1 | <div align="center">
3 | <h2>Code splitting which always works<sup>*</sup></h2>
4 | <br/>
5 | <img src="./assets/imported-logo.png" alt="imported components" width="409" align="center">
6 | <br/>
7 | <br/>
8 | SSR-friendly code splitting compatible with any platform.
9 | <br/>
10 | Deliver a better experience within a single import.
11 | <br/>
12 | <br/>
13 |
14 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-imported-component">
15 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/react-imported-component.svg?style=flat-square" />
16 | </a>
17 |
18 | <a href="https://travis-ci.org/github/theKashey/react-imported-component">
19 | <img src="https://travis-ci.org/theKashey/react-imported-component.svg" />
20 | </a>
21 |
22 | <a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-imported-component">
23 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/react-imported-component.svg" alt="npm downloads">
24 | </a>
25 |
26 | <a href="https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=react-imported-component">
27 | <img src="https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/minzip/react-imported-component.svg" alt="bundle size">
28 | </a>
29 |
30 | <img src="https://badges.greenkeeper.io/theKashey/react-imported-component.svg" />
31 |
32 | <br/>
33 | </div>
34 |
35 | > <sup>\*</sup> It's really will never let you down. All credits to your bundler.
36 |
37 | 👉 [Usage](#usage) | [API](#api) | [Setup](#setup) | [SSR](#ssr) | [CCS](#css) [Concurrent loading](#concurrent-loading) | [Webpack/Parcel](#bundler-integration)
38 |
39 | | Library | Suspense | SSR | Hooks | Library | Non-modules | import(`./${value}`) | babel-macro | webpack only |
40 | | ------------------- | :------: | :-: | :---: | :-----: | :---------: | :------------------: | :---------: | :----------: |
41 | | React.lazy | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | 😹 | no-ssr |
42 | | react-loadable | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ | 😿 |
43 | | @loadable/component | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ | 😿 |
44 | | imported-component | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | 😸 |
45 |
46 | > Read more about [what this table displays](#comparisonLegend)
47 |
48 | Key features:
49 |
50 | - 1️⃣ Single source of truth - your **bundler drives** everything
51 | - 📖 **library** level code **splitting**
52 | - 🧙️ Hybrid and **Prerendering** compatible
53 | - 💡 **TypeScript** bindings
54 | - ⚛️ **React.Lazy** underneath (if hot module updates are disabled)
55 | - 🌟 Async on client, sync on server. Supports **Suspense** (even on server side)
56 | - 📦 could work with **any bundler** - webpack, rollup, parcel or puppeteer - it does not matter
57 | - 🤹♂️ working as well with any `import` you may provide
58 |
59 | Other features:
60 |
61 | - 🔥 Hot-Module-Replacement/React-Hot-Loader friendly
62 | - ⛓️ support forwardRef
63 | - ⚛️ React 16/Async/Hooks ready
64 | - 🛠 HOC, Component, Hooks API
65 | - 🐳 stream rendering support
66 | - 👥 partial hydration out of the box
67 | - 📦 and yes - this is the only **parcel-bundler compatible** SSR-friendly React code splitting library, as well as a perfect solution for **Create React App**
68 |
69 | 👍 Better than [React.Lazy](https://reactjs.org/docs/code-splitting.html#reactlazy):
70 |
71 | - It **IS** Lazy, just with some stuff around<sup>\*</sup>
72 | - SSR, Prerendering and Preloading support
73 | - With or without Suspense, and easier Error cases support
74 |
75 | 👍 Better than others:
76 |
77 | - Not bound to webpack
78 | - Easy way to use per-browser(modern/legacy) bundles - you down have to mess with actual browser support
79 | - Strong typing
80 | - Working with any imports, even native, external or derived ones.
81 |
82 | 👌 Client-side module resolution
83 |
84 | - Loads chunks only after the `main one`, as long as loader code is bundled inside the main chunk, so it should be loaded first.
85 | - Not an issue with the `progressive hydration`, and might provide a better UX via feature detection.
86 | - Provides 👨🔬 technological workaround - [see here](#concurrent-loading)
87 |
88 | 📦 Optional bundler integration for the best experience
89 |
90 | - prefetching backed by webpack `stat.json` and `asset.json`
91 | - `parcel-manifest.json` support
92 |
93 | 👯♀️Works better in pair
94 |
95 | - [react-prerendered-component](https://github.com/theKashey/react-prerendered-component) for prerendering, partial hydration and react fragment caching
96 | - [used-style](https://github.com/theKashey/used-styles) for CSS and critical CSS extraction
97 | - [devolution](https://github.com/theKashey/devolution) for shipping legacy/modern bundles
98 | - [webpack-imported](https://github.com/theKashey/webpack-imported) for deep `webpack` integration, the only bundler dependent tool in this list.
99 |
100 | <a name="usage"/>
101 |
102 | # Usage
103 |
104 | ## Server side
105 |
106 | Just a proper setup and a bit of magic
107 |
108 | ## Client side
109 |
110 | ### Component
111 |
112 | `imported` provides 2 common ways to define a component, which are more different inside than outside
113 |
114 | - using `pre-lazy` API.
