1 | import React from 'react';
2 |
3 | var isCheckBoxInput = (element) => element.type === 'checkbox';
4 |
5 | var isDateObject = (value) => value instanceof Date;
6 |
7 | var isNullOrUndefined = (value) => value == null;
8 |
9 | const isObjectType = (value) => typeof value === 'object';
10 | var isObject = (value) => !isNullOrUndefined(value) &&
11 | !Array.isArray(value) &&
12 | isObjectType(value) &&
13 | !isDateObject(value);
14 |
15 | var getEventValue = (event) => isObject(event) && event.target
16 | ? isCheckBoxInput(event.target)
17 | ? event.target.checked
18 | : event.target.value
19 | : event;
20 |
21 | var getNodeParentName = (name) => name.substring(0, name.search(/\.\d+(\.|$)/)) || name;
22 |
23 | var isNameInFieldArray = (names, name) => names.has(getNodeParentName(name));
24 |
25 | var isPlainObject = (tempObject) => {
26 | const prototypeCopy = tempObject.constructor && tempObject.constructor.prototype;
27 | return (isObject(prototypeCopy) && prototypeCopy.hasOwnProperty('isPrototypeOf'));
28 | };
29 |
30 | var isWeb = typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
31 | typeof window.HTMLElement !== 'undefined' &&
32 | typeof document !== 'undefined';
33 |
34 | function cloneObject(data) {
35 | let copy;
36 | const isArray = Array.isArray(data);
37 | if (data instanceof Date) {
38 | copy = new Date(data);
39 | }
40 | else if (data instanceof Set) {
41 | copy = new Set(data);
42 | }
43 | else if (!(isWeb && (data instanceof Blob || data instanceof FileList)) &&
44 | (isArray || isObject(data))) {
45 | copy = isArray ? [] : {};
46 | if (!isArray && !isPlainObject(data)) {
47 | copy = data;
48 | }
49 | else {
50 | for (const key in data) {
51 | if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
52 | copy[key] = cloneObject(data[key]);
53 | }
54 | }
55 | }
56 | }
57 | else {
58 | return data;
59 | }
60 | return copy;
61 | }
62 |
63 | var compact = (value) => Array.isArray(value) ? value.filter(Boolean) : [];
64 |
65 | var isUndefined = (val) => val === undefined;
66 |
67 | var get = (object, path, defaultValue) => {
68 | if (!path || !isObject(object)) {
69 | return defaultValue;
70 | }
71 | const result = compact(path.split(/[,[\].]+?/)).reduce((result, key) => isNullOrUndefined(result) ? result : result[key], object);
72 | return isUndefined(result) || result === object
73 | ? isUndefined(object[path])
74 | ? defaultValue
75 | : object[path]
76 | : result;
77 | };
78 |
79 | var isBoolean = (value) => typeof value === 'boolean';
80 |
81 | var isKey = (value) => /^\w*$/.test(value);
82 |
83 | var stringToPath = (input) => compact(input.replace(/["|']|\]/g, '').split(/\.|\[/));
84 |
85 | var set = (object, path, value) => {
86 | let index = -1;
87 | const tempPath = isKey(path) ? [path] : stringToPath(path);
88 | const length = tempPath.length;
89 | const lastIndex = length - 1;
90 | while (++index < length) {
91 | const key = tempPath[index];
92 | let newValue = value;
93 | if (index !== lastIndex) {
94 | const objValue = object[key];
95 | newValue =
96 | isObject(objValue) || Array.isArray(objValue)
97 | ? objValue
98 | : !isNaN(+tempPath[index + 1])
99 | ? []
100 | : {};
101 | }
102 | if (key === '__proto__') {
103 | return;
104 | }
105 | object[key] = newValue;
106 | object = object[key];
107 | }
108 | return object;
109 | };
110 |
111 | const EVENTS = {
112 | BLUR: 'blur',
113 | FOCUS_OUT: 'focusout',
114 | CHANGE: 'change',
115 | };
116 | const VALIDATION_MODE = {
117 | onBlur: 'onBlur',
118 | onChange: 'onChange',
119 | onSubmit: 'onSubmit',
120 | onTouched: 'onTouched',
121 | all: 'all',
122 | };
124 | max: 'max',
125 | min: 'min',
126 | maxLength: 'maxLength',
127 | minLength: 'minLength',
128 | pattern: 'pattern',
129 | required: 'required',
130 | validate: 'validate',
131 | };
132 |
133 | const HookFormContext = React.createContext(null);
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 | const useFormContext = () => React.useContext(HookFormContext);
165 |
166 |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
172 |
173 |
174 |
175 |
176 |
177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
182 |
183 |
184 |
185 |
186 |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 |
191 |
192 |
193 |
194 |
195 | const FormProvider = (props) => {
196 | const { children, ...data } = props;
197 | return (React.createElement(HookFormContext.Provider, { value: data }, children));
198 | };
199 |
200 | var getProxyFormState = (formState, control, localProxyFormState, isRoot = true) => {
201 | const result = {
202 | defaultValues: control._defaultValues,
203 | };
204 | for (const key in formState) {
205 | Object.defineProperty(result, key, {
206 | get: () => {
207 | const _key = key;
208 | if (control._proxyFormState[_key] !== VALIDATION_MODE.all) {
209 | control._proxyFormState[_key] = !isRoot || VALIDATION_MODE.all;
210 | }
211 | localProxyFormState && (localProxyFormState[_key] = true);
212 | return formState[_key];
213 | },
214 | });
215 | }
216 | return result;
217 | };
218 |
219 | var isEmptyObject = (value) => isObject(value) && !Object.keys(value).length;
220 |
221 | var shouldRenderFormState = (formStateData, _proxyFormState, updateFormState, isRoot) => {
222 | updateFormState(formStateData);
223 | const { name, ...formState } = formStateData;
224 | return (isEmptyObject(formState) ||
225 | Object.keys(formState).length >= Object.keys(_proxyFormState).length ||
226 | Object.keys(formState).find((key) => _proxyFormState[key] ===
227 | (!isRoot || VALIDATION_MODE.all)));
228 | };
229 |
230 | var convertToArrayPayload = (value) => (Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]);
231 |
232 | var shouldSubscribeByName = (name, signalName, exact) => !name ||
233 | !signalName ||
234 | name === signalName ||
235 | convertToArrayPayload(name).some((currentName) => currentName &&
236 | (exact
237 | ? currentName === signalName
238 | : currentName.startsWith(signalName) ||
239 | signalName.startsWith(currentName)));
240 |
241 | function useSubscribe(props) {
242 | const _props = React.useRef(props);
243 | _props.current = props;
244 | React.useEffect(() => {
245 | const subscription = !props.disabled &&
246 | _props.current.subject &&
247 | _props.current.subject.subscribe({
248 | next: _props.current.next,
249 | });
250 | return () => {
251 | subscription && subscription.unsubscribe();
252 | };
253 | }, [props.disabled]);
254 | }
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
259 |
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
264 |
265 |
266 |
267 |
268 |
269 |
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 |
276 |
277 |
278 |
279 |
280 |
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 | function useFormState(props) {
287 | const methods = useFormContext();
288 | const { control = methods.control, disabled, name, exact } = props || {};
289 | const [formState, updateFormState] = React.useState(control._formState);
290 | const _mounted = React.useRef(true);
291 | const _localProxyFormState = React.useRef({
292 | isDirty: false,
293 | isLoading: false,
294 | dirtyFields: false,
295 | touchedFields: false,
296 | validatingFields: false,
297 | isValidating: false,
298 | isValid: false,
299 | errors: false,
300 | });
301 | const _name = React.useRef(name);
302 | _name.current = name;
303 | useSubscribe({
304 | disabled,
305 | next: (value) => _mounted.current &&
306 | shouldSubscribeByName(_name.current, value.name, exact) &&
307 | shouldRenderFormState(value, _localProxyFormState.current, control._updateFormState) &&
308 | updateFormState({
309 | ...control._formState,
310 | ...value,
311 | }),
312 | subject: control._subjects.state,
313 | });
314 | React.useEffect(() => {
315 | _mounted.current = true;
316 | _localProxyFormState.current.isValid && control._updateValid(true);
317 | return () => {
318 | _mounted.current = false;
319 | };
320 | }, [control]);
321 | return getProxyFormState(formState, control, _localProxyFormState.current, false);
322 | }
323 |
324 | var isString = (value) => typeof value === 'string';
325 |
326 | var generateWatchOutput = (names, _names, formValues, isGlobal, defaultValue) => {
327 | if (isString(names)) {
328 | isGlobal && _names.watch.add(names);
329 | return get(formValues, names, defaultValue);
330 | }
331 | if (Array.isArray(names)) {
332 | return names.map((fieldName) => (isGlobal && _names.watch.add(fieldName), get(formValues, fieldName)));
333 | }
334 | isGlobal && (_names.watchAll = true);
335 | return formValues;
336 | };
337 |
338 | /**
339 | * Custom hook to subscribe to field change and isolate re-rendering at the component level.
340 | *
341 | * @remarks
342 | *
343 | * [API](https://react-hook-form.com/docs/usewatch) • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-v7-ts-usewatch-h9i5e)
344 | *
345 | * @example
346 | * ```tsx
347 | * const { control } = useForm();
348 | * const values = useWatch({
349 | * name: "fieldName"
350 | * control,
351 | * })
352 | * ```
353 | */
354 | function useWatch(props) {
355 | const methods = useFormContext();
356 | const { control = methods.control, name, defaultValue, disabled, exact, } = props || {};
357 | const _name = React.useRef(name);
358 | _name.current = name;
359 | useSubscribe({
360 | disabled,
361 | subject: control._subjects.values,
362 | next: (formState) => {
363 | if (shouldSubscribeByName(_name.current, formState.name, exact)) {
364 | updateValue(cloneObject(generateWatchOutput(_name.current, control._names, formState.values || control._formValues, false, defaultValue)));
365 | }
366 | },
367 | });
368 | const [value, updateValue] = React.useState(control._getWatch(name, defaultValue));
369 | React.useEffect(() => control._removeUnmounted());
370 | return value;
371 | }
372 |
373 | /**
374 | * Custom hook to work with controlled component, this function provide you with both form and field level state. Re-render is isolated at the hook level.
375 | *
376 | * @remarks
377 | * [API](https://react-hook-form.com/docs/usecontroller) • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/usecontroller-0o8px)
378 | *
379 | * @param props - the path name to the form field value, and validation rules.
