201 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @license React
3 * react-dom-server-legacy.node.production.js
4 *
5 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
6 *
7 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
8 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
9 */
14 JS Implementation of MurmurHash3 (r136) (as of May 20, 2011)
16 Copyright (c) 2011 Gary Court
17 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
18 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
19 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
20 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
21 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
22 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
24 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
25 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
35"use strict";
36var React = require("react"),
37 ReactDOM = require("react-dom"),
38 REACT_ELEMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.transitional.element"),
39 REACT_PORTAL_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.portal"),
40 REACT_FRAGMENT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.fragment"),
41 REACT_STRICT_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),
42 REACT_PROFILER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.profiler"),
43 REACT_PROVIDER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.provider"),
44 REACT_CONSUMER_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.consumer"),
45 REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.context"),
46 REACT_FORWARD_REF_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),
47 REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense"),
48 REACT_SUSPENSE_LIST_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"),
49 REACT_MEMO_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.memo"),
50 REACT_LAZY_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.lazy"),
51 REACT_SCOPE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.scope"),
52 REACT_DEBUG_TRACING_MODE_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.debug_trace_mode"),
53 REACT_OFFSCREEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"),
54 REACT_LEGACY_HIDDEN_TYPE = Symbol.for("react.legacy_hidden"),
55 MAYBE_ITERATOR_SYMBOL = Symbol.iterator,
56 isArrayImpl = Array.isArray;
57function murmurhash3_32_gc(key, seed) {
58 var remainder = key.length & 3;
59 var bytes = key.length - remainder;
60 var h1 = seed;
61 for (seed = 0; seed < bytes; ) {
62 var k1 =
63 (key.charCodeAt(seed) & 255) |
64 ((key.charCodeAt(++seed) & 255) << 8) |
65 ((key.charCodeAt(++seed) & 255) << 16) |
66 ((key.charCodeAt(++seed) & 255) << 24);
67 ++seed;
68 k1 =
69 (3432918353 * (k1 & 65535) +
70 (((3432918353 * (k1 >>> 16)) & 65535) << 16)) &
71 4294967295;
72 k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17);
73 k1 =
74 (461845907 * (k1 & 65535) + (((461845907 * (k1 >>> 16)) & 65535) << 16)) &
75 4294967295;
76 h1 ^= k1;
77 h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >>> 19);
78 h1 = (5 * (h1 & 65535) + (((5 * (h1 >>> 16)) & 65535) << 16)) & 4294967295;
79 h1 = (h1 & 65535) + 27492 + ((((h1 >>> 16) + 58964) & 65535) << 16);
80 }
81 k1 = 0;
82 switch (remainder) {
83 case 3:
84 k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(seed + 2) & 255) << 16;
85 case 2:
86 k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(seed + 1) & 255) << 8;
87 case 1:
88 (k1 ^= key.charCodeAt(seed) & 255),
89 (k1 =
90 (3432918353 * (k1 & 65535) +
91 (((3432918353 * (k1 >>> 16)) & 65535) << 16)) &
92 4294967295),
93 (k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17)),
94 (h1 ^=
95 (461845907 * (k1 & 65535) +
96 (((461845907 * (k1 >>> 16)) & 65535) << 16)) &
97 4294967295);
98 }
99 h1 ^= key.length;
100 h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
101 h1 =
102 (2246822507 * (h1 & 65535) + (((2246822507 * (h1 >>> 16)) & 65535) << 16)) &
103 4294967295;
104 h1 ^= h1 >>> 13;
105 h1 =
106 (3266489909 * (h1 & 65535) + (((3266489909 * (h1 >>> 16)) & 65535) << 16)) &
107 4294967295;
108 return (h1 ^ (h1 >>> 16)) >>> 0;
110var assign = Object.assign,
111 hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
113 "^[:A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02FF\\u0370-\\u037D\\u037F-\\u1FFF\\u200C-\\u200D\\u2070-\\u218F\\u2C00-\\u2FEF\\u3001-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFFD\\-.0-9\\u00B7\\u0300-\\u036F\\u203F-\\u2040]*$"
114 ),
115 illegalAttributeNameCache = {},
116 validatedAttributeNameCache = {};
117function isAttributeNameSafe(attributeName) {
118 if (hasOwnProperty.call(validatedAttributeNameCache, attributeName))
119 return !0;
120 if (hasOwnProperty.call(illegalAttributeNameCache, attributeName)) return !1;
121 if (VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REGEX.test(attributeName))
122 return (validatedAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = !0);
123 illegalAttributeNameCache[attributeName] = !0;
124 return !1;
126var unitlessNumbers = new Set(
127 "animationIterationCount aspectRatio borderImageOutset borderImageSlice borderImageWidth boxFlex boxFlexGroup boxOrdinalGroup columnCount columns flex flexGrow flexPositive flexShrink flexNegative flexOrder gridArea gridRow gridRowEnd gridRowSpan gridRowStart gridColumn gridColumnEnd gridColumnSpan gridColumnStart fontWeight lineClamp lineHeight opacity order orphans scale tabSize widows zIndex zoom fillOpacity floodOpacity stopOpacity strokeDasharray strokeDashoffset strokeMiterlimit strokeOpacity strokeWidth MozAnimationIterationCount MozBoxFlex MozBoxFlexGroup MozLineClamp msAnimationIterationCount msFlex msZoom msFlexGrow msFlexNegative msFlexOrder msFlexPositive msFlexShrink msGridColumn msGridColumnSpan msGridRow msGridRowSpan WebkitAnimationIterationCount WebkitBoxFlex WebKitBoxFlexGroup WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup WebkitColumnCount WebkitColumns WebkitFlex WebkitFlexGrow WebkitFlexPositive WebkitFlexShrink WebkitLineClamp".split(
128 " "
129 )
130 ),
131 aliases = new Map([
132 ["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"],
133 ["htmlFor", "for"],
134 ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"],
135 ["crossOrigin", "crossorigin"],
136 ["accentHeight", "accent-height"],
137 ["alignmentBaseline", "alignment-baseline"],
138 ["arabicForm", "arabic-form"],
139 ["baselineShift", "baseline-shift"],
140 ["capHeight", "cap-height"],
141 ["clipPath", "clip-path"],
142 ["clipRule", "clip-rule"],
143 ["colorInterpolation", "color-interpolation"],
144 ["colorInterpolationFilters", "color-interpolation-filters"],
145 ["colorProfile", "color-profile"],
146 ["colorRendering", "color-rendering"],
147 ["dominantBaseline", "dominant-baseline"],
148 ["enableBackground", "enable-background"],
149 ["fillOpacity", "fill-opacity"],
150 ["fillRule", "fill-rule"],
151 ["floodColor", "flood-color"],
152 ["floodOpacity", "flood-opacity"],
153 ["fontFamily", "font-family"],
154 ["fontSize", "font-size"],
155 ["fontSizeAdjust", "font-size-adjust"],
156 ["fontStretch", "font-stretch"],
157 ["fontStyle", "font-style"],
158 ["fontVariant", "font-variant"],
159 ["fontWeight", "font-weight"],
160 ["glyphName", "glyph-name"],
161 ["glyphOrientationHorizontal", "glyph-orientation-horizontal"],
162 ["glyphOrientationVertical", "glyph-orientation-vertical"],
163 ["horizAdvX", "horiz-adv-x"],
164 ["horizOriginX", "horiz-origin-x"],
165 ["imageRendering", "image-rendering"],
166 ["letterSpacing", "letter-spacing"],
167 ["lightingColor", "lighting-color"],
168 ["markerEnd", "marker-end"],
169 ["markerMid", "marker-mid"],
170 ["markerStart", "marker-start"],
171 ["overlinePosition", "overline-position"],
172 ["overlineThickness", "overline-thickness"],
173 ["paintOrder", "paint-order"],
174 ["panose-1", "panose-1"],
175 ["pointerEvents", "pointer-events"],
176 ["renderingIntent", "rendering-intent"],
177 ["shapeRendering", "shape-rendering"],
178 ["stopColor", "stop-color"],
179 ["stopOpacity", "stop-opacity"],
180 ["strikethroughPosition", "strikethrough-position"],
181 ["strikethroughThickness", "strikethrough-thickness"],
182 ["strokeDasharray", "stroke-dasharray"],
183 ["strokeDashoffset", "stroke-dashoffset"],
184 ["strokeLinecap", "stroke-linecap"],
185 ["strokeLinejoin", "stroke-linejoin"],
186 ["strokeMiterlimit", "stroke-miterlimit"],
187 ["strokeOpacity", "stroke-opacity"],
188 ["strokeWidth", "stroke-width"],
189 ["textAnchor", "text-anchor"],
190 ["textDecoration", "text-decoration"],
191 ["textRendering", "text-rendering"],
192 ["transformOrigin", "transform-origin"],
193 ["underlinePosition", "underline-position"],
194 ["underlineThickness", "underline-thickness"],
195 ["unicodeBidi", "unicode-bidi"],
196 ["unicodeRange", "unicode-range"],
197 ["unitsPerEm", "units-per-em"],
198 ["vAlphabetic", "v-alphabetic"],
199 ["vHanging", "v-hanging"],
200 ["vIdeographic", "v-ideographic"],
201 ["vMathematical", "v-mathematical"],
202 ["vectorEffect", "vector-effect"],
203 ["vertAdvY", "vert-adv-y"],
204 ["vertOriginX", "vert-origin-x"],
205 ["vertOriginY", "vert-origin-y"],
206 ["wordSpacing", "word-spacing"],
207 ["writingMode", "writing-mode"],
208 ["xmlnsXlink", "xmlns:xlink"],
209 ["xHeight", "x-height"]
210 ]),
211 matchHtmlRegExp = /["'&<>]/;
212function escapeTextForBrowser(text) {
213 if (
214 "boolean" === typeof text ||
215 "number" === typeof text ||
216 "bigint" === typeof text
217 )
218 return "" + text;
219 text = "" + text;
220 var match = matchHtmlRegExp.exec(text);
221 if (match) {
222 var html = "",
223 index,
224 lastIndex = 0;
225 for (index = match.index; index < text.length; index++) {
226 switch (text.charCodeAt(index)) {
227 case 34:
228 match = "&quot;";
229 break;
230 case 38:
231 match = "&amp;";
232 break;
233 case 39:
234 match = "&#x27;";
235 break;
236 case 60:
237 match = "&lt;";
238 break;
239 case 62:
240 match = "&gt;";
241 break;
242 default:
243 continue;
244 }
245 lastIndex !== index && (html += text.slice(lastIndex, index));
246 lastIndex = index + 1;
247 html += match;
248 }
249 text = lastIndex !== index ? html + text.slice(lastIndex, index) : html;
250 }
251 return text;
253var uppercasePattern = /([A-Z])/g,
254 msPattern = /^ms-/,
255 isJavaScriptProtocol =
256 /^[\u0000-\u001F ]*j[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*v[\r\n\t]*a[\r\n\t]*s[\r\n\t]*c[\r\n\t]*r[\r\n\t]*i[\r\n\t]*p[\r\n\t]*t[\r\n\t]*:/i;
257function sanitizeURL(url) {
258 return isJavaScriptProtocol.test("" + url)
259 ? "javascript:throw new Error('React has blocked a javascript: URL as a security precaution.')"
260 : url;
262var ReactSharedInternals =
264 ReactDOMSharedInternals =
266 sharedNotPendingObject = {
267 pending: !1,
268 data: null,
269 method: null,
270 action: null
271 },
272 previousDispatcher = ReactDOMSharedInternals.d;
273ReactDOMSharedInternals.d = {
274 f: previousDispatcher.f,
275 r: previousDispatcher.r,
276 D: prefetchDNS,
277 C: preconnect,
278 L: preload,
279 m: preloadModule,
280 X: preinitScript,
281 S: preinitStyle,
282 M: preinitModuleScript
284var PRELOAD_NO_CREDS = [],
285 scriptRegex = /(<\/|<)(s)(cript)/gi;
286function scriptReplacer(match, prefix, s, suffix) {
287 return "" + prefix + ("s" === s ? "\\u0073" : "\\u0053") + suffix;
289function createResumableState(
290 identifierPrefix,
291 externalRuntimeConfig,
292 bootstrapScriptContent,
293 bootstrapScripts,
294 bootstrapModules
295) {
296 return {
297 idPrefix: void 0 === identifierPrefix ? "" : identifierPrefix,
298 nextFormID: 0,
299 streamingFormat: 0,
300 bootstrapScriptContent: bootstrapScriptContent,
301 bootstrapScripts: bootstrapScripts,
302 bootstrapModules: bootstrapModules,
303 instructions: 0,
304 hasBody: !1,
305 hasHtml: !1,
306 unknownResources: {},
307 dnsResources: {},
308 connectResources: { default: {}, anonymous: {}, credentials: {} },
309 imageResources: {},
310 styleResources: {},
311 scriptResources: {},
312 moduleUnknownResources: {},
313 moduleScriptResources: {}
314 };
316function createFormatContext(insertionMode, selectedValue, tagScope) {
317 return {
318 insertionMode: insertionMode,
319 selectedValue: selectedValue,
320 tagScope: tagScope
321 };
323function getChildFormatContext(parentContext, type, props) {
324 switch (type) {
325 case "noscript":
326 return createFormatContext(2, null, parentContext.tagScope | 1);
327 case "select":
328 return createFormatContext(
329 2,
330 null != props.value ? props.value : props.defaultValue,
331 parentContext.tagScope
332 );
333 case "svg":
334 return createFormatContext(3, null, parentContext.tagScope);
335 case "picture":
336 return createFormatContext(2, null, parentContext.tagScope | 2);
337 case "math":
338 return createFormatContext(4, null, parentContext.tagScope);
339 case "foreignObject":
340 return createFormatContext(2, null, parentContext.tagScope);
341 case "table":
342 return createFormatContext(5, null, parentContext.tagScope);
343 case "thead":
344 case "tbody":
345 case "tfoot":
346 return createFormatContext(6, null, parentContext.tagScope);
347 case "colgroup":
348 return createFormatContext(8, null, parentContext.tagScope);
349 case "tr":
350 return createFormatContext(7, null, parentContext.tagScope);
351 }
352 return 5 <= parentContext.insertionMode
353 ? createFormatContext(2, null, parentContext.tagScope)
354 : 0 === parentContext.insertionMode
355 ? "html" === type
356 ? createFormatContext(1, null, parentContext.tagScope)
357 : createFormatContext(2, null, parentContext.tagScope)
358 : 1 === parentContext.insertionMode
359 ? createFormatContext(2, null, parentContext.tagScope)
360 : parentContext;
362var styleNameCache = new Map();
363function pushStyleAttribute(target, style) {
364 if ("object" !== typeof style)
365 throw Error(
366 "The `style` prop expects a mapping from style properties to values, not a string. For example, style={{marginRight: spacing + 'em'}} when using JSX."
367 );
368 var isFirst = !0,
369 styleName;
370 for (styleName in style)
371 if (hasOwnProperty.call(style, styleName)) {
372 var styleValue = style[styleName];
373 if (
374 null != styleValue &&
375 "boolean" !== typeof styleValue &&
376 "" !== styleValue
377 ) {
378 if (0 === styleName.indexOf("--")) {
379 var nameChunk = escapeTextForBrowser(styleName);
380 styleValue = escapeTextForBrowser(("" + styleValue).trim());
381 } else
382 (nameChunk = styleNameCache.get(styleName)),
383 void 0 === nameChunk &&
384 ((nameChunk = escapeTextForBrowser(
385 styleName
386 .replace(uppercasePattern, "-$1")
387 .toLowerCase()
388 .replace(msPattern, "-ms-")
389 )),
390 styleNameCache.set(styleName, nameChunk)),
391 (styleValue =
392 "number" === typeof styleValue
393 ? 0 === styleValue || unitlessNumbers.has(styleName)
394 ? "" + styleValue
395 : styleValue + "px"
396 : escapeTextForBrowser(("" + styleValue).trim()));
397 isFirst
398 ? ((isFirst = !1),
399 target.push(' style="', nameChunk, ":", styleValue))
400 : target.push(";", nameChunk, ":", styleValue);
401 }
402 }
403 isFirst || target.push('"');
405function pushBooleanAttribute(target, name, value) {
406 value &&
407 "function" !== typeof value &&
408 "symbol" !== typeof value &&
409 target.push(" ", name, '=""');
411function pushStringAttribute(target, name, value) {
412 "function" !== typeof value &&
413 "symbol" !== typeof value &&
414 "boolean" !== typeof value &&
415 target.push(" ", name, '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
417var actionJavaScriptURL = escapeTextForBrowser(
418 "javascript:throw new Error('React form unexpectedly submitted.')"
420function pushAdditionalFormField(value, key) {
421 this.push('<input type="hidden"');
422 if ("string" !== typeof value)
423 throw Error(
424 "File/Blob fields are not yet supported in progressive forms. It probably means you are closing over binary data or FormData in a Server Action."
425 );
426 pushStringAttribute(this, "name", key);
427 pushStringAttribute(this, "value", value);
428 this.push("/>");
430function getCustomFormFields(resumableState, formAction) {
431 if ("function" === typeof formAction.$$FORM_ACTION) {
432 var id = resumableState.nextFormID++;
433 resumableState = resumableState.idPrefix + id;
434 try {
435 return formAction.$$FORM_ACTION(resumableState);
436 } catch (x) {
437 if ("object" === typeof x && null !== x && "function" === typeof x.then)
438 throw x;
439 }
440 }
441 return null;
443function pushFormActionAttribute(
444 target,
445 resumableState,
446 renderState,
447 formAction,
448 formEncType,
449 formMethod,
450 formTarget,
451 name
452) {
453 var formData = null;
454 if ("function" === typeof formAction) {
455 var customFields = getCustomFormFields(resumableState, formAction);
456 null !== customFields
457 ? ((name = customFields.name),
458 (formAction = customFields.action || ""),
459 (formEncType = customFields.encType),
460 (formMethod = customFields.method),
461 (formTarget = customFields.target),
462 (formData = customFields.data))
463 : (target.push(" ", "formAction", '="', actionJavaScriptURL, '"'),
464 (formTarget = formMethod = formEncType = formAction = name = null),
465 injectFormReplayingRuntime(resumableState, renderState));
466 }
467 null != name && pushAttribute(target, "name", name);
468 null != formAction && pushAttribute(target, "formAction", formAction);
469 null != formEncType && pushAttribute(target, "formEncType", formEncType);
470 null != formMethod && pushAttribute(target, "formMethod", formMethod);
471 null != formTarget && pushAttribute(target, "formTarget", formTarget);
472 return formData;
474function pushAttribute(target, name, value) {
475 switch (name) {
476 case "className":
477 pushStringAttribute(target, "class", value);
478 break;
479 case "tabIndex":
480 pushStringAttribute(target, "tabindex", value);
481 break;
482 case "dir":
483 case "role":
484 case "viewBox":
485 case "width":
486 case "height":
487 pushStringAttribute(target, name, value);
488 break;
489 case "style":
490 pushStyleAttribute(target, value);
491 break;
492 case "src":
493 case "href":
494 if ("" === value) break;
495 case "action":
496 case "formAction":
497 if (
498 null == value ||
499 "function" === typeof value ||
500 "symbol" === typeof value ||
501 "boolean" === typeof value
502 )
503 break;
504 value = sanitizeURL("" + value);
505 target.push(" ", name, '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
506 break;
507 case "defaultValue":
508 case "defaultChecked":
509 case "innerHTML":
510 case "suppressContentEditableWarning":
511 case "suppressHydrationWarning":
512 case "ref":
513 break;
514 case "autoFocus":
515 case "multiple":
516 case "muted":
517 pushBooleanAttribute(target, name.toLowerCase(), value);
518 break;
519 case "xlinkHref":
520 if (
521 "function" === typeof value ||
522 "symbol" === typeof value ||
523 "boolean" === typeof value
524 )
525 break;
526 value = sanitizeURL("" + value);
527 target.push(" ", "xlink:href", '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
528 break;
529 case "contentEditable":
530 case "spellCheck":
531 case "draggable":
532 case "value":
533 case "autoReverse":
534 case "externalResourcesRequired":
535 case "focusable":
536 case "preserveAlpha":
537 "function" !== typeof value &&
538 "symbol" !== typeof value &&
539 target.push(" ", name, '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
540 break;
541 case "inert":
542 case "allowFullScreen":
543 case "async":
544 case "autoPlay":
545 case "controls":
546 case "default":
547 case "defer":
548 case "disabled":
549 case "disablePictureInPicture":
550 case "disableRemotePlayback":
551 case "formNoValidate":
552 case "hidden":
553 case "loop":
554 case "noModule":
555 case "noValidate":
556 case "open":
557 case "playsInline":
558 case "readOnly":
559 case "required":
560 case "reversed":
561 case "scoped":
562 case "seamless":
563 case "itemScope":
564 value &&
565 "function" !== typeof value &&
566 "symbol" !== typeof value &&
567 target.push(" ", name, '=""');
568 break;
569 case "capture":
570 case "download":
571 !0 === value
572 ? target.push(" ", name, '=""')
573 : !1 !== value &&
574 "function" !== typeof value &&
575 "symbol" !== typeof value &&
576 target.push(" ", name, '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
577 break;
578 case "cols":
579 case "rows":
580 case "size":
581 case "span":
582 "function" !== typeof value &&
583 "symbol" !== typeof value &&
584 !isNaN(value) &&
585 1 <= value &&
586 target.push(" ", name, '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
587 break;
588 case "rowSpan":
589 case "start":
590 "function" === typeof value ||
591 "symbol" === typeof value ||
592 isNaN(value) ||
593 target.push(" ", name, '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
594 break;
595 case "xlinkActuate":
596 pushStringAttribute(target, "xlink:actuate", value);
597 break;
598 case "xlinkArcrole":
599 pushStringAttribute(target, "xlink:arcrole", value);
600 break;
601 case "xlinkRole":
602 pushStringAttribute(target, "xlink:role", value);
603 break;
604 case "xlinkShow":
605 pushStringAttribute(target, "xlink:show", value);
606 break;
607 case "xlinkTitle":
608 pushStringAttribute(target, "xlink:title", value);
609 break;
610 case "xlinkType":
611 pushStringAttribute(target, "xlink:type", value);
612 break;
613 case "xmlBase":
614 pushStringAttribute(target, "xml:base", value);
615 break;
616 case "xmlLang":
617 pushStringAttribute(target, "xml:lang", value);
618 break;
619 case "xmlSpace":
620 pushStringAttribute(target, "xml:space", value);
621 break;
622 default:
623 if (
624 !(2 < name.length) ||
625 ("o" !== name[0] && "O" !== name[0]) ||
626 ("n" !== name[1] && "N" !== name[1])
627 )
628 if (((name = aliases.get(name) || name), isAttributeNameSafe(name))) {
629 switch (typeof value) {
630 case "function":
631 case "symbol":
632 return;
633 case "boolean":
634 var prefix$8 = name.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5);
635 if ("data-" !== prefix$8 && "aria-" !== prefix$8) return;
636 }
637 target.push(" ", name, '="', escapeTextForBrowser(value), '"');
638 }
639 }
641function pushInnerHTML(target, innerHTML, children) {
642 if (null != innerHTML) {
643 if (null != children)
644 throw Error(
645 "Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."
646 );
647 if ("object" !== typeof innerHTML || !("__html" in innerHTML))
648 throw Error(
649 "`props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be in the form `{__html: ...}`. Please visit https://react.dev/link/dangerously-set-inner-html for more information."
650 );
651 innerHTML = innerHTML.__html;
652 null !== innerHTML && void 0 !== innerHTML && target.push("" + innerHTML);
653 }
655function flattenOptionChildren(children) {
656 var content = "";
657 React.Children.forEach(children, function (child) {
658 null != child && (content += child);
659 });
660 return content;
662function injectFormReplayingRuntime(resumableState, renderState) {
663 0 === (resumableState.instructions & 16) &&
664 ((resumableState.instructions |= 16),
665 renderState.bootstrapChunks.unshift(
666 renderState.startInlineScript,
667 'addEventListener("submit",function(a){if(!a.defaultPrevented){var c=a.target,d=a.submitter,e=c.action,b=d;if(d){var f=d.getAttribute("formAction");null!=f&&(e=f,b=null)}"javascript:throw new Error(\'React form unexpectedly submitted.\')"===e&&(a.preventDefault(),b?(a=document.createElement("input"),a.name=b.name,a.value=b.value,b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b),b=new FormData(c),a.parentNode.removeChild(a)):b=new FormData(c),a=c.ownerDocument||c,(a.$$reactFormReplay=a.$$reactFormReplay||[]).push(c,d,b))}});',
668 "\x3c/script>"
669 ));
671function pushLinkImpl(target, props) {
672 target.push(startChunkForTag("link"));
673 for (var propKey in props)
674 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey)) {
675 var propValue = props[propKey];
676 if (null != propValue)
677 switch (propKey) {
678 case "children":
679 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
680 throw Error(
681 "link is a self-closing tag and must neither have `children` nor use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."