115 |
116 | ```javascript
117 | import importedComponent from 'react-imported-component';
118 | const Component = importedComponent( () => import('./Component'));
119 |
120 | const Component = importedComponent( () => import('./Component'), {
121 | LoadingComponent: Spinner, // what to display during the loading
122 | ErrorComponent: FatalError // what to display in case of error
123 | });
124 |
125 | Component.preload(); // force preload
126 |
127 | // render it
128 | <Component... />
129 | ```
130 |
131 | - using `lazy` API. It's almost the same `React.lazy` outside, and exactly the same inside.
132 |
133 | ```js
134 | import { lazy, LazyBoundary } from 'react-imported-component';
135 | const Component = lazy(() => import('./Component'));
136 |
137 | const ClientSideOnly = () => (
138 | <Suspense>
139 | <Component />
140 | </Suspense>
141 | );
142 |
143 | // or let's make it SSR friendly
144 | const ServerSideFriendly = () => (
145 | <LazyBoundary>
146 | {' '}
147 | // LazyBoundary is Suspense* on the client, and "nothing" on the server
148 | <Component />
149 | </LazyBoundary>
150 | );
151 | ```
152 |
153 | `LazyBoundary` is a `Suspense` on Client Side, and `React.Fragment` on Server Side. Don't forget - "dynamic" imports are sync on a server.
154 |
155 | Example: [React.lazy vs Imported-component](https://codesandbox.io/s/wkl95r0qw8)
156 |
157 | ### Hook
158 |
159 | However, you may not load only components - you may load anything
160 |
161 | ```js
162 | import {useImported} from 'react-imported-component'
163 |
164 | const MyCalendarComponent = () => {
165 | const {
166 | imported: moment,
167 | loading
168 | } = useImported(() => import("moment"));
169 |
170 | return loading ? "..." : <span>today is {moment(Date.now).format()}</span>
171 | }
172 |
173 | // or we could make it a bit more interesting...
174 |
175 | const MyCalendarComponent = () => {
176 | const {
177 | imported: format = x => "---", // default value is used while importing library
178 | } = useImported(
179 | () => import("moment"),
180 | moment => x => moment(x).format // masking everything behind
181 | );
182 |
183 | return <span>today is {format(Date.now())</span>
184 | }
185 | ```
186 |
187 | What you could load using `useImported`? Everything - `imported` itself is using it to import components.
188 |
189 | > `useImported` is an excellent example for loading translations, which are usually a simple json, in a _trackable_ way.
190 |
191 | > 💡 did you know that there is another hook based solution to load _"something might might need"_? The [use-sidecar](https://github.com/theKashey/use-sidecar) pattern.
192 |
193 | 🤔 Keep in mind - **everything here is using `useImported`**, and **you can build whatever you need** using just it.
194 |
195 | ### Module
196 |
197 | A slim helper to help handle `modules`, you might require using `useImported` in a component way
198 |
199 | ```js
200 | import { importedModule, ImportedModule } from 'react-imported-component';
201 |
202 | const Moment = importedModule(() => import('moment'));
203 |
204 | <Moment fallback="long time ago">
205 | {(momentjs /* default imports are auto-imported*/) => momentjs(date).fromNow()}
206 | </Moment>;
207 | ```
208 |
209 | > Yes, this example was taken from [loadable.lib](https://www.smooth-code.com/open-source/loadable-components/docs/library-splitting/)
210 |
211 | Can I also use a ref, populated when the library is loaded? No, you cant. Use `useImported` for any special case like this.
212 |
213 | Plus, there is a Component helper:
214 |
215 | ```js
216 | <ImportedModule
217 | // import is just a _trackable_ promise - do what ever you want
218 | import={() => import('moment').then(({momentDefault})=> momentDefault(date).fromNow()}
219 | fallback="long time ago"
220 | >
221 | {(fromNow) => fromNow()}
222 | </ImportedModule>
223 | ```
224 |
225 | > ImportedModule will throw a promise to the nearest Suspense boundary if no `fallback` provided.
226 |
227 | ## Babel macro
228 |
229 | If you could not use babel plugin, but do have `babel-plugin-macro` (like CRA) - consider using macro API:
230 |
231 | ```js
232 | import { imported, lazy, useImported } from 'react-imported-component/macro';
233 | // notice - there is no default import here
234 | ```
235 |
236 | ### Indirect usage
237 |
238 | Just importing `react-imported-component/macro` would enable babel transformation for the current file.
239 | If you have `imported` definition in one file, and use it from another - just `import "react-imported-component/macro"` in that another file. See [#142](https://github.com/theKashey/react-imported-component/issues/142)
240 |
241 | <a name="api"/>
242 |
243 | # API
244 |
245 | > Don't forget - there are TS typings provided.
246 |
247 | ### Code splitting components
248 |
249 | > import {\*} from 'react-imported-component';
250 |
251 | ##### importedComponent
252 |
253 | - `importedComponent(importFunction, [options]): ComponentLoader` - main API, default export, HOC to create imported component.
254 |
255 | - `importFunction` - function which resolves with Component to be imported.
256 | - `options` - optional settings
257 | - `options.async` - activates react suspense support. Will throw a Promise in a Loading State - use it with Suspense in a same way you use **React.lazy**. See [working with Suspense](working-with-suspense)
258 | - `options.LoadingComponent` - component to be shown in Loading state
259 | - `options.ErrorComponent` - component to be shown in Error state. Will re-throw error if ErrorComponent is not set. Use ErrorBoundary to catch it.