380 | *
381 | * @returns field properties, field and form state. {@link UseControllerReturn}
382 | *
383 | * @example
384 | * ```tsx
385 | * function Input(props) {
386 | * const { field, fieldState, formState } = useController(props);
387 | * return (
388 | * <div>
389 | * <input {...field} placeholder={props.name} />
390 | * <p>{fieldState.isTouched && "Touched"}</p>
391 | * <p>{formState.isSubmitted ? "submitted" : ""}</p>
392 | * </div>
393 | * );
394 | * }
395 | * ```
396 | */
397 | function useController(props) {
398 | const methods = useFormContext();
399 | const { name, disabled, control = methods.control, shouldUnregister } = props;
400 | const isArrayField = isNameInFieldArray(control._names.array, name);
401 | const value = useWatch({
402 | control,
403 | name,
404 | defaultValue: get(control._formValues, name, get(control._defaultValues, name, props.defaultValue)),
405 | exact: true,
406 | });
407 | const formState = useFormState({
408 | control,
409 | name,
410 | });
411 | const _registerProps = React.useRef(control.register(name, {
412 | ...props.rules,
413 | value,
414 | ...(isBoolean(props.disabled) ? { disabled: props.disabled } : {}),
415 | }));
416 | React.useEffect(() => {
417 | const _shouldUnregisterField = control._options.shouldUnregister || shouldUnregister;
418 | const updateMounted = (name, value) => {
419 | const field = get(control._fields, name);
420 | if (field && field._f) {
421 | field._f.mount = value;
422 | }
423 | };
424 | updateMounted(name, true);
425 | if (_shouldUnregisterField) {
426 | const value = cloneObject(get(control._options.defaultValues, name));
427 | set(control._defaultValues, name, value);
428 | if (isUndefined(get(control._formValues, name))) {
429 | set(control._formValues, name, value);
430 | }
431 | }
432 | return () => {
433 | (isArrayField
434 | ? _shouldUnregisterField && !control._state.action
435 | : _shouldUnregisterField)
436 | ? control.unregister(name)
437 | : updateMounted(name, false);
438 | };
439 | }, [name, control, isArrayField, shouldUnregister]);
440 | React.useEffect(() => {
441 | if (get(control._fields, name)) {
442 | control._updateDisabledField({
443 | disabled,
444 | fields: control._fields,
445 | name,
446 | value: get(control._fields, name)._f.value,
447 | });
448 | }
449 | }, [disabled, name, control]);
450 | return {
451 | field: {
452 | name,
453 | value,
454 | ...(isBoolean(disabled) || formState.disabled
455 | ? { disabled: formState.disabled || disabled }
456 | : {}),
457 | onChange: React.useCallback((event) => _registerProps.current.onChange({
458 | target: {
459 | value: getEventValue(event),
460 | name: name,
461 | },
462 | type: EVENTS.CHANGE,
463 | }), [name]),
464 | onBlur: React.useCallback(() => _registerProps.current.onBlur({
465 | target: {
466 | value: get(control._formValues, name),
467 | name: name,
468 | },
469 | type: EVENTS.BLUR,
470 | }), [name, control]),
471 | ref: (elm) => {
472 | const field = get(control._fields, name);
473 | if (field && elm) {
474 | field._f.ref = {
475 | focus: () => elm.focus(),
476 | select: () => elm.select(),
477 | setCustomValidity: (message) => elm.setCustomValidity(message),
478 | reportValidity: () => elm.reportValidity(),
479 | };
480 | }
481 | },
482 | },
483 | formState,
484 | fieldState: Object.defineProperties({}, {
485 | invalid: {
486 | enumerable: true,
487 | get: () => !!get(formState.errors, name),
488 | },
489 | isDirty: {
490 | enumerable: true,
491 | get: () => !!get(formState.dirtyFields, name),
492 | },
493 | isTouched: {
494 | enumerable: true,
495 | get: () => !!get(formState.touchedFields, name),
496 | },
497 | isValidating: {
498 | enumerable: true,
499 | get: () => !!get(formState.validatingFields, name),
500 | },
501 | error: {
502 | enumerable: true,
503 | get: () => get(formState.errors, name),
504 | },
505 | }),
506 | };
507 | }
508 |
509 | /**
510 | * Component based on `useController` hook to work with controlled component.
511 | *
512 | * @remarks
513 | * [API](https://react-hook-form.com/docs/usecontroller/controller) • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-v6-controller-ts-jwyzw) • [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2UNk_UCVyA)
514 | *
515 | * @param props - the path name to the form field value, and validation rules.
516 | *
517 | * @returns provide field handler functions, field and form state.
518 | *
519 | * @example
520 | * ```tsx
521 | * function App() {
522 | * const { control } = useForm<FormValues>({
523 | * defaultValues: {
524 | * test: ""
525 | * }
526 | * });
527 | *
528 | * return (
529 | * <form>
530 | * <Controller
531 | * control={control}
532 | * name="test"
533 | * render={({ field: { onChange, onBlur, value, ref }, formState, fieldState }) => (
534 | * <>
535 | * <input
536 | * onChange={onChange} // send value to hook form
537 | * onBlur={onBlur} // notify when input is touched
538 | * value={value} // return updated value
539 | * ref={ref} // set ref for focus management
540 | * />
541 | * <p>{formState.isSubmitted ? "submitted" : ""}</p>
542 | * <p>{fieldState.isTouched ? "touched" : ""}</p>
543 | * </>
544 | * )}
545 | * />
546 | * </form>
547 | * );
548 | * }
549 | * ```
550 | */
551 | const Controller = (props) => props.render(useController(props));
552 |
553 | const POST_REQUEST = 'post';
554 | /**
555 | * Form component to manage submission.
556 | *
557 | * @param props - to setup submission detail. {@link FormProps}
558 | *
559 | * @returns form component or headless render prop.
560 | *
561 | * @example
562 | * ```tsx
563 | * function App() {
564 | * const { control, formState: { errors } } = useForm();
565 | *
566 | * return (
567 | * <Form action="/api" control={control}>
568 | * <input {...register("name")} />
569 | * <p>{errors?.root?.server && 'Server error'}</p>
570 | * <button>Submit</button>
571 | * </Form>
572 | * );
573 | * }
574 | * ```
575 | */
576 | function Form(props) {
577 | const methods = useFormContext();
578 | const [mounted, setMounted] = React.useState(false);
579 | const { control = methods.control, onSubmit, children, action, method = POST_REQUEST, headers, encType, onError, render, onSuccess, validateStatus, ...rest } = props;
580 | const submit = async (event) => {
581 | let hasError = false;
582 | let type = '';
583 | await control.handleSubmit(async (data) => {
584 | const formData = new FormData();
585 | let formDataJson = '';
586 | try {
587 | formDataJson = JSON.stringify(data);
588 | }
589 | catch (_a) { }
590 | for (const name of control._names.mount) {
591 | formData.append(name, get(data, name));
592 | }
593 | if (onSubmit) {
594 | await onSubmit({
595 | data,
596 | event,
597 | method,
598 | formData,
599 | formDataJson,
600 | });
601 | }
602 | if (action) {
603 | try {
604 | const shouldStringifySubmissionData = [
605 | headers && headers['Content-Type'],
606 | encType,
607 | ].some((value) => value && value.includes('json'));
608 | const response = await fetch(action, {
609 | method,
610 | headers: {
611 | ...headers,
612 | ...(encType ? { 'Content-Type': encType } : {}),
613 | },
614 | body: shouldStringifySubmissionData ? formDataJson : formData,
615 | });
616 | if (response &&
617 | (validateStatus
618 | ? !validateStatus(response.status)
619 | : response.status < 200 || response.status >= 300)) {
620 | hasError = true;
621 | onError && onError({ response });
622 | type = String(response.status);
623 | }
624 | else {
625 | onSuccess && onSuccess({ response });
626 | }
627 | }
628 | catch (error) {
629 | hasError = true;
630 | onError && onError({ error });
631 | }
632 | }
633 | })(event);
634 | if (hasError && props.control) {
635 | props.control._subjects.state.next({
636 | isSubmitSuccessful: false,
637 | });
638 | props.control.setError('root.server', {
639 | type,
640 | });
641 | }
642 | };
643 | React.useEffect(() => {
644 | setMounted(true);
645 | }, []);
646 | return render ? (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, render({
647 | submit,
648 | }))) : (React.createElement("form", { noValidate: mounted, action: action, method: method, encType: encType, onSubmit: submit, ...rest }, children));
649 | }
650 |
651 | var appendErrors = (name, validateAllFieldCriteria, errors, type, message) => validateAllFieldCriteria
652 | ? {
653 | ...errors[name],
654 | types: {
655 | ...(errors[name] && errors[name].types ? errors[name].types : {}),
656 | [type]: message || true,
657 | },
658 | }
659 | : {};
660 |
661 | var generateId = () => {
662 | const d = typeof performance === 'undefined' ? Date.now() : performance.now() * 1000;
663 | return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
664 | const r = (Math.random() * 16 + d) % 16 | 0;
665 | return (c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8).toString(16);
666 | });
667 | };
668 |
669 | var getFocusFieldName = (name, index, options = {}) => options.shouldFocus || isUndefined(options.shouldFocus)
670 | ? options.focusName ||
671 | `${name}.${isUndefined(options.focusIndex) ? index : options.focusIndex}.`
672 | : '';
673 |
674 | var getValidationModes = (mode) => ({
675 | isOnSubmit: !mode || mode === VALIDATION_MODE.onSubmit,
676 | isOnBlur: mode === VALIDATION_MODE.onBlur,
677 | isOnChange: mode === VALIDATION_MODE.onChange,
678 | isOnAll: mode === VALIDATION_MODE.all,
679 | isOnTouch: mode === VALIDATION_MODE.onTouched,
680 | });
681 |
682 | var isWatched = (name, _names, isBlurEvent) => !isBlurEvent &&
683 | (_names.watchAll ||
684 | _names.watch.has(name) ||
685 | [..._names.watch].some((watchName) => name.startsWith(watchName) &&
686 | /^\.\w+/.test(name.slice(watchName.length))));
687 |
688 | const iterateFieldsByAction = (fields, action, fieldsNames, abortEarly) => {
689 | for (const key of fieldsNames || Object.keys(fields)) {
690 | const field = get(fields, key);
691 | if (field) {
692 | const { _f, ...currentField } = field;
693 | if (_f) {
694 | if (_f.refs && _f.refs[0] && action(_f.refs[0], key) && !abortEarly) {
695 | break;
696 | }
697 | else if (_f.ref && action(_f.ref, _f.name) && !abortEarly) {
698 | break;
699 | }
700 | else {
701 | iterateFieldsByAction(currentField, action);
702 | }
703 | }
704 | else if (isObject(currentField)) {
705 | iterateFieldsByAction(currentField, action);
706 | }
707 | }
708 | }
709 | };
710 |
711 | var updateFieldArrayRootError = (errors, error, name) => {
712 | const fieldArrayErrors = convertToArrayPayload(get(errors, name));
713 | set(fieldArrayErrors, 'root', error[name]);
714 | set(errors, name, fieldArrayErrors);
715 | return errors;
716 | };
717 |
718 | var isFileInput = (element) => element.type === 'file';
719 |
720 | var isFunction = (value) => typeof value === 'function';
721 |
722 | var isHTMLElement = (value) => {
723 | if (!isWeb) {
724 | return false;
725 | }
726 | const owner = value ? value.ownerDocument : 0;
727 | return (value instanceof
728 | (owner && owner.defaultView ? owner.defaultView.HTMLElement : HTMLElement));
729 | };
730 |