682 );
683 default:
684 pushAttribute(target, propKey, propValue);
685 }
686 }
687 target.push("/>");
688 return null;
690var styleRegex = /(<\/|<)(s)(tyle)/gi;
691function styleReplacer(match, prefix, s, suffix) {
692 return "" + prefix + ("s" === s ? "\\73 " : "\\53 ") + suffix;
694function pushSelfClosing(target, props, tag) {
695 target.push(startChunkForTag(tag));
696 for (var propKey in props)
697 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey)) {
698 var propValue = props[propKey];
699 if (null != propValue)
700 switch (propKey) {
701 case "children":
702 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
703 throw Error(
704 tag +
705 " is a self-closing tag and must neither have `children` nor use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."
706 );
707 default:
708 pushAttribute(target, propKey, propValue);
709 }
710 }
711 target.push("/>");
712 return null;
714function pushTitleImpl(target, props) {
715 target.push(startChunkForTag("title"));
716 var children = null,
717 innerHTML = null,
718 propKey;
719 for (propKey in props)
720 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey)) {
721 var propValue = props[propKey];
722 if (null != propValue)
723 switch (propKey) {
724 case "children":
725 children = propValue;
726 break;
727 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
728 innerHTML = propValue;
729 break;
730 default:
731 pushAttribute(target, propKey, propValue);
732 }
733 }
734 target.push(">");
735 props = Array.isArray(children)
736 ? 2 > children.length
737 ? children[0]
738 : null
739 : children;
740 "function" !== typeof props &&
741 "symbol" !== typeof props &&
742 null !== props &&
743 void 0 !== props &&
744 target.push(escapeTextForBrowser("" + props));
745 pushInnerHTML(target, innerHTML, children);
746 target.push(endChunkForTag("title"));
747 return null;
749function pushScriptImpl(target, props) {
750 target.push(startChunkForTag("script"));
751 var children = null,
752 innerHTML = null,
753 propKey;
754 for (propKey in props)
755 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey)) {
756 var propValue = props[propKey];
757 if (null != propValue)
758 switch (propKey) {
759 case "children":
760 children = propValue;
761 break;
762 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
763 innerHTML = propValue;
764 break;
765 default:
766 pushAttribute(target, propKey, propValue);
767 }
768 }
769 target.push(">");
770 pushInnerHTML(target, innerHTML, children);
771 "string" === typeof children &&
772 target.push(("" + children).replace(scriptRegex, scriptReplacer));
773 target.push(endChunkForTag("script"));
774 return null;
776function pushStartGenericElement(target, props, tag) {
777 target.push(startChunkForTag(tag));
778 var innerHTML = (tag = null),
779 propKey;
780 for (propKey in props)
781 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey)) {
782 var propValue = props[propKey];
783 if (null != propValue)
784 switch (propKey) {
785 case "children":
786 tag = propValue;
787 break;
788 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
789 innerHTML = propValue;
790 break;
791 default:
792 pushAttribute(target, propKey, propValue);
793 }
794 }
795 target.push(">");
796 pushInnerHTML(target, innerHTML, tag);
797 return "string" === typeof tag
798 ? (target.push(escapeTextForBrowser(tag)), null)
799 : tag;
801var VALID_TAG_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z:_\.\-\d]*$/,
802 validatedTagCache = new Map();
803function startChunkForTag(tag) {
804 var tagStartChunk = validatedTagCache.get(tag);
805 if (void 0 === tagStartChunk) {
806 if (!VALID_TAG_REGEX.test(tag)) throw Error("Invalid tag: " + tag);
807 tagStartChunk = "<" + tag;
808 validatedTagCache.set(tag, tagStartChunk);
809 }
810 return tagStartChunk;
812function pushStartInstance(
813 target$jscomp$0,
814 type,
815 props,
816 resumableState,
817 renderState,
818 hoistableState,
819 formatContext,
820 textEmbedded,
821 isFallback
822) {
823 switch (type) {
824 case "div":
825 case "span":
826 case "svg":
827 case "path":
828 break;
829 case "a":
830 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("a"));
831 var children = null,
832 innerHTML = null,
833 propKey;
834 for (propKey in props)
835 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey)) {
836 var propValue = props[propKey];
837 if (null != propValue)
838 switch (propKey) {
839 case "children":
840 children = propValue;
841 break;
842 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
843 innerHTML = propValue;
844 break;
845 case "href":
846 "" === propValue
847 ? pushStringAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "href", "")
848 : pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, propKey, propValue);
849 break;
850 default:
851 pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, propKey, propValue);
852 }
853 }
854 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
855 pushInnerHTML(target$jscomp$0, innerHTML, children);
856 if ("string" === typeof children) {
857 target$jscomp$0.push(escapeTextForBrowser(children));
858 var JSCompiler_inline_result = null;
859 } else JSCompiler_inline_result = children;
860 return JSCompiler_inline_result;
861 case "g":
862 case "p":
863 case "li":
864 break;
865 case "select":
866 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("select"));
867 var children$jscomp$0 = null,
868 innerHTML$jscomp$0 = null,
869 propKey$jscomp$0;
870 for (propKey$jscomp$0 in props)
871 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$0)) {
872 var propValue$jscomp$0 = props[propKey$jscomp$0];
873 if (null != propValue$jscomp$0)
874 switch (propKey$jscomp$0) {
875 case "children":
876 children$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$0;
877 break;
878 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
879 innerHTML$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$0;
880 break;
881 case "defaultValue":
882 case "value":
883 break;
884 default:
885 pushAttribute(
886 target$jscomp$0,
887 propKey$jscomp$0,
888 propValue$jscomp$0
889 );
890 }
891 }
892 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
893 pushInnerHTML(target$jscomp$0, innerHTML$jscomp$0, children$jscomp$0);
894 return children$jscomp$0;
895 case "option":
896 var selectedValue = formatContext.selectedValue;
897 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("option"));
898 var children$jscomp$1 = null,
899 value = null,
900 selected = null,
901 innerHTML$jscomp$1 = null,
902 propKey$jscomp$1;
903 for (propKey$jscomp$1 in props)
904 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$1)) {
905 var propValue$jscomp$1 = props[propKey$jscomp$1];
906 if (null != propValue$jscomp$1)
907 switch (propKey$jscomp$1) {
908 case "children":
909 children$jscomp$1 = propValue$jscomp$1;
910 break;
911 case "selected":
912 selected = propValue$jscomp$1;
913 break;
914 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
915 innerHTML$jscomp$1 = propValue$jscomp$1;
916 break;
917 case "value":
918 value = propValue$jscomp$1;
919 default:
920 pushAttribute(
921 target$jscomp$0,
922 propKey$jscomp$1,
923 propValue$jscomp$1
924 );
925 }
926 }
927 if (null != selectedValue) {
928 var stringValue =
929 null !== value
930 ? "" + value
931 : flattenOptionChildren(children$jscomp$1);
932 if (isArrayImpl(selectedValue))
933 for (var i = 0; i < selectedValue.length; i++) {
934 if ("" + selectedValue[i] === stringValue) {
935 target$jscomp$0.push(' selected=""');
936 break;
937 }
938 }
939 else
940 "" + selectedValue === stringValue &&
941 target$jscomp$0.push(' selected=""');
942 } else selected && target$jscomp$0.push(' selected=""');
943 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
944 pushInnerHTML(target$jscomp$0, innerHTML$jscomp$1, children$jscomp$1);
945 return children$jscomp$1;
946 case "textarea":
947 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("textarea"));
948 var value$jscomp$0 = null,
949 defaultValue = null,
950 children$jscomp$2 = null,
951 propKey$jscomp$2;
952 for (propKey$jscomp$2 in props)
953 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$2)) {
954 var propValue$jscomp$2 = props[propKey$jscomp$2];
955 if (null != propValue$jscomp$2)
956 switch (propKey$jscomp$2) {
957 case "children":
958 children$jscomp$2 = propValue$jscomp$2;
959 break;
960 case "value":
961 value$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$2;
962 break;
963 case "defaultValue":
964 defaultValue = propValue$jscomp$2;
965 break;
966 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
967 throw Error(
968 "`dangerouslySetInnerHTML` does not make sense on <textarea>."
969 );
970 default:
971 pushAttribute(
972 target$jscomp$0,
973 propKey$jscomp$2,
974 propValue$jscomp$2
975 );
976 }
977 }
978 null === value$jscomp$0 &&
979 null !== defaultValue &&
980 (value$jscomp$0 = defaultValue);
981 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
982 if (null != children$jscomp$2) {
983 if (null != value$jscomp$0)
984 throw Error(
985 "If you supply `defaultValue` on a <textarea>, do not pass children."
986 );
987 if (isArrayImpl(children$jscomp$2)) {
988 if (1 < children$jscomp$2.length)
989 throw Error("<textarea> can only have at most one child.");
990 value$jscomp$0 = "" + children$jscomp$2[0];
991 }
992 value$jscomp$0 = "" + children$jscomp$2;
993 }
994 "string" === typeof value$jscomp$0 &&
995 "\n" === value$jscomp$0[0] &&
996 target$jscomp$0.push("\n");
997 null !== value$jscomp$0 &&
998 target$jscomp$0.push(escapeTextForBrowser("" + value$jscomp$0));
999 return null;
1000 case "input":
1001 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("input"));
1002 var name = null,
1003 formAction = null,
1004 formEncType = null,
1005 formMethod = null,
1006 formTarget = null,
1007 value$jscomp$1 = null,
1008 defaultValue$jscomp$0 = null,
1009 checked = null,
1010 defaultChecked = null,
1011 propKey$jscomp$3;
1012 for (propKey$jscomp$3 in props)
1013 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$3)) {
1014 var propValue$jscomp$3 = props[propKey$jscomp$3];
1015 if (null != propValue$jscomp$3)
1016 switch (propKey$jscomp$3) {
1017 case "children":
1018 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1019 throw Error(
1020 "input is a self-closing tag and must neither have `children` nor use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."
1021 );
1022 case "name":
1023 name = propValue$jscomp$3;
1024 break;
1025 case "formAction":
1026 formAction = propValue$jscomp$3;
1027 break;
1028 case "formEncType":
1029 formEncType = propValue$jscomp$3;
1030 break;
1031 case "formMethod":
1032 formMethod = propValue$jscomp$3;
1033 break;
1034 case "formTarget":
1035 formTarget = propValue$jscomp$3;
1036 break;
1037 case "defaultChecked":
1038 defaultChecked = propValue$jscomp$3;
1039 break;
1040 case "defaultValue":
1041 defaultValue$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$3;
1042 break;
1043 case "checked":
1044 checked = propValue$jscomp$3;
1045 break;
1046 case "value":
1047 value$jscomp$1 = propValue$jscomp$3;
1048 break;
1049 default:
1050 pushAttribute(
1051 target$jscomp$0,
1052 propKey$jscomp$3,
1053 propValue$jscomp$3
1054 );
1055 }
1056 }
1057 var formData = pushFormActionAttribute(
1058 target$jscomp$0,
1059 resumableState,
1060 renderState,
1061 formAction,
1062 formEncType,
1063 formMethod,
1064 formTarget,
1065 name
1066 );
1067 null !== checked
1068 ? pushBooleanAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "checked", checked)
1069 : null !== defaultChecked &&
1070 pushBooleanAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "checked", defaultChecked);
1071 null !== value$jscomp$1
1072 ? pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "value", value$jscomp$1)
1073 : null !== defaultValue$jscomp$0 &&
1074 pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "value", defaultValue$jscomp$0);
1075 target$jscomp$0.push("/>");
1076 null != formData &&
1077 formData.forEach(pushAdditionalFormField, target$jscomp$0);
1078 return null;
1079 case "button":
1080 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("button"));
1081 var children$jscomp$3 = null,
1082 innerHTML$jscomp$2 = null,
1083 name$jscomp$0 = null,
1084 formAction$jscomp$0 = null,
1085 formEncType$jscomp$0 = null,
1086 formMethod$jscomp$0 = null,
1087 formTarget$jscomp$0 = null,
1088 propKey$jscomp$4;
1089 for (propKey$jscomp$4 in props)
1090 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$4)) {
1091 var propValue$jscomp$4 = props[propKey$jscomp$4];
1092 if (null != propValue$jscomp$4)
1093 switch (propKey$jscomp$4) {
1094 case "children":
1095 children$jscomp$3 = propValue$jscomp$4;
1096 break;
1097 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1098 innerHTML$jscomp$2 = propValue$jscomp$4;
1099 break;
1100 case "name":
1101 name$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$4;
1102 break;
1103 case "formAction":
1104 formAction$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$4;
1105 break;
1106 case "formEncType":
1107 formEncType$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$4;
1108 break;
1109 case "formMethod":
1110 formMethod$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$4;
1111 break;
1112 case "formTarget":
1113 formTarget$jscomp$0 = propValue$jscomp$4;
1114 break;
1115 default:
1116 pushAttribute(
1117 target$jscomp$0,
1118 propKey$jscomp$4,
1119 propValue$jscomp$4
1120 );
1121 }
1122 }
1123 var formData$jscomp$0 = pushFormActionAttribute(
1124 target$jscomp$0,
1125 resumableState,
1126 renderState,
1127 formAction$jscomp$0,
1128 formEncType$jscomp$0,
1129 formMethod$jscomp$0,
1130 formTarget$jscomp$0,
1131 name$jscomp$0
1132 );
1133 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
1134 null != formData$jscomp$0 &&
1135 formData$jscomp$0.forEach(pushAdditionalFormField, target$jscomp$0);
1136 pushInnerHTML(target$jscomp$0, innerHTML$jscomp$2, children$jscomp$3);
1137 if ("string" === typeof children$jscomp$3) {
1138 target$jscomp$0.push(escapeTextForBrowser(children$jscomp$3));
1139 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = null;
1140 } else JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = children$jscomp$3;
1141 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0;
1142 case "form":
1143 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("form"));
1144 var children$jscomp$4 = null,
1145 innerHTML$jscomp$3 = null,
1146 formAction$jscomp$1 = null,
1147 formEncType$jscomp$1 = null,
1148 formMethod$jscomp$1 = null,
1149 formTarget$jscomp$1 = null,
1150 propKey$jscomp$5;
1151 for (propKey$jscomp$5 in props)
1152 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$5)) {
1153 var propValue$jscomp$5 = props[propKey$jscomp$5];
1154 if (null != propValue$jscomp$5)
1155 switch (propKey$jscomp$5) {
1156 case "children":
1157 children$jscomp$4 = propValue$jscomp$5;
1158 break;
1159 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1160 innerHTML$jscomp$3 = propValue$jscomp$5;
1161 break;
1162 case "action":
1163 formAction$jscomp$1 = propValue$jscomp$5;
1164 break;
1165 case "encType":
1166 formEncType$jscomp$1 = propValue$jscomp$5;
1167 break;
1168 case "method":
1169 formMethod$jscomp$1 = propValue$jscomp$5;
1170 break;
1171 case "target":
1172 formTarget$jscomp$1 = propValue$jscomp$5;
1173 break;
1174 default:
1175 pushAttribute(
1176 target$jscomp$0,
1177 propKey$jscomp$5,
1178 propValue$jscomp$5
1179 );
1180 }
1181 }
1182 var formData$jscomp$1 = null,
1183 formActionName = null;
1184 if ("function" === typeof formAction$jscomp$1) {
1185 var customFields = getCustomFormFields(
1186 resumableState,
1187 formAction$jscomp$1
1188 );
1189 null !== customFields
1190 ? ((formAction$jscomp$1 = customFields.action || ""),
1191 (formEncType$jscomp$1 = customFields.encType),
1192 (formMethod$jscomp$1 = customFields.method),
1193 (formTarget$jscomp$1 = customFields.target),
1194 (formData$jscomp$1 = customFields.data),
1195 (formActionName = customFields.name))
1196 : (target$jscomp$0.push(
1197 " ",
1198 "action",
1199 '="',
1200 actionJavaScriptURL,
1201 '"'
1202 ),
1203 (formTarget$jscomp$1 =
1204 formMethod$jscomp$1 =
1205 formEncType$jscomp$1 =
1206 formAction$jscomp$1 =
1207 null),
1208 injectFormReplayingRuntime(resumableState, renderState));
1209 }
1210 null != formAction$jscomp$1 &&
1211 pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "action", formAction$jscomp$1);
1212 null != formEncType$jscomp$1 &&
1213 pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "encType", formEncType$jscomp$1);
1214 null != formMethod$jscomp$1 &&
1215 pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "method", formMethod$jscomp$1);
1216 null != formTarget$jscomp$1 &&
1217 pushAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "target", formTarget$jscomp$1);
1218 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
1219 null !== formActionName &&
1220 (target$jscomp$0.push('<input type="hidden"'),
1221 pushStringAttribute(target$jscomp$0, "name", formActionName),
1222 target$jscomp$0.push("/>"),
1223 null != formData$jscomp$1 &&
1224 formData$jscomp$1.forEach(pushAdditionalFormField, target$jscomp$0));
1225 pushInnerHTML(target$jscomp$0, innerHTML$jscomp$3, children$jscomp$4);
1226 if ("string" === typeof children$jscomp$4) {
1227 target$jscomp$0.push(escapeTextForBrowser(children$jscomp$4));
1228 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$1 = null;
1229 } else JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$1 = children$jscomp$4;
1230 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$1;
1231 case "menuitem":
1232 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("menuitem"));
1233 for (var propKey$jscomp$6 in props)
1234 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$6)) {
1235 var propValue$jscomp$6 = props[propKey$jscomp$6];
1236 if (null != propValue$jscomp$6)
1237 switch (propKey$jscomp$6) {
1238 case "children":
1239 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1240 throw Error(
1241 "menuitems cannot have `children` nor `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."
1242 );
1243 default:
1244 pushAttribute(
1245 target$jscomp$0,
1246 propKey$jscomp$6,
1247 propValue$jscomp$6
1248 );
1249 }
1250 }
1251 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
1252 return null;
1253 case "title":
1254 if (
1255 3 === formatContext.insertionMode ||
1256 formatContext.tagScope & 1 ||
1257 null != props.itemProp
1258 )
1259 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$2 = pushTitleImpl(
1260 target$jscomp$0,
1261 props
1262 );
1263 else
1264 isFallback
1265 ? (JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$2 = null)
1266 : (pushTitleImpl(renderState.hoistableChunks, props),
1267 (JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$2 = void 0));
1268 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$2;
1269 case "link":
1270 var rel = props.rel,
1271 href = props.href,
1272 precedence = props.precedence;
1273 if (
1274 3 === formatContext.insertionMode ||
1275 formatContext.tagScope & 1 ||
1276 null != props.itemProp ||
1277 "string" !== typeof rel ||
1278 "string" !== typeof href ||
1279 "" === href
1280 ) {
1281 pushLinkImpl(target$jscomp$0, props);
1282 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$3 = null;
1283 } else if ("stylesheet" === props.rel)
1284 if (
1285 "string" !== typeof precedence ||
1286 null != props.disabled ||
1287 props.onLoad ||
1288 props.onError
1289 )
1290 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$3 = pushLinkImpl(
1291 target$jscomp$0,
1292 props
1293 );
1294 else {
1295 var styleQueue = renderState.styles.get(precedence),
1296 resourceState = resumableState.styleResources.hasOwnProperty(href)
1297 ? resumableState.styleResources[href]
1298 : void 0;
1299 if (null !== resourceState) {
1300 resumableState.styleResources[href] = null;
1301 styleQueue ||
1302 ((styleQueue = {
1303 precedence: escapeTextForBrowser(precedence),
1304 rules: [],
1305 hrefs: [],
1306 sheets: new Map()
1307 }),
1308 renderState.styles.set(precedence, styleQueue));
1309 var resource = {
1310 state: 0,
1311 props: assign({}, props, {
1312 "data-precedence": props.precedence,
1313 precedence: null
1314 })
1315 };
1316 if (resourceState) {
1317 2 === resourceState.length &&
1318 adoptPreloadCredentials(resource.props, resourceState);
1319 var preloadResource = renderState.preloads.stylesheets.get(href);
1320 preloadResource && 0 < preloadResource.length
1321 ? (preloadResource.length = 0)
1322 : (resource.state = 1);
1323 }
1324 styleQueue.sheets.set(href, resource);
1325 hoistableState && hoistableState.stylesheets.add(resource);
1326 } else if (styleQueue) {
1327 var resource$9 = styleQueue.sheets.get(href);
1328 resource$9 &&
1329 hoistableState &&
1330 hoistableState.stylesheets.add(resource$9);
1331 }
1332 textEmbedded && target$jscomp$0.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e");
1333 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$3 = null;
1334 }
1335 else
1336 props.onLoad || props.onError
1337 ? (JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$3 = pushLinkImpl(
1338 target$jscomp$0,
1339 props
1340 ))
1341 : (textEmbedded && target$jscomp$0.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e"),
1342 (JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$3 = isFallback
1343 ? null
1344 : pushLinkImpl(renderState.hoistableChunks, props)));
1345 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$3;
1346 case "script":
1347 var asyncProp = props.async;
1348 if (
1349 "string" !== typeof props.src ||
1350 !props.src ||
1351 !asyncProp ||
1352 "function" === typeof asyncProp ||
1353 "symbol" === typeof asyncProp ||
1354 props.onLoad ||
1355 props.onError ||
1356 3 === formatContext.insertionMode ||
1357 formatContext.tagScope & 1 ||
1358 null != props.itemProp
1359 )
1360 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$4 = pushScriptImpl(
1361 target$jscomp$0,
1362 props
1363 );
1364 else {
1365 var key = props.src;
1366 if ("module" === props.type) {
1367 var resources = resumableState.moduleScriptResources;
1368 var preloads = renderState.preloads.moduleScripts;
1369 } else
1370 (resources = resumableState.scriptResources),
1371 (preloads = renderState.preloads.scripts);
1372 var resourceState$jscomp$0 = resources.hasOwnProperty(key)
1373 ? resources[key]
1374 : void 0;
1375 if (null !== resourceState$jscomp$0) {
1376 resources[key] = null;
1377 var scriptProps = props;
1378 if (resourceState$jscomp$0) {
1379 2 === resourceState$jscomp$0.length &&
1380 ((scriptProps = assign({}, props)),
1381 adoptPreloadCredentials(scriptProps, resourceState$jscomp$0));
1382 var preloadResource$jscomp$0 = preloads.get(key);
1383 preloadResource$jscomp$0 && (preloadResource$jscomp$0.length = 0);
1384 }
1385 var resource$jscomp$0 = [];
1386 renderState.scripts.add(resource$jscomp$0);
1387 pushScriptImpl(resource$jscomp$0, scriptProps);
1388 }
1389 textEmbedded && target$jscomp$0.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e");
1390 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$4 = null;
1391 }
1392 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$4;
1393 case "style":
1394 var precedence$jscomp$0 = props.precedence,
1395 href$jscomp$0 = props.href;
1396 if (
1397 3 === formatContext.insertionMode ||
1398 formatContext.tagScope & 1 ||
1399 null != props.itemProp ||
1400 "string" !== typeof precedence$jscomp$0 ||
1401 "string" !== typeof href$jscomp$0 ||
1402 "" === href$jscomp$0
1403 ) {
1404 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag("style"));
1405 var children$jscomp$5 = null,
1406 innerHTML$jscomp$4 = null,
1407 propKey$jscomp$7;
1408 for (propKey$jscomp$7 in props)
1409 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$7)) {
1410 var propValue$jscomp$7 = props[propKey$jscomp$7];
1411 if (null != propValue$jscomp$7)
1412 switch (propKey$jscomp$7) {
1413 case "children":
1414 children$jscomp$5 = propValue$jscomp$7;
1415 break;
1416 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1417 innerHTML$jscomp$4 = propValue$jscomp$7;
1418 break;
1419 default:
1420 pushAttribute(
1421 target$jscomp$0,
1422 propKey$jscomp$7,
1423 propValue$jscomp$7
1424 );
1425 }
1426 }
1427 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
1428 var child = Array.isArray(children$jscomp$5)
1429 ? 2 > children$jscomp$5.length
1430 ? children$jscomp$5[0]
1431 : null
1432 : children$jscomp$5;
1433 "function" !== typeof child &&
1434 "symbol" !== typeof child &&
1435 null !== child &&
1436 void 0 !== child &&
1437 target$jscomp$0.push(("" + child).replace(styleRegex, styleReplacer));
1438 pushInnerHTML(target$jscomp$0, innerHTML$jscomp$4, children$jscomp$5);
1439 target$jscomp$0.push(endChunkForTag("style"));
1440 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$5 = null;
1441 } else {
1442 var styleQueue$jscomp$0 = renderState.styles.get(precedence$jscomp$0);
1443 if (
1444 null !==
1445 (resumableState.styleResources.hasOwnProperty(href$jscomp$0)
1446 ? resumableState.styleResources[href$jscomp$0]
1447 : void 0)
1448 ) {
1449 resumableState.styleResources[href$jscomp$0] = null;
1450 styleQueue$jscomp$0
1451 ? styleQueue$jscomp$0.hrefs.push(
1452 escapeTextForBrowser(href$jscomp$0)
1453 )
1454 : ((styleQueue$jscomp$0 = {
1455 precedence: escapeTextForBrowser(precedence$jscomp$0),
1456 rules: [],
1457 hrefs: [escapeTextForBrowser(href$jscomp$0)],
1458 sheets: new Map()
1459 }),
1460 renderState.styles.set(precedence$jscomp$0, styleQueue$jscomp$0));
1461 var target = styleQueue$jscomp$0.rules,
1462 children$jscomp$6 = null,
1463 innerHTML$jscomp$5 = null,
1464 propKey$jscomp$8;
1465 for (propKey$jscomp$8 in props)
1466 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$8)) {
1467 var propValue$jscomp$8 = props[propKey$jscomp$8];
1468 if (null != propValue$jscomp$8)
1469 switch (propKey$jscomp$8) {
1470 case "children":
1471 children$jscomp$6 = propValue$jscomp$8;
1472 break;
1473 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1474 innerHTML$jscomp$5 = propValue$jscomp$8;
1475 }
1476 }
1477 var child$jscomp$0 = Array.isArray(children$jscomp$6)
1478 ? 2 > children$jscomp$6.length
1479 ? children$jscomp$6[0]
1480 : null
1481 : children$jscomp$6;
1482 "function" !== typeof child$jscomp$0 &&
1483 "symbol" !== typeof child$jscomp$0 &&
1484 null !== child$jscomp$0 &&
1485 void 0 !== child$jscomp$0 &&
1486 target.push(
1487 ("" + child$jscomp$0).replace(styleRegex, styleReplacer)
1488 );
1489 pushInnerHTML(target, innerHTML$jscomp$5, children$jscomp$6);
1490 }
1491 styleQueue$jscomp$0 &&
1492 hoistableState &&
1493 hoistableState.styles.add(styleQueue$jscomp$0);
1494 textEmbedded && target$jscomp$0.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e");
1495 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$5 = void 0;
1496 }
1497 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$5;
1498 case "meta":
1499 if (
1500 3 === formatContext.insertionMode ||
1501 formatContext.tagScope & 1 ||
1502 null != props.itemProp
1503 )
1504 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$6 = pushSelfClosing(
1505 target$jscomp$0,
1506 props,
1507 "meta"
1508 );
1509 else
1510 textEmbedded && target$jscomp$0.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e"),
1511 (JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$6 = isFallback
1512 ? null
1513 : "string" === typeof props.charSet
1514 ? pushSelfClosing(renderState.charsetChunks, props, "meta")
1515 : "viewport" === props.name
1516 ? pushSelfClosing(renderState.viewportChunks, props, "meta")
1517 : pushSelfClosing(renderState.hoistableChunks, props, "meta"));
1518 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$6;
1519 case "listing":
1520 case "pre":
1521 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag(type));
1522 var children$jscomp$7 = null,
1523 innerHTML$jscomp$6 = null,
1524 propKey$jscomp$9;
1525 for (propKey$jscomp$9 in props)
1526 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$9)) {
1527 var propValue$jscomp$9 = props[propKey$jscomp$9];
1528 if (null != propValue$jscomp$9)
1529 switch (propKey$jscomp$9) {
1530 case "children":
1531 children$jscomp$7 = propValue$jscomp$9;
1532 break;
1533 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1534 innerHTML$jscomp$6 = propValue$jscomp$9;
1535 break;
1536 default:
1537 pushAttribute(
1538 target$jscomp$0,
1539 propKey$jscomp$9,
1540 propValue$jscomp$9
1541 );
1542 }
1543 }
1544 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
1545 if (null != innerHTML$jscomp$6) {
1546 if (null != children$jscomp$7)
1547 throw Error(
1548 "Can only set one of `children` or `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."