260 | - `options.onError` - function to consume the error, if one will thrown. Will rethrow a real error if not set.
261 | - `options.exportPicker` - function to pick `not default` export from a `importFunction`
262 | - `options.render(Component, state, props)`- function to render the result. Could be used to tune the rendering.
263 |
264 | - [static] `.preload` - static method to preload components.
265 |
266 | ##### lazy
267 |
268 | - `lazy(importFunction)` - helper to mimic **React.lazy** behavior
269 |
270 | ##### useImported
271 |
272 | - `useImported(importFunction, [exportPicker], [options])` - code splitting hook
273 |
274 | - `importFunction` - a function which resolves to `default` or `wildcard` import(T | {default:T})
275 | - `[exportPicker]` - function to pick "T" from the import
276 | - `[options]` - options to the hook
277 |
278 | - `[options.import]` - controls import. Hooks would be executed only if this is not false
279 | - `[options.track]` - ability to disable server-side usage tracking.
280 |
281 | `useImported` returns complex object(ImportedShape):
282 |
283 | - `imported` - the imported resource
284 | - `error` - error (if present)
285 | - `loading` - is it loading right now?
286 | - `loadable` - the underlying `Loadable` object
287 | - `retry` - retry action (in case of error)
288 |
289 | Hints:
290 |
291 | - use `options.import=false` to perform conditional import - `importFunction` would not be used if this option set to `false.
292 | - use `options.track=true` to perform SSR only import - to usage would be tracked if this option set to `false.
293 |
294 | ##### ImportedController
295 |
296 | - `<ImportedController>` - a controller for Suspense Hydration. **Compulsory** for async/lazy usecases
297 |
298 | ##### Misc
299 |
300 | There is also API method, unique for imported-component, which could be useful on the client side
301 |
302 | - `addPreloader(fn):fn` - adds a function, result of which would be _awaited_ when any component is loaded. Returns cancel method.
303 |
304 | ### Server side API
305 |
306 | > import {\*} from 'react-imported-component/server';
307 |
308 | - `whenComponentsReady():Promise` - will be resolved, when all components are loaded. Usually on the next "Promise" tick.
309 | - `drainHydrateMarks([stream])` - returns the currently used marks, and clears the list.
310 | - `printDrainHydrateMarks([stream])` - print our the `drainHydrateMarks`.
311 |
312 | #### Stream API
313 |
314 | - `createLoadableStream` - creates a steam
315 | - `ImportedStream` - wraps another component with import usage tracker.
316 | - `createLoadableTransformer` - creates nodejs StreamTransformer
317 | - `getLoadableTrackerCallback` - helper factory for the stream transformer
318 |
319 | ### Client side API
320 |
321 | > import {\*} from 'react-imported-component/boot';
322 |
323 | - `whenComponentsReady():Promise`, will be resolved, when all (loading right now) marks are loaded.
324 | - `rehydrateMarks([marks]):Promise`, loads _marked_ async chunks.
325 | - `injectLoadableTracker` - helper factory for the stream transformer
326 |
327 | ### Types
328 |
329 | #### Loadable
330 |
331 | All imports inside library are converted into `Loadable` object, and it's often accessible from outside via
332 | `useImported().loadable`, `useLoadable`(not documented), `getLoadable`(not documented). Even if it's documented from TS point of view -
333 | let's keep all fields in a secret, except one:
334 |
335 | - `resolution` - promise reflecting resolution of this loadable object
336 |
337 | <a name="setup"/>
338 |
339 | # Setup
340 |
341 | ## In short
342 |
343 | 1. Add `babel` plugin
344 | 2. Run `yarn imported-components src src/imported.js` to extract all your imports into a `run time chunk` (aka async-requires).
345 | 3. Replace `React.lazy` with our `lazy`, and `React.Suspense` with our `LazyBoundary`. Literraly [monkey-patch React to do so](#monkey-patch)
346 | 4. Add `printDrainHydrateMarks` to the server code.
347 | 5. Add `rehydrateMarks` to the client code
348 | 6. Done. Just read the rest of readme for details.
349 |
350 | There are examples for webpack, parcel, and react-snap. Just follow them.
351 |
352 | ## 1. Configure babel plugin
353 |
354 | **On the server**:
355 |
356 | ```json
357 | {
358 | "plugins": ["react-imported-component/babel", "babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node" /* might be optional for babel 7*/]
359 | }
360 | ```
361 |
362 | **On the client**:
363 |
364 | ```json
365 | {
366 | "plugins": ["react-imported-component/babel"]
367 | }
368 | ```
369 |
370 | Imported-Component will hook into dynamic imports, providing extra information about files you want to load.
371 |
372 | ## 2. Add one more command into package.json
373 |
374 | CLI command `imported-components [sources ROOT] [targetFile.js]` (use .ts for TypeScript)
375 |
376 | ```js
377 | "generate-imported-component": "imported-components src src/imported.js"
378 | ```
379 |
380 | When you will execute this command - all `imports` among your codebase would be found and extracted to a file provided.
