1 | import * as React from 'react';
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3 | type State = {
4 | inView: boolean;
5 | entry?: IntersectionObserverEntry;
6 | };
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56 | declare class InView extends React.Component<IntersectionObserverProps | PlainChildrenProps, State> {
57 | node: Element | null;
58 | _unobserveCb: (() => void) | null;
59 | constructor(props: IntersectionObserverProps | PlainChildrenProps);
60 | componentDidMount(): void;
61 | componentDidUpdate(prevProps: IntersectionObserverProps): void;
62 | componentWillUnmount(): void;
63 | observeNode(): void;
64 | unobserve(): void;
65 | handleNode: (node?: Element | null) => void;
66 | handleChange: (inView: boolean, entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void;
67 | render(): React.ReactNode;
68 | }
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96 | declare function useInView({ threshold, delay, trackVisibility, rootMargin, root, triggerOnce, skip, initialInView, fallbackInView, onChange, }?: IntersectionOptions): InViewHookResponse;
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104 | declare function defaultFallbackInView(inView: boolean | undefined): void;
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112 | declare function observe(element: Element, callback: ObserverInstanceCallback, options?: IntersectionObserverInit, fallbackInView?: boolean | undefined): () => void;
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114 | type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
115 | type ObserverInstanceCallback = (inView: boolean, entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void;
116 | interface RenderProps {
117 | inView: boolean;
118 | entry: IntersectionObserverEntry | undefined;
119 | ref: React.RefObject<any> | ((node?: Element | null) => void);
120 | }
121 | interface IntersectionOptions extends IntersectionObserverInit {
122 | /** The IntersectionObserver interface's read-only `root` property identifies the Element or Document whose bounds are treated as the bounding box of the viewport for the element which is the observer's target. If the `root` is null, then the bounds of the actual document viewport are used.*/
123 | root?: Element | Document | null;
124 | /** Margin around the root. Can have values similar to the CSS margin property, e.g. `10px 20px 30px 40px` (top, right, bottom, left). */
125 | rootMargin?: string;
126 | /** Number between `0` and `1` indicating the percentage that should be visible before triggering. Can also be an `array` of numbers, to create multiple trigger points. */
127 | threshold?: number | number[];
128 | /** Only trigger the inView callback once */
129 | triggerOnce?: boolean;
130 | /** Skip assigning the observer to the `ref` */
131 | skip?: boolean;
132 | /** Set the initial value of the `inView` boolean. This can be used if you expect the element to be in the viewport to start with, and you want to trigger something when it leaves. */
133 | initialInView?: boolean;
134 | /** Fallback to this inView state if the IntersectionObserver is unsupported, and a polyfill wasn't loaded */
135 | fallbackInView?: boolean;
136 | /** IntersectionObserver v2 - Track the actual visibility of the element */
137 | trackVisibility?: boolean;
138 | /** IntersectionObserver v2 - Set a minimum delay between notifications */
139 | delay?: number;
140 | /** Call this function whenever the in view state changes */
141 | onChange?: (inView: boolean, entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void;
142 | }
143 | interface IntersectionObserverProps extends IntersectionOptions {
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149 | children: (fields: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode;
150 | }
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154 | type PlainChildrenProps = IntersectionOptions & {
155 | children?: React.ReactNode;
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163 | as?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
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165 | onChange?: (inView: boolean, entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void;
166 | } & Omit<React.HTMLProps<HTMLElement>, "onChange">;
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170 | type InViewHookResponse = [
171 | (node?: Element | null) => void,
172 | boolean,
173 | IntersectionObserverEntry | undefined
174 | ] & {
175 | ref: (node?: Element | null) => void;
176 | inView: boolean;
177 | entry?: IntersectionObserverEntry;
178 | };
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180 | export { InView, type InViewHookResponse, type IntersectionObserverProps, type IntersectionOptions, type ObserverInstanceCallback, type PlainChildrenProps, defaultFallbackInView, observe, useInView };