch (err) {}
9885 switch (deletedFiber.tag) {
9886 case 26:
9887 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden ||
9888 safelyDetachRef(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor);
9889 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
9890 finishedRoot,
9891 nearestMountedAncestor,
9892 deletedFiber
9893 );
9894 deletedFiber.memoizedState
9895 ? deletedFiber.memoizedState.count--
9896 : deletedFiber.stateNode &&
9897 ((deletedFiber = deletedFiber.stateNode),
9898 deletedFiber.parentNode.removeChild(deletedFiber));
9899 break;
9900 case 27:
9901 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden ||
9902 safelyDetachRef(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor);
9903 var prevHostParent = hostParent,
9904 prevHostParentIsContainer = hostParentIsContainer;
9905 hostParent = deletedFiber.stateNode;
9906 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
9907 finishedRoot,
9908 nearestMountedAncestor,
9909 deletedFiber
9910 );
9911 deletedFiber = deletedFiber.stateNode;
9912 for (finishedRoot = deletedFiber.attributes; finishedRoot.length; )
9913 deletedFiber.removeAttributeNode(finishedRoot[0]);
9914 detachDeletedInstance(deletedFiber);
9915 hostParent = prevHostParent;
9916 hostParentIsContainer = prevHostParentIsContainer;
9917 break;
9918 case 5:
9919 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden ||
9920 safelyDetachRef(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor);
9921 case 6:
9922 prevHostParent = hostParent;
9923 prevHostParentIsContainer = hostParentIsContainer;
9924 hostParent = null;
9925 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
9926 finishedRoot,
9927 nearestMountedAncestor,
9928 deletedFiber
9929 );
9930 hostParent = prevHostParent;
9931 hostParentIsContainer = prevHostParentIsContainer;
9932 null !== hostParent &&
9933 (hostParentIsContainer
9934 ? ((finishedRoot = hostParent),
9935 (deletedFiber = deletedFiber.stateNode),
9936 8 === finishedRoot.nodeType
9937 ? finishedRoot.parentNode.removeChild(deletedFiber)
9938 : finishedRoot.removeChild(deletedFiber))
9939 : hostParent.removeChild(deletedFiber.stateNode));
9940 break;
9941 case 18:
9942 null !== hostParent &&
9943 (hostParentIsContainer
9944 ? ((finishedRoot = hostParent),
9945 (deletedFiber = deletedFiber.stateNode),
9946 8 === finishedRoot.nodeType
9947 ? clearSuspenseBoundary(finishedRoot.parentNode, deletedFiber)
9948 : 1 === finishedRoot.nodeType &&
9949 clearSuspenseBoundary(finishedRoot, deletedFiber),
9950 retryIfBlockedOn(finishedRoot))
9951 : clearSuspenseBoundary(hostParent, deletedFiber.stateNode));
9952 break;
9953 case 4:
9954 prevHostParent = hostParent;
9955 prevHostParentIsContainer = hostParentIsContainer;
9956 hostParent = deletedFiber.stateNode.containerInfo;
9957 hostParentIsContainer = !0;
9958 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
9959 finishedRoot,
9960 nearestMountedAncestor,
9961 deletedFiber
9962 );
9963 hostParent = prevHostParent;
9964 hostParentIsContainer = prevHostParentIsContainer;
9965 break;
9966 case 0:
9967 case 11:
9968 case 14:
9969 case 15:
9970 if (
9971 !offscreenSubtreeWasHidden &&
9972 ((prevHostParent = deletedFiber.updateQueue),
9973 null !== prevHostParent &&
9974 ((prevHostParent = prevHostParent.lastEffect),
9975 null !== prevHostParent))
9976 ) {
9977 prevHostParentIsContainer = prevHostParent = prevHostParent.next;
9978 do {
9979 var tag = prevHostParentIsContainer.tag,
9980 inst = prevHostParentIsContainer.inst,
9981 destroy = inst.destroy;
9982 void 0 !== destroy &&
9983 (0 !== (tag & 2)
9984 ? ((inst.destroy = void 0),
9985 safelyCallDestroy(
9986 deletedFiber,
9987 nearestMountedAncestor,
9988 destroy
9989 ))
9990 : 0 !== (tag & 4) &&
9991 (markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStarted(deletedFiber),
9992 shouldProfile(deletedFiber)
9993 ? (startLayoutEffectTimer(),
9994 (inst.destroy = void 0),
9995 safelyCallDestroy(
9996 deletedFiber,
9997 nearestMountedAncestor,
9998 destroy
9999 ),
10000 recordLayoutEffectDuration(deletedFiber))
10001 : ((inst.destroy = void 0),
10002 safelyCallDestroy(
10003 deletedFiber,
10004 nearestMountedAncestor,
10005 destroy
10006 )),
10007 markComponentLayoutEffectUnmountStopped()));
10008 prevHostParentIsContainer = prevHostParentIsContainer.next;
10009 } while (prevHostParentIsContainer !== prevHostParent);
10010 }
10011 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
10012 finishedRoot,
10013 nearestMountedAncestor,
10014 deletedFiber
10015 );
10016 break;
10017 case 1:
10018 if (
10019 !offscreenSubtreeWasHidden &&
10020 (safelyDetachRef(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor),
10021 (prevHostParent = deletedFiber.stateNode),
10022 "function" === typeof prevHostParent.componentWillUnmount)
10023 )
10024 try {
10025 callComponentWillUnmountWithTimer(deletedFiber, prevHostParent);
10026 } catch (error) {
10027 captureCommitPhaseError(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor, error);
10028 }
10029 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
10030 finishedRoot,
10031 nearestMountedAncestor,
10032 deletedFiber
10033 );
10034 break;
10035 case 21:
10036 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
10037 finishedRoot,
10038 nearestMountedAncestor,
10039 deletedFiber
10040 );
10041 break;
10042 case 22:
10043 safelyDetachRef(deletedFiber, nearestMountedAncestor);
10044 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden =
10045 (prevHostParent = offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) ||
10046 null !== deletedFiber.memoizedState;
10047 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
10048 finishedRoot,
10049 nearestMountedAncestor,
10050 deletedFiber
10051 );
10052 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevHostParent;
10053 break;
10054 default:
10055 recursivelyTraverseDeletionEffects(
10056 finishedRoot,
10057 nearestMountedAncestor,
10058 deletedFiber
10059 );
10060 }
10062function commitSuspenseHydrationCallbacks(finishedRoot, finishedWork) {
10063 if (
10064 null === finishedWork.memoizedState &&
10065 ((finishedRoot = finishedWork.alternate),
10066 null !== finishedRoot &&
10067 ((finishedRoot = finishedRoot.memoizedState),
10068 null !== finishedRoot &&
10069 ((finishedRoot = finishedRoot.dehydrated), null !== finishedRoot)))
10070 )
10071 try {
10072 retryIfBlockedOn(finishedRoot);
10073 } catch (error) {
10074 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
10075 }
10077function getRetryCache(finishedWork) {
10078 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
10079 case 13:
10080 case 19:
10081 var retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode;
10082 null === retryCache &&
10083 (retryCache = finishedWork.stateNode = new PossiblyWeakSet());
10084 return retryCache;
10085 case 22:
10086 return (
10087 (finishedWork = finishedWork.stateNode),
10088 (retryCache = finishedWork._retryCache),
10089 null === retryCache &&
10090 (retryCache = finishedWork._retryCache = new PossiblyWeakSet()),
10091 retryCache
10092 );
10093 default:
10094 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(435, finishedWork.tag));
10095 }
10097function attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork, wakeables) {
10098 var retryCache = getRetryCache(finishedWork);
10099 wakeables.forEach(function (wakeable) {
10100 var retry = resolveRetryWakeable.bind(null, finishedWork, wakeable);
10101 if (!retryCache.has(wakeable)) {
10102 retryCache.add(wakeable);
10103 if (isDevToolsPresent)
10104 if (null !== inProgressLanes && null !== inProgressRoot)
10105 restorePendingUpdaters(inProgressRoot, inProgressLanes);
10106 else throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(413));
10107 wakeable.then(retry, retry);
10108 }
10109 });
10111function commitMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, committedLanes) {
10112 inProgressLanes = committedLanes;
10113 inProgressRoot = root;
10114 commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork, root);
10115 inProgressRoot = inProgressLanes = null;
10117function recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root$jscomp$0, parentFiber) {
10118 var deletions = parentFiber.deletions;
10119 if (null !== deletions)
10120 for (var i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {
10121 var childToDelete = deletions[i];
10122 try {
10123 var root = root$jscomp$0,
10124 returnFiber = parentFiber,
10125 parent = returnFiber;
10126 a: for (; null !== parent; ) {
10127 switch (parent.tag) {
10128 case 27:
10129 case 5:
10130 hostParent = parent.stateNode;
10131 hostParentIsContainer = !1;
10132 break a;
10133 case 3:
10134 hostParent = parent.stateNode.containerInfo;
10135 hostParentIsContainer = !0;
10136 break a;
10137 case 4:
10138 hostParent = parent.stateNode.containerInfo;
10139 hostParentIsContainer = !0;
10140 break a;
10141 }
10142 parent = parent.return;
10143 }
10144 if (null === hostParent) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(160));
10145 commitDeletionEffectsOnFiber(root, returnFiber, childToDelete);
10146 hostParent = null;
10147 hostParentIsContainer = !1;
10148 var alternate = childToDelete.alternate;
10149 null !== alternate && (alternate.return = null);
10150 childToDelete.return = null;
10151 } catch (error) {
10152 captureCommitPhaseError(childToDelete, parentFiber, error);
10153 }
10154 }
10155 if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 13878)
10156 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; )
10157 commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(parentFiber, root$jscomp$0),
10158 (parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling);
10160var currentHoistableRoot = null;
10161function commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork, root) {
10162 var current = finishedWork.alternate,
10163 flags = finishedWork.flags;
10164 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
10165 case 0:
10166 case 11:
10167 case 14:
10168 case 15:
10169 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10170 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10171 if (flags & 4) {
10172 try {
10173 commitHookEffectListUnmount(3, finishedWork, finishedWork.return),
10174 commitHookEffectListMount(3, finishedWork);
10175 } catch (error) {
10176 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
10177 }
10178 if (shouldProfile(finishedWork)) {
10179 try {
10180 startLayoutEffectTimer(),
10181 commitHookEffectListUnmount(5, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10182 } catch (error$184) {
10183 captureCommitPhaseError(
10184 finishedWork,
10185 finishedWork.return,
10186 error$184
10187 );
10188 }
10189 recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);
10190 } else
10191 try {
10192 commitHookEffectListUnmount(5, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10193 } catch (error$185) {
10194 captureCommitPhaseError(
10195 finishedWork,
10196 finishedWork.return,
10197 error$185
10198 );
10199 }
10200 }
10201 break;
10202 case 1:
10203 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10204 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10205 flags & 512 &&
10206 null !== current &&
10207 safelyDetachRef(current, current.return);
10208 flags & 64 &&
10209 offscreenSubtreeIsHidden &&
10210 ((finishedWork = finishedWork.updateQueue),
10211 null !== finishedWork &&
10212 ((flags = finishedWork.callbacks),
10213 null !== flags &&
10214 ((current = finishedWork.shared.hiddenCallbacks),
10215 (finishedWork.shared.hiddenCallbacks =
10216 null === current ? flags : current.concat(flags)))));
10217 break;
10218 case 26:
10219 var hoistableRoot = currentHoistableRoot;
10220 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10221 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10222 flags & 512 &&
10223 null !== current &&
10224 safelyDetachRef(current, current.return);
10225 if (flags & 4)
10226 if (
10227 ((root = null !== current ? current.memoizedState : null),
10228 (flags = finishedWork.memoizedState),
10229 null === current)
10230 )
10231 if (null === flags)
10232 if (null === finishedWork.stateNode) {
10233 a: {
10234 flags = finishedWork.type;
10235 current = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
10236 root = hoistableRoot.ownerDocument || hoistableRoot;
10237 b: switch (flags) {
10238 case "title":
10239 hoistableRoot = root.getElementsByTagName("title")[0];
10240 if (
10241 !hoistableRoot ||
10242 hoistableRoot[internalHoistableMarker] ||
10243 hoistableRoot[internalInstanceKey] ||
10244 "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ===
10245 hoistableRoot.namespaceURI ||
10246 hoistableRoot.hasAttribute("itemprop")
10247 )
10248 (hoistableRoot = root.createElement(flags)),
10249 root.head.insertBefore(
10250 hoistableRoot,
10251 root.querySelector("head > title")
10252 );
10253 setInitialProperties(hoistableRoot, flags, current);
10254 hoistableRoot[internalInstanceKey] = finishedWork;
10255 markNodeAsHoistable(hoistableRoot);
10256 flags = hoistableRoot;
10257 break a;
10258 case "link":
10259 var maybeNodes = getHydratableHoistableCache(
10260 "link",
10261 "href",
10262 root
10263 ).get(flags + (current.href || ""));
10264 if (maybeNodes)
10265 for (var i = 0; i < maybeNodes.length; i++)
10266 if (
10267 ((hoistableRoot = maybeNodes[i]),
10268 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("href") ===
10269 (null == current.href ? null : current.href) &&
10270 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("rel") ===
10271 (null == current.rel ? null : current.rel) &&
10272 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("title") ===
10273 (null == current.title ? null : current.title) &&
10274 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("crossorigin") ===
10275 (null == current.crossOrigin
10276 ? null
10277 : current.crossOrigin))
10278 ) {
10279 maybeNodes.splice(i, 1);
10280 break b;
10281 }
10282 hoistableRoot = root.createElement(flags);
10283 setInitialProperties(hoistableRoot, flags, current);
10284 root.head.appendChild(hoistableRoot);
10285 break;
10286 case "meta":
10287 if (
10288 (maybeNodes = getHydratableHoistableCache(
10289 "meta",
10290 "content",
10291 root
10292 ).get(flags + (current.content || "")))
10293 )
10294 for (i = 0; i < maybeNodes.length; i++)
10295 if (
10296 ((hoistableRoot = maybeNodes[i]),
10297 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("content") ===
10298 (null == current.content
10299 ? null
10300 : "" + current.content) &&
10301 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("name") ===
10302 (null == current.name ? null : current.name) &&
10303 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("property") ===
10304 (null == current.property
10305 ? null
10306 : current.property) &&
10307 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("http-equiv") ===
10308 (null == current.httpEquiv
10309 ? null
10310 : current.httpEquiv) &&
10311 hoistableRoot.getAttribute("charset") ===
10312 (null == current.charSet
10313 ? null
10314 : current.charSet))
10315 ) {
10316 maybeNodes.splice(i, 1);
10317 break b;
10318 }
10319 hoistableRoot = root.createElement(flags);
10320 setInitialProperties(hoistableRoot, flags, current);
10321 root.head.appendChild(hoistableRoot);
10322 break;
10323 default:
10324 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(468, flags));
10325 }
10326 hoistableRoot[internalInstanceKey] = finishedWork;
10327 markNodeAsHoistable(hoistableRoot);
10328 flags = hoistableRoot;
10329 }
10330 finishedWork.stateNode = flags;
10331 } else
10332 mountHoistable(
10333 hoistableRoot,
10334 finishedWork.type,
10335 finishedWork.stateNode
10336 );
10337 else
10338 finishedWork.stateNode = acquireResource(
10339 hoistableRoot,
10340 flags,
10341 finishedWork.memoizedProps
10342 );
10343 else if (root !== flags)
10344 null === root
10345 ? null !== current.stateNode &&
10346 ((current = current.stateNode),
10347 current.parentNode.removeChild(current))
10348 : root.count--,
10349 null === flags
10350 ? mountHoistable(
10351 hoistableRoot,
10352 finishedWork.type,
10353 finishedWork.stateNode
10354 )
10355 : acquireResource(
10356 hoistableRoot,
10357 flags,
10358 finishedWork.memoizedProps
10359 );
10360 else if (null === flags && null !== finishedWork.stateNode)
10361 try {
10362 var domElement = finishedWork.stateNode,
10363 newProps = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
10364 updateProperties(
10365 domElement,
10366 finishedWork.type,
10367 current.memoizedProps,
10368 newProps
10369 );
10370 domElement[internalPropsKey] = newProps;
10371 } catch (error$186) {
10372 captureCommitPhaseError(
10373 finishedWork,
10374 finishedWork.return,
10375 error$186
10376 );
10377 }
10378 break;
10379 case 27:
10380 if (flags & 4 && null === finishedWork.alternate) {
10381 hoistableRoot = finishedWork.stateNode;
10382 maybeNodes = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
10383 for (i = hoistableRoot.firstChild; i; ) {
10384 var nextNode = i.nextSibling,
10385 nodeName = i.nodeName;
10386 i[internalHoistableMarker] ||
10387 "HEAD" === nodeName ||
10388 "BODY" === nodeName ||
10389 "SCRIPT" === nodeName ||
10390 "STYLE" === nodeName ||
10391 ("LINK" === nodeName && "stylesheet" === i.rel.toLowerCase()) ||
10392 hoistableRoot.removeChild(i);
10393 i = nextNode;
10394 }
10395 i = finishedWork.type;
10396 for (nextNode = hoistableRoot.attributes; nextNode.length; )
10397 hoistableRoot.removeAttributeNode(nextNode[0]);
10398 setInitialProperties(hoistableRoot, i, maybeNodes);
10399 hoistableRoot[internalInstanceKey] = finishedWork;
10400 hoistableRoot[internalPropsKey] = maybeNodes;
10401 }
10402 case 5:
10403 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10404 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10405 flags & 512 &&
10406 null !== current &&
10407 safelyDetachRef(current, current.return);
10408 if (finishedWork.flags & 32) {
10409 root = finishedWork.stateNode;
10410 try {
10411 setTextContent(root, "");
10412 } catch (error$187) {
10413 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error$187);
10414 }
10415 }
10416 if (flags & 4 && ((root = finishedWork.stateNode), null != root)) {
10417 hoistableRoot = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
10418 current = null !== current ? current.memoizedProps : hoistableRoot;
10419 maybeNodes = finishedWork.type;
10420 try {
10421 updateProperties(root, maybeNodes, current, hoistableRoot),
10422 (root[internalPropsKey] = hoistableRoot);
10423 } catch (error$189) {
10424 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error$189);
10425 }
10426 }
10427 flags & 1024 && (needsFormReset = !0);
10428 break;
10429 case 6:
10430 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10431 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10432 if (flags & 4) {
10433 if (null === finishedWork.stateNode)
10434 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(162));
10435 flags = finishedWork.stateNode;
10436 current = finishedWork.memoizedProps;
10437 try {
10438 flags.nodeValue = current;
10439 } catch (error$190) {
10440 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error$190);
10441 }
10442 }
10443 break;
10444 case 3:
10445 tagCaches = null;
10446 hoistableRoot = currentHoistableRoot;
10447 currentHoistableRoot = getHoistableRoot(root.containerInfo);
10448 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10449 currentHoistableRoot = hoistableRoot;
10450 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10451 if (flags & 4 && null !== current && current.memoizedState.isDehydrated)
10452 try {
10453 retryIfBlockedOn(root.containerInfo);
10454 } catch (error$191) {
10455 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error$191);
10456 }
10457 needsFormReset &&
10458 ((needsFormReset = !1), recursivelyResetForms(finishedWork));
10459 break;
10460 case 4:
10461 flags = currentHoistableRoot;
10462 currentHoistableRoot = getHoistableRoot(
10463 finishedWork.stateNode.containerInfo
10464 );
10465 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10466 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10467 currentHoistableRoot = flags;
10468 break;
10469 case 13:
10470 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10471 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10472 finishedWork.child.flags & 8192 &&
10473 (null !== finishedWork.memoizedState) !==
10474 (null !== current && null !== current.memoizedState) &&
10475 (globalMostRecentFallbackTime = now$1());
10476 flags & 4 &&
10477 ((flags = finishedWork.updateQueue),
10478 null !== flags &&
10479 ((finishedWork.updateQueue = null),
10480 attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork, flags)));
10481 break;
10482 case 22:
10483 flags & 512 &&
10484 null !== current &&
10485 safelyDetachRef(current, current.return);
10486 domElement = null !== finishedWork.memoizedState;
10487 newProps = null !== current && null !== current.memoizedState;
10488 var prevOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden = offscreenSubtreeIsHidden,
10489 prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden = offscreenSubtreeWasHidden;
10490 offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden || domElement;
10491 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden || newProps;
10492 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10493 offscreenSubtreeWasHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeWasHidden;
10494 offscreenSubtreeIsHidden = prevOffscreenSubtreeIsHidden;
10495 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10496 root = finishedWork.stateNode;
10497 root._current = finishedWork;
10498 root._visibility &= -3;
10499 root._visibility |= root._pendingVisibility & 2;
10500 if (
10501 flags & 8192 &&
10502 ((root._visibility = domElement
10503 ? root._visibility & -2
10504 : root._visibility | 1),
10505 domElement &&
10506 ((root = offscreenSubtreeIsHidden || offscreenSubtreeWasHidden),
10507 null === current ||
10508 newProps ||
10509 root ||
10510 recursivelyTraverseDisappearLayoutEffects(finishedWork)),
10511 null === finishedWork.memoizedProps ||
10512 "manual" !== finishedWork.memoizedProps.mode)
10513 )
10514 a: for (current = null, root = finishedWork; ; ) {
10515 if (5 === root.tag || 26 === root.tag || 27 === root.tag) {
10516 if (null === current) {
10517 current = root;
10518 try {
10519 (hoistableRoot = root.stateNode),
10520 domElement
10521 ? ((maybeNodes = hoistableRoot.style),
10522 "function" === typeof maybeNodes.setProperty
10523 ? maybeNodes.setProperty("display", "none", "important")
10524 : (maybeNodes.display = "none"))
10525 : ((i = root.stateNode),
10526 (nextNode = root.memoizedProps.style),
10527 (nodeName =
10528 void 0 !== nextNode &&
10529 null !== nextNode &&
10530 nextNode.hasOwnProperty("display")
10531 ? nextNode.display
10532 : null),
10533 (i.style.display =
10534 null == nodeName || "boolean" === typeof nodeName
10535 ? ""
10536 : ("" + nodeName).trim()));
10537 } catch (error) {
10538 captureCommitPhaseError(
10539 finishedWork,
10540 finishedWork.return,
10541 error
10542 );
10543 }
10544 }
10545 } else if (6 === root.tag) {
10546 if (null === current)
10547 try {
10548 root.stateNode.nodeValue = domElement ? "" : root.memoizedProps;
10549 } catch (error$174) {
10550 captureCommitPhaseError(
10551 finishedWork,
10552 finishedWork.return,
10553 error$174
10554 );
10555 }
10556 } else if (
10557 ((22 !== root.tag && 23 !== root.tag) ||
10558 null === root.memoizedState ||
10559 root === finishedWork) &&
10560 null !== root.child
10561 ) {
10562 root.child.return = root;
10563 root = root.child;
10564 continue;
10565 }
10566 if (root === finishedWork) break a;
10567 for (; null === root.sibling; ) {
10568 if (null === root.return || root.return === finishedWork) break a;
10569 current === root && (current = null);
10570 root = root.return;
10571 }
10572 current === root && (current = null);
10573 root.sibling.return = root.return;
10574 root = root.sibling;
10575 }
10576 flags & 4 &&
10577 ((flags = finishedWork.updateQueue),
10578 null !== flags &&
10579 ((current = flags.retryQueue),
10580 null !== current &&
10581 ((flags.retryQueue = null),
10582 attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork, current))));
10583 break;
10584 case 19:
10585 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