1549 );
1550 if (
1551 "object" !== typeof innerHTML$jscomp$6 ||
1552 !("__html" in innerHTML$jscomp$6)
1553 )
1554 throw Error(
1555 "`props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` must be in the form `{__html: ...}`. Please visit https://react.dev/link/dangerously-set-inner-html for more information."
1556 );
1557 var html = innerHTML$jscomp$6.__html;
1558 null !== html &&
1559 void 0 !== html &&
1560 ("string" === typeof html && 0 < html.length && "\n" === html[0]
1561 ? target$jscomp$0.push("\n", html)
1562 : target$jscomp$0.push("" + html));
1563 }
1564 "string" === typeof children$jscomp$7 &&
1565 "\n" === children$jscomp$7[0] &&
1566 target$jscomp$0.push("\n");
1567 return children$jscomp$7;
1568 case "img":
1569 var src = props.src,
1570 srcSet = props.srcSet;
1571 if (
1572 !(
1573 "lazy" === props.loading ||
1574 (!src && !srcSet) ||
1575 ("string" !== typeof src && null != src) ||
1576 ("string" !== typeof srcSet && null != srcSet)
1577 ) &&
1578 "low" !== props.fetchPriority &&
1579 !1 === !!(formatContext.tagScope & 3) &&
1580 ("string" !== typeof src ||
1581 ":" !== src[4] ||
1582 ("d" !== src[0] && "D" !== src[0]) ||
1583 ("a" !== src[1] && "A" !== src[1]) ||
1584 ("t" !== src[2] && "T" !== src[2]) ||
1585 ("a" !== src[3] && "A" !== src[3])) &&
1586 ("string" !== typeof srcSet ||
1587 ":" !== srcSet[4] ||
1588 ("d" !== srcSet[0] && "D" !== srcSet[0]) ||
1589 ("a" !== srcSet[1] && "A" !== srcSet[1]) ||
1590 ("t" !== srcSet[2] && "T" !== srcSet[2]) ||
1591 ("a" !== srcSet[3] && "A" !== srcSet[3]))
1592 ) {
1593 var sizes = "string" === typeof props.sizes ? props.sizes : void 0,
1594 key$jscomp$0 = srcSet ? srcSet + "\n" + (sizes || "") : src,
1595 promotablePreloads = renderState.preloads.images,
1596 resource$jscomp$1 = promotablePreloads.get(key$jscomp$0);
1597 if (resource$jscomp$1) {
1598 if (
1599 "high" === props.fetchPriority ||
1600 10 > renderState.highImagePreloads.size
1601 )
1602 promotablePreloads.delete(key$jscomp$0),
1603 renderState.highImagePreloads.add(resource$jscomp$1);
1604 } else if (
1605 !resumableState.imageResources.hasOwnProperty(key$jscomp$0)
1606 ) {
1607 resumableState.imageResources[key$jscomp$0] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS;
1608 var input = props.crossOrigin;
1609 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$7 =
1610 "string" === typeof input
1611 ? "use-credentials" === input
1612 ? input
1613 : ""
1614 : void 0;
1615 var headers = renderState.headers,
1616 header;
1617 headers &&
1618 0 < headers.remainingCapacity &&
1619 ("high" === props.fetchPriority ||
1620 500 > headers.highImagePreloads.length) &&
1621 ((header = getPreloadAsHeader(src, "image", {
1622 imageSrcSet: props.srcSet,
1623 imageSizes: props.sizes,
1624 crossOrigin: JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$7,
1625 integrity: props.integrity,
1626 nonce: props.nonce,
1627 type: props.type,
1628 fetchPriority: props.fetchPriority,
1629 referrerPolicy: props.refererPolicy
1630 })),
1631 2 <= (headers.remainingCapacity -= header.length))
1632 ? ((renderState.resets.image[key$jscomp$0] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS),
1633 headers.highImagePreloads && (headers.highImagePreloads += ", "),
1634 (headers.highImagePreloads += header))
1635 : ((resource$jscomp$1 = []),
1636 pushLinkImpl(resource$jscomp$1, {
1637 rel: "preload",
1638 as: "image",
1639 href: srcSet ? void 0 : src,
1640 imageSrcSet: srcSet,
1641 imageSizes: sizes,
1642 crossOrigin: JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$7,
1643 integrity: props.integrity,
1644 type: props.type,
1645 fetchPriority: props.fetchPriority,
1646 referrerPolicy: props.referrerPolicy
1647 }),
1648 "high" === props.fetchPriority ||
1649 10 > renderState.highImagePreloads.size
1650 ? renderState.highImagePreloads.add(resource$jscomp$1)
1651 : (renderState.bulkPreloads.add(resource$jscomp$1),
1652 promotablePreloads.set(key$jscomp$0, resource$jscomp$1)));
1653 }
1654 }
1655 return pushSelfClosing(target$jscomp$0, props, "img");
1656 case "base":
1657 case "area":
1658 case "br":
1659 case "col":
1660 case "embed":
1661 case "hr":
1662 case "keygen":
1663 case "param":
1664 case "source":
1665 case "track":
1666 case "wbr":
1667 return pushSelfClosing(target$jscomp$0, props, type);
1668 case "annotation-xml":
1669 case "color-profile":
1670 case "font-face":
1671 case "font-face-src":
1672 case "font-face-uri":
1673 case "font-face-format":
1674 case "font-face-name":
1675 case "missing-glyph":
1676 break;
1677 case "head":
1678 if (2 > formatContext.insertionMode && null === renderState.headChunks) {
1679 renderState.headChunks = [];
1680 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$8 = pushStartGenericElement(
1681 renderState.headChunks,
1682 props,
1683 "head"
1684 );
1685 } else
1686 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$8 = pushStartGenericElement(
1687 target$jscomp$0,
1688 props,
1689 "head"
1690 );
1691 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$8;
1692 case "html":
1693 if (
1694 0 === formatContext.insertionMode &&
1695 null === renderState.htmlChunks
1696 ) {
1697 renderState.htmlChunks = [""];
1698 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$9 = pushStartGenericElement(
1699 renderState.htmlChunks,
1700 props,
1701 "html"
1702 );
1703 } else
1704 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$9 = pushStartGenericElement(
1705 target$jscomp$0,
1706 props,
1707 "html"
1708 );
1709 return JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$9;
1710 default:
1711 if (-1 !== type.indexOf("-")) {
1712 target$jscomp$0.push(startChunkForTag(type));
1713 var children$jscomp$8 = null,
1714 innerHTML$jscomp$7 = null,
1715 propKey$jscomp$10;
1716 for (propKey$jscomp$10 in props)
1717 if (hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey$jscomp$10)) {
1718 var propValue$jscomp$10 = props[propKey$jscomp$10];
1719 if (null != propValue$jscomp$10) {
1720 var attributeName = propKey$jscomp$10;
1721 switch (propKey$jscomp$10) {
1722 case "children":
1723 children$jscomp$8 = propValue$jscomp$10;
1724 break;
1725 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
1726 innerHTML$jscomp$7 = propValue$jscomp$10;
1727 break;
1728 case "style":
1729 pushStyleAttribute(target$jscomp$0, propValue$jscomp$10);
1730 break;
1731 case "suppressContentEditableWarning":
1732 case "suppressHydrationWarning":
1733 case "ref":
1734 break;
1735 case "className":
1736 attributeName = "class";
1737 default:
1738 if (
1739 isAttributeNameSafe(propKey$jscomp$10) &&
1740 "function" !== typeof propValue$jscomp$10 &&
1741 "symbol" !== typeof propValue$jscomp$10 &&
1742 !1 !== propValue$jscomp$10
1743 ) {
1744 if (!0 === propValue$jscomp$10) propValue$jscomp$10 = "";
1745 else if ("object" === typeof propValue$jscomp$10) continue;
1746 target$jscomp$0.push(
1747 " ",
1748 attributeName,
1749 '="',
1750 escapeTextForBrowser(propValue$jscomp$10),
1751 '"'
1752 );
1753 }
1754 }
1755 }
1756 }
1757 target$jscomp$0.push(">");
1758 pushInnerHTML(target$jscomp$0, innerHTML$jscomp$7, children$jscomp$8);
1759 return children$jscomp$8;
1760 }
1761 }
1762 return pushStartGenericElement(target$jscomp$0, props, type);
1764var endTagCache = new Map();
1765function endChunkForTag(tag) {
1766 var chunk = endTagCache.get(tag);
1767 void 0 === chunk && ((chunk = "</" + tag + ">"), endTagCache.set(tag, chunk));
1768 return chunk;
1770function writeBootstrap(destination, renderState) {
1771 renderState = renderState.bootstrapChunks;
1772 for (var i = 0; i < renderState.length - 1; i++)
1773 destination.push(renderState[i]);
1774 return i < renderState.length
1775 ? ((i = renderState[i]), (renderState.length = 0), destination.push(i))
1776 : !0;
1778function writeStartPendingSuspenseBoundary(destination, renderState, id) {
1779 destination.push('\x3c!--$?--\x3e<template id="');
1780 if (null === id)
1781 throw Error(
1782 "An ID must have been assigned before we can complete the boundary."
1783 );
1784 destination.push(renderState.boundaryPrefix);
1785 renderState = id.toString(16);
1786 destination.push(renderState);
1787 return destination.push('"></template>');
1789function writeStartSegment(destination, renderState, formatContext, id) {
1790 switch (formatContext.insertionMode) {
1791 case 0:
1792 case 1:
1793 case 2:
1794 return (
1795 destination.push('<div hidden id="'),
1796 destination.push(renderState.segmentPrefix),
1797 (renderState = id.toString(16)),
1798 destination.push(renderState),
1799 destination.push('">')
1800 );
1801 case 3:
1802 return (
1803 destination.push('<svg aria-hidden="true" style="display:none" id="'),
1804 destination.push(renderState.segmentPrefix),
1805 (renderState = id.toString(16)),
1806 destination.push(renderState),
1807 destination.push('">')
1808 );
1809 case 4:
1810 return (
1811 destination.push('<math aria-hidden="true" style="display:none" id="'),
1812 destination.push(renderState.segmentPrefix),
1813 (renderState = id.toString(16)),
1814 destination.push(renderState),
1815 destination.push('">')
1816 );
1817 case 5:
1818 return (
1819 destination.push('<table hidden id="'),
1820 destination.push(renderState.segmentPrefix),
1821 (renderState = id.toString(16)),
1822 destination.push(renderState),
1823 destination.push('">')
1824 );
1825 case 6:
1826 return (
1827 destination.push('<table hidden><tbody id="'),
1828 destination.push(renderState.segmentPrefix),
1829 (renderState = id.toString(16)),
1830 destination.push(renderState),
1831 destination.push('">')
1832 );
1833 case 7:
1834 return (
1835 destination.push('<table hidden><tr id="'),
1836 destination.push(renderState.segmentPrefix),
1837 (renderState = id.toString(16)),
1838 destination.push(renderState),
1839 destination.push('">')
1840 );
1841 case 8:
1842 return (
1843 destination.push('<table hidden><colgroup id="'),
1844 destination.push(renderState.segmentPrefix),
1845 (renderState = id.toString(16)),
1846 destination.push(renderState),
1847 destination.push('">')
1848 );
1849 default:
1850 throw Error("Unknown insertion mode. This is a bug in React.");
1851 }
1853function writeEndSegment(destination, formatContext) {
1854 switch (formatContext.insertionMode) {
1855 case 0:
1856 case 1:
1857 case 2:
1858 return destination.push("</div>");
1859 case 3:
1860 return destination.push("</svg>");
1861 case 4:
1862 return destination.push("</math>");
1863 case 5:
1864 return destination.push("</table>");
1865 case 6:
1866 return destination.push("</tbody></table>");
1867 case 7:
1868 return destination.push("</tr></table>");
1869 case 8:
1870 return destination.push("</colgroup></table>");
1871 default:
1872 throw Error("Unknown insertion mode. This is a bug in React.");
1873 }
1875var regexForJSStringsInInstructionScripts = /[<\u2028\u2029]/g;
1876function escapeJSStringsForInstructionScripts(input) {
1877 return JSON.stringify(input).replace(
1878 regexForJSStringsInInstructionScripts,
1879 function (match) {
1880 switch (match) {
1881 case "<":
1882 return "\\u003c";
1883 case "\u2028":
1884 return "\\u2028";
1885 case "\u2029":
1886 return "\\u2029";
1887 default:
1888 throw Error(
1889 "escapeJSStringsForInstructionScripts encountered a match it does not know how to replace. this means the match regex and the replacement characters are no longer in sync. This is a bug in React"
1890 );
1891 }
1892 }
1893 );
1895var regexForJSStringsInScripts = /[&><\u2028\u2029]/g;
1896function escapeJSObjectForInstructionScripts(input) {
1897 return JSON.stringify(input).replace(
1898 regexForJSStringsInScripts,
1899 function (match) {
1900 switch (match) {
1901 case "&":
1902 return "\\u0026";
1903 case ">":
1904 return "\\u003e";
1905 case "<":
1906 return "\\u003c";
1907 case "\u2028":
1908 return "\\u2028";
1909 case "\u2029":
1910 return "\\u2029";
1911 default:
1912 throw Error(
1913 "escapeJSObjectForInstructionScripts encountered a match it does not know how to replace. this means the match regex and the replacement characters are no longer in sync. This is a bug in React"
1914 );
1915 }
1916 }
1917 );
1919var currentlyRenderingBoundaryHasStylesToHoist = !1,
1920 destinationHasCapacity = !0;
1921function flushStyleTagsLateForBoundary(styleQueue) {
1922 var rules = styleQueue.rules,
1923 hrefs = styleQueue.hrefs,
1924 i = 0;
1925 if (hrefs.length) {
1926 this.push('<style media="not all" data-precedence="');
1927 this.push(styleQueue.precedence);
1928 for (this.push('" data-href="'); i < hrefs.length - 1; i++)
1929 this.push(hrefs[i]), this.push(" ");
1930 this.push(hrefs[i]);
1931 this.push('">');
1932 for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) this.push(rules[i]);
1933 destinationHasCapacity = this.push("</style>");
1934 currentlyRenderingBoundaryHasStylesToHoist = !0;
1935 rules.length = 0;
1936 hrefs.length = 0;
1937 }
1939function hasStylesToHoist(stylesheet) {
1940 return 2 !== stylesheet.state
1941 ? (currentlyRenderingBoundaryHasStylesToHoist = !0)
1942 : !1;
1944function writeHoistablesForBoundary(destination, hoistableState, renderState) {
1945 currentlyRenderingBoundaryHasStylesToHoist = !1;
1946 destinationHasCapacity = !0;
1947 hoistableState.styles.forEach(flushStyleTagsLateForBoundary, destination);
1948 hoistableState.stylesheets.forEach(hasStylesToHoist);
1949 currentlyRenderingBoundaryHasStylesToHoist &&
1950 (renderState.stylesToHoist = !0);
1951 return destinationHasCapacity;
1953function flushResource(resource) {
1954 for (var i = 0; i < resource.length; i++) this.push(resource[i]);
1955 resource.length = 0;
1957var stylesheetFlushingQueue = [];
1958function flushStyleInPreamble(stylesheet) {
1959 pushLinkImpl(stylesheetFlushingQueue, stylesheet.props);
1960 for (var i = 0; i < stylesheetFlushingQueue.length; i++)
1961 this.push(stylesheetFlushingQueue[i]);
1962 stylesheetFlushingQueue.length = 0;
1963 stylesheet.state = 2;
1965function flushStylesInPreamble(styleQueue) {
1966 var hasStylesheets = 0 < styleQueue.sheets.size;
1967 styleQueue.sheets.forEach(flushStyleInPreamble, this);
1968 styleQueue.sheets.clear();
1969 var rules = styleQueue.rules,
1970 hrefs = styleQueue.hrefs;
1971 if (!hasStylesheets || hrefs.length) {
1972 this.push('<style data-precedence="');
1973 this.push(styleQueue.precedence);
1974 styleQueue = 0;
1975 if (hrefs.length) {
1976 for (
1977 this.push('" data-href="');
1978 styleQueue < hrefs.length - 1;
1979 styleQueue++
1980 )
1981 this.push(hrefs[styleQueue]), this.push(" ");
1982 this.push(hrefs[styleQueue]);
1983 }
1984 this.push('">');
1985 for (styleQueue = 0; styleQueue < rules.length; styleQueue++)
1986 this.push(rules[styleQueue]);
1987 this.push("</style>");
1988 rules.length = 0;
1989 hrefs.length = 0;
1990 }
1992function preloadLateStyle(stylesheet) {
1993 if (0 === stylesheet.state) {
1994 stylesheet.state = 1;
1995 var props = stylesheet.props;
1996 pushLinkImpl(stylesheetFlushingQueue, {
1997 rel: "preload",
1998 as: "style",
1999 href: stylesheet.props.href,
2000 crossOrigin: props.crossOrigin,
2001 fetchPriority: props.fetchPriority,
2002 integrity: props.integrity,
2003 media: props.media,
2004 hrefLang: props.hrefLang,
2005 referrerPolicy: props.referrerPolicy
2006 });
2007 for (
2008 stylesheet = 0;
2009 stylesheet < stylesheetFlushingQueue.length;
2010 stylesheet++
2011 )
2012 this.push(stylesheetFlushingQueue[stylesheet]);
2013 stylesheetFlushingQueue.length = 0;
2014 }
2016function preloadLateStyles(styleQueue) {
2017 styleQueue.sheets.forEach(preloadLateStyle, this);
2018 styleQueue.sheets.clear();
2020function writeStyleResourceDependenciesInJS(destination, hoistableState) {
2021 destination.push("[");
2022 var nextArrayOpenBrackChunk = "[";
2023 hoistableState.stylesheets.forEach(function (resource) {
2024 if (2 !== resource.state)
2025 if (3 === resource.state)
2026 destination.push(nextArrayOpenBrackChunk),
2027 (resource = escapeJSObjectForInstructionScripts(
2028 "" + resource.props.href
2029 )),
2030 destination.push(resource),
2031 destination.push("]"),
2032 (nextArrayOpenBrackChunk = ",[");
2033 else {
2034 destination.push(nextArrayOpenBrackChunk);
2035 var precedence = resource.props["data-precedence"],
2036 props = resource.props,
2037 coercedHref = sanitizeURL("" + resource.props.href);
2038 coercedHref = escapeJSObjectForInstructionScripts(coercedHref);
2039 destination.push(coercedHref);
2040 precedence = "" + precedence;
2041 destination.push(",");
2042 precedence = escapeJSObjectForInstructionScripts(precedence);
2043 destination.push(precedence);
2044 for (var propKey in props)
2045 if (
2046 hasOwnProperty.call(props, propKey) &&
2047 ((precedence = props[propKey]), null != precedence)
2048 )
2049 switch (propKey) {
2050 case "href":
2051 case "rel":
2052 case "precedence":
2053 case "data-precedence":
2054 break;
2055 case "children":
2056 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
2057 throw Error(
2058 "link is a self-closing tag and must neither have `children` nor use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`."