731 | var isMessage = (value) => isString(value);
732 |
733 | var isRadioInput = (element) => element.type === 'radio';
734 |
735 | var isRegex = (value) => value instanceof RegExp;
736 |
737 | const defaultResult = {
738 | value: false,
739 | isValid: false,
740 | };
741 | const validResult = { value: true, isValid: true };
742 | var getCheckboxValue = (options) => {
743 | if (Array.isArray(options)) {
744 | if (options.length > 1) {
745 | const values = options
746 | .filter((option) => option && option.checked && !option.disabled)
747 | .map((option) => option.value);
748 | return { value: values, isValid: !!values.length };
749 | }
750 | return options[0].checked && !options[0].disabled
751 | ? // @ts-expect-error expected to work in the browser
752 | options[0].attributes && !isUndefined(options[0].attributes.value)
753 | ? isUndefined(options[0].value) || options[0].value === ''
754 | ? validResult
755 | : { value: options[0].value, isValid: true }
756 | : validResult
757 | : defaultResult;
758 | }
759 | return defaultResult;
760 | };
761 |
762 | const defaultReturn = {
763 | isValid: false,
764 | value: null,
765 | };
766 | var getRadioValue = (options) => Array.isArray(options)
767 | ? options.reduce((previous, option) => option && option.checked && !option.disabled
768 | ? {
769 | isValid: true,
770 | value: option.value,
771 | }
772 | : previous, defaultReturn)
773 | : defaultReturn;
774 |
775 | function getValidateError(result, ref, type = 'validate') {
776 | if (isMessage(result) ||
777 | (Array.isArray(result) && result.every(isMessage)) ||
778 | (isBoolean(result) && !result)) {
779 | return {
780 | type,
781 | message: isMessage(result) ? result : '',
782 | ref,
783 | };
784 | }
785 | }
786 |
787 | var getValueAndMessage = (validationData) => isObject(validationData) && !isRegex(validationData)
788 | ? validationData
789 | : {
790 | value: validationData,
791 | message: '',
792 | };
793 |
794 | var validateField = async (field, formValues, validateAllFieldCriteria, shouldUseNativeValidation, isFieldArray) => {
795 | const { ref, refs, required, maxLength, minLength, min, max, pattern, validate, name, valueAsNumber, mount, disabled, } = field._f;
796 | const inputValue = get(formValues, name);
797 | if (!mount || disabled) {
798 | return {};
799 | }
800 | const inputRef = refs ? refs[0] : ref;
801 | const setCustomValidity = (message) => {
802 | if (shouldUseNativeValidation && inputRef.reportValidity) {
803 | inputRef.setCustomValidity(isBoolean(message) ? '' : message || '');
804 | inputRef.reportValidity();
805 | }
806 | };
807 | const error = {};
808 | const isRadio = isRadioInput(ref);
809 | const isCheckBox = isCheckBoxInput(ref);
810 | const isRadioOrCheckbox = isRadio || isCheckBox;
811 | const isEmpty = ((valueAsNumber || isFileInput(ref)) &&
812 | isUndefined(ref.value) &&
813 | isUndefined(inputValue)) ||
814 | (isHTMLElement(ref) && ref.value === '') ||
815 | inputValue === '' ||
816 | (Array.isArray(inputValue) && !inputValue.length);
817 | const appendErrorsCurry = appendErrors.bind(null, name, validateAllFieldCriteria, error);
818 | const getMinMaxMessage = (exceedMax, maxLengthMessage, minLengthMessage, maxType = INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.maxLength, minType = INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.minLength) => {
819 | const message = exceedMax ? maxLengthMessage : minLengthMessage;
820 | error[name] = {
821 | type: exceedMax ? maxType : minType,
822 | message,
823 | ref,
824 | ...appendErrorsCurry(exceedMax ? maxType : minType, message),
825 | };
826 | };
827 | if (isFieldArray
828 | ? !Array.isArray(inputValue) || !inputValue.length
829 | : required &&
830 | ((!isRadioOrCheckbox && (isEmpty || isNullOrUndefined(inputValue))) ||
831 | (isBoolean(inputValue) && !inputValue) ||
832 | (isCheckBox && !getCheckboxValue(refs).isValid) ||
833 | (isRadio && !getRadioValue(refs).isValid))) {
834 | const { value, message } = isMessage(required)
835 | ? { value: !!required, message: required }
836 | : getValueAndMessage(required);
837 | if (value) {
838 | error[name] = {
839 | type: INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.required,
840 | message,
841 | ref: inputRef,
842 | ...appendErrorsCurry(INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.required, message),
843 | };
844 | if (!validateAllFieldCriteria) {
845 | setCustomValidity(message);
846 | return error;
847 | }
848 | }
849 | }
850 | if (!isEmpty && (!isNullOrUndefined(min) || !isNullOrUndefined(max))) {
851 | let exceedMax;
852 | let exceedMin;
853 | const maxOutput = getValueAndMessage(max);
854 | const minOutput = getValueAndMessage(min);
855 | if (!isNullOrUndefined(inputValue) && !isNaN(inputValue)) {
856 | const valueNumber = ref.valueAsNumber ||
857 | (inputValue ? +inputValue : inputValue);
858 | if (!isNullOrUndefined(maxOutput.value)) {
859 | exceedMax = valueNumber > maxOutput.value;
860 | }
861 | if (!isNullOrUndefined(minOutput.value)) {
862 | exceedMin = valueNumber < minOutput.value;
863 | }
864 | }
865 | else {
866 | const valueDate = ref.valueAsDate || new Date(inputValue);
867 | const convertTimeToDate = (time) => new Date(new Date().toDateString() + ' ' + time);
868 | const isTime = ref.type == 'time';
869 | const isWeek = ref.type == 'week';
870 | if (isString(maxOutput.value) && inputValue) {
871 | exceedMax = isTime
872 | ? convertTimeToDate(inputValue) > convertTimeToDate(maxOutput.value)
873 | : isWeek
874 | ? inputValue > maxOutput.value
875 | : valueDate > new Date(maxOutput.value);
876 | }
877 | if (isString(minOutput.value) && inputValue) {
878 | exceedMin = isTime
879 | ? convertTimeToDate(inputValue) < convertTimeToDate(minOutput.value)
880 | : isWeek
881 | ? inputValue < minOutput.value
882 | : valueDate < new Date(minOutput.value);
883 | }
884 | }
885 | if (exceedMax || exceedMin) {
886 | getMinMaxMessage(!!exceedMax, maxOutput.message, minOutput.message, INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.max, INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.min);
887 | if (!validateAllFieldCriteria) {
888 | setCustomValidity(error[name].message);
889 | return error;
890 | }
891 | }
892 | }
893 | if ((maxLength || minLength) &&
894 | !isEmpty &&
895 | (isString(inputValue) || (isFieldArray && Array.isArray(inputValue)))) {
896 | const maxLengthOutput = getValueAndMessage(maxLength);
897 | const minLengthOutput = getValueAndMessage(minLength);
898 | const exceedMax = !isNullOrUndefined(maxLengthOutput.value) &&
899 | inputValue.length > +maxLengthOutput.value;
900 | const exceedMin = !isNullOrUndefined(minLengthOutput.value) &&
901 | inputValue.length < +minLengthOutput.value;
902 | if (exceedMax || exceedMin) {
903 | getMinMaxMessage(exceedMax, maxLengthOutput.message, minLengthOutput.message);
904 | if (!validateAllFieldCriteria) {
905 | setCustomValidity(error[name].message);
906 | return error;
907 | }
908 | }
909 | }
910 | if (pattern && !isEmpty && isString(inputValue)) {
911 | const { value: patternValue, message } = getValueAndMessage(pattern);
912 | if (isRegex(patternValue) && !inputValue.match(patternValue)) {
913 | error[name] = {
914 | type: INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.pattern,
915 | message,
916 | ref,
917 | ...appendErrorsCurry(INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.pattern, message),
918 | };
919 | if (!validateAllFieldCriteria) {
920 | setCustomValidity(message);
921 | return error;
922 | }
923 | }
924 | }
925 | if (validate) {
926 | if (isFunction(validate)) {
927 | const result = await validate(inputValue, formValues);
928 | const validateError = getValidateError(result, inputRef);
929 | if (validateError) {
930 | error[name] = {
931 | ...validateError,
932 | ...appendErrorsCurry(INPUT_VALIDATION_RULES.validate, validateError.message),
933 | };
934 | if (!validateAllFieldCriteria) {
935 | setCustomValidity(validateError.message);
936 | return error;
937 | }
938 | }
939 | }
940 | else if (isObject(validate)) {
941 | let validationResult = {};
942 | for (const key in validate) {
943 | if (!isEmptyObject(validationResult) && !validateAllFieldCriteria) {
944 | break;
945 | }
946 | const validateError = getValidateError(await validate[key](inputValue, formValues), inputRef, key);
947 | if (validateError) {
948 | validationResult = {
949 | ...validateError,
950 | ...appendErrorsCurry(key, validateError.message),
951 | };
952 | setCustomValidity(validateError.message);
953 | if (validateAllFieldCriteria) {
954 | error[name] = validationResult;
955 | }
956 | }
957 | }
958 | if (!isEmptyObject(validationResult)) {
959 | error[name] = {
960 | ref: inputRef,
961 | ...validationResult,
962 | };
963 | if (!validateAllFieldCriteria) {
964 | return error;
965 | }
966 | }
967 | }
968 | }
969 | setCustomValidity(true);
970 | return error;
971 | };
972 |
973 | var appendAt = (data, value) => [
974 | ...data,
975 | ...convertToArrayPayload(value),
976 | ];
977 |
978 | var fillEmptyArray = (value) => Array.isArray(value) ? value.map(() => undefined) : undefined;
979 |
980 | function insert(data, index, value) {
981 | return [
982 | ...data.slice(0, index),
983 | ...convertToArrayPayload(value),
984 | ...data.slice(index),
985 | ];
986 | }
987 |
988 | var moveArrayAt = (data, from, to) => {
989 | if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
990 | return [];
991 | }
992 | if (isUndefined(data[to])) {
993 | data[to] = undefined;
994 | }
995 | data.splice(to, 0, data.splice(from, 1)[0]);
996 | return data;
997 | };
998 |
999 | var prependAt = (data, value) => [
1000 | ...convertToArrayPayload(value),
1001 | ...convertToArrayPayload(data),
1002 | ];
1003 |
1004 | function removeAtIndexes(data, indexes) {
1005 | let i = 0;
1006 | const temp = [...data];
1007 | for (const index of indexes) {
1008 | temp.splice(index - i, 1);
1009 | i++;
1010 | }
1011 | return compact(temp).length ? temp : [];
1012 | }
1013 | var removeArrayAt = (data, index) => isUndefined(index)
1014 | ? []
1015 | : removeAtIndexes(data, convertToArrayPayload(index).sort((a, b) => a - b));
1016 |
1017 | var swapArrayAt = (data, indexA, indexB) => {
1018 | [data[indexA], data[indexB]] = [data[indexB], data[indexA]];
1019 | };
1020 |
1021 | function baseGet(object, updatePath) {
1022 | const length = updatePath.slice(0, -1).length;
1023 | let index = 0;
1024 | while (index < length) {
1025 | object = isUndefined(object) ? index++ : object[updatePath[index++]];
1026 | }
1027 | return object;
1028 | }
1029 | function isEmptyArray(obj) {
1030 | for (const key in obj) {
1031 | if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && !isUndefined(obj[key])) {
1032 | return false;
1033 | }
1034 | }
1035 | return true;
1036 | }
1037 | function unset(object, path) {
1038 | const paths = Array.isArray(path)
1039 | ? path
1040 | : isKey(path)
1041 | ? [path]
1042 | : stringToPath(path);
1043 | const childObject = paths.length === 1 ? object : baseGet(object, paths);