10586 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10587 flags & 4 &&
10588 ((flags = finishedWork.updateQueue),
10589 null !== flags &&
10590 ((finishedWork.updateQueue = null),
10591 attachSuspenseRetryListeners(finishedWork, flags)));
10592 break;
10593 case 21:
10594 break;
10595 default:
10596 recursivelyTraverseMutationEffects(root, finishedWork),
10597 commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork);
10598 }
10600function commitReconciliationEffects(finishedWork) {
10601 var flags = finishedWork.flags;
10602 if (flags & 2) {
10603 try {
10604 if (27 !== finishedWork.tag) {
10605 b: {
10606 for (var parent = finishedWork.return; null !== parent; ) {
10607 if (isHostParent(parent)) {
10608 var JSCompiler_inline_result = parent;
10609 break b;
10610 }
10611 parent = parent.return;
10612 }
10613 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(160));
10614 }
10615 switch (JSCompiler_inline_result.tag) {
10616 case 27:
10617 var parent$jscomp$0 = JSCompiler_inline_result.stateNode,
10618 before = getHostSibling(finishedWork);
10619 insertOrAppendPlacementNode(finishedWork, before, parent$jscomp$0);
10620 break;
10621 case 5:
10622 var parent$175 = JSCompiler_inline_result.stateNode;
10623 JSCompiler_inline_result.flags & 32 &&
10624 (setTextContent(parent$175, ""),
10625 (JSCompiler_inline_result.flags &= -33));
10626 var before$176 = getHostSibling(finishedWork);
10627 insertOrAppendPlacementNode(finishedWork, before$176, parent$175);
10628 break;
10629 case 3:
10630 case 4:
10631 var parent$177 = JSCompiler_inline_result.stateNode.containerInfo,
10632 before$178 = getHostSibling(finishedWork);
10633 insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer(
10634 finishedWork,
10635 before$178,
10636 parent$177
10637 );
10638 break;
10639 default:
10640 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(161));
10641 }
10642 }
10643 } catch (error) {
10644 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
10645 }
10646 finishedWork.flags &= -3;
10647 }
10648 flags & 4096 && (finishedWork.flags &= -4097);
10650function recursivelyResetForms(parentFiber) {
10651 if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 1024)
10652 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; ) {
10653 var fiber = parentFiber;
10654 recursivelyResetForms(fiber);
10655 5 === fiber.tag && fiber.flags & 1024 && fiber.stateNode.reset();
10656 parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling;
10657 }
10659function commitLayoutEffects(finishedWork, root, committedLanes) {
10660 inProgressLanes = committedLanes;
10661 inProgressRoot = root;
10662 commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(root, finishedWork.alternate, finishedWork);
10663 inProgressRoot = inProgressLanes = null;
10665function recursivelyTraverseLayoutEffects(root, parentFiber) {
10666 if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 8772)
10667 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; )
10668 commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(root, parentFiber.alternate, parentFiber),
10669 (parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling);
10671function recursivelyTraverseDisappearLayoutEffects(parentFiber) {
10672 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; ) {
10673 var finishedWork = parentFiber;
10674 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
10675 case 0:
10676 case 11:
10677 case 14:
10678 case 15:
10679 if (shouldProfile(finishedWork))
10680 try {
10681 startLayoutEffectTimer(),
10682 commitHookEffectListUnmount(4, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10683 } finally {
10684 recordLayoutEffectDuration(finishedWork);
10685 }
10686 else commitHookEffectListUnmount(4, finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10687 recursivelyTraverseDisappearLayoutEffects(finishedWork);
10688 break;
10689 case 1:
10690 safelyDetachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10691 var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
10692 if ("function" === typeof instance.componentWillUnmount) {
10693 var current = finishedWork,
10694 nearestMountedAncestor = finishedWork.return;
10695 try {
10696 callComponentWillUnmountWithTimer(current, instance);
10697 } catch (error) {
10698 captureCommitPhaseError(current, nearestMountedAncestor, error);
10699 }
10700 }
10701 recursivelyTraverseDisappearLayoutEffects(finishedWork);
10702 break;
10703 case 26:
10704 case 27:
10705 case 5:
10706 safelyDetachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10707 recursivelyTraverseDisappearLayoutEffects(finishedWork);
10708 break;
10709 case 22:
10710 safelyDetachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10711 null === finishedWork.memoizedState &&
10712 recursivelyTraverseDisappearLayoutEffects(finishedWork);
10713 break;
10714 default:
10715 recursivelyTraverseDisappearLayoutEffects(finishedWork);
10716 }
10717 parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling;
10718 }
10720function recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10721 finishedRoot$jscomp$0,
10722 parentFiber,
10723 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10724) {
10725 includeWorkInProgressEffects =
10726 includeWorkInProgressEffects && 0 !== (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 8772);
10727 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; ) {
10728 var current = parentFiber.alternate,
10729 finishedRoot = finishedRoot$jscomp$0,
10730 finishedWork = parentFiber,
10731 flags = finishedWork.flags;
10732 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
10733 case 0:
10734 case 11:
10735 case 15:
10736 recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10737 finishedRoot,
10738 finishedWork,
10739 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10740 );
10741 commitHookLayoutEffects(finishedWork, 4);
10742 break;
10743 case 1:
10744 recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10745 finishedRoot,
10746 finishedWork,
10747 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10748 );
10749 finishedRoot = finishedWork.stateNode;
10750 if ("function" === typeof finishedRoot.componentDidMount)
10751 try {
10752 finishedRoot.componentDidMount();
10753 } catch (error) {
10754 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
10755 }
10756 current = finishedWork.updateQueue;
10757 if (null !== current) {
10758 var hiddenCallbacks = current.shared.hiddenCallbacks;
10759 if (null !== hiddenCallbacks)
10760 for (
10761 current.shared.hiddenCallbacks = null, current = 0;
10762 current < hiddenCallbacks.length;
10763 current++
10764 )
10765 callCallback(hiddenCallbacks[current], finishedRoot);
10766 }
10767 includeWorkInProgressEffects &&
10768 flags & 64 &&
10769 commitClassCallbacks(finishedWork);
10770 safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10771 break;
10772 case 26:
10773 case 27:
10774 case 5:
10775 recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10776 finishedRoot,
10777 finishedWork,
10778 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10779 );
10780 includeWorkInProgressEffects &&
10781 null === current &&
10782 flags & 4 &&
10783 commitHostComponentMount(finishedWork);
10784 safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10785 break;
10786 case 12:
10787 recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10788 finishedRoot,
10789 finishedWork,
10790 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10791 );
10792 includeWorkInProgressEffects &&
10793 flags & 4 &&
10794 commitProfilerUpdate(finishedWork, current);
10795 break;
10796 case 13:
10797 recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10798 finishedRoot,
10799 finishedWork,
10800 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10801 );
10802 includeWorkInProgressEffects &&
10803 flags & 4 &&
10804 commitSuspenseHydrationCallbacks(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
10805 break;
10806 case 22:
10807 null === finishedWork.memoizedState &&
10808 recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10809 finishedRoot,
10810 finishedWork,
10811 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10812 );
10813 safelyAttachRef(finishedWork, finishedWork.return);
10814 break;
10815 default:
10816 recursivelyTraverseReappearLayoutEffects(
10817 finishedRoot,
10818 finishedWork,
10819 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10820 );
10821 }
10822 parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling;
10823 }
10825function commitHookPassiveMountEffects(finishedWork, hookFlags) {
10826 if (shouldProfile(finishedWork)) {
10827 passiveEffectStartTime = now();
10828 try {
10829 commitHookEffectListMount(hookFlags, finishedWork);
10830 } catch (error) {
10831 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error);
10832 }
10833 recordPassiveEffectDuration(finishedWork);
10834 } else
10835 try {
10836 commitHookEffectListMount(hookFlags, finishedWork);
10837 } catch (error$196) {
10838 captureCommitPhaseError(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, error$196);
10839 }
10841function commitOffscreenPassiveMountEffects(current, finishedWork) {
10842 var previousCache = null;
10843 null !== current &&
10844 null !== current.memoizedState &&
10845 null !== current.memoizedState.cachePool &&
10846 (previousCache = current.memoizedState.cachePool.pool);
10847 current = null;
10848 null !== finishedWork.memoizedState &&
10849 null !== finishedWork.memoizedState.cachePool &&
10850 (current = finishedWork.memoizedState.cachePool.pool);
10851 current !== previousCache &&
10852 (null != current && current.refCount++,
10853 null != previousCache && releaseCache(previousCache));
10855function commitCachePassiveMountEffect(current, finishedWork) {
10856 current = null;
10857 null !== finishedWork.alternate &&
10858 (current = finishedWork.alternate.memoizedState.cache);
10859 finishedWork = finishedWork.memoizedState.cache;
10860 finishedWork !== current &&
10861 (finishedWork.refCount++, null != current && releaseCache(current));
10863function recursivelyTraversePassiveMountEffects(
10864 root,
10865 parentFiber,
10866 committedLanes,
10867 committedTransitions
10868) {
10869 if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 10256)
10870 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; )
10871 commitPassiveMountOnFiber(
10872 root,
10873 parentFiber,
10874 committedLanes,
10875 committedTransitions
10876 ),
10877 (parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling);
10879function commitPassiveMountOnFiber(
10880 finishedRoot,
10881 finishedWork,
10882 committedLanes,
10883 committedTransitions
10884) {
10885 var flags = finishedWork.flags;
10886 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
10887 case 0:
10888 case 11:
10889 case 15:
10890 recursivelyTraversePassiveMountEffects(
10891 finishedRoot,
10892 finishedWork,
10893 committedLanes,
10894 committedTransitions
10895 );
10896 flags & 2048 && commitHookPassiveMountEffects(finishedWork, 9);
10897 break;
10898 case 3:
10899 recursivelyTraversePassiveMountEffects(
10900 finishedRoot,
10901 finishedWork,
10902 committedLanes,
10903 committedTransitions
10904 );
10905 flags & 2048 &&
10906 ((finishedRoot = null),
10907 null !== finishedWork.alternate &&
10908 (finishedRoot = finishedWork.alternate.memoizedState.cache),
10909 (finishedWork = finishedWork.memoizedState.cache),
10910 finishedWork !== finishedRoot &&
10911 (finishedWork.refCount++,
10912 null != finishedRoot && releaseCache(finishedRoot)));
10913 break;
10914 case 23:
10915 break;
10916 case 22:
10917 var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
10918 null !== finishedWork.memoizedState
10919 ? instance._visibility & 4
10920 ? recursivelyTraversePassiveMountEffects(
10921 finishedRoot,
10922 finishedWork,
10923 committedLanes,
10924 committedTransitions
10925 )
10926 : recursivelyTraverseAtomicPassiveEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork)
10927 : instance._visibility & 4
10928 ? recursivelyTraversePassiveMountEffects(
10929 finishedRoot,
10930 finishedWork,
10931 committedLanes,
10932 committedTransitions
10933 )
10934 : ((instance._visibility |= 4),
10935 recursivelyTraverseReconnectPassiveEffects(
10936 finishedRoot,
10937 finishedWork,
10938 committedLanes,
10939 committedTransitions,
10940 0 !== (finishedWork.subtreeFlags & 10256)
10941 ));
10942 flags & 2048 &&
10943 commitOffscreenPassiveMountEffects(
10944 finishedWork.alternate,
10945 finishedWork
10946 );
10947 break;
10948 case 24:
10949 recursivelyTraversePassiveMountEffects(
10950 finishedRoot,
10951 finishedWork,
10952 committedLanes,
10953 committedTransitions
10954 );
10955 flags & 2048 &&
10956 commitCachePassiveMountEffect(finishedWork.alternate, finishedWork);
10957 break;
10958 default:
10959 recursivelyTraversePassiveMountEffects(
10960 finishedRoot,
10961 finishedWork,
10962 committedLanes,
10963 committedTransitions
10964 );
10965 }
10967function recursivelyTraverseReconnectPassiveEffects(
10968 finishedRoot$jscomp$0,
10969 parentFiber,
10970 committedLanes$jscomp$0,
10971 committedTransitions$jscomp$0,
10972 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10973) {
10974 includeWorkInProgressEffects =
10975 includeWorkInProgressEffects && 0 !== (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 10256);
10976 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; ) {
10977 var finishedRoot = finishedRoot$jscomp$0,
10978 finishedWork = parentFiber,
10979 committedLanes = committedLanes$jscomp$0,
10980 committedTransitions = committedTransitions$jscomp$0,
10981 flags = finishedWork.flags;
10982 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
10983 case 0:
10984 case 11:
10985 case 15:
10986 recursivelyTraverseReconnectPassiveEffects(
10987 finishedRoot,
10988 finishedWork,
10989 committedLanes,
10990 committedTransitions,
10991 includeWorkInProgressEffects
10992 );
10993 commitHookPassiveMountEffects(finishedWork, 8);
10994 break;
10995 case 23:
10996 break;
10997 case 22:
10998 var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
10999 null !== finishedWork.memoizedState
11000 ? instance._visibility & 4
11001 ? recursivelyTraverseReconnectPassiveEffects(
11002 finishedRoot,
11003 finishedWork,
11004 committedLanes,
11005 committedTransitions,
11006 includeWorkInProgressEffects
11007 )
11008 : recursivelyTraverseAtomicPassiveEffects(
11009 finishedRoot,
11010 finishedWork
11011 )
11012 : ((instance._visibility |= 4),
11013 recursivelyTraverseReconnectPassiveEffects(
11014 finishedRoot,
11015 finishedWork,
11016 committedLanes,
11017 committedTransitions,
11018 includeWorkInProgressEffects
11019 ));
11020 includeWorkInProgressEffects &&
11021 flags & 2048 &&
11022 commitOffscreenPassiveMountEffects(
11023 finishedWork.alternate,
11024 finishedWork
11025 );
11026 break;
11027 case 24:
11028 recursivelyTraverseReconnectPassiveEffects(
11029 finishedRoot,
11030 finishedWork,
11031 committedLanes,
11032 committedTransitions,
11033 includeWorkInProgressEffects
11034 );
11035 includeWorkInProgressEffects &&
11036 flags & 2048 &&
11037 commitCachePassiveMountEffect(finishedWork.alternate, finishedWork);
11038 break;
11039 default:
11040 recursivelyTraverseReconnectPassiveEffects(
11041 finishedRoot,
11042 finishedWork,
11043 committedLanes,
11044 committedTransitions,
11045 includeWorkInProgressEffects
11046 );
11047 }
11048 parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling;
11049 }
11051function recursivelyTraverseAtomicPassiveEffects(
11052 finishedRoot$jscomp$0,
11053 parentFiber
11054) {
11055 if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 10256)
11056 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; ) {
11057 var finishedRoot = finishedRoot$jscomp$0,
11058 finishedWork = parentFiber,
11059 flags = finishedWork.flags;
11060 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
11061 case 22:
11062 recursivelyTraverseAtomicPassiveEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
11063 flags & 2048 &&
11064 commitOffscreenPassiveMountEffects(
11065 finishedWork.alternate,
11066 finishedWork
11067 );
11068 break;
11069 case 24:
11070 recursivelyTraverseAtomicPassiveEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
11071 flags & 2048 &&
11072 commitCachePassiveMountEffect(finishedWork.alternate, finishedWork);
11073 break;
11074 default:
11075 recursivelyTraverseAtomicPassiveEffects(finishedRoot, finishedWork);
11076 }
11077 parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling;
11078 }
11080var suspenseyCommitFlag = 8192;
11081function recursivelyAccumulateSuspenseyCommit(parentFiber) {
11082 if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & suspenseyCommitFlag)
11083 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; )
11084 accumulateSuspenseyCommitOnFiber(parentFiber),
11085 (parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling);
11087function accumulateSuspenseyCommitOnFiber(fiber) {
11088 switch (fiber.tag) {
11089 case 26:
11090 recursivelyAccumulateSuspenseyCommit(fiber);
11091 fiber.flags & suspenseyCommitFlag &&
11092 null !== fiber.memoizedState &&
11093 suspendResource(
11094 currentHoistableRoot,
11095 fiber.memoizedState,
11096 fiber.memoizedProps
11097 );
11098 break;
11099 case 5:
11100 recursivelyAccumulateSuspenseyCommit(fiber);
11101 break;
11102 case 3:
11103 case 4:
11104 var previousHoistableRoot = currentHoistableRoot;
11105 currentHoistableRoot = getHoistableRoot(fiber.stateNode.containerInfo);
11106 recursivelyAccumulateSuspenseyCommit(fiber);
11107 currentHoistableRoot = previousHoistableRoot;
11108 break;
11109 case 22:
11110 null === fiber.memoizedState &&
11111 ((previousHoistableRoot = fiber.alternate),
11112 null !== previousHoistableRoot &&
11113 null !== previousHoistableRoot.memoizedState
11114 ? ((previousHoistableRoot = suspenseyCommitFlag),
11115 (suspenseyCommitFlag = 16777216),
11116 recursivelyAccumulateSuspenseyCommit(fiber),
11117 (suspenseyCommitFlag = previousHoistableRoot))
11118 : recursivelyAccumulateSuspenseyCommit(fiber));
11119 break;
11120 default:
11121 recursivelyAccumulateSuspenseyCommit(fiber);
11122 }
11124function detachAlternateSiblings(parentFiber) {
11125 var previousFiber = parentFiber.alternate;
11126 if (
11127 null !== previousFiber &&
11128 ((parentFiber = previousFiber.child), null !== parentFiber)
11129 ) {
11130 previousFiber.child = null;
11131 do
11132 (previousFiber = parentFiber.sibling),
11133 (parentFiber.sibling = null),
11134 (parentFiber = previousFiber);
11135 while (null !== parentFiber);
11136 }
11138function commitHookPassiveUnmountEffects(
11139 finishedWork,
11140 nearestMountedAncestor,
11141 hookFlags
11142) {
11143 shouldProfile(finishedWork)
11144 ? ((passiveEffectStartTime = now()),
11145 commitHookEffectListUnmount(
11146 hookFlags,
11147 finishedWork,
11148 nearestMountedAncestor
11149 ),
11150 recordPassiveEffectDuration(finishedWork))
11151 : commitHookEffectListUnmount(
11152 hookFlags,
11153 finishedWork,
11154 nearestMountedAncestor
11155 );
11157function recursivelyTraversePassiveUnmountEffects(parentFiber) {
11158 var deletions = parentFiber.deletions;
11159 if (0 !== (parentFiber.flags & 16)) {
11160 if (null !== deletions)
11161 for (var i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {
11162 var childToDelete = deletions[i];
11163 nextEffect = childToDelete;
11164 commitPassiveUnmountEffectsInsideOfDeletedTree_begin(
11165 childToDelete,
11166 parentFiber
11167 );
11168 }
11169 detachAlternateSiblings(parentFiber);
11170 }
11171 if (parentFiber.subtreeFlags & 10256)
11172 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; )
11173 commitPassiveUnmountOnFiber(parentFiber),
11174 (parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling);
11176function commitPassiveUnmountOnFiber(finishedWork) {
11177 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
11178 case 0:
11179 case 11:
11180 case 15:
11181 recursivelyTraversePassiveUnmountEffects(finishedWork);
11182 finishedWork.flags & 2048 &&
11183 commitHookPassiveUnmountEffects(finishedWork, finishedWork.return, 9);
11184 break;
11185 case 22:
11186 var instance = finishedWork.stateNode;
11187 null !== finishedWork.memoizedState &&
11188 instance._visibility & 4 &&
11189 (null === finishedWork.return || 13 !== finishedWork.return.tag)
11190 ? ((instance._visibility &= -5),
11191 recursivelyTraverseDisconnectPassiveEffects(finishedWork))
11192 : recursivelyTraversePassiveUnmountEffects(finishedWork);
11193 break;
11194 default:
11195 recursivelyTraversePassiveUnmountEffects(finishedWork);
11196 }
11198function recursivelyTraverseDisconnectPassiveEffects(parentFiber) {
11199 var deletions = parentFiber.deletions;
11200 if (0 !== (parentFiber.flags & 16)) {
11201 if (null !== deletions)
11202 for (var i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {
11203 var childToDelete = deletions[i];
11204 nextEffect = childToDelete;
11205 commitPassiveUnmountEffectsInsideOfDeletedTree_begin(
11206 childToDelete,
11207 parentFiber
11208 );
11209 }
11210 detachAlternateSiblings(parentFiber);
11211 }
11212 for (parentFiber = parentFiber.child; null !== parentFiber; ) {
11213 deletions = parentFiber;
11214 switch (deletions.tag) {
11215 case 0:
11216 case 11:
11217 case 15:
11218 commitHookPassiveUnmountEffects(deletions, deletions.return, 8);
11219 recursivelyTraverseDisconnectPassiveEffects(deletions);
11220 break;
11221 case 22:
11222 i = deletions.stateNode;
11223 i._visibility & 4 &&
11224 ((i._visibility &= -5),
11225 recursivelyTraverseDisconnectPassiveEffects(deletions));
11226 break;
11227 default:
11228 recursivelyTraverseDisconnectPassiveEffects(deletions);
11229 }
11230 parentFiber = parentFiber.sibling;
11231 }
11233function commitPassiveUnmountEffectsInsideOfDeletedTree_begin(
11234 deletedSubtreeRoot,
11235 nearestMountedAncestor
11236) {
11237 for (; null !== nextEffect; ) {
11238 var fiber = nextEffect;
11239 switch (fiber.tag) {
11240 case 0:
11241 case 11:
11242 case 15:
11243 commitHookPassiveUnmountEffects(fiber, nearestMountedAncestor, 8);
11244 break;
11245 case 23:
11246 case 22:
11247 if (
11248 null !== fiber.memoizedState &&
11249 null !== fiber.memoizedState.cachePool
11250 ) {
11251 var cache = fiber.memoizedState.cachePool.pool;
11252 null != cache && cache.refCount++;
11253 }
11254 break;
11255 case 24:
11256 releaseCache(fiber.memoizedState.cache);
11257 }
11258 cache = fiber.child;
11259 if (null !== cache) (cache.return = fiber), (nextEffect = cache);
11260 else
11261 a: for (fiber = deletedSubtreeRoot; null !== nextEffect; ) {
11262 cache = nextEffect;
11263 var sibling = cache.sibling,
11264 returnFiber = cache.return;
11265 detachFiberAfterEffects(cache);
11266 if (cache === fiber) {
11267 nextEffect = null;
11268 break a;
11269 }
11270 if (null !== sibling) {
11271 sibling.return = returnFiber;
11272 nextEffect = sibling;
11273 break a;
11274 }
11275 nextEffect = returnFiber;
11276 }
11277 }
11279function FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {
11280 this.tag = tag;
11281 this.key = key;
11282 this.sibling =
11283 this.child =
11284 this.return =
11285 this.stateNode =
11286 this.type =
11287 this.elementType =
11288 null;
11289 this.index = 0;
11290 this.refCleanup = this.ref = null;
11291 this.pendingProps = pendingProps;
11292 this.dependencies =
11293 this.memoizedState =
11294 this.updateQueue =
11295 this.memoizedProps =
11296 null;
11297 this.mode = mode;
11298 this.subtreeFlags = this.flags = 0;
11299 this.deletions = null;
11300 this.childLanes = this.lanes = 0;
11301 this.alternate = null;
11302 this.actualDuration = 0;
11303 this.actualStartTime = -1;
11304 this.treeBaseDuration = this.selfBaseDuration = 0;
11306function createFiber(tag, pendingProps, key, mode) {
11307 return new FiberNode(tag, pendingProps, key, mode);
11309function shouldConstruct(Component) {
11310 Component = Component.prototype;
11311 return !(!Component || !Component.isReactComponent);
11313function createWorkInProgress(current, pendingProps) {
11314 var workInProgress = current.alternate;
11315 null === workInProgress
11316 ? ((workInProgress = createFiber(
11317 current.tag,
11318 pendingProps,
11319 current.key,
11320 current.mode
11321 )),
11322 (workInProgress.elementType = current.elementType),
11323 (workInProgress.type = current.type),