2059 );
2060 default:
2061 writeStyleResourceAttributeInJS(
2062 destination,
2063 propKey,
2064 precedence
2065 );
2066 }
2067 destination.push("]");
2068 nextArrayOpenBrackChunk = ",[";
2069 resource.state = 3;
2070 }
2071 });
2072 destination.push("]");
2074function writeStyleResourceAttributeInJS(destination, name, value) {
2075 var attributeName = name.toLowerCase();
2076 switch (typeof value) {
2077 case "function":
2078 case "symbol":
2079 return;
2080 }
2081 switch (name) {
2082 case "innerHTML":
2083 case "dangerouslySetInnerHTML":
2084 case "suppressContentEditableWarning":
2085 case "suppressHydrationWarning":
2086 case "style":
2087 case "ref":
2088 return;
2089 case "className":
2090 attributeName = "class";
2091 name = "" + value;
2092 break;
2093 case "hidden":
2094 if (!1 === value) return;
2095 name = "";
2096 break;
2097 case "src":
2098 case "href":
2099 value = sanitizeURL(value);
2100 name = "" + value;
2101 break;
2102 default:
2103 if (
2104 (2 < name.length &&
2105 ("o" === name[0] || "O" === name[0]) &&
2106 ("n" === name[1] || "N" === name[1])) ||
2107 !isAttributeNameSafe(name)
2108 )
2109 return;
2110 name = "" + value;
2111 }
2112 destination.push(",");
2113 attributeName = escapeJSObjectForInstructionScripts(attributeName);
2114 destination.push(attributeName);
2115 destination.push(",");
2116 attributeName = escapeJSObjectForInstructionScripts(name);
2117 destination.push(attributeName);
2119function createHoistableState() {
2120 return { styles: new Set(), stylesheets: new Set() };
2122function prefetchDNS(href) {
2123 var request = currentRequest ? currentRequest : null;
2124 if (request) {
2125 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
2126 renderState = request.renderState;
2127 if ("string" === typeof href && href) {
2128 if (!resumableState.dnsResources.hasOwnProperty(href)) {
2129 resumableState.dnsResources[href] = null;
2130 resumableState = renderState.headers;
2131 var header, JSCompiler_temp;
2132 if (
2133 (JSCompiler_temp =
2134 resumableState && 0 < resumableState.remainingCapacity)
2135 )
2136 JSCompiler_temp =
2137 ((header =
2138 "<" +
2139 ("" + href).replace(
2140 regexForHrefInLinkHeaderURLContext,
2141 escapeHrefForLinkHeaderURLContextReplacer
2142 ) +
2143 ">; rel=dns-prefetch"),
2144 2 <= (resumableState.remainingCapacity -= header.length));
2145 JSCompiler_temp
2146 ? ((renderState.resets.dns[href] = null),
2147 resumableState.preconnects && (resumableState.preconnects += ", "),
2148 (resumableState.preconnects += header))
2149 : ((header = []),
2150 pushLinkImpl(header, { href: href, rel: "dns-prefetch" }),
2151 renderState.preconnects.add(header));
2152 }
2153 enqueueFlush(request);
2154 }
2155 } else previousDispatcher.D(href);
2157function preconnect(href, crossOrigin) {
2158 var request = currentRequest ? currentRequest : null;
2159 if (request) {
2160 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
2161 renderState = request.renderState;
2162 if ("string" === typeof href && href) {
2163 var bucket =
2164 "use-credentials" === crossOrigin
2165 ? "credentials"
2166 : "string" === typeof crossOrigin
2167 ? "anonymous"
2168 : "default";
2169 if (!resumableState.connectResources[bucket].hasOwnProperty(href)) {
2170 resumableState.connectResources[bucket][href] = null;
2171 resumableState = renderState.headers;
2172 var header, JSCompiler_temp;
2173 if (
2174 (JSCompiler_temp =
2175 resumableState && 0 < resumableState.remainingCapacity)
2176 ) {
2177 JSCompiler_temp =
2178 "<" +
2179 ("" + href).replace(
2180 regexForHrefInLinkHeaderURLContext,
2181 escapeHrefForLinkHeaderURLContextReplacer
2182 ) +
2183 ">; rel=preconnect";
2184 if ("string" === typeof crossOrigin) {
2185 var escapedCrossOrigin = ("" + crossOrigin).replace(
2186 regexForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContext,
2187 escapeStringForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContextReplacer
2188 );
2189 JSCompiler_temp += '; crossorigin="' + escapedCrossOrigin + '"';
2190 }
2191 JSCompiler_temp =
2192 ((header = JSCompiler_temp),
2193 2 <= (resumableState.remainingCapacity -= header.length));
2194 }
2195 JSCompiler_temp
2196 ? ((renderState.resets.connect[bucket][href] = null),
2197 resumableState.preconnects && (resumableState.preconnects += ", "),
2198 (resumableState.preconnects += header))
2199 : ((bucket = []),
2200 pushLinkImpl(bucket, {
2201 rel: "preconnect",
2202 href: href,
2203 crossOrigin: crossOrigin
2204 }),
2205 renderState.preconnects.add(bucket));
2206 }
2207 enqueueFlush(request);
2208 }
2209 } else previousDispatcher.C(href, crossOrigin);
2211function preload(href, as, options) {
2212 var request = currentRequest ? currentRequest : null;
2213 if (request) {
2214 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
2215 renderState = request.renderState;
2216 if (as && href) {
2217 switch (as) {
2218 case "image":
2219 if (options) {
2220 var imageSrcSet = options.imageSrcSet;
2221 var imageSizes = options.imageSizes;
2222 var fetchPriority = options.fetchPriority;
2223 }
2224 var key = imageSrcSet
2225 ? imageSrcSet + "\n" + (imageSizes || "")
2226 : href;
2227 if (resumableState.imageResources.hasOwnProperty(key)) return;
2228 resumableState.imageResources[key] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS;
2229 resumableState = renderState.headers;
2230 var header;
2231 resumableState &&
2232 0 < resumableState.remainingCapacity &&
2233 "high" === fetchPriority &&
2234 ((header = getPreloadAsHeader(href, as, options)),
2235 2 <= (resumableState.remainingCapacity -= header.length))
2236 ? ((renderState.resets.image[key] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS),
2237 resumableState.highImagePreloads &&
2238 (resumableState.highImagePreloads += ", "),
2239 (resumableState.highImagePreloads += header))
2240 : ((resumableState = []),
2241 pushLinkImpl(
2242 resumableState,
2243 assign(
2244 { rel: "preload", href: imageSrcSet ? void 0 : href, as: as },
2245 options
2246 )
2247 ),
2248 "high" === fetchPriority
2249 ? renderState.highImagePreloads.add(resumableState)
2250 : (renderState.bulkPreloads.add(resumableState),
2251 renderState.preloads.images.set(key, resumableState)));
2252 break;
2253 case "style":
2254 if (resumableState.styleResources.hasOwnProperty(href)) return;
2255 imageSrcSet = [];
2256 pushLinkImpl(
2257 imageSrcSet,
2258 assign({ rel: "preload", href: href, as: as }, options)
2259 );
2260 resumableState.styleResources[href] =
2261 !options ||
2262 ("string" !== typeof options.crossOrigin &&
2263 "string" !== typeof options.integrity)
2265 : [options.crossOrigin, options.integrity];
2266 renderState.preloads.stylesheets.set(href, imageSrcSet);
2267 renderState.bulkPreloads.add(imageSrcSet);
2268 break;
2269 case "script":
2270 if (resumableState.scriptResources.hasOwnProperty(href)) return;
2271 imageSrcSet = [];
2272 renderState.preloads.scripts.set(href, imageSrcSet);
2273 renderState.bulkPreloads.add(imageSrcSet);
2274 pushLinkImpl(
2275 imageSrcSet,
2276 assign({ rel: "preload", href: href, as: as }, options)
2277 );
2278 resumableState.scriptResources[href] =
2279 !options ||
2280 ("string" !== typeof options.crossOrigin &&
2281 "string" !== typeof options.integrity)
2283 : [options.crossOrigin, options.integrity];
2284 break;
2285 default:
2286 if (resumableState.unknownResources.hasOwnProperty(as)) {
2287 if (
2288 ((imageSrcSet = resumableState.unknownResources[as]),
2289 imageSrcSet.hasOwnProperty(href))
2290 )
2291 return;
2292 } else
2293 (imageSrcSet = {}),
2294 (resumableState.unknownResources[as] = imageSrcSet);
2295 imageSrcSet[href] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS;
2296 if (
2297 (resumableState = renderState.headers) &&
2298 0 < resumableState.remainingCapacity &&
2299 "font" === as &&
2300 ((key = getPreloadAsHeader(href, as, options)),
2301 2 <= (resumableState.remainingCapacity -= key.length))
2302 )
2303 (renderState.resets.font[href] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS),
2304 resumableState.fontPreloads &&
2305 (resumableState.fontPreloads += ", "),
2306 (resumableState.fontPreloads += key);
2307 else
2308 switch (
2309 ((resumableState = []),
2310 (href = assign({ rel: "preload", href: href, as: as }, options)),
2311 pushLinkImpl(resumableState, href),
2312 as)
2313 ) {
2314 case "font":
2315 renderState.fontPreloads.add(resumableState);
2316 break;
2317 default:
2318 renderState.bulkPreloads.add(resumableState);
2319 }
2320 }
2321 enqueueFlush(request);
2322 }
2323 } else previousDispatcher.L(href, as, options);
2325function preloadModule(href, options) {
2326 var request = currentRequest ? currentRequest : null;
2327 if (request) {
2328 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
2329 renderState = request.renderState;
2330 if (href) {
2331 var as =
2332 options && "string" === typeof options.as ? options.as : "script";
2333 switch (as) {
2334 case "script":
2335 if (resumableState.moduleScriptResources.hasOwnProperty(href)) return;
2336 as = [];
2337 resumableState.moduleScriptResources[href] =
2338 !options ||
2339 ("string" !== typeof options.crossOrigin &&
2340 "string" !== typeof options.integrity)
2342 : [options.crossOrigin, options.integrity];
2343 renderState.preloads.moduleScripts.set(href, as);
2344 break;
2345 default:
2346 if (resumableState.moduleUnknownResources.hasOwnProperty(as)) {
2347 var resources = resumableState.unknownResources[as];
2348 if (resources.hasOwnProperty(href)) return;
2349 } else
2350 (resources = {}),
2351 (resumableState.moduleUnknownResources[as] = resources);
2352 as = [];
2353 resources[href] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS;
2354 }
2355 pushLinkImpl(as, assign({ rel: "modulepreload", href: href }, options));
2356 renderState.bulkPreloads.add(as);
2357 enqueueFlush(request);
2358 }
2359 } else previousDispatcher.m(href, options);
2361function preinitStyle(href, precedence, options) {
2362 var request = currentRequest ? currentRequest : null;
2363 if (request) {
2364 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
2365 renderState = request.renderState;
2366 if (href) {
2367 precedence = precedence || "default";
2368 var styleQueue = renderState.styles.get(precedence),
2369 resourceState = resumableState.styleResources.hasOwnProperty(href)
2370 ? resumableState.styleResources[href]
2371 : void 0;
2372 null !== resourceState &&
2373 ((resumableState.styleResources[href] = null),
2374 styleQueue ||
2375 ((styleQueue = {
2376 precedence: escapeTextForBrowser(precedence),
2377 rules: [],
2378 hrefs: [],
2379 sheets: new Map()
2380 }),
2381 renderState.styles.set(precedence, styleQueue)),
2382 (precedence = {
2383 state: 0,
2384 props: assign(
2385 { rel: "stylesheet", href: href, "data-precedence": precedence },
2386 options
2387 )
2388 }),
2389 resourceState &&
2390 (2 === resourceState.length &&
2391 adoptPreloadCredentials(precedence.props, resourceState),
2392 (renderState = renderState.preloads.stylesheets.get(href)) &&
2393 0 < renderState.length
2394 ? (renderState.length = 0)
2395 : (precedence.state = 1)),
2396 styleQueue.sheets.set(href, precedence),
2397 enqueueFlush(request));
2398 }
2399 } else previousDispatcher.S(href, precedence, options);
2401function preinitScript(src, options) {
2402 var request = currentRequest ? currentRequest : null;
2403 if (request) {
2404 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
2405 renderState = request.renderState;
2406 if (src) {
2407 var resourceState = resumableState.scriptResources.hasOwnProperty(src)
2408 ? resumableState.scriptResources[src]
2409 : void 0;
2410 null !== resourceState &&
2411 ((resumableState.scriptResources[src] = null),
2412 (options = assign({ src: src, async: !0 }, options)),
2413 resourceState &&
2414 (2 === resourceState.length &&
2415 adoptPreloadCredentials(options, resourceState),
2416 (src = renderState.preloads.scripts.get(src))) &&
2417 (src.length = 0),
2418 (src = []),
2419 renderState.scripts.add(src),
2420 pushScriptImpl(src, options),
2421 enqueueFlush(request));
2422 }
2423 } else previousDispatcher.X(src, options);
2425function preinitModuleScript(src, options) {
2426 var request = currentRequest ? currentRequest : null;
2427 if (request) {
2428 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
2429 renderState = request.renderState;
2430 if (src) {
2431 var resourceState = resumableState.moduleScriptResources.hasOwnProperty(
2432 src
2433 )
2434 ? resumableState.moduleScriptResources[src]
2435 : void 0;
2436 null !== resourceState &&
2437 ((resumableState.moduleScriptResources[src] = null),
2438 (options = assign({ src: src, type: "module", async: !0 }, options)),
2439 resourceState &&
2440 (2 === resourceState.length &&
2441 adoptPreloadCredentials(options, resourceState),
2442 (src = renderState.preloads.moduleScripts.get(src))) &&
2443 (src.length = 0),
2444 (src = []),
2445 renderState.scripts.add(src),
2446 pushScriptImpl(src, options),
2447 enqueueFlush(request));
2448 }
2449 } else previousDispatcher.M(src, options);
2451function adoptPreloadCredentials(target, preloadState) {
2452 null == target.crossOrigin && (target.crossOrigin = preloadState[0]);
2453 null == target.integrity && (target.integrity = preloadState[1]);
2455function getPreloadAsHeader(href, as, params) {
2456 href = ("" + href).replace(
2457 regexForHrefInLinkHeaderURLContext,
2458 escapeHrefForLinkHeaderURLContextReplacer
2459 );
2460 as = ("" + as).replace(
2461 regexForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContext,
2462 escapeStringForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContextReplacer
2463 );
2464 as = "<" + href + '>; rel=preload; as="' + as + '"';
2465 for (var paramName in params)
2466 hasOwnProperty.call(params, paramName) &&
2467 ((href = params[paramName]),
2468 "string" === typeof href &&
2469 (as +=
2470 "; " +
2471 paramName.toLowerCase() +
2472 '="' +
2473 ("" + href).replace(
2474 regexForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContext,
2475 escapeStringForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContextReplacer
2476 ) +
2477 '"'));
2478 return as;
2480var regexForHrefInLinkHeaderURLContext = /[<>\r\n]/g;
2481function escapeHrefForLinkHeaderURLContextReplacer(match) {
2482 switch (match) {
2483 case "<":
2484 return "%3C";
2485 case ">":
2486 return "%3E";
2487 case "\n":
2488 return "%0A";
2489 case "\r":
2490 return "%0D";
2491 default:
2492 throw Error(
2493 "escapeLinkHrefForHeaderContextReplacer encountered a match it does not know how to replace. this means the match regex and the replacement characters are no longer in sync. This is a bug in React"
2494 );
2495 }
2497var regexForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContext = /["';,\r\n]/g;
2498function escapeStringForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContextReplacer(match) {
2499 switch (match) {
2500 case '"':
2501 return "%22";
2502 case "'":
2503 return "%27";
2504 case ";":
2505 return "%3B";
2506 case ",":
2507 return "%2C";
2508 case "\n":
2509 return "%0A";
2510 case "\r":
2511 return "%0D";
2512 default:
2513 throw Error(
2514 "escapeStringForLinkHeaderQuotedParamValueContextReplacer encountered a match it does not know how to replace. this means the match regex and the replacement characters are no longer in sync. This is a bug in React"
2515 );
2516 }
2518function hoistStyleQueueDependency(styleQueue) {
2519 this.styles.add(styleQueue);
2521function hoistStylesheetDependency(stylesheet) {
2522 this.stylesheets.add(stylesheet);
2524function createRenderState(resumableState, generateStaticMarkup) {
2525 var idPrefix = resumableState.idPrefix,
2526 bootstrapChunks = [],
2527 bootstrapScriptContent = resumableState.bootstrapScriptContent,
2528 bootstrapScripts = resumableState.bootstrapScripts,
2529 bootstrapModules = resumableState.bootstrapModules;
2530 void 0 !== bootstrapScriptContent &&
2531 bootstrapChunks.push(
2532 "<script>",
2533 ("" + bootstrapScriptContent).replace(scriptRegex, scriptReplacer),
2534 "\x3c/script>"
2535 );
2536 bootstrapScriptContent = idPrefix + "P:";
2537 var JSCompiler_object_inline_segmentPrefix_1483 = idPrefix + "S:";
2538 idPrefix += "B:";
2539 var JSCompiler_object_inline_preconnects_1497 = new Set(),
2540 JSCompiler_object_inline_fontPreloads_1498 = new Set(),
2541 JSCompiler_object_inline_highImagePreloads_1499 = new Set(),
2542 JSCompiler_object_inline_styles_1500 = new Map(),
2543 JSCompiler_object_inline_bootstrapScripts_1501 = new Set(),
2544 JSCompiler_object_inline_scripts_1502 = new Set(),
2545 JSCompiler_object_inline_bulkPreloads_1503 = new Set(),
2546 JSCompiler_object_inline_preloads_1504 = {
2547 images: new Map(),
2548 stylesheets: new Map(),
2549 scripts: new Map(),
2550 moduleScripts: new Map()
2551 };
2552 if (void 0 !== bootstrapScripts)
2553 for (var i = 0; i < bootstrapScripts.length; i++) {
2554 var scriptConfig = bootstrapScripts[i],
2555 src,
2556 crossOrigin = void 0,
2557 integrity = void 0,
2558 props = {
2559 rel: "preload",
2560 as: "script",
2561 fetchPriority: "low",
2562 nonce: void 0
2563 };
2564 "string" === typeof scriptConfig
2565 ? (props.href = src = scriptConfig)
2566 : ((props.href = src = scriptConfig.src),
2567 (props.integrity = integrity =
2568 "string" === typeof scriptConfig.integrity
2569 ? scriptConfig.integrity
2570 : void 0),
2571 (props.crossOrigin = crossOrigin =
2572 "string" === typeof scriptConfig || null == scriptConfig.crossOrigin
2573 ? void 0
2574 : "use-credentials" === scriptConfig.crossOrigin
2575 ? "use-credentials"
2576 : ""));
2577 scriptConfig = resumableState;
2578 var href = src;
2579 scriptConfig.scriptResources[href] = null;
2580 scriptConfig.moduleScriptResources[href] = null;
2581 scriptConfig = [];
2582 pushLinkImpl(scriptConfig, props);
2583 JSCompiler_object_inline_bootstrapScripts_1501.add(scriptConfig);
2584 bootstrapChunks.push('<script src="', escapeTextForBrowser(src));
2585 "string" === typeof integrity &&
2586 bootstrapChunks.push('" integrity="', escapeTextForBrowser(integrity));
2587 "string" === typeof crossOrigin &&
2588 bootstrapChunks.push(
2589 '" crossorigin="',
2590 escapeTextForBrowser(crossOrigin)
2591 );
2592 bootstrapChunks.push('" async="">\x3c/script>');
2593 }
2594 if (void 0 !== bootstrapModules)
2595 for (
2596 bootstrapScripts = 0;
2597 bootstrapScripts < bootstrapModules.length;
2598 bootstrapScripts++
2599 )
2600 (props = bootstrapModules[bootstrapScripts]),
2601 (crossOrigin = src = void 0),
2602 (integrity = {
2603 rel: "modulepreload",
2604 fetchPriority: "low",
2605 nonce: void 0
2606 }),
2607 "string" === typeof props
2608 ? (integrity.href = i = props)
2609 : ((integrity.href = i = props.src),
2610 (integrity.integrity = crossOrigin =
2611 "string" === typeof props.integrity ? props.integrity : void 0),
2612 (integrity.crossOrigin = src =
2613 "string" === typeof props || null == props.crossOrigin
2614 ? void 0
2615 : "use-credentials" === props.crossOrigin
2616 ? "use-credentials"
2617 : "")),
2618 (props = resumableState),
2619 (scriptConfig = i),
2620 (props.scriptResources[scriptConfig] = null),
2621 (props.moduleScriptResources[scriptConfig] = null),
2622 (props = []),
2623 pushLinkImpl(props, integrity),
2624 JSCompiler_object_inline_bootstrapScripts_1501.add(props),
2625 bootstrapChunks.push(
2626 '<script type="module" src="',
2627 escapeTextForBrowser(i)
2628 ),
2629 "string" === typeof crossOrigin &&
2630 bootstrapChunks.push(
2631 '" integrity="',
2632 escapeTextForBrowser(crossOrigin)
2633 ),
2634 "string" === typeof src &&
2635 bootstrapChunks.push('" crossorigin="', escapeTextForBrowser(src)),
2636 bootstrapChunks.push('" async="">\x3c/script>');
2637 return {
2638 placeholderPrefix: bootstrapScriptContent,
2639 segmentPrefix: JSCompiler_object_inline_segmentPrefix_1483,
2640 boundaryPrefix: idPrefix,
2641 startInlineScript: "<script>",
2642 htmlChunks: null,
2643 headChunks: null,
2644 externalRuntimeScript: null,
2645 bootstrapChunks: bootstrapChunks,
2646 importMapChunks: [],
2647 onHeaders: void 0,
2648 headers: null,
2649 resets: {
2650 font: {},
2651 dns: {},
2652 connect: { default: {}, anonymous: {}, credentials: {} },
2653 image: {},
2654 style: {}
2655 },
2656 charsetChunks: [],
2657 viewportChunks: [],
2658 hoistableChunks: [],
2659 preconnects: JSCompiler_object_inline_preconnects_1497,
2660 fontPreloads: JSCompiler_object_inline_fontPreloads_1498,
2661 highImagePreloads: JSCompiler_object_inline_highImagePreloads_1499,
2662 styles: JSCompiler_object_inline_styles_1500,
2663 bootstrapScripts: JSCompiler_object_inline_bootstrapScripts_1501,
2664 scripts: JSCompiler_object_inline_scripts_1502,
2665 bulkPreloads: JSCompiler_object_inline_bulkPreloads_1503,
2666 preloads: JSCompiler_object_inline_preloads_1504,
2667 stylesToHoist: !1,
2668 generateStaticMarkup: generateStaticMarkup
2669 };
2671function pushTextInstance(target, text, renderState, textEmbedded) {
2672 if (renderState.generateStaticMarkup)
2673 return target.push(escapeTextForBrowser(text)), !1;
2674 "" === text
2675 ? (target = textEmbedded)
2676 : (textEmbedded && target.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e"),
2677 target.push(escapeTextForBrowser(text)),
2678 (target = !0));
2679 return target;
2681var REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE = Symbol.for("react.client.reference");
2682function getComponentNameFromType(type) {
2683 if (null == type) return null;
2684 if ("function" === typeof type)
2685 return type.$$typeof === REACT_CLIENT_REFERENCE
2686 ? null
2687 : type.displayName || type.name || null;
2688 if ("string" === typeof type) return type;
2689 switch (type) {
2691 return "Fragment";
2693 return "Portal";
2695 return "Profiler";
2697 return "StrictMode";
2699 return "Suspense";
2701 return "SuspenseList";
2702 }
2703 if ("object" === typeof type)
2704 switch (type.$$typeof) {
2706 return (type.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider";
2708 return (type._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer";
2710 var innerType = type.render;
2711 type = type.displayName;
2712 type ||
2713 ((type = innerType.displayName || innerType.name || ""),
2714 (type = "" !== type ? "ForwardRef(" + type + ")" : "ForwardRef"));
2715 return type;
2716 case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:
2717 return (
2718 (innerType = type.displayName || null),
2719 null !== innerType
2720 ? innerType
2721 : getComponentNameFromType(type.type) || "Memo"
2722 );
2723 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
2724 innerType = type._payload;
2725 type = type._init;
2726 try {
2727 return getComponentNameFromType(type(innerType));
2728 } catch (x) {}
2729 }
2730 return null;
2732var emptyContextObject = {},
2733 currentActiveSnapshot = null;
2734function popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, next) {
2735 if (prev !== next) {
2736 prev.context._currentValue2 = prev.parentValue;
2737 prev = prev.parent;
2738 var parentNext = next.parent;
2739 if (null === prev) {
2740 if (null !== parentNext)
2741 throw Error(
2742 "The stacks must reach the root at the same time. This is a bug in React."
2743 );
2744 } else {
2745 if (null === parentNext)
2746 throw Error(
2747 "The stacks must reach the root at the same time. This is a bug in React."
2748 );
2749 popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, parentNext);
2750 }
2751 next.context._currentValue2 = next.value;
2752 }
2754function popAllPrevious(prev) {
2755 prev.context._currentValue2 = prev.parentValue;
2756 prev = prev.parent;
2757 null !== prev && popAllPrevious(prev);
2759function pushAllNext(next) {
2760 var parentNext = next.parent;
2761 null !== parentNext && pushAllNext(parentNext);
2762 next.context._currentValue2 = next.value;
2764function popPreviousToCommonLevel(prev, next) {
2765 prev.context._currentValue2 = prev.parentValue;
2766 prev = prev.parent;
2767 if (null === prev)
2768 throw Error(
2769 "The depth must equal at least at zero before reaching the root. This is a bug in React."
2770 );
2771 prev.depth === next.depth
2772 ? popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, next)
2773 : popPreviousToCommonLevel(prev, next);
2775function popNextToCommonLevel(prev, next) {
2776 var parentNext = next.parent;
2777 if (null === parentNext)
2778 throw Error(
2779 "The depth must equal at least at zero before reaching the root. This is a bug in React."