1044 | const index = paths.length - 1;
1045 | const key = paths[index];
1046 | if (childObject) {
1047 | delete childObject[key];
1048 | }
1049 | if (index !== 0 &&
1050 | ((isObject(childObject) && isEmptyObject(childObject)) ||
1051 | (Array.isArray(childObject) && isEmptyArray(childObject)))) {
1052 | unset(object, paths.slice(0, -1));
1053 | }
1054 | return object;
1055 | }
1056 |
1057 | var updateAt = (fieldValues, index, value) => {
1058 | fieldValues[index] = value;
1059 | return fieldValues;
1060 | };
1061 |
1062 | /**
1063 | * A custom hook that exposes convenient methods to perform operations with a list of dynamic inputs that need to be appended, updated, removed etc. • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-usefieldarray-ssugn) • [Video](https://youtu.be/4MrbfGSFY2A)
1064 | *
1065 | * @remarks
1066 | * [API](https://react-hook-form.com/docs/usefieldarray) • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-usefieldarray-ssugn)
1067 | *
1068 | * @param props - useFieldArray props
1069 | *
1070 | * @returns methods - functions to manipulate with the Field Arrays (dynamic inputs) {@link UseFieldArrayReturn}
1071 | *
1072 | * @example
1073 | * ```tsx
1074 | * function App() {
1075 | * const { register, control, handleSubmit, reset, trigger, setError } = useForm({
1076 | * defaultValues: {
1077 | * test: []
1078 | * }
1079 | * });
1080 | * const { fields, append } = useFieldArray({
1081 | * control,
1082 | * name: "test"
1083 | * });
1084 | *
1085 | * return (
1086 | * <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(data => console.log(data))}>
1087 | * {fields.map((item, index) => (
1088 | * <input key={item.id} {...register(`test.${index}.firstName`)} />
1089 | * ))}
1090 | * <button type="button" onClick={() => append({ firstName: "bill" })}>
1091 | * append
1092 | * </button>
1093 | * <input type="submit" />
1094 | * </form>
1095 | * );
1096 | * }
1097 | * ```
1098 | */
1099 | function useFieldArray(props) {
1100 | const methods = useFormContext();
1101 | const { control = methods.control, name, keyName = 'id', shouldUnregister, } = props;
1102 | const [fields, setFields] = React.useState(control._getFieldArray(name));
1103 | const ids = React.useRef(control._getFieldArray(name).map(generateId));
1104 | const _fieldIds = React.useRef(fields);
1105 | const _name = React.useRef(name);
1106 | const _actioned = React.useRef(false);
1107 | _name.current = name;
1108 | _fieldIds.current = fields;
1109 | control._names.array.add(name);
1110 | props.rules &&
1111 | control.register(name, props.rules);
1112 | useSubscribe({
1113 | next: ({ values, name: fieldArrayName, }) => {
1114 | if (fieldArrayName === _name.current || !fieldArrayName) {
1115 | const fieldValues = get(values, _name.current);
1116 | if (Array.isArray(fieldValues)) {
1117 | setFields(fieldValues);
1118 | ids.current = fieldValues.map(generateId);
1119 | }
1120 | }
1121 | },
1122 | subject: control._subjects.array,
1123 | });
1124 | const updateValues = React.useCallback((updatedFieldArrayValues) => {
1125 | _actioned.current = true;
1126 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues);
1127 | }, [control, name]);
1128 | const append = (value, options) => {
1129 | const appendValue = convertToArrayPayload(cloneObject(value));
1130 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = appendAt(control._getFieldArray(name), appendValue);
1131 | control._names.focus = getFocusFieldName(name, updatedFieldArrayValues.length - 1, options);
1132 | ids.current = appendAt(ids.current, appendValue.map(generateId));
1133 | updateValues(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1134 | setFields(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1135 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues, appendAt, {
1136 | argA: fillEmptyArray(value),
1137 | });
1138 | };
1139 | const prepend = (value, options) => {
1140 | const prependValue = convertToArrayPayload(cloneObject(value));
1141 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = prependAt(control._getFieldArray(name), prependValue);
1142 | control._names.focus = getFocusFieldName(name, 0, options);
1143 | ids.current = prependAt(ids.current, prependValue.map(generateId));
1144 | updateValues(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1145 | setFields(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1146 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues, prependAt, {
1147 | argA: fillEmptyArray(value),
1148 | });
1149 | };
1150 | const remove = (index) => {
1151 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = removeArrayAt(control._getFieldArray(name), index);
1152 | ids.current = removeArrayAt(ids.current, index);
1153 | updateValues(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1154 | setFields(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1155 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues, removeArrayAt, {
1156 | argA: index,
1157 | });
1158 | };
1159 | const insert$1 = (index, value, options) => {
1160 | const insertValue = convertToArrayPayload(cloneObject(value));
1161 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = insert(control._getFieldArray(name), index, insertValue);
1162 | control._names.focus = getFocusFieldName(name, index, options);
1163 | ids.current = insert(ids.current, index, insertValue.map(generateId));
1164 | updateValues(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1165 | setFields(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1166 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues, insert, {
1167 | argA: index,
1168 | argB: fillEmptyArray(value),
1169 | });
1170 | };
1171 | const swap = (indexA, indexB) => {
1172 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = control._getFieldArray(name);
1173 | swapArrayAt(updatedFieldArrayValues, indexA, indexB);
1174 | swapArrayAt(ids.current, indexA, indexB);
1175 | updateValues(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1176 | setFields(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1177 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues, swapArrayAt, {
1178 | argA: indexA,
1179 | argB: indexB,
1180 | }, false);
1181 | };
1182 | const move = (from, to) => {
1183 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = control._getFieldArray(name);
1184 | moveArrayAt(updatedFieldArrayValues, from, to);
1185 | moveArrayAt(ids.current, from, to);
1186 | updateValues(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1187 | setFields(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1188 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues, moveArrayAt, {
1189 | argA: from,
1190 | argB: to,
1191 | }, false);
1192 | };
1193 | const update = (index, value) => {
1194 | const updateValue = cloneObject(value);
1195 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = updateAt(control._getFieldArray(name), index, updateValue);
1196 | ids.current = [...updatedFieldArrayValues].map((item, i) => !item || i === index ? generateId() : ids.current[i]);
1197 | updateValues(updatedFieldArrayValues);
1198 | setFields([...updatedFieldArrayValues]);
1199 | control._updateFieldArray(name, updatedFieldArrayValues, updateAt, {
1200 | argA: index,
1201 | argB: updateValue,
1202 | }, true, false);
1203 | };
1204 | const replace = (value) => {
1205 | const updatedFieldArrayValues = convertToArrayPayload(cloneObject(value));
1206 | ids.current = updatedFieldArrayValues.map(generateId);
1207 | updateValues([...updatedFieldArrayValues]);
1208 | setFields([...updatedFieldArrayValues]);
1209 | control._updateFieldArray(name, [...updatedFieldArrayValues], (data) => data, {}, true, false);
1210 | };
1211 | React.useEffect(() => {
1212 | control._state.action = false;
1213 | isWatched(name, control._names) &&
1214 | control._subjects.state.next({
1215 | ...control._formState,
1216 | });
1217 | if (_actioned.current &&
1218 | (!getValidationModes(control._options.mode).isOnSubmit ||
1219 | control._formState.isSubmitted)) {
1220 | if (control._options.resolver) {
1221 | control._executeSchema([name]).then((result) => {
1222 | const error = get(result.errors, name);
1223 | const existingError = get(control._formState.errors, name);
1224 | if (existingError
1225 | ? (!error && existingError.type) ||
1226 | (error &&
1227 | (existingError.type !== error.type ||
1228 | existingError.message !== error.message))
1229 | : error && error.type) {
1230 | error
1231 | ? set(control._formState.errors, name, error)
1232 | : unset(control._formState.errors, name);
1233 | control._subjects.state.next({
1234 | errors: control._formState.errors,
1235 | });
1236 | }
1237 | });
1238 | }
1239 | else {
1240 | const field = get(control._fields, name);
1241 | if (field &&
1242 | field._f &&
1243 | !(getValidationModes(control._options.reValidateMode).isOnSubmit &&
1244 | getValidationModes(control._options.mode).isOnSubmit)) {
1245 | validateField(field, control._formValues, control._options.criteriaMode === VALIDATION_MODE.all, control._options.shouldUseNativeValidation, true).then((error) => !isEmptyObject(error) &&
1246 | control._subjects.state.next({
1247 | errors: updateFieldArrayRootError(control._formState.errors, error, name),
1248 | }));
1249 | }
1250 | }
1251 | }
1252 | control._subjects.values.next({
1253 | name,
1254 | values: { ...control._formValues },
1255 | });
1256 | control._names.focus &&
1257 | iterateFieldsByAction(control._fields, (ref, key) => {
1258 | if (control._names.focus &&
1259 | key.startsWith(control._names.focus) &&
1260 | ref.focus) {
1261 | ref.focus();
1262 | return 1;
1263 | }
1264 | return;
1265 | });
1266 | control._names.focus = '';
1267 | control._updateValid();
1268 | _actioned.current = false;
1269 | }, [fields, name, control]);
1270 | React.useEffect(() => {
1271 | !get(control._formValues, name) && control._updateFieldArray(name);
1272 | return () => {
1273 | (control._options.shouldUnregister || shouldUnregister) &&
1274 | control.unregister(name);
1275 | };
1276 | }, [name, control, keyName, shouldUnregister]);
1277 | return {
1278 | swap: React.useCallback(swap, [updateValues, name, control]),
1279 | move: React.useCallback(move, [updateValues, name, control]),
1280 | prepend: React.useCallback(prepend, [updateValues, name, control]),
1281 | append: React.useCallback(append, [updateValues, name, control]),
1282 | remove: React.useCallback(remove, [updateValues, name, control]),
1283 | insert: React.useCallback(insert$1, [updateValues, name, control]),
1284 | update: React.useCallback(update, [updateValues, name, control]),
1285 | replace: React.useCallback(replace, [updateValues, name, control]),
1286 | fields: React.useMemo(() => fields.map((field, index) => ({
1287 | ...field,
1288 | [keyName]: ids.current[index] || generateId(),
1289 | })), [fields, keyName]),
1290 | };
1291 | }
1292 |
1293 | var createSubject = () => {
1294 | let _observers = [];
1295 | const next = (value) => {
1296 | for (const observer of _observers) {