11324 (workInProgress.stateNode = current.stateNode),
11325 (workInProgress.alternate = current),
11326 (current.alternate = workInProgress))
11327 : ((workInProgress.pendingProps = pendingProps),
11328 (workInProgress.type = current.type),
11329 (workInProgress.flags = 0),
11330 (workInProgress.subtreeFlags = 0),
11331 (workInProgress.deletions = null),
11332 (workInProgress.actualDuration = 0),
11333 (workInProgress.actualStartTime = -1));
11334 workInProgress.flags = current.flags & 31457280;
11335 workInProgress.childLanes = current.childLanes;
11336 workInProgress.lanes = current.lanes;
11337 workInProgress.child = current.child;
11338 workInProgress.memoizedProps = current.memoizedProps;
11339 workInProgress.memoizedState = current.memoizedState;
11340 workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue;
11341 pendingProps = current.dependencies;
11342 workInProgress.dependencies =
11343 null === pendingProps
11344 ? null
11345 : { lanes: pendingProps.lanes, firstContext: pendingProps.firstContext };
11346 workInProgress.sibling = current.sibling;
11347 workInProgress.index = current.index;
11348 workInProgress.ref = current.ref;
11349 workInProgress.refCleanup = current.refCleanup;
11350 workInProgress.selfBaseDuration = current.selfBaseDuration;
11351 workInProgress.treeBaseDuration = current.treeBaseDuration;
11352 return workInProgress;
11354function resetWorkInProgress(workInProgress, renderLanes) {
11355 workInProgress.flags &= 31457282;
11356 var current = workInProgress.alternate;
11357 null === current
11358 ? ((workInProgress.childLanes = 0),
11359 (workInProgress.lanes = renderLanes),
11360 (workInProgress.child = null),
11361 (workInProgress.subtreeFlags = 0),
11362 (workInProgress.memoizedProps = null),
11363 (workInProgress.memoizedState = null),
11364 (workInProgress.updateQueue = null),
11365 (workInProgress.dependencies = null),
11366 (workInProgress.stateNode = null),
11367 (workInProgress.selfBaseDuration = 0),
11368 (workInProgress.treeBaseDuration = 0))
11369 : ((workInProgress.childLanes = current.childLanes),
11370 (workInProgress.lanes = current.lanes),
11371 (workInProgress.child = current.child),
11372 (workInProgress.subtreeFlags = 0),
11373 (workInProgress.deletions = null),
11374 (workInProgress.memoizedProps = current.memoizedProps),
11375 (workInProgress.memoizedState = current.memoizedState),
11376 (workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue),
11377 (workInProgress.type = current.type),
11378 (renderLanes = current.dependencies),
11379 (workInProgress.dependencies =
11380 null === renderLanes
11381 ? null
11382 : {
11383 lanes: renderLanes.lanes,
11384 firstContext: renderLanes.firstContext
11385 }),
11386 (workInProgress.selfBaseDuration = current.selfBaseDuration),
11387 (workInProgress.treeBaseDuration = current.treeBaseDuration));
11388 return workInProgress;
11390function createFiberFromTypeAndProps(
11391 type,
11392 key,
11393 pendingProps,
11394 owner,
11395 mode,
11396 lanes
11397) {
11398 var fiberTag = 0;
11399 owner = type;
11400 if ("function" === typeof type) shouldConstruct(type) && (fiberTag = 1);
11401 else if ("string" === typeof type)
11402 fiberTag = isHostHoistableType(
11403 type,
11404 pendingProps,
11405 contextStackCursor.current
11406 )
11407 ? 26
11408 : "html" === type || "head" === type || "body" === type
11409 ? 27
11410 : 5;
11411 else
11412 a: switch (type) {
11414 return createFiberFromFragment(pendingProps.children, mode, lanes, key);
11416 fiberTag = 8;
11417 mode |= 24;
11418 break;
11420 return (
11421 (type = createFiber(12, pendingProps, key, mode | 2)),
11422 (type.elementType = REACT_PROFILER_TYPE),
11423 (type.lanes = lanes),
11424 (type.stateNode = { effectDuration: 0, passiveEffectDuration: 0 }),
11425 type
11426 );
11428 return (
11429 (type = createFiber(13, pendingProps, key, mode)),
11430 (type.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE),
11431 (type.lanes = lanes),
11432 type
11433 );
11435 return (
11436 (type = createFiber(19, pendingProps, key, mode)),
11437 (type.elementType = REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE),
11438 (type.lanes = lanes),
11439 type
11440 );
11442 return createFiberFromOffscreen(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key);
11443 default:
11444 if ("object" === typeof type && null !== type)
11445 switch (type.$$typeof) {
11448 fiberTag = 10;
11449 break a;
11451 fiberTag = 9;
11452 break a;
11454 fiberTag = 11;
11455 break a;
11456 case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:
11457 fiberTag = 14;
11458 break a;
11459 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
11460 fiberTag = 16;
11461 owner = null;
11462 break a;
11463 }
11464 throw Error(
11465 formatProdErrorMessage(130, null == type ? type : typeof type, "")
11466 );
11467 }
11468 key = createFiber(fiberTag, pendingProps, key, mode);
11469 key.elementType = type;
11470 key.type = owner;
11471 key.lanes = lanes;
11472 return key;
11474function createFiberFromFragment(elements, mode, lanes, key) {
11475 elements = createFiber(7, elements, key, mode);
11476 elements.lanes = lanes;
11477 return elements;
11479function createFiberFromOffscreen(pendingProps, mode, lanes, key) {
11480 pendingProps = createFiber(22, pendingProps, key, mode);
11481 pendingProps.elementType = REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE;
11482 pendingProps.lanes = lanes;
11483 var primaryChildInstance = {
11484 _visibility: 1,
11485 _pendingVisibility: 1,
11486 _pendingMarkers: null,
11487 _retryCache: null,
11488 _transitions: null,
11489 _current: null,
11490 detach: function () {
11491 var fiber = primaryChildInstance._current;
11492 if (null === fiber) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(456));
11493 if (0 === (primaryChildInstance._pendingVisibility & 2)) {
11494 var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, 2);
11495 null !== root &&
11496 ((primaryChildInstance._pendingVisibility |= 2),
11497 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, 2));
11498 }
11499 },
11500 attach: function () {
11501 var fiber = primaryChildInstance._current;
11502 if (null === fiber) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(456));
11503 if (0 !== (primaryChildInstance._pendingVisibility & 2)) {
11504 var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, 2);
11505 null !== root &&
11506 ((primaryChildInstance._pendingVisibility &= -3),
11507 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, 2));
11508 }
11509 }
11510 };
11511 pendingProps.stateNode = primaryChildInstance;
11512 return pendingProps;
11514function createFiberFromText(content, mode, lanes) {
11515 content = createFiber(6, content, null, mode);
11516 content.lanes = lanes;
11517 return content;
11519function createFiberFromPortal(portal, mode, lanes) {
11520 mode = createFiber(
11521 4,
11522 null !== portal.children ? portal.children : [],
11523 portal.key,
11524 mode
11525 );
11526 mode.lanes = lanes;
11527 mode.stateNode = {
11528 containerInfo: portal.containerInfo,
11529 pendingChildren: null,
11530 implementation: portal.implementation
11531 };
11532 return mode;
11534function markUpdate(workInProgress) {
11535 workInProgress.flags |= 4;
11537function preloadResourceAndSuspendIfNeeded(workInProgress, resource) {
11538 if ("stylesheet" !== resource.type || 0 !== (resource.state.loading & 4))
11539 workInProgress.flags &= -16777217;
11540 else if (
11541 ((workInProgress.flags |= 16777216),
11542 0 === (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & 42) &&
11543 ((resource =
11544 "stylesheet" === resource.type && 0 === (resource.state.loading & 3)
11545 ? !1
11546 : !0),
11547 !resource))
11548 )
11549 if (shouldRemainOnPreviousScreen()) workInProgress.flags |= 8192;
11550 else
11551 throw (
11552 ((suspendedThenable = noopSuspenseyCommitThenable),
11553 SuspenseyCommitException)
11554 );
11556function scheduleRetryEffect(workInProgress, retryQueue) {
11557 null !== retryQueue
11558 ? (workInProgress.flags |= 4)
11559 : workInProgress.flags & 16384 &&
11560 ((retryQueue =
11561 22 !== workInProgress.tag ? claimNextRetryLane() : 536870912),
11562 (workInProgress.lanes |= retryQueue));
11564function cutOffTailIfNeeded(renderState, hasRenderedATailFallback) {
11565 if (!isHydrating)
11566 switch (renderState.tailMode) {
11567 case "hidden":
11568 hasRenderedATailFallback = renderState.tail;
11569 for (var lastTailNode = null; null !== hasRenderedATailFallback; )
11570 null !== hasRenderedATailFallback.alternate &&
11571 (lastTailNode = hasRenderedATailFallback),
11572 (hasRenderedATailFallback = hasRenderedATailFallback.sibling);
11573 null === lastTailNode
11574 ? (renderState.tail = null)
11575 : (lastTailNode.sibling = null);
11576 break;
11577 case "collapsed":
11578 lastTailNode = renderState.tail;
11579 for (var lastTailNode$202 = null; null !== lastTailNode; )
11580 null !== lastTailNode.alternate && (lastTailNode$202 = lastTailNode),
11581 (lastTailNode = lastTailNode.sibling);
11582 null === lastTailNode$202
11583 ? hasRenderedATailFallback || null === renderState.tail
11584 ? (renderState.tail = null)
11585 : (renderState.tail.sibling = null)
11586 : (lastTailNode$202.sibling = null);
11587 }
11589function bubbleProperties(completedWork) {
11590 var didBailout =
11591 null !== completedWork.alternate &&
11592 completedWork.alternate.child === completedWork.child,
11593 newChildLanes = 0,
11594 subtreeFlags = 0;
11595 if (didBailout)
11596 if (0 !== (completedWork.mode & 2)) {
11597 for (
11598 var treeBaseDuration$204 = completedWork.selfBaseDuration,
11599 child$205 = completedWork.child;
11600 null !== child$205;
11602 )
11603 (newChildLanes |= child$205.lanes | child$205.childLanes),
11604 (subtreeFlags |= child$205.subtreeFlags & 31457280),
11605 (subtreeFlags |= child$205.flags & 31457280),
11606 (treeBaseDuration$204 += child$205.treeBaseDuration),
11607 (child$205 = child$205.sibling);
11608 completedWork.treeBaseDuration = treeBaseDuration$204;
11609 } else
11610 for (
11611 treeBaseDuration$204 = completedWork.child;
11612 null !== treeBaseDuration$204;
11614 )
11615 (newChildLanes |=
11616 treeBaseDuration$204.lanes | treeBaseDuration$204.childLanes),
11617 (subtreeFlags |= treeBaseDuration$204.subtreeFlags & 31457280),
11618 (subtreeFlags |= treeBaseDuration$204.flags & 31457280),
11619 (treeBaseDuration$204.return = completedWork),
11620 (treeBaseDuration$204 = treeBaseDuration$204.sibling);
11621 else if (0 !== (completedWork.mode & 2)) {
11622 treeBaseDuration$204 = completedWork.actualDuration;
11623 child$205 = completedWork.selfBaseDuration;
11624 for (var child = completedWork.child; null !== child; )
11625 (newChildLanes |= child.lanes | child.childLanes),
11626 (subtreeFlags |= child.subtreeFlags),
11627 (subtreeFlags |= child.flags),
11628 (treeBaseDuration$204 += child.actualDuration),
11629 (child$205 += child.treeBaseDuration),
11630 (child = child.sibling);
11631 completedWork.actualDuration = treeBaseDuration$204;
11632 completedWork.treeBaseDuration = child$205;
11633 } else
11634 for (
11635 treeBaseDuration$204 = completedWork.child;
11636 null !== treeBaseDuration$204;
11638 )
11639 (newChildLanes |=
11640 treeBaseDuration$204.lanes | treeBaseDuration$204.childLanes),
11641 (subtreeFlags |= treeBaseDuration$204.subtreeFlags),
11642 (subtreeFlags |= treeBaseDuration$204.flags),
11643 (treeBaseDuration$204.return = completedWork),
11644 (treeBaseDuration$204 = treeBaseDuration$204.sibling);
11645 completedWork.subtreeFlags |= subtreeFlags;
11646 completedWork.childLanes = newChildLanes;
11647 return didBailout;
11649function completeWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {
11650 var newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;
11651 popTreeContext(workInProgress);
11652 switch (workInProgress.tag) {
11653 case 16:
11654 case 15:
11655 case 0:
11656 case 11:
11657 case 7:
11658 case 8:
11659 case 12:
11660 case 9:
11661 case 14:
11662 return bubbleProperties(workInProgress), null;
11663 case 1:
11664 return bubbleProperties(workInProgress), null;
11665 case 3:
11666 renderLanes = workInProgress.stateNode;
11667 newProps = null;
11668 null !== current && (newProps = current.memoizedState.cache);
11669 workInProgress.memoizedState.cache !== newProps &&
11670 (workInProgress.flags |= 2048);
11671 popProvider(CacheContext);
11672 popHostContainer();
11673 renderLanes.pendingContext &&
11674 ((renderLanes.context = renderLanes.pendingContext),
11675 (renderLanes.pendingContext = null));
11676 if (null === current || null === current.child)
11677 popHydrationState(workInProgress)
11678 ? markUpdate(workInProgress)
11679 : null === current ||
11680 (current.memoizedState.isDehydrated &&
11681 0 === (workInProgress.flags & 256)) ||
11682 ((workInProgress.flags |= 1024),
11683 null !== hydrationErrors &&
11684 (queueRecoverableErrors(hydrationErrors),
11685 (hydrationErrors = null)));
11686 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11687 return null;
11688 case 26:
11689 renderLanes = workInProgress.memoizedState;
11690 if (null === current)
11691 markUpdate(workInProgress),
11692 null !== renderLanes
11693 ? (bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
11694 preloadResourceAndSuspendIfNeeded(workInProgress, renderLanes))
11695 : (bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
11696 (workInProgress.flags &= -16777217));
11697 else {
11698 var currentResource = current.memoizedState;
11699 renderLanes !== currentResource && markUpdate(workInProgress);
11700 null !== renderLanes
11701 ? (bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
11702 renderLanes === currentResource
11703 ? (workInProgress.flags &= -16777217)
11704 : preloadResourceAndSuspendIfNeeded(workInProgress, renderLanes))
11705 : (current.memoizedProps !== newProps && markUpdate(workInProgress),
11706 bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
11707 (workInProgress.flags &= -16777217));
11708 }
11709 return null;
11710 case 27:
11711 popHostContext(workInProgress);
11712 renderLanes = rootInstanceStackCursor.current;
11713 currentResource = workInProgress.type;
11714 if (null !== current && null != workInProgress.stateNode)
11715 current.memoizedProps !== newProps && markUpdate(workInProgress);
11716 else {
11717 if (!newProps) {
11718 if (null === workInProgress.stateNode)
11719 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(166));
11720 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11721 return null;
11722 }
11723 current = contextStackCursor.current;
11724 popHydrationState(workInProgress)
11725 ? prepareToHydrateHostInstance(workInProgress, current)
11726 : ((current = resolveSingletonInstance(
11727 currentResource,
11728 newProps,
11729 renderLanes
11730 )),
11731 (workInProgress.stateNode = current),
11732 markUpdate(workInProgress));
11733 }
11734 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11735 return null;
11736 case 5:
11737 popHostContext(workInProgress);
11738 renderLanes = workInProgress.type;
11739 if (null !== current && null != workInProgress.stateNode)
11740 current.memoizedProps !== newProps && markUpdate(workInProgress);
11741 else {
11742 if (!newProps) {
11743 if (null === workInProgress.stateNode)
11744 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(166));
11745 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11746 return null;
11747 }
11748 current = contextStackCursor.current;
11749 if (popHydrationState(workInProgress))
11750 prepareToHydrateHostInstance(workInProgress, current);
11751 else {
11752 currentResource = getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(
11753 rootInstanceStackCursor.current
11754 );
11755 switch (current) {
11756 case 1:
11757 current = currentResource.createElementNS(
11758 "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
11759 renderLanes
11760 );
11761 break;
11762 case 2:
11763 current = currentResource.createElementNS(
11764 "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML",
11765 renderLanes
11766 );
11767 break;
11768 default:
11769 switch (renderLanes) {
11770 case "svg":
11771 current = currentResource.createElementNS(
11772 "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
11773 renderLanes
11774 );
11775 break;
11776 case "math":
11777 current = currentResource.createElementNS(
11778 "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML",
11779 renderLanes
11780 );
11781 break;
11782 case "script":
11783 current = currentResource.createElement("div");
11784 current.innerHTML = "<script>\x3c/script>";
11785 current = current.removeChild(current.firstChild);
11786 break;
11787 case "select":
11788 current =
11789 "string" === typeof newProps.is
11790 ? currentResource.createElement("select", {
11791 is: newProps.is
11792 })
11793 : currentResource.createElement("select");
11794 newProps.multiple
11795 ? (current.multiple = !0)
11796 : newProps.size && (current.size = newProps.size);
11797 break;
11798 default:
11799 current =
11800 "string" === typeof newProps.is
11801 ? currentResource.createElement(renderLanes, {
11802 is: newProps.is
11803 })
11804 : currentResource.createElement(renderLanes);
11805 }
11806 }
11807 current[internalInstanceKey] = workInProgress;
11808 current[internalPropsKey] = newProps;
11809 a: for (
11810 currentResource = workInProgress.child;
11811 null !== currentResource;
11813 ) {
11814 if (5 === currentResource.tag || 6 === currentResource.tag)
11815 current.appendChild(currentResource.stateNode);
11816 else if (
11817 4 !== currentResource.tag &&
11818 27 !== currentResource.tag &&
11819 null !== currentResource.child
11820 ) {
11821 currentResource.child.return = currentResource;
11822 currentResource = currentResource.child;
11823 continue;
11824 }
11825 if (currentResource === workInProgress) break a;
11826 for (; null === currentResource.sibling; ) {
11827 if (
11828 null === currentResource.return ||
11829 currentResource.return === workInProgress
11830 )
11831 break a;
11832 currentResource = currentResource.return;
11833 }
11834 currentResource.sibling.return = currentResource.return;
11835 currentResource = currentResource.sibling;
11836 }
11837 workInProgress.stateNode = current;
11838 a: switch (
11839 (setInitialProperties(current, renderLanes, newProps), renderLanes)
11840 ) {
11841 case "button":
11842 case "input":
11843 case "select":
11844 case "textarea":
11845 current = !!newProps.autoFocus;
11846 break a;
11847 case "img":
11848 current = !0;
11849 break a;
11850 default:
11851 current = !1;
11852 }
11853 current && markUpdate(workInProgress);
11854 }
11855 }
11856 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11857 workInProgress.flags &= -16777217;
11858 return null;
11859 case 6:
11860 if (current && null != workInProgress.stateNode)
11861 current.memoizedProps !== newProps && markUpdate(workInProgress);
11862 else {
11863 if ("string" !== typeof newProps && null === workInProgress.stateNode)
11864 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(166));
11865 current = rootInstanceStackCursor.current;
11866 if (popHydrationState(workInProgress)) {
11867 current = workInProgress.stateNode;
11868 renderLanes = workInProgress.memoizedProps;
11869 newProps = null;
11870 currentResource = hydrationParentFiber;
11871 if (null !== currentResource)
11872 switch (currentResource.tag) {
11873 case 27:
11874 case 5:
11875 newProps = currentResource.memoizedProps;
11876 }
11877 current[internalInstanceKey] = workInProgress;
11878 current =
11879 current.nodeValue === renderLanes ||
11880 (null !== newProps && !0 === newProps.suppressHydrationWarning) ||
11881 checkForUnmatchedText(current.nodeValue, renderLanes)
11882 ? !0
11883 : !1;
11884 current || throwOnHydrationMismatch(workInProgress);
11885 } else
11886 (current =
11887 getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(current).createTextNode(
11888 newProps
11889 )),
11890 (current[internalInstanceKey] = workInProgress),
11891 (workInProgress.stateNode = current);
11892 }
11893 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11894 return null;
11895 case 13:
11896 newProps = workInProgress.memoizedState;
11897 if (
11898 null === current ||
11899 (null !== current.memoizedState &&
11900 null !== current.memoizedState.dehydrated)
11901 ) {
11902 currentResource = popHydrationState(workInProgress);
11903 if (null !== newProps && null !== newProps.dehydrated) {
11904 if (null === current) {
11905 if (!currentResource) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(318));
11906 currentResource = workInProgress.memoizedState;
11907 currentResource =
11908 null !== currentResource ? currentResource.dehydrated : null;
11909 if (!currentResource) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(317));
11910 currentResource[internalInstanceKey] = workInProgress;
11911 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11912 0 !== (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&
11913 null !== newProps &&
11914 ((currentResource = workInProgress.child),
11915 null !== currentResource &&
11916 (workInProgress.treeBaseDuration -=
11917 currentResource.treeBaseDuration));
11918 } else
11919 resetHydrationState(),
11920 0 === (workInProgress.flags & 128) &&
11921 (workInProgress.memoizedState = null),
11922 (workInProgress.flags |= 4),
11923 bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
11924 0 !== (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&
11925 null !== newProps &&
11926 ((currentResource = workInProgress.child),
11927 null !== currentResource &&
11928 (workInProgress.treeBaseDuration -=
11929 currentResource.treeBaseDuration));
11930 currentResource = !1;
11931 } else
11932 null !== hydrationErrors &&
11933 (queueRecoverableErrors(hydrationErrors), (hydrationErrors = null)),
11934 (currentResource = !0);
11935 if (!currentResource) {
11936 if (workInProgress.flags & 256)
11937 return popSuspenseHandler(workInProgress), workInProgress;
11938 popSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
11939 return null;
11940 }
11941 }
11942 popSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
11943 if (0 !== (workInProgress.flags & 128))
11944 return (
11945 (workInProgress.lanes = renderLanes),
11946 0 !== (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&
11947 transferActualDuration(workInProgress),
11948 workInProgress
11949 );
11950 renderLanes = null !== newProps;
11951 current = null !== current && null !== current.memoizedState;
11952 if (renderLanes) {
11953 newProps = workInProgress.child;
11954 currentResource = null;
11955 null !== newProps.alternate &&
11956 null !== newProps.alternate.memoizedState &&
11957 null !== newProps.alternate.memoizedState.cachePool &&
11958 (currentResource = newProps.alternate.memoizedState.cachePool.pool);
11959 var cache$220 = null;
11960 null !== newProps.memoizedState &&
11961 null !== newProps.memoizedState.cachePool &&
11962 (cache$220 = newProps.memoizedState.cachePool.pool);
11963 cache$220 !== currentResource && (newProps.flags |= 2048);
11964 }
11965 renderLanes !== current &&
11966 renderLanes &&
11967 (workInProgress.child.flags |= 8192);
11968 scheduleRetryEffect(workInProgress, workInProgress.updateQueue);
11969 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
11970 0 !== (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&
11971 renderLanes &&
11972 ((current = workInProgress.child),
11973 null !== current &&
11974 (workInProgress.treeBaseDuration -= current.treeBaseDuration));
11975 return null;
11976 case 4:
11977 return (
11978 popHostContainer(),
11979 null === current &&
11980 listenToAllSupportedEvents(workInProgress.stateNode.containerInfo),
11981 bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
11982 null
11983 );
11984 case 10:
11985 return (
11986 popProvider(workInProgress.type), bubbleProperties(workInProgress), null
11987 );
11988 case 19:
11989 pop(suspenseStackCursor);
11990 currentResource = workInProgress.memoizedState;
11991 if (null === currentResource)
11992 return bubbleProperties(workInProgress), null;
11993 newProps = 0 !== (workInProgress.flags & 128);
11994 cache$220 = currentResource.rendering;
11995 if (null === cache$220)
11996 if (newProps) cutOffTailIfNeeded(currentResource, !1);
11997 else {
11998 if (
11999 0 !== workInProgressRootExitStatus ||