381 | This will gave ability to orchestrate code-splitting later.
382 |
383 | If you need to search inside more that one top-level directory - just define more command, saving information into more than one target file.
384 |
385 | > The current implementation will discover and use all `imports`, even // commented ones
386 |
387 | > 💡 Feel free to **.gitignore** these autogenerated files
388 |
389 | ## 3. Start using `imported`, `lazy` or `useImported`
390 |
391 | Without you using API provided nothing would work.
392 |
393 | ## 4. Add server side tracking
394 |
395 | There are two ways to do it - in a single threaded way, and async
396 |
397 | #### Single threaded
398 |
399 | ```js
400 | import { printDrainHydrateMarks, drainHydrateMarks } from 'react-imported-component';
401 | // this action will "drain" all currently used(by any reason) marks
402 | // AND print a script tag
403 | const html = renderToString(<YourApp />) + printDrainHydrateMarks();
404 |
405 | // OR return list of usedmarks, and yet again CLEAR the marks list.
406 | const html = renderToString(<YourApp />) + '<script>const marks=' + JSON.stringify(drainHydrateMarks()) + '</script>';
407 | ```
408 |
409 | #### renderToStream or async render
410 |
411 | ```js
412 | import {createLoadableStream} from 'react-imported-component/server';
413 |
414 | let importedStream = createLoadableStream();
415 | // ImportedStream is a async rendering "provider"
416 | const stream = renderToStream(
417 | <ImportedStream stream={importedStream}>
418 | <YourApp />
419 | </ImportedStream>
420 | );
421 |
422 | // you'd then pipe the stream into the response object until it's done
423 | stream.pipe(res, { end: false });
424 |
425 | // and finalize the response with closing HTML
426 | stream.on('end', () =>
427 | // print marks used in the file
428 | res.end(`${printDrainHydrateMarks(importedStream)}</body></html>`),
429 | )
430 | ```
431 |
432 | However, the idea is just to use `streams` to separate renders
433 |
434 | ```js
435 | const html =
436 | renderToString(
437 | <ImportedStream stream={importedStream}>
438 | <YourApp />
439 | </ImportedStream>
440 | ) + printDrainHydrateMarks(importedStream);
441 | ```
442 |
443 | ## 5. Add `rehydrateMarks` to the client code
444 |
445 | Before rendering your application you have to ensure - all parts are loaded.
446 | `rehydrateMarks` will load everything you need, and provide a promise to await.
447 |
448 | ```js
449 | import { rehydrateMarks, ImportedController } from 'react-imported-component';
450 |
451 | // this will trigger all marked imports, and await for competition.
452 | rehydrateMarks().then(() => {
453 | // better (note ImportedController usage)
454 | ReactDOM.hydrate(
455 | <ImportedController>
456 | <App />
457 | </ImportedController>,
458 | document.getElementById('main')
459 | );
460 | // or
461 | ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('main'));
462 | });
463 | ```
464 |
465 | `rehydrateMarks` accepts a list of `marks` from a server side(`drainHydrateMarks`), loads all
466 | necessary chunks and then resolves.
467 |
468 | <a name="concurrent-loading"/>
469 |
470 | ## A VERY IMPORTANT MOMENT - Concurrent Loading
471 |
472 | All other code splitting libraries are working a bit differently - they amend `webpack` building process,
473 | gathering information about how the final chunks are assembled, and **injects the real scripts and styles** to the server response,
474 | thus all scripts, used to render something on the Server would be loaded in a parallel in on Client.
475 | Literally - they are defined in the HTML.
476 | `React-imported-component` is different, it starts "working" when the bundle is loaded, thus
477 | **the loading of chunks is deferred**.
478 |
479 | > 💡 In the normals conditions `react-imported-component` would be "slower" than a "webpack" library. Refer to bundle integration section.
480 |
481 | However, it is not a problem, as long as (for now), script execution is single threaded, and even you if can **load** multiple scripts
482 | simultaneously - you can't **run** them in parallel\*.
483 |
484 | And there a way to utilize this limitation - just change your entry point, .
485 |
486 | And let's call it - a **Scheduler optimization**. See **loading prediction** section for more details.
487 |
488 | #### Scheduler optimization + simply static render
489 |
490 | 1. Split your app into `boot` and `main` parts
491 | 2. `rehydrate` at the boot
492 |
493 | ```js
494 | // index.js (boot)
495 | import './src/imported'; // the file generated by "generate-imported-component" (.2)
496 | import { rehydrateMarks } from 'react-imported-component/boot';
497 |
498 | rehydrateMarks(); // just start loading what's needed
499 |
500 | // load/execute the rest after letting the browser kick off chunk loading
501 | // for example wrapping it in two Promises (1ms timeout or setImmediate)
502 | Promise.resolve().then(() =>
503 | Promise.resolve().then(() => {
504 | // load the rest
505 | require('./main'); // <--- your main scripts
506 | // ! and don't forget to `await rehydrateMarks()` before render
507 | })
508 | );
509 |
510 | // main.js
511 | rehydrateMarks().then(() => {
512 | ReactDOM.hydrate(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
513 | });
514 | ```
515 |
516 | This will just start loading extra chunks before the main bundle got completely parsed and executed.