1297 | observer.next && observer.next(value);
1298 | }
1299 | };
1300 | const subscribe = (observer) => {
1301 | _observers.push(observer);
1302 | return {
1303 | unsubscribe: () => {
1304 | _observers = _observers.filter((o) => o !== observer);
1305 | },
1306 | };
1307 | };
1308 | const unsubscribe = () => {
1309 | _observers = [];
1310 | };
1311 | return {
1312 | get observers() {
1313 | return _observers;
1314 | },
1315 | next,
1316 | subscribe,
1317 | unsubscribe,
1318 | };
1319 | };
1320 |
1321 | var isPrimitive = (value) => isNullOrUndefined(value) || !isObjectType(value);
1322 |
1323 | function deepEqual(object1, object2) {
1324 | if (isPrimitive(object1) || isPrimitive(object2)) {
1325 | return object1 === object2;
1326 | }
1327 | if (isDateObject(object1) && isDateObject(object2)) {
1328 | return object1.getTime() === object2.getTime();
1329 | }
1330 | const keys1 = Object.keys(object1);
1331 | const keys2 = Object.keys(object2);
1332 | if (keys1.length !== keys2.length) {
1333 | return false;
1334 | }
1335 | for (const key of keys1) {
1336 | const val1 = object1[key];
1337 | if (!keys2.includes(key)) {
1338 | return false;
1339 | }
1340 | if (key !== 'ref') {
1341 | const val2 = object2[key];
1342 | if ((isDateObject(val1) && isDateObject(val2)) ||
1343 | (isObject(val1) && isObject(val2)) ||
1344 | (Array.isArray(val1) && Array.isArray(val2))
1345 | ? !deepEqual(val1, val2)
1346 | : val1 !== val2) {
1347 | return false;
1348 | }
1349 | }
1350 | }
1351 | return true;
1352 | }
1353 |
1354 | var isMultipleSelect = (element) => element.type === `select-multiple`;
1355 |
1356 | var isRadioOrCheckbox = (ref) => isRadioInput(ref) || isCheckBoxInput(ref);
1357 |
1358 | var live = (ref) => isHTMLElement(ref) && ref.isConnected;
1359 |
1360 | var objectHasFunction = (data) => {
1361 | for (const key in data) {
1362 | if (isFunction(data[key])) {
1363 | return true;
1364 | }
1365 | }
1366 | return false;
1367 | };
1368 |
1369 | function markFieldsDirty(data, fields = {}) {
1370 | const isParentNodeArray = Array.isArray(data);
1371 | if (isObject(data) || isParentNodeArray) {
1372 | for (const key in data) {
1373 | if (Array.isArray(data[key]) ||
1374 | (isObject(data[key]) && !objectHasFunction(data[key]))) {
1375 | fields[key] = Array.isArray(data[key]) ? [] : {};
1376 | markFieldsDirty(data[key], fields[key]);
1377 | }
1378 | else if (!isNullOrUndefined(data[key])) {
1379 | fields[key] = true;
1380 | }
1381 | }
1382 | }
1383 | return fields;
1384 | }
1385 | function getDirtyFieldsFromDefaultValues(data, formValues, dirtyFieldsFromValues) {
1386 | const isParentNodeArray = Array.isArray(data);
1387 | if (isObject(data) || isParentNodeArray) {
1388 | for (const key in data) {
1389 | if (Array.isArray(data[key]) ||
1390 | (isObject(data[key]) && !objectHasFunction(data[key]))) {
1391 | if (isUndefined(formValues) ||
1392 | isPrimitive(dirtyFieldsFromValues[key])) {
1393 | dirtyFieldsFromValues[key] = Array.isArray(data[key])
1394 | ? markFieldsDirty(data[key], [])
1395 | : { ...markFieldsDirty(data[key]) };
1396 | }
1397 | else {
1398 | getDirtyFieldsFromDefaultValues(data[key], isNullOrUndefined(formValues) ? {} : formValues[key], dirtyFieldsFromValues[key]);
1399 | }
1400 | }
1401 | else {
1402 | dirtyFieldsFromValues[key] = !deepEqual(data[key], formValues[key]);
1403 | }
1404 | }
1405 | }
1406 | return dirtyFieldsFromValues;
1407 | }
1408 | var getDirtyFields = (defaultValues, formValues) => getDirtyFieldsFromDefaultValues(defaultValues, formValues, markFieldsDirty(formValues));
1409 |
1410 | var getFieldValueAs = (value, { valueAsNumber, valueAsDate, setValueAs }) => isUndefined(value)
1411 | ? value
1412 | : valueAsNumber
1413 | ? value === ''
1414 | ? NaN
1415 | : value
1416 | ? +value
1417 | : value
1418 | : valueAsDate && isString(value)
1419 | ? new Date(value)
1420 | : setValueAs
1421 | ? setValueAs(value)
1422 | : value;
1423 |
1424 | function getFieldValue(_f) {
1425 | const ref = _f.ref;
1426 | if (_f.refs ? _f.refs.every((ref) => ref.disabled) : ref.disabled) {
1427 | return;
1428 | }
1429 | if (isFileInput(ref)) {
1430 | return ref.files;
1431 | }
1432 | if (isRadioInput(ref)) {
1433 | return getRadioValue(_f.refs).value;
1434 | }
1435 | if (isMultipleSelect(ref)) {
1436 | return [...ref.selectedOptions].map(({ value }) => value);
1437 | }
1438 | if (isCheckBoxInput(ref)) {
1439 | return getCheckboxValue(_f.refs).value;
1440 | }
1441 | return getFieldValueAs(isUndefined(ref.value) ? _f.ref.value : ref.value, _f);
1442 | }
1443 |
1444 | var getResolverOptions = (fieldsNames, _fields, criteriaMode, shouldUseNativeValidation) => {
1445 | const fields = {};
1446 | for (const name of fieldsNames) {
1447 | const field = get(_fields, name);
1448 | field && set(fields, name, field._f);
1449 | }
1450 | return {
1451 | criteriaMode,
1452 | names: [...fieldsNames],
1453 | fields,
1454 | shouldUseNativeValidation,
1455 | };
1456 | };
1457 |
1458 | var getRuleValue = (rule) => isUndefined(rule)
1459 | ? rule
1460 | : isRegex(rule)
1461 | ? rule.source
1462 | : isObject(rule)
1463 | ? isRegex(rule.value)
1464 | ? rule.value.source
1465 | : rule.value
1466 | : rule;
1467 |
1468 | var hasValidation = (options) => options.mount &&
1469 | (options.required ||
1470 | options.min ||
1471 | options.max ||
1472 | options.maxLength ||
1473 | options.minLength ||
1474 | options.pattern ||
1475 | options.validate);
1476 |
1477 | function schemaErrorLookup(errors, _fields, name) {
1478 | const error = get(errors, name);
1479 | if (error || isKey(name)) {
1480 | return {
1481 | error,
1482 | name,
1483 | };
1484 | }
1485 | const names = name.split('.');
1486 | while (names.length) {
1487 | const fieldName = names.join('.');
1488 | const field = get(_fields, fieldName);
1489 | const foundError = get(errors, fieldName);
1490 | if (field && !Array.isArray(field) && name !== fieldName) {
1491 | return { name };
1492 | }
1493 | if (foundError && foundError.type) {
1494 | return {
1495 | name: fieldName,
1496 | error: foundError,
1497 | };
1498 | }
1499 | names.pop();
1500 | }
1501 | return {
1502 | name,
1503 | };
1504 | }
1505 |
1506 | var skipValidation = (isBlurEvent, isTouched, isSubmitted, reValidateMode, mode) => {
1507 | if (mode.isOnAll) {
1508 | return false;
1509 | }
1510 | else if (!isSubmitted && mode.isOnTouch) {
1511 | return !(isTouched || isBlurEvent);
1512 | }
1513 | else if (isSubmitted ? reValidateMode.isOnBlur : mode.isOnBlur) {
1514 | return !isBlurEvent;
1515 | }
1516 | else if (isSubmitted ? reValidateMode.isOnChange : mode.isOnChange) {
1517 | return isBlurEvent;
1518 | }
1519 | return true;
1520 | };
1521 |
1522 | var unsetEmptyArray = (ref, name) => !compact(get(ref, name)).length && unset(ref, name);
1523 |
1524 | const defaultOptions = {
1525 | mode: VALIDATION_MODE.onSubmit,
1526 | reValidateMode: VALIDATION_MODE.onChange,
1527 | shouldFocusError: true,
1528 | };
1529 | function createFormControl(props = {}) {
1530 | let _options = {
1531 | ...defaultOptions,
1532 | ...props,
1533 | };
1534 | let _formState = {
1535 | submitCount: 0,
1536 | isDirty: false,
1537 | isLoading: isFunction(_options.defaultValues),
1538 | isValidating: false,
1539 | isSubmitted: false,
1540 | isSubmitting: false,
1541 | isSubmitSuccessful: false,
1542 | isValid: false,
1543 | touchedFields: {},
1544 | dirtyFields: {},
1545 | validatingFields: {},
1546 | errors: _options.errors || {},
1547 | disabled: _options.disabled || false,
1548 | };
1549 | let _fields = {};
1550 | let _defaultValues = isObject(_options.defaultValues) || isObject(_options.values)
1551 | ? cloneObject(_options.defaultValues || _options.values) || {}
1552 | : {};
1553 | let _formValues = _options.shouldUnregister
1554 | ? {}
1555 | : cloneObject(_defaultValues);
1556 | let _state = {
1557 | action: false,
1558 | mount: false,
1559 | watch: false,
1560 | };
1561 | let _names = {
1562 | mount: new Set(),
1563 | unMount: new Set(),
1564 | array: new Set(),
1565 | watch: new Set(),
1566 | };
1567 | let delayErrorCallback;
1568 | let timer = 0;
1569 | const _proxyFormState = {
1570 | isDirty: false,
1571 | dirtyFields: false,
1572 | validatingFields: false,
1573 | touchedFields: false,
1574 | isValidating: false,
1575 | isValid: false,
1576 | errors: false,
1577 | };
1578 | const _subjects = {
1579 | values: createSubject(),
1580 | array: createSubject(),
1581 | state: createSubject(),
1582 | };
1583 | const validationModeBeforeSubmit = getValidationModes(_options.mode);
1584 | const validationModeAfterSubmit = getValidationModes(_options.reValidateMode);
1585 | const shouldDisplayAllAssociatedErrors = _options.criteriaMode === VALIDATION_MODE.all;
1586 | const debounce = (callback) => (wait) => {
1587 | clearTimeout(timer);
1588 | timer = setTimeout(callback, wait);
1589 | };
1590 | const _updateValid = async (shouldUpdateValid) => {
1591 | if (_proxyFormState.isValid || shouldUpdateValid) {
1592 | const isValid = _options.resolver
1593 | ? isEmptyObject((await _executeSchema()).errors)
1594 | : await executeBuiltInValidation(_fields, true);
1595 | if (isValid !== _formState.isValid) {
1596 | _subjects.state.next({
1597 | isValid,
1598 | });
1599 | }
1600 | }
1601 | };
1602 | const _updateIsValidating = (names, isValidating) => {
1603 | if (_proxyFormState.isValidating || _proxyFormState.validatingFields) {
1604 | (names || Array.from(_names.mount)).forEach((name) => {
1605 | if (name) {
1606 | isValidating
1607 | ? set(_formState.validatingFields, name, isValidating)
1608 | : unset(_formState.validatingFields, name);
1609 | }
1610 | });
1611 | _subjects.state.next({
1612 | validatingFields: _formState.validatingFields,
1613 | isValidating: !isEmptyObject(_formState.validatingFields),
1614 | });
1615 | }
1616 | };
1617 | const _updateFieldArray = (name, values = [], method, args, shouldSetValues = true, shouldUpdateFieldsAndState = true) => {
1618 | if (args && method) {
1619 | _state.action = true;
1620 | if (shouldUpdateFieldsAndState && Array.isArray(get(_fields, name))) {
1621 | const fieldValues = method(get(_fields, name), args.argA, args.argB);
1622 | shouldSetValues && set(_fields, name, fieldValues);
1623 | }
1624 | if (shouldUpdateFieldsAndState &&
1625 | Array.isArray(get(_formState.errors, name))) {
1626 | const errors = method(get(_formState.errors, name), args.argA, args.argB);
1627 | shouldSetValues && set(_formState.errors, name, errors);
1628 | unsetEmptyArray(_formState.errors, name);
1629 | }
1630 | if (_proxyFormState.touchedFields &&
1631 | shouldUpdateFieldsAndState &&
1632 | Array.isArray(get(_formState.touchedFields, name))) {
1633 | const touchedFields = method(get(_formState.touchedFields, name), args.argA, args.argB);
1634 | shouldSetValues && set(_formState.touchedFields, name, touchedFields);
1635 | }
1636 | if (_proxyFormState.dirtyFields) {
1637 | _formState.dirtyFields = getDirtyFields(_defaultValues, _formValues);
1638 | }
1639 | _subjects.state.next({
1640 | name,