2780 );
2781 prev.depth === parentNext.depth
2782 ? popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, parentNext)
2783 : popNextToCommonLevel(prev, parentNext);
2784 next.context._currentValue2 = next.value;
2786function switchContext(newSnapshot) {
2787 var prev = currentActiveSnapshot;
2788 prev !== newSnapshot &&
2789 (null === prev
2790 ? pushAllNext(newSnapshot)
2791 : null === newSnapshot
2792 ? popAllPrevious(prev)
2793 : prev.depth === newSnapshot.depth
2794 ? popToNearestCommonAncestor(prev, newSnapshot)
2795 : prev.depth > newSnapshot.depth
2796 ? popPreviousToCommonLevel(prev, newSnapshot)
2797 : popNextToCommonLevel(prev, newSnapshot),
2798 (currentActiveSnapshot = newSnapshot));
2800var classComponentUpdater = {
2801 isMounted: function () {
2802 return !1;
2803 },
2804 enqueueSetState: function (inst, payload) {
2805 inst = inst._reactInternals;
2806 null !== inst.queue && inst.queue.push(payload);
2807 },
2808 enqueueReplaceState: function (inst, payload) {
2809 inst = inst._reactInternals;
2810 inst.replace = !0;
2811 inst.queue = [payload];
2812 },
2813 enqueueForceUpdate: function () {}
2814 },
2815 emptyTreeContext = { id: 1, overflow: "" };
2816function pushTreeContext(baseContext, totalChildren, index) {
2817 var baseIdWithLeadingBit = baseContext.id;
2818 baseContext = baseContext.overflow;
2819 var baseLength = 32 - clz32(baseIdWithLeadingBit) - 1;
2820 baseIdWithLeadingBit &= ~(1 << baseLength);
2821 index += 1;
2822 var length = 32 - clz32(totalChildren) + baseLength;
2823 if (30 < length) {
2824 var numberOfOverflowBits = baseLength - (baseLength % 5);
2825 length = (
2826 baseIdWithLeadingBit &
2827 ((1 << numberOfOverflowBits) - 1)
2828 ).toString(32);
2829 baseIdWithLeadingBit >>= numberOfOverflowBits;
2830 baseLength -= numberOfOverflowBits;
2831 return {
2832 id:
2833 (1 << (32 - clz32(totalChildren) + baseLength)) |
2834 (index << baseLength) |
2835 baseIdWithLeadingBit,
2836 overflow: length + baseContext
2837 };
2838 }
2839 return {
2840 id: (1 << length) | (index << baseLength) | baseIdWithLeadingBit,
2841 overflow: baseContext
2842 };
2844var clz32 = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : clz32Fallback,
2845 log = Math.log,
2846 LN2 = Math.LN2;
2847function clz32Fallback(x) {
2848 x >>>= 0;
2849 return 0 === x ? 32 : (31 - ((log(x) / LN2) | 0)) | 0;
2851var SuspenseException = Error(
2852 "Suspense Exception: This is not a real error! It's an implementation detail of `use` to interrupt the current render. You must either rethrow it immediately, or move the `use` call outside of the `try/catch` block. Capturing without rethrowing will lead to unexpected behavior.\n\nTo handle async errors, wrap your component in an error boundary, or call the promise's `.catch` method and pass the result to `use`"
2854function noop$2() {}
2855function trackUsedThenable(thenableState, thenable, index) {
2856 index = thenableState[index];
2857 void 0 === index
2858 ? thenableState.push(thenable)
2859 : index !== thenable && (thenable.then(noop$2, noop$2), (thenable = index));
2860 switch (thenable.status) {
2861 case "fulfilled":
2862 return thenable.value;
2863 case "rejected":
2864 throw thenable.reason;
2865 default:
2866 "string" === typeof thenable.status
2867 ? thenable.then(noop$2, noop$2)
2868 : ((thenableState = thenable),
2869 (thenableState.status = "pending"),
2870 thenableState.then(
2871 function (fulfilledValue) {
2872 if ("pending" === thenable.status) {
2873 var fulfilledThenable = thenable;
2874 fulfilledThenable.status = "fulfilled";
2875 fulfilledThenable.value = fulfilledValue;
2876 }
2877 },
2878 function (error) {
2879 if ("pending" === thenable.status) {
2880 var rejectedThenable = thenable;
2881 rejectedThenable.status = "rejected";
2882 rejectedThenable.reason = error;
2883 }
2884 }
2885 ));
2886 switch (thenable.status) {
2887 case "fulfilled":
2888 return thenable.value;
2889 case "rejected":
2890 throw thenable.reason;
2891 }
2892 suspendedThenable = thenable;
2893 throw SuspenseException;
2894 }
2896var suspendedThenable = null;
2897function getSuspendedThenable() {
2898 if (null === suspendedThenable)
2899 throw Error(
2900 "Expected a suspended thenable. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."
2901 );
2902 var thenable = suspendedThenable;
2903 suspendedThenable = null;
2904 return thenable;
2906function is(x, y) {
2907 return (x === y && (0 !== x || 1 / x === 1 / y)) || (x !== x && y !== y);
2909var objectIs = "function" === typeof Object.is ? Object.is : is,
2910 currentlyRenderingComponent = null,
2911 currentlyRenderingTask = null,
2912 currentlyRenderingRequest = null,
2913 currentlyRenderingKeyPath = null,
2914 firstWorkInProgressHook = null,
2915 workInProgressHook = null,
2916 isReRender = !1,
2917 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1,
2918 localIdCounter = 0,
2919 actionStateCounter = 0,
2920 actionStateMatchingIndex = -1,
2921 thenableIndexCounter = 0,
2922 thenableState = null,
2923 renderPhaseUpdates = null,
2924 numberOfReRenders = 0;
2925function resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent() {
2926 if (null === currentlyRenderingComponent)
2927 throw Error(
2928 "Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component. This could happen for one of the following reasons:\n1. You might have mismatching versions of React and the renderer (such as React DOM)\n2. You might be breaking the Rules of Hooks\n3. You might have more than one copy of React in the same app\nSee https://react.dev/link/invalid-hook-call for tips about how to debug and fix this problem."
2929 );
2930 return currentlyRenderingComponent;
2932function createHook() {
2933 if (0 < numberOfReRenders)
2934 throw Error("Rendered more hooks than during the previous render");
2935 return { memoizedState: null, queue: null, next: null };
2937function createWorkInProgressHook() {
2938 null === workInProgressHook
2939 ? null === firstWorkInProgressHook
2940 ? ((isReRender = !1),
2941 (firstWorkInProgressHook = workInProgressHook = createHook()))
2942 : ((isReRender = !0), (workInProgressHook = firstWorkInProgressHook))
2943 : null === workInProgressHook.next
2944 ? ((isReRender = !1),
2945 (workInProgressHook = workInProgressHook.next = createHook()))
2946 : ((isReRender = !0), (workInProgressHook = workInProgressHook.next));
2947 return workInProgressHook;
2949function getThenableStateAfterSuspending() {
2950 var state = thenableState;
2951 thenableState = null;
2952 return state;
2954function resetHooksState() {
2955 currentlyRenderingKeyPath =
2956 currentlyRenderingRequest =
2957 currentlyRenderingTask =
2958 currentlyRenderingComponent =
2959 null;
2960 didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1;
2961 firstWorkInProgressHook = null;
2962 numberOfReRenders = 0;
2963 workInProgressHook = renderPhaseUpdates = null;
2965function basicStateReducer(state, action) {
2966 return "function" === typeof action ? action(state) : action;
2968function useReducer(reducer, initialArg, init) {
2969 currentlyRenderingComponent = resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
2970 workInProgressHook = createWorkInProgressHook();
2971 if (isReRender) {
2972 var queue = workInProgressHook.queue;
2973 initialArg = queue.dispatch;
2974 if (
2975 null !== renderPhaseUpdates &&
2976 ((init = renderPhaseUpdates.get(queue)), void 0 !== init)
2977 ) {
2978 renderPhaseUpdates.delete(queue);
2979 queue = workInProgressHook.memoizedState;
2980 do (queue = reducer(queue, init.action)), (init = init.next);
2981 while (null !== init);
2982 workInProgressHook.memoizedState = queue;
2983 return [queue, initialArg];
2984 }
2985 return [workInProgressHook.memoizedState, initialArg];
2986 }
2987 reducer =
2988 reducer === basicStateReducer
2989 ? "function" === typeof initialArg
2990 ? initialArg()
2991 : initialArg
2992 : void 0 !== init
2993 ? init(initialArg)
2994 : initialArg;
2995 workInProgressHook.memoizedState = reducer;
2996 reducer = workInProgressHook.queue = { last: null, dispatch: null };
2997 reducer = reducer.dispatch = dispatchAction.bind(
2998 null,
2999 currentlyRenderingComponent,
3000 reducer
3001 );
3002 return [workInProgressHook.memoizedState, reducer];
3004function useMemo(nextCreate, deps) {
3005 currentlyRenderingComponent = resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3006 workInProgressHook = createWorkInProgressHook();
3007 deps = void 0 === deps ? null : deps;
3008 if (null !== workInProgressHook) {
3009 var prevState = workInProgressHook.memoizedState;
3010 if (null !== prevState && null !== deps) {
3011 var prevDeps = prevState[1];
3012 a: if (null === prevDeps) prevDeps = !1;
3013 else {
3014 for (var i = 0; i < prevDeps.length && i < deps.length; i++)
3015 if (!objectIs(deps[i], prevDeps[i])) {
3016 prevDeps = !1;
3017 break a;
3018 }
3019 prevDeps = !0;
3020 }
3021 if (prevDeps) return prevState[0];
3022 }
3023 }
3024 nextCreate = nextCreate();
3025 workInProgressHook.memoizedState = [nextCreate, deps];
3026 return nextCreate;
3028function dispatchAction(componentIdentity, queue, action) {
3029 if (25 <= numberOfReRenders)
3030 throw Error(
3031 "Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop."
3032 );
3033 if (componentIdentity === currentlyRenderingComponent)
3034 if (
3035 ((didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !0),
3036 (componentIdentity = { action: action, next: null }),
3037 null === renderPhaseUpdates && (renderPhaseUpdates = new Map()),
3038 (action = renderPhaseUpdates.get(queue)),
3039 void 0 === action)
3040 )
3041 renderPhaseUpdates.set(queue, componentIdentity);
3042 else {
3043 for (queue = action; null !== queue.next; ) queue = queue.next;
3044 queue.next = componentIdentity;
3045 }
3047function unsupportedStartTransition() {
3048 throw Error("startTransition cannot be called during server rendering.");
3050function unsupportedSetOptimisticState() {
3051 throw Error("Cannot update optimistic state while rendering.");
3053function useActionState(action, initialState, permalink) {
3054 resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3055 var actionStateHookIndex = actionStateCounter++,
3056 request = currentlyRenderingRequest;
3057 if ("function" === typeof action.$$FORM_ACTION) {
3058 var nextPostbackStateKey = null,
3059 componentKeyPath = currentlyRenderingKeyPath;
3060 request = request.formState;
3061 var isSignatureEqual = action.$$IS_SIGNATURE_EQUAL;
3062 if (null !== request && "function" === typeof isSignatureEqual) {
3063 var postbackKey = request[1];
3064 isSignatureEqual.call(action, request[2], request[3]) &&
3065 ((nextPostbackStateKey =
3066 void 0 !== permalink
3067 ? "p" + permalink
3068 : "k" +
3069 murmurhash3_32_gc(
3070 JSON.stringify([componentKeyPath, null, actionStateHookIndex]),
3071 0
3072 )),
3073 postbackKey === nextPostbackStateKey &&
3074 ((actionStateMatchingIndex = actionStateHookIndex),
3075 (initialState = request[0])));
3076 }
3077 var boundAction = action.bind(null, initialState);
3078 action = function (payload) {
3079 boundAction(payload);
3080 };
3081 "function" === typeof boundAction.$$FORM_ACTION &&
3082 (action.$$FORM_ACTION = function (prefix) {
3083 prefix = boundAction.$$FORM_ACTION(prefix);
3084 void 0 !== permalink &&
3085 ((permalink += ""), (prefix.action = permalink));
3086 var formData = prefix.data;
3087 formData &&
3088 (null === nextPostbackStateKey &&
3089 (nextPostbackStateKey =
3090 void 0 !== permalink
3091 ? "p" + permalink
3092 : "k" +
3093 murmurhash3_32_gc(
3094 JSON.stringify([
3095 componentKeyPath,
3096 null,
3097 actionStateHookIndex
3098 ]),
3099 0
3100 )),
3101 formData.append("$ACTION_KEY", nextPostbackStateKey));
3102 return prefix;
3103 });
3104 return [initialState, action, !1];
3105 }
3106 var boundAction$22 = action.bind(null, initialState);
3107 return [
3108 initialState,
3109 function (payload) {
3110 boundAction$22(payload);
3111 },
3112 !1
3113 ];
3115function unwrapThenable(thenable) {
3116 var index = thenableIndexCounter;
3117 thenableIndexCounter += 1;
3118 null === thenableState && (thenableState = []);
3119 return trackUsedThenable(thenableState, thenable, index);
3121function unsupportedRefresh() {
3122 throw Error("Cache cannot be refreshed during server rendering.");
3124function noop$1() {}
3125var HooksDispatcher = {
3126 readContext: function (context) {
3127 return context._currentValue2;
3128 },
3129 use: function (usable) {
3130 if (null !== usable && "object" === typeof usable) {
3131 if ("function" === typeof usable.then) return unwrapThenable(usable);
3132 if (usable.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE) return usable._currentValue2;
3133 }
3134 throw Error("An unsupported type was passed to use(): " + String(usable));
3135 },
3136 useContext: function (context) {
3137 resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3138 return context._currentValue2;
3139 },
3140 useMemo: useMemo,
3141 useReducer: useReducer,
3142 useRef: function (initialValue) {
3143 currentlyRenderingComponent = resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3144 workInProgressHook = createWorkInProgressHook();
3145 var previousRef = workInProgressHook.memoizedState;
3146 return null === previousRef
3147 ? ((initialValue = { current: initialValue }),
3148 (workInProgressHook.memoizedState = initialValue))
3149 : previousRef;
3150 },
3151 useState: function (initialState) {
3152 return useReducer(basicStateReducer, initialState);
3153 },
3154 useInsertionEffect: noop$1,
3155 useLayoutEffect: noop$1,
3156 useCallback: function (callback, deps) {
3157 return useMemo(function () {
3158 return callback;
3159 }, deps);
3160 },
3161 useImperativeHandle: noop$1,
3162 useEffect: noop$1,
3163 useDebugValue: noop$1,
3164 useDeferredValue: function (value, initialValue) {
3165 resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3166 return void 0 !== initialValue ? initialValue : value;
3167 },
3168 useTransition: function () {
3169 resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3170 return [!1, unsupportedStartTransition];
3171 },
3172 useId: function () {
3173 var JSCompiler_inline_result = currentlyRenderingTask.treeContext;
3174 var overflow = JSCompiler_inline_result.overflow;
3175 JSCompiler_inline_result = JSCompiler_inline_result.id;
3176 JSCompiler_inline_result =
3177 (
3178 JSCompiler_inline_result &
3179 ~(1 << (32 - clz32(JSCompiler_inline_result) - 1))
3180 ).toString(32) + overflow;
3181 var resumableState = currentResumableState;
3182 if (null === resumableState)
3183 throw Error(
3184 "Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component."
3185 );
3186 overflow = localIdCounter++;
3187 JSCompiler_inline_result =
3188 ":" + resumableState.idPrefix + "R" + JSCompiler_inline_result;
3189 0 < overflow && (JSCompiler_inline_result += "H" + overflow.toString(32));
3190 return JSCompiler_inline_result + ":";
3191 },
3192 useSyncExternalStore: function (subscribe, getSnapshot, getServerSnapshot) {
3193 if (void 0 === getServerSnapshot)
3194 throw Error(
3195 "Missing getServerSnapshot, which is required for server-rendered content. Will revert to client rendering."
3196 );
3197 return getServerSnapshot();
3198 },
3199 useCacheRefresh: function () {
3200 return unsupportedRefresh;
3201 },
3202 useHostTransitionStatus: function () {
3203 resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3204 return sharedNotPendingObject;
3205 },
3206 useOptimistic: function (passthrough) {
3207 resolveCurrentlyRenderingComponent();
3208 return [passthrough, unsupportedSetOptimisticState];
3209 }
3211HooksDispatcher.useFormState = useActionState;
3212HooksDispatcher.useActionState = useActionState;
3213var currentResumableState = null,
3214 DefaultAsyncDispatcher = {
3215 getCacheForType: function () {
3216 throw Error("Not implemented.");
3217 }
3218 },
3219 prefix;
3220function describeBuiltInComponentFrame(name) {
3221 if (void 0 === prefix)
3222 try {
3223 throw Error();
3224 } catch (x) {
3225 var match = x.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/);
3226 prefix = (match && match[1]) || "";
3227 }
3228 return "\n" + prefix + name;
3230var reentry = !1;
3231function describeNativeComponentFrame(fn, construct) {
3232 if (!fn || reentry) return "";
3233 reentry = !0;
3234 var previousPrepareStackTrace = Error.prepareStackTrace;
3235 Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0;
3236 var RunInRootFrame = {
3237 DetermineComponentFrameRoot: function () {
3238 try {
3239 if (construct) {
3240 var Fake = function () {
3241 throw Error();
3242 };
3243 Object.defineProperty(Fake.prototype, "props", {
3244 set: function () {
3245 throw Error();
3246 }
3247 });
3248 if ("object" === typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) {
3249 try {
3250 Reflect.construct(Fake, []);
3251 } catch (x) {
3252 var control = x;
3253 }
3254 Reflect.construct(fn, [], Fake);
3255 } else {
3256 try {
3257 Fake.call();
3258 } catch (x$24) {
3259 control = x$24;
3260 }
3261 fn.call(Fake.prototype);
3262 }
3263 } else {
3264 try {
3265 throw Error();
3266 } catch (x$25) {
3267 control = x$25;
3268 }
3269 (Fake = fn()) &&
3270 "function" === typeof Fake.catch &&
3271 Fake.catch(function () {});
3272 }
3273 } catch (sample) {
3274 if (sample && control && "string" === typeof sample.stack)
3275 return [sample.stack, control.stack];
3276 }
3277 return [null, null];
3278 }
3279 };
3280 RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot.displayName =
3281 "DetermineComponentFrameRoot";
3282 var namePropDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
3283 RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot,
3284 "name"
3285 );
3286 namePropDescriptor &&
3287 namePropDescriptor.configurable &&
3288 Object.defineProperty(RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot, "name", {
3289 value: "DetermineComponentFrameRoot"
3290 });
3291 try {
3292 var _RunInRootFrame$Deter = RunInRootFrame.DetermineComponentFrameRoot(),
3293 sampleStack = _RunInRootFrame$Deter[0],
3294 controlStack = _RunInRootFrame$Deter[1];
3295 if (sampleStack && controlStack) {
3296 var sampleLines = sampleStack.split("\n"),
3297 controlLines = controlStack.split("\n");
3298 for (
3299 namePropDescriptor = RunInRootFrame = 0;
3300 RunInRootFrame < sampleLines.length &&
3301 !sampleLines[RunInRootFrame].includes("DetermineComponentFrameRoot");
3303 )
3304 RunInRootFrame++;
3305 for (
3306 ;
3307 namePropDescriptor < controlLines.length &&
3308 !controlLines[namePropDescriptor].includes(
3309 "DetermineComponentFrameRoot"
3310 );
3312 )
3313 namePropDescriptor++;
3314 if (
3315 RunInRootFrame === sampleLines.length ||
3316 namePropDescriptor === controlLines.length
3317 )
3318 for (
3319 RunInRootFrame = sampleLines.length - 1,
3320 namePropDescriptor = controlLines.length - 1;
3321 1 <= RunInRootFrame &&
3322 0 <= namePropDescriptor &&
3323 sampleLines[RunInRootFrame] !== controlLines[namePropDescriptor];
3325 )
3326 namePropDescriptor--;
3327 for (
3328 ;
3329 1 <= RunInRootFrame && 0 <= namePropDescriptor;
3330 RunInRootFrame--, namePropDescriptor--
3331 )
3332 if (sampleLines[RunInRootFrame] !== controlLines[namePropDescriptor]) {
3333 if (1 !== RunInRootFrame || 1 !== namePropDescriptor) {
3334 do
3335 if (
3336 (RunInRootFrame--,
3337 namePropDescriptor--,
3338 0 > namePropDescriptor ||
3339 sampleLines[RunInRootFrame] !==
3340 controlLines[namePropDescriptor])
3341 ) {
3342 var frame =
3343 "\n" +
3344 sampleLines[RunInRootFrame].replace(" at new ", " at ");
3345 fn.displayName &&
3346 frame.includes("<anonymous>") &&
3347 (frame = frame.replace("<anonymous>", fn.displayName));
3348 return frame;
3349 }
3350 while (1 <= RunInRootFrame && 0 <= namePropDescriptor);
3351 }
3352 break;
3353 }
3354 }
3355 } finally {
3356 (reentry = !1), (Error.prepareStackTrace = previousPrepareStackTrace);
3357 }
3358 return (previousPrepareStackTrace = fn ? fn.displayName || fn.name : "")
3359 ? describeBuiltInComponentFrame(previousPrepareStackTrace)
3360 : "";
3362function defaultErrorHandler(error) {
3363 console.error(error);
3364 return null;
3366function noop() {}
3367function createRequest(
3368 children,
3369 resumableState,
3370 renderState,
3371 rootFormatContext,
3372 progressiveChunkSize,
3373 onError,
3374 onAllReady,
3375 onShellReady,
3376 onShellError,
3377 onFatalError,
3378 onPostpone,
3379 formState
3380) {
3381 var pingedTasks = [],
3382 abortSet = new Set();
3383 resumableState = {
3384 destination: null,
3385 flushScheduled: !1,
3386 resumableState: resumableState,
3387 renderState: renderState,
3388 rootFormatContext: rootFormatContext,
3389 progressiveChunkSize:
3390 void 0 === progressiveChunkSize ? 12800 : progressiveChunkSize,
3391 status: 0,
3392 fatalError: null,
3393 nextSegmentId: 0,
3394 allPendingTasks: 0,
3395 pendingRootTasks: 0,
3396 completedRootSegment: null,
3397 abortableTasks: abortSet,
3398 pingedTasks: pingedTasks,
3399 clientRenderedBoundaries: [],
3400 completedBoundaries: [],
3401 partialBoundaries: [],
3402 trackedPostpones: null,
3403 onError: void 0 === onError ? defaultErrorHandler : onError,
3404 onPostpone: void 0 === onPostpone ? noop : onPostpone,
3405 onAllReady: void 0 === onAllReady ? noop : onAllReady,
3406 onShellReady: void 0 === onShellReady ? noop : onShellReady,
3407 onShellError: void 0 === onShellError ? noop : onShellError,
3408 onFatalError: void 0 === onFatalError ? noop : onFatalError,
3409 formState: void 0 === formState ? null : formState
3410 };
3411 renderState = createPendingSegment(
3412 resumableState,
3413 0,
3414 null,
3415 rootFormatContext,
3416 !1,
3417 !1
3418 );
3419 renderState.parentFlushed = !0;
3420 children = createRenderTask(
3421 resumableState,
3422 null,
3423 children,
3424 -1,
3425 null,
3426 renderState,
3427 null,
3428 abortSet,
3429 null,
3430 rootFormatContext,
3431 emptyContextObject,
3432 null,
3433 emptyTreeContext,
3434 null,
3435 !1
3436 );
3437 pingedTasks.push(children);
3438 return resumableState;
3440var currentRequest = null;
3441function pingTask(request, task) {
3442 request.pingedTasks.push(task);
3443 1 === request.pingedTasks.length &&
3444 ((request.flushScheduled = null !== request.destination),
3445 performWork(request));
3447function createSuspenseBoundary(request, fallbackAbortableTasks) {
3448 return {
3449 status: 0,
3450 rootSegmentID: -1,
3451 parentFlushed: !1,
3452 pendingTasks: 0,
3453 completedSegments: [],
3454 byteSize: 0,
3455 fallbackAbortableTasks: fallbackAbortableTasks,
3456 errorDigest: null,
3457 contentState: createHoistableState(),
3458 fallbackState: createHoistableState(),
3459 trackedContentKeyPath: null,
3460 trackedFallbackNode: null
3461 };
3463function createRenderTask(
3464 request,
3465 thenableState,
3466 node,
3467 childIndex,
3468 blockedBoundary,
3469 blockedSegment,
3470 hoistableState,
3471 abortSet,
3472 keyPath,
3473 formatContext,
3474 legacyContext,
3475 context,
3476 treeContext,
3477 componentStack,
3478 isFallback
3479) {
3480 request.allPendingTasks++;
3481 null === blockedBoundary
3482 ? request.pendingRootTasks++
3483 : blockedBoundary.pendingTasks++;
3484 var task = {
3485 replay: null,
3486 node: node,
3487 childIndex: childIndex,
3488 ping: function () {
3489 return pingTask(request, task);
3490 },
3491 blockedBoundary: blockedBoundary,
3492 blockedSegment: blockedSegment,
3493 hoistableState: hoistableState,
3494 abortSet: abortSet,
3495 keyPath: keyPath,
3496 formatContext: formatContext,
3497 legacyContext: legacyContext,
3498 context: context,
3499 treeContext: treeContext,
3500 componentStack: componentStack,
3501 thenableState: thenableState,
3502 isFallback: isFallback
3503 };
3504 abortSet.add(task);
3505 return task;
3507function createReplayTask(
3508 request,
3509 thenableState,
3510 replay,
3511 node,
3512 childIndex,
3513 blockedBoundary,
3514 hoistableState,
3515 abortSet,
3516 keyPath,
3517 formatContext,
3518 legacyContext,
3519 context,
3520 treeContext,
3521 componentStack,
3522 isFallback
3523) {
3524 request.allPendingTasks++;
3525 null === blockedBoundary
3526 ? request.pendingRootTasks++
3527 : blockedBoundary.pendingTasks++;
3528 replay.pendingTasks++;
3529 var task = {
3530 replay: replay,
