1 | # react-dynamic-import
2 |
3 | Dynamically load and render any react module(Component or an HOC) using dynamic import 🎉
4 |
5 | Tiny(**around 1.18kb gzip**) dynamic module loader and renderer.
6 |
7 | 👉 [DEMO](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-dynamic-import-hooks-demo-108-kuf3u)
8 |
9 | > ⚠️ Hooks only(requires react 16.8.0 or above), use [v1.0.4](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-dynamic-import/v/1.0.4) if you want older react versions support
10 | >
11 | > Dynamic loading of component is already supported in React using React.lazy and Suspense, But, dynamic loading of HOC is tricky and is unsupported in React.
12 | >
13 | > Should work with any bundler(eg: webpack, parcel etc) which supports dynamic import ✨
14 |
15 | [![MIT Licence](https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/mit/mit.svg?v=103)](https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
16 | [![Open Source Love](https://badges.frapsoft.com/os/v2/open-source.svg?v=103)](https://github.com/ganapativs/react-dynamic-import/)
17 | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/ganapativs/react-dynamic-import.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/ganapativs/react-dynamic-import)
18 | [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-dynamic-import.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/react-dynamic-import)
19 | [![GitHub version](https://badge.fury.io/gh/ganapativs%2Freact-dynamic-import.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/gh/ganapativs%2Freact-dynamic-import) [![Greenkeeper badge](https://badges.greenkeeper.io/ganapativs/react-dynamic-import.svg)](https://greenkeeper.io/)
20 |
21 | ## Table of Contents
22 |
23 | - [Install](#install)
24 | - [Basic Usage](#basic-usage)
25 | - [Advanced Usage](#advanced-usage)
26 | - [API](#api)
27 | - [Contribute](#contribute)
28 | - [License](#license)
29 |
30 | ## Install
31 |
32 | ### NPM
33 |
34 | ```sh
35 | npm install react-dynamic-import
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ### Yarn
39 |
40 | ```sh
41 | yarn add react-dynamic-import
42 | ```
43 |
44 | ### UMD build
45 |
46 | ```html
47 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/react-dynamic-import/dist/react-dynamic-import.umd.js"></script>
48 | ```
49 |
50 | ## Basic usage
51 |
52 | 1. Component
53 |
54 | - **Folder structure**
55 |
56 | ```text
57 | |_ realComponent.js
58 | |_ container.js <-- working file
59 | ```
60 |
61 | - **Usage**
62 |
63 | ```js
64 | // Import library
65 | import ReactDynamicImport from "react-dynamic-import";
66 | // or const ReactDynamicImport = require('react-dynamic-import');
67 |
68 | // Define dynamic import loader function
69 | const loader = () => import(`./realComponent.js`);
70 |
71 | /**
72 | * Use dynamic module and lazy fetch component
73 | *
74 | * Make sure to use it outside render method,
75 | * else new component is rendered in each render
76 | *
77 | * You can choose to show a placeholder and render
78 | * error component in case of error, check API section for more
79 | */
80 | const RealComponent = ReactDynamicImport({ loader });
81 |
82 | class Container extends React.component {
83 | render() {
84 | /**
85 | * This component is dynamically fetched and rendered
86 | * on first usage/render
87 | */
88 | return <RealComponent />;
89 | }
90 | }
91 | ```
92 |
93 | 1. HOC
94 |
95 | - **Folder structure**
96 |
97 | ```text
98 | |_ realComponent.js <-- Real component to wrap in HOC
99 | |_ withHOC.js <-- HOC
100 | |_ container.js <-- working file
101 | ```
102 |
103 | - **Usage**
104 |
105 | ```js
106 | // Import library
107 | import ReactDynamicImport from "react-dynamic-import";
108 | // or const ReactDynamicImport = require('react-dynamic-import');
109 | import RealComponent from "./realComponent.js";
110 |
111 | // Define dynamic import loader function
112 | const loader = () => import(`./withHOC.js`);
113 |
114 | /**
115 | * Use dynamic module and lazy fetch HOC
116 | *
117 | * Make sure to use it outside render method,
118 | * else new component is rendered in each render
119 | *
120 | * You can choose to show a placeholder and render error
121 | * component in case of error, check API section for more
122 | */
123 | const DynamicHOC = ReactDynamicImport({ loader, isHOC: true });
124 | const WrappedComponent = DynamicHOC(RealComponent);
125 |
126 | class Container extends React.component {
127 | render() {
128 | /**
129 | * The actual HOC is lazy loaded and executed,
130 | * which in turn renders the actual component lazily
131 | */
132 | return <WrappedComponent />;
133 | }
134 | }
135 | ```
136 |
137 | ## Advanced usage
138 |
139 | 1. Component
140 |
141 | - **Folder structure**
142 |
143 | ```text
