3.12 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ComponentType, LazyExoticComponent } from 'react';
2import { DefaultComponentImport, DefaultImport, Loadable } from '../types';
3interface ImportedShape<T> {
4 imported?: T;
5 error?: any;
6 loading?: boolean;
7 loadable: Loadable<any>;
8 retry(): void;
10interface HookOptions {
11 import?: boolean;
12 track?: boolean;
15 * react hook to wrap `import` with a tracker
16 * used by {@link useImported}
17 * @internal
18 */
19export declare function useLoadable<T>(loadable: Loadable<T>, options?: HookOptions): {
20 loadable: Loadable<T>;
21 retry: () => void;
22 update: import("react").Dispatch<import("react").SetStateAction<{}>>;
25 * short version of {@link useImported}
26 * @param {Function} importer - an function with `import` inside it
27 *
28 * @return {Object}
29 * - imported: if non empty - the data is loaded
30 * - error: if non empty - there is an error
31 * - loading: if true - then it's still loading
32 * - loadable: the under laying reference
33 * - retry: retry if case of failure
34 *
35 * @example
36 * const { imported: Imported, loadable } = useImported(importer);
37 * if (Imported) {
38 * // yep, it's imported
39 * return <Imported {...children} />;
40 * }
41 * // else throw resolution
42 * throw loadable.resolution;
43 */
44export declare function useImported<T>(importer: DefaultImport<T> | Loadable<T>): ImportedShape<T>;
46 * The code splitting hook, the full version
47 * @param {Function} importer - an function with `import` inside it
48 * @param {Function} [exportPicker] - a "picker" of the export inside
49 * @param {HookOptions} options
50 * @param {Boolean} [options.import=true] - should the component be imported. Allow to defer execution.
51 * @param {Boolean} [options.track=true] - allows disabling tracking of components, isolating them to SSR
52 *
53 * @return {Object}
54 * - imported: if non empty - the data is loaded
55 * - error: if non empty - there is an error
56 * - loading: if true - then it's still loading
57 * - loadable: the under laying reference
58 * - retry: retry if case of failure
59 *
60 * @see if you dont need precise control consider(and loading Components) {@link useLazy}
61 *
62 * @example
63 * const { imported: Imported, loadable } = useImported(importer, ({namedExport} => namedExport);
64 * @example
65 * const { imported: Imported, loadable } = useImported(importer);
66 * if (Imported) {
67 * // yep, it's imported
68 * return <Imported {...children} />;
69 * }
70 * // else throw resolution
71 * throw loadable.resolution;
72 */
73export declare function useImported<T, K = T>(importer: DefaultImport<T> | Loadable<T>, exportPicker: undefined | ((x: T) => K), options?: HookOptions): ImportedShape<K>;
75 * A mix of React.lazy and useImported - uses React.lazy for Component and `useImported` to track the promise
76 * not "retry"-able
77 * @see if you need precise control consider {@link useImported}
78 * @example
79 * const Component = useLazy(() => import('./MyComponent');
80 * return <Component /> // throws to SuspenseBoundary if not ready
81 */
82export declare function useLazy<T>(importer: DefaultComponentImport<T>): LazyExoticComponent<ComponentType<T>>;
83export {};