3531 node: node,
3532 childIndex: childIndex,
3533 ping: function () {
3534 return pingTask(request, task);
3535 },
3536 blockedBoundary: blockedBoundary,
3537 blockedSegment: null,
3538 hoistableState: hoistableState,
3539 abortSet: abortSet,
3540 keyPath: keyPath,
3541 formatContext: formatContext,
3542 legacyContext: legacyContext,
3543 context: context,
3544 treeContext: treeContext,
3545 componentStack: componentStack,
3546 thenableState: thenableState,
3547 isFallback: isFallback
3548 };
3549 abortSet.add(task);
3550 return task;
3552function createPendingSegment(
3553 request,
3554 index,
3555 boundary,
3556 parentFormatContext,
3557 lastPushedText,
3558 textEmbedded
3559) {
3560 return {
3561 status: 0,
3562 id: -1,
3563 index: index,
3564 parentFlushed: !1,
3565 chunks: [],
3566 children: [],
3567 parentFormatContext: parentFormatContext,
3568 boundary: boundary,
3569 lastPushedText: lastPushedText,
3570 textEmbedded: textEmbedded
3571 };
3573function createBuiltInComponentStack(task, type) {
3574 return { tag: 0, parent: task.componentStack, type: type };
3576function getThrownInfo(request, node) {
3577 if (node && null !== request.trackedPostpones) {
3578 try {
3579 request = "";
3580 do {
3581 switch (node.tag) {
3582 case 0:
3583 request += describeBuiltInComponentFrame(node.type);
3584 break;
3585 case 1:
3586 request += describeNativeComponentFrame(node.type, !1);
3587 break;
3588 case 2:
3589 request += describeNativeComponentFrame(node.type, !0);
3590 }
3591 node = node.parent;
3592 } while (node);
3593 var JSCompiler_temp = request;
3594 } catch (x) {
3595 JSCompiler_temp =
3596 "\nError generating stack: " + x.message + "\n" + x.stack;
3597 }
3598 JSCompiler_temp = { componentStack: JSCompiler_temp };
3599 } else JSCompiler_temp = {};
3600 return JSCompiler_temp;
3602function logRecoverableError(request, error, errorInfo) {
3603 request = request.onError(error, errorInfo);
3604 if (null == request || "string" === typeof request) return request;
3606function fatalError(request, error) {
3607 var onShellError = request.onShellError;
3608 onShellError(error);
3609 onShellError = request.onFatalError;
3610 onShellError(error);
3611 null !== request.destination
3612 ? ((request.status = 2), request.destination.destroy(error))
3613 : ((request.status = 1), (request.fatalError = error));
3615function renderWithHooks(request, task, keyPath, Component, props, secondArg) {
3616 var prevThenableState = task.thenableState;
3617 task.thenableState = null;
3618 currentlyRenderingComponent = {};
3619 currentlyRenderingTask = task;
3620 currentlyRenderingRequest = request;
3621 currentlyRenderingKeyPath = keyPath;
3622 actionStateCounter = localIdCounter = 0;
3623 actionStateMatchingIndex = -1;
3624 thenableIndexCounter = 0;
3625 thenableState = prevThenableState;
3626 for (request = Component(props, secondArg); didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate; )
3627 (didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = !1),
3628 (actionStateCounter = localIdCounter = 0),
3629 (actionStateMatchingIndex = -1),
3630 (thenableIndexCounter = 0),
3631 (numberOfReRenders += 1),
3632 (workInProgressHook = null),
3633 (request = Component(props, secondArg));
3634 resetHooksState();
3635 return request;
3637function finishFunctionComponent(
3638 request,
3639 task,
3640 keyPath,
3641 children,
3642 hasId,
3643 actionStateCount,
3644 actionStateMatchingIndex
3645) {
3646 var didEmitActionStateMarkers = !1;
3647 if (0 !== actionStateCount && null !== request.formState) {
3648 var segment = task.blockedSegment;
3649 if (null !== segment) {
3650 didEmitActionStateMarkers = !0;
3651 segment = segment.chunks;
3652 for (var i = 0; i < actionStateCount; i++)
3653 i === actionStateMatchingIndex
3654 ? segment.push("\x3c!--F!--\x3e")
3655 : segment.push("\x3c!--F--\x3e");
3656 }
3657 }
3658 actionStateCount = task.keyPath;
3659 task.keyPath = keyPath;
3660 hasId
3661 ? ((keyPath = task.treeContext),
3662 (task.treeContext = pushTreeContext(keyPath, 1, 0)),
3663 renderNode(request, task, children, -1),
3664 (task.treeContext = keyPath))
3665 : didEmitActionStateMarkers
3666 ? renderNode(request, task, children, -1)
3667 : renderNodeDestructive(request, task, children, -1);
3668 task.keyPath = actionStateCount;
3670function renderElement(request, task, keyPath, type, props, ref) {
3671 if ("function" === typeof type)
3672 if (type.prototype && type.prototype.isReactComponent) {
3673 var JSCompiler_inline_result = props;
3674 if ("ref" in props) {
3675 JSCompiler_inline_result = {};
3676 for (var propName in props)
3677 "ref" !== propName &&
3678 (JSCompiler_inline_result[propName] = props[propName]);
3679 }
3680 var defaultProps = type.defaultProps;
3681 if (defaultProps) {
3682 JSCompiler_inline_result === props &&
3683 (JSCompiler_inline_result = assign(
3684 {},
3685 JSCompiler_inline_result,
3686 props
3687 ));
3688 for (var propName$31 in defaultProps)
3689 void 0 === JSCompiler_inline_result[propName$31] &&
3690 (JSCompiler_inline_result[propName$31] = defaultProps[propName$31]);
3691 }
3692 props = task.componentStack;
3693 task.componentStack = { tag: 2, parent: task.componentStack, type: type };
3694 defaultProps = emptyContextObject;
3695 ref = type.contextType;
3696 "object" === typeof ref &&
3697 null !== ref &&
3698 (defaultProps = ref._currentValue2);
3699 defaultProps = new type(JSCompiler_inline_result, defaultProps);
3700 propName$31 = void 0 !== defaultProps.state ? defaultProps.state : null;
3701 defaultProps.updater = classComponentUpdater;
3702 defaultProps.props = JSCompiler_inline_result;
3703 defaultProps.state = propName$31;
3704 ref = { queue: [], replace: !1 };
3705 defaultProps._reactInternals = ref;
3706 var contextType = type.contextType;
3707 defaultProps.context =
3708 "object" === typeof contextType && null !== contextType
3709 ? contextType._currentValue2
3710 : emptyContextObject;
3711 contextType = type.getDerivedStateFromProps;
3712 "function" === typeof contextType &&
3713 ((contextType = contextType(JSCompiler_inline_result, propName$31)),
3714 (propName$31 =
3715 null === contextType || void 0 === contextType
3716 ? propName$31
3717 : assign({}, propName$31, contextType)),
3718 (defaultProps.state = propName$31));
3719 if (
3720 "function" !== typeof type.getDerivedStateFromProps &&
3721 "function" !== typeof defaultProps.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate &&
3722 ("function" === typeof defaultProps.UNSAFE_componentWillMount ||
3723 "function" === typeof defaultProps.componentWillMount)
3724 )
3725 if (
3726 ((type = defaultProps.state),
3727 "function" === typeof defaultProps.componentWillMount &&
3728 defaultProps.componentWillMount(),
3729 "function" === typeof defaultProps.UNSAFE_componentWillMount &&
3730 defaultProps.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(),
3731 type !== defaultProps.state &&
3732 classComponentUpdater.enqueueReplaceState(
3733 defaultProps,
3734 defaultProps.state,
3735 null
3736 ),
3737 null !== ref.queue && 0 < ref.queue.length)
3738 )
3739 if (
3740 ((type = ref.queue),
3741 (contextType = ref.replace),
3742 (ref.queue = null),
3743 (ref.replace = !1),
3744 contextType && 1 === type.length)
3745 )
3746 defaultProps.state = type[0];
3747 else {
3748 ref = contextType ? type[0] : defaultProps.state;
3749 propName$31 = !0;
3750 for (
3751 contextType = contextType ? 1 : 0;
3752 contextType < type.length;
3753 contextType++
3754 )
3755 (propName = type[contextType]),
3756 (propName =
3757 "function" === typeof propName
3758 ? propName.call(
3759 defaultProps,
3760 ref,
3761 JSCompiler_inline_result,
3762 void 0
3763 )
3764 : propName),
3765 null != propName &&
3766 (propName$31
3767 ? ((propName$31 = !1), (ref = assign({}, ref, propName)))
3768 : assign(ref, propName));
3769 defaultProps.state = ref;
3770 }
3771 else ref.queue = null;
3772 type = defaultProps.render();
3773 JSCompiler_inline_result = task.keyPath;
3774 task.keyPath = keyPath;
3775 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, type, -1);
3776 task.keyPath = JSCompiler_inline_result;
3777 task.componentStack = props;
3778 } else
3779 (JSCompiler_inline_result = task.componentStack),
3780 (task.componentStack = {
3781 tag: 1,
3782 parent: task.componentStack,
3783 type: type
3784 }),
3785 (type = renderWithHooks(request, task, keyPath, type, props, void 0)),
3786 finishFunctionComponent(
3787 request,
3788 task,
3789 keyPath,
3790 type,
3791 0 !== localIdCounter,
3792 actionStateCounter,
3793 actionStateMatchingIndex
3794 ),
3795 (task.componentStack = JSCompiler_inline_result);
3796 else if ("string" === typeof type) {
3797 JSCompiler_inline_result = task.componentStack;
3798 task.componentStack = createBuiltInComponentStack(task, type);
3799 defaultProps = task.blockedSegment;
3800 if (null === defaultProps)
3801 (defaultProps = props.children),
3802 (ref = task.formatContext),
3803 (propName$31 = task.keyPath),
3804 (task.formatContext = getChildFormatContext(ref, type, props)),
3805 (task.keyPath = keyPath),
3806 renderNode(request, task, defaultProps, -1),
3807 (task.formatContext = ref),
3808 (task.keyPath = propName$31);
3809 else {
3810 propName$31 = pushStartInstance(
3811 defaultProps.chunks,
3812 type,
3813 props,
3814 request.resumableState,
3815 request.renderState,
3816 task.hoistableState,
3817 task.formatContext,
3818 defaultProps.lastPushedText,
3819 task.isFallback
3820 );
3821 defaultProps.lastPushedText = !1;
3822 ref = task.formatContext;
3823 contextType = task.keyPath;
3824 task.formatContext = getChildFormatContext(ref, type, props);
3825 task.keyPath = keyPath;
3826 renderNode(request, task, propName$31, -1);
3827 task.formatContext = ref;
3828 task.keyPath = contextType;
3829 a: {
3830 keyPath = defaultProps.chunks;
3831 request = request.resumableState;
3832 switch (type) {
3833 case "title":
3834 case "style":
3835 case "script":
3836 case "area":
3837 case "base":
3838 case "br":
3839 case "col":
3840 case "embed":
3841 case "hr":
3842 case "img":
3843 case "input":
3844 case "keygen":
3845 case "link":
3846 case "meta":
3847 case "param":
3848 case "source":
3849 case "track":
3850 case "wbr":
3851 break a;
3852 case "body":
3853 if (1 >= ref.insertionMode) {
3854 request.hasBody = !0;
3855 break a;
3856 }
3857 break;
3858 case "html":
3859 if (0 === ref.insertionMode) {
3860 request.hasHtml = !0;
3861 break a;
3862 }
3863 }
3864 keyPath.push(endChunkForTag(type));
3865 }
3866 defaultProps.lastPushedText = !1;
3867 }
3868 task.componentStack = JSCompiler_inline_result;
3869 } else {
3870 switch (type) {
3876 type = task.keyPath;
3877 task.keyPath = keyPath;
3878 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, props.children, -1);
3879 task.keyPath = type;
3880 return;
3882 "hidden" !== props.mode &&
3883 ((type = task.keyPath),
3884 (task.keyPath = keyPath),
3885 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, props.children, -1),
3886 (task.keyPath = type));
3887 return;
3889 type = task.componentStack;
3890 task.componentStack = createBuiltInComponentStack(task, "SuspenseList");
3891 JSCompiler_inline_result = task.keyPath;
3892 task.keyPath = keyPath;
3893 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, props.children, -1);
3894 task.keyPath = JSCompiler_inline_result;
3895 task.componentStack = type;
3896 return;
3898 throw Error("ReactDOMServer does not yet support scope components.");
3900 a: if (null !== task.replay) {
3901 type = task.keyPath;
3902 task.keyPath = keyPath;
3903 keyPath = props.children;
3904 try {
3905 renderNode(request, task, keyPath, -1);
3906 } finally {
3907 task.keyPath = type;
3908 }
3909 } else {
3910 var previousComponentStack = task.componentStack;
3911 type = task.componentStack = createBuiltInComponentStack(
3912 task,
3913 "Suspense"
3914 );
3915 var prevKeyPath = task.keyPath;
3916 ref = task.blockedBoundary;
3917 var parentHoistableState = task.hoistableState,
3918 parentSegment = task.blockedSegment;
3919 propName$31 = props.fallback;
3920 var content = props.children;
3921 props = new Set();
3922 contextType = createSuspenseBoundary(request, props);
3923 null !== request.trackedPostpones &&
3924 (contextType.trackedContentKeyPath = keyPath);
3925 propName = createPendingSegment(
3926 request,
3927 parentSegment.chunks.length,
3928 contextType,
3929 task.formatContext,
3930 !1,
3931 !1
3932 );
3933 parentSegment.children.push(propName);
3934 parentSegment.lastPushedText = !1;
3935 var contentRootSegment = createPendingSegment(
3936 request,
3937 0,
3938 null,
3939 task.formatContext,
3940 !1,
3941 !1
3942 );
3943 contentRootSegment.parentFlushed = !0;
3944 task.blockedBoundary = contextType;
3945 task.hoistableState = contextType.contentState;
3946 task.blockedSegment = contentRootSegment;
3947 task.keyPath = keyPath;
3948 try {
3949 if (
3950 (renderNode(request, task, content, -1),
3951 request.renderState.generateStaticMarkup ||
3952 (contentRootSegment.lastPushedText &&
3953 contentRootSegment.textEmbedded &&
3954 contentRootSegment.chunks.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e")),
3955 (contentRootSegment.status = 1),
3956 queueCompletedSegment(contextType, contentRootSegment),
3957 0 === contextType.pendingTasks && 0 === contextType.status)
3958 ) {
3959 contextType.status = 1;
3960 task.componentStack = previousComponentStack;
3961 break a;
3962 }
3963 } catch (error) {
3964 (contentRootSegment.status = 4),
3965 (contextType.status = 4),
3966 (JSCompiler_inline_result = getThrownInfo(
3967 request,
3968 task.componentStack
3969 )),
3970 (defaultProps = logRecoverableError(
3971 request,
3972 error,
3973 JSCompiler_inline_result
3974 )),
3975 (contextType.errorDigest = defaultProps),
3976 untrackBoundary(request, contextType);
3977 } finally {
3978 (task.blockedBoundary = ref),
3979 (task.hoistableState = parentHoistableState),
3980 (task.blockedSegment = parentSegment),
3981 (task.keyPath = prevKeyPath),
3982 (task.componentStack = previousComponentStack);
3983 }
3984 JSCompiler_inline_result = [
3985 keyPath[0],
3986 "Suspense Fallback",
3987 keyPath[2]
3988 ];
3989 defaultProps = request.trackedPostpones;
3990 null !== defaultProps &&
3991 ((previousComponentStack = [
3992 JSCompiler_inline_result[1],
3993 JSCompiler_inline_result[2],
3994 [],
3995 null
3996 ]),
3997 defaultProps.workingMap.set(
3998 JSCompiler_inline_result,
3999 previousComponentStack
4000 ),
4001 5 === contextType.status
4002 ? (defaultProps.workingMap.get(keyPath)[4] =
4003 previousComponentStack)
4004 : (contextType.trackedFallbackNode = previousComponentStack));
4005 task = createRenderTask(
4006 request,
4007 null,
4008 propName$31,
4009 -1,
4010 ref,
4011 propName,
4012 contextType.fallbackState,
4013 props,
4014 JSCompiler_inline_result,
4015 task.formatContext,
4016 task.legacyContext,
4017 task.context,
4018 task.treeContext,
4019 type,
4020 !0
4021 );
4022 request.pingedTasks.push(task);
4023 }
4024 return;
4025 }
4026 if ("object" === typeof type && null !== type)
4027 switch (type.$$typeof) {
4029 JSCompiler_inline_result = task.componentStack;
4030 task.componentStack = {
4031 tag: 1,
4032 parent: task.componentStack,
4033 type: type.render
4034 };
4035 if ("ref" in props)
4036 for (contextType in ((defaultProps = {}), props))
4037 "ref" !== contextType &&
4038 (defaultProps[contextType] = props[contextType]);
4039 else defaultProps = props;
4040 type = renderWithHooks(
4041 request,
4042 task,
4043 keyPath,
4044 type.render,
4045 defaultProps,
4046 ref
4047 );
4048 finishFunctionComponent(
4049 request,
4050 task,
4051 keyPath,
4052 type,
4053 0 !== localIdCounter,
4054 actionStateCounter,
4055 actionStateMatchingIndex
4056 );
4057 task.componentStack = JSCompiler_inline_result;
4058 return;
4059 case REACT_MEMO_TYPE:
4060 renderElement(request, task, keyPath, type.type, props, ref);
4061 return;
4064 defaultProps = props.children;
4065 JSCompiler_inline_result = task.keyPath;
4066 props = props.value;
4067 ref = type._currentValue2;
4068 type._currentValue2 = props;
4069 propName$31 = currentActiveSnapshot;
4070 currentActiveSnapshot = type = {
4071 parent: propName$31,
4072 depth: null === propName$31 ? 0 : propName$31.depth + 1,
4073 context: type,
4074 parentValue: ref,
4075 value: props
4076 };
4077 task.context = type;
4078 task.keyPath = keyPath;
4079 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, defaultProps, -1);
4080 request = currentActiveSnapshot;
4081 if (null === request)
4082 throw Error(
4083 "Tried to pop a Context at the root of the app. This is a bug in React."
4084 );
4085 request.context._currentValue2 = request.parentValue;
4086 request = currentActiveSnapshot = request.parent;
4087 task.context = request;
4088 task.keyPath = JSCompiler_inline_result;
4089 return;
4091 props = props.children;
4092 type = props(type._context._currentValue2);
4093 props = task.keyPath;
4094 task.keyPath = keyPath;
4095 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, type, -1);
4096 task.keyPath = props;
4097 return;
4098 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
4099 JSCompiler_inline_result = task.componentStack;
4100 task.componentStack = createBuiltInComponentStack(task, "Lazy");
4101 defaultProps = type._init;
4102 type = defaultProps(type._payload);
4103 renderElement(request, task, keyPath, type, props, void 0);
4104 task.componentStack = JSCompiler_inline_result;
4105 return;
4106 }
4107 throw Error(
4108 "Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: " +
4109 ((null == type ? type : typeof type) + ".")
4110 );
4111 }
4113function resumeNode(request, task, segmentId, node, childIndex) {
4114 var prevReplay = task.replay,
4115 blockedBoundary = task.blockedBoundary,
4116 resumedSegment = createPendingSegment(
4117 request,
4118 0,
4119 null,
4120 task.formatContext,
4121 !1,
4122 !1
4123 );
4124 resumedSegment.id = segmentId;
4125 resumedSegment.parentFlushed = !0;
4126 try {
4127 (task.replay = null),
4128 (task.blockedSegment = resumedSegment),
4129 renderNode(request, task, node, childIndex),
4130 (resumedSegment.status = 1),
4131 null === blockedBoundary
4132 ? (request.completedRootSegment = resumedSegment)
4133 : (queueCompletedSegment(blockedBoundary, resumedSegment),
4134 blockedBoundary.parentFlushed &&
4135 request.partialBoundaries.push(blockedBoundary));
4136 } finally {
4137 (task.replay = prevReplay), (task.blockedSegment = null);
4138 }
4140function renderNodeDestructive(request, task, node$jscomp$0, childIndex) {
4141 if (null !== task.replay && "number" === typeof task.replay.slots)
4142 resumeNode(request, task, task.replay.slots, node$jscomp$0, childIndex);
4143 else if (
4144 ((task.node = node$jscomp$0),
4145 (task.childIndex = childIndex),
4146 null !== node$jscomp$0)
4147 ) {
4148 if ("object" === typeof node$jscomp$0) {
4149 switch (node$jscomp$0.$$typeof) {
4151 var type = node$jscomp$0.type,
4152 key = node$jscomp$0.key,
4153 props = node$jscomp$0.props;
4154 node$jscomp$0 = props.ref;
4155 var ref = void 0 !== node$jscomp$0 ? node$jscomp$0 : null;
4156 var name = getComponentNameFromType(type),
4157 keyOrIndex =
4158 null == key ? (-1 === childIndex ? 0 : childIndex) : key;
4159 key = [task.keyPath, name, keyOrIndex];
4160 if (null !== task.replay)
4161 a: {
4162 var replay = task.replay;
4163 childIndex = replay.nodes;
4164 for (
4165 node$jscomp$0 = 0;
4166 node$jscomp$0 < childIndex.length;
4167 node$jscomp$0++
4168 ) {
4169 var node = childIndex[node$jscomp$0];
4170 if (keyOrIndex === node[1]) {
4171 if (4 === node.length) {
4172 if (null !== name && name !== node[0])
4173 throw Error(
4174 "Expected the resume to render <" +
4175 node[0] +
4176 "> in this slot but instead it rendered <" +
4177 name +
4178 ">. The tree doesn't match so React will fallback to client rendering."
4179 );
4180 var childNodes = node[2];
4181 name = node[3];
4182 keyOrIndex = task.node;
4183 task.replay = {
4184 nodes: childNodes,
4185 slots: name,
4186 pendingTasks: 1
4187 };
4188 try {
4189 renderElement(request, task, key, type, props, ref);
4190 if (
4191 1 === task.replay.pendingTasks &&
4192 0 < task.replay.nodes.length
4193 )
4194 throw Error(
4195 "Couldn't find all resumable slots by key/index during replaying. The tree doesn't match so React will fallback to client rendering."
4196 );
4197 task.replay.pendingTasks--;
4198 } catch (x) {
4199 if (
4200 "object" === typeof x &&
4201 null !== x &&
4202 (x === SuspenseException ||
4203 "function" === typeof x.then)
4204 )
4205 throw (
4206 (task.node === keyOrIndex && (task.replay = replay),
4207 x)
4208 );
4209 task.replay.pendingTasks--;
4210 props = getThrownInfo(request, task.componentStack);
4211 key = request;
4212 request = task.blockedBoundary;
4213 type = x;
4214 props = logRecoverableError(key, type, props);
4215 abortRemainingReplayNodes(
4216 key,
4217 request,
4218 childNodes,
4219 name,
4220 type,
4221 props
4222 );
4223 }
4224 task.replay = replay;
4225 } else {
4226 if (type !== REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE)
4227 throw Error(
4228 "Expected the resume to render <Suspense> in this slot but instead it rendered <" +
4229 (getComponentNameFromType(type) || "Unknown") +
4230 ">. The tree doesn't match so React will fallback to client rendering."
4231 );
4232 b: {
4233 replay = void 0;
4234 type = node[5];
4235 ref = node[2];
4236 name = node[3];
4237 keyOrIndex = null === node[4] ? [] : node[4][2];
4238 node = null === node[4] ? null : node[4][3];
4239 var previousComponentStack = task.componentStack,
4240 suspenseComponentStack = (task.componentStack =
4241 createBuiltInComponentStack(task, "Suspense")),
4242 prevKeyPath = task.keyPath,
4243 previousReplaySet = task.replay,
4244 parentBoundary = task.blockedBoundary,
4245 parentHoistableState = task.hoistableState,
4246 content = props.children;
4247 props = props.fallback;
4248 var fallbackAbortSet = new Set(),
4249 resumedBoundary = createSuspenseBoundary(
4250 request,
4251 fallbackAbortSet
4252 );
4253 resumedBoundary.parentFlushed = !0;
4254 resumedBoundary.rootSegmentID = type;
4255 task.blockedBoundary = resumedBoundary;
4256 task.hoistableState = resumedBoundary.contentState;
4257 task.replay = {
4258 nodes: ref,
4259 slots: name,
4260 pendingTasks: 1
4261 };
4262 try {
4263 renderNode(request, task, content, -1);
4264 if (
4265 1 === task.replay.pendingTasks &&
4266 0 < task.replay.nodes.length
4267 )
4268 throw Error(
4269 "Couldn't find all resumable slots by key/index during replaying. The tree doesn't match so React will fallback to client rendering."
4270 );
4271 task.replay.pendingTasks--;
4272 if (
4273 0 === resumedBoundary.pendingTasks &&
4274 0 === resumedBoundary.status
4275 ) {
4276 resumedBoundary.status = 1;
4277 request.completedBoundaries.push(resumedBoundary);
4278 break b;
4279 }
4280 } catch (error) {
4281 (resumedBoundary.status = 4),
4282 (childNodes = getThrownInfo(
4283 request,
4284 task.componentStack
4285 )),
4286 (replay = logRecoverableError(
4287 request,
4288 error,
4289 childNodes
4290 )),
4291 (resumedBoundary.errorDigest = replay),
4292 task.replay.pendingTasks--,
4293 request.clientRenderedBoundaries.push(
4294 resumedBoundary
4295 );
4296 } finally {
4297 (task.blockedBoundary = parentBoundary),
4298 (task.hoistableState = parentHoistableState),
4299 (task.replay = previousReplaySet),
4300 (task.keyPath = prevKeyPath),
4301 (task.componentStack = previousComponentStack);
4302 }
4303 task = createReplayTask(
4304 request,
4305 null,
4306 { nodes: keyOrIndex, slots: node, pendingTasks: 0 },
4307 props,
4308 -1,
4309 parentBoundary,
4310 resumedBoundary.fallbackState,
4311 fallbackAbortSet,
4312 [key[0], "Suspense Fallback", key[2]],
4313 task.formatContext,
4314 task.legacyContext,
4315 task.context,
4316 task.treeContext,
4317 suspenseComponentStack,
4318 !0
4319 );
4320 request.pingedTasks.push(task);
4321 }
4322 }
4323 childIndex.splice(node$jscomp$0, 1);
4324 break a;
4325 }
4326 }
4327 }
4328 else renderElement(request, task, key, type, props, ref);
4329 return;
4331 throw Error(
4332 "Portals are not currently supported by the server renderer. Render them conditionally so that they only appear on the client render."
