1 | <div align="center">
2 | <a href="https://github.com/dvtng/react-loading-skeleton">
3 | <img src="assets/logo.svg" alt="Logo" width="80" height="80" />
4 | </a>
5 | <h1 align="center">React Loading Skeleton</h1>
6 | <p align="center">
7 | Make beautiful, animated loading skeletons that automatically adapt to your app.
8 | </p>
9 | <h3>
10 | <!--<a href="https://dvtng.github.io/react-loading-skeleton">View Live Demo</a> • -->
11 | <a href="https://codesandbox.io/s/react-loading-skeleton-3xwil?file=/src/App.tsx">Open on CodeSandbox</a>
12 | </h3>
13 | <img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/l0Iyk4bAAjac3AU2k/giphy.gif" alt="Gif of the skeleton in action">
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | Learn about the [changes in version
17 | 3](https://github.com/dvtng/react-loading-skeleton/releases/tag/v3.0.0), or view
18 | the [v2
19 | documentation](https://github.com/dvtng/react-loading-skeleton/tree/v2#readme).
20 |
21 | ## Basic Usage
22 |
23 | Install via one of:
24 |
25 | ```bash
26 | yarn add react-loading-skeleton
27 | npm install react-loading-skeleton
28 | ```
29 |
30 | ```tsx
31 | import Skeleton from 'react-loading-skeleton'
32 | import 'react-loading-skeleton/dist/skeleton.css'
33 |
34 | <Skeleton /> // Simple, single-line loading skeleton
35 | <Skeleton count={5} /> // Five-line loading skeleton
36 | ```
37 |
38 | ## Principles
39 |
40 | ### Adapts to the styles you have defined
41 |
42 | The `Skeleton` component should be used directly in your components in place of
43 | content that is loading. While other libraries require you to meticulously craft
44 | a skeleton screen that matches the font size, line height, and margins of your
45 | content, the `Skeleton` component is automatically sized to the correct
46 | dimensions.
47 |
48 | For example:
49 |
50 | ```tsx
51 | function BlogPost(props) {
52 | return (
53 | <div>
54 | <h1>{props.title || <Skeleton />}</h1>
55 | {props.body || <Skeleton count={10} />}
56 | </div>
57 | );
58 | }
59 | ```
60 |
61 | ...will produce correctly-sized skeletons for the heading and body without any
62 | further configuration.
63 |
64 | This ensures the loading state remains up-to-date with any changes
65 | to your layout or typography.
66 |
67 | ### Don't make dedicated skeleton screens
68 |
69 | Instead, make components with _built-in_ skeleton states.
70 |
71 | This approach is beneficial because:
72 |
73 | 1. It keeps styles in sync.
74 | 2. Components should represent all possible states — loading included.
75 | 3. It allows for more flexible loading patterns. In the blog post example above,
76 | it's possible to have the title load before the body, while having both
77 | pieces of content show loading skeletons at the right time.
78 |
79 | ## Theming
80 |
81 | Customize individual skeletons with props, or render a `SkeletonTheme` to style
82 | all skeletons below it in the React hierarchy:
83 |
84 | ```tsx
85 | import Skeleton, { SkeletonTheme } from 'react-loading-skeleton';
86 |
87 | return (
88 | <SkeletonTheme baseColor="#202020" highlightColor="#444">
89 | <p>
90 | <Skeleton count={3} />
91 | </p>
92 | </SkeletonTheme>
93 | );
94 | ```
95 |
96 | ## Props Reference
97 |
98 | ### `Skeleton` only
99 |
100 | <table>
101 | <thead>
102 | <tr>
103 | <th>Prop</th>
104 | <th>Description</th>
105 | <th>Default</th>
106 | </tr>
107 | </thead>
108 | <tbody>
109 | <tr>
110 | <td><code>count?: number</code></td>
111 | <td>
112 | The number of lines of skeletons to render. If
113 | <code>count</code> is a decimal number like 3.5,
114 | three full skeletons and one half-width skeleton will be
115 | rendered.