12000 (null !== current && 0 !== (current.flags & 128))
12001 )
12002 for (current = workInProgress.child; null !== current; ) {
12003 cache$220 = findFirstSuspended(current);
12004 if (null !== cache$220) {
12005 workInProgress.flags |= 128;
12006 cutOffTailIfNeeded(currentResource, !1);
12007 current = cache$220.updateQueue;
12008 workInProgress.updateQueue = current;
12009 scheduleRetryEffect(workInProgress, current);
12010 workInProgress.subtreeFlags = 0;
12011 current = renderLanes;
12012 for (renderLanes = workInProgress.child; null !== renderLanes; )
12013 resetWorkInProgress(renderLanes, current),
12014 (renderLanes = renderLanes.sibling);
12015 push(
12016 suspenseStackCursor,
12017 (suspenseStackCursor.current & 1) | 2
12018 );
12019 return workInProgress.child;
12020 }
12021 current = current.sibling;
12022 }
12023 null !== currentResource.tail &&
12024 now$1() > workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime &&
12025 ((workInProgress.flags |= 128),
12026 (newProps = !0),
12027 cutOffTailIfNeeded(currentResource, !1),
12028 (workInProgress.lanes = 4194304));
12029 }
12030 else {
12031 if (!newProps)
12032 if (((current = findFirstSuspended(cache$220)), null !== current)) {
12033 if (
12034 ((workInProgress.flags |= 128),
12035 (newProps = !0),
12036 (current = current.updateQueue),
12037 (workInProgress.updateQueue = current),
12038 scheduleRetryEffect(workInProgress, current),
12039 cutOffTailIfNeeded(currentResource, !0),
12040 null === currentResource.tail &&
12041 "hidden" === currentResource.tailMode &&
12042 !cache$220.alternate &&
12043 !isHydrating)
12044 )
12045 return bubbleProperties(workInProgress), null;
12046 } else
12047 2 * now$1() - currentResource.renderingStartTime >
12048 workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime &&
12049 536870912 !== renderLanes &&
12050 ((workInProgress.flags |= 128),
12051 (newProps = !0),
12052 cutOffTailIfNeeded(currentResource, !1),
12053 (workInProgress.lanes = 4194304));
12054 currentResource.isBackwards
12055 ? ((cache$220.sibling = workInProgress.child),
12056 (workInProgress.child = cache$220))
12057 : ((current = currentResource.last),
12058 null !== current
12059 ? (current.sibling = cache$220)
12060 : (workInProgress.child = cache$220),
12061 (currentResource.last = cache$220));
12062 }
12063 if (null !== currentResource.tail)
12064 return (
12065 (workInProgress = currentResource.tail),
12066 (currentResource.rendering = workInProgress),
12067 (currentResource.tail = workInProgress.sibling),
12068 (currentResource.renderingStartTime = now$1()),
12069 (workInProgress.sibling = null),
12070 (current = suspenseStackCursor.current),
12071 push(suspenseStackCursor, newProps ? (current & 1) | 2 : current & 1),
12072 workInProgress
12073 );
12074 bubbleProperties(workInProgress);
12075 return null;
12076 case 22:
12077 case 23:
12078 return (
12079 popSuspenseHandler(workInProgress),
12080 popHiddenContext(),
12081 (newProps = null !== workInProgress.memoizedState),
12082 null !== current
12083 ? (null !== current.memoizedState) !== newProps &&
12084 (workInProgress.flags |= 8192)
12085 : newProps && (workInProgress.flags |= 8192),
12086 newProps
12087 ? 0 !== (renderLanes & 536870912) &&
12088 0 === (workInProgress.flags & 128) &&
12089 (bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
12090 workInProgress.subtreeFlags & 6 && (workInProgress.flags |= 8192))
12091 : bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
12092 (renderLanes = workInProgress.updateQueue),
12093 null !== renderLanes &&
12094 scheduleRetryEffect(workInProgress, renderLanes.retryQueue),
12095 (renderLanes = null),
12096 null !== current &&
12097 null !== current.memoizedState &&
12098 null !== current.memoizedState.cachePool &&
12099 (renderLanes = current.memoizedState.cachePool.pool),
12100 (newProps = null),
12101 null !== workInProgress.memoizedState &&
12102 null !== workInProgress.memoizedState.cachePool &&
12103 (newProps = workInProgress.memoizedState.cachePool.pool),
12104 newProps !== renderLanes && (workInProgress.flags |= 2048),
12105 null !== current && pop(resumedCache),
12106 null
12107 );
12108 case 24:
12109 return (
12110 (renderLanes = null),
12111 null !== current && (renderLanes = current.memoizedState.cache),
12112 workInProgress.memoizedState.cache !== renderLanes &&
12113 (workInProgress.flags |= 2048),
12114 popProvider(CacheContext),
12115 bubbleProperties(workInProgress),
12116 null
12117 );
12118 case 25:
12119 return null;
12120 }
12121 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(156, workInProgress.tag));
12123function unwindWork(current, workInProgress) {
12124 popTreeContext(workInProgress);
12125 switch (workInProgress.tag) {
12126 case 1:
12127 return (
12128 (current = workInProgress.flags),
12129 current & 65536
12130 ? ((workInProgress.flags = (current & -65537) | 128),
12131 0 !== (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&
12132 transferActualDuration(workInProgress),
12133 workInProgress)
12134 : null
12135 );
12136 case 3:
12137 return (
12138 popProvider(CacheContext),
12139 popHostContainer(),
12140 (current = workInProgress.flags),
12141 0 !== (current & 65536) && 0 === (current & 128)
12142 ? ((workInProgress.flags = (current & -65537) | 128), workInProgress)
12143 : null
12144 );
12145 case 26:
12146 case 27:
12147 case 5:
12148 return popHostContext(workInProgress), null;
12149 case 13:
12150 popSuspenseHandler(workInProgress);
12151 current = workInProgress.memoizedState;
12152 if (null !== current && null !== current.dehydrated) {
12153 if (null === workInProgress.alternate)
12154 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(340));
12155 resetHydrationState();
12156 }
12157 current = workInProgress.flags;
12158 return current & 65536
12159 ? ((workInProgress.flags = (current & -65537) | 128),
12160 0 !== (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&
12161 transferActualDuration(workInProgress),
12162 workInProgress)
12163 : null;
12164 case 19:
12165 return pop(suspenseStackCursor), null;
12166 case 4:
12167 return popHostContainer(), null;
12168 case 10:
12169 return popProvider(workInProgress.type), null;
12170 case 22:
12171 case 23:
12172 return (
12173 popSuspenseHandler(workInProgress),
12174 popHiddenContext(),
12175 null !== current && pop(resumedCache),
12176 (current = workInProgress.flags),
12177 current & 65536
12178 ? ((workInProgress.flags = (current & -65537) | 128),
12179 0 !== (workInProgress.mode & 2) &&
12180 transferActualDuration(workInProgress),
12181 workInProgress)
12182 : null
12183 );
12184 case 24:
12185 return popProvider(CacheContext), null;
12186 case 25:
12187 return null;
12188 default:
12189 return null;
12190 }
12192function unwindInterruptedWork(current, interruptedWork) {
12193 popTreeContext(interruptedWork);
12194 switch (interruptedWork.tag) {
12195 case 3:
12196 popProvider(CacheContext);
12197 popHostContainer();
12198 break;
12199 case 26:
12200 case 27:
12201 case 5:
12202 popHostContext(interruptedWork);
12203 break;
12204 case 4:
12205 popHostContainer();
12206 break;
12207 case 13:
12208 popSuspenseHandler(interruptedWork);
12209 break;
12210 case 19:
12211 pop(suspenseStackCursor);
12212 break;
12213 case 10:
12214 popProvider(interruptedWork.type);
12215 break;
12216 case 22:
12217 case 23:
12218 popSuspenseHandler(interruptedWork);
12219 popHiddenContext();
12220 null !== current && pop(resumedCache);
12221 break;
12222 case 24:
12223 popProvider(CacheContext);
12224 }
12226var DefaultAsyncDispatcher = {
12227 getCacheForType: function (resourceType) {
12228 var cache = readContext(CacheContext),
12229 cacheForType = cache.data.get(resourceType);
12230 void 0 === cacheForType &&
12231 ((cacheForType = resourceType()),
12232 cache.data.set(resourceType, cacheForType));
12233 return cacheForType;
12234 }
12235 },
12236 PossiblyWeakMap = "function" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map,
12237 executionContext = 0,
12238 workInProgressRoot = null,
12239 workInProgress = null,
12240 workInProgressRootRenderLanes = 0,
12241 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0,
12242 workInProgressThrownValue = null,
12243 workInProgressRootDidAttachPingListener = !1,
12244 entangledRenderLanes = 0,
12245 workInProgressRootExitStatus = 0,
12246 workInProgressRootSkippedLanes = 0,
12247 workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes = 0,
12248 workInProgressRootPingedLanes = 0,
12249 workInProgressDeferredLane = 0,
12250 workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors = null,
12251 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = null,
12252 workInProgressRootDidIncludeRecursiveRenderUpdate = !1,
12253 didIncludeCommitPhaseUpdate = !1,
12254 globalMostRecentFallbackTime = 0,
12255 workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime = Infinity,
12256 workInProgressTransitions = null,
12257 legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null,
12258 rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !1,
12259 rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null,
12260 pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = 0,
12261 pendingPassiveProfilerEffects = [],
12262 pendingPassiveEffectsRemainingLanes = 0,
12263 pendingPassiveTransitions = null,
12264 nestedUpdateCount = 0,
12265 rootWithNestedUpdates = null;
12266function requestUpdateLane() {
12267 if (0 !== (executionContext & 2) && 0 !== workInProgressRootRenderLanes)
12268 return workInProgressRootRenderLanes & -workInProgressRootRenderLanes;
12269 if (null !== requestCurrentTransition()) {
12270 var actionScopeLane = currentEntangledLane;
12271 return 0 !== actionScopeLane ? actionScopeLane : requestTransitionLane();
12272 }
12273 return resolveUpdatePriority();
12275function requestDeferredLane() {
12276 0 === workInProgressDeferredLane &&
12277 (workInProgressDeferredLane =
12278 0 === (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & 536870912) || isHydrating
12279 ? claimNextTransitionLane()
12280 : 536870912);
12281 var suspenseHandler = suspenseHandlerStackCursor.current;
12282 null !== suspenseHandler && (suspenseHandler.flags |= 32);
12283 return workInProgressDeferredLane;
12285function scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, lane) {
12286 if (
12287 (root === workInProgressRoot && 2 === workInProgressSuspendedReason) ||
12288 null !== root.cancelPendingCommit
12289 )
12290 prepareFreshStack(root, 0),
12291 markRootSuspended(
12292 root,
12293 workInProgressRootRenderLanes,
12294 workInProgressDeferredLane
12295 );
12296 markRootUpdated(root, lane);
12297 if (0 === (executionContext & 2) || root !== workInProgressRoot)
12298 isDevToolsPresent && addFiberToLanesMap(root, fiber, lane),
12299 root === workInProgressRoot &&
12300 (0 === (executionContext & 2) &&
12301 (workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes |= lane),
12302 4 === workInProgressRootExitStatus &&
12303 markRootSuspended(
12304 root,
12305 workInProgressRootRenderLanes,
12306 workInProgressDeferredLane
12307 )),
12308 ensureRootIsScheduled(root);
12310function performConcurrentWorkOnRoot(root, didTimeout) {
12311 nestedUpdateScheduled = currentUpdateIsNested = !1;
12312 if (0 !== (executionContext & 6)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(327));
12313 var originalCallbackNode = root.callbackNode;
12314 if (flushPassiveEffects() && root.callbackNode !== originalCallbackNode)
12315 return null;
12316 var lanes = getNextLanes(
12317 root,
12318 root === workInProgressRoot ? workInProgressRootRenderLanes : 0
12319 );
12320 if (0 === lanes) return null;
12321 var shouldTimeSlice =
12322 0 === (lanes & 60) && 0 === (lanes & root.expiredLanes) && !didTimeout;
12323 didTimeout = shouldTimeSlice
12324 ? renderRootConcurrent(root, lanes)
12325 : renderRootSync(root, lanes);
12326 if (0 !== didTimeout) {
12327 var renderWasConcurrent = shouldTimeSlice;
12328 do {
12329 if (6 === didTimeout) markRootSuspended(root, lanes, 0);
12330 else {
12331 shouldTimeSlice = root.current.alternate;
12332 if (
12333 renderWasConcurrent &&
12334 !isRenderConsistentWithExternalStores(shouldTimeSlice)
12335 ) {
12336 didTimeout = renderRootSync(root, lanes);
12337 renderWasConcurrent = !1;
12338 continue;
12339 }
12340 if (2 === didTimeout) {
12341 renderWasConcurrent = lanes;
12342 var errorRetryLanes = getLanesToRetrySynchronouslyOnError(
12343 root,
12344 renderWasConcurrent
12345 );
12346 if (
12347 0 !== errorRetryLanes &&
12348 ((lanes = errorRetryLanes),
12349 (didTimeout = recoverFromConcurrentError(
12350 root,
12351 renderWasConcurrent,
12352 errorRetryLanes
12353 )),
12354 (renderWasConcurrent = !1),
12355 2 !== didTimeout)
12356 )
12357 continue;
12358 }
12359 if (1 === didTimeout) {
12360 prepareFreshStack(root, 0);
12361 markRootSuspended(root, lanes, 0);
12362 break;
12363 }
12364 root.finishedWork = shouldTimeSlice;
12365 root.finishedLanes = lanes;
12366 a: {
12367 renderWasConcurrent = root;
12368 switch (didTimeout) {
12369 case 0:
12370 case 1:
12371 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(345));
12372 case 4:
12373 if ((lanes & 4194176) === lanes) {
12374 markRootSuspended(
12375 renderWasConcurrent,
12376 lanes,
12377 workInProgressDeferredLane
12378 );
12379 break a;
12380 }
12381 break;
12382 case 2:
12383 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = null;
12384 break;
12385 case 3:
12386 case 5:
12387 break;
12388 default:
12389 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(329));
12390 }
12391 if (
12392 (lanes & 62914560) === lanes &&
12393 ((didTimeout = globalMostRecentFallbackTime + 300 - now$1()),
12394 10 < didTimeout)
12395 ) {
12396 markRootSuspended(
12397 renderWasConcurrent,
12398 lanes,
12399 workInProgressDeferredLane
12400 );
12401 if (0 !== getNextLanes(renderWasConcurrent, 0)) break a;
12402 renderWasConcurrent.timeoutHandle = scheduleTimeout(
12403 commitRootWhenReady.bind(
12404 null,
12405 renderWasConcurrent,
12406 shouldTimeSlice,
12407 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors,
12408 workInProgressTransitions,
12409 workInProgressRootDidIncludeRecursiveRenderUpdate,
12410 lanes,
12411 workInProgressDeferredLane
12412 ),
12413 didTimeout
12414 );
12415 break a;
12416 }
12417 commitRootWhenReady(
12418 renderWasConcurrent,
12419 shouldTimeSlice,
12420 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors,
12421 workInProgressTransitions,
12422 workInProgressRootDidIncludeRecursiveRenderUpdate,
12423 lanes,
12424 workInProgressDeferredLane
12425 );
12426 }
12427 }
12428 break;
12429 } while (1);
12430 }
12431 ensureRootIsScheduled(root);
12432 scheduleTaskForRootDuringMicrotask(root, now$1());
12433 root =
12434 root.callbackNode === originalCallbackNode
12435 ? performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root)
12436 : null;
12437 return root;
12439function recoverFromConcurrentError(
12440 root,
12441 originallyAttemptedLanes,
12442 errorRetryLanes
12443) {
12444 var errorsFromFirstAttempt = workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors,
12445 wasRootDehydrated = root.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated;
12446 wasRootDehydrated && (prepareFreshStack(root, errorRetryLanes).flags |= 256);
12447 errorRetryLanes = renderRootSync(root, errorRetryLanes);
12448 if (2 !== errorRetryLanes) {
12449 if (workInProgressRootDidAttachPingListener && !wasRootDehydrated)
12450 return (
12451 (root.errorRecoveryDisabledLanes |= originallyAttemptedLanes),
12452 (workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes |= originallyAttemptedLanes),
12453 4
12454 );
12455 root = workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors;
12456 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = errorsFromFirstAttempt;
12457 null !== root && queueRecoverableErrors(root);
12458 }
12459 return errorRetryLanes;
12461function queueRecoverableErrors(errors) {
12462 null === workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors
12463 ? (workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = errors)
12464 : workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors.push.apply(
12465 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors,
12466 errors
12467 );
12469function commitRootWhenReady(
12470 root,
12471 finishedWork,
12472 recoverableErrors,
12473 transitions,
12474 didIncludeRenderPhaseUpdate,
12475 lanes,
12476 spawnedLane
12477) {
12478 if (
12479 0 === (lanes & 42) &&
12480 ((suspendedState = { stylesheets: null, count: 0, unsuspend: noop$1 }),
12481 accumulateSuspenseyCommitOnFiber(finishedWork),
12482 (finishedWork = waitForCommitToBeReady()),
12483 null !== finishedWork)
12484 ) {
12485 root.cancelPendingCommit = finishedWork(
12486 commitRoot.bind(
12487 null,
12488 root,
12489 recoverableErrors,
12490 transitions,
12491 didIncludeRenderPhaseUpdate
12492 )
12493 );
12494 markRootSuspended(root, lanes, spawnedLane);
12495 return;
12496 }
12497 commitRoot(
12498 root,
12499 recoverableErrors,
12500 transitions,
12501 didIncludeRenderPhaseUpdate,
12502 spawnedLane
12503 );
12505function isRenderConsistentWithExternalStores(finishedWork) {
12506 for (var node = finishedWork; ; ) {
12507 if (node.flags & 16384) {
12508 var updateQueue = node.updateQueue;
12509 if (
12510 null !== updateQueue &&
12511 ((updateQueue = updateQueue.stores), null !== updateQueue)
12512 )
12513 for (var i = 0; i < updateQueue.length; i++) {
12514 var check = updateQueue[i],
12515 getSnapshot = check.getSnapshot;
12516 check = check.value;
12517 try {
12518 if (!objectIs(getSnapshot(), check)) return !1;
12519 } catch (error) {
12520 return !1;
12521 }
12522 }
12523 }
12524 updateQueue = node.child;
12525 if (node.subtreeFlags & 16384 && null !== updateQueue)
12526 (updateQueue.return = node), (node = updateQueue);
12527 else {
12528 if (node === finishedWork) break;
12529 for (; null === node.sibling; ) {
12530 if (null === node.return || node.return === finishedWork) return !0;
12531 node = node.return;
12532 }
12533 node.sibling.return = node.return;
12534 node = node.sibling;
12535 }
12536 }
12537 return !0;
12539function markRootUpdated(root, updatedLanes) {
12540 root.pendingLanes |= updatedLanes;
12541 268435456 !== updatedLanes &&
12542 ((root.suspendedLanes = 0), (root.pingedLanes = 0));
12543 executionContext & 2
12544 ? (workInProgressRootDidIncludeRecursiveRenderUpdate = !0)
12545 : executionContext & 4 && (didIncludeCommitPhaseUpdate = !0);
12546 throwIfInfiniteUpdateLoopDetected();
12548function markRootSuspended(root, suspendedLanes, spawnedLane) {
12549 suspendedLanes &= ~workInProgressRootPingedLanes;
12550 suspendedLanes &= ~workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes;
12551 root.suspendedLanes |= suspendedLanes;
12552 root.pingedLanes &= ~suspendedLanes;
12553 for (
12554 var expirationTimes = root.expirationTimes, lanes = suspendedLanes;
12555 0 < lanes;
12557 ) {
12558 var index$4 = 31 - clz32(lanes),
12559 lane = 1 << index$4;
12560 expirationTimes[index$4] = -1;
12561 lanes &= ~lane;
12562 }
12563 0 !== spawnedLane &&
12564 markSpawnedDeferredLane(root, spawnedLane, suspendedLanes);
12566function performSyncWorkOnRoot(root, lanes) {
12567 if (0 !== (executionContext & 6)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(327));
12568 if (flushPassiveEffects()) return ensureRootIsScheduled(root), null;
12569 currentUpdateIsNested = nestedUpdateScheduled;
12570 nestedUpdateScheduled = !1;
12571 var exitStatus = renderRootSync(root, lanes);
12572 if (2 === exitStatus) {
12573 var originallyAttemptedLanes = lanes,
12574 errorRetryLanes = getLanesToRetrySynchronouslyOnError(
12575 root,
12576 originallyAttemptedLanes
12577 );
12578 0 !== errorRetryLanes &&
12579 ((lanes = errorRetryLanes),
12580 (exitStatus = recoverFromConcurrentError(
12581 root,
12582 originallyAttemptedLanes,
12583 errorRetryLanes
12584 )));
12585 }
12586 if (1 === exitStatus)
12587 return (
12588 prepareFreshStack(root, 0),
12589 markRootSuspended(root, lanes, 0),
12590 ensureRootIsScheduled(root),
12591 null
12592 );
12593 if (6 === exitStatus)
12594 return (
12595 markRootSuspended(root, lanes, workInProgressDeferredLane),
12596 ensureRootIsScheduled(root),
12597 null
12598 );
12599 root.finishedWork = root.current.alternate;
12600 root.finishedLanes = lanes;
12601 commitRoot(
12602 root,
12603 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors,
12604 workInProgressTransitions,
12605 workInProgressRootDidIncludeRecursiveRenderUpdate,
12606 workInProgressDeferredLane
12607 );
12608 ensureRootIsScheduled(root);
12609 return null;
12611function flushSyncWork$1() {
12612 return 0 === (executionContext & 6)
12613 ? (flushSyncWorkAcrossRoots_impl(!1), !1)
12614 : !0;
12616function resetWorkInProgressStack() {
12617 if (null !== workInProgress) {
12618 if (0 === workInProgressSuspendedReason)
12619 var interruptedWork = workInProgress.return;
12620 else
12621 (interruptedWork = workInProgress),
12622 resetContextDependencies(),
12623 resetHooksOnUnwind(interruptedWork),
12624 (thenableState$1 = null),
12625 (thenableIndexCounter$1 = 0),
12626 (interruptedWork = workInProgress);
12627 for (; null !== interruptedWork; )
12628 unwindInterruptedWork(interruptedWork.alternate, interruptedWork),
12629 (interruptedWork = interruptedWork.return);
12630 workInProgress = null;
12631 }
12633function prepareFreshStack(root, lanes) {
12634 root.finishedWork = null;
12635 root.finishedLanes = 0;
12636 var timeoutHandle = root.timeoutHandle;
12637 -1 !== timeoutHandle &&
12638 ((root.timeoutHandle = -1), cancelTimeout(timeoutHandle));
12639 timeoutHandle = root.cancelPendingCommit;
12640 null !== timeoutHandle &&
12641 ((root.cancelPendingCommit = null), timeoutHandle());
12642 resetWorkInProgressStack();
12643 workInProgressRoot = root;
12644 workInProgress = timeoutHandle = createWorkInProgress(root.current, null);
12645 workInProgressRootRenderLanes = lanes;
12646 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0;
12647 workInProgressThrownValue = null;
12648 workInProgressRootDidAttachPingListener = !1;
12649 workInProgressDeferredLane =
12650 workInProgressRootPingedLanes =
12651 workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes =
12652 workInProgressRootSkippedLanes =
12653 workInProgressRootExitStatus =
12654 0;
12655 workInProgressRootRecoverableErrors = workInProgressRootConcurrentErrors =
12656 null;
12657 workInProgressRootDidIncludeRecursiveRenderUpdate = !1;
12658 0 !== (lanes & 8) && (lanes |= lanes & 32);
12659 var allEntangledLanes = root.entangledLanes;
12660 if (0 !== allEntangledLanes)
12661 for (
12662 root = root.entanglements, allEntangledLanes &= lanes;
12663 0 < allEntangledLanes;
12665 ) {
12666 var index$2 = 31 - clz32(allEntangledLanes),
12667 lane = 1 << index$2;
12668 lanes |= root[index$2];
12669 allEntangledLanes &= ~lane;
12670 }
12671 entangledRenderLanes = lanes;
12672 finishQueueingConcurrentUpdates();
12673 return timeoutHandle;
12675function handleThrow(root, thrownValue) {
12676 currentlyRenderingFiber$1 = null;
12677 ReactSharedInternals.H = ContextOnlyDispatcher;
12678 thrownValue === SuspenseException
12679 ? ((thrownValue = getSuspendedThenable()),
12680 (workInProgressSuspendedReason =
12681 shouldRemainOnPreviousScreen() &&
12682 0 === (workInProgressRootSkippedLanes & 134217727) &&
12683 0 === (workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes & 134217727)
12684 ? 2
12685 : 3))
12686 : thrownValue === SuspenseyCommitException
12687 ? ((thrownValue = getSuspendedThenable()),
12688 (workInProgressSuspendedReason = 4))
12689 : (workInProgressSuspendedReason =
12690 thrownValue === SelectiveHydrationException
12691 ? 8
12692 : null !== thrownValue &&
12693 "object" === typeof thrownValue &&
12694 "function" === typeof thrownValue.then
12695 ? 6
12696 : 1);
12697 workInProgressThrownValue = thrownValue;
12698 var erroredWork = workInProgress;
12699 if (null === erroredWork)
12700 (workInProgressRootExitStatus = 1),
12701 logUncaughtError(
12702 root,
12703 createCapturedValueAtFiber(thrownValue, root.current)
12704 );
12705 else
12706 switch (
12707 (erroredWork.mode & 2 &&
12708 stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(erroredWork, !0),
12709 markComponentRenderStopped(),
12710 workInProgressSuspendedReason)
12711 ) {
12712 case 1:
