6.21 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import "babel-polyfill";
2import React from "react";
3import { ScrollView, StatusBar, Dimensions, Text } from "react-native";
4import ScrollableTabView from "react-native-scrollable-tab-view";
5import FlashMessage, { showMessage } from "react-native-flash-message";
6import LineChart from "./src/line-chart";
7import PieChart from "./src/pie-chart";
8import ProgressChart from "./src/progress-chart";
9import BarChart from "./src/bar-chart";
10import StackedBarChart from "./src/stackedbar-chart";
11import ContributionGraph from "./src/contribution-graph";
12import {
13 data,
14 contributionData,
15 pieChartData,
16 progressChartData,
17 stackedBarGraphData
18} from "./data";
20// in Expo - swipe left to see the following styling, or create your own
21const chartConfigs = [
22 {
23 backgroundColor: "#000000",
24 backgroundGradientFrom: "#1E2923",
25 backgroundGradientTo: "#08130D",
26 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(26, 255, 146, ${opacity})`,
27 style: {
28 borderRadius: 16
29 }
30 },
31 {
32 backgroundColor: "#022173",
33 backgroundGradientFrom: "#022173",
34 backgroundGradientTo: "#1b3fa0",
35 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${opacity})`,
36 style: {
37 borderRadius: 16
38 },
39 propsForBackgroundLines: {
40 strokeDasharray: "" // solid background lines with no dashes
41 }
42 },
43 {
44 backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
45 backgroundGradientFrom: "#ffffff",
46 backgroundGradientTo: "#ffffff",
47 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(0, 0, 0, ${opacity})`
48 },
49 {
50 backgroundColor: "#26872a",
51 backgroundGradientFrom: "#43a047",
52 backgroundGradientTo: "#66bb6a",
53 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${opacity})`,
54 style: {
55 borderRadius: 16
56 }
57 },
58 {
59 backgroundColor: "#000000",
60 backgroundGradientFrom: "#000000",
61 backgroundGradientTo: "#000000",
62 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(${255}, ${255}, ${255}, ${opacity})`
63 },
64 {
65 backgroundColor: "#0091EA",
66 backgroundGradientFrom: "#0091EA",
67 backgroundGradientTo: "#0091EA",
68 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(${255}, ${255}, ${255}, ${opacity})`
69 },
70 {
71 backgroundColor: "#e26a00",
72 backgroundGradientFrom: "#fb8c00",
73 backgroundGradientTo: "#ffa726",
74 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${opacity})`,
75 style: {
76 borderRadius: 16
77 }
78 },
79 {
80 backgroundColor: "#b90602",
81 backgroundGradientFrom: "#e53935",
82 backgroundGradientTo: "#ef5350",
83 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(255, 255, 255, ${opacity})`,
84 style: {
85 borderRadius: 16
86 }
87 },
88 {
89 backgroundColor: "#ff3e03",
90 backgroundGradientFrom: "#ff3e03",
91 backgroundGradientTo: "#ff3e03",
92 color: (opacity = 1) => `rgba(${0}, ${0}, ${0}, ${opacity})`
93 }
96export default class App extends React.Component {
97 renderTabBar() {
98 return <StatusBar hidden />;
99 }
101 render() {
102 const { width } = Dimensions.get("window");
103 const height = 256;
104 return (
105 <ScrollableTabView renderTabBar={this.renderTabBar}>
106 {chartConfigs.map(chartConfig => {
107 const labelStyle = {
108 color: chartConfig.color(),
109 marginVertical: 10,
110 textAlign: "center",
111 fontSize: 16
112 };
113 const graphStyle = {
114 marginVertical: 8,
115 ...chartConfig.style
116 };
117 return (
118 <ScrollView
119 key={Math.random()}
120 style={{
121 backgroundColor: chartConfig.backgroundColor
122 }}
123 >
124 <Text style={labelStyle}>Bezier Line Chart</Text>
125 <LineChart
126 bezier
127 data={data}
128 width={width}
129 height={height}
130 yAxisLabel="$"
131 chartConfig={chartConfig}
132 style={graphStyle}
133 verticalLabelRotation={30}
134 onDataPointClick={({ value, getColor }) =>
135 showMessage({
136 message: `${value}`,
137 description: "You selected this value",
138 backgroundColor: getColor(0.9)
139 })
140 }
141 />
142 <FlashMessage duration={1000} />
143 <Text style={labelStyle}>Progress Chart</Text>
144 <ProgressChart
145 data={progressChartData}
146 width={width}
147 height={height}
148 chartConfig={chartConfig}
149 style={graphStyle}
150 />
151 <Text style={labelStyle}>Bar Graph</Text>
152 <BarChart
153 width={width}
154 height={height}
155 data={data}
156 yAxisLabel="$"
157 chartConfig={chartConfig}
158 style={graphStyle}
159 />
160 <Text style={labelStyle}>Stacked Bar Graph</Text>
161 <StackedBarChart
162 style={graphStyle}
163 data={stackedBarGraphData}
164 width={width}
165 height={220}
166 chartConfig={chartConfig}
167 />
168 <Text style={labelStyle}>Pie Chart</Text>
169 <PieChart
170 data={pieChartData}
171 height={height}
172 width={width}
173 chartConfig={chartConfig}
174 accessor="population"
175 style={graphStyle}
176 backgroundColor="transparent"
177 paddingLeft="15"
178 />
179 <Text style={labelStyle}>Line Chart</Text>
180 <LineChart
181 data={data}
182 width={width}
183 height={height}
184 yAxisLabel="$"
185 chartConfig={chartConfig}
186 style={graphStyle}
187 />
188 <Text style={labelStyle}>Contribution Graph</Text>
189 <ContributionGraph
190 values={contributionData}
191 width={width}
192 height={height}
193 endDate={new Date("2016-05-01")}
194 numDays={105}
195 chartConfig={chartConfig}
196 style={graphStyle}
197 />
198 </ScrollView>
199 );
200 })}
201 </ScrollableTabView>
202 );
203 }