144 | |_ dynamic
145 | | |_ realComponent-en.js
146 | | |_ realComponent-eu.js
147 | | |_ realComponent-kn.js
148 | |_ container.js <-- working file
149 | ```
150 |
151 | - **Usage**
152 |
153 | ```js
154 | // Import library
155 | import ReactDynamicImport from "react-dynamic-import";
156 | // or const ReactDynamicImport = require('react-dynamic-import');
157 |
158 | /**
159 | * Define dynamic import loader function
160 | *
161 | * This loads specific module from many available
162 | * modules in the directory, using given module name
163 | */
164 | const loader = f => import(`./dynamic/${f}.js`);
165 |
166 | // Use dynamic module and lazy fetch component
167 | class Container extends React.component {
168 | constructor(props) {
169 | super(props);
170 |
171 | /**
172 | * Make sure to use it outside render method, else
173 | * new component is rendered in each render
174 | *
175 | * You can choose to show a placeholder and render error
176 | * component in case of error, check API section for more
177 | *
178 | * This loads different module when different language
179 | * configuration is passed
180 | */
181 | this.RealComponent = ReactDynamicImport({
182 | name: `realComponent-${props.lang || "en"}`,
183 | loader
184 | });
185 | }
186 |
187 | render() {
188 | const { RealComponent } = this;
189 |
190 | /**
191 | * This component is dynamically fetched and rendered
192 | * on first usage/render
193 | */
194 | return <RealComponent />;
195 | }
196 | }
197 | ```
198 |
199 | 1. HOC
200 |
201 | - **Folder structure**
202 |
203 | ```text
204 | |_ dynamic <-- Dynamic HOC's
205 | | |_ withHOC-en.js
206 | | |_ withHOC-eu.js
207 | | |_ withHOC-kn.js
208 | |_ realComponent.js <-- Real component to wrap in HOC
209 | |_ container.js <-- working file
210 | ```
211 |
212 | - **Usage**
213 |
214 | ```js
215 | // Import library
216 | import ReactDynamicImport from "react-dynamic-import";
217 | // or const ReactDynamicImport = require('react-dynamic-import');
218 | import RealComponent from "./realComponent.js";
219 |
220 | /**
221 | * Define dynamic import loader function
222 | *
223 | * This loads specific module from many available
224 | * modules in the directory, using given module name
225 | */
226 | const loader = f => import(`./dynamic/${f}.js`);
227 |
228 | // Use dynamic module and lazy fetch component
229 | class Container extends React.component {
230 | constructor(props) {
231 | super(props);
232 |
233 | /**
234 | * Make sure to use it outside render method, else
235 | * new component is rendered in each render
236 | *
237 | * You can choose to show a placeholder and render error
238 | * component in case of error, check API section for more
239 | *
240 | * This loads different module when different language
241 | * configuration is passed
242 | */
243 | const DynamicHOC = ReactDynamicImport({
244 | name: `withHOC-${props.lang || "en"}`,
245 | loader,
246 | isHOC: true
247 | });
248 | this.WrappedComponent = DynamicHOC(RealComponent);
249 | }
250 |
251 | render() {
252 | const { WrappedComponent } = this;
253 |
254 | /**
255 | * The actual HOC is lazy loaded and executed,
256 | * which in turn renders the actual component lazily
257 | */
258 | return <WrappedComponent />;
259 | }
260 | }
261 | ```
262 |
263 | Checkout [API](#api) for more info.
264 |
265 | ## API
266 |
267 | - [React Dynamic Import](docs/react-dynamic-import.md)
268 |
269 | ## Contribute
270 |
271 | Thanks for taking time to contribute, please read [docs](docs) and checkout [src](src) to understand how things work.
272 |
273 | ### Reporting Issues
274 |
275 | Found a problem? Want a new feature? First of all see if your issue or idea has [already been reported](../../issues).
276 | If don't, just open a [new clear and descriptive issue](../../issues/new).
277 |
278 | ### Submitting pull requests
279 |
280 | Pull requests are the greatest contributions, so be sure they are focused in scope, and do avoid unrelated commits.
281 |
282 | - Fork it!
283 | - Clone your fork: `git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/react-dynamic-import`
284 | - Navigate to the newly cloned directory: `cd react-dynamic-import`
285 | - Create a new branch for the new feature: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`
286 | - Install the tools necessary for development: `yarn`
287 | - Make your changes.
288 | - Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
289 | - Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`
290 | - Submit a pull request with full remarks documenting your changes
291 |
292 | ### TODO
293 |
294 | - [ ] Test cases
295 |
296 | ## License
297 |
298 | [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) © [Ganapati V S](https://meetguns.com)