1641 | isDirty: _getDirty(name, values),
1642 | dirtyFields: _formState.dirtyFields,
1643 | errors: _formState.errors,
1644 | isValid: _formState.isValid,
1645 | });
1646 | }
1647 | else {
1648 | set(_formValues, name, values);
1649 | }
1650 | };
1651 | const updateErrors = (name, error) => {
1652 | set(_formState.errors, name, error);
1653 | _subjects.state.next({
1654 | errors: _formState.errors,
1655 | });
1656 | };
1657 | const _setErrors = (errors) => {
1658 | _formState.errors = errors;
1659 | _subjects.state.next({
1660 | errors: _formState.errors,
1661 | isValid: false,
1662 | });
1663 | };
1664 | const updateValidAndValue = (name, shouldSkipSetValueAs, value, ref) => {
1665 | const field = get(_fields, name);
1666 | if (field) {
1667 | const defaultValue = get(_formValues, name, isUndefined(value) ? get(_defaultValues, name) : value);
1668 | isUndefined(defaultValue) ||
1669 | (ref && ref.defaultChecked) ||
1670 | shouldSkipSetValueAs
1671 | ? set(_formValues, name, shouldSkipSetValueAs ? defaultValue : getFieldValue(field._f))
1672 | : setFieldValue(name, defaultValue);
1673 | _state.mount && _updateValid();
1674 | }
1675 | };
1676 | const updateTouchAndDirty = (name, fieldValue, isBlurEvent, shouldDirty, shouldRender) => {
1677 | let shouldUpdateField = false;
1678 | let isPreviousDirty = false;
1679 | const output = {
1680 | name,
1681 | };
1682 | const disabledField = !!(get(_fields, name) &&
1683 | get(_fields, name)._f &&
1684 | get(_fields, name)._f.disabled);
1685 | if (!isBlurEvent || shouldDirty) {
1686 | if (_proxyFormState.isDirty) {
1687 | isPreviousDirty = _formState.isDirty;
1688 | _formState.isDirty = output.isDirty = _getDirty();
1689 | shouldUpdateField = isPreviousDirty !== output.isDirty;
1690 | }
1691 | const isCurrentFieldPristine = disabledField || deepEqual(get(_defaultValues, name), fieldValue);
1692 | isPreviousDirty = !!(!disabledField && get(_formState.dirtyFields, name));
1693 | isCurrentFieldPristine || disabledField
1694 | ? unset(_formState.dirtyFields, name)
1695 | : set(_formState.dirtyFields, name, true);
1696 | output.dirtyFields = _formState.dirtyFields;
1697 | shouldUpdateField =
1698 | shouldUpdateField ||
1699 | (_proxyFormState.dirtyFields &&
1700 | isPreviousDirty !== !isCurrentFieldPristine);
1701 | }
1702 | if (isBlurEvent) {
1703 | const isPreviousFieldTouched = get(_formState.touchedFields, name);
1704 | if (!isPreviousFieldTouched) {
1705 | set(_formState.touchedFields, name, isBlurEvent);
1706 | output.touchedFields = _formState.touchedFields;
1707 | shouldUpdateField =
1708 | shouldUpdateField ||
1709 | (_proxyFormState.touchedFields &&
1710 | isPreviousFieldTouched !== isBlurEvent);
1711 | }
1712 | }
1713 | shouldUpdateField && shouldRender && _subjects.state.next(output);
1714 | return shouldUpdateField ? output : {};
1715 | };
1716 | const shouldRenderByError = (name, isValid, error, fieldState) => {
1717 | const previousFieldError = get(_formState.errors, name);
1718 | const shouldUpdateValid = _proxyFormState.isValid &&
1719 | isBoolean(isValid) &&
1720 | _formState.isValid !== isValid;
1721 | if (props.delayError && error) {
1722 | delayErrorCallback = debounce(() => updateErrors(name, error));
1723 | delayErrorCallback(props.delayError);
1724 | }
1725 | else {
1726 | clearTimeout(timer);
1727 | delayErrorCallback = null;
1728 | error
1729 | ? set(_formState.errors, name, error)
1730 | : unset(_formState.errors, name);
1731 | }
1732 | if ((error ? !deepEqual(previousFieldError, error) : previousFieldError) ||
1733 | !isEmptyObject(fieldState) ||
1734 | shouldUpdateValid) {
1735 | const updatedFormState = {
1736 | ...fieldState,
1737 | ...(shouldUpdateValid && isBoolean(isValid) ? { isValid } : {}),
1738 | errors: _formState.errors,
1739 | name,
1740 | };
1741 | _formState = {
1742 | ..._formState,
1743 | ...updatedFormState,
1744 | };
1745 | _subjects.state.next(updatedFormState);
1746 | }
1747 | };
1748 | const _executeSchema = async (name) => {
1749 | _updateIsValidating(name, true);
1750 | const result = await _options.resolver(_formValues, _options.context, getResolverOptions(name || _names.mount, _fields, _options.criteriaMode, _options.shouldUseNativeValidation));
1751 | _updateIsValidating(name);
1752 | return result;
1753 | };
1754 | const executeSchemaAndUpdateState = async (names) => {
1755 | const { errors } = await _executeSchema(names);
1756 | if (names) {
1757 | for (const name of names) {
1758 | const error = get(errors, name);
1759 | error
1760 | ? set(_formState.errors, name, error)
1761 | : unset(_formState.errors, name);
1762 | }
1763 | }
1764 | else {
1765 | _formState.errors = errors;
1766 | }
1767 | return errors;
1768 | };
1769 | const executeBuiltInValidation = async (fields, shouldOnlyCheckValid, context = {
1770 | valid: true,
1771 | }) => {
1772 | for (const name in fields) {
1773 | const field = fields[name];
1774 | if (field) {
1775 | const { _f, ...fieldValue } = field;
1776 | if (_f) {
1777 | const isFieldArrayRoot = _names.array.has(_f.name);
1778 | _updateIsValidating([name], true);
1779 | const fieldError = await validateField(field, _formValues, shouldDisplayAllAssociatedErrors, _options.shouldUseNativeValidation && !shouldOnlyCheckValid, isFieldArrayRoot);
1780 | _updateIsValidating([name]);
1781 | if (fieldError[_f.name]) {
1782 | context.valid = false;
1783 | if (shouldOnlyCheckValid) {
1784 | break;
1785 | }
1786 | }
1787 | !shouldOnlyCheckValid &&
1788 | (get(fieldError, _f.name)
1789 | ? isFieldArrayRoot
1790 | ? updateFieldArrayRootError(_formState.errors, fieldError, _f.name)
1791 | : set(_formState.errors, _f.name, fieldError[_f.name])
1792 | : unset(_formState.errors, _f.name));
1793 | }
1794 | fieldValue &&
1795 | (await executeBuiltInValidation(fieldValue, shouldOnlyCheckValid, context));
1796 | }
1797 | }
1798 | return context.valid;
1799 | };
1800 | const _removeUnmounted = () => {
1801 | for (const name of _names.unMount) {
1802 | const field = get(_fields, name);
1803 | field &&
1804 | (field._f.refs
1805 | ? field._f.refs.every((ref) => !live(ref))
1806 | : !live(field._f.ref)) &&
1807 | unregister(name);
1808 | }
1809 | _names.unMount = new Set();
1810 | };
1811 | const _getDirty = (name, data) => (name && data && set(_formValues, name, data),
1812 | !deepEqual(getValues(), _defaultValues));
1813 | const _getWatch = (names, defaultValue, isGlobal) => generateWatchOutput(names, _names, {
1814 | ...(_state.mount
1815 | ? _formValues
1816 | : isUndefined(defaultValue)
1817 | ? _defaultValues
1818 | : isString(names)
1819 | ? { [names]: defaultValue }
1820 | : defaultValue),
1821 | }, isGlobal, defaultValue);
1822 | const _getFieldArray = (name) => compact(get(_state.mount ? _formValues : _defaultValues, name, props.shouldUnregister ? get(_defaultValues, name, []) : []));
1823 | const setFieldValue = (name, value, options = {}) => {
1824 | const field = get(_fields, name);
1825 | let fieldValue = value;
1826 | if (field) {
1827 | const fieldReference = field._f;
1828 | if (fieldReference) {
1829 | !fieldReference.disabled &&
1830 | set(_formValues, name, getFieldValueAs(value, fieldReference));
1831 | fieldValue =
1832 | isHTMLElement(fieldReference.ref) && isNullOrUndefined(value)
1833 | ? ''
1834 | : value;
1835 | if (isMultipleSelect(fieldReference.ref)) {
1836 | [...fieldReference.ref.options].forEach((optionRef) => (optionRef.selected = fieldValue.includes(optionRef.value)));
1837 | }
1838 | else if (fieldReference.refs) {
1839 | if (isCheckBoxInput(fieldReference.ref)) {
1840 | fieldReference.refs.length > 1
1841 | ? fieldReference.refs.forEach((checkboxRef) => (!checkboxRef.defaultChecked || !checkboxRef.disabled) &&
1842 | (checkboxRef.checked = Array.isArray(fieldValue)
1843 | ? !!fieldValue.find((data) => data === checkboxRef.value)
1844 | : fieldValue === checkboxRef.value))
1845 | : fieldReference.refs[0] &&
1846 | (fieldReference.refs[0].checked = !!fieldValue);
1847 | }
1848 | else {
1849 | fieldReference.refs.forEach((radioRef) => (radioRef.checked = radioRef.value === fieldValue));
1850 | }
1851 | }
1852 | else if (isFileInput(fieldReference.ref)) {
1853 | fieldReference.ref.value = '';
1854 | }
1855 | else {
1856 | fieldReference.ref.value = fieldValue;
1857 | if (!fieldReference.ref.type) {
1858 | _subjects.values.next({
1859 | name,
1860 | values: { ..._formValues },
1861 | });
1862 | }
1863 | }
1864 | }
1865 | }
1866 | (options.shouldDirty || options.shouldTouch) &&
1867 | updateTouchAndDirty(name, fieldValue, options.shouldTouch, options.shouldDirty, true);
1868 | options.shouldValidate && trigger(name);
1869 | };
1870 | const setValues = (name, value, options) => {
1871 | for (const fieldKey in value) {
1872 | const fieldValue = value[fieldKey];
1873 | const fieldName = `${name}.${fieldKey}`;
1874 | const field = get(_fields, fieldName);
1875 | (_names.array.has(name) ||
1876 | !isPrimitive(fieldValue) ||
1877 | (field && !field._f)) &&
1878 | !isDateObject(fieldValue)
1879 | ? setValues(fieldName, fieldValue, options)
1880 | : setFieldValue(fieldName, fieldValue, options);
1881 | }
1882 | };
1883 | const setValue = (name, value, options = {}) => {
1884 | const field = get(_fields, name);
1885 | const isFieldArray = _names.array.has(name);
1886 | const cloneValue = cloneObject(value);
1887 | set(_formValues, name, cloneValue);
1888 | if (isFieldArray) {
1889 | _subjects.array.next({
1890 | name,
1891 | values: { ..._formValues },
1892 | });
1893 | if ((_proxyFormState.isDirty || _proxyFormState.dirtyFields) &&
1894 | options.shouldDirty) {
1895 | _subjects.state.next({
1896 | name,
1897 | dirtyFields: getDirtyFields(_defaultValues, _formValues),
1898 | isDirty: _getDirty(name, cloneValue),
1899 | });
1900 | }
1901 | }
1902 | else {
1903 | field && !field._f && !isNullOrUndefined(cloneValue)
1904 | ? setValues(name, cloneValue, options)
1905 | : setFieldValue(name, cloneValue, options);
1906 | }
1907 | isWatched(name, _names) && _subjects.state.next({ ..._formState });
1908 | _subjects.values.next({
1909 | name: _state.mount ? name : undefined,
1910 | values: { ..._formValues },
1911 | });
1912 | };
1913 | const onChange = async (event) => {
1914 | _state.mount = true;
1915 | const target = event.target;
1916 | let name = target.name;
1917 | let isFieldValueUpdated = true;
1918 | const field = get(_fields, name);
1919 | const getCurrentFieldValue = () => target.type ? getFieldValue(field._f) : getEventValue(event);
1920 | const _updateIsFieldValueUpdated = (fieldValue) => {
1921 | isFieldValueUpdated =
1922 | Number.isNaN(fieldValue) ||
1923 | fieldValue === get(_formValues, name, fieldValue);
1924 | };
1925 | if (field) {
1926 | let error;
1927 | let isValid;
1928 | const fieldValue = getCurrentFieldValue();
1929 | const isBlurEvent = event.type === EVENTS.BLUR || event.type === EVENTS.FOCUS_OUT;
1930 | const shouldSkipValidation = (!hasValidation(field._f) &&
1931 | !_options.resolver &&
1932 | !get(_formState.errors, name) &&