12713 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
12714 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentErrored &&
12715 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentErrored(
12716 erroredWork,
12717 thrownValue,
12718 workInProgressRootRenderLanes
12719 );
12720 break;
12721 case 2:
12722 case 3:
12723 case 6:
12724 case 7:
12725 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
12726 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentSuspended &&
12727 injectedProfilingHooks.markComponentSuspended(
12728 erroredWork,
12729 thrownValue,
12730 workInProgressRootRenderLanes
12731 );
12732 }
12734function shouldRemainOnPreviousScreen() {
12735 var handler = suspenseHandlerStackCursor.current;
12736 return null === handler
12737 ? !0
12738 : (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & 4194176) ===
12739 workInProgressRootRenderLanes
12740 ? null === shellBoundary
12741 ? !0
12742 : !1
12743 : (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & 62914560) ===
12744 workInProgressRootRenderLanes ||
12745 0 !== (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & 536870912)
12746 ? handler === shellBoundary
12747 : !1;
12749function pushDispatcher() {
12750 var prevDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.H;
12751 ReactSharedInternals.H = ContextOnlyDispatcher;
12752 return null === prevDispatcher ? ContextOnlyDispatcher : prevDispatcher;
12754function pushAsyncDispatcher() {
12755 var prevAsyncDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.A;
12756 ReactSharedInternals.A = DefaultAsyncDispatcher;
12757 return prevAsyncDispatcher;
12759function renderDidSuspendDelayIfPossible() {
12760 workInProgressRootExitStatus = 4;
12761 (0 === (workInProgressRootSkippedLanes & 134217727) &&
12762 0 === (workInProgressRootInterleavedUpdatedLanes & 134217727)) ||
12763 null === workInProgressRoot ||
12764 markRootSuspended(
12765 workInProgressRoot,
12766 workInProgressRootRenderLanes,
12767 workInProgressDeferredLane
12768 );
12770function renderRootSync(root, lanes) {
12771 var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;
12772 executionContext |= 2;
12773 var prevDispatcher = pushDispatcher(),
12774 prevAsyncDispatcher = pushAsyncDispatcher();
12775 if (workInProgressRoot !== root || workInProgressRootRenderLanes !== lanes) {
12776 if (isDevToolsPresent) {
12777 var memoizedUpdaters = root.memoizedUpdaters;
12778 0 < memoizedUpdaters.size &&
12779 (restorePendingUpdaters(root, workInProgressRootRenderLanes),
12780 memoizedUpdaters.clear());
12781 movePendingFibersToMemoized(root, lanes);
12782 }
12783 workInProgressTransitions = null;
12784 prepareFreshStack(root, lanes);
12785 }
12786 markRenderStarted(lanes);
12787 lanes = !1;
12788 a: do
12789 try {
12790 if (0 !== workInProgressSuspendedReason && null !== workInProgress) {
12791 memoizedUpdaters = workInProgress;
12792 var thrownValue = workInProgressThrownValue;
12793 switch (workInProgressSuspendedReason) {
12794 case 8:
12795 resetWorkInProgressStack();
12796 workInProgressRootExitStatus = 6;
12797 break a;
12798 case 3:
12799 case 2:
12800 lanes ||
12801 null !== suspenseHandlerStackCursor.current ||
12802 (lanes = !0);
12803 default:
12804 (workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0),
12805 (workInProgressThrownValue = null),
12806 throwAndUnwindWorkLoop(root, memoizedUpdaters, thrownValue);
12807 }
12808 }
12809 workLoopSync();
12810 break;
12811 } catch (thrownValue$235) {
12812 handleThrow(root, thrownValue$235);
12813 }
12814 while (1);
12815 lanes && root.shellSuspendCounter++;
12816 resetContextDependencies();
12817 executionContext = prevExecutionContext;
12818 ReactSharedInternals.H = prevDispatcher;
12819 ReactSharedInternals.A = prevAsyncDispatcher;
12820 if (null !== workInProgress) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(261));
12821 markRenderStopped();
12822 workInProgressRoot = null;
12823 workInProgressRootRenderLanes = 0;
12824 finishQueueingConcurrentUpdates();
12825 return workInProgressRootExitStatus;
12827function workLoopSync() {
12828 for (; null !== workInProgress; ) performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);
12830function renderRootConcurrent(root, lanes) {
12831 var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;
12832 executionContext |= 2;
12833 var prevDispatcher = pushDispatcher(),
12834 prevAsyncDispatcher = pushAsyncDispatcher();
12835 if (workInProgressRoot !== root || workInProgressRootRenderLanes !== lanes) {
12836 if (isDevToolsPresent) {
12837 var memoizedUpdaters = root.memoizedUpdaters;
12838 0 < memoizedUpdaters.size &&
12839 (restorePendingUpdaters(root, workInProgressRootRenderLanes),
12840 memoizedUpdaters.clear());
12841 movePendingFibersToMemoized(root, lanes);
12842 }
12843 workInProgressTransitions = null;
12844 workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime = now$1() + 500;
12845 prepareFreshStack(root, lanes);
12846 }
12847 markRenderStarted(lanes);
12848 a: do
12849 try {
12850 if (0 !== workInProgressSuspendedReason && null !== workInProgress)
12851 b: switch (
12852 ((lanes = workInProgress),
12853 (memoizedUpdaters = workInProgressThrownValue),
12854 workInProgressSuspendedReason)
12855 ) {
12856 case 1:
12857 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0;
12858 workInProgressThrownValue = null;
12859 throwAndUnwindWorkLoop(root, lanes, memoizedUpdaters);
12860 break;
12861 case 2:
12862 if (isThenableResolved(memoizedUpdaters)) {
12863 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0;
12864 workInProgressThrownValue = null;
12865 replaySuspendedUnitOfWork(lanes);
12866 break;
12867 }
12868 lanes = function () {
12869 2 === workInProgressSuspendedReason &&
12870 workInProgressRoot === root &&
12871 (workInProgressSuspendedReason = 7);
12872 ensureRootIsScheduled(root);
12873 };
12874 memoizedUpdaters.then(lanes, lanes);
12875 break a;
12876 case 3:
12877 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 7;
12878 break a;
12879 case 4:
12880 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 5;
12881 break a;
12882 case 7:
12883 isThenableResolved(memoizedUpdaters)
12884 ? ((workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0),
12885 (workInProgressThrownValue = null),
12886 replaySuspendedUnitOfWork(lanes))
12887 : ((workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0),
12888 (workInProgressThrownValue = null),
12889 throwAndUnwindWorkLoop(root, lanes, memoizedUpdaters));
12890 break;
12891 case 5:
12892 switch (workInProgress.tag) {
12893 case 5:
12894 case 26:
12895 case 27:
12896 lanes = workInProgress;
12897 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0;
12898 workInProgressThrownValue = null;
12899 var sibling = lanes.sibling;
12900 if (null !== sibling) workInProgress = sibling;
12901 else {
12902 var returnFiber = lanes.return;
12903 null !== returnFiber
12904 ? ((workInProgress = returnFiber),
12905 completeUnitOfWork(returnFiber))
12906 : (workInProgress = null);
12907 }
12908 break b;
12909 }
12910 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0;
12911 workInProgressThrownValue = null;
12912 throwAndUnwindWorkLoop(root, lanes, memoizedUpdaters);
12913 break;
12914 case 6:
12915 workInProgressSuspendedReason = 0;
12916 workInProgressThrownValue = null;
12917 throwAndUnwindWorkLoop(root, lanes, memoizedUpdaters);
12918 break;
12919 case 8:
12920 resetWorkInProgressStack();
12921 workInProgressRootExitStatus = 6;
12922 break a;
12923 default:
12924 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(462));
12925 }
12926 workLoopConcurrent();
12927 break;
12928 } catch (thrownValue$237) {
12929 handleThrow(root, thrownValue$237);
12930 }
12931 while (1);
12932 resetContextDependencies();
12933 ReactSharedInternals.H = prevDispatcher;
12934 ReactSharedInternals.A = prevAsyncDispatcher;
12935 executionContext = prevExecutionContext;
12936 if (null !== workInProgress)
12937 return (
12938 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
12939 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderYielded &&
12940 injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderYielded(),
12941 0
12942 );
12943 markRenderStopped();
12944 workInProgressRoot = null;
12945 workInProgressRootRenderLanes = 0;
12946 finishQueueingConcurrentUpdates();
12947 return workInProgressRootExitStatus;
12949function workLoopConcurrent() {
12950 for (; null !== workInProgress && !shouldYield(); )
12951 performUnitOfWork(workInProgress);
12953function performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {
12954 var current = unitOfWork.alternate;
12955 0 !== (unitOfWork.mode & 2)
12956 ? (startProfilerTimer(unitOfWork),
12957 (current = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, entangledRenderLanes)),
12958 stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(unitOfWork, !0))
12959 : (current = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, entangledRenderLanes));
12960 unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps;
12961 null === current
12962 ? completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork)
12963 : (workInProgress = current);
12965function replaySuspendedUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {
12966 var current = unitOfWork.alternate,
12967 isProfilingMode = 0 !== (unitOfWork.mode & 2);
12968 isProfilingMode && startProfilerTimer(unitOfWork);
12969 switch (unitOfWork.tag) {
12970 case 15:
12971 case 0:
12972 current = replayFunctionComponent(
12973 current,
12974 unitOfWork,
12975 unitOfWork.pendingProps,
12976 unitOfWork.type,
12977 void 0,
12978 workInProgressRootRenderLanes
12979 );
12980 break;
12981 case 11:
12982 current = replayFunctionComponent(
12983 current,
12984 unitOfWork,
12985 unitOfWork.pendingProps,
12986 unitOfWork.type.render,
12987 unitOfWork.ref,
12988 workInProgressRootRenderLanes
12989 );
12990 break;
12991 case 5:
12992 resetHooksOnUnwind(unitOfWork);
12993 default:
12994 unwindInterruptedWork(current, unitOfWork),
12995 (unitOfWork = workInProgress =
12996 resetWorkInProgress(unitOfWork, entangledRenderLanes)),
12997 (current = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, entangledRenderLanes));
12998 }
12999 isProfilingMode && stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(unitOfWork, !0);
13000 unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps;
13001 null === current
13002 ? completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork)
13003 : (workInProgress = current);
13005function throwAndUnwindWorkLoop(root, unitOfWork, thrownValue) {
13006 resetContextDependencies();
13007 resetHooksOnUnwind(unitOfWork);
13008 thenableState$1 = null;
13009 thenableIndexCounter$1 = 0;
13010 var returnFiber = unitOfWork.return;
13011 try {
13012 if (
13013 throwException(
13014 root,
13015 returnFiber,
13016 unitOfWork,
13017 thrownValue,
13018 workInProgressRootRenderLanes
13019 )
13020 ) {
13021 workInProgressRootExitStatus = 1;
13022 logUncaughtError(
13023 root,
13024 createCapturedValueAtFiber(thrownValue, root.current)
13025 );
13026 workInProgress = null;
13027 return;
13028 }
13029 } catch (error) {
13030 if (null !== returnFiber) throw ((workInProgress = returnFiber), error);
13031 workInProgressRootExitStatus = 1;
13032 logUncaughtError(
13033 root,
13034 createCapturedValueAtFiber(thrownValue, root.current)
13035 );
13036 workInProgress = null;
13037 return;
13038 }
13039 if (unitOfWork.flags & 32768)
13040 a: {
13041 root = unitOfWork;
13042 do {
13043 unitOfWork = unwindWork(root.alternate, root);
13044 if (null !== unitOfWork) {
13045 unitOfWork.flags &= 32767;
13046 workInProgress = unitOfWork;
13047 break a;
13048 }
13049 if (0 !== (root.mode & 2)) {
13050 stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(root, !1);
13051 unitOfWork = root.actualDuration;
13052 for (thrownValue = root.child; null !== thrownValue; )
13053 (unitOfWork += thrownValue.actualDuration),
13054 (thrownValue = thrownValue.sibling);
13055 root.actualDuration = unitOfWork;
13056 }
13057 root = root.return;
13058 null !== root &&
13059 ((root.flags |= 32768),
13060 (root.subtreeFlags = 0),
13061 (root.deletions = null));
13062 workInProgress = root;
13063 } while (null !== root);
13064 workInProgressRootExitStatus = 6;
13065 workInProgress = null;
13066 }
13067 else completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork);
13069function completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork) {
13070 var completedWork = unitOfWork;
13071 do {
13072 var current = completedWork.alternate;
13073 unitOfWork = completedWork.return;
13074 0 === (completedWork.mode & 2)
13075 ? (current = completeWork(current, completedWork, entangledRenderLanes))
13076 : (startProfilerTimer(completedWork),
13077 (current = completeWork(current, completedWork, entangledRenderLanes)),
13078 stopProfilerTimerIfRunningAndRecordDelta(completedWork, !1));
13079 if (null !== current) {
13080 workInProgress = current;
13081 return;
13082 }
13083 completedWork = completedWork.sibling;
13084 if (null !== completedWork) {
13085 workInProgress = completedWork;
13086 return;
13087 }
13088 workInProgress = completedWork = unitOfWork;
13089 } while (null !== completedWork);
13090 0 === workInProgressRootExitStatus && (workInProgressRootExitStatus = 5);
13092function commitRoot(
13093 root,
13094 recoverableErrors,
13095 transitions,
13096 didIncludeRenderPhaseUpdate,
13097 spawnedLane
13098) {
13099 var prevTransition = ReactSharedInternals.T,
13100 previousUpdateLanePriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
13101 try {
13102 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = 2),
13103 (ReactSharedInternals.T = null),
13104 commitRootImpl(
13105 root,
13106 recoverableErrors,
13107 transitions,
13108 didIncludeRenderPhaseUpdate,
13109 previousUpdateLanePriority,
13110 spawnedLane
13111 );
13112 } finally {
13113 (ReactSharedInternals.T = prevTransition),
13114 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = previousUpdateLanePriority);
13115 }
13116 return null;
13118function commitRootImpl(
13119 root,
13120 recoverableErrors,
13121 transitions,
13122 didIncludeRenderPhaseUpdate,
13123 renderPriorityLevel,
13124 spawnedLane
13125) {
13126 do flushPassiveEffects();
13127 while (null !== rootWithPendingPassiveEffects);
13128 if (0 !== (executionContext & 6)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(327));
13129 var finishedWork = root.finishedWork,
13130 lanes = root.finishedLanes;
13131 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
13132 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStarted &&
13133 injectedProfilingHooks.markCommitStarted(lanes);
13134 if (null === finishedWork) return markCommitStopped(), null;
13135 root.finishedWork = null;
13136 root.finishedLanes = 0;
13137 if (finishedWork === root.current) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(177));
13138 root.callbackNode = null;
13139 root.callbackPriority = 0;
13140 root.cancelPendingCommit = null;
13141 var remainingLanes = finishedWork.lanes | finishedWork.childLanes;
13142 remainingLanes |= concurrentlyUpdatedLanes;
13143 markRootFinished(root, remainingLanes, spawnedLane);
13144 didIncludeCommitPhaseUpdate = !1;
13145 root === workInProgressRoot &&
13146 ((workInProgress = workInProgressRoot = null),
13147 (workInProgressRootRenderLanes = 0));
13148 (0 === (finishedWork.subtreeFlags & 10256) &&
13149 0 === (finishedWork.flags & 10256)) ||
13150 rootDoesHavePassiveEffects ||
13151 ((rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !0),
13152 (pendingPassiveEffectsRemainingLanes = remainingLanes),
13153 (pendingPassiveTransitions = transitions),
13154 scheduleCallback(NormalPriority$1, function () {
13155 flushPassiveEffects();
13156 return null;
13157 }));
13158 transitions = 0 !== (finishedWork.flags & 15990);
13159 if (0 !== (finishedWork.subtreeFlags & 15990) || transitions) {
13160 transitions = ReactSharedInternals.T;
13161 ReactSharedInternals.T = null;
13162 spawnedLane = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
13163 ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = 2;
13164 var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;
13165 executionContext |= 4;
13166 commitBeforeMutationEffects(root, finishedWork);
13167 commitTime = now();
13168 commitMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, lanes);
13169 restoreSelection(selectionInformation);
13170 _enabled = !!eventsEnabled;
13171 selectionInformation = eventsEnabled = null;
13172 root.current = finishedWork;
13173 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
13174 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStarted &&
13175 injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStarted(lanes);
13176 commitLayoutEffects(finishedWork, root, lanes);
13177 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
13178 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStopped &&
13179 injectedProfilingHooks.markLayoutEffectsStopped();
13180 requestPaint();
13181 executionContext = prevExecutionContext;
13182 ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = spawnedLane;
13183 ReactSharedInternals.T = transitions;
13184 } else (root.current = finishedWork), (commitTime = now());
13185 rootDoesHavePassiveEffects
13186 ? ((rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !1),
13187 (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = root),
13188 (pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = lanes))
13189 : releaseRootPooledCache(root, remainingLanes);
13190 remainingLanes = root.pendingLanes;
13191 0 === remainingLanes && (legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed = null);
13192 onCommitRoot(finishedWork.stateNode, renderPriorityLevel);
13193 isDevToolsPresent && root.memoizedUpdaters.clear();
13194 ensureRootIsScheduled(root);
13195 if (null !== recoverableErrors)
13196 for (
13197 renderPriorityLevel = root.onRecoverableError, finishedWork = 0;
13198 finishedWork < recoverableErrors.length;
13199 finishedWork++
13200 )
13201 (remainingLanes = recoverableErrors[finishedWork]),
13202 renderPriorityLevel(remainingLanes.value, {
13203 componentStack: remainingLanes.stack
13204 });
13205 0 !== (pendingPassiveEffectsLanes & 3) && flushPassiveEffects();
13206 remainingLanes = root.pendingLanes;
13207 didIncludeRenderPhaseUpdate ||
13208 didIncludeCommitPhaseUpdate ||
13209 (0 !== (lanes & 4194218) && 0 !== (remainingLanes & 42))
13210 ? ((nestedUpdateScheduled = !0),
13211 root === rootWithNestedUpdates
13212 ? nestedUpdateCount++
13213 : ((nestedUpdateCount = 0), (rootWithNestedUpdates = root)))
13214 : (nestedUpdateCount = 0);
13215 flushSyncWorkAcrossRoots_impl(!1);
13216 markCommitStopped();
13217 return null;
13219function releaseRootPooledCache(root, remainingLanes) {
13220 0 === (root.pooledCacheLanes &= remainingLanes) &&
13221 ((remainingLanes = root.pooledCache),
13222 null != remainingLanes &&
13223 ((root.pooledCache = null), releaseCache(remainingLanes)));
13225function flushPassiveEffects() {
13226 if (null !== rootWithPendingPassiveEffects) {
13227 var root$241 = rootWithPendingPassiveEffects,
13228 remainingLanes = pendingPassiveEffectsRemainingLanes;
13229 pendingPassiveEffectsRemainingLanes = 0;
13230 var renderPriority = lanesToEventPriority(pendingPassiveEffectsLanes),
13231 prevTransition = ReactSharedInternals.T,
13232 previousPriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
13233 try {
13234 ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = 32 > renderPriority ? 32 : renderPriority;
13235 ReactSharedInternals.T = null;
13236 if (null === rootWithPendingPassiveEffects)
13237 var JSCompiler_inline_result = !1;
13238 else {
13239 var transitions = pendingPassiveTransitions;
13240 pendingPassiveTransitions = null;
13241 renderPriority = rootWithPendingPassiveEffects;
13242 var lanes = pendingPassiveEffectsLanes;
13243 rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null;
13244 pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = 0;
13245 if (0 !== (executionContext & 6))
13246 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(331));
13247 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
13248 "function" ===
13249 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStarted &&
13250 injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStarted(lanes);
13251 var prevExecutionContext = executionContext;
13252 executionContext |= 4;
13253 commitPassiveUnmountOnFiber(renderPriority.current);
13254 commitPassiveMountOnFiber(
13255 renderPriority,
13256 renderPriority.current,
13257 lanes,
13258 transitions
13259 );
13260 transitions = pendingPassiveProfilerEffects;
13261 pendingPassiveProfilerEffects = [];
13262 for (lanes = 0; lanes < transitions.length; lanes++) {
13263 var finishedWork = transitions[lanes];
13264 if (executionContext & 4 && 0 !== (finishedWork.flags & 4))
13265 switch (finishedWork.tag) {
13266 case 12:
13267 var passiveEffectDuration =
13268 finishedWork.stateNode.passiveEffectDuration,
13269 _finishedWork$memoize = finishedWork.memoizedProps,
13270 id = _finishedWork$memoize.id,
13271 onPostCommit = _finishedWork$memoize.onPostCommit,
13272 commitTime$165 = commitTime,
13273 phase = null === finishedWork.alternate ? "mount" : "update";
13274 currentUpdateIsNested && (phase = "nested-update");
13275 "function" === typeof onPostCommit &&
13276 onPostCommit(
13277 id,
13278 phase,
13279 passiveEffectDuration,
13280 commitTime$165
13281 );
13282 var parentFiber = finishedWork.return;
13283 b: for (; null !== parentFiber; ) {
13284 switch (parentFiber.tag) {
13285 case 3:
13286 parentFiber.stateNode.passiveEffectDuration +=
13287 passiveEffectDuration;
13288 break b;
13289 case 12:
13290 parentFiber.stateNode.passiveEffectDuration +=
13291 passiveEffectDuration;
13292 break b;
13293 }
13294 parentFiber = parentFiber.return;
13295 }
13296 }
13297 }
13298 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
13299 "function" ===
13300 typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStopped &&
13301 injectedProfilingHooks.markPassiveEffectsStopped();
13302 executionContext = prevExecutionContext;
13303 flushSyncWorkAcrossRoots_impl(!1);
13304 if (
13305 injectedHook &&
13306 "function" === typeof injectedHook.onPostCommitFiberRoot
13307 )
13308 try {
13309 injectedHook.onPostCommitFiberRoot(rendererID, renderPriority);
13310 } catch (err) {}
13311 var stateNode = renderPriority.current.stateNode;
13312 stateNode.effectDuration = 0;
13313 stateNode.passiveEffectDuration = 0;
13314 JSCompiler_inline_result = !0;
13315 }
13316 return JSCompiler_inline_result;
13317 } finally {
13318 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = previousPriority),
13319 (ReactSharedInternals.T = prevTransition),
13320 releaseRootPooledCache(root$241, remainingLanes);
13321 }
13322 }
13323 return !1;
13325function enqueuePendingPassiveProfilerEffect(fiber) {
13326 pendingPassiveProfilerEffects.push(fiber);
13327 rootDoesHavePassiveEffects ||
13328 ((rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = !0),
13329 scheduleCallback(NormalPriority$1, function () {
13330 flushPassiveEffects();
13331 return null;
13332 }));
13334function captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(rootFiber, sourceFiber, error) {
13335 sourceFiber = createCapturedValueAtFiber(error, sourceFiber);
13336 sourceFiber = createRootErrorUpdate(rootFiber.stateNode, sourceFiber, 2);
13337 rootFiber = enqueueUpdate(rootFiber, sourceFiber, 2);
13338 null !== rootFiber &&
13339 (markRootUpdated(rootFiber, 2), ensureRootIsScheduled(rootFiber));
13341function captureCommitPhaseError(sourceFiber, nearestMountedAncestor, error) {
13342 if (3 === sourceFiber.tag)
13343 captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(sourceFiber, sourceFiber, error);
13344 else
13345 for (; null !== nearestMountedAncestor; ) {
13346 if (3 === nearestMountedAncestor.tag) {
13347 captureCommitPhaseErrorOnRoot(
13348 nearestMountedAncestor,
13349 sourceFiber,
13350 error
13351 );
13352 break;
13353 } else if (1 === nearestMountedAncestor.tag) {
13354 var instance = nearestMountedAncestor.stateNode;
13355 if (
13356 "function" ===
13357 typeof nearestMountedAncestor.type.getDerivedStateFromError ||
13358 ("function" === typeof instance.componentDidCatch &&
13359 (null === legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed ||