517 |
518 | #### Defer till DOMReady
519 |
520 | > 💡 Another perfect option would be to wait till DomReady event.
521 |
522 | ```js
523 | // index.js (boot)
524 | import './src/imported'; // the file generated by "generate-imported-component" (.2)
525 | import { rehydrateMarks } from 'react-imported-component/boot';
526 |
527 | rehydrateMarks(); // just start loading what's needed
528 |
529 | const startApp = () => require('./main'); // <--- your main scripts
530 |
531 | // it's "not safe" to start you application before DOM is "ready"
532 | if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
533 | document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', startApp);
534 | } else {
535 | startApp();
536 | }
537 | ```
538 |
539 | #### Scheduler optimization + stream render
540 |
541 | > See examples/SSR/parcel-react-ssr/server-stream for details
542 |
543 | 1. Add your main bundle to the `head`, using **async** script tag. Not defer! We have to do it async
544 | 2. Add `loadableTracker` at server side
545 |
546 | ```js
547 | import {createLoadableTransformer, getLoadableTrackerCallback} from 'react-imported-component/server';
548 | const importedTracker = createLoadableTransformer(
549 | loadableStream, // stream to observe
550 | getLoadableTrackerCallback() // helper factory to create global tracker.
551 | );
552 |
553 | // pipe result of `renderToStream` throught it
554 | const reactRenderStream = ReactDOM.renderToNodeStream(...).pipe(importedTracker);
555 | ```
556 |
557 | 3. Add `loadableTracker` at client side
558 |
559 | ```js
560 | // index.js
561 | import './src/imported'; // the file generated by "generate-imported-component" (.2)
562 | import { injectLoadableTracker } from 'react-imported-component/boot';
563 |
564 | injectLoadableTracker();
565 |
566 | // load the rest after letting the browser kick off chunk loading
567 | // for example wrapping it in two Promises (1ms timeout or setImmediate)
568 | Promise.resolve().then(() =>
569 | Promise.resolve().then(() => {
570 | require('./main');
571 | })
572 | );
573 | ```
574 |
575 | This "hack", will first introduce all possible `imports` to the `imported-component`, then gave it a "tick"
576 | to start loading required once, and only then execute the rest of the bundle.
577 | While the rest(99%) of the bundle would make CPU busy - chunks would be loaded over the network.
578 |
579 | > 💡This is utilizing the differences between `parse`(unenviable) phase of script, and execute(more expensive) one.
580 |
581 | # Cooking receipts
582 |
583 | <a name="monkey-patch"/>
584 |
585 | ## Replace React.lazy by lazy
586 |
587 | ```js
588 | import React from 'react';
589 | import { lazy, LazyBoundary } from 'react-imported-component';
590 | React.lazy = lazy;
591 | React.Suspense = LazyBoundary;
592 | ```
593 |
594 | That's all the work required to get it working.
595 |
596 | ## Partial hydration
597 |
598 | Just wrap "partial hydrated" component with _another_ `ImportedStream` so everything needed for it would be not automatically loaded with the main stream.
599 |
600 | ## Hybrid render (CSR with prerendering)
601 |
602 | This library could support hybrid rendering (aka pre-rendering) compatible in two cases:
603 |
604 | - pre-render supports `state hydration`, like `getState` in [react-snap](https://github.com/stereobooster/react-snap). See our [example](https://github.com/theKashey/react-imported-component/tree/master/examples/hybrid/react-snap).
605 | - for [rendertron](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/rendertron) or [https://prerender.io](https://prerender.io) follow `react-snap` example, just dump `state` using `setTimeout`.
606 | - You may use `react-prerendered-component` to maintain a component state until async chunk is not loaded. See example below.
607 |
608 | ### Works better in pair (boiled-place-less code splitting)
609 |
610 | You might not need to wait for all the chunks to be loaded before you can render you app -
611 | just use [react-prerendered-component](https://github.com/theKashey/react-prerendered-component).
612 |
613 | ```js
614 | import imported from 'react-imported-component';
615 | import { PrerenderedComponent } from 'react-prerendered-component';
616 |
617 | const AsyncComponent = imported(() => import('./myComponent.js'));
618 |
619 | <PrerenderedComponent
620 | // component will "go live" when chunk loading would be done
621 | live={AsyncComponent.preload()}
622 | >
623 | // until component is not "live" prerendered HTML code would be used // that's why you need to `preload`
624 | <AsyncComponent />
625 | </PrerenderedComponent>;
626 | ```
627 |
628 | `React-prerendered-component` is another way to work with code splitting, which makes everything far better.
629 |
630 | ## Timeout to display "spinners"
631 |
632 | There is no build in timeouts to display Error or Loading states. You could control everything by yourself
633 |
634 | - use react-delay, p-delay, p-timeout, or `Suspense` :P.
635 |
636 | ## Component loader
637 |
638 | You may use component api if you need it by any reason.
639 |
640 | ```js
641 | import { ComponentLoader } from 'react-imported-component';
642 |
643 | const MyPage = () => (
644 | <ComponentLoader
645 | loadable={() => import('./Page.js')}
646 | // all fields are optional, and matches the same field of importedComponent.