1933 | !field._f.deps) ||
1934 | skipValidation(isBlurEvent, get(_formState.touchedFields, name), _formState.isSubmitted, validationModeAfterSubmit, validationModeBeforeSubmit);
1935 | const watched = isWatched(name, _names, isBlurEvent);
1936 | set(_formValues, name, fieldValue);
1937 | if (isBlurEvent) {
1938 | field._f.onBlur && field._f.onBlur(event);
1939 | delayErrorCallback && delayErrorCallback(0);
1940 | }
1941 | else if (field._f.onChange) {
1942 | field._f.onChange(event);
1943 | }
1944 | const fieldState = updateTouchAndDirty(name, fieldValue, isBlurEvent, false);
1945 | const shouldRender = !isEmptyObject(fieldState) || watched;
1946 | !isBlurEvent &&
1947 | _subjects.values.next({
1948 | name,
1949 | type: event.type,
1950 | values: { ..._formValues },
1951 | });
1952 | if (shouldSkipValidation) {
1953 | _proxyFormState.isValid && _updateValid();
1954 | return (shouldRender &&
1955 | _subjects.state.next({ name, ...(watched ? {} : fieldState) }));
1956 | }
1957 | !isBlurEvent && watched && _subjects.state.next({ ..._formState });
1958 | if (_options.resolver) {
1959 | const { errors } = await _executeSchema([name]);
1960 | _updateIsFieldValueUpdated(fieldValue);
1961 | if (isFieldValueUpdated) {
1962 | const previousErrorLookupResult = schemaErrorLookup(_formState.errors, _fields, name);
1963 | const errorLookupResult = schemaErrorLookup(errors, _fields, previousErrorLookupResult.name || name);
1964 | error = errorLookupResult.error;
1965 | name = errorLookupResult.name;
1966 | isValid = isEmptyObject(errors);
1967 | }
1968 | }
1969 | else {
1970 | _updateIsValidating([name], true);
1971 | error = (await validateField(field, _formValues, shouldDisplayAllAssociatedErrors, _options.shouldUseNativeValidation))[name];
1972 | _updateIsValidating([name]);
1973 | _updateIsFieldValueUpdated(fieldValue);
1974 | if (isFieldValueUpdated) {
1975 | if (error) {
1976 | isValid = false;
1977 | }
1978 | else if (_proxyFormState.isValid) {
1979 | isValid = await executeBuiltInValidation(_fields, true);
1980 | }
1981 | }
1982 | }
1983 | if (isFieldValueUpdated) {
1984 | field._f.deps &&
1985 | trigger(field._f.deps);
1986 | shouldRenderByError(name, isValid, error, fieldState);
1987 | }
1988 | }
1989 | };
1990 | const _focusInput = (ref, key) => {
1991 | if (get(_formState.errors, key) && ref.focus) {
1992 | ref.focus();
1993 | return 1;
1994 | }
1995 | return;
1996 | };
1997 | const trigger = async (name, options = {}) => {
1998 | let isValid;
1999 | let validationResult;
2000 | const fieldNames = convertToArrayPayload(name);
2001 | if (_options.resolver) {
2002 | const errors = await executeSchemaAndUpdateState(isUndefined(name) ? name : fieldNames);
2003 | isValid = isEmptyObject(errors);
2004 | validationResult = name
2005 | ? !fieldNames.some((name) => get(errors, name))
2006 | : isValid;
2007 | }
2008 | else if (name) {
2009 | validationResult = (await Promise.all(fieldNames.map(async (fieldName) => {
2010 | const field = get(_fields, fieldName);
2011 | return await executeBuiltInValidation(field && field._f ? { [fieldName]: field } : field);
2012 | }))).every(Boolean);
2013 | !(!validationResult && !_formState.isValid) && _updateValid();
2014 | }
2015 | else {
2016 | validationResult = isValid = await executeBuiltInValidation(_fields);
2017 | }
2018 | _subjects.state.next({
2019 | ...(!isString(name) ||
2020 | (_proxyFormState.isValid && isValid !== _formState.isValid)
2021 | ? {}
2022 | : { name }),
2023 | ...(_options.resolver || !name ? { isValid } : {}),
2024 | errors: _formState.errors,
2025 | });
2026 | options.shouldFocus &&
2027 | !validationResult &&
2028 | iterateFieldsByAction(_fields, _focusInput, name ? fieldNames : _names.mount);
2029 | return validationResult;
2030 | };
2031 | const getValues = (fieldNames) => {
2032 | const values = {
2033 | ...(_state.mount ? _formValues : _defaultValues),
2034 | };
2035 | return isUndefined(fieldNames)
2036 | ? values
2037 | : isString(fieldNames)
2038 | ? get(values, fieldNames)
2039 | : fieldNames.map((name) => get(values, name));
2040 | };
2041 | const getFieldState = (name, formState) => ({
2042 | invalid: !!get((formState || _formState).errors, name),
2043 | isDirty: !!get((formState || _formState).dirtyFields, name),
2044 | error: get((formState || _formState).errors, name),
2045 | isValidating: !!get(_formState.validatingFields, name),
2046 | isTouched: !!get((formState || _formState).touchedFields, name),
2047 | });
2048 | const clearErrors = (name) => {
2049 | name &&
2050 | convertToArrayPayload(name).forEach((inputName) => unset(_formState.errors, inputName));
2051 | _subjects.state.next({
2052 | errors: name ? _formState.errors : {},
2053 | });
2054 | };
2055 | const setError = (name, error, options) => {
2056 | const ref = (get(_fields, name, { _f: {} })._f || {}).ref;
2057 | const currentError = get(_formState.errors, name) || {};
2058 | // Don't override existing error messages elsewhere in the object tree.
2059 | const { ref: currentRef, message, type, ...restOfErrorTree } = currentError;
2060 | set(_formState.errors, name, {
2061 | ...restOfErrorTree,
2062 | ...error,
2063 | ref,
2064 | });
2065 | _subjects.state.next({
2066 | name,
2067 | errors: _formState.errors,
2068 | isValid: false,
2069 | });
2070 | options && options.shouldFocus && ref && ref.focus && ref.focus();
2071 | };
2072 | const watch = (name, defaultValue) => isFunction(name)
2073 | ? _subjects.values.subscribe({
2074 | next: (payload) => name(_getWatch(undefined, defaultValue), payload),
2075 | })
2076 | : _getWatch(name, defaultValue, true);
2077 | const unregister = (name, options = {}) => {
2078 | for (const fieldName of name ? convertToArrayPayload(name) : _names.mount) {
2079 | _names.mount.delete(fieldName);
2080 | _names.array.delete(fieldName);
2081 | if (!options.keepValue) {
2082 | unset(_fields, fieldName);
2083 | unset(_formValues, fieldName);
2084 | }
2085 | !options.keepError && unset(_formState.errors, fieldName);
2086 | !options.keepDirty && unset(_formState.dirtyFields, fieldName);
2087 | !options.keepTouched && unset(_formState.touchedFields, fieldName);
2088 | !options.keepIsValidating &&
2089 | unset(_formState.validatingFields, fieldName);
2090 | !_options.shouldUnregister &&
2091 | !options.keepDefaultValue &&
2092 | unset(_defaultValues, fieldName);
2093 | }
2094 | _subjects.values.next({
2095 | values: { ..._formValues },
2096 | });
2097 | _subjects.state.next({
2098 | ..._formState,
2099 | ...(!options.keepDirty ? {} : { isDirty: _getDirty() }),
2100 | });
2101 | !options.keepIsValid && _updateValid();
2102 | };
2103 | const _updateDisabledField = ({ disabled, name, field, fields, value, }) => {
2104 | if ((isBoolean(disabled) && _state.mount) || !!disabled) {
2105 | const inputValue = disabled
2106 | ? undefined
2107 | : isUndefined(value)
2108 | ? getFieldValue(field ? field._f : get(fields, name)._f)
2109 | : value;
2110 | set(_formValues, name, inputValue);
2111 | updateTouchAndDirty(name, inputValue, false, false, true);
2112 | }
2113 | };
2114 | const register = (name, options = {}) => {
2115 | let field = get(_fields, name);
2116 | const disabledIsDefined = isBoolean(options.disabled);
2117 | set(_fields, name, {
2118 | ...(field || {}),
2119 | _f: {
2120 | ...(field && field._f ? field._f : { ref: { name } }),
2121 | name,
2122 | mount: true,
2123 | ...options,
2124 | },
2125 | });
2126 | _names.mount.add(name);
2127 | if (field) {
2128 | _updateDisabledField({
2129 | field,
2130 | disabled: options.disabled,
2131 | name,
2132 | value: options.value,
2133 | });
2134 | }
2135 | else {
2136 | updateValidAndValue(name, true, options.value);
2137 | }
2138 | return {
2139 | ...(disabledIsDefined ? { disabled: options.disabled } : {}),
2140 | ...(_options.progressive
2141 | ? {
2142 | required: !!options.required,
2143 | min: getRuleValue(options.min),
2144 | max: getRuleValue(options.max),
2145 | minLength: getRuleValue(options.minLength),
2146 | maxLength: getRuleValue(options.maxLength),
2147 | pattern: getRuleValue(options.pattern),
2148 | }
2149 | : {}),
2150 | name,
2151 | onChange,
2152 | onBlur: onChange,
2153 | ref: (ref) => {
2154 | if (ref) {
2155 | register(name, options);
2156 | field = get(_fields, name);
2157 | const fieldRef = isUndefined(ref.value)
2158 | ? ref.querySelectorAll
2159 | ? ref.querySelectorAll('input,select,textarea')[0] || ref
2160 | : ref
2161 | : ref;
2162 | const radioOrCheckbox = isRadioOrCheckbox(fieldRef);
2163 | const refs = field._f.refs || [];
2164 | if (radioOrCheckbox
2165 | ? refs.find((option) => option === fieldRef)
2166 | : fieldRef === field._f.ref) {
2167 | return;
2168 | }
2169 | set(_fields, name, {
2170 | _f: {
2171 | ...field._f,
2172 | ...(radioOrCheckbox
2173 | ? {
2174 | refs: [
2175 | ...refs.filter(live),
2176 | fieldRef,
2177 | ...(Array.isArray(get(_defaultValues, name)) ? [{}] : []),
2178 | ],
2179 | ref: { type: fieldRef.type, name },
2180 | }
2181 | : { ref: fieldRef }),
2182 | },
2183 | });
2184 | updateValidAndValue(name, false, undefined, fieldRef);
2185 | }
2186 | else {
2187 | field = get(_fields, name, {});
2188 | if (field._f) {
2189 | field._f.mount = false;
2190 | }
2191 | (_options.shouldUnregister || options.shouldUnregister) &&
2192 | !(isNameInFieldArray(_names.array, name) && _state.action) &&
2193 | _names.unMount.add(name);
2194 | }
2195 | },
2196 | };
2197 | };
2198 | const _focusError = () => _options.shouldFocusError &&
2199 | iterateFieldsByAction(_fields, _focusInput, _names.mount);
2200 | const _disableForm = (disabled) => {
2201 | if (isBoolean(disabled)) {
2202 | _subjects.state.next({ disabled });
2203 | iterateFieldsByAction(_fields, (ref, name) => {
2204 | const currentField = get(_fields, name);
2205 | if (currentField) {
2206 | ref.disabled = currentField._f.disabled || disabled;
2207 | if (Array.isArray(currentField._f.refs)) {
2208 | currentField._f.refs.forEach((inputRef) => {
2209 | inputRef.disabled = currentField._f.disabled || disabled;
2210 | });
2211 | }
2212 | }
2213 | }, 0, false);
2214 | }
2215 | };
2216 | const handleSubmit = (onValid, onInvalid) => async (e) => {
2217 | let onValidError = undefined;
2218 | if (e) {
2219 | e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
2220 | e.persist && e.persist();
2221 | }
2222 | let fieldValues = cloneObject(_formValues);
2223 | _subjects.state.next({
2224 | isSubmitting: true,
2225 | });
2226 | if (_options.resolver) {
2227 | const { errors, values } = await _executeSchema();
2228 | _formState.errors = errors;
2229 | fieldValues = values;
2230 | }
2231 | else {
2232 | await executeBuiltInValidation(_fields);
2233 | }
2234 | unset(_formState.errors, 'root');
2235 | if (isEmptyObject(_formState.errors)) {
2236 | _subjects.state.next({
2237 | errors: {},
2238 | });
2239 | try {
2240 | await onValid(fieldValues, e);
2241 | }
2242 | catch (error) {
2243 | onValidError = error;
2244 | }
2245 | }
2246 | else {
2247 | if (onInvalid) {
2248 | await onInvalid({ ..._formState.errors }, e);
