880 BPlain TextView Raw
1# vim: set ft=yaml:
3 parser: "babel-eslint"
4 env:
5 browser: true
6 node: true
7 plugins:
8 - "cflint"
9 rules:
10 # Possible Errors
12 - 2
13 - "single"
14 # Best Practices
15 block-scoped-var: 2
16 default-case: 2
17 guard-for-in: 2
18 no-else-return: 2
19 no-floating-decimal: 2
20 no-self-compare: 2
21 no-void: 2
22 radix: 2
23 ## Possible that this will switch to a "2" later
24 wrap-iife: 2
25 # Strict Mode
26 strict:
27 - 1
28 - "never"
29 # Variables
30 no-catch-shadow: 2
31 # Node.js
32 handle-callback-err: 2
33 # Stylistic Issues
34 brace-style:
35 - 1
36 - "1tbs"
37 camelcase: 0
38 comma-style:
39 - 2
40 - "last"
41 no-lonely-if: 2
42 no-nested-ternary: 2
43 no-underscore-dangle: 0
44 quote-props:
45 - 1
46 - "as-needed"
47 semi:
48 - 2
49 - "always"
50 space-unary-ops: 2