647 | LoadingComponent={Loading}
648 | ErrorComponent={Error}
649 | onError
650 | exportPicker
651 | render
652 | async
653 | />
654 | );
655 | ```
656 |
657 | <a name="css"/>
658 |
659 | ## CSS Support
660 |
661 | ### CSS-in-JS Support
662 |
663 | Out-of-the-box. Literally. CSS-in-JS library, like `styled-component` will do it by themselves, and there is nothing
664 | to be managed by this library.
665 |
666 | ### Static CSS Files Support
667 |
668 | > `imported` could knew only about JS you've used, not the CSS that js've used...
669 |
670 | This library **does not** support CSS as CSS, as long it's bundler independent and such deep integration is not possible.
671 | Even if [deep bundler integration](#bundler) is next following this section - the recomended solution is to skip `css` part of it, and use
672 | a more _bundler independent_ way to support CSS:
673 |
674 | 1. Configure you bundler, and server side rendering to emit the right `classNames` (just remove `style-loader` from webpack configuration)
675 | 2. Use `used-styles` to inject used **css files** to the resulting HTML.
676 |
677 | In short (streamed example is NOT short)
678 |
679 | ```js
680 | const lookup = discoverProjectStyles('./dist');
681 | // ....
682 | const markup = ReactDOM.renderToString(<App />);
683 | const usedStylesAsCSSFiles = getUsedStyles(markup, lookup);
684 | // generate `link` (better rel='preload') to load CSS files
685 |
686 | const usedStylesAsStyles = getCriticalStyles(markup, lookup);
687 | // extract critical CSS and inline in to the server response
688 | ```
689 |
690 | If you need _stream render_ example with **reduced TTFB** -
691 | please refer to [used-styles](https://github.com/theKashey/used-styles) documentation, or our [parcel-bundler stream server example](https://github.com/theKashey/react-imported-component/tree/master/examples/SSR/parcel-react-ssr/stream-server).
692 |
693 | #### Critical style extraction and Preloader
694 |
695 | With the critical style extracting you might not need the "real" and "full" styles on the page load -
696 | only `js` is really required for hydration.
697 | Thus - you might skip loading styles for the initial render, however still need them for the next render.
698 | However - your bundler might think that you have loaded them, this is not true.
699 | To handle this case you need `addPreloader` method
700 |
701 | ```js
702 | // load initial bundle
703 | // await dom ready
704 | // -> HYDRATE APP <-
705 | // add preloader
706 |
707 | import { addPreloader } from 'react-imported-component/boot';
708 |
709 | addPreloader(() => {
710 | // check that styles are loaded
711 | // or return Promise if they are not
712 | });
713 |
714 | // any not yet loaded ImportedComponent
715 | // will await for it's own `import` as well as for
716 | // promise returned from preloaders
717 | ```
718 |
719 | See critical css example for details
720 |
721 | #### Create React App
722 |
723 | Use `react-imported-component/macro` for CRA compatible SSR code splitting without ejecting.
724 |
725 | > It is safe to always use `react-imported-component/macro` without `babel-plugin-macros`, BUT with `react-hot-loader/babel` enabled, as long as it will remove all `macros`.
726 |
727 | <a name="bundler-integration"/>
728 |
729 | ## Bundler integration
730 |
731 | Keep in mind - you dont "need" this. It will just make integration slightly better in terms of prefetching (which affects network recourse priority) and thus startup time.
732 |
733 | ### Webpack integration
734 |
735 | You might preload/prefetch used styles and scripts, which were defined with `webpackChunkName`
736 |
737 | ```js
738 | // get mark somehow (drainHydrateMarks(importedStream))
739 | import { getMarkedChunks } from 'react-imported-component/server';
740 |
741 | const chunkNames = getMarkedChunks(marks);
742 | ```
743 |
744 | #### Via webpack-imported
745 |
746 | [webpack-imported](https://github.com/theKashey/webpack-imported) - provides `webpack` plugin to get data from the build, as well as to use it.
747 | Supports prefetching and critical style _guidance_.
748 |
749 | ```js
750 | import { WebpackImport } from 'webpack-imported/react';
751 | import importedStat from 'build/imported.json';
752 |
753 | <WebpackImport stats={importedStat} chunks={getMarkedChunks(drainHydrateMarks())} />;
754 | ```
755 |
756 | #### Via stat.json
757 |
758 | If you do have only `stat.json` - it could be converted into "importedStat" by `webpack-imported` without adding plugin.
759 |
760 | Alternatively - you can discover **all** resources you have to preload
761 | using [flush-webpack-chunks](https://github.com/faceyspacey/webpack-flush-chunks)
762 |
763 | ```js
764 | const { js, styles } = flushChunks(webpackStats, {
765 | chunkNames,
766 | });
767 |
768 | const prefetch = (targets, as) => targets.map(url => `<link as="${as}" rel="preload" href="${url}" />`).join('');
769 |
770 | res.send(prefetch(scripts, 'script'));
771 | res.send(prefetch(stylesheets, 'style'));
772 | ```
773 |
774 | **DO NOT** actually **load** reported resources - only preload them, and let webpack do rest.
775 |
776 | #### Via assets.json
777 |
778 | You you are using [assets-webpack-plugin](https://github.com/ztoben/assets-webpack-plugin) then you have only list of assets, without dependencies between.
779 | That's enought.