116 | </td>
117 | <td><code>1</code></td>
118 | </tr>
119 | <tr>
120 | <td><code>wrapper?: React.FunctionComponent <br> <PropsWithChildren<unknown>></code></td>
121 | <td>
122 | A custom wrapper component that goes around the individual skeleton
123 | elements.
124 | </td>
125 | <td></td>
126 | </tr>
127 | <tr>
128 | <td><code>circle?: boolean</code></td>
129 | <td>
130 | Makes the skeleton circular by setting <code>border-radius</code> to
131 | <code>50%</code>.
132 | </td>
133 | <td><code>false</code></td>
134 | </tr>
135 | <tr>
136 | <td><code>className?: string</code></td>
137 | <td>
138 | A custom class name for the individual skeleton elements which is used
139 | alongside the default class, <code>react-loading-skeleton</code>.
140 | </td>
141 | <td></td>
142 | </tr>
143 | <tr>
144 | <td><code>containerClassName?: string</code></td>
145 | <td>
146 | A custom class name for the <code><span></code> that wraps the
147 | individual skeleton elements.
148 | </td>
149 | <td></td>
150 | </tr>
151 | <tr>
152 | <td><code>containerTestId?: string</code></td>
153 | <td>
154 | A string that is added to the container element as a
155 | <code>data-testid</code> attribute. Use it with
156 | <code>screen.getByTestId('...')</code> from React Testing Library.
157 | </td>
158 | <td></td>
159 | </tr>
160 | <tr>
161 | <td><code>style?: React.CSSProperties</code></td>
162 | <td>
163 | This is an escape hatch for advanced use cases and is not the preferred
164 | way to style the skeleton. Props (e.g. <code>width</code>,
165 | <code>borderRadius</code>) take priority over this style object.
166 | </td>
167 | <td></td>
168 | </tr>
169 | </tbody>
170 | </table>
171 |
172 | ### `Skeleton` and `SkeletonTheme`
173 |
174 | <table>
175 | <thead>
176 | <tr>
177 | <th>Prop</th>
178 | <th>Description</th>
179 | <th>Default</th>
180 | </tr>
181 | </thead>
182 | <tbody>
183 | <tr>
184 | <td><code>baseColor?: string</code></td>
185 | <td>The background color of the skeleton.</td>
186 | <td><code>#ebebeb</code></td>
187 | </tr>
188 | <tr>
189 | <td><code>highlightColor?: string</code></td>
190 | <td>The highlight color in the skeleton animation.</td>
191 | <td><code>#f5f5f5</code></td>
192 | </tr>
193 | <tr>
194 | <td><code>width?: string | number</code></td>
195 | <td>The width of the skeleton.</td>
196 | <td><code>100%</code></td>
197 | </tr>
198 | <tr>
199 | <td><code>height?: string | number</code></td>
200 | <td>The height of each skeleton line.</td>
201 | <td>The font size</td>
202 | </tr>
203 | <tr>
204 | <td><code>borderRadius?: string | number</code></td>
205 | <td>The border radius of the skeleton.</td>
206 | <td><code>0.25rem</code></td>
207 | </tr>
208 | <tr>
209 | <td><code>inline?: boolean</code></td>
210 | <td>
211 | By default, a <code><br /></code> is inserted after each skeleton so
212 | that each skeleton gets its own line. When <code>inline</code> is true, no
213 | line breaks are inserted.
214 | </td>
215 | <td><code>false</code></td>
216 | </tr>
217 | <tr>
218 | <td><code>duration?: number</code></td>
219 | <td>The length of the animation in seconds.</td>
220 | <td><code>1.5</code></td>
221 | </tr>
222 | <tr>
223 | <td><code>direction?: 'ltr' | 'rtl'</code></td>
224 | <td>
225 | The direction of the animation, either left-to-right or right-to-left.