2249 | }
2250 | _focusError();
2251 | setTimeout(_focusError);
2252 | }
2253 | _subjects.state.next({
2254 | isSubmitted: true,
2255 | isSubmitting: false,
2256 | isSubmitSuccessful: isEmptyObject(_formState.errors) && !onValidError,
2257 | submitCount: _formState.submitCount + 1,
2258 | errors: _formState.errors,
2259 | });
2260 | if (onValidError) {
2261 | throw onValidError;
2262 | }
2263 | };
2264 | const resetField = (name, options = {}) => {
2265 | if (get(_fields, name)) {
2266 | if (isUndefined(options.defaultValue)) {
2267 | setValue(name, cloneObject(get(_defaultValues, name)));
2268 | }
2269 | else {
2270 | setValue(name, options.defaultValue);
2271 | set(_defaultValues, name, cloneObject(options.defaultValue));
2272 | }
2273 | if (!options.keepTouched) {
2274 | unset(_formState.touchedFields, name);
2275 | }
2276 | if (!options.keepDirty) {
2277 | unset(_formState.dirtyFields, name);
2278 | _formState.isDirty = options.defaultValue
2279 | ? _getDirty(name, cloneObject(get(_defaultValues, name)))
2280 | : _getDirty();
2281 | }
2282 | if (!options.keepError) {
2283 | unset(_formState.errors, name);
2284 | _proxyFormState.isValid && _updateValid();
2285 | }
2286 | _subjects.state.next({ ..._formState });
2287 | }
2288 | };
2289 | const _reset = (formValues, keepStateOptions = {}) => {
2290 | const updatedValues = formValues ? cloneObject(formValues) : _defaultValues;
2291 | const cloneUpdatedValues = cloneObject(updatedValues);
2292 | const isEmptyResetValues = isEmptyObject(formValues);
2293 | const values = isEmptyResetValues ? _defaultValues : cloneUpdatedValues;
2294 | if (!keepStateOptions.keepDefaultValues) {
2295 | _defaultValues = updatedValues;
2296 | }
2297 | if (!keepStateOptions.keepValues) {
2298 | if (keepStateOptions.keepDirtyValues) {
2299 | for (const fieldName of _names.mount) {
2300 | get(_formState.dirtyFields, fieldName)
2301 | ? set(values, fieldName, get(_formValues, fieldName))
2302 | : setValue(fieldName, get(values, fieldName));
2303 | }
2304 | }
2305 | else {
2306 | if (isWeb && isUndefined(formValues)) {
2307 | for (const name of _names.mount) {
2308 | const field = get(_fields, name);
2309 | if (field && field._f) {
2310 | const fieldReference = Array.isArray(field._f.refs)
2311 | ? field._f.refs[0]
2312 | : field._f.ref;
2313 | if (isHTMLElement(fieldReference)) {
2314 | const form = fieldReference.closest('form');
2315 | if (form) {
2316 | form.reset();
2317 | break;
2318 | }
2319 | }
2320 | }
2321 | }
2322 | }
2323 | _fields = {};
2324 | }
2325 | _formValues = props.shouldUnregister
2326 | ? keepStateOptions.keepDefaultValues
2327 | ? cloneObject(_defaultValues)
2328 | : {}
2329 | : cloneObject(values);
2330 | _subjects.array.next({
2331 | values: { ...values },
2332 | });
2333 | _subjects.values.next({
2334 | values: { ...values },
2335 | });
2336 | }
2337 | _names = {
2338 | mount: keepStateOptions.keepDirtyValues ? _names.mount : new Set(),
2339 | unMount: new Set(),
2340 | array: new Set(),
2341 | watch: new Set(),
2342 | watchAll: false,
2343 | focus: '',
2344 | };
2345 | _state.mount =
2346 | !_proxyFormState.isValid ||
2347 | !!keepStateOptions.keepIsValid ||
2348 | !!keepStateOptions.keepDirtyValues;
2349 | _state.watch = !!props.shouldUnregister;
2350 | _subjects.state.next({
2351 | submitCount: keepStateOptions.keepSubmitCount
2352 | ? _formState.submitCount
2353 | : 0,
2354 | isDirty: isEmptyResetValues
2355 | ? false
2356 | : keepStateOptions.keepDirty
2357 | ? _formState.isDirty
2358 | : !!(keepStateOptions.keepDefaultValues &&
2359 | !deepEqual(formValues, _defaultValues)),
2360 | isSubmitted: keepStateOptions.keepIsSubmitted
2361 | ? _formState.isSubmitted
2362 | : false,
2363 | dirtyFields: isEmptyResetValues
2364 | ? {}
2365 | : keepStateOptions.keepDirtyValues
2366 | ? keepStateOptions.keepDefaultValues && _formValues
2367 | ? getDirtyFields(_defaultValues, _formValues)
2368 | : _formState.dirtyFields
2369 | : keepStateOptions.keepDefaultValues && formValues
2370 | ? getDirtyFields(_defaultValues, formValues)
2371 | : keepStateOptions.keepDirty
2372 | ? _formState.dirtyFields
2373 | : {},
2374 | touchedFields: keepStateOptions.keepTouched
2375 | ? _formState.touchedFields
2376 | : {},
2377 | errors: keepStateOptions.keepErrors ? _formState.errors : {},
2378 | isSubmitSuccessful: keepStateOptions.keepIsSubmitSuccessful
2379 | ? _formState.isSubmitSuccessful
2380 | : false,
2381 | isSubmitting: false,
2382 | });
2383 | };
2384 | const reset = (formValues, keepStateOptions) => _reset(isFunction(formValues)
2385 | ? formValues(_formValues)
2386 | : formValues, keepStateOptions);
2387 | const setFocus = (name, options = {}) => {
2388 | const field = get(_fields, name);
2389 | const fieldReference = field && field._f;
2390 | if (fieldReference) {
2391 | const fieldRef = fieldReference.refs
2392 | ? fieldReference.refs[0]
2393 | : fieldReference.ref;
2394 | if (fieldRef.focus) {
2395 | fieldRef.focus();
2396 | options.shouldSelect && fieldRef.select();
2397 | }
2398 | }
2399 | };
2400 | const _updateFormState = (updatedFormState) => {
2401 | _formState = {
2402 | ..._formState,
2403 | ...updatedFormState,
2404 | };
2405 | };
2406 | const _resetDefaultValues = () => isFunction(_options.defaultValues) &&
2407 | _options.defaultValues().then((values) => {
2408 | reset(values, _options.resetOptions);
2409 | _subjects.state.next({
2410 | isLoading: false,
2411 | });
2412 | });
2413 | return {
2414 | control: {
2415 | register,
2416 | unregister,
2417 | getFieldState,
2418 | handleSubmit,
2419 | setError,
2420 | _executeSchema,
2421 | _getWatch,
2422 | _getDirty,
2423 | _updateValid,
2424 | _removeUnmounted,
2425 | _updateFieldArray,
2426 | _updateDisabledField,
2427 | _getFieldArray,
2428 | _reset,
2429 | _resetDefaultValues,
2430 | _updateFormState,
2431 | _disableForm,
2432 | _subjects,
2433 | _proxyFormState,
2434 | _setErrors,
2435 | get _fields() {
2436 | return _fields;
2437 | },
2438 | get _formValues() {
2439 | return _formValues;
2440 | },
2441 | get _state() {
2442 | return _state;
2443 | },
2444 | set _state(value) {
2445 | _state = value;
2446 | },
2447 | get _defaultValues() {
2448 | return _defaultValues;
2449 | },
2450 | get _names() {
2451 | return _names;
2452 | },
2453 | set _names(value) {
2454 | _names = value;
2455 | },
2456 | get _formState() {
2457 | return _formState;
2458 | },
2459 | set _formState(value) {
2460 | _formState = value;
2461 | },
2462 | get _options() {
2463 | return _options;
2464 | },
2465 | set _options(value) {
2466 | _options = {
2467 | ..._options,
2468 | ...value,
2469 | };
2470 | },
2471 | },
2472 | trigger,
2473 | register,
2474 | handleSubmit,
2475 | watch,
2476 | setValue,
2477 | getValues,
2478 | reset,
2479 | resetField,
2480 | clearErrors,
2481 | unregister,
2482 | setError,
2483 | setFocus,
2484 | getFieldState,
2485 | };
2486 | }
2487 |
2488 | /**
2489 | * Custom hook to manage the entire form.
2490 | *
2491 | * @remarks
2492 | * [API](https://react-hook-form.com/docs/useform) • [Demo](https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-get-started-ts-5ksmm) • [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkXv4AXXC_4)
2493 | *
2494 | * @param props - form configuration and validation parameters.
2495 | *
2496 | * @returns methods - individual functions to manage the form state. {@link UseFormReturn}
2497 | *
2498 | * @example
2499 | * ```tsx
2500 | * function App() {
2501 | * const { register, handleSubmit, watch, formState: { errors } } = useForm();
2502 | * const onSubmit = data => console.log(data);
2503 | *
2504 | * console.log(watch("example"));
2505 | *
2506 | * return (
2507 | * <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
2508 | * <input defaultValue="test" {...register("example")} />
2509 | * <input {...register("exampleRequired", { required: true })} />
2510 | * {errors.exampleRequired && <span>This field is required</span>}
2511 | * <button>Submit</button>
2512 | * </form>
2513 | * );
2514 | * }
2515 | * ```
2516 | */
2517 | function useForm(props = {}) {
2518 | const _formControl = React.useRef();
2519 | const _values = React.useRef();
2520 | const [formState, updateFormState] = React.useState({
2521 | isDirty: false,
2522 | isValidating: false,
2523 | isLoading: isFunction(props.defaultValues),
2524 | isSubmitted: false,
2525 | isSubmitting: false,
2526 | isSubmitSuccessful: false,
2527 | isValid: false,
2528 | submitCount: 0,
2529 | dirtyFields: {},
2530 | touchedFields: {},
2531 | validatingFields: {},
2532 | errors: props.errors || {},
2533 | disabled: props.disabled || false,
2534 | defaultValues: isFunction(props.defaultValues)
2535 | ? undefined
2536 | : props.defaultValues,
2537 | });
2538 | if (!_formControl.current) {
2539 | _formControl.current = {
2540 | ...createFormControl(props),
2541 | formState,
2542 | };
2543 | }
2544 | const control = _formControl.current.control;
2545 | control._options = props;
2546 | useSubscribe({
2547 | subject: control._subjects.state,
2548 | next: (value) => {
2549 | if (shouldRenderFormState(value, control._proxyFormState, control._updateFormState, true)) {
2550 | updateFormState({ ...control._formState });
2551 | }
2552 | },
2553 | });
2554 | React.useEffect(() => control._disableForm(props.disabled), [control, props.disabled]);
2555 | React.useEffect(() => {
2556 | if (control._proxyFormState.isDirty) {
2557 | const isDirty = control._getDirty();
2558 | if (isDirty !== formState.isDirty) {
2559 | control._subjects.state.next({
2560 | isDirty,
2561 | });
2562 | }
2563 | }
2564 | }, [control, formState.isDirty]);
2565 | React.useEffect(() => {
2566 | if (props.values && !deepEqual(props.values, _values.current)) {
2567 | control._reset(props.values, control._options.resetOptions);
2568 | _values.current = props.values;
2569 | updateFormState((state) => ({ ...state }));
2570 | }
2571 | else {
2572 | control._resetDefaultValues();
2573 | }
2574 | }, [props.values, control]);
2575 | React.useEffect(() => {
2576 | if (props.errors) {
2577 | control._setErrors(props.errors);
2578 | }
2579 | }, [props.errors, control]);
2580 | React.useEffect(() => {
2581 | if (!control._state.mount) {
2582 | control._updateValid();
2583 | control._state.mount = true;
2584 | }
2585 | if (control._state.watch) {
2586 | control._state.watch = false;
2587 | control._subjects.state.next({ ...control._formState });
2588 | }
2589 | control._removeUnmounted();
2590 | });
2591 | React.useEffect(() => {
2592 | props.shouldUnregister &&
2593 | control._subjects.values.next({
2594 | values: control._getWatch(),
2595 | });
2596 | }, [props.shouldUnregister, control]);
2597 | _formControl.current.formState = getProxyFormState(formState, control);
2598 | return _formControl.current;
2599 | }
2600 |
2601 | export { Controller, Form, FormProvider, appendErrors, get, set, useController, useFieldArray, useForm, useFormContext, useFormState, useWatch };
2602 | //# sourceMappingURL=index.esm.mjs.map