780 |
781 | ```js
782 | const prefetchChunks = (chunks, assets) =>
783 | chunks
784 | .map(chunk =>
785 | [
786 | assets[chunk].js && `<link rel="preload" as="script" href="${assets[chunk].js}" />`,
787 | assets[chunk].css && `<link rel="preload" as="style" href="${assets[chunk].css}" />`,
788 | ].join('')
789 | )
790 | .join('');
791 |
792 | res.send(prefetchChunks(chunkNames, assets));
793 | ```
794 |
795 | #### Preloading
796 |
797 | Proper preloading is available **only** with bundler integration. Calling `component.preload` will not
798 | only `preload` it, but will `execute` as well.
799 |
800 | > `.preload` is equal do loading script as usual.
801 |
802 | If you seek the best experience you might want to prefetch or preload only (network only), not load (network and CPU).
803 |
804 | In order to prefetch(or preload) scripts - use `webpack-imported`, as seen in examples above.
805 |
806 | You need SSR step in order to use preloading!
807 |
808 | ##### Step 1 - expose known chunks
809 |
810 | In order to prefetch or preload you should know scripts locations. This information is stored inside webpack, and you cannot access it from user code.
811 | As a result we have to duplicate this information:
812 |
813 | ```js
814 | import { importAssets } from 'webpack-imported';
815 | // react-imported-component data file
816 | import applicationImports from '../async-requires';
817 | // webpack-imported data file
818 | import importedChunks from '../build/imported.json';
819 | // 👆 this file is generated during the build, you cannot use it "IN" the build
820 | // that's why this is Server Side only component
821 |
822 | export const ScriptLocations = () => (
823 | <script
824 | dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
825 | __html: `
826 | window.KNOWN_SCRIPT_MARKS = ${JSON.stringify(
827 | applicationImports.reduce((acc, [, chunkName]) => {
828 | if (chunkName) {
829 | acc[chunkName] = importAssets(importedChunks, chunkName).raw.load;
830 | }
831 | return acc;
832 | }, {})
833 | )};
834 | `,
835 | }}
836 | />
837 | );
838 | ```
839 |
840 | Then add `<ScriptLocations/>` somewhere in your SSR-ed `head`.
841 |
842 | ##### Step 2 - preload
843 |
844 | Then you will be able to `prefetch(() => import('./home')`.
845 |
846 | ```js
847 | import { getMarkedChunks, loadableResource } from 'react-imported-component';
848 |
849 | // this function is partially duplicating webpack internals
850 | export const prefetch = importCallback => {
851 | // get a "lodable" attached for a given import
852 | const loadable = loadableResource(importCallback);
853 | if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
854 | const prefix = __webpack_public_path__;
855 | if (loadable) {
856 | // get chunks used in loadable
857 | const chunks = getMarkedChunks(loadable.mark);
858 | chunks.forEach(chunk => {
859 | // note the usage of KNOWN_SCRIPT_MARKS
860 | const { js = [], css = [] } = window.KNOWN_SCRIPT_MARKS[chunk];
861 | js.forEach(script => {
862 | const link = document.createElement('link');
863 |
864 | link.rel = 'prefetch';
865 | link.as = 'script';
866 |
867 | link.href = prefix + script;
868 | document.head.appendChild(link);
869 | });
870 | css.forEach(style => {
871 | const link = document.createElement('link');
872 |
873 | link.rel = 'prefetch';
874 | link.as = 'style';
875 |
876 | link.href = prefix + style;
877 | document.head.appendChild(link);
878 | });
879 | });
880 | }
881 | }
882 | };
883 | ```
884 |
885 | ### Parcel integration
886 |
887 | Use `parcel-manifest` and `getMarkedFileNames`(instead of `getMarkedChunks`) to find which files were required and has to be imported.
888 | Keep in mind - the base path would be different and you have to `resolve` the _right_ files in to the _right_ files (`/app/index` to `index.js`).
889 |
890 | ### CRA integration
891 |
892 | Consider using [concurrent-loading](#concurrent-loading) technique only.
893 |
894 | ## React-snap
895 |
896 | `react-imported-component` is compatible with [react-snap](https://github.com/stereobooster/react-snap) out of the box.
897 | Works even better with `react-prerendered-component`.
898 |
899 | ## Webpack-external-import (or native import)
900 |
901 | `react-imported-component` is compatible with [webpack-external-import](https://github.com/ScriptedAlchemy/webpack-external-import),
902 | as long as it executes `imports`, thus executes custom logic
903 |
904 | ## `useImported` and `Suspense`
905 |
906 | `useImported` is not supposed to be used with Suspense (by design), while it could
907 |
908 | ```js
909 | const MyComponent = () => {
910 | const { loading, error, loadable, imported } = useImported(() => import('...'));
911 |
912 | if (loading) throw loadable.resolution; // throw to the nearest Suspense boundary
913 | if (error) throw error; // throw to the nearest Error boundary
914 |
915 | // do something with `imported` value
916 | };
917 | ```
918 |
919 | ## SSR (Server side rendering)
920 |
921 | It was usually a headache - async components and SSR, which is currently sync.
922 | React-imported-component break this cycle, making ServerSide rendering sync, and providing
923 | comprehensive ways to rehydrate rendered tree on client.