4333 );
4334 case REACT_LAZY_TYPE:
4335 childNodes = task.componentStack;
4336 task.componentStack = createBuiltInComponentStack(task, "Lazy");
4337 props = node$jscomp$0._init;
4338 node$jscomp$0 = props(node$jscomp$0._payload);
4339 task.componentStack = childNodes;
4340 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, node$jscomp$0, childIndex);
4341 return;
4342 }
4343 if (isArrayImpl(node$jscomp$0)) {
4344 renderChildrenArray(request, task, node$jscomp$0, childIndex);
4345 return;
4346 }
4347 null === node$jscomp$0 || "object" !== typeof node$jscomp$0
4348 ? (childNodes = null)
4349 : ((childNodes =
4351 node$jscomp$0["@@iterator"]),
4352 (childNodes = "function" === typeof childNodes ? childNodes : null));
4353 if (childNodes && (childNodes = childNodes.call(node$jscomp$0))) {
4354 node$jscomp$0 = childNodes.next();
4355 if (!node$jscomp$0.done) {
4356 props = [];
4357 do
4358 props.push(node$jscomp$0.value),
4359 (node$jscomp$0 = childNodes.next());
4360 while (!node$jscomp$0.done);
4361 renderChildrenArray(request, task, props, childIndex);
4362 }
4363 return;
4364 }
4365 if ("function" === typeof node$jscomp$0.then)
4366 return (
4367 (task.thenableState = null),
4368 renderNodeDestructive(
4369 request,
4370 task,
4371 unwrapThenable(node$jscomp$0),
4372 childIndex
4373 )
4374 );
4375 if (node$jscomp$0.$$typeof === REACT_CONTEXT_TYPE)
4376 return renderNodeDestructive(
4377 request,
4378 task,
4379 node$jscomp$0._currentValue2,
4380 childIndex
4381 );
4382 childIndex = Object.prototype.toString.call(node$jscomp$0);
4383 throw Error(
4384 "Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " +
4385 ("[object Object]" === childIndex
4386 ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(node$jscomp$0).join(", ") + "}"
4387 : childIndex) +
4388 "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."
4389 );
4390 }
4391 if ("string" === typeof node$jscomp$0)
4392 (childIndex = task.blockedSegment),
4393 null !== childIndex &&
4394 (childIndex.lastPushedText = pushTextInstance(
4395 childIndex.chunks,
4396 node$jscomp$0,
4397 request.renderState,
4398 childIndex.lastPushedText
4399 ));
4400 else if (
4401 "number" === typeof node$jscomp$0 ||
4402 "bigint" === typeof node$jscomp$0
4403 )
4404 (childIndex = task.blockedSegment),
4405 null !== childIndex &&
4406 (childIndex.lastPushedText = pushTextInstance(
4407 childIndex.chunks,
4408 "" + node$jscomp$0,
4409 request.renderState,
4410 childIndex.lastPushedText
4411 ));
4412 }
4414function renderChildrenArray(request, task, children, childIndex) {
4415 var prevKeyPath = task.keyPath;
4416 if (
4417 -1 !== childIndex &&
4418 ((task.keyPath = [task.keyPath, "Fragment", childIndex]),
4419 null !== task.replay)
4420 ) {
4421 for (
4422 var replay = task.replay, replayNodes = replay.nodes, j = 0;
4423 j < replayNodes.length;
4424 j++
4425 ) {
4426 var node = replayNodes[j];
4427 if (node[1] === childIndex) {
4428 childIndex = node[2];
4429 node = node[3];
4430 task.replay = { nodes: childIndex, slots: node, pendingTasks: 1 };
4431 try {
4432 renderChildrenArray(request, task, children, -1);
4433 if (1 === task.replay.pendingTasks && 0 < task.replay.nodes.length)
4434 throw Error(
4435 "Couldn't find all resumable slots by key/index during replaying. The tree doesn't match so React will fallback to client rendering."
4436 );
4437 task.replay.pendingTasks--;
4438 } catch (x) {
4439 if (
4440 "object" === typeof x &&
4441 null !== x &&
4442 (x === SuspenseException || "function" === typeof x.then)
4443 )
4444 throw x;
4445 task.replay.pendingTasks--;
4446 children = getThrownInfo(request, task.componentStack);
4447 var boundary = task.blockedBoundary,
4448 error = x;
4449 children = logRecoverableError(request, error, children);
4450 abortRemainingReplayNodes(
4451 request,
4452 boundary,
4453 childIndex,
4454 node,
4455 error,
4456 children
4457 );
4458 }
4459 task.replay = replay;
4460 replayNodes.splice(j, 1);
4461 break;
4462 }
4463 }
4464 task.keyPath = prevKeyPath;
4465 return;
4466 }
4467 replay = task.treeContext;
4468 replayNodes = children.length;
4469 if (
4470 null !== task.replay &&
4471 ((j = task.replay.slots), null !== j && "object" === typeof j)
4472 ) {
4473 for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < replayNodes; childIndex++)
4474 (node = children[childIndex]),
4475 (task.treeContext = pushTreeContext(replay, replayNodes, childIndex)),
4476 (boundary = j[childIndex]),
4477 "number" === typeof boundary
4478 ? (resumeNode(request, task, boundary, node, childIndex),
4479 delete j[childIndex])
4480 : renderNode(request, task, node, childIndex);
4481 task.treeContext = replay;
4482 task.keyPath = prevKeyPath;
4483 return;
4484 }
4485 for (j = 0; j < replayNodes; j++)
4486 (childIndex = children[j]),
4487 (task.treeContext = pushTreeContext(replay, replayNodes, j)),
4488 renderNode(request, task, childIndex, j);
4489 task.treeContext = replay;
4490 task.keyPath = prevKeyPath;
4492function untrackBoundary(request, boundary) {
4493 request = request.trackedPostpones;
4494 null !== request &&
4495 ((boundary = boundary.trackedContentKeyPath),
4496 null !== boundary &&
4497 ((boundary = request.workingMap.get(boundary)),
4498 void 0 !== boundary &&
4499 ((boundary.length = 4), (boundary[2] = []), (boundary[3] = null))));
4501function renderNode(request, task, node, childIndex) {
4502 var previousFormatContext = task.formatContext,
4503 previousLegacyContext = task.legacyContext,
4504 previousContext = task.context,
4505 previousKeyPath = task.keyPath,
4506 previousTreeContext = task.treeContext,
4507 previousComponentStack = task.componentStack,
4508 segment = task.blockedSegment;
4509 if (null === segment)
4510 try {
4511 return renderNodeDestructive(request, task, node, childIndex);
4512 } catch (thrownValue) {
4513 if (
4514 (resetHooksState(),
4515 (node =
4516 thrownValue === SuspenseException
4517 ? getSuspendedThenable()
4518 : thrownValue),
4519 "object" === typeof node &&
4520 null !== node &&
4521 "function" === typeof node.then)
4522 ) {
4523 childIndex = getThenableStateAfterSuspending();
4524 request = createReplayTask(
4525 request,
4526 childIndex,
4527 task.replay,
4528 task.node,
4529 task.childIndex,
4530 task.blockedBoundary,
4531 task.hoistableState,
4532 task.abortSet,
4533 task.keyPath,
4534 task.formatContext,
4535 task.legacyContext,
4536 task.context,
4537 task.treeContext,
4538 null !== task.componentStack ? task.componentStack.parent : null,
4539 task.isFallback
4540 ).ping;
4541 node.then(request, request);
4542 task.formatContext = previousFormatContext;
4543 task.legacyContext = previousLegacyContext;
4544 task.context = previousContext;
4545 task.keyPath = previousKeyPath;
4546 task.treeContext = previousTreeContext;
4547 task.componentStack = previousComponentStack;
4548 switchContext(previousContext);
4549 return;
4550 }
4551 }
4552 else {
4553 var childrenLength = segment.children.length,
4554 chunkLength = segment.chunks.length;
4555 try {
4556 return renderNodeDestructive(request, task, node, childIndex);
4557 } catch (thrownValue$40) {
4558 if (
4559 (resetHooksState(),
4560 (segment.children.length = childrenLength),
4561 (segment.chunks.length = chunkLength),
4562 (node =
4563 thrownValue$40 === SuspenseException
4564 ? getSuspendedThenable()
4565 : thrownValue$40),
4566 "object" === typeof node &&
4567 null !== node &&
4568 "function" === typeof node.then)
4569 ) {
4570 childIndex = getThenableStateAfterSuspending();
4571 segment = task.blockedSegment;
4572 childrenLength = createPendingSegment(
4573 request,
4574 segment.chunks.length,
4575 null,
4576 task.formatContext,
4577 segment.lastPushedText,
4578 !0
4579 );
4580 segment.children.push(childrenLength);
4581 segment.lastPushedText = !1;
4582 request = createRenderTask(
4583 request,
4584 childIndex,
4585 task.node,
4586 task.childIndex,
4587 task.blockedBoundary,
4588 childrenLength,
4589 task.hoistableState,
4590 task.abortSet,
4591 task.keyPath,
4592 task.formatContext,
4593 task.legacyContext,
4594 task.context,
4595 task.treeContext,
4596 null !== task.componentStack ? task.componentStack.parent : null,
4597 task.isFallback
4598 ).ping;
4599 node.then(request, request);
4600 task.formatContext = previousFormatContext;
4601 task.legacyContext = previousLegacyContext;
4602 task.context = previousContext;
4603 task.keyPath = previousKeyPath;
4604 task.treeContext = previousTreeContext;
4605 task.componentStack = previousComponentStack;
4606 switchContext(previousContext);
4607 return;
4608 }
4609 }
4610 }
4611 task.formatContext = previousFormatContext;
4612 task.legacyContext = previousLegacyContext;
4613 task.context = previousContext;
4614 task.keyPath = previousKeyPath;
4615 task.treeContext = previousTreeContext;
4616 switchContext(previousContext);
4617 throw node;
4619function abortTaskSoft(task) {
4620 var boundary = task.blockedBoundary;
4621 task = task.blockedSegment;
4622 null !== task && ((task.status = 3), finishedTask(this, boundary, task));
4624function abortRemainingReplayNodes(
4625 request$jscomp$0,
4626 boundary,
4627 nodes,
4628 slots,
4629 error,
4630 errorDigest$jscomp$0
4631) {
4632 for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
4633 var node = nodes[i];
4634 if (4 === node.length)
4635 abortRemainingReplayNodes(
4636 request$jscomp$0,
4637 boundary,
4638 node[2],
4639 node[3],
4640 error,
4641 errorDigest$jscomp$0
4642 );
4643 else {
4644 node = node[5];
4645 var request = request$jscomp$0,
4646 errorDigest = errorDigest$jscomp$0,
4647 resumedBoundary = createSuspenseBoundary(request, new Set());
4648 resumedBoundary.parentFlushed = !0;
4649 resumedBoundary.rootSegmentID = node;
4650 resumedBoundary.status = 4;
4651 resumedBoundary.errorDigest = errorDigest;
4652 resumedBoundary.parentFlushed &&
4653 request.clientRenderedBoundaries.push(resumedBoundary);
4654 }
4655 }
4656 nodes.length = 0;
4657 if (null !== slots) {
4658 if (null === boundary)
4659 throw Error(
4660 "We should not have any resumable nodes in the shell. This is a bug in React."
4661 );
4662 4 !== boundary.status &&
4663 ((boundary.status = 4),
4664 (boundary.errorDigest = errorDigest$jscomp$0),
4665 boundary.parentFlushed &&
4666 request$jscomp$0.clientRenderedBoundaries.push(boundary));
4667 if ("object" === typeof slots) for (var index in slots) delete slots[index];
4668 }
4670function abortTask(task, request, error) {
4671 var boundary = task.blockedBoundary,
4672 segment = task.blockedSegment;
4673 null !== segment && (segment.status = 3);
4674 if (null === boundary) {
4675 if (((boundary = {}), 1 !== request.status && 2 !== request.status)) {
4676 task = task.replay;
4677 if (null === task) {
4678 logRecoverableError(request, error, boundary);
4679 fatalError(request, error);
4680 return;
4681 }
4682 task.pendingTasks--;
4683 0 === task.pendingTasks &&
4684 0 < task.nodes.length &&
4685 ((boundary = logRecoverableError(request, error, boundary)),
4686 abortRemainingReplayNodes(
4687 request,
4688 null,
4689 task.nodes,
4690 task.slots,
4691 error,
4692 boundary
4693 ));
4694 request.pendingRootTasks--;
4695 0 === request.pendingRootTasks && completeShell(request);
4696 }
4697 } else
4698 boundary.pendingTasks--,
4699 4 !== boundary.status &&
4700 ((boundary.status = 4),
4701 (task = getThrownInfo(request, task.componentStack)),
4702 (task = logRecoverableError(request, error, task)),
4703 (boundary.errorDigest = task),
4704 untrackBoundary(request, boundary),
4705 boundary.parentFlushed &&
4706 request.clientRenderedBoundaries.push(boundary)),
4707 boundary.fallbackAbortableTasks.forEach(function (fallbackTask) {
4708 return abortTask(fallbackTask, request, error);
4709 }),
4710 boundary.fallbackAbortableTasks.clear();
4711 request.allPendingTasks--;
4712 0 === request.allPendingTasks && completeAll(request);
4714function safelyEmitEarlyPreloads(request, shellComplete) {
4715 try {
4716 var renderState = request.renderState,
4717 onHeaders = renderState.onHeaders;
4718 if (onHeaders) {
4719 var headers = renderState.headers;
4720 if (headers) {
4721 renderState.headers = null;
4722 var linkHeader = headers.preconnects;
4723 headers.fontPreloads &&
4724 (linkHeader && (linkHeader += ", "),
4725 (linkHeader += headers.fontPreloads));
4726 headers.highImagePreloads &&
4727 (linkHeader && (linkHeader += ", "),
4728 (linkHeader += headers.highImagePreloads));
4729 if (!shellComplete) {
4730 var queueIter = renderState.styles.values(),
4731 queueStep = queueIter.next();
4732 b: for (
4733 ;
4734 0 < headers.remainingCapacity && !queueStep.done;
4735 queueStep = queueIter.next()
4736 )
4737 for (
4738 var sheetIter = queueStep.value.sheets.values(),
4739 sheetStep = sheetIter.next();
4740 0 < headers.remainingCapacity && !sheetStep.done;
4741 sheetStep = sheetIter.next()
4742 ) {
4743 var sheet = sheetStep.value,
4744 props = sheet.props,
4745 key = props.href,
4746 props$jscomp$0 = sheet.props,
4747 header = getPreloadAsHeader(props$jscomp$0.href, "style", {
4748 crossOrigin: props$jscomp$0.crossOrigin,
4749 integrity: props$jscomp$0.integrity,
4750 nonce: props$jscomp$0.nonce,
4751 type: props$jscomp$0.type,
4752 fetchPriority: props$jscomp$0.fetchPriority,
4753 referrerPolicy: props$jscomp$0.referrerPolicy,
4754 media: props$jscomp$0.media
4755 });
4756 if (2 <= (headers.remainingCapacity -= header.length))
4757 (renderState.resets.style[key] = PRELOAD_NO_CREDS),
4758 linkHeader && (linkHeader += ", "),
4759 (linkHeader += header),
4760 (renderState.resets.style[key] =
4761 "string" === typeof props.crossOrigin ||
4762 "string" === typeof props.integrity
4763 ? [props.crossOrigin, props.integrity]
4765 else break b;
4766 }
4767 }
4768 linkHeader ? onHeaders({ Link: linkHeader }) : onHeaders({});
4769 }
4770 }
4771 } catch (error) {
4772 logRecoverableError(request, error, {});
4773 }
4775function completeShell(request) {
4776 null === request.trackedPostpones && safelyEmitEarlyPreloads(request, !0);
4777 request.onShellError = noop;
4778 request = request.onShellReady;
4779 request();
4781function completeAll(request) {
4782 safelyEmitEarlyPreloads(
4783 request,
4784 null === request.trackedPostpones
4785 ? !0
4786 : null === request.completedRootSegment ||
4787 5 !== request.completedRootSegment.status
4788 );
4789 request = request.onAllReady;
4790 request();
4792function queueCompletedSegment(boundary, segment) {
4793 if (
4794 0 === segment.chunks.length &&
4795 1 === segment.children.length &&
4796 null === segment.children[0].boundary &&
4797 -1 === segment.children[0].id
4798 ) {
4799 var childSegment = segment.children[0];
4800 childSegment.id = segment.id;
4801 childSegment.parentFlushed = !0;
4802 1 === childSegment.status && queueCompletedSegment(boundary, childSegment);
4803 } else boundary.completedSegments.push(segment);
4805function finishedTask(request, boundary, segment) {
4806 if (null === boundary) {
4807 if (null !== segment && segment.parentFlushed) {
4808 if (null !== request.completedRootSegment)
4809 throw Error(
4810 "There can only be one root segment. This is a bug in React."
4811 );
4812 request.completedRootSegment = segment;
4813 }
4814 request.pendingRootTasks--;
4815 0 === request.pendingRootTasks && completeShell(request);
4816 } else
4817 boundary.pendingTasks--,
4818 4 !== boundary.status &&
4819 (0 === boundary.pendingTasks
4820 ? (0 === boundary.status && (boundary.status = 1),
4821 null !== segment &&
4822 segment.parentFlushed &&
4823 1 === segment.status &&
4824 queueCompletedSegment(boundary, segment),
4825 boundary.parentFlushed &&
4826 request.completedBoundaries.push(boundary),
4827 1 === boundary.status &&
4828 (boundary.fallbackAbortableTasks.forEach(abortTaskSoft, request),
4829 boundary.fallbackAbortableTasks.clear()))
4830 : null !== segment &&
4831 segment.parentFlushed &&
4832 1 === segment.status &&
4833 (queueCompletedSegment(boundary, segment),
4834 1 === boundary.completedSegments.length &&
4835 boundary.parentFlushed &&
4836 request.partialBoundaries.push(boundary)));
4837 request.allPendingTasks--;
4838 0 === request.allPendingTasks && completeAll(request);
4840function performWork(request$jscomp$2) {
4841 if (2 !== request$jscomp$2.status) {
4842 var prevContext = currentActiveSnapshot,
4843 prevDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.H;
4844 ReactSharedInternals.H = HooksDispatcher;
4845 var prevAsyncDispatcher = ReactSharedInternals.A;
4846 ReactSharedInternals.A = DefaultAsyncDispatcher;
4847 var prevRequest = currentRequest;
4848 currentRequest = request$jscomp$2;
4849 var prevResumableState = currentResumableState;
4850 currentResumableState = request$jscomp$2.resumableState;
4851 try {
4852 var pingedTasks = request$jscomp$2.pingedTasks,
4853 i;
4854 for (i = 0; i < pingedTasks.length; i++) {
4855 var task = pingedTasks[i],
4856 request = request$jscomp$2,
4857 segment = task.blockedSegment;
4858 if (null === segment) {
4859 var request$jscomp$0 = request;
4860 if (0 !== task.replay.pendingTasks) {
4861 switchContext(task.context);
4862 try {
4863 renderNodeDestructive(
4864 request$jscomp$0,
4865 task,
4866 task.node,
4867 task.childIndex
4868 );
4869 if (
4870 1 === task.replay.pendingTasks &&
4871 0 < task.replay.nodes.length
4872 )
4873 throw Error(
4874 "Couldn't find all resumable slots by key/index during replaying. The tree doesn't match so React will fallback to client rendering."
4875 );
4876 task.replay.pendingTasks--;
4877 task.abortSet.delete(task);
4878 finishedTask(request$jscomp$0, task.blockedBoundary, null);
4879 } catch (thrownValue) {
4880 resetHooksState();
4881 var x =
4882 thrownValue === SuspenseException
4883 ? getSuspendedThenable()
4884 : thrownValue;
4885 if (
4886 "object" === typeof x &&
4887 null !== x &&
4888 "function" === typeof x.then
4889 ) {
4890 var ping = task.ping;
4891 x.then(ping, ping);
4892 task.thenableState = getThenableStateAfterSuspending();
4893 null !== task.componentStack &&
4894 (task.componentStack = task.componentStack.parent);
4895 } else {
4896 task.replay.pendingTasks--;
4897 task.abortSet.delete(task);
4898 var errorInfo = getThrownInfo(
4899 request$jscomp$0,
4900 task.componentStack
4901 );
4902 request = void 0;
4903 var request$jscomp$1 = request$jscomp$0,
4904 boundary = task.blockedBoundary,
4905 error$jscomp$0 = x,
4906 replayNodes = task.replay.nodes,
4907 resumeSlots = task.replay.slots;
4908 request = logRecoverableError(
4909 request$jscomp$1,
4910 error$jscomp$0,
4911 errorInfo
4912 );
4913 abortRemainingReplayNodes(
4914 request$jscomp$1,
4915 boundary,
4916 replayNodes,
4917 resumeSlots,
4918 error$jscomp$0,
4919 request
4920 );
4921 request$jscomp$0.pendingRootTasks--;
4922 0 === request$jscomp$0.pendingRootTasks &&
4923 completeShell(request$jscomp$0);
4924 request$jscomp$0.allPendingTasks--;
4925 0 === request$jscomp$0.allPendingTasks &&
4926 completeAll(request$jscomp$0);
4927 }
4928 } finally {
4929 }
4930 }
4931 } else if (
4932 ((request$jscomp$0 = void 0),
4933 (request$jscomp$1 = segment),
4934 0 === request$jscomp$1.status)
4935 ) {
4936 switchContext(task.context);
4937 var childrenLength = request$jscomp$1.children.length,
4938 chunkLength = request$jscomp$1.chunks.length;
4939 try {
4940 renderNodeDestructive(request, task, task.node, task.childIndex),
4941 request.renderState.generateStaticMarkup ||
4942 (request$jscomp$1.lastPushedText &&
4943 request$jscomp$1.textEmbedded &&
4944 request$jscomp$1.chunks.push("\x3c!-- --\x3e")),
4945 task.abortSet.delete(task),
4946 (request$jscomp$1.status = 1),
4947 finishedTask(request, task.blockedBoundary, request$jscomp$1);
4948 } catch (thrownValue) {
4949 resetHooksState();
4950 request$jscomp$1.children.length = childrenLength;
4951 request$jscomp$1.chunks.length = chunkLength;
4952 var x$jscomp$0 =
4953 thrownValue === SuspenseException
4954 ? getSuspendedThenable()
4955 : thrownValue;
4956 if (
4957 "object" === typeof x$jscomp$0 &&
4958 null !== x$jscomp$0 &&
4959 "function" === typeof x$jscomp$0.then
4960 ) {
4961 var ping$jscomp$0 = task.ping;
4962 x$jscomp$0.then(ping$jscomp$0, ping$jscomp$0);
4963 task.thenableState = getThenableStateAfterSuspending();
4964 null !== task.componentStack &&
4965 (task.componentStack = task.componentStack.parent);
4966 } else {
4967 var errorInfo$jscomp$0 = getThrownInfo(
4968 request,
4969 task.componentStack
4970 );
4971 task.abortSet.delete(task);
4972 request$jscomp$1.status = 4;
4973 var boundary$jscomp$0 = task.blockedBoundary;
4974 request$jscomp$0 = logRecoverableError(
4975 request,
4976 x$jscomp$0,
4977 errorInfo$jscomp$0
4978 );
4979 null === boundary$jscomp$0
4980 ? fatalError(request, x$jscomp$0)
4981 : (boundary$jscomp$0.pendingTasks--,
4982 4 !== boundary$jscomp$0.status &&
4983 ((boundary$jscomp$0.status = 4),
4984 (boundary$jscomp$0.errorDigest = request$jscomp$0),
4985 untrackBoundary(request, boundary$jscomp$0),
4986 boundary$jscomp$0.parentFlushed &&
4987 request.clientRenderedBoundaries.push(
4988 boundary$jscomp$0
4989 )));
4990 request.allPendingTasks--;
4991 0 === request.allPendingTasks && completeAll(request);
4992 }
4993 } finally {
4994 }
4995 }
4996 }
4997 pingedTasks.splice(0, i);
4998 null !== request$jscomp$2.destination &&
4999 flushCompletedQueues(request$jscomp$2, request$jscomp$2.destination);
5000 } catch (error) {
5001 logRecoverableError(request$jscomp$2, error, {}),
5002 fatalError(request$jscomp$2, error);
5003 } finally {
5004 (currentResumableState = prevResumableState),
5005 (ReactSharedInternals.H = prevDispatcher),
5006 (ReactSharedInternals.A = prevAsyncDispatcher),
5007 prevDispatcher === HooksDispatcher && switchContext(prevContext),
5008 (currentRequest = prevRequest);
5009 }
5010 }
5012function flushSubtree(request, destination, segment, hoistableState) {
5013 segment.parentFlushed = !0;
5014 switch (segment.status) {
5015 case 0:
5016 segment.id = request.nextSegmentId++;
5017 case 5:
5018 return (
5019 (hoistableState = segment.id),
5020 (segment.lastPushedText = !1),
5021 (segment.textEmbedded = !1),
5022 (request = request.renderState),
5023 destination.push('<template id="'),
5024 destination.push(request.placeholderPrefix),
5025 (request = hoistableState.toString(16)),
5026 destination.push(request),
5027 destination.push('"></template>')
5028 );
5029 case 1:
5030 segment.status = 2;
5031 var r = !0,
5032 chunks = segment.chunks,
5033 chunkIdx = 0;
5034 segment = segment.children;
5035 for (var childIdx = 0; childIdx < segment.length; childIdx++) {
5036 for (r = segment[childIdx]; chunkIdx < r.index; chunkIdx++)
5037 destination.push(chunks[chunkIdx]);
5038 r = flushSegment(request, destination, r, hoistableState);
5039 }
5040 for (; chunkIdx < chunks.length - 1; chunkIdx++)
5041 destination.push(chunks[chunkIdx]);
5042 chunkIdx < chunks.length && (r = destination.push(chunks[chunkIdx]));
5043 return r;
5044 default:
5045 throw Error(
5046 "Aborted, errored or already flushed boundaries should not be flushed again. This is a bug in React."
