2.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1export const foregroundColor = 'white';
2export const backgroundColor = '#f2F4f5'; // Agenda's reservations bg color
4export const separatorColor = '#f2F4f5'; // not in use
5export const processedColor = '#a7e0a3'; // not in use
6export const processingColor = '#ffce5c'; // not in use
7export const failedColor = '#f67e7e'; // not in use
8export const textSecondaryColor = '#7a92a5'; // not in use
10export const textDefaultColor = '#2d4150';
11export const textColor = '#43515c';
12export const textLinkColor = '#00BBF2';
14export const textDayFontFamily = 'System';
15export const textMonthFontFamily = 'System';
16export const textDayHeaderFontFamily = 'System';
17export const todayButtonFontFamily = 'System';
19export const textDayFontWeight = '300';
20export const textMonthFontWeight = '300';
21export const textDayHeaderFontWeight = undefined;
22export const todayButtonFontWeight = '600';
24export const textDayFontSize = 16;
25export const textMonthFontSize = 16;
26export const textDayHeaderFontSize = 13;
27export const todayButtonFontSize = 14;
29export const textDayStyle = undefined;
30export const dotStyle = undefined;
31export const arrowStyle = undefined;
33export const calendarBackground = foregroundColor;
34export const textSectionTitleColor = '#b6c1cd';
35export const textSectionTitleDisabledColor = '#d9e1e8';
36export const selectedDayBackgroundColor = textLinkColor;
37export const selectedDayTextColor = foregroundColor;
38export const todayBackgroundColor = undefined;
39export const todayTextColor = textLinkColor;
40export const dayTextColor = textDefaultColor;
41export const textDisabledColor = '#d9e1e8';
42export const dotColor = textLinkColor;
43export const selectedDotColor = foregroundColor;
44export const disabledDotColor = undefined;
45export const todayDotColor = undefined;
46export const arrowColor = textLinkColor;
47export const disabledArrowColor = '#d9e1e8';
48export const monthTextColor = textDefaultColor;
49export const indicatorColor = undefined; // use the default color of React Native ActivityIndicator
50export const agendaDayTextColor = '#7a92a5';
51export const agendaDayNumColor = '#7a92a5';
52export const agendaTodayColor = textLinkColor;
53export const agendaKnobColor = '#f2F4f5';
54export const todayButtonTextColor = textLinkColor;
55export const todayButtonPosition = undefined; // right' / 'left'(default)