924 | It will detect server-side environment and precache all used components.
925 |
926 | ### Server Side Auto Import
927 |
928 | On the server side `imported` **would auto-import** any found import. As long as not all imports could be executed at Server Side you might
929 | pop out this feature using a "magic comment".
930 |
931 | ```js
932 | import(/* client-side */ './file');
933 | ```
934 |
935 | Or file filtering
936 |
937 | ```js
938 | import { setConfiguration } from 'react-imported-component';
939 |
940 | setConfiguration({
941 | fileFilter: fileName => file.indexOf('/client') !== 0,
942 | });
943 | ```
944 |
945 | ### .imported.js
946 |
947 | There is possibility to finely control both with files are scanned, which imports are added and which chunks would be generated(webpackonly)
948 | via `.imported.js` at the root directory
949 |
950 | > 💩 .js, not .ts
951 |
952 | ```js
953 | // 👉 use provided helper for documentation and type safety
954 | const { configure } = require('react-imported-component');
955 |
956 | modules.export = configure({
957 | testFile: fileName => true | false,
958 | testImport: (targetFile, sourceFile) => true | false,
959 | clientSideOnly: (targetFile, sourceFile, sourceComments) => true | false,
960 | shouldPrefetch: (targetFile, sourceFile, sourceComments) => true | false,
961 | shouldPreload: (targetFile, sourceFile, sourceComments) => true | false,
962 | chunkName: (targetFile, sourceFile, sourceComments) => string | null | undefined,
963 | });
964 | ```
965 |
966 | None of those methods are required.
967 |
968 | `.imported` could be used to:
969 |
970 | - remove some files or imports
971 | - autogenerate chunk names or prefetch/preload
972 |
973 | ### Bundler independent SSR
974 |
975 | It does not matter how do you bundle your application - it could be even browser. The secrect sause is a **cli** command, to extract all your imports into imports map, and use it later to load chunks by request.
976 |
977 | - You might even dont have any separated chunk on the server side - it would still works.
978 | - You might even ship module/nomodule scripts, using, for example, [devolution](https://github.com/theKashey/devolution) - no additional configuration would be required.
979 |
980 | ## Why you need SSR
981 |
982 | In case of imported component SSR is a "dry run" of your application - an easy way to discover required pieces
983 | powered by zero latency(you are already on the server) and super fast speed connection (all scripts are in memory).
984 |
985 | However - you dont need SSR to get the same benefits on pure ClientSideRendered solutions - _prediction_ would be enought.
986 | The common approach is to
987 |
988 | - load first part of components, including Providers, which would load something they need. Like translations.
989 | - then hit, and load the current route
990 | - then do the same with the sub route
991 |
992 | This causes effect known as `loading waves`, the effect SSR could mitigate almost in full.
993 |
994 | However, nothing stops you from loading translation data in the parallel to the routes, and loading
995 | route and sub route in the same time, not sequentially.
996 | You can have backend-for-frontend, why not to have frontend-for-frontend?
997 | Just handle route, cookies, and whatever you could handle, outside of React. [Redux-first-router](https://github.com/faceyspacey/redux-first-router) and principles behind it
998 | are the great example of this idealogy.
999 |
1000 | ### Not using React.Lazy with React-Hot-Loader
1001 |
1002 | There is design limitation with React.lazy support from RHL size, so they could not be reloaded without
1003 | state loss if `lazy` is created not in the user space. At it would be created inside imported.
1004 |
1005 | If React-Hot-Loader is detected `lazy` switches to `imported async` mode, this behaves absolutely the same.
1006 |
1007 | <a name="comparisonLegend" />
1008 |
1009 | ### Comparison table legend
1010 |
1011 | - `Library` - the library name
1012 | - `Suspense` - does it support Suspense feature
1013 | - `SSR` - does it support SSR
1014 | - `Hooks` - does it have hooks API
1015 | - `Library` - does it support _library_, not Component level splitting
1016 | - `Non-modules` - could it "import" generic promise, not a real dynamic module import
1017 | - `import('./${value}')` - does it support a _full dynamic import_ - ability to import any file.
1018 | - `babel macro` - ability to work with babel-plugin-macros
1019 | - `webpack only` - is this solution hard bould to webpack
1020 |
1021 | ## Featured in
1022 |
1023 | - https://medium.com/hackernoon/react-and-code-splitting-made-easy-f118befb5168
1024 | - https://dev.to/thekashey/react-imported-component-v6-4304
1025 |
1026 | ## Other loaders
1027 |
1028 | Another loaders exist, and the only difference is in API, and how they manage (or not manage) SSR.
1029 |
1030 | - (no SSR) React.Lazy
1031 | - (webpack only) With [react-loadable](https://github.com/thejameskyle/react-loadable)
1032 | - (not compatible with hooks) [react-async-component](https://github.com/ctrlplusb/react-async-component)
1033 | - (webpack only) [loadable-components](https://github.com/smooth-code/loadable-components)
1034 | - (webpack only) [react-universal-component](https://github.com/faceyspacey/react-universal-component)
1035 |
1036 | - (not a component loader) [use-sidecar](https://github.com/theKashey/use-sidecar)
1037 |
1038 | ## Licence
1039 |
1040 | MIT