13360 !legacyErrorBoundariesThatAlreadyFailed.has(instance)))
13361 ) {
13362 sourceFiber = createCapturedValueAtFiber(error, sourceFiber);
13363 error = createClassErrorUpdate(2);
13364 instance = enqueueUpdate(nearestMountedAncestor, error, 2);
13365 null !== instance &&
13366 (initializeClassErrorUpdate(
13367 error,
13368 instance,
13369 nearestMountedAncestor,
13370 sourceFiber
13371 ),
13372 markRootUpdated(instance, 2),
13373 ensureRootIsScheduled(instance));
13374 break;
13375 }
13376 }
13377 nearestMountedAncestor = nearestMountedAncestor.return;
13378 }
13380function attachPingListener(root, wakeable, lanes) {
13381 var pingCache = root.pingCache;
13382 if (null === pingCache) {
13383 pingCache = root.pingCache = new PossiblyWeakMap();
13384 var threadIDs = new Set();
13385 pingCache.set(wakeable, threadIDs);
13386 } else
13387 (threadIDs = pingCache.get(wakeable)),
13388 void 0 === threadIDs &&
13389 ((threadIDs = new Set()), pingCache.set(wakeable, threadIDs));
13390 threadIDs.has(lanes) ||
13391 ((workInProgressRootDidAttachPingListener = !0),
13392 threadIDs.add(lanes),
13393 (pingCache = pingSuspendedRoot.bind(null, root, wakeable, lanes)),
13394 isDevToolsPresent && restorePendingUpdaters(root, lanes),
13395 wakeable.then(pingCache, pingCache));
13397function pingSuspendedRoot(root, wakeable, pingedLanes) {
13398 var pingCache = root.pingCache;
13399 null !== pingCache && pingCache.delete(wakeable);
13400 root.pingedLanes |= root.suspendedLanes & pingedLanes;
13401 executionContext & 2
13402 ? (workInProgressRootDidIncludeRecursiveRenderUpdate = !0)
13403 : executionContext & 4 && (didIncludeCommitPhaseUpdate = !0);
13404 throwIfInfiniteUpdateLoopDetected();
13405 workInProgressRoot === root &&
13406 (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & pingedLanes) === pingedLanes &&
13407 (4 === workInProgressRootExitStatus ||
13408 (3 === workInProgressRootExitStatus &&
13409 (workInProgressRootRenderLanes & 62914560) ===
13410 workInProgressRootRenderLanes &&
13411 300 > now$1() - globalMostRecentFallbackTime)
13412 ? 0 === (executionContext & 2) && prepareFreshStack(root, 0)
13413 : (workInProgressRootPingedLanes |= pingedLanes));
13414 ensureRootIsScheduled(root);
13416function retryTimedOutBoundary(boundaryFiber, retryLane) {
13417 0 === retryLane && (retryLane = claimNextRetryLane());
13418 boundaryFiber = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(boundaryFiber, retryLane);
13419 null !== boundaryFiber &&
13420 (markRootUpdated(boundaryFiber, retryLane),
13421 ensureRootIsScheduled(boundaryFiber));
13423function retryDehydratedSuspenseBoundary(boundaryFiber) {
13424 var suspenseState = boundaryFiber.memoizedState,
13425 retryLane = 0;
13426 null !== suspenseState && (retryLane = suspenseState.retryLane);
13427 retryTimedOutBoundary(boundaryFiber, retryLane);
13429function resolveRetryWakeable(boundaryFiber, wakeable) {
13430 var retryLane = 0;
13431 switch (boundaryFiber.tag) {
13432 case 13:
13433 var retryCache = boundaryFiber.stateNode;
13434 var suspenseState = boundaryFiber.memoizedState;
13435 null !== suspenseState && (retryLane = suspenseState.retryLane);
13436 break;
13437 case 19:
13438 retryCache = boundaryFiber.stateNode;
13439 break;
13440 case 22:
13441 retryCache = boundaryFiber.stateNode._retryCache;
13442 break;
13443 default:
13444 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(314));
13445 }
13446 null !== retryCache && retryCache.delete(wakeable);
13447 retryTimedOutBoundary(boundaryFiber, retryLane);
13449function throwIfInfiniteUpdateLoopDetected() {
13450 if (50 < nestedUpdateCount)
13451 throw (
13452 ((nestedUpdateCount = 0),
13453 (rootWithNestedUpdates = null),
13454 executionContext & 2 &&
13455 null !== workInProgressRoot &&
13456 (workInProgressRoot.errorRecoveryDisabledLanes |=
13457 workInProgressRootRenderLanes),
13458 Error(formatProdErrorMessage(185)))
13459 );
13461function restorePendingUpdaters(root, lanes) {
13462 isDevToolsPresent &&
13463 root.memoizedUpdaters.forEach(function (schedulingFiber) {
13464 addFiberToLanesMap(root, schedulingFiber, lanes);
13465 });
13467function scheduleCallback(priorityLevel, callback) {
13468 return scheduleCallback$3(priorityLevel, callback);
13470var eventsEnabled = null,
13471 selectionInformation = null;
13472function getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(rootContainerElement) {
13473 return 9 === rootContainerElement.nodeType
13474 ? rootContainerElement
13475 : rootContainerElement.ownerDocument;
13477function getOwnHostContext(namespaceURI) {
13478 switch (namespaceURI) {
13479 case "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg":
13480 return 1;
13481 case "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML":
13482 return 2;
13483 default:
13484 return 0;
13485 }
13487function getChildHostContextProd(parentNamespace, type) {
13488 if (0 === parentNamespace)
13489 switch (type) {
13490 case "svg":
13491 return 1;
13492 case "math":
13493 return 2;
13494 default:
13495 return 0;
13496 }
13497 return 1 === parentNamespace && "foreignObject" === type
13498 ? 0
13499 : parentNamespace;
13501function shouldSetTextContent(type, props) {
13502 return (
13503 "textarea" === type ||
13504 "noscript" === type ||
13505 "string" === typeof props.children ||
13506 "number" === typeof props.children ||
13507 "bigint" === typeof props.children ||
13508 ("object" === typeof props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML &&
13509 null !== props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML &&
13510 null != props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html)
13511 );
13513var currentPopstateTransitionEvent = null;
13514function shouldAttemptEagerTransition() {
13515 var event = window.event;
13516 if (event && "popstate" === event.type) {
13517 if (event === currentPopstateTransitionEvent) return !1;
13518 currentPopstateTransitionEvent = event;
13519 return !0;
13520 }
13521 currentPopstateTransitionEvent = null;
13522 return !1;
13524var scheduleTimeout = "function" === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0,
13525 cancelTimeout = "function" === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0,
13526 localPromise = "function" === typeof Promise ? Promise : void 0,
13527 scheduleMicrotask =
13528 "function" === typeof queueMicrotask
13529 ? queueMicrotask
13530 : "undefined" !== typeof localPromise
13531 ? function (callback) {
13532 return localPromise
13533 .resolve(null)
13534 .then(callback)
13535 .catch(handleErrorInNextTick);
13536 }
13537 : scheduleTimeout;
13538function handleErrorInNextTick(error) {
13539 setTimeout(function () {
13540 throw error;
13541 });
13543function clearSuspenseBoundary(parentInstance, suspenseInstance) {
13544 var node = suspenseInstance,
13545 depth = 0;
13546 do {
13547 var nextNode = node.nextSibling;
13548 parentInstance.removeChild(node);
13549 if (nextNode && 8 === nextNode.nodeType)
13550 if (((node = nextNode.data), "/$" === node)) {
13551 if (0 === depth) {
13552 parentInstance.removeChild(nextNode);
13553 retryIfBlockedOn(suspenseInstance);
13554 return;
13555 }
13556 depth--;
13557 } else ("$" !== node && "$?" !== node && "$!" !== node) || depth++;
13558 node = nextNode;
13559 } while (node);
13560 retryIfBlockedOn(suspenseInstance);
13562function clearContainerSparingly(container) {
13563 var nextNode = container.firstChild;
13564 nextNode && 10 === nextNode.nodeType && (nextNode = nextNode.nextSibling);
13565 for (; nextNode; ) {
13566 var node = nextNode;
13567 nextNode = nextNode.nextSibling;
13568 switch (node.nodeName) {
13569 case "HTML":
13570 case "HEAD":
13571 case "BODY":
13572 clearContainerSparingly(node);
13573 detachDeletedInstance(node);
13574 continue;
13575 case "SCRIPT":
13576 case "STYLE":
13577 continue;
13578 case "LINK":
13579 if ("stylesheet" === node.rel.toLowerCase()) continue;
13580 }
13581 container.removeChild(node);
13582 }
13584function canHydrateInstance(instance, type, props, inRootOrSingleton) {
13585 for (; 1 === instance.nodeType; ) {
13586 var anyProps = props;
13587 if (instance.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== type.toLowerCase()) {
13588 if (
13589 !inRootOrSingleton &&
13590 ("INPUT" !== instance.nodeName || "hidden" !== instance.type)
13591 )
13592 break;
13593 } else if (!inRootOrSingleton)
13594 if ("input" === type && "hidden" === instance.type) {
13595 var name = null == anyProps.name ? null : "" + anyProps.name;
13596 if (
13597 "hidden" === anyProps.type &&
13598 instance.getAttribute("name") === name
13599 )
13600 return instance;
13601 } else return instance;
13602 else if (!instance[internalHoistableMarker])
13603 switch (type) {
13604 case "meta":
13605 if (!instance.hasAttribute("itemprop")) break;
13606 return instance;
13607 case "link":
13608 name = instance.getAttribute("rel");
13609 if ("stylesheet" === name && instance.hasAttribute("data-precedence"))
13610 break;
13611 else if (
13612 name !== anyProps.rel ||
13613 instance.getAttribute("href") !==
13614 (null == anyProps.href ? null : anyProps.href) ||
13615 instance.getAttribute("crossorigin") !==
13616 (null == anyProps.crossOrigin ? null : anyProps.crossOrigin) ||
13617 instance.getAttribute("title") !==
13618 (null == anyProps.title ? null : anyProps.title)
13619 )
13620 break;
13621 return instance;
13622 case "style":
13623 if (instance.hasAttribute("data-precedence")) break;
13624 return instance;
13625 case "script":
13626 name = instance.getAttribute("src");
13627 if (
13628 (name !== (null == anyProps.src ? null : anyProps.src) ||
13629 instance.getAttribute("type") !==
13630 (null == anyProps.type ? null : anyProps.type) ||
13631 instance.getAttribute("crossorigin") !==
13632 (null == anyProps.crossOrigin ? null : anyProps.crossOrigin)) &&
13633 name &&
13634 instance.hasAttribute("async") &&
13635 !instance.hasAttribute("itemprop")
13636 )
13637 break;
13638 return instance;
13639 default:
13640 return instance;
13641 }
13642 instance = getNextHydratable(instance.nextSibling);
13643 if (null === instance) break;
13644 }
13645 return null;
13647function canHydrateTextInstance(instance, text, inRootOrSingleton) {
13648 if ("" === text) return null;
13649 for (; 3 !== instance.nodeType; ) {
13650 if (
13651 (1 !== instance.nodeType ||
13652 "INPUT" !== instance.nodeName ||
13653 "hidden" !== instance.type) &&
13654 !inRootOrSingleton
13655 )
13656 return null;
13657 instance = getNextHydratable(instance.nextSibling);
13658 if (null === instance) return null;
13659 }
13660 return instance;
13662function getNextHydratable(node) {
13663 for (; null != node; node = node.nextSibling) {
13664 var nodeType = node.nodeType;
13665 if (1 === nodeType || 3 === nodeType) break;
13666 if (8 === nodeType) {
13667 nodeType = node.data;
13668 if (
13669 "$" === nodeType ||
13670 "$!" === nodeType ||
13671 "$?" === nodeType ||
13672 "F!" === nodeType ||
13673 "F" === nodeType
13674 )
13675 break;
13676 if ("/$" === nodeType) return null;
13677 }
13678 }
13679 return node;
13681function getParentSuspenseInstance(targetInstance) {
13682 targetInstance = targetInstance.previousSibling;
13683 for (var depth = 0; targetInstance; ) {
13684 if (8 === targetInstance.nodeType) {
13685 var data = targetInstance.data;
13686 if ("$" === data || "$!" === data || "$?" === data) {
13687 if (0 === depth) return targetInstance;
13688 depth--;
13689 } else "/$" === data && depth++;
13690 }
13691 targetInstance = targetInstance.previousSibling;
13692 }
13693 return null;
13695function resolveSingletonInstance(type, props, rootContainerInstance) {
13696 props = getOwnerDocumentFromRootContainer(rootContainerInstance);
13697 switch (type) {
13698 case "html":
13699 type = props.documentElement;
13700 if (!type) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(452));
13701 return type;
13702 case "head":
13703 type = props.head;
13704 if (!type) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(453));
13705 return type;
13706 case "body":
13707 type = props.body;
13708 if (!type) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(454));
13709 return type;
13710 default:
13711 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(451));
13712 }
13714var preloadPropsMap = new Map(),
13715 preconnectsSet = new Set();
13716function getHoistableRoot(container) {
13717 return "function" === typeof container.getRootNode
13718 ? container.getRootNode()
13719 : container.ownerDocument;
13721var previousDispatcher = ReactDOMSharedInternals.d;
13722ReactDOMSharedInternals.d = {
13723 f: flushSyncWork,
13724 r: requestFormReset$1,
13725 D: prefetchDNS$1,
13726 C: preconnect$1,
13727 L: preload$1,
13728 m: preloadModule$1,
13729 X: preinitScript,
13730 S: preinitStyle,
13731 M: preinitModuleScript
13733function flushSyncWork() {
13734 var previousWasRendering = previousDispatcher.f(),
13735 wasRendering = flushSyncWork$1();
13736 return previousWasRendering || wasRendering;
13738function requestFormReset$1(form) {
13739 var formInst = getInstanceFromNode(form);
13740 null !== formInst && 5 === formInst.tag && "form" === formInst.type
13741 ? requestFormReset$2(formInst)
13742 : previousDispatcher.r(form);
13744var globalDocument = "undefined" === typeof document ? null : document;
13745function preconnectAs(rel, href, crossOrigin) {
13746 var ownerDocument = globalDocument;
13747 if (ownerDocument && "string" === typeof href && href) {
13748 var limitedEscapedHref =
13749 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(href);
13750 limitedEscapedHref =
13751 'link[rel="' + rel + '"][href="' + limitedEscapedHref + '"]';
13752 "string" === typeof crossOrigin &&
13753 (limitedEscapedHref += '[crossorigin="' + crossOrigin + '"]');
13754 preconnectsSet.has(limitedEscapedHref) ||
13755 (preconnectsSet.add(limitedEscapedHref),
13756 (rel = { rel: rel, crossOrigin: crossOrigin, href: href }),
13757 null === ownerDocument.querySelector(limitedEscapedHref) &&
13758 ((href = ownerDocument.createElement("link")),
13759 setInitialProperties(href, "link", rel),
13760 markNodeAsHoistable(href),
13761 ownerDocument.head.appendChild(href)));
13762 }
13764function prefetchDNS$1(href) {
13765 previousDispatcher.D(href);
13766 preconnectAs("dns-prefetch", href, null);
13768function preconnect$1(href, crossOrigin) {
13769 previousDispatcher.C(href, crossOrigin);
13770 preconnectAs("preconnect", href, crossOrigin);
13772function preload$1(href, as, options) {
13773 previousDispatcher.L(href, as, options);
13774 var ownerDocument = globalDocument;
13775 if (ownerDocument && href && as) {
13776 var preloadSelector =
13777 'link[rel="preload"][as="' +
13778 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(as) +
13779 '"]';
13780 "image" === as
13781 ? options && options.imageSrcSet
13782 ? ((preloadSelector +=
13783 '[imagesrcset="' +
13784 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(
13785 options.imageSrcSet
13786 ) +
13787 '"]'),
13788 "string" === typeof options.imageSizes &&
13789 (preloadSelector +=
13790 '[imagesizes="' +
13791 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(
13792 options.imageSizes
13793 ) +
13794 '"]'))
13795 : (preloadSelector +=
13796 '[href="' +
13797 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(href) +
13798 '"]')
13799 : (preloadSelector +=
13800 '[href="' +
13801 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(href) +
13802 '"]');
13803 var key = preloadSelector;
13804 switch (as) {
13805 case "style":
13806 key = getStyleKey(href);
13807 break;
13808 case "script":
13809 key = getScriptKey(href);
13810 }
13811 preloadPropsMap.has(key) ||
13812 ((href = assign(
13813 {
13814 rel: "preload",
13815 href:
13816 "image" === as && options && options.imageSrcSet ? void 0 : href,
13817 as: as
13818 },
13819 options
13820 )),
13821 preloadPropsMap.set(key, href),
13822 null !== ownerDocument.querySelector(preloadSelector) ||
13823 ("style" === as &&
13824 ownerDocument.querySelector(getStylesheetSelectorFromKey(key))) ||
13825 ("script" === as &&
13826 ownerDocument.querySelector(getScriptSelectorFromKey(key))) ||
13827 ((as = ownerDocument.createElement("link")),
13828 setInitialProperties(as, "link", href),
13829 markNodeAsHoistable(as),
13830 ownerDocument.head.appendChild(as)));
13831 }
13833function preloadModule$1(href, options) {
13834 previousDispatcher.m(href, options);
13835 var ownerDocument = globalDocument;
13836 if (ownerDocument && href) {
13837 var as = options && "string" === typeof options.as ? options.as : "script",
13838 preloadSelector =
13839 'link[rel="modulepreload"][as="' +
13840 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(as) +
13841 '"][href="' +
13842 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(href) +
13843 '"]',
13844 key = preloadSelector;
13845 switch (as) {
13846 case "audioworklet":
13847 case "paintworklet":
13848 case "serviceworker":
13849 case "sharedworker":
13850 case "worker":
13851 case "script":
13852 key = getScriptKey(href);
13853 }
13854 if (
13855 !preloadPropsMap.has(key) &&
13856 ((href = assign({ rel: "modulepreload", href: href }, options)),
13857 preloadPropsMap.set(key, href),
13858 null === ownerDocument.querySelector(preloadSelector))
13859 ) {
13860 switch (as) {
13861 case "audioworklet":
13862 case "paintworklet":
13863 case "serviceworker":
13864 case "sharedworker":
13865 case "worker":
13866 case "script":
13867 if (ownerDocument.querySelector(getScriptSelectorFromKey(key)))
13868 return;
13869 }
13870 as = ownerDocument.createElement("link");
13871 setInitialProperties(as, "link", href);
13872 markNodeAsHoistable(as);
13873 ownerDocument.head.appendChild(as);
13874 }
13875 }
13877function preinitStyle(href, precedence, options) {
13878 previousDispatcher.S(href, precedence, options);
13879 var ownerDocument = globalDocument;
13880 if (ownerDocument && href) {
13881 var styles = getResourcesFromRoot(ownerDocument).hoistableStyles,
13882 key = getStyleKey(href);
13883 precedence = precedence || "default";
13884 var resource = styles.get(key);
13885 if (!resource) {
13886 var state = { loading: 0, preload: null };
13887 if (
13888 (resource = ownerDocument.querySelector(
13889 getStylesheetSelectorFromKey(key)
13890 ))
13891 )
13892 state.loading = 5;
13893 else {
13894 href = assign(
13895 { rel: "stylesheet", href: href, "data-precedence": precedence },
13896 options
13897 );
13898 (options = preloadPropsMap.get(key)) &&
13899 adoptPreloadPropsForStylesheet(href, options);
13900 var link = (resource = ownerDocument.createElement("link"));
13901 markNodeAsHoistable(link);
13902 setInitialProperties(link, "link", href);
13903 link._p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
13904 link.onload = resolve;
13905 link.onerror = reject;
13906 });
13907 link.addEventListener("load", function () {
13908 state.loading |= 1;
13909 });
13910 link.addEventListener("error", function () {
13911 state.loading |= 2;
13912 });
13913 state.loading |= 4;
13914 insertStylesheet(resource, precedence, ownerDocument);
13915 }
13916 resource = {
13917 type: "stylesheet",
13918 instance: resource,
13919 count: 1,
13920 state: state
13921 };
13922 styles.set(key, resource);
13923 }
13924 }
13926function preinitScript(src, options) {
13927 previousDispatcher.X(src, options);
13928 var ownerDocument = globalDocument;
13929 if (ownerDocument && src) {
13930 var scripts = getResourcesFromRoot(ownerDocument).hoistableScripts,
13931 key = getScriptKey(src),
13932 resource = scripts.get(key);
13933 resource ||
13934 ((resource = ownerDocument.querySelector(getScriptSelectorFromKey(key))),
13935 resource ||
13936 ((src = assign({ src: src, async: !0 }, options)),
13937 (options = preloadPropsMap.get(key)) &&
13938 adoptPreloadPropsForScript(src, options),
13939 (resource = ownerDocument.createElement("script")),
13940 markNodeAsHoistable(resource),
13941 setInitialProperties(resource, "link", src),
13942 ownerDocument.head.appendChild(resource)),
13943 (resource = {
13944 type: "script",
13945 instance: resource,
13946 count: 1,
13947 state: null
13948 }),
13949 scripts.set(key, resource));
13950 }
13952function preinitModuleScript(src, options) {
13953 previousDispatcher.M(src, options);
13954 var ownerDocument = globalDocument;
13955 if (ownerDocument && src) {
13956 var scripts = getResourcesFromRoot(ownerDocument).hoistableScripts,
13957 key = getScriptKey(src),
13958 resource = scripts.get(key);
13959 resource ||
13960 ((resource = ownerDocument.querySelector(getScriptSelectorFromKey(key))),
13961 resource ||
13962 ((src = assign({ src: src, async: !0, type: "module" }, options)),
13963 (options = preloadPropsMap.get(key)) &&
13964 adoptPreloadPropsForScript(src, options),
13965 (resource = ownerDocument.createElement("script")),
13966 markNodeAsHoistable(resource),
13967 setInitialProperties(resource, "link", src),
13968 ownerDocument.head.appendChild(resource)),
13969 (resource = {
13970 type: "script",
13971 instance: resource,
13972 count: 1,
13973 state: null
13974 }),
13975 scripts.set(key, resource));
13976 }
13978function getResource(type, currentProps, pendingProps) {
13979 currentProps = (currentProps = rootInstanceStackCursor.current)
13980 ? getHoistableRoot(currentProps)
13981 : null;
13982 if (!currentProps) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(446));
13983 switch (type) {
13984 case "meta":
13985 case "title":
13986 return null;
13987 case "style":
13988 return "string" === typeof pendingProps.precedence &&
13989 "string" === typeof pendingProps.href
13990 ? ((pendingProps = getStyleKey(pendingProps.href)),
13991 (currentProps = getResourcesFromRoot(currentProps).hoistableStyles),
13992 (type = currentProps.get(pendingProps)),
13993 type ||
13994 ((type = { type: "style", instance: null, count: 0, state: null }),
13995 currentProps.set(pendingProps, type)),
13996 type)
13997 : { type: "void", instance: null, count: 0, state: null };
13998 case "link":
13999 if (
14000 "stylesheet" === pendingProps.rel &&
14001 "string" === typeof pendingProps.href &&
14002 "string" === typeof pendingProps.precedence
14003 ) {
14004 type = getStyleKey(pendingProps.href);
14005 var styles$246 = getResourcesFromRoot(currentProps).hoistableStyles,
14006 resource$247 = styles$246.get(type);
14007 resource$247 ||
14008 ((currentProps = currentProps.ownerDocument || currentProps),
14009 (resource$247 = {
14010 type: "stylesheet",
14011 instance: null,
14012 count: 0,
14013 state: { loading: 0, preload: null }
14014 }),
14015 styles$246.set(type, resource$247),
14016 preloadPropsMap.has(type) ||
14017 preloadStylesheet(
14018 currentProps,
14019 type,
14020 {
14021 rel: "preload",
14022 as: "style",
14023 href: pendingProps.href,
14024 crossOrigin: pendingProps.crossOrigin,
14025 integrity: pendingProps.integrity,
14026 media: pendingProps.media,
14027 hrefLang: pendingProps.hrefLang,
14028 referrerPolicy: pendingProps.referrerPolicy
14029 },
14030 resource$247.state
14031 ));
14032 return resource$247;
14033 }
14034 return null;
14035 case "script":
14036 return (
14037 (type = pendingProps.async),
14038 (pendingProps = pendingProps.src),
14039 "string" === typeof pendingProps &&
14040 type &&
14041 "function" !== typeof type &&
14042 "symbol" !== typeof type
14043 ? ((pendingProps = getScriptKey(pendingProps)),
14044 (currentProps =
14045 getResourcesFromRoot(currentProps).hoistableScripts),
14046 (type = currentProps.get(pendingProps)),
14047 type ||
14048 ((type = {
14049 type: "script",
14050 instance: null,
14051 count: 0,
14052 state: null
14053 }),
14054 currentProps.set(pendingProps, type)),
14055 type)
14056 : { type: "void", instance: null, count: 0, state: null }
14057 );
14058 default:
14059 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(444, type));
14060 }
14062function getStyleKey(href) {
14063 return 'href="' + escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(href) + '"';
14065function getStylesheetSelectorFromKey(key) {
14066 return 'link[rel="stylesheet"][' + key + "]";
14068function stylesheetPropsFromRawProps(rawProps) {
14069 return assign({}, rawProps, {
14070 "data-precedence": rawProps.precedence,
14071 precedence: null
14072 });
14074function preloadStylesheet(ownerDocument, key, preloadProps, state) {
14075 preloadPropsMap.set(key, preloadProps);
