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9 | ![](https://i.imgur.com/vwqcqeD.gif)
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11 | # react-easy-edit
12 | A React library that allows inline editing on HTML5 input components, try the sandbox **[here](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-easy-edit-sandbox-2y97j)**!
13 |
14 | For full library documentation, **[visit this site](https://giorgosart.gitbook.io/react-easy-edit/)**!
15 |
16 | ### :pencil: Features
17 | - Supports `input` (most types, even inputs with `datalist`), `textarea`,`radio`, `checkbox`, `tel`, `url` and `select` HTML types
18 | - Validates user input
19 | - Allows customisation on all elements including the save and cancel buttons
20 | - Supports custom editComponent and custom displayComponent for each type
21 |
22 | ## :rocket: Installation
23 | ```npm i react-easy-edit``` or ```yarn add react-easy-edit```
24 |
25 | ## :pray: Show your support
26 | Give a :star: if this project helped you in any way!
27 |
28 | [![paypal](https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_GB/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=TUJKB5DPLHA3N¤cy_code=GBP&source=url)
29 | [![ko-fi](https://www.ko-fi.com/img/githubbutton_sm.svg)](https://ko-fi.com/Y8Y611NE2)
30 |
31 | ## :cool: Props
32 | For the full list of props, please visit **[our documentation site](https://giorgosart.gitbook.io/react-easy-edit/props)**.
33 |
34 | ## :page_facing_up: Examples
35 | More examples can be found **[here](https://giorgosart.gitbook.io/react-easy-edit/examples)**
36 | #### A simple example - Textbox
37 | ```jsx
38 | import React, { Component } from 'react';
39 | import EasyEdit from 'react-easy-edit';
40 |
41 | function App() {
42 |
43 | const save = (value) => {alert(value)}
44 | const cancel = () => {alert("Cancelled")}
45 |
46 | return (
47 | <EasyEdit
48 | type="text"
49 | onSave={save}
50 | onCancel={cancel}
51 | saveButtonLabel="Save Me"
52 | cancelButtonLabel="Cancel Me"
53 | attributes={{ name: "awesome-input", id: 1}}
54 | instructions="Star this repo!"
55 | />
56 | );
57 | }
58 | ```
59 |
60 | #### Radio buttons
61 | ```jsx
62 | <EasyEdit
63 | type="radio"
64 | value="one"
65 | onSave={save}
66 | options={[
67 | {label: 'First option', value: 'one'},
68 | {label: 'Second option', value: 'two'}]}
69 | instructions="Custom instructions"
70 | />
71 | ```
72 |
73 | #### Date
74 | ```jsx
75 | <EasyEdit
76 | type="date"
77 | onSave={save}
78 | instructions="Select your date of birth"
79 | />
80 | ```
81 |
82 | #### Dropdown
83 | ```jsx
84 | <EasyEdit
85 | type="select"
86 | options={[
87 | {label: 'First option', value: 'one'},
88 | {label: 'Second option', value: 'two'}]}
89 | onSave={save}
90 | placeholder="My Placeholder"
91 | instructions="Custom instructions"
92 | />
93 | ```
94 |
95 | #### Datalist
96 | ```jsx
97 | <EasyEdit
98 | type="datalist"
99 | options={[
100 | {label: 'First option', value: 'one'},
101 | {label: 'Second option', value: 'two'}]}
102 | onSave={save}
103 | instructions="Custom instructions"
104 | />
105 | ```
106 |
107 | #### Checkboxes
108 | ```jsx
109 | <EasyEdit
110 | type="checkbox"
111 | options={[
112 | {label: 'First option', value: 'one'},
113 | {label: 'Second option', value: 'two'}]}
114 | onSave={save}
115 | value={['one', 'two']} // this will preselect both options
116 | />
117 | ```
118 |
119 | #### Custom components
120 |
121 | When using custom input components, they must be passed in as props, like so:
122 | ```jsx
123 | <EasyEdit
124 | type="text"
125 | onSave={() => {}}
126 | editComponent={<CustomInput />}
127 | displayComponent={<CustomDisplay />}
128 | />
129 | ```
130 |
131 | When defining a custom input component, the function ```setParentValue``` is injected into your custom component, which must be called in order to pass the desired value up to the parent ```EasyEdit``` component.
132 |
133 | For example, if your component was a text field that needed to set the ```EasyEdit``` value as a user id based on a username entered, you would need to pass the id to ```this.props.setParentValue``` in order to get that value to the ```EasyEdit``` component.
134 |
135 | e.g.
136 | ```jsx
137 | // Inside your custom input
138 |
139 | onChange(searchTerm) {
140 | getUserIdByUsername(searchTerm).then((userId) => {
141 | this.props.setParentValue(userId);
142 | })
143 | }
144 | ```
145 |
146 | You can use a custom EditComponent and still use the saveOnBlur behavior. An ```onBlur``` function will be passed to your custom component, for you to trigger the behavior.
147 |
148 | ```jsx
149 | class CustomComponent extends React.Component{
150 | constructor(props){
151 | super(props);
152 | }
153 |
154 | render(){
155 | return <div>
156 | <p>Custom editor</p>
157 | <input onBlur={this.props.onBlur} />
158 | </div>;
159 | }
160 | }
161 | ```
162 |
163 | ## :handshake: Contributing
164 | Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.
165 |
166 | Feel free to check [issues page](https://github.com/giorgosart/react-easy-edit/issues) if you want to contribute.
167 |
168 | ## :1234: Versioning
169 | For transparency and insight into our release cycle, releases will be numbered with the following format:
170 |
171 | ```<major>.<minor>.<patch>```
172 |
173 | And constructed with the following guidelines:
174 |
175 | - Breaking backwards compatibility bumps the major
176 | - New additions without breaking backwards compatibility bumps the minor
177 | - Bug fixes and misc changes bump the patch
178 | - For more information on semantic versioning, please visit http://semver.org/.
179 |
180 | ## :scroll: Licence
181 | Copyright © 2023 [George Artemiou](https://github.com/giorgosart).
182 |
183 | This project is under [MIT license](https://github.com/giorgosart/react-easy-edit/blob/master/LICENSE).
184 |
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