226 | </td>
227 | <td><code>'ltr'</code></td>
228 | </tr>
229 | <tr>
230 | <td><code>enableAnimation?: boolean</code></td>
231 | <td>
232 | Whether the animation should play. The skeleton will be a solid color when
233 | this is <code>false</code>. You could use this prop to stop the animation
234 | if an error occurs.
235 | </td>
236 | <td><code>true</code></td>
237 | </tr>
238 | <tr>
239 | <td><code>customHighlightBackground?: string</code></td>
240 | <td>
241 | Allows you to override the <code>background-image</code> property of the highlight element, enabling you to fully customize the gradient. See example below.
242 | </td>
243 | <td><code>undefined</code></td>
244 | </tr>
245 | </tbody>
246 | </table>
247 |
248 | ## Examples
249 |
250 | ### Custom Wrapper
251 |
252 | There are two ways to wrap a skeleton in a container:
253 |
254 | ```tsx
255 | function Box({ children }: PropsWithChildren<unknown>) {
256 | return (
257 | <div
258 | style={{
259 | border: '1px solid #ccc',
260 | display: 'block',
261 | lineHeight: 2,
262 | padding: '1rem',
263 | marginBottom: '0.5rem',
264 | width: 100,
265 | }}
266 | >
267 | {children}
268 | </div>
269 | );
270 | }
271 |
272 | // Method 1: Use the wrapper prop
273 | const wrapped1 = <Skeleton wrapper={Box} count={5} />;
274 |
275 | // Method 2: Do it "the normal way"
276 | const wrapped2 = (
277 | <Box>
278 | <Skeleton />
279 | </Box>
280 | );
281 | ```
282 |
283 | ### Custom Highlight Background
284 |
285 | You may want to make the gradient used in the highlight element narrower or wider. To do this, you can set the `customHighlightBackground` prop. Here's an example of a narrow highlight:
286 |
287 | ```tsx
288 | <Skeleton customHighlightBackground="linear-gradient(90deg, var(--base-color) 40%, var(--highlight-color) 50%, var(--base-color) 60%)" />
289 | ```
290 |
291 | **If you use this prop, the `baseColor` and `highlightColor` props are ignored,** but you can still reference their corresponding CSS variables as shown in the above example.
292 |
293 | ![Custom highlight background example](assets/custom-highlight-background.png)
294 |
295 | ## Troubleshooting
296 |
297 | ### The skeleton width is 0 when the parent has `display: flex`!
298 |
299 | In the example below, the width of the skeleton will be 0:
300 |
301 | ```tsx
302 | <div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
303 | <Skeleton />
304 | </div>
305 | ```
306 |
307 | This happens because the skeleton has no intrinsic width. You can fix it by
308 | applying `flex: 1` to the skeleton container via the `containerClassName` prop.
309 |
310 | For example, if you are using Tailwind, your code would look like this:
311 |
312 | ```tsx
313 | <div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
314 | <Skeleton containerClassName="flex-1" />
315 | </div>
316 | ```
317 |
318 | ### The height of my container is off by a few pixels!
319 |
320 | In the example below, the height of the `<div>` will be slightly larger than 30
321 | even though the `react-loading-skeleton` element is exactly 30px.
322 |
323 | ```tsx
324 | <div>
325 | <Skeleton height={30} />
326 | </div>
327 | ```
328 |
329 | This is a consequence of how `line-height` works in CSS. If you need the `<div>`
330 | to be exactly 30px tall, set its `line-height` to 1. [See
331 | here](https://github.com/dvtng/react-loading-skeleton/issues/23#issuecomment-939231878)
332 | for more details.
333 |
334 | ## Contributing
335 |
336 | Contributions are welcome! See `CONTRIBUTING.md` to get started.
337 |
338 | ## Acknowledgements
339 |
340 | Our logo is based off an image from [Font
341 | Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/license/free). Thanks!