5047 );
5048 }
5050function flushSegment(request, destination, segment, hoistableState) {
5051 var boundary = segment.boundary;
5052 if (null === boundary)
5053 return flushSubtree(request, destination, segment, hoistableState);
5054 boundary.parentFlushed = !0;
5055 if (4 === boundary.status)
5056 return (
5057 request.renderState.generateStaticMarkup ||
5058 ((boundary = boundary.errorDigest),
5059 destination.push("\x3c!--$!--\x3e"),
5060 destination.push("<template"),
5061 boundary &&
5062 (destination.push(' data-dgst="'),
5063 (boundary = escapeTextForBrowser(boundary)),
5064 destination.push(boundary),
5065 destination.push('"')),
5066 destination.push("></template>")),
5067 flushSubtree(request, destination, segment, hoistableState),
5068 (request = request.renderState.generateStaticMarkup
5069 ? !0
5070 : destination.push("\x3c!--/$--\x3e")),
5071 request
5072 );
5073 if (1 !== boundary.status)
5074 return (
5075 0 === boundary.status &&
5076 (boundary.rootSegmentID = request.nextSegmentId++),
5077 0 < boundary.completedSegments.length &&
5078 request.partialBoundaries.push(boundary),
5079 writeStartPendingSuspenseBoundary(
5080 destination,
5081 request.renderState,
5082 boundary.rootSegmentID
5083 ),
5084 hoistableState &&
5085 ((boundary = boundary.fallbackState),
5086 boundary.styles.forEach(hoistStyleQueueDependency, hoistableState),
5087 boundary.stylesheets.forEach(
5088 hoistStylesheetDependency,
5089 hoistableState
5090 )),
5091 flushSubtree(request, destination, segment, hoistableState),
5092 destination.push("\x3c!--/$--\x3e")
5093 );
5094 if (boundary.byteSize > request.progressiveChunkSize)
5095 return (
5096 (boundary.rootSegmentID = request.nextSegmentId++),
5097 request.completedBoundaries.push(boundary),
5098 writeStartPendingSuspenseBoundary(
5099 destination,
5100 request.renderState,
5101 boundary.rootSegmentID
5102 ),
5103 flushSubtree(request, destination, segment, hoistableState),
5104 destination.push("\x3c!--/$--\x3e")
5105 );
5106 hoistableState &&
5107 ((segment = boundary.contentState),
5108 segment.styles.forEach(hoistStyleQueueDependency, hoistableState),
5109 segment.stylesheets.forEach(hoistStylesheetDependency, hoistableState));
5110 request.renderState.generateStaticMarkup ||
5111 destination.push("\x3c!--$--\x3e");
5112 segment = boundary.completedSegments;
5113 if (1 !== segment.length)
5114 throw Error(
5115 "A previously unvisited boundary must have exactly one root segment. This is a bug in React."
5116 );
5117 flushSegment(request, destination, segment[0], hoistableState);
5118 request = request.renderState.generateStaticMarkup
5119 ? !0
5120 : destination.push("\x3c!--/$--\x3e");
5121 return request;
5123function flushSegmentContainer(request, destination, segment, hoistableState) {
5124 writeStartSegment(
5125 destination,
5126 request.renderState,
5127 segment.parentFormatContext,
5128 segment.id
5129 );
5130 flushSegment(request, destination, segment, hoistableState);
5131 return writeEndSegment(destination, segment.parentFormatContext);
5133function flushCompletedBoundary(request, destination, boundary) {
5134 for (
5135 var completedSegments = boundary.completedSegments, i = 0;
5136 i < completedSegments.length;
5137 i++
5138 )
5139 flushPartiallyCompletedSegment(
5140 request,
5141 destination,
5142 boundary,
5143 completedSegments[i]
5144 );
5145 completedSegments.length = 0;
5146 writeHoistablesForBoundary(
5147 destination,
5148 boundary.contentState,
5149 request.renderState
5150 );
5151 completedSegments = request.resumableState;
5152 request = request.renderState;
5153 i = boundary.rootSegmentID;
5154 boundary = boundary.contentState;
5155 var requiresStyleInsertion = request.stylesToHoist;
5156 request.stylesToHoist = !1;
5157 destination.push(request.startInlineScript);
5158 requiresStyleInsertion
5159 ? 0 === (completedSegments.instructions & 2)
5160 ? ((completedSegments.instructions |= 10),
5161 destination.push(
5162 '$RC=function(b,c,e){c=document.getElementById(c);c.parentNode.removeChild(c);var a=document.getElementById(b);if(a){b=a.previousSibling;if(e)b.data="$!",a.setAttribute("data-dgst",e);else{e=b.parentNode;a=b.nextSibling;var f=0;do{if(a&&8===a.nodeType){var d=a.data;if("/$"===d)if(0===f)break;else f--;else"$"!==d&&"$?"!==d&&"$!"!==d||f++}d=a.nextSibling;e.removeChild(a);a=d}while(a);for(;c.firstChild;)e.insertBefore(c.firstChild,a);b.data="$"}b._reactRetry&&b._reactRetry()}};$RM=new Map;\n$RR=function(r,t,w){for(var u=$RC,n=$RM,p=new Map,q=document,g,b,h=q.querySelectorAll("link[data-precedence],style[data-precedence]"),v=[],k=0;b=h[k++];)"not all"===b.getAttribute("media")?v.push(b):("LINK"===b.tagName&&n.set(b.getAttribute("href"),b),p.set(b.dataset.precedence,g=b));b=0;h=[];var l,a;for(k=!0;;){if(k){var f=w[b++];if(!f){k=!1;b=0;continue}var c=!1,m=0;var d=f[m++];if(a=n.get(d)){var e=a._p;c=!0}else{a=q.createElement("link");a.href=d;a.rel="stylesheet";for(a.dataset.precedence=\nl=f[m++];e=f[m++];)a.setAttribute(e,f[m++]);e=a._p=new Promise(function(x,y){a.onload=x;a.onerror=y});n.set(d,a)}d=a.getAttribute("media");!e||"l"===e.s||d&&!matchMedia(d).matches||h.push(e);if(c)continue}else{a=v[b++];if(!a)break;l=a.getAttribute("data-precedence");a.removeAttribute("media")}c=p.get(l)||g;c===g&&(g=a);p.set(l,a);c?c.parentNode.insertBefore(a,c.nextSibling):(c=q.head,c.insertBefore(a,c.firstChild))}Promise.all(h).then(u.bind(null,r,t,""),u.bind(null,r,t,"Resource failed to load"))};$RR("'
5163 ))
5164 : 0 === (completedSegments.instructions & 8)
5165 ? ((completedSegments.instructions |= 8),
5166 destination.push(
5167 '$RM=new Map;\n$RR=function(r,t,w){for(var u=$RC,n=$RM,p=new Map,q=document,g,b,h=q.querySelectorAll("link[data-precedence],style[data-precedence]"),v=[],k=0;b=h[k++];)"not all"===b.getAttribute("media")?v.push(b):("LINK"===b.tagName&&n.set(b.getAttribute("href"),b),p.set(b.dataset.precedence,g=b));b=0;h=[];var l,a;for(k=!0;;){if(k){var f=w[b++];if(!f){k=!1;b=0;continue}var c=!1,m=0;var d=f[m++];if(a=n.get(d)){var e=a._p;c=!0}else{a=q.createElement("link");a.href=d;a.rel="stylesheet";for(a.dataset.precedence=\nl=f[m++];e=f[m++];)a.setAttribute(e,f[m++]);e=a._p=new Promise(function(x,y){a.onload=x;a.onerror=y});n.set(d,a)}d=a.getAttribute("media");!e||"l"===e.s||d&&!matchMedia(d).matches||h.push(e);if(c)continue}else{a=v[b++];if(!a)break;l=a.getAttribute("data-precedence");a.removeAttribute("media")}c=p.get(l)||g;c===g&&(g=a);p.set(l,a);c?c.parentNode.insertBefore(a,c.nextSibling):(c=q.head,c.insertBefore(a,c.firstChild))}Promise.all(h).then(u.bind(null,r,t,""),u.bind(null,r,t,"Resource failed to load"))};$RR("'
5168 ))
5169 : destination.push('$RR("')
5170 : 0 === (completedSegments.instructions & 2)
5171 ? ((completedSegments.instructions |= 2),
5172 destination.push(
5173 '$RC=function(b,c,e){c=document.getElementById(c);c.parentNode.removeChild(c);var a=document.getElementById(b);if(a){b=a.previousSibling;if(e)b.data="$!",a.setAttribute("data-dgst",e);else{e=b.parentNode;a=b.nextSibling;var f=0;do{if(a&&8===a.nodeType){var d=a.data;if("/$"===d)if(0===f)break;else f--;else"$"!==d&&"$?"!==d&&"$!"!==d||f++}d=a.nextSibling;e.removeChild(a);a=d}while(a);for(;c.firstChild;)e.insertBefore(c.firstChild,a);b.data="$"}b._reactRetry&&b._reactRetry()}};$RC("'
5174 ))
5175 : destination.push('$RC("');
5176 completedSegments = i.toString(16);
5177 destination.push(request.boundaryPrefix);
5178 destination.push(completedSegments);
5179 destination.push('","');
5180 destination.push(request.segmentPrefix);
5181 destination.push(completedSegments);
5182 requiresStyleInsertion
5183 ? (destination.push('",'),
5184 writeStyleResourceDependenciesInJS(destination, boundary))
5185 : destination.push('"');
5186 boundary = destination.push(")\x3c/script>");
5187 return writeBootstrap(destination, request) && boundary;
5189function flushPartiallyCompletedSegment(
5190 request,
5191 destination,
5192 boundary,
5193 segment
5194) {
5195 if (2 === segment.status) return !0;
5196 var hoistableState = boundary.contentState,
5197 segmentID = segment.id;
5198 if (-1 === segmentID) {
5199 if (-1 === (segment.id = boundary.rootSegmentID))
5200 throw Error(
5201 "A root segment ID must have been assigned by now. This is a bug in React."
5202 );
5203 return flushSegmentContainer(request, destination, segment, hoistableState);
5204 }
5205 if (segmentID === boundary.rootSegmentID)
5206 return flushSegmentContainer(request, destination, segment, hoistableState);
5207 flushSegmentContainer(request, destination, segment, hoistableState);
5208 boundary = request.resumableState;
5209 request = request.renderState;
5210 destination.push(request.startInlineScript);
5211 0 === (boundary.instructions & 1)
5212 ? ((boundary.instructions |= 1),
5213 destination.push(
5214 '$RS=function(a,b){a=document.getElementById(a);b=document.getElementById(b);for(a.parentNode.removeChild(a);a.firstChild;)b.parentNode.insertBefore(a.firstChild,b);b.parentNode.removeChild(b)};$RS("'
5215 ))
5216 : destination.push('$RS("');
5217 destination.push(request.segmentPrefix);
5218 segmentID = segmentID.toString(16);
5219 destination.push(segmentID);
5220 destination.push('","');
5221 destination.push(request.placeholderPrefix);
5222 destination.push(segmentID);
5223 destination = destination.push('")\x3c/script>');
5224 return destination;
5226function flushCompletedQueues(request, destination) {
5227 try {
5228 if (!(0 < request.pendingRootTasks)) {
5229 var i,
5230 completedRootSegment = request.completedRootSegment;
5231 if (null !== completedRootSegment) {
5232 if (5 === completedRootSegment.status) return;
5233 var renderState = request.renderState,
5234 htmlChunks = renderState.htmlChunks,
5235 headChunks = renderState.headChunks,
5236 i$jscomp$0;
5237 if (htmlChunks) {
5238 for (i$jscomp$0 = 0; i$jscomp$0 < htmlChunks.length; i$jscomp$0++)
5239 destination.push(htmlChunks[i$jscomp$0]);
5240 if (headChunks)
5241 for (i$jscomp$0 = 0; i$jscomp$0 < headChunks.length; i$jscomp$0++)
5242 destination.push(headChunks[i$jscomp$0]);
5243 else {
5244 var chunk = startChunkForTag("head");
5245 destination.push(chunk);
5246 destination.push(">");
5247 }
5248 } else if (headChunks)
5249 for (i$jscomp$0 = 0; i$jscomp$0 < headChunks.length; i$jscomp$0++)
5250 destination.push(headChunks[i$jscomp$0]);
5251 var charsetChunks = renderState.charsetChunks;
5252 for (i$jscomp$0 = 0; i$jscomp$0 < charsetChunks.length; i$jscomp$0++)
5253 destination.push(charsetChunks[i$jscomp$0]);
5254 charsetChunks.length = 0;
5255 renderState.preconnects.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5256 renderState.preconnects.clear();
5257 var viewportChunks = renderState.viewportChunks;
5258 for (i$jscomp$0 = 0; i$jscomp$0 < viewportChunks.length; i$jscomp$0++)
5259 destination.push(viewportChunks[i$jscomp$0]);
5260 viewportChunks.length = 0;
5261 renderState.fontPreloads.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5262 renderState.fontPreloads.clear();
5263 renderState.highImagePreloads.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5264 renderState.highImagePreloads.clear();
5265 renderState.styles.forEach(flushStylesInPreamble, destination);
5266 var importMapChunks = renderState.importMapChunks;
5267 for (i$jscomp$0 = 0; i$jscomp$0 < importMapChunks.length; i$jscomp$0++)
5268 destination.push(importMapChunks[i$jscomp$0]);
5269 importMapChunks.length = 0;
5270 renderState.bootstrapScripts.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5271 renderState.scripts.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5272 renderState.scripts.clear();
5273 renderState.bulkPreloads.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5274 renderState.bulkPreloads.clear();
5275 var hoistableChunks = renderState.hoistableChunks;
5276 for (i$jscomp$0 = 0; i$jscomp$0 < hoistableChunks.length; i$jscomp$0++)
5277 destination.push(hoistableChunks[i$jscomp$0]);
5278 hoistableChunks.length = 0;
5279 if (htmlChunks && null === headChunks) {
5280 var chunk$jscomp$0 = endChunkForTag("head");
5281 destination.push(chunk$jscomp$0);
5282 }
5283 flushSegment(request, destination, completedRootSegment, null);
5284 request.completedRootSegment = null;
5285 writeBootstrap(destination, request.renderState);
5286 }
5287 var renderState$jscomp$0 = request.renderState;
5288 completedRootSegment = 0;
5289 var viewportChunks$jscomp$0 = renderState$jscomp$0.viewportChunks;
5290 for (
5291 completedRootSegment = 0;
5292 completedRootSegment < viewportChunks$jscomp$0.length;
5293 completedRootSegment++
5294 )
5295 destination.push(viewportChunks$jscomp$0[completedRootSegment]);
5296 viewportChunks$jscomp$0.length = 0;
5297 renderState$jscomp$0.preconnects.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5298 renderState$jscomp$0.preconnects.clear();
5299 renderState$jscomp$0.fontPreloads.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5300 renderState$jscomp$0.fontPreloads.clear();
5301 renderState$jscomp$0.highImagePreloads.forEach(
5302 flushResource,
5303 destination
5304 );
5305 renderState$jscomp$0.highImagePreloads.clear();
5306 renderState$jscomp$0.styles.forEach(preloadLateStyles, destination);
5307 renderState$jscomp$0.scripts.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5308 renderState$jscomp$0.scripts.clear();
5309 renderState$jscomp$0.bulkPreloads.forEach(flushResource, destination);
5310 renderState$jscomp$0.bulkPreloads.clear();
5311 var hoistableChunks$jscomp$0 = renderState$jscomp$0.hoistableChunks;
5312 for (
5313 completedRootSegment = 0;
5314 completedRootSegment < hoistableChunks$jscomp$0.length;
5315 completedRootSegment++
5316 )
5317 destination.push(hoistableChunks$jscomp$0[completedRootSegment]);
5318 hoistableChunks$jscomp$0.length = 0;
5319 var clientRenderedBoundaries = request.clientRenderedBoundaries;
5320 for (i = 0; i < clientRenderedBoundaries.length; i++) {
5321 var boundary = clientRenderedBoundaries[i];
5322 renderState$jscomp$0 = destination;
5323 var resumableState = request.resumableState,
5324 renderState$jscomp$1 = request.renderState,
5325 id = boundary.rootSegmentID,
5326 errorDigest = boundary.errorDigest;
5327 renderState$jscomp$0.push(renderState$jscomp$1.startInlineScript);
5328 0 === (resumableState.instructions & 4)
5329 ? ((resumableState.instructions |= 4),
5330 renderState$jscomp$0.push(
5331 '$RX=function(b,c,d,e,f){var a=document.getElementById(b);a&&(b=a.previousSibling,b.data="$!",a=a.dataset,c&&(a.dgst=c),d&&(a.msg=d),e&&(a.stck=e),f&&(a.cstck=f),b._reactRetry&&b._reactRetry())};;$RX("'
5332 ))
5333 : renderState$jscomp$0.push('$RX("');
5334 renderState$jscomp$0.push(renderState$jscomp$1.boundaryPrefix);
5335 var chunk$jscomp$1 = id.toString(16);
5336 renderState$jscomp$0.push(chunk$jscomp$1);
5337 renderState$jscomp$0.push('"');
5338 if (errorDigest) {
5339 renderState$jscomp$0.push(",");
5340 var chunk$jscomp$2 = escapeJSStringsForInstructionScripts(
5341 errorDigest || ""
5342 );
5343 renderState$jscomp$0.push(chunk$jscomp$2);
5344 }
5345 var JSCompiler_inline_result =
5346 renderState$jscomp$0.push(")\x3c/script>");
5347 if (!JSCompiler_inline_result) {
5348 request.destination = null;
5349 i++;
5350 clientRenderedBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5351 return;
5352 }
5353 }
5354 clientRenderedBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5355 var completedBoundaries = request.completedBoundaries;
5356 for (i = 0; i < completedBoundaries.length; i++)
5357 if (
5358 !flushCompletedBoundary(request, destination, completedBoundaries[i])
5359 ) {
5360 request.destination = null;
5361 i++;
5362 completedBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5363 return;
5364 }
5365 completedBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5366 var partialBoundaries = request.partialBoundaries;
5367 for (i = 0; i < partialBoundaries.length; i++) {
5368 var boundary$44 = partialBoundaries[i];
5369 a: {
5370 clientRenderedBoundaries = request;
5371 boundary = destination;
5372 var completedSegments = boundary$44.completedSegments;
5373 for (
5374 JSCompiler_inline_result = 0;
5375 JSCompiler_inline_result < completedSegments.length;
5376 JSCompiler_inline_result++
5377 )
5378 if (
5379 !flushPartiallyCompletedSegment(
5380 clientRenderedBoundaries,
5381 boundary,
5382 boundary$44,
5383 completedSegments[JSCompiler_inline_result]
5384 )
5385 ) {
5386 JSCompiler_inline_result++;
5387 completedSegments.splice(0, JSCompiler_inline_result);
5388 var JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = !1;
5389 break a;
5390 }
5391 completedSegments.splice(0, JSCompiler_inline_result);
5392 JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0 = writeHoistablesForBoundary(
5393 boundary,
5394 boundary$44.contentState,
5395 clientRenderedBoundaries.renderState
5396 );
5397 }
5398 if (!JSCompiler_inline_result$jscomp$0) {
5399 request.destination = null;
5400 i++;
5401 partialBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5402 return;
5403 }
5404 }
5405 partialBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5406 var largeBoundaries = request.completedBoundaries;
5407 for (i = 0; i < largeBoundaries.length; i++)
5408 if (!flushCompletedBoundary(request, destination, largeBoundaries[i])) {
5409 request.destination = null;
5410 i++;
5411 largeBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5412 return;
5413 }
5414 largeBoundaries.splice(0, i);
5415 }
5416 } finally {
5417 0 === request.allPendingTasks &&
5418 0 === request.pingedTasks.length &&
5419 0 === request.clientRenderedBoundaries.length &&
5420 0 === request.completedBoundaries.length &&
5421 ((request.flushScheduled = !1),
5422 (i = request.resumableState),
5423 i.hasBody &&
5424 ((partialBoundaries = endChunkForTag("body")),
5425 destination.push(partialBoundaries)),
5426 i.hasHtml && ((i = endChunkForTag("html")), destination.push(i)),
5427 destination.push(null),
5428 (request.destination = null));
5429 }
5431function enqueueFlush(request) {
5432 if (
5433 !1 === request.flushScheduled &&
5434 0 === request.pingedTasks.length &&
5435 null !== request.destination
5436 ) {
5437 request.flushScheduled = !0;
5438 var destination = request.destination;
5439 destination
5440 ? flushCompletedQueues(request, destination)
5441 : (request.flushScheduled = !1);
5442 }
5444function startFlowing(request, destination) {
5445 if (1 === request.status)
5446 (request.status = 2), destination.destroy(request.fatalError);
5447 else if (2 !== request.status && null === request.destination) {
5448 request.destination = destination;
5449 try {
5450 flushCompletedQueues(request, destination);
5451 } catch (error) {
5452 logRecoverableError(request, error, {}), fatalError(request, error);
5453 }
5454 }
5456function abort(request, reason) {
5457 try {
5458 var abortableTasks = request.abortableTasks;
5459 if (0 < abortableTasks.size) {
5460 var error =
5461 void 0 === reason
5462 ? Error("The render was aborted by the server without a reason.")
5463 : reason;
5464 abortableTasks.forEach(function (task) {
5465 return abortTask(task, request, error);
5466 });
5467 abortableTasks.clear();
5468 }
5469 null !== request.destination &&
5470 flushCompletedQueues(request, request.destination);
5471 } catch (error$46) {
5472 logRecoverableError(request, error$46, {}), fatalError(request, error$46);
5473 }
5475function onError() {}
5476function renderToStringImpl(
5477 children,
5478 options,
5479 generateStaticMarkup,
5480 abortReason
5481) {
5482 var didFatal = !1,
5483 fatalError = null,
5484 result = "",
5485 readyToStream = !1;
5486 options = createResumableState(options ? options.identifierPrefix : void 0);
5487 children = createRequest(
5488 children,
5489 options,
5490 createRenderState(options, generateStaticMarkup),
5491 createFormatContext(0, null, 0),
5492 Infinity,
5493 onError,
5494 void 0,
5495 function () {
5496 readyToStream = !0;
5497 },
5498 void 0,
5499 void 0,
5500 void 0
5501 );
5502 children.flushScheduled = null !== children.destination;
5503 performWork(children);
5504 null === children.trackedPostpones &&
5505 safelyEmitEarlyPreloads(children, 0 === children.pendingRootTasks);
5506 abort(children, abortReason);
5507 startFlowing(children, {
5508 push: function (chunk) {
5509 null !== chunk && (result += chunk);
5510 return !0;
5511 },
5512 destroy: function (error) {
5513 didFatal = !0;
5514 fatalError = error;
5515 }
5516 });
5517 if (didFatal && fatalError !== abortReason) throw fatalError;
5518 if (!readyToStream)
5519 throw Error(
5520 "A component suspended while responding to synchronous input. This will cause the UI to be replaced with a loading indicator. To fix, updates that suspend should be wrapped with startTransition."
5521 );
5522 return result;
5524exports.renderToStaticMarkup = function (children, options) {
5525 return renderToStringImpl(
5526 children,
5527 options,
5528 !0,
5529 'The server used "renderToStaticMarkup" which does not support Suspense. If you intended to have the server wait for the suspended component please switch to "renderToPipeableStream" which supports Suspense on the server'
5530 );
5532exports.renderToString = function (children, options) {
5533 return renderToStringImpl(
5534 children,
5535 options,
5536 !1,
5537 'The server used "renderToString" which does not support Suspense. If you intended for this Suspense boundary to render the fallback content on the server consider throwing an Error somewhere within the Suspense boundary. If you intended to have the server wait for the suspended component please switch to "renderToPipeableStream" which supports Suspense on the server'
5538 );
5540exports.version = "19.0.0-beta-4508873393-20240430";