14076 ownerDocument.querySelector(getStylesheetSelectorFromKey(key)) ||
14077 (ownerDocument.querySelector('link[rel="preload"][as="style"][' + key + "]")
14078 ? (state.loading = 1)
14079 : ((key = ownerDocument.createElement("link")),
14080 (state.preload = key),
14081 key.addEventListener("load", function () {
14082 return (state.loading |= 1);
14083 }),
14084 key.addEventListener("error", function () {
14085 return (state.loading |= 2);
14086 }),
14087 setInitialProperties(key, "link", preloadProps),
14088 markNodeAsHoistable(key),
14089 ownerDocument.head.appendChild(key)));
14091function getScriptKey(src) {
14092 return '[src="' + escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(src) + '"]';
14094function getScriptSelectorFromKey(key) {
14095 return "script[async]" + key;
14097function acquireResource(hoistableRoot, resource, props) {
14098 resource.count++;
14099 if (null === resource.instance)
14100 switch (resource.type) {
14101 case "style":
14102 var instance = hoistableRoot.querySelector(
14103 'style[data-href~="' +
14104 escapeSelectorAttributeValueInsideDoubleQuotes(props.href) +
14105 '"]'
14106 );
14107 if (instance)
14108 return (
14109 (resource.instance = instance),
14110 markNodeAsHoistable(instance),
14111 instance
14112 );
14113 var styleProps = assign({}, props, {
14114 "data-href": props.href,
14115 "data-precedence": props.precedence,
14116 href: null,
14117 precedence: null
14118 });
14119 instance = (hoistableRoot.ownerDocument || hoistableRoot).createElement(
14120 "style"
14121 );
14122 markNodeAsHoistable(instance);
14123 setInitialProperties(instance, "style", styleProps);
14124 insertStylesheet(instance, props.precedence, hoistableRoot);
14125 return (resource.instance = instance);
14126 case "stylesheet":
14127 styleProps = getStyleKey(props.href);
14128 var instance$251 = hoistableRoot.querySelector(
14129 getStylesheetSelectorFromKey(styleProps)
14130 );
14131 if (instance$251)
14132 return (
14133 (resource.state.loading |= 4),
14134 (resource.instance = instance$251),
14135 markNodeAsHoistable(instance$251),
14136 instance$251
14137 );
14138 instance = stylesheetPropsFromRawProps(props);
14139 (styleProps = preloadPropsMap.get(styleProps)) &&
14140 adoptPreloadPropsForStylesheet(instance, styleProps);
14141 instance$251 = (
14142 hoistableRoot.ownerDocument || hoistableRoot
14143 ).createElement("link");
14144 markNodeAsHoistable(instance$251);
14145 var linkInstance = instance$251;
14146 linkInstance._p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
14147 linkInstance.onload = resolve;
14148 linkInstance.onerror = reject;
14149 });
14150 setInitialProperties(instance$251, "link", instance);
14151 resource.state.loading |= 4;
14152 insertStylesheet(instance$251, props.precedence, hoistableRoot);
14153 return (resource.instance = instance$251);
14154 case "script":
14155 instance$251 = getScriptKey(props.src);
14156 if (
14157 (styleProps = hoistableRoot.querySelector(
14158 getScriptSelectorFromKey(instance$251)
14159 ))
14160 )
14161 return (
14162 (resource.instance = styleProps),
14163 markNodeAsHoistable(styleProps),
14164 styleProps
14165 );
14166 instance = props;
14167 if ((styleProps = preloadPropsMap.get(instance$251)))
14168 (instance = assign({}, props)),
14169 adoptPreloadPropsForScript(instance, styleProps);
14170 hoistableRoot = hoistableRoot.ownerDocument || hoistableRoot;
14171 styleProps = hoistableRoot.createElement("script");
14172 markNodeAsHoistable(styleProps);
14173 setInitialProperties(styleProps, "link", instance);
14174 hoistableRoot.head.appendChild(styleProps);
14175 return (resource.instance = styleProps);
14176 case "void":
14177 return null;
14178 default:
14179 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(443, resource.type));
14180 }
14181 else
14182 "stylesheet" === resource.type &&
14183 0 === (resource.state.loading & 4) &&
14184 ((instance = resource.instance),
14185 (resource.state.loading |= 4),
14186 insertStylesheet(instance, props.precedence, hoistableRoot));
14187 return resource.instance;
14189function insertStylesheet(instance, precedence, root) {
14190 for (
14191 var nodes = root.querySelectorAll(
14192 'link[rel="stylesheet"][data-precedence],style[data-precedence]'
14193 ),
14194 last = nodes.length ? nodes[nodes.length - 1] : null,
14195 prior = last,
14196 i = 0;
14197 i < nodes.length;
14198 i++
14199 ) {
14200 var node = nodes[i];
14201 if (node.dataset.precedence === precedence) prior = node;
14202 else if (prior !== last) break;
14203 }
14204 prior
14205 ? prior.parentNode.insertBefore(instance, prior.nextSibling)
14206 : ((precedence = 9 === root.nodeType ? root.head : root),
14207 precedence.insertBefore(instance, precedence.firstChild));
14209function adoptPreloadPropsForStylesheet(stylesheetProps, preloadProps) {
14210 null == stylesheetProps.crossOrigin &&
14211 (stylesheetProps.crossOrigin = preloadProps.crossOrigin);
14212 null == stylesheetProps.referrerPolicy &&
14213 (stylesheetProps.referrerPolicy = preloadProps.referrerPolicy);
14214 null == stylesheetProps.title && (stylesheetProps.title = preloadProps.title);
14216function adoptPreloadPropsForScript(scriptProps, preloadProps) {
14217 null == scriptProps.crossOrigin &&
14218 (scriptProps.crossOrigin = preloadProps.crossOrigin);
14219 null == scriptProps.referrerPolicy &&
14220 (scriptProps.referrerPolicy = preloadProps.referrerPolicy);
14221 null == scriptProps.integrity &&
14222 (scriptProps.integrity = preloadProps.integrity);
14224var tagCaches = null;
14225function getHydratableHoistableCache(type, keyAttribute, ownerDocument) {
14226 if (null === tagCaches) {
14227 var cache = new Map();
14228 var caches = (tagCaches = new Map());
14229 caches.set(ownerDocument, cache);
14230 } else
14231 (caches = tagCaches),
14232 (cache = caches.get(ownerDocument)),
14233 cache || ((cache = new Map()), caches.set(ownerDocument, cache));
14234 if (cache.has(type)) return cache;
14235 cache.set(type, null);
14236 ownerDocument = ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName(type);
14237 for (caches = 0; caches < ownerDocument.length; caches++) {
14238 var node = ownerDocument[caches];
14239 if (
14240 !(
14241 node[internalHoistableMarker] ||
14242 node[internalInstanceKey] ||
14243 ("link" === type && "stylesheet" === node.getAttribute("rel"))
14244 ) &&
14245 "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" !== node.namespaceURI
14246 ) {
14247 var nodeKey = node.getAttribute(keyAttribute) || "";
14248 nodeKey = type + nodeKey;
14249 var existing = cache.get(nodeKey);
14250 existing ? existing.push(node) : cache.set(nodeKey, [node]);
14251 }
14252 }
14253 return cache;
14255function mountHoistable(hoistableRoot, type, instance) {
14256 hoistableRoot = hoistableRoot.ownerDocument || hoistableRoot;
14257 hoistableRoot.head.insertBefore(
14258 instance,
14259 "title" === type ? hoistableRoot.querySelector("head > title") : null
14260 );
14262function isHostHoistableType(type, props, hostContext) {
14263 if (1 === hostContext || null != props.itemProp) return !1;
14264 switch (type) {
14265 case "meta":
14266 case "title":
14267 return !0;
14268 case "style":
14269 if (
14270 "string" !== typeof props.precedence ||
14271 "string" !== typeof props.href ||
14272 "" === props.href
14273 )
14274 break;
14275 return !0;
14276 case "link":
14277 if (
14278 "string" !== typeof props.rel ||
14279 "string" !== typeof props.href ||
14280 "" === props.href ||
14281 props.onLoad ||
14282 props.onError
14283 )
14284 break;
14285 switch (props.rel) {
14286 case "stylesheet":
14287 return (
14288 (type = props.disabled),
14289 "string" === typeof props.precedence && null == type
14290 );
14291 default:
14292 return !0;
14293 }
14294 case "script":
14295 if (
14296 props.async &&
14297 "function" !== typeof props.async &&
14298 "symbol" !== typeof props.async &&
14299 !props.onLoad &&
14300 !props.onError &&
14301 props.src &&
14302 "string" === typeof props.src
14303 )
14304 return !0;
14305 }
14306 return !1;
14308var suspendedState = null;
14309function noop$1() {}
14310function suspendResource(hoistableRoot, resource, props) {
14311 if (null === suspendedState) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(475));
14312 var state = suspendedState;
14313 if (
14314 "stylesheet" === resource.type &&
14315 ("string" !== typeof props.media ||
14316 !1 !== matchMedia(props.media).matches) &&
14317 0 === (resource.state.loading & 4)
14318 ) {
14319 if (null === resource.instance) {
14320 var key = getStyleKey(props.href),
14321 instance = hoistableRoot.querySelector(
14322 getStylesheetSelectorFromKey(key)
14323 );
14324 if (instance) {
14325 hoistableRoot = instance._p;
14326 null !== hoistableRoot &&
14327 "object" === typeof hoistableRoot &&
14328 "function" === typeof hoistableRoot.then &&
14329 (state.count++,
14330 (state = onUnsuspend.bind(state)),
14331 hoistableRoot.then(state, state));
14332 resource.state.loading |= 4;
14333 resource.instance = instance;
14334 markNodeAsHoistable(instance);
14335 return;
14336 }
14337 instance = hoistableRoot.ownerDocument || hoistableRoot;
14338 props = stylesheetPropsFromRawProps(props);
14339 (key = preloadPropsMap.get(key)) &&
14340 adoptPreloadPropsForStylesheet(props, key);
14341 instance = instance.createElement("link");
14342 markNodeAsHoistable(instance);
14343 var linkInstance = instance;
14344 linkInstance._p = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
14345 linkInstance.onload = resolve;
14346 linkInstance.onerror = reject;
14347 });
14348 setInitialProperties(instance, "link", props);
14349 resource.instance = instance;
14350 }
14351 null === state.stylesheets && (state.stylesheets = new Map());
14352 state.stylesheets.set(resource, hoistableRoot);
14353 (hoistableRoot = resource.state.preload) &&
14354 0 === (resource.state.loading & 3) &&
14355 (state.count++,
14356 (resource = onUnsuspend.bind(state)),
14357 hoistableRoot.addEventListener("load", resource),
14358 hoistableRoot.addEventListener("error", resource));
14359 }
14361function waitForCommitToBeReady() {
14362 if (null === suspendedState) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(475));
14363 var state = suspendedState;
14364 state.stylesheets &&
14365 0 === state.count &&
14366 insertSuspendedStylesheets(state, state.stylesheets);
14367 return 0 < state.count
14368 ? function (commit) {
14369 var stylesheetTimer = setTimeout(function () {
14370 state.stylesheets &&
14371 insertSuspendedStylesheets(state, state.stylesheets);
14372 if (state.unsuspend) {
14373 var unsuspend = state.unsuspend;
14374 state.unsuspend = null;
14375 unsuspend();
14376 }
14377 }, 6e4);
14378 state.unsuspend = commit;
14379 return function () {
14380 state.unsuspend = null;
14381 clearTimeout(stylesheetTimer);
14382 };
14383 }
14384 : null;
14386function onUnsuspend() {
14387 this.count--;
14388 if (0 === this.count)
14389 if (this.stylesheets) insertSuspendedStylesheets(this, this.stylesheets);
14390 else if (this.unsuspend) {
14391 var unsuspend = this.unsuspend;
14392 this.unsuspend = null;
14393 unsuspend();
14394 }
14396var precedencesByRoot = null;
14397function insertSuspendedStylesheets(state, resources) {
14398 state.stylesheets = null;
14399 null !== state.unsuspend &&
14400 (state.count++,
14401 (precedencesByRoot = new Map()),
14402 resources.forEach(insertStylesheetIntoRoot, state),
14403 (precedencesByRoot = null),
14404 onUnsuspend.call(state));
14406function insertStylesheetIntoRoot(root, resource) {
14407 if (!(resource.state.loading & 4)) {
14408 var precedences = precedencesByRoot.get(root);
14409 if (precedences) var last = precedences.get(null);
14410 else {
14411 precedences = new Map();
14412 precedencesByRoot.set(root, precedences);
14413 for (
14414 var nodes = root.querySelectorAll(
14415 "link[data-precedence],style[data-precedence]"
14416 ),
14417 i = 0;
14418 i < nodes.length;
14419 i++
14420 ) {
14421 var node = nodes[i];
14422 if (
14423 "link" === node.nodeName ||
14424 "not all" !== node.getAttribute("media")
14425 )
14426 precedences.set(node.dataset.precedence, node), (last = node);
14427 }
14428 last && precedences.set(null, last);
14429 }
14430 nodes = resource.instance;
14431 node = nodes.getAttribute("data-precedence");
14432 i = precedences.get(node) || last;
14433 i === last && precedences.set(null, nodes);
14434 precedences.set(node, nodes);
14435 this.count++;
14436 last = onUnsuspend.bind(this);
14437 nodes.addEventListener("load", last);
14438 nodes.addEventListener("error", last);
14439 i
14440 ? i.parentNode.insertBefore(nodes, i.nextSibling)
14441 : ((root = 9 === root.nodeType ? root.head : root),
14442 root.insertBefore(nodes, root.firstChild));
14443 resource.state.loading |= 4;
14444 }
14446function FiberRootNode(
14447 containerInfo,
14448 tag,
14449 hydrate,
14450 identifierPrefix,
14451 onUncaughtError,
14452 onCaughtError,
14453 onRecoverableError,
14454 formState
14455) {
14456 this.tag = 1;
14457 this.containerInfo = containerInfo;
14458 this.finishedWork =
14459 this.pingCache =
14460 this.current =
14461 this.pendingChildren =
14462 null;
14463 this.timeoutHandle = -1;
14464 this.callbackNode =
14465 this.next =
14466 this.pendingContext =
14467 this.context =
14468 this.cancelPendingCommit =
14469 null;
14470 this.callbackPriority = 0;
14471 this.expirationTimes = createLaneMap(-1);
14472 this.entangledLanes =
14473 this.shellSuspendCounter =
14474 this.errorRecoveryDisabledLanes =
14475 this.finishedLanes =
14476 this.expiredLanes =
14477 this.pingedLanes =
14478 this.suspendedLanes =
14479 this.pendingLanes =
14480 0;
14481 this.entanglements = createLaneMap(0);
14482 this.hiddenUpdates = createLaneMap(null);
14483 this.identifierPrefix = identifierPrefix;
14484 this.onUncaughtError = onUncaughtError;
14485 this.onCaughtError = onCaughtError;
14486 this.onRecoverableError = onRecoverableError;
14487 this.pooledCache = null;
14488 this.pooledCacheLanes = 0;
14489 this.formState = formState;
14490 this.incompleteTransitions = new Map();
14491 this.passiveEffectDuration = this.effectDuration = 0;
14492 this.memoizedUpdaters = new Set();
14493 containerInfo = this.pendingUpdatersLaneMap = [];
14494 for (tag = 0; 31 > tag; tag++) containerInfo.push(new Set());
14496function createFiberRoot(
14497 containerInfo,
14498 tag,
14499 hydrate,
14500 initialChildren,
14501 hydrationCallbacks,
14502 isStrictMode,
14503 concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride,
14504 identifierPrefix,
14505 onUncaughtError,
14506 onCaughtError,
14507 onRecoverableError,
14508 transitionCallbacks,
14509 formState
14510) {
14511 containerInfo = new FiberRootNode(
14512 containerInfo,
14513 tag,
14514 hydrate,
14515 identifierPrefix,
14516 onUncaughtError,
14517 onCaughtError,
14518 onRecoverableError,
14519 formState
14520 );
14521 tag = 1;
14522 !0 === isStrictMode && (tag |= 24);
14523 isDevToolsPresent && (tag |= 2);
14524 isStrictMode = createFiber(3, null, null, tag);
14525 containerInfo.current = isStrictMode;
14526 isStrictMode.stateNode = containerInfo;
14527 tag = createCache();
14528 tag.refCount++;
14529 containerInfo.pooledCache = tag;
14530 tag.refCount++;
14531 isStrictMode.memoizedState = {
14532 element: initialChildren,
14533 isDehydrated: hydrate,
14534 cache: tag
14535 };
14536 initializeUpdateQueue(isStrictMode);
14537 return containerInfo;
14539function createPortal$1(children, containerInfo, implementation) {
14540 var key =
14541 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null;
14542 return {
14543 $$typeof: REACT_PORTAL_TYPE,
14544 key: null == key ? null : "" + key,
14545 children: children,
14546 containerInfo: containerInfo,
14547 implementation: implementation
14548 };
14550function getContextForSubtree(parentComponent) {
14551 if (!parentComponent) return emptyContextObject;
14552 parentComponent = emptyContextObject;
14553 return parentComponent;
14555function updateContainerImpl(
14556 rootFiber,
14557 lane,
14558 element,
14559 container,
14560 parentComponent,
14561 callback
14562) {
14563 null !== injectedProfilingHooks &&
14564 "function" === typeof injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderScheduled &&
14565 injectedProfilingHooks.markRenderScheduled(lane);
14566 parentComponent = getContextForSubtree(parentComponent);
14567 null === container.context
14568 ? (container.context = parentComponent)
14569 : (container.pendingContext = parentComponent);
14570 container = createUpdate(lane);
14571 container.payload = { element: element };
14572 callback = void 0 === callback ? null : callback;
14573 null !== callback && (container.callback = callback);
14574 element = enqueueUpdate(rootFiber, container, lane);
14575 null !== element &&
14576 (scheduleUpdateOnFiber(element, rootFiber, lane),
14577 entangleTransitions(element, rootFiber, lane));
14579function markRetryLaneImpl(fiber, retryLane) {
14580 fiber = fiber.memoizedState;
14581 if (null !== fiber && null !== fiber.dehydrated) {
14582 var a = fiber.retryLane;
14583 fiber.retryLane = 0 !== a && a < retryLane ? a : retryLane;
14584 }
14586function markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(fiber, retryLane) {
14587 markRetryLaneImpl(fiber, retryLane);
14588 (fiber = fiber.alternate) && markRetryLaneImpl(fiber, retryLane);
14590function attemptContinuousHydration(fiber) {
14591 if (13 === fiber.tag) {
14592 var root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, 67108864);
14593 null !== root && scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, 67108864);
14594 markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(fiber, 67108864);
14595 }
14597function emptyFindFiberByHostInstance() {
14598 return null;
14600var _enabled = !0;
14601function dispatchDiscreteEvent(
14602 domEventName,
14603 eventSystemFlags,
14604 container,
14605 nativeEvent
14606) {
14607 var prevTransition = ReactSharedInternals.T;
14608 ReactSharedInternals.T = null;
14609 var previousPriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
14610 try {
14611 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = 2),
14612 dispatchEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, container, nativeEvent);
14613 } finally {
14614 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = previousPriority),
14615 (ReactSharedInternals.T = prevTransition);
14616 }
14618function dispatchContinuousEvent(
14619 domEventName,
14620 eventSystemFlags,
14621 container,
14622 nativeEvent
14623) {
14624 var prevTransition = ReactSharedInternals.T;
14625 ReactSharedInternals.T = null;
14626 var previousPriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
14627 try {
14628 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = 8),
14629 dispatchEvent(domEventName, eventSystemFlags, container, nativeEvent);
14630 } finally {
14631 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = previousPriority),
14632 (ReactSharedInternals.T = prevTransition);
14633 }
14635function dispatchEvent(
14636 domEventName,
14637 eventSystemFlags,
14638 targetContainer,
14639 nativeEvent
14640) {
14641 if (_enabled) {
14642 var blockedOn = findInstanceBlockingEvent(nativeEvent);
14643 if (null === blockedOn)
14644 dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(
14645 domEventName,
14646 eventSystemFlags,
14647 nativeEvent,
14648 return_targetInst,
14649 targetContainer
14650 ),
14651 clearIfContinuousEvent(domEventName, nativeEvent);
14652 else if (
14653 queueIfContinuousEvent(
14654 blockedOn,
14655 domEventName,
14656 eventSystemFlags,
14657 targetContainer,
14658 nativeEvent
14659 )
14660 )
14661 nativeEvent.stopPropagation();
14662 else if (
14663 (clearIfContinuousEvent(domEventName, nativeEvent),
14664 eventSystemFlags & 4 &&
14665 -1 < discreteReplayableEvents.indexOf(domEventName))
14666 ) {
14667 for (; null !== blockedOn; ) {
14668 var fiber = getInstanceFromNode(blockedOn);
14669 if (null !== fiber)
14670 switch (fiber.tag) {
14671 case 3:
14672 fiber = fiber.stateNode;
14673 if (fiber.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) {
14674 var lanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(fiber.pendingLanes);
14675 if (0 !== lanes) {
14676 var root = fiber;
14677 root.pendingLanes |= 2;
14678 for (root.entangledLanes |= 2; lanes; ) {
14679 var lane = 1 << (31 - clz32(lanes));
14680 root.entanglements[1] |= lane;
14681 lanes &= ~lane;
14682 }
14683 ensureRootIsScheduled(fiber);
14684 0 === (executionContext & 6) &&
14685 ((workInProgressRootRenderTargetTime = now$1() + 500),
14686 flushSyncWorkAcrossRoots_impl(!1));
14687 }
14688 }
14689 break;
14690 case 13:
14691 (root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(fiber, 2)),
14692 null !== root && scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, fiber, 2),
14693 flushSyncWork$1(),
14694 markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(fiber, 2);
14695 }
14696 fiber = findInstanceBlockingEvent(nativeEvent);
14697 null === fiber &&
14698 dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(
14699 domEventName,
14700 eventSystemFlags,
14701 nativeEvent,
14702 return_targetInst,
14703 targetContainer
14704 );
14705 if (fiber === blockedOn) break;
14706 blockedOn = fiber;
14707 }
14708 null !== blockedOn && nativeEvent.stopPropagation();
14709 } else
14710 dispatchEventForPluginEventSystem(
14711 domEventName,
14712 eventSystemFlags,
14713 nativeEvent,
14714 null,
14715 targetContainer
14716 );
14717 }
14719function findInstanceBlockingEvent(nativeEvent) {
14720 nativeEvent = getEventTarget(nativeEvent);
14721 return findInstanceBlockingTarget(nativeEvent);
14723var return_targetInst = null;
14724function findInstanceBlockingTarget(targetNode) {
14725 return_targetInst = null;
14726 targetNode = getClosestInstanceFromNode(targetNode);
14727 if (null !== targetNode) {
14728 var nearestMounted = getNearestMountedFiber(targetNode);
14729 if (null === nearestMounted) targetNode = null;
14730 else {
14731 var tag = nearestMounted.tag;
14732 if (13 === tag) {
14733 targetNode = getSuspenseInstanceFromFiber(nearestMounted);
14734 if (null !== targetNode) return targetNode;
14735 targetNode = null;
14736 } else if (3 === tag) {
14737 if (nearestMounted.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated)
14738 return 3 === nearestMounted.tag
14739 ? nearestMounted.stateNode.containerInfo
14740 : null;
14741 targetNode = null;
14742 } else nearestMounted !== targetNode && (targetNode = null);
14743 }
14744 }
14745 return_targetInst = targetNode;
14746 return null;
14748function getEventPriority(domEventName) {
14749 switch (domEventName) {
14750 case "cancel":
14751 case "click":
14752 case "close":
14753 case "contextmenu":
14754 case "copy":
14755 case "cut":
14756 case "auxclick":
14757 case "dblclick":
14758 case "dragend":
14759 case "dragstart":
14760 case "drop":
14761 case "focusin":
14762 case "focusout":
14763 case "input":
14764 case "invalid":
14765 case "keydown":
14766 case "keypress":
14767 case "keyup":
14768 case "mousedown":
14769 case "mouseup":
14770 case "paste":
14771 case "pause":
14772 case "play":
14773 case "pointercancel":
14774 case "pointerdown":
14775 case "pointerup":
14776 case "ratechange":
14777 case "reset":
14778 case "resize":
14779 case "seeked":
14780 case "submit":
14781 case "touchcancel":
14782 case "touchend":
14783 case "touchstart":
14784 case "volumechange":
14785 case "change":
14786 case "selectionchange":
14787 case "textInput":
14788 case "compositionstart":
14789 case "compositionend":
14790 case "compositionupdate":
14791 case "beforeblur":
14792 case "afterblur":
14793 case "beforeinput":
14794 case "blur":
14795 case "fullscreenchange":
14796 case "focus":
14797 case "hashchange":
14798 case "popstate":
14799 case "select":
14800 case "selectstart":
14801 return 2;
14802 case "drag":
14803 case "dragenter":
14804 case "dragexit":
14805 case "dragleave":
14806 case "dragover":
14807 case "mousemove":
14808 case "mouseout":
14809 case "mouseover":
14810 case "pointermove":
14811 case "pointerout":
14812 case "pointerover":
14813 case "scroll":
14814 case "toggle":
14815 case "touchmove":
14816 case "wheel":
14817 case "mouseenter":
14818 case "mouseleave":
14819 case "pointerenter":
14820 case "pointerleave":
14821 return 8;
14822 case "message":
14823 switch (getCurrentPriorityLevel()) {
14824 case ImmediatePriority:
14825 return 2;
14826 case UserBlockingPriority:
14827 return 8;
14828 case NormalPriority$1:
14829 case LowPriority:
14830 return 32;
14831 case IdlePriority:
14832 return 268435456;
14833 default:
14834 return 32;
14835 }
14836 default:
14837 return 32;
14838 }
14840var hasScheduledReplayAttempt = !1,
14841 queuedFocus = null,
14842 queuedDrag = null,
14843 queuedMouse = null,
14844 queuedPointers = new Map(),
14845 queuedPointerCaptures = new Map(),
14846 queuedExplicitHydrationTargets = [],
14847 discreteReplayableEvents =
14848 "mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset".split(
14849 " "
14850 );
14851function clearIfContinuousEvent(domEventName, nativeEvent) {
14852 switch (domEventName) {
14853 case "focusin":
14854 case "focusout":
14855 queuedFocus = null;
14856 break;
14857 case "dragenter":
14858 case "dragleave":
14859 queuedDrag = null;
14860 break;
14861 case "mouseover":
14862 case "mouseout":
14863 queuedMouse = null;
14864 break;
14865 case "pointerover":
14866 case "pointerout":
14867 queuedPointers.delete(nativeEvent.pointerId);
14868 break;
14869 case "gotpointercapture":
14870 case "lostpointercapture":
14871 queuedPointerCaptures.delete(nativeEvent.pointerId);
14872 }
14874function accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(
14875 existingQueuedEvent,
14876 blockedOn,
14877 domEventName,
14878 eventSystemFlags,
14879 targetContainer,
14880 nativeEvent
14881) {
14882 if (
14883 null === existingQueuedEvent ||
14884 existingQueuedEvent.nativeEvent !== nativeEvent
14885 )
14886 return (
14887 (existingQueuedEvent = {
14888 blockedOn: blockedOn,
14889 domEventName: domEventName,
14890 eventSystemFlags: eventSystemFlags,
14891 nativeEvent: nativeEvent,
14892 targetContainers: [targetContainer]
14893 }),
14894 null !== blockedOn &&
14895 ((blockedOn = getInstanceFromNode(blockedOn)),
14896 null !== blockedOn && attemptContinuousHydration(blockedOn)),
14897 existingQueuedEvent
14898 );
14899 existingQueuedEvent.eventSystemFlags |= eventSystemFlags;
14900 blockedOn = existingQueuedEvent.targetContainers;
14901 null !== targetContainer &&
14902 -1 === blockedOn.indexOf(targetContainer) &&
14903 blockedOn.push(targetContainer);
14904 return existingQueuedEvent;
14906function queueIfContinuousEvent(
14907 blockedOn,
14908 domEventName,
14909 eventSystemFlags,
14910 targetContainer,
14911 nativeEvent
14912) {
14913 switch (domEventName) {
14914 case "focusin":
14915 return (
14916 (queuedFocus = accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(
14917 queuedFocus,
14918 blockedOn,
14919 domEventName,
14920 eventSystemFlags,
14921 targetContainer,
14922 nativeEvent
14923 )),
14924 !0
14925 );
14926 case "dragenter":
14927 return (
14928 (queuedDrag = accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(
14929 queuedDrag,
14930 blockedOn,
14931 domEventName,
14932 eventSystemFlags,
14933 targetContainer,
14934 nativeEvent
14935 )),
14936 !0
14937 );
14938 case "mouseover":
14939 return (
14940 (queuedMouse = accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(
14941 queuedMouse,
14942 blockedOn,
14943 domEventName,
14944 eventSystemFlags,
14945 targetContainer,
14946 nativeEvent
14947 )),
14948 !0
14949 );
14950 case "pointerover":
14951 var pointerId = nativeEvent.pointerId;
14952 queuedPointers.set(
14953 pointerId,
14954 accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(
14955 queuedPointers.get(pointerId) || null,
14956 blockedOn,
14957 domEventName,
14958 eventSystemFlags,
14959 targetContainer,
14960 nativeEvent
14961 )
14962 );
14963 return !0;
14964 case "gotpointercapture":
14965 return (
14966 (pointerId = nativeEvent.pointerId),
14967 queuedPointerCaptures.set(
14968 pointerId,
14969 accumulateOrCreateContinuousQueuedReplayableEvent(
14970 queuedPointerCaptures.get(pointerId) || null,
14971 blockedOn,
14972 domEventName,
14973 eventSystemFlags,
14974 targetContainer,
14975 nativeEvent
14976 )
14977 ),
14978 !0
14979 );
14980 }
14981 return !1;
14983function attemptExplicitHydrationTarget(queuedTarget) {
14984 var targetInst = getClosestInstanceFromNode(queuedTarget.target);
14985 if (null !== targetInst) {
14986 var nearestMounted = getNearestMountedFiber(targetInst);
14987 if (null !== nearestMounted)
14988 if (((targetInst = nearestMounted.tag), 13 === targetInst)) {
14989 if (
14990 ((targetInst = getSuspenseInstanceFromFiber(nearestMounted)),
14991 null !== targetInst)
14992 ) {
14993 queuedTarget.blockedOn = targetInst;
14994 runWithPriority(queuedTarget.priority, function () {
14995 if (13 === nearestMounted.tag) {
14996 var lane = requestUpdateLane(),
14997 root = enqueueConcurrentRenderForLane(nearestMounted, lane);
14998 null !== root &&
14999 scheduleUpdateOnFiber(root, nearestMounted, lane);
15000 markRetryLaneIfNotHydrated(nearestMounted, lane);
15001 }
15002 });
15003 return;
15004 }
15005 } else if (
15006 3 === targetInst &&
15007 nearestMounted.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated
15008 ) {
15009 queuedTarget.blockedOn =
15010 3 === nearestMounted.tag
15011 ? nearestMounted.stateNode.containerInfo
15012 : null;
15013 return;
15014 }
15015 }
15016 queuedTarget.blockedOn = null;
15018function attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedEvent) {
15019 if (null !== queuedEvent.blockedOn) return !1;
15020 for (
15021 var targetContainers = queuedEvent.targetContainers;
15022 0 < targetContainers.length;
15024 ) {
15025 var nextBlockedOn = findInstanceBlockingEvent(queuedEvent.nativeEvent);
15026 if (null === nextBlockedOn) {
15027 nextBlockedOn = queuedEvent.nativeEvent;
15028 var nativeEventClone = new nextBlockedOn.constructor(
15029 nextBlockedOn.type,
15030 nextBlockedOn
15031 );
15032 currentReplayingEvent = nativeEventClone;
15033 nextBlockedOn.target.dispatchEvent(nativeEventClone);
15034 currentReplayingEvent = null;
15035 } else
15036 return (
15037 (targetContainers = getInstanceFromNode(nextBlockedOn)),
15038 null !== targetContainers &&
15039 attemptContinuousHydration(targetContainers),
15040 (queuedEvent.blockedOn = nextBlockedOn),
15041 !1
15042 );
15043 targetContainers.shift();
15044 }
15045 return !0;
15047function attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEventInMap(queuedEvent, key, map) {
15048 attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedEvent) && map.delete(key);
15050function replayUnblockedEvents() {
15051 hasScheduledReplayAttempt = !1;
15052 null !== queuedFocus &&
15053 attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedFocus) &&
15054 (queuedFocus = null);
15055 null !== queuedDrag &&
15056 attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedDrag) &&
15057 (queuedDrag = null);
15058 null !== queuedMouse &&
15059 attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEvent(queuedMouse) &&
15060 (queuedMouse = null);
15061 queuedPointers.forEach(attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEventInMap);
15062 queuedPointerCaptures.forEach(attemptReplayContinuousQueuedEventInMap);
15064function scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedEvent, unblocked) {
15065 queuedEvent.blockedOn === unblocked &&
15066 ((queuedEvent.blockedOn = null),
15067 hasScheduledReplayAttempt ||
15068 ((hasScheduledReplayAttempt = !0),
15069 Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback(
15070 Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority,
15071 replayUnblockedEvents
15072 )));
15074var lastScheduledReplayQueue = null;
15075function scheduleReplayQueueIfNeeded(formReplayingQueue) {
15076 lastScheduledReplayQueue !== formReplayingQueue &&
15077 ((lastScheduledReplayQueue = formReplayingQueue),
15078 Scheduler.unstable_scheduleCallback(
15079 Scheduler.unstable_NormalPriority,
15080 function () {
15081 lastScheduledReplayQueue === formReplayingQueue &&
15082 (lastScheduledReplayQueue = null);
15083 for (var i = 0; i < formReplayingQueue.length; i += 3) {
15084 var form = formReplayingQueue[i],
15085 submitterOrAction = formReplayingQueue[i + 1],
15086 formData = formReplayingQueue[i + 2];
15087 if ("function" !== typeof submitterOrAction)
15088 if (null === findInstanceBlockingTarget(submitterOrAction || form))
15089 continue;
15090 else break;
15091 var formInst = getInstanceFromNode(form);
15092 null !== formInst &&
15093 (formReplayingQueue.splice(i, 3),
15094 (i -= 3),
15095 startHostTransition(
15096 formInst,
15097 {
15098 pending: !0,
15099 data: formData,
15100 method: form.method,
15101 action: submitterOrAction
15102 },
15103 submitterOrAction,
15104 formData
15105 ));
15106 }
15107 }
15108 ));
15110function retryIfBlockedOn(unblocked) {
15111 function unblock(queuedEvent) {
15112 return scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedEvent, unblocked);
15113 }
15114 null !== queuedFocus && scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedFocus, unblocked);
15115 null !== queuedDrag && scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedDrag, unblocked);
15116 null !== queuedMouse && scheduleCallbackIfUnblocked(queuedMouse, unblocked);
15117 queuedPointers.forEach(unblock);
15118 queuedPointerCaptures.forEach(unblock);
15119 for (var i = 0; i < queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.length; i++) {
15120 var queuedTarget = queuedExplicitHydrationTargets[i];
15121 queuedTarget.blockedOn === unblocked && (queuedTarget.blockedOn = null);
15122 }
15123 for (
15124 ;
15125 0 < queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.length &&
15126 ((i = queuedExplicitHydrationTargets[0]), null === i.blockedOn);
15128 )
15129 attemptExplicitHydrationTarget(i),
15130 null === i.blockedOn && queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.shift();
15131 i = (unblocked.ownerDocument || unblocked).$$reactFormReplay;
15132 if (null != i)
15133 for (queuedTarget = 0; queuedTarget < i.length; queuedTarget += 3) {
15134 var form = i[queuedTarget],
15135 submitterOrAction = i[queuedTarget + 1],
15136 formProps = form[internalPropsKey] || null;
15137 if ("function" === typeof submitterOrAction)
15138 formProps || scheduleReplayQueueIfNeeded(i);
15139 else if (formProps) {
15140 var action = null;
15141 if (submitterOrAction && submitterOrAction.hasAttribute("formAction"))
15142 if (
15143 ((form = submitterOrAction),
15144 (formProps = submitterOrAction[internalPropsKey] || null))
15145 )
15146 action = formProps.formAction;
15147 else {
15148 if (null !== findInstanceBlockingTarget(form)) continue;
15149 }
15150 else action = formProps.action;
15151 "function" === typeof action
15152 ? (i[queuedTarget + 1] = action)
15153 : (i.splice(queuedTarget, 3), (queuedTarget -= 3));
15154 scheduleReplayQueueIfNeeded(i);
15155 }
15156 }
15158function ReactDOMRoot(internalRoot) {
15159 this._internalRoot = internalRoot;
15161ReactDOMHydrationRoot.prototype.render = ReactDOMRoot.prototype.render =
15162 function (children) {
15163 var root = this._internalRoot;
15164 if (null === root) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(409));
15165 var current = root.current,
15166 lane = requestUpdateLane();
15167 updateContainerImpl(current, lane, children, root, null, null);
15168 };
15169ReactDOMHydrationRoot.prototype.unmount = ReactDOMRoot.prototype.unmount =
15170 function () {
15171 var root = this._internalRoot;
15172 if (null !== root) {
15173 this._internalRoot = null;
15174 var container = root.containerInfo;
15175 0 === root.tag && flushPassiveEffects();
15176 updateContainerImpl(root.current, 2, null, root, null, null);
15177 flushSyncWork$1();
15178 container[internalContainerInstanceKey] = null;
15179 }
15180 };
15181function ReactDOMHydrationRoot(internalRoot) {
15182 this._internalRoot = internalRoot;
15184ReactDOMHydrationRoot.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = function (target) {
15185 if (target) {
15186 var updatePriority = resolveUpdatePriority();
15187 target = { blockedOn: null, target: target, priority: updatePriority };
15188 for (
15189 var i = 0;
15190 i < queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.length &&
15191 0 !== updatePriority &&
15192 updatePriority < queuedExplicitHydrationTargets[i].priority;
15193 i++
15194 );
15195 queuedExplicitHydrationTargets.splice(i, 0, target);
15196 0 === i && attemptExplicitHydrationTarget(target);
15197 }
15199ReactDOMSharedInternals.findDOMNode = function (componentOrElement) {
15200 var fiber = componentOrElement._reactInternals;
15201 if (void 0 === fiber) {
15202 if ("function" === typeof componentOrElement.render)
15203 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(188));
15204 componentOrElement = Object.keys(componentOrElement).join(",");
15205 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(268, componentOrElement));
15206 }
15207 componentOrElement = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);
15208 componentOrElement =
15209 null === componentOrElement ? null : componentOrElement.stateNode;
15210 return componentOrElement;
15212var devToolsConfig$jscomp$inline_1728 = {
15213 findFiberByHostInstance: getClosestInstanceFromNode,
15214 bundleType: 0,
15215 version: "19.0.0-beta-4508873393-20240430",
15216 rendererPackageName: "react-dom"
15218(function (internals) {
15219 if ("undefined" === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) return !1;
15220 var hook = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;
15221 if (hook.isDisabled || !hook.supportsFiber) return !0;
15222 try {
15223 (internals = assign({}, internals, {
15224 getLaneLabelMap: getLaneLabelMap,
15225 injectProfilingHooks: injectProfilingHooks
15226 })),
15227 (rendererID = hook.inject(internals)),
15228 (injectedHook = hook);
15229 } catch (err) {}
15230 return hook.checkDCE ? !0 : !1;
15232 bundleType: devToolsConfig$jscomp$inline_1728.bundleType,
15233 version: devToolsConfig$jscomp$inline_1728.version,
15234 rendererPackageName: devToolsConfig$jscomp$inline_1728.rendererPackageName,
15235 rendererConfig: devToolsConfig$jscomp$inline_1728.rendererConfig,
15236 overrideHookState: null,
15237 overrideHookStateDeletePath: null,
15238 overrideHookStateRenamePath: null,
15239 overrideProps: null,
15240 overridePropsDeletePath: null,
15241 overridePropsRenamePath: null,
15242 setErrorHandler: null,
15243 setSuspenseHandler: null,
15244 scheduleUpdate: null,
15245 currentDispatcherRef: ReactSharedInternals,
15246 findHostInstanceByFiber: function (fiber) {
15247 fiber = findCurrentHostFiber(fiber);
15248 return null === fiber ? null : fiber.stateNode;
15249 },
15250 findFiberByHostInstance:
15251 devToolsConfig$jscomp$inline_1728.findFiberByHostInstance ||
15252 emptyFindFiberByHostInstance,
15253 findHostInstancesForRefresh: null,
15254 scheduleRefresh: null,
15255 scheduleRoot: null,
15256 setRefreshHandler: null,
15257 getCurrentFiber: null,
15258 reconcilerVersion: "19.0.0-beta-4508873393-20240430"
15260function noop() {}
15261function getCrossOriginStringAs(as, input) {
15262 if ("font" === as) return "";
15263 if ("string" === typeof input)
15264 return "use-credentials" === input ? input : "";
15267 d: {
15268 f: noop,
15269 r: function () {
15270 throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(522));
15271 },
15272 D: noop,
15273 C: noop,
15274 L: noop,
15275 m: noop,
15276 X: noop,
15277 S: noop,
15278 M: noop
15279 },
15280 p: 0,
15281 findDOMNode: null
15283exports.createPortal = function (children, container) {
15284 var key =
15285 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null;
15286 if (!isValidContainer(container)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(299));
15287 return createPortal$1(children, container, null, key);
15289exports.createRoot = function (container, options) {
15290 if (!isValidContainer(container)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(299));
15291 var isStrictMode = !1,
15292 identifierPrefix = "",
15293 onUncaughtError = defaultOnUncaughtError,
15294 onCaughtError = defaultOnCaughtError,
15295 onRecoverableError = defaultOnRecoverableError,
15296 transitionCallbacks = null;
15297 null !== options &&
15298 void 0 !== options &&
15299 (!0 === options.unstable_strictMode && (isStrictMode = !0),
15300 void 0 !== options.identifierPrefix &&
15301 (identifierPrefix = options.identifierPrefix),
15302 void 0 !== options.onUncaughtError &&
15303 (onUncaughtError = options.onUncaughtError),
15304 void 0 !== options.onCaughtError && (onCaughtError = options.onCaughtError),
15305 void 0 !== options.onRecoverableError &&
15306 (onRecoverableError = options.onRecoverableError),
15307 void 0 !== options.unstable_transitionCallbacks &&
15308 (transitionCallbacks = options.unstable_transitionCallbacks));
15309 options = createFiberRoot(
15310 container,
15311 1,
15312 !1,
15313 null,
15314 null,
15315 isStrictMode,
15316 !1,
15317 identifierPrefix,
15318 onUncaughtError,
15319 onCaughtError,
15320 onRecoverableError,
15321 transitionCallbacks,
15322 null
15323 );
15324 container[internalContainerInstanceKey] = options.current;
15325 listenToAllSupportedEvents(
15326 8 === container.nodeType ? container.parentNode : container
15327 );
15328 return new ReactDOMRoot(options);
15330exports.flushSync = function (fn) {
15331 var previousTransition = ReactSharedInternals.T,
15332 previousUpdatePriority = ReactDOMSharedInternals.p;
15333 try {
15334 if (((ReactSharedInternals.T = null), (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = 2), fn))
15335 return fn();
15336 } finally {
15337 (ReactSharedInternals.T = previousTransition),
15338 (ReactDOMSharedInternals.p = previousUpdatePriority),
15339 ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.f();
15340 }
15342exports.hydrateRoot = function (container, initialChildren, options) {
15343 if (!isValidContainer(container)) throw Error(formatProdErrorMessage(299));
15344 var isStrictMode = !1,
15345 identifierPrefix = "",
15346 onUncaughtError = defaultOnUncaughtError,
15347 onCaughtError = defaultOnCaughtError,
15348 onRecoverableError = defaultOnRecoverableError,
15349 transitionCallbacks = null,
15350 formState = null;
15351 null !== options &&
15352 void 0 !== options &&
15353 (!0 === options.unstable_strictMode && (isStrictMode = !0),
15354 void 0 !== options.identifierPrefix &&
15355 (identifierPrefix = options.identifierPrefix),
15356 void 0 !== options.onUncaughtError &&
15357 (onUncaughtError = options.onUncaughtError),
15358 void 0 !== options.onCaughtError && (onCaughtError = options.onCaughtError),
15359 void 0 !== options.onRecoverableError &&
15360 (onRecoverableError = options.onRecoverableError),
15361 void 0 !== options.unstable_transitionCallbacks &&
15362 (transitionCallbacks = options.unstable_transitionCallbacks),
15363 void 0 !== options.formState && (formState = options.formState));
15364 initialChildren = createFiberRoot(
15365 container,
15366 1,
15367 !0,
15368 initialChildren,
15369 null != options ? options : null,
15370 isStrictMode,
15371 !1,
15372 identifierPrefix,
15373 onUncaughtError,
15374 onCaughtError,
15375 onRecoverableError,
15376 transitionCallbacks,
15377 formState
15378 );
15379 initialChildren.context = getContextForSubtree(null);
15380 options = initialChildren.current;
15381 isStrictMode = requestUpdateLane();
15382 identifierPrefix = createUpdate(isStrictMode);
15383 identifierPrefix.callback = null;
15384 enqueueUpdate(options, identifierPrefix, isStrictMode);
15385 initialChildren.current.lanes = isStrictMode;
15386 markRootUpdated(initialChildren, isStrictMode);
15387 ensureRootIsScheduled(initialChildren);
15388 container[internalContainerInstanceKey] = initialChildren.current;
15389 listenToAllSupportedEvents(container);
15390 return new ReactDOMHydrationRoot(initialChildren);
15392exports.preconnect = function (href, options) {
15393 "string" === typeof href &&
15394 (options
15395 ? ((options = options.crossOrigin),
15396 (options =
15397 "string" === typeof options
15398 ? "use-credentials" === options
15399 ? options
15400 : ""
15401 : void 0))
15402 : (options = null),
15403 ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.C(href, options));
15405exports.prefetchDNS = function (href) {
15406 "string" === typeof href && ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.D(href);
15408exports.preinit = function (href, options) {
15409 if ("string" === typeof href && options && "string" === typeof options.as) {
15410 var as = options.as,
15411 crossOrigin = getCrossOriginStringAs(as, options.crossOrigin),
15412 integrity =
15413 "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0,
15414 fetchPriority =
15415 "string" === typeof options.fetchPriority
15416 ? options.fetchPriority
15417 : void 0;
15418 "style" === as
15419 ? ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.S(
15420 href,
15421 "string" === typeof options.precedence ? options.precedence : void 0,
15422 {
15423 crossOrigin: crossOrigin,
15424 integrity: integrity,
15425 fetchPriority: fetchPriority
15426 }
15427 )
15428 : "script" === as &&
15429 ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.X(href, {
15430 crossOrigin: crossOrigin,
15431 integrity: integrity,
15432 fetchPriority: fetchPriority,
15433 nonce: "string" === typeof options.nonce ? options.nonce : void 0
15434 });
15435 }
15437exports.preinitModule = function (href, options) {
15438 if ("string" === typeof href)
15439 if ("object" === typeof options && null !== options) {
15440 if (null == options.as || "script" === options.as) {
15441 var crossOrigin = getCrossOriginStringAs(
15442 options.as,
15443 options.crossOrigin
15444 );
15445 ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.M(href, {
15446 crossOrigin: crossOrigin,
15447 integrity:
15448 "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0,
15449 nonce: "string" === typeof options.nonce ? options.nonce : void 0
15450 });
15451 }
15452 } else null == options && ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.M(href);
15454exports.preload = function (href, options) {
15455 if (
15456 "string" === typeof href &&
15457 "object" === typeof options &&
15458 null !== options &&
15459 "string" === typeof options.as
15460 ) {
15461 var as = options.as,
15462 crossOrigin = getCrossOriginStringAs(as, options.crossOrigin);
15463 ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.L(href, as, {
15464 crossOrigin: crossOrigin,
15465 integrity:
15466 "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0,
15467 nonce: "string" === typeof options.nonce ? options.nonce : void 0,
15468 type: "string" === typeof options.type ? options.type : void 0,
15469 fetchPriority:
15470 "string" === typeof options.fetchPriority
15471 ? options.fetchPriority
15472 : void 0,
15473 referrerPolicy:
15474 "string" === typeof options.referrerPolicy
15475 ? options.referrerPolicy
15476 : void 0,
15477 imageSrcSet:
15478 "string" === typeof options.imageSrcSet ? options.imageSrcSet : void 0,
15479 imageSizes:
15480 "string" === typeof options.imageSizes ? options.imageSizes : void 0,
15481 media: "string" === typeof options.media ? options.media : void 0
15482 });
15483 }
15485exports.preloadModule = function (href, options) {
15486 if ("string" === typeof href)
15487 if (options) {
15488 var crossOrigin = getCrossOriginStringAs(options.as, options.crossOrigin);
15489 ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.m(href, {
15490 as:
15491 "string" === typeof options.as && "script" !== options.as
15492 ? options.as
15493 : void 0,
15494 crossOrigin: crossOrigin,
15495 integrity:
15496 "string" === typeof options.integrity ? options.integrity : void 0
15497 });
15498 } else ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.m(href);
15500exports.requestFormReset = function (form) {
15501 ReactDOMSharedInternals.d.r(form);
15503exports.unstable_batchedUpdates = function (fn, a) {
15504 return fn(a);
15506exports.useFormState = function (action, initialState, permalink) {
15507 return ReactSharedInternals.H.useFormState(action, initialState, permalink);
15509exports.useFormStatus = function () {
15510 return ReactSharedInternals.H.useHostTransitionStatus();
15512exports.version = "19.0.0-beta-4508873393-20240430";
15513"undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ &&
15514 "function" ===
15515 typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop &&
15516 __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.registerInternalModuleStop(Error());